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Yo u r CO RN W A LL EVEN TS a n d CO M M U N ITY N e w s p a p e r

Vol ume 6 Issue Vol ume 6 Issue 2121 May 29, 2015 May 29, 2015

ar e co m i n g t o Lo l a's Nex t Fr i d ay, Ju n e 5 t h see Mai-Liis' interviews with the the girls on page 5 plus more info about Lola's...

Th eSm al lGl or i es

ar e co m i n g t o Lo l a's Sat u r d ay Ju n e 2 0 t h Watch for interview in June 12th issue

Th e Cornw al l Seaw ay Li ons w ant to th ank th ei r sponsors...

Official Beer

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Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the



613-935-3763 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Sal es: ext 1 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102

Smal l Town; Big Cit y Drama... Wednesday morning, I woke up to reports of gunshots, drug busts, weapons trafficking, animal torture, police brutality and doctor abuse leaving me thinking that I had, overnight, moved to Texas or some other rowdy Southern State.


Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker


inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO K6H1Y8 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 5pm

Being the "Good News" newspaper, we didn't cover any of these happenings, but I closely followed some of the stories develop on Cornwall Newswatch who was at "Cedars on Wheels" on Pitt Street, tweeting live from one of the crime scenes. "Cedars on Wheels" was shut down by the authorities. Two schools were put on lock down as a precautionary measures as police showed up at a second location and reportedly arrested one person. The two operations were related. More disturbing was the report of animal torture where a puppy was found with bones broken, skinned, left to die in the St-Lawrence river. What kind of sick individual would do something like this? I felt very uneasy about the whole thing. What was happening to my safe small town? Crime has always been present in our community. I remember, in 2006, before I decided to move here, I researched the area and discovered that, compared to other small towns, it had a higher than average crime rate per capita. But it looked like things were being done to fix that and offered many other very positive draws, so we decided to make Cornwall our new home.

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But crime seems to be on the rise. Over the past few months, it feels like everyday brings another despicable incident. There seem to be an arson on the loose; hasn't there been a higher amount of fires than usual lately? Break ins, especially of motor vehicles, also seem to be on the rise.

I guess the good news is that there are things being done about it all. Project Harden is just one of the operations that are going on. As OPP Superintendent Paul Beesley from the Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau said at a press conference on Thursday morning: Every illegal firearm removed from our streets and hands of criminals makes our communities safer. I guess the only way to eradicate crime is one criminal at a time.

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d

b y The Se e ke r

co ve r p ho to : Ja so n Se tny k

Mel anie Brul ée Unl eashes Her Spirit On New Al bum choosecornwal l .ca ? Melanie Brûlée is a busy girl these days. And while she is at times stressed about her schedule and the demands of her career, she is also very excited about her new album, Débridée. ?You could say that I am happy and nervous ? all at the same time,? says the singer songwriter.

While each song has its own meaning, Melanie says the core theme running throughout is the exact moment of realizing one?s freedom. ?There?s also a theme of mental health throughout the album. I feel that it?s a subject we don?t talk about enough. Hopefully I can add to the conversation.?Melanie developed her talents learning chords from fellow travelers and busking on the streets of Australia. She returned to her hometown Cornwall to release an album with the General Electryk before the band parted ways. She would later move to Toronto where in 2012 she released her debut solo EP, Sucré/Salé, a bilingual effort that garnered positive reviews.?Toronto is the first big city I?ve lived in and I was worried that I would feel lost but as it turns out, Toronto is a whole bunch of small communities which suits me well,? says Melanie. ?Musically, Toronto is recognized as a hub in North America, on par with LA and New York. I?m lucky to be around so much talent and drive. I am learning a ton about the business by osmosis.?Melanie describes Débridée as ?ìndie-spaghetti-western-surf-pop-rock?. When someone tilts their head sideways confused at this description, I tell them it sounds a bit like a Quentin Tarantino soundtrack in French!?After years away from Cornwall, she felt her French was starting to slip.?I wanted to get back to being able to think in French again,? says Melanie. ?It took travelling to Paris to find my roots to realize that I?m Franco-Ontarian through and through. Avec un peu de sang Quebecois grâce à mon père!?The album?s release coincides with the 400th anniversary of Francophones in Ontario and Melanie will help Cornwall celebrate with a performance in Lamoureux Park on June 6th for La Semaine Française. The concert gets underway at 6:30pm. ?You can find all Melanie?s tour dates on her website, where you can also order a signed copy of the album. The album is also available on iTunes, at HMV and Strung Out Guitars in Cornwall.

Long Saul t ?s Yard Sal e a Success Again This Year By Meldrum

Of f icial s f rom Wast ewat er Treat ment Pl ant project make donat ion t o Agapè Cent re


Long Sault?s Annual Community Yard Sale brought together local organizations, residents, and visitors alike on Saturday, May 23rd. The event is more than a yard sale ? it?s also a fundraiser for the local fire department. Each participating home donated a dollar to have their name listed on a map of the village. ?By 7 in the morning, we had people here asking for maps. The town popped alive bright and early,? said Kim Stewart, owner of Stokefire at the Long Sault Plaza. Stewart pitched in this year to help organize, as the event?s founder Donna Primeau, a councillor for South Stormont, was away on vacation. Long Sault residents Heath and Emma Patterson (aged 11 and 13) organized a bake sale to feed hungry shoppers ? and to fund raise for their trip to camp in New Brunswick this summer. ?Mom made most of it and after school we helped to make some stuff,? said Heath. ?We have specialties that we?re really good at. I?m good at chocolate cupcakes, brownies, and fudge.? Local businesses and organizations benefited from the additional traffic as well. ?It had to be the busiest day of the year for Tim Hortons,? said Stewart. ?And the Long Sault firefighters ran out of buns twice during their barbeque.? Stewart noted that the event would not have been possible without the assistance of the Township of South Stormont.

Cit y of Cornwal l (cornwal l .ca) ? The recent upgrade to Cornwall?s Wastewater Treatment Plant has ended up benefitting the community in more ways than one.Officials who worked on the project raised funds for the Agapè Centre through a ?friendly fine?system for those who were late for project meetings. Those friendly fines, together with other contributions from companies who worked on the project, amounted to nearly $2,790.?The work the Agapè Centre does is both inspiring and empowering,? said Morris McCormick, Division Manager, Environmental Services. ?We hope the donation will help the Agapè Centre continue the fight against hunger in the community.?Pictured in the photo presenting the cheque to Kendra Smith, Volunteer Coordinator of the Agapè Centre, are (from left) ? Mike MacBride, Wayne Hollett and Rick Alt of W.A. Stephenson Mechanical Contractors, Dave Lemire and Dan Lalande of J.L. Richards & Associates, Bruce McDowell of Graham Construction and Morris McCormick and Pat Carriere of the City of Cornwall.Other companies that contributed to the fundraiser included Alfa Laval Inc., CH2M HILL Canada, Hollen Controls Ltd., Selectra Inc., St. Lawrence Testing & Inspection Co. and Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies.Completed in November 2014 after two years of construction, the $57.5-million upgrade to the Wastewater Treatment Plant represented the single largest capital project ever for the City of Cornwall.The Wastewater Treatment Plant now provides a higher level of wastewater disinfection through the use of ultraviolet technology and advanced sludge thickening, filtering and screening processes. Plant upgrades have also increased the facility?s treatment.

On May 24th 2403 sdg Army Cadets ?kilt me? breakfast at the Royal Canadian legion. they were pleased with the turnout and all the cadets who came out enjoyed themselves and were able to learn some kitchen and serving skills. They were lucky to have the support of many sponsors and donations to make this day a success Royal canadian legion, Olymel, Lanthier bakeries, Halladay maple, McDonald?s and ontario pride eggs. With out these organizations they could not have been successful its encouraging to see our community come together.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Don't miss thegreat exhibitions, workshops and events happening this month!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

COVER__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STORY

5 Qu est i o n s wi t h Th e Lo vel o ck s 2. Who are t he inf l uences in your music writ ing and perf orming? Our biggest influences in terms of our sound would have to be bands like the Dixie Chicks, Alison Krauss and Union Station, as well as Mumford and Sons. We both love acoustic music, having grown up both playing instruments ourselves, and we always knew we wanted to recreate that kind of thing in our original songs. We always try to focus on writing ?rootsy?country music with a really hooky, pop chorus. We also love writing songs about love in all of its various facets, including the dysfunctional side of love where we get to show the sassier side of our personalities. Article / Interview by Mai-Liis Renaud So Cornwall?s music lovers are in for a Real Treat at Lola?s Pub and Grub on Pitt Street, next Friday night (June 5th) as The Lovelocks, a new, hot, alternative country music duo from Toronto, perform for us with opening act ?The Countrymen?. I, myself am a lover of Heavy Metal but after listening to the first EP put out by these two girls, Ali Raney (left in above photo) and Zoe Neuman, (right in above photo) I find myself with a case of ?music earworm? as I walk around the house humming the tune to their song ?Dance?. I asked Robin McRae, who is in charge of booking all the music acts at Lola?s: ?What made you decide to bring the Lovelocks to Lola's and Cornwall and why do you think Cornwall's music lovers will appreciate this band?? and here is his answer. ?As is usually the case I do research on any and all bands that I get approached by or offered via an agent. I check out the bio, and a few youtube vids, press quotes etc. Everything I read about the Lovelocks was glowing, which I must say peaked my interest. Then I checked out YouTube and from that moment on, I became a fan. I love the sound, the look, the stage presence, it seems like the perfect package. When I feel that strongly about an artist I want to share it with as many people as possible. I want everyone to feel what I am feeling. So I booked them to play Lolas on June 5th w/ special guests The Countymen. $20 get's you in the door. All those in attendance are in for a REAL treat!? I w as lucky to be able to inter view these tw o lovely and talented ladies and her e ar e my 5 QUESTI ONS w i t h t h e LOVELOCKS. 1. When and how did you t wo come t oget her as t his amazing Count ry Music duo and how did you come up wit h t he name "Lovel ocks"? We actually grew up singing at church together and have known each other for ten years! About three years ago now, we decided to explore writing music in each other?s living rooms on Sunday afternoons. During this time, we were always being asked to play at friends' weddings or local fundraisers and finally decided that if we were going to make a go of it that we needed to have a band name and start playing some real shows. We booked our first residency at a famed Toronto bar and spent about six months trying to figure out a band name - literally hundreds of text messages and emails went back and forth. One night, I (Ali) was on my phone scrolling through my Twitter feed when I noticed a news article about lovelocks being removed from a bridge in my neighbourhood. I clicked on the link because I wanted to know what was happening locally in my backyard, but also because I had no clue what a lovelock was and I wanted to find out! I found out that they are padlocks that two people lock onto a bridge to symbolize commitment and love and then you throw away the key! I really liked the sentiment of it, and thought it was a fitting image of our friendship and the sharing in the pursuit of our big dream - making music together! I texted Zoe, who just happened to be away on vacation in Europe nursing a broken heart - "What about The Lovelocks?? She texted me right back and as serendipity would have it, she had al so just discovered what a lovelock was that day on a bridge in Paris. She forwarded me a photo of her in front of the lovelocks, and we knew immediately that we had found our name!

3. Bot h your voices are amazing but when you perf orm how do you decide who sings l ead and who sings harmony ? Thank you! We are always told by fans that we sound like sisters when we sing together, which is really funny because we actually have quite different speaking voices. But I guess it's just years and years of learning how to blend and anticipating where the other person is going to go. We?ve actually gotten to the point now where sometimes we can?t remember who sings what and have to remind ourselves, often on stage! We don?t really spend too much time delegating who sings lead, it?s really more about who?s voice suits the melody more, and quite often we switch in the chorus anyway, so it really is split 50/ 50. 4. What are your major accompl ishment s t o dat e? Winning our first Canadian Country Music Award back in September was definitely the highlight of our career so far! There have been so many highlights though - signing our first record deal with MDM Recordings/ Universal Music Canada, watching our debut EP rise to # 2 on the iTunes Canada country charts on the day of release, opening for Canadian country superstar Terri Clark in Nashville this past February, and making our first music video for our new single ?Born To Love? (which just released this past week on CMT Canada) are just a few that come to mind! We?ve been so fortunate to experience these career highlights not just as a band, but also as dear friends. 5. What are your hopes and dreams f or t he f ut ure? Our main goal is that we remain true to our friendship throughout our entire career. We got started in this business for the love of making music together, not for anything else, and that?s really the consistent thread in everything we do. We are super excited about the launch of our new single ?Born To Love? which will release on iTunes this coming June 2nd. We?ll also be performing at some major festivals this summer across Canada and the US - Big Valley Jamboree, Boots & Hearts, Summerfolk music festival and CMA Fest in Nashville. I know I said 5 Questions but I have one more for you ....

What shoul d music l overs in Cornwal l expect t o hear when t hey come t o see you perf orm in Cornwal l next Friday? Music lovers in Cornwall can expect to have a toe-tapping good time! Most of our music is pretty upbeat and energetic - we love it when people get up and dance so much that we wrote a song called?Dance?! A memorable night is definitely in store, we hope to put on a good show and look forward to seeing everyone out!

No w - A Bi t Ab o u t Lo l a's... By Robin McRae Septem ber 18, 1997, w as an im por tant day in the lives of Shar on Far ley and her m other Olive (now deceased). That's the day Lola's Pub and Gr ub - located at 616 Pitt St. opened for business. The tr ansfor m ation fr om dr y cleaner to bar and r estaur ant w as com pleted in r ecor d tim e thanks to the help of m any close fr iends. 18 year s later, Lola's has becom e a staple in the lives of m any, and a pr im e destination for those w anting a quick , inexpensive hom e-cooked m eal, an ice cold beer, a hear t-to-hear t chat or to hear som e of the best live m usic this tow n has to offer. Lola?s r estaur ant ? the ?Gr ub? par t ? is open fr om noon to 9:00 pm M onday to Satur day, w ith either ow ner Shar on Far ley, Dan M ar tineau or Tim M cLean behind the scenes doing all the cooking. Ever ything com ing out of that kitchen is hom em ade and absolutely delicious. Custom er favour ites include Per ch Rolls - ser ved ever y Fr iday ? $6.99 for one, $11.99 for tw o ? w ith a side of your choice. (Incidentally, you w ill NOT find a better pr ice in tow n!) Another excellent choice is the M eatloaf ? stuffed w ith cheese cur ds, fr ied onions & bacon, cover ed in a delicious gr avy ? and ser ved w ith m ash or fr ies and your choice of veg.

Shar on's soups ar e fam ous and loved by all. Again, alw ays m ade fr om scr atch, and ? tr ust Thank you both for this opportunity to interview you both m e ? one bow l is a m eal in itself! Ther e is also the popular Wr ap Bur ger : all the fixin?s and I know that Cornwall music lovers are in for a treat w r apped in a lar ge tor tilla shell and finished next Friday at Lola's. For more info please visit on the gr ill. Or, if you?r e feeling up to a www.thelovelocksband.com for your enjoyment, here is challenge, go after the Lola Bur ger ? ther e a link to their new music video ar e not m any w ho can get thr ough this www.cmt.ca/ video/ the-lovelocks/ the-lovelocks-born-to-love/ beast! Continued on page 10

THE LOVELOCKS (Ali Raney and Zoe Neuman) w/ special guest The Count ymen Live at Lol as - Friday, June 5t h 616 Pit t St . Cornwal l Ont . Ticket s: $20 avail abl e at Lol a's 616 Pit t St reet - (613) 936-9898

THE SMALL GLORIES (JD Edwards and Cara Luft) w/ special guest The Tracy Lal onde Band Live at Lol as - Sat urday, June 20t h 616 Pit t St . Cornwal l Ont . Ticket s: $20 avail abl e at Lol a's 616 Pit t St reet - (613) 936-9898

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

A BI G THANK YOU TO t h e 2015 Seek er s Ch oi ce Aw ar ds TI TLE SPONSOR

T YO E G Fa s t g n i l s Se l t e k c Ti




Her e ar e yo u r TOP 5 i n each cat eg o r y! Wh o wi l l wi n ?


Casi n o Ti m e! Vi r tu al r ou l ette Mor e than $50 0 i n pr i zes!

Look at the list of finalists. If you were a gambling person, would you guess the winners are listed in red or in black? Take a guess and send your bid to info@theseeker.ca to be automatically entered to win one of our fabulous prizes!

Hom e Based Bu si n ess

Final ist s Dandoo's Hair Sal on Annie Laperl e - Scent sy Col eman's Mod & Repair Sauve Tax Services Fairy Sweet

Sponsored By

New Bu si n ess Sponsored By

Final ist s Once upon a dream Menchie's Cornwal l , Framed Phot ography Cornwal l Newswat ch The Mindf ul Cookery & Food Market

Exi sti n g Bu si n ess Sponsorship Available

Final ist s Cardinal Law Prof essional Corp. Libert y Tax Pommier Jewel l ers Fant asy Real m The Grind

Mu si cal Ar ti st

Final ist s

Sponsored By

Al ison Wonderl and Band Mandee Woods Roxanne Del age LOST BOYZ (80'S Tribut e), Trevor Wal sh

Vi su al Ar ti st

Final ist s

Sponsored By

Chad Col eman Heat her Smit h Kimberl ey Cameron John List er Candice Nixon

Li ter ar y Ar ti st

Final ist s

Sponsored By

Maggie Wheel er Dwight Dugas Angie Dil aj Thom Racine Laurie McRae Bingl ey

Per f or m i n g Ar t Sponsored By

Athl ete

Final ist s

Paul Aubin David Jans Jamie Carr Lacie Pet rynka Jane Henessy Craibe

Final ist s

Sponsored By

St eve Simoes Denny Dubbl est yne Mary Pat rick Kaeden Mart in Carol ine Samson

Vol u n teer Sponsored By

Con tr i bu tor Sponsorship Available

Final ist s Karen Torrie Racine Paul Poirier Sara Lauzon Pat t y Edwards Roseanne Morin

Final ist s Judi Auger Greg Kiel ec Syl vie Thibert Marl ene Baker Carol e Grant

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



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NEW PROGRAM FOR TEENS 14 AND OVER -CRAFTERS AT PLAYLooking to expand your creativity? Join Tiffany every second Saturday at 10:00 am beginning June 13 to create arts and crafts and add color to your world!? Free program. Registration required in person or by phone. Free program. Runs every second Saturday at 10:00 a.m. beginning June 13. Ages 14 to 17.



YOGA YOUTH (Ages 6 to 16 yrs) @ 10:00 am. DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME (for kids and their parents) Heure du cont e FAMILIALE PORTE-OUVERTE @ 10:00 am PAWS 'N BOOKS Kids reading their favorite book to pet dogs @ the library 11:00 am to 12 noon


CHECK-MATES with Clifford Labre - Saturday afternoons @ 2:00 pm IT'S ALWAYS TIME FOR "FROZEN" Creative program for kids aged 5 to 8 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

MONDAY, JUNE 1 TIME FOR TWOS @ 10:00 am - Activities for 2 yrs old and their parent or caregiver POETRY NIGHT WITH JIM DESSON 7:00 pm - FREE program - Drop-in.


Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library ST. VINCENT - 6:30 P.M. & FRIDAY, JUNE 05 - 2:00 P.M. A young boy whose parents have divorced finds an unlikely friend and mentor in the misanthropic, bawdy, hedonistic war veteran who lives next door. Comedy - AUDIENCE: 14A

READY, SET, KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone.


CLUB LES MILLE-FEUILLES Rencontre du club de lecture francophone - 18 h 30 THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.


THURSDAY, MAY 28 STORY TIME - Ages 3-5 years old - 10:00 am to 10:45 am

Congratulations on your 57th Wedding Anniversary Siiri & Olaf Reiman Ou r Won der f u l Seek er Del i ver y Team ... Seek er Ch i ck M ai -Li i s' Par en t s


BABY TALES - Ages 0 ? 2 years old - 10:00 am to 10: 30 am CORNWALL SCRABBLE - 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Cel ebr at ed M ay 25, 2015

Everyone 16 years of age and older welcome ROLE PLAYING CARD CLUB - Ages 7 to 14 yrs - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Lotsof lovealways,fromtheSeekerChicks,Mai-LiisandJulia xoxo

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Our C O M M U N I T Y




TEEN DANCE GRADE 7&8, by Club Octagon at La Citadelle HS 6:30 - 9:30 pm. Student ID Required.

Laughing wit h f riends of vet s -comedy returns to La Maison. Raising money for Friends of Vets. Friends of Vets is a peer to peer support group who assists soldiers who served. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org

La Semaine Franรงaise DEBUTE Live activities on Montreal Road between McConnell and Marlborouhg starting today! Sylvain Sound Proudly Presents We Love JT A Tribute To James Taylor Live at the Port Count ry Night at Deke & Squeaks Bar and Grill




Walk a Mile in Her Shoes is a fun, light-hearted walk for men in our community. The men of Cornwall and area will raisepledges to step into a pair of red high heels and quite litteraly?Walk a Mile in Her Shoes?. - Register as an individual, join an existing team or create your own team. - Set a personal fundraising goal and start collecting pledges! - Ask family, friends and co-workers to support you. - There is recommended minimum donation of $20 to walk. - Prizes will be awarded to the individual and team with the mostdonations. Bring your family & friends to cheer you on, everyone is welcome. There will be a BBQ and more fun after the walk. This is a playful,fun way to raise awareness in our community. Be a leader in your community! Join us and walk the walk!If you?re man enough to walk in her shoes, contact SASS to register and receive a participant?s package at 613-932-1755 ext. 27 or email volunteer@sassforwomen.ca. Charl es-ร mil e-Cl aude Cent er Garage

JUNE Sal e from 7:30 am to 1 pm. 146B Chevrier Ave.. Donations accepted: Thursday, May 28th from 1 pm to 4 pm & Friday, May 29th from 9 am to 4 pm. Yard & Bake Sal e from 8 am to 12 noon. Chateau Gardens, 105 Military Rd., Lancaster Sylvain Sound Proudly Presents The Hi-Fins Live at the Port




Knights of Columbus Community Breakfast from 9 am to 12 noon. St. Joseph Parish Hall, 32 Oak St. Lancaster. Cost: freewill donation. Menu includes: bacon, sausage, eggs, home fries, pancakes, baked beans.




All sponsors for the Seekers Choice Awards must be finalized by this date. Also, early bird tickets sales are now over.




Cornwal l Out door Cl ub Out ings 7:30 pm: Funky full moon cycle to Long Sault. Call: 534.8855 or visit: CornwallOutdoorClub.ca Soup & Sandwich Lunch 11:30 am to 1 pm. St.Andrew's-St.Mark's United Church, Johnson Cr., Long Sault. Includes dessert & beverage: 6$ with take-out available Bl ood Donor Cl inic 12 pm to 3:30 pm & 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Cornwall Civic Complex. Book your appointment to save a life: 1.888.2.DONATE Is f ood a probl em f or you?Do you eat when you?re not hungry?Do you binge, purge or restrict?Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510 "The Gat hering Pl ace" is at the Cornwall Wesleyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and gives you the opportunity to express yourself with new and old friends.



Your ad coul d be here had you cal l ed it in. Next t ime, don't f orget ! Cal l 613-935-3763 ext 1




LAUNCH OF BIKER'S WEEK wit h a band night at La Maison Tavern. 6 musical acts starting at 9pm! Tickets limited, $10 each at Earthway Family Chiropractic and Laser,or purchase them at La Maison Tavern. For more information, contact us at 613-936-1386 or 613-363-6922.




Sing, Dance & Be Inspired Uganda's WATOTO Children's Choir 4 pm. PORT Theater, 132 Montreal Rd. In support of "The Beti Project". Advanced tickets: 10$ at the Grind, 35 2nd St. E. At the door:15$ Pancake Breakf ast & Communit y Yard Sal e from 8 am to 12 noon. Ingleside-Newington United Church, 17 Maple St., Ingleside. Cost: 6$, 6 & under: free. Pancakes, sausage, baked beans & beverages Garage & Bake Sal e, June 6th from 8 am to 2 pm. 2418 Edgar St. Come out and find a bargain while supporting the Seaway Fibro & Chronic Fatigue Self Help Group

The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank


our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach t hem at 613-870-2177

Websi te n eed u pdati n g?

6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


POLICESERVINGCU STOM ERS - LESREPASSERONTSERVISPARDESPOLICIERS!@ Au Vi eu xDu l u t hRest au r an t EATFORFREE- in exchangef or a donat iont o t he TORCHRUNf or t he SpecialOl ympics- Wednesday,June10t h- 11amt o 9pm MANGEZGRATUITEMENT en échanged'un don pour l a courseau f l ambeaupour l esOl ympiquesSpéciaux- Mercredil e 10 Juin - 11HÀ 21H



9:00pm Doors. B I L Tr en chTo wnOd d i t i es & Wi n st o n M ar l ey 10:00pm st art . 616 Pit t St reet , Cornwal l , ON 613-936-9898

NEXT FRIDAY, JUNE 5t h we are proud t o present

THE LOVELOCKS f ul l inf o on page 5

W hat ' s On This W eek ? KA RA OKE

Fr id ay & Sat ur d ay : 9pm - 2am Sund ay : 5pm - 9am SAVE THE

S A T U R D AJDATE YU ,n FOR e6 t h- B o w l - f o r - H o s fp ui cned r a i s e r $12.00 person- includes 2 Games, Shoes and Chili Lunch. Non bowlers $5.00 donation would be appreciated. Meet at bar at noon and Bowling at 1. Karaoke from 4-7 then Al l ey Cat from 9-1. Raffles, draws and prizes.

ALLEY CAT Sat urday

Come in and check May 2 out our d aily f ood and d r ink sp ecials. 1213 Pit t St reet Cornwal l -613-938-8659


So p l ace yo u r EVENTAD i n t h e EVENTSEEKERSECTIONTODAY! cal lm e,M ai -Li i s 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6ex 3 t .1 0 2

pYou l e H 't n a C I ...I f I t e I s i t r e v d A tI t ! u o b A w o n Don 'tK

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

Sha ry n



This past Saturday, Mr. Stuart Clark at the fine age or 94 passed away. Stuart was one of the best known beef farmers from Stormont County. I represented the Stormont Beef Association at the Civic Complex from 1997 to 2000. I made a gazillion recipes of beef to demonstrate how good our local Stormont beef really is. Stuart, along with many other farmers, would stand and greet the passersby while I was cooking an assortment of beef recipes. Stuart was 80 years old and still would stand for hours at a time for the Friday night, Saturday and Sunday demonstrations. That really impressed me at his stamina (of stubborness, haha). Another thing I remember about Stuart was at the end of the evening, he would always walk me out to

BEEF AND GREENS STIR FRY INGREDIENTS: 1 lb. sirloin steak, cut across the grain into thin strips 1 clove of garlic, minced 2 tsp. freshly grated ginger root 1 tbsp. soy sauce 1 large onion, sliced in half and then lengthw ise 3 cups of fresh mushrooms, sliced 3 cups of broccol i flowerets, cut into bite-sized pieces 1 tsp. chicken bouillon powder 2 tsp. cornstarch

my car and drive all the way up to north Pitt St. to see me safely on my way home . There he would toot his horn and wave goodbye to me. He acted like a father to me and I will always remember him for his many acts of genuine kindness. His wife Elaine, married for 71 years helped him on their farm right from the very start of their marriage. Gary and I first met Stuart and Elaine when we began squaredancing. With their patience we enjoyed learning how to squaredance. His children were so very attentive to him as his health was failing in the past year of so. You couldn't ask for a finer family. I am truly sorry for your loss. METHOD: -I used my el ec tr ic w ok, you ca n easi ly use a inst ead. deep si

ded fr yp an -Spr ay the pan w ith some Pam no-stick sp ray. st eak al ong w St ir fr y the st rip ith the garli c, s of so y sauce and gi ng pi nk remai ns in er root . Cook un the beef . til no -Add the sl iced onions and mus hr ooms and br Cook this for 4 occoli flow er et minut es or un s. til the veggies the chicken bo ar e tender cr isp. -S ui llon pow der tir w ith the cornst w hi sk to pr ev en ar ch and w at er t any lumps. Ad . Use a d th is into the beef mixture. St ir un and br occoli til a ni ce shine forms fr om th e cornst ar ch. -Add the sl iced gr een onions and the Chines cook for a coup e 5 sp ice pow le of minut es der and an d the sauce is ov er cooked ric thickened. -Ser e for a ni ce ea ve sy and heal thy supp er . ENJOY!

1/ 2 cup water 4 green onions, sliced diagonally into 1" pieces 1 tsp, Chinese spice powder (we carry this at Sharyn' s Pantry)

SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years. OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998

No w - A Bi t Ab o u t Lo l a's...

Continued from page 5 Pop in any Wednesday for W ings. Star ting at 4:00 pm , $8.99 gets you a pound of w ings, how ever you like 'em , and a lar ge dr aft (Bud or Keith's Red). Like a cold dr ink , but on a budget? Cheap day is ever y Tuesday w her e your beer and bar r ail ar e both one dollar off all day long! Lola's has a r eputation of being a "biker bar " ? m ost likely because the fine folks of Cor nw all dr ive by the day w e host Josie's Joy Ride, an annual m otor cycle poker r un dedicated to the m em or y of Josie Br unet. This year the Joy Ride w ill be held on July 4, and if you haven't seen Josie's son M ike Br unet put on his auctioneer hat ? that alone is w or th the pr ice of adm ission. It's a gr eat cause, a gr eat day and all m onies r aised go dir ectly to a local fam ily in need. Pop by the bar any tim e for m or e infor m ation on this w onder ful event. Other char ity highlights include Spar key's Toy Dr ive and The Anim al Cup, a boot hockey gam e played behind Har v's Diner, w ith all m onies r aised and donations collected going to the puppies and kittens at Cor nw all?s OSPCA. Ther e w ill also be a gar age sale in Lola's par king lot on Satur day, June 13. Cost per table is $10.00 and all m oney r aised goes to the anim al shelter. Com ing up soon, on Satur day, M ay 30, Lola?s is hosting a fundr aiser for M ya Jackson, a young Cor nw all gir l w ho has NF2Neur ofibr om otosis, w ith a por tion of the till sales being donated to M ya. Ther e w ill also be a silent auction and dr aw s thr oughout the day ? so, please, com e ear ly and give gener ously! Last but not least, Lola's has becom e a hot spot for live enter tainm ent. M ost Satur day nights ? and occasionally on Fr iday ? you can stop by Lola's and hear a w ide var iety of m usical genr es fr om bands that tr avel fr om as far aw ay as Halifax NS and Vancouver BC, to the best local talent Cor nw all has to offer. Past per for m er s include The Paul Deslaur ier s Band (fact: the fir st tim e Paul played Cor nw all in 20 year s w as at Lola's!), The JD Edw ar ds Band, The Gr aham Gr eer Tr io, Union Duke, The Standstills, Tr ench Tow n Oddities, W inston M ar ley, Gypsy, The Rod Squad, The Red Rails, The M ar c M uir Tr io and m any, m any m or e. We have an exciting line-up alr eady booked for this sum m er : The Jam ie Heath Blues Par ty on June 13; Les Deuxluxes on June 27; The Reed Effect on July 11; The Rotted Roots Ram bler s on July 17; and The M ar c M uir Tr io on July 25. We also have an "Acoustic on the Patio" ser ies this sum m er. Ever y Sunday after noon fr om 3:00 ? 6:00 pm , com e and enjoy fr ee live acoustic tunes on Lola's patio. War m w eather, good tunes and a cold beer w ith your fr iends dow n at Lola?s ? now ser iously, does it get any better than that?! If you haven?t been to Lola?s lately ? or ever ? you don't know w hat you ar e m issing. Open 11:00 am ? 2:00 am seven days a w eek , 365 days a year (Chr istm as Day and New Year ?s Day w e open at 7pm , because ? hey, ever yone needs a little dow n tim e). M ake Lola's your next stop for lunch and say hello to Linda w hile you ar e at it. THI S AI N'T NO DI SCO!!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne


Hi there to all of you wonderful and intelligent people reading the *Real Deal* this week. This is Cornwall's most read, most postive and most informative paper in the land. (Well "our land" here in Cornwall and the S. D. & G. area, anyway.) I hope that you all have been enjoying the holiday weekends with your family and friends despite the rather odd kind of weather that Mother Nature has been throwing at us of late. We can't complain... at least... It's NOT SNOOOOW!!! John and I had a Fabulous weekend enjoying New things and meeting New and Old friends and Acquaintances. We had four funtastic events to attend to in just two days. First we attended a NEW Adult Store's ~Ready Or Naught~ preview on 124 Pitt St. (next to Jack Lee's Restaurant.) that was just for Family & Friends, held last Saturday. Their "GRAND OPENING" for the PUBLIC will be on June 6th at 10:00 a.m. Be sure to bring your loved ones to see what they have to offer us inquiring and curious adult couples that want to add a little **PAZZAZZ** & ~SIZZLE~ into your love lives. John and I were quite impressed with the beautiful and classy decor and their well layed out floor plan which allows you to move about to see all of the items that are for sale. There is a Private cordoned off room filled with lots of interesting and Fun "Adult toys" and other sexxxy things that will be sure to bring that ~SIZZLE~ BACK... Or Make you ~SIZZLE~ for the very First Time!!! Rachel Landriault and her sister, Angel Young, are the owners and proprietors and they would love to help you and your partner with any questions that you may have. If they don't have the answers or the "play items" that you want they will certainly be able to find out for you and your partner. Happy Discovering and Adult Playing!!! TIP OF THE WEEK: Eat COLOURS For Your Heal t h. WHITE: (garlic, ginger, etc) to strengthen the Immune System. YELLOW: (bananas, pineapples,lemons and grapefruits etc.) to Fortify Elasticity. ORANGE: (oranges, carrots, squash etc.) to Prevent Inflammation. RED: (cherries, peppers, apples, cranberries etc.) to Improve Heart and Blood Health. PURPLE: (my favourite colour....Grapes, pomegranites, cherries, etc.) to Protect the Nervous System. Last, but not least, GREEN: (cauliflower, celery, cabbage, etc.) to Detoxify. P.S. This is just a "guide" for you, but do look into this further to get the full benefits of eating healthier foods and living a healthier life style. Now where are some red foods to get my heart and blood health going??? After John and I left ~Ready or Naught~, we went home to change into our "church going" clothes to attend a good friend, Scott Beck and his lovely wife, Karen's 25th Vow Renewal Ceremony at

the Westleyen Church. When we arrived there was a video playing showing us about their lives over the past 25 years. It showed us their two healthy children, Bryce & Casey and their many family get togethers, as well as all of the different places that they had visited together. It showed us their true happiness and their joy-filled years that still continues after all of their "Ups and Downs" over 25 years of being married. John and I and everyone else got to enjoy some delicious sandwiches and baby-sized cupcakes after the ceremony which was quite touching. It made me tear up listening to Scott and Karen read over their New Vows. John and I, along with anyone who wished to, had some "Fun Photos" taken in the Photo Booth that was set up for everyone to enjoy. We wish only the very best in life for Scott & Karen and may they have many, many more happy and love-filled years ahead of them. God Bless Scott & Karen and their Family. John and I then had to leave this happy place to go to another event to help celebrate Raeleen Salter's 24th Birthday along with her fiancee, Curtis Archer and his family and friends. We got to enjoy their pleasant company and fun conversations throughout the evening. I even got to enjoy a couple of delicious cold drinks as I am after all, "the Designated Drinker", whilst my Johnny is the Designated Driver!!! What a Day and Evening we enjoyed together with so many delightful and pleasant people. I Love My Life!!! On Sunday I had to get myself all "dolled up" again to attend yet another wonderful event. This event was for my good friends, Todd & Josee Sauve's daughter, Danielle's Bridal Shower!!! There were over 60 guests there playing games and showering Danielle with many gifts of all kinds to help her and her husband-to- be, Tom, with their future "New Lives" together. This was being held at the ~Optimist Club~ here in Cornwall. The place was beautifully decorated and was intimate enough to make us all feel comfortable and at ease. All of the ladies and girls got to enjoy ourselves immensely and the food was DELIIIICIOUS!!! Especially the Yummy DESSERTS!!! Thank you to all of the ladies who provided the food and who helped decorate and organize this special event for Danielle. Carol Grant (the future Aunt-to-be) was there with her camera to capture all of the precious moments. Thanks also to the MOM, Josee for all of her time and effort making this all come together for her beautiful

daughter, Danielle. You are one Super Mom, my dear friend!!! KUDOS TO YOU JOSEE!!! THERE ARE TWO LIVE PERFORMANCES AT ~THE PORT~ THEATRE ON MONTEAL RD. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT for ALL of you ~James Taylor Fans~ come to the Port on Friday evening. If you're a fan of the Beatles~, ~The Stones~, ~The Who~ & ~The British Invasion~, come on Saturday. Why not do like I plan to, and come to the Port both nights? The doors OPEN at 7:00 p.m. & The Shows Start at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $15.00 in Advance and $20.00 at the door. Why not bring someone along with you to enjoy the LIVE MUSIC and the Fantastic Show??? Please tell your Family, your Friends, and even your Neighbours. THESE ARE LIVE CONCERTS, RIGHT HERE IN CORNWALL!!! Let's get our dancing shoes and boots on and enjoy a couple of evenings of LIVE MUSIC!!! I so look forward to seeing you ALL there Tonight and Tomorrow!!! UNTIL NEXT WEEK: A beautiful day/ week begins with a beautiful mindset. When you Wake Up, take a moment to think about what a Privledge it is to be ALIVE & HEALTHY. Take a few moments to count your Blessings and NOT your Problems. The moment that you start acting like Life Is A Blessing, I assure you and promise you it will start to feel just that way. By Starting off your day in a Positive Way, Your Day (Monday thru to Sunday) Will Be Positive & Happy. B.T.W. Thanks to all of you who voted for me... I made it into the TOP FIVE for "Contributor Of The Year." I find out on June 19th at ~The Seeker Choice Awards~ being held at ~Cornwall's Golf & Country Club~ to see if I won...or not. Please keep your fingers, toes and even your eyes crossed for me to WIN this year!!! Thank you kindly in advance. Tally Ho, Onwards and Upwards I Go!!!

Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & of www.photodreams.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

M a rie




Co unte ss



Basement Organization 1.Before starting, remove everything from the space, then clean and repair the area, declutter, and remove items no longer wanted or needed. 2. Sort and categorize into separate piles labelled ?Keep?, ?Sell?, ?Donate?, and ?Discard?. 3. Choose areas in the basement appropriate for each category. 4. If your home does not have a garage or shed, store gardening tools and equipment close to the door for easy access when doing yard work. 5. Set up a workshop near a window, ensuring there is lots of light while you are working. 6. Bulk groceries are best stored in a cool, dark, and dry area. 7. Keep tools in drawers, for safety purposes store home cleaning and car care supplies in closed cabinets.

8. Keep cleaners, paints, sprays, and other hazardous household supplies in a space away from high traffic areas, and secured in a l ocked cabinet . 9. Use less accessible areas for rarely used items such as seasonal decorations. 10. Use specialized hooks and wire baskets to get your sports gear and gardening tools up off the floor and neatly arranged on the wall. 11. Use shelving for bulk groceries and extra toiletries, ensuring to keep food products clean, dry, and out of reach of pests.

While I was in Florida - the Sunshine State - I enjoyed doing some organic gardening and landscaping for friends. Due to the 5 to 6 hours in the sun, I dreaded suffering from 3rd degree sunburns on my face. I also knew that most sunscreens that might smell so yummy could do yucky things to my skin and my internal workings. After asking women from various sunny countries and islands, I discovered that their beautiful skin resulted from their applying coconut oil daily unto their face and body. Coconut oil, I was informed, prevented the ultra violet rays from damagingwomen's skin and stopped wrinkles from taking hold of one's youthful beauty. So simple!

Then, a friend of mine from India had me hunt about the Breaker's Hotel Golf Course in Palm Beach to pick up green coconuts. Luckily some of the coconut trees were not too high! We gathered about 30 coconuts to be shipped to Chicago where her brother was living and had recently been diagnosed with kidney problems. In India, the centuries-old natural herbal healing system called: Ayurvedic Healing, promoted pure coconut water to help people in cleaning out their kidneys and their blood of toxins. "It does not happen overnight," as my friend said, "but within 6 months, people begin to feel much better." I am not advocating that this is a cure-all, I am offering a simple suggestion that it would be a good idea for all of us to include in our daily eating habits some coconut water. Most health food stores and even supermarkets are now selling purecoconut water without sugar. During the second world war, when doctors in England needed to give blood transfusions but their blood bank was very low, they resorted to giving patients transfusions of coconut water taken from green coconuts, which has the same consistencies as human blood. Many lives weresaved because of thehealing wisdom of our friends, the wonderful Ayurvedic practitioners/ physicians. And when I make my pure and natural soaps, I always use a coconut-based coconut glycerine. Until 3 years ago, it was nearly impossible to find a source that sold coconut glycerine. Most suppliers offered glycerine based on: animal products, GMO soy, or it was derived from petroleum. However, aspeople are becoming more informed and conscious of their well being, the suppliers are acquiescing to new demands and offeringmany healthy products such as derived from the coconut. Yes, indeed, while coconut was lovely on cake icings, times have pushed to the forefront the fact that coconut can also be used in so many healthy ways. We have to be thankfull tothe growing international interchanges taking place amongst We The People Of TheWorld that our horizons of plant wisdomsare blossoming.

Th e Bi g U n vei l i n g Article & Photos by Carol Grant Cor nw all Living M agazine unveiled its 2015 cover this w eek at Schnitzel's. Paul DesLaur ier s is featur ed on the cover for this year 's biggest issue ever. M any gather ed at the local r estaur ant to pick up their copy of the m agazine and help to celebr ate the success and positive new s that Cor nw all and ar ea has had in the last year, all pr ofiled in the latest issue of Cor nw all Living M agazine. Be sur e to pick up your copy!

The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank


our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach Fairy Sweet at (613) 933-7040

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com

For years I have been trying to find a way to make my dry, naturally curly hair bend my way and not its tight way! It was my "quest". Finally I recentlydiscovered by simply smoothinga light amount of organic coconut oil over my wet, rinsedhair, thencombing it out = the result: ENDED MY QUEST as it made my hair lovely andeasily manageable. So simple!

That t hey get bet t er resul t s f rom one ad in t he Seeker t han al l t he ot her medias combined! See f or yoursel f ! Try it t oday! Cal l Jul ia at 613-935-3763 ext 101 t o l earn how YOU coul d benef it f rom exposure in t he Seeker! Al l it t akes is $15 a week. It 's not an expense, it 's an invest ment !

12. Use clear plastic containers for extra protection against dust, moisture, and pests, and to help easily identify contents, label containers.





MRS. B Do you like to sit outside but would like a little flame pot in your backyard or on your balcony? Want to have a few drinks with friends but afraid cousin Mike will try pouring more fluid on the fire and now his hand and sleeve are on fire? Another bad situation: someone has a little too much to drink and knocks over your flame pot and now the deck is on fire along with your best friend's dress. Hopefully in that haze of smoke and all of that yelling, you remember "drop and roll".

At Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor we have a much safer product for you to use. This fluid does not burn. It requires a "media wick" to create the flame. The media wick fits into a flame pot and lasts an entire season, so don't throw your wick out. If your fire is going out and you want to add more liquid you can, but you might put out the flame if you pour too fast. It is highly recommended that you extinguish the flame, add more liquid and re-light. This fluid is called Organica Bio-Fuel. It is safe to use indoors or out and doesn't have that nasty odor like the gels of the past that had alcohol or ethanol in them. It can be extinguished with water and has the lowest emissions of any type of fuel. A flame pot is really handy to keep on hand in the winter too. If the power goes out, it could provide you with a little heat indoors as well. As always, be careful with any kind of fire around small children and pets and especially those adults when they have had a few drinks. Stop by the store for a demonstration, it is quite something to see.

Be safe. Barbara Leduc, Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor 609 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON K6J 3R8 613-937-0222 Facebook page www.facebook.com/ mrsbsgifts www.mrsbsgofts.com

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

CA RD X C H A NG ER G e t s e e n , n o t lo s t ! 1 t im e $ 2 5 3 t im e s $ 6 5 7 t im e s $ 12 9 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile )

"THU RSDAY Su p er Su p p er Sp eci al " BUY1HotHamb urger ona Bun andgetth e2nd1/ 2pri ce 4pmto7pmThursday,June4 DINE-IN ONLY M ama'sNEW Tak e-OutM enu- Comi ngSoon!






pl ace


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive


PRESERVE YOUR M EM ORI ES - Get you r VHS Tapes tr ansfer r ed to DVD - Cal l Sh el don t oday 613-932-4812

FOR SALE: M aple table w ith 4 chair s, $95 Cal l 613-932-4812

FOR SALE: Tandem heavy duty utility tr ailer, 6ftx12ft. Needs som e w or k . Asking $1,000 obo. 931-2098. FOR SALE: 2005 Ter r yfleetw ood Fifth W heel Tr ailer, ver y clean, a m ust see, $10,500 obo. 931-2098


MULTIFAMILYYARDSALE Saturday, May 30th, 8 am - 3 pm. @ 406 Tollgate Rd East, Lots of great items, something for everyone. Come check us out.

FOR SALE: M ens alum inum fr am e 21 speed fr ont disc M iele bike. $65 Cal l 613-936-1452 FOR SALE: Slipper s for m en only. $3.50 each. Cal l 613-932-8275 FOR SALE: Stur dy 3 seater sw ing and pads. 1 stur dy picnic table w ith um br ella w ith 4 padded high chair s. Call 613-932-4952

Ro se


2014-2015 Principal Sponsors

?C?est la Semaine française à Cornwall? and once again we have a great opportunity to showcase the visual arts. The public loves to watch artists paint, carve or do whatever art they practice. The process intrigues viewers and the many choices the artists make ?seemingly? by intuition always entertain.

FOR SALE: Single bed, ver y good condition, asking $25 Cal l 613-932-5526

Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you that ... ADVERTISING in Th e SEEKERi s NOTan Ex p en se... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Call me 613-935-3763 The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank


our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can cont act t hem at

t ant e.jm2013@gmail .com

MONTHLY MEETING 7pm JUNE 3 The monthly meeting will be held at 327 Mont real Road. The space will allow members to see the potential of this building. Parking available across the street. Louise Mignault will give us an update on our involvement in Ribfest in July. On the Agenda will be an activity: group painting (a bit like musical chairs). We all start out with a foot square tile, acrylic paint then at a signal move on to the next tile and so forth. It?s a blast and we?ll donate to the site a ?lovely? large abstract. So dress to paint. Here?s a photo of our attempt a few years back under the leadership of Sandra Taylor.

It?s a wonderful experience to listen to the comments and interpretations of your work or listen to their own attempts at paintings. Some will proudly talk of a parent or relative they admire who does some form of art; it?s then you realize what a gift you have to be able to enjoy such a rich and lasting pastime. Many will ask: How long does it take to make a painting? It?s an icebreaker. But the best answer is: a lifetime...

See you at the meeting!

So take advantage of this special event and grab your art material and a stool and come out on Montreal Road, near Nativity church and join us on Sunday, May 31, after lunch and we can enjoy the moment. We are also invited to paint out in park Lamoureux on June 5 and 6. There will be many activities...plenty of subject matter for your canvas, sketch board and camera.



Join us on a day trip Saturday July 11 to Lombardy Fair Grounds: Art In the Barn (1 ½ hour drive). We shall carpool and reimburse the driver for the gas. Admission is free. Departure 9am.

Focus Art members are participating in an exhibition in this great local during La Semaine française along with several high school students. Saturday evening, May 30, there is a reception celebrating the history of French Week. Music by Louise-Andrée Baril and Danielle Vaillancourt, wine and cheese ($15.00) and the Vernissage of the art work are the occasion for celebration..

Three of Focus Art members are showing their work (Batik). Louise Mignault, Elaine Arkwright and Jenn Rabi along with 52 other artists. This is an excellent occasion to meet members of the Rideau Lakes Artists?Association and be inspired.

Great news! As our members will be partners in a variety of activities during the week the Centre culturel has offered to let the exhibition remain there the entire month of June. Of course to do so we need volunteers to come and host during the month. This could be an occasion to do artwork (away from home) or read a book while keeping an eye on the premises. Volunteers please contact rosedesn@cogeco.ca to find a spot on the schedule.


Interested members please email our president Linda Geisel: l indageisel @gmail .com

Focus Art has a Website. www.focusartonline.org Is your page up to date? Are there images of your work? Have you refreshed your images? You can?t sell if you don?t show. We have PayPal.

I t's TimeTo Order Your Wedding I nvitations from ...

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 21 - May 29 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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