Vol6issue36 (2)

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Sat urday, Oct . 3rd

12 p.m. t o 3:30 p.m. Lamoureux Park FREE Benson BBQ - FREE Act ivit ies - Prizes

Join us t o

a paper

bag t o break t he sil ence on chil d abuse!

Chance to win an Ipad mini!

Need a lift? Dress purple for a FREE BUS RIDE to the event!


Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

ume 6 Issue VolVol ume 6 Issue 3621 May 29, 2015 Sept ember 25, 2015

See page 5 for more ...

Offer i n g t h e


CLOSE TO HOSPITAL! 2+1 bed, 2 bat hs Ful l y f enced yard, t wo sheds and carport ! Al l appl iances incl uded move right in!

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BREAKFASTS i n Co r n wal l !



2xl Eggs, Real Home Fries Texas Toast Cof f ee or Tea

7oz of Canada AAA St eak 2 xl Eggs, Home Fries, Texas Toast , Cof f ee or Tea



Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon.

by Julia Lucio

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk INTERN: Emma Meldrum THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper to make it a success...



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Ag re e to d isa g re e


Insurance Fraud? When I upgraded my cell phone back in February, I was offered a replacement warranty. I usually don't fall for these things, but this was a high ticket item, for which I was looking at over $600 to replace if anything happened, so I seriously considered it. "Imagine you get out of the store and you drop your phone and break the screen," the clerk said. "With this insurance, it doesn't matter! You are covered for breaks, water damage, even if it gets stolen! You just give the company a call and they will send you abrand new one. It won't cost you a thing! No hassle to having to send the phone in for repair or anything, you just get a new one!"

For less than $10 a month, that seemed like a good deal! I am on a two year contract so I figured I would take it for the first year, then cancel it as my phone lost its value. But then, the unimaginable happened. I had to replace my phone. I got caught in a whole bunch of rain last week while visiting a theme park in Montreal. My phone got wet. It still works, but my speakers quit functioning. I looked to see if I could fix the thing, but it seemed very complex and time-consuming. Then I remembered: am I not covered for that sort of thing? And sure enough, I was! I called my phone company who

referred me to the insurance people. These guys gave me a link to go to and fill out a replacement form. The form required a whole bunch of things for me to send in, including a photo ID and a proof of purchase of the device. Not quite the "You just give the company a call and they will send you a new one" that I was assured.



Still, the promise of getting my new phone within 24-48 hours got me through the hassle. Except... After my claim was reviewed, I received an email telling me my device was not available at this time. It didn't ask me if I wanted something else as a replacement, simply asked if I wanted to put my claim in back-order.

- NDP Ral l y4Change Comes t o Cornwal l on Sept ember 25

I wasn't a happy camper. I gave the insurance company another ring to ask how long exactly this "back-order" thing would take. "3 to 7 days," the lady said. Ok, not too bad. I think I can survive that long without a ringtone. When I finally got the email telling me they had restocked my phone, I was ecstatic. I followed the link to complete my request, entered my mailing address, selected the $0 shipping package and clicked next.

- $15,000 For Local ized Chemot herapy In Cornwal l


What filled the screen then was a "Fee Summary" with a form for payment requesting my Visa or Master Card number. The total was a hefty $226 to cover a "replacement service fee". Wait. What? So the insurance, which is supposed to cover my device for anything, for which I have paid a total of $70 over the last months, now wants $200 to send me a device that was supposed to be replaced at no cost? "It won't cost you a thing," he said. Remember?

Na t ur a l So l ut io n s Wo r k

Sure, I should have been more carefull reading the very small print. I tend to take people's words at face value sometimes, but no, I won't order the phone. I'll buy the broken part for $9.95 and fix the darn thing myself after all.

Connie Augi 613-932-8818

Oh, and I'm definitely cancelling the insurance!

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d

b y Ja so n Se tny k

NEWS & POLITICS Tom Green t o perf orm at Okt oberf est - The 7th Annual Vankleek Hill Oktoberfest takes place on Friday October 2nd and Saturday October 3rd at the fairgrounds. It is presented by Beau?s Brewery. Last year?s event hosted more than 19,000 festival-goers over the two days, and raised $106,000 for local community groups and a number of charities. ?We work year-round on planning Oktoberfest, so when this time of year rolls around we get pretty excited about opening the gates,? says Beau?s co-founder Steve Beauchesne. There is a lot of exciting entertainment at this years festival including comedian and actor Tom Green who will be performing for the Oktoberfest crowd. Tom Green has been in films such as Freddy Got Fingered, Road Trip, Stealing Harvard and Charlie?s Angels. Green had a short-lived marriage to actress Drew Barrymore who also starred in Charlie?s Angles. He also hosted The Tom Green Show on MTV.

Unit ed Way Zombie Run was screams and l aughs - The local United Way had it?s annual Zombie Run at McMaze on Saturday. It was screams and laughs for runners who completed a 5K run with obstacles and zombies. ?The Zombie Run was great fun. Charities are forever needing to find creative ways to raise funds. The United way certainly knows how to do just that. It was a well organized fun run. Kudos to the United Way team and of course to the zombies! Kat Rendek and I had a little fun dressing for the occasion at zombie hunters?, says City Councillor Carilyne HĂŠbert (pictured here). The United Way of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry has the goal of raising $710,000 this year to fund various local agencies. TV Cogeco was a sponsor once again the annual Zombie Run.

competitions and prizes donated by local businesses, trick or treats, courtesy of special sponsor St. Albert?s Cheese, light munchies, decorations by Aline and especially, a spectacular laser light show and music by DJ Shellshock. The highlight of the evening will be presentation of Lifetime Achievement awards to Edith Stiles, Lionel Tessier and Tom Thompson, in recognition of their enduring support and contribution to the Arts. This first annual costume party is not to be missed. Eight local businesses have made generous prize donations. Ticketsyare $25.00 in Hort icul t ural Societ beaut if ies ent rance Cit y Landf l sit eand advance and $30.00 at the door. Tickets aret o available at theilGrind Your Arts Council.

SPORTS & RECREATION Chris Cl out ier re-signs wit h t he Laval Predat ors - Chris Cloutier is back in the LNAH for a thirteenth season having re-signed with the Laval Predators. ?I?m happy to be back for a thirteenth season. I?m happy to be back in the league, and I?m happy to have signed with Laval?, says Cloutier. Cloutier was a fan favourite enforcer for the Cornwall River Kings and many fans were sad when he was traded to Laval last season. To date Cloutier has 299 career fights under his belt and over 2,000 penalty minutes. However last season Cloutier only had 15 fights due to an injury. ?My hands healed up Hort icul t ural Societ y beaut if ies great. I had the summer off, and they had time to heal. I also lost about 25 ent rance t o Cit y Landf il l sit e lbs and I am in game shape. I?m 32 now, and it?s important to be in top shape if I want to keep going?, explains Cloutier. The 6?1 fighter arrived to training camp in splendid condition.


ARTS & CULTURE Trench Town Oddit ies and Winst on Marl ey rel ease spl it EP - It?s been a few years since the Trench Town Oddities released their sophomore full length CD ?Live.Love.Laugh?, and a lot has changed since then. A few new members, and many many miles crisscrossing Eastern Canada and North Eastern USA later, and the band is back with a new split EP they share with their good friends in Winston Marley. ?I think that it?s a great step forward song writing wise for both band and was a total blast to do it the way we did?, says Sean Harley. The six-song release, entitled ?BONK!?, features three songs from each band. Cent re f or t he Art s Col l ect ive Hal l oween Fundraiser - The Collective is planning it's first-ever Halloween event complete with costume

Cornwal l Col t s t aken t o school by Grads - The Cornwall Colts came out on the wrong end of a 3-0 score against the Cumberland Grads in CCHL action Thursday night at the Ed Lumley Arena. The Colts fired 44 shots towards Grads goalie Ryan Coughlin who recorded his first shutout of the season on a night the Colts honoured Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Cornwall & District. Branden Makara scored on a first period penalty shot with Martin Frechette and Grant Hebert also scoring. James Edwardson was tagged with the loss despite making 25 saves. Cornwall?s next home game is Thursday, September 24th vs the defending CCHL Champions Carleton Place Canadians. Game time is 7:30 at the Ed Lumley Arena.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




M a rle ne

BAKER Hi There to ALL of you Cornwall and S.D. & G. area readers this week. I hope that you were able to enjoy the very last of the ~HOT~ SUMMER DAYS this week!!! John and I went for perhaps our last kayaking trip this year, with the water levels being so low. Autumn returns with it's multi-coloured leaves and all of this past Summer's harvest of delicious fruits and vegetables. Tis time to put away ALL of the SUMMER things, and Time to take out the AUTUMN stuff... like sweaters, long sleeved shirts, pants and your closed-in toe shoes and boots. No More Sandals for this year. Well, unless your John, who won't stop wearing his sandals until the first snowfall. Oh, No! That four letter "S" word!!! Hopefully it, the "S" stuff won't be coming our way for a very looong while!!!

TIP OF THE WEEK: As I mentioned, it's that time to take out all of your Autumn clothes, shoes, boots and things from their storage places. You can REFRESH your clothes by hanging them outside to get sanitized by the ~SUN~ and to receive the FRESHNESS from the brisk Autumn winds. If they fall off the clothesline, oh well, it is fall, after all. Or, If you don't have a clothesline, then you can use your dryer to help freshen up your clothing. All you have to do is place a damp towel and a dryer sheet with your already-cleaned clothes that you previously put away in the early Spring. By letting them tumble around for 10 to 15 minutes, it will give your clothing a lovely scent, and puff them up and out for you to wear without that musty or mothball storage smell. We can also freshen ourselves up ... By getting out and about in the fresh Autumn air... It will not only make you happy, but it will make you healthier, too!!! Bring along a friend, neighbour or family member or pet to enjoy the fresh air, the sunshine, and the experience of being in the Great Outdoors. The oxygen will rejuvinate your body and mind, the sun will give you some healthy vitamin D, and the exercise will pump that oxygen throughout your body, and re-awaken your thinking. The side effects? It will reduce Depression, Stress and Anxiety, giving you an overall sense of well-being and happiness. A lot of people here in Cornwall tell me that there isn't much to do on a Friday or Saturday night... Well, A wonderfully talented "LIVE BAND" is returning to ~The Port Theatre~ on Saturday, October 3rd. John and I really enjoyed their live performance last year and I am so happy that they are coming back to entertain us with their LIVE SHOW once again!!! I had the pleasure to talk to Steve Milley (one of the band members) of ~The Mot hership~ a Tribut e band t o Led Zeppl in. I asked him t hree quest ions. Here they are... QUESTION # 1. Steve, "~The Mothership~ rocked Cornwall last year. How excited is the band about coming back to ~The Port~ on October 3rd?" Steve answering, "The band is very excited about coming back to Cornwall. We don't play soft seat venues very often, it is a completely different vibe than playing a club show. The crowd seems more concentrated on

watching and listening to the band than a club show. This type of venue keeps the band on our toes so to speak. Everyone in the room has their eyes and ears on the band's performance." QUESTION # 2. "Iíve experienced my share of tribute acts before, but each of you in ~The Mothership~ seem to actually become the Led Zeppelin members. I mean, youíve got the music down perfectly, but youíve also got the looks, personalities, body movements, and basically the whole vibe of each member. How is that even possible?" Steve, "It was important to us when we put this project together that we do the whole Led Zeppelin Live experience justice. We are really hoping that the audience members can re-live, and if we are lucky, be transported back in time to a 1973 Led Zeppelin concert with the clothes, equipment, and music of Led Zeppelin." QUESTION # 3. If you were to summarize playing at ~The Port~ in Cornwall in one or two sentences, What would you say?" Steve, "I would definitely say it was a joy and privilege for the band to play at ~The Port~. The owners were very kind and professional to work with. The crowd was Loud !! and were true fans of Led Zeppelin. The crowd knew every note and lyric to all the songs, and in some cases were singing louder than the PA. It was a great pleasure for ~Mothership~ to have played ~The Port~ and we have made many new friends in Cornwall from that night. We are looking forward to our show October 3rd!! See you there !!!" John and I, and a lot of other Cornwall FANS, will be singing and dancing along to ~The Mothership~ on October 3rd!!! Doors OPEN at 7:00 p.m., and the show Starts at 8:00. I look forward to this LIVE SHOW and ALL of you there!!! ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I chose another item that I had received for my 55th birthday this year. I had always wanted this item and my Johnny made it happen for me. I am, after all, an Irish lass, and I felt that to truly be one, I had to possess this item for my very own. It is a Shillalagh. It literally means "Descendants of ? alach." It is also known by many names, including bata in Gaelic - which means, "fighting stick." The original cane gets its name from the Shillelagh Forest in County, Wicklow. This forest was once famous for its' massive stands of fine oaks. Sadly, most of them were cut down and then were exported. When you know how few of these trees remain in Ireland, it is very sad knowing, that many of the famous buildings in Western Europe were built with Irish imported Oak. A "Shillelagh" is a wooden walking stick and club, or cudgel made from a thick, knotty stick with a large knob on top of Blackthorn wood (sloe) or Oak. I bet you didn't know that!!! My shillelagh came from a nearby flea-market, and John had purchased it from a collection of walking sticks/ shilleghs that came from a world traveller who worked for National Geographic. How cool is that??? Now I am off for a walk in the wild woods with my very own Shillelagh. (I secretly hope to meet up with someone or something that may need a good cudgeling. *wink* wink*) UNTIL NEXT WEEK: HAPPINESS Cannot Be Travelled To, Owned, Earned, Worn or Consumed. Happiness is The "Spiritual Experience" of Living Every Minute with Love, Grace and Gratitude. If you've been trying to find or buy happiness, perhaps you've been looking outside of yourself. Maybe you should take a LOOK on the INSIDE!!! Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



- In si d et h eCi vi cCo m p l ex NEXTSATU RDAY - OCTOBER 3

Story by Jason Setnyk and Julia Lucio - Photo Jason Setnyk The No Frills Child Abuse Prevention BBQ took place this Saturday. People bought t-shirts and hoodies as well as hotdogs and hamburgers for a good cause. ?It went excellent. Quite a lot of people came out to support October?s Child Abuse Prevention Campaign. The new # IBreakTheSilence t-shirt and hoodie was a popular item and quite a few were purchased for the October 16th Community Dress Purple Day. We raised $613 today. That is enough to send one local child to camp. It?s amazing support from the community?, says Kimly Thivierge, Public Relations Manager for the Children?s Aid Society of S,D&G. The launch event for Child Abuse Prevention month is NEXT SATURDAY OCTOBER 3RD AT LAMOUREUX PARK FROM 12PM TO 3:30PM. This FREE family festival is a HUGE event every year and, true to form, it has grown again this year. "Last year, we had over 2000 people attend the park and 801 participate in the Break The Silence Bag Pop," said Thivierge. To see what you can expect this year, see schedule below # IBreakTheSilence

SCHEDULE: 12:00pm ? 12:30pm Opening ceremonies 12:00pm ? 1:30pm FREE Benson?s BBQ 12:30pm ? 3:30pm Bandshell Entertainment - Kids Zumba ? 12:30pm - 12:50pm - BCDC Dance Performance Beat Central Dance Company? 1:00pm ? 1:15pm - Break The Silence Bag Pop ? 1:15pm ? 1:30pm - BCDC surprise event Jane Hennessy Craibe? 1:30pm ? 1:50pm - Break the Silence Record Break announcement and prize draw 2:00pm ? 2:15pm - Fire, EMS, OPP, RCMP, CCPS with special activities - DJ Dance party ? 2:15pm to 3:15pm JeffnCher LalondeJean Juneau - 50/ 50 prize draw announcement 3:15pm ? 3:20pm - Closing ceremonies ? 3:20pm to 3:30pm - Habitat for Humanity with special acitivies Chuck Leclair - Mobile GamerZ FREE play for kids/ youth Rodney ACTIVITIES IN THE PARK ? 12;00pm ? 3:15pm: Rivette - aYves Houle Carnival inflatable jump houses for all - MYtrippleP with special activities My Triple P ages (including the paddle boats) x. Your Arts Council Cornwall with arts & crafts for - Central tent giveaways and t-shirt sales kids - Benson BBQ David Murphy - Wheenies On Wheels - Mobile Gamerz, - Mini Donuts - Face painting, - SD&G Highlander?s obstacle course - Tiny-tots activity center compliments of Partir d?un DUNK TANK LINE UP ? 12:00pm ? 3:15pm. bon pas - CAS Service Manager, Nathalie Fouquette - Home Depot kid?s workshop - CAS Union Vice-President, Sasha Spinner - Nail painting and tattoos - CCPS officers, Andrew Arbic & Sherri Cameron - Hellium balloons for all kids, - OPP officer, Joel Doiron - Chorus Entertainment live on location Dan Allaire - RCMP officer, name to be unveiled shortly Bill B Halman - Corus radio DJ, Bill Hallman - LEGO centre ? compliments of LEGO -

St-Albert Curds ? FREE curd cheese Tim Hortons ? FREE coffee Dairy Queen ? ice cream sandwiches $1 Brian?s pro photo ? purple selfie booth for $200 cash prize for Dress Purple Day. Brian Smith Julie Smith - Inspiration video booth ? email a message to someone you love - SDG Milk Producers - FREE milk for kids - 2nd annual Kids expo ? free in the civic complex

Thank you to all our major sponsors and partners mentioned above.

# IBreakTheSilence, Speak Up for Kids

Free Bussing: Wear purpl e and Cornwal l Transit wil l provide FREE t ransport at ion t o Lamoureux Park & The Civic Compl ex f rom 10am t o 5pm. Prize: IPad Mini prize package compl iment s of Cornwal l Dent al Art s - Dr. St even Deneka. To be el igibl e t o win, you must part icipat e in t he ?Break t he Sil ence? Bag Pop Record Breaking event at 1:15pm. Draw wil l t ake pl ace at 2pm. Must be present at t his t ime t o win.

35 - September 25 18 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36


Co r n wal l Co n cer t Ser i es Ret u r n s t o Au l t svi l l e Th eat r e fo r 2 9 t h Seaso n "Our m andate is to enr ich the m usical and cultur al life of Cor nw all by br inging the highest calibr e of m usical enter tainm ent to our city at an affor dable cost. " A nine piece str ing ensemble, collectif9 opens the Cor nwa ll Concer t Ser ies sea son on Satur day, October 3 at 8:00 pm. They pr esent classical m usic w ith r ock-style char ism a, com bining boldness and the highest of m usical standar ds. In their show Volksmobile, collectif9 deliver s an uncom pr om ising selection of shor t pieces, often folk inspir ed. Fr om Gagnon to Golijov, passing thr ough Br ahm s and Schnittke, the r eper toir e of the gr oup is integr al to its identity. Founded in M ontr eal in 2011, collectif9 has a tr ack r ecor d of dozens of concer ts, including lar ge-scale per for m ances at Club Soda, Rialto Theatr e, and at Ottaw a Cham ber fest. "M ontreal?s collectif9 put on a spectacular show at last night?s Chamberfringe. This, ladies and gentlemen, is where chamber music is going." OTTAWA CHAM BERFEST, JULY 2014. Dur ing the 2015-2016 season, collectif9 w ill see the r elease of their debut album . Per for m ances w ill br ing the gr oup acr oss Ontar io, New Br unsw ick , and China, and include an extensive tour thr oughout Quebec. The Concer t Ser ies welcomes Duo For tin-Poir ier , featur ing the pia nists AmĂŠlie For tin a nd M a r ie-Chr istine Poir ier on Satur day, November 21. The tw o pianists w on sever al aw ar ds and gr ants individually befor e m aking their debut as duettists in 2005 and have been her alded as one of the m ost pr om ising of its gener ation. The tw o developed an extr aor dinar ily pow er ful ensem ble, and w ith their ver y sim ilar piano ar tistr y a r em ar kable intuition w as bor n. Since its cr eation, the Duo For tin-Poir ier has given m any concer ts in Canada as w ell as abr oad. At the inter national level, they w er e finalists in the Concours International de Piano Ă 4 mains de Valberg (Fr ance, 2009) and in the Liszt 200 Chicago International Piano Duos Competition (U.S., 2011). Their br illiant inter pr etation of John Cor igliano?s Gazebo Dances also aw ar ded them a special m ention fr om the jur y at the pr estigious Concours Grieg ? International Piano Competition in Oslo (Nor w ay, 2010). Recently, they w on the 2nd pr ize at the Rom a Inter national Piano Com petition (Italy, 2013). Two lea ding Ca na dia n per for mer s, violinist Ja sper Wood a nd guita r ist Da niel Bolshoy invite you to a musica l r endezvous on Satur day, Apr il 16, 2016. They for m ed Duo Rendezvous in r esponse to gr eat dem and for a r efr eshing and passionate cham ber ensem ble w ith a str ong dedication to outr each and education. The 2015 Nor th Amer ica n Br a ss Ba nd Cha mpions, Weston Silver Ba nd close the Concer t Ser ies sea son on M ay 7. Season subscr iptions ($90) and single tickets ($30) for all per for m ances m ay be pur chased in advance (cash or cheque) at these locations: TD Canada Tr ust, Cor nw all Squar e; Caisse populair e de Cor nw all, 840 Pitt Str eet, as w ell as their Alexandr ia and Em br un br anches; and at the Cor nw all and the Counties Tour ism , 61 Br ookdale Ave, Unit E. Single tickets and subscr iptions m ay also be pur chased at the door on the evening of the per for m ance. For fur ther infor m ation, visit w w w.Cor nw allConcer tSer ies.com .

Th e Wo b b l y Wal k er Wal k er ?Th o n - p ar t o f t h e Al ex an d r i a Ter r y Fo x Ru n took place last Sunday at Alexandria Island Park. The event was created by Leukemia and bone marrow transplant survivor Robert Hardy, for People With Limited Mobility Who Otherwise Might Not Consider a Fundraising Run. 65 year old Robert created the walker?thon after a balance condition forced him into retirement from marathon cycling. When Hardy first turned to competitive cycling to get over his cancer and get on with life, he founded a 120-km Terry Fox Bicycle Challenge in 2001, represented Canada in the 2003 and 2005 World Transplant Games, completed six 354-km Rideau Lakes Cycle Tours and six 120-km Article by: Terry Fox Challenges, missed 2008 and 2009 Mai-Liis Renaud because of hip replacement and came back with a new shorter 50-km Terry Fox Challenge for 2010-2012. Several surgeries and complications in October 2012 resulted in complete loss of balance. Because he has no bal ance he chose t o use a wal ker and so he chose t o race his wal ker. Says Robert, "At 9.05 am on Sunday morning, 20th September I started my 10km speed walk with my walker. 1 hour, 11 minutes and 35 seconds later I was done. It wasn't my best time. It was a good time. At 65 I'm still alive. My best time is 1 hour and 6 minutes. At 1 pm I was joined by the "wobbly walker" racing team, who are a group of mature athletes who, for most part, train with the "Palace Racing Team" " . We completed a distance of 2 km and there were no incidents, apart from one speeding ticket issued to a reckless individual, not to be named. I have been a Terry's Team member since 2001. I became a Terry's Team member because I had leukemia. " Robert is definitely a great motivator and is performing this Friday at 7pm in a Fundraiser for the Glengarry Memorial Hospital at the Priest's Mill in Alexandria in Part icipat ions Music Hal l Theat re Product ion of "Syl l abif icat ion f rom a Sycophant . For more inf o cal l him at 613-525-9943.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca



The l ibrary is now open on Sundays f rom 1:00 t o 5:00 pm Library Book St ore Grand Reopening Saturday, October 3 at 10 am. Special half-price sale on books and magazines (excluding new author books) Free coffee and biscuits - Open until 4:00 pm



Check out these exciting new and returning programs at the library. You won't want to miss any! Call the library at 613-932-4796 to register for these free programs. SHIFTING GEARS Tuesdays, Sept .29, Oct 6 &13. 6:30 pm t o 8:00 pm This three-weekworkshop looks closely at the subjectsof Intuition,Hope, and Compassion.Organizedin a series of small facilitateddiscussion groups,participantsdiscover their individual growth pathways.


ABUNDANCE - NEW LIBRARY PROGRAM Sun. Sept. 27th. 1:00 pm for and continues on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm, Oct. 1 through Dec. 1. This program begins with the documentary presentation of: "What the Bleep! Down the Rabbit Hole" Today, people are discovering how science and spirituality are coming together and this owes much to this pioneering film (The Bleep), and the collection of leading scientists that conceived it. Cul t ure Days Event s @ CPL



ARTIST AT WORK - Friday, September 25. 2 pm to 4 pm Observe artist Susan Irving create a painting using acrylic paints before your very eyes during this demonstration. Friday, September 25, 2 pm to 4 pm. Free program. BOOKBINDING & BOOK ARTS DEMONSTRATION. Saturday, September 26. Day-long event. A behind the scenes look on the construction and repair of new and damaged books. Learn some history on a trade that goes back over 400 years. A full day of bookbinding, letterpress, and a dash of archival science. Free. PARO WEBINAR @ CPL Learn tips to help you achieve your financial goals and start your way onto the financial planning process. Remember: budget, budget, budget! Wednesday, September 30, 2015. 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Cornwall Public Library. To register, please contact Carilyne HĂŠbert, Online Learning Recruitment Officer, before Monday, September 28 at 1-855-353-2642 or e-mail cornwall@contactnorth.ca CPR COURSES Learn how to perform CPR on adults and receive your certification. 2 hour class provided by Cornwall EMS instructors on Wednesday, October 21 or Monday, November 9, 2015. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Individuals of 16 years of age or older, no groups. Registration is mandatory. Call the library now at 613-932-4796 to register. Free

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Our C O M M U N I T Y




GRADE 7 & 8 DANCE sponsored by The Opt imist Cl ub of Cornwal l at Écol e secondaire publ ique L'Hérit age 6:30pm to 9:30pm - Student ID required - Come Dance t o t he t unes wit h DJ Shel l shock and the largest portable Light & Laser show in the area! Fish & Chips & Karaoke 4 pm at the RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W.Other varied menu items available. Neon Night Childhood Cancer 2K or 5k Walk Or Run at 7 pm. Holy Trinity High School, 18044 Tyotown Rd. Collect pledges online: neonnight/ cornwall the don your neon clothes. Country Classics Jamming From 6 pm to 9 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. NPD RALLY FOR CHANGE AT THE SOCIAL. COME MEET PATRICK BURGER






Bible Baptist Church of Cornwall New church meeting at the Benson Centre each Sunday at 11am. Come join us for our worship hour. We think you'll stay awake! For more info, check out our website at bbccornwall.ca



THURSDAY Karaoke, 5pm at the Navy Club

C o l t s p l a y in g t o n ig h t a t 7 p m

Knights of Columbus Family Breakfast from 8:30 am to 12 noon, St. Francis De Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Adults: 7$, children: 3.50$





SATURDAY Creation Science Centre opened Saturdays from 1 5pm.

Bereaved Families Annual Fall Gala Best Western, 1515 Vincent Massey Dr. 4 course prime rib dinner + entertainment by Kelli Trottier. Tickets: 90$ on sale at Scotia Bank, Brookdale Center.

Websi te n eed u pdati n g?

St. John Ambulance Pet First Aid Course from 9 am to 4 pm. Course fee: 100$, limited seating. Call 613.936.1525 to register All good things must come to an end. This will be our final meet FOR THE MUSTANG CLUB of the 2015 season. See you at Cornwall Home Hardware Saturday from 5:30 to dusk.

6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1 CORNWALL GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB











Part icipat ions Music Hal l Theat re Product ion of "Syl l abif icat ion f rom a Sycophant - The Priest's Mill Second Floor at 7pm - Tickets $20 - Fundraiser for the Glengarry Memorial Hospital - info. 613 525-9943


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


M U SIC N ' M O R E Co m e Jo i n U s

ThisFridaySept ember

for a



wit h special

Knights of Columbus Hall, 205 AmeliaSt.

guest s


SPAGHETTI DINNER & AU CTION Friday, Oct ober 2nd - 5pm


10 pm - NO COVER 616 Pitt Street Cornwall, ON 613-936-9898

$15 per plate

ThisSundaySept ember



t o sponsorHELENESAUVEon DID YOU KNOW .....

her HealthAllianceMedical& EducationalMission



t h at On t ar i o ?s fi r st p r em i er Jo h n San d fi el d M acd o n al d was b o r n i n St . Rap h ael ?s an d was t h e m em b er fo r Co r n wal l aft er Co n fed er at i o n ?


To learn more about your history Visit the

t h e CORNWALL COM M U NITYM U SEU M i n t h e Wo o d Ho u se

Wed. to Sunday, 11 am to 4 pm., Admission is free. In fo 6 1 3 -9 3 6 -0 8 4 2

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Co unte ss

TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER CREATING A SERENE WORLD IN BALANCE There is a new,powerful international time based on:

movement taking place at this

We The Peopl e can abol ish al l wars, et hnic cl eansings, human l abor camps and sl avery, incl uding propaganda and f al se, sl anderousaccusat ions. We The Peopl eare ref using t o have t he "gag rul es" imposed upon us who seek t he TRUTHS! The more people read and discover hidden truths, they have become intolerant of distortions of facts, false propaganda/ lies, unnecessary and highly disruptive bloody revolutions, and highly poisonous, toxic wars and the pollution they are causingto OUR PLANET EARTH! Many Individuals, like myself, have been wondering: Why do we have such uncivilized, sadistically-ruled dictators controlling the lives of people? Why all these bloody, painful wars and the slaughtering of innocent babies, teenagers, adults, elderly people occurring? Why are our friends: Nature's Creations -being tortured and killed in these many inhumane cruel worldwide incidents? ... to satisfy the sadistic egos and the hidden agendaof a few ... !?


Cal l us t oday...

In studying our human past, after the highly advanced pyramid civilizations took place, and then, the worldwide floods which occurred about 10,000 years ago, history began to be written down by a select few and mainlyby apriesthood who kept the art of writing and reading mainly for themselves ... ! Since that period, it is being discovered on a regular basis that there existed such ego-maniacal desires to destroy other nations and the inhabitants. The Romans performed this genocidal act very systematically as they ethnic-cleansed most of the Celtic Druids, the people in Germania now known as Europe, the highly advanced Etruscans; then Genghis Khan's massive slaughters; theethnic cleansing in the Americas; and more recently, the communist ravages of so many countries including Tibet, Cambodia, Central America ... . As painful as it is to read about these uncivilized and even genocidal wars, it hurts as much to read about the intentional gag rules on We The People to not know about our True His/ Herstory.The burningof ancient libraries holding the rarest, irreplaceable documentations of our distant ancestors' wisdoms is absolutely unforgivable! Also unforgivable are the atrocious,legalized killings - by torturing the victimsfirst ...the Seekers of Truth ... our Independent Researchers who were totally dedicated to usher in an informed, humane, sereneworld. Due to the Internet and the present uses of global communications which Nikola Tesla proceeded to provide us with initially, each Individual Seeker of Truth can discover important remnants of the Truth of our Pyramid Civilizations, as well as the discoveries concerning life on Earth after the massive flood nearly 10,000 years ago when the restructuring of Earth life for many began. Discovering the Truth and the Wisdoms expressed by our Most Ancient Wise Women and Wise Men is a Path ... a Way ... to understanding the problems of antagonisms, and to encourage people to begin to prevent all forms of dictatorial controls and wars. I have also concluded that there is one group of humans who can form a nucleus to help guide We The People towards a Serene World in Balance. This special group are the Natural Healers that exist in every nation of the world. These Individuals seek to holistically, ayurvedically, shamanically heal! They are capable of healing sick individuals: mind, body, spirit, soul and the environment. As more and more Individuals worldwide are learning to become Naturall Healers, and their knowingness that each creation is Divine and Unique, the trend is and will be to make each one of us: WE THE PEOPLEself-realize and perfect our Self. This is going to happen ... as it is now developing in many areas of the world and in the higher consciousness of human beings in this new SERENE WORLD IN BALANCE!

Bishop MacDonnel l Back t o School BBQ RAFFLE GIVEAWAY

ANNIE LAPERLE 613-361-7814 annielaperle@ymail.com www.annielaperle.scentsy.ca Call for a catalogue delivered to your door

No flame - No Soot Child & Pet Friendly

Grade 3 student Branden Czaja was a happy camper last Wednesday when he won the grand prize of the day, a fabulous bicycle! Congratulations Branden!

Rem em b er t o CHECK OU T Th e Seek er Web si t e News u p d at ed DAILY

www.t h eseek er .ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Sha ry n



I made this elegant pie a few weeks ago after picking some of our raspberries. To them I added some fresh peaches and blueberries. This is such a lovely combination of fruit to eat either in a fruit salad or in a pie. For a topping, I made a crumble crust similar to the topping on a fruit crisp. Try this pie while we INGREDIENTS: 1 unbaked pie shell - a deep dish 9 or 10" pastry 1 beaten egg white to brush over the bottom and sides of the crust to prevent it from becoming soggy

FOR THE FILLING: 4 fresh peaches, peeled and sliced 1- 1/ 2 cups fresh blueberries 2- 1/ 2 to 3 cups fresh raspberries 3/ 4 cup white sugar 2 very heaping tsp. cornstarch 1/ 2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/ 4 tsp. ground nutmeg FOR THE TOPPING:

still have fresh peaches and raspberries. I know you will just love it too! If you wish, you can freeze the baked pie, but I would add some ascorbic acid to the fruit filling to stop the peaches from darkening. I first made this pie for Gary's birthday in 1990. WOW! that's 25 years ago! Have a great week! METHOD: -Beat the egg white and brush this over the bottom and sides of your unbaked pie crust. Let this dry for about 15 minutes. This little trick will keep your bottom crust from getting soggy from the juice in the fruit. -Set your oven to 375 degrees F. You will use the 2nd from the bottom oven rack in your oven. -Peel and slice up the peaches. Add them to the raspberries and blueberries in a bowl. -In a small bowl, stir together the sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and nutmeg. -If you are going to freeze the baked pie, I would add about 1 tsp. ascorbic acid to the sugar and cornstarch mixture. This will prevent the peaches from darkening as the sit in the freezer. -Stir this into the 3 fruits. Mix well but gently. Pour this into the unbaked pie shell. -Prepare the topping: In a bowl, combine the brown sugar and oat flour. Cut in the cold cubes of butter until they look like small peas.

1- 1/ 4 cups oat flour (Or you can use unbleached all-purpose flour, but oat flour is far better to use in a crumble topping, having a sweet, nutty flavour. We carry this at my store, Sharyn's Pantry.)

-Sprinkle this over the fruit in the pie shell. Spread out evenly, right to the pastry crust edges.

1- 1/ 4 cups brown sugar

-Allow the pie to cool a bit before slicing and serving. Serve with ice cream for a real treat! ENJOY!

1/ 2 cup + 3 tbsp. cold butter, cut into small cubes

-Bake the pie for 35 to 45 minutes in a preheated 375 degree F. oven.

SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 34 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5

Ar ticle a nd Photo by Ja son Setnyk. Cor nw all Ontar io ? Juno nom inated blues m usician JW Jones played an upbeat and enter taining set at La M aison Taver n on Satur day night.

Junonominat ed Bl uesMusician JWJonesrocksLaMaisonTavern

?It w as gr eat to see tw o ver y talents acts shar ing the stage?, says Rodney Rivette. Opening the show for JW Jones w as the M ar c M uir Tr io led by m usic vir tuoso and guitar ace M ar c M uir. ?It w as a fantastic evening and JW br ought the house dow n. So nice to see such quality enter tainm ent being offer ed r ight her e in our com m unity. It w as an honour to open for him , he w as a tr ue gentlem an?, says M ar c M uir. JW Jones put on an enter taining and upbeat set. ?His br and of blues is a classic style of Chicago blues w ith a m oder n tw ist. It?s ver y upbeat and enter taining?, says Rivette.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Sean McCann get s a Great Big Seaway wel come Ar ticle a nd Photo by Ja son Setnyk. Cor nw all Ontar io ? The setting of the show w as Aultsville Theatr e, a venue that sits m odestly along the bank of the m ajestic St. Law r ence River. Hundr eds of people attended Satur day night to see Sean M cCann of Gr eat Big Sea and Gr aham Gr eer of the Bar stool Pr ophets per for m live in concer t. The auditor ium lights dim m ed, the stage lights bur ned hot, and local r adio host Sue Stew ar t appear ed on stage to intr oduce Gr aham Gr eer w ith a cor dial and glow ing sm ile. The audience applauded w ith ear nest exultation as Gr eer enter ed the stage. Gr aham played the str ings on his guitar and he played the audience?s hear tstr ings equally w ell w ith the successful juxtaposition of sentim ental them es contr asted w ith w itty hum our. ?The concer t w as am azing. Gr aham ?s per for m ance w as outstanding, ener getic and em otional at tim es?, said m aster of cer em onies Sue Stew ar t. Gr eer played som e new songs, som e fan favour ite tr acks, and a Bar stool Pr ophets tune too. Next on stage w as Sean M cCann w ho r eceived a gr eat big Seaw ay w elcom e as he enter ed the stage. He com m enced his set w ith a m ar velous a cappella. His voice soar ed like a bir d vigor ously flying over a m ountain top. ?The echo of Sean?s opening song sent shiver s dow n my spine. It w as enter taining yet ver y intim ate. The finale w as the best w hen the pair got to r em iniscing and per for m ing each other ?s band tunes fr om back in the day?, obser ved Stew ar t.

M cCann and Gr eer have a good r appor t and shar e a little bit of m usical histor y together. In the m id-1990s it w as Gr eat Big Sea opening for the Bar stool Pr ophets. Their chem istr y and exper ience helped to cr eate m em or able m agic on stage, and the audience applauded w ith ador ing appr oval. ?Both Sean and I com m ented on the incr edible audience r esponse ? it w as exhilar ating! W hat a pleasur e!?, Gr eer r ecollected. Despite having thr oat sur ger y in July, Sean M cCann sang w ith str ength. ?I thought Sean?s deliver y w as per sonable and he looked extr em ely com for table up ther e. He w as ner vous about his voice, having just had thr oat sur ger y back in July, but I thought he w as in top for m . Such a gr eat guy?, r em ar ked Gr eer. Br avo to M cCann and Gr eer on a br eathtaking show.

Ch am b er t o Ho st Can d i d at es Deb at e, Wed n esd ay, Oct o b er 7 t h ... The Cornwall Chamber of Commerce will host a federal, candidates debate in partnership with TV Cogeco on Wednesday, October 7 in Salon B of the Cornwall Civic Complex beginning at 7:00 p.m. The debate will be televised live, in High Definition, on TV Cogeco?s channel 700. There are a number of issues tied to the upcoming election that impact the Cornwall region. That?s according to Chamber President, Denis Carr. ?We?d like to see more federal support for economic development,? says Carr. ?A recent report in the National Post revealed that over half the government?s $2 billion Municipal Infrastructure Loan Program went to the province of Quebec. We?d like to see a more equitable balance with Ontario getting its

fair share.? Carr also pointed to the new international crossing. ?We are a principal gateway, not only to Cornwall and the Counties, but to Canada itself. The Chamber would like to see both the Federal Bridge Corporation and the Federal government step up with funding to help create an entry to the city that showcases both our region and the country as a whole.? Broader issues for the upcoming election include taking steps to revitalize Canada?s economy which is currently lagging behind other countries. In addition, an abundance of issues surrounding Parliament Hill have brought with them questions of leadership from all three main parties. Then, there is the

matter of Canada?s security in the current climate of terrorism. ?The debate will give people from across Cornwall and the Counties a chance to hear the platforms from each of the candidates to determine where they stand on the issues at hand,? continues Carr. ?On election day, the Chamber urges voters throughout the Cornwall region to get out and vote. A strong turnout sends a clear message that our constituency expects results.? The debate begins with a moderator posing a series of questions to each of the candidates followed by a scrum. The public in attendance will also have an opportunity to ask questions of each of the candidates.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



G EISEL IT?S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR! THE ANNUAL JURIED SHOW Members of Focus Art are invited to enter the Annual Juried Show that is held at the Cornwall Public Library from October 3rd to October 28th. The show begins by the jurying of the works on Saturday October 3rd. This will begin at 11 am. It is an open jury.

The open jury is the signature part of the Focus Art process. The artists and general public are invited to sit in while the judge comments on each piece of artwork before deciding if the work is accepted into the show. It is exciting as well as a great opportunity to learn from the critique of your work and that of the others. Pictured here are the artists at a past juried show, listening to critiques. This year, the association is fortunate to welcome Pierre Giroux to jury the art. Pierre is a Cornwall born painter who has exhibited in various galleries across Canada. He studied in the Florence Program in Italy, as well as the Ontario College of Arts & Design in Toronto. He later returned to school and studied animation at Sheridan College. Within two years, love and serendipity lead him to the west coast where he established a following across Canada - and beyond. For the past 15 years, Pierre specialized in painting interior scenes of old homes, where the architecture and play of light bring to life the memories and emotions of the space. His work is in great demand and is available through the well-respected West End Gallery in Victoria and Edmonton. You can enjoy his work by visiting www.pierregirouxart.com



Pierre decided to come home to his roots. Since his return, he successfully exhibited at OBO Studio in early summer. He is currently completing a series of historical landscapes of Cornwall. These paintings will grace a number of walking tours being developed for the Downtown and Le Village as well as for the Cornwall waterfront. Interested artists who are not members of Focus Art are welcome to join while dropping off their art at the Library. Membership is a mere $25.00 and funds serve to host other activities during the year. Drop off is in the lobby of the Library: 3 pieces are accepted at $5.00 each. The money is used to finance the prizes in each category. If work is very large see website for details www.focusartonline.org or call Linda at 613-703-9301 Thursday: Oct ober 1st (3pm t o 8pm) Friday: Oct ober 2nd (3pm t o 4:30pm) Sat urday: Oct ober 3rd (9h30am t o 10h30am) f or art ist s f rom out of t own ONLY *All art must be dry and ready to hang otherwise it will be refused. The jury process will go on all day Saturday. Works not accepted (you will receive a call if you are not attending the open jury) must be picked up on Saturday or Sunday. VERNISSAGE: (award ceremony) Public Library, Wednesday, October 7 at 7pm (in lieu of regular meeting). You have the details, now it is up to you to decide to be part of this great event. If you have never done this, I strongly encourage you to do so, and experience the valuable learning only a critique can give you. If you are a regular participant, bring a friend along and share the happening. The best of luck to all. More details and the application forms are on the website: www.focusartonline.org





Angel Touch Beauty Spa There is no need t o go t o Mont real or Ot t awa f or permanent makeup when you can get it done right here in Cornwal l !

Receive $50 of f permanent make up during the months of September and October

Manon Labrie Call us at 613-330-4395 www.angeltouch.ca


1 t im e $ 2 5 - 3 t im e s $ 6 5 - 7 t im e s $ 12 9 - 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile ) THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rie

En t r ep r en eu r sh i p - Ex ci t i n g & Ter r i fyi n g !


In her ow n w or ds, being an entr epr eneur is ?both exciting and ter r ifyingat the sam e tim e?. How ever,it is the path that Sylvie Ler oux-Lanthierhas chosen to follow in opening her Vir tual Assistant business.

Part 1 of 2 Do you have too much on your plate? You tried tackling your tasks by priority but it feels like everything is important. Do not get overwhelmed. It is not impossibl e. During my career as project manager, it was my responsibility to organize and prioritize projects tasks. Use these helpful tricks to help you manage your workload at the office, as well as your ever-growing list of to-dos at home, with your family, or friends. So is everything important? Most people tend to think "important" and "urgent" are synonymous. They are not . Even if everything on your plate is supposed to be equally important, you still need a way to break down which ones you must spend your t ime on f irst . The following tips will help you get a feel for how important - time wise - your projects really are.

?W ith Steps3 Plus I take ?the extr a steps for your business?that m any sm all businessesneed?, explained M s. Ler oux-Lanthier. ?It took m e aw hile to nam e and descr ibew hat I w anted to do, but w hen I found the Canadian Association of Vir tual Assistantsonline, I knew exactly w hat it w ould be.? The desir e to see sm all businessessucceed in her hom etow n and in her countr y, is w hat fuels her. ?Ther e ar e plenty of people w ho offer a w ide var iety of ser vicesand pr oductsto their com m unity,but they str uggle in the bir th year s of their businessbelieving they have to do ever ythingthem selves. For sm all businessesthat is just not possible. Par tner ingw ith a pr ofessional w ho char gesby the m inute is cost effective,and hir ing a vir tual assistant saves on your expensesand fr ees up your tim e to do the things that you love to do. That is pr obably the r eason you becam e an entr epr eneur in the fir st place.?

Sometimes you may receive a call from a co-worker or supervisor informing you of another "URGENT" project. Subsequently, ask your supervisor to identify and decide what other projects' deadline you should ignore to work on this ?new?emergency. Acquiesce that you understand your supervisor is accountable for this decision and you will follow his/ her written directives as soon as it is on your desk as a proof to others that their project has been put on hold by management until further notice to handle an unexpected emergency.

Steps3 Plus pr ovidesadm inistr ative,m ar keting,cr eative and or ganizational ser vices. New businessesneeding the help of a par t-tim eor full tim e em ployee, but w ho cannot affor d that expense,or sim ply do not have the r oom for an em ployee,ar e able to obtain that assistancefr om a r em ote location. W ith the pow er of the inter net today and the ease w ith w hich w e can com m unicate,vir tual assistantsar e becom ingm or e and m or e the nor m . Ever y vir tual assistant is unique based on their par ticular skill set. M s. Ler oux-Lanthierhas 20 year s of exper iencein adm inistr ationand office m anagem ent,pr oduction,adver tising,gr aphic design and w eb cr eation. Ser vices ar e availableon a one-tim ebasis or on a r egular on-goingbasis allow ingbusiness ow ner sto m ake the best use of their financesexactly w hen and for w hat they need.

WORK VERSUS HOME At work, your supervisor's primary responsibilities are to help you understand what your priorities are, and what you should be working on first. However, everywhere el se, you are in charge of your own work.

Businessow ner soften str uggle on cer tain aspectsof their business. Ever yone has specific tasks w her e they ar e not exper iencedand ther efor enot as pr oductive as they should be. As opposed to spendinghour s doing som ethingunpr oductive or less pr oductive,w hy not hir e som eonew ho can do it better and in less tim e, and spend your ow n tim e doing w hat you do best? In m any cases the potential of ear ning m or e pr ofit in those hour s w ill m or e than cover the cost of hir ing a vir tual assistant to do the job. It also r educesyour str ess and fr ustr ation,and som etim esyou cannot put a pr ice on that!

At home, you are your own boss and sometimes you just have to pick something from your to-do list and get started to build some momentum. MOST IMPORTANT in bot h cases, ask around. When prioritizing tasks involving other people like your family, friends, and coworkers: - talk to them;

To discuss your needs or to contact Steps3 Plus, call 613-932-4483. Web: www.steps3plusinc.ca Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Steps3PlusInc?fref=ts

- find out when they need your input/ help on that specific task; - find out how much work get s backed up around t he t hings you wil l be working on with them; and - ask if someone can lend a hand. If they do not need you for another week and someone else needs you tomorrow, or if they are not as busy as you are, you know what to do. NEXT WEEK: PRIORITIZING SYSTEM WHEN EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com

This year's TD TREE DAYS wil l be at Gray's Creek Conservat ion Area (same as l ast year) - Sept ember 27, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Volunteer with us to help plant 600 trees. That's a lot of trees, so the more the merrier! If you would love to help out, please register for this event online so we can keep track of numbers and to ensure that you receive a fancy TD Tree Days t-shirt and gardening gloves! Certificates are available for high school students requiring volunteer hours.

WEBSITE NEED UPDATING? looking for 613-935-8101 -

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive

MOVING/ GARAGE SALE Sat . Oct . 3 and Sun. Oct . 4 8a.m. - 2 p.m. 6711 Sut herl and Ave Cornwal l (near t he Cornwal l Gol f Cl ub) Queen Ann chair, lamps, choral music, tools, furniture, seasonal decorations, household items etc. FOR SALE: Treadmill, Weslo Cadence 927 - can fold to store away. Excellent condition, asking $100. 613-936-0966 FOR SALE: 16 steel T bars, 7 and 8ft long. $5 each. 613-932-4954 FOR SALE: Dog run. 6 ft high, 7 ft wide, 12 ft long. All galvanized, like new, with door. $225. 613-931-2729. FOR SALE: 2001 Pontiac Aztek - yellow. Runs good. Asking $795 as is. 613-932-4812. FLAGS FOR SALE: $10.00 each. Flags are 3 feet by 5 feet. Bahamas, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Denmark, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Honduras, Mongolia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland (2), Polynesia (2) Quebec, Republic of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, United nations, Nunavut ($30.00) call 613-936-6873


SHOP HOURS: Tues. - Fri. - 10 - 5

FOR SALE: White fridge and stove. $750 613-662-1225 FOR SALE: Brand new futon, never used, $70. Matching coffee table and 2 end tables $50. Microwave stand, beige in colour $50. Maple rocking chair $50. 613-932-4954

VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS Let u s pr eser ve you r Ch er i sh ed M em or i es f or you ! Cal l Sh el don 613-932-4812 VENDORS WANTED: for Christmas Craft Show, Bakesale, Yardsale at Cornwall Lions Club in Bonneville, ON. Please call 613-330-1227 . CORNWALL NEWCOMERS CLUB welcomes women who have moved to Cornwall and area in the last 4 years. Call Patricia at 613-935-3109 for more info about the club and its activities. Please confirm by October 2 if you would like to attend the next dinner meeting on October 6th. FOR SALE: Iguana cage, 24" x 36" x 18", 2 glass doors with accessories, Heat lamp, water pumps etc. Asking $300 OBO. 613-936-2252.


Saturday 10 - 2 or call 613-571-7478

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ATTENTION Cit y of Cornwal l t o hol dSt rat egicPl anningsessionon Oct ober4t h City Council and members of City Administration will be gathering on Sunday, October 4th to begin work on the development of a new Strategic Plan. The Strategic Planning session will be held at the St. Lawrence Power Development Visitor Centre (2500B Second Street West) starting at 9 am. Members of the public and media are welcome to attend. The meeting will begin with a Strategic Planning training session. Afterwards, Council members will begin work on formulating a new plan. The discussions will likely continue through much of the day. The City of Cornwall has engaged the services of St. Lawrence College?s Centre for Corporate Learning and Performance Improvement to help develop the new Strategic Plan. Residents can contribute by completing a short survey that is available online at www.Cornwall.ca. Print copies are also available at City Hall, Cornwall Public Library and Benson Centre.

AFFORDABLE COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT950 square f eet CENTRAL LOCATION Panoramic Towers 308 Second St reet E. - AVAILABLE NOW - f or inf ormat ion cal l


Business Bucket - LOCAL PROFESSIONALS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS... Websi te n eed u pdati n g?

6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1 1 t im e $ 2 5 - 3 t im e s $ 6 5 - 7 t im e s $ 12 9 - 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile ) THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Did you ever want t o be a

Are you pumped f or t he 2015-16 pr of essional Mec c a pr o f essi o n al season? W r est ler ? Wr est l i n g Sc h o o l Onl y 15 days 't il our home opener! Wel l come Oct 4t h see if you got what it t akes Inf ormat ion on school St art ing Oct 4t h The School wil l be Run By Cornwal l own Randy Berry And Joe St .Louis bot h have 22 years of experience in Wrest l ing business t oget her. Cont act Pat Paquet t e 6133634823 Or Email Meccapro18@gmail . Com

River Kings fans are welcome to come down to the Civic Complex on Saturday to watch the team practice. We'll be on the ice from 1 - 2:30 p.m.

At Cornwall Regional Physiotherapy the belief is that the healing process is more than just about the therapy. We all know that if someone enjoys doing something they are much more motivated to follow through and healing takes place faster when you are happy. At Cornwall Regional Physiotherapy you are always greeted with a smile and your questions and concerns are addressed, while working within confidentiality guidelines. The layout allows for both privacy and/ or interaction with other clients and staff, depending upon your individual needs and wishes. One of our goals has been to offer treatment prices that the majority of people could afford, even if they did not have extended health coverage. For those with limited insurance coverage this also enables them to afford more treatment sessions. Private treatments rates are $39.00, Seniors 65 and over have a special price. $32.00 some of our clients come for one or two sessions to get advice on what they can do for themselves at home. Shockwave has recently been added at the affordable price of $60 per session. Cornwall Regional Physiotherapy also provides treatment to those who have been injured in Motor


Vehicle Accidents, where insurances are billed directly online. Those who have been injured in the Workplace and going through WSIB can also receive treatment here. With WSIB we provide the Acute Low Back Program of Care, the Shoulder Program of Care and the Musculoskeletal Program of Care, along with fee for service when injuries do not fit within these programs. All treatment fees are directly billed to WSIB for these services. Regardless of the treatment stream you are in, your recovery is our goal. Cornwall Regional Physiotherapy, ?Where your treatment starts at the door and follows you home. ? For more information on services and pricing visit dianefry.com.

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - September 25 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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