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You r Weekl y Dose of Posi ti ve New s!

Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Vol Volume . 6 Issue 4641, 6 Issue December October 4, 30,2015 2015

Bar b an d h er st aff at M r s. B's i n vi t e yo u al l t o vi si t t h e Ch r i st m as St o r e Nex t Do o r ...

an d wi sh yo u a "Ver y M er r y Ch r i st m as" Rem em b er t o

"Sh o p Lo cal "... OPEN HOU SE SUNDAY 1pm to 3pm

609 Pitt Street (Giant Tiger Plaza) Cornwall, On with the Christmas Store Next Door ... 613-937-0222 - www.mrsbsgifts.com Keep up to date with our events on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/ mrsbsgifts

Offer i n g t h e

54 Val ecrest


BREAKFAST SPECIAL 2xl Eggs, Bacon or Ham, Real Home Fries Texas Toast Cof f ee or Tea $5.99 or $7.50 Sunday

BREAKFASTSi n Co r n wal l !

STEAK an d EGGS 7oz of Canada AAA St eak 2 xl Eggs, Home Fries, Texas Toast , Cof f ee or Tea $12.99



EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper to make it a success...



613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 EMAIL

inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca MAIN OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday and Tuesday 10am to 5pm Closed for lunch SECONDARY OFFICE 319 Fourth Street W. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Wednesday and Thursday 10am to 5pm

by Julia Lucio

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


Hu g a st r an g er t h i s Ch r i st m as Seaso n It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Ev'rywhere you go; Take a look in the five-and-ten, glistening once againWith candy canes and silver lanes aglow. Oh! The Holidays! Pretty lights and decorations adorn our homes, the smell of fresh baking is constantly lingering in the air and Christmas Carols are played on the radio and can be heard in stores, offices and homes throughout our community. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year... ... At least, for most of us.

Financial pressure, high expectation and the inability of being with loved ones can spell trouble for anyone, but especially those prone to depression. To make matters worst, those who are feeling down at this time of the year often think themselves abnormal and inadequate for feeling as such.

Here are some t ips t o avoid depression during t he hol idays: 1. Keep your expectations modest. 2. Do something different. 3. Lean on your support system. 4. Don?t assume the worst. 5. Forget the unimportant stuff. 6. Volunteer.

12. Forget about the perfect gift. 13. Shop online. 14. Stick to a budget and don't feel guilty about it! 15. Exercise and eat sensibly 16. If you see a therapist, have extra meetings As for the rest of us, let our focus be on helping others during the holidays. You never know what a person is going through. The old lady you see struggle with her bags at the grocery store may be alone for Christmas. Help her by walking her to her car and giving her some attention. The young man who seems out of it at church and who you may assume is on drugs might just be this way because he just lost a loved one. Give him a hug! Ask him what's wrong. And if he is on drugs, why not try to help him? There are countless ways to brighten someone's day. Be jolly! 1- Visit a retirement home. 2- Volunteer to deliver Christmas Baskets. 3- Send a letter to an overseas soldier. 4- Give a toy to a homeless child. 5- Join the Carollers and go sing door to door. 6- Reach out to a family in need. 7- Write a letter to your mailman. 8- Send out Christmas Cards. 9- Help the Make a Wish Foundation. 10- Donate to the Children's Christmas Fund. 11-Commit to random acts of kindness!


7. Head off problems.


8. Ask for help -- but be specific.

ADVERTISING in TheSEEKERis NOT an Expense ...

9. Don?t worry about things beyond your Your one st op shopf or... control. 10. Make new traditions. Advert ising 11. Find positive ways to remember loved ones. GraphicDesign WebDesign Print ing- Phot ography VideoRecording Services


It 's AN

INVESTM ENT M ai-Liis - Seeker Sales

Give me 15 minut es of your t ime and I'l l show you why...

Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm

Let me devel op a f ul l -proof market ing st rat egy f or your business!



Cal l


ext .

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d NEWS & POLITICS Cornwal l not earmarked f or Syrian Ref ugees - The Government of Canada on Tuesday announced plans to resettle 25,000 refugees from the Syrian conflict with a target of 10,000 refugees arriving by the end of 2015 and the remainder arriving by the end of February 2016. 36 Canadian cities have been identified to assist with resettlement into their communities using existing Refugee Assistance Programs in those cities. The City of Cornwall was not identified as one of those 36 cities. The City of Cornwall is closely monitoring the situation and City staff is in regular communication with provincial and federal representatives. ?The City of Cornwall stands ready to assist should it be requested by the Government of Canada,? said Mayor Leslie O?Shaughnessy. Hol iday Wine & Gourmet Tast ings raises over $48000 - The United Way Holiday Wine & Gourmet Tastings Committee members are thrilled to announce that $48,296 was raised at this year?s Signature Event in support The United Way of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry . Support was received through sponsorship, financial support, auction items and in-kind donations. The contribution from the Wine Event pushes the United Way Community Campaign to almost 35% of its goal this year. ?We want to express a heartfelt thank you to the community partners, sponsors and guests who made this evening a tremendous success?, said Angie Baker, Event Chair.

Deput y Cit y Cl erk Awarded - Deputy City Clerk Manon Levesque has been recognized with a special award from a provincial organization for her efforts in making Cornwall a more accessible community. Ms. Levesque was presented with the AODA Champion Award from the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO). Over the past 10-plus years, Ms. Levesque has played a key role in integrating accessibility standards into the fabric of the City of Cornwall. ?Thanks in part to the hard work and dedication of Ms. Levesque, Cornwall is now much closer to becoming a barrier-free community and we have a viable plan to help us make it the rest of the way,? said Mayor Leslie O?Shaughnessy prior to presenting the award to Ms. Levesque.

ARTS & CULTURE Air sl owl y l et out of Lif t -Of f - The balloon did not burst on what was the Cornwall Lift-off festival, instead the air was slowly let out, until it was undramatically gone. The annual event that attracted tens of thousands of people each year is no more. ?After much deliberation the Lift Off organization?s Board of Directors has made the painful decision to not proceed with any future events. After examining the past and upcoming financial situation the Board of Directors? has

b y Ja so n Se tny k

come to the realization that it would not be practical to continue operation as the financial status of the event does not permit progress. The loss carried forward from 2013 made it insurmountable and the Board was not able to raise the funds needed to pay off that past debt and to book entertainment for the upcoming year?, said Terry Muir in a release. Barrie Went zel l set t o visit TAG - Art fans and music fans unite and rejoice because the next exhibit at The Art Gallery (TAG) will combine fantastic black and white photography and portraits of true music legends. Barrie Wentzell was the official photographer for Melody Maker magazine in Swinging London from 1965 to 1975. He photographed music legends from John Lennon, to Jimi Hendrix, to Johnny Cash and many others. Barrie?s work transcended all styles of music, from Classic Rock to Jazz, and even Country. This is a huge opportunity to catch a glimpse into the life of many legendary musicians as seen through the eyes and lens of one of the most historic photographers in music history. Barrie will be in attendance on Friday December 11th (Party and Gala) and Saturday December 12th, 2015 (signings). This is a fundraiser for TAG. Read the full article online.

ARTS & CULTURE SPORTS & RECREATION Jef f Legue suit s up f or his 500t h game in t he EIHL - It?s a big weekend for Cornwall?s Jeff Legue. The local hockey player is set to suit up for his 500th game with the Sheffield Steelers of the Elite Ice Hockey League (EIHL) in the UK. The former Cornwall Colt has already established himself as one of the all-time Steelers legends. A fan favourite, Jeff Legue sits 6th in all-time appearances and is the team?s all-time goal and point leader in the Elite League era. So far this season Jeff Legue has 7 goals, 12 assists, and 19 points in 26 games. Grant Cooper invit ed t o hockey camp - Cornwall Colts star forward Grant Cooper has been invited to the Team Canada East camp in advance of the World Junior A Challenge tournament. The selection camp begins December 6th in Toronto. ?I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity to represent Eastern Canada with the best players in Jr. A hockey,? said Cooper. Whitby, Ontario is hosting the 2015 World Junior A Challenge from December 13th to December 19th. RDL ral l y t o down River Kings - he Riviere-du-Loup 3L snapped the Cornwall River Kings winning streak on home ice with a 6-3 victory on Saturday night at the Civic Complex in front of 962 fans. RDL scored four unanswered goals in the third period ? two of them empty-netters. The River Kings have a home-and-home series with the defending champion Thetford Assurancia next weekend. Cornwall travels to Thetford on Friday (8:30 p.m.) and the two teams meet the following night at the Civic Complex (Saturday, Dec. 5) at 7:30 p.m. Photo courtesy of Ice Level Photography.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lif t -Of f coul d and shoul d come back but as a more l ocal orient ed f est ival Dear Seeker, Cornwall Lift-Off began in 1994 and grew into three days of balloons, music, fireworks, classic car shows, pancake breakfasts and more. Lift Off was the only hot air balloon festival in all of Ontario. But I think the emphasis gradually moved away from the balloons and more towards the evening entertainment, with the emphasis on bringing in top name bands. Costs of operating the event rose as a result, as did the risk. When attendance dropped, or bad weather dampened spirits, the money brought in wasn?t enough to pay the escalating bills. Perhaps Lift-Off could come back, with the emphasis on the balloons and LOCAL attractions and entertainers. It would cost a fraction of what it was costing to hold the event. For a financially struggling community, let?s consider spending some money on LOCAL entertainment, and keep the money here. We could also create a ?Food Fest? event in the park, much like Ribfest, but featuring LOCAL restaurateurs.

That way, money isn?t spent on out-of-town ribbers and out-of-town bands. We raise money here, spend money here, and most of it would stay here. I think that could be a win-win situation for everyone involved. -John Lister, Cornwall Ontario. Have something to say? Sent us your Letter to the editor. info@theseeker.ca. You can also freely comment on our website at theseeker.ca

This w eek , on Tuesday, Decemb e r 1s fr om St. Jo t, a senior student sep hs Cath oli c Secon school p a ssed aw ay dary . Cam Sav a rd w as a v ery hap p y you w ould guy alw ays se e him smil , in the hall ing s at St. Joe 's and he w role mode as a l to many students. His death reall y sho we li fe is fr ag il e and p re d me how cio w ake-up c all . Nob od us. It w as a y should d young. ie so On Wedne sday, the h ole schoo a mass an l d a memo ri al for the had fell ow p an th sister ev e er. His p arents and n show ed up . Many students a of the nd staff w ere crying w hich is u , nderstand ab w e hav e a ll lost such le b ecause a great so ul. Rest in Pe ace, Cam S a v ard, you b e missed w il l b y many. Joshua Mc Michael Grade 9 Stu dent St.Joseph 's Catholi c School

ALONE FOR CHRISTMAS? No need to spend this special Day alone. Come and celebrate with us on Christmas Day for our 2nd Annual FREE Cornwall Community Christmas dinner.


No need to eat and run! Stay, relax and enjoy a festive dinner, great music, crafts for the children, gift draws throughout your stay and the warm company of others. The buffet menu will include turkey, dressing and all the fixings in order to satisfy your taste buds.

As you enjoy the music you may even feel motivated to share your talents in a very casual and welcoming atmosphere, one in which you will be able to share in the blessings of Christmas. Last year, many guests were encouraged to display their talents such as singing, among other talents. Some were found dancing to the music. A craft table will be set up for the children to display their skills and creativity with the help of volunteers. You will also find an area with a variety of door prizes for children and adults. As you enter you will be given a ticket which you must put in a safe place. This ticket will allow you to win some of these prizes. Numbers will be picked on a regular basis. If yours in the winning ticket you may choose whatever gift you desire. Best of all, this gift which is provided for YOU by your local churches is FREE!!!

WHERE? AGORA HALL (NATIVITY HALL), 301 McCONNELL AVE. WHEN? CHRISTMAS DAY f rom 12:00 (noon) t o 2:30pm If transportation is a problem, call one of the following numbers 1 week before to make arrangements: Darlene (613 703-7696) or Bernadette (613 935-4568). Anyone having difficulty with stairs is welcome to take advantage of the elevator from its outside access which will bring you to the inner main floor where someone will be happy to welcome you.

Everyonewelcome! Looking forward to seeing you there! THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Ch r i st m as Sh o p p i nst g ar t st o d ay- Rem em b er - Sh o pLo cal

Li n d a wan t s yo u t o k n o w t h at HARVESTh as "5 0 Sh ad eso f GREEN"! Ch r i st m asTr ees o f al l si zes! Phot o by Mai-Liis Renaud

We al so h ave - Beau t i fu l Han d m ad e Wr eat h s - Swag s - Rei n d eer s - Gi ft Bask et s fo r ever yo n e Ou r Gi ft St o r e i s PACKED wi t h Ch r i st m as Go o d i es, COM E VISIT TODAY!

Gift Shop & Restaurant 75CornwalCent l re Road,CornwalON l , - Opendailyat 8am

Be sureto visit our In-StoreBakeryand Gift Store

Do n 'tGetLeftOU TINTHECOLDt h i sWi n t er ! Be su r e t o vi si t M ar k an d Ro b er t at

Civic # 5588 Hwy. 138, 1 Mil e Nort h of Cornwal l on Hwy. 138

We h ave a g r eat sel ect i o no f NEW & U SED Sn o w Ti r es!Cal l u s To d ay... New & UsedTires,TruckCaps,Wheel s& Accessories TIREREPAIR,INSTALLATION & BALANCING AVAILABLE

6 1 3 -9 3 8 -4 8 6 5 TIM ETO GETYOU RWINTERTIRESON!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


5 Qu est i o n s wi t h Th e El wi n s see them live in Cornwall on December 4th ... Article and interview by Jason Setnyk. Submitted Photo

Indie pop invades Cornwal l Ont ario on December 4t h when The El wins pl ay t heir debut concert here in Cornwal l , at Lol a's Pub. Opening t he show is Sout h Carol ina grunge rock band Heyrocco. The show st art s at 10pm and t icket s are $10 at t he door. The Elwins are an up and coming band from Keswick Ontario, just north of Toronto, who are making waves across the globe. The band consists of Matthew Sweeney (vocalist/ guitarist), Travis Stokl (drummer), Feurd (guitarist/ keyboardist), and Frankie Figliomeni (bassist). The band released their sophomore album ?Play for Keeps? in 2015. It was a follow up to their 2012 debut full length ?And I thank you?. This year?s 12-song collection builds atop the foundation of fun pop music they established with its predecessor. ?We tried to take everything up to the next level, sonically speaking,? says Feurd. ?We wanted to be really open and try a bunch of things we hadn?t done before.? The hit song ?So Down Low? charted for six months and hit # 12 for alternative music on Canadian radio. The song was also used in a

Canada-wide advertisement campaign for Fido. The Elwins deliver a dose of dancy bliss that appeals to virtually anyone. ?We definitely like making songs that make people want to move,? Sweeney says. The band has played major festivals and they have shared the stage with noteworthy bands like The National, St. Vincent, The Flaming Lips and X Ambassadors. The band has toured Canada, the United States, Western Europe, and Japan. Now they are playing Cornwall Ontario on Friday December 4th at Lola?s Pub.

Here is Jason Setnyk?s interview with drummer Travis Stokl of The Elwins. 1 ? Where does your band draw inspirat ion f or music? Expl ain The El wins creat ive process writ ing songs. It could be anything really. We all like to laugh so comedy is a big one ? Nathan For You, Tim & Eric, Maria Bamford, John Mulaney and so on. Musically we like a lot of old and new stuff which is probably one of our strengths when it comes to songwriting. Cool production in songs will forever be fascinating to us as well as any simple song that?s just a guitar and voice for example. 2 ? How does your sophomore al bum ?Pl ay f or Keeps? dif f er f rom your f irst f ul l -l engt h al bum ?And I Thank you?? It?s different from ?And I Thank You? in a number of ways for sure. Drums were recorded last which was the exact opposite to what we did on ?And I Thank you?.

More attention was made to filling out songs sonically. Basically we didn?t want to have any limitations to the recording. 3 ? What was it l ike t o have your song ?So Down Low? chart ing f or six mont hs and hit t ing # 12 f or al t ernat ive music on Canadian radio? Al so what was it l ike having t hat song used in a Canada-wide advert isement campaign f or Fido? How was your song sel ect ed by Fido? Having support like that is awesome. Everyday we realize how fortunate we are to receive such love. We?re glad that people are liking it. The FIDO ad has been amazing really, they came to us and we were like ?sure! why not!??. So many people have told us that they?ve heard or seen it. It?s super neat. 4 ? You have t oured Canada, t he Unit ed St at es, West ern Europe, and Japan. Are shows in ot her count ries simil ar or dif f erent t o shows here in Canada? What have you l earned f rom your t ouring experiences? Shows are different in some places, yes. Overseas more often than not the audience will sing along to the songs. Like almost everyone will. It?s sweet! From touring around a lot we?ve learnt that in general people are very hospitable. We can?t wait to go to more places and experience their culture and what not. 5 ? What can Cornwal l music f ans expect f rom your l ive show? Anyt hing you want t o t el l t he peopl e of Cornwal l Ont ario about your upcoming gig? Cornwall-ians (sorry! it just sounded funny in my head saying it) can expect a super energetic live show from four relatively young gentleman who just happen to have a sweet light show on this tour. If you like colours then you?re in for a real treat.

Corus Entertainment held their Customer Appreciation Night last Tuedsay. The event took place at the Corus Offices and was well attended. Catering was done by Moustache Joe's and features hot hors d'oeuvres, as well as a very impressive and elaborate cheese table. Entertainment was provided by Kayser The Magician who completely dazzled us with his tricks. (I'm still wondering how he did that!!!) Rurban Brewery was also on site, providing samplers of his most popular brews. The Seeker Chicks wold like to thank Sue Steward for the personal tour of the Studios and Corus for the invite.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca The l ibrary is now open on Sundays 1:00 t o 5:00 pm



LIBRARY HOLIDAY HOURS Cl osed December 24, 25, 26 & January 1 Open December 27 - 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. December 28, 29, 30 - 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. & December 31st - 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 AUTHOR MELISSA YI @ THE LIBRARY


Join Melissa Yi for the launch of her latest book STOCKHOLM SYNDROME at 2:00 pm in the Kinsmen Reading Room, first floor of the library.Everyone welcome! DECEMBER FAMILY/ HOLIDAY MOVIES FREE FAMILY ORIENTED MOVIES - RATED PG 1:00 PM TODAY?S PRESENTATION: THE ANIMATED FILM ?HOME?.



4th SHOW!

Next shows on December 21, 22 & 23.



Limited spots available. Call now to sign up.


14 years and older. Materials provided by the library.

$15 for non-genealogy members.


- Fr i d ay M ISS


10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.




- Books clubs for different age groups and interests - Writing Clubs

- Chess Club - Scrabble Club - Bridge Club - Knitting Club - Mah Jongg Club




For women 13 to 45 - Presented by SASS

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Our C O M M U N I T Y




Grade7 and 8 TEEN DANCESponsored by Club Octagon at La Citadel 6:30-9:30pm - Student ID required Musicby: DJShel l shock & Madame-Mix-A-Lot ! Christ mas Craf t & Candy Sal e at 1 pm to Friday, December 4th at 4 pm. Navy Club, 30 6th St. E. Dec 4th - Al exandria - Hey, Wow! : Spectacle du temps des fĂŞtes 6:00 PM,Pavillon Bonnie Glen: 19596 route 43, Alexandria ON, K0C 1A0 Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org




St . Nichol as Tea 11 am to 3 pm. St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, 1509 2nd St. W. Enjoy sandwiches & sweets. Browse the bake & craft tables. Adults: 8$, children under 8: 4$ Dream Maker Product ions present s The Princess Bride From December 5, 2015 to December 6, 2015 at 11 am & 1 pm. St. Lawrence Secondary School, 1450 2nd St. E. Tickets: 5$ on sale at Melody Music, 104 Pitt St. A sad but necessary event . The it ems f rom Earl e's Vint age + Design pl us t he personal it ems of t he l at e John Earl e wil l be up f or auct ion. Our dear friend was quite the collector. Come take a look at the unique and interesting things he collected and make a few bids. All proceeds from the sale will go to his Estate. Dream Builder Studios, 10am Cornwal l Gymnast ic Cl ub Christ mas Part y Fundraiser! Buffet style turkey dinner, bake sale, crafts for the kids, face painting, musical performances, special guests Santa and Elsa, a silent auction and an ugly sweater contest! A fun filled evening for the whole family. Tickets are $12 for Adults and $8 for Children 3-12. Children under 2 are free! Tickets are available for purchase at the Gym & at the Scotiabank branches on 960 Brookdale Ave, Cornwall and 38 Main St N, Alexandria .






Dream Maker Product ions present s The Princess Bride From December 5, 2015 to December 6, 2015 at 11 am & 1 pm. St. Lawrence Secondary School, 1450 2nd St. E. Tickets: 5$ on sale at Melody Music, 104 Pitt St.

Bereaved Famil il es of Ont ario invit e you and your f amil y t o join us at Knox St Paul 's Unit ed Church on December 9t h at 7:00 f or our Annual Candl el ight Remembrance Service. For many, the approaching Christmas Season is anything but merry, especially if you've experienced the death of a loved one..

DUNET Communicat ions Net work St udio Launch MARATHON! List en onl ine al l day l ong at dunet .ca Great shopping f rom l ocal vendors at t he Royal Canadian Legion f rom 10am t o 3pm. This is fundraiser for the local Sea Cadets. For more information, please contact Monique Branchaud @613-936-0638



Heal t hy Hol iday cooking and Baking Cl ass - 2pm to 4pm 613-930-4892 ext 229 for info.




Colts plaing at the Civic Center Aultsville Theater AGM, 5pm Heat her J. Smit h present s Mosaic Pendant Workshop. 10am to 1pm at St. Lawrence College. $60 per person. Contact 330-8382


Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510


Communit y Carol Sing at 7 pm. Fel l owship Bapt ist Church, 2 Helen St. Coffee, tea & refreshments will be served.

Your ad woul d be here had you cal l ed it in. Next t ime, don't f orget ! Send inf o t o inf o@t heseeker.ca or cal l in 613-935-3763





Spirit Tree Yoga int roduces Karma Yoga Every Tuesday at 5pm. Join this class with a minimum $2.00 donation with proceeds going to a local charity. Class is suitable for the beginner thru intermediate student. This month the donations go to the United Way of Cornwall and SD&G-Spirit Tree Yoga 52 Pitt St (above Ecotrends) www.spirittreeyoga.net BUBBLE GUPPIES LIVE! Ready to ROCK! at Aultsville Theatre6:30pmTickets are $26.50 (plus applicable surcharges) Get tickets IN PERSON - Cornwall Civic Complex Box Office BY PHONE 613-938-9400 ONLINE http:/ / www.admission.com/ ? / bubble-guppies-live-ticke? / 821681


Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org

CENTENNIAL CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT...if you need a l it t l e Christ mas Spirit , t his is t he show f or you.



December 4t h

9m to 4pm

Th eELWINS Heyr o cco

Every Sat urday and Sunday t il Christ mas above the Village Diner

10pmstart- $10

120 Tollgate Rd W, Cornwall


616 Pitt Street, Cornwall,

ON - 613-936-9898

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


M U S I CN ' M O R E Dream Maker Productions presents




THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




G a r y 's f a v o u r i t e f r u it c a k e

Sha ry n

THO M PSO N This recipe is truly wonderful. The fruitcake is chock full of candied cherries, pineapple, citron and mixed fruit along with some slivered almonds and cointreau. The recipe comes from the Canadian Living Christmas Book I bought LIGHT ORANGE ALMOND FRUITCAKE (This recipe makes 2 - 9" X 5" loaves.) INGREDIENTS: 3 cups of mixed candied fruit 2 cups of golden raisins 2 cups of candied cherries, cut most of them in half 2 cups candied pineapple chunks 1- 1/ 2 cups slivered almonds 1 cup of citron peel 1/ 2 cup of all-purpose flour (to toss over the fruit and nuts) 1- 1/ 2 cups all-purpose flour (for the batter) 2 tsp. baking powder 1/ 2 tsp. fine salt 1/ 2 cup of butter (softened at room temperature) 1 cup white sugar 3 extra large eggs 2 tbsp. freshly grated orange rind 1- 1/ 2 tsp. pure almond extract 1/ 2 cup cointreau (orange liqueur) or orange juice (I use the liqueur)

METHOD: -Dab a bit of butter on the sides and bottom of 2 9"x5" loaf pans. Take a double thickness of parchment paper and fold the paper to go down the end and across the bottom and up the other side of the pan. Now fold another double thickness of parchment and fit this to cover the crosswise portion of the pan and up the sides. See my picture. I find this is the quickest and easiest way to line any loaf pan. Brush the parchment paper with melted butter all over the exposed surface. Set aside for now. -In a large mixing bowl, combine the mixed candied fruit, chopped glace cherries, golden raisins, pineapple, citron peel and slivered almonds. Toss the 1/ 2 cup of flour with the fruit and nuts. Set this aside.

from Sears years ago. The cake doesn't have to age for more than a few weeks so there is still time for you to have this cake for your Christmas festivities. See my pictures of it. You will be salivating just looking at them. I hope you have a great week. I can't wait until this Sunday, my family are coming home for a baking day with their Mum and Grandma. -Whisk together in another bowl, the 1- 1/ 2 cups of flour, baking powder and salt. Set this aside for now. -Now in a very large bowl, cream the butter and sugar until nice and fluffy. I used my electric mixer. Beat in the eggs, adding them in one at a time. Add the grated orange rind and almond extract. -Add the flour mixture alternately with the orange liqueur in three additions. Mix only until the flour is incorporated. Fold in the floured fruit mixture. -Scrape the fruitcake batter evenly into the 2 prepared parchment lined loaf pans. Press down the filling to fill the loaf pans evenly. -Have your oven set to 250 degrees F. On the lowest oven rack, place a panful of boiling water. This will create steam as the cakes bake, keeping them moist. -Bake the loaves on the centre rack of your oven for 2- 1/ 2 hours or until a cake tester inserted into the centre of the loaf comes out clean. During the baking process, cover the loaves loosely with foil if the loaves begin to crack as they bake. -Once baked fully, allow the cakes to cool in their pans on a wire cooling rack. After a few hours or overnight, carefully peel the parchment from the cakes.

-You can brush the tops and sides of the cake with a bit of cointreau, then wrap them tightly in waxed paper and then foil. Refrigerate the cakes for about 3 weeks to a month. Then slice in and enjoy! After the 3 weeks, I brushed more cointreau over the sides and tops of the loaves. I must confess, I sliced off 2 slices of the loaf for Gary and I to enjoy with a cup of tea. YUM! Now they are back in the fridge until Christmas! SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY


- a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5

Ka thle e n



Do you have l ow back pain? You aren?t alone. Nearly 80% of Canadians will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. These people are struggling to find answers, often looking to doctors for prescription pain killers that simply mask the pain instead of finding the cause of these symptoms.

Often when people come into my office complaining of low back pain, they assume I will be working exclusively on the back muscles. I have found that most back pain is actually a referral from the quadriceps (the muscles on the front of your

legs) and iliopsoas (a muscle deep in the belly). I tend to start with some work on the back to relax my client, and when they turn over, I can target the front of the legs and work into the stomach. With the advent of technology, we sit more. We sit during our commute, then sit for often 8 hours (or more) at a desk, then sit in the car again, then we are so tired that we get home and crash in front of the TV until it?s time for bed. Then we get up and do it all over again. When we sit, our quadriceps and iliopsoas shorten or contract. When we stand, they stretch or resume their length. The longer we sit, the harder it is for those muscles to resume their proper length. This leads to spasm that refers pain into the low back.

With regular massage, your RMT can help lengthen those muscles and keep them in good shape. Your RMT will also give you stretches or strengthening exercises to do between sessions to help maintain your muscle length. Until your next massage, you can try using heat to the affected areas and do some gentle stretches (you can look up stretches online). Until I see you again.... To book your massage cont act me: Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On K6H 4J6 Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com (613) 662-5549

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rie

M O RRELL En t er t h e Seek er 's SUFFOCATING IN YOUR HOME BECAUSE OF CLUTTER - THIS IS HOW YOU CAN FIX IT Part 1 of 3 Do you sometimes feel cramped, suffocating, tired, lethargic, feeling a sort of anguish because of the quantity of stuff you have accumulated in your home over the years? Do you ask yourself how it got to this point and cannot even remember why you needed to purchase certain items?

"Th at Cl assi c San t a Pi c!" CONTEST t o d ay ... Em ai l : i n fo @t h eseek er .ca - wi t h yo u r cap t i o n ! o r su b m i t o n l i n e at h t t p :/ / t h eseek er .ca Yo u co u l d wi n o n e o f 1 0 Bo st o n Pi zza 5 Ki d s M eal Car d s, a $4 2 val u e! Co n t est cl o ses Dec. 1 5 t h - p h o t o s wi l l b e i n t h e l ast Seek er b efo r e Ch r i st m as o n Fr i d ay, Dec. 1 8 t h

Looking at all the trinkets accumulating dust, the books never opened, kitchen accessories never used, clothes in the wardrobe you never wear because you do not like them or they no longer fit and keep in case you loose the weight after years of trying.

Do you feel empty standing in front of a room filled with clutter? Objects that should give you happiness are taking away your energy. When all your available space is filled with clutter, there is no room for anything new to come into your life. This anguish can also be related to too much information, too many e-mails and watching too much TV, too many friends on Facebook, too much time wasted on Twitter, too many people you feel obliged to and truly not deserving of your attention. Have you reached the stage where your home is so cluttered and such a mess that you are ashamed to invite people over and positively panic if anyone turns up unannounced? Wouldn?t you prefer to regenerate your social life with confidence? Dave Ramsey in his book ''The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness'', wrote a sentence which is very often cited and should make us think: "We buy things we do not need with money we do not have to impress people we do not like''. Actually many of us want to impress the ''Jones.'' In reality, most of the Jones have run out of money; they spent it all trying to impress us and now are deeply in debt. It is time to get rid of superfluous and useless items through Kijiji, a garage sale or donating these items to benefit charitable organizations providing income tax receipts. I personally support, Parade of Nations for the Developmentally Challenged (helping special need people of all ages and background artistically inclined). Therefore, if you love yourself and want to improve your life, it is time to clean up your act and your home. It is not as hard as you may think. You must want to make a change, get on with doing it, focus on the result until you succeed and you have reached your goal. Where there is a will, there is a way. It you need a little help, a professional organiser is the best solution and above all is worth it. You are worth it.

Next week: What You Need To Do To Let Go Of Clutter If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com




Wan t s To Rem i n d Yo u ch eck o u r web si t e d ai l y


fo r yo u r"Dai l yDo se"o f Co m m u n i News! ty THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Six f or t he 6ers By Syl vie O?Rourke Today we are climbing Scarface Mountain. It is a beautiful September day and we are in high spirits, especially the six of us who know we will be finishing our season?s goal to become Saranac 6ers. How could we not be cheerful when last weekend we conquered the most difficult mountain of our challenge? This one should be a stroll through the woods. I don?t have high expectations because I have been warned that there is no view at the summit. I am therefore surprised to start off in a beautiful red pine forest with scented needles cushioning our feet. The beauty of the greenery in contrast to the reddish-coloured trail bring my senses alive. We reach a railroad crossing and peer down its length at the perfectly straight tracks framed by green, red, orange, and yellow trees. A scene from the movie ?Stand by Me? comes to mind and I can almost picture four young boys walking down the tracks. The next point of interest is a wooden bridge built in 1985 by the inmates of a now-closed state prison in Gabriels. I comment that this project must have been on a tight budget because the boards are spaced so far apart that we must watch our footing. Despite this, the bridge offers a pretty view of Ray Brook with a mountain in the backdrop.

precarious. The scenery shifts from evergreens to hardwoods with touches of autumn colours. There is a bit of scrambling over rocks in places, but nothing too daunting, that is until we reach a gigantic, nearly vertical, smooth slab of rock! I watch as others climb up and study the best and most secure route. Fortunately there are sturdy trees with strong roots snaking down the rock?s surface which we can use to our advantage. I am cautious and test each root or branch for stability before using it to propel myself up. A little further down the trail we come to a rock ledge with a view. I don?t linger here long because I am anxious to locate the marker identifying the summit. Two other members, I will call ?Cat Woman? and ?Rusty Yogi,? beat me to the summit. They know where the marker is but won?t tell me. Rusty has a twinkle in his eye and I am immediately suspicious. The accomplices watch me walk in circles until I figure out that the marker has been hidden beneath a piece of bark. Very funny! We celebrate our final hike by going to Berkeley Green. The six members who have completed the challenge ring the bell and we earn our spots on the 6er roster. Due to popular demand, the Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air (COCDPA) intends to rotate these mountains hikes on future schedules to allow everyone to complete their goal. For more information regarding the Saranac Lake 6er, visit http://saranaclake6er.com/become-a-6er/

Past the bridge the trail begins to steepen and the footing becomes more

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne


Hi there to all of you Fabulous readers this week IN Cornwall and the S.D.& G. areas. The time is sure getting closer and closer and CLOSER to the BIG "C" DAY!!! THERE ARE ONLY (20) DAYS LEFT EVERYONE!!! Are you done shopping and preparing yet??? OR Are you almost done??? OR Not Done At All??? You still have plenty of TIME on your hands... Just Get Going and Getting it Done Already!!! Don't forget to Check Out our local thrift stores for many of the Christmas gifts and Winter items that you may need or want. By doing this, you will be helping out a lot of families over the Christmas season... and your "Shopping Dollars" will be going back into our community to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Please HELP Whenever or Wherever you can. Please Pay It Forward In Some Small Way, Today, Tomorrow... or on any other DAY that ends in "Y"!!! Last weekend I had a most FUNderful time spent with my eldest daughter, Melinda and three out of her four children (Abigail(12), Sampson (7) and wee William (3)) On Saturday evening the three grandkiddies and I walked up to see their home town of Alexandria, ~Festival of Lights~. I would like to Thank everyone so very much who came out and celebrated for the 10th year of the ~Alexandria Festival Of Lights~!!! The Organizers and I would also like to Thank all of the Exhibitors, all of their Major Sponsors and of course all of the hard working Volunteers that made it all possible this year!!! A Special Thanks to ~B.E.M~ for the Spectacular *Fireworks*!!! William and Sampson were so overjoyed (and so was I) in seeing the ~FIREWORKS~ so close to us. They were literally over our heads, and Sampson had to remark that they made puffy clouds. I would also like to thank ~Kathlene Sauve~ for her amazing performance of singing Christmas songs and playing her guitar so beautifully throughout the evening. (I had noticed that she didn't have any gloves on, so when I was leaving the park after seeing all of the displays and lit up trees with the grandkiddies, I went up and handed her my cut-off gloves (that were perfect for playing the guitar in.) I thanked her for her singing and wished her a "Merry Christmas". Abigail thought that this was really nice of me to have done and told me that she saw tears in Kathleen's eyes. This was a Special Moment that I shared with my eldest granddaughter... I told her that I do things like this all of the time because that is Who and What I am all about... Giving, Sharing, and Making Others Feel Good!!! I do want to send out a BIG Thank you to ~Wild Country~ for emceeing this event. Thanks also to all of the Committee members for making all of these past TEN years possible!!! The park is open nightly for your viewing of all of the beautifully lit up displays and trees. See you all again next year!!! After we left the park to walk back home, wee William had fallen asleep...he was all pooped out from this exciting outing!!! Abigail, Sampson and I enjoyed some ~Hot~ chocolate and some Chinese food that we had decided to get for our "Fun Evening at home with Nana" before Dad and Momma got home from their outing in Cornwall. Melinda,


Michael, Abigail & I continued to loom more of the colourful hats and scarves that we are giving for Christmas presents for 28 members in our family. We also decided to make hand-made Christmas cards this year and spent all Sunday morning and most of the afternoon doing so. We had an assembly line going with the different coloured cards and all of the many kinds of decorations that we had to make them with. Melinda had even bought a snowflake punch so we used that on both the cards and the envelopes to make them wintery. Later that afternoon my 2nd son, Luke and his wife, Tonya and their two kiddies, (Odin & Ruby) came over for Sunday supper... What a Wonderful Day Had By All!!! I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH MY FAMILY!!! COUNTLESS MEMORIES WERE MADE LAST WEEKEND THAT I WON'T SOON FORGET!!! Tip of t he Week: This week I have chosen the Rosemary plant. WHY you may ask??? Well, because there are a lot of reasons why... The benefits of the Rosemary plant are that it helps improve our Memory. It is great for the Skin and it helps create a Healthy blood system. Rosemary is a wonderful Room Freshener too. It Soothes and helps the Digestive system as well. Rosemary relieves Muscle pain and Cleanses our systems. It also helps us to Relax and, believe or not, it is good for our Hair. For more information please check Rosemary out on the internet and all of it's Beneficial Uses. Now, where did I leave my glasses??? Oh Johnny, Where is that Rosemary plant??? It em of t he Week: The item I choose for this week is a beautifully decorated, trianglular music table that I bought in an online auction for about $10.00. The hinge was a bit broken so that is one of the reason why it was so cheap. My Johnny is a good fixer upper so I went ahead and bought this pretty, mini table knowing that there was very little repair to do. When you open up the table top it plays a musical tune. I think it is to be used as a jewelry box, but knowing me I will use it for something neat. Do Check online in your area to see what treasures you may find for yourselves or your loved ones. Happy Bidding!!! Family News: There are FOUR of my family members whose birthdays all fall on December the 5th. My nephew, Michael will be turning 47. My eldest son, Clyde was born when Micheal had just turned 16, which makes him 30!!! WOW! You sure are getting OLD, Clydee!!! Then my grandnephew, Ashton will be turning 8... and exactly one year later, my grandson, Sampson was born. How Cool Is That??? Happy Birthday BOYS!!! May you ALL have a Wonderful Birthday tomorrow doing all of the things that makes and keeps you All VERY HAPPY!!! May you have a most Wonderful Year ahead of you with many New Adventures and Creating more Memories!!! Until Next Week: Surround Yourself With People Who Make You Happy...Surround Yourself With People Who Are Like-Minded... Surround Yourself With People Who Are Kindred Spirits... Surround Yourself With People Who Know Your Self Worth...Surround Yourself With People Who Make You Smile...Surround Yourself With People Who Are Kind Hearted...Surround Yourself With People Who Inspire YOU TO BE YOU!!! author ~Marlene Baker~ If YOU or Anyone else that you know who would like Christmas Photos done this year... Please contact John Lister or I, at 613-935-9719 or email us to make an appointment. You'd Better HURRY!!! Sitting Times Are GOing FAST!!! Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca

There is st il l t ime t o book your ads f or 2016 at t he 2015 pricing! Hurry! Cal l me!

Prices go up in January!

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




DESNO YERS MEET THE BOARD: Int roduct ion t o t he members of t he Focus Art Board of direct ors: Part 5. It is a thriving association that is blessed with members who take pride in its mission and activities. Adèle Constantineau is such a member. Over ten years she has attracted more new members to Focus Art by her charm and enthusiasm than any other.

Adèle served as secretary of the Board for five years and is now introducing Betty-Ann Bard to the job. Notably, Adèle is a steadfast participant to all Focus Art events. She maintains that these encounters meet a need for friendly relationships with other artists and a context to learn and share knowledge. Her interest in art began as a teenager while babysitting. During long evenings, before TV was mainstream, she avoided boredom by doodling and drawing. An admiration for a cousin, sculptor and painter became an inspiration on which she fashioned her talent. The Cornwall native explored her interests in watercolors through many workshops and in courses with Brenda Beaudette and Teen Dancause at St-Lawrence College. Sadly the muse of art left her while she raised a family and worked in retail. A difficult bout with cancer was a life changing experience and the radical mastectomy played havoc with her plans. Overwhelmed at times she did not let the cancer define her. Today she will tell you that family, friends and art in times of stress allowed her to grow stronger. It is through difficult times she developed spiritual strength and self-esteem.


a challenge to find a painting in the bark and because of its fragile nature, framing is important. Adèle decided that the shadow box is ideal for its presentation. She describes her art as earthy and close to nature. As an artist, she has found her niche and is pleased when she hears people are looking for the ?Lady with the Birch? at exhibitions. Her art won recognition at the Massena Juried show, the Focus Art Juried exhibition and earned her the People?s choice award two years in a row at the Focus Art Spring show held at the Cornwall Library. Adèle also documents most of the association?s activities. Thanks to her, Focus Art has a visual record of its past. As an artist, she also enjoys music, writing poetry and sharing her discoveries on Facebook. To the question, how do you want to be remembered by your colleagues and friends, Adèle hopes to be an inspiration for others by what she does. She wants to continue sharing her enthusiasm for life, her spirituality and art. Thank you Adèle Constantineau for being part of the Board of directors of Focus Art.

Focus Art?s 10th anniversary was a great success. The past met the present and all looked foreword to a prosperous future for Focus Art. If you want to know more about the evening just Google: www.focusartonline.org or like us on Facebook.

Her work stems from an appreciation of nature and the simple objects around her. Watercolors are portable, affordable and durable. This is a perfect match for her. This love is present in her new body of work: Watercolor on Birch. Unlike the traditional way of recreating ideas on canvas, she allows the sample of bark to speak to her. In its rugged and textured surface she finds a story and uses watercolor to enhance it. It is

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

CLASSIFIEDS A MESSAGE FROM: Knights of Columbus St. Andrews Council 10416 -- SANTA?S ON HIS WAY! Come and enjoy our community breakfast onSunday, December 20,2015 from 8 am to 12 noon at the St. AndrewsCatholic Church hall. You never know when Santa will show up. FOR SALE: Camel hair couch with both ends reclining, also a matching chair, in excellent condition. $1,500. Cal l 613-933-6822 FOR SALE: 2003 Toyota Echo, 88,000 km, extra clean, asking $3,500 OBO. Near Lunenburg. Cal l 613-346-5362 FOR SALE: 5hp Yardwork Snowthrower, gas and oil $350. Small dog carrier $20. New carrier on wheels $70. Used small tent $35. Black crate 22" long, 15 1/ 2" high, 13" wide, for small dogs $30 Cal l 613-933-6822 FOR SALE: Full set of Oprah books, sold as set, $80. Large size dog kennel $60. Large bird cage with nests $50. Cal l 613-933-9618 FOR SALE: Pen, - 12 ft long, 7ft wide, 6ft high with door. All galvanized like new. $400 new selling for $175. 613-931-2729 FOR SALE: 2 outdoor Christmas Reindeer - one large, one small, asking $30 for both. World globe on a stand plus a DVD player. 613-936-9399

TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREEexcept f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive

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"A Perf ectChrist masGif t " M EALS ON WHEELS/ GLEN STOR DU N LODGE Vol unt eers are desperat el y needed to deliver meals to homebound seniors during the winter months. If you are able to spare 2 hours once or twice per month please call 613-933-3384 ext 4263. Meals are delivered between 11am and 1pm Monday to Friday. Mileage is reimbursed. Our Vol unt eer Program of f ers f ree t ax preparat ion f or l ower income f amil ies and individual s including seniors and persons with disabilities. If you have prepared taxes in the past for yourself or others and would like to reach out to help others on a part time volunteer basis, please contact Rosemary at 613-522-0754.

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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 46 - December 4 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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