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Yo u r CO RN W A LL EVEN TS a n d CO M M U N ITY N e w s p a p e r

Vol ume 6 Issue Vol ume 6 Issue 2321 May12, 29,2015 2015 June

SEEK ER SN A PSHOT: M el a n ie Br 没 l 茅 w a s ba ck in Co r n w a l l t o cel ebr a t e Fr en ch W eek

Photo by: Jason Setnyk

Th e Cornw al l Seaw ay Li ons w ant to th ank th ei r sponsors...

Official Beer

Title Sponsor

NEW LISTING!!! NEW LISTING!!! NEW LISTING!!! 434-436 EIGHTH ST E Tired of renting? Perfect Duplex, Upstairs two beds vacant, downstairs unite occupied by owner's daughter. Separate Sheds.





THE SEEKER IS A VA ILA BLE a t Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

VALUE VILLAGE - METRO - NO FRILLS - FOOD BASICS - BAXTROM'S (Health Dept) CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY - GIANT TIGER - FRESHCO - THE GRIND - SHARYN'S PANTRY HOME HARDWARE - FARM BOY (Eating Area) - EASTCOURT MALL (near the Barber shop) TIM HORTONS (Second Street E & Cornwall Square) - LOTTERY KIOSK (Cornwall Square) BEST WESTERN PARKWAY INN - Most BREAKFAST PLACES & more ... PLUS Long Sault, MacEwen Gas Bar and at the SEEKER office OFFICE (327 2nd St. E.) Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon.

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper



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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d

b y The Se e ke r

co ve r p ho to : Ja so n Se tny k

The Commonwel l chooses yout h ment oring organizat ion as f unding recipient The Commonwell Mutual Insurance Group in Alexandria presented a cheque for $30,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall and District. The non-profit youth mentoring organization was selected as a recipient of The Commonwell?s C.A.R.E. program, along with two other BBBS agencies in Ontario. Pictured are The Commonwell Regional Manager Carmel Greene and staff presenting BBBS Executive Director Amanda Brisson and BBBS Program Coordinator Danielle Brisson with the generous donation.

Seeker Snapshot s: Campbel l Amusement brought t he f air t o Cornwal l Kids enjoyed the fair at the Benson Center Parking lot this week-end. The carnival, which showed up

Thursday and was brought in by the Cornwall Lions Club, featured a variety of rides for younger and older to experience.


?Curious Chef s?is back

For 24 years groups of children have had the opportunity to gather at a special place to use their imagination, and to practice the ancient art of storytelling. This summer Dream Maker will be offering an opportunity for kids to do just that. Our acting/ music camp features many aspects of stage acting, drama, filmmaking and music performance and production. The young actors will get to perform in a well rounded arts program that will teach them improvisation, speech projection, make-up, role playing, scene development and film making, TV shows and commercials. BUT it isn?t all acting up. There are many other fun activities like swimming, sports in the park? ? ..This year?s camp has something amazing taking place. The movie ?Star Kids? will be filming in Cornwall and is using the camp for a few of their scenes. Star Kids is all about a group of kids from another world who come to Earth with a secret. While being pursued by the infamous men in black they are offered sanctuary at a local day camp and this is where our local young actors come into play. The project will be using many special effects from Pixel Films, most of which you have seen on the latest Avengers movie. The special effects are going to be amazing. On the last day of the camp the young performers will have participated in a music video, movie making, and a live stage show on the last day where they feature their acting and vocal talents. Must call (613) 932-3510

This summer the Agapè Centre?s popular kids cooking program is taking food from garden to table. The ?Curious Chefs: Cooking Club for Kids? will offer two more sessions to youth in the community for free, starting June 30. ?In recent years, there has been an increased rise on the importance of the role of food in health and how food is grown and processed. Improving food literacy is important and will support healthier food choices in diet and better food skills,? said Alyssa Blais, executive director of the Agapè Centre. ?It matters to us and we want to continue providing these programs as part of our core services.? The 5-week cooking class teaches healthy eating on a budget, and focuses on kitchen safety, nutritious school snacks and lunches, portion sizes, the four major food groups, and food labels. And of course, there will be plenty of cooking and eating. New to the program this year is gardening. Kids will grow their greens thumbs by spending the first hour of each session learning how to plant, tend, and harvest fresh produce in the Agapè Centre?s garden, which is filled with a few hundred plants donated by Transition Cornwall + and Hoople Creek Farm. The veggies they pick will be both used in their kitchen creations, and packaged to give away in the food bank. The budding chefs will prepare an entrée and dessert at each session, with enough to spare to bring some leftovers home. Creative activities, like a weekly ?Fear Factor?, will challenge them to try new or exotic foods, like kale, asparagus, or pomegranate. ?I want to help remove the misconception that it?s difficult to cook,? said Klauburg, who has a background in the culinary industry. ?Kids that are comfortable in the kitchen are more likely to eat healthier food.?ore than 75 young people took part in Curious Chefs during the summer of 2014. Parents of past participants have said their children are taking an active role in the kitchen, and are choosing healthier options for their lunches and school snacks.Any youth between the ages of 7 and 16 canparticipate, free of charge.The program will take place at the Agapè Centre from 2:00 ? 6:00 pm on Tuesdays for ages 7-10 (June 30 to July 28) and on Thursdays for ages 11-16 (July 2 to July 30). Registration opens on June 16. Forms will be available online and at the Agapè Centre?s reception desk (40 Fifth Street West). Sign up early. Last year the classes were completely booked within two weeks.Since space is limited, priority will be given to those who can attend all of the sessions.

DATES OF WORKSHOPS: JULY 6th to the 10th 8:00 am to 4:00 p.m. JULY 13th to the 17th 8:00 am to 4:00 p.m. Dream Maker Productions, 232 Dunbar Ave, Cornwall, Ont. K6H7A3 or dreammaker@bell.net

TONIGHT, Friday, June 12t h at 5pm at t he NAV Cent re Cornwal l , Soirée en Bl eu is an event t hat wil l serenade SD&G int o t he summer. Presented by the new upcoming classical music series, the Tril l iArt s Fest ival , Louise-Andrée Baril, Cornwall-born pianist, general & artistic director, and Danielle Vaillancourt, mezzo-soprano & executive director, are ready to enhance the arts in Eastern Ontario that has been hailed as an untouched peninsula of the arts. The event will kickoff the summer with a wine and cheese as well as fine items on silent auction. Our finest auction item donated by Adele Constantineau is an award winning painting on white birch bark accompanied by other fine items. An evening of beautiful music accompanied by a 13-piece orchestra with local and world-renowned soloists await you at the NAV Centre Listen and watch for the Tril l iArt s Fest ival of music coming in August that will serenade you with music from Beethoven to the Beatles and much more.


wit h a f resh t wist

For more information visit www.agapecentre.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Onagh?s Book Nook: Three Decades of Service

summer, it might not be possible.

If you?re not looking closely, you might miss it. Onagh?s Book Nook is tucked away on McMartin Street in Martintown, just beyond the Raisin River. A small white sign on Dundas Street points new visitors in the right direction.

In her mid-eighties, she is not sure how much longer she can keep her cherished Book Nook open.

What they?ll find is a true haven for book lovers. Onagh Ross has three sheds packed full of every genre, from mysteries to travel guides to children?s literature to cookbooks. Every item is dropped off by generous citizens, but Mrs. Ross can?t keep up with the volume of donations. ?I?m sorting through them all the time. We do give some away to the Agapae Centre, the Salvation Army, and Value Village.? It?s an impressive system. Locals donate books, visitors buy them, and Mrs. Ross gives all the proceeds to a charity that has touched her recently. ?I donated 300 dollars in May to CHEO for Leukemia since I have a friend in Saint Andrews whose relative is sick [with the disease]. And at the Williamstown Fair this year, we?ll give to Children?s Aid and to Cystic Fibrosis research.? Article and Picture: Emma Meldrum

Mrs. Ross usually sets up a tent at the Williamstown Fair every year, where she sells around 2000 dollars?worth of books. But this

?If I can get enough help, I?m going to the fair. But I need 10 to 12 people.?

?I?m worried I might have to give it up. I?m not feeling well. It breaks my heart. I?ve been here 31 years.? Her decades of service to the community have been noted. A shelf in the nook shows plaques from the many organizations who have received donations from the Book Nook. Mrs. Ross has received a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and a Citizen of the Year Award for her significant contributions. For now, Mrs. Ross will keep the shop open as much as possible, though she will no longer accept donations. Bookworms can always call ahead to ensure she?ll be there (613-528-4488). Upon stopping by, they will be sure to find a good read and some lovely conversation. ?I love it [selling books], I love meeting the people.? Onagh?s Book Nook has done a lot of good for the Cornwall area. You can too, by purchasing a book or helping Mrs. Ross at the fair this summer.

Li k e Th e Seek er on Faceb ook and you coul d w i n one of 10 FREE RI B DI NNERS!

The Lovel ocks bring count ry music t o Cornwal l Art icl e and pict ure: Jason Set nyk

Cornwall Ontario ? It was a toe-tapping good time at Lola?s Pub. 2014 Canadian Country Music Association Award Winners The Lovelocks were in town for a gig. The country duo, comprised of Ali Raney and Zoe Neuman, hit the stage Friday night. ?It?s great to be here?, said Raney. The Lovelocks played their new single ?Born to Love?, and the music video for that song debuted on CMT a few weeks ago. The song has also received air play on Canadian country radio stations. The band played a high energy show, with powerful vocals and beautiful harmonies, much to the delight of those in attendance. ?I love the sound, the look, the stage presence?, said local music promoter Robin McRae. The Lovelocks also played fan favourite songs ?Dance? and ?Teardrop Tattoo?, songs from their debut EP, which hit # 2 on the iTunes country charts the day of the release. What?s next for the band? The Lovelocks will tour across Canada and the US this summer playing some festivals including the Big Valley Jamboree, Boots & Hearts, Summerfolk music festival and the CMA Fest in Nashville. The Countrymen kicked things off Friday night, opening the show for The Lovelocks. There is more great music coming to Cornwall on Saturday June 20th when The Small Glories come to visit Lola?s Pub. The Small Glories, based out of Winnipeg, are a musical union between folk artists Cara Luft and JD Edwards. Cara Luft is a Juno award winner.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne


Hey there to all of you wonderful and good looking people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. Can you really believe that it is the month of JUNE already??? Where did all the time go??? Nearly six months into this New Year has nearly come and gone!!! It is time to be doing the many fun-filled activities that the Spring and Summer seasons bring to our neck of the woods, like enjoying the sunny, warm/ hot days and doing the many activities that makes and keeps us ever so happy during this time of year in Canada. Whether you are sun-bathing, swimming, hiking, biking, canoeing, BBQing, camping, kayaking, etc. etc. etc...it's time to LOVE THE SUMMER MONTHS!!! I do, Don't you? Now where are my bathing suit, sunglasses and flip flops??? June also brings us the most exciting event of the year ~The Seeker Choice Awards~ which is being held at ~Cornwall's Golf & Country Club~ next Friday June, 19th!!! I so look forward to going to see if I, or John Lister and I, of ~Photo Dreams~ will WIN an award for our efforts this year. Please keep your fingers, eyes and toes crossed for us to WIN next Friday!!! John and I had a busy and quite enjoyable weekend. We started off our Saturday with having some deliciously made breakfast at ~Val's & Paulie's~ Restaurant on Pitt Street. (beside ~Fantasy Realm~) We then walked down the sunny side of the street to take some photographs of the Official ~Ready or Naught~ adult store Opening on Pitt St. I must say that the "photo shoot" went very well for all of us!!! Then in the early afternoon we had the pleasure to photograph many Cosplayers at Lamoureux Park for ~CoTiCon~ (Cornwall's Tiny Convention). This is Cornwall's tiny Geek Culture Convention that will be returning for a second year due to popular demand. It is being held on Saturday, August 22nd at the ~Cornwall Civic Complex~. I had this opportunity to "dress up"... so of course, you know me... I Did!!! I dressed up as the pretty, little red-headed Strawberry Shortcake. A BIG Thanks goes out to my dear friend, Carol Grant for the loan of this ever so cute and pretty costume. I was even asked by a Montreal photographer, ~Cyber007Photography~ to have a "mini photo shoot" with him. That was a lot fun and very different for me, as I usually only model for John Lister. During that afternoon I was asked by some mothers and grandmothers and even a father to have my photo taken with their daughters. (Of course I couldn't say, NO!!!) For Saturday's evening's entertainment, John & I and about thirty or more friends attended the very first ~Tiki Lounge Party~ of the year being held at Todd & Josee Sauve's home. We all had so much FUN being Together!!! We were singing, chatting, dancing, drinking, eating, chatting, drinking and laughing all night long. Needless to say,"IT WAS A BLAST & A Half!!!" Thank you ever so much for inviting us once again Todd & Josee. John and I look forward to the other ~Tiki Lounge~ parties throughout the Summer!!! CHEERS!!! A good friend of mine, Douglas Craig, is participating in ~The IsaBody Challenge~ which is being sponsored by ~Isagenix~. It is all about setting "New Goals" for your Health, Weight, Fitness, and Overall Wellness. People can join in several different categories, including : Weight Loss, Energy & Performance, or for Healthy Aging. The "Challenge Winner" will walk away with $25,000

and trips to Hawaii and California. Douglas joined the 16-week challenge in mid February, and it has just wrapped up this month. He has lost almost 30 lbs. in total, and based on his body composition testing, has actually gained a few pounds of lean muscle. The "Before & After" pictures (that John Lister and I took) and all the other supporting materials have been submitted for judging. Our fingers are crossed for Douglas to WIN!!! All active ~Isagenix~ members are

UniqueGif t sideas fat or DAD- June21 Gift


75 Cornwall


& Restaurant Road, Cornwall,


Let Li n d a Sh o w yo u wh at sh e h as fo r t h at

SPECIAL M AN o n Fat h er s Day...

re t h e Gi ft St o Ch e c k o u t ! T IQ U E GIF fo r t h a t U N

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Gif t Cards avail abl e Freshl y Bakes Pies - Cookies - Veget abl es - Lamb Veget abl e Pl ant s - Fl owers - Annual s & Perennial s GARDEN CENTRE OPEN 75 Cornwal l Cent re Road & Corner of Vincent Massey & Power dam Drive - open 8am dail y

Rest aurant open f or Breakf ast & Lunch invited to participate in this Challenge, (which is held three times per year). By simply participating in this challenge it gets the competitor $200.00 in products of their choice. Douglas has been an active ~Isagenix~ Independent Associate since December 2014, and has been actively growing his team of partners that are seeking Health, Wellness and Improved Fitness. You or anyone you know that is interested can simply join as "Preferred Customers" and get wholesale prices on the products or you can join as an "Associate" benefiting from the wholesale pricing. Not only will you get in better shape and be healthier, you can also develop your own business helping other people. You can learn more about ~Isagenix~ by visiting @ www.dccnutrition.com. GOOD LUCK DOUGLAS!!! TIP OF THE WEEK: Here are the TOP TEN FITNESS FACTS: 1. Exercise boosts Brain Power. 2. Movement melts away Stress. 3. Exercise gives you Energy. 4. It is easy to find Time for Fitness. 5. Fitness can Build Relationships. 6. Exercise helps ward off Diseases. 7. Fitness pumps up your Heart. 8. Fitness makes you eat more. 9. Exercise boosts Performance. 10. Weight loss is NOT the most Important Goal. ALWAYS PUT YOUR HEALTH FIRST!!! A Healthier YOU makes for a Happier YOU!!! John and I and about sixteen of our good friends will be going to listen and to dance to the tunes of the ~Alison Wonderland~ band at the ~Royal Canadian Legion~ tonight. This show is being performed to raise money for ~Cornwall Hospice~. The doors will be open at 8 p.m. and this Wonderful

LIVE Show goes on at 9:00 p.m. The tickets are $15.00 and this price includes a light lunch. If you haven't got your tickets yet... you had better get them before they are all Sold Out. They are still available at ~Carefor~ Head office on 205 Amelia Street, as well as at the ~ Royal Canadian Legion~ on 415 2nd Street West, or you can even order them online @ www.AlisonwonderlandBand.com I look forward to seeing my friends and you there tonight. Now what dancing shoes and outfit will I wear tonight??? ~CAPTAIN FANTASTIC~ is also coming to ~The Port Theatre~ on 132 Montreal Road here in Cornwall tomorrow night!!! Do make sure to get your tickets and come on down to see one of the Best Tributes to Sir Elton John, EVER!!! Ticket Prices are $20.00 at the door and it is an ALL Ages LCBO-Licensed event. This is also a very affordable price for a FUNTASTIC "LIVE SHOW"!!! The ~Captain Fantastic~ band will be performing at 8:00 p.m. but the doors will be OPENED at 7 o'clock. Tickets are available at ~Melody Music~, at the ~Lottery Kiosk~ at The Cornwall Square, also from the St. Lawrence Appliance Service, and at ~The Port Theater~ during movie hours. Please bring along your family and friends, and even your favourite neighbours to sing, dance and clap the night away. Please show your Support for ~The Port~!!! I so look forward to seeing you all there. Now what to wear? What to wear??? UNTIL NEXT WEEK: Carry out a Random Act of KINDNESS, with No Expectation of Reward, safe in the knowlege that one day someone might do the Same For You. ~ Princess Diana~

Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SMALL GLORIES (JD Edwards and Cara Luft) w/ special guest The Tracy Lal onde Band

Live at Lol as - Sat urday, June 20t h 616 Pit t St . Cornwal l Ont . Ticket s: $20 avail abl e at Lol a's 616 Pit t St reet - (613) 936-9898

4. What are your major accompl ishment s t o dat e?

5 Qu est i o n swi t h Th e Sm al l Gl o r i es Article / Interview by Mai-Liis Renaud On Saturday, June 20th - Lola's Pub at 616 Pitt Street in Cornwall, will present another wonderful treat for Cornwall's music lovers - The Small Glories (a two piece band from Winnipeg whose members include JD Edwards (above left) of The JD Edwards Band & Cara Luft (above right) who was a co-founder of the Juno Award winning Wailin' Jennys. Special guest for that show is The Tracy Lalonde Band. I asked Robin McRae, who is in charge of booking all the music acts at Lola?s, ?What made you decide to bring the Small Glories to Lola's and Cornwall and why do you think Cornwall's music lovers will appreciate this band??

We've only been around for a short time. We haven't yet had any major accomplishments to really boast about, however as a new duo we have had many obstacles to overcome. I think we have definitely started to see some success for The Small Glories as we continue to push forward, explore and experiment with our music. Before creating the The Small Glories we were solo artists and had never really crossed paths, but since we were strategically thrown randomly together on stage a couple of years ago, we have found a very good groove and started to seriously take to the new sound. We would like to mention that we are playing the Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival and the Canmore Folk Festival this coming summer, which are two big events that we are very proud to be apart of.

5. What are your hopes and dreams f or t he f ut ure? We hope to have a great EP release this summer and a full length album release later this year. We are looking to the future and see TSG touring cross Canada, Europe, the US and Australia and beyond. We feel very passionate about our music and what we do on stage, and we want to share it. We seek to be better song writers and performers, listeners and talkers. We want to give you what you want and what you need yet still bring something fresh and new to the mix and to the music, something you haven't heard before. We just want to make good music for soul and spirit.

Here is his answer. I have been a fan of JD Edwards for years. I first worked with him when he was touring with Nathan Rogers (son of Canadian folk icon Stan Rogers) with Shantero Productions. The intensity he brings to the stage night in and night out was truly captivating. About a year later his own band (The JD Edwards Band) was touring Ontario and I was lucky enough to snag them for a gig at the Lolas. The night was truly magical. He now teams up with Cara Luft (co-founder of Juno Award winning The Wailin' Jennys) I mean how could this not be a show for the ages. The Loft Sessions video "Had I Paid" by The Small Glories is one of my favourite tunes in recent memory. As far as I am concerned if you have a heartbeat you will LOVE this show. I know I for one will be front and centre from the first strum of the acoustic guitars straight through to the encore, and that's where everyone else should be too.

I know I said 5 Questions but I have one m or e for you .... What shoul d music l overs in Cornwal l expect t o hear when t hey come t o see you perf orm in Cornwal l next Friday? Expect to hear some good old prairie harmonies and good music. expect to hear a few stories from the road and beyond. Thank you for this oppor tunity to inter view you and I know that Cor nw all m usic lover s ar e in for a tr eat on Satur day, June 20th at Lola's. For m or e info please visit w w w.thesm allglor ies.com and enjoy!

I w as also lucky to be able to inter view these tw o talented m usicians and her e ar e my 5 QUESTI ONS w i t h t h e SM ALL GLORI ES 1. When and how did you t wo come t oget her and how did you come up wit h t he name "The Smal l Gl ories"? The Small Glories came about when Cara and I were asked to perform at the 25th anniversary of the West End Cultural Centre in downtown Winnipeg. The artistic director, Jason Hooper, had a plan for the show that saw two Manitoba artist paired up to learn and perform another Manitoban artists' song. Cara and I were teamed up and we learned a Greg MacPherson song called, "1000 Stars" that is still in the set for The Small Glories to this day. A year had passed after that fateful concert and Cara had a solo concert at the very same venue. She had asked me to come and be apart of her band. During the jam sessions leading up to the concert Cara mentioned that she was heading out on the road but her accompanist had backed out of the tour due to other schedule complications. So I piped up and asked Cara if she could take me. She did take me and the west coast tour was a success. So, Cara and I began the journey of The Small Glories.

Bikers Against Brain Cancer have concert f undraiser Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk

2. Who are t he inf l uences in your music writ ing and perf orming? Cara and I both come from musical families. Cara's family is steeped in the ways of American and Celtic Folk music, where my family was filled with gospel and classical music. Cara'a love for everything folk comes from years of listening and studying the works of Steeleye Span and Bert Janch to name only two. I, myself went to music school and surrounded myself with jazz, classical, funk, rock, blues and eventually folk music. I was influenced by everything from The Allman Brothers Band to Fred Wesley & the GreyBoy Allstars to the Canadian Brass.

Cornwall Ontario -- Here is a Seeker Snapshot of Paul Poirier and Robert Cote at La Maison Tavern last Thursday night. Robert Cote opened the concert fundraiser for Bikers Against Brain Cancer with a stellar set. Also playing was Sean Harley of the Trench Town Oddities, Rodney Rivette and Marc Muir, Switchgear, Rock Bottom, and Tommy Heatley.


3. Bot h your voices are amazing but when you perf orm how do you decide who sings l ead and who sings harmony ?

t akes pl ace t his Sat urday, June 13t h.

We are two voices two guitars a banjo, harmonica and some auxiliarypercussion. Cara is on guitar and banjo while I play guitar and harmonica. There is no real favourites, the band just tries to serve the song.

Regist rat ion st art s at 8:30 am in t he parking l ot of Eart hway Famil y Chiropract ic (812 Pit t St reet ). Come and enjoy a pancake breakf ast - incl uded wit h regist rat ion or $10 per person.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca



FREE SENIORS' PHOTO-SHOOT @ THE LIBRARY We are celebrating Senior?s Month by offering seniors of 60 years of age or older a free photo-shoot and receive a 4 x 6 picture. Book your TUESDAY, JUNE 23rd appoint ment today at the library. ONLY A FEW TIME TIME SLOTS LEFT! Free membership card required. Other restrictions apply. Call the library for details. Professional photos by Visual Artist, Jacqueline Milner of Image-ine Photography.

FRIDAY, JUNE 12 - 2pm


Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library - THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING Once a healthy, active young man, Stephen Hawking received an earthshattering diagnosis at 21 years of age. With Jane fighting tirelessly by his side, Stephen embarks on his most ambitious scientific work, studying the very thing he now has precious little of - time. Biography, Drama - AUDIENCE: PG

SATURDAY, JUNE 13 - 2pm YOGA YOUTH (Ages 6 to 16 yrs) @ 10:00 am.


PAWS 'N BOOKS Kids reading their favorite book to pet dogs @ the library 11:00 am to 12 noon CHECK-MATES with Clifford Labre - Saturday afternoons @ 2:00 pm

MONDAY, JUNE 15 TIME FOR TWOS @ 10:00 am - Activities for 2 yrs old and their parent or caregiver CORNWALL & REGION WRITERS SOCIETY It?s the write stuff! 6:30 pm



READY, SET, KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone. THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. ST. LAWRENCE INTERNATIONAL STAMP CLUB - Monthly meeting 6:30 pm THE BIG REVEAL - 7:00 PM If you entered the library?s past Annual Writing Contest, you will want to attend the Big Reveal as we disclose the names of the winners and award the prizes.


THURSDAY, JUNE 18 CORNWALL SCRABBLE - 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Everyone16 yearsof age and olderwelcome


ADULT GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUB - Monthly Meeting 7:00 pm Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library - WHIPLASH 6:30 p.m. & Friday, June 19 - 2:00 p.m. A promising young drummer enrolls at a cutthroat music conservatory where his dreams of greatness are mentored by an instructor who will stop at nothing to realize a student?s potential. - Drama, Musical - AUDIENCE: 14A

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Our C O M M U N I T Y




The Al ison Wonderl and Band is back in Cornwall at the Royal Canadian Legion! Alison Wonderland will hit the stage at 9pm, for the BEST night of music; playing the music of the 60's right up to the chart-toppers of today Tickets will be available online through Paypal at www.AlisonWonderlandBand.com and from the band members and alsoavailable at Hospice Cornwall and at Carefor Health and CommunityServices head office at 205 Amelia Street (Knights of Columbusbuilding) DOORS OPEN AT 8PM Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org



Unit ed Way S D G Ladies Twil ight Gol f & Mart ini Madness at Summerheight s. 9 holes of golf, complimentary martini, appetizers, 26 vendors. Golf: 85$, martini madness only: 25$. Call Sherry Davis 613.932.2051 YARD SALE 7:30am- 2:30pm Friends of Vet s Cornwal l is having a Yard Sal e Fundraiser at 167 Lef ebvre Ave. Cornwal l to support our group. Yard Sale Item Donations Accepted. Please bring to our event. BBQ lunch for everyone Hot Dogs, Chips, Pop $1.00 each. For more info contact Gary W. Samler 613 938-6937 or Denis Labbe 613-931-1892. Come Support our Vets ! THUNDER ON THE RIVER at Mille Roche Beach. Hydroplane Races. Info 1-800-437-2233 or visit http:/ / stlawrenceparks.com Get your t icket s t oday t o t he best Pat io Part y of t he Year! Denim & Diamonds (http:/ / cornwallhospitalfoundation.ca/ en/ Events) to purchase your tickets online. The Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash Experience - 7pm - Royal Canadian Legion - $20 a ticket. BIKERS AGAINST BRAIN CANCER RIDE 8:30am registration at Earthway Chiropractic Parking Lot.


SATURDAY 14 Launch of Kat al in Kennedy's 2nd Book "Reconnect ing" - 2pm. Cornwall Public Library

YARD SALE in support of t he CTC Saturday June 13th 2015 from 7:00 am - 3:00pm at 1352 Mary Street. There's a yard sale, BBQ, bake sale, and raffle prizes to be won. Encore Educat ion Cent er wil l be host ing a Fundraiser Garage Sal e. at 1225 Dover Road 0800 to 1300 Treasures for everyone Cogeco Barbeque Be sure t o join t he Cogeco Cabl e Communit y Rel at ions Event s Team for a free community barbeque, Saturday, June 13th from 10 am to 2 pm outside Baxtrom?s Independent Grocer, 29 9th St. E. Come by and ask us your questions about our products and services and enjoy food, drinks & a chance to win great prizes. Rot ary Cl ub of Cornwal l 's Annual Rose Day Sal e 25$/ dozen. Please call: 613.932.3895 to order and 100% of proceeds go towards community Projects. 2nd Annual Amazing Rot ary Ral l y. Challenges, trivia & fun for teams of 4. Must be over 18 years old to participate. For information or to registerClubRunner.ca/ CornwallSunrise. Capt ain f ant ast ic band brings you t he El t on john experience Saturday june 13th, live at the port 8pm 132 Montreal road. relive the classic 70's to today's hits. they'll have you singing songs you haven't sung in years


Sal em Unit ed Church, Herit age & Cemet ery Service at 10 am. 19041 County Rd.2, Summerstown. Guest Speaker: Wes Libbey. Refreshments following. DO YOU BELIEVE LIFE IS PRECIOUS FROM CONCEPTION TO NATURAL DEATH? If you answered "yes", come show your support by joining us at 1 pm on June 14th. As a group, we will walk together in solidarity for approx. 30 mins through a few streets in Cornwall. The walk begins at the Charles-Emile-Claude Centre. Hope to see you there! It is our duty to protect the unborn and now, with the Supreme Courts recent decision to allow physician assisted suicide; we must protect those at end of life or those who are vulnerable as well.






Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict?Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510

"The Gat hering Pl ace" is at t he Cornwal l Wesl eyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place




Stroke for Stroke 20th Annual Golf Tournament at Summer Heights Golf Links. Registration: 120$. Call: 613.938.8933 to enter your foursome. All funds for local heart & stroke programs.





CareFor Wal k-In Wel l ness Cl inic f rom 11 am t o 3 pm, 205 Amelia St. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure checks, diabetes & cholesterol checks etc. Cornwal l Al umnae dinner: 7 415 2nd. Catherine reserve.

General Hospit al Nurses Dinner. Cocktails: 6 pm, pm. Royal Canadian Legion, W. Admission: 30$ Contact: Poirier: 613.932.9164 to

Canadian Ment al Heal t h Associat ion Yout h Group Meet ings - The 2nd Wednesday of the month from 4 pm to 6 pm at the Starbright Center. If you are age 16-24 experiencing mental illness or social isolation call: 613.933.5845 Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org REPLAY - A Night Wit h The Beat l es in support of Cornwall's Girls Hockey Aultsville Hall - 8pm - Tickets $39.95

The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank


our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach t hem at 613-870-2177

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


TOMORROWSATURDAY,June13 The Jamie Heat h Bl ues Review w/ special guests Gypsy -

NEXTWEEKSATURDAY,June19 616 Pit t St reet , The Smal l Gl ories Cornwal l , ON w/ special guests The Tracy Lal onde Band 613-936-9898 Ticket s:$20 - 8 pm - 19+


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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

Sha ry n



Last week, I found in my cookbook, two excellent beverages I have made often in the past. A number of years ago, Gail shared with me her lovely lemonade concentrate recipe. You prepare this and then keep it refrigerated. Just add 1/ 4 cup of this concentrate to your glass and add ice cubes and GAIL'S LEMONADE CONCENTRATE (We carry the citric acid, tartaric acid and food grade epsom salt at my store, Sharyn's Pantry.)


INGREDIENTS: 6 lemons - 5 lb. white sugar - 1/ 4 cup citric acid - 2 tbsp. tartaric acid - 2 tsp. food grade epsom salt -6 cups boiling water


METHOD: -Either start in the morning and finish in the evening or visa versa, evening to morning, a 12 hour period. -Rinse and slice the lemons in half. Squeeze out all of the juice into a large bowl. Then cut the lemons up into pieces and place all of them into the bowl. Seeds, juice and all. -Add to this, the citric acid, tartaric acid and epsom salt with the 5 lb. of white sugar. Pour the boiling water over this and stir until the sugar is dissolved. -Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and allow to sit undisturbed for 12 hours. Then strain this through a sieve and discard the lemon skins and seeds. Pour the concentrate into a suitable container and store this in your fridge. -To use, pour 1/ 4 cup of the concentrate into a glass, add ice and fill with cold water. Now take a big sip and ENJOY!

cold water. This lemonade is so delicious, you will be making the concentrate all summmer long! Then we get to the homemade Bailey's Irish Cream recipe. My old friend and neighbour, Edie Kitely gave me her recipe years ago. It tastes exactly like the LCBO version. I remember, way back when, I had the day off work and I sipped on this while I was baking all of my pies for Christmas. I had a great day, my back didn't even hurt! haha. I know you will love both of these recipes. Thanks to Gail and Edie for caring and sharing! Enjoy a great week!

2 eggs beaten very well with a whisk 1- 1/ 3 cans of Eagle Brand condensed milk 1- 1/ 4 cups whipping cream (35% heavy cream) 1- 1/ 2 cups rye whiskey 2 tbsp. chocolate sundae syrup 1 tsp. coconut extract (we sell this bulk at Sharyn's Pantry) METHOD: -Whisk everything together in a large bowl and strain, then pour this into a bottle or Tupperware container. Store in your fridge for up to 3 weeks. It's as simple as that! ENJOY! SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years.


OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998

Ro se


2014-2015 Principal Sponsors

Montréal Road is a little pale lately. Stores are empty and a few important businesses have relocated yet beautiful condos are springing up near the waterfront claiming industrial architecture. St-Lawrence College, the Port and Aultsville Theatres find their home there. A few good restaurants, two way traffic and modern buildings such as Dubuc?s Eye Care and Medical Arts and others add to the historical flavor of the area.

This textured neighborhood is a living memory of the early days of Cornwall?s past as a bustling mill town. Last week it was the backdrop for two important festivals La Semaine française and African Festival June 6. Le Centre culture de Cornwall was the steering committee for La Semaine française and its headquarters were at 327 Montreal Road. In the picture artist Kathleen Morin steps for a break. Note French Week mascot Mr. Pois in the left corner. What an amazing building for hosting a festival and exhibition. The space is large, the ceilings are high and in the center of the area are stairs leading to a loft where a student exhibit from La Citadelle adorns the walls. In a back salon, La Société de généologie du St-Laurent has hundreds of memorabilia covering the last 50 years of the area. Now that La Semaine française is over, Le Centre culturel, who had rented the building for a month has left the space to the artist exhibition and genealogy. Some artists are working to demonstrate their skill until June 25th while hosting the exhibition. Others are there to chat with the public.

It?s a great occasion for Councilors, art lovers and patrons of the arts to visit an area of town where an art studio, space and gallery would be a boost. The thoughtful gesture on the part of the Board of Le Centre culturel is well noted by the art community. Focus Art invites everyone to stroll down to this area, take in the exhibition, which is open between 1 and 5 every day and enjoy a Pizza at one of the local restaurants. EN FRANÇAIS MAINTENANT! La Semaine française est terminée en grand spectacle et joie. Le plaisir continue grâce à l?esprit de partenariat du Centre culturel qui a invité l?association Focus Art à accueillir le public pendant les trois dernières semaines du mois de juin. Venez admirer les toiles de Claudette Pilon, Roger Levac, Sylvie Labrecque, Marcel Quesnel, Kathleen Morin, Carolyn H. Davis, Elaine Arkright, Jennifer Raby, Brenda Burnside et Marc Carrière. L?artiste à l?accueil sera probablement à l?oeuvre sur son dernier projet et se fera un plaisir de vous en parler. BANNERS on Pit t and Wat er st reet s. Have you noticed the beautiful banners celebrating life in our friendly city? These banners are the work of local artists commissioned to illustrate the highlights of living in Cornwall. We are pleased to brag about our members Tracy-Lynn Chisholm, Margot Boucher and Emily MacLeod who are among these contributors. It is great to see the city encouraging local talent. Kudos to all. RIBFEST JULY 24, 25, 26 Be sure to red circle these days on your calendar. For the first time Focus Art will host a tent with exhibition, activities and performance art. You heard it here. Get your art ready. Save some time to do some volunteering. We are bringing the visual arts to the festival... A FIELD TRIP REMINDER Don?t hesitate. Call Linda now: 613-330-5662 or email: lindageisel@gmail.com www.focusartonline.org Focus Art has a Website. Is your page up to date? Are there images of your work? Have you refreshed your images lately? You can?t sell if you don?t show. We have PayPal.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


M ar k y ou r Cal en d ar s!

Sat u r d ay, Ju n e 1 3 t h 6 t h An n u al BIKERS AGAINST BRAIN CANCER RIDE

Th e St r aw ber r y Fest i v al i s Back It?s that tim e of year again! M ar tintow n M ill is open to public and gear ing up for annual Str aw ber r y Festival. Satur day June 20th, the m ill play host to ber r y vendor s m usical enter tainer s.

8 :3 0 am Reg i st r at i o n Ear t h way Ch i r o p r act i c Par k i n g Lo t 812 Pitt St. - Pancake Breakfast 8:30 - 10am

The the its On w ill and

RIDE: $30 single rider - $45 with passenger FREE with $100 or more in pledge sponsors PANCAKEBreakfast FREEwithregistrationor $10per person BBQSUPPER/ PIGROASTat LaMaison4-7pm RegisteredBikers$10(asof 4pm) - General Public$15

?We?ll be having a cer em ony at 1 p.m . w ith Guy Lauzon and other local politicians,? said John Sm ith, pr esident of the M ar tintow n M ill Pr eser vation Society. Events like the Ber r y Festival ar e an essential par t of the Society?s m andate. ?Our focus and m andate is to pr ovide a location for local ar tists to exhibit their w or k , to r un a far m er ?s m ar ket, and to be a hub of activities for the com m unity.? The M ill is hom e to activities ever y w eekend, w ith ar t w or kshops on Fr iday and Satur day as w ell as a Far m er ?s M ar ket on Sunday. ?[We?r e w or king on] or ganizing a m useum that w e?r e getting up and r unning on the second floor,? added Sm ith. The festival is an excellent oppor tunity for adults and childr en alike to r ediscover the m ill and feast on str aw ber r y shor tcake. Events star t at 10 and r un until 4.

-! J u n e 1 Y A D R U T A S TH I S


Check w w w.facebook .com /M ar tintow nM ill for m or e infor m ation!

Ped al st o t h e M et al fo r CHEOan d t h e Ch i l d r en 'sTr eat m en tCen t r e

On Sunday M ay 3r d, tw o m em ber s of the Ou t STANDI NG PEDALERS, Jim Standing and Vivianne Panizzon (Photo far left) par ticipated in the CN Cycle for CHEO 35 km division in Ottaw a. Registr ation and take off w as held at the War M useum w hich pr ovided the backdr op for CHEO?s lar gest annual fundr aiser in suppor t of kids w ith cancer. Over 2000 par ticipants took par t in var ious activities: w alking, biking etc. CN Cycle for CHEO is r enow ned for offer ing par ticipants a year ly oppor tunity to exper ience the m ost scenic r outes thr ough the str eets of dow ntow n Ottaw a. Seen in photo to the r ight is Noella Cotnam (Cycling event convenor) and Vivianne chatting on the bike path.

Th e Ou t STANDI NG PEDALERS ar e also dedicated par ticipants in Cor nw all?s Bi k e-a-t h on Pl u s Fundr aiser s. They have ear ned ?br agging r ights? for w inning the Fam ily Division com petition, for tw o consecutive year s (2012 & 2013), after having accom plished the 51 km cycling challenge. Once again, Jim and Vivianne par ticipated in this year ?s Bi k e-a-t h on Pl u s 2015 40 km event, and again succeeded in w inning their division. They ar e looking for w ar d to the Aw ar ds Evening w hich w ill be held on Wed. June 24th. Bi k e-a-t h on Pl u s 2015, a fundr aising event for the Childr en?s Tr eatm ent Centr e w as held on Sat. M ay 23r d. Registr ation and m any of the var ious choice of activities took off at St. Law r ence College, a m ost scenic spot in our city. As alw ays, or ganizer s m ade this day a spectacular event in ever y possible w ay and? the m ost scenic r outes along the St. The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank Law r ence, thr oughout the city and som e into the countr yside w er e thoughtfully chosen. This Ou t STANDI NG Pedal er s team (Jim and Vivianne) can be seen on pr om inent bike tr ails as far aw ay as M ontr eal, Ottaw a, Niagar a Falls, Boston, Flor ida, Ar izona, The M agdalene Islands etc. but they ar e pr oud to state that the Water fr ont Tr ail that flanks our m ajestic St. Law r ence River, her e in our city, is one of the best.


our sponsorof honour,f or t heir cont inuedsupport ! You can reach Fairy Sweet at (613) 933-7040

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Pa sto r Bra d

MONTSION CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION Today I realize that I will be opening a ?can of worms? in some people?s mind. Yet I believe it is time to venture out in this minefield and make some clear statements in the face of a continual mockery of things I hold as dear to my heart. "The truth is two thirds of the 2.3 billion Christians in the world today live? in dangerous neighbourhoods. They are often poor. They often belong to ethnic, linguistic and cultural minorities. And they are often at risk." (BBC News Magazine). And yet it is still being argued about how many of them are dying as martyrs. Some say there are 8,000 10,000 Christians dying each year as martyrs, Others place the number at 100,000.

The Lost Villages M useum opened its door s M onday the 8th for its sum m er season. Rain thr oughout the day did not dam pen the spir its of both sum m er student em ployees and a handful of visitor s.

Whatever the true case is, it is clear in my mind (as well as many others) that we have reached a point well beyond reasonable time for our news reporters to stop avoiding the facts.

?We did a lot of cleaning. We did do a tour as w ell,? said Elizabeth Bakker, w ho is enter ing her four th year at the Villages. ?As the sum m er pr ogr esses, w e?ll get a lot m or e people.?

Am I saying it is not being reported at all? No. But I do believe that there is a constant barrage of news reports proclaiming prejudices and persecution against minority groups that often excludes mentioning Christians. It has to be quite severe before there is any mention of the ongoing persecution of Christians worldwide.

The m useum is a collection of histor ic buildings off Highw ay 2. M ichelle Br ow n, another sum m er student, explained the basic pr em ise of the or ganization: ?It?s a m useum to r epr esent w hat it w ould have looked like if they hadn?t flooded [the villages along the r iver ]. It?s for futur e gener ations to see w hat it w ould have looked like.?

So do I wish that they offer us a balanced form of reporting? Yes I do because it is not so much as to ?what? they are reporting as it is to ?what they are not reporting.? Discrimination against Christians has become accepted widespread. It is now ok to blaspheme our God and His Holy Word. Churches that are constantly working for the betterment of society are being forced to close. We are being told that we can?t take a stand against what we see as wrong in our society based upon the Bible because we are no longer a ?Christian nation.? We are also told ?just be quite and stay in the corner because we don?t like what you have to say.? We won?t go away just because some don?t believe we should no longer have a voice in society. The Church is here to stay and so are its multitudes of members to do good and bring our message of healing, health and hope to a hurting world. Pastor Brad Montsion Fountaingate Christian Assembly

TheLost Vil l agesMuseumis Openf or t heSeason! Article and Photo: Emma Meldrum

The events and tour s com ing up ar e sur e to dr aw bigger cr ow ds. Ar tisans in the Par k is a popular pr ogr am : on July 4th, locals w ill set up booths to sell ever ything fr om jew eller y to w oodw or k to clothes. Bakker also r ecom m ended Par anor m al Investigations: ?Par anor m al investigator s take you on a tour w ith their equipm ent? They had som e cr azy things going on last year, lots of knocking on door s.? Locals and inter national visitor s alike ar e know n to explor e the Lost Villages. ?Som e people fr om Cor nw all, England cam e in just because it?s called Cor nw all,? Bekker said. M any of the m useum ?s activities ar e fr ee of char ge, including entr y to the buildings and self-guided tour s. On Canada Day, the m useum w ill be pr oviding enter tainm ent and activities. If you have alr eady visited the m useum , it?s w or th going a second tim e. Bekker her self continues to discover new things about the village. ?We teach a lot of things, but w e lear n a lot at the sam e tim e.? The m useum is open ever y day fr om 10 to 5. Check their w ebsite for details about special events: lostvillages.ca

Local Young Woman Receives Spirit Award Sarah Massia, who just this week ran her first ever Mud Hero race and graduated from her Undergraduate Degree at? Queen's University, is a promising young woman with the heart of community minded leader. Wednesday night, Sarah was given the Children's Treatment Centre spirit award. She is the youngest person to ever receive this honour. Sarah started helping out with the organization in 2014. Her fundraising efforts have accumulated more than $1,000 for the CTC thus far and she is not stopping.


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This Saturday, Sarah is holding another fundraiser, a yard sale, that will happen at her residence, at 1352 Mary street. There will also be a BBQ, a Bake Sale and a Raffle. All proceeds will go to the CTC. The Seeker wants to congratulate Sarah on her accomplishment. Pictured above: Nicole Gillissie (mom), Joey Lalonde (stepdad)

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Co unte ss

TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER Nikol a Tesl a, one of t he great est humanit arian engineer, physicist , discoverer of al t ernat ing el ect ricit y (AC)and so many invent ions t o hel p human beings l ive a bet t er l if e, was born on Jul y 10, 1856, in Croat ia/ Serbia. He arrived on the North American shores, in New York,in 1884, and from that moment until he departed this Earth on January 5/ 7, 1943, he dedicat ed himsel f t o bringing "l ight int o every individual 's l if e".

When I ask people, including those working in the field of electricity as engineers, technicians, directors: "Who is the Father of Electricity Alternating Current which allows for the worldwide distribution of electricity?", they ponder a moment in surprise and state: "Benjamin Franklin" or "Thomas Edison". I shake my head and wonder why this extraordinary caring and brilliant man who is our "GIVER OF LIGHT WORLDWIDE" has been hidden f rom We The Peopl e and jeal ousl y kept in t he dark unknown. Yes, in 1895, Nikola

Tesla built the first hydro-electric power plant in Niagara Falls, with George Westinghouse. However, it is interesting that one day in 1933, when Nikola Tesla was giving a speech in front of a select group of 'power-holders' who were attempting to block his progress, he reminded them: "You have your way now! But , I am coming back!" Indeed, in the last few years, there are so many Tesla organizations that have formed and are educating the people at their conferences, through their publications, their broadcasting about the THE MULTITUDE OF GIFTS THIS MAN HAS GIVEN WE THE PEOPLE. Tesla, by giving us the ability to utilize electricity worldwide, has greatly improved life on Earth in so many beneficial ways. He has also given us t he RADIO which t he American Supreme Court decided a f ew mont hs af t er he had passed on t hat Nikol a Tesl a (and not Marconi) was t he Discoverer of Radio. Tesla was alsoa prime discoverer of wirel ess t ransmission of power and because of him we can instantly communicate with each other.

Would you like to go back to "no cellular phones?" Due to his inventions in wireless communication, we can move on int o t he f ut ure ... now ... by saf el y advancing t owards t he devel opment of out er space programs. El on Musk who designed t he non-hybrid el ect ric Tesl a Car, has al so ut il ized many of Tesl a's discoveries in his Space X ent erprise as he is preparing to use rockets to carry payloads to space and land back on Earth. He is also focusing on being a leader in not only taking cargo but also humans to space. For all of you interested in being a part of the movement: THE FUTURE IS NOW and joining the many Nikola Tesla developments, herewith is a list of sites to visit: Googl e: Nikola Tesla; Nikola Tesla conferences in Canada; Nikola Tesla free energy; Nikola Tesla Sorbonne Paris; Nikola Tesla space inventions and discoveries. www.teslasociety.com (Tesla Memorial Society of New York) In the next issue, I am going to describe my program: "NIKOLA TESLA'S COSMIC CURES for THE FUTURE IS NOW!"

WALKING ON WATER By Syl vie O?Rourke

It is a beautiful June day and nine of us, Cornwall Outdoor club members and guests are at the Lancaster Hybrid Marine standing at the ready, paddles in hand, watching a stand-up paddle boarding demonstration. The young man showing us the ropes makes it look easy but we are not so sure. He dives off his board and climbs back on to show us how to get back on if we fall off. In June the water is still quite chilly and we are not quite ready for a swim. No one wants to be the first to fall in or worse, be the only one to fall in. The guys set off first while the girls hang back to observe before venturing out after them. We are all a little unsteady at first and it takes us a few minutes to get our sea legs. I plant my feet firmly on the board and do not move them for fear of losing my balance. Fortunately the water is fairly calm and the waves are minimal. Stand-up paddle boarding gives us a fresh perspective from kayaking or canoeing. It?s a strange feeling, almost like walking on water without moving our feet. We can gaze straight down into the water and watch the

fish swim by. Being taller seems to make things look different. We are taller than the kayakers and at eye-level with the fishermen. Even the scenery looks different. We tour the waterfront properties and admire their gardens. We have a great view of the Lancaster Cairn erected in 1838 by the Glengarry Militia. Some of us have fond memories of picnicking on this island as children and climbing the cairn?s slanted spiral staircase. We are all newbies in this venture and our shared inexperience seems to make it all the

more fun. As time goes by some of us become more daring. We shift positions and sit or kneel to give our feet a break. One of the guys shows off with push offs, while another, I will call Rusty Yogi attempts a few yoga positions to test the board?s stability. Others, like me, remain standing until the very end and vow that next time we will be braver. A few things surprise us about this day. Firstly, how such a seemingly effortless sport could be such a good workout; The process of propelling yourself forward without falling into the water is what strengthens your core continuously and within half an hour we start to feel it, especially in our feet and calf muscles. Secondly, we are astonished that all nine of us stayed completely dry. Not one camera worthy splash. Better luck next time. Special thanks go to Blair Bell of Hybrid Marine for hosting this event. It was an awesome experience we can?t wait to do it again. For more information about the Outdoor Club visit our website at www.cornwalloutdoorclub.ca or like us on Facebook.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

I t's TimeTo Order Your Wedding I nvitations from ... Happy Bi r thday Great GrandmaSiiri Reimanand Great GrandsonGraysonFl aro

Evening and weekend appoint ment s avail abl e!

CelebratedJune8th & 9th Lotsof love- SeekerChickMai-Liis

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pl ace


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive

FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst FOR SALE: M ix it up Poker Set - New in case, $30. 613-527-2731

PRESERVE YOUR M EM ORI ES - Get you r VHS Tapes tr ansfer r ed to DVD - Cal l Sh el don t oday 613-932-4812

YARD SALE SECTION YARD SALE Sat urday, June 13 8am t o 2pm - Cot t on Mil l Lof t s - 710 Cot t on Mil l St reet YARD SALE Sat urday, June 13 - 2nd and Bedf ord - 8am

CALLINYOUR YARDSALE / CLASSIFIED - 613-935-3763 - ext .2 FOR SALE: Ladies long w hite dr ess w ith jacket to m atch. Size 13-14. ver y beautiful for a w edding. $40. Dining Tent $25 2 old r ocking chair s for outside, $25. Cal l 932-3936 FOR SALE: Stur dy 3 seater sw ing and pads. 1 stur dy patio table w ith um br ella and 4 padded high chair s. 932-4954

FOR SALE: All pur pose canopy. Still in box - never used. Paid $160, asking $60 Cal l bef or e 6pm 613-933-4031

FOR SALE: Tr ium ph, exer cise bike. Canadian m ade. $40. 613-527-2731 FOR SALE: W ir ed dog kennel cage, m edium and Kids Billiar d/Pool table 935-6284. FOR SALE: Tandem heavy duty utility tr ailer - 6ftx12ft. Needs som e w or k . Asking $1,000 obo. 931-2098 FOR SALE: Slipper s for m en only. $3.50 each. Cal l 613-932-8275 FOR SALE: 2005, 27ft Ter r y Fleetw ood 5th W heel Tr ailer. Ver y clean. Asking $9,900 obo. 931-2098

Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you that ... ADVERTISING in Th e SEEKERi s NOTan Ex p en se... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Call me 613-935-3763 ext. 102 The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank


our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can cont act t hem at

t ant e.jm2013@gmail .com

BI LL'S USED CARS "Honest Cr ook Since 1964" 932-6481 or 936-3053 2006 Chev V8 Extended cab 4x4 automatic 8 foot box, $10,950 2005 Chevrolet Pickup, V6, Automatic power steering, power breaks, $4,695 2005 Taurus Station Wagon V5 Automatic power steering, power breaks, sunroof, $3,995 2003 Windstar V6 Automatic $2,395 2001 Ford Focus $1,995 2001 Sunfire 2 door automatic power steering, power breaks, sunroof, $2,895 2003 Ventura as is $1,395

Commercial Space For Rent 950 square feet at the Panoramic Towers

308 Second Street E. for inquiries call 613-932-8515 FOR SALE: Total gym $20. Por table electr ic heater w ith fan system . Like new $25. Car dio System Eliptical Tr ainer ET 150, $125. Cal l bef or e 6pm 933-4031. FOR SALE: 3 seater bur gundy sofa, asking $250. Collection of Pr ince Char les and Lady Dianna m ugs, teacups and plates. Cal l 938-9503 - i f n o an sw er , pl ease l eave a m essage. FOR SALE: Light blue ladies 2 piece long dr ess. Wor n once as m other of the gr oom . Paid $250. Size 10-12. M ust be seen. $75. 938-6149

SEEKERSNAPSHOT Photos by Mai-Liis Renaud

Semaine Franรงaise A Good Time was had by all!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


SU PPORT BIKERS AGAINST BRAIN CANCER Ri d e on Sat u r d ay, Ju n e 13 Reg i st r at i o n at Ear t h way Ch i r o p r act i c Par k i n g Lo t - 8 :3 0 am - wi t h Pan cak e Br eak fast !

UniqueGif t sideas f or DAD-June21

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 23 - June 12 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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