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You r Weekl y Dose of Posi ti ve New s!

Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Vol Volume . 6 Issue 4841, 6 Issue December 2015 October 18, 30, 2015

It 's t h at "M o st Wo n d er fu l Ti m e o f Th e Year "...

Ph o t o s fr o m t h e Seek er 's

"Th at Cl assi c San t a Pi c!" CONTEST Season's G reetings! SUNDAYS ON DUNET.CA 1pm - The Couch Wit h Shannon and Erica

SEE YOU JANUARY 8, 2016 at noon

4pm - The Jim & Ike Show

Warm wishes to you and yours during this Holiday Season

Tom Dunne



EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper to make it a success...



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by Julia Lucio

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


Have a h o l l y, j o l l y, Tr u m p Ch r i st m as


Peace. What a novel concept. But it's a concept that requires action, not idleness. Granted, sometimes that action resides in inaction, but it's action nonetheless; the action of remaining silent.

Cal l M ai-Liis - Seeker Sales

And this is just what I'm gonna do! For the sake of peace during this holiday season, I won't tell you how moronic I find it that Donald Trump is leading in the Republican Primaries by as much as 30 points over his opponents. I won't tell you either that even though he seems like he's successful, he's actually a loser. As a matter of fact, HIS show should have been called "the Biggest Loser!"

Trump represents everything that is wrong with America and , if elected, will turn back the clock on just about 100 years of progress. Hard. Blood Shed. Painfully Earned. Progress. I won't tell you either how deporting refugees, making sure those who remain are visibly identifiable (insert Jewish star here) and enforcing a ban on Muslim immigrants will affect not only the United States, but all of North America and the world as a whole. Not to mention set a safe environment for white supremacists to proliferate. Hail Trump!

613-935-3763 ext . 102

Don't Forget Advertising with the Seeker is not an expense... It's an investment! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 the best year yet! Prices will go up in January, so act quickly. Book your ads before January 1st and get grandfathered in at the 2015 rates! Visit ht t p:/ / www.t heseeker.ca/ rat es to check out our pricing and book your ads. The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic constitutes of women, 34-50 years old, with kids, who make the buying decisions in the family.

We have your target market!

and remember to "Advertise Locally" for the Holidays! CALL ME TODAY! 613-935-3763 ext 102

And I certainly don't have to tell you that not one thing coming out of this man's mouth makes sense. At the last debate, he said, when speaking of refugees, and I quote --because you just can't make this stuff up!-- "As far as other people into migration where they're going, tens of thousands of people having cell phones with ISIS flags on them. I don't think so, Wolf. They're not coming to this country..." What the heck is he even talking about? Phones with flags? This is ten times worst than Bush and his "Nucular Profileration" gibberish! At least, with Bush, we got the gist of it! Trump's discourse is nothing short of cryptic. And the only one who has the decryption key is, well, you guessed it, Trump himself. But still, the GOP hails Trump! Even with idiotic comments claiming that he will build a "Great Wall"-although illegal immigration is at an all time low--or that he will shut down parts of the internet so ISIS can't use it, he is acclaimed. Trump can do no wrong. His followers are quite charming too! When (Black?) protesters are being escorted out of rallies where Trump speaks, people in the crowd yell, ?Shoot him!? ?Kick his ass,? and ?Light the motherf? -r on fire!? Others simply adopt the ?Sieg heil!?, an old Nazi salute. I'm telling you. You can't make this stuff up.


But I digress. Back t o keeping t he peace. During this joyful time of the year, Mai-Liis and I want to thank our regular contributors, especially Jason Setnyk, Countess Trottier, Sharyn Thompson, Marie Morrell Marlene Baker and John Lister, for continually providing us with the excellent content found in the Seeker each week. There are also many other individuals who have contributed pictures, articles and events throughout the year. Thank you. We also want to thank our advertisers without whom this little paper could not see the light of day. We want to thank our pick up (in more ways than one!) team: John Lucio and Sheldon Grant, as well as our delivery team: Olaf and Siiri Reiman. We want to thank Dwight Dugas and James Brunet for giving us the opportunity to expand the likes of this paper to another media with our weekly radio show. And last, but not least, we sincerely wish you and yours, our avid readers, a Happy Holiday Season. May you be blessed with good times, good food and good company. ?For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Definitely not Donald Trump.?

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d NEWS & POLITICS Project Warmt h - During the winter months it is especially difficult for those living beneath the Low Income Cut Off. Due to their limited income and added difficult living conditions, impoverished citizens often cannot afford the proper insulation for their homes. This results in an uncomfortable living environment which negatively affects the health of all family members and causes an unfortunate cycle of additional expenses. In November 2015, the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area, partnering with the House of Lazarus in Mountain, sent out the call to local businesses and organizations to offer to help those who need it most this winter. We asked community organizations to help raise funds to positively impact these people, their families and the community as a whole. The funds received were used to purchase window insulation kits that will seal out drafts, and ensure that households keep warm this winter. Fifteen local businesses and organizations answered the call for our Winter Warmth Project/ A total of $2,830 was raised for the project and 470 window insulation kits were purchased with the funds available. The kits were donated to the Salvation Army and the Agape Centre Cornwall and the House of Lazarus in Mountain where they will be distributed. Unit ed Way hit s 65%

mark - On December 11th the United Way of SDG had reached 65% of its $710,000 goal for the 2015 Community Campaign. ?We are so happy to see the response we have received from our community?, said Michael Galvin, 2015 Campaign Chair. ?Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! We just need a push to bring us to the top ? every little bit helps. Remember that you can still buy tickets for our Celebration Sleigh until next Friday, and be sure to pick-up your Angels Among Us ornament at Pommier Jewellers before Christmas?. The organization has one week remaining to reach its 2015 goal which serves to support 17 agencies providing 18 programs, directly impacting the lives of thousands of local residents.

ARTS & CULTURE Went zel l visit s TAG Legendary Music Photographer Barrie Wentzell was at TAG last Friday and Saturday. Barrie Wentzell was the official photographer for Melody Maker magazine in Swinging London from 1965 to 1975. He photographed music legends such as John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, Frank Zappa, and many others. People in attendance, including City Councillor Mark A MacDonald enjoyed incredible photos of music legends, and heard awesome stories from the guy behind the lens. Spirit of a Season ? It?s that time of year again and ?Spirit of a Season? is back with another stellar eclectic lineup of comedians and musical entertainment! See comedian Jacy LaFontaine, Chris Venditto, plus

b y Ja so n Se tny k

acoustic music by Chuch LeClair and Ben Dynamite on Saturday December 19th. There will also be rock music by 21 Guns and Doctor Mom. The event takes place at La Maison Tavern, the cover is $5, and doors open at 9pm.

Seeker Get s Ment ionned at Team Cornwal l Year in Review. The Seeker received an honourable mention at this year's Team Cornwall Year in Review when Bob Peters, of the City of Cornwall's Economic Development, acknowledged our five successful years in business and our positive impact on the community. Thank you Team Cornwall!

SPORTS & RECREATION River Kings hire new head coach - The search for a new head coach is over. A couple of days after Cornwall stole two points from first-place Jonquiere on home ice, the River Kings have snagged Bob Desjardins from the Marquis. Desjardins, who finished the 2014-15 season as the bench boss in Cornwall, was serving as an assistant in Jonquiere. ?I?m very happy to be icul backtin Cornwall, should have Hort ural SocietI never y beaut if ies left,? said Desjardins. ?Even though I was a part of a first-place team, I missed the boys here and the Cornwall fans.? ?I realized that on Saturday night,? he added. ?I missed the City, the Moreau family and the staff so it really is great to be back.? The River Kings have won three of their last five contests on home ice. Cornwall will look to build on the momentum with four of its next five games to be contested at the Civic Complex.

Col t s Gal l op Past Rangers Twelve Colts picked up at least one point as Cornwall romped past Gloucester 7-1. Lawson MacDonald (11) and Lawson MacDougall (9) paced the Colts with a goal and two assists each. Ross Craig (4), Tanner Spink (10), Matthew Morin (8) and Parker Krol (3) each picked up a goal and an assist. Keegan Mulhearn (6) also scored. The Colts outshot the Rangers 46-22 with Liam Lascelle earning the victory and improving his record to 11-5-1 on the season. The Wendy?s Restaurant 3 stars were 1st Star Lawson MacDonald (Colts), 2nd Star Lawson MacDougall (Colts) and 3rd Star Vincent Guimond (Rangers). The Cornwall Toyota Hardest Working Colts Player of the Game was Parker Krol. The Colts record now stands at 18-14-2-1 for 39 points and sole possession of 7th overall. HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM JASON SETNYK AND THE SEEKER TEAM!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Seeker Chicks I am not sure how safe it will be living in Cornwall especially if the city welcomes some Syrian's refugees. I was having coffee Saturday morning (12 December), at 7 am at Tim Hortons near Food Basic$ on Brookdale, and heard a group of people discussing and saying, "We should shoot them all" referring to those Syrian's refugees and the menacing comments went on and on. How can anyone be so racist and ignorant? I was so upset and wondered what this country would be like if the Natives refused entry to our ancestors to Canada. The natives not only welcomed them but also thought them how to survive in this new world. I can only blame this on the lack of education. It is too bad our ancestors did not leave greed, jealousy and racism behind when they arrived. I remembered the article about Multiculturalism written years ago by Ludwick Piotrwoski, a citizen of Cornwall. Ludwick is a great writer and educator. I even translated the article because I believe it is that important to pass on.


It is hard to educate people who have no feelings for other human beings just because he or she came from another country in the recent years. However, this is not a reason to stop trying. I am positive the elected leaders of this community would come up with ideas to educate the citizens so they can stop being afraid of what they do not know. Part of the plan to educate people is to use

Canadian analogies about our own murders and lawbreakers to make our citizens understand that we do not hurt the families, friends and neighbours of these evil people within our community as a result their actions. I am willing to help in any education endeavour if it can make a difference and I am sure I would not be the only one willing to do so. Cornwall a world of possibilities! Show me. Marie Morrell, Cornwall

Have something to say? Sent us your Letter to the editor. info@theseeker.ca. You can also freely comment on our website at theseeker.ca

M a rle ne

BAKER Hi There to all of you beautiful and handsome people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. I hope you've all been enjoying the spring-like temperatures and weather. It may not feel like Christmas yet, but I'll take the warmer, and more pleasant days any time!

I am going to devote this week's column to providing a wrap up of the year by reflecting on some of the things I wrote about in 2015. The first thing I had mentioned was the concept of New Year's Resolutions, and how I never make them. I just look forward to aiming for better things, but without putting the pressure of setting too many goals that inevitably aren't all reached. What we didn't achieve this year may happen next year. The point is to keep moving forward. 2015 saw births and deaths. In one of this year's earlier columns, I wrote of a supper we had been invited to by our friends, Bob and Karen. Well, Bob has passed on, and we never would have thought it would happen. There are times when it's easy to postpone visits or events, but we never know when we will be seeing someone for the last time. To put death in perspective, I am happy to report more life! I have had 2 more grandchildren born this year, Ruby, daughter of my son Luke, and Dylan, son of my daughter Sarah, both of them being a second child. As for little Ruby, way back on January, I wrote in my column, "Please Be A Girl!!! I want another granddaughter to love and to dress up," and my wish came true! During the spring of this year, John and I began to get our photography business 'Photo Dreams' off the ground. We work with green screen to create fantasy artworks, and were exhibitors at CAPE in April. We photographed a lot of the cosplay artists, and several expressed amazement at what we were able to do. We will soon be announcing some exciting

SEEKERS Thumbs Up ! My w if e a nd Joll y tours I hav e b een tr av ell in fo g w it h The lastes r the p ast 1 2 years t tr ip b ein or so. g a Chri stm It w as fan as Part y. tasti c. We hav e b een on cru ises, cross tours and Canada short 1 to 3 day tr ip s. We hav e a lw and hap p y ays b een extr emely w it h the to p leased ur guides Joll y Tours and the staff . Ev erythin g is done in an eff ic p leasant m ient and anner. Thank you Jo to tr av el w ll y Tours. We w il l co it h them a s long as w nti nue Ray O?Coll e can. in Last Fri da y w as a sa d day for m my Father e as in Whil e dri v law , Denis Renaud's it w as ing in the funeral . fu though, w e w ere all neral p rocession so imp res resp ect th sed w it h th at e Constr ucti the w orkers of Bou rgon on show e d us. They w ork, took sto off their h ard hats a p p ed w it h the h n ats ds funeral p ro under their arms w tood hil e the cession p a ssed. Defi nit ely w ort hy of a Seekers Mai-Lii s R Thumb sU enaud p!

news regarding our green screen, but I will leave that for a future column. Throughout the year, John and I have attended quite a number of memorable tribute shows at the Port Theatre. We also attended CoTiCon, which is Cornwall's tiny comic convention. We set up our PhotoDreams green screen and captured a lot of cosplay characters, providing backgrounds and high quality prints. But the event of the year was the Seeker Choice Awards. I had hoped to win, but really didn't think I would. Even as they were introducing me as winner for Contributor of the Year, I thought they were talking about someone else, until my name was called. This is already the event of the year in Cornwall, but of course, it was a very special night for me. I am still honored that I was selected among so many other great contributors. Winning caused me to reflect also on where I had come from, as I had once been extremely shy and would never have imagined writing a column, or being in social situations. When summer arrived, I wrote about how Cornwall has an amazing network of trails and waterways. It's a recreational haven for anyone who kayaks, cycles, or even walks. This is one of the reasons I love Cornwall so much. We also have the Eco Gardens, Lamoureux Park, Grey's Creek and other great spots. ITEM OF THE YEAR: If I had to pick one item, I suppose it would have to be shoes. I think my favorites are the butterfly shoes John got me. TIP OF THE YEAR: The best advice I can recall from 2015 is to live in the present. Living in the past causes worry, and living in the future causes stress. We only have the now. This is where life takes place. UNTIL NEXT TIME: Stop to enjoy the little things in life. Don't rush along so fast that you miss the best life is offering. Nobody remembers days spent at work, or at home mowing the lawn, but we do remember a picnic, or a fishing trip. Take the time to make life memorable for you and those you love. May you all have a wonderful Christmas shared with those you cherish, while keeping those you may have lost, warmly in your hearts. Marlene Baker www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




GET YOU R TI CK E TO D A YTS ! AlisonHudsonof the AlisonWonderlandBand and JamesMorris, owner of La CuisineVolante,ExclusiveCaterer of the Cornwall CivicComplex.

Ho l l ywo o d co m es t o Co r n wal l o n New Year s Eve! Article by Jason Setnyk, Above Photo by Mai-Liis Renaud Alison Wonderland are playing live at the Civic Complex on ?Thursday December 31st. Tickets are $80 and include assorted canapes, a four course gourmet dinner featuring filet mignon and shrimp, champagne toast at midnight and a late lunch. The supper ticket ($80) includes a chance to win a diamond necklace courtesy of Pommier Jewellers. After 9pm the ticket price is $20 for an evening of musical entertainment.


La Cuisine Volante Presents "A Night In Hollywood", a New Year's Eve Gala benefitting the Optimist Club of Cornwall and the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation to expand children and youth?s mental health services in Cornwall & SD&G. DJ Sound will be the DJ for the night.

Mai - Li i s an d Shel don w i sh y ou al l a Mer r y Chr i stm as an d a Happy New Year !

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Ch r i st m as Sh o p p i nst g ar t st o d ay- Rem em b er - Sh o pLo cal Ka thle e n



It starts with the music. Then the stores are full of decorations and toys. Then there?s the baking, the rushing around, the last minute shopping.

Let ?s f ace it - t he Christ mas season is STRESSFUL!! For many, Christmas is a joyous event that brings family and friends together. But amidst all that joy is the stress of making sure everything is perfect and on time. Some people don?t know how to cope. We become so consumed with our tasks that we let our exercise and other de-stressing activities go by the wayside.

As we let these things go, our bodies start to take on unhealthy patterns. Our core muscles begin to weaken, leading to lower back discomfort. We start to slouch, leading to shoulder and upper back discomfort. Some people start clenching their jaw or grinding their teeth, leading to face, neck, and even shoulder discomfort. Some people are keeping up with their exercise and staying healthy but just need that extra something to help de-stress. A relaxation massage is perfect for that. Imagine an hour of uninterrupted rest. You don?t have to answer the phone, reply to text messages, or stare at a computer. You get to turn off your mind and let your body heal. As I discussed in a previous article, serotonin is a chemical in the human body that regulates mood, hunger, and sleep. It also helps heal at an injury site (released by blood platelets to help minimize blood loss). Serotonin is released during massage. Oxytocin (also known as the love hormone because it is released in mothers and when people fall in love) is released with relaxing, gentle massage. Cortisol, a stress hormone, is reduced following massage, increasing immunity and wound healing. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are another set of chemicals that are associated with the fight-or-flight response. Massage lowers these, which in turn, lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and glucose metabolism. If you are feeling stressed this season and are looking for a way to lower your stress levels, why not try a relaxing massage?

Li n d a an d h er st aff wi sh yo u a M er r y Ch r i st m as! COM EVISITTODAY- We h ave - Tr ees - Wr eat h s- Rei n d eer s - Del i ci o u sIn -St o r eBak ed Go o d s PLU S- Ou r Gi ft St o r e i s PACKED wi t h Ch r i st m asGo o d i es, "So m et h i n g fo r Ever yo n e"

Gift Shop & Restaurant 75CornwalCent l re Road,CornwalON l , - Opendailyat 8am

M ar k Gar , r yan dRo b er at t

Wi sh Ever y on e a Mer r y Chr i stm as an d al l the Best f or the New Year - see y ou al l i n 20 16 ! Civic # 5588 Hwy. 138 - 6 1 3 -9 3 8 -4 8 6 5 TIM ETO GETYOU RWINTERTIRESON!

Wishingour clientsaVeryMerryChristmas and a Happy New Year! f rom Karen and Gail of

Phot o by Mai-Liis Renaud

To book your massage cont act me: Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On K6H 4J6 Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com (613) 662-5549

Give t he Gif t of Relaxat ion t his Chr ist mas... w it h a Gif t Cer t if icat e

1380 2nd St East, Cornwall, ON K6H 2B6 (613) 936-8435

Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com (613) 662-5549

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca The l ibrary is now open on Sundays 1:00 t o 5:00 pm



LIBRARY HOLIDAY HOURS Cl osed December 24, 25, 26 & January 1 Open December 27 - 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. December 28, 29, 30 - 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. & December 31st - 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 PAWS 'N BOOKS - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm CHECK-MATES WITH CLIFFORD LABRE - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm



THE SOUND OF MUSIC Monday, December 21 1:00 PM Audience: G THE PRINCESS BRIDE Tuesday, December 22 1:00 PM Audience: PG


CINÉ-FÊTES DE FAMILLE - BELLE ET SÉBASTIEN Le mercredi 23 décembre 13 h Auditoire : G

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17 DITCH THE DIET You may need this to help you with the new you you've promised yourself for 2016. Sign up for our Ditch the Diet - A Talk on Mind-Body Eating with Lorraine Driscoll, registered Holistic nutritionist and mindful eating coach. Free registration required at the library or by phone. 2:00 pm t o 3:00 pm.


SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 @ 2:00 P.M. A CLOSER LOOK AT WOMEN?S HEALTH WHAT IS ENDOMETRIOSIS? For women 13 to 45 - Presented by Cherie Douglas


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Call the library at 613-932-4796 for more information.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wi t h



U P?


Unit ed Way Cel ebrat ion Sl eigh Get your tickets today for the Celebration Sleigh filled with over 5,000$ in prizes donated by community minded businesses including a blue tooth speaker system provided by COGECO Cable. Tickets are 3$ each or a book of 4 for 10$. On sale second level at the Cornwall Square Thursdays - Sundays until draw day - Friday, December 18th at 12 noon. Celebrate Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God?s Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org







Free Communit y Skat e & Food Drive DTuesday, December 22nd from 3 to 4 pm. Benson Center Pad 2, 800 7th St. W. Sponsored by the Ontario Secondary Schools Teachers' Federation.

Come See Santa This Saturday December 19th!! At your Cornwall Boston Pizza!!! Call to reserve for lunch 613-933-2400!! HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!


Your ad woul d be here had you cal l ed it in. Next t ime don't f orget ! Cal l 935-3763

SATURDAY Your ad woul d be here had you cal l ed it in. Next t ime, don't f orget ! Cal l 613-935-3763












It is CHRISTMAS EVE! Have you compl et ed your shopping? Most st ores are opened t oday. Hurry!


Sout h Gl engarry Communit y EcumenicalChrist masLunch CHRISTMAS DAY AT 12 NOON St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall, South Lancaster. Please RSVP with Rev. Gary Stokes 613.935.8179 or Anne Marie:613.347.2518

WHAT'S U P ON NEW YEARS EVE THU RSDAY,DEC, 3 1 ST Ring in t he new year wit h a f undraiser f or t he Cornwal l & Area Pop Event (CAPE). See The Lost Boyz and Spare Partz. Tickets for couples are $60 or single tickets can be purchased for $30. Costumes are encouraged but optional. The event takes place at the Agora Centre (former Nativity Hall) and it starts at 8pm. Advanced tickets are available at Fantasy Realm.

Rock Bot t om wil l be ringing in t he New Year at La Maison Tavern. Enjoy covers of Melodic Rock, Power Rock, Classic Rock, New wave, and Hair Metal. Doors are at 9pm and tickets are $20 ib advance or $25 at the door.


W H A T 'S

December 19t h

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yone Wishing Ever mas ist a Mer r y Chr f at Lola's f r om t hest af


Carol s & Bel l s Enjoy the sounds of the Christmas season when the Salvation Army presents Carols & Brass: A Community Carol Sing featuring a performance by the Salvation Army Brass Band. Sunday, December 20th at 12:30 pm Worship and the Word at fountaingate Christian Assembly with Pastor Brad Montsion. 10:30 am. 949 Mohawk Drive


Al ison Wonderl and are pl aying l ive at t he Civic Compl ex. Tickets are $80 and include passed canapes and a signature drink, a four course gourmet dinner featuring filet mignon and shrimp, champagne toast at midnight and a late lunch. It?s called ?A Night In Hollywood? ? A New Year?s Eve Gala. It is benefitting the Optimist Club of Cornwall and the Cornwall and District Service Club Council?s pledge to expand children and youth?s mental health services in Cornwall & SD&G. There will also be a DJ.

Count ry f ans can ring in t he new year wit h Swit chgear at the Golf and Country Club.

Sunday, December 20 - 8 am t o noon A MESSAGE FROM: Knights of Columbus St. Andrews Council 10416 -- SANTA?S ON HIS WAY! Come and enjoy our community breakfast onSunday, December 20,2015 from 8 am to 12 noon at the St. AndrewsCatholic Church hall. You never know when Santa will show up.

hicks wish C r e k e e S e h T er r y Ever yonea M wewil l d Chr istmas an ew Year ! N seeyou in the

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



CALLMai-LiisTODAYt o pl ace your EVENT AD! 613-935-3763Ext . 102 "I can'thelpyouadvertiseit, if I don'tknowaboutit!

Thestaff at La Maison wish everyonea Happy and Safe Christmas and all theBest for theNew Year! THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Sha ry n

THO M PSO N SOM EEASY CHRISTM ASTREATS As I write this column, on December 15th, we have only 10 days to Christmas. So much to do in so little time! I thought these easy recipes would just be the ticket for you to bake. When we had our baking day last Sunday, we made these easy whipped shortbread cookies. You whip the dough and just drop it by cookie scoop onto parchment lined baking sheets. Adding a piece of red or green cherry on top just makes them look festive. Alma's miniature brownies are so cute, with a rosebud chocolate placed on the top of each one after


This recipe makes 48 brownies. We sell the chocolate rosebuds and miniature muffin papers and all ingredients needed at my store, Sharyn's Pantry.) INGREDIENTS: 2/ 3 cup packed brown sugar 1/ 2 cup soft butter 6 squares (6 oz.) semi sweet chocolate (we carry these) 1 tsp. pure vanilla 2 eggs, beaten 2/ 3 cup all-purpose flour 48 chocolate rosebuds 48 mini muffin papers (we carry red, green, gold, silver, white or Christmas design) METHOD: -Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Place a mini muffin paper in mini muffin pans. You need to do 48 of them. If you don't have these mini muffin pans, place the muffin papers side by side on a cookie sheet with sides. (We sell the mini muffin baking tins.) -In a double boiler or a bowl over a potful of boiling water, melt the butter along with the chocolate squares and the sugar together. Stir well until all of the chocolate is melted. Lift the pot from the heat and allow it to sit for 1- 1/ 2 minutes. -Beat the eggs and vanilla until nice and light. Stir in the all-purpose flour. Mix well. -Stir the melted chocolate mixture into the flour and egg batter. Mix well. -Spoon the brownie batter into each muffin paper cup. -Bake the brownies for only 10 minutes in a 350 degree F. oven. As soon as you lift out the pans of brownies, place a chocolate rosebud on top of each hot brownie. -The chocolate rosebud is your icing. No more work!

they come out of the oven. You bake the brownies in tiny muffin papers. Alma Christoff, a very dear lady, shared many of her recipes with me over the years shopping at my store. She passed away a number of years ago, but we keep fond memories of her when we bake her special recipes. My wish to you all is to have a very merry and holy Christmas with your families. I wish you all good health and happiness for the coming New Year. Our family will all be home with us this year for Christmas. I am very blessed. Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year!

WHIPPED SHORTBREAD COOKIES We have made these very easy cookies since 1997. They are tender, buttery and quickly made. INGREDIENTS: 1 lb. of butter, soft at room temperature 1 tsp. pure vanilla 1 cup icing sugar 1/ 2 cup cornstarch 3 cups all-purpose flour METHOD: -Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Set them aside for now. -Whip the butter until nice and soft and fluffy. -Gradually add in the icing sugar and vanilla. Whip again. -Now add in the cornstarch and flour in a couple of additions. Whip until the cookie dough looks like whipped cream in consistency. -Use a cookie scoop for the fastest way to drop the cookie dough onto parchment lined baking sheets. Or, just use a teaspoon. -Place a piece of cherry on top of each cookie. -Bake the cookies for 11 to 12 minutes in the preheated 350 degree F. oven. -Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheets before lifting them out to a wire cooling rack to cool completely. -Place them in layers with waxed paper between each SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY layer in cookie - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. tins. ENJOY! 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5

the families and deliver the presents.

CORNWALL NEW S By Cornwal l Scrabbl e Direct or, Vivianne Panizzon Cornwal l Scrabbl e Cl ub Part icipat es in t he Chil dren?s St ar Campaign The Cornwall Scrabble Club held a Charity Scrabble session at the Cornwall Public Library on Thursday, December 10th. Eleven Scrabble players participated and constantly put ?their best words forward? so as to win their games. However, the real ?reward? of the event was not in winning but in giving. All these generous Scrabble players had accepted to participate in the Christmas Star Campaign organized by the Children?s Aid Society. Three ?Stars? had been assigned to the Cornwall Scrabble Club; Scrabblers had been informed as to the age, gender and interests of the children. Consequently, gifts were chosen accordingly. Maria D?Annibale, Representative for the Children?s Aid Society was present at the event. She was impressed to see this display of generosity as each Scrabbler came forward to make their donations. Maria left with three large Christmas bags overflowing with gifts. Prior to her departure, Maria explained that the gifts would be given to the Social Workers who are working with those specific families. They would then set up a time to visit

The Scrabblers were pleased to have Dawn Kiddell, Chief Librarian at the event. The Cornwall Scrabble Club is a program run by the Cornwall Public Library and as always, Dawn, Pierre Dufour, Community Relations and Program Coordinator and all the Library Personnel show their support and encouragement. Participating ?Scrabblers? as seen in the picture above were: Middle Row: Sylvie ThĂŠoret, Norma O?Collin, Carol Murdock, Emilie Henkelman, Lucille Fay, Mary Geoffrion, Norma Forsyth, Maria D?Annibale. Back Row: Dawn Kiddell, Dave Dolan Front Row: Shirley Schade, Vivianne Panizzon, Ted Emerton-Proulx Three players who could not be present, Jennifer Mitchell, Edith Sturgeon and Elaine Heath, also contributed donations. Regular Scrabble Sessions will resume at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 7t h 2016. Scrabble players in the area who wish to join the Cornwall Scrabble Club are asked to call 613 931 1792 or e-mail vpanizzon@cogeco.ca On behalf of the Cornwall Scrabble Members, I wish to thank The Seeker for publishing the monthly Scrabble results and the Cornwall Scrabble News articles. Your support is recognized and much appreciated. A heartfelt thank you also goes out to the Cornwall Public Library for housing and promoting the Scrabble Club, and all its extended activities. Merry Christmas and all the best to everyone in the New Year.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Ch r i st m as Sh o p p i nst g ar t st o d ay- Rem em b er - Sh o pLo cal ! The

Seeker Team Wan t s To Rem i n d Yo u t o ch eck o u r web si t e d ai l y


fo r yo u r"Dai l yDo se" o f Co m m u n i News! ty r i st m a s Mer r y Ch f r om Ch i c ks Th e Seeker Ma i - L i i s d n a a i l Ju


SeeyouallonFriday,January 8,2016 2014 - 2015 PRINCIPAL SPONSORS


DESNO YERS BEST WISHES FROM FOCUS ART / MEILLEURS SOUHAITS POUR 2015 Focus Art hopes that this has been a year filled with creativity and shared happiness. The Association has celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2015 and plans to continue helping you explore your artistic talents and support initiatives to expand the art scene in Cornwall. On a personal note: I have been very fortunate to meet so many of you through this Seeker column. I thank the ?Gals? at the Seeker for this opportunity, the generous artists I have interviewed and you, the readers. It?s been fun. Merci!

HERE IS NEWS FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF FOCUS ART Linda Geisel, president, explains how FOCUS ART will move forward. Our current Board, she announces, is keen on expanding our visibility; on exploring external resources for funding and finding a space we can call our own.

**Pay yourself a treat and visit the Mary Pratt Show, realist painter, which is on until January 3rd at the National Art Gallery. Amazing! Congratulations to one of our members Audrey Bain an admired painter and member of Focus Art was elected to the Society of Canadian Artists ? a rare privilege and recognition, not only for her art works, but also for her long service to the arts in Cornwall as Gallery Director for Cornwall Regional Art Gallery, from 1983 to 1992. Kudos! Visit Audrey?s website to view many of her works. www.al anaudreybain.art bo.net OBO STUDIOS Our colleagues at OBO Studios are hard at work preparing interesting paintworkshops. Sat. January 9th: : Acrylic workshop ?Beautiful Buddha? Sat. January 23rd: Expressive acrylic landscapes Contact: obost udios@hot mail .com You can always ask Santa to slip a gift certificate in your stocking.

Visibility : The Association was present at Team Cornwall Year-end Review at the Galaxy Dec. 16th. Louise Mignault and Mangeet Shergill hosted a kiosk for Focus Art selling our beautiful artistic calendars.


December 2nd a very successful Anniversary party was held at the Social. Images of this event can be viewed on www.f acebook.com/ f ocusart associat ion

Jane Macmillan, well-know visual artist and director of a terrific dance school is accepting new students into her dance program. ht t p:/ / janemacmil l an.com

January 6th 2016, Members?Meeting at le Centre Charles-Claude: Socializing at 6:30; meeting begins at 7pm with the GOLDEN LECTURE DEMO presented by working artist Andrea Warren. The Golden demo is a fun, informative and interactive session, which covers acrylics A to Z. Come get inspired, ask questions, try some new products, learn some new techniques and go home with an information packet and free Golden samples! *Non-members are welcome for a fee of $5.00 at the door. ?Photo Mood Walks? spearheaded by Kathleen Morin are growing in popularity. Maybe it?s because of the coffee and friendly exchange afterwards. Images from the participants?photography can be seen on Focus Art Facebook. *Reserve Sunday, January 24th 2016 at 2pm for the next walk at Louise Mignault?s farm on Glen Brook Road. Discover plenty of interesting outbuildings, machinery and woodland to entertain your photographic eye. Call Kathleen at 613-865-0514 to register and get more details.

HAVE YOU PURCHASED YOUR FOCUS ART CALENDAR? The sales and sponsorship of the calendar finance our events, interesting guests and workshops. For this reason I invite all members to purchase a calendar to adorn your studio. You can find them at the Cornwall Square Free gift-wrapping station, la Caisse populaire, Medical Arts Montreal road, OBO studios, Harvest Restaurant and Gift store, GlenStorDun Lodge and occasionally sold by members in certain grocery stores. Check our website where you can pay with PayPal. www.f ocusart onl ine At $10,00, the calendars make a great hostess gift and stocking filler.

Have a Safe and Merry Christmas. See you in 2016.

ADVERTISING in TheSEEKERis There is st il l t ime t o book your ads f or 2016 at t he 2015 pricing! Hurry! Cal l me! NOT an Expense ... Prices go up in January! It 's AN INVESTM ENT Cal l me t oday t o pl ace your ad!

613-935-3763ext . 102

Happy Holidays!

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

Co unte ss

TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON CLEAN WATER! Humans are all connected to each other via water. Water is basically what our human bodies contain.Each human body be it anywhere in the world consists of 60% to 80% water.Even embryos in the mothers' wombs are always surrounded by water. Therefore, it is imperative that We The Eco-Conscious, Wise People begin to consider the importance of having available on a daily basis: clean, pure living water! There is much to be done to reach this high standard of living which is necessary for ourselves, the new generations and the future generations one hundred years from now and beyond.Each one of us has a duty to take on the responsibility for ensuring that we are drinking clean, pure water. Passing the buck to governments, politicians, multinational corporations can never provide us with our life's essential. You, the Individuals on this Planet Earth ARE RESPONSIBLE TO HELP ACHIEVE A WORLD WITH CLEAN, LIVING WATER!

While certain people seek the inconsiderate way of getting to clean water: by heating up certain areas on our Planet ... so that they can collect the fresh water from glaciers both in the Arctic and the Antarctic, then transport this water to their countries .. it is not the answer! Others, are surreptiously sucking out our pure waters fromaquifers ..on other people's land and stealing their fresh waters which they then sell to countries who need fresh water. These people have no sense of respect for others and are called: egomaniacs! These egomaniacs should be boycotted and fined for whatever damages they have already incurred. In Canada, a legal group has formed referred to as EcoJustice and they are Canada's national environmental law charity organized to help save our fresh waters and the environment. They are very involved - as others are throughout the world - to STOP FRACKING WATER BY OIL COMPANIES. These latter companies canuse as much as 2 to 10 million gallons of fresh water to fracture a single well.For more information on thisparticular subject please Google: Fracking water by oil companies. WHAT CAN AN INDIVIDUAL DO TO ENSURE THAT WE HAVE PURE, LIVING WATER: NOW AND ALWAYS? Because the method of providing energy/ electricity is the worse offender and abuser of our fresh waters, let us begin to pursue other forms of energy that will never destroy our Home - Planet Earth ... nor OUR INDIVIDUAL HEALTH. Begin to research the work being done by Independent Researchers who can provide each one of us with energy for all our needs using the AETHER aka FREE ENERGY ORIGINATING EVERYWHERE IN THE COSMOS. Nikola Tesla offered energy systems which would allow We The People to be free to use energy anywhere on the Planet. RESEARCHING ON THE INTERNET CAN OPEN DOORS TO A SAFE PLANET ... This Christmas why not spend time researching ways to ensure YOUR WATER AND YOUR PLANET EARTH ARE GOING TO BE CLEAN AND PURE. During the winter months, NEVER USE SALT WHICH IS VERY DETRIMENTAL TO THE ENVIRONMENT, BUT USE SAND. In an earlier article, I wrote about designing special snow plows that can pick up the snow and instantly have it melted and converted by electrolysis into hydrogen, oxygen and water. See what you can do to bring this about. I know that there are some bright young minds ready to accept the challenge! In the home, instead of drinking soft drinks which have no nutritional value and use up LOTS OF WATER ... begin to prepare your own drinks = herbal teas, fruit teas, vegetable teas. Directions: Boil enough water to fill a glass quart, add 2 tbs. loose herbs such as peppermint, lavender, chamomile, fill the jar with the hot water, immediately put on the cover and once at room temperature you can drink it; as well as leave it in the refrigerator for a future cold drink. Similarly, with the fruit and vegetable teas, you use organically grown produce. After slicing them or grating them such as for ginger, add them to a glass quart, pour the hot water in the container, cover, then drink at your leisure. p.s.: I love grated carrots, sliced lemon, cucumbers, with some mint for a cool, cleansing drink. When you begin to drink these home-made herbal teas, you are cleansing your body of toxins, but also providing yourself with very important nutrients. This is a real moment in time to begin being responsible for the water in your body and to ensure that OUR HOME PLANET EARTH IS GOING TO HAVE ONCE AGAIN CLEAN, LIVING WATERS! WE THE ECO-CONSCIOUS PEOPLE CAN SUCCEED! Suggested web site: www.frankgermano.wordpress.com (and view Victor Schauberger, also Nikola Tesla) Google: Victor Schauberger and Nikola Tesla on Living Waters




M a rie


YOU CAN FIX IT Part 3 of 3 Making Your Home More Pl easingTo The Eye These are some rough principles that guide us to ensure a great result every time we want our house to look nice. They are just tried and true things that work. These tricks or skills do not take years to master. 1. Have a specific place for each item in your house and put this item back where it belongs each time. 2. Using common sense, never leave a room without putting back everything where it belongs. You never know who will show up for an unexpected visit.

3. Make electrical cords disappear under baseboards using special devices for this specific purpose. 4. Use see through square or rectangular storage containers to save room and see what is in these containers. Label them also. 5. When storing seasonal items arrange and keep them by seasons, in a way easily accessible at all times. 6. Buy interlocking plastic containers - they come in all sizes to put small items in either the bathroom or kitchen. Group items in categories, e.g., birthday's candles, bag clips, small knives, make up, lip stick, etc. 7. Purchase a l at eral f il ing cabinet , files holders with tabs, file folders to put away important papers, such as health records, income tax and property records, the paperwork for items purchase for inventory and warranty purpose, school records, banking and credit card statements. If you cannot afford a cabinet use banker boxes and purchase the file holders and file folders ensuring they are in a dry and fireproof space. 8.

Put things on hooks for additional space.


Put bedding for a specific bed in one of the pillows.

10. Using common sense, keeps things near where they are being used, 11. Put away in alphabetical order spices, cooking oil or anything that would be easier to find. Using this method, regroup items used for on specific tasks/ purpose together. 12. Teach children at an earl y age to put away their toys before going to bed every day, in a container selected for this purpose. As a teenager, they will already be used to keep their room clutter less. For common areas, ensure that everyone single member of the family puts away, before they go to bed, what he or she has used including belongings, otherwise this particular item is grounded for a week. This al so incl udes Mom and Dad's t hings. Same rul e f or everyone. f you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com

A Ch r i st m as Ch u ck l e ..... Little Johnny asks his mother a week before Christmas "How long is it till Christmas Mom?" "Why do you ask? " says his mother. "Because then I'll know when I have to start being good!"...

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


agreements which will enable graduates of St. Lawrence College to receive credits towards University studies. President and CEO of St. Lawrence College Glenn Vollebregt and Carleton University President Roseann O?Reilly Runte were joined by supporters at St. Lawrence College Cornwall this week to sign the official agreements.

2016 is fast approaching and The Seeker will once again feature "Focus on the Good", my weekly section designed to profile any non-profit, community or charity-based organizations in Cornwall and area. If you have a service that can help anyone in need, please contact us to be featured in this FREE section of The Seeker! Every week we will feature a different organization with a short write-up, contact info and a couple photos to let the readers know about the many helpful organizations out there that can offer help in all areas of life. You can reach me at inf o@t heseeker.ca or carol grant produt ions@hot mail .com (subject: Focus on the Good).

I am forever grateful for my many blessings at this time of year and always. On that note, here's wishing you all a wonderful Christmas season, Happy New Year and many wonderful memories. If you don't have plans for New Year's Eve, we will be ringing in the new year at the Agora Centre (former Nativity Hall on McConnell Avenue) for the CAPE New Year's Eve Party! (with costume optional) With two live bands (The Lost Boyz and Spare Partz), party favours, hot & cold light lunch, door prizes, silent/ chinese auction, photo booth and tons of fun to be had, you will want to get your tickets soon at only $30 each as they are selling fast! You can purchase them through band members, at the Agora Centre bowling alley or through Fantasy Realm (227 Pitt Street). Visit our Facebook group page for more information. Hope to see you all there!


It's good to be back after a little absence! While my Out & About section of The Seeker has been on break, I certainly haven't been! There has been no shortage of activities going on in and around Cornwall and area these past few weeks! And now, with Christmas just around the corner, the events and outings will only be that much more prominent! As we get ready for the parties, shopping and spending time with their loved ones, please find the time this holiday season to slow down if you can and spend time with people you love, with your family, friends, neighbours, volunteering, helping out those in need or even time with strangers if you find yourself alone at this time of year.



It was a great pleasure to be a part of What's Up With The Seeker Chicks on Dunet radio courtesy of The Jim & Ike Show last Friday. If you haven't tuned in yet, you can access The Jim & Ike Show live every Sunday at 4:00 pm, and The Seeker chicks every Friday from 12-1. This radio show features two local men (James Brunet & Dwight Dugas) who offer a fun outlook on current topics and feature many other great hosts on the show with their own segments. They have just moved into their new studio on 4th Street and welcome new sponsors and advertisers to help them continue on their journey. I'd like to personally wish them success as they embark on this next chapter of a successful adventure!

The Star Wars frenzy is once again upon us! More than 30 years have passed since Episode VI and fans are geared up for Star Wars: The Force Awakens which is set to hit theatres this weekend. Cornwall will be buzzing with related activities in the next few weeks as fans relive the experience with the new show. The Cornwall Colts featured Star Wars Night this week where fans could attend the hockey game and dress as their favourite Star Wars character. My fiance and I attended as Princess Leia and Han Solo as we sponsored the night through Cornwall & Area Pop Event - CAPE. We hope you will enjoy the movie and take part in some of the fun!

The Stop & Shop & Silent Auction was held this past weekend at The Legion to help raise funds for the Sea Cadets. The show featured many exhibitors with an opportunity to do some holiday shopping! This is a great group of youth in our area and, though well enough attended, I was a little disappointed that more people didn't stop by to show support and purchase some wonderful items, bid on the Silent Auction and help raise funds for the youth here in Cornwall and area. Team Cornwall held its annual Year In Review this Wednesday at Galaxy Cinemas to a sold out crowd. Local business owner, entrepreneurs and members of the community gathered to hear all of the wonderful success stories, business ventures, good news, growth, development and expansion that many of the local and surrounding businesses have had this past year. What wonderful accomplishments we have seen!! More than 200 success stories were featured this year alone which makes me so very proud to live, work and play right here in Cornwall! We are extremely proud of all of these fantastic accolades and want to extend a personal congratulations to our good friend Grant Cooper (Cornwall Colts) who was recently named Captain of the Team Canada East Junior Hockey team now competing in Whitby! (Thank you to Matthew Murnaghan and Hockey Canada Images for this wonderful professional photo of Grant!) Also, kudos to Bob Peters for mentioning The Seeker, and Cornwall & Area Pop Event - CAPE! :) For more information on this year's stories, visit ht t p:/ / www.t eamcornwal l .com/ . TVCogeco will also feature the video on its upcoming schedule which you can find on thier website at ht t p:/ / www.t vcogeco.com/ cornwal l / home. In the near future, local college and University students will have an easier way to continue their post-secondary education. Carleton University and St. Lawrence College Cornwall signed new John - Seeker Sales

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Sha nno n

FERG USO N The Dif f erence Bet ween Good and Great Rel at ionships A good rel at ionship; I?m sure you?ve had one before, maybe you?ve even had many along the way but have you ever been in a relationship that was just better than the rest, that was great? What people are scared to admit these days is that more often than not we are getting into ?good? relationships, decent partnerships that add companionship to our lives, but we?re not finding real love.

We?re settling for less and we?re okay with it. We?re convincing ourselves that we?ve found love with someone when what we actually love is that we?re no longer alone. We love the company, the dates, and having someone to sleep next to. We love the idea of a relationship so much that we allow ourselves to get stuck in situations that may go on for years, dating someone we don?t love and at times, barely even like. But imagine if people stopped settling and instead waited for something great. Something awesome. A relationship with passion and fireworks and that feeling where you both look at each other and feel real love in the pit of your stomach. Someone you look at and just think ?I love you more than anything?. Sure, fireworks fade over time but a lot of relationships don?t even get to that point. At best, their excitement is more comparable to a sparkler on a birthday cake that sizzles out after 30 seconds. That?s good, it?s nice while it lasts but no one can deny that fireworks are better; they?re great. We need to stop being with people just for the sake of having a relationship. Sure, it?s always fun in the beginning while you?re getting to know someone but deep down we all know pretty early on if we?re with someone who gives us all the feels or not. And maybe after years of being together and basking in the mediocrity, the only feeling you get is that you?re stuck. After all, you?ve already spent so much time and put so much effort into this one person (that you never truly loved) that you can?t give up now, because having a decent relationship is better than not having one at all? Right?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all or us at the Cornwall Seaway Lions Club

Remember! Th ere are onl y 217 days unti l RI BFEST! 2016

Ugh, not true. Sure, if you love someone in the right way, of course you should fight for them. You should always try to make it work. But if you know deep down in your heart that your relationship was never one of the GREAT ones, why do you stay? There are too many people who yearn for great romances but never find them because they are happy to settle for less. Maybe they had something great once and have since settled for something good because they don?t think they?ll find real love again. But maybe, for most, they?ve never known what real love is, what a great relationship can be like. So, not knowing any better they flit around from good to decent to mediocre relationship thinking that?s as good as it gets. Yes, relationships are hard and they aren?t always fun but imagine going through tough times with someone you love instead of someone you can just stand being around? Wouldn?t that make for much better downs knowing that your highs are so much more meaningful? Ultimately, the difference between a good and a great relationship is love. Real, true, knock your socks off love. When you feel like the luckiest person in the world because that person chose you. When you could be in a room full of people but the only person you see is them. When even life?s challenges seem a bit easier just because they?re by your side. That?s love and that?s what a great relationship is made of. If you?re nodding your head in agreement then you?ve most likely found love like that before, if you?re totally and utterly confused by the aforementioned description of a great relationship then you?ve probably never been in one.

Think about it and Have yourselves a Very Merry Christmas! Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Jaso n Set n yk 's To p 1 5 st o r i es o f 2 0 1 5 Cornwall Ontario -- Another year has come and gone. From a Federal Election, to live concerts, to sporting events, and more - The Seeker was there to cover it. From Ryan Gosling plugging Cornwall on Saturday Night Live, to WormGate, to the resignation of Brock Frost, it was certainly a year to remember. Here are Jason Setnyk's Top 15 favourite stories he covered in 2015. 1 - Int erview wit h AC/ DC original l eader singer Dave Evans - On July 11th Cornwall music fans experienced an important part of rock and roll history. Dave Evans, who is the original lead singer of AC/ DC, shook Cornwall all night long with a gig at La Maison Tavern. 2 - Great Big Int erview wit h Sean McCann Hundreds of people attended Aultsville Theatre on Saturday September 10th to see Sean McCann of Great Big Sea and Graham Greer of the Barstool Prophets perform live in concert. ?I think I am in love with Cornwall and I can?t wait to see her again?, says Sean McCann. 3 - Int erview wit h Hol l ywood Act or St eve Coul t er Steve Coulter recently appeared in Season 5 of AMC?s the Walking Dead. He has appeared in many movies including The Hunger Games, Furious 7, Insidious: Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, the Conjuring, and in Anchorman 2. He is scheduled to appear at the next Cornwall and Area Pop Event. The second annual CAPE takes place on April 23rd and April 24th 2016 at the Benson Centre. 4 - Int erview wit h WWE Hal l of Fame wrest l er Jake t he Snake Robert s WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Jake ?The Snake? Roberts visited La Maison as a part of his spoken word tour on August 4th. Opening the show for him was former WWE wrestler Hacksaw Jim Duggan. aka Roberts had memorable rivalries against Andre the Giant, the Million Dollar Man, and the Honky Tonk Man, and as a villain he had memorable bouts against the Macho Man and the Undertaker. However his great rival was his addition to drugs and alcohol. In 2012, with the help of Diamond Dallas Page, he got on the road of recovery. 5 - Jenna Fl annigan and Team Canada win Sil ver at t he PanAm Games This was the first time Women?s Baseball was ever played at the PanAM games and Team Canada did not disappoint. Cornwall's Jenna Flannigan and Team Canada won silver at the 2015 PanAm games on July 26th. The Canadian Women?s baseball team loss to the USA in the Gold Medal game. Jenna Flannigan got one hit and one RBI in that game. Winning silver at the PanAm games is a significant accomplishment. Congratulations to Cornwall?s Jenna Flannigan and the rest of Team

6 -Trudeau El ect ion Vict ory From election night coverage, to my interviews with local candidates in SDSG, to interesting editorials, the 2015 Federal Election was a culmination of fantastic and in-depth articles. On October 19th Trudeau won a majority government, and locally incumbent Conservative MP Guy Lauzon kept his seat. Trudeau visited SDSG the day before the election officially began with an unannounced visit to the Highland Games. The election brought me nostalgia, because I interviewed Trudeau during his 2013 visit to Cornwall. 7 - Legendary Music Phot ographer Barrie Went zel l visit s TAG Legendary Music Photographer Barrie Wentzell was at TAG on Friday December 11th and Saturday December 12th. Barrie Wentzell was the official photographer for Melody Maker magazine in Swinging London from 1965 to 1975. He photographed music legends such as John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, Frank Zappa, and many others. People in attendance, including City Councillor Mark A MacDonald enjoyed incredible photos of music legends, and heard awesome stories from the guy behind the lens. 8 - Vil e Tour wit h Darren Frost Darren Frost and Kenny Robinson made a stop in Cornwall at La Maison on Friday June 19th. Darren Frost was in the Hollywood blockbuster Hairspray with John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Christopher Walken. Darren Frost also has many movies to his credit including Assault On Precinct 13 with Ethan Hawke, Fever Pitch featuring Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon, and Don?t Say A Word with Michael Douglas. 9 - Int erview wit h St ar Trek and Buf f y t he Vampire Act ress Noel l e Hannibal - The Seeker was the first to cover a Star Trek actress beaming into Cornwall to help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Gene Roddenberry?s iconic science fiction franchise at the next Cornwall and Area Pop Event. The second annual CAPE takes place on April 23rd and 24th 2016 at the Benson Centre. Noelle Hannibal appeared in the film ?Star Trek First Contact?. She also appeared in the television series ?Star Trek: Voyager? and in the television show ?Buffy The Vampire Slayer?. 10 - AMC's Comic Book Men at CAPE 2015 - Comic Book Men is a reality TV show that airs on AMC. The setting of the show is at Kevin Smith?s comic book shop, Jay and Silent Bob?s Secret Stash, located in New Jersey. Many celebrities have visited the store including Spider Man creator Stan Lee.

11 - Int erview wit h Amber Dawn Fox of t he Wal king Dead at CAPE Amber Dawn Fox has appeared in TV shows like The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Nashville, and Under The Dome. She also also appeared in movies like Dear John and Dumb and Dumber To. Most recently she has starred as Officer Bello in several episodes of Season 5 of the Walking Dead. She was a guest at the first ever Cornwall & Area Pop Event. 12 - Canada?s nast iest pol it ical cart oonist Aisl in visit s Cornwal l Terry Mosher, known by his pen name Aislin, has been a political cartoonist for the Montreal Gazette since 1972 and he is still published in that newspaper today. He visited The Art Gallery in Cornwall in preparation for an exhibit that took place from September 13, 2015 to October 8, 2015. 13 - Legendary heavy met al band Anvil rocked t he Port Theat re - It was a night of nostalgia for fans of heavy metal when Anvil played their first ever Cornwall concert on Saturday May 1st at the Port Theatre. The Toronto band, which has released 15 studio albums, formed in 1978 and their number one hit song ?Metal on Metal? came out in 1982. Band members Steve Kudlow and Robb Reiner appeared on an episode of the TV show Sons of Anarchy. The bands music has also been heard on the television show The Simpsons, movies like the Green Hornet and Final Destination, and on video games like Grand Theft Auto and Rock Band. 14 - Int erview wit h WWE Hal l of Fame Wrest l er Road Warrior Animal What a rush! Road Warrior Animal (aka Joseph Michael Laurinaitis) was in Cornwall on October 24th for the Mecca Pro Wrestling event. The WWE Hall of Fame wrestler and former Tag Team Champion signed autographs and took photos with fans. The Legion of Doom, perhaps the most dominant tag team in sports-entertainment history, are the only duo to hold the WWE, NWA, and AWA Tag Team Titles. 15 - Ot t awa Senat ors Cody Ceci and Mat t O'Connor Visit Cornwal l - It was a sea of red, gold, and black at the parking lot of Canadian Tire in Cornwall Ontario. August 20th 2015 marked the second annual Ottawa Senators hometown series. A few hundred hockey fans were in attendance to meet Matt O'Connor and Cody Ceci. From Coticon, to FoodFest, to Ribfest, to Waterfest, to Beerfest, to WWE wrestler Rhyno in action, to concerts like Juno Award winning band MonkeyJunk, also The Elwins, The Lovelocks, JW Jones, Les Deuxluxes, The Small Glories and Bowser and Blue there was a lot to see and do. I'm looking forward to a great 2016! Thank you for reading The Cornwall

Seeker Newspaper! Read all Jasons interviews at www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



The Seeker wil l be t aking a break f or t he next f ew weeks. We wil l be back on January 8t h 2016 THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 48 - December 18 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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