Introducing to you ... this week in
Vol. 3, Issue 35 September 21, 2012
Shamanism an Ancient Discipline and the new healing medicine for the 21st Century ... RELEASE ANXIETY with past life regression
CHANGE DEPRESSION with soul retrieval
STOP SMOKING with hypnosis
HEAL NATURALLY with Homeopathy
BECOME MORE FLEXIBLE mentally and physically with One on One Yoga
Photo by: Sylvie Rozon , Green Valley
Experience the power of Shamanism!
Josée Larski DH, CH Shaman, Healer, Sage
Shamans work directly with spirit in the healing process ... the way indigenous healers have done for centuries. Josée is a Doctor Of Homeopathy, a Shaman, Hypnotherapist, Yoga Teacher and an Ordained Minister. She has been guiding group workshops and individual sessions for over 15 years. Her gift is to give you a strong sense of presence.
Create the life you want and experience the magic of life every day! To book a FREE 30 minute consultation call Josée at 613-662-7770 or 613-930-9121
Once you experience being fully in the moment, you have the potential to change!
n us o nd Like book a n e Fac w us o o l Fo l ter t Twi sit i v l or loca om e h t .c ker see
Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi practise and demonstrations (weather permitting),
FOR SALE: Vehicle roof carrier and rack, $75, Call 613-937-0586.
ha d y
FOR SALE: Homemade trailer - 4x8, 3500 pounds Axel / $1,000 firm Telephone 613-938-6152. Each
FOR SALE: white oak dining room set, one leaf, 6 chairs and 2 captain chairs, buffet with light inside, paid $6,000, asking $2,000. Telephone 613-932-8696.
FOR SALE: 5 wood trusses for an 8’x8’ barn shed, $150. Telephone 613-937-0586.
e ge lag lueeVVililla lu aa VV t) (E s a sic (E asst) ) Fo oodd BBaasics rookd Fo le) ale (Brook da icss(B s a B ic s d a o B o F d Foo o tro Meetr M Boy m r a arm Boy Librarryy FF blic ibra rn llllPPuubliceLr aa Cron ww Co igre Tig ianntt T GGia re r a H waare Mall) & dw mee Hard oom HH u o tck nr’tchews) ... asic s ll(E(p wa eM h C s more ‘n t lu k r u ic Pastco essp cfa places la E P t t s k fa a k e a r ll the b d Bare all ath ne
FOR SALE: Miniature villages Department 56 pieces (high end product). You may have seen them at Rob McIntosh in Lancaster. Many retired items, some boxes have never been opened. No more room to keep them. Various prices, too many to list. Some from the Alpine and New England Villages, Dickens, North Pole and Halloween. Please call 613-936-6873 WANTED: 6 footer patio frame only. Email: cmarleau49@cogeco.ca or call 613-933-4031 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom appartment - 55B Lefebvre for October 1. 3 bedroom - 55A for November 1. Call 613-938-0993.
Please help The Seeker Chicks fill the shelves at the Agape Centre Bring a non-perishable FOOD ITEM to the Local Seeker Office
YARD SALE - September 22 - 8am-4pm 234 Yates - $1 cds, dvds, toys, caps, flags, pins, sunglasses and amazing grace t-shirts.
ww w.c lea nwa terg uy.c F 2
327 2nd Street E.
bre nt@ clea nwa terg uy.c om
Do YOU need YOUR
CALL IN YOUR FREE YOU MAY BE CLOSER TO A DIPLOMA CLASSIFIEDS ist' cial spe l ova rem thaan you think! th e tast e smell and ur Chlorin -“Yo our Montreal paper - www.westend.thelocalseeker.com You could be eligible to earn credits for D isc ov er th e be ne fit s of pu re , TODAY work and life experiences . . . sa fe dr in ki ng wa te r.. . . 613-362-2354 For more information call om
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MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE September 22 - 8am-1pm Used Corner Hwy 34 and Park Crescent in Green Valley. 1 year. $30 613-360-3442small kitchen appliances, miscellaneous Electronics, household items, toys and books F
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FOR SALE: Front bumper for a 2002 Chrysler Intrepid. Telephone 613-933-8367.
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Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Lamoureux Park, east of swimming pool. All are welcome. For information call: 613.935.5675
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May 25, 2012
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61 3- 36 2- 85 24 61 3- 52 5- 52 98 The Local Seeker.
Check out - our Montreal paper www.westend.thelocalseeker.com R
The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 3, Issue 35, September 21, 2012 ADS: 613-9 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario
The Local Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.
The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 (Julia) / 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
www.thelocalseeker.com Office: 327 2nd Street E.
Editor: Julia Lucio Co-Editor: Carolyn Hersey Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Sara Murphy & Julia Lucio
THE LOCAL SEEKER September 21 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
son Setnyk Ja by Y T IE C O S N O E Y E
Arts and Culture News t Social Justice meeting! The nex for n litio meeting of the SD&G Coa is Wednesday, Justice Social ll September 26, 2012 at the Cornwa the on om rdro Public Library's boa at second floor. The meeting starts are 6:30pm, and new people definitely welcome to attend.
emergency veterinary care. Proceeds rehabilitation of animals in need of ario S.P.C.A. to help them in their of the event will be given to the Ont e those who have been unwillingly fight to end animal cruelty and sav e voice, we can be that voice! We hav victimized. These animals have no our (behind the R.C.A.F. wing) for secured the Cornwall Civic Complex istration begins at 9:00am at the First annual Family Pack Walk. Reg , will be releasing more information gazebo near the boat launch. We ! new Facebook page shortly such as events and activities, on the
ra of Framed Photography Photography News! Jason McNama have only ever seen about announced on his Facebook page, "I nks to the support of Kevin 3 of my photos printed before. Tha t is about to change. They and Wendy of Kelsey's Cornwall tha 0 of my prints as part of the have decided to hang around 15-2 them tonight at 5:00pm for new renovations!!! You can see 5 of nesday! The photos they the soft opening and the rest by Wed people! Do yourself a favor chose highlight local locations and job they have done...". In and swing by to see the wonderful made it on the popular other photo news, Cornwall Ontario e page, thanks to the photo-sharing site Flickr's hom website featured photos photography of Rachel Wolff! The ls and events. Sara Murphy from various Hot Air Balloon Festiva says, "I am very happy to also has exciting photo news. She Bunny Needs Some Alone announce that my photo 'Easter d Family Photos! It is now Time' is being published by Awkwar ed in their 2013 book by on their website and will be publish ndar!". Kudos to Jason, Random House and their 2013 cale Rachel, and Sara!
s a big hug! Tracy-Lynn Big Brothers and Big Sisters get t the Big Brothers and Big Chisholm designed and helped pain Third Street West this past weekend. Sisters of Cornwall & District on 101 tions to everyone involved! It is a beautiful design and congratula first ever Pack Walk is Saturday, Cornwall's Pack Walk! Cornwall's In conjunction with Cesar Millan, September 29 and starts at 9:00am. ual Pack Walk. This walk is to help Cornwall will be hosting its first ann elty, overturn the Breed Specific raise awareness about animal cru ce Hershey's Bill and aid in the Legislation of Bill 132, introdu
new date is Thursday, October 18. New date for Agape Chili Run! The Chili Cook-off starts: 8:00pm. The The 5K Run/Walk starts: 7:00pm. The Chili Run will be held outside, on the Agapè Centre’s Second Annual 5K r, Cornwall, Saturday, October 18, banks of the scenic St. Lawrence Rive ://agapecentre.ca/events/chilirun 2012. REGISTRATION INFO: http lk is $40.00 and can be paid online: Registration fee for the 5K Run/Wa http://chilirun.eventbrite.com/ y this October! On Wednesday, Plenty happening at the Librar lt Tri-County Chess Club meets at October 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 the Adu Monday, October 15 at 6:15pm. Also 6:30pm. The Writer's club meets on sday, October 16 at 7:00pm. there is a Stamp Club Meeting on Tue , eting! There is a meeting Sunday Walk-ability & Cycle-ability me at the Cornwall Public Library. September 30, 1:00pm to 3:30pm rtation and improved public health. Research has linked active transpo astructure is in place – sidewalks, Studies also show that when the infr – people will use active transport for cycle lanes and street connectivity their daily travel. 12 Show! Drop off dates are October Focus Art 8th Annual Juried Art r 13 at 1:00pm sharp. The award and 13. The Jury Process is Octobe lic 17 at 6:30pm at the Cornwall Pub ceremony is Wednesday, October --tter wle /Ne .com ail.constantcontact Library. For more info: http://myem B0 2yX rWu 04524640792&aid=S87 Focus-Art-Juried-Show.html? soid=11 is my eye on society. My name is Jason Setnyk, and this teacher, journalist, published and Jason Setnyk is a local high school her, arts and culture event award winning author, photograp nteer sitting on numerous boards coordinator, and a community volu and committees. http: //jason-setnyk.blogspot.ca
The Cornwall Scrabble Club will officially started its third season on Thursday, September 6th. All Scrabblers took a pause during the month of July but many dedicated members came forward to help out at the Scrabble Camp which was held for five consecutive Thursdays during the month of August. Thank you, one and all. Aspiring players at the beginner and intermediate levels were coached to play Scrabble according to the National Scrabble Association rules, rules to which adhere thirty-four other similar clubs in Canada and many more in the United States. Visit the online site for precisions. www2.scrabble-assoc.com
By Director, Vivianne Panizzon
Cornwall Scrabble, a program by the Cornwall Public Library, is designated as a Casual Club but with a “lightly competitive” edge. -
Three “one-on-one” 25 minute games are played and regulated by timers. Scores, averages, bingos etc. are tabulated and classified. Monthly reports are made known and appear in the Local Seeker. Mini “in house” tournaments are held occasionally. A more formal tournament is held in June so as to mark another milestone in our Club’s existence.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 3)
For most of our players, the “lightly competitive in house” play is sufficient. However, the possibility to participate in more competitive “out of town” tournaments is always made known. There are opportunities to play in various other cities: Montreal, Ottawa, Oshawa, Toronto etc…for those who wish to do so.
One just has to check out available tournaments at www.cross-tables.com There is also the possibility to play at a very competitive level with NASPA (North American Scrabble Players’ Association) www.scrabbleplayers.org
Last January, Cornwall Scrabble hosted a challenge between The Ottawa Scrabble Club and the Montreal Scrabble Club, an event where our members were invited to join in. What a day that was!
All this may seem intimidating at first, but one must keep in mind that this is “only a game”. There is nothing to lose but points … and plenty to gain: friendship, new words, useful skills in the form of planning, calculating, memorizing, analyzing etc.
Should you be intrigued by our Scrabble Club’s portrayal, I invite you to observe a scrabble session. You just might see that “you’re up to the job” and consequently, decide to join as a member. Cornwall Scrabble meets every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the Study Room at the Cornwall Public Library. Please call beforehand for a reservation: Vivianne Panizzon, Director 613 931 1792
“ About The House”
Look who is back!!!
Dear Joe, dire need of a paint I have a 1930s two-storey home in d siding and trim, job. It still has all the original woo d. What is my best though the windows have been replace int my beloved course of action in preparing to repa ted a bit in taking home? I must admit I have procrastina - am I too late to care of this, and now - into the fall advice you have prepare such an undertaking? Any ld be greatly regarding produc ts and such wou appreciated as well. Regards, Margaret Dear Margaret,
letter, and what a Thank you so much for your wonderful great question. erved the original I am glad to hear you have pres by continuing to architectural integrity of your home maintain the original exterior. of favourable You are not too late, but your window are taking care of weather is definitely shrinking. If you e old home in larg cally paint a the job yourself, two people can typi crew - probably a couple about a week; a professional painting days, weather permitting. ing all your materials ready Your preparation should include hav nice wide brush will speed and on site - this includes brushes (a r colors chosen and mixed things up considerably), paint (have you rags, buckets, and ladders in sufficient quantities beforehand), and/or scaffolding. point where the paint is Now if you’ve procrastinated to the a lot more prep work than if flaking off the siding, you will require
rda ark on Satu p x u e r u o Lam 4pm m 11:30 to o r f h t 9 2 r Septembe
the Silence k a re B m p 0 2:0 ing Event ANG” Record seett r to make a “B
eth Let’s come togper bags that will literally a p by popping ilence” on child abuse! “Break the s event for a chance to win: the Register before
Live Entertainment by Graham Greer, Rodney Rivette & Switchgear
is aturing Tony Lu • Dunk Tank - feting • Inflatable • Face Pain ages Balloons for all bile o M • • Rythym Room ba Party Gamerz • Zum more... and
For more information visit www.cassdg.ca or contact Kimly Thivierge at of the united counties of | des comtés unis de 613-938-5305 or kimly.thivierge@cwcas.ca Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry
want to wait to you had repainted in time. You don’t else you have to scrape, wire-brush, the point that the paint is falling off, or ts prior to applying paint to the and spot-prime all the bare wood spo lic or shellac based primer to prime siding. You’ll need a good quality acry the bare wood. There have been great advances in So now you’re ready to apply paint. point that you can repaint anything paint coatings in recent years, to the one coat. Like anything, I advocate and achieve a quality finish in just quality product. When it comes to spending enough money to get a high pay for almost invariably. Superior building materials, you get what you sh for that paint will make a world of quality paint and the appropriate bru $30 on a brush - it’s well worth the difference. Don’t be afraid to spend money. ant than a well-painted old home. So keep it up. There’s nothing more eleg your home will always be in fashion. Colors can change with the times so no better way to maintain an intimate Not to mention the fact that there is g over every square inch of it with a knowledge of your home than by goin it continue to be a labour of love. brush. Happy painting, Margaret, may Joe e household tips and renovation Keep watching here each week for mor n and you can email them to: advice. It's FREE to submit a questio es.ca, Aboutthehouse@adamshomeservic itional information about me and add For 2. or Text them to 613-551-593 please visit our website: what’s going on in your community, ’t forget to Like us on Facebook and www.adamshomeservices.ca Don omeservices.blogspot.ca. read past letters on our blog: adamsh it well, because a job well done stays And remember, whatever you do, do well done forever.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 4)
My last week as a resident of Cornwall flew by as I had anticipated it would. Between work, renos and final packing, I was very busy, and although I tried to soak up all the memories and feelings, I was very taskoriented. My family helped me pack and the U-Haul we rented was loaded up on Friday night. You realize just how much you have, and to see it all boxed up and ready to go, it really made me realize that it's all just stuff. It is the people that gave it to me, or helped me get ready for this that really matter. As if on cue, while my right-hand man and I packed it up, the sky turned black and a major storm ensued. From the vantage point of the cube truck, I could really admire my new roof and the amazing guy who helped me prepare the house for sale - as well as move me. He recruited another high school buddy of his and without their help, I could not have done this. Sure I could have hired movers, but with the two-hour trek and the fact that the elevators were not functioning yet, it would not have been the same experience.
Saturday morning was upon us, and as they made their way to my place early, my sister Lisa joined us and we packed up her van, my car, the last of the U-Haul and another friend's CRV. Before we left, my neighbour for the past 23 years stopped by to wish us luck, and gave me a bottle of wine with some enticing homemade biscuits. I will really miss them. It was a sweet gesture and a great start to the road ahead. Somewhere before Prescott, I saw the U-Haul behind me and from that point on, we were always within view. The management of my new place provided two helpers to unload and bring up all of my boxes and furniture. We unloaded within two hours, and then I took a few minutes to admire my new surroundings. My niece lives nearby and we hope to see more of each other. She’s a nurse who works long hours - often night shifts - but my door is open to her.
MORTGAGE MATTERS with Derrick Cracknell
kriscrossroads by Kris Ward
A New Chapter Begins
Have You Considered Opting for a 50/50 Mortgage? Have You Considered Opting for a 50/50 Mortgage? Hybrid mortgages – also known as 50/50 mortgage products – include an equal mix of fixed-rate and variable-rate components within your single mortgage. This means you get the best of both worlds – the security of fixed repayments with the flexibility of a variable rate. Although there was a time in recent years when mortgage experts considered a variable-rate mortgage as the obvious choice to save mortgage consumers money over the long term, with fixed rates remaining near historic lows, a 50/50 mortgage may be a great alternative for you. In essence, since it’s extremely difficult to accurately predict rates over the long term, a 50/50 mortgage offers interest rate diversification, which can help reduce your level of risk. If you opt for a 50/50 product, half of your mortgage is locked into a five-year fixed rate and half is at a five-year variable rate. You can lock in your variable-rate portion at any time without paying a penalty. As well, each portion of the 50/50 mortgage operates independently – like two separate mortgages – yet the product is registered as only one collateral charge. The 50/50 mortgage product is well-suited to a variety of borrowers, including those who: · Would normally go fully variable but are afraid prime rate is at its bottom · Aren’t comfortable being locked into a fully fixed rate · Can’t decide between a fixed or variable mortgage · Savvy first-time homebuyers
As I slowly configured my new apartment (after being in a sprawling large house) I realized that what I had brought with me was going to work. My friend recently moved as well (although within city limits) and she gave me her beautiful high top kitchen set and loveseat. It works perfectly in my new place and I can’t wait for her to visit me and see it. Although we are now two hours away, I wake up every morning seeing it and think of her.
Some features of the 50/50 mortgage include: · 20% annual lump-sum pre-payment privileges · 20% annual payment increase ability · Portability (the option to transfer your existing loan amount to a new property without penalty)
Since I am less than an hour from my son, I saw him briefly this weekend too. He was impressed with my new place, and enjoyed some luxury time bathing and showering - since he now lives with 5 other guys in a dorm. It was nice to catch up, and after two weeks away, I can already see the change in him. He’s adapting well to college life and is very excited about his new program.
As the 50/50 option is a fairly new offering, according to a recent study by the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals (CAAMP), 5% of Canadian mortgage holders have 50/50 mortgages compared to 28% with variable-rate mortgages and 68% with fixed-rate mortgages. But many experts believe the 50/50 mortgage is quickly gaining momentum.
As I made my way back to Kingston, I saw a sign that said, "reduced lanes expect delays", and I realized, that applies to life too. It was a year ago that my life changed. I accepted a position with the college in Cornwall and when I did, I never expected that one year later, I would be selling my house and moving to Kingston to take on another position within the same college but at the main campus. Yes, my life often has been derailed, and my expected route has not always been available, but this delay may be the best thing that ever happened to me. When I went to my Kingston office, my name was on the door with my department. I couldn’t help but be excited, after all my years in this business, this is the first time I have had my name on the door.
Derrick Cracknell is a licensed mortgage agent with Mortgage Man Dominion Lending Centres based in Cornwall He can be reached at: 613-662-2377 dcracknell@dominionlending.ca www.derrickcracknell.com
I know it will take some time to adjust to my new surroundings, but every day I am getting familiar with it. I may be somewhat of a stranger here, but thankfully with social media and the good old fashioned telephone, I can keep in touch with family and friends. It is a new chapter, and I am ready for the challenge. Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at: www.kriscrossroads.wordpress.com
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 5)
Uniform Outfitters has the LARGEST selection of scrubs in Cornwall and
52 Pitt St., Cornwall, ON - (613) 935-8500
First of all, a big round of applause to all of the volunteers, coordinators and everyone involved with the incredible face-lift that went on at Big Brothers’ and Big Sisters’ headquarters this last week. I couldn’t get enough of it. It has worked a magical feeling into our city and I hope that many other businesses get on board. What a way to place our city on the map in a positive manner! I dropped off some great homemade organic goods after the Farmers’ Market just to thank this great bunch of talented volunteers for bringing a breath of fresh air to our daily lives.
A great thumbs-up to our 3rd 10 Day Juicing Challenge participants who did an awesome job detoxifying and giving their body amazing nutrients and energy to live their best lives ever! Try to join in on The Biggest Loser Challenge participants 3km walk, on Saturday, September 22, 10:00am leaving
Quest gym (across from L’Heritage High School). A $1 donation is asked from each person that wishes to join in this great activity, it will then be donated to Maison Baldwin House. What a great cause! Let’s come together as a community and encourage these awesome individuals to reach their goals.
I was also lucky enough to attend Feast of Fields in Ottawa on September 16, put on by the Canadian Organic Growers. This event brings together organic producers and Ottawa area chefs. It is a delicious way to explore different, fresh foods. The raw/organic desserts from The Table Restaurant were my favorite, this was one sample plate. Delicious!!! I have been lucky enough to be invited back to The Boys and Girls Club with Teens in the kitchen with The Health Nut! This will be a great experience, and it will be totally different to be in the kitchen with older kids. Snacks and treats (all homemade) will be a great way to mingle, discuss and maybe even find a chef among all of the participants. I’m very excited about this!!! I also want to let you know that I will not be at the Farmers’ market tomorrow. I will be back on Saturday, September 29 and the last day of the market, Saturday, October 6. I hope to see you all there, and thanks for all of your support! Have a great week, and let’s be thankful for what we have. Look at things in a positive light and have everyone feel our happy energy around us. We have an amazing city…we just have to believe in it. In health, Sylvie Thibert
thehealthnut@cogeco.ca 613-931-3119
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 6)
FROM THE DESK of Candy Pollard
Naturally Delicious ... with the Health Nut
Hey everyone! Well I thought that this week I would write about things that are really impressing me in our awesome community! It just goes to show us that where there is a will there is a way, to brighten up and make people feel absolutely amazing!
Sizzling Your Commercial Sales Pitch Last issue we examined the idea of “sizzlemanship” for consumer sales. However, if your intended customer is a business as opposed to a consumer, you will likely have to change your sales pitch. A commercial customer has a different buying habit and is motivated by only one factor – improving their profit. All of their efforts are aimed at increasing revenues, decreasing expenses and potentially improving the efficiency of their employees. Your “sales sizzle” should be directed at this.
The goal of improved profitability follows several different routes – ask yourself: • Can your product or service improve their product – does it improve their product’s performance, better its appearance, lighten the weight of it and will any of these outcomes increase their profit margin? • Can your product or service improve their efficiency – does it result in higher productivity due to a better use of time, fewer mistakes or less lost time? • Can you improve the morale of their employees – could it improve employee outlook which results in less absenteeism and higher efficiencies? • Do you provide safety features or training – reducing down time from accidents and avoiding insurance costs and increases? • Can you provide environmental safeguards – will this heighten their corporate image? Your sales pitch or presentation to a commercial account should point out the unique features of your product or service, which should include a tie in to a motivational factor by showing how it will benefit their bottom line. Try to explain the cost in terms of actual dollar savings or increased sales to the customer. “Our fax machine cost is $500 more as it uses regular paper. You will recover that $500 within the first 6 months as you will no longer have to purchase special fax paper. After that you will actually be saving $500 every 6 months not having to purchase special fax paper. It is long term savings.” You will have to take some time to consider each commercial account so that you are able to customize your pitch somewhat. Yes, this will take some of the precious time that we all seem to have so little of, but consider the potential income that the sale could bring into your business. Making your best pitch the first time, could result in a very strong business relationship right from the start – relationships that will carry your business into a strong and profitable future. Candy Pollard, Business Consultant Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre 100 Water Street East, Suite 104, P.O. Box 877, Cornwall, ON K6H 5T9 Direct Line 613-933-0074 www.businessenterprisecentre.ca
Mark Reilly, Mortgage Agent With Martel Mortgages is proud to support the C BWL
Here is the
Weekly Weigh-In
Nav Centre
Chantal Pilon-Dupuis, 35 Last week: 250.6 lbs This week: 247.6
Kim Terhorst, 46, Medical Secretary Last week: 250.0 lbs. This week: 240.4 TE BO AM WE DY IG L O HT 3.6%SS
Adèle Wilson, 31 Last week: 235.2 lbs.This week: 231.8
River Kings
Rod Wilson, 31 Last week: 229.2 lbs This week: 224.2
Variety 104
Stephanie McDonald, 27 Last week: 242.8 lbs.This week: 238.2
Stephanie Lalonde, 41, Last week: 200.4 lbs.This week: 198.4
Steven St-Pierre, 37 Last week: 231.6 lbs.This week: 227
Suzanne Ménard, 49 Last week: 237.8 lbs.This week: 234.2 Micheline Sabourin, 46 Last week: 260.8 lbs.This week: 257
Roxane Villeneuve, 38 Last week: 173.8 lbs.This week: 174.2
Each team member received tickets to the River Kings, a Subway gift card and roses from Roy’s Florist.
The 20 participants lost a total of 58.4 pounds in the second week of the Challenge.
Dr. Cardinal and Tom Irvine are very proud of the contestants.
Hang in there, teams!
At Home Challenge - Seeker Team Seeker Chicks Julia and Mai-Liis are taking on the challenge! Every week, they will try to make healthy food choices and get out and exercise. They are joining the hundreds of people who are taking on the BODY TEAM T LOSS H “At Home Challenge” of Cornwall’s Biggest WEIG .51% 0 Weight Loser. Follow their progress in the pages of the Local Seeker, every Friday. Julia Lucio, 41, Seeker Chick Last week: 149.0 lbs.This week: 147.5 Thoughts: Getting there!
Caitlin Mingo-Loucks,16 Last week: 219.4 lbs.This week: 219.4 Danielle Lebrun, 17 Last week: 207.6 lbs.This week: 205.4
Julie Lascelle, 30 Last week: 208.8 lbs.This week: 202.4 Chantal Kaddie, 27 Last week: 202.4 lbs.This week: 201.2
Clean-All Environmental Services
Lauree Carrière, 37 Last week: 272.0 lbs.This week: 267.2
Jennifer Quenneville, 33 Last week: 260.8 lbs.This week: 256.4
Martine Quenneville, 55z Last week: 253.8 lbs.This week: 251.2
Malyon Excavation Michael Rowan, 46 Last week: 389.0 lbs.This week: 387.2
Mitchell Zappitelli, 30 Last week: 367.8 lbs.This week: 363.2
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 7)
Mai-Liis Renaud, 51, Seeker Chick Last week: 139.5 lbs.This week: 139.5 Thoughts: Planning to really start to exercise.
The organizers of Cornwall’s Biggest Weight Loser are encouraging anyone at home looking to shed some weight to attend the weekly weigh-ins and to take up the challenge from home. Anyone who is weighed will have their weight recorded weekly and the Biggest-WeightLoser- from-home by the end of the 14 weeks is eligible to win $500.
Good Luck to all the at-home teams!
Rebecca Matte, 25 Last week: 219.2 lbs.This week: 217
The winning team this week is River Kings. They lost a total of 8.4pounds and 3.6% loss of their original body weight.
Place St-Laurent Developments
Farm Boy
Grant-Marion Construction
MacEwen Petroleum
Everyone participating in The Cornwall Biggest Weight Loser Challenge gathered for their third weigh-in on Monday.
This page is sponsored by Mark Reilly, Mortgage Agent Martel Mortgages FSCO # 11963
Call me about the 2.99%* 5 yr
* Rates may very provincially and are subject to change without notice OAC, EO&E.
338 Second St. W Suite #1 Cornwall, Ont K6J 1G9 Phone/Fax: 866-840-7533 www.martelmortgages.ca/mreilly and
the Local Seeker Newspaper
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
on ps om Th yn ar Sh by Y R T N A P Y FROM M
Woolworth's Store was When I was growing up in the 1950's, nd Street and Augustus where the Post Office is now at Seco dime store had many Street. The brand new five and over. Hats and scarves interesting items for a young girl to disc with stools to sit on. It 613-936-1998 to try on. They had a lunch counter Street, Unit 6 t Pit 2 81 a er ord and bar h lunc r thei at sit was a real treat for me to Aunt Maude. They also was a lot of small plate of french fries with my ember that the cake cost $8.00. That rem I e. Cak te cola Cho man Ger a d ous cake. baked and sold a small layer cake calle pe which is a close second to their fam reci a have I . one ght bou we n whe t and made the frosting to spread all money back then, but it sure was a trea Sunday, I just used a boxed cake mix past This . cake the es mak ly real t The frosting is wha to the 1950's. Enjoy! e cakes, this will bring you right back over the top. If you ever ate one of thos
THE CAKE: 4 oz. German sweet chocolate 2- 1/3 cups sifted cake flour 1- 1/2 cups white sugar 1 sp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt 2/3 cups butter, at room temperature 1 cup buttermilk 1 tsp. pure vanilla 2 eggs
METHOD; for now. of chocolate at low power. Set aside -In your microwave, melt the squares ing powder and salt. vanilla. Mix just to dampen the -Sift the flour, sugar, baking soda, bak only 3/4 cup of the buttermilk and the nts, edie ingr dry d sifte the add -In another bowl, cream the butter, then 2 minutes. mixer, set on medium speed, beat for ium speed. e to beat for 1 minute longer on med dry ingredients. Now using an electirc tinu Con ilk. erm butt of cup 1/4 ng s and the remaini hment or waxed paper. -Now add the melted chocolate, egg greased and the bottoms lined with parc n bee e hav ch whi s pan e cak r laye the middle of the cake -Pour the batter into 2 - 9"round l a toothpick or cake tester inserted into unti or utes min 30 for n ove F. ree deg -Bake the cakes in a pre-heated 350 pletely cool. comes out clean. them out onto a cooling rack to com turn then , utes min 15 for s pan r thei -Cool the baked cakes in -Frost the cake layers. STING THE COCONUT AND PECAN FRO 4 egg yolks 1- 1/3 cups white sugar 2/3 cup butter (at room temperature) (this is a full 370 ml. can) 1- 1/3 cups Carnation evaporated milk 1/4 tsp. salt
1- 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla t 2 cups Angel flake sweetened coconu (To toast, just place the pecans on a 1- 1/4 cups chopped toasted pecans about 5 minutes, until you start to pie plate in a 350 degree F. oven for l.) smell the aroma of roasting nuts. Coo
salt. Whisk to mix. Add the METHOD: sugar, butter and evaporated milk and the , them to add then s, yolk egg the -In a heavy-bottom saucepan, whisk take about 10 minutes. vanilla. begins to boil and thickens. This will ture mix the l unti t hea tly, stan con g -Over medium heat, whiskin toasted pecans. Mix well. -Off the heat, stir in the coconut and this scrumptious frosting. Enjoy! . Then you can frost your cake with ture pera tem room to e com to ting -Allow the fros
The Parade of nations for Developmentally challenged held its 3rd Kite Festival Fundraiser on Sunday September 16th, in Cornwall. The funds raised will be used toward building a fence for a young child with autism and help a senior lady severely physically challenged realize her dream to visit Oratory St. Joseph in Montreal. Over $1500 is still needed; donations can be sent to Parade of nations, 1621 Joyce Street Cornwall on K6J.
KiteFest is designed to showcase skills and celebrate the wonder of flight in a community and family setting. This event welcomes flyers at all skill levels, from beginners to experts. Kites could be made on the spot, free of charge, thanks to Kite Chair Committee, Elaine Macdonald. Trophies were awarded for specific categories and this year Kite Festival's judges were Greg Gulley and Mahtabuddin Noori. Our winners: Best team in flight - Robinson's team, Best homemade kite age up to 7 - Samuel Vanegas and 8 to 12 - Haneefa Noori, Highest kite in flight 13 to 16 Osama Chaudry & 18 to 59 - from Montreal Sahibzada Allaudin, Best stunts in flight - Mr. Burnett, Best incorporation of national symbols - David Denny, Youngest kite flyer - Hailie Lalonde 3 years old and oldest - GĂŠrard Piette, Biggest kite in flight - Ray Savard, Most complex kite flying - Alexandre Dagenais.
Parade of nations would like to thank all volunteers and sponsors Tawhiddur Rahman owner of the Snack Shop and Gas Bar, Cornwall, Ontario Power Generation and Via Rail. For information call 613-936-6873, e-mail info@paradeofnations.com or visit www.paradeof nations.com.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 8)
... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!
HMCS Ville de Québec to Visit Cornwall The HMCS Ville de Québec will be docking in Cornwall for three days from September 25-27, providing an opportunity for the public to visit one of the Canada’s world class navy ships.
our weekly pages of events n’ more...
45 Second Street E.
TEL: 613-932.4796
WEDNESDAY, SETPEMBER 26 SCIENCE & NATURE SPEAKER SERIES - 7:00 pm Featured Speaker: Paul B. Hamilton of Canadian Museum of Nature ADULT FRIENDLY BRIDGE CLUB - 6:15 pm ADULT TRI-COUNTY CHESS CLUB - 6:15 pm Cliff Labre
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 BROWN BAG BOOK CLUB - 12 noon SCRABBLE - 1:30 pm Friendly and Challenging
The visit of the HMCS Ville de Québec allows for a glimpse of what life is like on one of Canada’s magnificent frigates. While onboard, you will have the opportunity to speak with sailors, ask questions, and hear their inspiring stories from their deployments around the world. You can tour the ship and even handle some of our sophisticated technology and equipment. There will also be opportunity to view current career opportunities available within the Canadian Forces, specifically the Navy. The HMCS Ville de Québec will dock at the Government Jetty on Harbour Road in Cornwall Harbour. VISIT DATES AND ACTIVITY TIMES Tuesday September 25 - 11 a.m. (approx.) - Arrival in Cornwall Tuesday September 25 - 6 to 8 p.m. - Ship tours open to public Wednesday September 26 - 1 to 4 p.m. - Ship tours open to public Thursday September 27 - 9 a.m. - Departure for Trois-Rivières The visit of the HMCS Ville de Québec coincides with the commemoration of the War of 1812, in which Cornwall and St. Lawrence River played a significant and strategic role. The events of 200 years ago remind us that the link between sea power and our nation’s security and prosperity is increasingly relevant today – as safe and secure sea lanes allow our economies to grow.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com
Tech Seekers
Event Seeker Get the scoop on what’s going on in the community in our easy calendar. If you would like your event to appear here, send us an email at events@thelocalseeker.com and we’ll gladly publish it, free of charge!
Canadian Legion, 2nd St. W
A World of Glass Weekend Upper Canada Village (Morrisburg) 613-5434328 or 1-800-437-2233
Friday September 21 from 4:30 PM Clam Chowder / Fish Rolls / Fish & Chips & Jerry's Karaoke @ RCAF wing
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes 10:30 am Lamoureux Park (Splash Pad) i nfo Melissa Hatch 613.932.1755 volunteer@sassforwomen.ca - Walk a Mile in Her Shoes stated in 2001 in the US with one purpose in mind: to encourage the community to take a stand against sexual assault and violence towards women. $5 to reserve shoes
Legion Week Celebrations Open House & Dance 8 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W.
War of 1812 Re-enactment Weekend & 1812 Fashion Show Glengarry Pioneer Museum (Dunvegan) 613-527-5230
Dart league 7:30pm at the Loyal Order of Moose
A World of Glass Weekend Upper Canada Village (Morrisburg) 613-5434328 or 1-800-437-2233
Dance to music by Jerry Fetterly 8pm -MISCELLANEOUS 12 am at the Loyal Order of Moose.
Fall Fun Activities Cannamore Orchard (Morewood) 613-448-3633
Children's Treatment Center Spaghetti Supper from 4 pm to 7:30 pm. Knights of Columbus Hall 205 Amelia St. Tickets: 10$ available at Scotia Bank - Brookdale Center or at the door
Dart night league 7:30 at the Loyal Order of Moose
Have your voice heard by attending the 2012 Arts & Culture Summit and by VOTING on the SDG, Cornwall and Akwesasne Arts & Culture Council's 1st Board of Directors. 12 - 6:30 Fall Fun Activities Cannamore Orchard (Morewood) 613-448-3633 Cultural Talk OPG Visitor Centre (Cornwall) 613-932-4563 ext 3520 Fall Equinox Celebration Jacynthe Villemaire 613.662.1788 - Bring cushion and journal book with you. 7 pm at the Acupuncture Clinic, 115 Pitt St 20th Dominion Textile Long Sault Fabrics Reunion Location: Royal
Dominion Textile Long Sault Fabrics 20th Former employees and staff 1965-1992
Saturday Sept. 22, 2012 Royal Canadian Legion
Get your tickets early! 613-933-3459 Raymond 613-933-3459 Raymond 613-933-3459 Donna 613-936-8436 Donna 613-936-8436 Ross 613-534-2058 613-534-2054 Ross
Ingleside Walk For Polycystic Kidney DiseaseSilent auction at 10 am, walk at 2 pm. For more info email: InglesideWalk@Endpkd.ca or call 1.877.410.1741. Register at endpkd.ca St. Peter's Parish CWL Share the Wealth Card Partyat 7:30 pm. 2900 2nd St. E. Cash & door prizes. Light lunch & coffee served. Admission: 4$ War of 1812 Re-enactment Weekend & 1812 Fashion Show Glengarry Pioneer Museum (Dunvegan) 613-527-5230
Worship & Praise Night We meet every 2nd Saturday at 7:00pm at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 949 Mohawk Drive, Cornwall
Come and spend time in His presence!
MONDAY, SEPT 24 Dart night league 7:30 at the Loyal Order of Moose Encore Seniors’ Education Center Fall daytime classes for adults 50 and over with no exams or grades begin the week of September 24th. For registration information call: 613.937.1525 Open Hands Friends & Places Dance from 6 pm to 8 pm. RCAFA Wing 240 Water St. W. Admission 5$. Snacks & refreshments will be available
Chamber Pub NITE at Katarina's Restaurant. 1195 2nd St. West, Cornwall, ON. visit cornwallchamber.ca to RSVP Bereaved Families Adult Afternoon Support Group Meeting from 1 pm to 3 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Topic: grief has its seasons. Call 613.936.1455 for more information
Help fill the shelves at the AGAPE CENTRE Have an event to promote? Call Jenna! 613-935-3763 Place your ad in the most sought after little newspaper in town...
! ts l u es R t Ge
For information about events in the area, call Cornwall & Seaway Valley Tourism 613-938-4748 or go to www.cornwalltourism.com
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 10) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com
What’s happening CBN Breakfast Meeting @ the Ramada Inn. 15$ includes breakfast. RSVP to board@cornwallbusinessnetwork.c om Ladies Auxilliary Euchre Party, 1:30pm. Blessed Sacramament Church Hall. Prizes & lunch served.
THURSDAY, SEPT 27 Living Healthy With Chronic Conditions Workshop at Seaway Valley Community Health Center, 353 Pitt St. Call Nancy Herrington 613.936.0306 x 151 to register.
Agape Center Wine, Dine and All that Jazz Festival at 6:30 pm. Best Western Parkway Inn, 1515 Vincent Massey Drive. For ticket information visit AgapeCentre.ca Casino Lac Leamy Bus Trip departing at 4:30 pm. For information or to reserve call:613.932.6534. Proceeds to St. Joseph's Continuing Care Center
The Food Bank is running low...
team Linda and her
Women Entrepreneurs of Cornwall and Area AGM. RSVP info@wecornwallarea.ca
pool league 7:30 at the Loyal Order of Moose
Annual Roast Beef Harvest Supper from 4:30 pm to 7 pm. Immanuel Christian Reformed Church, 2264 Pitt St. Adults: 12$, children 6-12: 6$. 5 & under: free.
ure Manicure/pedic
this week!
FRIDAY, SEPT 28 Crazy auction & Dance to music by T.L.C. Karaoke 8pm - 12am at the Loyal Order of Moose Ontario's British Home Child Day First Anniversary Upper Canada Village (Morrisburg) 613-543-4328 or 1-800-437-2233
T ir e d o f f ind i ng a n e m p t y r a ck ?
G et th e S eek e r d e liv e re d t o y our door f o r $1 0 / m o n t h c a l l 6 1 3 - 9 3 5 - 37 6 3
The Agape Centre needs many different items, but the most urgent are soup, pasta sauce, canned vegetables and macaroni and cheese. PLEASE DONATE
We visited... An oasis of relaxation called NAV SPA. Located on Montreal Road, along the scenic St. Lawrence River, the NAV centre has officially opened their newest initiative: a state-of-the-art spa open to the public. The NAV Spa is managed by Linda Arsenault Graham, who brings with her 30 years of expertise in massage and esthetics.
Buy one item and get the second item free! Coupon valid from Sept 22nd -Sept 29th. *Free item must be of equal or lesser value. **One free item given per transaction.
Halloween merchandise has arrived! Come in and see our great selection of value priced costumes, accessories and décor! Shop early for the best selection. *Above mentioned coupon not valid on New Halloween Merchandise.
Help Big Brothers & Big Sisters with every donation.
Come hear the Message!
One coupon per customer per day & cannot be used on prior purchases, not valid on Sale day, cannot be combined with any other coupons or specials. Redeemable at Cornwall Location only.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com
the area
MUSIC & MORE ... What’s for more events in www.cornwallunderground.blogspot.com Happening?
Two programmes coming up at the Cornwall Community Museum
Discovery Walks in Cornwall
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21ST Le chant , la danse, l'art, Ensemble....Vive Cornwall avec @ Parc Lamoureux in Cornwall. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND oureux Park in Cornwall. Walk a Mile in Her Shoes @ Lam SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND ltsville Theatre in Cornwall. ARTS & CULTURE SUMMIT @ Au SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND rnwall. SWITCHGEAR @ La Maison in Co
The bricks, stones and paths of Cornwall, Ontario hide stories of a thriving community, its tragedies, achievements, and lost hopes and dreams. Join Ian Bowering, Curator of the Cornwall Community Museum in discovering the past that lies just around the corner and under your feet. Two walking tours are offered on Saturday, September 29 at 11.00 am and 12.30 pm, beginning at the Clock Tower, Lamoureux Park, Cornwall. The morning tour will show you Pitt Street, the commercial centre of Cornwall, as you have never seen it before. The afternoon tour will lead you down to the river and along the old canal route to discover a city once at the heart of a great inland waterway. For further information, telephone: 613 936 0280 or e-mail: pbmuseum@bellnet.ca; also check the web-site: www.cornwallcommunitymuseum.wordpress.com
Edwardian Afternoon Tea:
We are offering again this month, our popular afternoon tea! Enjoy a unique atmosphere of the 1900’s, a good selection of teas and refreshments. on Sunday, September 30, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. (last serving at 3:30). Cornwall Community Museum, Lamoureux Park. Suggested donation of $2.00; groups of 4 or more are advised to book: 613 936 0280
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 29TH Cornwall Regional Art Apples & Art Studio Tour @ @ the ing area. Gallery in Cornwall and surround
Apples & Art Studio Tour September 29-30, 2012
10 AM - 5 PM
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 12)
ART SE EKER S by Sandra Taylor
SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS Why do we need an Art Center? Why do we need an Art Center? This is a question many people have asked me when I talk about the need for one in Cornwall to serve the region. After all we have a small city Art Gallery downtown; a couple of other schools with a set up for stage plays and for rns tave few a performance art; why we even have le coup a e the musically inclined to perform and mak band of dollars. Yes, that is true but these are merely g bein not is that need a l fulfil aide solutions to help to area the for e hom addressed. This region needs a to the Artists to congregate, show off their talent and locals and visitors to Cornwall, as well as teach last mentor the future young Artists of our area. The them of rtant impo t reason is in my opinion the mos n of all, teaching and mentoring the next generatio of artists. I know this as I have had the pleasure est in teaching art to children who have no inter there but ing draw and sports but excel at painting for pay to d affor are many more whose parents can’t they private classes even though they know that d kid have a gifted child. Instead they have a boar le. troub into ng getti be walking the street and may
orting We the tax payers of Cornwall have been supp ball sports in Cornwall with Hockey arenas and Base the on ey mon ding spen fields but seem to have issue with and ent lopm deve other equally important aspect of Human of Ontario and that is creative intelligence. The Governments on funding to Canada say they support the arts but cut back rams for the the schools to provide quality Arts centered prog intelligence tive Crea students who are gifted in these areas. , maybe skills is as equally important to our society as math look around even more so. If you don’t think that’s true just in, the food you, everything you wear, live in, drive to work your walls, on t pain you eat, your computer, the colour of loped by a patterns on your sheets these things were all deve programs you creative person. The movies and television os on your love, the music you listen to, the beautiful phot le and peop ive creat by new calendar are all made possible tiful beau our t Cornwall is full of them. Oh, and let’s not forge on pers ive new arena under construction in town a creat designed it.
Have you ever felt like you've seen, heard, felt or noticed things that others didn’t? by Ada Sloan
To believe or not to believe, well a couple of dozen of us true believers got together to find out what’s going on in the afterlife when we gathered at the “Lost Villages” a few weeks ago, with the professionals in the business of ghost busting to talk about and speak to spirits. Everyone was energized and ready for the unexpected!
We visited the Old School Red House, the House and the Church at the “Lost Villages” where we participated in spirit dowsing, yes, we used a “dowsing rod” to detect energy in the room, and there was plenty! Other equipment such as infrared cameras and recorders, spirit box, REM-Pod and a Phantom Lite Illuminator was also used. We also participated as talking to and asking the spirits to come forward, they must have been reluctant or shy that evening, no one showed up for a visit! Spirit Quest Paranormal Investigations (SQPI) is located out of Prescott, Ontario, a group of paranormal investigators, came with all the equipment and gear necessary to contact and talk to those who have stayed behind from the afterlife. For all diehard naysayers & dis-believers we smile and let them go on and for us true believers we will keep on our quest to find evidence of the paranormal. Visit their website at www.spirtiquestpi.net
Photo right: REM-Pod Far right: Demonstration of Dowsing Below: Cleansing
and toss a You can stand on the corner anywhere in town souls. There stone and you will probably hit one of us creative are hundreds of us. their money? You want to bring people to Cornwall to spend looking at here are Then support the Arts because while they listening to a the artwork, taking in a play or sipping a beer ng a meal local band they will be shopping, sleeping, buyi and filling up with gas before they leave. Who needs an Arts Center? We do!! is the first of The Arts Summit on September 22nd, 2012 e so get on many chances to be pro-active in our City’s futur board or get out of our way!! Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Teacher and Past President of Focus Art staylorhedgesart.com focusartonline.org studioonecatsquared.com rulesforpainting.blogspot.com Cat Scratches - Studio Blog
Spirit Quest Paranormal Investigators
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354
ry and difficult. I know, Finding space to create is necessa at least a dozen times. because I’ve moved studio spaces nothing else to do but When I was living in Kingston, I had the living room, because create, but I didn’t want to paint in oriously messy painter. I there was carpet and I am a not ent for potential work scoured the one -bedroom apartm since the lighting was spaces: the kitchen wouldn’t work, room had carpet; the poor; the living room and bed thing but sit on the toilet bathroom was too small to do any age room dawned on me! The teeny, tiny stor or dry yourself off … and then it by 5 feet. . It was perfect. It was about 4 feet where the hot water tank was housed on. The I could really see what I was working t tha so ce spa e littl the lit t ligh The r use it for and I knew no one else would eve floor was vinyl (perfect for messes), that mini in es ed some of my favourite piec anything other than storage. I design studio.
Patrick Guindon
ted off de, where I still live and paint. I star Later on, I bought a house in Inglesi e her am bec until my fiancée moved in and it painting in one of the spare rooms, it wasn’t into a guest room and studio, but ce offi my e eez squ to d trie I ce. offi the floor for the summer. It was perfect, until working. So, I moved into the porch e office, littl work in, I moved back into my started to cave in. Too dangerous to ughtful table (courtesy of my wonderfully tho and with the addition of a drafting sold. Up ted to produce pieces that actually and ever-encouraging fiancée), I star t I was tha now there, but I decided that until last week, I was working in the into re space to expand. I moved producing so much, I needed mo basement.
Molly Siebring's Mom & Dad encour age her to get messy while painting - even if the re are painted footprints on the floor when she's through!
. What I nature, or a need for regular change I don’t know if it’s my antsy artist’s it in. ts to create deserves a space to do do know is this: anyone who wan plies re’s a laundry basket filled with sup Maybe it’s the kitchen table, and the magical r you it’s (but when it’s your studio, Maybe you that are trucked out between meals floor, or the unfinished basement. ing rott a with ch por the it’s be to have as pen). May ce to feel comfortable in; to create in; spa a space where creative miracles hap ds nee ne ryo eve , less ard Reg ional studio space. actually have a beautiful and profess do you create? space that is just right for you. Where g itin exc and l urfu colo ate, priv your own about where your ir throats, I encourage you to think the n dow s idea lt adu ted tain ving t gets on the d, without sho you going to be okay if some pain Are . To encourage creativity in your chil ugh tho , this ut abo d har and table. Think long sses. Maybe you’ve created a child creates. Maybe it’s the kitchen ly with Windex – no worries about me fect per off ns clea it so , ring floo e – be ready. wood? I have a glass top and laminat d paint. It’s inevitable – it will happen ppe dro of e cas in it, eath ben ring mat or floo work desk or an easel with a special them. it a valuable and meaningful place for king ma and he dac hea a f rsel you ing cific area, you’re sav the creative process. So if By teaching your child to work in a spe g careful and clean, you’re inhibiting bein ut abo t par the on sed focu ’re too ready to accept that But this can be misconstrued: if you n up at the end – but you have to be clea to how m the h teac le, tab hen m. There are no t at the kitc red and green finger prints on the e you’re going to have your child pain hav ht mig irs cha the and ed, ls may be splatter ls. Give them room to grow the wood may get painted, the wal l creative curiosity into your own idea ura nat d’s chil r you fine con to try ’t manners in creativity, so please don ! tive crea and ssy me and explore, to be hor and illustrator ar subjects” full time. He is an aut gul “re s che tea also o wh r, che tea st and art s.com.Visit him online at Patrick Guindon is a freelance arti w.cornwallartistnetwork.wordpres ww at rk wo Net ist’s Art a Are & all and has created the Cornw /studio22art , or likehim at www.facebook.com ckg atri 23p @1 tter Twi on .ca, ckg www.patri
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 14) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com
ley roadS IG N S by Betty Hea
practice, add in 2-3 selfIf you have a daily gratitude t today as it is time for you to acknowledgements as part of this. Star ence the world around you. see YOU and your unique ability to influ
Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to say something positive about yourself? There is an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach and perhaps even the image of a wagging finger, usually attached to a parent or teacher, reminding you that to speak of yourself in such terms is EGO-CENTRIC! Bah. Humbug. As a result most of us are inclined to put ourselves down rather than pump ourselves up, for to do otherwise would be bragging. Okay, it is time to switch this story up. Enough, I say! It’s time that WE, you and I, begin to see ourselves through a different lens and to take stock of all the great things we offer the world around us. By this I mean acknowledging yourself for those aspects of you that make YOU UNIQUE. Here’s an opportunity and an exercise if you are interested. Take a blank piece of paper and fill the page with all of your accomplishments. Notice that these may have to do with work and they may be things that were simply personal successes for you. They may reflect the role you play in your family or with your friends or they may refer to your creativity, courage or simply your interests. It really doesn’t matter just note that an accomplishment is something personally meaningful to you and may not be of any real significance to others. ents or Once your list is completed, review the list. Notice those accomplishm you achievements that were the most meaningful to you, perhaps a time where You zone. t comfor your of out felt you grew as a person or where you stepped does It life. your decide. Choose 3-4 then write a short story about that time in ed not have to be long, simply capture the essence of the event, what happen values and how you felt. What strengths of character came into play; what guided you; what did others notice? sounds When the stories are written, read them aloud to yourself. I know this about is it when lly funny and adding voice to a story is very powerful, especia if you way, you. Read it as if it is about another person if you have to. And, by the them can share it with someone else, even better. Following the sharing ask what they noticed about you. in your The goal of this activity is to begin to notice where and when you shone seeing life. This has nothing to do with ego and has everything to do with YOU have you that hs strengt the n, situatio the YOU. Take note of the skills you used in a made having for back the and the values you engaged. Then pat yourself on difference for yourself or for someone else. skills The next step is to begin to see how you engage these same strengths and and every day, to notice how you play in the world, how you interact with others the of most that notice will You most importantly, how you make a difference. Ah d. achieve have time you focus on what you haven’t done versus what you of that – your fatal flaw. Please note: when you focus on the positive aspects same. your character and contributions you attract more opportunity to do the ample attract will you flaws, ter Vice versa, when you focus on the charac opportunity to continue to examine them. Where do you want to play? t that Next is acknowledgement. In our ME FIRST work we sugges a quiet acknowledgement is the highest form of gratitude. It is a little bit like e and aptitud the me giving for you prayer to your higher power saying thank as a born was you of Each talent to do what I do, to be what I be, every day. a makes you unique individual and whether you recognize it or not, each of sed unique contribution when you use those gifts. Have you ever expres with? born gratitude for all the things you were It’s Here is how you begin. Simply say to yourself, “I acknowledge myself for…” start by that simple. You don’t have to shout it from the mountain top you can as your saying it to yourself in the mirror. It may feel uncomfortable at first out of are They going. on keep critical choir hums, “Yeah right!” Ignore them and date anyway! You can Next, sit with a few of your friends and share this message with them. le, examp For e. possibl as specific as start by acknowledging one another. Be I “Sue say mom”, good a instead of saying, “Sue I acknowledge you for being You school. acknowledge you for the way you handled your son’s mishap at ” The were really kind and understanding and a really good role model for me. as be Again, lves. themse ledge have each member of your circle acknow detailed as possible.
Until next time, Betty or and inspiring speaker. Her Betty Healey is an award winning auth is now available in Cornwall at new book, The ME FIRST Playbook, the roadSIGNS website. Season Laura’s Gift Shop or by ordering from ins the week of October 1st on three of the roadSIGNS TV Show beg w is repeated Thursday at 6:30 TV Cogeco, Tuesday at 8 pm. The sho pm and Sunday at 5 pm. ching and upcoming retreats or For information regarding Betty’s coa ewsletter, contact Betty at to subscribe to her monthly e-n site at www.roadSIGNS.ca. betty@roadSIGNS.ca or visit her web
East Front Public School Grade 6 Students Visit St. Lawrence Secondary School for a Link Crew View September 13, the Grade 6 students from East Front Public School visited St. Lawrence Secondary School (SLSS) to spend some time with members of the school’s new Link Crew. East Front students had the opportunity to meet the ever-entertaining Link Crew coordinator and SLSS teacher Morley Dulmage, along with some Grade 12 “Link Leaders,” who led the Grade 6s in simple yet fun leadership activities.
“These activities enabled our students to gain some much-needed comfort and confidence in the bigger and often intimidating world of high school,” said East Front Principal Joe Harty. Harty said students enjoyed their first game of Rock, Paper, Scissors (which they called Chicken, Egg, Elvis), as it broke the ice and got them excited for the rest of the visit. “The cafetorium was filled with laughter, smiles, and new friendships,” said Harty. “The event was a huge success because there was much more doing than listening. The kids were actively engaged, wanted to know what was coming next, and didn’t want the activities to end.”
Link Crew, which is now offered at all secondary schools within the Upper Canada District School Board, connects incoming students with Grade 12 Link Leaders who provide encouragement and mentoring throughout the year. “We realized this would be a great opportunity for all Grade 6 students to see what they get to look forward to,” said SLSS Principal Chris Boulay. “Experiential learning that benefits all involved is what makes kids find their own sense of belonging and accomplishment in a safe atmosphere where respect is our number one value. “We look forward to inviting our Grade 6 friends back again later this year,” he added.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 15) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354
OFF THE MAT with Lisa Blanchard
Live your Best Life! Part 2 - Exercise
it is absolutely beautiful outside. If We have now moved into Fall and ther to cool off to get moving you have been waiting for the wea es, I have been focusing on three outdoors, now is the time! In this seri life. These three principles guide my aspects to help you live your best , healthier person. We have talked life and have made me a happier r eating to nourish and support you about the importance of healthy and ly ant vibr ction and perform body and mind so that it can fun going to talk about exercise. optimally. In today’s column, I am ing you live your best life. Our Exercise is absolutely the key in help 8 be active; not to sit in a chair for bodies are designed to move and the in rs hou couch for another 4-5 hours all day, and then sit on the In ple are unhappy and depressed! evening. No wonder so many peo order for our joints to stay supple and flexible, we have to move them through their full range of motion. In order for our muscles to stay strong, they must be used, if not they will atrophy (waste away). If you have ever seen someone remove a cast from their leg after a 4-8 week period, you will know what I mean. Also, to keep lthy 30st do weight-bearing activities. Hea our bones strong and healthy, we mu bones, ley) h with such weak and porous (ho year-old astronauts will return to Eart -bearing due to the lack of gravity and weight equivalent to that of 60-70-year-old h; we just zing in all that they can accomplis activities. Our bodies are truly ama our cars. need to keep them well-tuned - like end of your body? I personally recomm So how do you go about taking care estly say e always loved yoga but I can hon Yoga! Surprise, surprise, right? I hav ed 40. of the benefits of yoga until I turn that I didn’t truly appreciate all ch in whi ts, join t producing less fluid in our You see, as we age our bodies star you If es. kne neck, back, shoulders, hips and turn leads to more stiffness in the n whe t tha ate what I’m saying. You might find are over 40, I think you can appreci or , you wake up, you feel quite stiff g, lon too ng sitti n bee when you have get to try you n you have stiffness whe e up. I’m going to let you in on a littl w gro secret: it doesn’t get better as we p older! ☺ The only way you can kee d is your joints mobile and feeling goo the is This ts. join to keep moving those a is Yog a. reason why I recommend Yog of ts designed to move all of the join the body through their entire range of motion so that the joints stay healthy and flexible. I don’t know of one Yogi that has ly ment! Think about that; that is real had to have a knee or hip replace saying something! flexible, Yoga strengthens all of the In addition to keeping our joints es -bearing, so you strengthen your bon muscles in your body and is weight are addition to the physical benefits as well. What I love about Yoga - in all e leav to get s. In a Yoga class, you the mental & psychological benefit on s focu a serene, peaceful space, and your worries at the door, come into ws at the end of a Yoga class that allo you. There is a time for relaxation n relax. There is no better feeling tha your mind and body to completely and py hap l, cefu pea feel completely the feeling after a Yoga class. You above, don’t you think that if she can nny relaxed. And looking at Yoga Gra do it, you can do too?!
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 16)
that you can include in your life, Of course, there are other activities o-Run Program, doing cardio like walking or joining a Learn-T ortant thing is to get your body activities or lifting weights. The imp ry day! You cannot lose weight, moving for about an hour a day, eve not include exercise in your daily or be healthy and vibrant, if you do to get out walking and enjoy the routine. The Fall is the perfect time change of season. The fresh air will invigorate your lungs, your body will be thankful for the movement and your mind will be refreshed. Don’t put off ‘til tomorrow NEW UNLIMITED what you can do 6-MONTH MEMBERSHIP today, or right $80 a month only Limited Time Only! now. Get moving prAna YOGA CLOTHING & to live your best NEW V ACCESSORIES now at the Studio life!!!
New Classes added - Come Check us out!! Spirit Tree Yoga is rnLea Fall offering a 117 W Eleventh St. program To-Run Behind Spine Care Plus star ting Monday night, 613-938-1988 September 17 at 6:30pm. The cost is only $30 and we will time gradually increase our running ks, you will be able to run a 5K. every week. By the end of the 10 wee ther Saaltnik run in November. If We plan to all register for the Hea your best life, please call me at you need any coaching on how to live rd.lisa@yahoo.ca. 613-330-4494 or email me at Blancha Namaste, Lisa Blanchard 613-938-1988 www.spirittreeyoga.net
UR GE NT CHAM BE R BU LLETIN While Cornwall is a safe community in which to live, the Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce has been advised of a rash of automobile break-ins in various public and private parking lots around the city. The Chamber strongly urges member businesses to make sure that NO VALUABLE ITEM S ARE LEFT IN VIEW — GPS, cell phones, laptops and other similar items — and that your vehicle is securely locked. Please make sure your employees and customers are aware and encourage them to take the appropriate precautions. If anyone witnesses an incident, they should call the Cornwall Police Services at 613-932-2110. Let’s all do our part to keep our community safe and secure for all.
Wilson Pipers Point with Rodney
SEEKING SPORTS NEWS NHLers now taking other player’s jobs
this season.
evelle Border Patrol with Craig R
Malkin I don’t care where Sydney Crosby, Evgeni out. lock NHL the or Joe Thornton play during job. Truth is; they’re taking someone else’s s or has Whether an NHLer goes to play oversea they ue, Leag key Hoc n the option to skate in the America e mak sn’t doe ther player, one who are stealing a roster position from ano a e mak to er who is simply trying several million dollars per year – a play living. down several players to their AHL This week, the Edmonton Oilers sent Among those players was star affiliate – the Oklahoma City Barons. lockout, Eberle signed a 6-year $36 forward Jordan Eberle. Just before the earn $6 million per year, eventually. million deal with the Oilers. He is set to who would have likely earned But now, he’ll replace another player Eberle would normally make in $65,000-$70,000 per year. That’s less than a week. Russia, Finland, Sweden, the Czech It’s the same overseas as players flee to Republic, Switzerland, and so on. n it comes to the lockout, but it I’m certainly not on the owner’s side whe ers right now – especially when sure is hard to feel sorry for these play r athletes. they’re now taking away jobs from othe k for the Cornwall River Kings as RIVER KINGS NOTES: It was a busy wee p and blue & white game at the they held their first LNAH training cam er Colts captain Darcy Findlay back Civic Complex. It was nice to see form now teaching full time in Quebec, will add on the ice at the Ed Lumley arena. Findlay, s. And he can put the puck in the net, too. plenty of grit and energy to the River King a the Colts ... Goaltending shouldn’t be Findlay scored 44 goals in 2007-08 for ult nea Returning netminder Maxime Daig problem for the River Kings this season. and y battle for playing time. Both Findlay and newcomer Loic Lacasse will likel d ... ken wee the r ove e to terms with the team Lacasse were invited to camp and cam ry mist che nice uc Faubert seemed to have Forwards Shawn Collymore and Pierre-L nce offe and should contribute plenty of during camp. Both will be Top 6 forwards
olino came to Cornwall this season COLTS NOTES: Goaltender Jordan Picc t Jenkins. But Piccolino is off to a as a backup to 20-year-old veteran Mat goal against for the Colts … You great start with two wins and only one forward Marly Quince will score for have to wonder how many goals power ed eight goals in five pre-season Cornwall this season. Quince, who scor ls in his first three games. Quince games, has four regular season goa in the last 10 minutes of the Colts missed one game after having fought L scrap between Cornwall’s Jake opener … That was one entertaining CCH during the Colts home opener. You Martin and Brockville’s Hayden Hulton … Cornwall looks pretty sharp in might not see a better scrap all season brates its 20th anniversary. their new bright jerseys as the team cele t part of Nick Lidstrom’s decision OLDIES BUT GOODIES: I wonder if at leas the likelihood of yet another NHL to retire this summer was influenced by on is completely lost, it is possible lockout. And on that note, if another seas and Teemu Selanne, among others. we’ve seen the last of Daniel Alfredsson Anthopoulos has made some DOWN HILL FOR JOHNSON: Alex GM of the Toronto Blue Jays. The impressive moves during his tenure as isn’t one of them. The Jays dealt Kelly Johnson trade last August though, of second basemen. Johnson has Aaron Hill for Kelly Johnson in a swap a .222 batting average with 14 struggled mightily this season; he has 147 times and has 10 errors. Hill homeruns and 50 RBI. He has struck out with 22 homers and 69 RBI. He has meanwhile is hitting .301 for Arizona in with 14 steals. In that deal, only 5 errors and he has also chipped John McDonald, a great utility Anthopoulos also threw in fan-favourite player with excellent defensive skills. on was whipped out, 29 of 30 NHL PIPER’S POINTS: Since the 2004-05 seas least once. Which team hasn’t made teams have qualified for the playoffs at Columbus Blue Jackets? Nope. a post-season appearance? The New York Islanders? Not even. That Winnipeg/Atlanta? Wrong. The lowly would be the Toronto Maple Leafs.
A weekly look at racing from both sides of the 1000 Islands finale at This past weekend was the season two full Mohawk International Raceway with ay night days of racing on tap beginning on Frid DIRTcar er Sup with the Big Block Modified Late lear Nuc Series, Mr. DIRTcar Pro Stocks Go ls . Time Tria on Models and the Mod Lites and Bandits n the skies opened up. The track Friday had just been completed whe e, but it soon became evident that waited out the rain as long as possibl rnative plans. The decision was soon they were going to have to make alte dule all on Saturday, setting up a made to run the entire weekend’s sche crazy day of racing. picked up where they left off on Saturday was a much better day, as they lifying heats, they moved on to the Friday before the rain. After the qua sville, New York captured the 100 main events. Jimmy Phelps, of Baldwin nd year in a row, holding off Dale lap Big Block Modified race for the seco Haers, Carey Terrance and Steve Planck at the checkered flag. Justin Ladouceur dominated the Pro Bernard rounded out the top five. Joey a half lap over second place finisher Stock main event, winning by nearly and Allen Peters rounded out the Ryan Stabler. Jody Swamp, Bruno Cyr Nuclear Late Model event over Greg top five. Sean Beardsley won the Go Belyea. r, the stands cleared, as did the With Friday’s portion of the events ove Saturday’s events, making room for teams that were not participating in track for the 358 Modified and the cars that were coming into the on hand in all divisions, it made Sportsman Series races. With many cars
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 17)
Follow me on Twitter: @piperspoints rodwilson@gmail.com
track champion and Frenchie’s for a late evening. 358 Modified in the 75 lap Series race over Champion Billy Dunn took the win Billings, Dale Planck and Danny Australian racer Peter Britten, Matt bec won the Sportsman Series O’Brien. Mathieu Desjardins from Que Brandon Easey, Devin Caron and race finishing ahead of Chris Herbison, ed out Adam Turner in the Go Gary Lindberg, while Dale Caswell edg Nuclear Late Model main event. Applefest Weekend at Brighton This coming weekend is the annual al Mr. DIRTcar Series races for Speedway as they host their inaugur Modifieds. The Sportsman will both the Sportsman Series and 358 a full show of Pro Stocks, Stingers compete on Friday night along with Modifieds. The 358 Modifieds will and Comp4s as well at the Vintage Late Models, Canadian Modifieds race on Saturday night joined by the reet Stock Challenge as the and a $1000-to-win Hoosier Stock/St Merrittville Speedway Hoosier Brighton Speedway cars battle the Stocks. e as the 2012 season winds There is still plenty of racing in stor st at Brighton we move on to the down. After this weekend’s Applefe on Speedway the following annual Outlaw 200 Weekend at Fult followed by the 1000 Islands RV weekend, then it’s Super DIRT Week ls at Brockville Speedway on Centre DIRTcar Northeast Fall Nationa October 12-14. always follow along at home If you can’t make it to the track, you can track. Follow Finish Line Web with my live raceday reports from the book at Design on Twitter @finishlineweb17, Face site, finishlinewebdesign.ca. web my at or facebook.com/finishlineweb17 the track in just another week. I I look forward to seeing everyone at kly column. As always, any hope you continue to enjoy my wee t to crevelle@ripnet.com comments or suggestions can be sen
by Jeannie Gagnon
Look who else is back!!! ? I have Isn’t September a wonderful month quiet and always loved the Fall. It is now and the ler picturesque. The nights are coo le trees days are sunny and pleasant. The map colours, are showing off their brilliant world. the und aro bringing tourists from age ant adv Like them, it is tempting to take y enjo to it is the perfect time of all the travel deals, but sometimes, our own backyards instead. go camping. I have always felt This has got to be the best time to early in Canada. The weather is that campgrounds shut down too In this region, there are many pleasant and the bugs have left. I like to go a little bit further campgrounds to choose from, but afield. Verendrye Park in a secret place to share with you – La If you like to hike and camp, I have re from Gatineau, metres north of Gatineau. To get the kilo 200 ely mat roxi app is It . bec Que the end of then becomes highway 105. Go to ch whi 5, y hwa Hig on th nor el just trav s. You will reach the 117, and travel for about 35 minute highway 105, take a left on highway inning. south gate, but that is just the beg during the most delicious walleye, gobbling them up We have gone for day trips to fish for to eat by the I have taken my dogs and a picnic !). Dad nks (tha s che lun re sho amazing s of the most r trip, I have picked bags upon bag waterfalls of Lac Roland. On anothe e. amazing blueberries you will ever tast park is ping and fishing fees do apply. The cam but k, par the to fee ce ran ent There is no can canoe or numerous lakes to choose from. You huge and has cabins, camp sites, and required. ying carr up to a campground and set up, no boat to a remote site, or just drive else do the work can be pampered and have everyone you re whe ges lod has also k par The
PHOTOS: Moose in La Verendrye Park and My dad picking blueberries in La Verendrye Park (both photos by taken by Jeannie Gagnon)
& present the 2012
6:00 p.m. Monday October 15, 2012 at
or call 1-866-283-7583
y Demars• Sweet Creations 96.1Part - yLite - Cathllers Mix -Liis styli • Mai e Hair niqu TechRS &NSO :LUD Art ARE E: ng Academy RS NSO SPO Jewe INC mier FALL cialty Chocolates Pom ars SPO Dem y Cath Lite PartyGraphic Designe r ConferenSpe m tyling Academy Drea al's ce Centre Winery Brid The Hairs & e l niqu Hote Tech ada Ram Art & ding Wed ante thmore llers • Elegmic Limos & Tours Jewe mier Pomy ams Abr lyn'seren r Cent•reStra Ros –ard Wea Kay Men m ions • Mar Drea l's Rich BridaChar ce Conf & l Hote Technique plex orat & ada Dec Com Art Ram • Civic wall s & Tours ry Tours &r Wine os re hmo Lim Strat mic Limo rmic CharCorn • Cha rations Wea plex 's Deco Com Men c ding ard Civi Wed Rich ng Academy wall ante styli Corn Eleg Hair • • l: ncia Fina plex ife l: o Photos Com Sunl wall Civic Vide CornHerb s ncia orie Mem • isors ic Fina ife -Adv Mag r al Sunl dale Wea ’s Dug r Men se Living Pete ard erca and dale -Adv ns RichWedding Decoratio • Upp t Beck Scot isors Eleg•ante &Crea r Dug Inn plete by Mai-Liis • Ram Petetion tes es and s Com colaHolm Beck ation Chobie Invit Scottada ialtyDeb Spec s ic et Mag Swe bal Her • ic al Mag HerbJohn Disc Jockey er tre ny "B" Goodby Seek lnce fereTabl The Loca Con m Char e Cen ncia plete ComFina SunrsLife Invit•ation c lMai-Liis Clini th nquiern Travel Heal Algo Lase Cook as Thom l Seek Loca The ey Jock Disc d Goo Gifts "B" ny Fine & JohnLaura's Flowers s cake Show ding k - Algonquin Travel Coo Wed Thomas c n MacCullum Heal LaserMar - Hele ar ING US ...... KayClini KeillJOIN y th bieARE E SPO - DebRS - MOR g NSO ED Livin TUN se erca STAY Upp Giftsos & Fine ers Vide o Phot Flow Laura's ories Mem Wedding Showcakes Video Photos ories96.1 MemMix
ay supplied by GRAND PRIZE Vacation GetawTravel Thomas Cook - Algonquin
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 18)
gh it, do bring a for you. But if you choose to rou rs to wear. The warmer sleeping bag and lots of laye cool off quickly. days can be warm, but the nights py than the Better to be prepared and hap alternative, right? p. But, beware Cabonga Lake is a great place to cam run into some this is a natural area and you may a nice pile of wildlife. One morning we found se. I guess the excrement right next to the outhou door! the n bear was in too big a hurry to ope park is seeing a One of my earliest memories of this with nature from moose while on a boat. I fell in love c creatures, can that point on. Moose are such majesti you blame me? park and it has My dad introduced me to this places to visit. I remained one of my favourite astating, but I am recently lost my dad which was dev ure and for the nat grateful to him for my love of one of the most many memories he gave me in incredible places I have been. y a peaceful, yet Visit this area of Quebec and enjo be careful where bountiful camping experience. Just you step!
Bio: Jeannie Gagnon is a former in National Parks Warden who traded et. tick ne pla and her gun for a pen e. Follow her adventures monthly her
Coming up ...SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6th - www.cornwallwoofest.ca Get Your Scarecrow Ready! SCARECROW RULES & REGULATIONS ELIGIBILITY: Woofest’s first annual Scarecrow contest is open to all ages, groups, families, teams and businesses. Scarecrow Post and Entry fee are $50, made payable to Cornwall Woofest. Upon receipt of payment, your Scarecrow Post will be delivered by one of the Woofest team to your location. The sooner you sign up, the longer you have to create your Scarecrow! PRIZES: Every Scarecrow entered has a chance to win a $1000 rafting package for up to 9 people! www.propulsion.ca Our judges will select the top ten scarecrows during the day, the top ten will then be displayed in the big tent for Pet Idol and the audience will vote on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Call Kate 613-551-2268 for more info.
RULES AND REGULATIONS: Each Scarecrow Post will come with a Woofest Sign. Once the scarecrow is complete, we encourage each team to display their creation proudly! Whether it is on your lawn, or at your place of business, the Woofest sign must be attached to your display at all times. Woofest will also be visiting each team prior to the contest to take photos of their scarecrow. Each scarecrow is expected to be family friendly and fun! Bonus points for creativity! Please keep Scarecrows safe and respectful. We reserve the right to refuse any entry we deem inappropriate or unsafe.
Each Scarecrow will be numbered, and your team must keep numbers visible. Our Scarecrow patch will have great visibility throughout Woofest, so each team is encouraged to make a sign with their team names or corporate logo.Teams will be responsible for delivery and pick up of their Scarecrow to and from Woofest. Any Scarecrows left behind after October 6th will become property of Woofest. Scarecrows are to be built upon the post provided, keeping the base clear for safety. You must make arrangements to have your Scarecrow brought to Lamoureux Park, from noon to 6 PM Friday October 5th to be eligible for the contest. Assistance from our committee is available on request. Some Tricks and Treats for Scarecrow Builders! First and foremost be creative! Think outside the box! Weather in October (and Canada) is unpredictable! Mother Nature may strike at any time so prepare Scarecrows for wind and rain! Scarecrows are encouraged to be made out of used or recyclable materials! ...and must make noise ...TO SCARE THE CROWS!
WHAT ELSE IS HAPPENING AT WOOFEST 2nd Annual Pet Idol Mc-Maze – Family Fun Centre with Pumpkin Carving Scarecrow Contest – Corporate Challenge Le Carnival Abraxas - Fire Breathing Show The Magic of David Jans - Entertainment The River Mohawk Band - Entertainment Greyhound Rescue – Event Ambassadors - Vendors Galore! - Artisans and Buskers Pony Rides - Charlotte’ s Stables - Zumbatomic - Zombie’ s Thriller Canicross - Coach Kendra MacKinnon The Local Seeker Car Boot Sale – JUNK in your TRUNK! and So Much More .......
A FAMILY FUN DAY ... and bring your dog!
Furniture Weaving comes to Cornwall Woofest
Cornwall Woofest will feature many local vendors, but will include some new ones from out of town as well. Pictured here is Daniel, co- owner of La Dame de Tresse from Sainte-Adèle. Daniel, along with his wife Joëlle have carved out a living from repairing and inventing furniture using caning and weaving techniques. This unique furniture has framework composed of imported hardwoods, such as cherry, butternut, and oak to name a few. These hardwoods create a tough foundation needed to support the meticulously-weaved paper strands, that once woven together form an incredibly strong and sturdy piece of furniture. The result is a look that is simple, attractive, and practical for any room in the home. Daniel explains that their ever-so-popular foot bench takes him about 17 hours to hand-craft from start to finish - where the weaving portion is a workout on its own. When they are not making something new they are busy repairing and restoring antique furniture sent to them from as far away as Toronto and even Calgary. Daniel has a new design that he hopes to unveil at Cornwall Woofest – it’s a kitchen island with two small benches that tuck underneath. Apartment dwellers should find this set attractive, and very practical for their tiny kitchens. This will be Daniel and Joëlle’s first visit to Cornwall, and they are already quite curious to learn more about our city.
Why not stop by to welcome them, and try weaving for yourself, as Daniel always welcomes the help – he does caution you that it's hard work, so get ready to work up a sweat! Visit their website at www.ladamedetresse.ca
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21 - pg. 19) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
I’m Julia the Web Designer
and I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer
Cornwall Dog Park Association - CDPA Presents
2nd Annual Pet Idol! -- Woofest 2012 Saturday Oct 6th, 2012 - Lamoureux Park
Calling all dogs!
Do you have talent? - Do you have charisma? Do you have confidence? Can you entertain?
Ask your owner to enter you in our canine talent show! Win prizes along with community recognition that you are Cornwall’s Top Dog! WANT SOM E HELP TO GET READY? Pawsitively Fit – will be hosting free talent training workshops just for you. Contact us at www.cornwalldogpark.ca Hurry and enter-spaces are limited! Call 613-330-4392 for more info
and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS We hope that you have enjoyed reading
this issue of The Local Seeker
We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. 613-935-3763 Julia - 613-932-1875 Mai-Liis Classifieds 613-362-2354 email: info@thelocalseeker.com We will be working on our 36TH ISSUE of Vol. 3 and it will be out next week on
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH, 2012 or read the paper online
THE LOCAL SEEKER (September 21- pg. 20)
specializing in Custom Wedding Invitations
email: thegraphicdesigner@cogeco.net
YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! for Advertising, Web Design, Graphic Design and Printing