Vol6issue25 (1)

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Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Volume ume66Issue Issue25 21 Vol May 26, 29, 2015 2015 June


Th an k Yo u

t o everyonewho cel ebrat edour 5t h Anniversary wit hus...

Seeker Chicks Mai-Liis Renaud and Julia Lucio are seen here with Cornwall Mayor, Leslie O'Shaughnessy See story on pages 4

Th e Cornw al l Seaw ay Li ons w ant to th ank th ei r sponsors...

Official Beer

Title Sponsor


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Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper



613-935-3763 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Sal es: ext 1 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 EMAIL

inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO K6H1Y8 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 5pm

THE SEEKER TEAM Your one st op shop f or... Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Web Design, Photography, Video Recording services Cal l 613-935-3763

Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon. Ok, I know, I know... I said I wouldn't write this summer, but I have something to get off my chest.


Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


More and more, I see Cornwallites going around calling for the extermination of ISIS. That is all fine and dandy, we all know ISIS is terrorizing the world, except that these same Cornwallites put ISIS and MUSLIMS or ISLAM in the same basket, and that just irritates the hell out of me.

Bernadet t e Cl ement wins t he f ederal Liberal nominat ion f or SD&G


Yes, like all religions, Islam can seem barbaric. the Quran, if interpreted literally, can be perceived as a violent book, but so is our bible. The bible is used every day by numerous so-called Christians to further some evil agendas. It has been used for centuries to indoctrinate people in systematic theology to better mind control them. The Quran and the Torah have also been used to manipulate and justify actions. It's so easy! One does something that is a little questionable, then simply quote the book, hiding behind freedom of religion and everybody shuts up! But generalizing is wrong, people. Aren't Christian Extremists, who call for the "annihilation" of Muslims in Canada guilty of the same crime than ISIS itself? Think about it! Some of our people, right here, are calling of the extermination of another human race! That is pretty heavy! Why is intolerance OK at one end of the spectrum but despicable at the other? If you are Christian, you know that God gave us 10 commandments. Seeing that we were having difficulties following these 10 simple directions, he scratched them and narrowed it down to one: "LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF". From the looks of it, we can't even do that right.

Say Wh at ? Ad s at a b et t er p r i ce t h an 5 year s ag o ???

Maybe we'd have less of a hard time if we defined love?

We have just cel ebrat ed our f if t h year in business

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

and f or t his, we are cut t ing t he prices t o l ess t han it was 5 years ago!* 1/ 16 page - $15 (reg $39) 1/ 8 page - $25 (reg $64) 1/ 4 page - $55 (reg $124) Hal f page $105 (reg $197) Ful l page $205 (reg $325)

But many of my "Christian Brothers" while spreading the "truth" , do not protect, nor do they trust, hope or persevere. They actually hate. I think we could all benefit from a little introspection and a lot more tolerance.

Order 1, 5, 10 or even 52! Yes, you can l ock in t his price f or t he f ul l year!

CALL SALES AT 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 EXT 1 *some restrictions may apply. Limited time only.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d

b y The Se e ke r

co ve r p ho to : Ja so n Se tny k

Seeker Snapshot : The St . Joseph?s School of Nursing Al umnae donat ed $1000 t o chemot herapy

Col t s t o ret ain bul k of ad space at Ed Luml ey City council voted Monday to give the River Kings 30 percent of advertising privileges, while the Cornwall Colts retain 70% . It is certainly more than the zip, zero, nil, nada they had before, but it is not quite what RK hoped for. The following is a statement from Steve Moreau, owner of the River Kings. "It?s too early to tell how this will affect us however it?s interesting to see how the City of Cornwall wants stability in our team yet votes for a 70/ 30 split on advertising privileges. We get no revenue from concessions, no revenue from beer sales, no discount on ice time, no practice ice available because of policy and forcing us to go outside the city. Council had the choice to play fair or to play favourites. Looks like they played favourites. It?s going to take a lot of work on everyone?s part (fans, owners, staff) and its now time for fans, sponsors and anyone who supports the team to understand this team will cost all of us to have them here. Whether its in ticket sales, merchandise sales, paying players, etc, we will all have to spend to keep the team. Sponsorship and season tickets are available and we?ll need to sell 2,500 season tickets to break even. I suggest buying them now to reserve your seats. "

Kids?event promot es heal t hy l if est yl es, sense of accompl ishment and l ot s of f un!

8 Reasons t o Visit t he Gl engarry Cel t ic Music Hal l of Fame

CORNWALL ? All youngsters come away winners during the Cornwall Multisport Club Kids? Day.From tiny tykes ages 6 and under, through to 16-year-olds, this year?s popular event will be held Saturday, July 4 at Lamoureux Park and is free to everyone in the community.?We really want to encourage parents to bring their youngsters down to the park for it,? encouraged Kathleen Hay, race director. ?The event is meant to encourage kids? to become physically active, but it also promotes important qualities like good sportsmanship and fair play.?Plus, it?s tons of fun, too!?The CMC club has organized the event for several years, and members eagerly look forward to it every summer. It is a kid-friendly morning that is specifically designed to encourage participation in a positive, non-competitive atmosphere geared towards all levels of physical ability.?For instance, not only do we have awards for each age group, but every participant who crosses the finish line receives a finishers?medal,? she added. ?They take such pride in this, it?s a real sense of accomplishment for them, and they?ll end up wearing it the whole day.?It?s great to see them running across the finish line with big smiles on their faces.?In addition, club members also volunteer as pace bunnies for the events. This ensures that no participant is left behind on the course, and that there?s someone there to see they get over the finish. Kids?of all levels of physical fitness are encouraged to register and no special equipment is required except a pair of running shoes.?You see the pacer run up with the kids, then step back as the kids would cross the finish on their own. It?s a very positive thing for participants.?Registration takes place from 10 ? 10:20 a.m. at the bandshell. It will take place rain or shine. Those interested may also sign-up in advance by visiting www.cornwallmultisportclub.com/ cmckids.shtml

You may never have heard of this Hall, located in the heart of historic Williamstown. Whether you?re a frequent visitor or a beginner, it?s always a good day for a visit!

The race routes are all in Lamoureux Park and around the bandshell area. Distances vary from 700 metres (6 and under), 1.25 km (7-9), 2.5 km (10-12) to 3.75 km (13 +). It is very important to remember, however, that any child is welcome to run a shorter distance if they prefer: participation and fun are the names of this game.Events for ages 6 and under begin at 10:30 a.m., with all other age groups as listed to follow. The awards ceremony will be held immediately after the final participant crosses the finish line.Light snacks will be provided for the participants, and their supporters are welcome to pack a picnic to enjoy while cheering them on. The awards ceremony will be held at 11:30 a.m.

By Emma Meldrum

1. Most importantly ? it?s free! Walking around the exhibits, looking through the archives, and admiring the Hall?s inductees won?t cost you a thing. Donations are welcome if you?d like to support Celtic music in Glengarry. 2. There are a variety of displays to discover, which tell the stories of fiddlers, pipers, pianists, and dancers. 3. You may learn something new about a family member of friends through old photos and Hall records. 4. You may be inspired to nominate an accomplished Celtic musician to the Hall of Fame. Nominations are accepted all year round! 5. You may find a great gift: there are many CDs on sale at the Hall, each one featuring a local artist. 6. The Hall is located near important historical sites like the Sir John Johnson House, the Nor?westers and Loyalist Museum, and the Bethune-Thompson House. 7. A visit to the Hall can make a great day trip. Jack?s Pub and Ye Olde Bridge Restaurant are only a short walk away! 8. The Hall offers a true taste of Celtic music during Tuesday night ceilidhs. These free informal concerts feature Glengarry fiddlers. Ceilidhs are free, but donations are encouraged. Planning a visit to the Celtic Music Hall of Fame? Hours are 10 to 3, Tuesday to Sunday. The Hall is located at 19687 William Street, in the Charlottenburgh Township building. For more information, call 613-347-9996. See you soon!

The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank


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(613) 933-7040

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Th e S EEK ER ce le b ra t e d 5 y e a rs Ju n e 1 1 , 2 0 1 5

AND THE PARTY HAPPENED JU NE 1 9 Photos by Carol Grant. For the last five years, in June, the Seeker has been putting on an incredible Anniversary Dinner filled with glitz and glamour, which always doubles as a fundraiser. The Seekers Choice Awards aims at recognizing hard working people in our community, with an emphasis on small businesses and on the arts community. Around the table from front left: Olaf and Siiri Reiman (delivery team), Brian and Nancy Leitner (Bam Laser Works, awards engravers) Seeker Chick Mai-Liis (also known as Madam Mix-a-Lot) DJ Shellshock, Sheldon Grant, John Lucio (The Tech Guy) and Seeker Chick Julia.

Allan Beaufais (right) of Premier Printer Products presenting the Home Based Business award to Fairy Sweet

This year marked a very important milestone for Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud, the founders of the Cornwall Seeker Newspaper: They celebrated their fifth year in business. The winners in ten categories were announced Friday night at the event. A special Seeker Volunteer award was also given to Siiri and Olaf Reiman, the delivery team, who has been getting the Seeker to Readers all around Cornwall from day one. Here are t he winners: Home Based Business of the Year? Fairy Sweet New Business of the Year ? Cornwall Newswatch Existing Business of the Year ? Fantasy Realm Musical Artist of the Year ? The Lost Boyz Literary Artist of the Year ? Thom Racine Visual Artist of the Year? Chad Coleman Performing Artist of the Year ? Jane Hennessy Craibe Athlete of the Year ? Kaedyn Martin Volunteer of the Year ? Dr. Paul Poirier Seeker?s Contributor of the Year ? Marlene Baker

Candy Pollard of Cornwa ll Business Entreprise Cen ter presenting Best New Bus iness award to Bill Kin gston

The process of selecting the winners started back in February with nominations. The top 10 nominees were then entered in the online voting process. When the voting ended, the top 5 were revealed and entered in the last judging round. ?We learned form the first 3 years that a selection process that is only done online is flawed, so we opted for a 80-20 model that was introduced last year,? said Julia Lucio, Awards Chair and Managing Editor of the Seeker. ?Eighty percent of the vote comes from the online voters and twenty percent is decided by the awards panel which consists of 8 people who have a 2.5 percent say in the results. They carefully review the nominees and evaluate their accomplishments to better decide where to place their vote. It seems to work well and helps make the process as fair as it can be?

Brent Stang, owner of SDG TaeKwonDo presented the award for Athlete of the year to 8 year old Kaedyn Martin

Best Existing Business award went to Fantasy Realm and was presented by Community Futures Development (right)

Linda Geisel, president of Focus Art introduced the Visual Artist of the Year

Lola's own

er introduced the Best Musical Artist award The Seeker would like to thank all the sponsors and congratulate all the nominees and the winners. ?We wish we could give an award to every single one of the people nominated,? said Mai-Liis Renaud, co-owner of the Seeker. ? They all deserve it. Unfortunately, there can only be one award recipient. But the nominees are all winners.?

The proceeds of the event always go to charity. This year?s event collected over $4000 for Cornwall Hospice. Pierre Dufour of the Cornwall Public Library (right) presented Thom Racine with the Best Literary Artist award

Maurice Piquette and Cecile Leblanc present the Contributor of the Year award to Marlene Baker (middle)

A very special award went to the Seeker's Delivery Team Siiri and Olaf Reiman (Mai-Liis' parents, left) for 5 years of incredible support. Thank you!

Steven Moreau, owner of the Cornwall River Kin gs, presenting Jane Hennes sey Craibe with the Bes t Performing Artist of the Year award

Andrew Walker (right) representing Accesoware and presenting the Volunteer of the Year award to Dr. Paul Poirier

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ graduates at T.R. Leger have overcome working towards her diploma, she can now look back countless obstacles while working towards their with pride at her accomplishments. diploma. ?It doesn?t matter where you come from ? you can ?Our students might have their own family, they always accomplish more than people tell you,? Collins may have overcome poverty and health issues. said. She had encouraging words for those still Many have challenging life circumstances,? studying: ?Don?t give up. Keep going. It?ll be worth it explained Trasuk. ?It?s incredibly emotional for in the end.? me as well. This is truly a family celebration.? When they received their diploma, several graduates T.R. Leger School of Adult, Alternative, and took the time to acknowledge those who had helped Continuing Education is geared towards them along the way. Spouses and families were students who may be experiencing these types thanked, as well as staff members. of challenges. The institution provides a more ?Students feel safe here,? said Principal Trasuk. ?They flexible learning environment, where students 128 STUDENTS GRADUATE IN feel that all the staff truly care about their education learn independently and may receive credits for and well-being.? TR LEGER'S CLASS OF 2015 their life experiences. Many graduates have by Emma Mel drum attempted to complete their high school The graduation ceremony was a proud moment as courses more than once ? which makes reaching well for Rosaire Leger, who was instrumental in that goal even more significant. founding the school more than 30 years ago. On June 11th, the auditorium at General Vanier was ?Life gets in the way,? said Rachel, who graduated this ?I?m always very proud,? said the now retired Leger. packed with families, friends, and staff all intent on year. It took her three tries to finish. Now she can ?I?m proud not because we started (the school), but congratulating this year?s graduating class at T.R. continue her education and enter the workforce in her because we?re blessed with excellent staff who Leger. The ceremony was similar to most high school chosen field. understand the students?needs.? graduations: blue robes, speeches, diplomas, and lots Many of this year?s graduates will go on to higher of picture-taking. The atmosphere of pride and joy, In all, 128 students graduated from the Eastern education. Others will continue working or caring for however, was much more overwhelming. region, which includes campuses in Cornwall, their children. Mckayla Collins, this year?s Akwesasne, Alexandria, and Williamsburg. According to Principal Geoff Trasuk, this is because valedictorian, is headed to college. After 6 years of Congratulations to this year?s graduating class!

TheSmall Glories bring Folk to Cornwall Cornwall Ontario ? The Small Glories played Cornwall on Saturday June 20th at Lola?s Pub. The Small Glories, based out of Winnipeg, are a musical union between folk artists Cara Luft and JD Edwards. Cara Luft, who is a Juno award winner musician, enjoyed her first visit to Cornwall, including a bike ride along the St. Lawrence River. ?What a treat it was to play Lola?s in Cornwall. This was my first visit to Cornwall, and wow, the people we met that night made me wish I had played here before. The local openers (Tracy Lalonde, Pamela Cumming and Dylan Groulx) were incredible. I also had a chance to take a bike ride along the St Lawrence before the show, exploring the waterfront pathway system. Cornwall struck me as a town full of hard working people with big hearts, and I felt incredibly welcome?.

Comedy night provides Prof anit y and Social Comment ary Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk.

Cornwall Ontario ? Comedian and Hollywood Actor Darren Frost, Comedian and Event Promoter Mark Vincent, and Comedian Kenny Robinson are pictured here standing in front of La Maison Tavern. The three performed last Friday night. Profanity and social commentary are a dynamite combination that works well for Darren Frost on stage. ?It is one of the last bastions of free speech so that is why they go hand in hand. We live in such a pc (politically correct) world that a dark nightclub is the one last places people are less judgmental. Times are hard, people are scared, they need a dark club to let go of their fears and laugh at the world and ourselves?, explains Frost.

That welcoming feeling was obvious by the sound of ovation from the audience as The Small Glories put on an energetic and heart felt show. ?They were jaw-droppingly good, and such an incredible talent to have been able to see right here in Cornwall. For two people, they made an incredibly full sound ? powerful and delicate exactly when it needed to be so. I was honoured to share the stage with them; they are really lovely people?, said Tracy Lalon de. The Tracy Lalonde Band opened the show and played fantastic set. he next concert at Lola?s is this Saturday June 27th. Rock and Roll duet Les Deuxluxes from Montreal are headling, and also playing are Ben Dynamite and Chris Benton. The concert begins at 9pm and there is no cover.

Darren Frost was in the blockbuster movie Hairspray with John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Christopher Walken. Darren Frost also has many movies to his credit including Assault On Precinct 13 with Ethan Hawke, Fever Pitch featuring Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon, and Don?t Say A Word with Michael Douglas. Most recently Darren Frost worked with Nicolas Cage in his new movie Pay The Ghost and appeared in season 2 of the hit show Mr. D on CBC playing as an angry French teacher. Opening the show was Kenny Robinson who shared the stage with such comedians as Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Jim Carrey, Norm McDonald, Russell Peters, and many others. About 100 people were in attendance for this R-rated comedy show. Promoter Mark Vincent is hosting another event on Tuesday August 4th. ?Tales on the Road? features the live spoken word of former WWE Wrestling superstars Jake the Snake Roberts and Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wishing Everyonea Happy and SafeCanada Day! Cornwal l is Ready f or Big Canada Day Part y at Lamoureux Park ! In what has become a great local tradition each July 1st, the Cornwall Canada Day Committee is ready to welcome tens of thousands of patriotic Canadians to Lamoureux Park with a day full of free activities, music, and entertainment. For over four decades, Canada Day has produced a great venue for children, families, and seniors to celebrate Canada?s birthday as a nation. The 148th edition will be no different with lots to do. "One of the things we aim to provide is a fun-filled and free day for families and seniors," said Cornwall Canada Day Chair and local Member of Parliament Guy Lauzon. "Whether it is the children?s activities and inflatables area, the musical entertainment in the bandshell, or our annual Seniors breakfast at the Legion, we get a lot of positive feedback from residents about the event." Children?s activities, air bounce inflatables, and musical entertainment at the bandshell begin around 11:00am-12 noon. Returning again this year is the popular Canada Day Store with red and white Canadian paraphernalia for sale hosted by volunteers of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall. The Committee has also introduced a 50/ 50 raffle to assist with the expenses of the day.

5 Qu est i o n swi t h Th e Sm al l Gl o r i es

The day of festivities will conclude with a presentation at the bandshell of the Cornwall Senior Citizen of the Year, the singing of O?Canada and the major fireworks display overlooking the St. Lawrence River. A full list of activities is available on the City of Cornwall?s website at: www.cornwal l .ca/ CanadaDay The Canada Day festivities in Lamoureux Park attract an estimated 20,000-25,000 guests each year.

"Happy Canada Day

Main St age Ent ert ainment 12:00 noon 1:00 2:00 2:30 3:15 St udio 4:00 TJ

Opening Ceremonies BC DC Dance (great modern dance) Showcase Mix f eat . recording artist Kevin Rivette performing popular French and English classics Phil ippe St Arnaud (Best in French Music) C Dance (from Broadway to Pop) Jackson (Elvis Show)

4:45 Fl owdroids 5:30 6:45 Rock

from Cornwall City Council" www.Cornwal l .ca

(hip hop to Mix Party music)

Fusion - Is a young group of musicians who perform some of the best songs from today and yesterday. Bot t om -This band performs the very best of Classic Rock!

8:00 The 9:15 Dance

Don Scot t Band - This band is new to the Canada Day Stage Ext raordinaire Show - Lead by the Flowdroids and the BC DC dance troupe, this segment to our show will surely have everyone dancing the night away! 9:45 Present at ion of Cornwal l Senior Cit izen of t he Year, 50/ 50 Draw, and singing of O?Canada 10:00 Fireworks

Chil dren?s Ent ert ainment Again this year the Canada Day committee has brought an energetic and exciting show for local children. Best of all, it?s all free! 11:00-6:00 Inf l at abl e 11:00-1:00 Home 12 noon Cl owns

Air Bounce & Chil dren?s Pet t ing Zoo

Depot Chil dren?s Const ruct ion Craf t Time and f ace paint ing in t he chil dren?s t ent

12 noon-6:00 Mobil e Gamerz On Sit e 1:00

Lit t l e Ray?s Rept il es

2:00 3:00




and Il l usions by t he Pizazz Magic Incorporat ed Lit t l e Ray?s Rept il es Great Face-Paint ing Tal ent Show

Ot her Canada Day Event s 11:00-8:00 Bingo


11:00-10:00 Canada Day Souvenir St ore - hosted by Big Brothers Big Sisters 12noon Ent ert ainment in t he Beer Garden unt il af t er t he Fireworks - hosted by the Cornwall Navy Club 2:00-3:25

Free Swim at t he Cornwal l Aquat ic Cent re - sponsored by Cornwall City Council

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca



RENOVATION SALE The library?s used book store is closing for renovations July 1 to August 17th. Come in for our renovation sale Sat urday, June 27, Monday, June 29 and Tuesday, June 30. Everything in thestoreishalfprice.



Fest ival de f il ms d?ét é @ l a bibl io - NEIGE & CENDRES Un conflit armé sévit sur une région de l?Europe de l?est. Lors de son réveil d?un coma, Blaise Dumas, correspondant de guerre, découvre que son ami et collègue photographe avec qui il couvrait le conflit n?est pas revenu. Blaise tente maintenant de se remémorer les événements brutaux qui ont mené à la disparition tragique de son collaborateur. Drame, Romantique - AUDITOIRE : G



LIBRARY?S TD SUMMER READING CLUB LAUNCH - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Kids 3 to 13 - Join us for fun activities at Gray's Creek Entrance to the park on Boundary Road just south of of Second Street PAWS 'N BOOKS Kids reading their favorite book to pet dogs @ the library 11:00 am to 12 noon


CHECK-MATES with Clifford Labre - Saturday afternoons @ 2:00 pm

TUESDAY, JUNE 30 READY, SET, KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone.


THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.


THURSDAY, JULY 2 Summer Movies Fest ival @ t he Library - BIRDMAN 6:30 PM & FRIDAY, JULY 03 @ 2:00 PM


Birdman or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance is a black comedy that tells the story of an actor - famous for portraying an iconic superhero - as he struggles to mount a Broadway play. In the days leading up to opening night, he battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his career, and himself. Comedy, Drama - AUDIENCE: 14A - 119 mins

Krist ian on your completion of the

Th e Seek er Wi sh es Ever yo n e a HAPPY & SAFE CANADA DAY

Culinary Management Programme Lots of Love, your family and friends

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Our C O M M U N I T Y




Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org SVTC Present s: Figment s by Bil l y St . John at Dream Builder Studios. Tickets available at admission.com Rideau Caret on Sl ot s Bus Trip departing at 4:30 pm. For info or reserve call 613.932.6534. Proceeds to the Auxiliary to St Joseph's Continuing Care Center MAXVILLE FAIR GATES OPEN AT 8 AM. MIDWAY, PETTING ZOO,EXHIBIT HALL,holstein/ 4 h show, seaway slot racers, english & western games shows,.EVENING ENTERTAINMENT : the canadian cowgirls rodeo drill team. see fair website for details



Come take a hist oric wal k of Sydney St reet with Sarah Lauzon, our local little historian, and learn about some of the old homes on the street, and the people who built and lived in them.There are three tours to choose from - 1pm, 3pm, and an evening tour taking place at 7pm. Sarah will be OUTSIDE the FRONT of the library waiting for you :) All tours are scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 27th, 2015.If it's raining, I have a rain date set for Sunday, June 28th, 2015. Gigant ic Used-Jewel l ery Sal e. Wide Selection of earrings, necklaces, chains, boaches, rings, bracelets, watches. 9am to 12pm at Ste-Therese-de-Lisieux Parish Hall. 1304 Lisieux St. Cornwall. Proceeds go to Papua New Guinea Missionary Work.

MAXVILLE FAIR GATES OPEN AT 8 AM. MIDWAY, PETTING ZOO,EXHIBIT HALL,holstein/ 4 h show, seaway slot racers, english & western games shows,.EVENING ENTERTAINMENT : the canadian cowgirls rodeo drill team. see fair website for details Headlock For Hospice II Celebrate Canada Day and get your fix of hard hitting action with all your favourite pro-wrestling superstars when TVCOGECO & Mecca Pro Wrestling present ?Headlock For Hospice II?, Wednesday, July 1st at 8:30 pm.




St . Lawrence Val l ey Cemet ery Annual Memorial Service at 2 pm. 15570 County Rd 2, Long Sault. Guest Speaker: Dr. Sally Grant. Music by Candice Prevost. Free will offering and refreshments will follow the service Sal em Unit ed Church St rawberry Social from 2 pm to 4 pm. 19041 County Road 2, Summerstown. Admission: 8$, Call-613.931.1468 for ticket reservations. Worship and t he Word at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 949 Mohawk Drive. 10:30 am. Pastor Brad Montsion.




Caref or Heal t h & Wel l ness Cl inc from 11:15 am to 1 pm. Lan-Char Center, 20 Victoria St. Lancaster. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure, cholesterol checks etc Cornwal l Gymnast ics Cl ub Summer Camp 9 am to 3:30 pm. Ages 4 to 12 years. $25 per day. No experience necessary. Space is limited. Call 613.933. 4356 for more info or to register.




Bereaved Famil ies Support & Share Af t ernoon 1 pm to 3 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Open to anyone who is struggling with the loss of a loved one. Canada Day Cel ebrat ion Open House 11 am to 2 pm. Cornwall Senior Citizens Club, 119 Pitt St. Free sandwiches, tea, coffee & cake for all seniors. Please wear red. Hourly draws.




Happy Canada Day! Seepage6 for scheduled activities in Lamoureux Park!




YOUR ad woul d be here had you cal l ed it in. Next t ime don't f orget ! Cal l 613-935-8101 or email inf o@t heseeker.ca




Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org

Websi te n eed u pdat i n g?

6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1

Is f ood a probl em f or you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510 "The Gat hering Pl ace" is at the Cornwall Wesleyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and gives you the opportunity to express yourself with new and old friends. " EVERYONE IS WELCOME"

The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank


our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach t hem at 613-870-2177

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



W hat ' sOnThisW eek ?


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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

M a rle ne


I t's TimeTo Order Your Wedding I nvitations from ...



__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ME!!! Last week, I had the story about my granddaughter, Abigail and her honor to be voted as The friend, Titiana. A few Saturdays ago I had asked the Seeker's Contributor of the girls if they wanted to come to Tim Horton's with me Year, an award I never to get a treat. They both said yes to wanting to come imagined I would ever win. along with me. So being the type of lady that I am... I You see, I am actually a wanted the girls to dress up nicely and to have their somewhat shy person, hair done up into pretty ponytails. "Titi" as she is dealing with anxiety every called by her younger siblings, sadly didn't have a Hi There to day. I was once worried about what others would dress to wear....so Abigail offered to lend her one of everyone who is think of me, but now I combat it by giving people her own pretty dresses. After I had myself all reading the most something to look at and if need be... talk about. My together, the three of us headed over to Timmy's for positive and column ~Positively Marlene~ has actually helped me our "Afternoon Tea" together. Whilst we were informative paper to become more "out there" and much more waiting for our chocolatey drinks to be prepared, the ~The Seeker~ in the Cornwall and the S.D. confident and outgoing in public. I can see even girls noticed that there was a single penny in the & G. area this week. more of the positivity in the world around me, which Donations Box. They both giggled together and said I must share with you all that last Friday is mostly here in Cornwall, Ontario. I see a pleasant that, that wasn't very much to donate. How could a night, June 19th, the Seeker Choice Awards town, I get to meet a lot of nice and friendly people, penny help??? I went on to tell them that a penny went off very well. In fact it went off and I choose to ignore the few I encounter who aren't can go along way. If 100 pennies were donated then Marvelously!!! It was held at Cornwall's so very nice. I choose to that would make $1.00. If 1000 people donated a Golf & Country Club and the put my energy where I penny each that would then make $10.00. Then, that service (the servers, bartenders, want, I choose to be $10.00 or $100.00 dollars could go for a lot of things cooks etc.), the beautiful decor, happy, and I choose to like food, transportation and even for prescriptions the lit- up dance floor, (done by love living here. So for that are needed for helping others. Because I was DJ.SHELLSHOCK) and the those who chose to vote paying for the girls drinks they decided to put some scrumptious food and fine wine were all for me, and for Julia and of their own money into this Donation box. But Fabulous!!! Seeker Chicks, Julia Lucio and Mais-Liis who chose to Wait... there is more to this touching story... Whilst Mai-Liis Renaud did a Superb job of have me as a columnist sipping on our delicious drinks at a table, a deaf man decorating and organizing this wonderful and who believed in me, came over to us and handed me a small card. It told event!!! Kudos goes out to all of the I can only offer a HUGE me that he was deaf and that he would like a Presenters, Sponsors and all of the THANK YOU from the donation to help him in his woesome life. I kind-hearted donors who helped make this bottom of my heart. We explained to Abigail and Titi of what he was doing all happen. Thank you also goes out to are all just souls on a and again they gave of their own money to this deaf ~Party Time Entertainment~, (Maurice path, on all different gentleman. He gave the girls each a card that Piquette and Cecile Leblanc) who graciously pathways, and at showed them how to do Sign Language. Right away sponsored an actual awards. Everyone different places on they started doing the hand gestures that spelt out always has so much FUN playing Black-Jack, those paths. For "My their names. This really touched me and I cried tears Roulette and the other gambling games Path" to have brought of joy of what these two eleven year old girls had throughout the evening raising money for me to Cornwall, and to done that day. My *Wish* is that more parents, such a good cause. I heard that there was be recognized in this grandparents, aunts, uncles and older siblings, $4000 raised for our charity of choice, way, is truly a Blessing. cousins and even caregivers would "Show and Cornwall Hospice this year. Thank you Everyone for Again, I say, "Thank You to each and every person Tell"their younger family members about giving to a Marvellously Fun & Rewarding evening had by all. who voted for me and who believed that I would and others that are less fortunate then ourselves. Every could achieve this great honor in my adult life of Penny Counts!!! Once upon a t ime there was a girl who married winning for ~Contributor of the Year~!!!" Muah, young at nineteen and grew up in the city, but had Unt il Next Week: "You have to leave the city of Muah. P.S. I also want to Shout Out a HUGE THANK the greatest opportunity to have a 20 acre farm to your comfort and go into the Wilderness of your You to a beautiful friend of mine, Patricia Sawatis raise her seven, healthy children on. She was a quiet Intuition. What you will discover will be Wonderful. Merpaw for all of the time, help and person, seldom What you will Discover is YOURSELF!!!" Written by creativity she put into making a speaking to many ~Alan Alda~ of the t.v. series, *Mash* "Fabulous Outfit" for me for these people other than Special Awards. She not only creates P.S. I do have more to tell you about all of my other her peers at church Unique outfits, and costumes, she is fun activites that I had last weekend, but I will have or school and of also a very creative Cake/ Cupcake to continue that in next week's column. Stay Tuned course to her own Decorator as well. If you ever need For Part Two of "Marlene's Party Weekend". SMILES children. The years anything made you can find Patricia on are for FREE, so FREELY give them Away. came and went, until Facebook. 28 years had gone Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & by. She moved off Tip of The Week: TEN Tips on How to www.photodreams.ca of the farm, and Live a Simple & Happy Life: 1. Eat Less. cautiously made her 2. Move More. 3. Buy Less. 4. Make way on her own until More. 5. Stress Less. 6. Laugh More. 7. she wound up in . . Feel Blessed. 8. Love More. 9. Find a .Cornwall!!! Here "Quiet Spot" every day, and B R E A T H she came to helped E!!! 10. Repeat # 's 6 & 8 as much as one of her older possible. Now Follow These Tips & Get daughters, Melinda On With Your Happy Life!!! with her third This next part was in my column last newborn child, week, but I am repeating it because Sampson. Living in unfortunately the photos of my her home as a grand-daughter, Abigail, and her friend, Nanny, and growing Titiana were not published. (This is for more as she the girls as I had promised them that they would be Bloomed and Blossomed a little late in life. Then one in the paper. Thank you kindly for understanding my day ( two years ago), she was asked to write a column oh-so-faithful readers. I knew you would in a local paper, and she began to do so once a week, understand.) I want to share (again) a really touching ( now her 108th column this week). Yes, the girl was

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Good Samarit an l eaves money f or Riverdal e resident s t o f ind Report s of at l east 2 random gif t s of kindness surf aced Wednesday af t ernoon on Facebook. The gif t s, in t he f orm of a bl ue not e at t ached t o a f ive dol l ar bil l , simpl y st at ed : ?The universe chose you t o receive t his gif t (smil ey f ace)?, but it sure bright ened t he day of t hose who received it . Michael Gal vin is one of t he t wo who f ound t he not e. ?Mine got sl ipped under my windshiel d wiper,? not ed Gal vin. The ot her one t o f ind t he giveaway is a l it t l e boy. Arl o O?byrne spot t ed t he $5 bil l t aped t o a Canada post mail box near Riverdal e park. He was t hril l ed t o make t he discovery. ?We were driving in t he car and pul l ed up t o t he st op sign when he t ol d me t here was 5 dol l ars,? said mom Angel a Benoit . ?I t hought he meant on t he ground or somet hing, so I pul l ed over and he ran t o get it of f t he side of t he mail box. He asked if he coul d keep it , and af t er I read t he not e, how coul d I say no? He was so happy!? It is uncl ear if t he Good Samarit an is a Riverdal e resident and why he chose t his neigbourhood t o do his good deeds. It is al so unknown if he randoml y sel ect his ?vict ims? or if t hey are chosen.

Top: The "ticket" found under Galvin's windshield wiper: better than a parking ticket!

?We just want ed t o say t hank you whoever you are,? concl uded Benoit . ?You made a 7 year ol d very happy.? We would like to find the culprit and properly thank him/her. If you have been the victim of a random act of kindness or if you have any information about this modern day Robin Hood, please email info@theseeker.ca.

Right: The gift left little Arlo O?byrne smiling from ear to ear.

There has been no shortage of things to do this month and, as the Summer weather continues, the list of local events will also continue to grow. My own calendar has been filled with beach outings, park outings, visits to the Splash Pad, house parties, graduation ceremonies, weddings and awards ceremonies with more events being added daily now that the kids are finished school officially... Enjoy all of the Canada Day festivities planned around the area next week and make sure to check out the Seeker's calendar of events to see the list of upcoming events and all of the great things our community has to offer this Summer! Hope to see all of you out there!

bring you high quality products, services and to share their talents. Many of them go unseen or hide in the background but all have proved that they make a difference in our community. Being recognized by your community, your family, your friends and your peers is one of the most deserving accomplishments one

The Alison Wonderland Band held a fundraiser for Carefor Hospice Cornwall at the Royal Canadian Legion on June 12th. The band, winners of the 2015 Wedding Industry Experts Awards (1st place in Ottawa, 1st place in Ontario, 1st place in Canada and 2nd place Worldwide!) performed as a very large crowd danced the night away and raised $685 was raised for Hospice!

On another personal note, it is always an honour and a pleasure to attend this event and to help recognize the very deserving people who win these awards. I am particularly proud of my fiance for receiving the Existing Business of the Year Award this year for Fantasy Realm. Last year I was fortunate to stand at the podium at the same awards ceremony and accept an award and, as proud as I was at that moment, there's just something that makes you even PROUDER watching someone else accept the award, and especially when that someone else is the person you love most! Randy Sauve (photo right) accepted the Existing Business Award (from Rock Lefebvre of Community Futures Development Sponsor of the award)




On Friday, June 19th, I attended The Seekers Choice Awards at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club. This yearly event is always a glamorous do, highlighting and celebrating deserving members of our community.Awards are remitted in ten categories including Best Home Based Business (Fairy Sweet), Best New Business (Cornwall Newswatch), Best Existing Business (Fantasy Realm), Best Visual Artist (Chad Coleman), Best Musical Artist (The Lost Boyz), Best Literary Artist (Thom Racine), Best Performing Artist (Jane Hennessy Craibe of BCDC), Athlete of the Year (Kaedyn Martin), Volunteer of the Year (Dr. Paul Poirier) and the Seeker?s Contributor of the Year (Marlene Baker). And even though there could only be one winner for each award, all of the nominees in all ten categories should be commended. These individuals give their best each year, month, week and day to

can receive and I wish to congratulate everyone nominated again this year. A Seeker Volunteer award was also given to Siiri and Olaf Reiman, the Seeker delivery team, who work tirelessly and give of their time so freely every week to make sure the Seeker is delivered to readers all around Cornwall, ever since day one. This year was particularly special as it marked the Fifth Anniversary of the Seeker. Every year, the event doubles as a fundraiser and this year's charity of choice was Hospice Cornwall. This very deserving organization has a particularly special place in my own heart as we lost an uncle, aunt and a father-in-law while at Hospice, all in the past year. This year's Seekers Choice Awards raised $4000 for Hospice and that makes me so very happy.

for FANTASY REALM and it is such an overwhelming feeling to watch a man I respect, love, admire and adore be celebrated for all of his wonderful accomplishments over the past +30 years in business here in Cornwall. His speech was touching as he paid tribute to his parents and his mentors, all of whom had a hand in making him the absolute GREAT man he is today. Through his hard work, dedication, perseverance and his labour of love, he has accomplished what many others have failed to do and I am so very proud!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Business Enterprise

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 17 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

Bishop M acd onell host s a f un d ay Students at Bishop Macdonell Catholic School recently celebrated the end of the school year with their annual ?Bishop?s Got Talent? day. This year?s highlight was a collection of bouncy castles and a dunk tank rented for afternoon activities by the school?s Parent Council. Ally Poitras and Leland Chalette prepare to race each other in a Bouncy Castle obstacle course.

After the talent show, students Later in the got to enjoy several bouncy week, kinder ga by visitors A structures... nna and Elsa rten students were surp ri , characters Frozen. from Disney sed ?s

Principal David McLeod awaits a splash in the Dunk Tank. Eighteen w or kplaces and 184 r esidents took par t in the 2015 Active Tr anspor tation Challenge, m ar king a 30 per cent incr ease over last year ?s event. All told, the par ticipants com bined to log 834 sustainable tr ips dur ing the w eeklong event, w hich r an fr om M ay 31st to June 6th and coincided w ith the national Com m uter Challenge event. ?This year ?s tur nout exceeded our expectations,? said Chantal Lalonde, Health Pr om otion Specialist w ith the Easter n Ontar io Health Unit and a founding m em ber of the Tr ansition Cor nw all + Active Tr anspor tation Action Gr oup. ?Thanks to the high par ticipation r ate, Cor nw all actually finished in fir st place over all in the national Com m uter Challenge for sim ilar -sized com m unities.?

Part icipat ion l evel s grow f or 2015 Act ive Transport at ion Chal l enge

Thr oughout the w eek , par ticipants opted to par k their car s and use alter nate for m s of tr anspor tation such as cycling, w alking, r unning, r olling, car pooling, telecom m uting or public tr ansit. The tr ips totalled 27,939 kilom etr es. By com par ison, the distance fr om Cor nw all to Vancouver is appr oxim ately 4,800 kilom etr es.

M ar y Fair bair n, w ho r eceived new bicycles fr om Bicycle Wor ld and Total Cycler y and Spor ts. Other pr izes offer ed included a longboar d fr om Play it Again Spor ts, a bicycle helm et fr om Kalr im Cycles, a $100 gift cer tificate to Cor nw all Squar e, a bike-them ed pr int fr om Bike Centr ic, r unning shoes fr om Lindale?s, Cor nw all Tr ansit goodies and m or e.

Collectively, the par ticipants saved 1,886 litr es of fuel, bur ned 192,505 calor ies and avoided 3,815 kilogr am s of gr eenhouse gases.

Abou t t h e Act i ve Tr an spor t at i on Ch al l en ge Hosted by the City of Cor nw all, the Easter n Ontar io Health Unit and Tr ansition Cor nw all+, the Active Tr anspor tation Challenge r ew ar ds par ticipants for using active and alter native m odes of tr anspor tation like w alking, cycling, r oller blading, car pooling or public tr ansit.

?It w as gr eat to see so m any r esidents getting involved and encour aging their fr iends, fam ily m em ber s and co-w or ker s to do the sam e,? added M r s. Lalonde. The gr and pr ize w inner s of this year ?s event w er e Tr acey Cloutier and

Once r egister ed, par ticipants ar e asked to log each sustainable com m ute m ade dur ing the w eek ? be it for w or k or leisur e pur poses.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 18 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



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UNCLE BILL'S GARAGE Sat urday, June 27t h & Sunday, June 28t h 10am t o 4pm - 21353 Conc. 6, N. Lancast er, of f Gl en Nevis Road Assorted Antiques, etc.

The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 19 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 25 - June 26 - pg. 20 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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