Issue 15 Local Seeker cornwall ontario

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Introducing to you ... this week in


Vol. 3, Issue 15

April 20, 2012


Max Keeping Foundation Delivers for Local Kids in Need ... By Sara Murphy A non-profit organization launched this week will help financially disadvantaged local children and youth live out their dreams of playing organized sports. The Cornwall chapter of the Max Keeping Foundation was launched on April 16. The foundation, based out of Ottawa, has serviced over 3000 families since its inception eighteen years ago. The foundation’s Play to the Max program will provide grants for Cornwall and Akwesasne families in need, ensuring that every child receives the opportunity to take part in local sports and recreation programs. “Every kid deserves to dream,” said Max Keeping. Keeping (seen above with the Latour family - Gilles, Tia, Penny and Dante) was in Cornwall to make the announcement Monday at the Latour Financial Group office. Keeping explained how programs like Play to the Max have helped children and youth become healthier, stay in school longer, and make better life decisions. “What we are really doing here is attacking poverty at a grassroots level,” said Keeping. Gilles Latour of Latour Financial Group presented the foundation with a cheque for $20,000. Latour got involved because his organization was looking for a way to give back to the community. “My wife Penny is a soccer coach and I am a hockey coach,” said Latour. “It is difficult to watch when kids can’t afford to participate. It’s about quality of life for these kids.” The Cornwall Police Association made a commitment to the foundation, donating $40,000 to help the Cornwall chapter get started. Police association president George Levere presented the cheque and announced plans to donate the proceeds of its annual golf tournament to the program for the next three years. Kimly Thivierge was also on hand to make a $5,000 donation on behalf of the Children’s Aid Society.

For more information about the foundation and its programs or how you can help, please visit

... AND WHO SAYS NOTHING HAPPENS IN CORNWALL !!! check out our Weekly Community Event Seeker Section


LOOKING FOR a Regal Representative? Call Tammy.613-935-7318

FOR SALE: white oak dining room set, one leaf, 6 chairs and 2 captain chairs, buffet with light inside, paid $6,000, asking $2,000. Telephone 613-932-8696.

What’s going on at The Local Seeker = =#!= = 0&7*0< 7* :*'6. 385 &9* <38 9.6.7*)


FOR SALE: Oriental 4 Panel Screen or room divider with beautifully coloured figures. Each panel measures 18” x 69”. Excellent condition $400, Call 613-528-4533.

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s Up to Cornwall A Seeker’s Thumb that star ted a few Business Network som e Dynamics! months back. Awe

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FOR SALE: Select Oak Parquet 31.2&7* New: Will cover approx 240 sq ft <385 +&935.7* (24 Packs x 10 ft ) - paid $29.90 per '86.2*66 35 pack - will sell all for $300.00 or BO &57.676 32 - contact Jim at 613 - 938 - 0358 FOR SALE: 2004 Victory Vegas motorcycle. Too much to list - asking $14,000. Telephone 613-571-4595.

FOR SALE: Homemade trailer 4x8, 3500 pounds Axel / $1,000 firm 613-938-6152.

385 :*'6.7*

Choice Seeker’s Awards Cornwall Coming to 2012 June 22nd


Blessed Sacrament Parish 321 Tollgate Road East Cornwall, Ont. SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2012 8:00 A.M. UNTIL 12 NOON sponsored by: Blessed Sacrament Parish Ladies Auxiliary

FOR SALE: Whirlpool washer & dryer, microwave stand, antique liquor cabinet, antique 3 piece Eastlake settee set. 613-938-8783

FOR SALE: Mother of the bride or groom 2 piece long pale blue gown. Size 10/12. Regular 325, worn once, like new, asking $65. 613-938-6149. FOR SALE: 2 car ramps $15, 2- 26” aluminum mountain bike wheels with tires and tubes $25. Telephone 613-936-1452.

FOR SALE: Pair of white washer and dryer in excellent condition, very very clean. $350 firm. 613-932-9093 ask for Dianne.

FOR SALE: Zenith 30” advance system with remote control. Good running condition, with stand asking $30 Call 613-932-6584.

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FOR SALE: Super C Tracker. Hardwood $90 a cord, delivered. 25 gallon sprayer which hauls behind an ATV or riding lawnmower. $200 worth of craft beads. Call 613-528-4497.

FOR SALE: 4ft Commercial Aerator on wheels. Comes with 200 lbs weights $300 Call 613-931-2874.

FOR SALE: A must for gun collectors and others. Catalogue from the Museum of Historical Arms, Miami Beach, Florida. 47 editions - the earliest is 1955 and the latest 1992. Items in catalogues include swords, firearms etc. and are displayed with photos, prices and descriptions. $235 for all. Telephone 613-938-6149.

FOR SALE: 1994 Suzuki Quad 250cc 5,400 km $2,000 613-931-2874


Don’t tell our competitors - but the Local Seeker is G ROWI NG

and we are looking for another SALESPERSON Call: 613-935-3763 or email resume to:

Check out - our Montreal paper The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 3, Issue 15, April 20, 2012 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Local Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.


FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 (Julia) / 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) Email:

The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason Office: 327 2nd Street E.

Editor: Julia Lucio Co-Editor: Carolyn Hersey Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Sara Murphy & Julia Lucio

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763

The Local Seekers ... people in the Loupe

GET IN THE LOUPE! Become a Local Seeker! Our community begins with YOU YOUR community newspaper does too! Becoming a "Local Seeker" gets you partnering with your local community in ways never imagined before.

It's everyones chance to get in focus! Reach out! Get in the LOUPE! Pledge $35 and get....

• 1 public announcement (wedding, birthday, anniversary) ($59 value) • Your own "I am a Local Seeker" cards • A bumper Sticker "I support my community newspaper... I am a Local Seeker " • Name on our website under "This community newspaper is made possible with the help of our advertisers and the following individuals" • Unlimited news stories on the Local Seeker website

Left to right: Andrew Proulx, Mike Proulx, Hèlène Gilmore (CHEO) and Rodney Pilgrim (CHEO).

Volley 4 CHEO by Wendy Proulx The Spring Open Volley 4 CHEO was held Saturday, April 14 at CCVS. Put on by Mike and Barb Proulx with help from many friends and family. It was a great day for all and many thanks to all players and sponsors. Mike set forth the challenge that if $1,500 was raised he would shave his head - needless to say everyone was very encouraged to get that mullet off and $2,156.15 was raised. CHEO was the big winner and Mike’s hair was donated to CHEO for Cancer. Who knows what will happen next year!

Pledge $50 and get...

• 1 public announcement (wedding, birthday, anniversary) ($59 value) • 1 half page story on you, your friends, your children or any subject you desire* ($199 value) • Your own " I am a Local Seeker " cards • A bumper Sticker "I support my community newspaper... I am a Local Seeker " • Name on our website under "This community newspaper is made possible with the help of our advertisers and the following individuals" • Unlimited news stories on the Local Seeker website

You can put your BABY ANNOUNCEMENT in The Local Seeker for $25 plus hst ... or become


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Pledge $100 and get...

• 1 public announcement (wedding, birthday, anniversary) ($59 value) • 1 x 1/8 page ad ($59 value) • 1 half page story on you, your friends, your children or any subject you desire*($199 value) • Your own " I am a Local Seeker " cards • A bumper Sticker "I support my community newspaper... I am a Local Seeker " • Name on our website under "This community newspaper is made possible with the help of our advertisers and the following individuals" • Unlimited news stories on the Local Seeker website Call for more details:

Julia - 613-935-3763 or Mai-Liis - 613-932-1875 THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 3)


by Jason Setnyk


Thanks for the letter of appreciation Mr. Mayor! Bob Kilger sent out letters during Volunteer Appreciation Week to all the people who serve on various City of Cornwall boards and committees. The Mayor thanked me for my work Chairing the Cornwall Transit Committee, and sitting as a lay person on the Cornwall Public Library board. Over the past few years I have had the privilege of sitting on numerous boards and committees and I have met and worked with some truly outstanding people. There is so much important work that happens in our community that often goes unnoticed, so Volunteer Appreciation Week makes a lot of sense to me. Kudos to all of our communities’ volunteers!

Arts and Culture Centre, expanded Trades School; both better bets for Cornwall! Some argue that a casino in Cornwall would create tourism, revenue, and generate business for hotels and restaurants. However, for a casino to generate any significant amount of tourism, it would have to be a world class facility, and that would be costly to build and maintain. City Council only has so much money to spend on infrastructure, so we need to invest wisely and cautiously. With what was spent on the Benson Centre, and with the push not to raise taxes, funding for new infrastructure is limited at best. With that in mind, I can think of more positive ways to invest our municipal tax dollars on infrastructure that could also draw people into our city and stimulate the economy. The creation of an Arts and Culture Centre with marquee events could generate tourism and jobs, and it would not cause the same societal problems as a casino. The creation of a facility for a large trades and apprenticeship College could draw thousands of people into Cornwall each year. An influx of students would be a huge boost to the apartment rental and housing market, and it would create more jobs in foods and services. Also, a larger skilled labour force being trained here would attract new industries and jobs to Cornwall. There are progressive ways to grow this City, like an Arts and Culture Center or an expanded Trades College. I hope City Council has the vision to invest in infrastructure that will make both our economy and our community stronger. Samson selected to fill empty seat on City Council! I am disappointed with the resignation of Leslie O’Shaughnessy. It is a great loss to City Council, and I believe he had the potential to do a lot of good. However, it was his choice. I will respect that, and I wish him the best in his future endeavours. Gerry Samson was selected earlier this week (in a political non-drama, as some describe it) to fill the empty seat. He finished #11, and because of that, he is the right choice. This best respects our democratic institution and the will of the voters. If he meets all the qualifications he can be sworn in as early as this Monday. Go Colts Go! I attended the Colts game on Tuesday night. Unfortunately the Cornwall Colts lost the game, and the series is now tied 2-2, so there will definitely be a game six in Cornwall. The most exciting part of the match? Watching one of my former students on the ice. He plays for the Nepean Raiders, and he is one of the top scorers for that team!

Conservatives are re-writing History! Steven Harper's politicking during the 30th Anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is sickening. Harper refuses to acknowledge former Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Justin Trudeau wrote on his Facebook, “Well, they found a way to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Charter with a press release: mention only the Queen and Diefenbaker. Disgraceful.” The Liberals are history, but they should not be erased from the history books. I read a book once, about a government who re-wrote history, 1984 by George Orwell. Great book, but not a model of a government that should be emulated. One year writing this column! I started writing this column in the Local Seeker just over a year ago. I would like to thank all those who read my column week to week. I would also like to thank Mai-Liis and Julia for their commitment and effort in creating this wonderful community newspaper. Thank you! ... and the Seeker Chicks, Mai-Liis and Julia would like to thank you Jason, for your commitment and great contributions to The Local Seeker. My name is Jason Setnyk, and these are my coffee grinds.

Cornwall News! Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-Off seeking volunteers! Spring is in the air, and that means that Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-Off 2012 is coming up fast! The Festival returns to Lamoureux Park from July 12th to 15th, and Festival Officials are seeking dynamic, motivated volunteers to help with Cornwall’s premiere music and balloon festival. For more information, or to submit your application please contact Janette Sullivan or Don Daugherty, Directors of Volunteers Email: Spring Clean-Up Challenge! The City of Cornwall is asking residents, businesses, schools and community groups to show their civic pride by joining in the Spring Clean-Up Challenge! Running from April 21st to 28th, the Spring Clean-Up Challenge encourages community members to get involved in the City’s clean-up efforts by forming teams and cleaning up parks and public spaces. For more info or to register a team, click here: QuAleQuAl Max Keeping Foundation Establishes Cornwall Chapter! The Max Keeping Foundation has expanded to Cornwall with a goal of increasing access to sports and recreation opportunities for local youth in low-income families. Mayor Bob Kilger joined with Mr. Keeping and other community leaders at Latour Financial Group offices to announce the launch of the "Cornwall Edition" of the Foundation, and in the process unveiled three sizable donations totaling $65,000. Ribfest coming to Cornwall July 27, 28, 29! Based on the success of Ribfest events in others cities, Cornwall Seaway Lions Club Ribfest promises to be a major event for the Cornwall area. Great entertainment combined with the sweet smell of BBQ ribs is a surefire recipe for success! Something for everyone to enjoy. Fastball Registration! David Murphy reminds us that the Cornwall and District Fastball League Registration is at the Navy Club – 5pm to 7pm on April 18th, April 25th and May 2nd. Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, published and award winning author, photographer, arts and culture event coordinator, and a community volunteer sitting on numerous boards and committees.

Meet The Local Seeker Dark and Crunchy Cartoonist Jay Schwartz by Jason Setnyk

Jay Schwartz is a cartoonist who lives with his wife and two children just outside of Williamstown Ontario. He graduated from Graphic Design at St. Lawrence College in the 1990s. His comic "Dark and Crunchy" is featured weekly here in the Local Seeker. "It's humour is similar to that of the 'Farside', 'Bizarro', and 'The Addams Family'. Schwartz plans to submit his work to Cartoon Syndicates.

Welcome to the Local Seeker Team Jay!

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 4)


Firstly, we have to realize that the Fast food Industry is not in it to make us healthy; their number one priority is to feed the masses all while making a huge profit. This in turn means that they have to find ways to save money. In order to save money, they need to make their burgers smell and taste like real food. Special chemists will actually add artificial flavor and smell to the ‘food’ in order to make it taste better. These companies will not be there holding your hand and nursing you back to health when your arteries are clogged, you develop type 2 diabetes, your cholesterol levels are sky high, or your blood pressure goes through the roof! An average woman should consume between 1100-1400 calories a day. If she eats two Big Macs and drinks a triple shake she has already reached her daily limit!!! Did you know that one Big Mac has 540 calories and you would need to walk 2 ½ hours to burn off that extra energy? You’d need to walk for 40 minutes just to enjoy one double stuffed Oreo cookie! Some people eat rows at a time!

Now, let’s be realistic. Are we really making the effort to make the right choices and work off these extra calories? It used to be that we actually had to get up and change the channel on our TV set; now with the remote, we have yet another reason to just sit there and do nothing. Check out the following website and you will quickly realize how the processed and fast food industry packs on the calories with their non-food ingredients. I always say, if you can’t understand the ingredient label, don’t eat it!!! Food was not made to last on shelves for years, this is completely unnatural. Let’s go back to 100 years ago when everyone grew their own vegetable and herb gardens (pesticide free), canned their food for the winter months, raised their own grass-fed animals, took care of themselves in a natural way when ill, and were at home teaching their children the way of the land. Remember when we had meals and conversations together, played instruments, had a game of cards?! Where have all of these amazing times gone??? Pretty scary when you stop and think about it right?

SPINAL COLUMN with Dr. Paul Poirier

Naturally Delicious ... with the Health Nut

This week I would like to discuss how you can learn about the daily food choices we all make. If you are a person that is often on the road, regularly pick up something quick to eat at a fast food restaurant, are over -stressed, over worked, can’t relax, can’t sleep etc…this may be a great piece of information for you. It may just help you make the best decisions for your well-being.

The Seeker Chicks welcome local Chiropractor, Dr. Paul Poirier to our team of writers.

Remembering a Canadian Fitness Publishing Icon I thought it appropriate to launch this new health column by paying homage to a man that has truly altered the landscape of health and fitness on the global level. Robert "Bob" Kennedy was a publisher that ran a literal empire of health & fitness magazines out of Mississauga, Ontario. His magazines include Musclemag International, Reps, Oxygen, American Curves, and Clean Eating…to name a few! He's also personally written 55 books and was a New York times best seller for H a r d c o r e Bodybuilding, Beef It, and Pumping Up among many others.

"Bob" passed away this weekend of cancer at his home in the Caledon Hills, north of Toronto. The health icon was surrounded by his four children as Photo by well as his beloved wife, Tosca Reno. His longtime friend, ex California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, paid him a surprise visit last weekend at his home in Canada. Bob and Arnold spent hours reminiscing about old times, and the two legends even flexed! Ironically, he was given the lifetime achievement award by Governor Schwarzenegger at the Arnold Sports Festival ( last month. His wife Tosca accepted the award on Robert's behalf, as he was too ill to travel and accept it personally. The governor was quoted as stating, "Bob was a great friend and true fitness icon. He spread the gospel of health around the globe, and his impact can't be measured. I will miss Bob, but there is no question that his legacy of a fitter and healthier world will live on". In 1972, Bob went into business for himself selling courses on nutrition and fitness. By 1974, he had started his first magazine, Musclemag International, with an initial print run of one hundred ten thousand copies. Now, 35 years later, it is an iconic magazine that continues to be published.

Here are a few more testimonials from my cooking seminar participants;

Although I'd known of the man and his success for decades, I'd never had the occasion to personally meet him until last year. I was at a health and fitness convention in Columbus, Ohio in March of 2011, where he was promoting his latest book . He convinced me to buy a copy, which I now use as a staple reference book for my own edification. I even had it signed by one of today's greats of bodybuilding, Joel Stubbs, who was helping Bob promote the sale of the book at the time.

“I really enjoyed the cooking seminars Sylvie. Lots of great food, delicious recipes and wonderful ideas on how we can make easy and healthy dietary changes in our lives. You are an inspiration!” Denise

As a hobby, Bob was also an accomplished photographer. He discovered many future talents of bodybuilding including Cory Everson and Ronnie Coleman. Ronnie later became one of only two men in the history of bodybuilding to beat Schwarzenegger's record of seven Mr. Olympia wins.

"Sylvie's cooking seminars show participants how easy it can be to prepare quick and healthy organic meals and snacks. Her seminars are fun and informative, and not to be missed! Keep up the great work Sylvie!" Dana

Later on, in the 1990s, Bob opened twenty six fitness stores and franchises as well as a clothing line. In the end, all were eventually sold in order to focus on the core business of publishing books and magazines. His impact on the world of fitness, health & bodybuilding cannot be understated. He has been a beacon of inspiration to millions over the years (including yours truly)!

“I thoroughly enjoyed Sylvie's cooking demonstrations. They are given in a relaxed setting where you can watch her prepare dishes, ask questions and best of all sample all of her delicious food. Unlike recipe books, Sylvie's recipes use everyday ingredients that you already have in your home. Sylvie's enthusiasm for healthy living is contagious! I have recommended to all of my family, friends and co-workers that they book a session with The Health Nut. You will not be disappointed…”

It's been determined that the business will remain within the Kennedy family, and that his wife Tosca Reno shall continue his legacy. I am personally indebted to Mr. Kennedy, for he and I have had several conversations over the last few months about how his magazines "might" help spread the word of awareness about my own condition, namely brain cancer. He was under no obligation to help me promote my Cornwallbased fundraiser, but being the class act he was, he decided to help out my cause by promoting my website, in his magazines in the coming months. In fact, I have a meeting scheduled with eight time Mr. Olympia winner, Texan, Ronnie Coleman in Toronto this coming June. We’ll be discussing the documentary film on brain tumour awareness which is presently underway. Robert was one of the key players at making this all come together for me. For that I cannot thank you enough Bob. I'll forever be in your debt!

If you’d like to make better food choices, get back to basics and feed you and your family the best food ever, come to one of my cooking seminars and I promise, you will not regret it!

Thanks Sylvie L.P. In health…. Sylvie Thibert (email) (official website) 613-931-3119

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 5)

Dr. Paul Poirier:


Welcome Wagon’s 1st Annual Baby Shower was a great success! “I was so happy with the attendance, especially considering this was our very first Baby Shower in Cornwall” said Tammy Head, Cornwall Welcome Wagon Representative and event organizer. “We had such a great turn out that we needed to add more chairs before we could start our presentations. It was great!” The Welcome Wagon Baby Shower was held at the Ramada Inn & Conference Centre, April 15, 2012, and was an event organized to celebrate a very special event in the lives of our community members, the anticipated arrival of a child. The afternoon was both informative and fun. One of the "favorite" events at the Shower was the diapering contest. It was great to see so many Dad's participate, and it was a lot of fun! The day was a success, thanks to the many businesses and community organizations and volunteers that participated. “I’d like to say a special thanks to all those who worked to bring this event together.” Said Tammy Head. “I could not have done this without all the great support I received from our sponsors, community agencies and volunteers.” (pictured below) Bethany Krebs (left) volunteered her time to help bring this event together, she assisted with much of the event planning, including the preparation of the gift bags for the expectant moms. Many local businesses and community organizations participated in our event and set up booths with information designed specifically for expectant mom’s and their families

Participating businesses included: Cardinal Fiscal Care Enterprise Cardinal Law Office Centre Culturel De Cornwall Cornwall Community Hospital ( Women & Children’s Health Department ) Herbal Magic Invitations Complete by Mai-Liis Knowledge First Financial

Mary Kay - Helen MacCallum Mix 96.1 Photography Ontario Early Years Centre Sears Gift Registry Sunlife Financial The Local Seeker

We were pleased to have Fire Prevention Officer Morris Lamer speak about the importance of fire alarms, and more than grateful to have them donate brand new fire alarms for our door prizes. One of the community organizations who participated was the Ontario Early Years Centre.” Said Tammy, “They were such a great support to me during the event. I am so happy to be working with them, not only on the Welcome Wagon Baby Shower, but I’m pleased that they also provide information for our Baby Welcome Program as well. They are a great resource for expectant mom’s, and for families. I would encourage anyone who has children to visit them to see what services they offer. And mark your calendars for the Ontario Early Years Centre’s Family Expo/Expo de la famille event, scheduled for October 19-20, 2012.” Thank you to the Ramada for providing the event facilities, and the staff who worked prior to the event, and throughout the event to ensure everything that needed to be done - was, the individuals who assisted at the reception table and during the event, the volunteers who assisted with the child care and craft tables, and to Wickham Special Event Rentals who provided the table and chairs for the craft area. “I am very excited be working with Mix 96.1 on all of our special events like the Baby Shower, as well as our Cornwall Welcome Wagon Programs.” Said Tammy. “They are such a wonderful team to work with, and I see our online registrations increasing as soon as they start airing the advertisements. And a special thanks to Wayne Thompson of Mix 96.1, for being the Emcee and keeping our programming and presentations moving along.” Mandie Bates (pictured above) was the lucky winner of the Mix 96.1 door prize – a CD BoomBox! Mix 96.1 also put together a CD featuring some of the most popular baby lullabies, and provided on for each expectant mom. And, once again, thank you to The Local Seeker, for supporting all of our Welcome Wagon Programs and Special Events. Their paper is all about people and our great community of Cornwall, and it’s wonderful to be part of such a great community paper. We will be announcing the date of our 2nd Annual Baby Shower in the next few months, so if you know anyone who is expecting a baby, stay tuned for the announcement of our 2nd Annual Baby Shower. The next special occasion we will be celebrating is for those Brides to be. The Welcome Wagon Bridal Showcase is Monday October 15, 2012 at the Cornwall Civic Complex. Admission is FREE for Brides-to-Be and one guest! Register now to have a chance to win exciting door prizes, receive a gift bag and see special displays by our many sponsors, all designed to help you plan your special day! Visit or call 1-866-283-7583 to reserve your FREE Admission. And if you think you might like to work with us on our Special Events and Programs, contact us right away. We continue to expand our programs and are looking for another Representative for the Cornwall area.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 6)


With every degree gained on the thermostat, I want to venture out further and further. Of course, I love our region, but when I see the nice weather coming back, I start planning visits to Ottawa, Montreal, Syracuse or the Majestic Thousand Islands. My mother is pretty much like me. So last week-end, after having hibernated all winter, she drove to Cornwall.

The ship is sinking Originally from Joliette, Quebec, Mom comes to visit her grandchildren ever

so often. But mom doesn't like to be bored, so on Saturday, I knew exactly where to

Above: Solange Bouchard of Joliette was freaking out when she found out about the Titanic Exhibit taking place in Cornwall. Above left: One of Bergeron's most valued item: A genuine cup and saucer from the Titanic. recovered from the titanic

take her to make her day. Mom has always been fascinated by the history of the Titanic and with this past week-end marking the 100th anniversary of the sinking ship, visiting Bergeron Sleep Shop, where the annual Titanic Exhibit was taking place, seemed like the perfect outing. More than 300 items from Rene Bergeron's collection were on display. Bergeron is the top collector of Titanic memorabilia in Canada and one of the top ten worldwide. You might have seen him recently on CBC in a Documentary "Titanic: the Canadian Story” which aired last week to commemorate the event. Down to earth and very knowledgeable, Bergeron patiently answered any question that the crowd asked. I wanted to know if there were any future plans for the entire collection (which contains over a thousand items); perhaps a future Museum with a Cornwall connection? "I am currently in the process of signing out the Collection for the next ten years. I can't say with who yet, but it will be a traveling exhibition", was Bergeron's answer. It was an amazing experience and it was right here in our own backyard. Watch for a future feature on Bergeron in upcoming issues of the Local Seeker.

Women Show

HEADING For HAPPY with Sara Murphy

OUT & ABOUT with Julia Lucio

Spring is really starting to make its presence known. That inspires me to be out and about.

How Losing Everything Gave Me All I Ever Needed Part 2 I had allowed unhappiness to creep into my life and I wanted it gone! I had chosen a profession for all the wrong reasons. I resented having to work more and not spending more time with Marissa. I struggled with the emotional distress of having to raise a child on my own. I blamed others and swore I was cursed. I held onto resentment. I had slowly and unknowingly become Miss Miserable. I walked and talked like a victim and I wore self-pity like a cold, wet blanket. While reading Be Who You Want, Have What You Want, I came across a concept that would change my outlook on life forever. Every event I experienced, both ‘positive’ and ‘problem situations’, were deliberate actions within my universe to bring about a result that was ultimately for my benefit. It was heavy and tough to chew. I mean, how could it be that going through a huge break-up, being unable to continue to earn a comfortable income and experiencing multiple surgeries, tests and radiation therapies were somehow helpful? As I began looking at life with my new way of thinking, things changed dramatically for me. Everything suddenly appeared brighter. The rough nurse who bruised me every single injection, I now appreciated as part of my extended healing network. These were the people that were going to keep me alive.

My year off work was now an opportunity to spend the time with my daughter that I had been craving. I cherished it. My ‘holiday’ also gave me time to reflect on my life, my spirituality and in what direction my career was headed. My job loss was a huge message from the universe to find my way back onto the creative career path that I had once dreamed of but was hesitant to pursue. I started looking differently at past situations, as well. I saw my entire childhood, marriage and divorce in a new light. I began to understand how I had held onto things that made me miserable because I believed I had no other option. Eventually, all the reasons revealed themselves, as they always do. All along, the signs had pointed out ‘Wrong way!’ but I had not seen them. I was too busy following the map to look up. What matters most is all I have gained from this. Time to heal, discover and grow. Time with my daughter. A home now filled with peace, love and laughter. I have gained new friends. A new career. A new appreciation for people, community and the important roles we each play in one another’s lives.

Sunday, I traveled to Ottawa for the National Women's Show. I went mainly to gather some good intel for next year's I AM WOMAN conference and trade show. I was very impressed with the quality and abundance of exhibitors who

Being cut open hurt like hell, but I wouldn’t change a thing. In the end, losing everything gave me all I ever needed. Sara Murphy is a freelance journalist, musician, cancer survivor, community cheerleader and mom. recruiting. Some 20,000 visitors went through those doors over the week-end. That's 20,000 ladies who potentially got to hear that SheConnex is a Cornwall Success. Talk about ambassadorial skills! Seeker Chick Julia participating in a "Ice your own cupcake" workshop at the Women's International

seemed to have come from every area, near and far, to be part of it. The goodie bags contained a wealth of information on - among other things - shopping and travel as far as New York City. I was happy to see the gals of our very own SheConnex on the premises. (pictured above left) SheConnex is set to launch its Ottawa chapter on May 1, 2012 (Lone Star, 1211 Lemieux, Ottawa). The ladies were part of the show, actively promoting and

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 7)

CBN Breakfast Meeting This past Wednesday, I attended - as I do every second week - the Cornwall Business Network breakfast. It is really an awesome, young and dynamic group whose members truly aim at helping one another. I am a member of several organizations in Cornwall and I can honestly say that I've received more work from this group alone in just over four months than from all the other ones put together. You should check it out. Next meeting is this coming Wednesday at 8am at the Church on Sydney Street. Julia, Out and About!

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763

FROM SHARYN’S PANTRY by Sharyn Thompson “ About The House”

A COMPANY CHICKEN RECIPE I was reminded of this wonderful recipe for chicken by my good friend Evelyn McPhail. What a cook she is! All her neighbours must secretly pray that they will be invited to one of her special dinner parties. We are always discussing recipes when she is 8 shopping in my store. I hadn't made this in months...too many new recipes to try for my columns. This recipe for chicken is a real keeper, " and not a bit complicated either. I know you will R love it too! (


This recipe will serve 4 4 bone-in, skinless chicken breasts 2 tbsp. canola oil and 1 tbsp. butter 2 tsp. dried tarragon leaves a sprinkle of Kosher salt and ground black pepper to season each chicken breast 1/2 cup all-purpose flour for dredging the chicken in about 3 cups white button mushrooms, sliced 3 cloves of fresh garlic, minced fine (I use a garlic press) 1- 1/2 cups homemade or lowsodium chicken stock 1 - 1/2 tbsp. Dijon mustard 3/4 cup heavy cream (this is 35% whipping cream, no t whipped)


Roger, Thank you for the great question. This is such a common problem in pre-war homes. Many times this is not an indication of a poorly built structure, but rather a symptom of a home that was built with limited means. The goal back then was to conserve as much lumber as possible, as having a less stout home was preferable to no home at all. Prior to the second world war, there wasn’t necessarily a shortage of material or money, it was strictly customary to frame floors and ceilings on 24 inch centers. With no intention of installing ceramic tiles on these floors, a little bounce was not an issue. Add to that a builders’ choice to use a 2x10, or even a 2x8 instead of a 2x12, then you have the makings of a pretty springy floor. Chances are it is not going to fall down any time soon, but if you want to stiffen it up for any reason there is an app for that.

What you’ll want to do is acquire yourself a beam. The beam can be made of many materials: steel I-beam, engineered wood, traditional 2 by lumber in two or three plies nailed or screwed and glued together, or one solid milled piece of lumber. It will need to be the width of your room, perpendicular to the floor joists, plus a couple inches. Now you have to get this piece of material into the basement. This might be tricky if your room is 20 feet wide, and you have to manoeuver a 21 foot beam down a narrow old staircase. Maybe a basement window is a better idea. Once down in the basement you need to decide how to support it. At each end you can use either 4x4 posts cut nice and snug and driven in with a sledge hammer, or

%$". " %$".$4.99/ POUND " ONLY " ONLY%$". $1.43/ 100 GRAMS


-Skin the chicken breasts if they have skin on them. Rinse them under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. -Season them with the Kosher salt and black pepper to your taste. -Rub about 1/2 tsp. of the tarragon leaves over each piece of chicken. -Dredge the chicken pieces in the flour, shaking off any excess flour. -Place a dry cast iron frying pan over medium-high heat for a minute or so to heat the pan. -Now add the canola oil and the butter to the hot pan. -Quickly, lay the dredged chicken breasts in the hot oil and butter. -Sauté each side until browned nicely; I cook them for 4 minutes on one side and then 2 minutes on the other side. You aren't cooking them completely, just browning them. -Lift the chicken from the frying pan to a plate. Tent them with a sheet of aluminum foil. Set them aside.

Dear Joe, I am making some improvements to the kitchen in my century old farm house. One of my biggest pet peeves is the floor. It appears to have sunken down in the middle and is not soft but rather ‘springy’ when you bounce in the center of the room. I would like to correct this before moving on to more aesthetic undertakings. I appreciate any advice you may offer on this. Thanks, Roger

812 Pitt Street Unit 6 613-936-1998

ONLY $0 .99/ 100 GRAMS -Sauté the sliced mushrooms in the same frying pan. Cook them for about 5 minutes, stirring often. Drain off almost all of the fat in the frying pan. -When the mushrooms are nearly cooked, stir in the minced garlic. You don't want the garlic to get bitter, just allow it to cook with the mushrooms for one minute. -Now stir the Dijon mustard and the chicken stock into the mushrooms and garlic. -At this point, I use a handy flatedged wooden spatula (we sell these handy gadgets at my store, Sharyn's Pantry) to scrape up any flavourful bits from the bottom of the frying pan. This way, you get all the flavour left from sautéeing the chicken and mushrooms. -Allow this to simmer for about 10 minutes.

-Stir in the heavy cream and allow it to heat through. Just bring it to a boil and turn down the heat to a simmer. Cook and reduce the volume of the cream slightly to increase your flavour. -Place the chicken breasts in a pretty baking pan and pour the mushroom sauce over them. -Place the uncovered baking pan in a pre-heated 350 degree F. oven and bake for about 25 minutes, or until the juices in the chicken run clear when you pierce them in their thickest point. -Serve these tender and flavourful chicken breasts with vegetables of your choice. I made one of Gary's favourites: potato croquettes to go along with the chicken ENJOY!

on an outside foundation wall, a bracket fashioned from a chunk of 3 inch angle iron bolted to the concrete. If the floor is a collaborative workspace aimed at really bad, you may have to leave one end hang several providing freelancers, startups, inches low and use a entrepreneurs & independents the space and jackpost to slowly work the resources they need to grow their ideas. beam up into place. It is also advisable to do this "Be inspired. kind of coaxing when the Meet at The Church on Sydney.” weather is warm and humid as the old wood will be slightly more inclined to 130 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON K6H 3H2 concede to your coaxing. If Ph: 613.932.2665 Fx: 613.932.9871 you have several inches you Email: need to take up, I would recommend doing this raising over the course of days or weeks, not minutes or hours. Remember, it took 100 years to get into that position, it ain’t moving back in 20 minutes. Once the beam is in its upright and locked position, you should plan to have a jackpost every 10 or 12 feet, or in the center of the span at least. Now remember, your floor will never be perfect. Chances are it wasn’t perfect when it was built. The best you can hope for is to stop the bounce, minimize the squeaks and make it so you don’t have to have one leg shorter than the other in order to enjoy your home. Best of luck, Joe And thank you to everyone who contributed this week. If I didn't answer your question, keep on thank you to everyone who contributed this week . If I didn'tanswer your question, keep watching here each week for more household tips and renovation advice. It’s FREE to submit a question email them to: or Text them to 613-551-5932. For additional information about me and what’s going on in your community, please visit our website: And remember, Whatever you do, do it well, because a job well done stays well done forever

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 8) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!


our weekly pages of events n’ more...



CPL BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING 4:30 pm in the library's boardroom. Directors, staff and Friends as well as the public are welcome to attend. TWEEN BOOK CLUB - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 LE MERCREDI 25 AVRIL BABY TALES - 10:00 - 10:45 am YAC Picture Book Area STORYTIME - 10:00 am - 10:45 am BRIDGE CLUB - 6:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m - Open to all interested in friendly challenges - Drop in CHESS FOR ADULTS WITH CLIFFORD LABRE 6:15 P.M. - 8:15 P.M. - YAC services area CLUB DE LECTURE LIVROMANIE 18h30 à 19h30 SCIENCE SPEAKERS SERIES - 7:00 PM with the St.Lawrence River Institute FEATURED SPEAKER: DR. JAYNE YACK, Department of Biology Carleton University TALKING ABOUT INSECTS THAT TALK Did you know insects like caterpillars and butterflies can whistle, snap and burp to communicate with each other and to detect predators?



L'HEURE DU CONTE - 10 h à 10 h 45 45 Second Street E. TEL: 613-932.4796

CORNWALL SCRABBLE CORNWALL Weekly fun @ 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Free to everyone

WRITERSFEST- 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Clear Writing With Carolyn Eva

YOUTH MENTOR PROGRAM 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm - Program room 3

SATURDAY, APRIL 21 LE SAMEDI 21 AVRIL YOGA YOUTH - 10:00 am to 11:00 am R.E.A.D. WITH DOGS - 11:00 am to 12 noon CHECK-MATES WITH AU DIAPASON 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MR. FREDDY'S GANG - 10:00 am to 11:00 am SCAREDY SQUIRREL - 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm

MONDAY, APRIL 23 LE LUNDI 23 AVRIL TIME FOR TWOS - 10:00 am to 10:30 am

WRITERSFEST - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Our Very Own Publication With Mai-Liis Renaud and Julia Lucio


WRITERSFEST - 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Library Resources for Writers and Authors With Dawn Kiddell Write It Now With Ron Lajoie 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Writing about Magic and Medicine With Melissa Yuan-Innes 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

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FRIDAY, APRIL 20 Georges Karaoke Party at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome Dart League Serving wings and things 7:30pm at the Moose Lodge

South Dundas Chamber Home & Trade ShowMorrisburg Arena (Morrisburg) 613662-2653

South Dundas Chamber Home & Trade Show Morrisburg Arena (Morrisburg) 613-6622653

“The Spider & the Spy” Live Amateur TheatreDream Builder Studios (Cornwall) 613-938-4748 or 1-800-937-4748

“The Spider & the Spy” Live Amateur Theatre Dream Builder Studios (Cornwall) 613938-4748 or 1-800-937-4748 MISCELLANEOUS Le Club Octogone Grades 7 & 8 Students Dance 7 pm to 10 pm. La Citadelle, 510 McConnell Ave. Admission: 5$, school dress code in effect. Supervision by le club Optimiste

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Cultural Talks – Gerald Lauzon “Telltale Toponyms of S.D. & G” OPG Visitor Centre (Cornwall) 613-932-4563 ext 3520

Shepherd`s Pie & Fish & Chips 4:30 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Country Western Cookout & Comedy Night 7 pm, Best Western Parkway Inn, 1515 Vincent Massey Dt. Tickets: 60$ available at Victim Services of S D G & A, 707A Rosemount Ave. or call 613.938.8900 Colts Playoff Hockey Colts Playoff Hockey. Your Colts look to ice the Nepean Raiders in game 6 of the CCHL final, Friday, April 20th at 7:30 pm at the Ed Lumley Arena Agape Center/Carefor Walk-In Nursing Clinic 11 am to 3 pm, 40 5th St. W. Registered nurse on site for general health counselling such as blood pressure, diabetes, checks and more


St. Francis De Sales CWL Yard Sale.Saturday, 8 am to 2 pm. St. Francis de Sales church hall, 434 2nd St. W.

SUNDAY, APRIL 22 Euchre 1pm at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome Country Music Entertainment by Joyce Bender and Country Roads at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome Sunday night Dining $7.75 at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome Breakfast 8-11 at the Moose Lodge Worship followed by the message @Fountaingate Christian Assembly. 10:30 949 Mohawk Drive Chorus Novus Spring Concert Trinity Anglican Church (Cornwall) 613-938-4748 or 1-800-937-4748 Riverdance Cornwall Civic Complex 613938-9400 40th annual Raisin River Canoe Race St. Andrew's West to Williamstown 613-938-3611 Murphy's Inn 3pm CWA Wrestling presents "Retribution" - live pro wrestling.

George's Karaoke Party. at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome


Free Fun Pool 1-5pm at the Moose Lodge

dart League 7pm at the Moose Lodge

Cornwall Community Police Services Auction at 1:00pm By Taylor Auctions

You are invited to A Culture Days Information Session at 7:30 PM, at the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery Interested in

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participating in Culture Days 2012? Come to the info session to find out about the many available resources, tools, and tips that can make your Culture Days activities a success. Meet and network with other Culture Days activity organizers and find out what is being planning in Cornwall and area.

TUESDAY, APRIL 17 Dart league serving wings and things u:15pm at the Moose Lodge Children’s Treatment Centre Bike-A-Thon Kick-Off Breakfast 6 am to 7:15 am. Cornwall Civic Complex. Guest Speaker: Best selling author David Pelzer, Call 613.933.4400 for more information Euchre 7pm at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 Pool league 7pm at the Moose Lodge Everyone Welcome Ladies Auxiliary Euchre Party at 1:30 pm. Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd. E. Prizes and lunch served. Tackle Your Tax With Samantha Charbonneau A hands-on workshop. Wednesday, April 25th at 9:30 am. TriCounty Literacy Council, 101 2nd St. W. Catholic Women's League Spring Daisy Tea from 1 pm - 3 pm. St. Peter's Parish, 2900 2nd St. E. White elephant & bake table. Sandwiches, dessert & beverages. Admission: 6$

THURSDAY, APRIL 19 Jam session serving wings & things at the Moose Lodge WE regular dinner meeting. Ramada Inn 6pm. Matt Jans to speak. Bring your business cards and a positve mindset. Door prizes RSVP Nutrition Tips for Weight Management LIVE VideoCast 10:15am at Seaway Valley Community Health Centre 353 Pitt St. Call Lucy @ 613 936 0306 x 103 Knox St. Paul's United Church Rummage Sale 9 am to 12 noon. 800 12th St. E. Clothes, books & household items at bargain prices.

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THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 10) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354


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FRIDAY, APRIL 20 St. Joseph's Catholic Secondary School presents: West Side Story4 showtime at 8:00 pm - St. Joseph's Catholic Secondary School Auditorium Tickets only $10.00 Available at: Rainbow Music, Melody Music, or at the school's main office Trinity Anglican Church, ACW Spring Rummage Sale from 10 am to 1 pm. 105 2nd St. W. Many great bargains on clothes, toys, household items, books and much more. Musical Celebration Some of our region's brightest young classical musicians perform at the Musical Celebration Musicale Final Concert. Friday, April 27th at 7:30 pm

GALAXYLocation : 1325 Second Street E. 613-932-4500 The Cabin in the Woods(18A) Fri: 6:50, 9:20 Sat, Sun: 12:55, 3:45, 6:50, 9:20 Mon, Tue: 7:55 Wed: 5:20, 7:55

Gananouque Casino Bus Trip departing at 9:30 am. For information or to reserve call:613.932.6534. Proceeds MISCELLANEOUS to St. Joseph's Continuing Care Center You know you're from Ontario when... Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway. "Vacation" means going to Barrie/area for the weekend. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day. Your grandparents drive at 65 mph through 13 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow. You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, construction.

Fountaingate Christian Assembly church 942 Mohawk Drive. Take Brockdale North turn left at Toll Gate pass the train tracks to the right unto Mohawk Drive. We meet every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 7:00pm in the church sanctuary. We celebrate and offer praise to a mighty God that we serve. The night is filled with worship music, personal testimony, and co operate prayer. We want to invite believers and non believers for some good fellowship. Everyone is Welcome

Wrath of the Titans(14A) Fri, Sat, Sun: 7:05, 9:35 Tue, Wed: 7:50

The Three Stooges(PG) Fri: 7:10, 9:25 Sat, Sun: 12:45, 3:15, 7:10, 9:25 Mon, Tue, Wed: 5:15

The Hunger Games(PG) Fri: 6:40, 9:40 Sat, Sun: 12:35, 3:40, 6:40, 9:40 Mon, Tue, Wed: 5:00, 8:00

American Reunion(14A) Fri: 6:30, 9:15 Sat, Sun: 12:40, 3:20, 6:30, 9:15 Mon: 5:05, 7:40 Tue: 5:05 Wed: 5:05, 7:40

Titanic(PG) Fri: 8:30 Sat, Sun: 12:30, 4:30, 8:30 Mon, Tue, Wed: 7:00 The Lucky One(PG) Fri: 7:00, 9:30 Sat, Sun: 12:50, 3:30, 7:00, 9:30 Mon, Tue, Wed: 5:10, 8:05 Port Theater Location: 132 Montreal Rd., (613) 933-4547 21 Jump Street(14A) Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue: 7:00, 9:00

Mirror Mirror(PG) Sat, Sun: 1:00, 3:25

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The Lorax(G) Sat, Sun: 1:30

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Monsieur Lazhar(PG) In French with Eng. subt. Wed: 7:15

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Brought to you by the Local Seeker and Value Village

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

Passion, lust, jealousy, tragedy coming to Cornwall!

FRIDAY APRIL 20TH @ Rangatangs in Cornwall Kings Bishop, Elly May & more SATURDAY APRIL 21ST Pub in Cornwall. 30 Second Summerville @ Lola's

SATURDAY APRIL 21ST Abrams Brothers 7:30 pm ($33) @ Aultsville Theatre in Cornwall.

SUNDAY APRIL 22ND N CWA Wrestling - RETRUBUTIO all. @ Murphy’s Inn - 3pm - in Cornw

The opera, initially scorned by critics and essentially ignored by the public, was hailed by Russian composer Tchaikovsky as ‘a masterpiece in every sense of the word’ and predicted it would become the most popular opera in the world, which it did. It premiered in Paris in 1875 and by 1904 had been performed 1,000 times gaining its reputation outside of France before being fully appreciated at home.

SUNDAY APRIL 22ND Psalms CHORUS NOVUS presents The in Cornwall. @ 7pm - Trinity Anglican Church

TUESDAY - Cheap Night - $2.75/Beer & Rail WEDNESDAY - Wing Night Wings & Tall Boy $7.99 or 40¢ each


It’s always a good time when you come to Lola’s

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 12)

Call CRAG for more info - 613.938.7387

MONDAY - Pool Night - Free Pool

New Application Fee: $80 New Application Deadline: Monday, Apr. 30, 2012

WEDNESDAY APRIL 25TH in Cornwall. Burlesque lesson @ Spirit Tree Yoga

616 Pitt St. Cornwall 613-936-9898

The Cornwall Concert Series is proud to present Bizet’s opera Carmen at Aultsville Theatre in Cornwall on Saturday, April 28 at 8 p.m. Carmen is being toured by Jeunesses Musicales, as part of the Montreal-based company’s 2011-2012 season, presenting the talents of young singers to audiences in cities all over Eastern Canada. Carmen, by French composer Georges Bizet, is based on the 1845 novella of the same name by Prosper Mérimée. The story is set in Spain, where Mérimée visited and met a gypsy named Carmencita, becoming engrossed in bullfighting and listening to stories about the Spanish gyspies. The opera is filled with boiling passions, lust, fierce characters and unrepentant rascals. Carmen tells the story of Don José, a soldier who abandons his childhood sweetheart and military duties after falling for the charms of Carmen. He loses Carmen’s love to a glamorous bullfighter named Escamillo and kills her in a jealous rage.

SUNDAY APRIL 22ND Riverdance Theatrical Show @ The Civic Complex in Cornwall.

Apples & Art: Reduced Fee and New Application Deadline

MUSIC & MORE ... What’s Happening?

FRIDAY APRIL 20TH all. Tyler Kealey @ Schnitzels in Cornw

The music has been widely acclaimed, with Bizet being recognized for how he captures the emotions of his characters perfectly. The beautiful bohemian girl will share her theory of love, joyfully captivating you with her charms and cheekiness. Come meet some of the country’s finest emerging artists in this wonderful production with exceptional costumes, lighting, and original stage direction. The musical director for Carmen is none other than Cornwall native, Louise-Andrée Baril. Carmen will be presented in the original French with English surtitles. CAST Carmen, Kristin Hoff - Mezzo-soprano Don José, Gaétan Sauvageau - Tenor Micaëla, Jana Miller - Soprano Escamillo, Justin Welsh – Baritone Frasquita, Suzanne Rigden - Soprano Mercédès, Jessica Bowes – Mezzo-soprano Pianist, Antoine Joubert Louise-Andrée Baril, Musical Direction Alain Gauthier, Stage Direction

SPOTLIGHT on this PAGE Call Mai-Liis at 613-932-1875


ART SEEKERS by Sandra Taylor Hedges

SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS Art and the Social Message In my column last week we looked at how upcoming artists learn to see and hear the world in a new way. Often with these new found eyes and ears, we develop a fresh way of seeing the world around us from a social point of view. We often want to tell the stories of the unjust world we live in. We strive to bring awareness to those who would close their minds to what is going on in society; from the mistreatment of women and children to the way we take care of the very planet we depend on. One such artist is local artist Jacqueline Milner. I have known Jacqueline for just over seven years now, and her message is still the same: love and care for the earth. This shows in her art, her photographs, and her writing. Not only does she talk the talk, but she walks the walk! Jacqueline will read you the riot act if she catches you throwing recyclable materials in the trash. I know this first hand. Jacqueline’s latest exhibition of art is a beautiful example of the message we all need to hear, I recommend you all go experience it. Many of her paintings are beautiful lyrical trees that speak to us of their importance to the well-being of not only the planet, but our souls as well. Colours are muted and soft, allowing you to feel the same calm that sitting under a tree on a hot summer day brings you.

Not all Jacqueline’s work is about the beauty of trees. One of her paintings, All the Kings Men, shows an interpretation of the effect of destroying trees on our planet. It depicts how when things go too far, we may not be able to fix them again. Her photography speaks to both the strange and beautiful things that we find in the forest, as well as the discarded junk left by the hand of man. My favorite piece is a small installation sculpture made of the type of plastic trash that is found floating like a large island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Its effect on the marine life and birds that pass by is very well demonstrated. Entwined within the bits of plastic garbage are the bones of the birds that die when trapped on the surface of this deadly man-made island. When it comes to getting the message across, Jacqueline is not alone. But in order to keep the message going, we the public need to support the efforts of the social artist by investing in their work. Picasso once said that it is the artist’s duty to speak of the things that society would rather not look at. We the artist must tell it all so that the others will see the truth. If you haven’t already had the pleasure, please visit Jacqueline Milner’s exhibit, Connexions, at the Galerie Corrid’Art in the Centre Culturel de Cornwall, 124 rue Anthony (inside the school). It runs from 10am - 4pm until April 26, 2012. You won’t be disappointed!

Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Teacher and President of L’association Focus Art Association Cat Scratches - Studio Blog

CORNWALL ART GALLERY HOST TO EMERGING SONGWRITERS Who: Cornwall Francophone indie-folk performer MÉLANIE BRULÉE (Top left) and Canadiana country - folk performer JADEA KELLY (Top right) What: Live music- a double bill at an intimate art gallery concert Why: Two of Canada's brightest young songwriters. When: Thursday May 3, 2012 Time: 7PM (Doors open 6:00pm) Bring your own chair or cushion. Where: Cornwall Regional Art Gallery, 164 Pitt St. (next to Schnitzels) Tickets: $10 for fans of the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery Facebook page (go to and click 'LIKE'), $15 otherwise Tickets available by calling 613-938-7387 or email Toronto-based singer-songwriter and Cornwall native Melanie Brulée, who received the Reader`s Choice Local Seeker award for 2011 Musician of the Year for the work she did with General Electryk, will be be showcasing some of her new solo material. General Electryk made headlines in Cornwall in February for releasing their album “Petty Little Things” onto 12" vinyl LP with original artwork by local Cornwall artists. Joining the evening is Toronto singer-songwriter JADEA KELLY—her first ever performance in Cornwall following her January appearance on Stuart McLean’s VINYL CAFÉ in Morrisburg, ON. Jadea has been nominated for emerging songwriter of the year by the Canadian Folk Music Awards and touring harmony vocalist for True North recording artist, Catherine MacLellan.

Studio One Cat Squared CENTRE CHARLES EMILE CLAUDE CHEVRIER AVE, ROOM 122 Cornwall, Ontario Artist Sandra Taylor Hedges DFA

Now offering Art Courses for all Ages Drawing, Acrylic Painting, Mixed Media, Oil Painting Classes, Weekend Workshops, Children’s Classes, PRIVATE CLASSES ALSO AVAILABLE

Tuesday & Thursday afternoon Class Adult Painting Class For information and prices call and ask for Sandra



THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

I heard this quote the other day, “Forgiveness does not change the past, it enlarges the future.” It struck me as a wonderful way to express the importance of forgiveness and how it is something you really give to yourself. Have you not, at some point in your life, heard yourself say, I will never forgive them! Forgiveness, or lack thereof, is something that most of us use as a tool to punish someone else. Crazy don’t you think? After all, the truth is that the only one that gets harmed is you. Consider one of the people on your non-forgiveness list, and ask yourself just a few questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

When was the last time you saw them? Were they aware that you were upset with them? Do they know they are on your non-forgiveness list? How is this affecting them?

The last question may be the most important. I have come to realize that most of the friends or family members who make my list usually don’t know about it. Heck, they may no longer be among the living. So when I stop to take a look at forgiveness or lack thereof, I am the only one who knows about it. This is just crazy because in fact, rather than hurting the other person - the usual motive behind non-forgiveness - it is hurting me.

Okay, time to re-assess this whole forgiveness thing. Here it is: if you have someone whom you have not forgiven, you are not hurting them, you are hurting YOU. It is you who continues to carry the anger, the hurt or the grudge, not them. It is you who feels the heartache or the stomach churning, not them. So what do you do about that? Forgive them? That just doesn’t seem right…or does it? Remember, forgiveness is for you, not them. Years ago I read a wonderful book on forgiveness by Dr. Jerald Jampolsky. One of the things he shared (which really helped me) is that forgiveness doesn’t mean that you agree with the actions taken by the other person. It’s simply that you forgive them and understand that they, like you, are human and prone to making mistakes. This helped me greatly, because I felt that by forgiving, I was condoning what they had done. The next thing he suggested was to make a list of all those people whom I had not forgiven. I can remember thinking that my list wouldn’t be very long so I began writing it on a very small piece of paper. Once I got started, the names came pouring out, and as you might have guessed, I needed more paper! It is not that I am an angry person, I just allowed myself to let it out, all those people I had felt harmed by in my life. Somehow just the act of naming them helped, and I felt such relief. The next step was to actually work on the forgiveness piece. This is where I learned about Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian tradition that helps you to clean up past memories and move toward forgiveness. It works like this – after writing down your list, focus your attention on all these people and say the following: • I love you • I’m sorry • Please forgive me • Thank you How does this work? By focusing your attention on each person and repeating this ‘mantra’, you replace the mental chatter that was filling your head about them. You allow yourself to release the transgressions you believe they committed against you, and create space within you for love, generosity and so much more. Oh, and by the way, the person who is often in need of the most forgiving is YOU. Haven’t you noticed how hard you are on yourself and the exacting standards of perfection to which you hold yourself? You may want to start your forgiveness journey by practicing on yourself first.

OFF THE MAT with Lisa Blanchard

roadSIGNS by Betty Healey


Yoga and Grieving I lost my mother one month ago. Her name was Sharon Blanchard Preston and she was a beautiful woman. She lost her battle to cancer on March 17th, 2012. And to say that I miss her is an understatement. She was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer over seven years ago. When she was diagnosed, she was already stage 4, in that her cancer had already spread to her liver and lungs. She was given less than one year to live. That was in 2005. I am lucky, I know. I got to be with her for six more years than originally thought. My mother fought bravely and courageously. Her doctor called her his “Miracle!” Although I knew she was going to die, I was totally unprepared. It happened too fast! Too fast, for me. I am glad my mother didn’t suffer much in the end, but she went before I completely accepted that she was leaving.

I know that I am lucky in that I got a chance to say all those things we want to say. I found myself just telling her, “I love you, mom. I love you, Mom!” What is there to say in the end? “Don’t leave me” or “I need you to stay”? Of course we can’t say that, but I wanted to! I am 41 years old and I still need my mom. I am not ashamed to say it. What I have found through losing her is that she was my anchor, my home. And now I feel a little lost, adrift because with her gone, there is no “home” anymore. When our parents are alive, we go home to visit them. For me, that home is gone, and I miss her terribly. With her death, my heart feels incomplete, like part of it is lost, and it literally aches. I did not know what to expect when she died, and I can honestly say that I feel torn or pulled apart. I am not going to write that Yoga saved me. I still cry every day. But what Yoga has done for me, is give me a refuge; a place to go to still my mind. When you grieve the loss of a parent, you go through all the memories of the past by reminiscing over pictures; some in albums and others in your mind. You also think about the future events and how that person won’t be there to share in the experience. My mind is constantly thinking of both the past and the future. But, when I do yoga, I am firmly in the present. You see, yoga compels you to focus on the in and out of the breath while doing different poses. When you are in Warrior III, trying to balance your body on one leg, all you can do is focus on the breath. I don’t think of anything and at that time, I am perfectly ok! I can look forward to my daily practice and know that for one hour or so, my mind will be still, my body will benefit from the exercise and my spirit will be lifted and filled with love once again. I am truly thankful for my yoga practice and thankful to share it with you. If you are experiencing sadness, here are a few heart-opening poses that help: cobra; camel; triangle and bounded side-angle. Child’s pose allows for the grief to flow through. Allow yourself to cry. Focus on the breath and tune everything out. Then enjoy the relaxation that comes in corpse pose. Sadness resides in our lungs, throat and forehead, so take the time daily to really focus on breathing (pranayama). Five minutes a day of mindful breathing will allow the lungs to fully expand and oxygenate your body. By doing the poses and pranayama, you allow the tension and stuck emotions to move out of the body. Allow the emotions to move through you so that you experience healthy grieving and sadness. Spirit Tree Yoga offers daily yoga classes. Take the time in your busy schedule and come enjoy a yoga class. It is more than just exercise; yoga will fill your spirit and bring you peace of mind. Join the May Hot Yoga Challenge or one of the spring classes (YogaFlow or Gentle Yoga) to really experience the transformational benefits of Yoga. Go to for more information. Namaste, Lisa

It is time you know – why would any of us want to waste time on emotions which drain us when we could be filling up with love, joy and abundance. Until next time….Betty

Betty Healey is an award winning author and inspiring speaker. Her new book, The ME FIRST Playbook, is now available in Cornwall at Laura’s Gift Shop or by ordering from the roadSIGNS website. You can join Betty and Jim for the roadSIGNS TV Show shown weekly on Cogeco: For information regarding Betty’s coaching and upcoming retreats or to subscribe to her monthly e-newsletter, contact Betty at or visit her website at

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 14)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763

JOB TIPS with John

EMPLOYMENT SEEKER Job Jumping; Your Last Job and Other Questions You’re sitting in the interview room feeling pretty good that you’ve made it this far in the hiring process for a job you really want. You look good; you’ve arrived with extra copies of your résumé and you’re feeling comfortable and confident. You’re then hit with a question that leaves you stumbling for the right answer, and all of a sudden your confidence goes out the window. Interviews can seem like interrogations, especially when the interviewer starts drilling down into specifics about past employment. This is the purpose of an interview. In addition to wanting to meet you to see if there is a good fit between yourself and the organization, a hiring manager is looking for answers to questions that jump out from your résumé.

When reviewing résumés, recruiters will look at how long you’ve held previous jobs. How would you address the comment; “You’ve had a lot of jobs over the last couple of years”? Far from being a casual observation, the recruiter is asking you to explain why you have jumped from job to job. There may be a legitimate reason for this, but in the mind of a recruiter this could be a potential red flag. Is the candidate unable to hold a job for more than a few months? Are they looking at this opportunity as merely a stepping stone to get somewhere else? Are there underlying issues we don’t know about that might cause problems later on? If you feel that you have included many jobs over a short time frame in your résumé, be ready to explain why.

A de rigueur question during interviews is “why did you leave your last job or why are you considering leaving your current position?” This is a tricky one. In many cases it’s because we are looking for better remuneration. But does applying for another job for more money make us appear as if we have no loyalty beyond a pay cheque? We might be leaving because we truly cannot stand our boss or co-workers. Does stating this indicate we might not be a team player? Let’s be honest. If we all had amazingly fantastic and well paid jobs, would we be looking to leave or would we have quit in the first place? Perhaps not. Think carefully about how you answer this question. Not only will the recruiter want to hear something that ties into the company’s values and business objectives, but they will also want to see if there is a consistency between your answer and the answer of the person at your previous company they speak to when they call them for a reference. A standard question on most recruiter’s reference call templates is “Why did your name here leave your company?” Whatever answers you provide to the above, be sure to never talk negatively about a previous employer or company. Hiring managers and recruiters will want to know that they are talking to a potential employee who will be able to exhibit a certain degree of professionalism, tact and discretion. I have heard candidates use profanity and drag previous employers’ names through the mud. This does not go down too well in an interview.

Quick Bio John has been involved in recruiting in the Cornwall and SD&G area for the past several years having interviewed, selected and onboarded hundreds of employees for some of the area’s biggest companies. He has lived and worked as far afield as the UK and Hong Kong in a variety of fields. Before becoming a Logistics and Warehouse Sector Staffing and Talent Acquisition Specialist, he was in private practice as an Inward Investment Economic Development consultant in Montreal after having lived an exciting period as a Canadian Forces Intelligence Officer. With a Masters degree in Public Policy and Public Administration from Concordia University he is a firm believer in the value of education and dedicates much of his time helping develop and coach new employees to assist them in achieving their professional and personal goals. He can be reached via email at or you can follow his Twitter feed: @johnaparsons

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 15) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

A weekly look at racing from both sides of the 1000 Islands The 2012 racing season finally got underway this past weekend as Fulton Speedway kicked off their new season with the Methanol Meltdown Sprint Car racing event, along with Sportsman and Late Models. I also attended the 1st Annual Brockville Ontario Speedway Fan Fair on Saturday morning, and the practice session at Chapman’s Can Am Motorsports Park on both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was a busy day for me, as I hit the road to Brockville for my first stop of the day. I attended the Brockville Speedway Fan Fair held at Home Hardware in Brockville. Last year’s Modified champion Danny O’Brien had his car on display, as did Matt Billings, Tim O’Brien and Bobby Herrington. Stephane Lafrance was also on hand signing autographs. 2011 Sportsman champion Chris Herbison represented the Sportsman division along with Dylan Evoy, Dana Aikins, and Jessica Power. Brody Cordingley also had his Go Kart on display. It was a great event leading up to Brockville’s season opener next month.

After leaving Brockville, my next stop was Chapman’s Can Am Motorsports Park in Lafargeville, New York. They were hosting a practice session in preparation for next weekend’s season opener. I lingered for about an hour, made my rounds in the pit area, watched some cars on the track, and met up with a racing friend of mine, Rick Young from From there it was off to Fulton Speedway! Fulton has always been one of my favorite tracks to watch races; the high banks, wide corners and the overall setting of the place have always been interesting to me. They were hosting their season opening night, which consisted of Sprint Cars, Sportsman and Late Models. I arrived just in time for hot laps, and as scheduled, racing began at 4pm on the dot. A strong field of forty one sprint cars were on hand, along with twenty five Sportsman and eight Late Models. Sprint Car veteran Steve Poirier picked up the opening night win over Tommy Wickham, Chuck Hebing, Bryan Howland and Larry Wight. Like many nights in 2011 at Fulton, Tim Sears Jr. swept both the Late Model and Sportsman features. He held off Jordan Bennett, Greg Mrzwyka, Gregg Carner and Bob Bennett in the 20 lap Sportsman feature, and out-dueled Sean Beardsley and Alan Fink in the 15 lap Late Model main event. Sunday looked gloomy from the get-go, but practice was still on at Chapman’s Can Am Motorsports for the afternoon, so I made the short dash across the border once again. The mist in the air kept the track super fast, and the radar gun which the track was using backed that up. Some of the Sprint Cars on hand turned speeds in excess of 120 miles per hour. Even Matt Billings’ 358 Modified hit 114 miles per hour. It was a great day of practice, and everyone was eager to begin the new season. This coming weekend, I will be attending the 2012 season opener at Brewerton Speedway on Friday night, and back to Can Am on Saturday night. Brewerton is also one of my favorite tracks to visit. They will begin their new season with a full show of Big Block Modifieds, Mod Lites, IMCA Modifies and 4 cylinder Super Stocks. Their unique D-shaped track makes it tricky for the races, but its fun to watch from the stands. I enjoy sprint car racing, but I have to say I am really looking forward to seeing some Modified racing this weekend. Saturday night I will be back at Can Am, and with some local tracks still closed for a few more weeks, car counts should be great. The Big Block/Small Block Modifieds, Sportsman, Late Models, Pro Streets, and Thunder Cars will be in action. Race time will begin at 6pm. I look forward to seeing everyone at the track in just another week. I hope you continue to enjoy my weekly column, as always, any comments or suggestions can be sent to


Pipers Point with Rodney Wilson

Border Patrol with Craig Revelle

SEEKING SPORTS NEWS It’s been a frustrating 16 months for Sidney Crosby. Sid the Kid hoped to finally put his concussion/neck injury behind him and focus on hockey in the playoffs. But the hockey gods had different plans, matching the Pittsburgh Penguins up with the Philadelphia Flyers in the first round. The rivalry has never been more intense and the Flyers are clearly getting under the skin of a frustrated Crosby, who appears to be mentally exhausted. Crosby has always been focused on being the best player possible. He had early success as a pro: he won the Hart Trophy in 2007, captured the Stanley Cup in 2009 and scored the golden goal for Canada at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. He is still putting up the points (3 goals, 5 assists in 4 games) but that has to be put into perspective; this has been a crazy, high-scoring series. The Pens might be up 3-1 instead of down 3-1 if their captain focused more on hockey instead of his hatred for the Flyers. After what he’s been through since suffering his head/neck injury in January 2011, some say the Pens should have shut their superstar down for the season. That would have obviously been an incredibly difficult decision to make. Crosby, for the most part, is a classy guy, even with the media. But that hasn’t been the case this week either, as he’s said flat out that he dislikes every one of the Flyers. At times like these, it’s easy to forget Crosby is only 24 years old. But still, he’s Pittsburgh’s captain, and all the whining and extracurricular activity after the play has been a distraction to his team. Hey, he can be physical out there; I have no problem with that. But he isn’t helping the Penguins right now with this type of leadership. Star players like Kris Letang and James Neal have followed suite and the Pens are in trouble. Sure, they pounded the Flyers 10-3 on Wednesday night, but they’ve dug themselves a big hole. For the fans, it’s been an exciting series to watch: tons of scoring and plenty of nastiness. Ratings are through the roof for TSN, as well as down in the U.S.

But Penguins owner Mario Lemieux is embarrassed with his team’s play and conduct. Even though the points are still there for Crosby, Lemieux and hockey fans everywhere still expect more from the best player in the game today.

ROAD WARRIORS: Road teams are an incredible 19-9 this post-season through Wednesday night’s games. Detroit, Pittsburgh and Vancouver are each 0-2 at home. Those three teams were a combined 87-27-9 at home during the regular season. In fact, Detroit set an NHL record this year with 23 consecutive wins on home ice. THE RATS ARE BACK: The Florida Panthers are looking to win their first playoff series since 1996, when they went all the way to the Stanley Cup final. During that run - which ended with a loss to Patrick Roy and the Colorado Avalanches - Florida fans would toss plastic rats on the ice to celebrate goals. It all started when Scott Mellanby killed a rat in the locker room with his stick before a Panthers game. Mellanby then went out and scored a pair of goals that night – with the same stick. One member of that team was current Cornwall Colts associate coach Ray Sheppard, who had 16 points in 21 games for the Panthers that spring. QUICKLY BECOMING A STAR: Jonathan Quick has been the best-kept secret in the Western Conference this season – until now. The Los Angeles Kings netminder is having his coming-out party in these playoffs. He’s been sensational in the first round vs. the Vancouver Canucks, allowing only seven goals in the first four games of the series. The 26-year-old posted his second straight 35win campaign and had an impressive 1.95 GAA this season. TOUGH WAY FOR ALFIE TO GO OUT: It’s been a memorable season for Daniel Alfredsson and hopefully the Senators captain hasn’t played his last game in Ottawa’s series vs. the New York Rangers. Alfredsson, who bounced back with solid offensive numbers this year, was selected as a captain at the All-Star Game in Ottawa, and led the rebuilding Sens to an unlikely post-season berth. Ottawa fans have shown Alfredsson their appreciation all year long. I love how they count down to the eleven minute mark of every period, then chant “Alfie! Alfie! Alfie!” The Sens leader suffered a concussion when he took a Carl Hagelin elbow to the head in Game 2. Hagelin was suspended for three games. COLTS ONE WIN AWAY: For the second straight spring, the Colts will host Game 6 of the CCHL final in their own barn with the Bogart Cup in the house. This time, it’s the Colts who can capture the championship at the Ed Lumley Arena on Friday night. Playoff hero Michael Borkowski scored the winner in double overtime on Wednesday night to give Cornwall a 3-2 series lead over Nepean. Tyson and Tylor Spink assisted on the goal, as the Colgate line combined for eight points on the night. The Colts can win their first playoff championship in 11 years on Friday night – and advance to the Fred Page Cup, which will be held April 24-29 in Kanata. READY FOR A ROCKY RACE: This weekend marks the 40th anniversary of the Raisin River Canoe Race, which runs from St. Andrews to Williamstown every spring. Water levels aren’t high, but the race will go on. Thankfully, there’s quite a bit of rain in the forecast heading into the weekend; but it might still be a bumpy ride for canoeists. PIPER’S POINTS: Many predicted a Vancouver/Pittsburgh Stanley Cup final. I was one of them, and I loaded up on Canucks and Penguins in my playoff pool as well. I guess I was WAY OFF! Both teams trail in their series, 3-1. Dare I say the Flyers/Kings will still be playing in June? That prediction might be as safe as three-goal leads in these NHL playoffs.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 16) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

On Sunday March 25th I had the chance to play in an awesome hockey tournament at the Long Sault Arena. It was my team, the Long Sault Selects Atom B team that hosted the tournament. There are a few reasons I loved the tournament. The first reason is that we raised a LOT of money for Laura. We raised over $15,000. Laura is my team mate’s mom who has leukemia. She has always been there to cheer us on and to make us laugh when she would say “Brennan, two hands on your stick!” We raised the money by doing a Guess the Jelly Bean contest, Chuck a Puck, 50/50 draw, a prize table, a silent auction and we sold food made by the parents from our team.

The prizes on the prize table and the silent auction items were all donated by friends and family of our hockey team who wanted to help Laura. The second reason is that our team played against some new teams that we’ve never played before. They were from Brockville and Kanata.

We were also happy that we got to play against some teams that we already knew. If you only experience a few teams you might not get better. Another reason is that I love playing hockey and being part of a team! Being on a team makes you work together and learn skills that you can’t learn by yourself. Playing on a boys team makes me work harder and helps me improve my skating and skills. Being on a boys team also helps me to learn to get along with different people. The best part is hanging out in the dressing room with my friends and getting ready for the game. My coach would make sure we were ready 15 minutes before the game. They would always tell us where we need to be on the ice, and before we would leave the dressing room he would say “Have Fun” * One more thing I like about our team is that the coach (my dad) gives us nicknames like, “Boots” because I would fall down a lot at the beginning of the year. Another player is called “Swiper” because he would miss the puck often while swiping at it. My favorite nickname is my friend Andrew, his nickname is the “Iceman”. He is very focused and when the coaches were acting goofy in the dressing room he would never crack a smile. My dad keeps asking me if I want to go play girls hockey and I told him, “when the boys get too big for me but for now I am having alot of fun and they treat me like one of them!” We won the B Championship and we received a really big trophy. Brennan got to bring it home to show his mom. He was so happy. As you see, the tournament wasn’t just about playing hockey. It was about helping a family. Helping those friends made me feel really good. I was so happy.

Tia Latour

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 17)


TIA TIMES with Tia Latour

The Seeker Chicks welcome Tia Latour to our team of writers. She is our youngest writer at 9 years old but we’re sure that she will have a lot to say!

The Seeker Chicks welcome Jeremy Barnoff to our team of writers.

Welcome one and all to the very first installment of what is sure to be a feature attraction of this publication for years to come, my own personal column "Wrestling Uncensored". As for me, I am a man of many titles: "The Silver-Tongued Sex-Symbol", "Mr. Money on The Mic", and "The Anointed One", but my most precious title is that of Canadian Wrestling Action Heavyweight Champion. To keep things simple you can just call me The Prophet. I have wrestled for major organizations such as TNA and the WWE, and I host my own radio show on TSN 990 AM Saturday nights at 10pm. I’m an all around great human being if I do say so myself. Now that introductions are aside I would like to inform all of you out there reading this - wherever you may be - that for the past five years Canadian Wrestling Action (CWA) has been putting on some of the best professional wrestling shows in all of Canada, right here in Cornwall, Ontario. Top stars from all over the country and from the United States have appeared in CWA, and will continue to do so, as the company pushes forward in its quest to dominate the Ontario wrestling scene. As of late however, CWA and myself in particular have garnered a lot of attention due to an incident that took place several shows back... After having been the victim of some crude and vulgar remarks by our commissioner, Eddie Weiss, I chose to take matters into my own hands. I challenged him to repeat his remarks, but this time with the awareness that it would not be tolerated. Weiss, not being the sharpest tool in the shed, chose to do so anyway, and I was forced to lay a severe beating on him which included various strikes, combined with the use of objects such as a chair, a mop, and even Weiss' own belt, all used to inflict punishment upon him. Moral of the story: do not throw rocks at a man with a machine gun. I would go on later that night to defeat four men in succession. I retained my CWA Heavyweight Championship, once again cementing my reputation as the #1 wrestler in Ontario, Quebec, and most likely all of Canada. Why do I say I am #1? Because if you see The Prophet in action, you’ll see that no other wrestler comes close to having my perfect combination of athletic ability, charisma, size, and credibility. I am #1 because all who have challenged me for that position have failed.

At the last CWA event I choked out my opponent, Firestorm, to show once again that I am the #1 wrestler in this country. Did he deserve such a brutal beating? Probably not...but I only have one gear: 210%. I know people will dislike me or will not want to support me, but that's fine, I have thousands of friends on Facebook to make up for the few who feel I go too far. The way I see it, I stand for those who stand for me. If a fan will choose to stand by me, even if it's not the cool thing to do, then I will fight for them with all my heart and soul. However, for those who have turned on me, understand that I have now become your worst nightmare. People want to ask me, why are you the way you are? So I tell them the truth: in the wrestling business, it’s lonely at the top, and you live long enough to see even your best friends turn on you. Such is the case with my opponent - for Sunday April 22nd at 3pm at Murphy's Inn in Cornwall - Sexxxy Eddy. Far be it for me to judge his intentions, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt that he has just come into some misinformation. You see, there is a conspiracy at work within CWA and I know that my days as an employee of that Right: The Rage Randy Berry, CWAs #1 contender and Cornwall’s Hometown Hero will company may be numbered, soon be challenging CWAs Heavyweight along with countless others who Champion The Prophet (Jeremy Barnoff) in an refuse to conform. However, I upcoming CWA show. Standing between them don't intend on going down is CWA owner Greg Ezard. without the fight of a lifetime, and there are others who have expressed their solidarity to me, and we will rise up and fight the conspiracy by any means necessary. Eddy however, seems to be convinced that what he knows to be true is in fact the truth...I beg to differ. So Edward, if you happen to read this before showtime this Sunday, I suggest you come talk to me may save you a beating or two. As for the rest of you, I suggest you come check out CWA Retribution this

Sunday at 3pm at Murphy's Inn, 917 Second Street.


kriscrossroads by Kris Ward

Chills, Thrills and Giggles As the end of April nears, it reminds me that there will be many decisions in the next few months, an ever-growing to-do-list and preparation for more changes. It can feel quite overwhelming; so sometimes it is nice to take a break from reality and recharge my batteries, enjoy some downtime with friends, laugh a lot and find some healthy distractions.

APRIL 26 - APRIL 29, 2012 9 presenters covering a wide range of topics addressing questions such as how to do research for a book, getting published, where to find inspiration for writing and more.

I have never been a fan of horror movies, I am known to watch them with a pillow over my face, or with my hands firmly clasped over my eyes; only occasionally breaking fingers apart to see what is happening, gasping at the screen and trying to tell myself, it is only a movie; but still having that gut-wrenching sensation at the fear element.

Visit the Author’s fair on SATURDAY, APRIL 28 from 12 pm to 3 pm. Check out the store-wide half price sale (excluding local authors books) all day in the Friends Shop. Betty Healey

I watch action movies, sci-fi, rom-coms, mysteries, psychological thrillers and the like but horror is not my choice. I did watch the Scream movies, and because of the writing, the acting and the general play on the horror movie analysis; I did enjoy them. A movie came out last weekend, that promised to change our view of horror movies. After being shelved for several years it was finally released on Friday the 13th. It was co-written by Joss Whedon of Buffy and Angel fame. With him at the helm I wanted to see it. The posters and minimal trailers piqued my curiousity. I called a friend I was already meeting for dinner and asked her if she wanted to see the movie “The Cabin in the Woods” with me. At first she was shocked that I wanted to see a horror movie and after some assurance that yes it was me and I wanted to see this, she pointed out that I am growing and agreed to the new element of the evening. After a catch-up dinner, we both headed to the theatre. My teenage son and his friends were also going on opening night. My friend warned me he probably won’t think it is cool to have mom at the same movie, but quite the opposite happened; he pointed me out to his friends that did not know me and then went on to let them know they would probably get to hear my high-pitched hyena cackle with a pterodactyl like screech across the theatre. No, he was not embarrassed that I was there and it’s that great relationship that I am proud of. Of course I could do without the preview of my laugh or his detailed analysis of it. I do not agree that I sound anything like this, although I do have an identifiable laugh and giggle. The comical elements of this movie is partly why I wanted to see it. Such a cloud of secrecy existed over it, and I will respect that and not give away details. Suffice it to say, it was different, it was a horror movie with many funny moments and snappy dialogue that did spur discussion afterward. My friend a true horror connoisseur was not a fan, my son and his friends loved it and I give it full credit for the imagination, it actually made me think. It was a surprise from the first scene up until the credits. We discussed our opinions of what we thought the movie meant. I

Carolyn Eva

Lyne Lapalme

Dawn Kiddell Denise Neilson Joan Levy Earle

Maggie Wheeler


The Local Melissa Yuan-Innes Seeker Chicks Julia Lucio & Mai-Liis Renaud

was definitely off-base with my preconceived ideas. Whether the movie was for everyone or not, I did enjoy the night out, the ambiance of the theatre, the heart-palpitating anticipation as the title flashed across the screen. I relished the thrills, chills and laughter that came with the night out and catching up with a good friend. So now and then, go out and enjoy a movie surrounded by fellow movie fans. Getting out of the comfort of your own living room and immersing yourself in the movie and the crowd’s reaction can make for an awesome experience.

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at: www:

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 18)






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MORTGAGE MATTERS with Derrick Cracknell

Getting ready for rising rates: our top tips. It’s been a great ride. The past few decades have been an enormous boon to homeowners – who benefited from historically low lending rates and a stellar rise in the values of their homes. Even now, there are no dire predictions of housing market chaos. But when the Bank of Canada told us that rates could rise later in 2010, it seemed like a long way off. The bad news is that this time has come – and we need to get ready for rising rates. How high will rates go? No one has a perfect crystal ball, but we can assume that rates will eventually rise to more normal lending rates of five to six percent. Since there is good reason to get ready for rising rates, here are our Top Tips to help homeowners and buyers prepare for what’s ahead: 1. Don’t be tempted to go to the top. If you are buying a new home, you may not want to borrow your maximum amount. When you’re very leveraged, you have fewer options. Interest rates are still so low that homebuyers can be tempted to borrow to the maximum for the best house they can find. It’s understandable, but could be unwise in today’s rate situation. If mortgage rates rise, that fabulous house could become unmanageably expensive. 2. Watch that amortization period. Many homebuyers are enjoying the lower payments that come with long amortizations. Those 30-35 year amortizations can be a great tool, if used wisely. But if you need those long amortizations to squeeze out an affordable monthly payment, you could be in trouble when rates rise and you have no flexibility. To build a buffer, consider taking a 30 or 35-year amortization, but have your payments set at a 25-year amortization. You’ll be paying more than you are required, which builds that buffer and flexibility that you may need in the future. 3. Evaluate the impact of a higher rate on your monthly payments. If you buy or renew today and lock in for five years, consider what rates could be at renewal and plan accordingly. For instance, if you currently have a $250,000 mortgage at 4%, and rates were to rise by 2.5% in five years, your monthly payment will increase by $143. If you evaluate the impact of increasing interest rates on your monthly payment today, it may help you to avoid financial difficulties in the future because you can plan accordingly. 4. Build some wiggle room into your variable-rate mortgage. If you have a variable-rate mortgage, you may want to set your payments higher than required, and not use today’s ultra-low rate to get an ultra-low payment – so you create a cushion to absorb any rate increases later.

5. Pay more. Another way to speed up your mortgage pay-down is to change from monthly payments, to weekly or bi-weekly, and/or by boosting your payment amount. Even small amounts can make a big difference over time. It also may be worth considering whether or not you can put down a lump sum on your principal, using your tax refund, for example. Lenders offer generous prepayment options, so take advantage if you can. 6. Watch your other debt too! If mortgage rates rise, so too will rates on other loans and credit cards. Pay more than the minimum balance on credit cards, and try to have a gap between your credit limit, and what you currently owe. Don’t regularly take out new credit accounts.

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There’s no cause for panic, but there’s good reason to be prudent. If you’re maxed out on either your mortgage payments or the amount you have borrowed, it could get tense down the road. So now may be the time to get a review of your mortgage situation; take the time to meet with your mortgage planner and scope out the best strategies that will help you prepare for rising rates.

Derrick Cracknell, Mortgage Planner - Agent #10001993 Tel: 613-662-2377 Mortgage Architects Brokerage #10287

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 20 - pg. 19) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

JennFit by Jennifer Christoff

JennFit HEALTHY TIP: EAT REGULAR MEALS ~ Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. When you're very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Healthy snacking between your meals can help curb hunger, as long as you don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal. Remember to eat lean organic protein, organic vegetables and good fats like organic coconut and coconut products, organic avocado and raw organic nuts throughout the day.

I’m Julia the Web Designer

and I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

JennFit HEALTHY RECIPE: CRUNCHY ORGANIC SPROUT SALAD RECIPE Ingredients: 2 cups of organic alfalfa sprouts 2 cups of organic broccoli sprouts 1 cup of organic bean sprouts 3 organic celery stalks, chopped 1 organic carrot, chopped ½ cup raw organic pumpkin seeds Mix all ingredients and lightly coat with organic cold pressed olive oil, squeeze of ½-1 lemon, sea salt, and freshly ground pepper. For an extra flair with deliciousness, serve on top of a bed of organic field greens and top with fresh organic herbs such as dill, parsley or mint leaves.

JennFit Exercise: 15 MINUTE JUMP ROPE WORKOUT TO BURN BELLY FAT•Stand in front of a clock or timer •Jump Rope for 3 MINUTES to warm up •Rest for 30 seconds •Jump rope as quickly as possible for 60 SECONDS •Rest for 30 seconds •Jump Rope as quickly as possible for 60 SECONDS •Rest for 30 seconds •Repeat this alternating pattern for 15 MINUTES

Visit for more healthy recipes, workouts, to inquire about JennFit Personal Training.

and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS We hope that you have enjoyed reading

this issue of The Local Seeker

We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. 613-935-3763 Julia - 613-932-1875 Mai-Liis Classifieds 613-362-2354 email: We will be working on our 16TH ISSUE of Vol. 3 and it will be out next week on

FRIDAY, APRIL 27TH, 2012 or read the paper online


Calling All Choristers! CHORUS NOVUS invites experienced singers to perform an exciting new choral work with Cantabile Chorale of York Region

The Cornwall performance will be held on Saturday November 10th, with approximately 40 members of the Cantabile Chorale participating in the event. CHORUS NOVUS will travel to Thornhill Ontario for an earlier performance on the previous weekend. Rehearsals begin Tuesday, April 24th, 7:00 pm in the choir room of Trinity Anglican Church, Cornwall and will continue every Tuesday evening into late spring. The schedule of rehearsals beyond that has yet to be determined. Those interested in joining CHORUS NOVUS for this exciting musical adventure should contact Margaret Camplin at 613-534-8300.


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Howard Goodall's music may be familiar to many because he wrote the theme for several popular BBC comedy series, including Mr. Bean and The Vicar of Dibley. The exciting new classical choral work, which is melodic and very singable, can be heard on YouTube using the search terms Howard Goodall and Eternal Light. (


In November, CHORUS NOVUS will be joining Cantabile Chorale of York Region for two special performances of Eternal Light, a new requiem by British composer Howard Goodall. This highly acclaimed choral work includes soprano and tenor/baritone solos and is accompanied by strings, piano and keyboard. The choir is searching for sopranos, tenors and bases to participate in this event.

YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! for Advertising, Web Design, Graphic Design and Printing

THE LOCAL SEEKER April 20 - pg. 20) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763

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