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Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

ume 6 Issue VolVol ume 6 Issue 3521 May 29, 2015 Sept ember 18, 2015

YES, WE ARE OPEN! an d cel eb r at i n g2 5 year s i n Bu si n ess!

CATERING fo rALLOCCASIONS ...Cal lt o d ay- 6 1 3 -3 6 1 -7 6 5 www.b o b b ysr est au r an t an d cat er i n g .ca Bo b b y'sPl ace,a fam i l yo wn ed an d o p er at ed b u si n ess,i s o p en fr o m 4 p m d ai l y at 7 1 8 M o n t r ealRd . Co r n wal l ,On t ar i o .

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Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon.

by Julia Lucio

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk INTERN: Emma Meldrum THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper to make it a success...



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Ag re e to d isa g re e


I won't be Charl ie Charlie Hebdo is a French Satirical weekly magazine that basically features cartoons, jokes,reports on current topics. It is very controversial and definitely non-conformist. Charlie Hebdo defines itself as above all secular and atheist, far left-wing and anti-racism. It steadily makes fun of religion and politics, especially the extreme right. There is nothing wrong with that. It is, after all, freedom of speech. Over the years, Charlie Hebdo has been the victim of many law suits and a few terrorist attacks. The attacks were deemed to be the direct result of a series of controversial Muhammad Cartoons published

therein. When, earlier this year, the offices of Charlie Hebdo were attacked, I remember feeling really sad to see what some people are capable in the name of religion and over things that, to me, seem so trivial. Doodles! Can you imagine loosing your life for drawing a cartoon? After the attacks, worldwide supporters of freedom of expression adopted the phrase "I am Charlie" to show solidarity and honor to those who lost their lives in the violent strike. I

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remember changing my profile pic on Facebook. I am a huge advocate of Free Speech and as such, felt compelled to join in the protest. But this week, Charlie Hebdo went too far. In a cartoon depicting young toddler Aylan (Alan) Kurdi, face down, dead on the beach, next to a Happy Meal McDonald's ad, Charlie Hebdo has brought freedom of speech back to barbaric times. They have missed the target. They have proven that their poor taste and insensitivity knows no bound. Mocking a child's death for "the greater good" reflects poorly not only on them, but also on society.



- River Kings win pre-season opener

See, Charlie Hebdo, it seems, felt that the only way to really reach people about the refugee crisis, was to create something so shockingly disgusting that it would force people to talk about it. And talk, they did. Outrage came from everywhere. People, even free speech supporters are criticizing the publication and judging their actions as being "in poor taste, offensive and condemnable." Legal action is already being taken against the magazine. Freedom of expression didn't win anything here. In fact, it lost.

- Tom Green t o perf orm at Beau?s Vankl eek Hil l Okt oberf est


I always say that my freedom of speech ends where another human being's freedom of speech begins. This is a perfect example. This is NOT freedom of expression, it's freedom of humiliation, which really, is not a thing. To Charlie Hebdo: If thousands of people don't get your "satire", perhaps it's time to realize you are not doing it right. Until then, I won't be Charlie.

- Eart h Rangers and OPG Eart h Rangers wil l be in Cornwal l on Sept . 19 - Agape t eams up wit h Bost on Pizza f or hunger awareness week


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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d

b y Ja so n Se tny k

NEWS & POLITICS Cl ement kicked of f campaign in Morrisburg - On Sunday September 6th, Liberal Candidate Bernadette Clement officially kicked off her campaign at the Russell Manor in Morrisburg. Clement delivered a speech on the steps of the Manor that touched on some election issues including the Canadian recession and the Syrian refugee crisis. ?We did not choose Morrisburg as a destination for our launch. In some way, Morrisburg chose us. Since this campaign started, we?ve seen a tremendous amount of support pouring in from this region from lawn sign requests to donations . It?s been remarkable. We?ve even received calls and emails from conservative voters who are fed up with the performance of this government and their representation?, explained Clement.

Burgers send campaign int o high gear - Last Friday was an exciting night for Patrick Burger supporters in Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry as approximately 75 people crowded the NDP office to cheer on their candidate?s official campaign launch. ?Why are we all here tonight?? Patrick Burger asked his supporters, with some shouting the issues dearest to them. ?Each one of us came through that door because we believe the NDP can win in October, and we believe that we can win this riding.? Burger spoke to the audience about the NDP?s plan for change if elected on October 19, with applause when touching on the Senate of Canada, the Harper Government?s infamous privacy legislation, Bill C-51, and the need to improve public healthcare, pensions, and childcare.

ARTS & CULTURE Trevor Wal sh Group rocks La Maison Tavern Here is a Seeker Snapshot of the Trevor Walsh Group playing Saturday night at La Maison Tavern. Despite the wet rainy weather many came out to see the wild man of music perform a wonderful set. Walsh, who born in Sydney Nova Scotia and being a true Cape Bretoner, has had music in his life since a very early age. He is a veteran in the music industry with about 25 years of experience performing. Walsh has toured extensively from Coast to Coast with Alexander Keith?s and Labatts as their sponsors. There is more live music next week at La Maison Tavern. See JW Jones play on Saturday September 19th. See even more listings in the calandar section of The Seeker Newspaper. Beyond t he Void al bum rel ease Sept ember 19t h at Lol as Pub - Alternative rock band Beyond the Void will be releasing their Self-Titled E.P. at their upcoming event at Lola?s Pub n?Grub in Cornwall on Saturday September 19th, 2015. The 3 new songs were recently recorded in 2015 with the current line-up of Justin Cote on vocals and guitars, Marc Brault

(Winston Marley) on bass guitar, Ron Piquette (Winston Marley) on lead guitar, and Alex Mora on drums. The 3 new songs were recorded at Dream Builder Studios in Cornwall Ontario. Recording duties were taken care of by Roy Nichol of April Wine. Also playing that night is Trailer Five and hardrock band ArcLights (featuring members of the Trench Town Oddities and the Shiners). Admission is $5, or 10$ with a CD, or 15$ with CD and band t-shirt. Doors open at 9pm. Lynne Page book l aunch at t he Library - Author Lynne Pagé has published her second book, A Tale of the Tides. The story takes place in the same fantasy world as her first book, The Maiden and the Unicorn. Pagé?s book launch will take place on Sunday, October 18th at the Cornwall Public Library starting at 2pm. The Library is a familiar place for Pagé who grew up in Cornwall. Sheicul worked Hort t uralat the Library as a page (not a pun)Societ when she was inifhighschool. At the y beaut ies ent rance t o book Cit y launch Pagé will discuss how Landf she came to write, her writing style, what il l sit e inspires her, and NaNoWriMo. She will also read a short excerpt from A Tale of the Tides.

SPORTS & RECREATION River Kings win pre-season opener - The River Kings, sporting new flashy warmup jerseys, looked pretty impressive with a 6-0 victory over Sorel-Tracy in LNAH pre-season action at the Civic Complex on Saturday night. The veteran line of Julien Corriveau, J.P. Caron and Antony Courcelles sparked Cornwall with a seven-point performance against the Eperviers, which eliminated Cornwall last spring. Pete Karvouniaris stopped all 19 shots he faced in the opening two periods. He was replaced by Philippe Gingras for the final 20 minutes of action. Cornwall outshot Sorel 58-28 in front of 816 spectators. Cornwal l Col t s earn one point in 2015-2016 home opener - The Cornwall Colts earned one point after being on the short end of a 4-3 overtime score against the Brockville Braves. Neil Robinson scored 18 seconds after the Colts Grant Cooper was called for tripping early in the overtime period. Liam Folkes led theicul Braves withSociet 2 goalsywith Andrew Hort t ural beaut if ies Jarvis also scoring for Brockville.ent Grant Cooper, ande rance t o Dean Cit y Derouchie Landf il l sit Brennan Markell scored for the Colts who?s record stands at 1-2-1. Cornwall outshot Brockville 40-25 with Brett Nichol being tagged with the loss. Henry Johnson earned the victory for the Braves.


WWE Hal l of Fame Wrest l er Animal coming t o Cornwal l ? One of the greatest Tag Team Wrestlers of all time is going to be in Cornwall on Saturday October 24th. Mecca Pro Wrestling presents ?What a Rush? featuring WWE Hall of Fame wrestler and three time WWE Tag Team Champion Road Warrior Animal who will be in action at the Agora Centre. Animal (aka Joseph Michael Laurinaitis) was one half of the Road Warriors / the Legion of Doom with his tag team partner Hawk. The duo was adorned with shaved heads and mohawks, shoulder pads with spikes, and red and black face makeup. With their impressive physiques and use of power moves they won over audiences all over the world.The Legion of Doom, perhaps the most dominant tag team in sports-entertainment history, are the only duo to hold the WWE, NWA, and AWA Tag Team Titles. Doors open at 7pm and bell time is 7:30pm. Tickets go on sale September 10th and are available at Poppy Pawn Shop, Floral Expressions, and the Lotto Ticket booth at the Cornwall Square. VIP tickets are available for $30 and that includes a meet and greet with Road Warrior Animal at 5:45pm before the wrestling starts.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Fr o m Sym p h o n y t o si l l y by Robert Hardy My hist ory: In 2008, Pr ague Radio Sym phony and Czech Philhar m onic r ecor ded the Fifth Day Suite. Follow ing that, the Tor onto Philhar m onia, conducted by Ker r y Str atton, per for m ed the "Wor ld Pr em ier " of the Fifth Day Suite, M ay 13, 2010, at the Tor onto Centr e for the Ar ts. Jo-Anne Ber ger on, fr om Naxos of Canada said "the per for m ance w as enthusiastically r eceived, as evidenced by the num er ous audience m em ber s w ho, after w ar ds, lined up to buy the CD r ecor ding of Fifth Day Suite and have their copies signed by the com poser s." In 2012, w hile w or king on an oper etta, I r an into health pr oblem s that r esulted in a thr ee m onths hospital stay, m ultiple sur ger ies, and a loss of balance and dexter ity. Ready to r etur n to w or k , in 2014 I had to choose a car eer that em br aced my new challenges. It's har d to be taken ser iously w hen you w alk w obbly. I w anted to r etur n to w r iting and ar r anging m usic sketches and playing m usic. The m ost difficult par t w as playing the clar inet, due to my new dexter ity pr oblem s. Not only did I look silly, I sounded silly. W hat evolved w as Par t i ci pat i on 's M u si c Hal l Th eat r e Pr odu ct i on s (w ith som e excellent, though I say it myself, clar inet playing). Now w e, Par t i ci pat i on 's M u si c Hal l Th eat r e Pr odu ct i on s, per for m our show, Syllabification from a Sycophant, a hilar ious m élange of m usical m adness w ith a unique flavour of Benny Hill and M onty Python, in var ious cities acr oss Ontar io and Québec. Going f r om sym ph on y t o si l l y, w hile m aintaining the sam e high quality, w as my goal. It w asn't easy, but I did it. For m or e infor m ation about m e, Rober t Har dy, or Participation, visit w w w.laplum em oder ne2.com w w w.par ticipationthem usic.com

Upcoming Perf ormance: Coming soon to Nor th


Glenga r r y (Fr iday September 25 to be exa ct) is a musica l comedy fundr a iser for the HGM H Foundation. Hugo M obility, HGM H Foundation, La Plum e M oder ne and Scotia Bank ar e pr oud to

pr esent Pa r ticipation?s M usic Ha ll Theatr e Pr oduction of ?Sylla bification fr om a Sycopha nt, featur ing Bob?s Favour ite Hospita l.? W hy r aise m oney for the Glengar r y M em or ial Hospital, you ask? Participation?s clar inet player, Rober t Har dy, is still alive at 65, no sm all thanks to HGM H?s m ir acles w or ker s. Now Bob calls on all other for m er patients, fr iends of patients, and futur e patients, and people of per fectly good health w ho never need to see a doctor, to join us for an evening of hilar ious hijinx and r azzle dazzle!

actually, one pr ize. It w ill be aw ar ded to one of our m ost pr om inent pr oponents w ho could possibly be a pr om ising player of the kazoo.

?Syllabification fr om a Sycophant? is the for m ation of or division of a w or d into syllables, or the m ethod of such division of syllables fr om som eone w ho likes to use flatter y for per sonal gain (at w hich Bob excels). The show, w hich includes Laur ie M cRae-Bingley as Viola St. Jam es, w ho sw eeps floor s, m ashes the tea, and w altzes w ith a w alker, is a hilar ious m élange of 1920?s m usical m adness w ith a unique flavour of Benny Hill and M onty Python. And, oh yes ? ther e ar e pr izes! Well,

Get all dolled up for a m usical laugh and help suppor t the HGM H, Fr iday Septem ber 25, 2015 at 7pm at the Pr iest?s M ill Histor ical Building, 8 M ain Str eet, 2nd Floor, Alexandr ia, ON. Tickets can be pur chased in advance at Scotia Bank , 28 M ain Str eet, Alexandr ia, or at the door. Tickets m ay also be r eser ved via Rober t Har dy at 613-525-9943 or sales@laplum em oder ne2.com \To lear n m or e about Participation?s M usic Hall Theatre Productions, visit w w w.par ticipationthem usic.com .

Co unte ss

TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER YOU ARE ETERNAL! Before fashion jewelry became the delight of vendors, a few years back, I succeeded to AWAKEN a 'great grandmother' who like many others, had been programmed to be obedient to the dictates of the religio-socio doctrines: "Thou shalt be meek. Thou shalt suffer because of Eve ..." and most of you know the words forced subliminally upon her and other females' minds and lifestyles. Well ... I was helping a friend sell her gorgeous fashion jewelry in her boutique which resonated with the thrilling notes of exclusivity. One afternoon, in walked the great grandmother with two other friends and- like little girls - began to touch, examine, exclaim on the scintillating beauty of the necklaces, some of which were even Coco Channel's designer makes. This particular great grandmother decided to remove her tiny

chain with her zodiac sign, and try on a large pendant with a gem stone to match her azure eyes. Her friends with open expressions of admiration exclaimed, "You look gorgeous!"

However, with trained, humbled fingers she began to unclasp it and was ready to set it down when I exclaimed, "You look stunning, Madam. This pendant is: You! It belongs to You!" "No! No! What will my husband say?!" "He is not your master. You are a free woman, aren't you?" I retorted. Silence. Then she stated, "But I'm too old. I'm 80 years old." "You are not old! You are eternal. Yes you have no age in this wonderful Divine Universe. You are a scintillating, youthful, beautiful Infinite Woman." These words like some magic wand struck her most inner being: her immortal soul! "You are right! I am Eternal! I am taking the pendant!" With glowing eyes of youthful coquettishness, she paid and put on the azure pendant back on, while the tiny zodiac and its tiny chain went into her pocket book. As she walked towards the door, she turned to me, "Thank you! Yes, I am Eternal!" and she gave me the warmest hug I ever got in my life, whileI whispered, "You are Eternal. We are all Eternal! With her azure eyes shining like the azure sky she answered, "I always thought so!"

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

YES, Bo b b y's Pl ace IS OPEN! an d cel eb r at i n g2 5 year s i n Bu si n ess! Ar ticle by M a i-Liis Renaud Congr atulations to M ar cel and Joanne Car r ier e and fam ily w ho ar e celebr ating 25 year s in business as ow ner s of Bobby's Place Restaur ant at 718 M ontr eal Road in Cor nw all. M ar cel, w ho tr ained as a chef and gr aduated w ith degr ees in business, finance and food super vision, pur chased the building in 1990, com pletely r enovated it and nam ed the r estaur ant after his son Bobby, w ho w as bor n that year. The w hole

W hen M ar cel fir st opened, the m enu consisted of pizza, pasta, fr ied chicken (M SG fr ee) and subm ar ine sandw iches. Today you w ill find a var iety of healthier item s such as w r aps and nachos. Bobby?s Place how ever, is the only place in tow n w her e you can get a suicide pizza that only the br ave can eat. Sou ps an d Wr aps: You can expect fr esh ingr edients and tantalizing flavor com binations w hen you or der any of Bobby?s Place?s m any sandw ich or w r ap options. Fr om classics like the club

fam ily, M ar cel, Joanne and their sons, Bobby, Char les Sim on and Alex ar e involved in r unning the business w hich is pr oud to featur e "hom e m ade cooking". The r estaur ant specializes in Take-out but also seats up to 24 people inside and 15 on the patio, w ith a w inning m enu developed by M ar cel and his w ife Joanne. A m enu that includes their fam ous M ix & M atch 2 & 3 m eals and Com bo M eals. M ar cel also r uns his cater ing business, cater ing to all occasions including

sandw ich to the innovative M exican Wr ap, Bobby?s Place w ill satisfy each of your taste buds. Ri bs: You'll be sur e to enjoy Bobby?s Place?s r ibs. M ade w ith our fr om -scr atch sw eet r ib sauce, our r ibs have been a custom er favor ite since w e opened in 1990. Com bos: Feed your w hole fam ily or your fr iends at an affor dable pr ice w ith any of the m any com bo options fr om Bobby?s Place.

w eddings, gr aduations, and fam ily gather ings anyw her e in the SD&G. He w ill com e to you w ith his fully equipped tr ailer and outdoor BBQ, so that you can sit back and r elax w hile he cooks for you and your guests. Pr esently M ar cel is taking bookings for Chr istm as Dinner s and Gather ings for 10 people or m or e. Call him at 613-361-7657 and he w ill pr epar e you a w onder ful Chr istm as m eal, ser ve it and clean up after w ar ds w hile you socialize and enjoy your par ty.

Nach os: Bobby?s Place is pr oud to offer a filling ar r ay of nacho selections full of fr esh ingr edients and bold spices for diner s in Cor nw all. Check out Bobby's Place soon if you have not alr eady visited M ar cel and the fam ily, you w ill be happy that you did and be sur e to or der his fam ous Caesar Salad that he ser ved to Kenny Roger s m any year s ago w hen he w or ked at the Holiday Inn as a sous-chef!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Great Big Int erview wit h Sean McCann Int erview and Concert Phot os by Jason Set nyk.

Cornwall Ontario ? September 19th, 2015 will bring two accomplished songwriters, Sean McCann of Great Big Sea and Graham Greer of the Barstool Prophets, together in Cornwall?s beautiful Aultsville Theatre for an intimate evening of songs and the stories that surround them. Here is Jason Setnyk?s interview with former Great Big Sea member Sean McCann.

Five Quest ions wit h Sean McCann 1 ? What was your f ondest memory during your t went y years as a member of Great Big Sea? My fondest memories are all from the very early days when it was just the 4 of us (with Darrell Power on bass) and we did everything by ourselves. We didn?t have an agent or a manager or a label, but we were still a force to be reckoned with. I am very proud of what we were able to accomplish when we were all working together towards the same goal. 2 ? How is t he recording process dif f erent post -GBS? What was it l ike working wit h Joel Pl asket t who produced your debut al bum? How do t hese recordings bet t er represent who you are / your vision / your message? In my 20 years and 11 studio recordings with Great Big Sea, not one track was ever recorded ?live off the floor? which is a shame because we were a great live band. Joel?s process was completely the opposite. Every Song was recorded live without digital assistance and immediately committed to 2 inch analog tape. There was no ?Auto Tune? button. I was forced as an Artist to remain completely open and focused which is how I am trying to live my life today.

5 ? What can music f ans expect f rom your show Sept ember 19t h at Aul t svil l e Theat re in Cornwal l ? Fans can expect to experience a much lighter ?me?. I am doing ?the work? and am reconnecting with the world in a far more meaningful way. And I love my job.

3 ? How did growing up in St . John?s Newf oundl and inf l uence your music?

Thank you for the interview Sean McCann.

St. John?s is the New Orleans of Canada. It is made of music and liquor and my music was forged in that fire.

Thank you Jason.

4 ? In an int erview wit h CBC you described some l if e changes, such as quit t ing drinking. How el se has your l if e changed post -GBS? Have you f ound what you are l ooking f or in l if e or is it an on going journey?


I am still looking and I have come to embrace the truth that I always will be. At least now I am wide awake so I can see where I am going and I am open and unafraid of whatever might be next.

More about t he Concert : Reserved seating tickets are on sale now for $25.00 plus applicable surcharges. Tickets are available in person at the Cornwall Civic Complex Box Office or by phone at 613-938-9400. You can also by tickets online: www.admission.com (search ?Sean McCann?). Tickets will also be available at the Aultsville Theatre box office one hour before show time (subject to availability).

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca



The l ibrary is now open on Sundays f rom 1:00 t o 5:00 pm Check out these exciting new and returning programs at the library. You won't want to miss any! Call the library at 613-932-4796 to register for these free programs.


CULTURE DAYS EVENTS @ CPL -- ARTIST AT WORK - Friday, September 25. 2 pm to 4 pm Observe artist Susan Irving create a painting using acrylic paints before your very eyes during this demonstration. Friday, September 25, 2 pm to 4 pm. Free program.


BOOKBINDING & BOOK ARTS DEMONSTRATION. Saturday, September 26. Day-long event. A behind the scenes look on the construction and repair of new and damaged books. Learn some history on a trade that goes back over 400 years. A full day of bookbinding, letterpress, and a dash of archival science. Free.

Sun. Sept. 27th. 1:00 pm and continues on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm, Oct. 1 through Dec. 1.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015. 12:15. to 1:15 p.m. Cornwall Public Library. To register, please contact Carilyne HĂŠbert, Online Learning Recruitment Officer, before Monday, September 28 at 1-855-353-2642 or e-mail cornwall@contactnorth.ca

This program begins with the documentary presentation of: "What the Bleep! Down the Rabbit Hole" Today, people are discovering how science and spirituality are coming together and this owes much to this pioneering film (The Bleep), and the collection of leading scientists that conceived it.

CPR COURSES Learn how to perform CPR on adults and receive your certification. 2 hour class provided by Cornwall EMS instructors on Wednesday, October 21 or Monday, November 9, 2015. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Individuals of 16 years of age or older, no groups.




Paro Webinar @ CPL Learn tips to help you achieve your financial goals and start your way onto the financial planning process. Remember: budget, budget, budget!

SHIFTING GEARS TUESDAYS, Sept.29, Oct 6 &13. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm This three-week workshop looks closely at the subjects of Intuition, Hope, and Compassion. Organized in a series of small facilitated discussion groups, participants discover their individual growth pathways.

Registration is mandatory. Call the library now at 613-932-4796 to register. Free

Plus remember to visit the BOOK STORE and GRAB A GREAT DEAL! Now open daily - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturdays.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Our C O M M U N I T Y




Swinging B?S Square & Round Dance Cl ub 8 pm, Knox-St. Paul?s United Church Hall 800 12th St. E. Singles welcome. Info: Teresa 613.932.7091 Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org The AMJ Campbel l Short y Jenkins Cl assic is coming to the Cornwall Curling Centre Sept 17th to the 20th.




Unt ied Way Zombie Run Cogeco Cabl e is proud t o power t he Annual Unit ed Way Zombie Run, a frightfully fun filled 5 km race at McMaze. On Saturday, at 9 am run your way through the clutches of zombies along a trail of designated obstacles, slithering their way through mud to reach the safe zone! The entry fee is 25$ and you can register on-line at:events.runningroom.com or call 613.932.2051. Paws For The Cause OSPCA BBQ Fundraiser from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. St. Lawrence Valley Animal Hospital, 435 Pitt St. Art ist s in Residence - Publ ic Recept ion at t he Priest 's Mil l , 16 Mill Square, Alexandria1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Meet the artists - discover their intricate artwork The AMJ Campbel l Short y Jenkins Cl assic is coming to the Cornwall Curling Centre Sept 17th to the 20th. Cornwal l Area Must ang Cl ub 59th Mustang Meet Saturday September 19th @ 5:30pm to dusk in the Cornwall Home Hardware parking lot. Friends f or Lif e Wal k-A-Thon: SD&G Branch 9 AM · Grey's Creek. · Cornwall Cornwal l River Kings LNAH pre-season act ion this Saturday at the Civic Complex! Hol iday Cheer Mission is holding an indoor sale! Something for everyone, nothing over $5! There won't be any vendors there selling you products, 100% yard sale and bake sale for Holiday Cheer Mission. Mark your calendars! Get some super family pics for only $5 and so much more! YES we still need and are super grateful for your donations. Knights of Columbus.

205 Amelia Street. SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER, an evening to enjoy some amazing local art and a soundtrack delivered by the areas coolest musicians . This will be a licensed event , so yes be ready to party!!!!!!! $5.00 for a ticket or pay $7 at the door. @ the Social, Sydney Street. Sept ember 19t h, 2015 wil l bring t wo accompl ished songwrit ers, Sean McCann of Great Big Sea and Graham Greer of t he Barst ool Prophet s, t oget her in Cornwall?s beautiful Aultsville Theatre for an intimate evening of songs and the stories that surround them. Ment ored Reiki Training Program, Level 1 Sep 19 - Sep 20 · 14705B Highway 2, Ingleside, ON




Appl es & Art s Preview Show - The Apples & Arts Studio Tour returns to Cornwall & The Counties this fall. Meet the artists in your community who will be opening their creative spaces to visitors on the Apples & Arts Preview Show Tuesday at 8 pm and Sunday at 11 am Women Ent repreneurs Dinner Meet ing 6 pm t o 9 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Guest Speaker:Lesley Lang, Cornwall & Counties Community Futures. Members:22$, non-members:25$. WeCornwallArea.ca International Plowing Match and Rural Expo in Finch

Beyond the Void at Lola's




Cornwal l Quil t ers Guil d Mont hl y Meet ing at 7 pm. St-Matthews Lutheran Church Hall, 1504 2nd St. W. The mystery quilt to be revealed. Short y Jenkins Cl assic The Worl d Curl ing t our makes a st op in Cornwal l when some of the world?s best call their best shots at the 2016 Shorty Jenkins Classic. TVCOGECO has next day coverage Monday 7 pm with the women?s semi-final followed by the men?s final at 9:30 pm Rencont rez l es candidat s aux él ect ions f édéral es au prochain Souper Franco-Echanges à la salle chevaliers de Colomb. Accueil 17h, Souper 18h Achetez vos billets à l'avance, PAS DE BILLETS A LA PORTE 15$, Caisse Pop ou Journal de Cornwall.




International Plowing Match and Rural Expo in Finch




Websi te n eed u pdati n g?

6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1 SEPT

25 W.Other available.

FRIDAY Fish & Chips & Karaoke 4 pm at the RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. varied menu items

Neon Night Childhood Cancer 2K or 5k Walk Or Run at 7 pm. Holy Trinity High School, 18044 Tyotown Rd. Collect pledges online: neonnight/ cornwall the don your neon clothes.Call 613.936.1525 to register




Bereaved Famil ies Annual Fal l Gal a Best Western, 1515 Vincent Massey Dr. 4 course prime rib dinner + entertainment by Kelli Trottier. Tickets: 90$ on sale at Scotia Bank, Brookdale Center. St . John Ambul ance Pet First Aid Course from 9 am to 4 pm. Course fee: 100$, limited seating.

Kiwanis Cl ub Federal El ect ion Candidates Meet & Greet from 7 pm to 9 pm. Riverdale Terrace, 1200 2nd St. W.

Int ernat ional Pl owing Mat ch and Rural Expo in Finch

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca





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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




M a rle ne


Hi there to all of you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. I have been really enjoying the last of the Summer days with my Johnny, by going to Lakeview Beach (near Long Sault.) and relaxing whilst taking in all of the sights and sounds of the Great Outdoors. It is very relaxing and calming to one's soul, to do so. We really must STOP and SMELL the Roses, or the pretty, pink Peonies or even the Black-eyed Susans to come to think of it, as we walk along Life's Pathway. We must take the time to relax and get away from the busy-ness of our every day lives. It certainly helps calm our "Inner Spirit" and allows us to "Heal" from difficult circumstances or occurances such as a loved one passing away. Nothing is better than "Getting Away" from what ever ails us. Tip of the Week: Here are SIX things that Mentally Strong People Do!!! 1. They MOVE ON! They don't waste time feeling sorry for themselves. 2. They EMBRACE CHANGE! They welcome challenges. 3. They STAY HAPPY! They don't waste energy on things they cannot control. 4. They are KIND, FAIR & are Unafraid to Speak up. 5. They are willing to take CALCULATED RISKS! 6. They CELEBRATE other people's SUCCESSES! They don't resent that success. I feel that I must share with you that my cute little Persian kitty, Cloud, is doing very well. He is now four months old and has grown a lot since he came into our lives, a little over a month ago. Johnny and I take the time each day to play with him and make him feel like part of our home and our lives. If you have a pet, it can be easy to forget that they have needs, wants and feelings of their own, too. Do make sure to spend time to take your dog for a walk, or to play with your cat, hamster or even your snake... Right, Danielle Sauve??? (She has a pet snake that she named Noodles.) Fish, Well you can't really play with them too much, but you can make sure any pet is taken care of with good food, a clean area to live and to play in, etc. Giving them the attention that our four-legged, two-legged or our no-legged friends deserve. I wrote about the "Healing Power of Cat Purrs, a few columns ago. It is so amazing how this works to calm, relax, and apparently heal us, too!!! It Can Even Make Us Live Longer!!! What better reason is there to spend time with your loving pets??? Here are a few more reasons for you. Research has shown that a pet in the home can ward off Allergies by

over 30% , (as published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.) Pet owners also have lower levels of stress and a pet in your home can also lower levels of Depression. There are even some hospitals that have begun using "Pet-facilitated Therapy." (PFT). So, if you have a pet, please spend more time with him or her every day. They depend on us as we depend on them to help us be calmer, happier, and even healthier humans. Your Health and Happiness Will Improve As A Result. Please HUG YOUR PET TODAY!!!


Cal l us t oday...

Family News: My first granddaughter, Abigail, turned 12 last Friday. The family, Mom, Dad, Sampson & wee William and I, went to St Hubert's for her Birthday Dinner. Abigail loved all of the presents that John and I got for her, a pretty, ceramic angel, a card and the rest was jewelery, including a matching bejeweled necklace, earrings and bracelet for when she goes out on the town or shopping with me. Along with our gifts, she loved the two dollies from her Mom and Dad. We enjoyed our delicious chicken meals, along with the yummy desserts afterwards. The service was Superb and the waitresses helped sing "Happy Birthday"!!! Melinda, her Mom, painted her bedroom door like the one in Dr. Who. She was totally over-joyed with this Special Gift. The kind of gift that keeps on giving and giving... every time she opens her bedroom door. May more of your ~Special Dreams~ & *Wishes* come true in the upcoming year my dear granddaughter. Good Luck in Grade 7 this year!!! Love Always, Nana. Item of the Week: As you have all come to know me, (through my many columns, over these past 2 years) that I LOVE to have "Unique Things." This week I have choosen another of my treasures to share with you. They are these sweet, little hand- made, wooden purses that I purchased from an online auction for ONLY $5.00. They truly are UNIQUE!!! Don't You think??? All I have to do is find me a pair of wooden shoes to go with them. Now, There's A Challenge For Me!!! Perhaps in Holland??? Until Next Week: It's Not Who You Are That Holds You Back... It's Who You Think You Are Not. Your mind stands between the, "I Cannot Do That!" & the, "I Can Do Anything!" Which One Will YOU Pick??? I do hope that you choose the Right One!!! Don't be the one at the end of your Life, that says," I wished that I had did this or that!!!" Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca

ANNIE LAPERLE 613-361-7814 annielaperle@ymail.com www.annielaperle.scentsy.ca Call for a catalogue delivered to your door

No flame - No Soot Child & Pet Friendly

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Sha ry n

THO M PSO N I'm talking about making a batch of homemade crab apple jelly. It isn't at all difficult to do. Once you have confidence in yourself, you can cook anything. Years ago, I helped to teach 4-H classes in Maxville with Di Jaggassaar. One of the best times was when we taught a breadmaking course. Ten year old girls, on thier own, had a batch of bread rising in their kitchens while their parents were doing barn chores. I was so proud of INGREDIENTS: have a couple of 3 litre baskets of crab apples you will need white sugar, lemon juice, cheesecloth or an old linen tea towel, snap lids and jar rings and mason jars Amounts will vary according to how much syrup you have. METHOD: -Rinse the crab apples. Place them in a large pot and add water to be just under the surface of the apples. Bring this to a boil, turn down the heat to a simmer and allow the apples to cook until they are mushy and very tender. This will take about 1 hour. Stir occasionally during this time. -Take a very large bowl and use a linen tea towel or about 4 layers or cheesecloth. Stretch the cheesecloth over the top of the bowl. I used clothespegs to hold the cheesecloth in place. See my picture to understand how. Now spoon the apple and liquid mixture onto the top of the cheesecloth. Allow the liquid to drip through the cheesecloth, undisturbed. I let it sit overnight. In the morning, all of the liquid had dripped through. Carefully, remove the clothespins around the cheesecloth. You want to lift the cheesecloth and drained apple mixture away from the bowl of apple juice. Don't squeeze this bag at all or you will make the liquid in the bowl turn cloudy and when you boil this, your jelly won't be clear. My Mum taught me this lesson! -Discard the boiled apple mixture. Put it out for the deer if you live in the country like me. -Measure the liquid from the bowl and pour it into a clean large pot. Now measure the same amount of white sugar as the liquid and place that in the pot as well. For about 10 cups of liquid, I used 10 cups of white sugar and about 1/ 3 to 1/ 2 cup of lemon juice. -Stir to mix. Cook over medium heat. The mixture will come to a boil. Stir constantly. It will take about 30 minutes from this point. -In the meantime, place 2 saucers in your fridge freezer. You will use them to determine when your jelly is starting to gel.

Downtown I con John Lester Hea ding to Retir ement

them! You see, all they needed was being shown how to to it to gain confidence. I learned from my Mum how to make jam and jelly, the old fashioned way, without using any Certo. Our great grandmothers never had Certo. They used a few green apples for their pectin to set up jam. My Mum always added some lemon juice when making jam. You use equal amounts of fruit and white sugar. It is that simple. This is the perfect time of year to buy or pick crab apples to make your own jelly. Thank you to Lorraine and her husband for giving me some of their crab apples to use. Here is how I made my jelly. You must also have your mason jars washed, rinsed and sterilized. I sterilize washed and rinsed mason jars, placing them standing upright on a cookie sheet, in my oven set at 250 degrees F. for 15 minutes. Longer won't matter. Have snap lids and rings in a saucepan, ready to boil for 5 minutes when you are ready to pour the hot jelly into the prepared jars. Boiling for 5 minutes will soften the rubber ring onthe snap lid, allowing the lid to seal tightly onto the top of the jar. -Cook the syrup, skimming off any scum that will form as the jelly boils. Keep skimming off the scum. This will continue for about 10 minutes. Discard the scum. Stir the jelly occasionally to prevent scorching. When you feel the jelly is beginning to thicken a bit, take one of the cold saucers from the freezer. Ladle about a tablespoon of the jelly onto the saucer and place it back into the freezer for 1 minute. Now take the saucer from the freezer, and run your fingertip through the jelly. If it forms wrinkles, the jelly is at the correct stage to pour into the prepared hot jars. See my picture for the wrinkling. If the jelly doesn't wrinkle, rinse off the saucer, dry it and place it back into the freezer. In a few more minutes, try again and see if the jelly will wrinkle. Use the other cold saucer first. Have the pot of water and snap lids and rings boiling for 5 minutes. -Use a canning funnel and ladle the hot jelly into the hot, sterilized jars to nearly fill within a 1/ 2" from the rim of the jar. Continue to fill jars. Now, using a clean damp towel, carefully wipe the top and rim of each jar. Carefully place a snap lid onto each jar. Then apply the ring to close each jar. As the jelly cools, you will hear the lids POP. This POP means that the jar has sealed itself. The snap lid will indent slightly when it POPS. This is why they are called "Snap Lids."Any jelly jar lid that doesn't POP must be refrigerated and used quickly. Next day, label and date the jelly jars. Place them in a cool place or a cold storage. Your jelly should keep well for several years. ENJOY! NOTE: My picture as I am skimming off the scum that forms seems to have a picture of a Ghost Dog in the middle. See if you don't agree. Strange but true!

SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 34 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5

By Bob Peters ChooseCor nw all.ca The str eetscape of Dow ntow n Cor nw all is due to change soon w ith the r etir em ent of John Lester, and the closur e of his longtim e business, J. L. Com puter s. "I have had a good r un. After 22 year s its tim e to m ove on to a new phase in my life," says M r. Lester. M r. Lester fir st opened the door s to his iconic stor e in 1994. Back then Pitt Str eet w as a pedestr ian m all, and consum er s w er e getting their feet w et w ith W indow s 3.1. "It w as an exciting tim e to be in the technology business as the per sonal com puter w as becom ing ver y popular in both offices and at hom e," said M r. Lester. "People still used floppy discs - the aver age com puter had far less com puting pow er than today's sm ar tphone." M r. Lester ar r ived in Cor nw all in 1986 after studying biochem ical technology at Algonquin College in Ottaw a. He w as w or king for a com puter supplies com pany and they asked him to establish a r etail pr esence in Cor nw all. He w ould m ove fr om ther e to w or k for Seaw ay City Electr onics befor e opening J. L. Com puter s in a tiny shop on M ar lbor ough Str eet. Six m onths later, he r elocated the business to the its cur r ent location at 164 Pitt Str eet.

The loyalty of M r. Lester 's custom er base is a testam ent to the level of ser vice he and his staff pr ovides. J. L. Com puter s has helped hundr eds of Cor nw all r esidents navigate the ever changing w or d of com puter technology. He has advised countless business ow ner s on how to har ness the oppor tunities of the Inter net, and in doing so helped them r em ain com petitive. "The com puter business continues to change, and w ith change com es unique challenges," says M r. Lester. "Online channels have im pacted the r etail sale of softw ar e, pr oduct pr ices and m ar gins have all dipped, and in m any r espects a lot of devices such as tablets and sm ar tphones have essentially becom e disposable." M r. Lester w ill be offer ing sale pr ices on m uch of his inventor y as he w inds dow n oper ations over the next sever al w eeks. The building is also available for sale. W hen the day com es to close the door s for the final tim e, M r. Lester plans on (liter ally) r iding off into the sunset. He and his w ife Jane have planned to tour Canada in their BM W r oadster, befor e r etur ning to Cor nw all. J.L. Com puter s is located at 164 Pitt Str eet and is open fr om 8:30am to 5:00pm M onday to Fr iday.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


ADVERTISING in TheSEEKERis NOT an Expense ... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Give me 15 minut es of your t ime and I'l l show you why...

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Cal l

My Jokes Are Up Here was a sol d-out Show in Cornwal l Submit t ed Art icl e. Phot o by Jason Set nyk.

Gif t

, I'l l even Card

wort h



a f ree




ext .


On l y a few Bo o t h s Left ...

Cornwall Ontario ? Over 130 people crammed into Deke and Squeaks for the Our Jokes Are Up Here comedy tour on Friday night. The comedy tour features four top Canadian headliners, but unfortunately Rebecca Kohler was unable to attend. Jen Grant Explained on stage that Rebecca recently receive a television writing job that she could not miss. ?Basically she got a better gig?, Grant joked. Christina Walkinshaw hosted the show with a raw no holding back style of comedy that the Cornwall crowd absolutely loved. She spoke of performing at Freddy?s early in her career, her love of beer and tinder, and her views on dating that was a little off beat. But her honestly and confident delivery made her adored by the crowd who hung on her every word and laughed hysterically. Walkinshaw is a stand up comic living in Toronto, she had a half hour comedy special on television, and she was nominated for Best Female Stand Up Comic at the 2012 Canadian Comedy Awards. After a quick spot by local comedien Mark Vincent, who also promoted the show through his page Off Your Rocker, the laughs kept on rolling as Jen Grant took the stage. Right off the bat the audience fell in love with her witty charm and laid pack demeanour. Being born in Cornwall, and having ties to this town, Jen incorporated local flavour into her solid set speaking of being born at the Hotel Dieu hospital, Domtar, and she spoke of her family who live in Cornwall. The audience couldn?t get enough of Grant as she left the stage to a huge ovation. Grant has achieved virtually everything you can achieve in the world of stand-up comedy in Canada. She has performed at every major comedy festival in the country including the Just for Laughs Festival, the Halifax Comedy Festival, and the Winnipeg Comedy Festival. All of which have aired on national television. She can also be heard on CBC?s ?The Debaters? and has her own TV special on The Comedy Network. ow living in Toronto, Jen lived in New York City from 2008-2011 and had the opportunity to play major comedy clubs with such legends as Jim Bruer, Robert Klein and Louis CK. Erica Sigurdson took the stage with the audience already in tears from the other two phenomenal acts. She started off strong explaining how she flew in from Vancouver for this show (no her arms were not tired), joked around with the audience and played the crowd extremely well. Erica completely commanded the stage as she spoke of having no kids, or desire to have kids, camping in Vancouver and poked fun at the man in her life and men in general. Erica?s brilliantly written jokes with sarcastic delivery had the audience on floor in laughter. The audience could not get enough as the crowd showed their appreciation while she left the stage.

Sigurdson is best known for her wit on CBC Radio?s smash hit The Debaters. She is in high demand for radio, television and live appearances.In addition to her twenty-seven appearances on The Debaters, Erica has recorded five television specials in 2013 alone. Her comedy festival credits include Monteral Just for Laughts, The Winnipeg Comedy Festival, the Halifax Comedy Festival, the Vancouver Comedy Festival, and many others. In 2007 Erica was awarded a Leo Award for Best Comedy Screenwriting, along with co-writer Peter Kelamis, for her writing on the 21st Annual Gemini Awards.

AFFORDABLE COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT950 square f eet CENTRAL LOCATION Panoramic Towers 308 Second St reet E. - AVAILABLE NOW - f or inf ormat ion cal l


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Pierre Giroux, Juror FOCUS ART 11t h Annual Juried Art Exhibit ion

Pierre Giroux with Rose Desnoyers, Past President (left) and Linda Geisel, President of FOCUS ART FOCUS ART members have their fair share of esteemed professional Artists to serve as jurors at their exhibitions. This year, the members will be able to learn from the distinguished painter, Pierre Giroux who has agreed to be the juror of the show. Pierre Giroux is a Cornwall born painter who has exhibited in various galleries across Canada. He studied in the Florence Program in Italy, as well as the Ontario College of Arts & Design in Toronto. He later returned to school and studied animation at Sheridan College. Within two years he moved to the west coast where he would soon establish a following across Canada and beyond.

Après-midi 36 x 48, oil on linen Mr. Giroux has decided to come home to his roots. Since his return, he had a successful exhibition hosted by the OBO Studio in early summer. He is currently completing a series of historical landscapes of Cornwall. These paintings will grace a number of walking tours that are being developed in the Downtown and Le Village districts as well as along Cornwall?s waterfront.

For the past 15 years, Mr. Giroux has specialized in painting interior scenes of old homes, where the architecture and play of light seems to bring to life the memories and emotions of the space. His work is in great demand and is available through the well-respected West End Gallery in Victoria and Edmonton. You can enjoy his work by visiting West End Gallery website.

SDSG Federal Debat e on Social Just ice Cor nw all, Ontar io ? The Social Developm ent Council of Cor nw all and Ar ea?s and the Seaw ay Valley Com m unity Health Centr e ar e excited to announce an all candidates debate on the topic of Social Justice and Wellbeing in Cor nw all on the evening of Septem ber 22nd, 2015 fr om 6-8pm at Seaw ay Valley Com m unity Health Centr e at 353 Pitt Str eet in Cor nw all Ontar io. As par t of Com m unity Health and Wellbeing Week acr oss Canada, the debate w ill focus on the candidates?points of view about the gr ow ing concer n sur r ounding social justice and w ellbeing in Canada and Stor m ont, Dundas,



South Glengar r y. They w ill be given the oppor tunity to pr esent ideas and solutions they intend to im plem ent should they be given the oppor tunity. The Social Developm ent Council of Cor nw all and ar ea and the Seaw ay Valley Com m unity Health Centr e believe all com m unity m em ber s have the r ight to know positions taken by our local leader s on these im por tant topics. The candidates w ill be asked to answ er sever al questions about Social Justice and Wellbeing in Canada and in our com m unity and how they intend to im pr ove these situations.



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All com m unity m em ber s ar e invited and encour aged to attend this event; ther e is no pr ior r egistr ation r equir ed. Tim e per m itting, ther e w ill be an oppor tunity for audience m em ber s to ask the candidates questions.



e $ 2 5 - 3 t im e s $ 6 5 - 7 t im e s $ 12 9 - 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


The River Kings host the rival Eperviers this weekend as the LNAH pre-season schedule kicks off. Cornwall and Sorel-Tracy will face off on Saturday night at the Civic Complex. Puck drops at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the game are $5 for all ages (general admission). Season ticket holders are admitted to the game for free. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the River Kings office during regular business hours. Season tickets are currently on sale: Adults $250; Students/ Seniors $200; Children under 12 $140. Contact the River Kings office at 613-933-9797 or email info@cornwallriverkings.ca for more information. STUDENTS: If you?re a high school student needing to give volunteer hours, please contact the River Kings by phone or email.

Jung Do ? The Right Pat h ? by Brent St ang: Rpn, 2nd bl ack bel t , owner of SDG Tae Kwon Do.

The Korean term Jung Do, means to choice the right path in life. Most martial arts have a similar concept at the root of their ideas. Being a taekwondo instructor, you will notice several Korean terms in my articles.


Martial art schools can be divided into two main different styles of teaching. Some schools may focus simple on the fighting or sports aspect of the martial art, while others take the time to teach the origin of these techniques and often have a designed system in place to teach as the students progresses. It is impossible for any school to be this black or white in its ideas. However knowing where the main focus of the school will help someone decide if this is the school for them. The focus of the school comes from the instructor and how he/ she was taught. When looking at a martial art school, get to know the instructor prior to joining. Does the instructor know his/ hers lineage? Can he/ she proof certification? More importantly, does the instructor keep in touch with his/ her mentor? I refer to my school as a traditional martial art school,but I would never dream of trying to label another school if it is traditional or not! My personal belief is that all martial arts are amazing! It boils down to how good the instructor is and how hard a student is willing to work. Choosing the right school, but more importantly the right instructor, is the first step in choosing the right path. Always be the student, always continue to learn.

CALL 613-935-8101 Ask f or John or Jul ia THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive

A FUNTASTIC YARD SALE - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 - 8AM TO 2PM 19387 COUNTY RD. 2, SUMMERSTOWN, ON Ant iques, f urnit ure, househol d it ems, t oys and cl ot hing. FOR SALE: 2011 red Elantra GLS. Heated seats (front and back), hands free phoning, cruise, telescopic and tilt steering. FM/ CD/ Radio, aluminum wheels, steering wheel controls and much more. No longer need this extra car. One of the sleekest cars on the road. $8,600 Call 613-936-3912 FOR SALE: Dog run. 6 ft high, 7 ft wide, 12 ft long. All galvanized, like new, with door. Less than half the price. $270. 613-931-2729. FOR SALE: 2001 Pontiac Aztek - yellow. Runs good. Asking $795 as is. 613-932-4812.

FLAGS FOR SALE: $10.00 each. Flags are 3 feet by 5 feet. Bahamas, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Denmark, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Honduras, Mongolia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland (2), Polynesia (2) Quebec, Republic of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, United nations, Nunavut ($30.00) call 613-936-6873 FOR SALE: Solid oak dining room table and 6 chairs. Very good condition. 613-935-7705

VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS Let u s pr eser ve you r Ch er i sh ed M em or i es f or you ! Cal l Sh el don 613-932-4812 CORNWALL NEWCOMERS CLUB welcomes women who have moved to Cornwall and area in the last 4 years. Call Patricia at 613-935-3109 for more info about the club and its activities. Please confirm by October 2 if you would like to attend the next dinner meeting on October 6th. FOR SALE: Mix-it-up Poker set. New in case. $30. 613-527-2731 FOR SALE: Muelli mans 21 speed mountain bike. $50. 613-936-1452



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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 35 - September 18 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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