Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r
Volume ume66Issue Issue26 21 Vol May 29, 2015 Jul y 3, 2015
Fo r mer A C /D C s ing er
D a v e Ev a ns l iv e a t
La M a is o n o n Ju l y 11t h
READ OUR EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW BY JASON SETNYK ON PAGE 5 Th e Cornw al l Seaw ay Li ons w ant to th ank th ei r sponsors...
Official Beer
Title Sponsor
1310 Lascel l e 2 +1 beds brick and vinyl home. Newer gas f urnace, newer roof , newer sewer. Gas f irepl ace.
327 Cl arke $139,900 Stone & aluminum open concept 3 bedrooms in quiet neighbourhood.
19 Gl oucest er 2 Storey brick house with 4 beds
Call Susan McDonald Sales Person 613-938-2121
THE SEEKER IS A VA ILA BLE a t Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
VALUE VILLAGE - METRO - NO FRILLS - FOOD BASICS - BAXTROM'S (Health Dept) CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY - GIANT TIGER - FRESHCO - THE GRIND - SHARYN'S PANTRY HOME HARDWARE - FARM BOY (Eating Area) - EASTCOURT MALL (near the Barber shop) TIM HORTONS (Second Street E & Cornwall Square) - LOTTERY KIOSK (Cornwall Square) BEST WESTERN PARKWAY INN - Most BREAKFAST PLACES & more ... PLUS Long Sault, MacEwen Gas Bar and at the SEEKER office OFFICE (327 2nd St. E.) Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon.
To t h e
ED I TO R In Response to the ISIS editorial of June 23rd
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101
Dear, dear Julia..
NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk
VERY well and truly said, and I send you my heartfelt praise for your wisely chosen words. With a background in classics and comparative religious studies, I have long wrestled with this topic, and arrived at my MA thesis armed only with the acquired knowledge that, for every "we" to survive, it must create a "they" in order to validate itself. The same christianity (small "C" is intentional) that fuelled the Spanish Inquisition, the wanton torture and slaughter of many indigenous peoples, the IRA, the southern Bible Belt, and to a slightly lesser degree, many of our best known denominations, decries one of its easily recognized "they" constructs, forgetting its own failure to observe that one cardinal rule. The early Greek philosophers reminded us that the only constant in the universe is change, and, by extension, only that which is dead is not subject to change. We know that, once we commit our thought to print, it joins the dead, inasmuch as it cannot be changed. How is it, then, that these "holy books", so full of good mingled with bad, written in times when only a very select few could read, interpret and disseminate their meaning (sort of like the present, isn't it?) are seen as living entities? You touched the true key to peace, and that is wrapped up in defining both neighbour and love. Thank you for putting this priceless truth on the table, and every blessing on your way. Peace.
CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper
613-935-3763 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Sal es: ext 1 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 EMAIL
inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca
THE SEEKER TEAM Your one st op shop f or... Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Web Design, Photography, Video Recording services Cal l 613-935-3763
Encouragement: the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.
by Julia Lucio
OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 5pm
Agree to disagree
Isn't it nice to receive the validation that your actions are affecting individuals in a positive manner? I am overwhelmed by the amount of encouragement I have received this past week. As an editor, I spend a lot of my time pondering on what I write and considering the effect I have on people. I sometimes chose to say hard truths that I know could (and have) land me in hot waters. But sometimes, truth has to be told as is, pure, uncompromised. White gloves only undermine the gravity of the message being passed. I want to take this time to thank my readers, all of them, those who agree and those who disagree with me, for the support, the critiques, the concern for my well being... You give me perseverance. You help me grow.
Congratulati ons on an excell ent edit ori al in the June 2 6 issue o f the Seeker. Mir rors my thoughts exact ly . Too much p rejudice and in tolerance in this w orl d ca used b y lump ing al l mem b ers of a group together w hen a very smal l p erc entage of them ar e ext rem ists. Art Cornw al l
Thank you!
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Pre se nte d
b y The Se e ke r
co ve r p ho to : Ja so n Se tny k
Dunk Tank in support of TAG TAG Cornwall is holding a fundraising event at Pommier Square on Saturday July 4th at 2:30 PM. Members of its Board and other guests will be in the Dunk Tank with all proceeds going to help replace lost funding. Cornwall City Councilors Mark A MacDonald, Maurice Dupelle, and Justin Towndale will be joining the cause, and so will author, retired police officer, and broadcaster Thom Racine. Tickets are only $10 each! For more information drop by the gallery at 168 Pitt Street as the NEW FACES show starts Thursday July 2nd! For more info visit: www.tagcornwall.com or www.facebook.com/ tagcornwall
Pl ans are Heat ing Up f or t he 9t h Annual Ingl eside Firef ight er Chal l enge The 9th Annual Ingleside Firefighter Challenge is just a few weeks away and organizers are busy with planning out the details of this year?s South Stormont Community Event. This year?s event will offer a full day of activities sure to please the entire family starting out the day with free children?s activities including Bubble Bounce Inflatables, Pony Rides by Mellow Meadows Equestrian, Face Painting, a Little Ray?s Reptiles Show and a Children?s Firefighter Challenge. There will be a BBQ and a beer garden starting at 12:00pm. Invitations have been sent to all neighbouring fire departments in SD&G and surrounding area inviting firefighters to go head to head in a test of skill, endurance and teamwork as they make their way through a skills course. The challenge is meant to simulate the first couple of minutes of a fire and will include such demonstrations as forcible entry, hose pulls, victim drag, ladder climbing and more. Families are encouraged to attend the event and cheer on their fire department. Back again this year is the Women?s Charity Challenge; competitors will take on the grueling course in full gear to benefit The Canadian Cancer Society. Ingleside will be rocking with live entertainment from 6:00pm to 1am featuring Kilts, Riffs and Spurs and SwitchGear. The 9th Annual Ingleside Firefighter Challenge is scheduled for Saturday, July 18th in front of the Ingleside Shopping Plaza.This event is free to the public and any proceeds raised will benefit the Ingleside Firefighter?s Association. Further details can be found on their facebook page: www.facebook.com/ InglesideFirefighterChallenge
St ar Trek Act ress is f irst cel ebrit y announcement f or CAPE 2016 Cornwall & Area Pop Event - CAPE is happy to make our first celebrity announcement for CAPE 2016! With Star Trek celebrating its 50th Anniversary next year, CAPE presents Noelle Hannibal, an actress/ singer who appeared in the film "Star Trek First Contact". She has the unique distinction of portraying the first female Vulcan on Earth. She has also appeared in "Star Trek: Voyager" as a Taresian woman and "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" as part of the Sisterhood of Jhe. Originally from Los Angeles, Noelle made her professional theatre debut playing Chrissy in Hair, then moved to Ireland to tour the country starring in Lock Up Your Daughters (Hilaret). Los Angeles theatre credits include Chicago (Velma), Gypsy (Mazeppa) and Miss Saigon (Gigi). Montreal theatre credits include South Park (Sheila), Gefilte Fish Chronicles: The Musical (Basha), The Virgin Courtesan (Arielle), Rent (Mimi), Merton of the Movies (Countess) and Chess (Florence). Noelle currently resides in Montreal where she performs regularly in concerts, cabarets and musical theatre productions. For more information, visit www.noellehannibal.ca
Social services t eam recognized f or work wit h l ocal yout h
A group of employees within the Social and Housing Services Department has been recognized by a provincial organization for their innovative approach to helping local youth in need. The Specialized Youth Worker Team of Danielle Dube, Melanie Desnoyers, Jamie Tyrell and Jocelynne Menard received a Local Municipal Champions Award at a conference in Chatham-Kent last week.The award ? presented by the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA) ? recognizes the team?s work in helping young parents and at-risk youth obtain their high school diploma and move on to employment or post-secondary education, thus breaking the cycle of reliance on social assistance.?The great work performed by this team is contributing to brighter futures for many young residents in our community,? said Debora Daigle, Manager of Social and Housing Services.Of those graduates, an estimated 85 per cent have either gone directly into the work force, have registered or are attending post-secondary school or have returned to high school for a victory lap. ?It is extremely rewarding for our team members to see the positive strides we are making with these young people,? said Jocelynne Menard, Program Supervisor. ?The success of our approach in Cornwall has resulted in it being used a model for other communities in the province.?
CornwalCommunit l Hospit y alrevisit svisit inghourswit ha pat ientcent eredf ocus June 30, 2015 Cornwall ? Every evening at eight o?clock sharp, a page overhead is heard at Cornwall Hospital (CCH) stating that visiting hours are over and will resume at eleven o?clock the next morning. That page will soon be replaced with an open door policy, allowing visiting at any time, to the patient?s preference.Beginning July 1st, Cornwall Hospital will join a growing number of hospitals introducing flexibility to patient visiting.The open-door approach is one element of a larger move toward putting patients and their families at the centre of the hospital culture and improving the patient experience. CCH is following this trend by allowing the patient to determine or express their visiting preferences. Between the hours of 20h00 and 06h00, visitors are asked to come through the emergency department door, ensuring that security is not compromised. The policy advises visitors to stay away if they are feeling unwell, and also gives staff members the authority to ask a visitor to quiet down or leave if being disruptive.Time spent at the hospital can be a difficult time, and allowing relatives and friends to visit anytime can alleviate the stress. Visitors can also provide assistance to their loved ones and observe care so that they can meet patient needs when they return home.Please refer to CCH?s FAQ for more details regarding this change.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Li k e Th e Seek er on Facebook MRS. B and you coul d w i n one of 10 FREE RI B DI NNERS! W ITH
Are you doing any entertaining this summer? Perhaps going to someone else's for a get together? More and more people are gathering at home and avoiding the expense of a restaurant. Even if you are not a really good cook, there are many "food accessories" on the market that make you look like a pro. Cold dips, hot dip mixes and spices to add to your favourite meat to coat, marinade or baste with.
Hot dips look intimidating but are really easy to make. Often you just need sour cream, mayo and some grated cheese. Mix with a few tablespoons of seasoning, bake and voila! At Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor we have packages just in from Gourmet Village. The instructions are very easy and you too can cook like a "foodie". Cheddar & Bacon (Photo 1), Roasted Garlic, Hot Parmesan & Artichoke (Photo 2) or Hot Crab are all quite simple to make and look great in one of our dip bakers. The bakers (Photo 3) hold their heat and with a little crusty bread, pita chips or crackers and a glass of wine (of course), the party has just begun! We also just received a great selection of other Gourmet Village packets and serving pieces. Try out some pulled pork or stuffed burgers (Photo 4)! Raspberry or traditional lemonade is always a good choice at this time of year too. Whatever the occasion, take along a little Gourmet Village with you.
Be safe. Barbara Leduc, Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor 609 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON K6J 3R8 613-937-0222 Facebook page www.facebook.com/ mrsbsgifts www.mrsbsgofts.com Lola's Pub and Grub in Cornwall, Ontario hosts an annual Poker Run in Honor of "Josie" Joanne Brunet, who died of cancer. She is survived by 4 beautiful children, Roxy, Mikey, Danny and Devon, who attend the event every year. They aspire to help local families who are going through what they once went through. All proceeds are donated to a local family who has a member that is suffering from an illness. These funds assist with travelling fees, hotel fees, medical fees or just to help pay bills as almost always, one family member is forced to stay home to care for the sick, rather than work to make a living. We prefer to donate directly to families, rather than to associations where most of the donations will pay administration fees.
Lol a's9t hAnnualJosie'sJoyride
Tomorrow, Sat urday,Jul y4t h- 10 amst art
This event is one of the many charitable events that Sharon Farley and Linda Marsolais of Lola's Pub and Grub organize and host. They've helped numerous families and donated to many charitable organizations, such as, Sparky's Toy Drive and the SPCA (just to name a couple). Your donations are very much appreciated and will truly go towards a great cause! People helping people! For more information please call Sharon or Linda at Lola's - 613-936-9898
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
COVER__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STORY
Int erview wit h f ormer AC/ DC singer Dave Evans who is l ive in Cornwal l on Jul y 11t h Article and Interview by Jason Setnyk. Submitted Photo. Cornwall Ontario ? On Saturday July 11th music fans will be able to experience an important part of rock and roll history. Dave Evans, who is the original lead singer of AC/ DC, will be live in concert at La Maison Tavern in Cornwall Ontario on Saturday July 11th. Evans was the original singer of world renowned rock band AC/ DC from 1973-1974. After leaving AC/ DC Evans joined the band Rabbit and they signed to CBS records. The album ?Too Much Rock And Roll? had a considerable amount of commercial success. Evans musical resume also includes being a part of The Badasses, The Hot Cockerels, Thunder Down Under, and the Apprentice. Most recently Dave Evans collaborated with former Alice Cooper guitarist John Nitzinger to produce the album Revenge in 2013, and in 2014 Evans released an EP length album that was nominated for two UK Music Industry Awards. Here is Jason Setnyk's interview with AC/ DC's original lead singer Dave Evans: 1 - What are your f ondest musical memories being in AC/ DC and Rabbit ? ?There are so many. Back in the 70's we all had freedom of expression with our music and our lifestyles and we exploited both to the full. With AC/ DC it was my first ever professional recordings and first ever record release which turned out to be a hit record for - Can I Sit Next To You, Girl?, which is still loved the world over. Our first film clip and the many shows including the biggest venues in Australia like the famous Sydney Opera House, Festival Hall in Melbourne etc and touring with the best at the time including Stevie Wright ex Easybeats and Lou Reed from the USA. Just all the excitement and quick successes were an amazement in itself. Becoming national stars in such a short time was an achievement for such a young band. With Rabbit it was the camaraderie between all of us which still remains to this day. The craziness of the excesses of the 70's and the popularity of the band. Releasing two albums the second of which, Too Much Rock n Roll, being released throughout Europe and Japan making us an international band. The very exciting and physical stage act was also great to be a part of with all members contributing to the spectacle of the Rabbit Attack as it was know. Also hearing both bands' records on the radio and being featured on the many Australian national TV shows was a constant buzz. Great times back then for any young man to achieve success so early?.
2 - What do you at t ribut e as your drive/ inspirat ion t o writ e music and perf orm? Pl ease t el l us about your creat ive process. ?We always had music at home as I grew up. My father sang in local town productions and we didn't get television until I was 15 years old so music, reading and poetry was prominent in the home. I sang at the local school concerts and the family would listen to music at home and all of us would sing along to the songs. It was fate for me to end up in a local band not long after I left school. My sister and I would write songs when we were still kids and thought nothing of it and just did it for fun. It is just a natural ability that we both had. My sister, Carol, though did not pursue a professional singing career as she married young and did not have the inclination to follow on with it seriously. When I write a song I think of the chorus first and make sure it is a strong hook that everyone will relate to and I can hear them singing along to and then I write the verses to justify and to compliment the chorus. Then add a strong catchy riff to the song and that is my formula to getting it written and then recorded if I deem it good enough. Not all songs make it into the studio as there has to be a standard of excellence for the fans?. 3 - What can t he peopl e of Cornwal l expect f rom your l ive perf ormance? ?A good solid hard rock performance with the Dave Evans way which I teach all my backing musicians - P.E.D.C. which stands for Power, Energy, Dynamics and Conviction?.
More about t he show: Internationally renowned AC/ DC tribute band Thunderstruck will be opening the show for Dave Evans. Doors are at 9pm. There will also be a meet and great with Dave Evans after the show. ?Come along, and we are going to rock?, says Evans. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Tickets are available now at La Maison Tavern. This event is being promoted by Rockstar Party. ?I'm so happy to be bringing Dave Evans, the original lead singer of AC/ DC, to Cornwall. He is an important part of music history, and now people can experience it in an intimate venue?, says Rodney Rivette, owner of the Cornwall based music company Rockstar Party.
People in the Loupe Hi M y nam e is M eaka I am 6 half yr s old and my m other Lynn is sending you these pictur es on my behalf. Today June 30 2015, I decided to cut my hair and donate it to m aking w igs for cancer. I am donating a little over 10 half inches to PANTENE BEAUTIFUL LENGTHS... I am r eally pr oud of myself for donating my hair specially know ing I can help som eone in need. M y w hole fam ily is so ver y ver y pr oud of m e specially my m om . Our hair dr esser Ashley (Ashley's Hair studio) in the pictur e w ith m e is also ver y pr oud of m e. I w ant to shar e my photos w ith the w or ld to inspir e other s and to show how easy it is to gr ow hair and then donate it to m aking w igs for kids in need. If I can do it at such a young age anyone can. I plan on letting my hair gr ow long again and donate once again Thank you,
M eak a THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsorof honour,f or t heir cont inuedsupport ! You can reach Fairy Sweet at
(613) 933-7040
Websi te n eed u pdati n g?
6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1
an Inv it at ion ... t o an Op en Do o r Even t
Hello CIP M em ber s and Suppor ter s,
The rain may have come down but it did not put a damper on the spirit of the City of Cornwall. Thousands participated in numerous events around the city on Wednesday to celebrate Canada Day, and Canada's 148th Birthday including Natalie Ward Durocher and Perry Durocher (TLC Karaoke and DJ) who entertained a large crowd at the Army Navy. Despite the damp weather and scattered rain throughout the day, the evening ended nicely with a beautiful fireworks display at Lamoureux Park. Shown here is Senior Citizen of the Year Joan Etherington who accepted a trophy from MP Guy Lauzon. Cornwall & Area Pop Event - CAPE will be representing Cornwall and promoting CAPE 2016 at Montreal ComicCon this weekend from Friday through Sunday. CAPE will be held over two days on April 23-24/ 2016 right here in Cornwall and will feature many celebrity guests, artists, exhibitors, cosplayers, panels and more. The first official guest announcement is Noelle Hannibal, known from Star Trek, the first female Vulcan on earth. (Full article on page 3). Summer is a busy time for the ComicCon circuit and both Randy Sauve & Carol Grant plan to attend many conventions again this year to help promote Fantasy Realm, CAPE and the City of Cornwall. Watch for coverage of Montreal ComicCon in next week's issue.
This is to invite you to an open door event at the Cor nw all Islam ic Centr e (507 Pitt Str eet) dur ing the Islam ic m onth of Ram adan. Al t h ou gh you ar e w el com e at an y t i m e, you ar e speci f i cal l y i n v i t ed t o t h e Fr i day (Ju m a) pr ayer on Ju l y 10t h . The ser vice w ill star t w ith a br ief English talk , follow ed by tw o shor t (five m inute) ser m ons in Ar abic, and tw o "units" or r akats of pr ayer. Guests ar e w elcom e to join or obser ve. The etiquette for enter ing an Islam ic place of pr ayer is that one takes off his or her shoes (you w ill see shoe r acks as you com e in). Appr opr iate dr ess is m odest (loose and long). The ser vice star ts at 1:30 pm , although I w ill be ther e 10 m inutes ear lier to m eet guests. Wom en nor m ally w ear "hijabs" (scar ves) that cover their hair, neck , and upper bodies. I'll have extr as on hand for those w ho w ould like them . M en often w ear a sm all cap (kufi or tupee), but this is m or e optional, and I'm not sur e if I have extr as, and not ever yone does this. Other events dur ing Ram adan include br eaking fast (iftar ) at sunset (ar ound 8:55 pm ) and the special evening pr ayer s (Tar aw ih), w hich r un thr oughout the m onth (star ting ar ound 10:45 pm and lasting until ar ound 12:30 am ) and dur ing w hich the entir e Qur an is r ecited by m em or y (por tion by por tion as the m onth continues). Anyone w ishing to attend these events please let m e know. I can be contacted at 613-363-7922. Blessings, Barbara H.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
FRIDAY, JULY 3 - 2pm Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library - BIRDMAN Birdman or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance is a black comedy that tells the story of an actor - famous for portraying an iconic superhero - as he struggles to mount a Broadway play. In the days leading up to opening night, he battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his career, and himself. Comedy, Drama - AUDIENCE: 14A - 119 mins
MONDAY, JULY 6 SUMMER CHESS CAMP All week until Friday July 10. - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE - 2:00 pm "The Book of Lif e" - Free for the whole family
KID?S PROGRAM - THE ELITE READERS Monday through Thursday - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
- 14 h 30 Ă 15 h 15
READY, SET, KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone.
It 's Th at
L o o k i nf o g rt h a P t e
THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
Ev e r l a s t i n g We d d i n g Gi f tTh a t w i l lb e c h e r i sh e d f o r e v e?r
POUR LES ENFANTS - LA ZONE MAKERSPACE ZONE - 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm ADULT FRIENDLY BRIDGE CLUB - 6:30 pm - Free to join ADULT TRI-COUNTY CHESS CLUB - 6:30 p.m. Free to join
THURSDAY, JULY 9 KID?S PROGRAM - LET?S PLAY! - 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm
Thursday, Jul y 9 - 6:00 PM & Friday, Jul y 10 @ 2:00 pm Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library - FOXCATCHER
r fect
TO BOOK The m ost popul ar gi f t t hi s Sum m er ....
a P r o fe s s i o n a l l y Re c o We d d i n g V i d e o r d e d .. .
Pr ices st ar t
The story of Olympic Wrestling Champion Mark Schultz and how paranoid schizophrenic John DuPont killed his brother, Olympic Champion Dave Schultz. Biography, Drama, Thriller - AUDIENCE: 14A - 134 mins
Ca l l t o d a y 6 1 at3 $295 ... -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2
t im e of t h e year ...
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Our C O M M U N I T Y
Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
The Pawf ect Car Wash from 10 to 3 pm. Pro Oil Change, 1610 Brookdale Ave. 10$ A Car. All Proceeds to OSPCA of SD&G. Mini Monster Bingo. Doors open: 4 pm, early bird: 6 pm, regular bingo: 7 pm. Nativity Hall, 301 McConnell. 12 card package: 22$ includes special. Bonanza extra: .50 Total pay out: 5,500$ Cornwal l Must ang Cl ub 2nd Anniversary Cel ebrat ion from 6 pm to 9 pm at Home Hardware, 10 13th St. E. If you own one bring it for a ride. TAG FUNDRAISER at Pommier Court! Help support our 33 year old Art Gallery by buying a chance to DUNK the board members, city councilors and other guests at this unconventional fundraiser. 2:30pm Syl vain Sound Present s Gunz N' Fn' Rosez Tribut e To Guns n Roses Live At The Port Theater 7pm
Your ( ex t end ed ) f am ily lov es you
J oh n L uc io
J uly 7
JULY Tim Hort on Free Swims at t he Aquat ic Cent re June 30, Jul y 14, Jul y 28 & August 11 - 9:00am - 9:50am Jul y 2, Jul y 9, Jul y 23, August 6 & August 20 - 2:00pm - 3:25pm
Bl ood Donor Cl inic f rom 12 pm t o 3:30 pm & 5 pm t o 7:30 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Book your appointment to save a life: 1.888.2.DONATE
Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .orgFamily Fishing Day at Gray's Creek Conservation Area, 10am to 3pm
Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call
H a p p y F o u r t h o f Ju l y t o o u r Am er ic a n Neig h b o u r s! JULY
Free Gospel Concert Wit h The Revel at ions at 6:30 pm. Lost Vil l ages Museum, 16361 Fran Laflamme Dr. Long Sault. Bring a lawn chais. If raining event will be inside Long Sault Pentecostal Church Worship and t he word at Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y, 949 Mohawk Drive, Cornwall, with Pastor Brad Montsion.
The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach t hem at
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M U S I CN ' M O R E
W hat ' sOnThisW eek ?
Tuesd ay : .60¢Wings W ed nesd ay :
SATURDAY,Jul y 4 Josie's Joyride (start 10am) presents 616 Pit t St reet , Cornwal l , ON 613-936-9898
@ 5pm
30ozPitcher &10Wings$15 Thur sd ay : $3Beer M ONDAY Fr id ay : Karaoke9-2am SUPER SPECIAL ... Sat ur d ay K:araoke9-2am- FREEPool Ho t weat h eri s co m i n g FOR THE M ONTH OF JU LY, Sund ay : Karaoke5-9 co m e q u en ch yo u r t h i r st ...
No Acoustic Patio Series This Sunday
ICE COLD BEER - 2 fo r $5 .0 0 - 3 p m t o 6 p m . Our Pat io is Licensed
- W e now have FOOD
1213 Pit t St reet Cornwal l -613-938-8659
I t's TimeTo Order Your Wedding I nvitations from ... 1213 Pit t St reet Cornwal l -613-938-8659
6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2 thegraphicdesigner13@gmail.com Custom Design - Custom Price - Evening & Weekend Appointments Available
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
Sha ry n
THO M PSO N We have given this recipe out to our customers at my store, Sharyn's Pantry for years now. It is put out by the Flax Council of Canada. It uses ground flax seeds, oat bran and wheat bran as well as 2 whole oranges, peel and all. Not only is the recipe very good for you, the muffins are delicious! The recipe will make 24 lovely muffins. We carry all of the ingredients except for the fresh oranges at Sharyn's Pantry. You will be happy that you made these muffins. Enjoy a great week!
ORANGEBRANANDFLAXMUFFINS INGREDIENTS: IN ONE LARGE BOWL: 1- 1/ 2 cups oat bran 1 cup of natural wheat bran 1 cup of ground golden flax seed (This must always be refrigerated, in your house as well as the store you purchase it.) 1 cup of unbleached all-purpose flour 1 rounded tbsp. baking powder 1/ 2 tsp. fine salt IN THE BOWL OF YOUR FOOD PROCESSOR: 2 whole seedless oranges, washed and cut into 1/ 4 s 1 cup of brown sugar - 1 cup of buttermilk 1/ 2 cup of canola oil - 2 eggs - 1 level tsp. baking soda TO ADD LAST INTO THE MUFFIN BATTER: 1- 3/ 4 cups of chopped pitted dates or raisins METHOD: -Turn your oven on to 375 degrees F. Place 24 paper muffin liners in 2- 12 cup muffin tins.
SHARYNTHOMPSON,Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY- a family-runbusinessfor 34 years. OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998
-Measure and place the oat bran, natural wheat bran, ground golden flax seed, flour, baking powder and salt into a large mixing bowl. Set aside for now. -Wash the oranges. Trim off the blossom end and discard them. Cut the oranges into 1/ 4's. You will use the complete orange, peel and all. Make sure you buy seedless oranges.
-Place the brown sugar, buttermilk, canola oil, eggs and baking soda into the bowl of your food processor. Add in the cut up orange pieces. Blend this mixture until all of the orange pieces are cut into very tiny pieces. -Pour the blended mixture into the bowl of dry ingredients. I had one piece of orange that didn't quite get small enough. Check for this as you pour in the blended mixture. Either cut these up into tiny pieces or toss them out. You don't want to bite into a large piece of orange peel in your baked muffin. -Mix well to combine. Add in the chopped dates or raisins now. -Use a scoop to measure out the muffin batter into the paper lined muffin cups. I am using a scoop and mixing fork that was my Grandpa's. They are probably at least 80 to 100 years old now. My Mum used them as well until she died 21 years ago. Now I use them. It means a lot to me to have their baking utensils still lovingly used. A little bit of both of them are right with me as I bake in my own kitchen. -Nearly fill each muffin cup with the muffin batter. By using the scoop, the muffins are already rounded on top and each muffin is the same size which makes for perfect baking and speeds up the process of filling the muffin cups. We sell these handy scoops in my store, Sharyn's Pantry. They come in all sizes, great for cookies as well. -Place the tins of muffins in the pre-heated oven, the second rack from the bottom of your oven. Bake the muffins for 18 to 20 minutes. I baked mine for 19 minutes. Allow the muffins to cool in the baking pans for 5 minutes, then place the muffins on a wire cooling rack to continue to cool. I couldn't wait. The picture I took was of a muffin right out of the oven, with the butter starting to melt. Ummm! Very good! ENJOY! NOTE: You can also make your own HONEY BUTTER to spread on the hot muffins. Just combine equal amounts of beautiful unpasteurized liquid honey (we sell this local honey at my store) and softened butter. This makes a delicious spread for any muffin you bake. Try It!
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
The Test of Ti m e
Ever ybody has it, and it doesn't cost a dim e. Our job is to spend it w ell, and w hat it's called is tim e.
Hi there to everyone of you reading the most positive and informative paper ~The Seeker~ this week. My hope is that you are doing a lot of fun things with your family and friends now that it is OFFICIALY SUMMER!!! It has been such a wonderful June for me this year with so many fun-filled activities going on every weekend. I do hope that you all got to enjoy the many festivities that went on for ~CANADA DAY~ right here in Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area. I certainly did with John and a lot of other happy and smiling Canadian Cornwallites at Lamoureaux Park. This past weekend wasn't any different. John and I were invited to the wedding of our dear friends, Todd & Josee Sauve's beautiful daughter, Danielle. The day was a perfect one for the young couple to get married on. It wasn't too hot or too sunny... It was just perfectly suitable for a wedding day to happen. As the doors opened at The Best Western to allow the wedding party to enter, little Grayson, the bride's baby cousin came in crying... Poor little guy wasn't very happy to see all of the smiling faces looking at him. (Good thing Grandma and Great Grandma were there to help settle him down!)
Danielle's two pretty bridesmaids, (Melissa Sauve and Elizabeth Levere) followed right behind Grayson. Then the moment that we all were waiting for...Da Da Ta Dah...the beautiful and stunning bride, Danielle came down the aisle towards her husband-to-be, Tom, her parents, the groomsmen and the officiant. All went well from this moment on...The evening was filled with shooting disco lights and music that had a lot of us up on the dance floor on night long. CONGRATULATIONS To Mr. & Mrs. Sauve-Stevenson. May you have many joy-filled and adventurous years together loving one another and keeping each other very happy. Then on Sunday I had a wonderful time spent with two of my children (Melinda and Luke) and five out of my six grandkiddies (Lincoln, Abigail, Sampson, William and Odin). We decided to get together to have a BBQ despite the threatening grey skies. We played some fun games and listened to music and ate a whole lot of yummcious food. The buns for the burgers and hotdogs were freshly-made by Melinda and the veggie dip that was made by Tonya (Luke's wife) was sooo delicious. Thank you to everyone for making this day happen. All in all it was a very pleasant and fun-filled kind of weekend had by all.
The gr ound r ecalls your br ain som eday and tur ns it back to ear th. The air is but our gasoline, the star ter is our bir th. Our dr ive, our aim , ther e's only one w hen all is said and done. For get the bad, and r ealize that all w e w ant is fun.
TIP OF THE WEEK: Before You SPEAK: THINK!!! T- Is it TRUE? H- Is it HELPFUL? I- Is it INSPIRING? N- Is it NECESSARY? K- Is it KIND? These tips will help you stay out of many arguments and certainly keep you out of trouble. REMEMBER TO "THINK" before you ACT, SPEAK or Do Anything in Life!!!
IN HONOUR OF BEING CANADIAN, Eh? Did you know that Canada is the second largest country in the world. We have the highest tides in the world that occur in the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick. The capital of Canada is Ottawa, the second coldest capital in the world. (You knew that, right?) The Rideau Canal in Ottawa, has the world?s longest skating rink in the winter. "In Flander?s Fields" the poem that was written by World War I Colonal John McCraea, a Canadian veteran of the Second Boer War. Canada?s first million-selling author was Marshall Saunders, with her novel "Beautiful Joe" (1894). French and English are the two official languages spoken in Canada. Queen Elizabeth II is the Canadian Head of State. The Canadian motto is "A Mari Usque ad Mare." It means from "Sea to Sea. The English version of Canada?s National Anthem, "O Canada," was written by Robert Stanley Weir for the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation in 1927. Canada's National Flag came into being in 1965 to replace the Union Jack. Canadian inventions include the game, Trivial Pursuit (Scott Abbot and Chris Haney), the telephone (Alexander Graham Bell), the game of basketball (James Naismeth) and the snowmobile (Joseph-Armand Bombardier). Canada is home to 42 National Parks, 167 National Historic sites and 4 Marine Conservation areas. There are 15 world heritage sites throughout Canada. There are about 200 species of mammals in all of Canada. You will also find about 630 bird species here as well. Canada?s Beaver is the second largest rodent in all of the world, (weighing up to 60 pounds). Did you know that there are 11 sub-species of Canadian Geese? The 4 smallest species are called the Cackling Geese. Here are but a few Canadian facts that makes our country so Unique and Special. Why not look up for yourselves more facts about our beautiful country of CANADA. "Oh Canada Our Home and Native land..." Until Next Week: Set a Positive Example coming from a place of LOVE, and your POSITIVE ENERGY will "LIFT UP" those all around YOU!!!
Because a life is m ade of tim e, and happy is the dr ive, don't w aste your days, just m ake them gr eat, and be glad that you'r e alive. So sw eep aw ay that other stuff, called sad and m ad and bad, and fill your days w ith good tim es m aking m em or ies to be had. Of cour se w e hope to find our loved ones on the other side, but if or not its tr ue, eter nal law w ill then decide. The best par t is that if, and w hen, it tur ns out not to be, w e w ill not ever find this out, the end w e'll never see. To figur e out our pr efer ence, the w ay you hope is best, is futile, cause it's w ait and see, w e cannot choose our r est. So, in the end, just knock on w ood, and hope that w e w ill be, w ith fellow spir its in the clouds, and then w e'll all be fr ee. So hur r y up and fix the things that you m ay w ant to m end, cause in that place called heaven, they say tim e w ill never end. And w hen our tim e is up, if w e get thr ough that fam ous gate, our goal should be, have no r egr ets, cause that w ill be too late. Life is like a book w e w r ite, the end w e do not know. Each day is but a page to add, and finish as w e go. And all that counts is, in the end, you've done your ver y best, to m ake a life thats filled w ith joy, and ther efor e passed the test. Ther e is no doubt, that this is w hy, w e love to sing and dance. So tr y w hatever w or ks for you, w e only have one chance.
Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.com & www.photodreams.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014-2015 Principal Sponsors
CELEBRATING OUR OWN Making It To The Top They say that lightning doesn?t strike twice at the same place. Well yes it does if you are above everything else around you. Such is the case of Bernard Carrière whose photograph was selected as the cover of Photo Element Techniques. Bernard who is partnered by his wife, Helen (she does the computer part), succeeds over and over at capturing nature?s magic moments for all of us to enjoy. The Carrières have had their work published several times in the last few years. Success never gets old.
As an amateur photographer, I am in admiration of someone who can spend hours at that special place, waiting, ready, knowing, hoping...often cold or maybe hot anticipating that critical moment when nature cooperates. The picture that won the accolades is that of a blue jay in flight. The motion of the wings is captured as a blur, giving movement yet with a soft stillness. The colors are complimentary and hold the viewer?s eye in a visual rhapsody. Sadly we are a little spoiled by an overdose of modern technology and fail to appreciate the commitment that the art of photography requires. Let us toast the photographer and the extended eye and thank them for capturing those mini-seconds we would otherwise miss. Bernie is also a gifted teacher and has spoken to the Focus Art members about the rules that guide his work. Hopefully he will be able to return and share with us once again the pleasure of his art. Visual Art ist of t he Year...And t he Winner is...Chad Col eman A young man has appeared on the local art scene with a unique art presentation of artistically cut images. Chad Coleman?s art reflects ?slow art?, when time, meditation, planning is required to achieve the final product. ?A Bonsai on canvas?. Still young, 38, partner to Laura and father to Lily his 3year old daughter, Chad stepped away from music to discover the visual arts. He did not take the academic road to this medium but found his best teachers in the wealth of art books at the Cornwall Library. After experimenting, Chad chose a form of art that takes no short cuts and requires skill and precision. He uses a xacto knife to precisely cut away beautiful patterns on thick paper, which he then applies to a complimentary colour. The effect is captivating. Chad showed his work at the Marianne van Silfhout Gallery at the St. Lawrence College in Brockville, won recognition at the TAG juried show and now has been voted artist of the year at the Seeker?s awards 2015. He is involved in the community through the Focus Art Board, and his latest project is to promote a gathering of the arts on Sept. 19 at the Social on Sydney: See You in Sept ember. Visit Chad: https:/ / garbageface.bandcamp.com/ After living in Toronto, he knows that Cornwall is able to create an artistic, vibrant community and he wants to do his part. Congratulation Chad. Real ism Touches Them Best The artwork of Liane Geoffrion brings smiles to the residents and visitors at GlenStorDun lodge during the months of June and July. The themes of her paintings evoke memories of days gone by and her brush and palette accurately mirror those times. Liane, who recently participated in the exhibition of La Semaine française is now enjoying her newly created studio in her home where she gives courses in painting with acrylics. lianegeoffrion@hotmail.com
RIBFEST IS GETTING CLOSER EVERY DAY! I attended the Focus Art planning meeting for RIBFEST on Tuesday along with 10 other volunteers and I am impressed with the care and organization the team has put in preparing for this event. So many are responding to the call by Linda Geisel, president, and Louise Mignault, vice-president who are both avid planners. This is an opportunity not to be missed. Whether you put in your art, perform or volunteer to help out, I am convinced you will be proud of the outcome.
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WE CAN HELP! CALL US! M ention this ad and get 10% off any service!
So don?t delay. Be part of the action. Call: Liane Geoffrion: 613-534-5234 or Linda Geisel: 613-330? 5662 or Louise Mignault : 613-703-8127
And find out what you can do. Drop of f your art : Jul y 21&22 at El aine?s, 109 Kingsl ea Cal l El aine f or more det ail s: 613-938-8315.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
My father, who smoked - in his daily addiction to cigarettes -inhaled carbon monoxide and deadly nicotine -ended up with lymphatic cancer. Hestarted to eat grapes every day and in time he recovered. While eating only grapes is not the full answer, peoplemust also do their research and get off the toxic modern-day baubles such as cigarettes, synthetic colognes, fast foods, artificially flavored drinks ... to name but a few unhealthythings to get away from. I have personally known Individuals who beat cancer by following the Gerson Treat ment and the Hippocrat es Treat ment s. When people go to these institutes theyfollow regimes to get them to detoxify their body, and also, are given foods that are organically grown and prepared "in the raw, and as freshjuices". At Hippocrates they are additionally given daily some freshly juiced wheatgrass which is high in oxygen and nutrientsthat aid in detoxifying and rebuildingthe body. In some places they are also given Dr. Johanna Budwig's special formula which can be taken a few times a day: 2 teaspoons flaxseed oil (kept in the refrigerator) and1/ 4 to 1/ 2 cup cottage cheese or organic plain whole milk yogurt. Another well-known treatment is based on the Essiac herbal tea. A CanadianOjibway Medicine Man helped heal a woman with cancer by giving her a herbal tea. When Rene Caisse, a nurse, found out about this herbal tea she began to prepare it and helped many people. The full story can be read on www.essiac-canada-intl.com and the Essiac tea ordered from that site. This tea has also helped pets to recover.
Co unte ss
TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER TIME TO END THE CANCER EPIDEMIC! As the saying goes: Enough is more than enough! From June 21 to July 22, we are going through the Cancer Constellation whose symbol is the Crab, and has nothing to do with the disease/ illness some have named: cancer. Why was the word: "cancer" used to describe this modern day epidemic which is hurting people of all ages in some of the most dreadfull and painfull ways? p.s.: I do not know why they gave the name "cancer" for this epidemic, but I and increasing numbers of Individual s do know t hat We The Peopl e have t he abil it y and power t o ERADICATE it f orever! While I discovered that many tests were done on Egyptian mummies to see if people suffered from cancer a few thousand years ago, the scientists, after their extensive study, found no trace of this disease/ illness, apart from one isolated case. The Daily Mail from Britain, on October 15, 2010, wrote on this subject and the scientists' conclusions stated that: cancer is purely manmade.
It is interesting to note that once an Individual begins to eat pure foods, stays away from synthetic, toxic products, and enjoys good oxygen, that their immune system builds up and so does their health. There are many....many testimonials of people who healed themselves of cancer by beginning to practise alternative/ natural cancer treatments. In our WORLD OF FREEDOMwhich so many sol diers have died f or us t o have ...t hen We The Peopl e ARE FREE TO RESEARCH AND KNOWWHAT ARE THE NUMEROUS CAUSESOFCANCER and consequent l y begin t o pract ise ways of l iving which can END THE CANCER EPIDEMIC AND ALL THE SUBSEQUENT PAINS. In the last few years, more and more informed Individuals publishing in magazines, books, web sites,aresuggesting many pure foods that help to prevent cancer. Some of these pure foods that are affordable and easy to consume which have been proven to help against the growth of malignant, abnormal tumorous cells are: organic grapes, apples,carrots, cabbage, asparagus, tomatoes, celery, as well as herbs such as red clover, burdock root, rosemary, etc.
We The Peopl e are not on Pl anet Eart h t o suf f er! This Eart h Home is so beaut yf ul l and of f ers everyt hing nat ural t o ensure t hat we can enjoy good heal t h. We Can Succeed t o t erminat e f orever t his epidemic cancer t hat is l ike a pl ague. The people in Europe ended the plague when they realized that their living environments which were extremely dirty needed to be cleaned and the rats' fleas including the rats once rid off, allowed the people to start being healthy once again. Somewhat in the same manner, we have to change and clean up our ways of eating and living. The need t o become "Pure and Cl ean", wit h ot her wise dail y habit s, and by cl eaning up our home and Eart h's environment can end t he cancer epidemic. LIFE ON EARTH SHOULD BE A PLEASANT JOURNEY! By reviewing these sites, valuable information can be found to help everyone, including your pets: www.beatcancer.org/ blog www.mexicancancerclinics.com www.naturalnews.com www.gerson.org Google: organic cancer cures cancer caused by man-made synthetic products (which has 28,600,000 results)
Seeker Snapshots by Jason Setnyk
Headl ock f or Hospice II Cornwall Ontario -- Body slams, suplexes, close-lines, head butts, and flying leaps off the top turn buckle. That is just some of the action wrestling fans saw Saturday night at the Agora. Wrestlers entertained for a great cause Saturday and raised $1130 at Headlock for Hospice II. "I'd like to thank all of those who came out last night to support", said wrestler Randy Berry who created the Headlock for Hospice event.
Graham Greer at Art s in t he Park
Les Deuxl uxes bring rock and rol l t o Cornwal l Cornwall Ontairo -- Graham Greer and Stephane McAlear played Arts in the Park on Thursday June 25th at Lamoureux Park in front of approximately 100 people. Coming soon to Arts in the Park: Monday July 6th with Moe Lemieux Quartet, Wednesday July 8th with Seaway Winds, Thursday July 9th Youth Night featuring Black Diamonds and Sevengate, and Tuesday July 14th with Jesse Ferguson. All these concerts start at 7pm and are free to the public.
Cornwall Ontario -- Montreal's Les Deuxluxes played a fantastic set at Lola's Pub in Cornwall on Saturday night. "It's exciting to bring this kind of musical talented to Cornwall", said event promoter Sheila Dennison. Special guests Ben Dynamite and Chris Benton opened up the concert.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
an Inv it at ion ... t o r el i ve t h e Bat t l e t h at saved Can ad a at t h e Bat t l e o f Ch r ysl er 's far m m o n u m en t beside Upper Canada Village on Sat u r day, Ju l y 11t h an d Su n day, Ju l y 12t h f or t h e M i l i t ar y Re-en act m en t Week en d. This year m ar ks the 202nd anniver sar y of the histor ic battle and w ill featur e tw o days full of activities. The battle r e-enactm ents w ill take place at 1:30 p.m . each day. This year ?s event w ill have a special M em or ial Ser vice and Salute to Robin M or r is, the late editor of The Chester ville Recor d and The Agr iNew s and passionate r e-enactor. Robin w as the long-tim e Pr esident of the Fr iends of Cr ysler ?s Far m and played a key r ole in br inging M ilitar y Re-enactm ent events to Cr ysler ?s Far m and Upper Canada Village.
CA RD X C H A NG ER G e t s e e n , n o t lo s t ! 1 t im e $ 2 5 3 t im e s $ 6 5 7 t im e s $ 12 9 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile )
"THU RSDAY Su p er Su p p er Sp eci al " BUY 1SM OK ED M EA PLA T TTER andgetth e2nd1/ 2pri ce 4pmto7pmThursday, June 25DINE-IN ONLY M ama'sNEW Tak e-OutM enu- Comi ngSoon!
pl ace
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
PRESERVE YOUR M EM ORI ES - Get you r VHS Tapes tr ansfer r ed to DVD - Cal l Sh el don t oday 613-932-4812
M ULTI FAM I LY YARD SALE Satur day, July 4 - 8am to 2pm - Back Yar d at 400 St. Felix Ca ncelled if Ra in!
FOR SALE: 3 new kilts, size 10/12. 1 Pr incess M ar y by Bonda and 1 Royal Stuar t by Highland Queen. 613-938-2066 FOR SALE: Double m atr ess and box spr ing, clean, 2 year s old, asking $150. Steel com puter table $30 - obo. 613-936-9399.
Seeker Sal es Chick Mai-Liis want s t o remind you t hat ...
FOR SALE: Tandem heavy duty utility tr ailer - 6ftx12ft. Needs som e w or k . Asking $1,000 obo. 613-931-2098
FOR SALE: Slipper s for m en only. $3.50 each. Cal l 613-932-8275
Cal l
FOR SALE: 2005, 27ft Ter r y Fleetw ood 5th W heel Tr ailer. Ver y clean. Asking $9,900 obo. 931-2098
me 613-935-3763
Commercial Space For Rent
FOR SALE: Tr ium ph exer cise bike, Canadian m ade. $40. 613-527-2731
950 square feet
FOR SALE: 4 w inter tir es, size 16. 613-933-7803
at the
FOR SALE: M ix it up Poker set. New in case. $30. 613-527-2731
Panoramic Towers
FOR SALE: Char coal BBQ - alm ost br and new - $50. 613-933-7803
M o re SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
308 Second Street E. Vet eran f iref ight er Bruce Donig appoint ed Deput y Fire Chief
for inquiries call 613-932-8515 A familiar face has been appointed as the new Deputy Fire Chief of the Cornwall Fire Department.
ext .
BI LL'S USED CARS "Honest Cr ook Since 1964" 932-6481 or 936-3053 2006 Chev V8 Extended cab 4x4 automatic 8 foot box, $10,950 2005 Chevrolet Pickup, V6, Automatic power steering, power breaks, $4,695
Bruce Donig, a 20-year veteran of the fire service, has been appointed to the position, effective today.
2005 Taurus Station Wagon V5 Automatic power steering, power breaks, sunroof, $3,995
?I am thrilled to annouce this appointment,? said Fire Chief Pierre Voisine. ?Bruce brings a wealth of fire service knowledge both from a tactical and labour relations standpoint.?
2003 Windstar V6 Automatic $2,395 2001 Ford Focus $1,995
The fire department held a brief appointment ceremony on Thursday at the headquarter station on Fourth Street West to officially welcome Deputy Chief Donig to the position. ?I am excited about this new challenge and I?m looking forward to working with the fire department staff in the years ahead,? said Deputy Chief Donig.
2001 Sunfire 2 door automatic power steering, power breaks, sunroof, $2,895 2003 Ventura as is $1,395
In his new role as Deputy Fire Chief, Donig will be overseeing numerous operations and training-related projects for the fire department.
Hot dog days f or Agapè at Séguin Pat at e You?ll be there for your poutine fix anyways, so why not get a hot dog, free with a donation to the Agapè Centre, too? The locally famed chip stand has teamed up with Cardinal & Son Wholesale Meats and Betty Bread for ?Hot Dog Days for Agapè?. Every Monday in July (6, 13, 20, 27) Séguin Patate will give a free hot dog to anyone who brings in a can of tuna fish, or a box of whole wheat pasta or a cash donation for the Agapè Centre, from open to close (11am to 9pm). Once a year, Michel Allaire, owner-operator of the Marlborough Street eatery, likes to do something through his business to give back to the community. ?We came across a windfall of hot dogs from Cardinal Meats that couldn?t be sold, so I thought this would be a good idea,? said Allaire. ?They didn?t want to throw out good food and were willing to donate, so we?ll do the work.? The proceeds from any hot dogs purchased on Mondays for the month will also go towards to the overall donation. Jessie Cardinal, sales manager from Cardinal & Son Wholesale Meats, says the company works with the local food bank and soup kitchen on a regular basis, so she knew this event would help the charity. ?It just seemed like a good fit. It?s always nice to help out knowing that what you?re doing is going directly back into our community,? said Cardinal. Betty Bread will provide buns for the hot dogs. ?We really appreciate this initiative, and are thankful that they chose us to benefit from the event,? said Alyssa Blais, Agapè Centre?s executive director. ?Everything they collect will go directly into our food bank and will provide people in our community with good food to feed their families.
The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
BEAUTICONTRO our sponsor of honour,
f or t heir cont inued support ! You can cont act t hem at
t ant e.jm2013@gmail .com
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
HU RRY!1 week o n l y - t i l Tu esd ay,Ju l y 7 t h !
BOOTHS STILL AVAILABLE fo r t h ese 3 even t s i n Oct o b er ...
SM ALL BU SINESS WEEK SHOW Sat urday, Oct ober 24t h - 10am t o 4pm Cornwal l Civic Compl ex - Sal ons AB&C f or inf o cal l 613-935-3763Jul iaext . 101 & Mai-Liisext . 102
A show to celebrate small business in the area ...
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 26 - July 3 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca