Vol6issue27 (2)

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Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Volume ume66Issue Issue27 21 Vol May 29,2015 2015 Jul y 10,

Th e Cornw al l Seaw ay Li ons w ant to th ank th ei r sponsors...


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Call Susan McDonald Sales Person 613-938-2121




THE SEEKER IS A VA ILA BLE a t Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

VALUE VILLAGE - METRO - NO FRILLS - FOOD BASICS - BAXTROM'S (Health Dept) CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY - GIANT TIGER - FRESHCO - THE GRIND - SHARYN'S PANTRY HOME HARDWARE - FARM BOY (Eating Area) - EASTCOURT MALL (near the Barber shop) TIM HORTONS (Second Street E & Cornwall Square) - LOTTERY KIOSK (Cornwall Square) BEST WESTERN PARKWAY INN - Most BREAKFAST PLACES & more ... PLUS Long Sault, MacEwen Gas Bar and at the SEEKER office OFFICE (327 2nd St. E.) Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon.


To t h e

ED I TO R Have something to say about an article published in The Seeker? Have a concert that you would like to bring to our attention? Email us your letters to the editor at info@theseeker.ca. We always welcome feedback, whether positive or constructive...

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk

Open Let t er t o MP Guy Lauzon, Mayor, Cit y Council

CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102

Some may not care for the on-line website or Facebook page for 'The Rebel', Canada's former Sun News Network, yet they are among few with courage and 'tell it like it is' reporting.


What is happening to our Canada when first we can not say a prayer before Council Meetings and most others unless they are of a specific 'religious nature' and now our own Oh Canada anthem is mulled over as it has the word God in it. Fear of being sued is utterly preposterous. Are we living among sheep and lemmings here?

THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper

If you have not seen this 'Richmond Hill council taping please be sure to take a moment of your valuable time to review this shameful, disgraceful banning. Next we'll be banning our own flag for heavens sake. Either stand tall for what our soldiers and founding fathers stood up for or seriously remove the Constitution of the Confederation of Canada from all our offices, chamber hallways and god knows where else we shamefully pass it by saying 'one day you will be gone too'! Do it now, or continue tolive a lie. Believe in our heritage or don't. Spare the rest of us this indignity of a thousand painful cuts. May God help us.



613-935-3763 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Sal es: ext 1

http:/ / www.therebel.media/ this_city_council_voted_against

Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102

Dave Windsor , Cornwall, On.



THE SEEKER TEAM Your one st op shop f or... Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Web Design, Photography, Video Recording services Cal l 613-935-3763

Lessons in criticism It's not easy to feel criticized. Especially when you work so hard the the ones criticizing you are the ones closest to you. Especially when they do it not to you, but to your "friends". I've always had an issue with control, everyone knows this. I am a control freak. I hate being in a situation that I can do nothing about. It probably arises from not having enough when I was a kid and from being teased and picked on. I always felt odd, out of place. I didn't fit in the conventional (physical) mold and therefore had to work very hard at building up self esteem.

Agree to disagree

www.t heseeker.ca

by Julia Lucio

inf o@t heseeker.ca

However, the ugly duckling turned into, well, maybe not a swan, but not such and ugly duck afterall. I am a successful, strong, self sufficient, independent woman. When people look at my path and judge that they are so far ahead of me in the success department, I can't help but cringe. Especially if their path is paved with fooling other people in order to make a buck or destroying other people's reputations to get ahead. Rich, dishonest, vain, self-righteous crooks can move along! But for their information, I don't define success as a financial end result. I am not rich, but I want for nothing. I am rich in love, I have wonderful friends, witty and healthy kids, I give back to my community plenty and I try to do good around me. THAT, to me, is success. Similarly, what other people think of me, even my closest people, doesn't define me. Sure, it's nice to be liked, but it's not necessary.Yet, I sometimes find myself instinctively going back to when I was 6 years old, trying to please everybody and gain everyone's approval. The moment is brief. I then remind myself that this little girl no longer exists. She died trying to please everyone. You think I 'm an idiot? That's fine by me. I am thankful for where I am in life. I am grateful for who I've become. I don't pretend to know it all; I still have to grow... A lot! I don't have all the answers nor do I want to. I don't think so highly of myself that I think I'm the only one who "gets it" and everybody else is a little slow in the head. That would just be very, very narcissistic. ?But the line between moral behavior and narcissistic self-righteousness is thin and difficult to discern? -Dean Koontz

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d

b y The Se e ke r

co ve r p ho to : Ja so n Se tny k

SD&G Count y Library Popping Up in Gl en Wal t er on Jul y 11.

The SD&G County Library is ?popping up? at the OLCO Gas Station on County Road 2 in Glen Walter on Saturday, July 11, from 8:00am until noon, to introduce local residents to its new ?Library Express? service depot. This alternative library service will offer residents in South Glengarry access to books, DVDs and audiobooks, as well as to the Library?s digital collections. All residents need is an SD&G County Library membership card, which can be picked up at the ?Pop Up Library? or any of our branches.?We are ready to bring the Library to this community, even though there is no ?bricks and mortar? branch in Glen Walter,? said Karen Franklin, Director of Library Services. ?Residents can now more easily use the County Library system, which they pay for in their property taxes. We encourage everyone in the community to come with proof of residency and visit us at the ?Pop Up Library?to learn more about what we offer and register for membership. It?s that easy.?Library members can request to borrow Library material online from the comfort of their homes, and have items delivered each week to the OLCO station to be picked up at the store anytime during OLCO?s business hours. Items will already be checked out to the member for an extended borrowing period. When finished, borrowed items are returned to the OLCO station (or at any SD&G County Library branch such as Lancaster or Williamstown) and dropped into the Library?s book return box located outside the store. ?We have established a strong partnership with a prominent local business in Glen Walter?, said Franklin. ?The owners are committed to serving their community in ways that are both innovative and

cost-effective. They felt this partnership was a good ?fit?for them. It certainly is for us!?

River Kings crop of forwards, was acquired from Trois-Rivieres last season.

The ?Library Express? alternative service depot at the OLCO station is ready now. Glen Walter residents are encouraged to come and speak with ?Pop Up Library? staff on Saturday. More information about County Library services can also be found at www.sdglibrary.ca, or by phone at 613-936-8777

Michael St inziani: The skilled Stinziani, acquired at last year's deadline from Jonquiere, had four points in Cornwall's playoff series last March. The 26-year-old winger had a combined 100 points in two seasons (2012-13 & 2013-14) with Quad City of the Central Hockey League. The Montreal native is also a graduate of the QMJHL.

River Kings ink f our pl ayers July 8, 2015 -- The Cornwall River Kings and General Manager Rick Lalonde have officially come to terms with four players for the upcoming season: Pet e Karvouniaris: The former Cornwall Colts goaltender quickly became a fan favourite last season and was sensational in the playoffs vs. Sorel. The 25-year-old from Laval had a .917 save percentage in the seven-game series against the LNAH?s top regular season team. Nicol as Larocque-Marcoux: The speedy winger was acquired from Saint-Georges late last season. In 10 regular season games with Cornwall, Larocque-Marcoux had eight points. The 23-year-old from Gatineau chipped in two goals and two assists in six playoff games for the River Kings. He is a graduate of the QMJHL and also played two seasons for the University of Ottawa in the CIS.

More player signings will be announced in the coming weeks.

Kl ezmer at it s Best

More than 130 spectators were present at the Kl ezmer at it s Best concert, performed by the CLARPIAN-DUO (Raymond Lacroix, clarinetist and Vivianne Panizzon, pianist) on Sun. July 5th in Lamoureux Park. This repertory of traditional music of the Jews of Eastern Europe proved to be exciting, exotic and endowed with its fair share of emotional intensity and pizazz. Members of the audience spontaneously joined in groups to dance to the melodies and rhythms of this energetic repertory... each selection preceded by a descriptive presentation by M.C. Jim Standing.

Francois Ouimet : In 20 games with Cornwall last season, Ouimet had six goals and eight assists. The 28-year-old winger added five points in the playoffs. Ouimet, who adds more speed to the

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



I was invited to an important event that took place on May 29, 2015 at the Cornwall Community Hospital. It was on that morning that several dozen leaders gathered to commission the new multi-faith chapel. The beautiful refinished wood from the previous chapel adorns the ceiling and walls as well as the stain glass windows that were salvaged to link the wonderful history of the hospital care of this city. Chapels find their history back to the 12th century when they were always placed in the centre of hospitals because of their great value. Multitudes of people turn to prayer in times of struggles. I love the words found in Psalm 46:1-2 that says, ?God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.? Encouraging words are also found in Psalm 86:7 ?In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me.?

This chapel (located next to the elevators on the main floor) has been set aside as a sacred place, a quiet place, a neutral place where anyone can go 24 hours a day and find a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of the hospital and its many dedicated medical staff. I realize that God can be found in noise but His voice is so much clearer to me as I take refuge in places of peace. I am thankful that we have a place where we can meet with family members or patients who have received alarming news and need to talk, weep and pray together. Its lovely ambiance adds to the moments that we need to read our Bibles and reflect upon God?s words of hope and encouragement. Hopefully you will find some time to visit this beautiful room that is set aside to witness the fact that there can light in the midst of darkness when we feel vulnerable, confused and even angry because of the problems we are facing. Pastor Brad Montsion Fountaingate Christian Assembly

Seeker Snapshots by Jason Setnyk

$700 raised f or The Art Gal l ery at Dunk Tank Event Cornwall Ontairo -- TAG Cornwall had a dunk tank fundraiser Saturday July 4th at Pommier Square. Cornwall City Councillors Justin Towndale and Maurice Dupelle, along with author Thom Racine, and TAG directors Kimberley Cameron and President Wyatt Walsh participated and got dunked. Local comedian and funny man Mark Vincent was the MC for the fundraiser. The event raised over $700 on the day and was highlighted by former board member Lorna Foreman sinking three victims, and a spontaneous pie throwing that broke out at the end of the event.

Soundcheck rock Jul y 4t h in Cornwal l

TAG Cornwall has a goal to raise $40,000 this year after City Council cut the 33 year old public gallery?s to zero. The funds will help offset the cost of the NEW FACES show which officially kicked off and will last for the month of July.

Cornwall Ontairo -- Soundcheck, a four piece band based out of Barrhaven (Ottawa), rocked La Maison on Saturday night.

The show is designed to help nurture and develop emerging talent in the community.

The band features Gary Bray (Guitar & Vocal), Taylor Endrody (Lead Vocal), Ed Lauzon (Bass & Vocal), and Chris Lewis (Drums).

The show is open Wednesday to Saturday from noon to 4 PM at 168 Pitt Street right across from Pommier Jewellers.

In this photo Taylor is singing, and on the far left Ed is playing bass. Interesting Cornwall musical trivia: Ed's grandfather is Smokey Leger.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




GRANT Montreal ComicCon was held last weekend and Cornwall was represented with the Fantasy Realm and Cornwall & Area Pop Event - CAPE booth. While many vendors rely strictly on sales to gauge their level of success at a show, for us it's more about exposure, having fun and seeing old friends while making new ones. We have had the chance to meet many wonderful people over the past three years while we networked at various shows across Canada and the US. This show was no exception. Not only did we make a little sales profit, but we also made some very important new networking connections once again, bought some cool souvenirs and got to spend some time with our Con Family that we have met over the years. From cosplayers to exhibitors to artists and celebrity guests, we mingled with all of them and added quite a few business cards to our growing directory. You can expect to see a few familiar faces at CAPE once again onApril 23rd but also many new ones. Our next venture will be to Vermont ComicCon onSeptember 19-20.

Plans are also in the works for the annual CAPE New Year's Eve Party to be held December 31st at the Agora Catholic Centre (formerly Nativity Hall). Tickets will go on sale as of August 1stand the party will help to raise funds for CAPE 2016. Plan to join us as we feature a light lunch, party favours, silent auction and entertainment by TWO bands 2015 Seeker's Choice Musical Artist of the Year "The Lost Boyz" (a tribute to the 80's) and Spare Partz.

Registration: 8am to noon Judging: 12:30 to 2:30 pm Presentation: 3pm to 4pm Fee: $10 SWAP MEET: Bring your used parts VENDORS TABLES CRAFTS FOR KIDS - RAFFLES BREAKFAST: 9-11am BBQ LUNCH - 11am to 2pm PRIZES for "Most Popular Cars" FOR INFO: Diane Denneny 613-527-1659 Chantal Lalonde 613-360-1986 Lions Club 613-936-3625

PRIZES FOR: Most Popular Cars Draw for Participants Dashboard Plaques Grab Bags for first 50 registered owners


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rie

M O RRELL ORGANIZING, CLEANING AND FINDING OUT IF YOUR JEWELLERY IS REAL GOLD OR SILVER The size of your jewellery box should be proportional to the amount of jewellery you own; therefore, find something to fit your needs.

Procedure - Keep your jewellery tidy. - Discard worn-out, mismatched, never-worn, missing and broken pieces. - Clean and fix what you want to keep. Storing silver pieces in felt jewellery pouches prevents tarnishing and keeps items ready to wear. - Clean silver with silver polish or rub the item with toothpaste, using an ol d t oot hbrush to get into cracks and rinse. - Clean gold, platinum and diamonds by dropping two Alka-Seltzer tablets in a glass of water and immersing the jewellery for no more t han t wo minut es. You can also soak items for several minutes in a bowl of warm water with dishwashing liquid. Rinse and polish with a smooth, lint-free cloth or chamois.

- Prevent kinks in link necklaces by running the chain t hrough a st raw and fasten the clasp. Lay it flat in a drawer or tray. - To find out if a ring is real gold or not use white vinegar. - Pour the white vinegar into a glass cup. - Put the ring in the cup of white vinegar and let it sit for approximately 15 minutes. Do not l et your jewel ry sit f or more t han 15 minut es because white vinegar will dissolve all metal after a few days. - Remove the gold ring and rinse wel l with water. Real gold will shine, fake will not. - Store similar items for jewellery together in small clear plastic containers which are perfect for costume jewellery.

D R IN K , L IN K N ' TH IN K w it h t h e

- Use shallow dresser drawers outfitted with interlocking trays. <![if If you like, keep specialty items in their original boxes, l abel l ing t he box and st oring in al phabet ical order. - Bracelet, ring and necklace holders are great to display jewellery. - Protect valuable pieces of jewellery and items of great sentimental value in a home saf e or in a bank's saf e-deposit box. - Properly insure valuable in case of loss. Keep an inventory and picture of valuable items in your filing cabinet or a safety deposit. . If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com

ON M ONDAY, JU LY 1 3 t h - 5 -7 p m at Lo l a's, 616 Pitt Street, Cornwall For info: 613-935-3763 or meet us there to see what we are all about!

I t's TimeTo Order Your Wedding I nvitations from ...

1213 Pit t St reet Cornwal l -613-938-8659

6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2 thegraphicdesigner13@gmail.com Custom Design - Custom Price - Evening & Weekend Appointments Available THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca



FRIDAY, JULY 10 - 2pm Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library -


The story of Olympic Wrestling Champion Mark Schultz and how paranoid schizophrenic John DuPont killed his brother, Olympic Champion Dave Schultz. Biography, Drama, Thriller - AUDIENCE: 14A


MONDAY, JULY 13 FAMILY MOVIE MATINEE - 2:00 pm "Del go" - Free for the whole family KID?S PROGRAM - THE ELITE READERS Monday through Thursday - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm




- 14 h 30 Ă 15 h 15

READY, SET, KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone. THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.

It 's Th at


L o o k i nf o g rt h a P t e

Ev e r l a s t i n g We d d i n g Gi f tTh a t w i l lb e c h e r i sh e d f o r e v e?r



ADULT FRIENDLY BRIDGE CLUB - 6:30 pm - Free to join ADULT TRI-COUNTY CHESS CLUB - 6:30 p.m. Free to join

THURSDAY, JULY 16 KID?S PROGRAM - LET?S PLAY! - 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm ADULT GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUB - 7:00 pm to 8:15 - Join us!

Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library - GONE GIRL


6:00 pm & Friday, Jul y 17 @ 2:00 pm On the occasion of his fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne reports that his beautiful wife, Amy has gone missing. Under pressure from the police and growing media frenzy, Nick?s portrait of a blissful union begins to crumble. Soon his lies, deceits and strange behaviour have everyone asking the same dark question: Did Nick Dunne kill his wife? Drama, Literary Adaption, Suspense, Thriller - AUDIENCE: 14A

r fect


TO BOOK The m ost popul ar gi f t t hi s Sum m er ....

a P r o fe s s i o n a l l y Re c o We d d i n g V i d e o r d e d .. . Pr ices st ar t

Ca l l t o d a y 6 1 at3 $295 ... -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2

t im e of t h e year ...

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Our C O M M U N I T Y




Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org Family Fishing Day at Gray's Creek Conservation Area, 10am to 3pm



Make sure you have your dinner reservat ion f or t he al l new ?Gun-set Boul evard?, a night plagued with murder, hilarity and suspense! July 11 & 25, August 8 & 22. To reserve visit http:/ / goo.gl/ QPtJga #? ? MurderMysteryDinner? #? ? UpperCanadaVillage?

Cornwal l Wil dcat s Foot bal l Get a cent er f iel d seat f or Cornwal l Wil dcat s Foot bal l as t hey t ake on t he Markham Raiders Creat ion Science Cent re opened Saturdays from 1 - 5pm.




Worship and t he word at Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y, 949 Mohawk Drive, Cornwall, with Pastor Brad Montsion. Free Gospel Concert Wit h Vocal Legacy at 6:30 pm. Lost Villages Museum, 16361 Fran Laflamme Dr. Long Sault. Bring a lawn chair. If raining event will be inside the Long Sault Pentecostal Church. Cowan's Dairy on Second St West is having t heir grand opening. FREE small size ice cream, or any other size will be charged as the small size price. Lots of giveaways and contests happening too.






Fl échet t es - Venez joindre not re équipe dynamique. Tous les mardis de 13:30 à 15:30. Coût: 3$ membre, 5$ non-membre. Information: 613-932-1035

Websi te n eed u pdati n g?

6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1

Cornwal l River Rat s vs Pan-Am Nat ional Women's Team Cornwall's Jenna Flanigan & the Canadian Women?s National Team visit Legion Park for a pre Pan-Am tune-up exhibition game against the Cornwall River Rats Tai Chi au CCEC- Source d'énergie et de méditation. Niveau débutant, mardi 19:00 et vendredi 16:45. Niveau intermédiaire, mardi 18:00 et vendredi 15:45. Coût: 3$ non-membre et 5$ membre. Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510 "The Gat hering Pl ace" is at t he Cornwal l Wesl eyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and gives you the opportunity to express yourself with new and old friends." EVERYONE IS WELCOME"




Choral e du CCÉC - Venez chanter avec notre chorale tous les mercredis matins de 9:30 à 11:30. Coût: 3$ membre, 5$ non-membre. Présentations à l'occasion dans les résidences. Information: 613-932-1035 Cornwal l Ol d Car Cl ub, every Wednesday Night at 6:00 in front of Home Hardware




Prat ique de bridge et jeux de cart es - Venez joindre nos joeurs ou formez une équipe pour pratiquer votre jeu de carte favori. Tous les jeudis de 12:30 à 15:30. Coût: 3$ membre, 5$ non-membre. Information: 613-932-1035.




Tai Chi au CCEC- Source d'énergie et de méditation. Niveau débutant, mardi 19:00 et vendredi 16:45. Niveau intermédiaire, mardi 18:00 et vendredi 15:45. Coût: 3$ non-membre et 5$ membre. Bridge dupl icat a du CCÉC - Tous les vendredis de 12:00 à 15:30. Sous la direction de Nicole Thuot, directrice qualifiée. Information: 613-932-1035 Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org


BUSINESS SEEKERS Drink, Link n' Think @ Lola's - 5 to 7pm Danse en l igne au CCÉC tous les lundis de 13:30 à 15:30 au CCÉC.Débutant et débutant avancé. Coût: 3$ membre et 5$ non-membre. Information: 613-932-1035

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



THE REED EFFECT 10pm st art No Cover. 616 Pit t St reet , Cornwal l , ON THIS SUNDAY ACOUSTIC 613-936-9898


Jul y 12 Swit chgear Unpl ugged

' snTh isW eek ? W hat O

3pm - 6pm No Cover.


I Can 'tHel pYouAdver ti se I t... I f I Don 'tKn owAbou tI t! So p l ace yo u r EVENTAD i n t h e EVENTSEEKERSECTIONTODAY! cal lm e,M ai -Li i 6 s 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7ex 6 t31. 0 2

Tu es d a y : .60¢Wings W ed nes d a y : 5

30ozPitcher &10Wings$1 u r s d a y : $3Beer h T M OND A Y r id a y : Karaoke9-2am . .. F L IA C E P S R E P SU :araoke9-2am- FREEPool K y a m ing d r co u s i t er a h S t ea w t o H 9 O F JU LY , Su nd a y : Karaoke5-m FO R TH E M O N TH u r t h i r st ... yo 3pm to 6p . co m e q u en ch 0 .0 5 $ r fo 2 ICE CO L D B EER F OOD icensed O u r P a t io is L

- W e now h a ve

38 -8 65 9 Corn w al l -6 13 -9 12 13 Pi t t St reet

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY


Sha ry n


THO M PSO N Just saying 'a lovely lemon loaf' has my salivary glands working overtime. There is something about a lemon, it's tartness yet sweet at the same time, is very appealing to me. I baked this lemon loaf with wonderful results. It is light as a feather, very moist and tender. The recipe comes from one of my favourite cookbook authors - Ina Garten, better known as 'The Barefoot Contessa' seen on the food network. Any recipe that I have tried from her is always delicious. You use full fat yogurt and canola oil, no butter. We carry an organic, locally made yogurt INGREDIENTS: THE LOAF: - 1 -1/ 2 cups unbleached all purpose flour - 2 rounded tsp. baking powder - 1/ 2 tsp. kosher salt - 1 cup full fat organic yogurt (We sell this at Sharyn's Pantry) 3.8 mg butterfat - 3 extra large eggs - 1 cup white sugar - 2 heaping tsp. or 1 tbsp. freshly grated lemon zest (don't grate the white pith under the yellow skin of the lemon, it is very bitter) - 1/ 2 tsp. pure vanilla extract (Bring in your bottle and buy our wonderful Madagascaar bourbon pure vanilla extract, just as much as you want, full or part way.) - 1/ 2 cup Crisco vegetable oil THE GLAZE YOU BRUSH ON RIGHT OUT OF THE OVEN: - 1/ 3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1/ 3 cup white sugar THE DRIZZLE TO POUR OVER THE COOLED LOAF: - 1 cup icing sugar - 2 or 3 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice METHOD: Note: you will probably use about 4 large lemons for the complete recipe. -Set your oven to 350 degrees F. You will use the oven rack second from the bottom in your oven. Spray your 9" X 5" loaf pan with Pam no stick spray and then flour the pan, tapping out any excess flour. Set aside for now. IN ONE BOWL:- Sift or whisk together the flour, baking powder and Kosher salt.

and kefir at my store, Sharyn's Pantry. I use either of them in place of milk or buttermilk in all of my recipes for scones, tea biscuits and pancakes. They give a wonderful lightness to the baked product. My Grandson Elijah told me that "My pancakes just float off the plate" while having breakfast at our house. That sums up the value of kefir or yogurt in your baking! I know you will just love this lemon loaf! Have a great week! IN ANOTHER BOWL:- Whisk together, the yogurt, eggs, white sugar, lemon zest and vanilla. -Whisk the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. -Now fold in the crisco oil, mixing well to evenly combine everything. -Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan. Bake the loaf for 50 minutes or until a cake tester inserted into the centre top of the loaf comes out clean. My loaf took 53 minutes exactly. -As the loaf bakes, prepare the glaze. In a small saucepan, heat the lemon juice and white sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. Set aside. -Once the loaf is baked, set the loaf (still in it's pan) on a wire cooling rack for 10 minutes. -Now, carefully turn out the loaf from the baking pan onto the wire cooling rack. Place a sheet pan (a baking pan with sides) underneath the cooling rack. Brush the prepared glaze all over the top and sides of the warm baked loaf. Allow the loaf the cool for about 30 minutes. This glaze will soak into the warm loaf. -Stir the icing sugar and lemon juice together until smooth, using a whisk. Drizzle this mixture over the top and sides of the cooled loaf. Now you can cut into this luscious loaf and enjoy every bite. Put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea. ENJOY! It is soooo good!!!!

SHARYNTHOMPSON,Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY- a family-runbusinessfor 34 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5

Thank You Jennie ... for the lovely surprise today. Jennie makes Raggedy Ann dolls but today she bought me a very special handmade doll.

DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THIS DOLL IS CALLED? You can email me at: info@theseeker.ca (attention Mai-Liis)


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We are a smal l but FUNGroup... The St. Lawrence Valley Estonian Society met last weekend. If you are or know of any Estonians, please call Mai-Liis at 613-932-4812 - we are always looking for people to join us.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne


Hi There to all of you wonderful people in the Cornwall & the S.D. & G. area reading ~The Seeker~ this week. Mother Nature has finally come through and is giving us the beautiful sun-shiny days of SUMMER!!! Glorious, Beautiful Summer!!! How I Love Thee!!! The way your Summer sun is so high up in the sky during the day, allowing me to bask in her ~Hot~ rays... kissing away my Winter white skin and turning it into a healthy and glowing tanned look.. (after the "redness" goes away that is.) I had a most wonderful kind of weekend spending time with John last weekend. We went out to our favourite place... into Mother Nature's World of Wonders to find peace of mind and to feel one with Nature again. We hadn't been out in months due to the bad weather and our busy lives. So we spent many hours enjoying the many sights, the different sounds and yes, even the smells of Nature. It is rather relaxing and peaceful for our souls.. that it actually regenerates ones "Inner Power" to keep us going, day after day after day. I have to share a special and touching story with you all this week. I have to start by telling you that I had only known John's mother, Mary for a very short time before she passed away at the age of 95. It was actually six months (from Christmas until July.) that I did get to know her. You see John and his mother never really knew each other and they didn't spend much time together over the many years. But something special happened between Mary and I.. we recognized each other and she was so happy to know that I was with her youngest son. She referred to me to the attendants as John's wife. Mary was ever so happy to see us whenever we went to visit her at the nursing home. She always knew and told us that she would live until her 95th birthday, and she did just that. Unfortunately she went rather quickly near the end...and sadly I wasn't there to say Goodbye to her. I suggested to John that he should go and say his good byes to her that day. John did decide to go and had a lovely talk with his mother that evening. Even though her eyes were closed she responded with rapid eye movements. John told her that he loved her and that she could go on because she didn't have to wait here any longer. On the room door where Mary's last resting place were purple butterflies. I only mention this because about a week before Mary's passing, John and I had gone to a restaurant in Long

Sault where they had purple butterflies on their napkins that day. It was quite the lovley surprise to see purple butterflies on the door where she last was. So now I attribute seeing purple butterflies to

remembering Mary. Last Saturday whilst relaxing on my kayak in the sun, low and behold a small butterfly came down the grassy path towards me. I didn't know if it was really purple or not, until it came right beside me and rested on my blue towel. You may think I am a bit crazy, but I talked to Mary's spirit through this butterfly. I told her that we still think of her every day and that we know she is in a happier place. It actually stayed beside me for a long time delighting me with it's tiny feet and antennae. When John and I got home from our outing we discovered that this was the very day (4 years ago) that Mary had passed away. I feel that Mary did visit me and that her spirit lives on even when she isn't present. I also feel that this was a messager sent from above to remind me of those who have gone on before us and to remember the ones that are still alive and that are still here. May I suggest that you get in touch with your loved ones today, or tomorrow or some day soon. As we never know when it will be our time to go. Let us not be the ones who didn't take the time to tell our loved ones on how we feel about them. Please Don't Be Too Late...Don't be the ones to say I didn't have the chance to say or do something special with your loved ones. Do something about it... Give them a call, write a letter or telegram or text them. Take and make the time to visit them. Time is precious so take the time to spend time with the ones that you love and cherish.

The Seeker is Cornwal l 's TRUE Communit y Newspaper. We do what we do t hanks t o t he support of many communit y part ners. Here are a f ew.

Tip of t he Week: Here are (3) Simple Rules In Life For YOU To Follow: 1. If YOU do not GO after what you want, You will NEVER have it! 2. If YOU do not ASK, The answer will ALWAYS Be NO! 3. If YOU do not Step Forward, YOU will ALWAYS be in the SAME PLACE!!! I have a few things going on this weekend one is going to another FUNTASTIC ~Tiki Lounge Party~ at Todd & Josee Sauvee's Home. I also will be visiting with my third daughter, Ella Rose in her new home in Ottawa. It should be a lot of fun spending time with my actress/ model/ photographer/ writer daughter this weekend. What shall I wear??? What should I pack??? Decisions, Decisions!!! Until Next Week: Take Life day by day, and Be Grateful for the little things. Don't be caught up in what you cannot control. Focus on the Positive. There are things that one can never have too much of in this world that we all share and abide in... They are FRIENDS, Wine/ Spirits and come to think of it... SHOES! One, (me) can never have too many pretty and/ or cute SHOES!!! (Right, Julia???) SMILES ARE FOR FREE >>> SO FREELY >>> GIVE THEM AWAY!!! Marlene Baker of www.fashionography & www.photodreams.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca







1. Contribute 4. Expression of surprised admiration 7. Ribonucleic acid 10. Type of whiskey 11. American Dental Association 12. Poetic dusk 13. Backsliders 16. Distinguished 17. Quietens 19. Termagant 22. Curved molding 23. Convenience 24. Small slender gulls 26. Grain to be ground 27. A painkiller 29. Option 33. Hasten 34. N N N N 35. Zero 36. Commercials 37. Clairvoyant's gift 38. Precious stone

1. Arrive (abbrev.) 2. Coloring agent 3. Slows down 4. Gulleys 5. Norse god 6. Beckons 7. Encumbering 8. Mesh 9. Autonomic nervous system 14. Huge 15. Receive from a predecessor 17. Small portable bed 18. How old you are 20. S 21. Damp 25. Binge 26. Clutch 28. Hotels 29. "Eureka!" 30. Cover 31. Compete 32. Shade tree

Crossword Solution on page 1 5

The Cornwall Scrabble Club will be taking a pause until Thurs. Sept. 10th 2015,at which time it will be take off into its 6th year of operation. Coaching & individual lessons for all levels of Scrabble will be available at the Cornwall Public Library during the month of August. To join the Cornwall Scrabble Club or to book an appointment for lessons, communicate with Scrabble Director, Vivianne Panizzon: 613 931 1792 vpanizzon@cogeco.ca Many thanks to the Cornwall Public Library for its generosity and for sponsoring this very special program.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



calendula, flaxseed. In addition, are these veget abl es: asparagus, strawberry spinach, French beans, green beans, yellow beans, heirloom corn, heirloom tomatoes, swiss chard, Russian purple kale, squash; plus some f ruit s: honey berry, white and black currant. To at t ract t he pol l inat ing honey bees she has gorgeous cl imbing purpl e cl emat is and cosmos.

Co unte ss

TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER THE UPCOMING LEADERS ARE: SMALL ENTREPRENEURIAL FARMERS AND ORGANIC FARMERS Small entrepreneurial farmers and organic gardeners should be given more say in the socio-economic-political decision-making processes. These men and women, as Individuals, can turn around today's world fiascos! Here in Cornwall at the Eco-Park/ Parc, located near Ray St. and Water St., we have a wonderful example of small farmers and gardeners succeeding in transforming a piece of non-productive, idle land into a most fabulous garden. All included, there are 47 garden lots, about the size of large living room.

When I approached ent repreneurial Sandra Proul x whose garden I was admiring, she started to tell me about the variety of plants that are growing in her special lot. We've all tasted kiwis. Most of us think they need to be imported from such places as New Zealand. Wrong! Kiwis are actually growing right in her garden! Last year she purchased a potted plant at Marlin Orchards & Garden Centre. "It grows like a vine," she explained. "It is a perennial, has fruits in September, and Chipper loves them!" Chipper is a charming and wise chipmunk who intuitively knows when to grab the ripe kiwis and ... run! "This year," Sandra says that their...should be mascot...is not going to get away with any of them. She delicately shows me the pea-size kiwi that is going to be ALL HERS THIS SEPTEMBER. (I'm saying to myself that this September I'll bring Chipper some store bought kiwis!) Next, Sandra has quinoa growing. Quinoa is known to grow in Peru and other Andean countries ... but Cornwall, Canada?! It can grow here and very well. She bought a handful at Bulk Barn, sprinkled them in the earth once the frost was over, and Voila! They are also perennials.

Sandra's expression is one of such pure self-joy as she shows her plants which are healthy and thriving. She also offers various ways to prepare them. I admire her so much. She has shown the courage and stamina to create a brand new earth centre alive with a multitude of plants. Individuals like Sandra are what this Earth needs now! She represents the new human consciousness. These Individuals who practise wisdom and a great love for our Emerald Planet Earth, and who fearlessly pioneer new healthy/ ancient ways of doing things. A l ot of credit f or t he Eco-Park/ Parc successes goes as wel l t o t wo dedicat ed f armers who sol d t heir f arms, and are now keeping t his eco-garden absol ut el y beaut if ul . Doug McDougal d and Earl Lal onde spend hours f ixing t he area and doing repairs. These self-appointed caretakers have transformed with the others the area into an Arcadian pastoral haven. These are the Individuals who practise Voltaire (the great French Philosopher) - his observation about the purpose of life: Il faut cultiver son jardin! We have to cultivate our garden! We can succeed to save and heal ourselves and Planet Earth when Individuals such as these small farmers and organic gardeners are given the power to show what needs and can be done. We need to trust them with the future of our world! When I spoke with Ivan Label l e, Director of the Clinique Centre de Sante Communautaire de l` Esprit, and the financial aspect of the Eco-Park/ Parc, which is also supported by the Trillium Foundation, he had such respect and admirat ion f or t he work being done by Doug and Earl , as wel l as each one of t he gardeners and t heir init iat ives. Yes, l et us st art t o t rust t he f ut ure of our worl d by Individual s such as t he smal l f armers and organic gardeners who know t hat t o have a heal t hy worl d we need TO CULTIVATE OUR GARDEN ... IL FAUT CULTIVER SON JARDIN!

Sandra then pointed to a small grouping of plants and said, "This is amarant h. I got the seeds at Bulk Barn and spread them in the earth in the spring. Beside these are long, slender healthy leaves with a vortex at the top. These are Russian garl ic, a donation from a lovely White Russian lady who gave them the seeds a few years back. As you may know, garlic is one of the best natural antibiotics (next to raw, organic honey) and an accepted cure-all. I can't wait to be given a few of these. Oh! the leaves smell powerful. Chipper can have all Sandra's kiwis, but NOT the garlic!

1317 NEWARK AVE Sunday Jul y 12t h 1pm - 3 Immediate possession available, all offers considered.

This fantastic gardener is also successfully growing some goji berries (native to China) which she originally got at Independent. Alongside of these edible treasures there is some kohl rabi which Sandra said tastes delicious sliced raw and eaten with a salad. Then we moved into her herb area and she has such a variety: lavender, chocolate mint, sorrel, echinachea, oregano, sage, German chamomile,

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Become a Voyageur (By Kevin O?Rourke)

ÂŤADVENTURE ON LAC MONROE, PARC MONT TREMBLANT : Take an expedition on Lac Monroe in a rabaska canoe with a park guide to discover some of the secrets of this lake that has a very rich history. Enjoyment guaranteed.? That is what the advertisement says on the poster at Parc Mont Tremblant in the Laurentian mountains of Quebec. Our small group of five is determined to sign up for this event early in the morning to ensure we get our seats in the ten person canoe. The guide at the desk tells us we are the first group to sign up for the event which normally sells out every day. Our gang of five consists of four experienced paddlers and a woman originally from Korea who has never been in a canoe before. We will call her ?Lily Dipper?. We promise her that it will be a good beginner experience on the water.

We return in the afternoon to the beach to find our guide Francis waiting on the dock. He tells us that no one else has signed up for the event because of the wind and the chance of rain in the forecast. With a little convincing we assure him that we are all strong paddlers and could handle such a large boat with a small crew. We climb into the rabaska canoe placing our inexperienced Korean paddler at the front, at the opposite end from the guide who will steer the vessel from the stern. From the middle of the lake we see people at the high lookouts (La Roche and La Corniche) on the top of the cliffs on the east side of the valley. The steep rock walls were dug out by glaciers a few million years ago. It now leaves an impressive site for any of the 500,000 visitors the park receives every year. At the shore line the mounds? golden sand make natural beaches for the campsites along the shoreline.

The guide taps me on the shoulder and points at Lily Dipper at the front of the canoe. She has both hands on the paddle and is stirring the water round and round as if mixing cake batter in a bowl. I return his wink saying ?OK, we are five strong paddlers with one exception?. He nods back with a smile. We pass under the bridge to enter Petit Lac Monroe to see a surprise along the shoreline. A small buck is knee deep in the water eating. Francis explains that deer eat the roots of the lily pads as they are full of nutrients in the late summer. The photographers in our crew have no problem taking multiple shots as the deer in the park are accustomed to humans. After a few minutes the deer retreats back into the forest. Back at the dock Francis asks our most improved paddler how she enjoyed her experience. She replies ?It was something I always wanted to do. It tops off a great weekend at Parc Mont Tremblant.? For more information about the Outdoor Club visit our website at www.cornwalloutdoorclub.ca or like us on Facebook.

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pl ace


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




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Solution for Crossword from Page 12

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BOOTHS STILL AVAILABLE fo r t h ese 3 even t s i n Oct o b er ...

SM ALL BU SINESS WEEK SHOW Sat urday, Oct ober 24t h - 10am t o 4pm Cornwal l Civic Compl ex - Sal ons AB&C f or inf o cal l 613-935-8101and ask f or Jul iaor John

A show to celebrate small business in the area ...



THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 27 - July 10 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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