IIntroducing to you ... this week k in in
Volume 46, 7 Volu3,mIssue e 3, 3, Issue Is48 sueDecember 46, December Decemb21, er 2012 Vol.
If You’re reading this, the world has not ended ...
s y a d i l o H y p So, Hap eker Chicks, e S e h t ! 3 1 0 from 2 n i u o y See As Always ...In the Centre Pages - Check Out . . .
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., "# ' Lamoureux "+,"-"). .%0" Park, east of swimming pool. are welcome. For information call: 613.935.5675 '' All ((2
n us o and e k Li ok n ebo Fac w us o o Foll ter t Twi sit i v l or loca om e th c . ker see
FOR SALE: Patio door vertical blind, washable, light grey and white -
111 *,)1 '' -$*+,"# '
FOR SALE: Swimming pool FOR SALE: diving Goldenboard, brown ladies fur coat. In mint condition, size equipment, 2 ladders, medium/large. Price $225. Call 613-933-4489. motor pump, filter, summer cover and more 613-937-4242
FOR SALE: Beautiful solid wood dining room set, brown clour, large china cabinet with light. $1,800. Call 613-933-6822. FOR SALE: Oriental 4 Panel esome! Pretty Aw Screen or room divider with beautifully coloured Each FOR SALE:figures. Mixed dry wood. $60 a cord. 849 Alexander Avenue, panel measures 18”613-938-6152. x 69”. Excellent Telephone condition $400, Call 613-528-4533
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Tuesday of ever week invites you overcome your FOR to SALE: Miniature villages Department 56 ypieces (high end fears of public speaking and 61 393 537 63 product). You may have seen them at Rob McIntosh in Lancaster. Many
encourage you to learn retired items, some boxes have never been opened. No more room to speaking skills in a positive keep them.Having Various fun prices, environment. istoo many to list. Some from the Alpine and DEA New England Villages, Dickens, North Pole and Halloween. Please DLI NE to bu included! Meeting are on 1st & y call 613-936-6873. 3rd Wednesdays of each month your tickets for at St. Lawrence Secondary SEEK SALE: Utility trailer, 6ft 5” wide, 12th ftelong, 4,000 ERlbSaxel, 14”, School FOR @ 1450 2nd St. East, CH O IC 12 ply tires, $1,100 OBO. Call 613-932-1606. E AW ARDS from 6:45pm to 8:45pm. at $4 0, June 1st. Everyone welcome; bring a friend! For Info: Brad LeClair Price goes up to (613-330-1488 or 613-543-3831)
$45 thereafter.
FOR SALE: High Chair, needs to be cleaned but in great shape. Used 1 year. $30 613-360-3442
FOR SALE: Brown sectional couch, good shape, No rips,CHRISTMAS no tears, asking $200. 613-360-1607
Long Sault Fabrics Souvenir DVDs for only $5
Please call Paul at 613-933-2232 TO GIVE:Baby Crib, no mattress, to give away. Please call 613-935-8101 FOR SALE: Black mink fur coat, like new. Worn 3 winters. Can be seen at 420 Carleton Street or call 613-932-2857.
FOR SALE: 2 Ford Edzel hub caps, 1 electric FOR base, SALE: 1 Techno box guitar, Hygiene Service Business. South East Ontario, home 2 exercisebased, bikes. turn Call key. 613-932-7045 10 days a month, 36k net income. Details
www.businesssellcanada.com/23113002.htm. No computer. Telephone FOR SALE: Boat 1988 with 115HP 613-699-1670
Johnson motor, needs new transom. 2400$ 613-360-1607 LOOKING FOR: a garage with a cement floor to park my convertible
for the winter. Call Bert at 613-932-7045.
Check out
our da coffee to
FOR SALE: Bone china set of dishes, Royal 8 YOUWorchester. R YARD Service SALEfor S SMART CITY June garland pattern. $375. complete. Beautiful Call 613-933-4489. by
FOR SALE: Canvases and frames at bargain price. 613-346-5583
%- *+") * #, /+
poles, in very good condition. Call 613-933-7776.
LOST: Oak Captain Chair around $20. Counter top, light beige, $20. Call 613-938-6158. 6:45 PM Thursday May 17, on Cornwall Centre Road Between FORand SALE: Mens’ downhill skis. Size 8 1/2 - with skis, boots and Power Damn Highway 138
y ve Ha
Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi practice and demonstrations (weather permitting),
FOR SALE: Lazyboy chair - electric, good condition, asking $45. Telephone 613-932-6078.
FOR SALE: A male (Pebble) and female (Bambie) Mexican sun conures (small exotic parrots) 12 years old. Very colourful (a mix green blue, orange and yellow). They made a good alarm if someone comes in. They live up between 25 to o 30 years. They are very friendly and tamed; they like to eat, at the table, in their plate at supper time and enjoy some human food. They are a breading pair for people wanting to go into business. The cage they live in (must be large) is square 36 inches x 30 inches and 5 1/2 feet high in perfect condition and come with a lot of toys and food. It also comes with a carrying cage also in perfect condition. The price is $1350 not negotiable. Delivery free of charge unless outside Cornwall and SD&G (Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry). For info call 613-936-6873.
Call in your FREE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY 613-935-3763 (Press classifieds)
- our Montreal paper - www.westend.thelocalseeker.com
Check out - our Montreal paper www.localhearaldmontreal.com The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 3, Issue 20, May 25, 2012 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Cornwall, Ontario Published byLocal Local Seeker Media Group,
Volume 3, Issue 48, December 21, 2012
The Local Seeker does not Founded accept responsibility forand errors, misprints or 2010 inaccuracies by Julia Lucio Mai-Liis Renaud published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESS INFORMATION: ADS: OUR CONTACT 613-935-3763 (Julia) / 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
BUSINESS ADS: www.thelocalseeker.com 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Office: 327 2nd Street Ext. E. 102 (Mai-Liis) The Local Seeker is Proudly printed a paper manufactured in Canada byor Paper Mason The Local Seeker does not on accept responsibility for errors, misprints inaccuracies Email: info@thelocalseeker.com The opinions statements of Design: our columnists not toReporters be Editor:published Julia Luciowithin. Co-Editor: Carolyn and Hersey Creative Mai-Liisare Renaud & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Sara Murphy & Julia Lucio www.thelocalseeker.com Office: 327 2nd Street E. presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker. The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 25 - pg. 2)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
Editor: Julia Lucio Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Jenna McDonald, Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud Sales & Marketing: Jenna McDonald & Tracey Doogan
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763
COFFEE GRINDS by Jason Setnyk
SHOP LOCAL for Christmas
I would like to wish the readers of the Local Seeker a joyous and safe holiday season. Some good news, if you're reading this, the world probably didn't come to an end, and North Korea still doesn't have any unicorns despite their ridiculous claims.
Ben Stein offended by White House reference to "Holiday Trees"! Supposedly the White House referred to a Christmas Tree as a "Holiday Tree" and this has conservative mouthpiece Ben Stein furious! Dear Ben Stein, I don't care if someone calls it a Christmas Tree, a holiday tree, or whatever else. A tree is a tree, and people can label it how ever they want. Get over yourself! People in this world are dying from hunger, dying from aids, dying from genocide, and you write a useless diatribe about the labels people give to a dead tree that they stick in their house each year? I suspect your motives, and I say shame on you sir! Although we disagree on this unimportant topic, I would still like to wish you a happy non denominational holiday! Now you might argue that it is a CHRISTmas Tree, however this tree tradition is so CHRISTmas it actually predates Christianity and Christ. Tree worship was a common tradition amongst pagans in Europe, and the tradition of the tree survived their conversion to Christianity. Can we talk about gun control now? The school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut shocked and saddened the world. Horrific tragedies like this happen every now and again, but what is the cause of it and how can we prevent or at least reduce the chances of this happening yet again? Fred Phelps and Louie Gohmert do not have the right answers. Hate preacher Fred Phelps and members of the looney toon Westboro Baptist Church picket funerals after tragedies like this. The hate choir released a video which members state that the shootings were God’s retribution for gay marriage. If you think that is nuts, some ultra conservative gun lovers like Republican U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert want more guns in school. Gohmert thinks the answer is to arm teachers! The Republican congressman said principal Sandy Hook should have had a machine gun so she could 'take his head off before he killed those precious kids' in an interview on Fox News right after the incident. Homophobia and more guns will not stop tragedies like this, but more gun control and better mental health care could. Gun control works in other countries. The same day that there was this tragedy in the United States, some ill person in China entered a school and stabbed two dozen children. Many of these Chinese children will survive their injuries, however if he had used a gun, many of those children would have died. Banning assault riffles including the ones in circulation would be a positive start, but more needs to be done. Mental health care should no longer be treated as something separate from physical healthcare, both are equally important, and the two need to be integrated. There is a lot of stigma concerning mental health, but the truth is a lot of people suffer from mental illness. The statistics are about 1 in 5 in both Canada and in the United States. If one in five Americans will suffer from some sort of mental illness in their life time that equals 60 million Americans! Health care reforms in the United States need to properly address this. The NRA gun lobby has been unusually quiet after what happened in Newton. Even many gun lobbyist understand there need to be some limits now. Assault rifles are not used to hunt dear, they are weapons made to murder multiple people. Bill 115 will not only hurt Teachers in Ontario but all workers! There is a new website, stopbill115.com, and it states "On September 11, 2012, Bill 115 was passed taking away the right of Ontario’s public school teachers and support staff to bargain their wages and working conditions. Collective agreements are now at risk, collective bargaining rights are under attack, and the government is saying there’s nothing you can do about it". It is an unprecedented attack on collective bargaining rights, that currently only affects teachers, but that is what the Liberals are trying to do, divide and conquer. First they went after the teachers, but who will be next? Nurses? The OPP? LCBO workers? How about all private sector workers in Ontario? After all if the province can treat its employees this way, the next logical step is to eliminate collective bargaining for all workers to make Ontario more competitive, and to make it's CEO's richer. Bill 115 is not the end, it is the beginning, and it is important that Ontario workers stand up united to defend collective bargaining rights. Of course Queen's Park won't be getting much work done because of the Liberals. Did McGuinty resign and progue the legislature because of the power plant scandal? Maybe he didn't want to answer some serious questions about his undemocratic bill 115. We need to clean up
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 3)
Queens Park! Only the NDP stood up against these bullies and the undemocratic Bill 115 (passed by the Liberals and supported by the Conservatives) in Queens Park. In the next provincial election it is time to give Andrea Horwath the reigns. For those who think teachers are just in it for the money, remember, there are a lot of good teachers out there, who spend countless hours volunteering with extra curricular activities to enrich your children's lives, who take extra courses and qualifications to continuously improve their craft, and have a passion and love for teaching. Workers of Ontario need to unite and stand up to McGuinty, because McGuinty and the Liberals sure are not standing up for us. Are Food Banks enough? Food banks fill an important need, the truth is more and more Canadians can not afford to pay the rent and buy groceries. It's not just people on welfare, but working Canadians who can not achieve any sense of financial security. No one wants to go to a food bank, losing their dignity and privacy in the process, and the truth is food banks don't bring people out of poverty. Good policies will help get people out of poverty, such as putting food back in the budget, or a living wage, this is what will help reduce poverty in Canada. The current system has created a poverty industry not a means to reduce poverty. However reducing poverty though good policy’s will have many benefits and will help correct or at least reduce other social problems such as mental health care issues and crime. This Christmas give to a food bank, yes, but also email your MP and MPP and let them know you want to put food back in the budget, and that everyone working full time should have a living wage and should be able to afford food, rent, and a minimal quality of life. The expression bread and roses sums that idea up perfectly. To quote Krusty the Clown from the Simpsons, "And this ends Krusty's non-denominational holiday fun fest. So have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah, a Krazy Kwanzaa, a Tip Top Tet, and a solemn, eventful Ramadan. Now, over to my god, our sponsors." MY NAME IS JASON SETNYK, AND THESE ARE MY COFFEE GRINDS! Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, published and award winning author, photographer, arts and culture event coordinator, and a community volunteer sitting on numerous boards and committees. http: //jason-setnyk.blogspot.ca
CORNWALL CHAMBER ALERT : A Chamber member has alerted us to a possible fraudulent activity. The member received what looked like an invoice from a company identifying itself as ATS Systems that showed a Montreal address. The member has not had any dealings with this firm. The Chamber investigated and could not confirm either the firm's address or telephone number. They do not appear to be bonifide. Members are advised to be aware should they receive such a document.
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
Seeker Chicks Julia and Mai-Liis would like to take this opportunity to Thank all of our Columnists who contribute throughout the year. You are a huge part of the Seeker Family and this community paper wouldn’t be what it is without all of you.
Coffee Grinds and Eye on Society,
from My Pantry
Road Signs
Financially Speaking
Heading for Happy
Packrat Organization 101
From the desk of Candy Pollard
Our Video Guy & Writer
Pipers Point
Border Patrol
Comfort in Conversation with V.
The Water Guy
Postcards from the Right Side of my Brain
The Health Nut
About the House
Ask a Psychic
A bicycle built for 6
Mortgage Matters
When You’ve Got To Go
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 4) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763
Know Your Place
Reel Fish Stories
From the Smart Kitchen
Off The Mat
Once Upon A Paintbrush
News from Focus Art
Cornwall Dog Park Association News
Wrestling Uncensored
Spinal Column
and we definitely couldn’t do it without these two people, Mai-Liis’ parents who bring the Local Seeker to you every week - thank you so much! OUR GREAT DELIVERY TEAM
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 5)
Thank you Carolyn for all the editing you have done for us. our past Co-Editor
Thank you to our great Sales Team!
... and thank you to all our dedicated advertisers, contributors from the community and of course all of our readers. Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We will be taking a 2 week vacation and will be back with Volume 4, Issue 1 on January 11th, 2013.
JENNA MCDONALD Sales and Marketing
TRACEY DOOGAN Sales and Marketing
You want me to run through my picks of the best movies to warm your heart this Yuletide season. Alright, alright you’ve twisted my arm…. In Order: 10. Lethal Weapon: (1987) What wouldn’t go better with unwrapping present on Christmas morning than Mel Gibson and Danny Glover as two butt-kicking cops. The movie starts out with Jingle Bell Rock, and a police chase through a Christmas Tree Lot. It’s one of those warm LA holiday movies with lots of bullets flying everywhere!
9. Trading Places: (1983) Remember when Eddie Murphy was someone your parents wouldn’t let you listen to or watch? (I had Raw on cassette) This Christmas tale of rags to riches, and riches to rags is a magical story of a Wall Street trader who has everything stripped away from him and left to wallow in the gutter, as it brings a beggar off the streets and into a very wealthy lifestyle. In the end everyone is happy and Jamie Lee Curtis really does warm the heart of Dan Akroyd. 8. Batman Returns: (1992) By now you’ve probably realized you’re not going to find It’s a Wonderful Life on this list. Tim Burton’s sequel to the first Batman movie finds us at Christmas Time in Gotham! There’s a Christmas Queen, a giant tree in the center of town, lots of gifts with villains popping out of them, and deadly mistletoe. Apparently eating mistletoe is a bad idea! This will definitely get grandma in the holiday spirit! 7. Gremlins: (1984) It’s Christmas Ma! Are those chestnuts I smell roasting, or a Gremlin in the microwave? There’s something about Gremlins singing Christmas carols that just gets me all choked up every year! I really should only have to say two words to remind you why you would want to watch this movie. Corey Feldman. Enough said! Just be careful this year when someone says they’ve “spiked” the eggnog! 6. Reindeer Games: (2000) Ben Affleck. Charlize Theron. Gary Sinise. You can borrow my copy. 5. The Long Kiss Goodnight: (1996) Geena Davis should have got TONS of action films after this one. Watch out for those carolers one of them is missing an eye and carrying a shotgun! Brilliant movie about an assassin who loses her memory and ends up a mom at PTA meetings! If you look closely you see Canada in the film! 4. The Ref: (1994) Dennis Leary is a cat burglar who takes a dysfunctional bickering family hostage on Christmas Eve. Yes, it is a love story. And very funny. 3. Trapped in Paradise: (1994) Wow 1994 was a good year for Christmas movies! Truthfully I can’t really remember this movie, but Nick Cage is in it BABY! I’m sure it won at least 3 Oscars that year. Movie about bank robbers who plan to rob a small town bank on Christmas Eve! Did I mention Nicholas Cage?
I suppose, given the time of year, I should be writing about mistletoes, Christmas lights and all the joy that comes with celebrating the holidays. The Christmas season is a special occasion, where you take time to be with family, eat lots of awesome food, drink lots of wine and spend late nights with your loved ones, laughing while trimming the tree, watching some Christmas classic like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer on Blue Ray.
What I am really thinking though, is all the mixed messages we, women get during the holiday season. I am blessed this year to be having Christmas dinner at my house and am quite aware of what is expected of me. By this I mean how I need to control my insatiable urges to not indulge during the Christmas holidays yet am surrounded by gorgeous images taunting me to eat luxurious, decadent foods and indulge in the perfect Christmas. At the same time, I am expected to stay motivated with my fitness regime during this time, to not let the holiday season make me look tired and saggy, feel good about eating mashed potatoes (all those carbs –OMG) and do the 25 things to make me look young, sparkly and fabulous Christmas eve even though I have spent the last 48 hours running around getting last minute items. On top of all this, I am supposed to have flat abs, a firm butt, wrinkle free skin, magically have the ability to turn my LEAN gene on and lose those 10 pounds before the holidays so I CAN relax and eat my turkey with all the trimmings. I have to laugh. Of course, I can accomplish all this and do it in 7 days too! Frankly, I was going to write about the beauty of Christmas and all that it entails. My work with the Agapè centre has shown me that people are generous and kind. I have seen many examples of thoughtful individuals giving generously this time of year and who go the extra mile to help others. I see it in everyone. Yet, there is a pervasive, niggly feeling that to just gather my friends and family for the sole purpose of having a good time for that special evening didn’t seem enough. So what is one to do? Don’t panic, my holiday divas, there is a solution and it’s called SPANX! Now, I do have some reservations about this wonder product that encases your “flab” like a sausage in $60.00 pantyhose. SPANX offers us the opportunity to stuff ourselves into a tight spandex sandwich bag. We can encase not just our protruding Christmas bellies, but the whole enchilada as SPANX has just about everything for your back fat, knee bulge, rib fat and you know, that fat that squishes out just at the top of your thong? So, you want to look good and enjoy life. You want to eat, be merry and have a good time. Fear not; go for it as SPANX is here to save the day. PS, the image alone should get you excited! At the end of it all, no one will remember how smooth your skin was. Honestly, they won’t. They may remember how winded you are because you are wearing something so tight that it restricts your breathing and not because of the moments that take your breath away. Go easy on yourself and appreciate who you are. Relish in the happiness your fellow friends and family will show because you are serving them something wonderful!
Cornwall’s Programs continue so we are g expandin ! our team
1. DIE HARD: (1987) Yippe Ki-Yay Rudolph! Nothing says Christmas like Bruce Willis making fists in the carpets with his toes! I hate when the office Christmas party is over taken by gunmen and the FBI is called in. Sound track Supplement your family income while serving your community. nt prese is perfect for sitting by the fire and sipping spiced cider, with favorites like community along with new parents. the Spring Visit new families in your own RUN DMC’s Christmas in Hollis or Bruce Willis himself whistling Jingle Bells Part time-flexible hours. A car and computer are essential. before he blows away yet another gunman. only please.
Well I hope you find some time to enjoy some of these holiday favorites with your loved ones this year. Have a safe and happy holidays and a very Merry Christmas!
Baby Shower
Serious inquiries and local applications You will be contacted by email if you are considered for this position. Email resume to; gyork@welcomewagon.ca http://www.welcomewagon.ca
Sunday, April 15, 2012 - 1pm
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 6)
2. Enemy of The State: (1998) Will Smith….BAM! Gene Hackman….BAM! Jon Voight….BAM! Hey Jack Black is in this movie too. Scott Caan, Jake Busey, Lisa Bonet, and even Gabriel Byrne(he’s alive in this one for almost 3 minutes) are also in it. Great for the government conspiracy theorist on your holiday list! This really is a Christmas movie, as the whole plot twist happens because someone goes Christmas shopping! Jason Lee is there too for a couple of minutes at the beginning with Jason Robards. (although Robards is unaccredited) Come to think of it most of the people in this movie die…so maybe not a happy Christmas movie.
Know Your Place by Alyssa Blais
Reel Fish Stories By John Earle
I figured all my readers would expect I review my favorite Holiday or Christmas movies, since we are only days away from Santa slipping down the chimney. Well that’s what you’re expecting, right?
Cornwall Civic Complex - Salons A, B & C
FREE CLASSIFIED Doo ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com lays - Gift Bags s - Special Disp r Prize Exciting ADMISSION IS FREE - BY INVITATION ONLY
kriscrossroads by Kris Ward
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Seeker Spotlight -The Local Portrait-
So another Christmas season is upon us, as we prepare to bid adieu to 2012. What a year it has been for me and my son. As I look back and reflect on the year that was, I smile at all the changes, sigh at all the new beginnings and take comfort that I am here to enjoy them with my family and friends.
These photos of Jessica were taken by Jason Setnyk Photography.
Addresses changed, new career paths were followed, a few health scares, an accident, some new beginnings and some new challenges. By writing this column/blog, I am able to look back at the many twists and turns this year brought.
Jessica is a recent graduate from the Early Childhood Education program. She has been involved in Kinsmen girls hockey for about 12 years and she will be playing in the Womens Recreational Hockey League for a second season. She enjoys spending time with family and friends.
Next to the move, one of the biggest changes in my life is the fact that my only son left for college. Like many parents, I picked him up for Christmas Break and immediately noticed the differences. He’s grown up; he is more independent and is more focused on school than he has ever been.
School was a bigger challenge than I believe he anticipated. He has a lot less free time than he thought and his program was filled with assignments, but after viewing his many projects, I can’t help but be proud of all he accomplished. Like most students that were away for most of the fall and the beginning of winter, he had some adjustments to make, not coming home to his childhood home was a big one for him. He hasn’t had a chance to explore much since he arrived; he has a serious sleep debt and I think it will take a bit of time for it to sink in that he has some free time. I will finish out this week of work and then will get an opportunity to enjoy some time off until the New Year. As I slowly adjust to my new home and city, I am preparing for the holidays. I am behind schedule and at least one more trip home is scheduled before Christmas. We have always had dinner together as a family in Cornwall. This is my first solo attempt at preparing for Christmas. I am mentally preparing my meal and festivities. One thing I always do without fail is look back at the year that was and give thanks to those who are in my life. This year, with all the changes, I am even more aware of who my key people are. Being part of this Local Seeker family has been a big part of my life for the past year and a half and I hope to continue it. Whatever 2013 holds, we have to embrace it and make the most of it. Sometimes new opportunities are presented and it is worth the leap of faith. To all my family and friends, I wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at:
Jason Setnyk Photography is located in Cornwall Ontario. Contact Jason Setnyk for photography services including shoots for weddings, engagement, family, modeling, sports, arts and culture, band/musician photo shoots, events, and commercial photography. www.facebook.com/JasonSetnykPhotography
Dear Seeker Chicks, (letter to the Editor) NO GRANT FOR TAG IS A GOOD LESSON I think The City Council did the right thing by withholding the grants for the TAG-The Art Gallery of Cornwall on the grounds that it was their repeated offence. However I feel it is a little excessive punishment to hold all the funds for TAG, because according to Sylvie Lizotte, the executive director, TAG might have to cancel some shows and may be forced to reduce the visiting hours. It is not going to be very good for the Pitt Street Mall, from Pommier Jewellers to Melody Music businesses or in tune with the ideas of improving tourism through the Arts and Cultural activities. It is Christmas guys!!
The Seaway Seniors had a special visit from Santa this week - the fitness group gave him a workout before the big day! Seaway Senior Citizens Club is located at 1010 Guy St. East, (at 11th St.) Cornwall - 613-932-4969 www.seawayseniors.ca
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 7)
I, as a retired art teacher and as an active artist-photographer, would like to suggest that City and the TAG board of directors come to some compromise for the sake of TAG to remain active as is. If the TAG board of directors promise to improve and supervise the application process in future then The City Council should pay at least the water and hydro expenses till the grant is approved. This is the only way that I see without impacting the shows and the TAG opening. This is the Christmas Time and let there be Peace!! May I wish a Merry Christmas to both the parties with the hope that there is a Santa sitting in The City Council!! Virender Paul Madan Proud member of TAG
Financially Speaking with Brian Seguin
FROM MY PANTRY by Sharyn Thompson
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1- 1/2 cups white sugar
-Test at 60 minutes to see if a cake tester comes out clean when
1 tsp. pure almond extract
-Allow the cakes to cool right in the pans on a wire cooling rack
1 tsp vanilla extract
inserted into the centre of the loaf.
1 tsp. pure lemon extract
4 eggs (at room temperature)
for 20 minutes before carefully removing them from the pans to
-Cream all of the above ingredients together until nice and fluffy. Then add: 2- 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 2 tsp. baking powder
Have a Tax-Smart Finish to 2012 The year may be almost over, but there may still be time to find ways to save on your 2012 taxes – and also adopt some tax-smart habits for the coming year and beyond. Here are some ideas you may want to consider.
continue to cool on the wire cooling rack.
-Once completely cooled, slice and enjoy with a nice cup of tea. ENJOY!
SHOP LOCAL for Christmas
Income splitting – If you are age 65 or older, you may be able to allocate up to one-half of qualified pension income to your spouse or common-law partner. Pension income can come from pension plans, Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) payments or certain annuities.
Accrued losses before year-end – If your investment objectives have changed or the underlying fundamentals of an investment have changed, you may want to consider selling the investment, which can trigger a capital loss and offset any capital gains you may have had, thereby reducing your overall tax bill.
609 Pitt Street (Giant Tiger Plaza), Cornwall ON K6J 3R8 www.mrsbsgifts.com 613-937-0222
RRSP contribution – The deadline is not until early 2012, but consider making your 2012 Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contribution now if you haven’t already done so. By acting sooner rather than later, you can give the investments in your RRSP more time to potentially grow through compounding. RESP contribution – Remember that you must put money into a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) before year-end to qualify for the 2012 Canada Education Savings Grant.
TFSA contribution – Don’t forget about the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). Canadians who have reached the age of majority and older can put $5,500 per year into a TFSA and benefit from tax-free growth on eligible investments held in the account. Consider taking advantage of this opportunity. Charitable contributions – To qualify for many credits and deductions, including charitable contributions, you must complete these financial transactions before Dec. 31. Speak with your financial advisor for more information on these and other yearend strategies. Edward Jones, Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Local Edward Jones advisor, BRIAN SEGUIN , (613) 932-6161 89 Tollgate Road West, Unit 2 , Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5 www.edwardjones.com
begins 9:30 am December 26th
Filion Trophies
Helping People Honour People... Depend on Us! 606 Montreal Rd Cornwall, Ontario
fax: 613-938-0067 filiontrophies@sympatico.ca
CITY SNIPPETS There will be no garbage and recycling collection on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Collection on those days will be pushed back one day and for the remainder of the week. For missed garbage or recycling collection, please call HGC Management at (613) 936-6072.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 8) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 www.thelocalseeker.com
... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!
our weekly pages of events n’ more...
45 Second Street E. TEL: 613-932.4796
HOLIDAY HOURS The Library is CLOSED on December 24, 25, 26 and January 1. The Library is OPEN on December 27, 28 & 29 from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. December 30, noon to 4:00 pm and on December 31 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22 & 29 CHECK MATES - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 L'HEURE DU CONTE 10 h LES BAMBINS 10 h CLUB DE LECTURE LIVROMANIE 18 h 30 Sign up now for kids programs and Philosophy course which begins on Tuesday, January 15
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 www.thelocalseeker.com
IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD! Wait, We’re still here?
CareFor Walk-In Nursing Clinic from 11 am to 3 pm, 205 Amelia St. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure checks, diabetes & cholestoral checks etc. Winter Solstice The Longest Night at 7:30 pm. Knox-St. Paul’s United Church, 800 12th St. E. Join others build a city where no one journeys alone during Christmas Fish & Chips Night from 4:30 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Also serving clam chowder, fish rolls & more! Karaoke begins at 7 pm.
SATURDAY DEC 22 Saturday Worship and Praise Night Everyone Welcome. 2nd and 4th Sat of the month. 7pm at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 949 Mohawk Dr
SUNDAY DEC 23 A Season of Wonder Advent Sunday
OPEN YOUR HEART'S DOOR TO DIVINE ENCOUNTERS "The Man Who Missed Christmas" TEXT: Luke 2:8-20 Key Words: Silence/Sound Key Thought: We Worship God, Who Is Sometimes Silent, Sometimes Full of Joyful Music. 949 mohawk Drive, Corwnall
MONDAY DEC 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7 pm. Cornwall Weslyan Church, 780 Sydney St.
Christmas Eve Service Come and join us for an evening of carols and special music by candlelight to celebrate Christmas. Invite your friends, neighbours, relatives, coworkers and everyone else! Harvest Christian Fellowship 847 York Street, Cornwall, Ontario K6J 4A7
16th Annual Christmas Dinner Contact: 613.543.0722 to reserve your spot at the "People Who Need People" Christmas Dinner Prepared by the Anglican Parish of Dundas. (Morrisburg, Iroquois,Riverside Heights)12:30 pm at Ministry of Anglican Parish Morrisburg, Iroquois,Riverside Heights Carols & Brass Enjoy the sounds of the Christmas season when the Salvation Army presents "Carols & Brass: A Community Carol Sing" featuring performances by the Ottawa Citadel Brass Band - Cornwall Community Church Timbrels, the First Baptist Church Male Quartet and soloist Glenda Cole, Christmas eve at 9 pm and Christmas Day at 5 pm.
Wednesday night special for Christmas break starting this Wednesday the 19th No cover kitchens open and $3. Bar rail @ Envy Night Spot. 18 third st East
THURSDAY DEC 27 THE GRIND OPEN MIC hosted by Chuck Leclair. 6pm. Second Street
SINGLES 55+ MEETUP GROUP We will be meeting at the Jet Set Pub in the NAV Centre Dec. 20 and Jan. 10, 2013. All Meetups are held on Thursdays 7pm. We welcome you from surrounding areas. Please join us. For more info e-mail: singles55plusgroup@yahoo.ca
Soiree du bon view temps from 5 pm to close. Army Navy Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. Meat pie & baked bean supper: 9$ with music with the Legers Sizzling Beats and Treats An open invitation to all (19 +) to participate, and enjoy a NIGHT with 3Angels Power. Enjoy an evening of great Entertainment filled with Sizzelin' Beats N' Treats. Our program also includes a Free style Dance contest, interactive music trivia, and a raffle. Everyone 19, and older are welcome. @ Envy Night Spot 9pm Elly May & Winston Marley Live @ La Maison Tavern 10pm
Tim Hortons Free Skates
Benson Centre December 26 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm December 27 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm December 28 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm December 31 10:00 am - 11:30 am January 02 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm January 03 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm January 04 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Long Sault Arena December 23 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm December 29 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm January 02 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm January 03 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Upper Canada Village Alight at Night Festival Over half a million lights are used to adorn the famous Upper Canada Village with an explosion of Christmas spirit, making the Alight at Night Festival one of the provinces most anticipated holiday light displays.l13470 County Road 2 Alexandria Festival of Lights This month-long event has become a holiday staple each year in the township of North Glengarry. Visitors from around the region and beyond come in droves to take part in the festival's amazing Christmas atmosphere.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 10) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 www.thelocalseeker.com
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Join us for a fun filled evening of dining, dancing and celebrating with friends. Our planned festivities include Hors d'oeuvres along with our fabulous Steak and Seafood Dinner Buffet in the Simon Fraser Ballroom. Then dance the night away with our DJ. He will play all your favorites. Ring in the New Year with a toast of Champagne and party favours. @ Ramada Inn Join Roxanne Delage and Rod Robillard for an intimate New Year's Eve party at Katerina's Restaurant on Second Street W. New Year’s Eve Dance, Quinn’s Inn, St. Andres’s W Featuring Willy Dee Band, 9 pm to 1 am. Music from the 50’s 60’s and 70’s $30 per person, tickets available at the door. Late Lunch Provided. For more info call Bernice 613-931-3456 New Years Eve Bash with Winston Marley and SwitchGear ~ Salon B Complex. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door. We also have a *NEW PRICE* of 2 tickets for $25. Doors Open at 8PM casual dress.Entertainment with Dj Mitch Gagne followed by two awesome local acts Winston Marley and Headliners SwitchGear!!
www.cornwallunderground.com for more events in the area
Who to see, Where to go, What to do...
MONDAY DECEMBER 31ST ROXANNE DELAGE @ Katerina's Restaurant in Cornwall.
MONDAY DECEMBER 31ST LOST BOYZ @ La Maison in Cornwall.
Email us your music events to info@thelocalseeker.com
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 www.thelocalseeker.com
An open invitation to all (19 +) to participate, and enjoy a NIGHT with
3Angels Power
Enjoy an evening of great Entertainment filled with
Friday, December 28, 2012 9:00pm - 12:00am at Envy Night Spot 18 third st East, Cornwall
Our program also includes a Free style Dance contest, interactive music trivia, and a raffle. $10 admission fee in advance (available at Envy Night Spot) or at the door. A small Holiday gift bag will be given only with the first 10 tickets purchased. Also buying a raffle ticket for .99 cents will give you a chance to win 1 of 5 fabulous gift baskets . ONLY "Franceska" Cast members & Volunteers enter for FREE. Doors open a 9:00PM PM. Show starts at 9:30PM Featuring: Dj- Stacy McPhail (DJ Sound), and more This event is made to help 3Angels Power Film Production INC reach their goal, and make "Franceska" the movie a reality. Come, and help 3Angels Totally Rock Cornwall.. Invite your family, and friends. You'll have a chance to meet, and greet with few of "Franceska" cast members. Join us. We need your support! With your help Franceska will come to live... We believe in our ability to make a difference in this world. Take a step forward, and join our party. Don't just stand by, get involved. OPTIONAL: We want YOU to come aboard and BECOME a PART of our TEAM! Be a helping hand in creating this movie so become an Honorary Angel, and have your name in the credits along with a thank you note starting from $100 up to $1000 optional contribution. Anything above $500 up to $10,000 will be considered a sponsor. Sponsorship packages are still available for those who are interested. Contributors names will be posted online unless they prefer to remain anonymous. For more info please email: threeangelspower@yahoo.com / 3angelspower@gmail.com
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613 -362 -852 4 613 -525 -529 8 THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 12)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS The Art of Playful Experimentation If there is one thing that an Artist usually excels at above most other talents is the ability to play. We love to have fun, let loose and live that Wonderland experience to the max. As children our imagination is our gateway to our creative side as we smear, splash and bang away at our creative play. Picasso said that “All children are born Artists, it’s staying that way that is the challenge”. Those of us that nurture our Right Brain see the world in a bright Kaleidoscope of wonder that can express both our happiest and darkest experiences. We are usually fairly proficient at experimentation as well, boldly trying out our ideas without worry, unless of course we start to think that we have found “Our true Voice”. Once we think we have reached that point, where it all just falls into place and happens. We abandon that very thing that got us there, experimentation. We often are so sure that this is it; the holy grail of our ability that we become enslaved to that “style”. We stop doing anything that does not look, sound or follow that “True Voice”. Soon the enslavement leads to complacent behavior and the child artist inside us starts to die. Often our motivation is an honest one. We are making money at what we are doing; we must be true to our following or if we change we may lose our hard won audience. These are all good reasons for thinking twice before changing what you are doing but lousy reasons for abandoning “Play”.
Our journey as an Artist should be to serve only one master and that is our playful Creative Soul. This Creative Soul should be your only concern; not the payday, the Galleries or the Concert stage. Only your Creative Soul is important because when you deprive your Soul of the very thing that feeds and nourishes it unpleasant stuff can happen. What sort of “stuff” you ask? It could be as benign as a loss of interest in what you do or it could be a deep unrest that is dragging you down. It could also be as severe as a depression that paralyzes your very ability you are trying to preserve. Just remember that there is hope to get you out of this and that is experimental play. Play like you’re in Kindergarten again; sing silly songs, paint without a brush or dance to the Tella Tubbies silly music. Whatever puts you into that playful place and once you are there start to experiment with anything and everything you do. Have fun creating after all if it isn’t fun, why are you bothering to do it?
Seeker Winter Spotlight
- Beautiful Images Around Us -
If you are really stuck and forget how to play spend time with a 5 year old child they will show you how it’s done, better still a whole room full of 5 year olds and ask them to paint, sing and dance with you, abandon all your rules and pre-set belief system and just have fun. Fun is the magic elixir that gives life to the Creative Soul, so play on! Have a wonderful Holiday Season and see you back here in the New Year! Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Art Instructor, Lecturer, Writer and Creative Coach staylorhedgesart.com focusartonline.org studioonecatsquared.com rulesforpainting.blogspot.com Cat Scratches - Studio Blog
This photo was taken by local photographer, LePage Studios lepagestudio@yahoo.ca Our question to you is - Where is this local scene?
- please email your answer to info@thelocalseeker.com
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 13) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS Exceptional Art From Beautiful Minds
Without Exception: Exceptional Art from Beautiful Minds is an ongoing arts initiative for special needs students in the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario. Inspired by three special needs artists in her classroom at Notre Dame Catholic High School in Carleton Place, art teacher Sarah Jaynes founded Without Exception in 2008 in order to highlight and share the talents of special needs artists within the CDSBEO. Today, in itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fifth year, the program celebrates the artistic efforts of 37 artists from all over Eastern Ontario. This year they are proud to unveil 37, unique artworks of birds. Although similar, all of these artworks speak to the individuality of their creators.
The reception was held at The Art Gallery (TAG) Cornwall at 168 Pitt Street Cornwall, on December 15th from 2 to 4 pm. The exhibition continues until January 25th, 2013.
Artist Tyler Czawltko and organizer Lindsay Melnick
It is a show not to be missed! Artist Shauna Ingram
Artist Alysha Antoine
Artist Jeffrey Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neil Artist Darleen Yeo
Laura Melnick, Server of the refreshmentsl
Organizer Lindsay Melnick, Charlotte Rouleau, Superintendent of the Schoolboard for Cornwall - School Effectiveness and Mieke Stacey, Organizer.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 14) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 www.thelocalseeker.com
OFF THE MAT with Lisa Blanchard
Do YOU need YOUR
High School Diploma? Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition
Yoga and the Holidays I hope everyone is enjoying the festivities and the camaraderie of this Holiday time. As we hustle about from one family event to another, one shopping mall to another, try to remember to take some time for you. Even though this is a joyous time of celebration and family, it can also be a stressful and difficult time as well. One way to “get through the Holidays”, is to plan for some quality “me-time”. I have mentioned it several times in my column that we need to take care of ourselves first, so that we may have the energy to take care of those around us. Just like a teapot cannot replenish the cup if it is empty, so too the soul needs replenishment in order to give forth to others. So that being said, what ways can you “take care of you and fill yourself up?”
YOU MAY BE CLOSER TO A DIPLOMA thaan you think th think! You could be eligible to earn credits for work and life experiences . . .
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Plan to take 10-20 minutes each day for this rejuvenating practice. Find a quiet, comfortable space. Feel free to add some relaxing music and candles to create this healing space. Sit in a comfortable position so that your spine is tall and straight (this allows the breath and blood to flow and circulate more efficiently in the body). Close your eyes and listen to your breath. Notice how the breath moves into your body and out of your body. Listen to the sound it makes and notice how it sounds like the ocean tide, as it rolls in and rolls out. Sit like this for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Once you feel deeply relaxed and quiet, you may add some yoga Helix - Heavy Mental Christmas Show ... postures to help the body open up and relax. A few poses that are Article and photos by Mai-Liis Renaud beneficial to the relaxation process is forward bends and hip openers. Stand up and fold forward from the hip into a forward Wow, what a great concert at the Port Theatre on Sunday, December bend. Stay in the position for 5-10 breaths, allowing your body to 16th. Jeff Brunet of Alkaline Entertainment and the friends of the fold deeper into the pose with each exhalation. Next, come to Port Theatre did it again - treated the people of Cornwall to a sitting and place the soles of your feet together in Cobbler’s pose wonderful Christmas Show with many new and traditional Christmas carols set to Rock music - a perfect mix for me - Heavy rock and and bend forward over your legs, and relax into the pose with every exhalation. Stretch out the right leg keeping the left leg bent and Christmas music! bend forward for a great hamstring and low back stretch. Switch legs after 5-10 breaths. Finally, rest in Corpse pose, lying on your back with legs relaxed and open, arms by your side and palms facing up. Close your eyes and continue listening to your breath for a few more minutes. This little sequence is designed to elicit the “relaxation response” of the parasympathetic nervous system. During the holiday season, we mostly operate within the “stress response” or the “fight-flight response” of the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic is the part of your nervous system that slows you down—it's responsible for telling your muscles to relax, improving your digestion and assimilation, boosting immunity, and helping you sleep better. It also normalizes your blood pressure and lowers your heart rate. The parasympathetic nervous system counteracts many stress-related symptoms and the negative by-products of our modern, fast-paced, high-output lives. We must bring balance to our lives in order to take of ourselves. As you rush about this holiday season, plan to still yourself as well with this rejuvenating practice daily. You will feel centered and peaceful, calm and happy, allowing you to enjoy the festivities of the Holidays. Spirit Tree Yoga will be closed from December 23rd to January 1st, 2013, so that we may enjoy this Holiday time with family. Join us in the New Year to deepen your practice, feel rejuvenated and refreshed, strong and healthy for a wonderful 2013. We are offering an incredible New Year’s Resolution deal for new members—get an introductory month of unlimited Yoga for only $50. This special begins January 2nd, 2013. You can purchase online at the website: www.spirittreeyoga.net or drop by in person at 117 Eleventh ST. W behind Spine Care Plus at the back of the building. Blessings to you and your family, Lisa Blanchard 613-330-4494
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 15) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
Naturally Delicious ... with the Health Nut
Nov. 12, 2012
This is my last column of 2012...we will be back on stands mid-January 2013 again......it has been such a privilege to be able to have my own special place in this community gem…I thank Julia and Mai-Liis for inviting me to be a part of their Local Seeker family…thanks Seeker Chicks….it has been an awesome ride up to now……can’t wait to see all of the new adventures that will be happening with The Health Nut in the NewYear….woohoo! On Friday , December 14th… I had the privilege to attend Cornwall’s Biggest Weight Loser Award Night at Nav Centre. The atmosphere was filled with love, encouragement and good wishes to all participants. They are all winners!! Having learned about health from the inside/out for the last 3 ½ months of their lives with the guidance of Dr. Marie-Josee Cardinal (Cardinal Chiro Clinic) and the strength training skills of Tom Irvine (owner Quest PTS gym), the 20 participants, in this short period of time were able to lose an amazing combined total of 1019.8 lbs …there are no words to describe this…congratulations to all!!!....Incredible team effort and accomplishment!!
A huge thumbs up to Team Farm Boy for being the official winners of the challenge....they were the lucky recipients of $1000 each…. Everyone looked awesome all dressed up in their beautiful attire, great to see so many individuals feeling and looking on top of the world. Losing weight is a huge challenge and maintaining it is even harder. Knowing this I wanted to offer them something special that I hope will help them continue on their path to a healthier lifestyle…
Dear Doreen, I have a dream with a theme that has been reoccurring over the last dozen years or more. It always starts out me being in a social gathering. It may be at my home with company, a restaurant, or visiting a friend. It then leads into a visit to animal water park such as Sea World, an Olympic size pool or an ocean life aquarium. Someone in my group ends up in the water in a dangerous situation. I don't recall what happens next but then it ends up that when I go to leave my car is missing. Sometimes it is stolen other times someone has just moved it out of view. The details are different each time but the basic plot for lack of a better word always seems to be the same. Are the events is these dreams connected? What do they mean? Why are they reoccurring over so many years? Your insight would be greatly appreciated. Dream-a Dear Dream-a, This type of dream is called a ‘reoccurring dream’. Even though there are variations, the main theme remains the same. In your series of dreams, the details clearly point out how other people’s choices to get themselves ‘into deep water’ has an affect on your ability to maneuver through your life circumstances. In other words, when some one close to you makes a choice that creates challenges in their life…it also creates challenges in your life. Be loving. Set boundaries. Hold the boundaries so that you may continue to enjoy the right to move freely regardless of other people’s choices. Peace and blessings, The Angel Whisperer
On that note….I have healthy eating cooking seminar gift certificates available if ever you wish to give one to a special someone in your life this Xmas…. The gift of health is always appreciated!! My regular cooking seminars will be starting up again in February 2013….make sure to get your name on the list….limited space available… Best of the Holiday Season to all of you, may you spend time with family and loved ones…. have a magical time and most of all be surround yourself with love and joy!! In health…. Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut!) thehealthnut@cogeco.ca www.thehealthnut.ca 613-931-3119
CITY SNIPPETS City administration offices will be closed for the Christmas holiday season from Monday, December 24th to Wednesday, January 2nd 2013
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 16)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
Team Farm Boy, Julie Lascelle and Chantal Kaddie, winners of the Cornwall’s Biggest Weight Loser challenge.
I presented each team with a FREE healthy eating cooking seminar gift certificate. They are invited to attend a very intimate seminar, exclusively the 20 participants along with the organizers. They will be able to see how easy it really is to get back in the kitchen, prepare great tasting, delicious and nutritious meals to help them live their best lives ever. It will be great to help them celebrate their greatness!!
They both won $1000.00 cash.
Photo and article by Mai-Liis Renaud Last Saturday, 5 lucky children, members of the Riverkings Kids Club got to have lunch with two of the Riverkings Hockey Club Players, Brennan Barker #5 from Long Sault and Tyler Howe #14, from East Falmouth, Massachusetts. Lunch was at Eastside Marios. To join the Kids Club it costs $5 and you receive a Tshirt, Wendyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meal, and a Membership card. At each game your name gets put into a draw and you can win many prizes including lunch with the players.
1,100 families receive groceries at the Cornwall Armouries Article and photos by Mai-Liis Renaud.
On Wednesday, December 19th, between 3,500 and 4,000 underprivileged people, between 9am and 8pm made their way to the Cornwall Armouries and were driven home with groceries to make a special Christmas dinner, in vehicles donated for the day by local car dealers, driven by volunteer drivers. Families with children also received a toy for each child.
15 service organizations come together to to help fundraise money and goods for this event while the Agape Centre keeps care of accepting applications from families in need.
Volunteers and drivers are seen here.
Some of the volunteers are seen here: from left to right: Lori Greer, Brian McCue, Perry Muir, Peter Morgan, Marvin Plumadore and Theresa Taylor This all started in 1928 when the Kiwanis Club began distributing food and since then 27,000 families have been helped. Hindreds of volunteers also help to make this annual event a great success.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 17)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
SEEKER SNIPPETS The art of giving in the form of generosity was prevalent at the in-house scrabble tournament held by the Cornwall Scrabble Club at the Cornwall Public Library, on Thursday, Dec. 13th 2012. Participating members brought in quantities of nonperishable food to be donated to the Agape Centre.
By Cornwall Scrabble Director, Vivianne Panizzon 613 931 1792
Prior to the tournament, members were treated to an informative presentation by Alyssa Blais, Executive Director of the Agape Centre who described the mission of the Centre. She went on to thank the group for the generous donations and made it very evident that such items are much needed at the food bank, especially at this time of the year. She was also informed about the status of the Cornwall Scrabble Club and invited to officially launch the tournament.
Members played four 25. min. games, abiding to the National Scrabble Association rules and regulations. As in all games, there are winners and losers… but everyone had fun.
And the winners were:
John Apissoghomian won the Highest
Average (422 pts.) and Highest Score (502 pts.) categories. The Highest Cumulative Spread was achieved by Thérèse Primeau. (+108) The Highest Bingo category was won over by Norma Forsyth (122 pts), for having played the word, emerged. Two players tied for the Lowest Bingo category: Shirley Schade (70 pts), freaked and John Apissoghomian (70 Pts), linters. John Apissoghomian also scored the most bingos for a total of 6.
Throughout the event, Pierre Dufour, Community Relations and Program Coordinator came to inquire how the tournament was progressing and to take pictures. Come time to hand out the merit certificates, players were honoured to have Dawn Kiddell, Chief Librarian perform the task.
This is a group pic of the members that participated in the the Cornwall Scrabble Agape Tournament, held at the Cornwall Public Library on Dec. 13th. From left to right: Kimberley Thompson, Norma Forsyth, Thérèse Primeau, Elaine Heath, Linda Poirier, Mary Geoffrion, Shirley Schade, John Apissoghomian, Emilie Henkelman, Carol Murdock, Alyssa Blair (Executive Director of the Agape Centre, Vivianne Panizzon (Cornwall Scrabble Director)
The event concluded with the hustle and bustle of carting the boxes and bags of items to the Agape Centre. And this was done with the help of members, Linda Poirier, Norma Forsyth and myself along with Jim Standing who volunteered to drive, and the use of his van to transport the items to the Agape Centre. All this to say, that scrabble is not all about making words; it can also provide an avenue to other accomplishments as this type of tournament was. The event came and went in a few hours but the rewarding sensation of having given to a “good cause” lingers on.
Giving is Volunteering “Deed of giving are the very foundations of the world.” Jewish saying derived from the Mishna, Pirkei Avoit 1:2 Do you find reasons to avoid giving? Are you conscious of deeds of kindness? Volunteering is an experience that is birthed from the womb of Giving. It is an energetic Being that, at first, seems small and fragile like a newborn infant. Volunteering needs to be nurtured by being safely exposed to circumstances that offer it opportunity to learn. To learn, that the challenges in life offers each person an opportunity to either receive a deed of giving…or, to give a deed of giving. It is reciprocal. Our ‘life situation’ can smother the energy of volunteering. As children, our environments may be hostel at home with parents who are through the generations emotionally wounded and doing their best; or at school, where other children may be acting out their feelings from not experiencing being loved as they need to be loved.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 18)
In spite of oppressions, our Spirit Light keeps warm this energy…sustaining it until our Consciousness reawakens. Until we feel the signal from our Spirit to step into new environments where deeds of giving flow. In time, we self nurture the influence of giving. At every age, we learn to offer a kind word,. As children, we can seek safe person and ask for help for another. As a teacher and a student of Life, we can listen to our hearts guide us toward the correct action to give something to another that helps them in a respectful way. In every situation, we have the power of choice. Volunteering is the courage to step up, the strength to step in, the love to show empathy and the humility to assist through deeds of giving. Muhammad (580-632 CE) said, “A man’s true wealth is the good he does in the world.” Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah. May you not only be blessed with receiving deeds of giving but also give back to the World through the life force of Volunteering. Rev. Doreen South, Certified Traditional Healer is a worker for God, our Creator. She can be reached through www.angelwhispersconsulting.com
SEEKER SNIPPETS The Manly Men Team, (Jason McNamara and Jamie McLennan) have done it again this year.
14th Annual Team Cornwall Year in Review Bright and early on Thursday morning, members of the business community gathered at Galaxy Cinemas for the annual Team Cornwall Year in Review. The annual event was well attended and gave a nice overview of all the achievements that took place in this great city over the last year. Thom Racine, retired police officer and part time hockey commentator, was made "Honorary Team Captain" of the year. Congratulations to all involved.
The duo have put out their 2nd annual Manly Men of Movember calendar raising over $2500 for Men's Health so far.
They are on sale through manlymenteam@gmail.com or can be picked up at the following retail locations. Caveman Strong, Dish Food, Emard, Shortline
Visit the Manly Men Team on Facebook or at manlymen.ca to follow their initiative and stay up to date on further initiatives.
C HANG E R - do you know these businesses?
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THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 19) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763
I’m Julia the Web Designer
and I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer
and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS We hope that you have enjoyed reading
this issue of The Local Seeker
We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...
613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis 613-935-3763 ext. 103 Jenna 613-935-3763 ext. 104 Tracey email: info@thelocalseeker.com See you next week
FRIDAY, JANUARY 11TH, 2013 or read the paper online
www.thelocalseeker.com DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm
With the holidays just around the corner, it is time to think about budget! Are you Interested in saving more than HALF of your Radio advertising dollars? I can help you do just that! Contact Jodi Hawkshaw at 613-360-4138 for more information.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (December 21 - pg. 20)