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Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Volume 6 Issue 9 March 6, 2015


Also in The SEEKER this w eek IT' SA LL A BOUT THE LA DIES!

2 Ro x an n e Del ag e M ak es Her Deb u t As A M o t i vat i o n al Sp eak er ...




at Co r n wal l 's 2 0 1 5 In t er n at i o n al WOM EN'S DAY SHOW, Su n d ay, M ar ch 8 Co r n wal l Ci vi c Co m p l ex , 1 0 am t o 4 p m

Details on Back Coverr

Historic 2 storey in the heart of Alexandria. 4 Beds, 2 baths. Detached garage, filled with charm. A MUST SEE!

NEW RED PRICE ! $ 2 2 UCED! 4 ,9 0 0



Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper


613-935-3763 Classifieds: ext 2

Time to celebrate women...

From the De sk of the Editor

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Sales: ext 1 Editor: ext 101 Production: ext 102 EMAIL

info@theseeker.ca www.theseeker.ca OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO K6H1Y8 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 5pm

On Sunday, it is the 2015 International Women's day and this year's theme is "Make it happen". I find this to be so appropriate as the Seeker has always been about making big things happen in our community. Our International Women's Day Show is happening that day and it promises to be the event of year for all Cornwall ladies... It features just over 67 vendors providing a wide range of products and services and will give you the opportunity to discover newly born businesses and rediscover old gems. There are many things you can do to celebrate then many women in your entourage. Buying them a ticket to the ultimate Girl's Day In will certainly ensure they are pampered and blessed on this very special day... YouTube has been promoting its global # DearMe initiative to inspire and empower young girls everywhere. To celebrate International Women's Day, our show will have a "DEAR ME" Video Booth where ladies will be able to create a short clip, which in turn will be uploaded to the Seeker's YouTube Channel. The best video will be voted upon and you could win a Boston Pizza prize! The content of the video is simple: if you could go back in time, what wisdom would you share with your teenage self? It all starts with two words. Dear Me. There will also be a photo booth, run by the fabulous and charismatic Carol Grant.

Our Guest Speakers will take the stage starting at 11AM. Here is the schedure:

Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Web Design, Photography, Video Recording services Call 613-935-3763

Tuesday, March 10 -5:00PM

"DRINK, LINK and THINK" RSVP to info@theseeker.ca or call 613-935-3763 ext 1

You MUST RSVP to attend

Casual event where friends gather around drinks...

NO COVER CHARGE Become a business Seeker before the end of March for

D o n't b sh y!



C ome o n o v e r ...

(10 month membership yearly $95) visit www.theseeker.ca for details

10:30 - Shifting Creations 11:00 - Angel Spa 11:30 - Jenni Mac Donald 12:00 - Peter Dugdale 12:30 - Laser Show

We hope to see you in great numbers Sundy! Every Cornwall and area lady should definitely help # MakeItHappen!

1:00 - MAIN SPEAKER - Roxanne Delage

Any time women come together with a collective intention, it's a powerful thing. Whether it's sitting down making a quilt, in a kitchen preparing a meal, in a club reading the same book, or around the table playing cards, or planning a birthday party, when women come together with a collective intention, magic happens. -Phylicia Rashad

2:00 - The Love Hawk 2:30 - Natural Balance Fitness 3:00 - Marie-Anne Pilon 3:30 - Laser Show

All the events we do, all the fundraisers and the community involvement, they mean nothing without you. Together, we can achieve great things. Let's show this town some real woman power and raise some funds for great Women Causes...

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Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon. THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nt e d by JASO N SETNYK

Arts Arts && Culture Culture Ne w s & Po litics

Winter taking toll on City - The harsh winter is placing a heavy burden on the City of Cornwall?s Municipal Works resources and crews are working hard to respond to manners as quickly as possible. ?We want to acknowledge the hard work, resilience and cooperation of our Water and Sewer works, Roads and Public Property teams during these difficult times,? said Bill de Wit, Division Manager, Municipal Works. ?These crews have been working relentlessly in sub-zero temperatures that have even frozen watermains under some of our streets. We only have so many staff to respond to the various types of needs covered by Municipal Works,? he added. ? We continue to have crews working 24 hours-a-day blowing snow on major streets and the old square mile core of the city before moving on to other problem areas. At the same time, we have had about 30 frozen water services and over a dozen watermain breaks, and we expect many more". As of February 26th, the City of Cornwall has had more than 100 centimetres of snow in February alone ? something which has not occurred in over 25 years.

Arts & Culture

1978, from Toronto Ontario. The band consists of Steve "Lips" Kudlow, Robb Reiner, and Chris Robertson. The band was the subject of the 2008 documentary film, Anvil! The Story of Anvil which garnered critical acclaim. Anvil have opened for bands including AC/ DC and Saxon. Barstool Prophets celebrate 20th Anniversary of Crank - The Barstool Prophets celebrated the 20th Anniversary of their most successful album Crank in Ottawa on Feburary 28th. Here is a photo of the Barstool Prophets playing their last Cornwall show at Liftoff 2014 opening for Glass Tiger. There were about 10,000 people in attendance that night.

Changes at

Sp oTAG rts -&TAG

Joey Jeremiah coming to Cornwall - Cornwall & Area Pop Event - CAPE is happy to present another celebrity guest, Pat Mastroianni, known to many as "Joey Jeremiah". CAPE is happening April 18th at the Benson Centre in Cornwall. In 1985 a 13-year-old boy with an infectious smile, responded to a flyer distributed throughout local grade schools inviting kids to try out for a new TV show. "No Experience Necessary". That show turned out to be Degrassi High and would change his life forever. Anvil ready to rock Cornwall - Anvil are coming to Cornwall on Friday April 24th at the Port Theatre. Anvil are a Canadian heavy metal band, formed in

Cornwall will be hosting an information session for it's members to discuss some major changes for 2015. The meeting is set for Tuesday March 10th at 7 PM at the Gallery. The board will be answering questions and sharing some of the goals they hope to work with the art community on during the year. Light refreshments will be served. Please note the Gallery is closed for inventory, but appointments can be made for deliveries or pick ups. For more information or to become a TAG Cornwall Volunteer please email: info@tagcornwall.ca .

Sp o rts & Life sty le Jack Nevins traded to Buffalo Sabers Ontario Hockey Academy Alumni Jack Nevins was traded by the Montreal Canadiens to the Buffalo Sabers on the final day of the NHL trade deadline. Jack Nevins' name was mentioned on CBC, in the Globe and Mail, and in the National Post. River Kings snap 10 game losing streak The River Kings ended their 10-game losing streak in dramatic fashion on Saturday night. Cornwall erased a two-goal deficit in the third period to defeat Laval 4-3 in front of 1,339 fans at the Civic Complex. Andre Sandrzyk scored twice, including the winner in the third, giving head coach Bob Desjardins his first victory behind the Cornwall bench. On a night when former River King Chris Cloutier made his return to town, it was goaltender Pete Karvouniaris who stole the show. In a wild third period, Pete K dropped the trapper/ blocker with counterpart Stephane Cesar at centre ice. Colts vs. Royals Alumni Game - The Fred Page Cup Eastern Canadian Championship Committee is pleased to announce the first ever Cornwall Colts Alumni vs Cornwall Royals Alumni game will be played on Tuesday, April 28th @ 7pm @ the Ed Lumley Arena. The game will mark the beginning of the six days of Fred Page Cup activities including the tournament to decide who will represent Eastern Canada at the 2015 RBC Cup in Portage la Prairie Manitoba. ?We?ve already received some interest from past players from both the Colts and the Royals,? said FPC Chairman Rod McLeod. ?Both hockey clubs have a rich history and have meant a lot to Cornwall and area residents for My name is Jason Setnyk and these are my Seeker Snippets

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Jo se e

SAUVE Receipts!!! How important are they? Every year, I get many clients who say ?I don?t have the receipts but I can get them? (referring to medical appointments, child care, rent etc.). Receipts are so important because Revenue Canada can ask for any receipt they want to see for the last 7 years. They could ask for a Rent receipt you did not provide in 2009! Now the property you resided at has changed hands twice and you have no way of getting a hold of your old landlord or getting receipts. This means a Re-assessment and repayment of Ontario Trillium Benefits with interest and penalties. Do not delay in getting your receipts as soon as possible and keeping them on file for 7 years. You never know when the tax man will want to see them!

For more information on this topic, visit my website http:/ / sauvetaxservices.ca/ tax-tips-2/ tax-tip JosĂŠe SauvĂŠ


Sauve Tax Services 707-12th Street East Cornwall, ON K6H 3B4

Ro se to

DESNO YERS Exhibition in the Mall: It?s not happening. Last year Focus Art presented an exhibition at the Cornwall Square at this time of the year. The exhibition served as a platform for choosing the artwork illustrated in the 10th Anniversary Calendar. This year the option was there at the Square but after a long debate the Board made the decision to pass. Such an exhibition requires a team of organizers, volunteers, adaptation of the locale and publicity. It was not an easy decision but the potential organizers are just unable to commit the time and energy. Members continue to have monthly exhibitions at StorDunLodge through the supervision of Linda Geisel. Best advice; take advantage of the Members? Show at the library in April, to exhibit your new art work. Collective for the Arts: Who are they? You might remember ?Heart for Art?, that wonderful Valentine breakfast last year at the Navy Club, ?High Five for the Art Mural fundraiser near Pommier?s Jewelers? in June and The Seeker Banquet donation. These activities were the initiatives of a group of concerned artists and art lovers who wanted to raise money toward the future Centre for the Arts (whatever form it might take). Due to circumstances things went quiet. Not for long. On March 10th the Collective for the Arts will be meeting at the Benson center and should soon be offering the plan of activities for this year. John McMartin is the devoted President of the versatile group. Focus Art, as well as most art and culture groups are represented. I must add, to help readers understand, that it is difficult for artists to continue working at their performing art whether it be theatre, visual art, classes, music or dance and

way organize a events is to raise funds at the same time. The support of the public who enjoys these productions is key.

Lately, there is much talk in the news regarding the need for leadership in arts and culture at city hall. Alderman David Murphy said on February 23rd, when referring to the process of building the Benson Centre, that the population needs to show its commitment to the project of a Centre for the Arts. For this very reason, a bank account has been opened and the Collective is planning fundraising activities for 2015. If you have been attending plays and musical events lately, you are aware that arts and culture is flourishing. As an example, Amalgame: ?Les Belles soeurs" at DreamWorks sold out last weekend, ?Just pour Rire? at Aultsville was equally sold out. ?Spamalot?, a play produced by Seaway Valley Theatre Company, was a huge success. Kinsmen Music festival is coming up as well as a summer festival. Sounds great. These are all community-based events. Success! Honestly, it is not always so. Budget, lack of space and exhausted volunteers often see the death of many groups. If the public enjoys these productions and exhibitions, then they must help make it happen. Unless you reach the big time, art is not a capital venture. Plays do not pay their community actors. Artists barely make enough to cover the expense of materials and studio space bythe odd sale andteaching. Musicians see their music down loaded free through the Internet. Yet artists persist with their passion. Art is something the public enjoys and needs to

Itsupport. wellness.




This is my point; we need coordination and a designated space. Hopefully the feasibility by the city will come up with a gem in a near future and the Collective for the Arts will be ready. READER?S CORNER: The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle ?WE ARE SLAVES TO WHAT WE ARE NOT AWARE OF?. Take a walk. Sit on a bench. What does your mind do? Relax. Can you stop thinking? Does your thinking stop you from sleeping? Does your thinking (mind) drive you to sadness, worry, and fear...? Do you overthink your art? Why? Do you find yourself constantly thinking about problems to be solved? This book was for me, conscious altering, making me aware of the extent my mind (the ego) was generally in control. I chose the auditory version of the book. The author?s soothing voice allowed reflecting, rethinking and reviewing of each affirmation. Tolle speaks in a clear, direct manner about his personal spiritual experience. NOW is all we really have. What steps do we need to take to own the NOW. Editor?s summary: To make the journey into The Power of Now you need to leave your analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. Access to the Now is everywhere - in the body, the silence, and the space all around you. These are the keys to enter a state of inner peace. They can be used to bring you into the Now, the present moment, where problems do not exist. It is here you find your joy and are able to embrace your true self. It is here you discover that you are already complete and perfect.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Space restrictions limited us to publish our 14 most regular writers.

Jul i a LUCI O

M ai -Li i s Carol RENA UD GRA NT

M arl ene BA KER

Judi Syl v i e Sh aryn Josee A UGER THI BERT THOM PSON SA UV E


M ari e Jessi ca Rose M ORRELLLA NOI S DESNOYE


Heath er


r s e e k i e d e a L eS th

The Seeker has always been about empowering women and although it is a paper that serves men and women alike, we've always been proud to bring you the words of some of the most giving and inspiring women of our community. Here are some of our many female contributors.

Time to celebrate t he... THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




There seems to be a trend happening where many people would like to "buy Canadian". It is not that easy to do. Our labour costs are much higher than many other countries and the manufacturing facilities are not as plentiful either. This dictates the selling price of our products. At Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor we carry several lines of all Canadian made products, and because the quality is usually far superior it is also reflected in the price. Over the years shoppers have constantly demanded cheaper prices. Many people now shop on-line and go out of their way to find the best deal, all the while putting their neighbours out of work. You can't go on shopping trips across the border, buy your groceries, gas and goodies and expect to have things readily available at home. One must remember that those purchases that you make here support many people in your own community. All of those workers pay taxes and thus pay for roads, schools and hospitals. Local businesses are constantly asked to support local charities, team sports, seniors clubs and often provide employment for young people with their first job.



Ca ro l

G RANT It was another busy weekend in Cornwall with many activities happening around the city. This week we chose to attend a Def Leppard tribute band concert at La Maison Tavern. The band kept the place rocking all night with some great songs paying tribute to Def Leppard. La Maison features plenty of live music regularly - be sure to stop by their Facebook page to see their upcoming events.

CORNWALL & AREA POP EVENT (CAPE) UPDATE By now you have very likely heard about CAPE! (Cornwall & Area Pop Event) If you haven't, then you should definitely check out www.cornwallpopevent.com. This yearly comic-con/ pop culture event is being held right here in Cornwall at the Benson Centre on April 18th. Many new guests, exhibitors and cosplayers have been added since the last update here in The Seeker and organizers Carol Grant & Randy Sauve are working hard behind the scenes to bring this show to Cornwall. This year's show will feature Comic Book Men, Pat Mastroianni (known to many as "Joey Jeremiah" from the Degrassi tv show fame), John Stocker (voice actor), well-known artists Dale Eaglesham, Dan Day, Kelly Tindall, Tom Fowler, Mark Shainblum and others, The League of Superheroes, Capital City Garrison 501st League (Star Wars film-authentic characters), Doctor Who Society, Montreal Ghostbusters and many beautiful and well-known cosplayers (people in costume portraying superheroes or other pop culture icons) such as Ace Ventura Montreal, Montreal's Wolverine, UndeadDu, Zombie Bit Me, PrettyWreck, Detailed Illusion and MANY more. (see the website for a complete list). Similar to larger conventions in the larger cities, the show will feature celebrities, special displays, cosplayers, artists, artisans, musicians (not performing but signing autographs and selling merchandise), authors, athletes, illustrators, film directors and exhibitors selling their products. Many local artists, exhibitors and musicians will be in attendance including Graham Greer, Trench Town Oddities, Mandee Woods, Bradley Pennell, Marc Rivette, Frank Burelle, Angie Dilaj and more. Tickets can be purchased in person at Fantasy Realm (227 Pitt Street) or online at www.cornwallpopevent.com. Admission is $15 for general admission with children 12 and under admitted free. A Deluxe admission ticket is also available for $42 which features admission, t-shirt, lanyard, pen, tote bag and a limited edition numbered & signed Avengers print by artist Michael Simbajon. (limit 100 Deluxe admission tickets only). In addition, a special cover limited edition Doctor Who 9th Doctor # 1 issue comic will be available for purchase only at the show for $10. (featuring mention to Cornwall on the front cover). Please check the website or Facebook page for more details and mark your calendars for this 1st annual show - you will definitely want to be a part of it!

Buying Canadian may not always be feasible, but supporting Canadian businesses and buying local certainly has a long term effect and whether you realize it or not, you do make a difference to our economy. Thank you to everyone who does make that effort to keep their dollars here, you are very much appreciated. Barbara Leduc Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor 609 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON K6J 3R8 613-937-0222 Facebook page www.facebook.com/ mrsbsgifts


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


MOVIES @ THE LIBRARY Thursday, March 5 @ 6:30 pm. and Friday, March 6 @ 2:00 pm. NIGHTCRAWLER AUDIENCE: 14A - FREE ADMISSION When Lou Bloom, a driven man desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Aiding him in his effort is Nina, a TV-news veteran SCIENCE & NATURE ROCKS SERIES! Saturday, March 7 - ?Getting to Know H2O? Presented by the St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Science Awesome kid?s program. 11:00 am to 12:30 pm THE FLYING NEEDLES - Tuesday, March 10 - 1:00 to 3:00 pm Join this knitting group for the fun of it. Meet and knit every Tuesday afternoon CHAPTER ONE CHAT ROOM - Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30 pm. Writing a book or would like to? This group meets bi-weekly to discuss ideas and share relevant information regarding the writing. Fun and informational. Join us. MARCH BREAK AT THE LIBRARY - YOUR KIDS WILL LOVE IT AND SO WILL YOU! 2015 Theme: Dinosaurs @ the Library - Les dinosaures @ la bibliothèque. March 16 to 20, 2015 Du 16 au 20 mars 2015 Embark on a ride of prehistoric proportions during March Break 2015 as we offer fun programs for the whole family! From dinosaur movies to the future paleontologist program, we have lots of great activities. Chess camp, chess tournament, crafts, stories and song are among the programmes offered all week. You won't want to miss out. Check our website for details.

GAME ON We are now lending videogames to use with your XBOX and PS3 & 4 systems. The family friendly games are available with your membership card at the library or a seven day lending period. Call us for more information on titles and availability.

For more information about the Scrabble Club Contact Vivianne Panizzon, Scrabble Director at 613-931-1792 or email her: vpannizon@cogeco.ca TEEN ADVISORY BOARD LOOKING FOR MEMBERS Teens, join our new Teen Advisory Board (TAB) and get involved in your community. It?s a great community volunteering opportunity in a safe environment. Call Josée or Sonja at the library for more details or to sign up. 613.932.4796

LOOKING FOR A DVD THAT THE CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY DOESN'T HAVE? Cornwall Public Library has a reciprocal borrowing agreement with 185 public libraries across Ontario, and while not all libraries loan out their DVDs we are often able find what you are looking for. Please ask the information services staff for assistance.

ARE YOU AN ARTIST OR NON-PROFIT ORGANISATION? Display your works of art at the library in one of our display windows. It's free. Non-profit organizations can an promote their services as well. Give us a call.

Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you all that ..... ADVERTISING in The SEEKER is NOT an Expense ... It's AN INVESTM ENT so call her at 613-935-3763 ext. 102 THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Our C O M M U N I T Y




Women's World Day of Prayer at 2 pm. St Matthews Lutheran Church1509 2nd St. W. Celebrate Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org




Men's (of all ages) breakfast 9am at the Wesleyan Church - DVD Testimony by ÂŤ Big Daddy Don Garlit? Invite a male friend to join you. The Micronite Filters and Winston Marley @ Lola's 9pm Creation Science Centre opened Saturdays from 1 - 5pm.




International Women's Day Show at the Cornwall Civic Complex from 10am to 4pm # MakeItHappen # BringAWomanFiend

Knights of Columbus BIG Breakfast 8 am to 12 noon. Blessed Sacrament Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd. E. Admission by good will donations for Holy Trinity, St. Joseph & St. Matthews missionary project. Encore Seniors Chicken Dinner & Silent Auction Benefit from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Advanced tickets: 12$, call: 613.937.1525 Children's Church at First Baptist from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. Free bus service to and from the church. Call to register:613.363.2686




Turning Stone Casino Resort & Spa Bus Trip - 2 nights-3 days, March 9th - 11th via deluxe motor coach. For info or to reserve call 613.932.6534. Proceeds to the Auxiliary to St Joseph's Continuing Care Center




Cornwall Horticultural Club Monthly Meeting 7 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Presentation: Butterflies by Maitland Garden of Hope. Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510 "The Gathering Place" is at the Cornwall Wesleyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and gives you the opportunity to express yourself with new and old friends. " EVERYONE IS WELCOME"




Royal Canadian Legion Seniors Club Bid Euchre at 1:15 pm. 415 2nd St. W. Snacks will be served. Knights of Columbus Roast Beef Supper 4:30 pm & 5:30 pm. St. Francis De Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Adults:10$, Children: 5$




Celebrate Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org




Snowshoeing in Summerstown Forest Visit us at CornwallOutDoorClub.ca or on FacebookCreation Science Centre opened Saturdays from 1 - 5pm.

After Work Meeting "DRINK, LINK and THINK" RSVP to info@theseeker.ca or call 613-935-3763 ext 1 You MUST RSVP to attend MAR



Bereaved Families Support and Share Night from 7 pm to 9 pm. 216 Montreal Rd. Presentation followed by small group support

6 7

Dinner Meetings, Seaway Lions Club, every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:45. Everyone welcome. We meet at the Navy Club, 6th Street.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

Sha ry n

THO M PSO N I was given Jean's carrot cake recipe back in 2007 and have been making it ever since. It is moist, cinnamony and full of tender carrots and crushed pineapple. If you wish, you can substitute part of the oil with some applesauce to reduce the fat content. If you see the picture, I am using my Nanny's very old tin vegetable grater, probably it's over 100 years old by now. My dogs Sam and Teddy just love raw carrots. Once they saw the carrots, they didn't leave my side. As I peeled and grated the carrots for the cake, I peeled and sliced them a ziploc bagful of

A SCRUM PTI OUS CA RROT CA KE carrots for treats during the week. So everyone was happy, Gary got his cake and Sam and Teddy got some carrots. Thanks Jean for caring and sharing. Enjoy a great week!

JEAN'S CREAM CHEESE ICING Cream together: 1 - 8 oz. pkg cream cheese, softened 3 tbsp. Crisco vegetable oil

INGREDIENTS: - 2 cups unbleached all purpose flour - 2 rounded tsp. baking powder - 1 level tsp. baking soda - 1 tsp. salt - 2 heaping tsp. ground cinnamon - 2 cups white sugar - 1 cup Crisco vegetable oil OR 1/ 3 cup oil with 2/ 3 cup unsweetened applesauce - 4 eggs - 3 cups grated carrots - 3/ 4 cup canned crushed pineapple, drained well (this is a 19 oz. can of pineapple, I add the leftover pineapple juice to our orange juice, it's delicious!) - 1 cup chopped walnuts, optional

3- 1/ 2 cups icing sugar 1/ 4 tsp. salt -Beat this until smooth with an electric mixer. Spread evenly over your completely cooled cake. ENJOY!

METHOD: -Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9" x 13" baking pan. Set aside for now. -Open the can of crushed pineapple and pour it through a sieve into a bowl. Allow the juice to drip out. Press gently to get all of the juice from the pineapple. -Peel and grate the carrots to measure 3 cups in a 4 cup measure. Place the well-drained crushed pineapple in the same measuring cup. It should work out to be 3/ 4 cup of pineapple. I used it all. -In one bowl: whisk or sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. -In another bowl: gradually add the sugar into the oil, beating well after each addition. If you are using the oil and applesauce, gradually add the sugar into this, beating well after each addition. -In another bowl: beat the 4 eggs until nice and light. Add the beaten eggs into the oil and sugar. Beat until smooth. Stir in the dry ingredients and mix well to combine. -Add the grated carrots and well-drained crushed pineapple and the walnuts if you are using them. Mix well. -Pour this cake batter into the greased and floured 9" x 13" baking pan. Use a knife to level the surface of the cake batter. -Place the cake in the oven and bake it for 70 minutes. Place the cake, still in it's pan on a wire cooling rack and allow to cool completely before you ice it. If you are removing the cake from the pan to frost it, wait 20 minutes after baking to turn it out of the pan onto the cooling rack.

SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years.

t h e WOM EN'SDAY SHOW - Su n d ayat t h e Co m p l ex1 0 -4

OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998

Fo r m o r e d et ai l s- Co m e vi si t u s at


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


International Women?s Day takes place every year and 2015?s theme is something we should all consider. # MakeItHappen is meant to encourage effective action for advancing and recognizing women but upon learning of this year?s theme I thought of it as so much more. How many of us keep letting opportunities slip by because we feel they are impossible? How many times have you talked yourself out of doing something because you didn?t think it could happen? More importantly, how many people are stuck in relationships with someone who doesn?t support their dreams? This is why you need to take a good look inward, then a look around you to see what needs to change so that this year, you can Make It Happen. It doesn?t matter what ?It? is. Maybe it?s chasing your dream job in another city. Perhaps it?s checking a few things off your bucket list. It could even be slowing down and just enjoying your family more. If the thought is there but you aren?t taking the actions to make it happen, it?s time to ask yourself why? If you find yourself holding back because you?re in a relationship with someone who doesn?t encourage you to live your dreams, it?s time that you stand up for yourself and ask this person why they don?t support you. Maybe they have their own insecurities and don?t believe in themselves but that?s not a reason to squash your plans as well. Let your voice be heard and don?t allow anyone to quiet your dreams. If you want to write a book but your partner tells you that?s just a hobby, look them in the eye and tell them it?s your goal. If you want to plant a garden but your partner tells you it will be too much work or take too much time, let them know that?s something only you will need to worry about. Too many times, people find themselves stuck in relationships with miserable partners who do not have their own dreams, goals, or plans so they cannot see the value in anyone else?s. Love is about encouraging each other, helping each other follow your dreams, being there for one another and wanting the person you?re with to live their best life possible. Love is not about putting someone else?s passions down and covering it up with the facts of ?reality? and ?real life?. So, why do so many of us waste our time hoping that ?maybe one day? our partner will help us ?Make It Happen?? We?re scared. We?re scared that our passions are too big, that our dreams are unattainable, that there?s not enough money, or that we just aren?t good enough. The excuses are limitless but so are the possibilities. The possibilities will flow in, the moment you take off your blinders and allow yourself to see what you are so scared of. Once you stop holding yourself back and allowing anyone else to do the same, you will be able to do all that you wished for and even more. If you?re in a relationship with someone who encourages you every day to live your best life possible then hold that person close. Even if you?re single, your main focus should be to surround yourself with positive people who support the wild ideas and dreams you have and want to help you make it happen. The world is full of negative people who will try to hold you back but at the end of the day, you need to believe in yourself. Never allow anyone to bring you down and always, always, always MAKE IT HAPPEN!

For more dating and relationship advice, come out and hear me speak at The Cornwall International Women?s Day Show this Sunday, March 8, Cornwall Civic Complex at 2pm. Can?t wait to see you all there!

Makin?It Happen, The Love Hawk follow Shannon's Blog at http:/ / thelovehawk.com/

vi si t u s at Th e WOM EN'S

Always # MakeItHappen

Co m e




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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne

FRIENDSHIP. 3. LYING has five letters, but so does TRUTH. 4. HURT has four letters, but so does HEAL. Please TRANSFORM your "Negative Energy" into "POSITIVE ENERGY!!!" This will help lead YOU into a much Happier and Healthier Life!!! I know about this first hand... I had allowed myself years ago to be surrounded by so many negative people in my life that they brought me down and made me feel sick and terrible about myself. By removing these negative people, I have become so much more happier and healthier!!! It actually has made me into the "Positive Marlene," that I am Today!!! YAAAY!!!


Hello there to all of you beautiful and handsome people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. It is after all the most POSITIVE & INFORMATIVE PAPER in the Cornwall & S. D. & G. area. FEBRUARY IS HISTORY (Thank goodness for that month being over!!!) & MARCH IS FINALLY HERE!!! There are ONLY a couple of weeks left until the First Day of SPRING!!! HURRAY, HURRAY!!! What are your plans for this Spring & Sunmmer??? There is No Time like the Present to start planning your fabulous vacation. In pre-planning you can start to put some money aside for doing some FUN PLANS this Spring & Summer. Perhaps you could do this by going on a 1000 Island Cruise, or by visiting an old friend or relative that you haven't seen in years, or by going on a much needed vacation with your significant other...The possibilities are endless. You just have to plan for good and happy things to happen in your life. Don't be caught unawares when other people that you know are doing things that you would like to be doing and you get a bit green (jealous) over hearing about their fun plans. This year is your chance to make others "green with envy" for the fabulous things you will be doing and going to this year. Tip of the Week: We must CHANGE our "Negative Thoughts," into "Positive Ones!"



1. HATE has four letters, but so does LOVE. 2.ENEMIES has seven letters, but so does

John and I will be going to our first ~St. Patrick's Day~ party this weekend at our good friends' Lise & Greg Cooper's home. We are to dress accordingly for this special Irish celebration. GREEN is the WORD, I Heard!!! I will try and do my best to "Dress Up' for this party and I hear that there will be a PRIZE for the Best Dressed!!! Hmmm, I am wondering what I am going to wear??? Something that rhymes with scene... Oh, Yes, Green!!! I wonder if I have anything suitable to wear that is GREEN??? No, Not Really!!! So ~Value Village~, ~Agape Centre~ and the ~Salvation Army~... Here I Come!!! I got to get my GREEN On!!! Literally!!! Here is an "Irish Blessing" that I want to pass on to you and yours. May Your Troubles Be Less, Your Blessings Be More, and Nothing but Happiness Come Through Your Door. May you have a very Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone... Irish or Not!!! We can't all be Irish like me... Someone has to drive. Tee hee hee. I came across this lovely poem "Be Yourself" years ago and I wanted to share it with you today. I don't know who the author is, but it rings out clearly that the message within was meant for Me & YOU!!!

~BE YOURSELF~ The world would like to change you, There are pressures all around. You must decide just who you are, Then firmly hold your ground! You have an image of yourself, An ideal sense of you, And to this vision you must always Struggle to be True! You know what you are good at, And you know where talents lie, But if you're ruled by others, our Uniqueness could pass by! Remember, there is much to learn; But all New Things aren't good. Wisdom lies in what we learned, And what we have withstood! So, Be Yourself and Don't Allow The world to take Control. Preserving Your Identity, Is Life's Most Precious Goal!!! Nothing to do this Sunday??? Then come on down to ~Cornwall's International Women's Day~ event going on this Sunday, March 8th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the ~Cornwall Civic Complex~. There will be more than 67 Vendors, Lightning talks, Entertainment, many Activities, Door Prizes, as well as 200 gift bags that will be given out throughout the day. Their Guest Speaker, "Roxanne Delage" will be sharing her "Journey Through Life," in her motivational talk, "The Way I Am". You can pay $5 at the door or you can buy your tickets online. Please visit http:/ / theseeker.ca/ for details. Do bring along a family member or a friend or two or maybe even three to see what's happening at this wonderful women's event of the year. I look forward to seeing you all there on Sunday. Please bring your pocket books (purses, wallets etc..) and of course your prettiest smiles. Until Next Week: ACCEPT What Is, Let GO of What Was, and Have FAITH in What Will Be!!! Don't FORGET >>>>> Time To Spring Forward this Sunday <<<<< Clocks Go Ahead >>> ONE HOUR!!!

Marlene Baker of www.positivelymarlene.ca & www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca


the Ultimate PartyPackage It's time for the


C eleb r at ing 5 year s in Business! Nominate your favourite businesses, artists, athletes and volunteers today! They could win the coveted SEEKERS CHOICE! Visit www.theseeker.ca and click on the award to nominate! Winners to be revealed on May 23, 2015 at the Cornwall Golf and Country Club.

D on't

M iss it !

Do you haveyour WEDDINGVIDEO bookedyet? If the answerisNO- Call usTODAYat 613-932-4812... with over 25 yearsexperience,we havepackagesstartingat $295

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY


FOR SALE: Reusable filter for oil fur nace -


FOR SALE: Sm all hutch $50. 932-4812

FOR SALE: Autum n Gold Scooter in per fect

FOR SALE: Light blue sw ivel living r oom chair,

condition w ith new batter y. Paid $5,000, asking $1,300 933-1008

19"x19" - $30. 932-3936

FOR SALE: M aple table w ith 2 extensions and 4 chair s, $95. 932-4812


Radio r ecor d player $75. Pine shelving w ith br ackets $30. A w alker $20. 932-3936

FOR RENT: 1 bedr oom , 2 stor ey appar tm ent. Includes fr idge, stove, w asher and dr yer, par tial basem ent and par king for one vehicle. Gr eat location. $525/m onth, pay ow n utilities. Available Apr il 1 / M ay 1. Call 931-2098.


excellent condition $55. Plus footstool to m atch $20. 938-7149.

FOR SALE: Table and chair s, hutch and buffet. M aple, ver y good condition. M ust be seen to be appr eciated. 933-1083


Fr am ed oil painting, lake and m ountain scene. $10. 938-7149.


PRESERVE YOUR M EM ORI ES - Get your VHS TAPES TRANSFERRED to DVD. Call today - 932-4812

FOR SALE: Lazy Boy chair in new condition, asking $85. Call 933-1008

- G e t s e e n , n o t lo s t !

1 t im e $ 2 5 - 3 t im e s $ 6 5 - 7 t im e s $ 12 9 - 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in clu d e s a m ini p r o f ile )

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55 call 6 13 -9 3 3 -9 0 f or


A Unique Gift Idea

M a m a 's


Transfer your memories

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from VHS to DVD call 613-932-4812 place


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ life. They are getting harder and harder to find, even though students must do 40 hours of community services over four years.

M a rie


Behind the Scenes of Your Community Organisation?s Event. WHAT PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW!

Many people feel community events should be free of charge for those attending. Often those events are fundraisers, which by definition are held to generate financial support for a charity or other worthy causes. However, all the money raised can not all go directly to the cause. As we all know, nothing is free in this world. If the particular charity is holding a very large event, it may find many sponsors and will get a big break. Most often this is not the case. Did you know that before holding an event or even just selling raffle tickets in a mall or grocery store, the organization must have a minimum two million dollars of liability insurance? Usually, depending on the type of events held during the year, an organization must pay at minimum $2,800 yearly, otherwise it cannot hold any event or activities. Then each year, depending on the size of the organization, it must also pay a Certified Accountant to submit a tax return to the Canada Revenue Agency. Even for a non-profit charity, the minimum is always above a $1,000 dollars. CCVS - Room # 103/ Dance Studio

Then, for each event held, there is supply purchasing, printing, advertising/ marketing, renting a venue, license and permit fees to pay to the city for raffles, payment for entertainers, equipment, etc. Bigger organizations also have employees they must pay. As an example, a full-time Executive Director salary starts at $35,000 a year. During events, volunteers putting eight hours normally get a free lunch, which is paid for by the organization. If an organization is renting a building, it must pay rent, utilities, telephone - the list goes on.


Cornwall is a small place. Sponsors are always the same people and are constantly being bombarded by hundreds of groups. Those sponsors are on a budget just like we all are. To survive, organisations cannot afford to go into debt; they must make money to provide the services to their clients. In our town, the volunteers are often the same for each organization, and these people are also entitled to have a

PRO PERTY water/ sewer bill



Electricity bill: Contact Cornwall Electric or Ontario Hydro and get a written record of the precious year?s charges.


I know, kind of a corny headline but in all seriousness, in order for your realtor to do the best job they can in selling your home, you need to provide them with as much current information you can about your home. The better informed the Realtor is the more prepared she/ he will be in answering a potential buyers? questions. So let?s discuss how you could prepare the facts and figures you will need to make available. If you are a record keeper this will be easy. If not, contact your relevant supplier. Taxes: property taxes for the last 12 months and your current

Heating bill. Contact your oil company or gas provider for a year?s statement. Rental Costs. Are you leasing the hot water tank, gas space heater or water conditioner? What are you paying per year? Do you have a survey of your property or a plot plan? If your home has a well or septic system, which of these documents do you have in your possession? A well record or diagram showing its location. A drawing of the septic field and location of the tanks. A use permit showing an inspection was conducted and approved. Usually these papers would be with your mortgage documents. A list of the age of all of the following: furnace, Hot Water Tank, Air Conditioner, Electrical Panel or improvements to it, Plumbing upgrades if any, flooring changes, windows, shingles, appliances included in

Often, small organizations just break even after an event. There are many factors to take into March 5th - April 29th consideration that will help an event succeed. How many activities are held in the area the same weekend? If there is a lot, all the CCVS - Room # 103 organizations must Dance Studio share the wealth, and 437 Sydney Street not all families can Cornwall, ON afford to attend everything that?s going Swing into Spring with the Triple Swing and Cha Cha! on. Weather conditions can play a Call 613-360-9261 or email factor, as does the shiftingcreationsnow@gmail.com location and the to reserve your spot now! Space is limited. availability of parking. Long weekends can be a problem if they happen to coincide with major events, such as Black Friday Shopping. The financial success of an event also depends on the on the amount of supporters. Now you may understand why charitable organizations can?t offer free admission during their fundraisers. Parade Of Nations For The Developmentally Challenged will at the Cornwall Civic Complex on Sunday during the Internal Women's Day to meet special needs women artistically inclined to see if the organisation can help them with some projects. If you have any other questions please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolution.com





SEEKER the home ( plus their age and brand and any warranties or use phamplets ) If you have a pool or hot tub, when was it installed, or repaired. How about the pump, liner and other accessories? Do you have a sprinkler system? Is your Alarm system- rented or owned? Are you under contract with a company? Make a list or any and all repairs/ changes/ additions/ you have made or have a record of from the previous owner. Particularly kitchen and bathroom upgrades, basement renovations, flooding that may have occurred, cracks fixed, insulation added and any other amenities you have added to the home. Do you have building permits for additions or major changes? Who owns the fencing around your property? What improvements have you made to the exterior of your property?

Have you done substantial landscaping, re-paved the driveway, added eavestrough or changed the flue in the chimney? Is there a buried pool or oil tank? How about an old well or septic system? Are there any other unique features on your property ? tree plantation; gravel pit, creek, etc. As you can see, the list may be extensive but each question could be relevant to a buyer. When all this info is readily available it helps provide assurance to the buyer that he/ she is buying a home from a seller with nothing to hide. This speeds up the decision process and can increase the offer price on your home. By helping your realtor you are invariably helping yourself. Getting organized is the first step in preparing for a fast and successful home s Till next time? .

Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions for future articles? Drop me a line at judauger@cogeco.ca or call me at 613-930-3536. You can also visit my website www.realestatecornwall.com or go to www.facebook.com/judiauger

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




- CIVIC COM PLEX - 1 0 am -4 p m NOT M i ss Th i s Even t !!!

Someth i ng

BI G w i l l be unv ei l ed b y

Am azing Light &Laser Show by DJShellshock

Fai ry Sw eet DO NOT M I SS I T!


INCLUDING A diamond necklace from

ever y 3 0 m i n u t es



Tal k s

Above & Beyond Access Acupuncture Alexandria Journee de la femme Angel touch Spa Arbonne Avon Bath Solutions BeautiControl BicNic BOOTH OF HONOUR BOOTH OF HONOUR Children's Aid Chilly Things Cornwall Career College Cornwall Seaway Lions Club Countess Trottier Country Curls Curves DJ Shellshock Emese's Dream Production Epicure Equipe Psycho Sociale Fairy Sweet Floral Expression Focus Art Foxy Leggins Herbal Magic Isagenix Invitations & More by Mai-Liis Lora Lefebvre Love Montreal Love Winx Maison Interlude House Mary Kay McIntosh Massage Meg-n-boo Melaleuca Natural Balance Nerium Nia OSPCA Parade of Nations Party Lite Party Vedette Passion Party Photo Booth Poppins Makeup Ready Or Naught RedWind Studio Rodan & Field Roller Derby Girls Sapphire Spa SASS / Maison Baldwin Scentsy SD&G Tae Kwon Do Silpada Sophia Petritsis South Hill Designs Spirit Tree Sugar and Spice with Love Sun Life the Love Hawk Tiffany Bell Transition Care Under the peppermint tree Wanda's family hair salon White Craft Studio Women Kick Boxing and Fitness

12:30 and 3:30 pm

1 0 :3 0 - Sh i ft i n g Cr eat i o n s Amanda Marini 1 1 :0 0 - An g el Sp a - Per m an en t M ak eu p Manon Dezan 1 1 :3 0 - Re-est ab l i sh i n g yo u r cr ed i t Jenni MacDonald 1 2 :0 0 - In su r an ce 1 0 1 fo r Wo m en Peter Dugdale 1 2 :3 0 - DJ Sh el l sh o ck Li g h t & Laser Sh o w

1 :0 0 - M AIN SPEAKER - Ro x an n e Del ag e 2 :0 0 - Rel at i o n sh i p Tal k Shannon Ferguson, the Love Hawk 2 :3 0 - Nat u r al Bal an ce Fi t n ess Michelle Gauthier 3 :0 0 - Re-en t er i n g t h e wo r k fo r ce aft er p ar en t i n g Marie Anne Pilon 3 :3 0

- Li g h t & Laser Sh o w FINALE

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 7 - March 6 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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