Yo u r CO RN W A LL EVEN TS a n d CO M M U N ITY N e w s p a p e r
Vol ume 6 Issue Vol ume 6 Issue 2221 May5,29, 2015 June 2015
sal es r ep r esen t at i ve wi t h
can n o t o n l y fi x yo u r h o m e, h e can
SELL yo u r h o m e!
Don't miss our f eat ure on t he Tesl a Car on p.4...
P l u s ... Lo o k fo r Jo e's r en o vat i o n t i p s i n t h e Seek er st ar t i n g so o n ! Th e Cornw al l Seaw ay Li ons w ant to th ank th ei r sponsors...
Official Beer
Title Sponsor
1:00-2:30 PM
434-436 EIGHTH ST E Tired of renting? Perfect Duplex, Upstairs two beds vacant, downstairs unite occupied by owner's daughter. Separate Sheds.
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the
613-935-3763 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Sal es: ext 1 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 EMAIL
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Heal t h real l y is al l t hat mat t ers My friends and family could tell you that I'm a tough woman. I don't go down easy. No matter how bad I feel, or how sick I am, I keep on keeping on. I'm not a quitter; my father instilled that value in me at a very young age. Never give up... Never surrender...
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Sadly, at the ripe age of 79, my father did surrender to death. I witnessed him giving up and losing the desire to fight for his life as disease slowly took over his body. He stopped eating. He stopped caring. He basically let himself go. This could easily turn into a piece about the Quebec-run health system and its shortcomings, but it would basically take a book to relay, so I'll leave it at that. Over the last three months, my health has not been the best. I seem to catch everything that is thrown my way. The latest bout, last week, was a nasty stomach flu that landed me in the hospital for one night and in bed for 3 full days. Never, not even for my five (yes 5) c-sections, have I been bed-ridden for three days. Because we have a big family, I purposely quarantined myself over those 3 days. I did not want to take any chances and pass on this nasty illness to anybody in the house, especially my little ones. Being limited to receiving only air hugs and blown kisses was pure torture. And seeing the pain in my children's eyes from not being able to get their mommy hugs and kisses was heartbreaking. They are so little. They need me so much. I tell you what... Being sick really helps put things into perspective. It makes you realize that really, all that matters in life is health. Health is at the start of everything. To enjoy anything, you need your health. To accomplish anything, you need your health. To take care of anyone, you need your health.
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It also shows you who really cares about you and who doesn't. Who feels your absence and who couldn't care less.
Over those three days, I admitted to myself that I do way too much. I sit on too many boards, I organize too many fundraisers, I take on too many clients, I tackle too many projects, I don't say no enough. I need to slow down. I need to Breathe. My body is run down and it is telling me. So for the summer, I am taking a break from the weekly editorials. I may write something here and there, if the urge to write or the topic can simply not be bypassed, but otherwise, I'll see you back in September. Have a fabulous one! Spend it well. Enjoy your families. Stay healthy. Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering an image of death.--Buddha
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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Pre se nte d
b y The Se e ke r
co ve r p ho to : Ja so n Se tny k
St . Lawrence Col l ege Conf ers Honorary Dipl oma t o f ormer mayor Bob Kil ger at Cornwal l Convocat ion
Cornwall, ONSt. Lawrence College is pleased to announce that ?hometown hero? Bob Kilger will receive an Honorary Diploma at Cornwall?s Convocation ceremony on Friday, June 5, 2015. Mr. Kilger will address the graduating class at the Aultsville Theatre at St. Lawrence College during the afternoon ceremony beginning at 1 pm. Each year, St. Lawrence College recognizes the outstanding achievements of individuals or organizations whose accomplishments are of such excellence, inspiration and leadership that they serve as an example for the students and graduates of our college with our Honorary Diplomas. As a former mayor of Cornwall, and a former Member of Parliament (MP), Bob Kilger is a natural hometown leader who has dedicated much of his life to serve his community in many different roles. As MP from 1988-2004, Bob was instrumental in helping St. Lawrence College develop its international recruitment program. As Cornwall?s mayor from 2006-2014, Bob oversaw many improvements to the City of Cornwall, and most significantly, to the Cornwall campus of SLC as he endorsed a one million dollar donation to The Difference We Make Campaign which resulted in improvements and upgrades to the learning spaces on to our College. Bob is passionate about the economic and social development of the City of Cornwall and publically encourages others to do the same. He has worked tirelessly to transform Cornwall from a town with little development to one that now has popular stores, a booming distribution industry, a beautiful hospital, and of course, a newly revitalized St. Lawrence College. ?We?re proud to confer this Honorary Diploma on Bob for his unending support for the College, and to Cornwall. He shows remarkable dedication and leadership to his community, and I know will be a great inspiration to our graduates and current students,? said Glenn Vollebregt, President and CEO, St. Lawrence College. Three Convocation ceremonies will be held on Friday, June 5 at 10:00 am, and 1:00 pm, and 4:00 pm. The 10:00 am ceremony will be held for students graduating from programs in the School of Health Sciences, the 1:00 pm ceremony will graduate students from Schools of Community Services and Justice Studies and Applied Arts, and the 4:00 pm ceremony from the Schools of Applied Science and Computing, Business, Skilled Trades and Tourism, as well as the Online and Continuing Education.
No rain was al l owed in t he f orecast f or Wendesday, June 3rd ... Why?
Brock Frost t o resign ef f ect ive Jul y 1 "In February of this year I made a conscious decision to move to Ottawa to pursue better business opportunities in real estate. I signed papers for a condo on February 25th, completed my Broker course on April 23rd, officially moved to Ottawa on May 1st and resigned from Storm Realty on May 4th (to be effective as of June 1st). I had full intentions of finishing out my term on Council? .until recently. The past few months, and more so the past few weeks, have truly solidified my reason for moving. Put bluntly, I have no more time or energy to deal with the incessant drama, gossip and online rhetoric that has become to define the City of Cornwall. This was the right move for me and I am extremely happy for the decision I made today. Thank you once again to all my supporters, you know who you are. Because of you all, I leave Cornwall with a feeling of pure sweet-sorrow. "
MARKA has l ef t t he house, or shoul d I say t he st ore? By Adele Constantineau It might have been timing or it might have been location or maybe it's just that no one expected to find such a gem in the East End of Montreal Rd. Either way Marka's Fashion Boutique has closed the doors in Cornwall and has relocated to the Place d'Orleans Mall in Ottawa. She just loved our beautiful city and had great hopes to continue bringing her eclectic collection of Designer Wear from Canada, Italy, Turkey, Greece... to the women in Cornwall and area but as a single parent, survival is essential as we all know. The good news is that she has not moved too far as some of the ladies from Cornwall have already discovered. She is less than an hour away and looks forward to welcoming all to her new store. Pictured above is Adele, left and Marka, right. Taken on the day that her store relocated. We wish you only the very best in your new location. To see her beautiful fashions, visit: www.markafashionboutique.com
Good Luck, Marka!
It is unclear if the Council will appoint a replacement, go to the next runner in line or will call for a by-election. Since the election, Guy St-Jean, who finished 11th, has moved to Florida. Next in line would be Denis Carr who is said to be considering the possibility. Frost is facing fraud and forgery charges in Quebec. The charges against Frost have not been proven in court.
Because it was the Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce's Annual Golf Day, held at Summerheights Golf Links, (www.summerheight sgol f .com) where 160 golfers enjoyed the beautiful sunny day that was specially ordered for them by Seeker Chick Mai-Liis, who was there to take photos of the teams that went out to enjoy a day of Golfing and Networking!
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THE TESLA CAR THE FUTURE IS NOW! A Worl d in Bal ance - Count ess Trot t ier/ Trot zier What do these Individuals have in common: Nikol a Tesl a, Henry Ford I, Dr. George Washingt on Carver, El on Musk and l ocal resident Tony Giamei? Each one, in their own unique way,have/ are showing the desire toco-create a Clean, Serene World because of their Love for Humanity and for All Creations on Planet Earth!
humanit arian t hinking of Nikol a Tesl a and his discoveries t hat were designed t o improve t he Pl anet Eart h, our Worl d, our Lives, El on Musk set up t o design a Tesl a Car capabl e of moving al ong on t he highways and cit ies wit hout pol l ut ing our air, our l ungs, our heal t h, incl uding t he f ut ure heal t h of t he chil dren being born now.
Each one of these Individuals have directly participated in making our world a place that we can live in and enjoy ourselves without becoming sick from the massive toxins and carbon monoxide/ carbon dioxide. Their life-goals focused on protecting the most beautiful Planet Earth and all life's creations.
Tony Giamei was born from parents who cared so much about Planet Earth that their love for this world's creations influenced him completely. Whilemany teenagers and adults are still unaware of the dangers existing at this present timedue to the continuation of the 20thcentury's toxic developments and their effects onus: humans,and on the survival of our Emerald Planet, Tony knew that he must not acquiesce into a false comfort zone but do everything tokeep the Earth healthy for himself and for all he loved. "We have to care!" and Tony Giamei does care. He ref used t o buy a car unt il he coul d f ind one which did not cause serious pol l ut ion f rom carbon monoxide/ dioxide emissions. Tony is an eco-conscious Individual! He proved this by waiting several years to buy a "pure" car until he discovered three years agot he Tesl a Car. He found out that El on Musk had f ounded Tesl a Mot ors in Cal if ornia and was producinga non-hybrid:"pure" electric car. This car does not run on fossil fuel, but uses onlyelectricity. This present car of the now future is known as : THE TESLA CAR MODEL S SEDAN! THE TESLA CAR IS A VEHICLE OF THE FUTURE WE ARE NOW IN THE PROCESS OF CO-CREATING. Due to its specially designed aerodynamic style, the car is capable of smoothly moving along with the least resistance. To own a Tesla Car is to experience first hand the new consciousness awakening on Earth and that is: Kind, CalmLove! To open the car doors, a simple touch on the car key proceeds to pull out the handles which then retract and become flush with the the door; due to the series of lithium-ion batteries underneath, the noise level is nil, and there is no carbon monoxide/ dioxide emission. At the Tesl a Charging St at ion which the wonderful owners of The Ramada Inn have helped to
Nikol a Tesl a who is the Father of Electricity (alternating current) and the Father of Radio, the discoverer of your wireless phones, and much more, succeeded to develop a "black box" which placed in a Price Arrow car in 1930 permitted the car to run using: the aeter energy which he endorsed and is everywhere around us, everywhere in the universe and is clean, safe, easily accessible ... no more damaging oil spills ... nor nuclear plant explosions ... nor any carbon monoxide in our air. Henry Ford I designed the famous Ford Model T in 1908, but he wanted to create a car which would not "...use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to form ... but to use products produced in the annual growth of the fields." With the help of the great scientist, Dr. George Washingt on Carver, he planted huge fields of soy, including hemp, and succeeded in making his Ford cars with both soy and hemp. In 1941, the Soy Car became a reality. El on Musk left his home country of South Africa at the age of 17, and in 1988 obtained a Canadian citizenship. After attending Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, he continued his studies in the United States. He was an entrepreneur, believed in the Free Enterprise System, and proceeded to achieve many high-tech positions always determined to create better and better ways of livingfor We The People. Great l y impressed wit h t he
install, a slight loving pressure on the key causes the lid to open up and within a brief 20 minutes the car is recharged and good for another 480 km (300 miles), while the air around is always clean and healthy. There are so many commendable futuristic technologies present in the Tesla Car which truly gives hope for the present and for the future ... which is going to be exactly as it is now ... serene, clean, and with the touch of love rippling throughout the world and into the cosmos. Oh! To know Tony and t o experience t he serenit y of t he Tesl a Car makes one f eel very opt imist ic about our present t omorrows! Who is Tony Giamei? He actually looks a bit like Nikola Tesla ... and is very much like him in his dedication to heal the Planet. Tony is very unassuming yet such depth of character! He's determined to teach his son what his father and mother taught him: Love this Earth! Grow your own organic foods! Fear not to be unique! Seek to improve your world! Tony loves to walk around in an apron ... since he works at the PHO "Tiny Table" restaurant at 11th and 4th St West. He enjoys helping the owner, Ubon, who originates from Thailand and who prepares the most delectable foods using recipes she inherited from her mother. And t hen, Tony l ives and works and t hinks and creat es right here in Cornwal l ! Imagine!This cit y can be such a l eader wit h such a great pat hf inders! And I want to give special credit t o my f riend, Suzanne Cowden, who was the one to notice t he Tesl a Car parked along the street and with its special "green" l icense pl at e. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "What a car!" That is the moment the spark of suddenly knowing: "It's a Tesla Car! ...actually lit up my mind and thus in an instant the discovery transformed my thoughts to: The Wonderf ul l Fut ure Is Now! And Cornwal l is a part of t he Gl obal Love Era! Yes, manypositive changes are happening as quietly as the baby buds on plants and on trees which are dailybeing transformed with New Life!
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
Hi there to all of you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~ right now. It is after all Cornwall and the S. D. & G. area's most Informative, most Positive and the most Read "Real" Paper !!! I don't know what Mother Nature is all up in a hissy for??? But she sure has been messing around with the temperatures of late. It's been really ~HOT~ & ~SIZZLIN' for a few days and then... BANG!!! Into cold and rainy, Fall-like days. Hopefully she will get her act into gear and get it right... Now that it is JUNE!!! Welcome to June Everyone!!! What a wonderful weekend I had last weekend with lots of my family members. I got to visit and play with five out of my six grandchildren. YAAAY!!! You see, it was my second son Luke's 26th Birthday (on Tuesday, June 2nd) and my Son-in-law, Michael Vance's (35th birthday on May 31st.) Sooo we celebrated their both birthdays on Saturday May30th. We started off with having a BBQ of hotdogs and hamburgers, along with some delicious potato and coleslaw salads and some cold fruit drinks. (a few vodka shots for the adults, Luke, Mike & Myself) We then had the boys read their birthday cards and open up their birthday presents, much to their delight. After that the boys threw around the football in the field for a bit and when that was all done some of us decided to climb the BIG tree that is in front of Luke & Tonya's house near Chesterville. The tree branches were too wet from the earlier downfall so Abigail and I decided to pass on climbing the tree for that day. I will still attempt to climb it though, the next time. Luke and Lincoln got the wood together to have a Bon Fire. We roasted marshmallows and the remaining few hotdogs that were left. There were fireflies or lightning bugs as some people call them, lighting up the far field. Luke and Abigail decided to catch some...well that is harder than one thinks.. Luke did eventually catch one and brought it back for all of us to see. Meanwhile, the fire was going out and the children were tired from their fun-filled day. Even the BIG boys were tired, so it was time for us to head back home. On Sunday we had some more family fun playing Yahtzee, Things and Uno. Everyone was happy to play, even wee William loved throwing the dice for Yahtzee. The "BIG WINNER" was the Birthday Boy, Michael who got the highest score in Yahtzee... 490 points!! Good For You, Mike! Way To Go!!!
Tip of The Week: DIY DRYER SHEET ALTERNATIVE. This is a simple tip that works wonderfully and it SAVES you a LOT of Money$$$!!! You will need for the Ingredients: 1. A container with an airtight lid. (Use a two quart food storage bowl with a screw-on lid) 2. Four to six sponges (Use the small, thin, cheaper ones.) 3. Two cups of fabric softener (any brand/ scent) 4. Four to Five cups of water. Instructions: First, gently stir the fabric softener and water together in your preferred container. Next, add sponges and place the lid on and leave to soak. To Use: Squeeze out
one sponge and put it in the dryer with your load of wet clothes. When the clothes are dry, replace the sponge into the container of mix. Results: EXACTLY the same as using the "Expensive dryer sheets" that get thrown away!!! Refill the container as needed...That won?t be very often, perhaps twice a year. NOTE: If you use a smaller container just make as much mix as needed to fill it. It is basically 1 cup of softener to 2 cups of water. (A little extra water won't hurt.) In the end, not only will you be saving money but you will be keeping the landfills from being filled with the used and unwanted dryer sheets!!! HAPPY CHEAPER DRYING EVERYONE!!!
JOE ADAM S sal es r ep r esen t at i ve wi t h Cen t u r y2 1
can n o t o n l y fi x yo u r h o m e, h e can SELL yo u r h o m e! I t 's a n ew ven t u r e f or Joe Adam s, bu t on e w h o j u st m ade sen se: Af t er year s i n t h e h om e r en ovat i on bu si n ess, Joe i s n ow pu r su i n g a Real Est at e Car r eer . "
Famil y News: Happy 26th Birthday Luke. I hoped that you had a pleasant and fun kind of birthday despite having to work on it. May more of your Special *Wishes* and Dreams come true over the next few years. I am so Proud of all that you have achieved thus far in your 26 years my dear son and I look forward to seeing what will happen in the next 26 years!!! CONGRATULATIONS on soon becoming a father for the second time, (a September Baby). Hopefully this baby will be a girl as I only have one granddaughter (Abigail) so I would really love to have another one to love and to dress up like me. Luke, you are a wonderful and loving father to Odin and a loving and attentive husband to Tonya. I love you all very much. Happy 35th Birthday Michael! I hope that you enjoyed your birthday on Sunday with the family playing games and having your favourite meal from ~Kell's Kitchen~. I am so happy that Melinda and you had made me a grandmother for the first, second, third and fourth time. I am also proud of you being the father of my grandchildren and that you are doing such a wonderful job of helping Melinda raise them into fine, young adults one day. I do look forward to the many happy and fun-filled years that are ahead of us all. YOU BOYS ARE SURE GETTING OLD!!! Until Next Week: "If You don't Take or Make the TIME to work on CREATING the World or Life that YOU want... Then YOU are eventually going to be Forced or Made to spend a LOT of Time dealing with a LIFE THAT YOU REALLY DON'T WANT!!! So Please... Take the Time To Create A Life That You Really Want!!! You are after all the Author of Your Own Life... Don't Let Anyone Else Hold Your Pen!!! P.S. There are still TICKETS left to one of CORNWALL'S BIGGEST EVENTS this year... ~The Seeker Choice Awards~ being held on June 19th!!! Do Get Yours Today...or Tomorrow... But DON'T WAIT TOO LONG!!! John Lister of ~Photo Dreams~ could be up for an award for "Visual Arts" and I will be looking forward to seeing if I will WIN for "Contributor of the Year"!!! I have my fingers, toes and even my hazel eyes crossed to WIN this Year!!! Please get in touch with ~The Seeker Chicks~, Julia Lucio & Mai-Liis Renaud to get your ~SEEKER CHOICE AWARDS~ TICKETS TODAY!!! I lOOk forward to going and seeing Cornwall's BEST of the BEST!!!
Joe Adam s is the guy behind Adam s Hom e Ser vices. Established in 2004, Adam s Hom e Ser vices has been pr oviding hom e ow ner s w ith car e and cr aftsm anship for ever y hom e and ever y budget. Fr om r ental pr oper ty m aintenance to com plete hom e tr ansfor m ations they ar e the "one call" for all hom e r epair needs. Having r enovated so m any hom es for investm ent clients over the year s, it w as only a logical step for Joe to look into becom ing a licensed Realtor. Investor s w ho hir ed Joe to r enovate a hom e they pur chased as a "Flip" can now also use Joe to sell that flip! It's a one stop shop! "As a CENTURY 21速 Real Estate pr ofessional, I am dedicated to pr oviding you w ith the highest quality ser vice possible" said Adam s to the Seeker. "M y per sonal know ledge of the local Real Estate m ar ket is com bined w ith the pow er of the CENTURY 21 br and - the m ost r ecognized nam e in Real Estate today. Let m e assist you in finding your dr eam hom e, in a neighbour hood that is r ight for you, and in the pr ice r ange you w ant. Or if you ar e inter ested in selling a pr oper ty, I also have the exper tise to help you get the fastest sale possible and at the best pr ice. I look for w ar d to the oppor tunity of w or king for you! "
Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Ne w s
We live in a fast-paced world, where the market can change quickly and if you want to compete, you need an edge. You need a workforce that is reliable, motivated, creative, and possess the ability to adapt, communicate effectively, and work well with others. With fewer than 61% of our population actively in the workforce and, on average, just over 14% of the populationindicating that they identify as a person with a disability, this could be evidence that people with disabilities represent a large untapped workforce with the skills, abilities, qualifications and motivation work.
No uve lle s
Hiring Peopl e wit h Disabil it ies
Jobs Now: Empowerment to Employment
By: Kimberly Hickey, Project Manager, Eastern Ontario Training Board
Hiring people with disabilities reduces the high cost of employee turnover as many employers report that employees with disabilities have fewer absences and stay longer in their job. When you factor in the cost for recruiting, hiring and training, plus the lower productivity of a new hire, it is clear that reducing staff turnover makes good business sense and improves the bottom line. Tapping into this workforce can also increase your profits by creating a workforce that reflects your customer base. People with disabilities and their family and friends represent a large segment of the population that purchase and access services from companies that best meet their needs. One in seven people in Ontario is living with a disability and this number is expected to rise to one in five over the next 20 years. Innovation would be another benefit for hiring people with disabilities as many understand the need and use creativity to find new ways of getting the job done. They can provide fresh ideas and different perspectives, the ability to problem-solve and adapt to changing circumstances. Hiring people with disabilities can assist in becoming the employer of
choice. Being known as an inclusive employer will help you attract and retain the best talent for your business. Employees are more loyal and engaged when they identify with the corporate culture and feel respected and valued. Are you an employer who is ready to tap into this workforce? Are you a person with a disability who would like to participate in a program to help you obtain and maintain employment? If so, read on... The Eastern Ontario Training Board is proud to share the details for a new program in the community - Jobs Now: Empowerment to Employment. EOTB was granted funding from the Opportunities Fund to assist people with self-identified disabilities to obtain and maintain employment. Program participants will have access to pre-employment workshops, training and subsidizedplacement with a local employer. EOTB will assist participants in researching, selecting, applying for and purchasing up to 12-weeks of training at the College level. EOTB will also assist participants with identifying job vacancies and offering employers a wage subsidy for 12 weeks. This wage subsidy assists in offsetting the costs associated with hiring and training a new employee. Financial assistance for accommodations may also be applicable. A certified coach will be available throughout the duration of the program to assist with any obstacles while in training or on-the-job. If you are a potential candidate or employer and would like more information about the program, please feel free to contact Kimberly Hickey at 613-932-0210 or kimberlyh@eotb-cfeo.on.ca. To apply for the program, contact your local employment service provider to complete an assessment and develop your Return to Work Action Plan. Job Zone d?emploi: 613-933-9675 (Cornwall/ Stormont) 613-774-5627 (Dundas) info@jobzonedemploi.ca Glengarry Inter-Agency Group: 613-525-4802
M YTHS ABOUT HI RI NG PEOPLE W I TH DI SABI LI TI ES M YTH: I do not have any jobs suitable for people w ith disabilities. REALI TY: W ith the r ight accom m odations, people w ith disabilities can handle m ost job duties and ar e em ployed in all industr y sector s. M YTH: I cannot affor d accom m odations. They ar e expensive and com plicated. REALI TY: Accom m odations m ost fr equently r equir ed by em ployees cost nothing or ver y little. In fact, a national study conducted in 2004 by the Canadian Abilities Foundation found that 52% of em ployees could be accom m odated for under $500 and that alm ost all w or ker s could be accom m odated for under $1500. As an added benefit, the accom m odations ar e often beneficial for other em ployees as w ell, helping the team achieve higher levels of pr oductivity. M YTH: People w ith disabilities ar e not as pr oductive as other w or ker s. REALI TY: The job per for m ance of people w ith disabilities have been analyzed for year s and r esults have consistently show n people w ith
disabilities to be har d-w or king, com m itted em ployees w ho ar e as pr oductive and pr oficient as any other w or ker. They have higher r etention r ates and low er absenteeism . If you hir e thr ough a ser vice pr ovider, your em ployees w ill be pr e-scr eened and tr ained for the job. You w ill have access to a netw or k of pr ofessionals w ho can assist w ith im plem enting accom m odations and integr ating em ployees w ith disabilities into the w or kplace. They m ay also pr ovide job coaching and w age subsidies. M YTH: People w ith disabilities ar e not safe in the w or kplace. REALI TY: Accor ding to Wor kplace Safety Insur ance Boar d your pr em ium s w ill not be incr eased on the basis that som e of your em ployees exper ience a disability. Wor ker s w ith disabilities have excellent safety r ecor ds. M YTH: People w ith disabilities cannot be ter m inated once they ar e hir ed. REALI TY: Hum an r ights legislation r espects an em ployer ?s r ight to oper ate a pr oductive business. Em ployees w ith disabilities, w ith the appr opr iate accom m odations should be held to the sam e per for m ance standar ds as other em ployees.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
FREE SENIOR?S PHOTO-SHOOT @ THE LIBRARY. We are celebrating Senior?s Month by offering seniors of 60 years of age or older a free photo-shoot and receive a 4 x 6 picture. Book your Saturday,June 20th appointment today at the library. You might want to hurry! It is only being offered ?while appointments last?. Free membership card required. Other restrictions apply. Call the library for details. Professional photos by Visual Artist, Jacqueline Milner of Image-ine Photography.
YOGA YOUTH (Ages 6 to 16 yrs) @ 10:00 am. DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME (for kids and their parents) Heure du cont e FAMILIALE PORTE-OUVERTE @ 10:00 am PAWS 'N BOOKS Kids reading their favorite book to pet dogs @ the library 11:00 am to 12 noon
Teen Movies @ t he Library
@ 2:00 p.m. AUDIENCE: PG "The Hunger Game : Mockingjay Part I" Katniss Everdeen is in District 13 after she shatters the games forever. (Repeat at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, June 10)
MONDAY, JUNE 8 TIME FOR TWOS @ 10:00 am - Activities for 2 yrs old and their parent or caregiver
READY, SET, KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone. THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
THURSDAY, JUNE 11 CORNWALL SCRABBLE - 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Everyone 16 years of age and older welcome ROLE PLAYING CARD CLUB - Ages 7 to 14 yrs - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING 6:00 p.m. & FRIDAY, JUNE 12 - 2:00 p.m. A promising young drummer enrolls at a cutthroat music conservatory where his dreams of greatness are mentored by an instructor who will stop at nothing to realize a student?s potential. Drama, Musical - AUDIENCE: 14A
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SU PPORT BIKERS AGAINST BRAIN CANCER Ri d e o n Sat u r d ay, Ju n e 1 3 - Det ai l s o n p ag e 1 5
CHECK-MATES with Clifford Labre - Saturday afternoons @ 2:00 pm
Our C O M M U N I T Y
SEMAINE FRANCAISE / FRENCH WEEK act ivit ies cont inue t il Sat urday
The Lovel ocks wit h special guest s The Count ymen - appearing Live at Lola's Pub Knight s of Col umbus , St . Joseph Council Gigant ic Yard Sal e 1 pm to 5 pm, 32 Oak St. Lancaster. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
Sing, Dance & Be Inspired Uganda's WATOTO Chil dren's Choir 4 pm. PORT Theat er, 132 Montreal Rd. In support of "The Beti Project". Advanced tickets: 10$ at the Grind, 35 2nd St. E. At the door:15$ Pancake Breakfast & Community Yard Sale from 8 am to 12 noon. Ingleside-Newington United Church, 17 Maple St., Ingleside. Cost: 6$, 6 & under: free. Pancakes, sausage, baked beans & beverages Garage & Bake Sal e, June 6t h f rom 8 am t o 2 pm. 2418 Edgar St . Come out and find a bargain while supporting the Seaway Fibro & Chronic Fatigue Self Help Group
Knight s of Col umbus , St . Joseph Council Gigant ic Yard Sal e from 9 am to 12:00 noon. 32 Oak St. Lancaster. Sal em Unit ed Church Summer Concert Series 7 pm, 19041 County Rd.2, Summerstown. Guests: Village Voyces, an eclectic a cappella singalong. Freewill offering. Worship and t he Word at Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y. 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall. 10:30 am.
MONDAY Happy 3rd Birt hday t o Grayson Fl aro
Caref or Heal t h & Wel l ness Cl inc 11:15 am to 1 pm. Lan-Char Center, 20 Victoria St. Lancaster. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure, cholesterol checks etc
TUESDAY Happy Birt hday t o Siiri Reiman
Cornwal l Hort icul t ural Cl ub Mont hl y Meet ing 7 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Presentation: Passion for Orchids presented by Lynne & Santos from Exotic Orchids Plus Tri-Count y Lit eracy Council Annual General Meet ing 11:30 am, 101 2nd St. W. Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510
"The Gat hering Pl ace" is at t he Cornwal l Wesl eyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at Cel ebrat e Our Cit y On Cornwal l Day the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts Discover your city history with tours, at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and concerts and a barbeque. Visit: CornwallCommunityMuseum.wordpress.comthe gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and Cornwal l 's BIG Give Free Yard Sal es gives you the opportunity to express f rom 9 am t o 12 noon. Immanuel yourself with new and old friends. Christ ian Ref ormed Church, 2264 Pitt St & Harvest Christian Fellowship, 847 York St. Knight s of Col umbus , St . Joseph Council Gigant ic Yard Sal e 8 am t o 5 pm 32 Oak St. Lancaster.
Pancake Breakf ast & Communit y Yard Sal e 8 am t o 12 noon. Ingl eside-Newingt on Unit ed Church, 17 Maple St., Ingleside. Cost: 6$, 6 & under: free. Pancakes, sausage, baked beans & beverages
Bereaved Famil ies Support & Share Night from 7 pm to 9 pm. 216 Montreal Rd. Open to anyone who is struggling with loss of loved one. Pol ice serving a f ree meal at Au Vieux Dul ut h Cornwal l - Eat for Free, in exchange of a donation to the Torch Run for Special Olympics.
St . Joseph's Cat hol ic Secondary School Used Cl ot hing Drive Donations for the Salvation Army can be dropped off at 1500 Cumberland, during school hours until Thursday, June 11th
The Al ison Wonderl and Band is back in Cornwal l at t he Royal Canadian Legion! Alison Wonderland will hit the stage at 9pm, for the BEST night of music; playing the music of the 60's right up to the chart-toppers of today - a virtual tribute to the soundtrack of your life, with a few tunes in the set list to delight! A light lunch will be served along with a tasty treat of your very favourite music!We are donating net proceeds of the evening to the Carefor Hospice Cornwall! Tickets will be available online through Paypalt www.AlisonWonderlandBand.com and from the band members and alsoavailable at Hospice Cornwall and at Carefor Health and CommunityServices head office at 205 Amelia Street (Knights of Columbusbuilding) DOORS OPEN AT 8PM Get there early to grab a good seat! Grab your friends and get your dancing shoes on. Come and join in the fun www.AlisonWonderlandBand.com or email at info@AlisonWonderlanBand.com.
The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach t hem at 613-870-2177
Th e Fai r i s i n Tow n June 4-7 Benson Centre
17t h Cornwal l Pat hf inders & Rangers Yard Sal e Fundraiser 7:30 am t o 3 pm. Royal Canadian Legion parking lot, 415 2nd St. W. at Cumberland.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
POLICESERVINGCU STOM ERS - LESREPASSERONTSERVISPARDESPOLICIERS!@ Au Vi eu xDu l u t hRest au r an t EATFORFREE- in exchangef or a donat iont o t he TORCHRUNf or t he SpecialOl ympics- Wednesday,June10t h- 11amt o 9pm MANGEZGRATUITEMENT en échanged'un don pour l a courseau f l ambeaupour l esOl ympiquesSpéciaux- Mercredil e 10 Juin - 11HÀ 21H
TONIGHT FRIDAY, June5 THE LOVELOCKS wit h special guest s
Count ymen
616 Pit t St reet , THE Cornwal l , ON Ticket s: $20 613-936-9898 8PM - 19+
W hat ' s On This W eek ? KA RA OKE
Fr id ay & Sat ur d ay : 9pm - 2am Sund ay : 5pm - 9am SAVE THE
T O M O R RDATE OSW AFOR T U R D AJYU ,n e6 t hB o w l - f o r - H o s p i c e f u n d r a i s e r $12.00 person- includes 2 Games, Shoes and Chili Lunch. Non
bowlers $5.00 donation would be appreciated. Meet at bar at noon and Bowling at 1. Karaoke from 4-7 then Al l ey Cat from 9-1. Raffles, draws & prizes.
Sat urday
Come in and check May 2 out our d aily f ood and d r ink sp ecials. 1213 Pit t St reet Cornwal l -613-938-8659
So p l ace yo u r EVENTAD i n t h e EVENTSEEKERSECTIONTODAY! cal lm e,M ai -Li i s 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6ex 3 t .1 0 2
pYou I Ca n 'tHel t ...I f I A d ver t i sIe A bou tI t ! Don 'tKn ow
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
A BI G THANK YOU TO t h e 2015 Seek er s Ch oi ce Aw ar ds TI TLE SPONSOR
Her e ar e yo u r TOP 5 i n each cat eg o r y! Wh o wi l l wi n ?
Casi n o Ti m e! Vi r tu al r ou l ette Mor e than $50 0 i n pr i zes!
Look at the list of finalists. If you were a gambling person, would you guess the winners are listed in red or in black? Take a guess and send your bid to info@theseeker.ca to be automatically entered to win one of our fabulous prizes!
Hom e Based Bu si n ess
Final ist s Dandoo's Hair Sal on Annie Laperl e - Scent sy Col eman's Mod & Repair Sauve Tax Services Fairy Sweet
Sponsored By
New Bu si n ess Sponsored By
Final ist s Once upon a dream Menchie's Cornwal l , Framed Phot ography Cornwal l Newswat ch The Mindf ul Cookery & Food Market
Exi sti n g Bu si n ess Sponsored By
Final ist s Cardinal Law Prof essional Corp. Libert y Tax Pommier Jewel l ers Fant asy Real m The Grind
Mu si cal Ar ti st
Final ist s
Sponsored By
Al ison Wonderl and Band Mandee Woods Roxanne Del age LOST BOYZ (80'S Tribut e), Trevor Wal sh
Vi su al Ar ti st
Final ist s
Sponsored By
Chad Col eman Heat her Smit h Kimberl ey Cameron John List er Candice Nixon
Li ter ar y Ar ti st
Final ist s
Sponsored By
Maggie Wheel er Dwight Dugas Angie Dil aj Thom Racine Laurie McRae Bingl ey
Per f or m i n g Ar t Sponsored By
Athl ete
Final ist s
Paul Aubin David Jans Jamie Carr Lacie Pet rynka Jane Henessy Craibe
Final ist s
Sponsored By
St eve Simoes Denny Dubbl est yne Mary Pat rick Kaeden Mart in Carol ine Samson
Vol u n teer Sponsored By
Con tr i bu tor Sponsored By
Final ist s Karen Torrie Racine Paul Poirier Sara Lauzon Pat t y Edwards Roseanne Morin
Final ist s Judi Auger Greg Kiel ec Syl vie Thibert Marl ene Baker Carol e Grant
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
Sha ry n
THO M PSO N I remember as if it were yesterday, My Mum making this delicious chocolate dessert. It is cooked on top of the stove. Arrowroot cookies were broken up and stirred into it after cooking. Then she poured it into a metal ice cube tray. Who out there remembers ice cubes made in these? Of course, she removed the ice cube device first. Then the tray was placed in the fridge to cool and set up. It would be ready for a supper dessert. I, being a kid, would walk by the fridge and sneak a spoonful of this a few times before suppertime. It sure is chocolatey and delicious!
Thanks Carrie for sharing your recipe and a loving prayer goes to my Mum. It is 21 years this weekend that she passed away. She is always in my heart and we all still miss her presence in our lives. We have so many good memories. Have a great week!
CARRIE'S HOMEMADE ICE CREAM I was given this recipe a while back from a dear customer and a great hairdresser who goes to clients homes to do their hair. She is just a sweetheart! She tells me you can vary the flavour of the ice cream with fresh strawberries, raspberries, any thing you want to add in. I just made it plain vanilla. It is sweetened with our lovely local pure maple syrup we get from Gary and Jean Ivens maple syrup farm. We sell their lovely maple syrup at Sharyn's Pantry.
MY MUM'S ARROWROOT DESSERT INGREDIENTS: 1 cup butter 2/ 3 cup brown sugar 2/ 3 cup white sugar 2/ 3 cup Sharyn' s Pantry Dutch process cocoa powder 5 eggs 3 cups broken arrowroot cookies 3/ 4 cup chopped walnuts METHOD: -Then -in a saucepan, place the butter and over medium heat, let it melt. . powder cocoa the and add to the butter, the brown and white sugar -In a bowl, whisk the eggs until nice and frothy. Pour a little of the the chocolate mixture into the beaten eggs and then pour this all into and it ing' 'temper called is process This e. combin to well Mix n. saucepa add prevent s uncooked eggs immedi ately becomi ng cooked when you at and eggs beaten the warm You . mixture hot them directly into any the same time you cool the hot mixture. It works every time.
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups 35% heavy cream 1 cup cold milk 1/ 2 cup pure maple syrup 1 tsp. pure vanilla (NOTE: I used 3 cups of half and half (10% ) cream and 2 tsp. pure vanilla and 1/ 2 cup of maple syrup) (I used the half and half because that is what I had in the fridge.) METHOD: -Just combine all of the ingredients and pour it into your ice cream maker. Follow the instructions of your ice cream maker. -You just have to make this ice cream! It is soooo good! -A suggestion: try Sharyn's Pantry vanilla bean paste instead of the pure vanilla. It is thick like molasses and sweet and filled with hundreds of tiny vanilla bean seeds. I will use this my next time I make Carrie's ice cream. You see this used in high quality store bought vanilla ice cream. Thanks again Carrie for caring and sharing!
to -Cook this over medium heat for about 5 to 7 minutes, until it begins thicken. cookies -Take the saucepan off the heat and stir in the broken arrowroot well. Mix . and the chopped walnuts fridge to cool. -Pour this mixture into a greased 9" square pan and place it in the ENJOY!
To make this dessert even better, I made Carrie's homemade ice cream. Now you are really talking! Just a few simple ingredients and you have your very own home made ice cream.
Ro se
DESNO YERS On June 3rd, Members of Focus Art came together for their last meeting of the 2014-2015 year before the summer break.
2014-2015 Principal Sponsors
Louise Mignault presided in lieu of newly elected president Linda Geisel. Louise thanked the past Board for their hard work and their innovative accomplishments during the past year. She noted the long-standing contribution of Micheline Tanguay who leaves the board after 11 years of dedication to the growth and success of the association.
Rose Desnoyers then remitted certificates of appreciation to her outgoing Board and to a long list of devoted volunteers who help make the association as strong as it is. Louise also explained the organization of our presence at Ribfest and invited all members to participate in this event where there is an opportunity to be visible to 72,000 spectators. You can still sign up as a volunteer by reaching Louise at louisemignault@gmail.com .
SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years. OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998
25th of June. Some of you have offered to host the exhibition during the afternoon. It would be good if you were more than one person there at a time. Artists can paint while allowing the public to visit. There is also a wonderful display by the St-Laurent Genealogy Society. If you can give of your time let me know rosedesn@cogeco.ca ?I wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone for the kind words and generous gift. It was an honour and a pleasure to serve as president of Focus Art for the last three years. I thank the members of each Board who faithfully met and planned each month to make this Association a permanent voice for the arts in Cornwall and area. To the new Board the best of success ... Merci.? Rose **************************************
A MEMBER INVITES YOU Barbara Darling is also a long time member of the Hudson Art Association who is organizing Arts Alive, an event staged in Hudson. This mini-festival will include theatre, music, a craft market and fun for the whole family. For more information, please go to: http:/ / www.arts-alive-quebec.ca/ eng/ ArtsAlives/ region/ arts_alive_region_hudson We are happy to promote this activity in which Barbara is featured. The Vernissage is Friday, June 5, 7 to 9 pm, Sat. and Sun. June 6 and 7 from 9:30 to 4:30pm. Located at Community center, Main St. in Hudson. ********************************************
Focus Art has a Websit e. www.f ocusart onl ine.org Is your page up t o dat e? Are t here images of your work? Have you ref reshed your images? You can?t sel l if you don?t show. We have PayPal .
A creative activity requiring collaboration, spontaneity and letting go followed the business part of the meeting. It was a lot of fun and we finished with app. 3? x 5?mural. In the gallery space of 327 Montreal Road where this meeting was held (a special for La Semaine franรงaise) it was easy to dream of a day when we could meet regularly in a space of our own. NOTE: Le Centre culturel de Cornwall has lent us this space to continue until the
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Sy lvie
THIBERT Woohoo!! Summer is finally here!!! ***New summer hours at t he shop. As of Sat urday, June 7t h...I wil l be open 8am t o 2pm....inst ead of 4pm. I wil l be back t o my regul ar hours in Sept ember. At the beginning of June, fresh organic produce will be available at the shop. Cornerst one Organics, wil l be l eaving al l of t heir amazing veget abl es, cl eaned, wrapped and priced f or your convenience. You will need to bring ext ra cash for this, first come first serve basis. Don` t forget that there are al ways pl ent y of l ocal vendors, art isans, prof essional s at my shop every Sat urday f or you t o meet . They are usually there in the morning,. These health minded individuals inform you of what they offer locally to help you live your best life ever!! Saturday, a Wine and Cheese Vernissage took place at the headquarters of "La Semaine Française" located at 327 Montreal Road.
Come on in and make sure to try my new Sugar Free goodies as well as a wide variety of home made goods that are organic, gl ut en f ree and raw...remember healthy can be tasty!! Zengarry Nut Cheese is al ways avail abl e at t he shop. They are all gluten/ dairy free, vegan and cashew based. They go quickly so make sure to come in bright and early. In health, Sylvie Thibert thehealthnut@cogeco.ca
Entertainers included Gerard DesPardieu and Marc Bissonnette who entertained the crowd with accordeon and dancing, French Canadian Style Sunday's event was moved to the Agora Centre because of weather. Adults and children were entertained by Iann's Solo's Show of Daring Tricks and juggling acts. Focus Art members were doing some works of art and providing paints for the children to try out. Pictured below are dedicated volunteer, Marc Marion, Organizers of "Semaine Française 2015", Suzanne Villeneuve and Lucie Hart and Artist and Volunteer, Marc Carriere.
Cancer Pat ient s and Hospice Resident s Comf ort ed
Bo n n e Sem ai n e à t o u s l es fr an co p h o n es et fr an co p h i l es!
Pictured above: Jason Samson, Hospice Manager; Representing CCQ: Joan Demers, Denise Besner Article and photo: Don Smith When the Cornwall Hospice opened in September of 2009, a group of local quilters donated ten of their 50" x 70" hand-made quilts, one to grace each single bed at the end-of-life care facility. With such regular use, the quilts require periodic replacing. On May 15th Cornwall Comfort Quilts delivered their third set of quilts to the Second Street West facility in old Riverdale. Pictured here admiring some of the quilts is Jason Samson of Hospice with two members of the executive of Cornwall Comfort Quilts (CCQ), Joan Demers and Denise Besner. The women are also members of the Cornwall Quilters' Guild. Both groups meet at St. Matthew's Church on the adjacent property.
Since September of 2,013, 50 quilters have gifted 180 of these comfort quilts to residents of Cornwall and the Counties during their personal battle with cancer. CCQ appreciates the help of the community in this undertaking. An anonymous Montreal area business donates some of the fabric. Giroux Sewing Centre in Cornwall supports the effort by providing the group with discounts on batting and flannel. In-kind and monetary donations from community members are always appreciated. More information can be obtained by contacting either Denise at 613-933-5093, Carol at 613-932-4315 or Joan at 613-933-4818.
CCQ's mission is to provide quilts to people with cancer; this is done free of charge. By providing these quilts, the quilters hope to bring physical, mental and spiritual comfort by helping sufferers to know that they are not alone in their struggle. Each 100% cotton quilt features a flannel backing for added comfort and is delivered in a re-useable synthetic bag, accompanied by a card bearing the name of the recipient, the name of the requestor as well as first names of the quilters involved in producing that particular quilt. Cornwall and area residents battling cancer are eligible to receive one of these beautiful quilts. Quilts made can be picked up by prior arrangement at St. Matthew's Church Hall on Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. or at the Cancer Society office behind Farm Boy.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Seeker Exclusive with Hollywood Actor! Rank and Vil e St and Up Show wit h Darren Frost and Kenny Robinson Art icl e by Jason Set nyk. Submit t ed Phot o.
Cornwall Ontario -- A very adult standup tour featuring Darren Frost and Kenny Robinson is making a stop in Cornwall at La Maison on Friday June 19th 2015. The two comedians have over 50 years of combined experience and an impressive resume from Hollywood blockbuster films to sharing the stage with comedy legends. Darren Frost's style of comedy has been described as having "the quality of a satanic revival meeting" and is "among the most daring comedians in Canada" by The Toronto Star. Profanity and social commentary are a dynamite combination that works well for Darren Frost on stage. ?It is one of the last bastions of free speech so that is why they go hand in hand. We live in such a pc world that a dark nightclub is the one last places people are less judgemental. Times are hard, people are scared, they need a dark club to let go of their fears and laugh at the world and ourselves?, explains Frost. Darren Frost was in the Hollywood blockbuster Hairspray with John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Christopher Walken. Darren Frost also has many movies to his credit including Assault On Precinct 13 with Ethan Hawke, Fever Pitch featuring Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon, and Don't Say A Word with Michael Douglas. Darren is also best-known for his appearances in over 50 commercials including "The Cash For Life Fairy" and "Listerine's Action Hero Bottle".
?As a comic Otto and George (RIP) who was a great act out of New York I did the nasty show at Just For Laughs with in 2005. Working with Jimmy Fallon on Fever Pitch was great cause he really is that nice loveable guy and funny as well. I also really enjoyed my season on Mr D as the whole cast was very funny and giving every episode?, says Frost. The other half of this double headlining tour features Kenny Robinson, one of the few comediens that can be called a Canadian Comedy legend. For over 30 years Kenny Robinson has been touring across North America winning both audiences and critical acclaim. Most recently appearing in the Russell Peters Xmas Special and the Now Magazine Top Ten Comic Moments. Over his career, Kenny Robinson has shared the stage with such comedians as Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Jim Carrey, Norm McDonald, Russell Peters, Robert Schimmel, Tommy Davidson, Tommy Chong, Margaret Cho, Paul Mooney, Lenny Clark, Phyllis Diller, and the late, great, Sam Kinison.
?Kenny is a legend and a trailblazer that paved the way for many comics in this country. There are very few comics to look up to who continually push themselves by writing such great material both dirty and with a point of view. It is a hard line to walk and kenny does it everytime. There is a reason Russell Peters mentions only kenny by name as one of his mentors?, conveys Frost. Kenny Robinson has appeared at the renowned Montreal Just for Laughs Comedy Festival, Laffapalooza Urban Comedy Festival in Atlanta, The CBC Winnipeg Comedy Festival, Zanies, L.A.'s Comedy Store and Improv, has had his own CBC television special of "Comics",. Kenny Robinson has also co-hosted The Gemini Awards, as well being twice nominated for his groundbreaking CBC television special "Thick and Thin". He is also the creator, writer and host of the Comedy Networks edgy show After Hours. Tickets are $20 and are available at La Maison, Floral Expressions and Ticketscene.ca.
Most recently Darren Frost worked with Nicolas Cage in his new movie Pay The Ghost and appeared in season 2 of the hit show Mr. D on CBC playing as an angry French teacher. Darren has also appeared at the Halifax Comedy Festival, Winnipeg Comedy Festival and The Ron James Show. Who is the funniest person Darren Frost has ever worked with?
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
I t's TimeTo Order Your Wedding I nvitations from ...
H ap p y B ir t h d ay
t o m y sist er M er ik e Celebrated June 2 Evening and weekend appoint ment s avail abl e!
from Seeker Chick Mai-Liis
CA RD X C H A NG ER G e t s e e n , n o t lo s t ! 1 t im e $ 2 5 3 t im e s $ 6 5 7 t im e s $ 12 9 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile )
"THU RSDAY Su p er Su p p er Sp eci al " BUY1Bak ed Lasagna w i th Pepperoni andgetth e2nd1/ 2pri ce 4pmto7pmThursday,June11 DINE-IN ONLY M ama'sNEW Tak e-OutM enu- Comi ngSoon!
pl ace
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst FOR SALE: Colonial fr am ed w all m ir r or, 26" x 33 1/2". Excellent condition. $20. 938-6149
PRESERVE YOUR M EM ORI ES - Get you r VHS Tapes tr ansfer r ed to DVD - Cal l Sh el don t oday 613-932-4812
FOR SALE: All pur pose canopy. Still in box - never used. Paid $160, asking $60 Cal l bef or e 6pm 613-933-4031
FOR SALE: W ir ed dog kennel cage, m edium and Kids Billiar d/Pool table 935-6244.
MULTIFAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat urday, June 6 - 1997, 1989 Bel vedere Crescent Comforters, fixtures, furniture.
FOR SALE: Ryobi 16" Scr oll saw on steel w or k station, asking $65 932-9384
Something for everyone! GIANT YARD SALE Sat urday, June 6 - 311 Al ice St reet
FOR SALE: Stur dy 3 seater sw ing and pads. 1 stur dy patio table w ith um br ella and 4 padded high chair s. 932-4954
Ont ario SPCA f or SD&G 550 Boundary Rd, YARD, BBQ & BAKE SALE Sat urday, June 6 & Sunday June 7 "Come and find Your
CALLINYOUR YARDSALE / CLASSIFIED - 613-935-3763 - ext .2 FOR SALE: Ladies long w hite dr ess w ith jacket to m atch. Size 13-14. ver y beautiful for a w edding. $40. Dining Tent $25 2 old r ocking chair s for outside, $25. Cal l 932-3936
FOR SALE: Slipper s for m en only. $3.50 each. Cal l 613-932-8275
Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you that ... ADVERTISING in Th e SEEKERi s NOTan Ex p en se... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Call me 613-935-3763 ext. 102 The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can cont act t hem at
t ant e.jm2013@gmail .com FOR SALE: M ens double br easted suit, black , size 40, w aist 33". Wor n once, $35. 938-6149
"Honest Cr ook Since 1964" 932-6481 or 936-3053 2006 Chev V8 Extended cab 4x4 automatic 8 foot box, $10,950 2005 Chevrolet Pickup, V6, Automatic power steering, power breaks, $4,695 2005 Taurus Station Wagon V5 Automatic power steering, power breaks, sunroof, $3,995 2003 Windstar V6 Automatic $2,395 2001 Ford Focus $1,995 2001 Sunfire 2 door automatic power steering, power breaks, sunroof, $2,895 2003 Ventura as is $1,395
Commercial Space For Rent 950 square feet at the Panoramic Towers
308 Second Street E. for inquiries call 613-932-8515 FOR SALE: Total gym $20. Por table electr ic heater w ith fan system . Like new $25. Car dio System Eliptical Tr ainer ET 150, $125. Cal l bef or e 6pm 933-4031. FOR SALE: 3 seater bur gundy sofa, asking $250. Collection of Pr ince Char les and Lady Dianna m ugs, teacups and plates. Cal l 938-9503 - i f n o an sw er , pl ease l eave a m essage. FOR SALE: Light blue ladies 2 piece long dr ess. Wor n once as m other of the gr oom . Paid $250. Size 10-12. M ust be seen. $75. 938-6149
Two piece buf f et / hut ch. Medium oak. 74" high, 48" wide, 15" deep. Selling both pieces together. Lighted inside. Glass panels on front and both sides. Excellent condition. 613-938-1706 The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach Fairy Sweet at (613) 933-7040
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 22 - June 5 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca