"Dr . Pau l Po i r i erk n o wsh o w ...
...t o p u t t h e "fu n " b ack i n t o "fu n d r ai si n g "! Bi k er s Ag ai n st Br ai n Can cer an n u al r i d e a h u g e su ccess!
Dr. Paul is seen here with Dan Al l aire and Guest Rider l it t l e Mia Jackson.
See story on page 5
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THE SEEKER IS A VA ILA BLE a t Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
VALUE VILLAGE - METRO - NO FRILLS - FOOD BASICS - BAXTROM'S (Health Dept) CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY - GIANT TIGER - FRESHCO - THE GRIND - SHARYN'S PANTRY HOME HARDWARE - FARM BOY (Eating Area) - EASTCOURT MALL (near the Barber shop) TIM HORTONS (Second Street E & Cornwall Square) - LOTTERY KIOSK (Cornwall Square) BEST WESTERN PARKWAY INN - Most BREAKFAST PLACES & more ... PLUS Long Sault, MacEwen Gas Bar and at the SEEKER office OFFICE (327 2nd St. E.) Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon.
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper
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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Pre se nte d
b y The Se e ke r
co ve r p ho to : Ja so n Se tny k
TAG Cornwal l ,wil l be host ing a Juried exhibit ion and Art Market f rom June 24t h t o Jul y 18t h. The juried show will feature the work of Artists of multiple mediums who have been exhibited three times or less. The gallery board is focusing on nurturing and developing the future Artists in our community and region. President Wyatt Walsh stated: "The future success of Arts & Culture in our community is in breaking out our undiscovered talent. We need to retain our talent and create more of an attraction to the many talented artists in Cornwall." To learn more about the show please check out our daily updates on Facebook (facebook.com/ tagcornwall) or at tagcornwall.ca To register for the show please visit the gallery or email info@tagcornwall.ca
Art s in t he Park ret urns f or 30t h season in Lamoureux Park The City of Cornwall?s popular Arts in the Park program is set to return to Lamoureux Park for its 30th season, and it promises to be one of the biggest yet. This year?s program features 22 performances by local artists ? including a mix of some new names and old favourites ? as well as an outdoor movie scheduled on Saturday, July 18th (film title to be announced). In addition, the Seaway Valley Theatre Company will be adding a new element to Arts in the Park with some live theatre. SVTC will be presenting Edward Albee?s Seascape on July 30, 31, August 1 and 2. ?We are thrilled with this year?s line-up of shows and performers. There really is something for everyone,? said Lorne Taillon, Leisure Arts Coordinator. All Arts in the Park events are free however donations are gratefully accepted to help offset the cost of the programming. Shows are held outdoors at the Lion?s Club Bandshell in Lamoureux Park, and all musical performances will begin at 7 pm (weather permitting) unless otherwise noted. The Seascape production by Seaway Valley Theatre Company will begin at 7:30 pm while the movie in the park will begin at approximately 8:45 pm (weather permitting). Free parking is available behind the bandshell and at the nearby Cornwall Civic Complex. Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the 2015 season of Arts in the Park, with packages starting as low as at $25. Organizations and businesses who are interested in sponsoring the event can contact Mr. Taillon at (613) 938-9898 ext. 2 or by e-mail at ltaillon@cornwall.ca. Additional details can be found atwww.Cornwall.ca/ ArtsinthePark. 2015 Art s in t he Park l ine-up Tuesday June 23 Denis Brisson Band & Guy Brisson & Claude Champagne Presented by Centre culturel de Cornwall
Tuesday Jul y 14 Jesse Ferguson Wednesday Jul y 15 Seaway Winds
Sat urday August 1 (7:30 pm) Seaway Valley Theatre Company Presents Seascape Sunday August 2 (7:30 pm) Seaway Valley Theatre Company Presents Seascape
Sat urday Jul y 18 (8:45 pm) This years Canada Day Main Stage Entertainment Movie in the Park Wednesday June 24 Tuesday August 4 This year is going to be one of the best Canada Days (Title to be announced) Seaway Winds Doug Martin Trio the city has ever seen. We have three brand new Presented by Rachel's Kids power house bands who are going to put on a show and the City of Cornwall Thursday June 25 Thursday August 6 that you will never forget. Our grand finale is going Graham Greer Ruby Tuesday to have every one on their feet. This will be a day Sunday Jul y 19 (1:00 p.m.) and night to remember! Community Showcase Monday June 29 Tuesday August 11 12:00 noon (Opening Ceremonies) Bruce Ciccarelli Cary Grant Band 1:00 pm - BC DC Dance Tuesday Jul y 21 Mike McAnany and Mary McCann 2:00 pm - Showcase Mix featuring recording artist Thursday Jul y 2 Wednesday August 12 Roxanne Delage Revival Kevin Rivette Tuesday Jul y 28 2:30 - Philippe St Arnaud (Best in French Music) Switchgear Sunday Jul y 5 (2 pm) Thursday August 13 3:15 - Studio C Dance (from Broadway to Pop) This CLARPIAN-DUO The Shiners troupe of young dancers are always a great treat to Wednesday Jul y 29 the stage. Seaway Winds Monday Jul y 6 Wednesday August 19 4:00 - TJ Jackson (Elvis Show) Award winning Moe Lemieux Quartet Wilderness Co. performer puts on a Las Vegas style show that Thursday Jul y 30 (7:30 pm) (Featuring Nick & Steph) always has people singing along with the classic Seaway Valley Theatre Company Wednesday Jul y 8 Presents Seascape Presley song book. Seaway Winds Thursday August 20 Grace Willison 4:45 - The Flowdroids (hip hop to Mix Party music) Friday Jul y 31 (7:30 pm) Thursday Jul y 9 :30 - Fusion - Is a young group of musicians who Seaway Valley Theatre Company Youth Night: Featuring perform some of the best songs from today and Presents Seascape Black Diamonds and Sevengate yesterday. 6:45 - Rock Bottom -This band performs the very best of Classic Rock! 9:45 - Presentation Singing of National Anthem 8:00 - The Don Scott Band - This band is new to the Canada Day Stage and will perform a set that you 10:00 - This is when we are going t o Light up t he Sky wit h Bril l iant Fireworks will not forget. displ ay. 9:15 - Dance Extraordinaire Show - Lead by the Flowdroids and the BC DC dance troupe, this Again t his year t he Canada Day commit t ee has brought an energet ic and excit ing segment to our show will surely have everyone show f or l ocal chil dren. Best of al l , it ?s al l f ree. dancing the night away!
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Li k e Th e Seek er on Facebook you coul d w i n one of 10 M O RRELL andFREE RI B DI NNERS! M a rie
ORGANIZING THE BATHROOM and LINEN CLOSET Part 1 of 2 BATHROOM Bathroom organization is about optimizing the use of limited space while addressing the needs of multiple users. Be practical about what belongs in the bathroom and what does not. - Prepare three boxes to collect al l the items on the bathroom counter, in the drawers, and in the cupboards. Label the boxes ?Keep?, ?Optional?, and ?Discard?. Do not leave a single thing out - include everything, soap, tooth brushes, deodorant, etc. - For a f irst t ime organizat ion of t he bat hroom clean every surface, including the counters, tub, sink, toilet, shower curtain, curtains, cupboards, shelves, drawers, and everything you decide to keep. Wipe everything dry. - Put away in the bathroom and linen closet onl y t he it ems you decided t o keep.
Medicine Cabinet - Keep onl y medicine and health products in the medicine cabinet. - Clean it out and organize it at least once a year. - Discard all old or unused prescriptions and expired over-the-counter drugs, ointments, and medicated creams by t aking t hen t o a pharmacy t o have t hem disposed of saf el y.
- If there is no expiration date, look at the condition of the container. If it looks old or damaged, discard it. For new prescriptions or over-the-counter medications without expiration dates, mark the date of purchase on the containers and dispose of t hem saf el y af t er a year. - Depending on the type of medication, you may need an additional medicine cabinet t hat can be l ocked. Remember,medicat ion is t he new ?drug on t he st reet ?, and you do not want your child to be influenced by their peers to do something he/ she might regret for the rest of his/ her life. Better to be safe then sorry.
Countertop Decorative Items The counter is only for items you use daily as part of t he decor.
Drawers - Use int erl ocking pl ast ic containers to divide drawers and then store by category. - Measure t he drawers/ shel ves bef ore buying t he pl ast ic cont ainers; they can be different sizes but they should all fit together as a square or rectangle. There might be some space left that you can use just as effectively taking into consideration the category of the item. - Create sections for hair items, makeup, shaving supplies, nail care items, etc.
- Place items neatly, using plastic containers. The plastic containers will enable the removal of the containers to get to things in the back without having to remove all the things at the front. You will only have to slide them towards the front. - Store cleaning supplies neatly on one side of your under-sink cabinet and bath products on the other, putting up front what is used most often. - Get rid of half-used products you do not like or will never use up. Considered them as the price of experimenting.
- If your are not using them, give away those small sample bottles of products you got for free to a women shelter. - If there are any things, you do not need now but cannot part with, store them somewhere else, like the basement. If you have not used these items within a year, you obviously do not need them. So donat e, sel l or discard t hem if you can remember they are still there. If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com
I t's TimeTo Order Your Wedding I nvitations from ...
Cleaning Supplies And Bath Products
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
COVER__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STORY
"Dr . Pau l Po i r i er k n o ws h o w t o p u t t h e "fu n " b ack i n t o "fu n d r ai si n g "! Ar ticle by Josee Delisle This year, the sixth annual r ide has been good for "BABC" - Biker s against Br ain Cancer w w w.biker sagainstbr aincancer.or g For the past 5 year s, this r ide w ould do like m ost other m otor cycle fundr aising r ides - a r ide pr eceeded by a pancake br eakfast or a r ide ending w ith a BBQ. How ever this year, the am azing team of volunteer s (w hich consisted of m or e than a dozen Cor nw all Kinsm en, fr iends, as w ell as sever al people fr om the com m unity) added new dim ensions to THIS year 's fundr aising endeavour s! They began this year ?s effor ts w ith a dinner and m agic show at the beautiful River dale Ter r ace. The evening sold out quickly and highlighted a chem istr y based m agic show by M cGill Univer sity's Dr. Joe Schw ar cz seen left w ith Dr. Paul, (consider ed by m any Canadians as the "Bill Nye the Science Guy" of Canada). In addition, last Satur day's fundr aising m otor cycle r ide began w ith a pancake br eakfast and a pig r oast / BBQ im m ediately follow ed the r ide. Each year their r ide is dedicated to a child suffer ing w ith br ain cancer and this year s guest r ide w as M ya Jackson (seen on the cover photo w ith Dr. Paul and Dan Allair e). The night ended w ith a fantastic Ozzy Osbour ne/Black Sabbath tr ibute r ock concer t by a Tor onto based band nam ed "Cr azy Babies" at "La M aison" taver n. Dr. Paul Poir ier, founder of Biker s Against Br ain Cancer
and a br ain cancer SURVIVOR, w as so im pr essed w ith the Ozzy "look alike/sound alike" singer Rodney Clar ke, (seen in photo below left) as w ell as his band's abilities to flaw lessly r eplicate the or iginal Black Sabbath band that he intends to invite them back to Cor nw all for futur e gigs. So m any sponsor s and suppor ter s to thank for this year w hich include, but not lim ited to, the Cor nw all Kinsm en Club, the River dale Ter r ace, local dentist Dr. Navaneelan, Ear thw ay Fam ily Chir opr actic and laser, M acEw en oil, physiother apist Chr is SĂŠguin, Ram ada Inn, Vieux Duluth, Best Wester n, JC Dion, Cr ystal Rock , the Roasting M an, The Seeker and of cour se La M aison Taver n... but to nam e a few ! The pr oceeds fr om these events w ill be given to M cGill Univer sity's "M ontr eal Neur ological Institute" w hich is globally r ecognized as t h e t i p of t h e sci en t i f i c r esear ch spear for br ain cancer in the w or ld. The Biker s Against Br ain Cancer team is not done yet; they have big plans for the near futur e? stay tuned! M eantim e, Dr. Poir ier (photo r ight) continues to gener ously "pay it for w ar d" by offer ing the public the oppor tunity to help him help Cor nw all's w om en's shelter, better know n as "M aison Baldw in House", by offer ing a com plim entar y session of laser ther apy (details at w w w.ear thw aylaser ther apy.com ) or chir opr actic session in exchange for 15 lbs of "non per ishable" food or a m inim um of a 15 dollar gift car d that gets donated to the shelter. Finally, he also continues to offer bi-m onthly w or kshops, FREE of char ge, to the com m unity in his clinic ever y other Tuesday. Contact his team at 613-936-1386 for details, a com plete list of dates and w or kshop subjects!
SU NDAY, JU NE 2 1 st - WORLD OF OU TLAWS Lat e M o d el s e d or ed a v n i Sp onsb y GATESOPEN3pm - RACINGSTARTS7pm GeneralAdmission:$40 Seniors65+ - $20 16981Cornwal lCent reRd. (PowerDam Dr.) LongSaul t ,ON Chil drenunder16 - $10 RACING EVERY SUNDAY AT 7pm
SU NDAY, JU NE 2 8 t h : M el Val ad e Back h o e Ser vi ce i s sp o n so r i n g 1 0 0 LAP Su p er DIRTcar Bi g Bl o ck Ser i es + Co m p l et e Pr o g r am Race i n fo : 6 1 3 -9 3 8 -3 9 4 5 www.co r n wal l sp eed way.co m
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Laser vision correct ion is now in Cornwal l !
The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsorof honour,f or t heir cont inuedsupport ! You can reach Fairy Sweet at
(613) 933-7040
Websi te n eed u pdati n g?
6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1
5 Qu est i o n swi t h Th e Sm al l Gl o r i es
(f rom l ef t t o right ) Jenny Dagenais, St ephanie Carrier, Terry Mazerol l e, Jennif er Robert son and Kyl e Beaudet t e.
Corey Disot el l Mel issa Robert son, Jenny Dagenais, Terry Mazerol l e, Tanya Mal l et , Kyl e Beaudet t e and Jennif er Robert son.
SVTC's Season Final e: Going Out Wit h a Laugh! Article
and pictures by Grant Reso, special to the Seeker
The Seaway Valley Theatre Company will soon complete their 2014-2015 season with their production of ?Figments?, a unique and rip-roaring comedy by Billy St. John. The show takes us into the mind of Rick Jacobs, a playwright facing both a massive case of writer's block and an inability to express his secret love for his neighbour, Loni. Amid his struggles, the audience sees the figments of his imagination play out the opening scene of his next murder mystery. He also conjures up doubles for himself, Loni, her current boyfriend, and even Rick's own ex-lover, saying to them all the things he wishes he could in real life. Compounding the situation is his overbearing mother (and her imagined double), who constantly carries a burial urn containing his father's ashes. Pop also pops in and out of Rick's head to comment on his life with Mama and on the other side. As Rick's thoughts swerve back and forth between his frustrating love life and his play, the real people and the figments of his imagination clash riotously with the characters in his play. If you've ever wondered what goes through a playwright's mind, this farcical comedy reveals all. Hilariously. ?Figments? features a large cast that's chock-full of your SVTC favourites, including Kyle Beaudette as the haggard writer at the center of the story. It also features new comers Tanya Mallet as Rick?s mother, Heather Emond as Louise, and Melissa Robertson as the figment of Rick?s love interest, Loni. The production also sees the dĂŠbuts of Matt Latimer as producer and Grant Reso as director. ?Figments? will be performed at Dream Builder Studios, 2017 Second Street West. Evening performances will be on June 19, 20, 25, 26 and 27 at 7:30 pm. A matinĂŠe performance will also be staged on Sunday, June 21 at 1:30 pm. Seats are $20.00 (plus applicable service fees) and are available in advance at the Cornwall Civic Complex Box Office, or online via at admission.com. They are also available at the door. Visit www.svtc.ca for more info, and follow the hashtag # SVTCFigments on social media.
Al ison Lat imer, Jamie Carr, Heat her Emond, Kyl e Beaudet t e and Mike Chat el ain.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
FREE SENIORS' PHOTO-SHOOT @ THE LIBRARY We are celebrating Senior?s Month by offering seniors of 60 years of age or older a free photo-shoot and receive a 4 x 6 picture. Book your TUESDAY, JUNE 23rd appoint ment today at the library. ONLY A FEW TIME TIME SLOTS LEFT! Some restrictions apply. Call the library for details. Professional photos by Visual Artist, Jacqueline Milner of Image-ine Photography.
FRIDAY, JUNE 19 - 2pm
Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library - WHIPLASH A promising young drummer enrolls at a cutthroat music conservatory where his dreams of greatness are mentored by an instructor who will stop at nothing to realize a student?s potential. - Drama, Musical - AUDIENCE: 14A
SATURDAY, JUNE 20 - 2pm PAWS 'N BOOKS Kids reading their favorite book to pet dogs
@ the library 11:00 am to 12 noon CHECK-MATES with Clifford Labre - Saturday afternoons @ 2:00 pm
TUESDAY, JUNE 23 READY, SET, KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone. THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
Summer Act ing and Music Camp
ADULT FRIENDLY BRIDGE CLUB - 6:30 pm - Free to join ADULT TRI-COUNTY CHESS CLUB - 6:30 p.m. Free program
THURSDAY, JUNE 25 CORNWALL SCRABBLE - 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Everyone16 yearsof age and olderwelcome BROWN BAG BOOK CLUB - 12 Noon ADULT GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUB - Monthly Meeting 7:00 pm
Jeudi 25 juin @ 18 h 30 & Vendredi 26 juin @ 14 h
Fest ival de f il ms d?ét é @ l a bibl io - NEIGE & CENDRES Un conflit armé sévit sur une région de l?Europe de l?est. Lors de son réveil d?un coma, Blaise Dumas, correspondant de guerre, découvre que son ami et collègue photographe avec qui il couvrait le conflit n?est pas revenu. Blaise tente maintenant de se remémorer les événements brutaux qui ont mené à la disparition tragique de son collaborateur. Drame, Romantique - AUDITOIRE : G - 100 mins
Learn Movie making, Music Video, Stage acting and lots more. This camp is for kids that like to act up!
Call 932- 3510
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Our C O M M U N I T Y
CareFor Wal k-In Wel l ness Cl inic f rom 11 am t o 3 pm, 205 Amel ia St . Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure checks,diabetes& cholesterolchecksetc. Cornwal l General Hospit al Nurses Al umnae Dinner. Cocktails: 6 pm, dinner: 7 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd. W. Admission: 30$ Contact: Catherine Poirier: 613.932.9164 to reserve. Canadian Ment al Heal t h Associat ion Yout h Group Meet ings - The 2nd Wednesday of the month from 4 pm to 6 pm at the Starbright Center. If you are age 16-24 experiencing mental illness or social isolation call: 613.933.5845 Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
SVTC Present s: Figment s by Bil l y St . John at Dream Builder Studios. Tickets available at admission.com
JU NE 1 1 2010 to 2015
Thank you Cornwall for your support!
Women Ent repreneurs Dinner Meet ing f rom 6 pm t o 9 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Guest Speaker Candy Pollard, Business Planning for Success. Members:22$, non-members:25$. WeCornwallArea.ca
MAXVILLE FAIR GATES OPEN AT 8 AM. MIDWAY, PETTING ZOO,EXHIBIT HALL,holstein/ 4 h show, seaway slot racers, english & western games shows,.EVENING ENTERTAINMENT : the canadian cowgirls rodeo drill team. see fair website for details
Come take a historic walk of Sydney Street with Sarah Lauzon, our local little historian, and learn about some of the old homes on the street, and the people who built and lived in them.There are three tours to choose from - 1pm, 3pm, and an evening tour taking place at 7pm. Sarah will be OUTSIDE the FRONT of the library waiting for you :) All tours are scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 27th, 2015.If it's raining, I have a rain date set for Sunday, June 28th, 2015.
Indoor Yard Sal e from 8am to 2pm. St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, 1509 2nd St. W. SVTC Present s: Figment s by Bil l y St . John at Dream Builder Studios. Tickets available at admission.com
The Navy League wil l be host ing a Fat her's day brunch on June 21st, 2015 at Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux church in the basement from 9am to 2pm Cost: 12 yrs and up $8.00 / 5 to 12 yrs $5.00 under 5 is free Come out and treat dad to a great breakfast all proceeds will help run the Sea Cadet program. Please pass it on and help support our corpsLong Sault Pentecostal Church Hymn Sing 6:30 pm. 9 Bethune Ave., Long Sault. Fellowship and refreshments following.
Unit ed Way S D G Ladies Twil ight Gol f & Mart ini Madness at Summerheight s. 9 holes of golf, complimentary martini, appetizers, 26 vendors. Golf: 85$, martini madness only: 25$. Call Sherry Davis 613.932.2051
Rideau Caret on Sl ot s Bus Trip depart ing at 4:30 pm. For info or reserve call 613.932.6534. Proceeds to the Auxiliary to St Joseph's Continuing Care Center
Opt imist Cl ub of Cornwal l BBQ 10 am t o 4 pm. Canadian Tire, 201 9th St. E. In support of youth programs in our community.SVTC Presents: Figments by Billy St. John at Dream Builder Studios. Tickets available at admission.com
Toast mast ers Int ernat ional wel comes everyone t o our June Cel ebrat ion at Ramada Inn, Brookdale Ave. For more info call: Carole Anne Levac 613-932-1852
Come be inspired by: Dr. Mary Jane Randlett "Cornwall Hospice - It's Here To Stay"
Gigantic Used-Jewellery Sale. Wide Selection of earrings, necklaces, chains, boaches, rings, bracelets, watches. 9am to 12pm at Ste-Therese-de-Lisieux Parish Hall. 1304 Lisieux St. Cornwall. Proceeds go to Papua New Guinea Missionary Work.
The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach t hem at 613-870-2177
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M U S I CN ' M O R E W hat ' s On This W eek ?
Tuesd ay : .60¢ Wings W ed nesd ay :
The Smal l Gl ories w/ special guests The Tracy Lal onde Band 616 Pit t St reet , 19+ - $20 - 10pm Cornwal l , ON 613-936-9898
Ticket s:$20 - 8 pm - 19+
SU NDAY'S ACOU STIC PATIO SERIES 3 - 6pm - no cover.
e o C o mALLEY nj oy ! e d n a CAT
30ozPitcher&10Wings$15 Thur sd ay : $3 Beer Fr id ay : Karaoke 9-2am Sat ur d ay : Karaoke 9-2am - FREEPool Sund ay : Karaoke 5-9
urday OurSatPat io is Licensed - W e now have FOOD May 2 1213 Pit t St reet Cornwal l -613-938-8659
SU NDAY, JU NE 2 1 st - WORLD OF OU TLAWS Lat e M o d el s e Our Pat io is Licensed - W e now have FOOD or ed i n va d Sp onsb y 1213 Pit t St reet Cornwal l -613-938-8659
GATESOPEN3pm - RACINGSTARTS7pm GeneralAdmission:$40 Seniors65+ - $20 16981Cornwal lCent reRd. (PowerDam Dr.) LongSaul t ,ON Chil drenunder16 - $10 RACING EVERY SUNDAY AT 7pm
SU NDAY, JU NE 2 8 t h : M el Val ad e Back h o e Ser vi ce i s sp o n so r i n g 1 0 0 LAP Su p er DIRTcar Bi g Bl o ck Ser i es + Co m p l et e Pr o g r am Race i n fo : 6 1 3 -9 3 8 -3 9 4 5 www.co r n wal l sp eed way.co m
Websi t e
n eed u p d a t i n g?
6 1 3 -9 3
So p l ace yo u r EVENTAD i n t h e EVENTSEEKERSECTIONTODAY! cal lm e,M ai -Li i s 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6ex 3 t .1 0 2
5 -8 1 0 1
pYou l e H 't n a C I ...I f I t e I s i t r e v d A tI t ! u o b A w o n Don 'tK
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
Sha ry n
This Sunday, we will be celebrating Father's Day. Husbands and Dads everywhere will be spoiled and loved by their families. As they should be. I lost my Dad when I was just fourteen. How often I wish that I could talk to him as an adult, not as a child. Those of you who are fortunate to still have your fathers with you, cherish each moment you have to share with each other. I am fortunate to be married for 49 years to my husband Gary. We are best friends as well as lovers. He just loves his desserts. He is my inspiration for most of the desserts I print in my column. Last Sunday, I baked this easy cake and he went back for a big second helping of cake, still warm from the oven. It will be ready to eat in less than an hour from start to finish. Have a great week and a very happy Father's Day to all you Dads and Husbands.
METHOD: -Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Using non-stick spray, spray a 9" square pan with Pam and flour it, tapping out the excess flour. -In a pyrex measuring cup, heat the milk in your microwave to boiling point, add in 1 tsp. butter. -Using your electric mixer, beat the 2 eggs for 2 minutes on high until they become thick and fluffy. -Beat in the sugar and vanilla into the eggs. -Sift the flour, baking powder and salt. -Alternately add the flour and hot milk mixture into the egg and sugar mixture. Beat well to combine.
-Pour the cake batter into the prepared pan. Tap the pan on your counter top to release any large air bubbles and even out the surface of the cake batter.
INGREDIENTS: THE CAKE: 1/ 2 cup of milk 1 tsp. butter 2 extra large eggs 1 cup white sugar 1 tsp. pure vanilla 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour 1 rounded tsp. baking powder 1/ 4 tsp. fine salt
-Bake the cake for 30 minutes. -Prepare the topping: Melt the butter and stir in the brown sugar, coconut and pecans. -Once the cake has baked, immediately spread the topping over the surface of the cake. -Set your oven to broil. Once heated, place the cake pan 6" away from under the broiler. -This will take only 2 minutes or so to cook the topping. Now it's done! ENJOY!
THE TOPPING: 3 tbsp. melted butter 5 tbsp. brown sugar 2 tbsp. half and half cream 1/ 2 cup angerl flaked coconut 1/ 3 cup chopped pecans
UniqueGif t sideas f or DAD-June21
SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years. OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998
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& Restaurant Road, Cornwall,
Let Li n d a Sh o w yo u wh at sh e h as fo r t h at
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Gif t Cards avail abl e Freshl y Bakes Pies - Cookies - Veget abl es - Lamb Veget abl e Pl ant s - Fl owers - Annual s & Perennial s GARDEN CENTRE OPEN 75 Cornwal l Cent re Road & Corner of Vincent Massey & Power dam Drive - open 8am dail y
Rest aurant open f or Breakf ast & Lunch THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
Hi to all of you who are taking the time out of your busy lives to read the most Positive & Informative "REAL Paper" in the Cornwall and the S. D. & G. area. Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come Again Another Day. Come On Mother Nature!!! Enough With the Wet Stuff & with the Cold Days & Nights Already!!! IT'S The Middle of JUNE!!! Pleeease give us some more of the "Summer-like" temperatures so we can enjoy ourselves outdoors a bit more. Do Check Out ~Johnny Radar's~ Five-Day Weather Forecast each week... Right here in ~The Seeker~!!! I had another FABULOUS weekend, last weekend with many of my dear friends and family!!! On Friday evening my friend, Wendy was my date and we got to enjoy eating, drinking, singing and dancing to the tunes done wonderfully by the ~Alison Wonderland Band~ at the ~Royal Canadain Legion~. The band was raising funds for ~Cornwall Hospice~ that evening. But, whilst the music was playing and the people were dancing there were tickets being sold for a "50/ 50 Draw." I even bought some myself, as the JACKPOT was already over $200!!! Near the end of the evening the WINNING Numbers were announced and a gentlman walked up to the stage to receive his Winnings, (I think it was $240.00!!!) Congratulations to him winning for sure!!!! A little later on in the evening he walked up and graciouly gave back the Winnings to go towards ~Cornwall Hospice!!! What a GREAT SPORT (whomever you are.) and what a kind-hearted gesture to do. Thank you so very much for doing this Act of Kindness for such a Wonderful Cause!!! On Saturday evening, John and I went to support ~The Port~ and got to listen and dance to the tunes of ~Captain Fantastic~!!! They, (a seven piece LIVE band) performed many Elton John songs from the 70's, 80's & from the 90's. The costumes were FUNTASTIC and the band played Stupendously for around 3 hours (with a short break in between)!!! What an incredible ticket price of $20 for a night of enjoyment and for being able to listen to a "LIVE BAND!!!" Please Do your part and Help SUPPORT ~THE PORT~!!! After all it is the Oldest Theatre that is left in Cornwall, Ontario!!! Sunday was another FUN "Family Day" that I got to spend with 4 out of my five grandchildren. The Family decided to go mini-putting at ~Archie's Mini Putt~ here in Cornwall. We first got to enjoy some delicious food made from Billy K's and we all had a most enjoyable time playing golf together. Even wee William and Odin got to play along with their very own child size putters. There were quite a few of us that got "Holes In One" that afternoon but the BIG Winner was Mike!!! Way To Go Mike!!! Now where are my golf shoes??? I want to redeem myself!!! Tip Of The Week: Here are Four Agreements to make your LIFE a lot more 1. BE IMPECCABLE: a. Speak with Integrity. b. Say ONLY what you mean. c. AVOID using WORDS to speak against Yourself or to GOSSIP about others. d. USE the POWER of your words in the direction of TRUTHFULNESS and LOVE. 2. DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY: a. Nothing others DO is
because of YOU! b. What others SAY and or DO is a Projection of their OWN REALITY, their OWN DREAMS. c. When YOU are IMMUNE to the OPINIONS & ACTIONS of others, YOU won't be the VICTIM of needless suffering. 3. DO NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS: a. Find the COURAGE to ASK QUESTIONS and EXPRESS what YOU really want. b. COMMUNICATE with others as Clearly as YOU can to AVOID Misunderstandings, Sadness & or Drama. c. With just this one agreement YOU can completely TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!!! 4. ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST: a. Your BEST is going to Change from moment to moment. It will be different when you are healthy and happy opposed to being sick and sad. b. Under every or any circumstance, Simply Do Your Best and YOU will AVOID Self-judgement, Self- Abuse and Regret. By following these wise words you WILL have a much Healthier, Positive and Happier Life. I know this first hand because I do practice these "Tips" from above, every day and I Am Much more of a Positive and Happier person. I want to share a really touching story about my granddaughter, Abigail and her friend, Titiana. A few Saturdays ago I had asked the girls if they wanted to come to Tim Horton's with me to get a treat. They both said yes to wanting to come along with me. So being the type of lady that I am... I wanted the girls to dress up nicely and to have their hair done up into pretty ponytails. "Titi" as she is called by her younger siblings, sadly didn't have a dress to wear....so Abigail offered to lend her one of her own pretty dresses. After I had myself all together, the three of us headed over to Timmy's for our "Afternoon Tea" together. Whilst we were waiting for our chocolatey drinks to be prepared, the girls noticed that there was a single penny in the Donations Box. They both giggled together and said that, that wasn't very much to donate. How could a penny help??? I went on to tell them that a penny can go along way. If 100 pennies were donated then that would make $1.00. If 1000 people donated a penny each that would then make $100.00. Then, that $10.00 or $100.00 dollars could go for a lot of things like food, transportation and even for prescriptions that are needed for helping others. Because I was paying for the girls drinks they decided to put some of their own money into this Donation box. But Wait... there is more to this touching story... Whilst sipping on our delicious drinks at
a table, a deaf man came over to us and handed me a small card. It told me that he was deaf and that he would like a donation to help him in his woesome life. I explained to Abigail and Titi of what he was doing and again they gave of their own money to this deaf gentleman. He gave the girls each a card that showed them how to do Sign Language. Right away they started doing the hand gestures that spelt out their names. This really touched me and I cried tears of joy of what these two eleven year old girls had done that day. My *Wish* is that more parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and older siblings, cousins and even caregivers would "Show and Tell" their younger family members about giving to others that are less fortunate then ourselves. Every Penny Counts!!! Unt il Next Week: When "LIFE" gives YOU a 1,000 reasons to CRY...Just SHOW "LIFE" that YOU have a 1,000 reasons to SMILE!!! P.S. Earlier this week I had my hair beautifully done by Angela Freeman at ~Above and Beyond~ and I also had help designing my "Award Dress" for ~The Seeker Choice Awards~ by my dear friend, Patricia Sawatis Merpaw because later on today (Friday June 19th @ 8:00 p.m.) John and I will be discovering if we WON for ~Contributor of the Year~ (~Positively Marlene~) and for ~Visual Artist of the Year~... or NOT!!! Please *WISH* US THE BEST OF LUCK!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart everyone for making this all possible. Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014-2015 Principal Sponsors
Ot her Act ivit ies Compressor Art
Demonstration of painting with compressed air. Watch the paint fly! Hazmat Art CALLING ARTISTS:
Volunteers dressed in white ?hazmat? suits will walk through the park with paint inviting the public to express their artistic side by painting on their suits - an activity for all ages.
Focus Art is spreading its wings and reaching out to the general public in a way it has never done before. The saying: ÂŤ If you want to sell, go where your clients are. If you want to teach find out where the students hangout? Âť
Graf f it i Making
72,000 people went through Ribfest last year. This year, who knows?
The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. Pablo Picasso
Graffiti art on chalkboard. A fun project for expressive teens. Paint t he Pig A ?rib?fest special activity for children. Crayon colouring in pictures of cartoon piggies. Pl ein Air Paint ing Member artists from Focus Art are invited on site to paint and sketch. Focus Art has permission for you to sell these artworks at our tent.
Opport unit ies Gal ore! Putting on an exhibition such as this is no easy task. We are lucky to have an enthusiastic team of volunteers to spearhead the project. Now we need you to step up and make this show an affair to remember.
Grant you they are not looking for art, but, if you can catch their attention in a novel way, invite them to play with art or entertain their children while they peruse the artwork on display; you are increasing your visibility 100% . Art purchase is an impulsive gesture; it is from the heart. People buy a memory, a good feeling... But first they have to see it. If you want to show, this is also a great time to become a member of Focus Art at the current fee since I heard through the grape vine that the membership fee is going up September. If you were once a member and would like to come back, this is the perfect time. Membership will be good until August 2016.
Be part of the movement that moves our community in the most beautiful and creative way. Act ivit y Hel pers We can use volunteers to help out with our activities such as Paint the Pig, Hazmat Art, Graffiti Making, etc. Art Perf ormance / Demonst rat ion Do you have an art form you would like to demonstrate in public? Let us know and we will help you to make it happen. Tent Monit or This is where the fun begins. You get to talk to the people who appreciate our art, tell them about what we do and you may even sell a couple of paintings. The positions are divided into shifts of 3 to 4 hours. If you are willing and able, we can use you and book your volunteer spot(s) by contacting Liane Geoffrion at 613-534-5234.
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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Co unte ss
...and the Winner is ...
Count ess Trot t ier/ Trot zier
On June 16, 2015, I received an Award for 1st Place in Poetry. The judges in the Cornwall Public Library Eight Annual Writing Contest selected my poem: "Born in a Slum" as the winning poem. I was very honored and would like to share the poem with all of you readers of The Seekers:
B orn in a S lum Born in a slum of poverty and drugs A Mother too depressed to enjoy her child, A Father weary from cheap booze, Sick from the cigarettes' nicotine and carbon monoxide, Disillusioned with the chemical factory products -
Alone in a dank smelling prison cell, The CULT-URE forced upon his parents Prevented their Child His Divine Rights To Live Fruitfully: To enjoy the open fields of wheat, barley, corn, And his Rights to enjoy his daily breads!
Both with goals Already in the cemetery -
Behind heavy iron bars, Their child-man gasped for help! But he did not have the key! The Pushers and Brokers and Makers of the 3R's: That hologram for: WAR on the useless eaters Refused him and millions and millions of other humans The Right to have the Keys To open the doors to a healthy way of life, To enjoy the All Perfect's Divine Gifts ...
And their child - Vivacious and excited at first ... Slowly began to shuffle From the weight of the slum That hourly crushed his spirit ... Overladen with despair ... The teachers were teaching him the 3R's: Writing...Arithmetic...Reading = The acronym for W.A.R.; With anger from despair, Drugs instead of opportunities ... The gangs enticed him ... He became one with the whole ... Though it meant fear, A gruesome living But the CULT-URE That controlled and abused His mother, his father Had indeed prepared him for W.A.R. The "writing" was on the walls; The "arithmetic" included cruel, dark years; The "reading" from the judge Stiff in his black robe, Who pounded insolently, And smashed the child-boy-man's goals forever!
Instead - they hoarded the Keys Finally in these END TIMES FOR THEM ... All Ascending Seekers of Truth and Stewards of Earth Are each receiving: THE KEYS FROM ALL PERFECT TO OPEN UP A WORLD IN BALANCE WITH THE FEMININE AND MASCULINE ENERGIES CO-CREATING TOGETHER A CLEAN, HEALTHY, KIN-LOVE CELESTIAL RAINBOW EARTH, WITH EACH DIVINEY CREATED INDIVIDUAL CAPABLE OF SELF-REALIZING HIS/ HER SELF! Countess copyright 2015 Editor's Note: The Seeker wants to congratulate Countess on her win at the Library Poetry contest. Poetry is becoming a lost art that only a few keep alive. Thank you Countess for being one of the few.
2 8 year o l d An d y Vi ck er s - t h e yo u n g est Jo h n n y Cash i m p er so n at o r p ack s t h e h o u se l ast Sat u r d ay n i g h t ...
Last Saturday the Royal Canadian Legion Hall was packed with over 200 Johnny Cash Fans who came out to "Experience " The Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash Experience" with a surprise tribute to June Carter Cash. The concert was presented by Jeff Brunet of Alkaline Entertainment and everyone enjoyed an evening of music and dancing.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
Rachel 's Kids cel ebrat ed it s 11t h Annual Garden Part y on Sat urday, June 6.
Rachel?s Kids is a charitable organization
supported through community contributions and corporate donations which helps to raise funds to assist local and international children. Founded by Dr. Rachel Navaneelan, a local dentist, the event is one of the largest fundraisers and raised more than $140,000 this year. This year's event sold out as many enjoyed the beautiful weather, delicious food and wonderful silent & live auction items available. It is obvious that Dr. Navaneelan puts the children first as two of the recipients of Dr. Navaneelan's services and generosity were in attendance at the party. Cornwall is very lucky to have such a generous and kind person right here in our city. Congratulations once again to the staff and to Dr. Navaneelan on another successful Evening event. and weekend
CA RD X C H A NG ER G e t s e e n , n o t lo s t ! 1 t im e $ 2 5 3 t im e s $ 6 5 7 t im e s $ 12 9 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile )
"THU RSDAY Su p er Su p p er Sp eci al " BUY 1HA M BURGER STEAPLA K TTER andgetth e2nd1/ 2pri ce 4pmto7pmThursday, June 25DINE-IN ONLY M ama'sNEW Tak e-OutM enu- Comi ngSoon!
pl ace
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst FOR SALE: M ix it up Poker Set - New in case, $30. 613-527-2731
FOR SALE: All pur pose canopy. Still in box - never used. Paid $160, asking $60 Cal l bef or e 6pm 613-933-4031
YARD SALE Sat urday, June 20 & Sunday June 21 8am t o 3pm, 3101 Poirier Avenue Assorted furniture and household items YARD SALE - Sat urday, June 20 - 1932 Bel devere Crescent - 8 t o 3 Small appliances, Christmas decorations, Toys, Books, Clothes, RAIN / SHINE MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat urday, June 20 - 303 2nd St . W. - 7:30 am t o 2pm LARGE GARAGE SALE - Rain / Shine
Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you that ... ADVERTISING in Th e SEEKERi s NOTan Ex p en se... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Call me 613-935-3763 ext. 102
Friday, June 19 and Sat urday, June 20 - 8 am t o 6pm 60t h Avenue of f Sout h Service Road, East Lancast er
The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
FOR SALE: 10x20 all pur pose canopy - br and new asking $60. Call befor e 6 - 933-4031
our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can cont act t hem at
t ant e.jm2013@gmail .com
FOR SALE: 2005 gr ey Gr and Pr ix GT. 4 door sedan, autom atic. Pow er w indow s and pow er locks. Air conditioning , CD player, sunr oof, car star ter. 129,700 km , $5,500 w ith safety. Call 613-361-0322.
LOST Sm all black r em ote for hear ing aid. Don't know w her e but w ill give a r ew ar d. Call 932-1292
PRESERVE YOUR M EM ORI ES - Get you r VHS Tapes tr ansfer r ed to DVD - Cal l Sh el don t oday 613-932-4812
FOR SALE: Tandem heavy duty utility tr ailer - 6ftx12ft. Needs som e w or k . Asking $1,000 obo. 931-2098 FOR SALE: Slipper s for m en only. $3.50 each. Cal l 613-932-8275
FOR SALE: 2005, 27ft Ter r y Fleetw ood 5th W heel Tr ailer. Ver y clean. Asking $9,900 obo. 931-2098
"Honest Cr ook Since 1964" 932-6481 or 936-3053
FOR SALE: Old Deacons love seat, $125. Cher r y bed $200. Quebec Dr esser $250. New r ound dr op leaf m aple coffee table $150. 932-7175
2006 Chev V8 Extended cab 4x4 automatic 8 foot box, $10,950
WANTED: 2 car r im s, 4 holes each, 195x60Rx15 tir es, Cobalt 936-1452
FOR SALE: CCM bicycle, $60. Ladies figur e skates. New $25. Set of new pots and pans $35. Blackber r y cell phone w ith leather case only a few m onths old. $80. 932-7945 FOR SALE: Ladies long w hite dr ess w ith jacket to m atch. Size 13-14. ver y beautiful for a w edding. $40. Dining Tent $25 2 old r ocking chair s for outside, $25. Cal l 932-3936
2005 Chevrolet Pickup, V6, Automatic power steering, power breaks, $4,695 2005 Taurus Station Wagon V5 Automatic power steering, power breaks, sunroof, $3,995
FOR SALE: Total gym $20. Por table electr ic heater w ith fan system . Like new $25. Car dio System Eliptical Tr ainer ET 150, $125. Cal l bef or e 6pm 933-4031. FOR SALE: 3 seater bur gundy sofa, asking $250. Collection of Pr ince Char les and Lady Dianna m ugs, teacups and plates. Cal l 938-9503 - i f n o an sw er , pl ease l eave a m essage. FOR SALE: Light blue ladies 2 piece long dr ess. Wor n once as m other of the gr oom . Paid $250. Size 10-12. M ust be seen. $75. 938-6149
Commercial Space For Rent
2003 Windstar V6 Automatic $2,395
950 square feet
2001 Ford Focus $1,995
at the
2001 Sunfire 2 door automatic power steering, power breaks, sunroof, $2,895
Panoramic Towers
2003 Ventura as is $1,395
308 Second Street E. for inquiries call 613-932-8515
FOR SALE: Stur dy 3 seater sw ing and pads. 1 stur dy patio table w ith um br ella and 4 padded high chair s. 932-4954
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Th en & No w
The SEEKER celebrated 5 years June 11, 2015
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 24 - June 19 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca