Local Seeker, issue 27, cornwall ontario

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Introducing to you ... this week in


Vol. 3, Issue 27

July 27, 2012

about CORNWALL PEOPLE for CORNWALL PEOPLE by CORNWALL PEOPLE 65th Glengarry Highland Games Weekend!

On behalf of the Games organizing committee, it is a great honour to welcome you to the 65th edition of the Glengarry Highland Games on Friday August 3rd and Saturday, August 4th. In 1948, when the first Games organizers hosted an event celebrating the sporting and cultural traditions of their Scottish ancestors, they couldn't have known how the Games would evolve through the years to become the weekend that it is today, filled not only with piping, drumming, sports and dancing competitions, but also fiddling and harp workshops, Clan events and an array of Celtic entertainment. To all competitors, we wish you the very best of luck in your events. To our entertainers, thank you for providing us with many hours of great music and song. To our Clans, who ensure the legacy continues, thank you for being an important part of our Games. To our vendors, thank you for providing us an opportunity to find all things Scottish in one convenient location. To our Games patrons, corporate and government sponsors and local service clubs, thank you for your continued and much valued support. To our visitors, thank you for choosing to join us at this great event. To the Games executive, directors, committee chairs and all of the volunteers who give so generously of their time throughout the year to make the weekend a success, a heartfelt thanks. Thank you all for your support as we celebrate 65 years of proud Scottish tradition. Enjoy your time in Glengarry, and the very best to everyone for a good Games. Ceud Mìle Fàilte!

A Hundred Thousand Welcomes!

Jack Yourt, President, Glengarry Highland Games

... See page 8 for Games Schedule

A few lakeview lots are still available for 2012 Season. Other lots available. Lakeview Lots with trailers for sale. Call 613-931-1516 for information

GETTING MARRIED IN CORNWALL? Read all about it in The Local Seeker!

The Local Seeker has a unique way to honour the Bride and Groom. For only $59, we will "crash" your wedding in our memorable newspaper gowns, only to take your photo and announce your wedding to the wider Cornwall community in our paper the following week! All of this plus a "mystery

Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi practise and demonstrations


(weather permitting), Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Lamoureux Park, east of swimming pool.   All are welcome. For information call: 613.935.5675

FOR SALE: 1985 Chevy Paceaero p Motorhome 31ft. Runs well, $5,800 OBO Call 613-577-1045.

FOR SALE: white oak dining room set, one leaf, 6 chairs and 2 captain chairs, buffet with light inside, paid $6,000, asking $2,000. Telephone 613-932-8696.

FOR SALE: Oriental 4 Panel Screen or room divider with beautifully coloured figures. Each panel measures 18” x 69”. Excellent condition $400, Call 613-528-4533. FOR SALE: Cast-iron fireplace, Franklin, good condition, best offer. Call 613-931-2240 if interested.

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Don't miss out, places are limited!! Makes a great gift for that special couple! 613-935-3763

CITY OF CORNWALL RESIDENTS can drop off their HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE ITEMS at the City Landfill on Saturday, July 28th (8 am - 12 pm)

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Each FOR SALE: 42” long patio table, glass top, includes umbrella and stand. $65. Call 613-933-2852 in Cornwall.

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FOR SALE: Culligan water softener and conditioner, best offer. Telephone 613-931-2240 if interested.

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FOR SALE: Homemade trailer - 4x8, 3500 pounds Axel / $1,000 firm 613938-6152. FOR SALE: Tire Machine, fits up to 20”, $400 OBO - needs some hoses. Call 613-932-5810 CALL IN YOUR FREE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY 613-362-2354

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Get the SEEKER CHICKS to crash your wedding

Check out - our Montreal paper www.westend.thelocalseeker.com


The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 3, Issue 27, July 27, 2012   Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Used Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

$30 613-360-3442


The Local Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be   presumed as theF statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.


FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 (Julia) / 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) Email: info@thelocalseeker.com

The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason

www.thelocalseeker.com Office: 327 2nd Street E.

Editor: Julia Lucio Co-Editor: Carolyn Hersey Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Sara Murphy & Julia Lucio

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763



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& % ! % Yard Sale and Flea Market Contact: 613.938.0666, Vendors welcome. $10 a table. Saturday, July 28, 2012 - Time: 10 am - 5 pm Location: Moose Lodge 1367, 11th St. W Yard Sale Saturday, July 28, 2012 from 8 am to 1 pm. Heartwood (formerly Versa Care) 201 11th St. E. All proceeds towards resident programs.

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Yard Sale Saturday, July 28, 2012 from 8 am to 4 pm. - 234 Yates Flags 3ft x 5ft - country, native, provinces, Jewelry, caps, belt buckles, DVDs at $1 each The Seeker Chicks are would like to introduce a new columnist. Welcome to the Seeker Team, John.

A TRAVEL AGENT’S LOT IS A VERY HAPPY ONE (with thanks to Messrs Gilbert & Sullivan)

BIKER APPRECIATION NIGHT Where: Gillard's Chip Wagon & Dairy Bar, located on Hwy #2, just West of Upper Canada village, East of Morrisburg

I have been in the travel business for longer than I care to admit..let’s just say that I started working for Pan American Airways in Argentina when they were still flying DC-7’s from New York to Buenos Aires ( a 24 hour trip..I remember that the American businessmen would stagger off the aircraft in a drunken stupor), and although I have tried a few times to get out of the business, I have always come back to it.

Let's see if we can fill this place!

Over a long time I have worked for airlines and a cruise line, I have been a tour operator, and for the last 10 years I have been a travel agent in Alexandria (Ontario), and Cornwall.)

FREE coffee, donuts, and drinks will be served!!!

When: Thursday, August 9th EVERYONE WELCOME!!!

I once tried to become a life insurance salesman in New York – I wanted to become rich. perhaps I was too young to successfully put the idea of eventualdeath in people’s minds, but also, I began to feel like a social leper….as soon as I mentioned what I did for a living, people would say ‘Oh, I already have life insurance, and very carefully walk away from me. As a travel agent, it is all the opposite: people want to talk about the trips that they have made and would like to make, and everyone asks what is the best deal going…can a salesman ask for more?. Until a few years ago with the advent of the Internet, and with on-line travel agencies popping up, it seemed that the ‘brick-and-mortar’ travel agencies, as we call them,were doomed to follow the way of the Dodo-bird, but thank goodness, the business is making a remarkable comeback, due in large part because the variety of offers, and the variety of distribution channels has made planning a trip a reasonably daunting and complex task. More of this in future issues.

I hope to become a regular contributor to this great little publication…to make myself better known and to know the market better. I hope to establish a line of communication (hopefully not always one-sided) with present and future clients, and to write about the business that I love, a very dynamic business which is changing constantly with the seasons, with the times and at the pace of technological advances which we know are great and greatly challenging and also greatly rewarding, both to the to the users and to the providers.

We offer the most competitive prices in Eastern Ontario with guaranteed compassionate, kindly service to all faiths. Don’t you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to make that important informed choice?

Filed with Board of Funeral Services July 17, 2012

Meanwhile, should you be interested in receiving the occasional newsletters which we produce featuring very special travel offers, please write to: travel@alextravel.ca A la prochaine!. John McLaren – owner and travel consultant at AlexTravel & Tours..& Cruises, 230 Bedford Street – Cornwall,ON – Tel: 613-930-9000

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 3)


428 Second Street East, Cornwall 613-932-6300 email: mcarthurbrosfh@cogeco.net www.mcarthurbrosfh.com


EYE ON SOCIETY by Jason Setnyk

Arts, culture, Politics 2012 Buskerville a bust! The Downtown BIA did not support a business closure, and talking with Chad Coleman, he is under the impression the DBIA did not want the festival whatsoever. DBIA treasurer Brenda Wagar says despite not supporting the road closure, the organization does support festivals and events that take place in the downtown core. There will be some busking this August associated with Waterfest's Art Festival, which is taking place on Saturday, August 11th. Let Him Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone! But what does it say about vandalism in the Bible? I hope the religious community speaks up against these disgusting actions by some person(s) who have a little too much time on their hands - throwing rocks through the window of the Church and breaking in to vandalize the place. These attacks against the Church on Sydney are disgusting and cowardly. Kudos to Brock Frost for building a creative business space and mecca for arts and culture in our downtown core.

Can you still make a living as a photographer? Jason McNamara of Framed Photography recently wrote on Facebook: "Jeepers, I just got invited to 3 more photography businesses in Cornwall. All kidding aside, my city has approx 46,000 residents and we must easily have 50-75 photography businesses. Are you guys seeing this in other cities? Do you feel $40 specials are hurting your business? How are you standing out? Is being a professional (making a living) in a smaller city even still possible? I just read an article that takes a close look at camera sales and more specifically the avid enthusiast who, not only purchases bodies, but prime lenses. This leads us to believe that people are genuinely trying to improve their work. In some other countries, it is not uncommon for 14-year-olds to have a studio. These things are always at the front of my mind. Sometimes depressing, sometimes motivating." Goodnight Desdemona! Opening night for the Seaway Valley Theatre Company's next production is fast approaching. Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) by Anne Marie MacDonald will be staged at the Cornwall Lions Club Bandshell in Lamoureux Park on August 2, 3, 4 and 5. Curtain time is 7:30 pm. Admission is free but donations will be accepted, and be sure to bring a lawn chair as park seating is limited. The cast (in order of appearance) is as follows: Andrew McNaughton as Romeo/The Chorus, Victoria Ellam as Constance Leadbelly, Geneviève Taylor as Student/Juliet, Alex Merizzi as Iago/Servant, Jazz Cook as Othello/Mercutio, Krystal Taillon as Ramona/Desdemona, Liam Morgan Sinclair-Dempster as Tybalt/Soldier, and Paul Aubin as Claude Knight/Nurse/Ghost. This show is produced by Christiane Taylor in conjunction with the City of Cornwall's 2012 Arts in the Park program, and is directed by Melanie Taylor. Please be advised that this play contains some mature content. For more info, visit the show's event page on Facebook or the SVTC's website at www.svtc.ca Jeff Brunet a friend to the Port Theatre! Jeff and his production company Alkaline Entertainment will be raising money to help restore the historical City Landmark with a Johnny Cash tribute show on Friday, August 3rd. Tickets are $25 and they are available at the Port Theatre Box Office and at Melody Music in downtown Cornwall.

The Environment A couple in Drummondville, Quebec is fighting to keep a vegetable garden on their front lawn. The garden has had a positive impact; the couple eats healthier and have lost weight. The city plans to make it illegal to grow vegetables in the front lawns for its residents. In this economy, more and more people will need to grow their own food! Fresh vegetables grown at home are great for both health and environment, this is a practice that should be encouraged and not discouraged by municipalities.

Social Justice Yard sale and food drive to support Agape! On Saturday, July 28th from 7am to 5pm on 845 Marlborough Street in Cornwall, there will be a yard sale and food drive to support the Agape. Organizers ask people to "please bring a nonperishable food item to donate, and while you are there check out various vendors selling their previously loved items and purchase them for your own. There will be something for everyone, plus you will help make a difference with your support. We hope to see everyone there." NDP BBQ! The Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry Federal and Provincial NDP riding associations are holding their annual BBQ in Lamoureux Park, Cornwall on Sunday, August 12th from 11am to 2pm. Gilles Bisson, NDP M.P.P. for TimminsJames Bay will be speaking at this event. Musical performers include Chris Benton, Stephanie Coleman, Tracy Lalonde, Joe Hehir, Joel Sauve, and Kenn Taylor. There will also be games and kite flying for children and people of all ages. My name is Jason Setnyk, and this is my eye on society. Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, published and award winning author, photographer, arts and culture event coordinator, and a community volunteer sitting on numerous boards and committees. http: //jason-setnyk.blogspot.ca

Afternoon Tea at Cornwall Community Museum

(Press Release and Submitted Photo)

Curator, Ian Bowering, in the guise of an Edwardian was the genial host and tour guide at the second of the Cornwall Community Museum’s Edwardian Afternoon Teas. Guests of the museum sampled different teas favoured in the early 20th century, as well as enjoyed baked goodies from tried and true old recipes. Summer employees, Katelyn Beaudette and Shannon Bedford were also hosts. They gave tours of the museum and provided information on the history of the afternoon tea. The next Tea is on August 17th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. There is a suggested donation of $2 per person. Groups of 4 or more are advised to book in advance: 613-936-0280; pbmuseum@bellnet.ca.

30th Anniversary of the Art Gallery! To celebrate its 30th anniversary, the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery invites all artists to help in the creation of a mosaic of art by submitting up to three original pieces on canvases or frames of square dimensions. Three-dimensional pieces are also accepted. ACCEPTING WORK: October 9th – 13th, 2012, 10 AM – 5 PM. EXHIBITION DATES: October 19th – November 30th, 2012. GALA RECEPTION: October 19th at 7 PM. For more info: http://www.cornwallregionalartgallery.ca/art/30thanniversary-exhibition-call-for-submissions Call for Submissions: Photography Exhibit 2012! The Cornwall Regional Art Gallery is looking for submissions to its third annual juried photography exhibition, taking place August 23rd to October 5th, 2012. The competition is open to all photographers using any kind of photographic process. The Gallery will be accepting entries from August 7th to 11th, 2012. The show’s awards night will take place Thursday, August 23rd at 7 PM. Jurors to be announced.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 4)



kriscrossroads by Kris Ward

What A Difference A Year Makes Last year, I started writing for The Local Seeker, and created my blog KrisCrossRoads. Throughout the year, I experienced many changes in environment as well as my own personal attitude and choices. I knew this would be a pivotal year; my only son is off to college in Belleville; uncertainties about my next steps in my career, my personal life and even in my decision as to whether I should sell my house or keep it. July marked another birthday, and with it, more opportunities and reflection . I really enjoy working for St. Lawrence College, and so applied for a new position, since my contract was coming to an end. This new position is with the same department I currently work with, but requires relocation to the Kingston campus. So, after much thought, I applied and was selected for the new position. Now that this unknown piece of the puzzle was complete, I had the soul-searching decision of what to do. I own my home and had planned renovations, so now the renovations are underway, but they will not be for my enjoyment.

Word spread quickly that I was leaving my hometown, a place I had never left for more than 5 days in my entire life. This is a major upheaval in my life, but I am looking forward to the new opportunities, and still have strong ties to Cornwall. I am very pleased that the Seeker Chicks want to continue to run my column. A part of the renovations to my raised brick bungalow home, was the unexpected roof replacement that I needed. This past week, the inside renovations started, and I am so pleased that my handyman is also one of my best friends, and his expertise has helped tremendously. While he is working on the inside changes, the roofers started tearing down the old curled shingles and replacing them with new aesthetically-pleasing shingles. After all the contractors left, Brad was off to the movies with friends and I continued to try to maximize my space and system for the in-between times. As I leaned against my car, I stared up at my roof in progress and eyed the enhancements I could already see, a flutter of memories took over me. This was once a house of great promise and hope. It is the only home my son has ever known. It was the springboard to his creative mind and soon it will belong to someone else. I hope the new owners enjoy it as much as we have. I thought about keeping it, I have fantastic neighbours and it is a very safe neighbourhood, but the time has come to say goodbye and the release has started. Cornwall will always have a big piece of my heart, but I am not gone yet. I will still be here for the rest of the summer, I have tricampus responsibilities and most of my family and friends are here. Who knows, I may come back again, with a fresh perspective and new experiences. It is not easy to leave, at this crossroad, I have chosen an uncharted path, but I can always come back home.

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at: www.kriscrossroads.wordpress.com

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 5)

Naturally Delicious ... with the Health Nut

The summer is flying by as I prepare for the sale of my house and reduce the vast contents of a large home to accommodate a residence room for my son, and a spacious apartment for me. I spend copious amounts of time diving in to all Another great week at the Boys and Girls Club of Cornwall and SD&G with of our possessions and deciding what to “Kids in the Kitchen with the Health Nut”! keep, what to sell, what to donate and This week the theme was “Around the what to recycle. First thing that became world”. We prepared mini pizzas (Italy), clear, is that we have too much stuff! croque-monsieurs (France), hummus Although I was making strides with (Lebanon) and salsa (Mexico). My reducing clutter and removing cooking team was awesome and did unnecessary items, I now have to move an amazing job…the 35 kids at the quickly as time is running out. I am Clubhouse ate everything! I love working through this transition, so I am volunteering a couple of hours a week, it keeping unreal hours trying to go is awesome!!! through things. I have moved more boxes than I care to count. We arrived at a system to distinguish what stays and what goes. A major clean sweep is underway and we had a successful yard sale and posted some of the bigger items online. We are not done yet. As I clear my home room by room, and pack up the plastic storage containers earmarked for destination Kingston or destination Brockville, it is hard not to get a little sentimental.

We had our 2nd Juicing Challenge at Spirit Tree Yoga Studio on Sunday , July 22nd, with an enthusiastic crowd that wanted to learn all of the ins and outs of juicing. We gave quick demos of smoothie and green drink recipes that were all sampled. Also, they got to taste an awesome gazpacho recipe. Afterwards we viewed the juicing health documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (that really puts you in the right set of mind!) Happy juicing to all of our participants, and the best of luck to your best life ever!! Good for you for daring to be different!!

We were very privileged to have 3 participants from our first challenge share their personal story about their juicing experience. They all did the challenge over 10 days, maintained their weight loss and are beginning this new challenge again with the new group…talk about determination!! Best of luck in your continuing road to personal success, and thanks again to Tom G., Nathalie D. and Carole J. for sharing your stories that are sure to inspire others…celebrate your greatness!! Next week you will be able to read the awesome juicing testimonial of Carole Johnston who has done amazingly well with her juicing journey. Don’t forget to come and see me at The Seaway Valley Growers Farmers Market (The Brick parking lot) on Saturdays, 9 to noon, rain or shine for some great homemade goodies! Sylvie Thibert (613-931-3119) thehealthnut@cogeco.ca www.thehealthnut.ca



Lift-Off 2012! Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk

Hard-rock band Big Wreck, formed by Canadian music Ian Thornley, coicon headlined the opening night of the Kinsmen Lift-Off 2012 with Sloan in Cornwall on Thursday. The band (who originally broke up in 2001), reunited and started touring again in 2010. They also released their third studio album in 2012 entitled Albatross. Over a thousand were in attendance in Lamoureux Park on Thursday, July 12th to enjoy great rock music, the view of hot air balloons floating by in the sky, and the bright lights and fun games at the carnival.

There was a much larger crowd on night two. Burton Cummings, formerly of the Guess Who and famous for the song American Woman, was the headline act for Kinsmen Lift-Off 2012 on Friday, July 13th. Cummings - who was born in Winnipeg - told the Cornwall crowd how excited he was that Winnipeg has an NHL team again, then he joked that Toronto would now want a team too (referring to the Maple Leafs' poor record this past season). Suzie McNill opened that show. On Saturday, July 14th there was one of the largest crowds in the history of Lift-Off, as tens of thousands enjoyed the music of Marianas Trench. Over the course of the festival some local bands also played, including Elly May, Joel Sauve's band Playing with Diana, and Switchgear. Congratulations to the Lift-Off volunteers and committee for another successful event!

Photos from top: Burton Cummings Sloan Suzie McNill Joel Sauve Elly May Big Wreck (2 bottom photos)

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 6)



roadSIGNS by Betty Healey

probably judging them and wondering why such an attractive person wouldn’t stand tall and occasionally smile. Here’s your choice point – start acting different yourself. Decide each morning to begin the day with a smile, even if it does feel fake. Just plaster it on and then notice:

Act-Think Feel There is a saying which goes, “Fake it until you make it”. It is not one of my favorites and I have often been tempted to dispute it. It’s the ‘fake it’ part that bothers me as it seems inauthentic. This past weekend I attended the inaugural conference for the Canadian Positive Phycology Association in Toronto. There were a number of impressive presentations all leaving me with a desire for more learning and immense sense of curiosity. One of my favorites was the opening keynote address by Dr. Greg Wells a neurophysiologist from the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, skyped in from the Olympic Village in London. (Watch for him as part of the CTV broadcast team). He covered a number of topics within the context of his presentation. One of the pieces that stuck with me was ‘act-think-feel’ – you guessed right, fake it until you make it.

1. 2.

How you feel about yourself as the day goes on How others respond to you

Next, begin to check your posture. You don’t want to stand military style; you simply want to stand tall, as if there was a pulley attached to the crown of your head stretching you upward. As you elongate your posture, your shoulders naturally pull back a bit, you can breathe more easily, your chest opens up, you are more receptive, and others will notice. As a former physiotherapist, there are numerous other advantages to improved posture, including preventing long term back issues and, for women, that ‘dowager’s hump’. Remember, checking in with your posture and standing tall, supports what you think and feel and positively affects how your brain functions.

In his work with athletes and the mind-body connection, research has demonstrated that what you show on the outside is replicated on the inside. The two key variables which have been researched are smiling and posture.

As you tune into the Olympics this summer, watch the athletes as they prepare for their event. You will see intense concentration; you will see them correct their posture and stand tall, and if you are lucky you may catch a smile or two.

You have all heard the other phrase, ‘smile and the world smiles with you.” While that theory has not been examined scientifically, the reality is that when you smile, outwardly, your inner world begins to smile. You lighten up and your attitude shifts. When you act – smile, you begin to think and feel differently. Your smile activates a physiological response that makes you feel better.

Most importantly, check in with yourself and begin today to smile more and to stand tall. Do your own research project – begin every day with a smile and by stretching your head to the sky. Do both regularly each day and notice what changes or shifts in your energy, confidence and esteem. I guarantee you will feel better and your thoughts will be more positive. Notice how others respond to you and when that friend says to you, ‘what are you smiling about?’ simply say, smiling is changing my world inside and out – want to join me?

Remember your mother saying, “Johnny or Jane, stand up straight!” It really annoyed you because you were a teenager and slouching was simply cool. Well it turns out that slouching is not only bad for your posture, it’s bad for your attitude and your health. The second part of the act-think-feel equation is that standing tall, stretching your height upward and elongating your torso, makes you feel better about you. It is almost impossible to think positively about yourself and feel the resulting emotions if you slouch and slink. Stretching upward enhances your esteem and boosts your confidence. Step outside yourself for a moment and begin to notice others. Imagine for a moment the person who is frowning, slouching and slinking. What is your response to them? Do they appear positive or confident? No they don’t. You are

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 7)

It’s really up to you. Abundantly Yours, Betty Betty Healey is an award winning author and inspiring speaker. Her new book, The ME FIRST Playbook, is now available in Cornwall at Laura’s Gift Shop or by ordering from the roadSIGNS website. Join Betty and Jim Healey August 28th or 29th, at the Church on Sydney, for a taping of the roadSIGNS Show featured on TV Cogeco. To reserve a spot contact info@roadSIGNS.ca. For information regarding Betty’s coaching and upcoming retreats or to subscribe to her monthly e-newsletter, contact Betty at betty@roadSIGNS.ca or visit her website at www.roadSIGNS.ca.



Anglican and United Churches, Main Street

Grade One Circle

Grade One Circle



Saturday, August 4, 2012 TIME

1:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 – 6:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm 5:15 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7-30 – 10:00 pm

8:00 am Individual Drumming Competition Infield 8:00 am All Professional and Grade One Solo Piping 8:00 am Glengarry Highland Games Open Infield in front of Grandstand Highland Dancing Championship World’s Invitational and Canadian Scottish Infield 8:30 am Professional Heavyweights Championship 9:00 am Junior Heavyweights Registration Behind Sports Hall of Fame 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Clan Venue open – Search your History Clan Buildings also displays and workshops 9:00 am - 10 am Scottish Fiddle Workshop with Andrea Beaton Arena Hall 9:30 am Junior Heavyweights Competition Behind Sports Hall of Fame 9:30 am Intermediate Heavyweight Competition Soccer fields behind Clan Building (ages 13 – 17) 9:30 am Track and Field Infield 9:30 am Tug of War Preliminary Pulls Infield 10:15 am - 11:30 am Scottish Fiddle Workshop with Andrea Beaton Arena Hall 11:00 am Hospitality Venues Open Tents, Metcalfe Centre, Pipers’ Pub 11:00 am - 6 pm Cold Buffet Arena surface 12:00 noon Clans Parade Infield 12:30 pm OFFICIAL OPENING Infield Massed Highland Fling and Massed Pipe Bands North American Pipe Band Championships™ Infield and Piping Circles Track In Front of Grandstand Tug of War - Highland Regiments Competition East side infield Whiskey Tasting Metcalfe Centre Mezzanine Fiddlers’ Ceilidh with Guest Fiddler Arena Hall Great Celtic Entertainment Tents / Metcalfe Centre Whisky Tasting Metcalfe Centre Mezzanine MASSED FIDDLERS Arena Hall Tenor & Bass Drum Competition East End of Infield Drum Major Competition East End of Infield Tug of War Cup Final Infield Highland Dancing Trophy Presentation Front of Grandstand Entertainment Venues Closed for Massed Bands Tents and Metcalfe MASSED BANDS Infield Massed Bands Awards Presentation Front of Grandstand The Best in Celtic Entertainment Metcalfe Centre and The Tents


Glengarry Highland Ga mes 2012 - Schedule of Events EVENT/ACTIVITY

South Glengarry Pipes & Drums and the Quigley Highlanders Pipes & Drums

Gates Open 78th Fraser Highlanders 18th Century Musket Review

Friday, August 3, 2012 TIME

8:00 am Throughout the day

Throughout the day 8:00 am

The Piobaireachd Society Gold Medal (Canada) Competition

8:30 am Amateur Heavyweight Competition South Infield 8:30 am Grades 1, 2,3,4,& 5 Solo Piping & New Area Drumming Competitions 8:30 am Pre- Premier Highland Dancing Competition Large Tent & Premier National Highland Dancing North Grandstand Infield Throughout Exhibits and Demonstrations Infield and Grade One Circle the day 10:00 am-4:00 pm Ottawa MG Club – British Car Display Eastside Mounds 10:30 am Sheep Dog Demonstration Infield Ms. Nathalie Labelle and friends 10:30 am Clan Displays Open Clan Buildings 11:00 am Women’s Professional South Infield Heavyweights Championship Harp Workshop Metcalfe Centre Memorial Garden in front of Sports Hall of Fame Memorial Garden Ceremony Entertainment – dancers, fiddlers, singers, Metcalfe Centre Harp Workshop Metcalfe Centre Restricted Premier Highland Dancing Competition North Grandstand Infield Sheep Dog Demonstration Infield Young Fiddler’s Showcase Arena Hall Lasagna Buffet Adult - $12 Children 12 & under - $6 Sports Complex Arena surface Farmers Walk South Infield

5:30 pm Glengarry Massed Fiddlers’ Warm-up Arena Hall 5:00 pm - 5:20 pm Andrea Beaton Arena Hall 6:30 pm Pre Concert entertainment - Massed Fiddlers Infield Stage 7:00 pm Infield CONCERT AND TATTOO Featuring Scocha – along with The Brigadoons and the MacCulloch Dancers, Massed Pipe Bands and Ceremonial Guard Band - A CEILIDH LIKE NO OTHER 10:00 pm - 1:00 am The Best in Celtic Entertainment Metcalfe Centre & The Tents

11:00 am 11:30 am 1:00 pm 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm 5:00 pm


BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 8)


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!

our weekly pages of events n’ more...


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Sunday, July 29th


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Plus Modifieds & Lightning Sprints Adults $45 / Seniors 65+ $25 18 yrs & under $10

ÂżBVS 9W\UĂ€ AbSdS 9W\aS` ÂżBVS 9W\UĂ€ AbSddS 9W 9 \aaSS` THE LOCAL SEEKER ((July 27 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com


Tech Seekers

Event Seeker Get the scoop on what’s going on in the community in our easy calendar. If you would like your event to appear here, send us an email at events@thelocalseeker.com and we’ll gladly publish it, free of charge!

Wild West Weekend Upper Canada Campgrounds (Morrisburg) 613-5432201

FRIDAY, JULY 27 Casino Lac Leamy Bus Trip departing at 4:30 pm. For information or to reserve call:613.932.6534. Proceeds to St. Joseph's Continuing Care Center

Ruckus and plays hard drivin' Irish and East Coast Music Cruickshank Amphitheatre (Morrisburg) 6 1 3 - 5 4 3 - 4 5 5 8 www.cruickshankamphitheatre.com

Jerry's Karaoke. from 4:30 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. On the menu: fish rolls, poutine & fish & chips

8th Annual Pig Roast for CHEO Bring your lawn chair and refreshment. Proceeds to CHEO Music by Northern Echo, MacCallum Family Band, Spirit of Scotland Pipes and Drums and more local talent. Everyone Welcome! 2 - 7 pm address: 16050 Post Road

Cornwall Seaway Lions Club RIBFEST July 27th - 29th in Lamoureux Park. It's all about the ribs with 3 days of MISCELLANEOUS entertainmentand a midway.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Charity BBQ from 11 am to 2 pm. Baxtrom's Your Independent Grocer, 31 9th St E. Food donations to Agape Center will also be collected.


Annual Chesterville Chesterville Fairgrounds



Tim Horton's Free Swim FREE from 2:00 - 3:25 pm at Aquatic Centre


Cornwall Seaway Lions Club RIBFEST July 27th - 29th in Lamoureux Park. It's all about the ribs with 3 days of entertainment and a midway. CornwallSeawayLionsClubRibfest.com


Annual Antiquefest Waterfront (Morrisburg) 613-543-4342

Tapestry Concert Series: Robert Sigmund, piano and harpsichord The Abbey for the Arts (North Lancaster) 613347-1602

Khmer-Angkor Weekend Woodlands Beach (Long Sault Parkway) 613-543-4328 or 1-800-4372233

Stock Car Racing Cornwall Motor Speedway (Cornwall) 613-938-3945

Endangered Species of Ontario Mille Roches Beach (Long Sault Parkway) 613-543-4328


Tuesday July 31 At the bandshell Don’t miss the Community


Annual Antiquefest Waterfront (Morrisburg) 613-543-4342

ANTIQUEFEST (yearly fundraiser for Morrisburg and District Lions Club)

July 28th & 29th Morrisburg Waterfront Park

Cornwall Seaway Lions Club RIBFEST July 27th - 29th in Lamoureux Park. It's all about the ribs with 3 days of entertainment and a midway. CornwallSeawayLionsClubRibfest.com Worship and the word fountaingate at Christian Assembly 10:30am with Pastor Brad Montsion 949 Mohawk Drive, Cornwall

MONDAY, JULY 30 If you had called it in, you event could be seen right here! Call now to place YOUR event in the EVENT SEEKER


TUESDAY, JULY 31 Community Showcase: Arts in the Park 7 pm at the Bandshell, Lamoureux Park Let's Play Pool - 1 - 4 pm at the Army, Navy, Air Force Club: Marlborough St. N 613.938.5020

WEDNESDAY, AUG 1 IT’S AUGUJST ALREADY!!!??? Aultsville Hall Wednesday Night Film Series - Features one film screening each month from September to May and a fantastic opening night reception. Early bird sale until July 31 Tickets available at the Civic Complex ticket office or by phone 613.938.9400 Shows Sept 19, Oct 17, Nov 14,Jan 18.

Thursday, Aug. 9 (9:30 a.m.): OPG’s St Lawrence Power Development Visitor Centre presents a workshop on Birds Join a River Institute biologist for an off-site program about summer birds. Participants are asked to meet at the Interpretative Centre at the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary, 5781 County Road 2. Participants will tour the Bird Sanctuary trails and learn about bird behaviour and get tips for identifying local species.

Have an event to promote? Call Jenna! 613-935-3763 Place your ad in the most sought after little newspaper in town...

! ts l u es R t Ge

For information about events in the area, call Cornwall & Seaway Valley Tourism 613-938-4748 or go to www.cornwalltourism.com

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 10) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com

What’s happening THURSDAY, AUG 2 If you had called it in, you event could be seen right here! Call now to place YOUR event in the EVENT SEEKER


FRIDAY, AUG 3 Tim Horton's Free Swim FREE from 2:00 - 3:25 pm at Aquatic Centre


this week!

Jul 30-Aug 3, 2012 Farm Adventure Day Camp McMaze (St. Andrews West) 613-932-7630 New York City Fundraising Trip Thursday, September 27th to Sunday, September 30th. Double: 545$, Single: 745$ Contact Debby at Knox-St. Paul’s United Church 613.938.3704 to reserve. Deposit required by August 1st Goodnight Desdemona - Good Morning Juliet From August 2, 2012 to August 5, 2012 A Seaway Valley Theater Company Production, August 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th at 7:30 pm in Lamoureux Park.

Aug 2-26, 2012 “Wife begins at 40” Live Professional Theatre Upper Canada Playhouse (Morrisburg) 613-543-3713 or 1-877-550-3650 Aug 3-4, 2012 MISCELLANEOUS 65th Glengarry Highland Games Fairgrounds (Maxville) 613-527-2876 or 1-888298-1666 Aug 1-31, 2012 Green Mazes Cannamore Orchard (Morewood) 613-448-3633

Do you have a lot of unused reusable household items/clothing your just not sure what to do with? Now’s your chance to donate and save! Donate a bag or box of reusable household items or clothing and get a coupon good for 20% off your next purchase. Coupon valid from July 27th-August 4th. *One coupon per trip per customer. *Coupons will be handed out at time of donation.


Help Big Brothers & Big Sisters with every donation. One coupon per customer per day & cannot be used on prior purchases, not valid on Sale day, cannot be combined with any other coupons or specials. Every Redeemable at Cornwall donation Location only. helps

Brought to you by the Local Seeker and Value Village




Worship & Praise Night We meet every 2nd Saturday at 7:00pm at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 949 Mohawk Drive, Cornwall

Come and spend time in His presence!


THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com

FRIDAY JULY 27TH . JAM FEST 2012 in North Lancaster SATURDAY JULY 28TH i Café in Cornwall. Sebastian Ionescu Jazz Trio @ Gemin MONDAY JULY 30TH Inn in Cornwall. Be the Savior and more @ Murphy's TUESDAY JULY 31ST Park Band Shell in Cornwall. Community Showcase @ Lamoureux

GUST 5TH THURSDAY AUGUST 2TH TO AU y Presents - Goodnight Seaway Valley Theatre Compan Band Shell in Cornwall. Desdemona @ Lamoureux Park


and more @ Celtic Night with Jesse Ferguson

THIS WEEK AT THE LIBRARY www.library.cornwall.on.ca

www.cornwallunderground.blogspot.com for more events in the area

MUSIC & MORE ... What’s Happening?

JULY 29TH FRIDAY JULY 27TH TO SUNDAY h great entertainment Cornwall Seaway Lions Club Ribfest wit in Cornwall. including Switchgear @ Lamoureux Park

We are now CLOSED SUNDAYS until September 9 45 Second Street E. TEL: 613-932.4796



WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 THE SAVVY SQUIRES SUMMER READING CLUB PROGRAM AGES 6 – 13 - 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm YOUTH AND MENTOR PROGRAM WITH JESSICA HERRINGTON - 3:00 pm BRIDGE CLUB ted in friendly challenges interes Open to all 6:15 p.m. to 8:15 pm - Drop in CHESS FOR ADULTS WITH CLIFFORD LABRE 6:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

Lamoureux Park in Cornwall.



SUMMER MOVIE FESTIVAL MAN ON A LEDGE - PG TWO PRESENTATIONS: 2:00 pm & 6:30 pm. CORNWALL SCRABBLE CAMP Learn how to play competitive Scrabble Weekly in August @ 1:30 Registration required.

NDAY AUGUST 5TH SATURDAY AUGUST 4TH AND SU lle. The Name @ the Bothy Brew in Maxvi

TUESDAY AUGUST 7TH d Shell in Cornwall. Maximum 80 @ Lamoureux Park Ban


THURSDAY AUGUST 9TH TO 12TH p://www.winchesterdairyfest.com Winchester DairyFest. More info: htt

Join Cornwall Scrabble Thursdays for a free, 5 weeklong camp beginning August 2 until August 30 and learn how to play competitive Scrabble. This free camp is presented by Cornwall Scrabble Club organizer, Vivianne Panizzon in partnership with Cornwall Public Library.

FRIDAY AUGUST 10TH k Band Shell in Cornwall. Movie in the Park @ Lamoureux Par

Only 12 spots are available for these Thursday afternoon sessions, 1:30pm to 3:30 pm.

THURSDAY AUGUST 9TH East Side Marios in Cornwall. Ladies of the Stage Showcase @

SATURDAY AUGUST 11TH ur Heart Out Waterfest plus Artfest and Busk yo @ The Waterfront in Cornwall.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 12)

For more information or to register, please phone the library at 613-932-4796.



SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS Cornwall Waterfest Presents Artfest 2012 The Heart & Stroke Foundation will be benefiting from the rapidly growing Artfest, now in its second year. Last year, the event featured 16 local artists – including everything from photographers and acrylic painters to storybooks and jewelry. This year, the event will host nearly 40 artists from Cornwall and the Seaway Valley, all the way up to Ottawa and around to Montreal. With profit from the registration fees going towards the Heart & Stroke Foundation, local musicians Sara Murphy and Chuck Leclair have stepped in to kick the event up a notch, bringing a variety of incredible musical acts to the art yard for busking. The buskers will donate 50% of their proceeds to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. The event will take place on August 11th, from 9am to 4pm, on 2nd Street West, just before the Kinsmen Soccer Fields. Free transportation to the Dragonboat Races and all other Waterfest activities, happening just up the street at the Old Canal, will be available throughout the day. This year’s Artfest will offer all sorts of artistic mediums and the opportunity to talk with each artist. From hand painted buckets, repurposed and upcycled home décor, to acrylic, watercolour and oil paintings, and even photography and jewelry, Artfest has something for everyone. Come out to meet Bradley Pennell, author and illustrator of Demongelic; Patrick Guindon, painter, author and illustrator of Sad Monster & The Wishing Tree and the upcoming children’s book Henry’s Paintbrush; Kate Dwyer and Sarah Bee, upcyclers; Marion Stanley, creator of jewelry, mosaics and barley bags; Anne Wylemans, with her gorgeous paintings; and more! For information on the event, or to register as an artist (deadline July 30), contact organizer Patrick Guindon at guindon.patrick@gmail.com, or visit www.cornwallwaterfest.com/artfest.

By Scrabble Director, Vivianne Panizzon

”Let the games begin!” shouted Daphne Morris, Head of Adult Services at the Cornwall Public Library, so as to drive on the competitors in their first ”in house” scrabble tournament. On Thursday, June 21 2012, fourteen members played four afternoon games so as to determine who would be the grand winners. This was their way of celebrating the Second Anniversary of the Cornwall Scrabble Club. To their astonishment, many prizes had been donated by generous businesses and people of the community. These were an additional incentive to spur them on to play at their best. And the grand winners were: Kim Thompson for having achieved the Highest Score (450 pts) and the Highest Bingo (81 pts). The Highest Average (412 pts) and the Most Bingos (5) were obtained by John Apissoghomian. The Highest Cumulative Spread went to Lucille Fay (+42) and the Lowest Bingo was won by Dave Dolan (64 pts).

Members were honoured to have Dawn Kiddell, CEO and Chief Librarian, hand out the certificates of merit. Prizes were chosen by the Grand Winners and then allotted to every member through a draw. There was something for one and all.

The last game of the season was be held on Thursday June 28th. Cornwall Scrabble paused for the month of July. A Scrabble Camp will be held during the month of August. Official games will resume on Thursday, September 6th.

For all inquiries, contact the Cornwall Public Library in person or at 613 932 4796

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354


by Shar yn Thompson



Before I begin with this weeks column, I must tell you that in my May 25/12 column for 'Ovenight Asparagus (or broccoli) Cheese Strata, I forgot a very important ingredient, 4 eggs. I omitted this and Marjorie brought this error to my attention. I'm sorry if I caused any inconvenience. Many thanks Marjorie for calling me. I invented this recipe one night after work for our supper. It was delicious. Instead of deep frying the chicken, I baked it in the oven. This recipe serves two. For more servings, just increase the ingredients.

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 tsp. (or more) grainy Dijon mustard 3/4 cup sheredded mozzarella cheese 1 can Flakes of Ham 2 eggs 2 tbsp. milk (or use evaporated milk)

BREADING MIXTURE; This is my go-to recipe for any basic breading, I use this to coat chicken or pork cutlets, porkchops and fish. It can be made in a fairly large quantity and stored in your freezer, ready to use at a moments notice. It is really very good! Never re-use any leftover mixture once it has touched any raw meat. This is measured in equal volume: For example use a 1 cup measure for each item. 1/3 ground almonds 1/3 grated Parmesan cheese 1/3 dry breadcrumbs add some dried chopped parsley to your taste

METHOD; -Place the chicken breasts between sheets of plastic wrap and pound them flat with a meat pounder. ( We carry these handy items in our kitchen ware section at my store, Sharyn's Pantry. ) Flatten them to about 1/3 " in thickness.

SDSG NDP BBQ is Sunday, August 12th at Lamoureux Park

Press Release / Photo by Jason Setnyk

The Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry Federal and Provincial NDP riding associations are holding their annual BBQ in Lamoureux Park, Cornwall on Sunday, August 12th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Brian Lynch, President of the local NDP riding associations, has announced that the special guest at this year’s NDP Celebration and Thank You BBQ will be Gilles Bisson, NDP M.P.P. for TimminsJames Bay. Lynch said: “The local NDP riding association is delighted that the hard-working, popular M.P.P. will be in attendance. Gilles Bisson is the longest serving NDP member in the Ontario legislature, having first been elected in 1990, and is at present the NDP House Leader and NDP Transportation critic. He is a strong advocate for protecting and creating good jobs, stabilizing gas prices, and reducing the cost of living for everyday Ontarians.” Darlene Jalbert, the chair of the NDP BBQ committee, indicates that the BBQ will offer free food and drinks, games for children of all ages, kite flying, and musical entertainment by local talent. Performers include Chris Benton, Stephanie Coleman, Tracy Lalonde, Joe Hehir, Joel Sauve, and Kenn Taylor. Darlene Jalbert invites everyone to attend. She states: “You don’t have to be a member of the NDP to enjoy the sounds and food of the NDP Celebration and Thank You BBQ.”

-Spread the grainy Dijon mustard over top of each piece of chicken, but only on one side of each piece. -Sprinkle the shredded mozzarella over one piece of chicken, to cover it completely.

-Mash the Flakes of Ham to get out any lumpy bits. Sprinkle this over the mozzarella, covering the cheese completely. -Place the second chicken breast, mustard side down, over the first chicken breast with the ham and cheese. -Beat the 2 eggs and the milk together in a shallow dish. Carefully dip the stuffed chicken into the egg and milk mixture, to cover both sides.

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-Pour about 1 to 1- 1/2 cups of the breading mixture onto a 2 pieplate and then dip the chicken breast into the breading mixture. Be sure to coat all of the chicken. Try not to let any of the filling fall out.

-I lined my cast iron frying pan with some tin foil. Then spray this with some no-stick spray. That way I had a very easy on the cook, clean up later. -Place the coated chicken breast in the frying pan and drizzle the breading with a little olive oil.

-Bake the chicken breast in a 375 degree F. oven for about 45 minutes, or until the juices run clear when you pierce the chicken with a sharp knife. ( I used my convection roast feature of my oven to bake the chicken. ) Bake the chicken uncovered. -I added some small potatoes to bake alongside the chicken. Both were ready at the same time.

-To serve, cut the chicken on the diagonal to make 2 servings. This is terrific with some fresh steamed garden beans. ENJOY!

812 Pitt Street, Unit 6 613-936-1998

THE8LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 14) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com %$".


The next time you’re looking for a mortgage for that new house, or you’re up for renewal on your existing mortgage, think about using a mortgage broker – their services are free and they offer you an abundance of choices the banks simply can’t compete with. Mortgage brokers have access to a vast array of lenders – up to 90+ institutions, including some of the big banks – which enables these professionals to negotiate the best possible mortgage products and rates on your behalf. In comparison, if you approach your bank with a mortgage request, they can only offer you a narrow choice – namely, their own products. Mortgage brokers do their homework on available mortgage products and keep themselves abreast of any new products, or changes to existing products, to ensure they find the best mortgage to fit your specific needs. Unlike the banks, mortgage brokers can also cater to self-employed borrowers as well as those who have suffered credit blemishes due to life experiences such as divorce or illness. Brokers will listen to your story, whereas the banks have a very narrow view of what fits into their financing box – and this is not negotiable. If you’re thinking of buying a home, Dominion Lending Centres mortgage professionals can find the best mortgage rate and term for your unique situation.

Top Reasons for Using a Broker: 1. Choice – access to multiple financial institutions 2. Costs – using a broker is free and they can negotiate lower rates for you 3. Knowledge – brokers stay up-to-date on available products and services 4. Flexibility – mortgage products are even available for the self-employed or those who have credit blemishes

Financially Speaking with Brian Seguin

MORTGAGE MATTERS with Derrick Cracknell

Mortgage brokers offer choice

A Lineup of Investment Moves Worth Considering Nothing says "summer" more than barbeques, beaches and baseball. The crack of a ball against the bat and the cheers of the crowd amplify the tremendous amount of skill and teamwork that is poured into a season. This same approach of teamwork - combining different talents to form a collection of skills towards a common effort - can be found in other endeavours, one of which is investing. Here, then, is one possible lineup of investment moves to consider: Diversify. All investments have both benefits and risks. As an investor, your goal is to help maximize the benefits and minimize the risks — and one of the best ways to do this is by diversifying your money across a range of assets. Diversifying can help you reduce the impact of market volatility that might affect your portfolio if all your money was tied up in one particular asset class, and that asset went through a “down” period. Keep in mind, though, that diversification, by itself, cannot guarantee profits or protect against loss. Rebalance. Even without your taking significant actions, your portfolio can evolve in ways that may not be to your liking. For example, if some of your more aggressive investments appreciate greatly, they may eventually constitute a larger percentage of your holdings than you had planned — and in doing so, elevate your overall risk level. To prevent this from happening, you should meet with your financial advisor periodically to “rebalance” your portfolio. Seek quality. Many people latch onto “hot” investments, only to be disappointed when they “cool off.” Instead seek quality vehicles — the ones that generally lose the least ground when the market is down and recover more quickly when the market rallies. When you invest in stocks, for instance, look for those companies that have strong management teams, competitive products and good business models. When you purchase bonds, look for those with high ratings from the independent rating agencies.

Stay invested. It’s tempting to “take a breather” from investing when the financial markets are volatile. But if you stay on the investment sidelines, you may miss out on the beginning of the next market rally. If you’ve built a diversified portfolio of quality vehicles, it may be easier to stay invested. Know your risk tolerance. If you find yourself constantly fretting about the market’s ups and downs, to the extent that your worries are affecting the quality of your life, you may have a portfolio that’s unsuited to your risk tolerance. Conversely, if you’re dissatisfied with the growth of your investments, you may be investing too cautiously, which could be a concern when you’re striving to reach long-term goals, such as a comfortable retirement. Ultimately, there’s no one “right” way for everyone to invest, but you do need to match your portfolio’s composition with your individual risk tolerance and time horizon. Your financial advisor can help your find the “lineup” of investment moves that is right for you. Put it to work soon. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Advisor.

Derrick Cracknell is a licensed mortgage agent with Mortgage Man Dominion Lending Centres based in Cornwall. He can be reached at: 613-662-2377; dcracknell@dominionlending.ca; www.derrickcracknell.com. www.cleanwaterguy.com

Edward Jones, Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund. local Edward Jones advisor, BRIAN SEGUIN , (613) 932-6161 89 Tollgate Road West, Unit 2 , Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5 www.edwardjones.com



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Uniform Outfitters has the LARGEST selection of scrubs in Cornwall and SDG&A!

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THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 15) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354


Border Patrol with Craig Revelle


A weekly look at racing from both sides of the 1000 Islands Another fantastic week of racing has come and gone and there was plenty of excitement in the air as the battle for the track championships at all tracks began to take shape. My weekend consisted of Brockville Speedway Kart racing on Wednesday, Mohawk International Raceway on Friday night, Brockville Speedway on Saturday and Cornwall Motor Speedway on Sunday. The kart racing at Brockville continues to be a lot of fun, and now with having a kart for my nephew to drive, it has become pretty exciting. This week’s winner included Tristan Best in the Box Stock division, Matthew McIntosh in the Rookie 1 class (who remains to be undefeated this season), Madison Mulder won the Rookie 2 main event, Ryan McIntosh won the Jr. Sportsman 1 main event, and Jarrett Roantree picked up his first win of 2012 in the Jr. Sportsman 2 class. Jesse Hudson won the Jr. Restricted feature with Dylan Kirkland winning the Stock class.

On Friday night it was back to Mohawk International Raceway in Hogansburg, New York for a full racing program, plus the Empire Super Sprints. Michel Parent won his first career ESS main event, holding off Lance Yonge in the closing laps. Corey Sparks, Shawn Donath and Justin Barger rounded out the top five in a caution free event. Dale Planck won the Modified main event with Chris Raabe, Carey Terrance, Billy Dunn and Tim O’Brien completing the top five in another race that went green to checkers without incident. Dylan Evoy tied a Mohawk Raceway record with his 16th overall win in the Sportsman division. Wyatt Mullin, Dan Jalbert, Dana Aikins and Adam Rozon made up the top five. Joey Ladouceur was the Bailey Motor Company Pro Stock Series feature winner. Brockville Speedway was next on my schedule for Saturday night, and it was a wild night from the beginning. Bobby Herrington had heavy damage to his car after a nasty rollover in the opening hot lap session. Kyle Dingwall won his second feature of the season in the Modified division over Lee Gill. Pat O’Brien, Tim O’Brien and Adam Turner rounded out the top five. Dylan Evoy posted another win at the BOS on Saturday night in the Sportsman division, taking the checkered flag over Jason Shipclark, Bruce Makinson, Ryan Poole and Dana Aikins. Derek Cryderman remains undefeated at the BOS since returning with a new car after destroying his car in a wild wreck over a month ago. Brighton Speedway regular Justin Ramsey won the Rookie feature with Jason Powers picking up the Vintage Modified main event. It was a busy night at Cornwall Speedway on Sunday with a 50 lap Mr. DIRTcar series event for both the Pro Stocks and Sportsman. Joey Ladouceur won the Pro Stock main event over Rob Yetman and Roch Aubin. Chris Herbison was in the right place at the right time as the two leaders got involved in a crash after a lapped car spun right in front of them with 10 laps to go. Herbison went on to win over Martin Pelletier, Dan Jalbert, Dan Wiesner and Justin Lalancette. Carey Terrance used the lapped traffic to his advantage to take the lead over Brian McDonald late in the race. McDonald went on to finish second over Dale Planck, Kayle Robidoux and Laurent Ladouceur. Derek Cryderman won the Semi Pro feature and Martin Bernard was the Mini Stock winner.

Come to the Cornwall Motor Speedway this Sunday, July 29th.

One of the biggest events in the history of Cornwall Motor Speedway is set for this coming Sunday night as the World of Outlaw Sprint Car Series makes their Canadian swing this weekend. Some of the best Sprint Car racers in North America will be at the track this weekend, including 20time World of Outlaw Champion Steve Kinser, Donny Schatz, Joey Saldana, Craig Dollansky, Sammy Swindell and many others. The World of Outlaw Sprints will continue their Canadian tour in Cornwall on Sunday night. Entering the weekend, Steve Kinser leads the way in the series point standings, seeking an unprecedented 21st series championship. Elk River, Minnesota native Craig Dollansky trails Kinser by just 11 points, with Kinser’s Tony Stewart Racing teammate Donny Schatz just 23 points out of the lead. More than 30 Sprint Cars are expected for this inaugural event.

The Quebec-based Lightning Sprint Cars will be on hand as well. Last year they had more than 30 cars in the pit area for their first visit to Cornwall Motor Speedway before getting rained out. They will make their return this Sunday night to provide even more action and excitement to Sprint Car enthusiasts.

The 358 Modifieds are also scheduled with a regular points night. The points battle is really close between several drivers, and everyone will want to have a good run to end the month of July and build some momentum going into the final full month of the 2012 season in August. Sunday night’s events will get underway with time trials at 6:30pm. Pit gates open at 3:30pm, and anyone who bought advanced sale tickets will be permitted to enter the grandstand area at 4:00pm. Regular General Admission gates open at 4:30pm. Grandstand admission for this spectacular event is $45 for adults, $25 for seniors 65+ (with valid id) and ONLY $10 for anyone 18 years of age and under (with valid id).

For more information about Cornwall Motor Speedway, please visit our website, www.cornwallspeedway.com. You can also visit us on Facebook for more useful information and fun contests at www.facebook.com/cornwallmotorspeedway.

This coming week, I will be back at Brockville Speedway Karts on Wednesday night, and Mohawk International Raceway on Friday night as they host round two of the St. Lawrence Seaway Sportsman Series with a 40 lap feature, along with a full show. On Saturday night I will be back at Brockville Speedway, and then Sunday at Cornwall the biggest race of the 2012 season will take place as the World of Outlaw Sprint Cars take to the high-banked quarter mile for the first time ever. Steve Kinser, Donny Schatz, Joey Saldana and many other Sprint car stars will be on hand. If you can’t make it to the track, you can always follow along at home with my live raceday reports from the track. Follow Finish Line Web Design on Twitter @finishlineweb17, Facebook at facebook.com/finishlineweb17 or at my website, finishlinewebdesign.ca. I look forward to seeing everyone at the track in just another week. I hope you continue to enjoy my weekly column. As always, any comments or suggestions can be sent to crevelle@ripnet.com

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 16)

Steve Kinser will lead a strong field of World of Outlaw Sprints into Cornwall Motor Speedway on Sunday night. (Rick Young Photo)



Pipers Point with Rodney Wilson

SEEKING MORE SPORTS NEWS Preds defend their territory The Nashville Predators have done what most in the hockey world didn’t think was possible. They’ve stood up to the big bad Philadelphia Flyers in matching the offer sheet they signed Shea Weber to – a 14-year deal worth $110 million. Incredibly, the defenceman is owed $27 million over the next year and $68 in bonuses in the first six years of the deal. I don’t know how you can commit that much money to a player who basically decided he didn’t want to play for the Preds in signing the offer sheet with Philly. And talk about awkward when Weber has to face his teammates at training camp this September. But what else could the Predators do? Let the pocked-deep Flyers bully them around in signing their captain to a lucrative deal? But in today’s NHL, with the salary cap in place, even a small-market team like Nashville can compete with teams such as the Detroit Red Wings, New York Rangers and in this case, the Flyers. Weber and the Predators now have at least 12 months to patch things up – whether they will admit to needing patching is beside the point – as Weber can’t be traded now until a full year after the deal is signed.

HOWSON FLEECED AGAIN: Colombus Blue Jackets GM Scott Howson couldn’t get a deal done for Rick Nash at the NHL trade deadline. I thought, at the time, that he shouldn’t rush a deal and wait until the summer – to get a better return for his team then. Well then became now, and the Jackets sure dropped their asking price, getting Artem Anisimov, Brandon Dubinsky, Tim Erixon and a first-round pick in 2013. Anisimov never lived up to his potential in New York, where he wasn’t even utilized as a Top 6 forward. As for Dubinsky, he’s a gritty forward who did a bit of everything for the Rangers, but he wasn’t a big impact player either. The Rangers will be Presidents Trophy contenders, so that draft pick will likely be in the high 20s. Erixon was a first-round draft pick (not even by New York) back in 2009 for Calgary. So, Howson basically gets two third-liners and two prospects for a 40-goal man in Nash. And just like that, the top team in the Eastern Conference last regular season, just addressed their biggest weakness: scoring goals. Jeff Carter was dealt by Howson a few months ago and went on to win a Stanley Cup in Los Angeles. Now, the Nash deal certainly makes the Rangers one of the favourites going into next season. QUIRKY STAT DU JOUR: Nash (Columbus), Kari Lehtonen (Atlanta) and Jay Bouwmeester (Florida) were the first three players selected in the 2002 NHL Draft. Between the three players, they have a combined zero playoff wins. That will surely change for Nash next spring. Nash played in four playoff games for Columbus in 2009 (all losses) and Lehtonen was 0-2 in goal for Atlanta in 2007. Bouwmeester has never played in an NHL playoff game. BIG EASY DOES IT: Finally a veteran wins a Major. Ernie Els stopped a recent streak of nine first-time major winners in claiming his second Claret Jug trophy last weekend at The Open. The Big Easy is such a classy pro and at the age of 42, he proved he can still beat the best in the world. Els is one of the few big name players in golf that continues to make a stop in Canada at our national championship. The 2012 RBC Canadian Open is being held this week in Hamilton and Els will be in the field.

TIGER VS. JACK: Tiger Woods finished tied for third at The Open last weekend and I was curious as to how he stacks up with the great Jack Nicklaus, in terms of Top 3’s in Majors. Nicklaus of course leads Woods 18-14 for overall major titles. In looking closer at the numbers, I couldn’t believe how many Majors Nicklaus just came up short in. Tiger has 6 second-place and 3 third-place finishes, while Jack had 19 second-place and 8 third-place finishes in Majors. Based on these numbers, Woods has made the most of the tournaments where he is in contention. But something has to be said for the amount of Majors that Nicklaus contended in, even if he has more second-place finishes than wins. Jack, for the record, won his last Major at the 1986 Masters (46). Tiger, 36, hasn’t won one since 2008. ITCHING FOR A TITLE: Ichiro Suzuki in Yankees pinstripes just doesn’t look right to me. But good for the 38-year-old veteran, who will finally get a shot at winning

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 17)

the World Series with New York. Suzuki, who is a career .322 hitter in the majors, was dealt to the Yankees on Tuesday, after 11½ seasons in Seattle. Ichiro’s only playoff appearance was in 2001 when the Mariners lost to none other than the Yankees in the American League Championship Series. STATE OF SHOCK: If any good comes out of the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State, it’s that no other team will ever look the other way when it comes to its player being taken advantage of. The NCAA made sure of that, slapping the powerhouse college with unprecedented fines and penalties this week. The $60-million fine hurts, but not as much as having 14 years of accomplishments erased from the record books. Oh, and a four-year ban from playoffs is also a kick in the stomach. Sandusky, a former member of the great Joe Paterno’s coaching staff, sexually abused 10 boys over 15 years. PIPER’S POINT: I’m having a blast putting together video blogs for the Cornwall River Kings. If you haven’t seen them yet, log on to my website to view all three episodes so far at www.piperspoints.com. I’ve had the opportunity, thanks to the River Kings, to interview head coach Al Wagar, GM Wayne Veary and Mitch Gagne, director of hockey operations. I’ve also had the chance to chat with several players, including Jeff Legue and the outgoing Steve Simoes. A big thank you to producer Keith Papineau, the man behind the camera, who does a great job putting together the videos. rodwilson@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter: @piperspoints

Novice Celtics Earn Silver

The Novice Celtics played som e inspirational lacrosse and came home with the Silver in the Nepean "B" annual lacrosse tournament. The Celts opened the tournament with a 10-1 loss to the eventual champion Nepean Knights. Josh Barnes was the lone goal scorer in the game. The team rebounded in the second game of the round robin hanging on for a 7-7 tie with the Peterborough Lakers 2. Alex Dovas and Landen Sinfield led the way firing a pai r of goals with singles going to Brock Turcotte, Shane Gau dreau, and Cameron Fraser. Dovas and Gaudreau also dre w assists in the contest. Facing a must win situation, the Celtics battled with the Oakville 2 Hawks prevailing 6-5. Dovas recorded a pair with Turcotte, Ben Houle, Owen Carter, and Jos h Barnes netting one. Barnes also earned a pair of helpers along with Seamus O'Connell with one. Facing another mu st win game, the Celtics cam e from behind in the third per iod to defeat the Brampton Excelsiors 7-6 and earn a bir th in the finals. Barnes and Dovas took care of the Celtic scoring with Barnes burying 4 and Dovas 3. Barnes added an assist to cap a 5 point performance. Houle assited on two with Tyler Bowen and O'Connell assisting on one apiece. In a rematch of the opening game of the tourname nt, the result was much the same with the Nepean Knigh ts dominating the Celtics and running away with a 11-2 victor y in the gold medal affair.



THIS WEEKEND Great Food and Music on the Menu for Cornwall Ribfest By Kevin Lajoie People will have a chance to enjoy a full menu of live entertainment, carnival rides, family activities and of course, some great ribs, as the Cornwall Seaway Lions Club Ribfest descends on Lamoureux Park from Friday, July 27th to Sunday, July 29th. A first of its kind for Cornwall, Ribfest will feature some of the best ribbers from across North America in addition to local food vendors, a midway courtesy of Classic Amusements and a full slate of free entertainment and activities over the course of the three-day event. “People seem to be really enthused about this event,” said Terry Muir, the head organizer for Ribfest. Six different rib teams from Canada and the United States will be offering their wares throughout the Cornwall’s Ribfest, and Mr. Muir said rib lovers are in for a real treat. The ribbers each have their own unique recipes, and ribs will sell for $12 for a half rack or $22 for a full rack. The teams include: the Texas Rangers (originally from Motley, Texas and now based in Ont.) Ribs Royale (Nevada) Crabby’s BBQ Shack (London, Ontario) Fatboy’s Smokehouse (Milwaukee) The Chop Shop (North Carolina). The ribbers will be accompanied by a number of other food vendors selling ice cream, blooming onions, deep fried desserts and other treats. “It’s great to see a new community event taking place in Lamoureux Park and I have no doubt that Ribfest will become a fixture on Cornwall’s summer event calendar for years to come,” said Mayor Bob Kilger.

ENTERTAINMENT Ribfest organizers have put together a great lineup of live music for the festival. Friday night kicks off with headliner Marshall Dane and The Law. Dane is a rising Canadian country star and is touring to promote his 2011 album “Running Stop Signs.” The hard-working band Ambush brings a popular combination of country and rock that has led to a large number of followers particularly in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. Local favourites Trench Town Oddities gets thing started with their own eclectic blend of pop, funk, rock, blues and reggae. FRIDAY, JULY 27th music lineup:

SATURDAY, JULY 28th music lineup:

SATURDAY, JULY 29th music lineup:

Trench Town Oddities Lovesick Mistress Ambush Marshall Dane

Big Chill River City Junction The Countrymen Switchgear ABBAMANIA

Shaun Riley and the Chrome Hearts Bayou Boys Queen Flash

MIDWAY AND OTHER EVENTS Ribfest will feature a midway of games of chance and amusement rides – something for everyone! The midway will be operated by Glengarry-based Classic Amusements, a family oriented travelling carnival that is Canadian owned and operated. Among other activities to enjoy, festival-goers will have a chance to see the Chainsaw Lady of Dunvegan, and participate in putting and chipping contests. The Royal Canadian Legion will be providing breakfast on Saturday July 28th and Sunday July 29th. Based on the success of Ribfest events in others cities, Cornwall Seaway Lions Club Ribfest promises to be a major event for the Cornwall area. With expected attendance of over 20,000 people and great entertainment, combined with the sweet smell of BBQ ribs, it is a surefire recipe for success! For more information on Ribfest, please visit the official Festival Website: www.cornwallseawaylionsclubribfest.com

THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 18)




Artists are invited to submit their work for selection in order to be included in "International Contemporary Artists" 5th edition, an international art book with artworks from artists all over the world. “I.C.A” is a series of art books aiming to connect artists and buyers in a direct and effective way.

All artists know the importance of participating in exhibitions, shows, books and several other publications. This way they can show the work in a vast audience and find their way to success. Also they create an important background which helps them in their future projects. In this international art book we present artists from all over the world, whose work we believe is worth presenting.

BUSINESS SEEKERS DIRECTORY Stressed out.. tired.. need to relax?

Business Directory Ad 1 Time for $29 7 Times for $99 10 Times for $149

1515 Pitt St. Cornwall, ON is the place to be and Julie Collin RMT is the person to see! Call her today at 613-932-6100 TO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT!

10 times includes a mini profile of 300 words or less YOUR BUSINESS CARD WILL BE PLACED AS IS.

We are in the process to select contemporary artists to be featured in the book. If you are an artist or gallery, interested, we would be delighted to review your submission. The fifth volume of the book that will be published in the end of October is already in progress. The artist's presentation includes 1-2 images of his/her work and a short essay.

Take advantage of our



“International Contemporary artists” will be distributed through large wholesalers such as Amazon, etc. We hope that you’ll find this project very interesting and that you will join us.

FOR MORE DETAILS CALL 613-935-3763 (Julia) 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) 613-935-3763 (Jenna)

More info: www.incoartists.com

Mecca Pro Wrestling presents "CARD SUBJECT TO CHANGE" Saturday, August 4 at 7:00pm at FriKTion Night Club in Cornwall, Ontario. Admission $12 - Tickets at the door. Bell time 7pm.

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THE LOCAL SEEKER (August 3 - pg. 19) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763


I’m Julia the Web Designer

and I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS We hope that you have enjoyed reading

this issue of The Local Seeker

We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. 613-935-3763 Julia - 613-932-1875 Mai-Liis Classifieds 613-362-2354 email: info@thelocalseeker.com We will be working on our 28TH ISSUE of Vol. 3 and it will be out next week on

FRIDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 2012 or read the paper online


THE LOCAL SEEKER (July 27 - pg. 20)

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