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Lo o kwh oi s co m i n gt o CAPE Ap r i l2 3 - 2 4 ,2 0 1 6 at t h eBen so nCen t r e, Co r n wal l

See page 4 for more ...

A FREEFAM ILYEVENTNOT TO BE M ISSED THIS SATU RDAY, Oct o b er 3 r d - 1 0 t o 4 INSIDE- Co r n wal lCi vi c Co m p l ex- Sal o n sA, B & C

See page 5 for list of BOOTHS and ACTIVITIES

Offer i n g t h e


Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

ume 6 Issue VolVol ume 6 Issue 3721 OctMay ober29, 2,2015 2015


Cl ean as a Whist l e and Neat as a Pin"

Many improvement s make t his 2 bedroom bungal ow wit h f ul l bsmt on 2,62 acres excel l ent val ue. Come see!

$164,500 18279 Kenyon Conc 1 Rd,

Apple Hill

BREAKFASTS i n Co r n wal l !



2xl Eggs, Real Home Fries Texas Toast Cof f ee or Tea

7oz of Canada AAA St eak 2 xl Eggs, Home Fries, Texas Toast , Cof f ee or Tea


THE SEEKER IS A VA ILA BLE a t Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk INTERN: Emma Meldrum THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper to make it a success...


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inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca MAIN OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday and Tuesday 10am to 5pm Closed for lunch SECONDARY OFFICE 319 Fourth Street W. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Wednesday and Thursday 10am to 5pm

THE SEEKER TEAM Your one st op shop f or... Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Web Design, Photography, Video Recording services

I t i s w i t h gr eat sadn ess t h at t h e Seek er Repor t s t h e Deat h of M ax Keepi n g.

if we come t o an agreement , I'l l even give you a f ree KIDS

Bost on

Cal l



Gif t


wort h


M ax w as know n in the ar ea not only for his w or k as a CTV new s anchor, but also for the hear t he show ed for the city. He w as a m em ber of Team Cor nw all and had star ted a local chapter of his char ity, the M ax Keeping foundation, her e in Cor nw all in 2012. He w as often seen at local functions and w as the r ecipient of m any Aw ar ds and notable achievem ents.


613-935-3763 ext . 105

We would like to offer his fa mily a nd fr iends our most sincer e condolences.

Th e Br i d g e Cam e Do wn ... Article and Photos by Carol Grant The Seaway International Bridge has been a staple in our city for more than 50 years. Many can recall fond memories of crossing this bridge, working on this bridge or simply admiring its beauty. The lowering of the mainarch span was held on Wednesday, September 30th as a crowd of several hundred people watched. This was a fantastically executed operation and the SIBC staff, iron workers and everyone involved is to be commended! From start to finish, everything went smoothly and any problems behind the scenes were handled professionally, quickly, efficiently and to the highest of safety standards. Many, as I, will miss the familiar sight of this iconic landmark of the city of Cornwall and it is with a few tears that I say goodbye to it myself. Here are few of my photos taken Wednesday.

Cal l 613-935-3763

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.


SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d

b y Ja so n Se tny k

NEWS & POLITICS Al l Candidat es Debat e f ocused on Social Just ice issues - The Social Development Council (SDC) of Cornwall and area, in partnership with the Seaway Valley Community Health Centre, hosted an all Candidates Debate on Social Justice to a full house on September 22nd, 2015, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Alex de Wit, Executive Director of the SDC was pleased with the large turnout at the Community Health Centre at 353 Pitt Street, Cornwall, particularly with the competition as it was opening day of the International Ploughing Match in our catchment area. The debate was organized with a goal of informing the public on the candidates?points of view about the growing concern surrounding social justice and wellbeing in Canada and, specifically on the candidate?s response to improving the health and wellness of residents of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.

$15,000 For Local ized Chemot herapy In Cornwal l - Downtown Cornwall was buzzing with enthusiasm and flavour last week when over 200 people visited five restaurants in one evening all in support of bringing chemotherapy to the city. Team Scotia guided the evening?s groups to Bar Q, Table 21, Truffles, Schnitzel?s and Esca who all came together to host the evening helping the Flavours of Our Downtown Food event raise over $15,000 for the Cornwall Hospital Foundation in memory of Richard Allaire who lost his battle with cancer last November. Scotiabank was the title sponsor of the evening, matching funds up to $5000. ?Food?organizer Dan Allaire says, ?without the participation and generosity of the downtown restos this event would not have been possible. They really put their best foot forward and hit a homerun. The feedback has been amazing with many asking when is this happening again?? Allaire added ?my father went through the daily commute to and from Ottawa and even Toronto for a period. Our family knows the added stress travel puts on an already difficult situation. Dad would have been proud of the vibe downtown last week; he was always about having a good time. Our family can?t thank all involved enough.? NDP Ral l y4Change - The local federal NDP riding association hosted a # Rally4Change at The Social last Friday September 25th. The event was hosted by Bill Halman, and it gave voters a chance to voice their concerns and meet with NDP candidate Patrick Burger. Short speeches were delivered from candidate Patrick Burger, SDSG NDP Vice-President Carilyne HĂŠbert, and other key organizers. Voters had a chance to speak to the issues most important to them. ?Government can play a meaningful role in our lives, and it?s time for our leaders to promote civic pride in our community. Patrick Burger and the NDP are tuned into the needs of everyday voters, they get it,? says local youth representative Marc Benoit. Communit y part ners donat e t o l ocal Yout h Group - Two local youth groups are benefiting from the generosity of the local chartered accounting firm Craig, Keen, Despatie and Markell. CKDM has donated Colts game day tickets to Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Cornwall & District and to the Boys & Girls Club of SD&G. ?We?re excited to have CKDM as one of our Community Partners,? said Colts owner Ian MacInnis. ?It?s an opportunity for area youth to enjoy local junior hockey.?

ARTS & CULTURE Wal king Dead Zombie Act or t o Appear at CAPE 2016 - Cornwall & Area Pop Event - CAPE is proud to present Walking Dead zombie actor Chris Harrelson. Chris began acting professionally in early 2014. He quickly began appearing on major television shows such as The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Rectify, as well as in films including The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Parts 1 and 2, Taken 3 and Selma Movie. These experiences led to an opportunity on Season 5 of The Walking Dead, in which Chris appears in 9 episodes and is killed 7 times. His appearances include the season premiere and season finale. Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire actress Noelle Hannibal is also a celebrity guest for the next Cornwall and Area Pop Event. The second annual CAPE takes place on April 23rd and 24th 2016 at the Benson Centre.

SPORTS & RECREATION Cornwal l At om B Typhoons Win Sil ver in Oakvil l e - The Cornwall Atom B Typhoons earned a Silver medal in the BB division of the 2015 Oakville Hornets Classic Competitive Tournament. The Typhoons blanked the Barracudas 1-0 in the quarter-final before upsetting the host Oakville Hornets 2-0 in the semi-final. That set up a rematch against the heavily favoured Etobicoke Dolphins. The championship game was a back and forth contest with the teams finishing regulation tied 1-1. The Dolphins scored twice in the shootout for the championship. ?The girls played extremely well all weekend long,? said Typhoons head coach Ian Laplante. ?We?re very pleased being able to walk away with a Silver medal.? Def ending Champs down Cornwal l Col t s 6-2 - Three 3rd period goals pushedHort the Carleton Place Canadians to a 6-2 win icul t ural Societ y beaut if ies over the Cornwall at y the Ed Lumley ent ranceColts t o Cit Landf il l sitArena. e Bryce Van Horn paced the Canadians with a hat trick while Owen Grant, Nicolas Carriere and Jordan Larson each scored once. Lucas Bratt picked up 3 assists. Adrian Clark made 23 saves for the win. Tanner Spink had a goal (2) and an assist for the Colts. Nick Lalonde (5) also scored. Brett Nichol faced 27 shots and was tagged with the loss. Lalonde was named the Cornwall Toyota Hardest working Colts player. The Wendy?s Restaurant 3 stars were Tanner Spink (3rd Star), Andrew Dodson (2nd Star) and Bryce Van Horn (1st Star). The Colts record drops to 2-4-2 for 6 points (8th overall) while the Canadians record improves to 8-2-1 for 17 points (1st overall).


Cornwal l River Kings f inish pre-season wit h 3-1 record - The River Kings wrapped up pre-season play Friday night with a 7-5 loss at Trois-Rivieres. The Blizzard jumped out to a 4-0 lead in the first period and Cornwall could never recover. Despite the loss, the River Kings finish pre-season play with a 3-1 record. Jonathan Joanette, Michael Stinziani, Nicolas Larocque-Marcoux and Marc-Andre Levasseur had the Cornwall goals on Friday night. Yan Dumontier chipped in a pair of assists. Pete Karvouniaris played the full game and was tagged with the loss in goal. Cornwall?s home opener is Saturday, October 10th at the Civic Complex. Puck drops at 7:30 p.m.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.



Co r n wal& l Ar eaPo pEven t- CAPEwi l lb e h el do n Ap r i l2 3 -2 42, 0 1 6 COVER STORY CAPE 2015 was held as an inaugural show last year and just over 3500 people attended. For those not familiar with CAPE, this is a yearly comic-con and pop culture style event that features celebrity guests, artists, authors, musicians, athletes, exhibitors, cosplayers (people in superhero or pop culture related costumes), special displays and more. The event is held at the Benson Centre right here in Cornwall and will grow to a two-day event for CAPE 2016. Many people are familiar with the many "fandoms" featured at these type of shows which can include but are not limited to interests such as Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, The Walking Dead, Star Wars, Star Trek, television, movies and superheroes. There are many geek-related items to purchase at these types of events such as comic books, figurines, trading cards, vintage toys, magic wands, props, crafts and other collectibles. CAPE is a family-friendly event and offers affordable admission pricing with children 12 & under admitted FREE when accompanied by an adult . Last year's highlighted celebrity guests were AMC's Comic Book Men Ming Chen & Mike Zapcic, voice actor John Stocker, Amber Dawn Fox from The Walking Dead, and Pat Mastroianni (Joey Jeremiah) from Degrassi High. There were many other special guests in attendance as well as accomplished artists who have worked with Marvel and DC Comics. Besides the many fantastic exhibitors, many local artists and musicians were also showcased. CAPE attracts many visitors from outlying areas including Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and the nearby US and expects to double its attendance for CAPE 2016. The show brings a substantial amount of revenue to the city with the attendees, exhibitors and guests spending money right here in our city. CAPE is so very thankful for the community's support at CAPE 2015 and we welcome you all to attend CAPE 2016 which promises to be even bigger and better. To make it even more interesting, show organizers Carol Grant & Randy Sauve plan to be married just after closing on Saturday night right at the show, followed by an evening reception. Carol & Randy have been extensively promoting CAPE at many other conventions over the past year and have recently returned from a trip to Vermont and New Jersey where they networked and handed out many flyers. They will be hosting a New Year's Eve party to be held on December 31st at the Agora Catholic Centre (former Nativity Hall) which will feature the bands "The Lost Boyz" and "Spare Partz". Costume is optional but encouraged as many guests will be dressed up. However, come as you are as jeans, suits, evening gowns or anything goes! Tickets are selling fast and are priced at $60 per couple ($30/ single) and are available at Fantasy Realm, 227 Pitt Street. All proceeds will be used to help fund CAPE 2016. This year's CAPE Celebrity Guest List is shaping up to be quite exciting! CAPE recently announced a few guests with more to come in the next couple months as the show gets closer. Watch for updates on one or all three of the Facebook pages (Cornwall & Area Pop Event - CAPE, Fans of CAPE and CAPE 2016) or visit the official website at www.cornwal l popevent .com Here is a quick rundown of the confirmed guests for CAPE 2016 so far, with more to come by week's end! For any of you familiar with Kevin Smith or the ` View Askew Productions` family, you will recognize the trio of names of our three guests which include Brian O` Halloran, Marilyn Ghigliotti and Scott Schiaffo. This trio worked together on the movie Clerks (produced in

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.

1994) while Brian also appeared in Clerks II. Clerks III is in pre-production. BRIAN O?HALLORAN is also known for his work in many other Kevin smith films, including Dogma, Chasing Amy, Mallrats, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Vulgar. His other upcoming projects include Hindsight 2020, Shooting Clerks, Off-Time, and Bad Frank. MARILYN GHIGLIOTTI is best known for her role as Veronica in Clerks. Marilyn has also performed in community theatre in such productions such as Crimes of the Heart, Same Time Next Year, Wait Until Dark and many others ? as well as Bedroom Stories?, a series of one act plays. She also appeared in the independent Horror film titled ?Dead and Gone? which went directly to DVD in July 2008. Marilyn will be reprising the role of Veronica in Clerks III. SCOTT SCHIAFFO is an actor/ musician best known to independent film fans as the "Chewlies Gum Guy" from Clerks. Schiaffo has appeared in several feature films as well as many shorts. He was featured in the motion picture Vulgar, again playing opposite Clerks staple Brian O'Halloran. Scott has also appeared in The Garden State and The Broccoli Theory. Other film credits include Linger, Idiots Are Us and MPR Films 2010's "Don't Shoot". He also has a book of collected poetry and short stories an audio CD of instrumental film usic which he composed and produced called "The Shoestring Serenade". Our next guests include walkers from The Walking Dead! We are fortunate to have two accomplished actors, Chris Harrelson and Coleman Youmans, who have portrayed more than a dozen different walkers on the set combined! CHRIS HARRELSON has appeared on television shows such as The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Rectify, as well as in films including The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Parts 1 and 2, Taken 3, and Selma. He has appeared on Season 5 of The Walking Dead, in which he appears in 9 episodes and is killed 7 times. His appearances include the season premiere and season finale, as well as featured scenes as a Food Bank Water Walker (episode 502) and Napalm Walker (episode 507). Chris is currently working on Season 6 of The Walking Dead. COLEMAN YOUMANS is best for his work on AMC's "The Walking Dead". He has appeared in 34 episode of TWD and is currently working on Season 6 as well. He can be found on tons of merchandise, international promos, the season 5 Blu-Ray cover and lots of behind the scenes footage including the season 4 KNB SPFX bonus documentary where he is the featured walker. Coleman has an action figure in the series 7 Todd McFarlane line, The Mud Walker, from his scene dispatching The Governor's adopted daughter. He has worked on more than 100 other productions and has an upcoming feature in Steven King's "Cell" as well as being a primary ghoul in the upcoming feature film Goosebumps. He can be currently found in 4 movie companion books, trading cards and the Goosebumps board game with much more to come. Follow CAPE on Facebook and Twitter to find out who else will be at CAPE 2016! Email cape2015@hotmail.com for more information or if you have any questions.



TOM ORROW SATU RDAY - Oct3. - In si dteh eCi vi cCo m p l ex OUR BOOTHS INCLUDE:

- Maison Baldwin House

- On the Road to a Healthier Plate with Amie McNicol

- SASS for Women - Growing Up Organic

- South Hill Lockets

- Boys and Girls Club

- Sweet Leggins

- Limelight Music Academy

- Scentsy

- Sunrise and Shine Day Care Centre

- Arch13moons Pure and Natural Skin Care Products

- Champs Eastside Boxing Club

- Debbie Keiller RRSPs

- Sunlife Financial

- SDG Taekwondo

- Arbonne

- Creation Workshop

- Kathleen Morris, RMT. - Jeanna Bergeron, Natural Health and Healing Massage Therapy.

- Earthway Family Chiropractic - DJ Shellshock(Sheldon Grant) & Madame-Mix-A-Lot(Mai-LiisRenaud) - Leggins for Less - Aerus Electrolux - Internova North America - City of Cornwall - Cornwall Public Library - Childrens' Aid Society - The Seeker - Studio C Dance School - Giroux Sewing Centre - Early Years Centre - Diva Tutus - Partir D'un Bon Pas - Where Children Grow Daycare

- Girl Guides

and many more .....

ACTIVITIES INCLUDE POKÉMON TOURNAMENT with Bluenose - starting at noon TRAINS wit h t he Seaway Light house 3rd Rail Modul ar Cl ub SEAWAY SLOT RACING with Ray Savard CREATINGCLAYCREATURES with CreationWorkshop INTERACTIVE LIGHTS& LASERS with DJShellshock FACEPAINTING with the EarlyYearsCentre

Geo r g e & Li n d a h ave g o n e Pumpkin and Mum Crazy! PINK PU M PKINS ar e r ead y t o b e so l d . $5 each . Let s al l h o p e fo r a cu r e fo r b r east can cer ! $1 fr o m each PINK PU M PKIN wi l l g o t o h el p Em i l i e Bo n vi l l e t o h el p wi t h h er fi g h t ag ai n st Can cer

Gift Shop & Restaurant 75CornwalCent l re Road,CornwalON l, Opendaily8amto6pm- Closed Thanksgiving Monday THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.




M a rle ne

BAKER Hey There to all of you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~ this week here in the Cornwall and the S.D. & G. areas. My! Mother Nature sure is giving us all kinds of different weather this week. What about that Blood Moon that occurred in the sky, last Sunday night??? Wasn't That AWESOMER Than AWESOME??? If you didn't get a chance to see it this year, Don't Worry it will happen again in 2033. Better Hope It's Not A Cloudy Night!!!

On Saturday night, John and I were invited to the last ~Tiki Lounge Party~ of the year, held at Josee and Todd Sauve's home. It was also a celebration of Josee's birthday, as she turned the big Five-Oh!!! As usual, there was plenty to eat and drink, but mostly lots of fun with family members and friends who regularly attend. The Amazing birthday cake was made by ~Fairy Sweet~, right here in Cornwall. Once again, Todd and Josee outdid themselves by opening their Tiki-garage, their yard, and their home for this final ~Tiki Lounge Party~ of the year. Then on Sunday, John and I visited the McHaffie Flea Market in Morrisburg, and in the parking lot we saw a strange sight. It was a white Ford from way back, and the back half of it was actually a pick-up truck. This was just a narrow two-seater, and a real blast from the past. I love finding old cars, or unique things of any kind, and it provided yet another photo-opportunity for my Johnny to take a few pictures of me with the car. (or was it a truck?) When you're out and about, and discover something unique or fun, why not capture the moment with a photo??? These days, you just need your smart phone, and in our case, we used a pocket-camera, but whatever you use, having photos will keep the memory alive long after you may have forgotten about it. Going over old photos is a great way to re-live those fun times that may otherwise be forgotten. So dig out them old and forgotten photos and look at them with your family to relive the feeling of yester week, month or year.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Here are TEN Amazing Life Lessons from Albert Einstein: 1. Follow your CURIOSITY. 2. PERSERVERENCE is PRICELESS. 3. FOCUS on the PRESENT. 4. The IMAGINATION is POWERFUL. 5. Make MISTAKES. 6. LIVE in the MOMENT. 7. CREATE VALUE. 8. Don't Expect different RESULTS. 9. KNOWLEDGE comes from EXPERIENCE. 10. LEARN the RULES & PLAY BETTER. There is a very surprising quote from Mr. Einstein. Although he was a very intelligent man, devoting much of his life to the pursuit of knowledge, in fact he devoted a lot of his life to Imagination, Music, and Recreation. Here is the quote, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." He is essentially saying that we can imagine far more than can be found in books. Our imagination is unlimited, and not restricted by 'facts' or 'rules', but free to fly anywhere it desires. Einstein enjoyed the concept of play, in addition to his work. Here is another quote of his, "The important thing is not to stop questioning; Curiosity has its own reason for existing." Once again, the emphasis is on being curious, inquisitive, keeping the imagination alive. We can all do that in our daily lives, regardless of our level of intelligence or education. It comes natural to a child, but our education system, based mostly on facts, often stops us from Wondering, Questioning, or Imagining. I suggest that we devote some of each day to pursuing things that are FUN, and perhaps have no other value. This is a big part of what life is made of. Until Next Week: A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. When you wake up, take a moment to think what a privelege it is to be ALIVE & HEALTHY!!! The moment we start acting like LIFE is a BLESSING... I assure you, It will begin to feel like one. Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca


ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I am choosing another item from all of my UNIQUE Treasures...It is a pair of leopard print shoes, and a matching purse and hat. These shoes were purchased at Value Village for under ten dollars, but appear to be brand new, as the rubber tipped heels show no sign of wear at all. Buying from Value Village or the other local thrift shops always helps to support those in need, which is why I shop at these stores as often as possible. The matching purse was four dollars, and I got the hat for free, so all in all, I think I did pretty good!!! So Go and Check out the local thrift stores here in Cornwall... They are all stocked up with Fall & Winter items.

When you're looking for new clothes for the fall season, why not check out the Salvation Army, the Agape or Value Village? You may be surprised to find quality items at low prices. While you're at it, why not be a bit more open minded? Instead of saying to yourself, 'I would never wear that', you could try it on and take a peek in the mirror. You just might like it, and open your mind to new style options which you hadn't yet considered. As you probably know by now, I follow no rules. I've been asked why I have piercings, and told that I dress too young. Who makes these rules??? Are there Fashion Police (besides me) out there ready to hand out a ticket for dressing the 'wrong' way, or having piercings or tattoos??? Thankfully, the answer is NO, which permits us to have freedom to choose just how we wish to express ourselves. Some people are more comfortable fitting in with their friends, and some like to bend the rules and stand out a little. In my case, it may be a lot, but I am comfortable that way, expressing myself through what I wear, how I wear my hair, etc. If you've been restricted by a strict sense of self-imposed Fashion Rules, perhaps it's time to "Break Out of the Box" and Try Something New!!!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.




... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION




4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca


The l ibrary is now open on Sundays f rom 1:00 t o 5:00 pm

LIBRARY BOOK STORE OFFICIAL GRAND REOPENING Sat urday, Oct ober 3 @ 10:00 am Ribbon cut t ing at 11:00 am Half-Price Sale on all books in store* until closing at 4:00 pm (*some exceptions apply). Great sel ect ion of gent l y used books! Free coffee and cookies while supplies last. Free parking al l day Buses at our front door *Excl udes magazines and l ocal aut hor books


CELEBRATE OUR 120TH ANNIVERSARY WITH US Part icipat e NOW in our DISCOVER THE LIBRARY cont est . Great f un f or t he ent ire f amil y You could win one of many prizes! Winners announced at our birt hday part y at 2:00 pm, Oct ober 22, and you are invit ed f or cake! Details at the library at 45 Second Street East, corner of Sydney.

or on our websit e (www.l ibrary.cornwal l .on.ca)


Come Visit Us at our boot h at t he KIDS' Expo t omorrow, Sat urday, Oct 3 - 10am t o 4pm Inside t he Cornwal l Civic Compl ex - Sal ons A,B & C

Dances at La Citadel organized by: Club Octagon Dances at L'Heritage: by the Optimist Club

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.



Our C O M M U N I T Y




Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org Count ry Cl assics Jamming from 6 pm to 9 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Annual Harvest Roast Beef Supper from 4:30 pm to 7 pm. Immanuel Christian Reformed Church, 2264 Pitt St. Adults: 15$, under 12: 7$, under 5: free.

Knight s of Col umbus St . Joseph Council Communit y Breakf ast 9 am to 12 noon. St. Joseph Parish Hall, 32 Oak St., Lancaster. Serving: bacon, eggs, sausage, home fries, pancakes, beans etc. Free will donations.

4pm, Sundays, it 's t he Jim & Ike show on t he Dunet Communicat ion Net work. ht t p:/ / www.dunet .ca OCT



SATURDAY 2nd Annual KIDS EXPO at the Civic Complex, 10am to 4 pm Salons A, B &C

CHILDREN'S AID LAUNCH EVENT, All day in Lamoureux park The Bet i Project Et hiopian Dinner Fundraiser at 6 pm. First Baptist Church, 310 York St. Requested donation: 100$. Visit Ethiopia. Call:613.360.2966 for more information. Tribut e To El vis Show & Count ry Cl assics Karaoke inside Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd. E. Tickets available at the parish office or call: 613.932.2996. Knox St . Paul 's Unit ed Church It al ian Fest 6 pm. 800 12th St. E. 5 course dinner with wine, dessert & entertainment. Advance tickets only, 25$ at the church office or call: 613.938-3704 St Col umban's CWL Garage & Bake Sal e f rom 8 am t o 12 noon. St. Columban's School, 323 Augustus St. Book table, household goods, clothing & delicious baked goods




Soccer Gol f and Cornwal l Gol f and Count ry Cl ub f or Habit at f or Humanit y Seaway Valley.$10 per person - drop in an try out a new family sport in SD&G. Running 9 - 5 rain or shine! Worship and t he word at Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y 10:30am 949 Mohawk Drive Sunday Evening Mass 7:30 pm inside





Blessed Sacrament Parish, 321 Tollgate Rd E.



Oct ober 5t h-10t h is Ment al Il l ness Awareness Week! Help the Canadian Mental HealthAssociation break down the stigma during the annual awareness walk.This year the event will take place at 10:00am; 14 Marlborough Street (ANAF. Refreshment, door prize, community booth displays, hope award and much more. To register for the walk please call 613-933-5845. Hopeto see you there! Is f ood a probl em f or you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510


THURSDAY Karaoke, 5pm at t he Navy Cl ub

C o l t s p l a y in g t o n ig h t a t 7 p m Friends of Vet s Support Group, meet ing the first and third Thursday of every month at 7pm. 780 Sydney Street, parking in the back, free coffee.




Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org


Soup & Sandwich Lunch 11:30 am to 1 pm. St.Andrew's-St.Mark's United Church, Johnson Cr., Long Sault. Includes dessert & beverage: 6$ with take-out available Bl ood Donor Cl inic 12 pm to 3:30 pm & 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water St. E. Book your appointment by calling: 1.888.2.DONATE




1st Wednesday of t he Mont h - MOCCASIN MODEL RR Cl ub meets at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, 1509 2nd St. W, Cornwall. on Wednesday Oct. 7th at 7:30pm. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome attend.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.

CALL 613-935-8101 John or Jul ia or visit t heseeker.ca




ThisSat urdayOct ober



ROCK BOTTOM 9:30 pm start - NO COVER

ThisSundaySept ember 616 Pitt Street Cornwall, ON 613-936-9898



Sat u r d ay, Oc t obe r 23, 20 15 9:0 0 p m - 1:0 0 am 50 / 6 0 DANCE


DID YOU KNOW ..... Co r n wal l ?s M P Dr . Dar b y Ber g i n was t h e fi r st p o l i t i ci an i n Can ad a t o p r o m o t e safet y l eg i sl at i o n i n t h e wo r k p l ace i n t h e 1 8 8 0 s?


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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.

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Wed. to Sunday, 11 am to 4 pm., Admission is free. In fo 6 1 3 -9 3 6 -0 8 4 2




Co unte ss

TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER GETTING TO KNOW = "YOU" ... IN A NURSERY!!! Getting to know "YOU" where "YOU" stands for "Your SELF" -How well do you know your SELF? First, you have never seen your physical being except via a mirror's reflection. Secondly, you have observed a moment of the "You" in photos which are flat 2 dimensionals; and, likewise, with videos and films. None of these pick up the real "YOU who is ever changing and a complex being with emotions juggling every cells in your body."

Vi si t u s at t h e KIDS'Ex p o t h i s Sat u r d ay,Oct o b er3 r d 1 0 am t o 4 p m Co r n wal lCi vi c Co m p l ex Sal o n sA,B, & C

Physically, we humans go about our life span somewhat as strangers to our real Self-beingness. We depend most of the time on what other people's reaction(s) to let us know what we're all about. If heads turn when walking along, then you know you have some attractive traits beaming out of you. But then you wonder: Is it because of my clothes? my walk? my hairdo? my total presence? MY TOTAL PRESENCE It's not easy to discover one's true self. You can depend to a certain point on how people react when you're with them - but they oftentimes carry programmed reactions that do not truly give you a correct judgement. For instance, many people tend to experience jealousy if what they see about you is less than what they are.

The only time that an honest appraisal can exist is in a pure state when someone suddenly sees a baby! The baby is so pure and free of any 'self-thought' that s/ he stirs the Truth right out of the beholder. It's so easy to exclaim: "You are so beautiful! And you are happy too!" While thinking, 'Oh! to hold this pure baby and to let its pure happiness and love imbibe me!' The emotional feeling enters into your every cells and at that moment you experience: I too am a beautiful human! I know I am as exquisite as this smiling baby which is so perfectly formed. During those moments, a strong internal force is created within YOU and YOU become alive and YOU get a glimpse of your own wonderful Divine Self. ...Maybe we should all take up working in baby nurseries so as to remain connected with the babies' purity which awakens our own pure inner self-awareness. Or...maybe it's timefor thoseof us ...in aquest toknow our real Self: the YOU which lives each day and carries so much internal emotions and changes ... tostart a home-plant-nursery! It is interesting that the word: nursery is used to define a place where infants learn to grow and where they are cared for; and nursery is used to define a place where young plants and trees are carefully grown for planting in open areas such as parks, school playgrounds, homes, city streets, wildlife sanctuaries, and ... everywhere. By learning to cultivate your own garden/ nursery as the great French philosopher, Voltaire, said, YOU can suddenly begin to touch a tiny growing plant whose later blossoms ... like the pure smile of a baby ... can touch your every cell ... can touch your soul ... and assure you that YOU ARE UNIQUE, SPECIAL, WONDERFUL! The glowing auracreated all around YOU from theblossoming plant is yours, and when people smile back at you it is because YOU KNOW YOU ARE A BEAUTIFULDIVINELY CREATEDHUMAN BEING!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.



__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

Tu r n i n gGar d enTo m at o es THO M PSO N In t o Sal sa Sha ry n

This is such an easy recipe to make. The salsa, once processed in a water bath will keep safely for at least a year. The salsa recipe uses our fall's bounty of fresh ripe garden tomatoes, green peppers, onions and jalepeno peppers.

Gary and I enjoy eating this when I make quesadillas or nachos. Many of my customers at Sharyn's Pantry have used this recipe for at least 10 years or so. Try it, your family will love you for making them some. Enjoy a great week!

FRESH GARDEN SALSA TO CAN NOTE: I don't double a recipe. Make different batches. It you double the ingredients, you mess around with the cooking canning time. My Mother taught me this valuable lesson years ago when I began to can relishes and pickles and make jams and jellies. This recipe will make 5 - 16 oz. jars OR 10 - 8 oz. jars I

-Seed and core the sweet green bell peppers and dice them quite small and add them into the pot of the tomatoes and onions. -Wear a pair of rubber gloves or place plastic bags over your hands. Cut the jalapeno peppers lenghwise and remove and discard the seeds and membranes. Now dice them up into very tiny pieces. I used my mezzaluna to quickly dice them up. We can order you this handy dicer for herbs and peppers and onions from Sharyn's Pantry. They aren't expensive and save you a ton of labour in chopping and dicing. Add the diced jalapeno peppers into the pot. -Stir in the apple cider vinegar, minced garlic, cilantro, ground cumin and tomato paste.

INGREDIENTS: - 7 cups of fresh garden tomatoes, peeled, cored and chopped coarsely (Use about 10 tomatoes, depending on their size. - 2 cups of onions coarsley chopped - 1 cup of sweet green bell pepper, seeded and cored and coarsely chopped

-Stir to combine everything. Bring this to a boil and turn down the heat to keep the salsa only at a simmer. Continue simmering until the salsa reaches the thickness and consistency you are happy with. This will depend on the amount of juice from the tomatoes you have used.

- 8 jalapeno peppers (Wearing rubber gloves) Cut the jalapeno peppers into half lenthwise and remove and discard the seeds and membranes. Chop into very tiny pieces. I used my messaluna to chop them.) - 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped or put through a garlic press - 1/ 2 cup of fresh cilantro or 1/ 4 cup of dried cilantro leaves (get this at Sharyn's Pantry) - 1/ 2 tsp of ground cumin (get this at Sharyn's Pantry) - 3/ 4 cup of Braggs organic apple cider vinegar, with the Mother in it. (get this at Sharyn's Pantry) - 1 - 5 oz. can of Hunt's tomato paste

-Have your canning jars sterilized and hot. I do this by washing and rinsing the jars, then placing them, standing them upright, on a cookie sheet with sides in a 250 degree F. oven for at least 15 minutes. -Have the matching snap lids and rings boiled for 5 minutes in a potful of water. -Using a canning funnel. ladle the hot salsa into the sterilized jars, filling nearly to the top.Run a knife blade around the inside of the jars of salsa to release any air bubbles.

METHOD: -Rinse the tomatoes and place them in a large bowl or in your sink. Pour boiling water over them to cover and allow them to sit in the boiling water for about 5 or 10 minutes. -Now you can peel each tomato with ease. Hold the tomato in your left hand and cut around the core with a small sharp paring knife. Remove the core, and begin to peel the skin from the tomato. Now in your hand, carefully chop up the tomato into pieces about 1" in size. Continue to core, peel and dice up all of the tomatoes until you have 7 cups. Place them into a large stainless steel, not aluminum pot. I use a handy 8 cup pyrex measure to easily measure with accuracy the 7 cups of tomatoes. -Dice up the onions and add them to the tomatoes in the pot.

-Wipe the rims of the jars with a sheet of damp paper toweling. Apply the boiled snap lids, then the rings to "finger tight" tightness. -Place the filled and sealed jars in a canning pot with boiling water to completely immerse the jars of salsa. Over medium high heat, bring the water in the canning pot back to a full boil and timing now, boil the jars for 20 minutes. -Using a jar lifter, carefully lift the hot filled jars onto a wire rack to cool slowly. You will hear the lids seal with a loud "POP" as the salsa cools to room temperature. Check that each snap lid has indeed snapped to seal each jar. Label and date each jar. Store the jars in your cold storage or a cool place in your basement. ENJOY!


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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.



THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.




DESNO YERS Who woul d not l ove t o l earn t o creat e beaut if ul images on mat erial and t o mel t col ours t oget her in a way you coul d never do wit h paint . Bat ik has been f or a new generat ion of art ist s in our area, a chosen way of expression. Now, you have an opport unit y t o join t his sel ect group.

and highlights brushwork, intensifies colours and gives depth to your strokes. A messy, mishandled or poorly sized signature steals polish from work that?s otherwise special. It?s worth establishing good, clean calligraphy and style for your final, identifying stroke. Use the best and most appropriate frame you can afford. Beautifully made, hand-built frames fly too. Paintings that look like other people?s paintings may not make the cut ? I?m talking about techniques picked up in workshops, then replicated in the instructor?s style and subject matter. Do your own thing and take as much time as you need to get there. The same goes for paintings derived from photo reference that belongs to someone or something else. Can they tell it?s yours? Works that employ an overbearing style or popular technique of the day can get lost in a sea of others doing the same. This goes for a landscape depicting the obvious view of a popular landmark, too. What else is possible? What can be? Visit : www.painterskeys.com CONGRATULATIONS:

Primary Bat ik Cl ass: Open t o anyone over 18 years of age This class is for those that wish to take a journey with their heart, body and sense of wonder to experience firsthand the joy of making art and the excitement of watching it develop right before their very own eyes and by their very own hands. We will lead you and support you through this journey and provide all the materials you will need. Be prepared to wow yourself! You will complete 4 to 6 pieces of artwork.

Summer is over and it is t ime t o recognize t he many t al ent ed art ist s and art groups who worked very hard t hroughout t he hot days t o cont inue maint aining t he visibil it y of t he visual art s. The danger here is t o f orget someone. You know who you are: t he f est ival s, t he f airs, t he st reet exhibit ions, t he shows f ar away and t hose in t own, t he st udio t ours, t he open houses...everyone of you who went t o meet ings, who gave demos, who put up work and did t heir art . THANK YOU! It is t hrough art ist s l ike you t hat we are devel oping a sense of art as part of our communit y. BRAVO!

Hope Always Sees Beautiful Things by Fiona Rae, 2012

Dat es: November. 2,3,4 Cost : $230 (all materials included) November 2,3,4 and 5 Cost : $245 (all materials included Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Locat ion: OPG Cent re, Cornwal l Deposit : $65. by Oct ober 15 (ref unded if cl ass is cancel l ed) The Juried Show Basics as t aken f rom The Paint er?s Keys At this time of the year, a theme has emerged around the very basics for artists submitting to a juried show. While one regular juror may hinge all on technical merit and another cruises for signs of imagination, a few fundamentals stand out as universal. They?re so simple they serve as a gentle reminder for anyone at any stage of the submission game: As well as providing important archival protection, most paintings benefit visually from a coat of final varnish. For acrylics, this means UVLS varnish cut 50/ 50 with water and brushed on or poured and then wiped off with a lint-free rag. Gloss varnish picks up







Physiot herapy Private treatments $39 Seniors $32


1 t im e $ 2 5 - 3 t im e s $ 6 5 - 7 t im e s $ 12 9 - 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile ) THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.



APPLES & ART ( appl esandart .ca ) SEPT. 26 & 27, 2015 I recently took part in Apples & Art, by touring many of the locations with two friends, on Saturday. It was virtually an artistic smorgasborg, with an amazing variety of media, venues, artists and artisans. I don?t believe you could visit all the sights, even in 2 days, and do them justice. We scanned the beautiful brochure over breakfast, and selected the route that let us see the most studios with the least walking along the way. We agreed in advance that there were a few favourites from previous years that were ?must-see?s?. Not one minute was a waste or a let-down, but a few were especially delightful or new to us. Among my personal favourites: The glass-blowers at Priests Mill in Alexandria where the work was absolutely stunning and the artisans were so helpful and informative. Jessica Sarrazin?s silver jewelry, and photography work with stars was also amazing. We loved seeing Betty Healey?s paintings at the Quirky Carrot , and spent happy time in Sophia?s Healthy Choice. What an awesome little crescent of beauty and talent those 3 locations had. South Lancaster also produced some wonderful locations: Cynthia Gatien?s studio with amazing florals, whimsical paintings of critters and kids, and the absolute best work area with porches, decks, tents and windows. Also in South Lancaster were the very different works of Virginia Lake (wild and wonderful pen and ink pieces) and fabulous ceramics and tile work by Margaret Brown, who would win a trophy for her hospitality. Marlin?s Orchard has always been a key stop and this year was no disappointment. The intricate woodwork by Joanne and Doug Mackenzie ( Elegance In Wood) was attracting lots of attention, and Paulette Poirier (Gourdtimes) was there with her very special gourds, some just lovely centrepieces, some whimsical birdhouses. Adding to the ambiance was the enticing smell of doughnuts made in apple juice nearby. In Cornwall, we started at Red Wind Studio to see the works of Jacqueline Milner, Samantha Calder and Tracey Doogan-Benoit. Wished we could stay longer! We made a brief stop at TAG to chuckle over the touching and/ or sarcastic caricatures there, then on to OBO (Our Beautiful Obsession) studio to enjoy the works of Tracey-Lynn Chisholm, Heather J Smith, and Emily MacLeod. A stunning variety of works, and talented students showing their paintings, all of apples, for the workshop they were attending. So much talent in one room! Last, but not least, the amazing works of Erynn Doherty, downstairs at the Grind on Second Street. A beautiful collection, some of it looking very CAPE-ish. Something for everyone! Outside, adding art to concrete, CCVS Art students were painting on the sidewalk. Unfortunately, we didn?t get to see the final project, but there was a stunning eye that was very promising. My apologies to those exhibitors we didn?t get to. So much art, so little time! Maybe next year.

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 36 - October 2 - pg.



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FOR SALE: Treadmill, Weslo Cadence 927 - can fold to store away. Excellent condition, asking $100. 613-936-0966

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FOR SALE: 2001 Pontiac Aztek - yellow. Runs good. Asking $795 as is. 613-932-4812.

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M a rie

M O RRELL HOW TO PRIORITIZE WHEN EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT - BOTH AT WORK AND AT HOME Part 2 of 2 Buil ding Your Own Product ivit y Syst em To Get Things Done The goal of your system is to take away the need for you to waste time deciding what to work on next. You need some sort of a personal productivity system in place t o which you hol d yoursel f account abl e. Time is the one variable most of us cannot change. Deadlines are deadlines, and often we are not the ones who set them. Impl ement ing Your Syst em - Start a spreadsheet

- Make a list of all the tasks/ projects you are required to perform Write down the deadline for each task. This wil l t el l you what you shoul d be working on right away. - Estimate t he cost and t ime for each task or project. Cost means more than just dollars. It also means people who can help you. Could you finish faster if someone else worked on it for you, in some cases it might mean hiring a professional, service provider or a consultant? - Make a schedule and share with those involved with the tasks or the projects.

co-worker who is willing to help if you ask, or a supervisor who would be willing to help you out if you asked the right questions or gave them the right information. It can be difficult to delegate, however it is important to remember that you need to be assertive, not aggressive when asking for help, and you need t o make your case wit h al l of t he dat a you have avail abl e, i.e., listing priorities and what is required, things you have no control over. This inf ormat ion wil l prove you need t he hel p. However, do not be upset if your friends or co-workers say no. You are not in their shoes and have no idea what they are up against in their own life or environment. Do not be afraid to make compromises. If your to-dos have to be done by a certain time and you cannot get help, it is time to sit down with the people waiting for you and work out a plan. Let them know what you can deliver by the agreed-upon deadline, and what you can provide by a later specific date. This sends the message that you are not trying to avoid the work you have, while continuing to work on the tasks at hand. The sooner you stop thinking of your to-dos in terms of all-or-nothing, the sooner you will have the flexibility to say, "I'll give you this tomorrow if you give me a week to give you the rest." Bottom line, show you are doing your very best. Be organized. Do not procrastinate and st ick t o your deadl ines syst em. There are always things outside of your control. Always be ready to consider other options. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com


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- Consider delegating - There may be a friend or

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6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1 1 t im e $ 2 5 - 3 t im e s $ 6 5 - 7 t im e s $ 12 9 - 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile )

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