Local Seeker Issue 9

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Introducing to you ... this week in


Vol. 3, Issue 9 March 9, 2012

about CORNWALL PEOPLE for CORNWALL PEOPLE by CORNWALL PEOPLE The first Annual I AM WOMAN SHOW, presented by Tickle Your Fancy and The Local Seeker, held on March 4th at the Cornwall Civic Complex was a huge success.

Pictured here is Sara Murphy who organized the Arts and Culture portion of the show and also sang. There were 56 booths, speakers, Interactive activities, Cooking Demonstrations, Zumba, Burlesque and Nia Dance Demonstrations plus the “I Am Woman Interactive Photo Booth” See next weeks issue for full coverage of the show ...

... AND WHO SAYS NOTHING HAPPENS IN CORNWALL !!! check out our Weekly Community Event Seeker Section


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FOR SALE: white oak dining room set, one leaf, 6 chairs and 2 captain chairs, buffet with light inside, paid $6,000, asking $2,000. Telephone 613-932-8696.

FOR SALE: Oriental 4 Panel Screen with beautifully coloured figures. Each panel measures 18” x 69”. Excellent condition $400, Telephone 613-528-4533.

FOR SALE: Apartment size white Frigidaire deep freezer. $50 very good shape. Also a 1994 Mazda MX6 - 6 cylinder Standard. Would make a great race car - $1,500. New clutch, belt and outer drive pulley off a 2012 Polaris 500H0 4 wheeler. Fits 2006 and up. $650 or trade for an old camper or Chevy truck. Telephone 613-330-5856. FOR SALE: Lincoln 120 volt mig welder, flexcore wire cart. A Linde 295 amp stick welder, Also gauges, hoses, torch and cart. $600 for the package or trade for a Chevy truck or camper or boat motor. Telephone 613-330-5856. FOR SALE: 75 hard cover Danielle Steele books in excellent condition. Best offer. Call 613-346-5583.

FOR SALE: 2003 Bonneville, sunroof, 4 door, winter tires and rims included. 1 owner, fantastic price. Call 613-937-4640. FOR SALE: Antique armoire, excellent condition, 2 door with oval mirror and large drawer at the bottom. Bought for $1,200 and will sell for $700. Call 613-932-5681.

FOR SALE: 2 touch lamps, gold and ivory in colour - $15 each. Maytag white electric dryer, asking $175. AC Mastercraft stick welder, Helmet plus chipping tool included 230 amp. asking $225. Telephone 613-347-3142.

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FOR SALE: Eliptical trainer, Powerstride 8.5. Worth 1,200 asking $500. 1 ladies full length fur coat in good condition, medium, asking $75 OBO. Full set of Encyclopedia Britannica. Best offer. Call 613-936-9399.

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FOR SALE: Portable Tree Stand for hunting, aluminum, with tree steps and safety harness $120. Portable Tree Stand, brand new, made of steel with tree steps and safety harness, $120. Car cover cotton, $40. Call Brian at 613-347-3091. FOR SALE: Zenith 30” advance system with remote control. Good running condition - asking $30 Call 613-932-6584.

FOR SALE: Whirlpool Washer and Dryer, excellent condition. Liquor Cabinet from the 1940’s and a 2 drawer filing cabinet. Telephone 613-938-8783 FOR SALE: Portable fishing hut, 2 man, brand new with 6 fishing rods, $350. Call 613-932-5810.

FOR SALE: Browning bar2 Safari Semi 7mm mag 6x24x40 scope $725 Call: 613-930-2336.

FOR SALE: Gibson Epiphone Box Guitar with a pick-up. Brand new - never used $300 firm Telephone 613-933-4437.

Check out www.westend.thelocalseeker.com AND www.TheMassenaNews.com - our other 2 papers !!! The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 3, Issue 9, March 9, 2012 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Local Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.


FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 (Julia) / 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) Email: info@thelocalseeker.com

The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason Editors & Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud and Julia Lucio

www.thelocalseeker.com Office: 327 2nd Street E.

Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Sara Murphy & Julia Lucio

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763


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• 1 public announcement (wedding, birthday, anniversary) ($59 value) • 1 x 1/8 page ad ($59 value) • 1 half page story on you, your friends, your children or any subject you desire*($398 value) • Your own " I am a Local Seeker " cards • A bumper Sticker "I support my community newspaper... I am a Local Seeker " • Name on our website under "This community newspaper is made possible with the help of our advertisers and the following individuals" • Unlimited news stories on the Local Seeker website

email: thegraphicdesigner@cogeco.net

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 3)


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by Jason Setnyk

Robogate: Scandal linked to our Prime-Minister an embarrassment to our democracy. What does Prime Minister Harper know, and when did he know it? The Robogate scandal is becoming a national embarrassment and a disgrace to our democracy. I hope the RCMP conducts an in-depth investigation into these serious allegations. Does Elections Canada have the resources to enforce electoral laws? The answer is probably no, and that is why the RCMP needs to conduct the investigation. Canadians deserve answers. It should not be like in those third-world countries, where the UN has to come-in and ensure fair elections. When honest hardworking Canadian citizens get phoney calls from a company - linked to the Prime Minister - lying and making false claims like their voting station has changed locations is detrimental and harmful to our democracy, and it raises some serious and legitimate questions. Racknine Inc. has been linked to the robocalls, and this company has worked for the Tories and for Harper himself. This scandal has the potential to create disillusionment and turn-off voters. Misdirecting voters, and making it difficult for them to vote is illegal. We as Canadians have a fundamental right to cast a ballot in a free and fair election, and that right should not be obstructed in anyway. At least 34 riding’s across Canada have become disenfranchised. The Conservatives could have lost at least six battleground riding’s according to an article from the Toronto Star because of this voter suppression. Even without those six seats, the Conservatives would have still won the election, but the real issue is the harm these robocalls have done to shake the confidence of everyday Canadian citizens for our democratic institutions. The Prime Minister says he is innocent, and he has publicly protested his innocence. The only way to find out if Harper and the Conservatives are innocent or guilty is by conducting a proper investigation. Tens of thousands of Canadians have been demanding answers, and that number is growing each day! Cons Omnibus Crime Bill The Cons plan to shove the omnibus crime bill down the throats of Canadians, despite the fact that it does nothing to help victims, will do nothing to deter offenders, and it will cost us the taxpayers a small fortune. Mandatory minimum jail sentences are a failed social experiment in the United States. Minimum sentences will burden Canada's prison and court systems, and they do not take into account any mitigating circumstances and it removes the judges discretion. Judges and courts should decide sentencing case by case, not bureaucrats in Ottawa. More funds spent prosecuting and incarcerating means less in the coffers for rehabilitation programs. It will lead to overcrowding in prisons. It may violate provisions in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, because in some circumstances mandatory sentences could be interpreted as cruel and unusual punishment. Minimum sentencing will also lead to more trials, because those accused of crimes will be less likely to plead guilty with mandatory sentencing looming over their heads. Changes to the Youth Criminal Justice Act are also disturbing. The emphasis of the Act shifts from rehabilitation to the protection of society. Longer sentences for youth and less of a focus on rehabilitation will turn more young offenders into hardened criminals, and it will make our society less safe. Harsher sentences will also disproportionally affect aboriginal and black Canadians who are over-represented in the criminal justice system because of social-economic factors. Harper ideology is about punishment, not about reforming and helping people and making our society a better place. City Clerk should be publicly impartial Former Cornwall City Councillor and 2010 Mayoral Candidate Mark A MacDonald has filed a complaint about election fraud. There is definitely some evidence to suggest the City Clerk supported Bob Kilger for Mayor e.g. It is documented that she belonged to a Facebook group entitled "Bob Kilger for Mayor". I fully agree with the principle that a non-partisan election management body is the key to an impartial election process. Non-partisan means not affiliated, influenced by, or supporting any one

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 4)

political party. In regards to municipal politics, where we do not have political parties, that definition should be extended to include being publicly impartial and not supporting individual candidates. However, after reading and rereading the Municipal Elections Act, there appears to be nothing that states, supports, implies, or enforces that principle. The duties of the Clerk are outlined in Section 11 of the Act. "The clerk of a local municipality is responsible for conducting elections within that municipality...". Starting at Section 89 of the Act there is a list of offences, including miscounting votes, and it states in Section 90 subsection 6 that "a clerk or other election official who wilfully fails to perform a duty imposed by this Act is guilty of an offence that constitutes a corrupt practice." However no where in the act does it prohibit a City Clerk from openly supporting a candidate. Should the Municipal Elections Act be amended to outline the appropriate conduct of a City Clerk running a municipal election? The answer is yes! Should the City Clerk of Cornwall have been more discrete about who they supported during the last election? Once again, the answer is yes. I don't think she broke the Municipal Elections Act, but the perception of fraud, inappropriate behaviour, or bias is detrimental to our democratic institution. That is why a City Clerk and any elections management body should be publicly impartial - to uphold the dignity and trust of that institution. For those who are interested, here is a link to the Municipal Elections Act: www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_96m32_e.htm

City Councillor says he was bullied at closed-door City Hall meeting Andre Rivette is fuming over 1.4 million dollars spent on the Shay and Pilon cases to pay for settlements and litigation fees. Rivette is a strong voice for frustrated taxpayers who do not want to see services cut or taxes raised or tax dollars wasted because of this human resources fiasco at City Hall. The outspoken honest councillor felt he was bullied during an in-camera session for comments he made to the media concerning these controversial cases. Councillor Leslie O’Shaughnessy was so upset about the way Rivette was treated he walked out of the in-camera closed-door council session. Rivette who is probably on his final term as a city councillor is speaking-up. Not everyone is happy with the good councillor, but I think he is tired of this tail wagging the dog mentality at City Hall.

My name is Jason Setnyk, and these are my coffee grinds. Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, published and award winning author, photographer, arts and culture event coordinator, and a community volunteer sitting on numerous boards and committees. www.cornwallunderground.com


MONDAY, MARCH 19, 6:00 pm This Training is offered FREE of Charge FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY, NO GROUPS.




Ground Soap Selected as a Top Ethical Brand in America Angela Youngs has always been fascinated by scents – it was a driving factor in the creation of her soapmaking business Ground Soap. The environment is also a passion, and Angela’s soaps are all made from natural ingredients and packaged in batik cotton. It’s that natural environment-friendly attributes of the entire product line that has led online retailer Ethical Ocean to feature Ground Soap in its online store. “Ground Soap is one of the best ethical brands in America,” said Chad Hamre, CEO of Ethical Ocean. “In fact, we have taken a close look at over 3,000 ethical consumer companies and selected Ground Soap as one of the top 200.” Ethical Ocean is an e-commerce business “with a conscience” that features close to 4,000 organic, vegan, fairly-traded and eco-friendly products, including fashions, accessories, cosmetics, house wares, sporting goods – and soaps. “While on a road trip to Montreal, we started talking about how difficult it is for people to buy stuff that they know is good for the world,” said Chad Hamre, CEO of Ethical Ocean. “I had just wrapped up a year living in the UK where the market for ethical products was booming ($56 billion in 2008), but here in North America it was all but non-existent.” Ethical Ocean was featured on CBC’s Dragon’s Den in 2011. The company has since gone on to raise $500k from Canadian investors and is rapidly growing, creating a marketplace which facilitates the sale and purchase of all things ethical.


“I am really excited to be featured on the Ethical Ocean website, and honoured to be have been selected as one of the of top 200 ethical brands in America,” said Angela Youngs, owner of Ground Soap. “Taking care of our planet Angela Youngs , and ourselves is a responsibility that nobody can take lightly. All of our soaps are 100% organic and wild harvested. Ground Soap, received the But perhaps more importantly, people love the soaps – which just goes to show you that you can be responsible 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year and have good, clean fun doing it at the same time!” Award from the Cornwall & You can learn more about Ground Soap and Ethical Ocean on their respective websites Area Chamber of Commerce. • www.GroundSoap.com • www.ethicalocean.com

Cornwall Resident Tracey Doogan, Turns Passion For Art Into Unique Business ... Despite her obvious gift for painting and drawing, Tracey Doogan never planned on turning her artistic skills into a career. But that all changed with a family gift for her daughter. While updating and refinishing an old desk that would be taken to university by her daughter Kailey, Ms. Doogan found enjoyment in the creativity and labour provided by the project. This kick-started the idea of creating a reclaimed furniture business. Ms. Doogan then discovered that St. Lawrence College offered a Self Employment Assistance Program, and there was no looking back. With a love for beautiful, unique furniture and home décor, Ms. Doogan was able to mix in her creative talents – and so Red Wind Studio was born. “I am passionate about my family and my work”, said Ms. Doogan. “I love being creative and sharing my talents with others through my work”. Red Wind Studio features reclaimed furniture and items that are repurposed to give them new life and to provide one of a kind and unique pieces. Other services also include basic refinishing of small furniture or restyling an item by way of hand painting or simply updating. Some examples of her work include: Reclaimed windows become photo frames and chalkboards Old picture frames and mirrors come to life as they are updated to match your décor A once loved table is artistically enhanced to become a useable piece of art – the possibilities are endless Working out of her home shop in Cornwall, Ms. Doogan provides quotes on refinishing or restyling individual pieces (by appointment only). Pieces that are for sale in her online shop can be viewed at www.RedWindStudio.ca

ENTREPRENEURS IN ACTION Entrepreneurs in Action is a new initiative by the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre to profile small to medium-sized businesses that have recently opened in Cornwall, S.D. & G. and Akwesasne. To see all of the current profiles, please visit the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre website www.BusinessEnterpriseCentre.ca or contact Candy Pollard, Business Consultant at 613-933-0074 email: cpollard@cornwall.ca

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 5)



kriscrossroads by Kris Ward

Kindness is Contagious A single act of kindness can transform your day. I truly believe it. Today is an example of this. I woke up late, felt tired, groggy and looked disheveled. I could not fall asleep last night and paid for it in the morning. No amount of coffee could cure the way I was feeling. I didn't like the way my hair looked, everything felt blah and I wanted to crawl back under the covers. All of a sudden my cell phone rang and it was a friend who wanted to chat briefly. Although I was running behind, I took the time and listened to her. She stopped by to see me and I treated her to an impromptu lunch. It was great to catch up and we realized just how much we have in common. Later in the day, a co-worker that I have seen a few times in my travels, received a coffee that was a little too big, so he shared it with me and even gave me the winning rim for a future coffee. These two minor actions changed my outlook for the day. The pay it forward principle really does make you feel good. Small gestures can mean a lot. I could have grumbled throughout the day because I was tired; instead I smiled throughout.

I recently attended the I Am Woman event at the Cornwall Civic Complex, where I met and mingled with friends and acquaintances and check out the various exhibitors’ displays. The best part for me was the connections made or rekindled. I followed up with several friends and made plans. While at the show, I was greeted with hugs, smiles and compliments. I received a lot of positive comments about this very column/blog and I was delighted. It is nice to know that they miss me since I don't see them as often and that I made an impact. Life has veered in a different direction for me, but I like the path. No matter where I go, the people I meet are important. I have never been afraid to show my heart and truly care about my family, friends and community. If someone cares about you they will make the time and not excuses. Sure we all get busy, but when someone takes time from their busy schedule and are there for me, I appreciate it. Like when I was upset on Superbowl Sunday, and vented to one of my best buddies. Even though he is one of the biggest football fans I have ever known, he knew I was hurting and took time to be there for me; this won't ever be forgotten. If someone says they'll call and do, if they take the time to ask about your day, these little gestures make a major impression and can change your outlook.

Free Upcoming Prenatal Yoga Class! Jordan Ann Kevan de Haan, certified prenatal yoga instructor and mother of toddler twins, is looking forward to offering a FREE prenatal yoga class on Tuesday March 13, 6:45-7:30pm. “Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to put time aside for yourself and your baby”, Kevan de Haan says. “It is beneficial as it can physically and mentally prepare a mom-to-be for the birth of their baby while giving them the opportunity to make new friends who are going through a similar stage of life.” Kevan de Haan has been teaching yoga in Cornwall for six years and has worked with expectant mothers in prenatal yoga classes for the past year. Many of her participants have taken classes with her for many months of their pregnancies. Adele Perry has participated in Kevan de Haan’s prenatal yoga classes since September and is pregnant with her first child. She has been very happy with the classes. "I heard of the prenatal yoga class through a friend and thought that it would be great way to connect with other pregnant women”, Perry said. “Jordan knows what positions will relieve pain and stress from the pregnant woman's body. I leave every session feeling so much better than I did when I got there!” The free trial class and the next 8 week session of classes will be offered in March at the Ontario Early Years Centre, Cornwall site (550 9th Street East). Gentle postures, breath work, visualization and mediation will be introduced to improve flexibility, calm and confidence in preparation for labour and childbirth. Classes will enhance relaxation, comfort and enjoyment while helping expectant moms to stay in shape during pregnancy. No previous yoga experience is necessary but preregistration for the free trial and/or the 8 week session is required as space is very limited. For more information, including registration information please contact Jordan Ann Kevan de Haan at fitness4everybody@cogeco.ca

Where in the world is Team Cornwall Team Cornwall is a group of over 300 business leaders that act as goodwill ambassadors for the City.

During a recent storm, I was stuck in a snowbank and had to get to work quickly. Luckily my brother-in-law Paul Latour came to my rescue. He owns his own Van taxi and operates through Veteran's Cabs. He was able to get me to work on time, picked me up after work and helped me get my car out. A passing driver saw us and stopped to help us as well. The sudden storm left me with accumulated ice and snow at the edge of my driveway; a neighbour saw we were struggling to clear it and plowed it for us. Again, these gestures are so appreciated.

When members travel they hand out their Team Cornwall cards to promote Cornwall wherever they are.

A former co-worker called me out of the blue and went out of her way for me and my son. She offered to bring Brad's book to her nephew who could be an amazing contact for Brad. I worked with her when I was a teenager and have only seen her briefly over the years. That blew me away, even if nothing transpires from it, she thought of him. These sweet gestures show how important people are. When you reach out or offer to help, you can make a difference. Someone you met over 20 years ago may be your angel in disguise. I am a big fan of technology, but it does not replace people or the true heartfelt actions of interacting with one another. We are often so busy worrying about the bottom line, being efficient and checking off the to-do list, that we miss the importance of the connections and impressions we make on others. I may never lose my Pollyanna attitude, but really I don't want to. So smile, take time to connect, listen, share ideas and remember; kindness is contagious.

Here is Tim Mills, Executive Director of the Upper Canada Leger Centre for Education and Training, presenting his Team Cornwall Card to Claudia Gutierrez, Trade Commissioner for the Canadian Embassy in Medellin, Colombia. Mills was attending the Imagine Canada student fairs and school tours, in 5 cities in Colombia.

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at: www: kriscrossroads.wordpress.com

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 6)



Keep a variety of raw organic vegetables cut and washed in the fridge for quick snacks. The choices are endless – carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, peppers, cucumbers, radishes, cherry tomatoes. Preparing ahead will help you make better choices when hungry.

JennFit HEALTHY RECIPE: RAW ZUCCHINI PASTA RECIPE Ingredients: 1/2 cup raw soaked (1 hour), and rinsed, organic cashews 1 organic lemon, freshly squeezed handful organic basil leaves 2 big cloves garlic organic onion powder for taste fresh ground pepper to taste 1/2 cup organic olive oil

Directions: (Prepare zucchini fettuccine with vegetable spiral slicer. Set aside in a bowl.) Blend all ingredients above together in a food processor, then toss into bowl with zucchini fettuccine, just before serving. Top with fresh basil, sundried tomatoes and/or Parmesan cheese. Enjoy!

JennFit Exercise: Side To Side SitUps with Legs Up on Stabilty Ball

Visit: www.jennfit.ca for more healthy recipes, workouts, to inquire about JennFit Personal Training.


JennFit by Jennifer Christoff


This is your beginning Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go back to the 12-year-old you? When everything seemed to be so simple and no one really expected anything out of you. When you could just, well, be you! I often go back to those times: A time when I could do what I wanted to do and not what I was supposed to do. All my dreams and hopes were still so real and at that time in my life, I thought I could DO anything and BE anything. I’ve realized that we took those times for granted, a time in our lives where we are still so naive, that anything was possible and should have been possible. I find myself asking “When did this ALL change?” Who told me I couldn’t be what I wanted to be and what happened that changed all my hopes and ignited a fire inside of me? It’s a pretty scary thought when we really sit and think about how some of our dreams, hopes and goals in life often take a back seat to what is called ‘life’… and usually it’s all caused by one emotion, Fear. It’s simple, I believe that the only fear that we really have is fear itself. Fear of the unknown, of change, of failure and fear of success. If you think about it, the only thing standing between you and your dreams/goals in life is exactly that, fear.

We fear the unknown because uncertainty is something that cannot be seen or touched, it’s purely something that we create and when we create an idea or a thought it has the power to become real, but to see it and achieve it, you need to leap in the unknown. Fear of change, who really likes change? Honestly, I have only met a select few people that can take change and run with it. For most of us, change takes time. We have to see the bigger picture to be able to take these steps and more often than none, it’s impossible to see it. Remind yourself that the only person that can create the changes that you want in your life is you. Fear of failure. We often think of failure as not having succeeded. But, when you think about it, when you believe that you have failed, you believe that you didn’t or haven’t learned anything, that you didn’t grow as a person and that what you thought was a great idea was actually a terrible one. Actually, you’re wrong; you’ve actually ‘Failed Forward’. Fabulous isn’t it! Fear of success. That’s the big one. Think about it, what you’ve dreamed of, hoped for and worked so hard for is actually your reality. Don’t think about how you can keep the momentum going, keep faith in your abilities to grow, it’s a magical thing when we are able to just BE and SUCCEED. I challenge you, yes YOU, to do one thing that you’ve always wanted to do! Maybe it’s something on your bucket list, or something that you’ve always wanted to do, big or small, and that because of fear you’ve stop yourself because you are afraid to do what YOU want to do. It could be something that to others it seems ‘crazy’ or ‘childish’ or simply ‘not you’. When you take that leap, hold on to it and remember all those amazing feelings coming at you like a bolt of lightning. Congrats, you’ve just taken the first step to believing in YOU. Remember“Anybody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”-Unknown Stay fabulous, V.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 7)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763


Naturally Delicious ... with the Health Nut

Well, I just have to talk about the “I am woman” conference and tradeshow that was held on Sunday, March 4th at the Civic Complex. First of all a huge thumbs up to all of the organizers for investing their time and energy into this great successful event. I’m sure that it will only get bigger and better in years to come. There must have been a lot of stress and challenges behind the scenes but you girls did it all determination and with class…thanks so much…I was very proud to be a part of your amazing day!!! I absolutely enjoyed the opportunity to be there sharing samples of my homemade organic goods as well as introducing a small selection of gluten-free goods. It was a great way to spread the word on my healthy eating cooking seminars as well…quite a few people were surprised that this unique service existed in our community. Lots of interest and over 100 information pamphlets and business cards were taken. There is a huge health revolution going on in Cornwall, people want to be healthy and change their lives for the better. There is no age for this, anyone can change their ways, all in baby steps… It was great giving cooking demos (raw energy balls, raw love crumble, raw apple pie). The participants were awesome and it was great to see their reaction, when they realized how quick and easy it really is to prepare good healthy recipes in no time. Nice to see how the California salsa brought in droves of people from across the hall (fresh cilantro will do it every time)…I loved that moment….very cool!!!! To see the same people come back for each demo was amazing….that is what good, fresh, wholesome food will do. You can check out my 14 recipe videos on my official website at www.thehealthnut.ca . Just click on the You Tube tv icon in the bottom left corner of my main page and you will be able to view all of them in the comfort of your home. If you are interested in attending my cooking seminars, wish to have more information, just contact me at thehealthnut@cogeco.ca or call me at 613-931-3119 and I will get back to you as soon as possible… thanks so much… My next available seminar will be a part 1 (cellulite reducing and weight maintenance recipes) on April 28th….The date for May’s part 2 (snacks, main meals and desserts) will be available shortly… Remember “You are what you eat!” In health….Sylvie Thibert

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 8)




... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!! EL U D H C S


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Information Cornwall

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Focus Cornwall Art Current

Info Cornwall



Seeds of Hope

News headlines, weather & community events





Community Clips

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Focus Cornwall Firehouse Youth Ministry Concert f. To Tell

The Source The Source Seeds of Hope Chamber Awards

Focus Cornwall

My Back Yard

Community Clips

Riding Report

Road Signs Art Current

Auto Experts

Kinsmen TV Bingo

Podium Kathy Dobson UCDSB Meeting of 9.3.12

The Source The Source

LIVE Riding Report Art Current The Source The Source

The Source The Source Road Signs

UCDSB Meeting of 9.3.12

The Source The Source

The Source The Source Podium Kathy Dobson

Road Signs My Backyard

Info Cornwall

Firehouse Youth Ministry Concert f. To Tell

OHL Tonight Belleville @ Kingston LIVE

Info Cornwall

Info Cornwall

Information Cornwall

News headlines, weather & community events

Local stories told by the people of your community weeknights @ 5:30 pm

THIS WEEK AT THE LIBRARY www.library.cornwall.on.ca


our weekly pages of events n’ more...

MONDAY, MARCH 12 LE LUNDI 12 MARS CHESS CAMP - with Clifford Labre 9:00 am to 1:00 pm YAC MOVIE - PUSS IN BOOTS ALL AGES - 2:00 pm

TUESDAY, MARCH 13 LE MARDI 13 MARS CHESS CAMP - with Clifford Labre 9:00 am to 1:00 pm FURRY SUPER HEROES DOG DEMO All Ages- 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP REGISTRATION REQUIRED, no drop ins. Learn tips & tricks on taking great photographs with your digital camera. 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 LE MERCREDI 14 MARS CHESS CAMP - with Clifford Labre 9:00 am to 1:00 pm HEURE DU CONTE - LES PETITS HÉROS Âge 3 à 5 - 14 h 30 à 15 h 15 BRIDGE CLUB - Open to all interested in friendly challenges 6:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m CHESS FOR ADULTS - with Clifford Labre 6:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.


THURSDAY, MARCH 15 LE JEUDI 15 MARS 45 Second Street E. TEL: 613-932.4796

CHESS CAMP - with Clifford Labre 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - Program room 2 CORNWALL SCRABBLE CORNWALL Weekly fun @ 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Free to everyone

SATURDAY, MARCH 10 LE SAMEDI 10 MARS YOGA YOUTH WITH SHIRLEY WARNER & KEVIN O'ROURKE - 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Ongoing program - A great activity for kids DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME For children & their parents 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Spend time with your family at the public library. R.E.A.D. with Dogs - 11:00 a.m to 12 noon A Pawsitive experience for all. Offered with the help of St.John Ambulance. Chess Tournament with Au Diapason 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

STORYTIME HEROES 3 to 5 years old - 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm CRAFT - ALTER EGOS 6 TO 13 years old - 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Yout h Ment or Prog ram 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Cinéma LUCKY LUKE L'homme qui tire plus vite que son ombre. 18 h 30

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com



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SUNDAY, MARCH 11 General membership meeting 11am at the Moose Lodge

FRIDAY, MARCH 9 Dart League 7:30 at the Moose Lodge Rock for Charity, 2nd year anniversary 9 pm at La Maison Hosted by Jason Setnyk, proceeds to the Children's Aid Society of SDG.$5.00 Georges Karaoke Party 8pm at the Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street. Everyone welcome. Seniors Skating Benson Centre Pad #2 from MISCELLANEOUS 1:00pm-2:30pm - compliments of the City of Cornwall 613-930-2787 ext 2527


Bean Supper and Rock-a-Thon 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Holy Cross Church Hall, 108 Anthony St. Admission: 10$, children under 10: 5$, children under 6: free All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner 4:30 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Karaoke with the Regnier Brothers. Cost: 7$


SATURDAY, MARCH 10 Ray Campeau Dart League 8pm - 12am at the Moose Lodge Georges Karaoke Party 3pm at the Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street. Everyone welcome. Cornwall Senior Citizens Club Saturday Night Dances Doors open: 7 pm, dance: 8 pm, 119 Pitt St. Music by Georgie & friends. Snacks served along with share the wealth. 50+ welcome. Admission: 3$ Praise and worship night at Fountaingat Christian Assembly. Come and enjoy time in His presence. Free Will Offering. 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall.

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Breakfast 8 - 11 at the Moose Lodge Euchre 1pm at the Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street. Everyone welcome. Country Music, Joyce Bender and Country Roads3pm at the Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street. Everyone welcome. Sunday night dinner $7.75 5pm at the Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street. Everyone welcome.

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Guest speaker: Bog Plants presented by Naomi Anderson. Please bring seeds for sharing. Nutrition Tips For Weight Management Free LIVE VideoCast from 10:10 am to 11:15 am. Seaway Valley Community Health Center, 353 Pitt St. Call Nancy Herrington: 613.936.0306 x 151 for more info or to register.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 RCAFA Wing 424 / 240 Water St. West Every Wednesday from 4:30 PM Wings & Things Pool league at the Moose Lodge 7pm

March Madness Contact: 613.935.9015 staff@bgccornwallsdg.com Family Weekly Rate: $250 for 3 or more. $25 per day Time: 8:30 am 5:00 pm at the Boys and Girls Club, 506 1st. St. E Dart League at the Moose Lodge 7pm

MONDAY, MARCH 12 “Carmen, Jeunesse Musical”- Cornwall Concert Series Aultsville Theatre (Cornwall) 613-938-4748 or 1-800-937-4748 Seniors Skating Benson Centre Pad #2 from 9:30am-11:00am - compliments of the City of Cornwall 613-930-2787 ext 2527

Environmental Workshop with St. Lawrence River Institute - Invertebrates OPG Visitor Centre (Cornwall) 613-9324563 ext 3520 Intimate Acoustics St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage Performance (Morrisburg) 613-5432514 OPG Visitor Centre open for the March Break 9:30am-3:30pm 613-932-3072 ext 3304 Ladies Auxiliary Euchre Party at 1:30 pm. Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd. E. Prizes and lunch served.

OPG Visitor Centre open for the March Break 9:30am-3:30pm 613-932-3072 ext 3304

Bereaved Families Support and Share Night from 7 pm to 9 pm. 216 Montreal Rd. Topic: self care during grief. Call: 613.936.1455 for more information



Dart League serving wings and things at the Moose Lodge 7:15pm

Jam Session 3pm - 8pm at the Moose Lodge

Euchre 7pm at the Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street. Everyone welcome.

Country music hoedown & supper featuring the Country Pals 5pm $6.75 at the Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street. Everyone welcome.

OPG Visitor Centre open for the March Break 9:30am-3:30pm 613-932-3072 ext 3304 Cornwall Horticultural Club Monthly Meeting at 7 pm. Navy Club, 30 6th St. E.

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OPG Visitor Centre open for the March Break 9:30am-3:30pm 613-932-3072 ext 3304

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THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 10) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com





FRIDAY, MARCH 16 “The Foursome” Live Professional Theatre Upper Canada Playhouse (Morrisburg) 613-5433713 or 1-877-550-3650 Seniors Skating Benson Centre Pad #2 from 1:00pm-2:30pm - compliments of the City of Cornwall 613-930-2787 ext 2527 Pride Cornwall “Lucky Charms” St Patrick’s Day Dance 9 pm. Army Navy Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. Members: 8$ & non-members: 10$. Prizes for costumes, mini Irish buffet, games, fun & music Friendly Circle Seniors Club St. Patrick's Lunch at 12 noon. South Stormont Community Hall, Long Sault. Ham with potatoes, mixed veggies, dessert, tea & coffee Cost: 7$ Music from 11 am followed MISCELLANEOUS by bingo. Agape Center/Carefor Walk-In Nursing Clinic from 11 am to 3 pm, 40 5th St. W. Registered nurse on site for general health counselling such as blood pressure, diabetes, checks and more Georges Karaoke Party 8pm at the Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street. Everyone welcome. OPG Visitor Centre open for the March Break 9:30am-3:30pm 613-932-3072 ext 3304

GALAXYLocation : 1325 Second Street E. 613-932-4500 The Lorax(G) Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed: 1:00 Also in 3D: Fri: 6:30, 9:20 Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed: 3:30, 6:30, 9:20


This Means War(14A) Fri: 7:05, 9:30 Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed: 1:10, 4:10, 7:05, 9:30

Project X(18A) Fri: 7:00, 9:25 Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed: 12:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:25

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island(PG) Fri: 7:15, 9:45 Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed: 12:50, 3:50, 7:15, 9:45

Act of Valor(14A) Fri: 6:50 Sat, Sun: 4:05, 6:50 Mon, Tue, Wed: 1:15, 4:05, 6:50

The Vow(PG) Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:00

Goon(18A) Fri: 7:10, 9:40 Sat: 1:05, 4:00, 7:10, 9:40 Sun: 1:05, 7:10, 9:40 Mon, Tue, Wed: 1:05, 4:00, 7:10, 9:40

John Carter(PG)Fri: 6:45, 9:55 Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed: 12:30, 3:40, 6:45, 9:55 Theatre: Twelfth Night Sat: 12:45

At 7 pm. Fountaingate Christian Assembly 949 Mohawk Dr. (OffTollgate Rd W.) Free Will offering. Proceeds to purchase Celebrate Recovery Ministry materials.

Ballet: Le Corsaire(in French) Sun: 12:55 Port Theater Location: 132 Montreal Rd., (613) 933-4547

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The Descendants(14A) Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue: 7:15

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Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked(G) Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue: 1:30

$ & " !

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From now until May 5th you can earn 1 stamp for every bag or box of reusable clothing and household items donated in the store. For added bonus, receive 2 stamps when you donate from March 9th to March 17th. The more you donate the faster you can collect 15 stamps to save 30% off your next purchase in the store. Offer valid only in Cornwall location. *You can also earn a stamp for every $5

Brought to you by the Local Seeker and Value Village

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com

MONDAY Pool Night

Free Pool

FRIDAY MARCH 9TH ar Anniversary Show ROCK FOR CHAR ITY Two Ye re show with Rodney Rivette and mo @ La Maison in Cornwall.

St. Patty’s Day - March 17 JOEL SAUVÉ

www.cornwallunderground.blogspot.com for more events in the area

MUSIC & MORE ... What’s Happening?

616 Pitt St. Cornwall 613-936-9898

SATURDAY MARCH 17TH all. 12 Steppers @ Schnitzels in Cornw SATURDAY MARCH 17TH all. Switchgear @ La Maison in Cornw SATURDAY MARCH 17TH Joel Sauve @ Lola's in Cornwall. SATURDAY MARCH 17TH all. Winston Marley @ Lola's in Cornw

SPOTLIGHT on this PAGE - Call Mai-Liis at 613-932-1875 THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 12)

Wings & Tall Boy $7.99 or 40¢ each

THURSDAY Jukebox Night Free Music

Rock for Charity Two-Year Anniversary show-Friday March 9th La Maison! 9pm - $5

SATURDAY MARCH 10TH and George Thoms Frost Bite with Taylor Bingley @ Murphy's Inn in Cornwall.

FRIDAY MARCH 16TH e in Cornwall. The Shiners @ St. Lawrence Colleg


It’s always a good time when you come to Lola’s

FRIDAY MARCH 9TH rnwall. Sarah Burton @ Schnitzels in Co

WEDNESDAY MARCH 14TH Intimate Acoustics ge in Morrisburg. @ the St. Lawrence Acoustic Sta

$2.75/Beer & Rail


FRIDAY MARCH 9TH atangs 10pm-2am JED The Mechanical Bull @ Rang

MONDAY MARCH 12TH Carmen, Jeunesse Musical @ Aultsville Theatre in Cornwall.

TUESDAY Cheap Night

The two year anniversary show of Rock for Charity is TONIGHT at La Maison in Cornwall. The eighteenth installment of Rock for Charity hosted by event organizer and founder Jason Setnyk will benefit the Canadian Children's Aid Society of SDG. Booked to play are Rodney Rivette, Kings Bishop, Brendan John Mason, Chuck Leclair, Joe Hehir, and Keegan Larose. About $8000 has been raised in grand total for various charities and non profit groups including the Agape, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Baldwin House, OSPCA, and Tri-County Literacy Council just to name a few. All are charities and non-profit groups that make Cornwall and SDSG a better community. Every month musicians, bands, and artists volunteer to perform and play. “We've had well established musicians like Graham Greer, Melanie and The General Electryk, and Sara Murphy play these shows. Rock for Charity has also been the stage for up and coming talent like Tracey Lalonde and Keegan Larose. It's amazing how much talent we have in the Cornwall area, and how many artists will volunteer to play for a worthy cause”, says Setnyk. Admission Friday March 9th at La Maison is a $5 donation, doors are at 9pm, and the show is 19+. All money collected is going to Children's Aid Society of SDG.



... What’s Happening?

DURING MARCH BREAK CENTRE CULTUREL DE CORNWALL 124, rue Anthony Cornwall, ON (613) 932-9106

Basketball Camp When: March 14th, 15th and 16th during the March Break. Where: St. Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School Cost: 65$ per camper. Time: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm each day Ages: 6-13 Need To Bring: Gym Clothing, indoor shoes and a small lunch or snack. The March Madness Basketball Camp is three days of fun filled basketball. The camp focuses on the fundamentals while instilling the love for the game of basketball. The camp’s main focus is on the fundamental development for both boys and girls from the areas of shooting, dribbling, and passing while having a great time. The campers will learn the importance of team play while developing individual skills. The camp will feature 3 on 3, foul shooting, 5 on 5 and many other daily competitions. Pizza and Prizes will be provided on the final day of the camp for all campers!! Registrations will be done at the gym on the first day or to register ahead of time and if you have any questions please contactKristian or Michael Rasenberg- (613) 933-9608

We would like to invite you to admire the artworks of the students from the Catholic Secondary School La Citadelle. This exposition will be held during the month of March 2012 at the Centre culturel de Cornwall located at 124 Anthony St. As stated by their art teacher, Josée Poirier: "Tribute to Leonardo da Vinci Finding inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks, inventions and renowned artworks, the students of the Visual Arts 11th grade class of La Citadelle have produced various analytical drawings. As he did, they offer us some messages in inverted writing in order to explain their innovation. Bring your mirrors!" Everyone is welcome

March 12-16, March Break The Centre will be open daily from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm March 14 RIVER INSTITUTE ENVIRONMENTAL WORKSHOPS ON INVERTEBRATES. Join the River institute for a family program on Invertebrates. This fascinating group of animals is fun and easy to observe. Participants will learn about the many groups of invertebrates and their importance to the food web. They will also learn how invertebrates can be used as a means to determine water quality. Invertebrates from the river institute collection will be available for observation. March 24 CULTURAL SERIES PRESENTATION., "SUNKEN VILLAGES" BY LOUIS HELBIG. This photographer and pilot makes a fascinating presentation about the Lost Villages with his aerial photographs of the shoreline area of Lake St. Lawrence, and invites participants to share their reminiscences of the Lost Villages.

For information call: 613/932-3072

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 2 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com


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THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 14) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354


JOB TIPS with John

EMPLOYMENT SEEKER The Résumé. 101 You never get a second chance to make a first impression. We’ve all heard this and never has it been truer than when it comes to your résumé. Psychologists suggest that we form conclusions about someone within seconds of meeting them for the first time. Recruiters or hiring managers will also come to similarly quick conclusions about you from your résumé: how it is presented, the format, and content. Over the next few columns we’ll be looking at the résumé and offering tips and suggestions to help it get onto the “For Consideration” pile. So what exactly is a résumé? Wikipedia’s definition suggests; “…The résumé is usually one of the first items... that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants…”

Two things jump out here. It is usually the first item an employer encounters and it is used to screen applicants. Rather than just a laundry list then of what we have done in the past and what qualifications we have; a résumé has a significant purpose and value. It is our first chance to impress and something that makes a hiring manager decide whether or not they want to meet that applicant. It should be a teaser showing off what a great candidate you are. In other words, it is an opportunity not to be wasted. So how should we present our résumé? How should it look? If you are delivering or mailing a résumé (not so many are mailed today but a significant amount are hand delivered) ensure it is on a fresh, clean piece of paper. You would be surprised by the number I receive that are crumpled, dirty or torn. One received last week even came with a large stain across the list of previous employers! We do not need to stand out and deliver a résumé on neon yellow paper or paper with a flowery border (see a lot of these too). A fresh, clean piece of white 8.5 by 11 crisply folded in a suitable envelope will do nicely. The job that the stained résumé was sent in for requires significant attention to detail. What does that résumé tell me about that person? What kind of attention or seriousness will that candidate apply to the job if the résumé was considered acceptable in that condition?

the hiring manager the person you want to be seen as. Does the presentation of your résumé show that you have thoughtfully considered the position you are applying for and are a serious candidate? There is no difference between applying for an entry-level position or one that requires years of experience and training. The objective is to get the résumé onto the “For Consideration” pile. Don’t let stains or scribbled updates obscure your suitability for the position and condemn your application to the “Other” pile. Perhaps an old analogy will help here. A carpenter was looking for an apprentice and called three potential applicants to his workshop. He didn’t say anything to any of them but gave each a handful of nails. He then began to explain what kind of job he was offering and showed them around his shop. At the end of the tour he asked them to hold out their hand holding the nails. The first two opened their fists and presented him with the jumbled pile of nails he had just given them. The third held his arm out and sticking out from his hand were the nails, neatly bundled with the heads all sticking up in the same direction. Guess who he hired to train? Next week we’ll start looking at the content of the résumé – specifically what to include to really get the point across that we want the job and are qualified for it.

Résumés should be updated as often as needed to include new details about ourselves or recent accomplishments. This is true for address and contact information. If you have moved since writing your résumé, ensure the new address is typed and not scratched out and updated in pen or pencil. I see this frequently. Again, when hiring for a position that requires attention to detail and presentation how would an applicant be considered if they scratched out old information and quickly wrote updates across the page? A candidate may be perfectly qualified for the position but there is a very good chance he or she will be overlooked. Many of us have personal computers and for those that don’t there are a number of local resources that provide computer and printing facilities.

Quick Bio

When preparing a résumé, aside from the content of it, be sure to ask yourself whether the overall condition and presentation of it conveys to

He can be reached via email at johnparsons01@gmail.com or you can follow his Twitter feed: @johnaparsons

John has been involved in recruiting in the Cornwall and SD&G area for the past several years having interviewed, selected and onboarded hundreds of employees for some of the area’s biggest companies. He has lived and worked as far afield as the UK and Hong Kong in a variety of fields. Before becoming a Branch Manager for Drake International he was in private practice as an Inward Investment Economic Development consultant in Montreal after having lived an exciting period as a Canadian Forces Intelligence Officer. With a Masters degree in Public Policy and Public Administration from Concordia University he is a firm believer in the value of education and dedicates much of his time helping develop and coach new employees to assist them in achieving their professional and personal goals.

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THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 15) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354


Believe in your Dreams

Spice It UP!

Before I begin my column this week I would like to thank John Lister for his email to me this week. John said (and I quote)

Like everything in life if you are bored or tired of the same old thing, you find a way to change it up or SPICE it up!

“I am writing simply to share my frustration in the lack of support for the arts from our government, and even in the local media. Glad to know I am not the only person to be creating something who is struggling to find a way to be paid for the effort. Take care, and I do enjoy your column.” John’s music is excellent by the way and you can hear it on line at www.g-o-d-i.com, if anyone else would like to write me I encourage it and you can do so at – Sandra@studioonecatsquared.com So let’s move on to my thought for this week, Dreams. Actually it may be more correct to say the topic is how to fulfill your dreams. One things for certain, if you are an artist, you are also a dreamer. You knew from a young age when you picked up your first pencil, microphone, paint brush or stood on a stage that this is where you belonged. It was about this time we started to conjure up visions of cheering crowds and large bank accounts. It was also about this time that some well-meaning adult wanting to save us from disappointment explained to us that this was a foolish pursuit. A very smart person once said “You will become the very thing you spend the most time thinking about.” Watch it though, it is a two edged sword. If you wish to make a living at your art but spend more time thinking about how it’s not happening the way your pictures in your head look or even happening at all, this will become your reality. The flip side and this is the side you want to be on. If we think about being the artist we have always believed we could be, it will happen! You noticed I didn’t say may happen or could happen I said it will happen! This is not New Age mumble, jumble, it is a fact. Anyone who has ever accomplished what they truly believed they were meant to do, have done it or are in the process of getting there. The time it takes to get there is the bumpy road that will make or break you but it has a purpose. It is there to test your conviction. With very few exceptions you will find that for every person who is living by their art there are a million stories that tell how they almost gave up but didn’t. It is usually at that moment the doors opened and the opportunity they were hoping for came along. Every person who ever made it to their goal knew they would even when others were doubtful.

FROM The Sizzle Coach ... Janet

ART SEEKERS by Sandra Taylor Hedges


Often we ask our friends and family for suggestions, we ask them what they are doing different and interesting, hoping that maybe we will also want to try out what they are doing to keep life from becoming dull and boring. This doesn’t always work when it comes to discussing your love life. Sticking to the same old routine is safe and comfortable, even predictable. Hard to get excited or curious when we know the drill. Couples often get stuck in the same old thing category when it comes to their love life. Now I’m not saying they do not enjoy the same old thing, but often they would like to experience something new a little more exciting, but for whatever reason, it is just easier and maybe more comfortable to stick to the same predictable love making routine. It is just easier than rocking the boat. Who is going to make the first move? What if you could rock the boat? What if you could spice it up? Change it up? Wake it up? Would you jump on the opportunity to change up your love life? If you said yes to any of these questions or you are curious…even a little bit…you will want to read next week’s article. I will give you some fun, easy tips to put some spice back in your love life, you know you want to! Follow my blogs; http://thesizzlecoach.wordpress.com I am The Sizzle Coach; I am here to assist you with Your Journey of Self-Discovery. You are worth it! And only you can change it! Are you hesitant or curious? Do you want clarity in your life? Do you want to make positive changes in your life? Do you want to discover who you are? Have questions? Call Janet today. 613-360-7933 and start Your

There is another step to this believing in your Dreams; that is you must move forward as if it already has happened. Take the words – if this or that happens, someday I might and I hope to be – out of your vocabulary and replace your thoughts with I am going to do this or I am that. Start to feel in your heart and soul that it has already happened, even when you are still flipping burgers at McDonalds. Insecurities and doubt must not be in your thoughts. When they try to pop up shove them away because if you don’t believe in your dreams how could anyone else? This is a big topic that will have to be continued next week, but for this week I will leave you with this; whenever I start to speak about this thing that will happen or that in my life and someone says, “How will that possibly happen?” I tell them quite simply: I don’t know it’s all a mystery. Isn’t that great! Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Teacher and President of L’association Focus Art Association sandra-taylor-.artistwebsites.com studioonecatsquared.com Focusartonline.org rulesforpainting.blogspot.com Cat Scratches - Studio Blog

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 16)



Cornwall boxing sensation Tony Luis steps into WWE ring Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk WWE came to the Cornwall Civic Complex on Friday March 2nd, and well over 2000 people were in attendance! Quite possibly the best match of the evening pitted former ten-time World Wrestling Entertainment Champion John Cena against Kane in a no disqualification match-up. Cena defeated Kane with the help of a steel chair in what proved to be a very brutal contest. Cena pictured to the right is also a rapper and a movie star who was featured in films such as The Marine (2006), 12 Rounds (2009), and Legendary (2010). Also in attendance was Cornwall Ontario boxing sensation Tony Luis, who is the WBC Continental Americas Light Welterweight Champion. Luis stepped into a different kind of ring Friday night, as he was a special guest announcer for one of the WWE match-ups. In another wrestling match, Canadian-born wrestler Chris Jericho received a chorus of boos when he kept calling Cornwall, "Cornhole Ontario". Jericho who was playing the heel successfully defeated Kofi Kingston in a fast paced sea-saw match-up. Jericho would appear again in the main event, this time as a special guest referee. Despite his interference, Jericho could not stop his Wrestlemania opponent CM Punk from winning and retaining the WWE title at the main event on Friday night.

Cornwall Motor Speedway: THE place to be in 2012! On Thursday March 8, 2012 – Martin Bélanger – Ron Morin and his management team presented the highlights of the 2012 season in a special press conference held at the Vieux-Duluth restaurant in Cornwall. A lot of effort during the off-season was put towards the next summer events and you can expect that 2012 will be the best year ever at the speedway. Pictured here from left to right: Female Driver Tammy Jalbert, Track owner Ron Morin and daughter Carol Morin, and Drivers Stephane Lafrance, Chris Herbison, Joey Ladouceur, Corey Wheeler, Kevin Fetterly and Luke Whitteker. The season will officially start on Sunday, May 20th with first of three events of the Canadian Nationals for the 358-Modifieds. This race will also be counting towards the MrDIRTcar 358-Modified Series. What a way to start the season with a 100-lap event of the headline class! As previously announced, Cornwall will host for the first time ever the World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series; the best in the business on DIRT will be at the track on Sunday July 29th as this event will be presented in conjunction with LKQ Headline Autoparts and Oshweken Speedway. Special cash awards will be given to drivers who run regularly in 360-sprint associations. The top qualifier of the Empire Super Sprints (ESS), Patriot Sprint Group (PST) and Southern Ontario Sprints (SOS), will receive a 500$ bonus. These drivers could double up their bonus as the top A Main finishers for one of these groups will get $500. The top 24 qualifiers for the main event will at least get 800$ for taking the initial green. Along with the WOO Sprints, the Lightning MiniSprints will also be on hand during that event. With that amount of money on the line, expect to see a huge turnout of sprint cars! After a two-year absence the World of Outlaws Late Models are making a return at the speedway on Sunday, June 24th. The 2-time winner and series champion Josh Richards will try to win another $10,000 after the completion of the Nortrax 50. At this date, around 20 tour followers are in the hunt of the coveted WOO championship with up to 6 new faces in the mix. The speedway is putting a $1,000 bonus amount to the highest WOO non-regular finisher in the finale. We could easily see more than 30 Late Models in the pits. Along with the opening night, the MrDIRTcar 358-Modified series will also make another appearance at the speedway part of the final race of the Canadian Nationals Series on Sunday, September 2nd part of the Jiffy 200, again a 125-lap race including a mandatory on track pit stop on lap 75. The second race of the Canadian Nationals is scheduled for Sunday August 5th. The first two editions of this series attracted nearly 40 cars per night! If you are looking for something to do on Canada Day, Cornwall Speedway is the place as the Super DIRTcar Big-Block Series will be town for their annual visit. The best Northeast Modified drivers will be in the pits for this Evans Bus Lines 100-lap event. A huge fireworks display will also occur to celebrate our country`s birthday. The Sportsman and Pro-Stock ranks will also have a busy summer with a doubleheader MrDIRTcar Series event held on June 3rd for both classes. Also the return of the Mohawk Race Parts Pro-Stock Series involving 5 tracks and 6 races, plus a new 3-track St.Lawrence Seaway Sportsman Championship. More details to follow shortly on both series. Sprint Car fans will be served on July 15th with the Patriot Sprint Tour in town for their lone visit of 2012. Also on the card, the Eastern Ontario Vintage Stock Car club on August 26th. The popular Fireball Enduro will close out the year on Sunday, September 9th. After consultation with fans the start time will be pushed back to 7pm except on the Labour Day Weekend. Also they will be happy to hear that the general admission for regular show was cut to $10, a two-dollar decrease. To attract a younger generation of fans and families, everyone under 18 years old, will be admitted via general admission on regular night for only $2. So for under $25 a family of 2 adults and 2 children will be able to see the best racing in Eastern Ontario. More details to follow shortly on the upcoming Cornwall Square Car Show held from March 26th to April 1st and also the annual champion’s banquet scheduled on March 31st. Be sure to consult the speedway`s website at www.cornwallspeedway.com for all the latest news for the upcoming season.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 17)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763


“ About The House”

Dear Joe, I have a window in my living room that looks out over the deck and backyard. What we want to do is open the window up into a patio door to allow more light in the living room as well as allowing us easier access to the deck and back yard. There are a few things standing in our way of making this dream a reality though: we have a brick house, that’s the first problem. And there is an electrical plug right beneath the window as well and I assume that will cause some sort of problem as well. Any advice you can give us before we start this project would be greatly appreciated.

Keep up the good work. Love your letters. Steve. Hey Steve, Thank you so much for your kind words. And thanks for reading, having readers like you make it so rewarding to share my advice.

Great project; any way we can improve the flow and functionality of our homes can do nothing but increase the enjoyment and value of our homes. What you’ll want to do before you tuck into this one is allot of careful measuring, figuring and probably get a bit of advice from some of your local professional contractors. You’ll definitely want to talk to a mason about the exterior brick because if you try to take it out yourself you could be in for a big mess and possibly doing a lot of damage to your house. You will obviously be needing a much larger hole in the wall to allow for your new door which means removing a lot of brick replacing pieces around the edges and install a much longer much more stout lintle above the door. For this you’ll need the advice of a pro to make sure its sized properly to carry the load above. You’ll also want to check that the height of the new door wont be substantially above or below the level of the deck. If it is, you’ll want to consider making the appropriate changes to the deck so as to make a comfortable transition from inside to outside. Now after you have the big stuff planned out, you can mark out the new opening on the inside wall. Then cut and remove the drywall and insulation. Once you have the interior opening you can check out the framing and size the header for the framed wall. You can also now see what will need to be done to relocate or remove the electrical receptacle that is in the way. The best way to deal with it is, if possible, moving the outlet over ten or twelve inches from the new opening. If you’re lucky, and there’s a lot of luck involved here, you’ll have enough slack in the wire to easily shift it to one side of the door or the other. If not, your electrician will make short work of moving that plug any where you want, or eliminating it completely. So after you’ve done the framing, masonry, and electrical, whew! It’s a straight forward door install. Be sure that you shim adequately and be sure everything is nice and square and the door operates smoothly and the lock works easily. Then use a low expansion window and door foam insulation that won’t bow the frame, it also offers you a greater r-value than fiberglass tucked it, as that has almost none. Once all that is done go ahead and cap the outside and trim the inside. You can now enjoy the great egress your new patio door affords. Yeah, this is probably a lot more work than you anticipated and hiring several contractors to do this one job may sound expensive, but this really is a great investment in your home which will give you great enjoyment for many years and pay dividends if you ever decide to sell.

Pictured are: Frank Burelle, Kim Jodoin and Mike Mahoney, Dynamic Closures, Alyssa Blais and Lori Greer, Agape Centre.

Dynamic Closures – a great community supporter! Kudos to Dynamic Closures who provided a cash donation of $2,000 to the Agapè Centre to buy food at the fruition of a twitter campaign. Mission Peanut Butter began with a single tweet in January. The idea was to collect 100 jars of peanut butter in 2 days for the Agapè Centre. Within 48 hours, this campaign gathered over 540 jars of peanut butter and a much needed cash donation from Dynamic Closures. “Mission PB was a huge success! Thanks to all of our Agapè friends in the Twitter and Facebook world and a big thanks to John Earle for taking on this great initiative! We need more community members like John Earle and Frank Burelle to take on these campaigns for us “ says Alyssa Blais, Executive Director. “We already ask so much from this community and any additional support we get to help those in need is very much appreciated and welcomed.” The Agapè Centre is a not-for profit organization, supported by the community to ensure that no family goes hungry, cold or without any of the basic necessities of life. Over the last decade, food bank use at the Agapè Centre has risen and this year, the Agapè Centre has experienced a significant increase in the number of individuals requiring help. The Agapè Centre has been providing food, clothing and furniture to more than 1,000 people each month for the better part of the decade. For cash donations to the Agapè Centre, call to donate 613.938.9297 or drop by the Agapè Centre at 40 Fifth Street West, Cornwall. The Agapè Centre is a non profit organization that is all about “Local People Helping Local People” and your generous donation will go a long way to help local people in need.

Best of luck and keep reading. I appreciate your support. Joe And thank you to everyone who contributed this week. If I didn't answer your question, keep on thank you to everyone who contributed this week . If I didn't answer your question, keep watching here each week for more household tips and renovation advice. It’s FREE to submit a question and you can email them to: Aboutthehouse@adamshomeservices.ca or Text them to 613-551-5932. For additional information about me and what’s going on in your community, please visit our website: www.adamshomeservices.ca. And remember, Whatever you do, do it well, because a job well done stays well done forever.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 18) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com

SEEKING CORNWALL NEWS Gladstone Public School Hosts Community Literacy Day Gladstone Public School hosted a Community Literacy Day on February 15 which was attended by many local guests. Students were given the opportunity to spend four half-hour periods with guests to find out more about who they are – both personally and professionally – and why literacy skills are so important to them. Guests included Cornwall Colts Viktors Korbs, Brandon Howes, Mark Hough, Billy Ulrick, and Roman Ammirato, World Boxing Council Continental Americas Champion Tony Luis, Cornwall Police Constables Melanie LaBelle and Andrew Arbic, City of Cornwall clerk Denise LabelleGelinas, 101.9 CJSS-FM radio host Jamie Carr, Upper Canada District School Board trustee David McDonald, St. Lawrence Secondary School Principal Chris Boulay, retired principal Kevin Cooper, and retired teacher Frances O’Dair.

Front L-R; Viktors Korbs, Brandon Howes, Mark Hough, Billy Ulrick and Roman Ammirato from the Cornwall Colts. “We continue to try to provide our students with exposure to real-life Back L-R; Tony Luis – WBC Continental Americas Champion, Melanie LaBelle – Cornwall Police, Kevin Cooper – Retired UCDSB people, contexts, and situations so that they can draw connections between their education and having a successful life,” said Vice-Principal Principal, Chris Boulay – Principal @ St. Lawrence SS Joe Harty. “As we encourage our students to chase their own dreams, we know that literacy will be their source of hope and optimism moving forward in life.” Harty said it was wonderful to hear each guest speak about how literacy skills are vital to their day-to-day successes. “Many of our students realized that regardless of who they are or what they do for a living, they all require a solid base of literacy skills,” he said. “The event also highlighted the high level of collaborative practice and rigorous care at Gladstone, as many staff members were closely involved to ensure the event was a success. “Gladstone would like to extend our sincerest appreciation to each of our individual guests, as well as the Cornwall Police and the Cornwall Colts, for their continued community partnerships,” Harty added.

Dear Seeker Chicks (Letter to the Editor) There has been a great deal of talk and appeals to higher levels of government over our inter-city travel woes but the situation just keeps getting worse. Today, Tuesday morning, February 14, I tried to book seats for two family members to come home for the family holiday weekend, from Friday night to Monday morning. Unfortunately and unbelievably, all train seats, in coach and first class were already sold out. We knew there was no longer an end-of-day train leaving Toronto and stopping in Cornwall, so we were prepared to drive to Brockville to meet the travelers, but we don't even have that option. By now people are aware the train schedule has been changed, but let this experience serve as notice that the remaining services are severely rationed as well. All the seats were sold out last weekend too. And there’s a second glitch: train 64, that used to depart at 6:30 and stop here, has been removed entirely from the schedule. Even if a working person could arrange to be picked up in Brockville, the likelihood they could catch the train is remote. The last train to leave Toronto that stops in Brockville departs at 5:30, effectively preventing any working people from Friday evening travel, if Cornwall is their destination.

Dobson is the keynote speaker at Women's International Day Breakfast Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk About 100 people were in attendance Saturday morning to locally celebrate International Women's Day 2012. The event at the Best Western was hosted by the Cornwall and District Labour Council. City Councillor and Labour Council President Elaine MacDonald was the MC of the event, and the keynote guest speaker was author and journalist Kathy Dobson. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications including the Globe and Mail and the National Post. She has produced short documentaries for CBC Radio as well. She is the author of With a Close Fist that examines her and her families experience growing up in poverty in Point St. Charles, a slum in the City of Montreal.

At approximately 46,000 people within city limits and another 46,000 in our immediate catchment area, Cornwall is a sufficiently large centre to warrant transportation services in evenings and on weekends. Via Rail may have an imperative to turn a profit, but if the cost of their profit is choking off intercity travel from a city of 46,000, the price of profit is too high. Their mandate must be modified to provide service too. The bus doesn’t offers little alternative. One can leave Toronto at 2: 30 to arrive here at 7:20 or leave Toronto at 9, to arrive here at 1:30 a.m. In between, from 2:30 to 9, four buses go whipping on by to Montreal, stopping only in Kingston and bypassing Cornwall entirely. We are situated in the heartland of eastern Ontario, we enjoy a strategic location with doorstep access to the major road and rail transportation corridors of the province, but we need and deserve senior levels of government to ensure we aren’t slowly cut off from all modes of travel beyond our own cars. At the moment, we can access air travel more easily and conveniently than we buy a train ticket. Elaine MacDonald

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 9 - pg. 19) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com

I’m Julia the Web Designer

and I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS We hope that you have enjoyed reading

this issue of The Local Seeker

We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. 613-935-3763 - Classifieds 613-362-2354 email: info@thelocalseeker.com We will be working on our 10TH ISSUE of Vol. 3 and it will be out next week on

FRIDAY, MARCH 16TH, 2012 or read the paper online


THE LOCAL SEEKER March 9 - pg. 20)


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