Local Seeker Issue 13

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Introducing to you ... this week in


Vol. 3, Issue 13 April 6, 2012


As Cultural Development Coordinator, Bruce is in the initial stages of engaging the cultural community of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry and Cornwall, assisting them in working towards the implementation of the Culturescape initiative. His primary focus is the promotion and development of SD&G and Cornwall’s cultural phenomena. Bruce is working directly with regional and local art galleries, festivals, cultural activities and events to assess and assist in their own roles in the advancement of the Culturescape initiative.

Bruce is currently in the final stages of verifying the cultural assets contained within the culture mapping database – a key first step component of the Culturescape initiative.

BRUCE DAVIS Bringing Arts & Culture TO THE TABLE

The database will be seamlessly integrated into the new and improved sdgculture.ca website which is to be re-launched at the end of April. Bruce is also planning an exciting culture and arts summit slated for late September. The culture arts summit will bring in best practice examples of culture and arts councils from around the world to speak about the importance of culture arts councils within their own rural communities and attest to the importance of forming a regional council within SD&G and Cornwall. With an extensive knowledge of the creative arts, arts management and media production, Bruce will bring a different and dynamic aspect to cultural development in the region. for more info: Contact Bruce Davis Cultural Development Coordinator SD&G Community Futures Development Corporation 26 Pitt Street, Unit 207 Cornwall, ON Tel: 1.613.932.4333 Ext. 24 bdavis@sdgcfdc.on.ca www.sdgcfdc.on.ca

... AND WHO SAYS NOTHING HAPPENS IN CORNWALL !!! check out our Weekly Community Event Seeker Section


LOOKING FOR a Regal Representative? Call Tammy.613-935-7318 www.cornwall.shopregal.ca

FOR SALE: white oak dining room set, one leaf, 6 chairs and 2 captain chairs, buffet with light inside, paid $6,000, asking $2,000. Telephone 613-932-8696.

FOR SALE: Homemade trailer 4x8, 3500 pounds Axel / $1000 firm 613-938-6152

What’s going on at The Local Seeker = =#!= = 0&7*0< 7* :*'6. 385 &9* <38 9.6.7*)


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Choice Seeker’s Awards Cornwall Coming to 2012 June 22nd

FOR SALE: Catalogue from the Museum of Historical Arms, Miami Beach, Florida. 47 editions - the earliest is 1955 and the latest 1992. $280 for all. Call 613-938-6149. FOR SALE: York Vinyl DumbellBarbell set. Still in box $65. Lexmark Printer, 2 years old, needs new ink cartridge, $15 or best offer. Selling because I don’t have a computer anymore. Mans black suit, Italian cut, worn once, waist 33. Includes 2 dress shirts. $60 for all. Call 613-938-6149

WANTED: Older style 4 piece wicker set. Telephone 613-933-9618 and ask for Janice. PARADE OF NATIONS IS LOOKING FOR a volunteer to help out with their Facebook, Twitter, LinkIn, UR Cornwall, put add on TV Cogeco, etc. If you are interested please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or by e-mail at info@paradeofnations.com

s Up to Cornwall A Seeker’s Thumb that star ted a few Business Network som e Dynamics! months back. Awe


FOR SALE: Walnut Finish 31.2&7* Entertainment Centre, 50"w X 49"h X 15 7/8"d. Glassed side door with <385 +&935.7* 2 adjustable shelves. 4-door bottom '86.2*66 35 storage space. Also has adjustable &57.676 32 shelf over 27" TV opening. Valued 385 :*'6.7* at $300.00, asking $50.00 or best offer. Please call 613-938-6298.

FOR SALE: Oriental 4 Panel Screen or room divider with beautifully coloured figures. Each panel measures 18” x 69”. Excellent condition $400, Call 613-528-4533.

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NEXT MEETING Wednesday, APRIL 11 8 AM The Church on Sydney 130 Sydney Street, Cornwall Contact Brock: 613-362-2461 or Shari: 613-662-3223

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Check out www.westend.thelocalseeker.com - our other paper !!! The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 3, Issue 13, April 6, 2012 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Local Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.


FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 (Julia) / 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) Email: info@thelocalseeker.com

The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason Editors & Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud and Julia Lucio

www.thelocalseeker.com Office: 327 2nd Street E.

Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Sara Murphy & Julia Lucio

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763


The Local Seekers ... people in the Loupe Young talented author Jaymie Thurler has her first book published Article and Interview by Jason Setnyk / Submitted Photo

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Julia - 613-935-3763 or Mai-Liis - 613-932-1875 THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 3)

Jaymie Michelle Thurler who was raised in Winchester Ontario, and currently a student at North Dundas District High School, has published her first book at the age of 18. It is a children's book entitled My Mother Nature. The book is written by Thurler and illustrated by author Joel Fawcett. The official book launch is Saturday April 14th at the Gathering in House Chesterville Ontario, from 9am to 12pm. Here is Local Seeker reporter Jason Setnyk's interview with author Jaymie Thurler: Jason Setnyk: What is your book about, and what inspired you to write this book? Jaymie Thurler: My Mother Nature is about having to find life lessons in places you would never expect. Writing is a therapy to me, so what inspired the story My Mother Nature was how my rebellious past caused a lot of people to unjustly exiled me from their lives and this story kind of represents my struggle and having to look for comfort and love in different places. I also wanted to create a story that would connect children to the earth and raise awareness of the importance Mother Nature plays in everyone’s lives. But Ultimately my illustrator Joel Fawcett, knowing that he had wrote and self published his own novel Stained Glass, really gave me hope to have my own book. And without Joel’s help, it would still be a stained page in my notebook. Jason Setnyk: What is your favourite part of the book? Jaymie Thurler: I would have to say the illustrations and the versatility of the message, its witty enough to keep a 3 year old giggling but yet has a strong message that could make an adult stop and think. Jason Setnyk: What was the hardest part to write? Jaymie Thurler: The writing process was fairly easy, but the hardest part would have to have been keeping the rhyming fluent and making sure everything flowed well. Jason Setnyk: What are your favourite books? Have any authors directly influenced your writing? Jaymie Thurler: My favourite book read to date would have to be Harold Robbins, Goodbye, Janette. I don’t think I have any real influences on my writing because most times I don’t set out to write, it just kind of happens. Jason Setnyk: Do you have a specific writing style? Jaymie Thurler: Not that I know of, I like to keep my writing raw. My first poetry book was titled Puke on a Page, Which honestly has to be the best title for my writing style, I don’t write when I want to, I write when I have to, and when I do its just kind of what ever is going on in my mind is barfed out through my pen onto that blank page. Jason Setnyk: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? Jaymie Thurler: Not to sound like a cheese ball but the process of this book taught me you can honestly do anything you want, if you have the drive to get it. If some hippy hearted punk girl can write a book, you can do anything. Jason Setnyk: Thank you for this interview Jaymie Thurler! Congratulations on your new book! I wish you the best of success, and I can't wait to read it!



COFFEE GRINDS by Jason Setnyk

Harper and Conservatives are out of touch with everyday Canadians! Steven Harper and the Conservatives have moved the retirement age to 67. If Harper is elected again, the new retirement age might be 75. Maybe the Conservatives should re-name it Old Age Insecurity. If there are golden years, fewer and fewer of us will ever see them. The Conservatives are also slashing $31 billion from Health Care. Not only will Canadians have to work longer, they will get less health care. This directly effects older Canadians, but it will effect everyone of us one day. Lauzon and Conservatives want you to spend more of your money in the U.S.! I am a patriot, I believe in buying locally, and supporting local businesses. Cornwall is a boarder town, and local businesses are going to be directly harmed by this new Conservative policy that encourages Canadians to spend more when they visit the United States. I can only assume some on the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce are staunch Conservatives, however even they are shocked, angered, and appalled by this terrible policy. The Conservatives do not care about small businesses, and the proof is in their polices.

We're going to need more jails with these economic policies! If Conservatives believed in the good of people, they wouldn't be building more prisons. However they know that their economic policies destroy good jobs, hurt local businesses, and create poverty. Poverty means that there will be more crime. If reducing the corporate tax rate worked, Canada and Ontario would be booming with good jobs right now, instead of this race to the bottom: Minimum wage, part-time, and no benefits. Instead of creating an economic model where people can afford to buy quality goods, many people have no choice but to shop at large corporate box stores where the shelves are filled with products created by unethical labour practices abroad.

Dear Seeker Chicks Letter to the Editor: Lynch and Leclerc both oppose the Conservatives new policy that will hurt local businesses in border towns like Cornwall. I was surprised to read in the Standard-Freeholder (March 30) a statement by SD&SG M.P. Guy Lauzon taking credit for a cross border shopping measure in the Federal budget that raised the limits substantially on tax-free goods imported from the United States. Mr. Lauzon is reported as stating that this was one of the suggestions from his riding and that this will benefit many border towns, including Cornwall. I can’t see how encouraging cross border shopping in the United States helps the local economy. Cross border shopping takes money away from local businesses and retailers and their employees and families. In addition, local businesses and retailers pay taxes in our community. From personal experience, I know that our local businesses and retailers are very generous in their support of local charities, service clubs, organizations and community projects that improve the quality of life in our community. They deserve our support. -Yours truly, Brian Lynch, I couldn't believe my eyes when I read in the Standard Freeholder that our current MP said cross-border shopping would benefit Cornwall. Our small and medium business owners know that the number of residents shopping in the states is high and this will only make it worse. Raising the limit for duty free cross-border shopping will not support our local economy and jobs. On the contrary, it would hurt us and puts a strain on business. To me, this is a blow to business and to our local economy. As much as we like our neighbour, our local Retailers deserve our support and our business first. - Mario Leclerc. Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, published and award winning author, photographer, arts and culture event coordinator, and a community volunteer sitting on numerous boards and committees. www.cornwallunderground.com

A new poll says NDP have tied Conservatives when it comes to public support! In his first week as leader of the official opposition Thomas Mulcair is continuing the Jack Layton legacy by bringing the orange wave to new heights. A new election is years away, but this poll gives me love, hope, and optimism for a better future. I am pleased with Mulcair's first week. He has been on the offensive, making the Conservatives accountable for killing the manufacturing sector. The Conservatives have been solely concerned about extracting natural resources in Western Canada, which is driving the Canadian dollar up, and killing manufacturing jobs. The Conservatives failed to protect the jobs of 2600 workers at Aveos Fleet Performance Inc., affecting the cities of Winnipeg, Toronto, and Montreal. Everyday Canadians are losing good jobs with good pensions. The Conservative budget is very divisive. It divides old and young, rich and poor, west and east. They are also slashing the CBC budget which has united Canadians for decades. Conservatives govern by attack ads not good policies! Conservatives talk about fiscal responsibility, but they turned a surplus in to the largest deficit in Canadian history. But with boondoggle purchases like F-35s that don't meet Military requirements, I guess it makes sense to try and point the finger at the orange menace. Conservative fear mongering is a poor substitute for good government. Expect attack ads against Thomas Mulcair soon enough. That is what Harper and the Conservatives do, they don't govern with good policies, they govern with fear. They have a simple military philosophy, cut off the leaders head, and watch the opposition fall. They did it to StĂŠphane Dion and to Michael Ignatieff. The Conservatives will begin the attack against Mulcair soon enough, because he is the biggest threat Harper and the Conservatives have ever faced. McGuinty also out of touch with everyday Canadians! If the Ontario government restored the Corporate Tax Rate to 2010 levels, they could throw the Drummond report out the window, invest properly in education and health care, and have the deficit paid in less than five years. If corporate tax cuts worked Ontario and Canada would be booming with jobs. Instead it is this race to the bottom.

My name is Jason Setnyk, and these are my coffee grinds.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 4)

Poster designed & printed by: MAI-LIIS The Graphic Designer - 613-932-1875

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com

A huge thumbs up goes out to Lisa Blanchard this week(owner of Spirit Tree Yoga Studio) www.spirittreeyoga.net , she did an awesome job this week promoting a film viewing of an amazing documentary titled “Queen of the Sun”. Along with the owners of Levac’s Apiaries , it was an informative and memorable evening. I have found a new respect for the honeybees and beekeepers. By the way if ever you find a swarm of bees…please contact a local beekeeper before poisoning and taking this task into your own hands…they will be happy to come over and give these bees a chance of finding a new safe home. Thank you so much to Mark and Joanne for the awesome, fresh unpasteurized honey that we got to take home…delicious…you can purchase this local natural sweetener at Farm Boy. Please support local producers…very important to have such an amazing resource so close to home…

On another note…one of my personal goals is to make a difference in my community. The local Celiac Support Group is one of these groups. I know a few families where their children are celiac or have intolerances and this is close to my heart. I have accepted to do a FREE information evening on Wednesday April 17th starting at 7pm….I will demonstrate how easy it is to prepare flourless /raw desserts. It will be a great evening. If you are celiac or gluten intolerant or know anyone that is and wish to attend please contact Mrs. Mary Brink at brinks@sympatico.ca for more details …thanks…hope to see you there…


Naturally Delicious ... with the Health Nut

Hello everyone, I hope that you had an amazing week…already the first week of April. Unbelievable how quickly the months are rolling by, pretty soon it will be time to get my organic garden all set up for the summer months…can’t wait.

CAN’T REMEMBER ...where you put this or that? Then let Marie Morrell

MARIE WILL conduct a FREE consultation to determine your organizing needs, set rates and

appointments for organizing sessions. Understanding the feelings that come with disorganization, embarrassment, guilt and stress all contributing to the "out of control" state that many people experience in today's hectic world, Marie helps her client's overcome these feelings through her friendly, yet systematic and non judgemental approach. you will soon be on your way to a more

ORGANIZED HOME, OFFICE & LIFE! and you will stay organized. • improve your health and relationships, • relieve your stress, and • increase abundance in your personal and financial life. Marie is an expert in the field of organizing with over 25 years experience ... Call her TODAY - you will be glad you did! 613-936-6873 or e-mail collectors@cogeco.ca

Have you ever asked yourself what the difference is between coconut oil and olive oil?? What is Stevia, where does it come from?? Where can you purchase organic products?? Where is Homestead Organics?? What is hydrogenated oil….trans fats etc….My cooking seminars are a great place for you to find out answers to these questions…if you wish to attend and need more information please check out my official website at www.thehealthnut.ca and use the contact link on the main page or email me at thehealthnut@cogeco.ca or call me at 613-931-3119 and I will personally get back to you as soon as possible…. Thanks… In health… Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut!)

Come visit these sponsors at the WELCOME WAGON BABY SHOWER Cardinal Fiscal Care Enterprise Cardinal Law Office Centre Culturel De Cornwall Cornwall Community Hospital ( Women and Children’s Health Department ) Herbal Magic Invitations Complete by Mai-Liis Knowledge First Financial Mary Kay - Helen MacCallum Mix 96.1 Moment.us Photography Ontario Early Years Centre Sears Gift Registry Sunlife Financial will be The Local Seeker BROADCASTING LIVE at the show

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 5)



kriscrossroads by Kris Ward

Letting Go It is Easter weekend and a time to celebrate with family and friends. With the warmer weather teasing us, it is encouraging fresh starts and preparations for fun-filled warm weather. It is even giving me a sense of wanderlust.

LIVE AUCTION The Silent Auction runs for 2 weeks, and on Thursday April 12th at 6:00pm it

It’s amazing how things happen when you stop trying to make things fit, that really don’t. When you start to open yourself up to possibilities and start to think beyond just your own backyard, so to speak. I am looking at things from a new perspective. I’m often asked if I miss my old lifestyle and I look back at it fondly, and have taken those experiences and opportunities and juxtaposed them into a new career and new environment. I am starting to think about travelling, something I have never done. I obtained a passport last year in the thoughts that I may travel within the year, and still haven’t used it, but I am prepared; shall the right opportunity come my way. I have friends that travel regularly, and told them that perhaps next year, I may join them. If I set aside a little money each week, I should be able to make such a journey. A lot hinges on the next few months.

I am not the only one taking chances and making changes. I know of several people who are moving, changing careers, starting new relationships, getting married, and taking a chance on life again. I have thrown out my earlier ways of thinking and now concentrating on what I want to do and what I want. I am not rushing into anything. It is time to take stock and decide what will make me happy. I know that carrying baggage around is taxing on the body, anyone who hurt me or someone I care about, I have forgiven; situations that have been difficult; I have let go of. It’s not easy, but it is Easter. So when someone is no longer in your life, wish them well and move forward. There is a saying, if you love someone let them go, if they come back to you, they are meant to be with you, if not, it wasn’t meant to be.

becomes a Live Auction.

Come in and check out a great selection of collector items (Retro items, antiques, jewelry, glassware, collectible cards etc) We have up to 40 items for every auction

It is a fun, enjoyable experience. We have something for everyone! All proceeds from our Thrift Store and Auction go to help support services offered at Agapè

the Agapè Centre 40 Fifth Street W. Cornwall


I have also taken on the task of defeating my enemy…clutter! Some may think it is a boring way to spend a weekend, but I enjoyed clearing out my home office, my room and setting up and organizing my closets. I went through them with a critical eye, and anything I no longer liked, or didn’t fit or was out of date, or I just plain never wear anymore, I gave it away. I cleared so much that I was able to add an organizer in the one closets and used the shelves for purses and shoes. My son’s various artwork, drawings and sketches stacked in the office, now have nice sheet protectors to conserve them and they are stored in binders for safe-keeping. What hidden treasures will I find as I go through everything? I did find newspaper clippings of my cousin Dave Ezard when he played with the Cornwall Royals and won the MVP award. I knew I kept them, but thought they may have been lost or damaged over the years, but along with the clippings was the enlarged photo that my parents ordered for me. My eyes were a little watery when I found it. I still miss him and think of him often. I can’t pass by his photo at the Cornwall Civic Complex without acknowledging his photo and doing my little salute to him. Unfortunately I ran out of time, but plan to get back to cleaning and clearing my space this weekend. It’s time to finish what I started. It isn’t easy letting go of things that once meant so much to you. I am deciding what stays and what doesn’t and although I am sentimental, I also know that for a fresh start, I have to unclench my hand and release what no longer belongs. Happy Easter! Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at: www: kriscrossroads.wordpress.com

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 6)



Where can we find it? Is happiness tangible? Or is it found within? Why is it some people sport a perma-smile like it is part of their daily wardrobe and yet others behave like emotional vampires, sucking the life out of you. I have met some amazing people that no matter how many obstacles are thrown their way, they continue to carry on with a positive attitude. They are optimistic and perfectly content despite their not-so-perfect circumstances. Then, there are others who are chronic complainers and negatively dwell on what might seem as the minutest of situations. Often, these circumstances are preventable or changeable, but somehow they don’t see it. Everyone meets obstacles and challenges in life. No one is immune. How we view our challenges will not only have an effect on the outcome of the situation, but will affect how others will react to us. What you project, you will attract. If you are radiating negativity, rage or self-pity, people with a positive attitude are going to avoid you.

We all have moments when we are angry, feel sorry for ourselves or experience some other unwelcome emotion. It is how long we decide to stay in that place that is paramount. A wonderful woman I knew had been through several rounds of cancer treatment and then lost her husband. Every time we spoke, she reminded me of all the things she had to be grateful for. After her husband died, one of her sons moved back home, and she focused on the joy of having all of her children and grandchildren living nearby. Her positive attitude towards life, despite her pain, left a profound impression on me. When I would get down about life circumstances, I would remind myself of the outlook of people like her. This woman, and others like her, inspired me a great deal when I went through my own cancer treatment many years later.

with Julia Lucio

Happiness. It is the holy grail of our generation.


HEADING For HAPPY with Sara Murphy

Opportunity or Obstacle ...

This past week, I had the fortune of attending 2 great events. And who says nothing happens in Cornwall! The first, and most exciting one of the two, was the third annual "Martini Madness" evening, a lady's night out put in place to raise funds for the United Way and its various programs. Vendors, silent auction, and entertainment were setup in a very tastefully decorated room. Dimmed lighting, chocolate fountain and scrumptious hors d'oeuvres gave the event the look and feel of a high-class big city affair. A wide range of women, from young to more mature, from students to professionals, roamed around while sipping on drinks. Ladies from the Seaway Valley Theatre Company "Troubadors" added a splash of humour to the venue. SheConnex was one of many who helped bringing the event to life. SheConnex is a newly founded all-women community-minded organization, spearheaded by Karine Parthenais and Vanessa Regnier. "The United Way is such a great organization, that when presented with the opportunity to work with them we just couldn't refuse," says Karine. "The sheconnex team was pleased to take part in the evening, but the real credit goes to Kim and Karen who put in a great deal of time to make this event a success!" she added. I had such fun! This event was well worth the $35 it cost and you should really make it a point to attend next year.

The second event I walked through was the Spring Home and Garden show hosted by our Chamber of Commerce. As usual, it was a good informative outing, very well attended, well organized and well executed. However, sadly, I didn't see anything new. Even the vendors were mostly a repeat of previous years, going even as far as being in the very same spots. I know trade shows are not really something you can innovate much on, but it would be nice to see some newness and for variation to find its way in somehow. Bless Tony Lakroix of "Love Love Food" for putting some spice in my afternoon with his Rubies and Diamonds Pepper Jelly! Rumour has it that the Chamber will be reviving the fall and harvest show. (this is not confirmed.) I do hope to see some new things for that one. But even if we don't, this is always a great way to spend a borring rainy Sunday afternoon. I also visited "Moon" again and as usual, it was a delightful experience. I heard they recently received quite the rave review getting a rating of 4 1/2 FORKS from the Watertown daily news! Congrats on a well deserved rating! Julia, Out and About! Photos of The Spring Home and Garden Show.

As Martin Luther King Jr. said: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenges and controversy. Those who have learned to look at life’s challenges as an opportunity for growth and positive change have found a clear pathway to happiness in life. When you look at the mountain that stands before you, do you crumble and say Oh no! I will never make it over that mountain, because I am too weak, tired, poor (fill in the blank); or do you stop and shout What a beautiful day for a hike! Bring it on! I need the exercise anyway. Sara Murphy is a freelance journalist, musician, cancer survivor, community cheerleader and mom.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 7)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763


Border Patrol with Craig Revelle

SEEKING RACING NEWS A weekly look at racing from both sides of the 1000 Islands As we approach the final couple weeks of the offseason, anticipation continues to build as local Speedways prepare for the upcoming season. While Brockville, Cornwall and Mohawk Raceway still have a few more weeks to wait, Can Am Motorsports Park is set to open for practice in less then two weeks. With area car shows behind us, and all but one 2011 banquet remaining, I am really looking forward to getting back to the racetrack for the first time this season. This past weekend I attended the annual Cornwall Motor Speedway banquet as they honored their champions and top finishers from 2011. Stephane Lafrance, Chris Herbison, Joey Ladouceur, Kevin Fetterly Jr. and Ernie Cree all won championships in their divisions, while Lafrance, and Ladouceur also doubled up with championships in the Canadian Nationals Series and Mohawk Racing Parts Pro Stock Series respectively. Before the banquet, I also attended a staff meeting for Cornwall Motor Speedway where they discussed some changes for 2012. The track will have a “year of the fans” theme, with lots of entertaining events and ideas planned on race nights, and they also unveiled a new Mascot named “Checkers” that will certainly entertain the young fans. Lower admission prices on regular race nights, $2 admission for anyone 16 years of age and under, and of course the return of the World of Outlaw Late Models and the first ever visit of the World of Outlaw Sprint Cars will make for a very exciting season. Add that with the already established Canadian Nationals Series, Mohawk Race Parts Pro Stock Series, and the addition of the St. Lawrence Seaway Sportsman Championship Series and 2012 will be a banner year at Cornwall.

Mohawk Raceway and Cornwall Speedway had their banquets in successive weeks, it is now the turn of Brockville Speedway to complete the final round of 2011 banquets this Saturday night as they honor their top finishers from the past season as well. Danny O’Brien, Chris Herbison, Kevin Fetterly Jr., Jean Marc Larose and Wayne Riddell will have their moment of formal recognition along with the rest of the top finishing drivers in the 358 Modified, Sportsman, Street Stock, Rookie and Vintage divisions. Once the banquet is over, racing season will be upon us with Can Am practice set for the following weekend leading up to their season opener. Brockville Speedway will also set the pace early with their first ever Brockville Speedway Fan Fair on Saturday, April 14th from 10am to 2pm at Home Hardware in Brockville. The top five Modified drivers from 2011 have confirmed that they will attend the Fan Fair, which include Danny O’Brien, Stephane Lafrance, Matt Billings, Tim O’Brien and Bobby Herrington, while 3 of the top 5 Sportsman cars from 2011 have also confirmed their participation including track champion Chris Herbison, Dylan Evoy and Dana Aikens. The first New York State area track that opened was at Black Rock Speedway, located in the Finger Lakes region of the State. The season opening win on Saturday went to Matt Sheppard, with Alan Johnson, Brian Weaver, Donnie Lawson and Ray Bliss Jr. rounding out the top five.

The Cornwall Motor Speedway celebrates his 2011 champions ! by Martin Bélanger The Cornwall Motor Speedway held in 2011 Banquet of champion at the beautiful South Stormont Community Hall this past Saturday, March 31st as a record setting 275 guests gathered to celebrate and rememorize last year’s events. Stéphane Lafrance left the banquet with pockets full of money and hands full of new and shiny trophies. Lafrance had a banner year in 2011, winning his first Jiffy Auto Service Modified Championship and also capturing the coveted Canadian National Series championship. He is the first driver to win both titles in the same year. Lafrance also finished runner up in the Doiron Engineering Cup to Frenchman Kayle Robidoux, Joel Doiron completed the podium in this series. Carey Terrance, Doiron, Tim O’Brien, Laurent Ladouceur and Luke Whitteker were also honoured in the Modified championship as they composed the top 6 in the 2011 points standing. In the Alexandria Home Hardware Pro Stock division, Joey Ladouceur was crowned the track champion in front of Corey Wheeler, Dave Bissonnette, George Renaud and Dion Oakes. Ladouceur also won the Mohawk Race Parts Series in front of Wheeler and Stéphane Lebrun who completed the podium. With 6 wins over the season, Ladouceur has the most visits in the winner`s circle than anybody else at Cornwall last season. Veteran driver Chris Herbison received the champion honours in the Giant Tiger Sportsman division after a great year in Cornwall. Herbison finished in front of Shane Pecore, Jeff Philipps, Mitch Primeau and Josh Jock rounded out the top 5. The Massena, NY resident Kevin Fetterly Jr. was named the 2011 champion in the Evans Bus Lines Semi-Pro division winning this title after running in the class for several seasons. Derek Cryderman finished second as Michael McCargar and Kevin McCrae, were tied for third place. In the Crazy Dave`s DJ Services Mini Stock Division, Ernie Cree won the title in front of Mike Gaucher and Mathieu Aubin. Cree had a strong start in the season winning 4 features in the first five races and ending the year with a win in late September. The Baxtrom`s Independant Grocer Rookie of the award went to Chris Raabe in the Modifieds, Rosco Garreau in the Pro-Stock, Michael McCargar in the Semi-Pro and Mathieu Renaud in the MiniStock.

This coming weekend, the Big Block Modified Super DIRTcar Series kicks off their 2012 season at the Canandaigua Motorsports Park. I expect it will be an exciting show, with lots of cars and fans as everyone is looking forward to getting back to the track. At the other end of the New York State, Glen Ridge Speedway as well as the nearby Fonda Speedway will also start their 2012 seasons.

The Mitch Jock Memorial Merit Award went to Mike Bissonnette, the #1 fan at Cornwall Motor Speedway and also a long time supporter in many division or drivers. A well deserved honour for M.Bissonnette. Guest Speaker and former vice-president of DIRT Motorsports, Gaston Salvas also spoke to the guests about his experience as an official for DIRT.

My racing fix this weekend consisted of watching the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race at Martinsville, Virginia. Martinsville, like most short tracks offer the most excitement compared the bigger tracks where cars get spread out, and the ending of the race certainly gave race fans their something to talk about. Hendrick Motorsports dominated much of the race, but a late race caution changed the complexity of the race, Ryan Newman found his way to Victory Lane over AJ Allmendinger, Dale Earnhardt Jr. Matt Kenseth and Martin Truex Jr.

This event ended the celebration of 2011. We are now looking forward to the Sunday, May 20th opening night with the first series race of the Gaetan Chip Stand Modified Canadian Nationals, a 100lap event also counting toward the MrDIRTcar 358-Modified Series. The first race of the Mohawk Race Parts Pro-Stock series will also be on hand with a 40-lap feature. The Sportsman, Semi-Pro and MiniStock, are also on the card for that great night of racing.

The 2012 racing season is here. I look forward to seeing everyone at the track in just a couple weeks. I hope you continue to enjoy my weekly column, as always, any comments or suggestions can be sent to crevelle@ripnet.com.

For more information on the upcoming season at Cornwall, please visit the website at www.cornwallspeedway.com

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 8) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!

the SEEKERS KEEPERS Section THIS WEEK AT THE LIBRARY www.library.cornwall.on.ca

our weekly pages of events n’ more...


to 10:45 am MONDAY, MARCH 26 LE LUND I 26 MARS STORYTIME 10:00 am to 10:45 am DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm TWEEN BOOK CLUB 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 LE MERCREDI 11 AVRIL BABY TALES - 10:00 - 10:45 am STORYTIME - 10:00 am - 10:45 am BRIDGE CLUB - 6:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m Open to all interested in friendly challenges CHESS FOR ADULTS WITH CLIFFORD LABRE 6:15 P.M. - 8:15 P.M.

THURSDAY, APRIL 12 LE JEUDI 12 AVRIL LES BAMBINS À LA BIBLIO - 10 h 00 à 10 h 45 Service à la jeunesse L'HEURE DU CONTE - 10 h à 10 h 45 Salle de programmation 3


CORNWALL SCRABBLE CORNWALL Weekly fun @ 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. FREE TO EVERYONE - Study Room

45 Second Street E. TEL: 613-932.4796

SATURDAY, APRIL 7 LE SAMEDI 7 AVRIL CHESS TOURNAMENT WITH AU DIAPASON 1:00 P.M. TO 4:00 P.M. Mr. Freddy's Gang - 10:00 am to 11:00 am



FIT FOR TEE OFF - 7:00 pm with Physiotherapist, Scott Dunne This clinic is essentially golf from an exercise physiology and biomechanics perspective for improved performance and injury prevention. YOUTH MENTOR PROGRAM 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm ADULT EVENING BOOK CLUB 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm OFF-SITE AT THE GRIND COFFEE SHOP NEXT DOOR TO THE LIBRARY.

“TRI-COUNTY LITERACY COUNCIL welcomes you to an Information Session on “ Preparing your Child for Literacy Success” by retired teacher Frances Odair on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 1:30 pm. For more info: call Tri-County Literacy at 613-932-7161 or email: volunteers@tricountyliteracycouncil.ca”

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com

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SUNDAY, APRIL 8 Euchre 1pm at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome

FRIDAY, APRIL 6 Georges Karaoke Party at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome Dart League Serving wings and things 7:30pm at the Moose Lodge Easter egg Hunt McMaze (St. Andrews West) 613-932-7630 Turning Stone Casino Resort, Verona NY Casino Trip 3 days & 2 nights from April 11th - 13th. Call 613.932.6534 for information or to reserve. Proceeds to the Auxiliary to St.Joseph's Continuing Care Center

MISCELLANEOUS Good Friday Fish & Chips Dinner & Jerry's Karaoke 4:30 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Women's Elite Contintental Boxing Championships Tickets available at the Cornwall Seaway Valley Tourism Office, Water St W. $15 (day) $25 ( weekend)

SATURDAY, APRIL 7 George's Karaoke Party. at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome Free Fun Pool 1-5pm at the Moose Lodge Easter egg Hunt McMaze (St. Andrews West) 613-932-7630

Country Music Entertainment by Joyce Bender and Country Roads at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome Sunday night Dining $7.75 at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome Breakfast 8-11 at the Moose Lodge


Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Info Session 613.932.7161 Time: 1:30 - 2:30 pm at the Tri County Literacy Council, 2nd St. W

Legion Over '60' Seniors Club Bid Euchre 1:30 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Light snacks will be served.Open to the public.

TUESDAY, APRIL 10 Dart league serving wings and things u:15pm at the Moose Lodge Euchre 7pm at the navy club, 30 Sixth Street E. Everyone Welcome Cornwall Horticultural Club Monthly Meeting 7 pm. Navy Club, 30 6th St. E. Guest speaker: Olly Chuchry, Dahlias, growing them to perfection & maximizing blossom size. Heart Healthy Eating with Diabetes LIVE VideoCast 10:15am Seaway Valley Community Health Centre 353 Pitt St. Call Lucy @ 613-936-0306 x 103 for more information or to register.

How To Start A Community Garden Workshop" Contact to register: Dana Kittle 613.875.3262 or email nfo@allthingsfoodbouffe360.ca 6 - 8 pm at the Seaway Valley Community Health Centre

Women's Elite Contintental Boxing Championships Tickets available at the Cornwall Seaway Valley Tourism Office, Water St W. $15 (day) $25 ( weekend)

Ladies Auxiliary Euchre Party at 1:30 pm. Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd. E. Prizes and lunch served.


THUR Jam session serving wings & things at the Moose Lodge

Encore Seniors’ Education Center Spring Semester Daytime classes for adults 50 and over begin the week of April 9th with no exams or grades. Call: 613.937.1525 for registration information

The Vagina Monologues 7 pm. Ramanda Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Contact Melissa Hatch, Sexual Assualt Support Services: 613.932.1755 ext.24 for ticket information.

% &


The Stampeders 8pm at Aultsville Theatre $50.00.

Pool league 7pm at the Moose Lodge Everyone Welcome

" # !

Anniversary Celebration of Barbershop Harmony Society Everyone Welcome. Coffee and Cake served. Guys who like to sing most welcome. 7 - 9 pm at C-Way Sound Open House at Trinity Church Hall

Dart League 7pm at the Moose Lodge

Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Bowling For Boobs from 1 pm to 4 pm. Olympia Bowl, 71 9th St. W. E-Mail your bowling team registration to Bowl4boobs@hotmail.com

Cosmic Easter part 2 at the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery. 168 Pitt.

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Bereaved Families Support and Share Night from 7 pm to 9 pm. 216 Montreal Rd. Topic: Grief, depression & suicide. Call: 613.936.1455 for more information

#" $



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What's New about the New Evangelization? 7 pm. Agora Catholic Center (former Nativity Hall) 301 McConnell Ave. A presentation with practical suggestions with Michael Dopp. Men's Peer Cancer Support Group Meeting from 7 pm to 9 pm. Carefor Health & Community Services, 205 Amelia St. Call 613.932.3451, ext 225 for more information.

FRIDAY, APRIL 13 “The Spider & the Spy” Live Amateur Theatre Dream Builder Studios (Cornwall) 613-9384748 or 1-800-937-4748 CAPT'N MATT - Mad Hatter Productions 6:30 pm. Aultsville Theatre Vagabond Theatre Presents "Noises Off" 8 pm, Dream Builder Studios, 2107 2nd St. W. Tickets $15 available at Seaway Valley Tourism 11 Water St. W or 613.938.1930 Friendly Circle Seniors Club Beef Stew Lunch, Musical entertainment at 11 am, lunch at 12 noon followed by bingo at 1 pm. South Stormont Community Hall, Long Sault. Cost: 7$ According to Smithsonian Magazine "fear of the #13 costs Americans and Canadians over a billion dollars per year in absenteeism, train and plane cancellations, and reduced commerce on the 13th of the month." Even moreso whe it falls on a Friday.

% % " # !

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 10) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com


GALAXYLocation : 1325 Second Street E. 613-932-4500


Mirror Mirror(PG) Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon: 1:10, 3:50, 7:15, 9:35 Tue, Wed: 5:15, 8:05


Titanic(PG)In 3D: Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon: 1:00, 5:00, 9:10 Tue, Wed: 7:30

Wrath of the Titans(14A) 3D Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon: 12:45, 3:15, 7:00, 9:20 Tue, Wed: 5:10, 7:50

The Lorax(G) Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon: 12:35, 3:00 American Reunion(14A) Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon: 12:50, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 Tue, Wed: 5:30, 8:15 Opera: Manon(with Eng. subt.) In French with Eng. subt. Sat: 12:00

Port Theater Location: 132 Montreal Rd., (613) 933-4547 Fountaingate Christian Assembly church 942 Mohawk Drive. Take Brockdale North turn left at Toll Gate pass the train tracks to the right unto Mohawk Drive. We meet every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 7:00pm in the church sanctuary. We celebrate and offer praise to a mighty God that we serve. The night is filled with worship music, personal testimony, and co operate prayer. We want to invite believers and non believers for some good fellowship. Everyone is Welcome

The Hunger Games(PG) Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon: 12:30, 3:45, 6:45, 8:00, 9:45 Tue: 5:00, 7:40, 8:00 Wed: 5:00, 7:35, 8:00 21 Jump Street(14A) Fri: 12:40, 3:10, 7:10, 9:40 Sat: 7:10, 9:40 Sun, Mon: 12:40, 3:10, 7:10, 9:40 Tue, Wed: 5:20, 8:10

Do YOU need YOUR

John Carter(PG) Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed: 7:15 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island(PG) Fri, Sat, Mon: 1:30

High School Diploma? Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition

YOU MAY BE CLOSER TO A DIPLOMA thaan you think th think! One coupon per customer per day, Youcannot could be beused eligible to earn credits for on prior purchases. work and life experiences . . . Redeemable at Cornwall Location only.

For more information call $ & " !


Brought to you by the Local Seeker and Value Village

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com

www.cornwallunderground.blogspot.com for more events in the area

MUSIC & MORE ... What’s Happening?

616 Pitt St. Cornwall 613-936-9898 MONDAY Pool Night - Free Pool TUESDAY Cheap Night - $2.75/Beer & Rail

FRIDAY APRIL 6TH b Sloan Return of The Baby Boomers DJ Bo @ The Blue Anchor

SATURDAY APRIL 7TH Cosmic Easter Music and Art Show @ The Art Gallery in Cornwall.

WEDNESDAY Wing Night Wings & Tall Boy $7.99 or 40¢ each THURSDAY Jukebox Night Free Music


It’s always a good time when you come to Lola’s

SATURDAY APRIL 7TH in Cornwall. Rock Junkies @ Krazy Amigos SATURDAY APRIL 7TH Cornwall. The Agonist @ Murphy's Inn in SATURDAY APRIL 7TH The Vagina Monologues @ The Ramada Inn in Cornwall. WEDNESDAY APRIL 11TH ss for Autism Movie Night to Raise Awarene @ The Port in Cornwall.

WEDNESDAY APRIL 11TH e Yoga in Cornwall. Burlesque Lessons @ Spirit Tre WEDNESDAY APRIL 11TH s Open House C-Way Sound Barbershop Choru rnwall. @ Trinity Anglican Church in Co

THURSDAY APRIL 12TH e in Cornwall. The Stampeders @ Aultsville Theatr

FRIDAY APRIL 13TH ne, and Bryden Avenue The Superstitions, The Dead Zo @ Rangatangs in Cornwall.

SATURDAY APRIL 14TH nitoba Hal The Crooked Brothers with Ma in Morrisburg. @ the St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage

Army, Navy & Airforce Club 14 Marlborough St. N. will be hosting



choice of FILLET OF SOLE served with French fries and Cole slaw or THREE SHRIMP SKEWERS on a bed of rice with Cole slaw or FISHERMEN PLATTER consisting of fillet of sole, two shrimp skewers on a bed of rice and six mussels in a white wine sauce

Music by Ray Campeau

SPOTLIGHT on this PAGE - Call Mai-Liis at 613-932-1875 THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 12)

from 4:00-7:00pm

Call 613-363-5661 ask for Don for more info.




by Sharyn Thompson

*A8=6 0= 4;42B@82 <8F4@ 140B B74 0;E0GA 1CGA >C@ 10:8=6 ?>E34@ 0=3 2><8=6 5@>< 0=3 G>C 0@4 466 E78B4A E8B7 B74 2@40< >5 B0@B0@ 6@>C=3 =CB<46 5>@ B74 D4@G 14AB AC??>@B8=6 0 ;>20; 50@<4@ C=B8; B74G 5>@< AB855 ?40:A (4B B78A @4AC;BA 0A834 5>@ =>E #8F E4;; E8B7 0 E>>34= A?>>= 812 Pitt Street = 0 ;0@64 1>E; AB8@ B>64B74@ B74 )74 3>C67 E8;; 14 AB82:G 106 % Unit 2>=34=A43 <8;: D0=8;;0 0=3 1>E; >5to 3>C67 B40 are B74 planning haveE8B7 a 0brunch this If you >D4@ 613-936-1998 2>2>=CB B>E4; I0=3 ?;024 B74 recipes 1>E; >5 will 3>C67 OFF weekend, hope these help you. I 4=B;G 5>;3 8= B74 AB855;G 140B4= 466learned 8= B74 5@8364 5>@ >=4 7>C@ B> 2>>; this method to bake bacon in your 812 Pitt St. Unit 6 - 613-936-1998 FOR E78B4A A;867B;G oven from our eldest daughter, Karen. She is ITEMS THIS %$". WEEK *A4 0 AB08=;4AA AB44; A2>>?an excellent '>;; B74 3>C67 B782: >= 0that you %$+ ')FEATURED cook!>CB The only thing SENIORS & ' %" ' " >@ CA4 A?>>=A B> 3@>? B74 must ;867B;G 1>0@3 8=B>sides. We have 5;>C@43 is a cookie sheet CBwith "% GOOD "". 'STORMONT ( " LEAN $ GROUND '%*$ BEEF ONLY %$".$4.99/ POUND " LOCAL <020@>>= 10BB4@ >=B> B74 ?0@27<4=B have EVERY 3>=CBA A4;; 3>=CB 2CBB4@A some,4really nice, large aluminum $ " " ! % %$*) %$". " RUBBED GREEK OREGANO ONLY $1.43/ 100 GRAMS ;8=43 2>>:84 A744B (?024 B74< 01>CB baking #4;Bsheets, 01>CBperfect B7@44 for ?>C=3A >5 this, in my store, % + '. #%$ . - "* ( '. '% * )( MONDAY ( $ %'( ) 0?0@B B> 0;;>E 5>@ 0=G A?@4038=6 Sharyn's )4=34@5;0:4 ;0@3 8= G>C@ 344? Pantry. You line the 5@G4@ cookie sheetPURE GROUND BLACK PEPPER ONLY $0 .99/ 100 GRAMS 3C@8=6 10:8=6 5 G>C E8A7 G>C 20= with tin foil so there is absolutely no clean-up. Music to my ears! Try my newest pancake recipe, they are light and fluffy, and I cover them with blueberries as I cook them. peaks form and set aside . I hope you will all have a very Happy and Holy Easter with your FLUFFY BLUEBERRY -Sift the flour, baking powder OR RASPBERRY families! and soda, salt and spices PANCAKES -Place the bacon in the oven and OVEN-BAKED MAPLEThe beaten egg whites help to together in a bowl. bake for about 10 minutes, or until make these pancakes so light and -In a large bowl, combine the GLAZED BACON


At our house, bacon is not on the menu very often, but, when I do cook it, this is the only way I do it. No fuss and no muss! and DELICIOUS! I wrap extras in parchment paper, then in a ziploc bag to freeze extras. Just re-heat in your microwave when needed.

1 pound of bacon pepper to season 1/4 cup pure maple syrup


-Using a large cookie sheet which has sides about 1" deep, tear off a long sheet of tin foil, which is long and wide enough to cover the cookie sheet and go up the sides of the pan as well. Spray the tin foil with no-stick spray.

-Pre-heat you oven to either 375 degrees F. on regular bake OR if you have a convection oven, set it on 360 degrees F. convection roast.

-Lay strips of bacon in one layer, side by side. Season with ground black pepper.My cookie sheet will hold the whole pound of bacon.

it is nearly done.

-Take the pan out of the oven, very carefully, pinch the edges of the tin foil in one corner of the pan to form a pouring spout, using oven mitts, lift up the pan and pour the fat off, through the spout you have formed.

-Now, brush maple syrup over each strip of bacon. Place the baking sheet with the baconin the oven to continue to cookand brown to your liking. It takes only 1 or 2 minutes longer.

-Once done, using tongs, place the bacon on a parchment-lined plate and serve. If you con't use parchment, the hot, glazed bacon will stick to you serving plate. Been there, done that!

-If you have more bacon to cook, just use the same cookie sheet with the same tin foil.


fluffy. Add any fruit you like on top of the pancakes, not in the batter, as you are cooking them. This actually keeps the pancakes fluffier. We like blueberries and/or raspberries. You will have 24 - 4" pancakes. Extras may be refrigerated or frozen. To reheat, just pop them down in your toaster. 1- 1/2 cups unbleached allpurpose flour 2 level tsp. baking powder 1/2 level tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp fine salt 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg 4 extra large eggs, divided into yolks and whites 2 cups organic yogurt or kefir (we sell this) 2 tbsp. white sugar 2 tbsp. melted butter 1 tsp. grated lemon zest METHOD; -Whip the egg whites until stiff

egg yolks, yogurt, sugar, melted butter (cooled to room temperature) and lemon zest. -Gently, mix in the sifted dry ingredients. -Take 1/4 of the whipped egg whites and stir them into the pancake batter,mixing well. -Now, with the remaining egg whites, very gently fold them into the batter, keeping everything as light and fluffy as possible. -In a hot, buttered skillet or griddle, ladle the pancake batter onto it. Now you can add to the top of the pancakes, some fresh fruit of you choiceraspberries or blueberries, or both. -Once bubbles begin to break the surface, turn the pancakes to cook them on the other side. Only turn pancakes once for the fluffiest and lightest results. ENJOY!

Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air

EASTER BREAK EVENTS Saturday April 14: 7:00 pm Bonfire. Long Sault. Sunday April 15: 10:00 am Wave Pool. Ottawa. Saturday April 21: 6:00pm Ballroom Dance Practice Session, Chesterville. FRIDAY April 27: 7:00pm Scrabble, Cornwall. Sunday April 29: 9:00 am, Cycling to Breakfast. Long Sault.

www.cornwalloutdoorclub.ca New guests welcome. For more information, contact 613 680-4129 or 813 937-3636.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354


ART SEEKERS by Sandra Taylor Hedges

SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS Art and Healing your Spirit A long time friend of mine had a serious heart operation in November and it was touch and go for about a month. While recovering she told me that while in the hospital, even though she was heavily medicated, she kept thinking about the paintings she would create when she was back home. “I knew I would make it, I still have too many more paintings yet to do” she told me while we painted together over the winter. From the time I arrived in December until I left at the end of March I saw her come back to the living and the old spark was gleaming in her eyes again. She started teaching again and with each passing week she became stronger and healthier; which made me stop and think about other times when I have seen this happen with some of my students. Some were depressed; some were going through health problems; others grieving from the loss of a loved one. All of which over the course of time were healed. Art has a way of healing the Soul and the Spirit.

Often when a person is depressed they are encouraged to take painting classes. The reason for this is simple; if you allow yourself to focus your energy on creating something it will give you an emotional outlet that is more positive. Even if what you are making will never grace the inside of an Art Gallery it is the process of making the art that is important rather than the finished product. The therapeutic value of getting your emotions out far out weighs the artwork and can often give you a channel for letting out your repressed feelings. And besides that it’s fun!

Cornwall’s only Yoga Studio, offers a multitude of yoga classes daily, ranging from Hot Yoga, Kids Yoga, Baby Yoga, Senior Yoga and Hatha Yoga. "YOGA CLASS REGISTRATION: 8-CLASS SERIES: $85

YogaFlow Mondays at 6:30pm: April 30-June 25 YogaFlow Wednesdays at 4:30pm: May 2-June 20 Gentle Yoga Tuesdays at 5:30pm: May 1-June 19 Gentle Yoga Thursdays at 5:30pm: May 3-June 21 Registration Deadline Friday, April 27th.

Email lisa@spirittreeyoga.net "Massage Therapy and Spa services available." 117 Eleventh St. W, (entrance 2nd door on side of building) For more information,

visit: www.spirittreeyoga.net or call: 613-330-4494

If you are more inclined to take up acting or singing go for it! The time spent being creative with others is a journey back to the best part of being a kid, you remember, mucking in the paint with your hands; singing in a choir or make believe role playing adventures with your friends. Somehow when we connect with our inner child we can’t help but have fun. It’s not all fun and games making art and for that reason it is therapeutic in a different way. Frustration and anger that has been suppressed will have a new way of being vented. It’s better to fling a canvas across a room than hit someone I always say. That is of course as long as you don’t aim the canvas at the instructor’s head. Anger, fear and trauma can also become art itself as you tell your story and share your pain. It is for this reason I am angered and ashamed of our governments (at every level) just dismissing the Arts and the programs attached to it as expendable. We are all under stress in this Country and it is no different in the world in general; we are dismissing and cutting funding the very thing that will give the masses a venue to let the stress out. When will we, the people, stand up and say enough. Feed my soul; Feed my Spirit; Give us more Art programs! Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Teacher and President of L’association Focus Art Association sandra-taylor-.artistwebsites.com studioonecatsquared.com Focusartonline.org rulesforpainting.blogspot.com Cat Scratches - Studio Blog

Jacqueline Milner - Artist Statement Chief Seattle said that “All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” Jacqueline, Eastern Ontario Visual Artist and Photographer is pleased to present “Connexions”. This presentation of words and imagery has been designed to remind the viewer of the crucial connections between man and our living earth.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 14) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com

JOB TIPS with John

EMPLOYMENT SEEKER Dress for Success and to Impress A few weeks ago I mentioned a candidate who came in for an interview wearing no shoes. It’s true. He rollerbladed to my office, took his skates off in the waiting area and walked into the interview room in his jeans and t-shirt with just socks on his feet. Needless to say the interview took about 5 seconds and he was not offered a position.

Choosing what to wear for an interview is perhaps one of the easiest parts of the job seeking process yet sadly one very often overlooked. I suggested before that we tend to formulate opinions about people within the first few seconds of meeting them. Nowhere is this truer than in the job interview. A lot of people tend to think that because they are applying for an entry level position or a more physical, manual type job that they do not really need to dress to impress. Although the work attire for the job a manager is recruiting for may include coveralls, jeans or sweatshirts we shouldn’t make the mistake in believing that attending an interview dressed in this manner conveys we are right for the job. It may be true but unfortunately gives the idea that we don’t really care about making a good impression and just threw anything on before showing up. I’m not advocating a three piece suit for every interview but we can never go wrong with business – casual in the absence of knowing what is acceptable in whatever company you are interviewing at – even if the position is entry-level. Of course, an interview for a senior position might require more formal business attire. Jeans, t-shirts and sneakers however, should always be avoided. Many interviews take place in small meeting rooms behind closed doors. It’s best to keep perfumes and colognes to a minimum if worn at all (some workplaces even ask employees to refrain from wearing them). Smokers should pay attention to the lingering smell of cigarette smoke on the breath and on clothing. It is best maybe to avoid smoking completely before an interview as mints or chewing gum really do not mask the smell that well! How you dress for an interview is an unspoken signal about how important the interview is to you and how you want to be perceived. It tells the interviewer whether or not you really want the job. If you are unsure about what to wear, as mentioned above, you can always

rely on business-casual at a bare minimum and take it up a notch or two depending on the seniority of the position. If you are interviewing for a corporate, office position you can always visit a day or so ahead and look at what current employees are wearing. This will tell you something about the organization’s culture and specifically its dress code. You’re building on the success of your application, resume and phone interview. You’ve done well getting to the in-person interview. Dress to impress and show them you want and deserve the job!

Quick Bio John has been involved in recruiting in the Cornwall and SD&G area for the past several years having interviewed, selected and onboarded hundreds of employees for some of the area’s biggest companies. He has lived and worked as far afield as the UK and Hong Kong in a variety of fields. Before becoming a Logistics and Warehouse Sector Staffing and Talent Acquisition Specialist, he was in private practice as an Inward Investment Economic Development consultant in Montreal after having lived an exciting period as a Canadian Forces Intelligence Officer. With a Masters degree in Public Policy and Public Administration from Concordia University he is a firm believer in the value of education and dedicates much of his time helping develop and coach new employees to assist them in achieving their professional and personal goals. He can be reached via email at johnparsons01@gmail.com or you can follow his Twitter feed: @johnaparsons

1st ANNUAL COLLECTORS' EXHIBITION On Saturday April 28th, from 11 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday & 29th from 11 am to 4:00 pm, at the Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water St, East, Cornwall, Parade of Nations for the Developmentally Challenged will hold it first annual Collectors' exhibition. To help with the fundraiser, introduce their collection, sell items or purchase items from the public, Le Cercle des Collectionneurs de Montréal is coming to Cornwall. This is also an opportunity to form a Collectors' Club in the area. Collectors of the area are also invited to rent a table for $20.00 for the weekend (additional tables are $5.00.) space is very limited. Any one coming to the exhibition can bring collectibles they wish to sell to exhibitors or the public. Tables will be reserved for this purpose and 10% of the price of these particular collectibles will go toward the fundraising. We will also accept donations of collectibles. To reserve a table (before April 20th) call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or for info visit www.paradeofnations.com under Fundraising projects, Collectors Exhibition or send an e-mail to info@pardeofnations.com. This exhibition also includes a Toy train exhibition (O gauge) where activity bags will be given to children, courtesy of Via Rail Canada. Entrance fee: $5.00 per person and $1.00 for children up to 12 years old.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 15) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354


“ About The House”

Dear Joe, I am planning to build a new deck this summer. I am not sure though, what kind of material I should build it out of. I like the idea of the plastic boards but it sounds as though it’s quite a bit more expensive than wood. What should I know before buying the stuff to build my new deck? Thank you for your help. Love your column. K.W. Thanks K, I am glad you like reading it, because I love writing it. I also love building decks. But when you talk about decking material, if you ask ten different people, you’ll get ten different answers. The first thing that you’ll need to know, and there is no argument here: The structure of your deck will be pressure treated lumber…no question. It will not be seen but will need to endure the most hardship of any other part of your deck, damp, dirt, insects and heavy loads will all be factors that will wear and tear on the structure of the deck so it will need to be durable and imperious to the elements, pressure treated is that.

On top of that, you have choices for decking. We’ll talk price first. From least to most expensive you have: pressure treated, cedar, wood vinyl composite, and exotic woods. Don’t even consider untreated spruce or pine as they lack the preservative qualities of the others. As far as longevity goes, the woods, properly maintained will have a life expectancy of between 15-30 years depending on the conditions in which they serve. They should be retreated every five years or so to get the most out of them. But no matter how well you maintain the decking, the service life of it will be dictated by the service life of the structure. That being said, although the vinyl composite will have a service life of up to 50 years(though since it hasn’t been around for 50 years there is no proof of that, and this commentator has his doubts), its serviceability again will be dictated by the longevity of the pressure treaded structure underneath it all. And yes, the composite also requires a pressure treated lumber frame as dimensional lumber with which to build the frame is not available in composite because of price and also the fact that it is not rigid enough to build anything out of. It is only suitable for decking and trim, not loadbearing components. It is also quite difficult in that it expands and contracts up to 2% of its size over our 50 degree temperature range. So face driven fasteners are often broken or dislodged as the material flexes necessitating the use of strictly hidden floating fasteners which are also very expensive. Solid wood is the best and most versatile material with which to build anything. People have been building with wood for thousands of years. And though companies are always trying to develop a superior product, in my opinion, wood has yet to be outdone. Its price, durability, rigidity, flexibility, renewability and workability make it make it my first choice when doing decks of any size or shape. The only drawback that pressure treated lumber has, is its colour…that charming grey/green is limiting when you want to design a colour scheme for the outside of the house. But, the idea of saving thousands whilst building with better material is often enough to get past the colour and if you’re really not happy with it, you can paint it or stain it after a couple summers once the moisture content has dropped to an acceptable level. I hope this helps. All the best, Joe And thank you to everyone who contributed this week. If I didn't answer your question, keep on thank you to everyone who contributed this week . If I didn't answer your question, keep watching here each week for more household tips and renovation advice. It’s FREE to submit a question email them to: Aboutthehouse@adamshomeservices.ca or Text them to 613-551-5932. For additional information about me and what’s going on in your community, please visit our website: www.adamshomeservices.ca. And remember, Whatever you do, do it well, because a job well done stays well done forever.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 16)

“Get W.I.T.H. It!' Program Wraps Up Successful First Year For Elaine Heath, the Get W.I.T.H. It! walking program is about much more than just walking. Heath was one of the 140 registered participants in the first year of the Get W.I.T.H It! program, which is geared towards people who are concerned about their heart health. From October to the end of March, participants were free to come in from the cold and walk at the Cornwall Civic Complex arena concourse on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Walkers were encouraged to track their progress, and they had a chance to win prizes for their efforts. Program officials and volunteers were always on hand to monitor the participants. Local nursing and paramedic students were also present on selected occasions to do blood pressure checks. In Mrs. Heath's case, she set a goal of completing 30 laps by the end of March, and she achieved it. "It offered me a great incentive to get up, dust off my shoes and get to the Civic Complex," said Mrs. Heath, who suffers from COPD. "It wouldn't have happened without it." The Get W.I.T.H. It! program (the W.I.T.H. is short for 'Walking in the Halls') surpassed organizers' expectations in its first year of operation, and plans are already in the works to bring it back for a second season later this year. "We were thrilled with the turnout for our first season of the program," said Corrie D'Alessio, Community Health Worker with the Seaway Valley Community Health Centre, the lead organization for the program. "We are already starting to plan to bring it back next fall." Mr. D'Alessio said there are a number of factors that makes the program appealing to participants. Among other things, participants receive a health screening to ensure they are safe to walk, and officials with CPR certification are always on hand. An automated external defibrillator (AED) is also located on the premises. The program is certified by the University of Ottawa Heart Institute as a Heart Wise Exercise Program. "Being physically active can be challenging at the best of times, but even more so during the colder, darker days of winter," said Mr. D'Alessio. "With this program, we're encouraging people to think about their health." The Cornwall Civic Complex is a popular venue for walkers throughout the year, so it made sense to have the program located there. "We are thrilled to be associated with this program," said Christine Lefebvre, Division Manager of Parks & Recreation with the City of Cornwall. "It fits in well with the other recreation and fitness programs that we offer to the community." The Get W.I.T.H. It! program is lead by the Seaway Valley Community Health Centre in partnership with the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, the local Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario and the City of Cornwall. For more info on the Get W.I.T.H. It! program, please visit www.seawayvalleychc.ca.



2012 United Counties Science Fair Another Success A number of students from the Upper Canada District School Board took home the hardware last weekend while competing at the annual United Counties Science Fair. There were 46 projects entered this year from 12 schools with a total of 72 students participating. The 2012 version was the 37th year for the fair. Approximately $18,000 in cash, prizes, scholarships and trips were awarded. Here is a list of the winning entries by Upper Canada students: Silver Awards ($100 – Sponsored by Professional Engineers of Ontario, Upper Canada Chapter & United Counties Science Fair): • Viscount Alexander Public School – Joshua Harquail "Great Globs of Gluten" • Seaway District High School – Sophia Currier "Spoiling Fruit" • Viscount Alexander Public School – Liam Labelle "Electromagnetism" • Longue Sault Public School – Brooklyn Woodside and Sadie McAlear "Citric Acidz"

Best In Fair - Chantal O'Neil - Le Super E Coli

Outstanding Research Award ($200 – Sponsored by Ontario Power Generation) (one of the top 6 projects in the fair): • Seaway District High School – Stormy Howard and Bronwyn Fowler "What's a Bean's Favourite Colour?" Dr. Gunther Plattner Memorial Award (Excellence in Physics): • Eamer's Corner Public School – Katelynne Creswell-McRae "Quicksand" Dr. Abraha Redda Memorial Award (Excellence in Health Sciences): • Viscount Alexander Public School – Joshua Harquail "Great Globs of Gluten" Nav Canada Trophy (Excellence in Mathematics, Computer Science, Technology or Engineering): • Viscount Alexander Public School – Yanosan Selvenayagan "Volatile Friends" Grant-Marion Construction Limited Trophy (Excellence in Science): • Roxmore Public School – Madison Henderson "Veggie Power"

Top Three Winners - Chantal O'Neil (La Citadelle) - Le Super E Coli Mikael Ladouceur (L'Heritage) - Panneaux Solaires Jonah Firth (L'Heritage) - Allez Vert En Noir Et Blanc

Elementary Teachers' Federation Plaque (to Junior Girl for Excellence in an Experimental Project): • Seaway District High School – Sophia Currier "Spoiling Fruit" Bergeron Electric Trophy (Excellence in Atom Division): • Central Public School – Mya Baptiste "Non-Newtonian Fluids" Parks Canada Trophy (Best in Environmental Science): • Eamer's Corners Public School – Sinthiya Sinnathambi - "Oil Spills" Science Teachers' Association of Ontario Trophy (Best in Agricultural Sciences): • Seaway District High School – Stormy Howard and Bronwyn Fowler "What's a Bean's Favourite Colour?" Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association Trophy (Best Atom Project): • Eamer's Corners Public School – Sinthiya Sinnathambi - "Oil Spills"

Winner - Joshua Harquail

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Help Knockout the effects of hunger! Cornwall amateur boxers and some of Massena’s female boxers will duke it out in the ring on Saturday, April 14th for Agapè’s Amateur Boxing Fundraiser. Legendary Otis “Magic” Grant will be the special guest and Cornwall’s own Tony Luis, Quebec Boxing Council Lightweight Champion will provide commentary during this hard hitting charity event at the Best Western Plus Parkway Inn, 1515 Vincent Massey Drive at 6:00 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Agapè Centre to help knock out the effects of hunger for the families and children of Cornwall. Without the wonderful patronage of BMO Nesbit Burns, this event could not happen. “This Amateur Boxing Fundraiser is proving to be our signature annual benefit which funds key programs like our food bank and soup kitchen,” comments Alyssa Blais, Executive Director of the Agapè Centre. The high energy fundraiser will feature six bouts of great Olympic Style Amateur Boxing in association with CHAMPS Eastside Boxing Club. For more information on the exciting event benefitting families in Cornwall or tickets, please call Alyssa Blais at the Agapè Centre at 613.361.0332. Tickets are on sale NOW at Scotiabank, Brookdale Ave location. This event is made possible with the support of our Sponsors : BMO Nesbit Burns, GrantMarion Construction, Knor Plast Inc., Lapointe Drainage, Emard Bros. Lumbar, Adams, Sherwood, Swabey & Follon, St. Lawrence Insulation, Cornwall Tire, Cogeco, Seaway News, Standard Freeholder and our main supporter Scotiabank. The Agapè Centre is a not-for profit organization, supported by the community to ensure that no family goes hungry, cold or without any of the basic necessities of life. Over the last decade, food bank use at the Agapè Centre has risen and this year, the Agapè Centre has experienced a significant increase in the number of individuals requiring help. The Agapè Centre has been providing food, clothing and furniture to more than 1,000 people each month for the better part of the decade. For cash donations to the Agapè Centre, call to donate 613.938.9297 or drop by the Agapè Centre at 40 Fifth Street West, Cornwall. The Agapè Centre is a non profit organization that is all about “Local People Helping Local People” and your generous donation will go a long way to help local people in need.

Child Haven Fundraiser a success! Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk On Friday March 30th there was a benefit at the Best Western in Cornwall to support Children's Homes in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Tibet in China. Over 100 people were in attendance for the dinner, silent auction, and live entertainment by local musician Graham Greer. Child Haven International assists children and women in developing countries, who are in need of food, education, health care, shelter and clothing, as well as emotional and moral support. Bonnie and Fred Cappuccino who live near Maxville Ontario have worked very hard to make Child Haven the success it is today. The Cappuccino's together with a Cornwall Ontario physician, Dr. Natubhai Shah and his wife, Kala, and others, had founded Child Haven International. For more info or to make a contribution visit: http://www.childhaven.ca/

THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 18) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com




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MORTGAGE MATTERS with Derrick Cracknell




$( Answers to mortgage questions keeping some first-time homebuyers up at night Buying a home is a big financial commitment, and many Canadian renters are still sitting on the white picket fence when it comes to homeownership. You’re renting now, but maybe you could be in a home of your own. Is it possible? Are you wondering…

Q How much house could my rent buy? A. If you’re paying $650 in rent each month, you could be carrying a mortgage of $140,000. If you’re paying $725, that’s potentially a mortgage of $160,000 Payin over $825 each month? You could be paying off a mortgage of $180,000! How are the mortgage payments so affordable? Firstly, right now we’re benefiting from historically low mortgage rates. Secondly, you now have access to longer-amortization mortgages that lower your monthly mortgage payment. (These examples are based on that combination: a 4% rate and 30-year amortization, 5% flex downpayment plus 2.95% insurance premium, property taxes and heat of $285 per month). Q Can I really buy a house with little money down? A. You can buy a home with 5% down and use some of the flexible options to obtain the downpayment, for example, from gifts, through borrowing or cash-back incentives. Q If I’m self-employed, do I have to prove my income to get a mortgage? A. No, not in today’s mortgage world. You can now qualify based on the income that you say you earn. This kind of mortgage is known as “stated income” because the lender takes into account the income you state, and not the income you can prove. The income should be reasonable, of course, and the lender may want proof of your selfemployment, and may require up to 10% down. If you don’t want to state your income, you can also qualify on the strength of a strong credit history, rather than on your income. You’ll need a good credit score and proof that you’ve been selfemployed for at least two years. Q Are there extra costs to consider? A. Yes, you need to consider land transfer tax, property taxes, the cost of utilities, furnishings for the home, and any needed repairs. If you’re concerned with these extra costs, cash-back mortgages can offer some needed up-front cash. Q Where do I start? A. Talk to a mortgage broker. Why? A mortgage broker deals with over 50 lending institutions, including major banks, credit unions, trusts and other national and regional lenders, which means they can put significant negotiating power behind finding the best mortgage to fit your specific situation. This service costs you nothing (oac). Instead, the lender selected pays compensation for the services and solution provided. And since a mortgage broker’s business is built primarily through referrals from satisfied customers, your positive mortgage experience is essential! Derrick Cracknell, Mortgage Planner - Agent #10001993 Tel: 613-662-2377, Mortgage Architects - Brokerage #10287

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THE LOCAL SEEKER (April 6 - pg. 19)



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FRIDAY, APRIL 6 TH, 2012 or read the paper online



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