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Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

ume 6 Issue VolVol ume 6 Issue 3321 May 29, 2015 Sept ember 4, 2015

LIBERAL CANDIDATE Ber n ad et t e Cl em en t Lau n ch es Her Cam p ai g n t h i s Su n d ay, Sep t em b er 6 t h

See fu l l st o r y o n p ag e 5 Co ver : Pai d ad



SU NDAY 1 -3 1 0 5 Wel l i n g t o n St . E

PRE INSPECTED!! Ful l y f enced yard, f amil y f riendl y neighbourhood, cl ose t o school , many recent improvement s.

TRUDEAU Offer i n g t h e

BACK FROM VACATION P le a se Monday Aug. 31st N o t e!

$229,900 .

BIGGEST BREAKFASTS i n Co r n wal l !



2xl Eggs, Real Home Fries Texas Toast Cof f ee or Tea

7oz of Canada AAA St eak 2 xl Eggs, Home Fries, Texas Toast , Cof f ee or Tea $1 2 .9 9

$5 .9 9



Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon.

by Julia Lucio

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk INTERN: Emma Meldrum THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper to make it a success...



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inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca MAIN OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday and Tuesday 10am to 5pm Closed for lunch SECONDARY OFFICE 319 Fourth Street W. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Wednesday and Thursday 10am to 5pm

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Ag re e to d isa g re e


I have a right t o privacy! Last Tuesday, we drove back home from a lovely 3-day mini vacation in the Berkshires. We rushed home as I had to be back in time to take my son to the dentist. It is hard to take vacations when you operate a business that is pretty much 24-7, but I'm learning. As a hosting provider, I owe it to my clients to be there if anything goes wrong with their website. That being said, it doesn't mean my clients own me, or that I do not have a right to time off and privacy. I returned from said dentist appointment to find my husband simply livid about an encounter he had with one of my customers while I was out. After getting no answer at the officedoor,the customer went to knock on my home door, which is located at the back of the building.My husband related to me that, while my sonopened the door and asked said customer to wait at the door while he got his father, the client simply let himself in and walkedall through the house,ending in front of my bedroom, behind my son, as my husband came out barefooted and shirtless--he was resting from the long 5 hour drive home.

Hubby asked client if he didn't notice that this was a private home. Customer deflected, and proceeded to interrogate him as to my whereabouts. -"She's at the dentist," John said, (not that it was any of the client's business!) "This is a private home, can't you see that? Didn't you realize that when you walked through the messy kitchen?" We had just got back from leaving the house in the hands of 2 teenagers; you can imagine what it looked like. -"But she's not answering my calls and I've emailed her," the client said. -"We were away! Maybe that's why? Look, this is the office space, this here, is clearly our home..." This went on for a few minutes. The client eventually left, frustrated. My husband was left feeling even more frustrated and wondering if this is a common Canadian thing since this has happened before and seems to be a reoccurring issue. I did find out that while I had answered his emails (but not his calls as I was in the US), my responses were bouncing back. I had stipulated that I was taking a couple of days off and was ready to meet with him on Thursday. He didn't get that. That is ok, I understand his

frustration... I'd be frustrated too if I felt like I was being ignored. However, that does not give him the right to barge into my home and violate my private space as if he owned me. I will be the first to admit that I don't do well with phone calls. Blame it on all my years as a phone customer service rep. I much prefer email. It's not as invasive, and at least, there is always a record on file of what's being asked for and done. I usually answer emails right away. I'm pretty much always available either from my phone or laptop. In order to serve my clients as well as they should be, I never completely disconnect, even while on vacation. But I can't help it if my emails don't reach a client's server because of an issue at their end. I have no control over that. I try to be accessible. I'm a 2 person operation and my clients know that when they sign up with me. I only have two hands, and 24 hours in a day. I serve people in the order in which I receive request. Clients expecting me to be at their disposal immediately, all the time, may be a tad bit unrealistic. In Cornwall more than anywhere it seems, humans will occasionally tend to lose sight of boundaries, maybe even exhibit a complete lack of respect without even being aware of their behavior. Moreover, Controls on civilian use of firearms probably have an effect on culture differently than the right to bear arms does in the States. In Canada, you feel safe. Free. Feeling that safe and that free, I guess it?s easy to lose sight of boundaries. So with that in mind, I'm setting up new office hours. My office at 327 2nd Street, will be opened to walk-ins Mondays and Tuesdays from 10am to 5pm. Any other day will be by appointment only. Oh, and there is new signage on the door of my home: NO TRESPASSING... Much of the time, the things we feel guilty about are not our issues. Another person behaves inappropriately or in some way violates our boundaries. We challenge the behavior, and the person gets angry and defensive. Then we feel guilty.

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Cal l 613-935-3763

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.


SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d

b y Ja so n Se tny k

NEWS & POLITICS Bernadet t e Cl ement Announces Campaign Launch in Morrisburg Bernadette Clement announced that that she will be launching her campaign on Sunday, September 6 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at Russell Manor in Morrisburg. Refreshments and snacks will be served. This event is the first of several that will be taking place during the week of September 6, as the official opening of her campaign?s headquarters, located at 628 Pitt Street in Cornwall, will take place at 5:30 to 8:30 pm on Thursday, September 10. Following this event, Bernadette Clement and her team will head to North Stormont for a special meet and greet at the home of one of her supporters, scheduled for Saturday September 12th. ?We are very excited to be launching our campaign at the historic and beautifully restored 1870s Russell Manor?, said Ms. Clement.

Food Chal l enge Wrap-up ? The inaugural ten-day local food challenge of Cornwall Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott and Russell counties has officially wrapped-up. The challenge, which asked residents to sign up online and track their local food consumption for ten days, drew nearly 200 registrants in total across the five counties. The initiative also partnered with local food businesses in SDG&PR including farmers, farmers markets and restaurants.

ARTS & CULTURE My Jokes are Up Here Comedy Tour - Four funny women with four impressive resumes are coming to Cornwall. The ?My Jokes are Up Here? tour takes over Deke & Squeaks on Friday September 11th. The show features four top notch Canadian comics: Jen Grant, Christina Walkinshaw, Rebecca Kohler, and Erica Sigurdson. These women have been on Just For Laughs, CBC Television, and other major comedy festivals. Tickets are $20 and available at Floral Expression, Melody Music, and Deke and Squeaks. Beyond t he Void al bum rel ease Sept ember 19t h at Lol as Pub - Alternative rock band Beyond Void will Hortthe icul t ural be releasing their Self-Titled E.P. at their upcoming Societ y event at Lola?s Pub n?Grub in Cornwall on Saturday beaut if ies September 19th, 2015. The 3 new songs were recently ent rance to recorded in 2015 with the current line-up of Justin Cote Cit y Landf l on vocals and guitars, Marc Brault (Winston Marley)ilon bass guitar, Ron Piquette (Winston Marley) on lead guitar, and Alex Mora on drums. The 3 new songs were recorded at Dream Builder Studios in Cornwall Ontario. Recording duties were taken care of by Roy Nichol of April Wine. Also playing that night is Trailer Five and hardrock band ArcLights (featuring members of the Trench Town Oddities and the Shiners). Admission is $5, or 10$ with a CD, or 15$ with CD and band t-shirt. Doors open at 9pm.


First Annual East ern Ont ario Garl ic Fest ival a Success - The First Annual Eastern Ontario Garlic Festival took place Sunday at Lamoureux Park. Local garlic producers, farmers, artisans, and community organizations united together in Lamoureux Park to celebrate everything in the region that helps people and communities grow.There were free family and community friendly activities including garlic cooking and gardening demonstrations, an Iron Man obstacle course for teams and families, an apple pie baking contest, a corn roast, face painting, artists?corner, and live musical entertainment. All proceeds from this festival went towards Green Thumbs Project, a new initiative launching in the spring of 2016 for children and adults with developmental disabilities.

Goal t ending Special ist Adam Russo joins OHA ?I?m excited to announce that we have added goaltending specialist Adam Russo to our staff,? OHA director Giles Lascelle said. ?He has a great understanding and experience of what it takes to teach and train goaltenders for the next level.? Russo played major junior in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League where he still holds the career record for shutouts with a total of 23. In Hort t ural Societ ies his first icul season, he was namedytobeaut the All if Rookie Team where het o tied Roberto Luongo for the ent rance Cit y Landf il l sit e league-record in single-season shutouts with 7. He has won both the Jacques Plante trophy as best goaltender in the QMJHL and also the Canadian Goaltender of the Year award. His experience will be a benefit to the young goalies he will be working with. Russo played professionally in Europe and semi pro in the IHL. He participated in the IIHF Ice Hockey World Championships in Germany, where he played for Italy against Team Canada. Russo is a goaltending consultant and has been teaching and training goalies for over 15 years.

CCVS st udent s win grant t o support l ocal yout h ment oring - A presentation by a group of students from Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School?s Civics class was selected for a $5000 grant through the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI). Three CCVS students were asked to develop and deliver a grant proposal presentation on a local non-profit organization and were inspired to highlight Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall and District?s mentoring programs. ?These three girls were so involved in this project and passionate about our agency. We are so grateful for their hard work and dedication to acquire this grant for us!? said BBBS Caseworker Danielle Brisson.

35 years f or t he Terry Fox Run ? The 35th Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run will be held on Sunday, September 20th at the Cornwall Civic Complex between 8am and Noon. Everyone is invited to walk, cycle, run or skate 1km to 10kms along the bike path. Participants can make a personal donation of any amount at the Run site, or can collect pledges from friends, neighbours, family members and co-workers ahead of time using pledge sheets, or collecting pledges online by registering at www.terryfox.org. Founded in 1981 in commemoration of Terry?s ?Marathon of Hope? and his fight against cancer, the Terry Fox Run has evolved into the largest fundraising event in support of cancer research in the world, with events taking place in 32 countries across 4 continents annually. To date, close to $700 million dollars has been raised in Terry?s name for cancer research.


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.



Ne w s

2 Gr eat Wo r k sh o p s Co m i n g u p ... p r esen t ed b y

No uve lle s



The Eastern Ontario Training Board (EOTB) and the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce are pleased to announce that they have partnered with St. Lawrence College to bring two workshops ? Leadership & Dispute and Conflict Resolution ? to businesses in the Cornwall and Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry area. Denis Thibault, Executive Director of EOTB states: ?Over the past two years, EOTB has conducted Employer One, a survey of employers in the City of Cornwall and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. Responses received during this exercise demonstrate a consistent need for workforce training to support and encourage the growth of our businesses.

? Cornwall Chamber President, Denis Carr added the business organization?s perspective. ?The Chamber is pleased to work, in cooperation with our partners to present these workshops in order to help our members and their employees with valuable ongoing education for their businesses. ? Leadership, t he f irst workshop of t he series t o be hel d on Oct ober 21st , 2015, will be conducted by Sue Headley, an experienced trainer in the Leadership and Communications fields. This workshop will concentrate on defining and exploring core principals of leadership, developing effective leadership techniques, and experimenting with these techniques during case studies. The second workshop, Disput e and Conf l ict Resol ut ion wil l be hel d on Oct ober 28t h, 2015. John Curtis will facilitate this session during which individuals will learn to understand conflict dynamics, apply tools to deescalate conflicts, and utilize skills to reach resolutions. These workshops will benefit business owners, employees in key leadership positions or anyone looking to refresh their management and corporate skills.

Registration information is available at: http:/ / www.cornwallchamber.com/ members-services/ chamber-events/

Cont act us: 613-932-0210/ 1-877-234-1368 Email : inf o@eot b-cf eo.on.caVisit : www.eot b-cf eo.on.ca THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.



Ber n ad et t e Cl em en t Cam p ai g n Wi t h ex ci t em en t , Ber n ad et t e Cl em en t ?s cam p ai g n h as o r g an i zed 3 even t s t o cel eb r at e h er Offi ci al Cam p ai g n Lau n ch . Th e Sou t h Du n das Cam pai gn Lau n ch Fu n dr ai ser w ill take place on Su n day, Sept em ber 6 at t h e i l l u st r i ou s 1870's Ru ssel l M an or (36 Fi r st St ., M or r i sbu r g, ON). This w ill be a them ed event r unning fr om 1 p.m . to 4 p.m . Her team is encour aging ever yone fr om acr oss the r iding to com e out and show their suppor t. Refr eshm ents and snacks w ill be ser ved. Th e Of f i ci al Cam pai gn Headqu ar t er s Open i n g w i l l be l ocat ed at 628 Pi t t St . Cor n w al l on Th u r sday, Sept em ber 10, 2015 f r om 5:30 p.m . t o 8:30 p.m . Ber nadette w ill be speaking at 6:30. Ther e w ill also be m any in-house social gam es to keep the evening and good tim es r olling.

An d, t h e Nor t h St or m on t M eet an d Gr eet w i l l t ak e pl ace on Sat u r day, Sept em ber 12t h , f r om 2 p.m . t o 5 p.m . This w ill take place in a m or e "pr ivate setting" w ith lim ited capacity. Ber nadette Clem ent w as selected at the Liber al Par ty of Canada candidate in June. She has lived in Stor m ont?Dundas?South Glengar r y for the past 24 year s and is a law yer at the legal aid clinic. She is a cur r ent thr ee-ter m Cor nw all city councillor and br ings a w ealth of political exper ience and local know ledge to the r iding. Please ensur e that you R.S.V.P. by calling 1-888-389-2510 or by sending an em ail to i n f o@ber n adet t ecl em en t .ca w ith R.S.V.P. in the subject line (this w ill help us m aintain efficiencies). Our office team w ill r espond to em ails and phone calls in the m ost expedient m anner available.

re E ED I TO R H T O T onger Futu R E L ETT ecure A Str ents Wil l S

est m ructure Inv Bold Infr ast unit y mm Harp er. For Our Co er Step hen s w atch. It d n u n io ss ack in rece on his gov ernment? al Canada is b in a re It ?s off icial: y is shri nking yet aga economic grow th is as-South t d m a n o u th n r o D c a te y cle Our rmon e ab undantl nada, b ut also in Sto m o c e b s a a h ot only in C p rob lem, n rt ant, dib ly imp o re c Glengarr y. in so is y dress this ur econom a p lan to ad r our ecti on of o e ir v d a e h th st u se m u fo Beca rnment real change deral gov e p rop osi ng en the is th y g the next fe rt n a re P l st nt w il l e Lib era e h T m . rn y making m e v le o b g p ro economy b Lib eral s ? A a . d a re n tu a C fu le the row economic e w il l doub job s, and g W te . a re re c tu , c ss ru next infr ast middle cla on ov er the st ments in li e il v b in 5 2 w e 1 n $ major t to histori c ture b udge st rates, the ti me for a c ru st a fr in federal w intere it h record lo n b ett er. decade. W ee b has nev er three inv est ment v est ment in in r te a re g le b st anti all y ke aff ordab s w il l see a su st ructure li a h ha c fr c a in su l ro p ia re p c a tu Our fr ast ruc tr ansi t, so in c l li b ta u n p e m s: n major fi eld as a fi scall y s and env ir o chil d care, p art y that h d ly n n a o g r p art ie e n si th u ho We are as the othe rnment t. , n th e w m e ro g g a d n w ater ma ate job s an ib eral gov e p lan to cre et cuts. A L tow ards a resp onsi b le for unnecessary b udg ing the w ay v a p e d il e h g d w hav e p le et b y 2 0 1 9 e the b udg w il l b alanc re. onomic futu ndas-South b ri ghter ec tormont-Du S f o nomy , re tu ronger eco in the fu t st n a e g m in st d e il v u l lead This is an in h our dedicati on to b in SDSG w il ts c je ro it p W w il l cture Glengarr y. a p lan that at infr ast ru is th is re h T su . y e k it n w e can ma it y. nd op p ort u p loyment a w ork for our commun m e l a c lo to l il w d n a nada t w ork for Ca dett eClemen

, Berna atefor SDSG id d n a C l ra e Lib

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.




year, a chance to buy a ticket to see the band, AC DC in Montreal. Monday was the big day, and fourteen of us got into a limo for the ride to Montreal and back. The concert was awesome, and the energy level of these guys was incredible! The band members are all in their sixties, with Brian Johnson (lead vocalist) being the oldest at 68 years old. If these guys can be that active at their age, then there is no excuse for the rest of us! What an inspiration! On the way home, the limo got a flat tire, but all was good and I

M a rle ne

BAKER Hi There, to all of you ~Seeker~ readers this week. It looks as if my wish for more summer weather came true. I hope you are all enjoying this final blast of summer while it lasts. Here we are in September with a week of temperatures between 28 and 30 degrees with almost all sunny days!

This was a particularly fun-filled week for me, but fun can happen wherever you choose to make it happen. I'll explain a bit further down. On the weekend, we were invited to a young friend's birthday party. It seems that a lot of people in their twenties like John and I, and we find ourselves included in events that most people of our ages miss out on. Perhaps it is a sign that we are still youthful in our thinking and attitudes, but for whatever reason, it is wonderful to spend time with the younger generation of adults. Later on that same afternoon, I was also invited to a 'girls only' pool party. It was a lot of fun, and Josee Sauve and I broke out into an impromptu 'synchronized swimming' routine, which was videoed and shared on Facebook. The next day (Sunday) John and I decided to go for breakfast at Cornwall BBQ, and on the way home, I saw a bus and asked John to drive me over to where it was parked. It was the baddest bus we'd ever seen, as it had the name 'Badder' on the side, which was the name of the bus line. I got out of our vehicle and did a fun pose while Johnny snapped the pic. This is what I was referring to earlier, the idea that you can FIND fun and MAKE fun anywhere you go, whether it's on the way home from brunch, or on a special outing somewhere. Fun truly is wherever you find it and make it. It would have been much easier just to comment on the bus name and keep on driving, but the small time-investment of stopping for a photo made it into a fun and memorable little moment that can bring a smile again and again whenever we look at the picture. This is how I like to see life - as a series of opportunities to enjoy - or pass by. It is so easy to pass them by in our busy lives, but stopping to smell the roses, or do bus poses, provides the stuff life is made of. Memories. Would we have remembered a drive back from the restaurant? Probably not. But with this photo, the memory of wanting to pose by the bus will be a small glimmer among the many others that make up the fabric of my life. We all can look for those moments, those opportunities to get in touch with our inner child, to speak with a stranger, or pose by something unusual. Life comes around for each of us only once. We cannot always say we'll do it the next time, because the next time may never arrive. Another opportunity came around early in the


something extraordinary - even if it's as simple as an afternoon or evening spent by the water! I guarantee you'll be glad you did! TIP OF THE WEEK: As this column seems to be saying, 'Make fun wherever you find it'. That may be a simple detour to the back yard to smell the flowers, a quick trip to the beach, or even posing by a bus! Slow down and look around! Wherever life takes you, be observant and make the most of every opportunity to not just exist, but to really LIVE your life. Even a few moments here and there can improve your




Sp aces ar e fi l l i n g fast !

eventually made it home, being dropped off by limo at my door at around 2 in the morning. Though I was tired, the night was just beginning, as my daughter, Melinda, had planned another trip to Marineland and wanted to bring me with her. She arrived at around 4:30 or 5:00 (in the morning) and we headed out towards Niagara Falls. This time around, my 17 year old grandson was with us, and for the first time, he got to enjoy the sights and sounds of Marineland and of Niagara Falls too. With this hot and sunny weather, John and I were able to enjoy some more kayaking this week. Just like making the most of opportunities for fun, we try to make the most of the weather and are able to plan such outings. John may work in the evening or on a weekend to compensate for enjoying an outing during a work day, but these are rare opportunities and we try to make the most of them. There is a beach just past the Lost Villages Museum, and we just might be enjoying this year's last beach weather, so I suggest to all reading the Seeker to check it out if you haven't already done so. Although Cornwall sits upon the St. Lawrence River, we have too many dangerous currents to have a beach here, so why not drive a bit and enjoy one last beach day? Once the snowflakes start falling, you'll remember your time at the beach and what fun you had. We don't usually remember the 'ordinary days' so take the time to make

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.

perspective, your health and your happiness! It is only those small moments that make up the memories and the fabric of our lives, not the days at work, or the evenings watching TV. UNTIL NEXT WEEK: Look for the moments, then savor them. Make them count. Stop to take photos, smell flowers, observe butterflies or even spiders for that matter. All life around us has something to give us if we stop long enough to notice. Otters play on the riverbanks, while ants are workaholics. Which do you want to be? Perhaps a balance of both, but whatever you do, take time for play. In the words of author Jay Asher, "You can't stop the future. You can't rewind the past. The only way to learn the secret...is to press play." Marlene Baker of fashionography.com




... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION



The l ibrary is cl osed on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 FOR LABOUR DAY. Re-opening Sundays on SEPTEMBER 13 WITH NEW HOURS: 1:00 TO 5:00 PM Come to our BOOK STORE?S GRAND RE-OPENING on Saturday, October 3 rd.Grab a great deal. New and gently used books. Now open daily 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturdays.



4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 - 2pm Summer Movie Fest ival @ t he Library


Alice Howland, happily married with three grown children, is a renowned linguistics professor who starts to forget words. When she receives a devastating diagnosis, Alice and her family find their bonds tested. Drama, Literary Adaption AUDIENCE : PG


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 CHECK-MATES WITH CLIFFORD LABRE - Children?s program 2:00 to 4:00 pm


ADULT EVENING BOOK CLUB - Monthly Meeting - 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Free

READY, SET, KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone.



THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 SCRABBLE - Join our scrabble group for fun and challenging games every Thursday afternoon at 1:30 pm. - Free. - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

ADULT TRI-COUNTY CHESS CLUB 6:15 pm - Free to join

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 TEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUB - Games, food, and of course, BOOKS! More fun than you can handle! - It?s free. Bring a friend. - 7:00 to 8:30 pm

Lo o k i n g

fo r


- 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Summer Movie Fest ival - INTO THE WOODS (Repeats on Friday, September 11 @ 2:00 pm.) A baker and his wife who desperately want children strike a deal with a witch. She promises to give them a child if they can bring her the cape of Little Red Ridinghood, the milky-white cow of Jack (of beanstalk fame), the slipper of Cinderella, and some of Rapunzel?s golden hair. In order to do so, the baker must travel into the dark and mysterious woods and battle a Giant who threatens to destroy the entire village. - Comedy, Fantasy, Musical, Science-Fiction - AUDIENCE: PG

So m et h i n g




Be sure to visit the

Discover your history at



this weekend Sat. and Sun. from 11 am to 3:30. $5 per person.

open Wed. to Sunday, 11 am to 4 pm., Admission is free.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.



Our C O M M U N I T Y




Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org





Learning t o Live wit h t he Enemy Eph 6:10-12 Part 4 of 6 part series, Living wisely. Part four of a six part series "Living Wisely" this is a continuation of last weeks message Recognizing the reality of the Enemy" if you were unable to make it last week it would be worth while listening to that message first at the web site www.cornwallwesleyanchurch.on.ca Races at t he Cornwal l Mot or Speedway





Bereaved Famil ies Support & Share Night 7 pm to 9 pm. 216 Montreal Rd. Presentation followed by small group support. Open to anyone who is struggling with loss of loved one. Cornwal l Seaway Lions Mont hl y Meet ing. 6pm at St.Hubert Restaurant. -



Be sure to visit the CORNWALL JAIL this weekend Sat. and Sun. from 11 am to 3:30. $5 per person.






Knox St . Paul ?s Unit ed Church Fal l Bazaar from 10 am to 1 pm. Lunch Served from 11 am to 1 pm. 800 12th St. E. Bake & deli table, books, attic treasures & more! Like to ride? Love to support our amazing Hospice? ride and raise money for Hospice Cornwall. 9am Breakfast at the Legion, dinner at Deeks and Squeeks - draws and prizes. Tickets $50/ bike or car call Sandy Collette at 613-932-345


Royal Canadian Legion Seniors Cl ub Bid Euchre 1:15 pm. 415 2nd St. W. Snacks will be served.




?My Jokes are Up Here? t akes over Deke & Squeaks. Show features 4 top Canadian comics who should not be missed. Jen Grant has achieved virtually everything you can achieve in the world of stand-up comedy in Canada. She has performed at every major comedy festival in the country including the Just for Laughs Festival, the Ha!ifax and the Winnipeg Comedy Festival. All of which have aired on national television. She can also be heard on CBC?s ?The Debaters? and has her own TV special on The Comedy Network. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (See Sept 4 for details)


Cornwal l Hort icul t ural Cl ub Mont hl y Meet ing at 7 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Presentation: "Plant Combinations" with Suzanne Patry of Whitehouse Perennials. Cat hol ic Dist rict School Board of East ern Ont ario First Day of School Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510 Mens Cancer Peer Support Group 06:00-08:00 p.m. NEW TIME Location: 205 Amelia Street, Cornwall Ontario

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.

The River Kings begin on-ice preparations for their fourth LNAH season this weekend at the Civic Complex. Training camp opens Friday night with a scrimmage from 8-10 p.m. Camp continues on Saturday with a practice session in the morning (9:30-11:30 a.m.) and a scrimmage in the afternoon (1-3 p.m.). The annual Intrasquad game will take place on Sunday night at 7 p.m. Warmup begins at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 (all ages, general admission) for Sunday?s game. Season ticket holders will be admitted to the game at no charge. Season tickets are currently on sale: Adults $250; Students/ Seniors $200; Children under 12 $140. Contact the River Kings office at 613-933-9797 or email info@cornwallriverkings.ca for more information.- See more at:

Swinging B?S Square & Round Dance and Cl ub Invit es you t o t ry Square Dancing 2 evenings at no cost Friday Sept 11 and Sept 18 8:00 pm, Knox-St. Paul?s United Church Hall at 800 Twelfth Street E, Cornwall

Inf o Teresa 613 932 7091 or Linda 613 936 2563 No Part ner required, Singl es Wel come



M U SIC N ' M O R E by: SU NDAY, SEPTEM BER 6 t h sponsored - Th e DIRTcar Tr i p l e Cr o wn at 1 2 5 Lap Fi n al Ro u n d o f t h e at Ban d i t M o t o r sp o r t s Can ad i an Nat i o n al s DIRTcar 3 5 8 Ser i es


- Th e DIRTcar Sp o r t sm an & Pr o St o ck Ser i es

16981Cornwal lCent reRd. Cornwal lON

- A Co m p l et e Pr o g r am

6 1 3 -9 3 8 -3 9 4 5


www.co r n wal l sp eed way.co m

- Hotel Reservations - Special Rate for Race Fans COMFORT INN $72 - 613-937-0111 - Gates open from 9am to 11:30 pm (Blankets) - FREE Parking - NO COOLERS (only permitted in Picnic area) - Handicap Parking & Seating (limited space) - Shuttle Service available - Souvenir Apparel available - NO DOGS in Grandstands - Hearing & Eye protection recommended - Limited space for RV Camping PLEASE PARK ALONG THE TREES

ThisSat urdaySept ember Dear


Bl ack wo l f

PIT GATE OPENS @ 2p m MAIN GATE OPENS @ 3:30 pm Races St ar t at 6 p m Ad m i ssi o n Pr i ces (t ax i n cl ) GeneralAdmission- $30 Senior65+ (withID) - $15 16 and under(withID) - $2 Pits$40

AKWESASNE POW WOW Sat urday and Sunday Sept ember 12 and 13 Doors open at 10am

w/ special guests

Th e Gr eat Di ver si o n 10pmstart No Cover. 616 Pitt Street Cornwall, ON 613-936-9898

SundaySept ember 5 Acoust ic Pat ioSeries3 to6pm Bi g Jeff St ar zen sk

Kids 6-12: $5, Adul t s $8, Week-end pass $12, Free under 5 and over 65

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.




Sha ry n


TRY THIS VEGETABLE CU RRY always happy with a cookbook in my hand. This is a vegetable curry called Cauliflower Masala. It is a perfect time of year with fall vegetables at their peak. If you want to make it hotter, add more cayenne or chillies. I kept it on the mild side. I think you will enjoy it as much as I did. I served it with white Indian Basmati rice we carry at my store, SHaryn's Pantry and some beans just picked from my garden. Enjoy a great week!

I found this recipe in a lovely Indian cookbook called Classic Indian Cuisine. I think Joyce Mc Dougall gave me this cookbook last fall when I was having shoulder and knee surgery. What a nice lady and good friend to give me something to pass the time with. I'm CAULIFLOWER MASALA

Serves 4 to 6.


l large head of cauliflower 2 potatoes 2 garden ripe tomatoes 1 cup of garden green peas (shelled) (picked from my very own garden!) 1 large onion 6 oz. (3/ 4 cup) of warm water 4 tbsp. Crisco oil 1 tsp. whole cumin seeds (all spices are found at my store, Sharyn's Pantry) 1/ 2 tsp ground turmeric 1 tsp. ground cumin 1 tsp. ground coriander 1/ 2 tsp. chili powder 1 to 2 fresh green chillies, seeded (I used canned green chillies - about 2 tbsp.) 1/ 2 tsp. Garam Masala 1 tsp. fine salt 1 tbsp. fresh chopped cilantro leaves ( I used dried cilantro.)





Peel and dice the tomatoes, cutting out the core. Shell the peas. (You can use frozen if you like.) Peel and cut the potatoes into thin strips about 1" long. Gather all the spices you will be using. Heat the oil until hot and add the cumin seeds. Cook them, over MEDIUM heat, until the seeds begin to pop. Now add the sliced onions and cook them until they soften about 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to LOW and add the ground turmeric, ground coriander and ground cumin and chili powder. Cook this for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the diced tomatoes and cook for 2 to 3 minutes longer. Stir often to prevent sticking. Add the 3/ 4 cup of warm water and the potatoes. Bring this to a boil and then cover your pan and cook for about 8 minutes or until the potatoes are halfways tender. Add the cauliflower, stir, then cover the pan and simmer for about 10 minutes longer - until the veggies are tender. Stir in the peas, green chillies, salt and Garam Masala. Cover and cook 5 minutes longer. Take the pan off the heat and add the cilantro. Serve with steaming white Basmati rice . ENJOY!


- Cut or break the cauliflower into bite-sized florets, about 1/ 2" in size. - Slice the onion crosswise into thin slices.

Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 34 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5

September 30th. The cold laser machine used, the microlight 830, used in both locations is the same one also used by the reigning superbowl football champs (New England Patriots) as well as both American and Canadian Olympic athletes and multiple physiotherapy clinics across Canada and in the US.

M AYORAL ENDORSEM ENT OF NEW SATELLITE CLINIC Photos by Mai-Liis Renaud Earthway Family Chiropractic and Laser has existed in Cornwall since 1988 at 812 Pitt St (also known as the old "Hodgins Centre"). Our illustrious Mayor, Leslie O'shaunessy, dropped by for the ribbon cutting and is seen here flanked by Dr. Poirier's boys, Zachary and Benny. They've now just expanded by having a satellite clinic within the 4 walls of Summit Fitness Club at 1515 Pitt street (www.summitfitnessclub.ca) and offer chiropractic care as well as cold laser therapy on Wednesdays. As a special offer to ALL Cornwallites....the initial exam (including xrays if deemed necessary) which normally costs $150 is only $67 until

Appointments to take advantage of their special offer for either location can be made through contacting their main clinic at 613-936-1386 or by leaving one's contact info in the acrylic box at the fitness centre. In addition to providing health services at both sites, free workshops on a variety of subjects, including smoking cessation and weight management, will also be offered in addition to those already being offered at the main clinic. The topics, their locations, dates and times will be available on the whiteboards (at both locations), on their Earthway Family Chiropractic facebook page and on their upcoming new website,www.cornwallbackdoctor.com's blog section (coming soon). Much more can meantime be learned by visiting their laser website at www.earthwaylasertherapy.com or by calling their staff and meeting with Doctor Paul Poirier directly!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.



__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello everyone! It's been a very busy Summer for everyone which is finally winding down for many as they prepare for back to school. Cornwall has been host to so many great events in the past few weeks alone and I am so proud to be a part of this great community! The Seeker was on holidays for a couple weeks in August and, since then, so much has happened! Here is a rundown of the great events you may have taken part in and a recap for those of you who may have missed any of them. Keep checking the Events Calendar to see what other wonderful events that are still yet to come.



In t er vi ew wi t h St ar Tr ek an d Bu ffy t h e Vam p i r e Act r ess No el l e Han n i b al Ar ticle a nd inter view by Ja son Setnyk. Submitted Photos. Cor nw all Ontar io -- Live long and pr osper Cor nw all tr ekkies. A Star Tr ek actr ess is beam ing into Cor nw all to help celebr ate the 50th Anniver sar y of Gene Roddenber r y's iconic science fiction fr anchise at the next Cor nw all and Ar ea Pop Event. The second annual CAPE takes place on Apr il 23r d and 24th 2016 at the Benson Centr e. The fir st celebr ity announcem ent for CAPE is actr ess and singer Noelle Hannibal w ho appear ed in the film "Star Tr ek Fir st Contact". She por tr ayed the fir st fem ale Vulcan on Ear th in the 1996 m ovie. The plot of the eighth film has Captain Jean Luc Picar d and the Enter pr ise cr ew go back in tim e to defeat the Bor g w ho w ant to stop Zefr am Cochr an's fir st test of the w ar p engine and Hum ans fir st contact w ith Vulcans. Noelle Hannibal has also appear ed in the television ser ies "Star Tr ek: Voyager " as a Tar esian w om an and in the television show "Buffy The Vam pir e Slayer " as par t of the Sister hood of Jhe (a cult for m ed by an all-fem ale r ace of fier ce flesh eating w ar r ior dem ons). Or iginally fr om Los Angeles, Noelle m ade her pr ofessional theatr e debut playing Chr issy in Hair, then m oved to Ir eland to tour the countr y star r ing in Lock Up Your Daughter s (as Hilar et). Her other Los Angeles theatr e cr edits include: Chicago (Velm a), Gypsy (M azeppa) and M iss Saigon (Gigi). Her M ontr eal theatr e cr edits include South Par k (Sheila), Gefilte Fish Chr onicles: The M usical (Basha), The Vir gin Cour tesan (Ar ielle), Rent (M im i), M er ton of the M ovies (Countess) and Chess (Flor ence). Noelle cur r ently r esides in M ontr eal w her e she per for m s r egular ly in concer ts, cabar ets and m usical theatr e pr oductions. FI VE QUESTI ONS W I TH STAR TREK AND BUFFY THE VAM PI RE ACTRESS NOELLE HANNI BAL

Every year A&W Teams up with MS Society to host Crusin' to EndMS. The event was held at A&W Restaurants across Canada on August 27th and very well attended here in Cornwall. A&W has raised more than $6 million dollars in the past six years by donating $1 for each Teen Burger sold that day to help fund MS Society. Shown here are several local residents who attended and showed their support. CoTiCon (Cornwall's Tiny Convention) was held for the second time on August 22nd at the Civic Complex to showcase vendors, gaming and special guests and cosplayers relating to anime, comic, video gaming and geek culture. Attendance was doubled from last year as close to 300 people attended this year. CAPE (Cornwall & Area Pop Event) has been busy promoting its upcoming show (to be held April 23-24/ 2016 at the Benson Centre) and I was able to attend with a promotional booth at the show. Shown here are local residents Melissa Sauve and her son Grayson with members of the Capital City Garrison, a group that raises money for charity as Star Wars related characters. This is always a popular attraction at shows and conventions. Josee Delisle and Dr. Paul Poirier organized the End of Summer Bash on August 29th at City Limits. The event featured a delicious country style buffet, door prizes and live music by the band SwitchGear. All proceeds from this fundraising event were donated to Bikers Against Brain Cancer, a group dedicated to educate every man, woman and child as to what brain tumours are and how we can best defend ourselves against it as well as collecting funds toward the research and development of better drugs and medicines toward eventually finding a cure.. visit www.bikersagainstbraincancer.org to find out more.

1 - St ar Tr ek cel ebr at es i t s 50t h An n i ver sar y i n 2016. W h at does t h e f r an ch i se m ean t o you ? W h at w as i t l i k e w or k i n g on t h e f i l m " St ar Tr ek Fi r st Con t act " an d on " St ar Tr ek : Voyager " . An y i n t er est i n g st or i es w or k i n g al on g si de Th e Nex t Gen er at i on an d Voyager cr ew s? I gr ew up in Los Angeles w atching Star Tr ek w ith my M ontr eal bor n m om w ho attended M cGill Univer sity w ith W illiam Shatner. I have to adm it, I w as definitely m or e of a Star War s kind of gir l. I star ted getting into The Next Gener ation, though and that is still my favour ite Star Tr ek ser ies. The fir st tim e I w or ked on anything Star Tr ek w as as a Stand In for Ter r y Far r ell (Dax) on Deep Space Nine. I w ent to an open call for Fir st Contact and sw ear I got the job because I w as the only gir l w ho knew the Vulcan salute. The Fir st Contact cast w as phenom enal. I tr uly enjoyed my w eek w or king w ith them , though I w as disappointed W il W heaton w asn't in the film (though I know som e Star Tr ek fans m ay not agr ee w ith m e) I have since had the oppor tunity to m eet W il at var ious conventions and w e have bonded over our gr eat love for our LA Kings. It has been fun r euniting w ith ever yone at cons (Com ic conventions). 2 - You appear ed i n Bu f f y Th e Vam pi r e Sl ayer , a t el ev i si on sh ow t h at sh ow s w om en as st r on g an d i n depen den t . Do you t h i n k t h at t h e ch ar act er s i n t h at sh ow ar e a good r ol e m odel f or w om en ? Ar e t h er e an y i ssu es of sex i sm or i n equ al i t y t h at w om en f ace i n t h e w or l d of t h eat r e? W h at val u es do you t h i n k peopl e can l ear n f r om a t el ev i si on sh ow l i k e Bu f f y t h e Vam pi r e Sl ayer ? I think any tv show or film that show s w om en as str ong and independent is fantastic. The fem ale char acter s on Buffy ar e som e of the finest, in my opinion. M y m ost r ecent favour ite fem ale char acter w as Char lize Ther on's in M ad M ax. She w as aw esom e! Sadly, ther e ar e alw ays going to be issues of sexism and inequality in the film industr y. At least it doesn't seem to be going aw ay anytim e soon. In my exper ience, theatr e is a little differ ent. I w as thr illed this year to see w om en dom inate the Tony Aw ar ds and m ake histor y. I just do the best I can, put in the w or k and hope that I can book jobs based on my talent. As far as values, ther e ar e m any things people can lear n fr om a show like Buffy or m any other show s. Tucked aw ay inside clever dialogue ar e gr eat lessons about life, death, fr iendship, finding your tr ue self and lear ning to let go. 3- You h ave appear ed i n t h eat r e pr odu ct i on s an d m u si cal s? W h i ch do you pr ef er an d w hy? I love both film and the theatr e. They ar e such vastly differ ent m edium s. But theatr e has alw ays been my fir st love. Ther e is nothing quite like the ener gy on opening night, w hen you get a gr eat laugh or m ove som eone to tear s. In theatr e, ever y show is differ ent. Ther e ar e no r etakes or do-over s. If you flub a line, you flub a line. Theatr e is per fect in it's im per fection. 4 - W h at w as you r f avou r i t e act i n g r ol e an d w hy? W h at w as t h e m ost ch al l en gi n g par t abou t t h at r ol e/pl ayi n g t h at ch ar act er ? I love tr ansfor m ing into differ ent char acter s. A few year s back , I had the oppor tunity to do South Par k as a live m usical pr oduction. I played Kyle's m om , Sheila (The B#tch). It w as incr edibly fun and r ew ar ding. Plus, I got to sing "Blam e Canada"! Haha! I have also had the oppor tunity to do the m usical Rent tw ice, playing tw o differ ent char acter s. The fir st tim e, I played M aur een, a r ole or iginated by Idina M enzel (Fr ozen). M aur een is definitely m or e my casting, physically and vocally. The second tim e I did Rent w as a year and a half ago as a fundr aiser to r aise m oney for my best fr iend w hose husband passed aw ay suddenly leaving her w ith tw o young childr en and no life insur ance. Rent w as the fir st show my best fr iend and I saw together on Br oadw ay. It w as also the last thing her late husband w as listening to in his car the day he died. She got to choose w hich r ole I played and she chose the M im i, the 19 year old, HIV positive, her oine addicted, Latina S&M dancer w ho is supposed to be petite. I'm just under 6' and not 19 (but not far off, haha!). M im i w as challenging vocally for m e. It's the har dest I've ever had to w or k on my voice for a show. I also had to becom e m uch m or e com for table in my ow n skin than I think I r eally w as. M im i's got m oves. On film , I w ould have to say my favour ite w as Buffy. M ainly because I w as a huge fan befor e I booked the job. I got to go to fight school in pr epar ations and got killed m ultiple tim es on scr een (I played sever al differ ent dem ons) I have som e gr eat m em or ies fr om my tim e on Buffy. W hat a gr eat, gr eat cast. 5 - Have you at t en ded a l ot of even t s l i k e Com i c-Con ? W h at i s i t l i k e m eet i n g f an s? Pl ease sh ar e som e of you r ex per i en ces an d i n si gh t s. I have attended m any, m any cons over the year s. I love m eeting the fans. It's my favour ite par t! I'm pr etty dow n to ear th and I r eally enjoy getting to know them . I tr y my best to r em em ber their nam es year after year. But I also love m eeting the other guests. Ever yone is a fan of som eone, r ight? I have to adm it, I've geeked out a couple of tim es. I'm told by the fans on my Facebook page that they love seeing my posts/pictur es w hen I'm at a con because I look like any other fan. M y r ecent favour ite w as som e im pr om ptu singing John Bar r ow m an and I did in Ottaw a. The videos ar e up on my YouTube channel. Tha nk you for the inter view Noelle Ha nniba l a nd live long a nd pr osper . Fundr aiser for CAPE: The CAPE New Year s Eve Par ty takes place Thur sday, Decem ber 31st, 2015 at the Agor a Centr e. The event featur es live m usic by the Lost Boyz and Spar e Par tz. The par ty star ts at 8pm . Tickets ar e available now fr om band m em ber s or at Fantasy Realm (227 Pitt Str eet, Cor nw all). Tickets for couples ar e $60 or individual tickets ar e $30 each. Costum es ar e optional, but people ar e encour aged to dr ess up. This is a licensed event and 19+.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.



In t er vi ew wi t h SDSG Co n ser vat i ve can d i d at e Gu y Lau zo n Ar t i cl e an d In t er vi ew b y Jaso n Set n yk .

This is the third in a series of interviews with the candidates running in the October 19th Federal Election. The purpose of these interviews is to introduce you to the candidates and help you make an informed choice of who to elect as our Member of Parliament.

Su b m i t t ed Ph o t o . About Conser vative ca ndidate Guy Lauzon: He has served as the M ember of Parliament for Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry for the past 11 years. He currently serves as the National Conservative Caucus Chair. He says he is a well-respected M ember of Parliament for his dedicated work ethic and continued visibility throughout the various communities he represents. Guy says he is also known for delivering good customer service to constituents on their issues with the federal government and for ensuring that the local community receives their fair share of federal funding. During Guy?s time as our community?s voice in Ottawa, he says he has delivered major results by lowering taxes, supporting economic growth, and delivering significant infrastructure funding throughout the riding to projects like the Cornwall?s Benson Centre recreation complex, the new International Bridge crossing, the new local RCM P detachment, the South Stormont M unicipal Offices, the Iroquois and M orrisburg Wastewater Treatment Plants, and tens of millions of dollars in local road improvements. Guy also worked to deliver 218 Service Canada call centre jobs in the riding bringing millions of dollars in salaries annually into the area. Guy lives in St. Andrew?s West with his wife France, where he returns from Parliament Hill every night when the House of Commons is in session to attend local events and meet constituents at a grassroots level.

Fi ve Qu est i o n s wi t h Co n ser vat i ve can d i d at e Gu y Lau zo n 1 - W h at m ak es you t h e best ch oi ce f or ou r M em ber of Par l i am en t ? W h at i s you r m ost si gn i f i can t ach i evem en t i n t h i s com m u n i t y?

I have been honour ed to ser ve as our com m unity?s r epr esentative for the past 11 year s. M y staff and I w or k har d to pr ovide gr eat custom er ser vice on feder al case files. M y pr oudest achievem ent w as br inging 218 Ser vice Canada jobs to Cor nw all. That?s over $13 m illion in new salar ies r ight in our com m unity. It w as a tough fight, but it w as a highlight to be able to announce the jobs. I am also r eally pr oud of the m any pr ojects w e have been able to announce w ith feder al suppor t. The Benson Centr e, the w astew ater tr eatm ent plant, and m ost r ecently, the M ar leau Avenue upgr ades ar e r eally good exam ples of helping w ith key investm ents. 2 - W h at i s t h e m ost i m por t an t Feder al i ssu e af f ect i n g peopl e h er e i n t h e r i di n g of SDSG? How w i l l you par t y addr ess t h i s i ssu e? The economy continues to be the im por tant issue for local r esidents, and I believe, nationally as w ell. Our gover nm ent has been focused on job cr eation for m any year s and our tar geted investm ents have m ade a differ ence.

3 - W hy do you t h i n k St eph en Har per i s t h e best ch oi ce f or Pr i m e M i n i st er ? I have had the pleasur e of w or king alongside Pr im e M inister Har per for over a decade. He?s a tough and decisive leader that has br ought Canada thr ough fr agile

W hether it is taking a pr incipled and bold stand on the w or ld stage against Putin or ISIL, or leading our feder al gover nm ent to a balanced feder al budget, Stephen Har per is the Pr im e M inister w e need in a fr agile w or ld economy and for our countr y?s secur ity. 4 - W h at ar e you r t h ou gh t s on Feder al l eader s Th om as M u l cai r an d Ju st i n Tr u deau ? Justin Tr udeau is just not r eady. We can?t affor d Thom as M ulcair and the NDP. Both leader s w ant to r aise taxes, avoid confr onting inter national ter r or ists, and destabilize our economy w ith r isky schem es and tax hikes. 5 - How do you f eel t h e Con ser vat i ves h ave h an dl ed t h e econ om y? W h at i s t h e Con ser vat i ve pl an f or t h e econ om y m ov i n g f or w ar d?

We have suppor ted or ganizations like the Easter n Ontar io Tr aining Boar d to offer pr ogr am s for young fem ale leader s, people w ith disabilities, and those w ho need additional tr aining to get em ployed. Our gover nm ent continues to offer m or e incentives in skilled tr ades as w ell, w hich is key for econom ic gr ow th her e locally. Additionally, our low tax plan has suppor ted thousands of businesses in our r iding, and that has enabled them to gr ow, hir e m or e em ployees, and boost the local economy as w ell.

global econom ic tim es. Other countr ies haven?t done as w ell because they haven?t m ade the tough, but necessar y choices.

I am pr oud of our gover nm ent?s r ecor d in balancing the budget as w e pr om ised and steer ing our countr y thr ough tough global econom ic uncer tainty. It hasn?t alw ays been easy, but w e have m ade tough choices and kept our pr om ise of low er ing taxes, suppor ting fam ilies and businesses, and m aking sm ar t investm ents in our countr y?s futur e. Our gover nm ent w ill build on that r ecor d. We have r eceived a lot of positive feedback on our com m itm ent to r eintr oduce a per m anent Hom e Renovation Tax Cr edit, str ongly opposing a Netflix tax, and suppor t appr enticeships acr oss Canada even m or e. Our plan w ill need our countr y thr ough these tough tim es and cr eate new jobs acr oss Canada, and r ight her e in Stor m ont-Dundas-South Glengar r y. Thank you for this interview Guy Lauzon and the best of luck on October 19th.



$5.00 LESS PER HOUR WHEN BOOKING FOR EVENINGS - SEPTEMBER ONLY Frustrated with chaos and clutter? Cannot remember where you put your things! Then let Marie Morrell, an expert in the field of organization for home and business, help you reclaim your life and space with "A Work Easy Solution". By being organized you will improve your health and relationships, relieve your stress and increase the quality of your personal and financial life. Marie understands the feelings related to an out of control state that many people experience in today's hectic world resulting in stress, guilt, and embarrassment. She helps her clients overcome these feelings through friendly yet systematic, confidential and a non-judgmental approach. You will soon be on your way to a more organized environment and life and you will stay organized and in control.

possessions with sentimental values, downsizing and personal/ group classes on organizing home or office. With respect to organizing, Marie's background includes: records management (manual and electronic, filing systems for book keeping toward income tax preparation), material and facilities management, large event organization, behavioural modification psychology (working with hoarders) and business transformation (fixing administrative / operation problems). Call her today at 613-936-6873, send an e-mail to office@workeasysolution.com or visit www.workeasysolution.com; you will be glad you did!

Services also include organization of any room in your home including cl eaning, home staging for house sale, personal assets inventory for insurance purposes, advice on letting go of

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.






September 2, members of Focus Art gathered for their first meeting of the season. Linda Geisel wished everyone a warm welcome to returning members and to the many new members. She proceeded to introduce her new Board of directors: Vice-presidents: Louise Mignault and Julia Lucio Secretary: Adele Constantineau Secretary in training: Betty Anne Bard Treasurer: Elaine Arkwright Treasurer in training: Sylvie Labrecque Director: Kathleen Morin Director: Carolyn Davis Past President: Rose Desnoyers

President and Editor of the Monthly Newsletter: Linda Geisel Linda then announced the many upcoming events offered by the association. She emphasized the visibility the group now has on Facebook and the Website where members can always get up to the minute news. Many members are using

the Pay pal option to renew their membership and it is hoped that this will increase traffic on the Focus Art website. Members have until October 15 to renew. One of the activities Linda mentioned during her presentation is: PHOTOHRAPHY MOOD WALK WITH KATHLEEN MORIN Photography Mood Walk is a brand new FOCAS ART program organized by Board member Kathleen Morin. Its main goal is to capture the images that inspire us with our cameras while taking a walk around our neighbourhood. The exchange is social, healthy and artistic.


Here is the schedule for the next four months. 1) Sunday Sept ember 6t h, 2015 - Time: 2:00 pm, meet at t he Cornwal l Aquat ic Cent re. - Visit Marina f or hal f hour t hen of f t oward t he wooded area. 2) Wednesday, Oct ober 21st , 2015 - Time: 10 a.m. - The Upper Canada Bird Sanct uary, Hwy 2. 3) November 15t h, 2015 Time: 2 pm - Michael ?s craf t St ore, 501 Tol l gat e Rd. Wednesday, 4) December 9t h, 2015 Time: 6:30 pm - Pit t St . Mal l ?s main ent rance / A st udy in bl ack and whit e. Phot ographs of downt own?s archit ect ure enhanced by snow and

l ight s. We can f inish wit h cof f ee and desert at Schnit zel s. A chance t o sit and share our best pict ures. If you are interested in any of these walks, please confirm with Kathleen at 613-861-0514. The meeting continued... The evening of September 2nd centered on a mini-workshop by Sandra Taylor. Sandra is a past-president of Focus Art and has since moved on to having a studio at the St-Laurence Campus where she gives classes in her studio. She has spent many hours perfecting lessons on drawing the human form and capturing their essence in sensual colourful paintings. She shared the basics with members while Melanie Bennett with professional poise assumed the many classic poses for the group. Drawing the human body well is not a simple skill. Observe....study....practice...when you do succeed.....what satisfaction...! Focus Art continues to offer mini-workshops to its members in response to members?most popular requests. We always like to hear from you.

CALL 613-935-8101 Ask f or John or Jul ia or visit t heseeker.ca THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.



ADVERTISING in TheSEEKERis NOT an Expense ... It 's AN INVESTMENT Cal l Mai-Liis t o pl ace your ad!


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NATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR BETTER HEARING PROVIDES NEW HEARING AIDS TO CORNWALL WOMAN Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent health issues facing older Canadians and a major cause of disability - nearly, one in five report some form of hearing loss. This number may be much larger as many patients are not properly diagnosed and treated - with an aging population, these numbers will continue to rise. Isobella Macmillan of Cornwall, Ontario, cherishes the time she spends with her family and when she began to experience a loss of hearing, she became very concerned. Prompted by advice from loved ones, Isobella wanted to resolve the issue so that she could enjoy her quality family time and looked into a hearing device. As most retired seniors in Ontario, Isobella was cautious when it came to finances and she purchased two hearing aids in 2008 ? it was a disappointing experience as

they did not perform properly and stopped working after only a short period. Her family had great experiences working with experts at ListenUP! Canada and suggested she speak to a trustworthy hearing expert. Isobella had every intention of following through by calling skilled audiology experts, until experiencing some unexpected health issues.

of my hearing loss,? adds Isolbella. ?Not being able to hear my doctor at appointments and the many specialists I am seeing made everyday almost unbearable. To receive treatment for my medical condition, I am required to be in Toronto and the financial strain was creating a crippling sense of anxiety.Words cannot express how grateful I am as a recipient of the National Campaign for Better Hearing,? says Isobella. ?Such kindness has helped me through one of the most challenging periods of my life and for that I cannot thank the campaign enough.? For more information on the National Campaign for Better Hearing and to book a hearing test in your community, visit www.campaignforbetterhearing.org or call 1-800-787-HEAR TODAY.

?I?ve had to deal with some challenging medical issues on top








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1 t im e $ 2 5 - 3 t im e s $ 6 5 - 7 t im e s $ 12 9 - 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile ) THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.




TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive


HOUSE& GARAGESALE - Sat urday,Sept ember12t h- 8am t o 4pm,85 MonacoCrescent .DuckBoat ,Row Boat , Furnit ure,Wheel barrow,BBQand l ot smore... FOR SALE: Dog run. 68 ft high, 75 ft wide, 12 ft long. All galvanized, like new, with door. $270. Also a large dog cage 49" x 30" x 32", still in the box $50. 613-931-2729. FOR SALE: 2001 Pontiac Aztek - yellow. Runs good. Asking $795 as is. 613-932-4812. FLAGS FOR SALE: $10.00 each. Flags are 3 feet by 5 feet. Bahamas, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Denmark, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Honduras, Mongolia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland (2), Polynesia (2) Quebec, Republic of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, United nations, Nunavut ($30.00) call 613-9366873

UPCOMING EVENT Roy and Cher's Animal Rescue Adopt ion Day at Stacy's Pet Depot, Cornwall-Saturday, September 12 - 9 am - 6 pm Meet members of Roy and Cher's Animal Rescue Team and many animals waiting for a forever home. Nail trimmings, by donation. For more information about Roy and Cher's Animal Rescue: www.royandcher.org

ANNIE LAPERLE 613-361-7814

The Seeker is Cornwal l 's TRUE Communit y Newspaper. We do what we do t hanks t o t he support of many communit y part ners. Here are a f ew.

annielaperle@ymail.com www.annielaperle.scentsy.ca Call for a catalogue delivered to your door

No flame - No Soot Child & Pet Friendly


FOR SALE: 2003 Toyota Corolla, mileage 39,000, asking $950. 613-933-0984.

LETTER FROM SARA The Lit t l e Hist orian As you are aware I have been raising money to purchase a monument for 29 inmates from Cornwall's House of Refuge who were buried in unmarked graves. The 29 inmates were originally buried on the old House of Refuge property (201 Eleventh Street East), and discovered between April and June 1985, while workers were laying the foundations for homes on Gretchen Court. The discovered remains were moved to St. Lawrence Valley Cemetery, where they were buried in an unmarked grave for the second time.

308 Second St reet E. - AVAILABLE NOW f or inf ormat ion cal l 613-932-8515

I have been doing fundraisers all summer to purchase a monument to place on their current resting place. I have done several historic walks down both Sydney and Pitt Streets. My next fundraiser is a little bit different. I am hosting a yard sale on Saturday, September 12, 2015, from 8am to 1pm. All of the proceeds raised will go towards the House of Refuge monument. I am accepting items from the public for the yard sale. They can either be dropped off or picked up. (They can contact me via my facebook page: www.facebook.com/ judgeoreilly or by email: littlehistorian@live.ca to make arrangements.) To date the House of Refuge monument bank account has $2,038.01 of the $5,000 needed. I'm hoping this yard sale will bring the total to the half way mark. ($2,500)

Let u s pr eser ve you r Ch er i sh ed M em or i es f or you !

For further information on the monument: http:/ / www.saraloveshistory.com/ house-of-refuge-monument For the event page: https:/ / www.facebook.com/ events/ 884315161652214/

VHS t o DVD Tr an sf er s Cal l Sh el don 613-932-4812

Business Bucket - LOCAL PROFESSIONALS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS... Websi te n eed u pdati n g?

6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1 1 t im e $ 2 5 - 3 t im e s $ 6 5 - 7 t im e s $ 12 9 - 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile ) THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.



THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 34 - September 4 - pg.


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