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Vol. 4 Issue 46 November 29, 2013

Celebration at École catholique Marie-Tanguay

Cover photo and article by : Carol Grant Productions

Marguerite Bourgeois arrived in Montreal (Ville-Marie) on November 16, 1653 to open a new school and teach the children. However, the children were afraid of her religious attire. To attract the children to her school, Marguerite had an idea to make pull taffy! She prepared this confection with molasses and maple syrup in front of the children and pulled it. The smell and taste and the pleasure of pulling the taffy soon had the children coming to the school where she began teaching them to count, read and write. Marguerite therefore became the first teacher. Since that time, French schools have been celebrating "La Sainte-Catherine" day in her honour. Last night, (Thursday, November 28th) École catholique Marie-Tanguay celebrated this tradition by hosting a supper complete with live entertainment by Les Affreux Lurons. Students and their families were treated to a delicious meal catered by Prestige Catering. More Photos on page 13



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The Seeker is proud to say that we use “Original Content” in our printed publication. Press Releases are put on our web site (www.theseeker.ca) for free. Press Releases in our printed version are always published free of charge when space allows. However, if you wish to secure publication in print, you can do so by paying a nominal fee of $0.15 a word." Call 613-935-3763 ext 1 for more info.




Sympathy Cramps 1 year. $30 613-360-3442 by Frank Burelle F   Part 42 - Enjoy!

The Seeker, Cornwall Edition   Volume 4, Issue 46, November 29, 2013 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Call 613-932-7045 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

F   The Seeker does not accept responsibility fortransom. errors, misprints or 2 613-360-1607 inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker.

The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason

OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) Email: info@theseeker.ca


- our Montreal paper - www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

Editor: Julia Lucio TCreative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud May 25, 2012 Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud F

OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm otherwise by appointment only

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca The Local Seeker.


Presented by Jason Setnyk News & Politics KINSMEN CORNWALL LIFT-OFF WANTS YOUR INPUT Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-Off has been a signature event for the City of Cornwall for many years, and is currently the only hot air balloon festival in the province of Ontario. 2014 will mark the 20th Anniversary of the festival – an anniversary that should be celebrated. The Board of Directors of Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-off will host an open forum to mold the 20th Anniversary year for the festival. The Board is in the process of realigning its focus to become more sustainable and requires public input. This is a chance for residents to bring forth ideas that will enhance the festival, and in turn ensure its longevity. When: Wednesday, December 4th, 2013; 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Where: OPG Visitor Centre, Second Street West. Please RSVP to: events@liftoff.ca .

BOWL FOR KIDS SAKE HONOURARY CHAIR TO BE NAMED - The Honourary Chair for the 2014 Tim Hortons Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake will be announced at a media launch taking place at on December 2nd at Olympia Bowl in Cornwall. The bowling alley, located at 71 Ninth St. W. and Nativité Bowling at 301 McConnell, play host to the City Challenge portion of the nonprofit organization’s annual big bowling fundraiser. The 2014 Tim Hortons Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2014 in Cornwall and on Sunday, February 9, 2014 in Chesterville. The annual fundraiser is integral to the operation of the seven free mentoring programs provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall and District. The event sees over 200 teams of local bowlers lacing up to help the non-profit agency raise close to 30% of their annual operating budget. “We are already seeing new teams signing up for this year’s event and look forward to seeing even more new teams join us!” said Executive Director Amanda Brisson. Brisson said the influx of new teams is an encouraging sign that, with the community’s help, BBBS will meet and possibly surpass the $63,000 raised last year. BBBS mentorships instill trust and selfconfidence in the youth enrolled and provides opportunities for them to learn leadership skills and try new things, all while having fun.

SHOP LOCAL - Shopping locally is about more than buying goods and services close to home. It's an investment in the local economy that helps to support jobs and produces benefits for the entire community. That's the message being spread by officials of the City of Cornwall and Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce in the lead up to the 2013 holiday season. "Shopping locally helps to build strong communities by sustaining the many local businesses which employ residents and contribute to the overall quality of life we enjoy," said Mayor Bob Kilger. "We are fortunate to have a great array of local restaurants, retailers and professional services right here in our community." When purchases are made locally, a greater share of the money stays in the community and gets reinvested in the community through things like wages, taxes, community donations, supplies and various support services from other local businesses. "Buying local helps to stimulate local economic activity, which is good for the overall health of our community," said Kevin Hargreaves, President of the Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce. "When we shop at home, we are supporting our family members, friends and neighbours who work for and manage these businesses." To help raise awareness and support for shopping locally, the City and the Chamber of Commerce have launched a Facebook page called 'We Shop In Cornwall'. The Facebook page can be found at www.facebook.com/WeShopInCornwall

Arts & Culture LOCAL CHILDREN'S BOOK TO BE LAUNCHED - One Red Rooster is a fun and educational book for children ages 0-6. It is the perfect introduction to colours and numbers the whole family will enjoy. Older children will enjoy learning to read this barnyard nursery rhyme. The book is written by Kharla Ward and Joel Fawcett, illustrated by Karen Thurler, and published by Chickadilly Books. One Red Rooster will be available at the following events: North Dundas All Stars Christmas Show on Friday, December 6th, 2013 from 7:00pm10:00pm at the Old Town Hall, 478 Main St. Winchester On. This event is a Dundas foodbank fundraiser, 1$ from each book sold will be donated to the foodbank. The official party launch takes place Saturday, December 14th, from 9am to Noon at The Gathering House at 2 Water Street in Chestervillle Ontario.

CENTENNIAL CHOIR OF CORNWALL COME TO CHRISTMAS -What images and delights does the word Christmas bring to mind? Families gathering, silent snowy scenes, carol singing, the good wishes of friends and neighbours, colourful light displays, expectations of the peace, or the hope and joy that a tiny child brings to our world. These images and many more will be rekindled at the annual Christmas Concerts. The 50 voice choir is prepared to bring memories flooding to mind,

providing many enjoyable moments in the midst of this busy season. The popular Christmas Concerts will be held Friday December 13th at 8pm and Sunday December 15th at 2 pm at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 28 Second St. E, Cornwall. Tickets, which are $15 for adults and $7 for children 12 and under, are available at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, the Lottery Kiosk, 2nd Floor, Cornwall Square and at Home Hardware on 10 Thirteenth St. E., in Cornwall. Tickets are also available from Choir members. Come celebrate the wonder and love of this magical season.

Sports & Lifestyle LACASSE A STAR - For the third time this season, a River King has been chosen as one of the LNAH three stars of the week. Goaltender Loic Lacasse was named 3rd Star today by the league after earning two wins in goal for Cornwall last weekend. In two contests (a 5-4 shootout win at Valleyfield and a 6-1 home victory over Thetford-Mines) Lacasse had a 2.40 goals against average and .939 save percentage. Lacasse (5-5-2) now has a .910 save percentage, which ranks him second among LNAH starting goaltenders. Dany Roussin of Saint-Georges was named the 1st Star after a five-point weekend (2 goals and 3 assists). Sorel-Tracy’s Gregory Dupre had a hat-trick last weekend vs. Jonquiere and it was enough to earn him the 2nd Star.

My name is Jason Setnyk, and these are the Seeker Snippets. Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, published and award winning author, photographer, arts and culture event coordinator, and a community volunteer sitting on numerous boards and committees. http: //jason-setnyk.blogspot.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

with Shannon Ferguson

The Love Hawk

You Can't Change Him Women are generally hopeful romantics and generally too hopeful for their own good. We believe in fairy tales and that the men we love will love us back, no matter what. That they will change their lifestyles, change their ways, change their minds… all to be the best boyfriend or husband they can be.

THIS SATURDAY Centre Culturel de Cornwall and Généalogie et archives Saint-Laurent

present :

Un Noël d’Antan

EEEEE, wrong. If this is your mindset, well, I’m sorry in advance for bursting your bubble. Men are not projects and as much as you would love to fix the bad boy, there’s a very little chance that you will succeed. As women, we have this innate need to help people and we believe that if we spend enough time and give enough of ourselves that we can truly make a difference. In all reality though, why on earth do you want to waste your time on someone who may never truly give you all you need? Stop making excuses for him and realize maybe that’s just who he is. This isn’t to say that miracles don’t happen sometimes and there are plenty of girls who swear they got their boyfriend to do the good ol’ 180 switch. There are also people who win million dollar lotteries and others who get struck by lightning. The chances of any of these things happening are all slim. If your man isn’t giving you all of his heart you need to find out why or get the eff out.

When someone is in love, or even “in lust” or “in like”, they want to be with the person they care about. So, if a guy really likes you and he wants to see you, nothing will stop him. If he wants to text you, he will text you. If he’s not that into you, he’ll find an excuse. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with YOU but if he’s not feeling the connection why do you want to be with someone who’s not into you 100%? If you’re already past the lusting, liking, early stuff and you both have settled into a comfortable relationship and you find his true colours are starting to shine through, ask yourself if the colours shining through are bright and happy or dark and dingy? This makes all the difference. If you’re waiting for a marriage proposal from a guy who has been adamant that he doesn’t want to get married, well you might end up waiting for a long time. Like I said earlier, men are not projects. What you see is who he is and if he has never been one to surprise you with mushy poetry, well don’t be dreaming that he’s gonna turn into Edgar Allan Poe if you just give him time. Maybe you’ll get into a fight once and his apology will be in the form of a haiku, but realistically, that’s just not who he is. And if he wants to marry you, he will. He will find a way to make sure that he’s the only guy who will ever be in your life for the rest of time, until all of eternity. This isn’t to say marriage is the only way. I know plenty of couples who are happily un-married but this is a choice they made together. If you are fine not tying the knot then that’s great, just don’t settle for anything less than you always dreamed of. A good friend of mine’s mother once told me: “The bad boy thing gets old”. She was right. So, whether your single, dating, or waiting (for a ring) figure out if you’re in love with the man you’re with or the man you hope he will become. Stop trying to change the guy you’re settling on and realize that there is a guy out there who will give you all you want…. Who will love you for who you are and understand your worth; maybe a modern day Edgar Allan Poe?

You can only fix those who want to be fixed, The Love Hawk Shannon loves love. She has a passion for people and understanding the little things that make everyone unique and similar, all at the same time. She has degrees in Communication Studies, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism but it’s the school of life that taught Shannon most of what she knows about love and relationships. Visit her blog at: thelovehawk.com

Bring the whole family to

celebrate Christmas as in the Good Old Days!

When? : November 30th 2013 From 5 to 11 pm Where? : Agora Centre, Cornwall (formely Nativité Hall) Tickets : 35,00$ available at

Centre culturel, Généalogie, Caisse Populaire A merr y fundraiser: F ood, musi c, song and dance and silent aucti on!

For more information, call : 613-932-9106

Dear Friends of the Centre culturel de Cornwall and Généalogie et Archives St-Laurent, A little reminder if you have not yet purchase your ticket for Noël d’antan. Join us on tomorrow, Saturday, November 30th, 2013 between 5 and 11 p.m. at the Agora Centre (formerly Nativité Hall). Not only will it be a Christmas supper like in the good old days but the music will make you sing and dance. The Clairpan Duo, the Brissons and the Gailurons will impress you. Tickets are $35.00 for adults and $15.00 for children less than 10 years old. If you bring the whole family, you can buy a table for eight or more for $30.00 per ticket (minimum 8 tickets bought together). If there are some chairs available, you may be able to come for the musical part only starting at 7 :00 p.m. (tickets will be $15.00, if available) Be part of our success. Very few tickets for the meal will be sold at the door (we need to prepare the food). Hurry to buy your ticket at the Centre culturel de Cornwall (613-932-9106) or at the Centre de généalogie (613-932-1320) or one of the Caisses populaires.

The Centre culturel de Cornwall will be open tonight, Friday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm for your convenience. Lucie Hart President Centre culturel de Cornwall

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1





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THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 5

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THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 6

CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

by Kris Ward


The Comfort of Home There is a method to my madness; most people wonder why I keep my car services in my hometown which is now just under 2 hours away from where I currently live? Well service is part of it, and it does give me a reason to visit. With the news of an impending storm, I made an impromptu decision to return to my hometown last weekend. I completed the last of my big events for this year; Donor Night, and called Seaway GM to see if they could install my winter tires that were in storage. They were able to fit me in, so I dashed off after work and arrived shortly before they closed on Friday so they could work on it in the morning. I also called my mom to see if they would like some company. I made the decision to stay in Kingston for Christmas this year and so this could be my last trip home before the holidays.

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Therapy Dog Evaluation Sunday December 1, 2013

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I returned to my parents' home and my mom had prepared a feast which could be considered my first Christmas meal. We caught up on everything as I gravitated towards one of the 3 gliders in her kitchen. It didn't take long for my niece Ella and nephew Josh to arrive and join the conversation. Not seeing me as often, they had plenty to tell me, including their Christmas list. They pulled out the catalogues and flyers to show me what they were talking about; this took me back to not only my son's childhood, but my own. I used to be well-versed on what kids want, I knew all the toys by name and now as I glance at the book, I realize that there are many I am not familiar with; although many are popular again. Their mom Melanie joined us and after I called my oldest sister Lisa, she came by as well.

Lisa's daughter recently moved to Texas and so she joined the wonderful world of Facebook and Skype. On that particular night she was heading home to Skype with Monika and then packing to see her youngest, Emily in Sudbury. Everytime I lament about distance, I think of her because she really has to travel far to see either daughter, and is hoping to head to Texas for the holidays.



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We decided to bypass the gift exchange this year, except for the little ones, because reality is that funds are tight. I'd much prefer to spend time with them when I am not in a rush and maybe in the new year, we can have our girls' weekend where they come and see me. This impromptu trip gave us a chance to catch up, and although my staying over is something my niece and nephew can't fully grasp, it was great to return home. In the morning my dad treated us to Tim Hortons as I waited for my car to be ready. There are some things to expect with my dad; he'll drop everything and go and run errands for his girls and his grandsons and that includes a Tim's run or a quick jaunt for ingredients or supplies needed. He is one of the true family men. I was proud when he brought me to the college to drop off something and he was able to see the Donor Wall for the Difference We Make campaign I worked on, and to see my name in its full glory on the appreciation wall. He also could see how many people have contributed to the Cornwall campus. My car was ready before noon so I returned home to say my goodbyes. Of course, it wouldn't be a trip home if I didn't leave stuff behind, I broght a box of stuff to give away, and she sent me back with my repaired shoes, some homemade beets from my Aunt Huguette and many other treats and some boxes I stored there after I moved. My instinct was right to get the tires changed as our first big snowfall arrived a few days later, and although a snow day was declared in both cities; I had no problem navigating with my trust Michelins. Sometimes I assess my life and think of what is missing, but then I realize what I have and give thanks. Truly the best presents are the people in your life who love you and I have several.

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at: www.kriscrossroads.wordpress.com

How is this for a keepsake? A different way to preserve your memories Commemorate them with a NewsPaper! perfect for

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THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 7 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


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Packrat Organization 101

Med ium and Ama zing Sou l Rea ding (Aka shic Rec ords )

Part 1 of 3

Adjusting Your Thinking “I am keeping this because it might come in handy one day”. By thinking this way, you will end up with a zillion warehouses full stuff, and you will become the next segment on the TV show, “Hoarders, Buried Alive”, or showcased on American and Canadian Pickers. If you do not know what the item is or what it is for, you definitely do not need it. Therefore, it is time to part with it.

Small Appliances Get rid of:

• anything broken, or take items worth repairing to a repair shop within the week. Ask yourself, how long has it been broken; will you be able to find parts? Depending on how long an item has been out of commission, it may have become obsolete and not worth repairing.

• impulse-bought items you will never use. Sell them through free ads in the local papers, on Kijiji, have a garage sale, or donate them to charity.

Plastic Containers •

Don’t hang on to spare lids or tubs unless they are a complete set.

• In the kitchen, keep see-through plastic containers so that you’ll know at all times how much of what’s inside. If you can’t see the tops of the containers once they’re stacked, writing on top what is inside won’t help in the long run. • Keep no more than six (6) containers of the same size (small, medium, large). It is better to purchase a few extra when you need them than to store a bunch when you don’t.


• Recycle what you do not need, such as: expired coupons, incoming junk mail, greeting cards, outdated activity calendars, old business cards, information on items you don’t own anymore, books you have read, old catalogues and magazines (remove articles/ information you want to save and file it in the appropriate place in your filing cabinet). • Reminder: Magazines, books and newspapers create a lot of clutter in the home. Often, newspapers and magazines are left lying around long after the publication date and are never looked at again.

Odds And Ends

• Throw away pens and dried-up markers that no longer work. • Take empty ink cartridges, old batteries, and electronics to Staples

Office Depot for recycling.

• Check how many note pads you have, if you have too many, recycle them or give them away. •

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Toss broken or old remote controls for which you no longer have the device.

• Do not store indefinitely items for your family who have moved out, or for your friends or neighbours. Ask them to pick up their belongings; give them a deadline. They will probably tell you to donate the item(s) to charity.

Marie can be reached at 613-936-6873 www.workeasysolution.com

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 8 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1



... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!


The Singing Bowls Sunday, December 15 at 1:00 pm Learn how to play them and experience their unique vibrations Call to reserve your spot. Free. (12 years and older)

Special Christmas Book Release Book signing with author

JENNIFER DEBRUIN. Saturday, December 21 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Purchase a copy of her book in pre-release,

“ Shadows in the Tree” and have it signed

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 PAWS'N BOOKS - 11:00 am to 12 noon CHECK MATES - 2:00 pm

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THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796 www.library.cornwall.on.ca

So Advertise Your Coming Events With Us ... Call us for complete details ... 613- 935-3763 ext 1


our weekly pages of events n’ more...






Celebrate Recovery " A ChristCentered Recovery Program" find freedom from you hurts, habits, and hang ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday night at 7:30 pm at Fountaingate Christian Assembly 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall, Ontario (613 932-0685) or fountaingate.org Open Mic @ the Grind The Brawl At Nativity Hall Get your fix of 8 hard hitting & intense action packed matches featuring all your favourite prowrestling superstars when TVCOGECO & Mecca Pro Wrestling present “The Brawl At Nativity Hall” - at 8:30 pm Transition Cornwall+ Film Screening Life & Money 6:45 pm. Knox-St. Paul's United Church, 800 12th St. E. Admission free. Agape Center donations accepted.

SAT NOV 30 Thousand Islands Casino Bus Trip departing at 9:30 am. For information or reserve call 613.932.6534. Proceeds to the Auxiliary to St. Joseph's Continuing Care Centre Old Tyme Christmas Evening With A French Flavor from 5 pm to 11 pm. Agora Center, 301 McConnell Ave. Banquet, music, singing, dancing & silent auction. Tickets: 35$. Call:613.932.1320 Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation St. Andrew's Ball Cornwall Armoury, 505 4th St. E. . For more information visit: CornwallHospitalFoundation.ca

St. Nicholas Tea, Bake & Craft Sale from 11 am to 3 pm. St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, 1509 2nd St. W. Sandwiches, sweets, tea & coffee. Adults: 7$, children under 8: 3.50$

SUNDAY DEC 1 Bereaved Families Memory Tree Lighting Ceremony at 1 pm at Cornwall Square. Special guests: The Centennial Choir. Creation Science Centre located at the back of the Cornwall Wesleyan Church, is open every Sunday. Come and see what we’re all about… Worship and the word. Fountaingate Christian Assembly. With Pastor Brad Montsion. 10:30 am, 949 Mohawk Drive, Cornwall

MONDAY DEC 2 Your ad would be here had you called it in. Next time don’t forget! 613-935-3763. It’s FREE!

TUESDAY DEC 3 Blood Donor Clinic from 12 pm to 3:30 pm & 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Watter St. E. Book your appointment to save a life: 1.888.2.DONATE Christmas Luncheon and Bazaar 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. St.Andrew's-St.Mark's United Church, Johnson Cr., Long Sault. Lunch: 8$. Bake & nearly new sale.

WED DEC 4 Focus Art Christmas Pot Luck Supper at 6:30 pm. Centre CharlesÉmile Claude, 146 Chevrier Ave. Members event. Visit:FocusArtOnline.org for details.

OPG Visitor Center, 2500B 2nd St. W. RSVP: events@lift-off.ca & bring your ideas to enhance the festival's 20th anniversary.

Christmas Bazaar & Soup Luncheon from 9:30 am to 3 pm. Heartwood LTC, 201 11th St. E. Lunch served: 10 am to 2 pm. Cost: 4.50$ CareFor Health & Wellness Clinic from 9 am to 12 noon, Centre Charles Emile Claude, 146 Chevrier St. Registered nurse on site for general health checks. No appointment necessary.

THU DEC 5 Go beyond your comfort zone and become the speaker and the leader you want to be! Smart City Toastmasters Club welcomes you to the November 20th and December 5th meeting which will be held at River Room, St. Lawrence College, Cornwall Campus starting at 6:30 pm. Join us for an evening of fun and take that first step in becoming who you want to become!" For more information contact Claudette at 613-938-2394. Holy Trinity Secondary School Christmas Market 5 pm to 9 pm. 18044 Tyotown Rd. Money raised supports March school mission team trip in aid of a Dominican orphanage Royal Canadian Legion Seniors Club Monthly Meeting Lunch at 12 noon, meeting at 1 pm followed by bingo. 415 2nd St. W. Auxiliary Snowflake Bazaar & Luncheon from 10 am to 1:30 pm. Luncheon: 11 am to 12:30 pm. St. Joseph's Continuing Care Center, 14 York St. Crafts & bake sale & more. Soup, sandwiches & dessert: 6$

Kinsmen Cornwall Lift-Off Public Forum from 7 pm to 9 pm.

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening! FRI DEC 6 Singles 55+ Meetup & Activity Night 7 pm to 11 pm. Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. Seaway Winds Concert Band Presents Peace On Earth 7:30 pm. St. Columban's Church, 36 4th St. W. Guest: Pierre Vaillancourt. Tickets: 15$. Children under 10: free. Visit: SeawayWinds.ca.

SATURDAY DECEMBER 7th Multicultural Bazaar, from 10am to 4pm, at the Cornwall Civic Complex on Water Street. Admission $3.00, children under 12 free. ENTERTAINMENT: professional multicultural fashion show, ethnic dancing, introduction of several countries, shopping (art, crafts, and products of all kinds, business vendors), food demonstration, a Fashion Show Contest at 3:00 pm! Come dressed in a national costume or traditional regelia. Trophies awarded for best modeling. Categories male and female: Children (Up to 6 and 7 to 12); Young Adults (13 to 19); Adults (20 to 59); and 60 or over. For details please e-mail info@paradeofnations.com, visit www.paradeofnations.com, or call Rabia Zeeshan (613) 933-9626 ext. 4231 or Marie Morrell at (613) 936-6873.

Parade of nations for the developmentally challenged would like to thank all those who donated used birthdays and seasonal cards of all kinds for the collage activities offered to people with special needs of all ages, artistically inclined. We are still looking for frames of all sizes up to 18 inches maximum. For donations please call 613-936-6873.

Seaway Winds Concert Band presents “Peace on Earth”, a program of sacred seasonal music, in the beautiful sanctuary of St. Columban Parish, 36 Fourth St. West, Cornwall, on Friday, December 6 at 7:30 p.m. This, the 2nd concert of the 2013-2014 series, features medleys of well-loved carols. Pierre Vaillancourt, highly-respected educator and musician from Eastern Ontario, will perform solos on soprano and alto saxophone with band accompaniment, under the direction of associate director, Raymond Lacroix. As an added treat, Pierre will direct the 38member ensemble in J.S. Bach’s, “Jésu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”, as well as lead the audience in a carol sing-along. Tickets cost $15.00 (free for children under the age of 10 when accompanied by an adult), and are available at Seaway Valley Tourism: 11 Water Street West, Cornwall Square: 2nd floor Administration Office, and at the door the evening of the concert. For more information: www.seawaywinds.ca




Music by Alan Menke n, Lyrics by Howar d Ashma n and Glenn Slater, Book by Doug Wright , Based on the Hans Christi an Anders en story and the Disney Film, Music Adapte d and Arrang ed by David Weinst ein Presented through special arrangement

Sandra La Latrei treille lle - Producer Alanna PPollar ollardd - Choreograp ographer her

with Music Theatre Theatre Internationa Internationall (MTI)

Stephanie St. Louis - Musical Director Michael DeW DeWoolfe lfe - Director

December 7 & 8


St.Joe’s oe’s Auditorium 1500 Cumberland St, Corn wall

ine at Admission.com $10 orTTicickCorketetsnws onl all Civic Complex plex Box Office

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ue or Credit Cards!

visit www w.s .svt vtc. c.ca ca for more info

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


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carry these amazing cookbooks at my store, Sharyn's Pantry. I had a really nice afternoon visiting Lynn, meeting her husband Kyle and her 4-legged friends. Thanks Lynn for just being you! A note about carob. This is not chocolate but it has a sweet subtle flavour similar to chocolate. Carob has half the fat of chocolate and has no caffeine. We carry it in the powder form and in chipits both unsweetened or sweetened.


INGREDIENTS: 1/2 cup melted butter 1/4 cup carob powder (sold at Sharyn's Pantry) 2 beaten eggs 1/2 cup real maple syrup or honey (or 1 cup of brown sugar)

1 tsp. pure vanilla extract 1 cup of unbleached all-purpose flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 cup raisins 1/2 cup chopped nuts

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Hi there to all of you beautiful people of Cornwall reading the Seeker this week. I do hope you are all thinking about Christmas now that we have some of the "white stuff" falling and staying on the ground. Did you know that there is just a little more then 3 weeks, until the BIG "C" DAY!!! A little scary and very exciting at the same time. Don't you agree??? I have a very large family, (seven children with their significant others, plus five grandchildren - plus.. plus.. plus) What I have been doing every year to help myself out, (so I am not going crazy at this time of year) is I start shopping and picking up gifts throughout the year. This way I am not rushing and or worrying so much about not having enough time or money to get what I feel are "Special Gifts" for each of my family members. I don't just get stuff. I like to find "treasures" that would suit and be liked by the person I am giving it to. I also like to wrap up each present in a nice way by adding some pretty, colourful ribbons or a bit of glitter or even a small tree ornament to make the gift look more inviting.

You must know me by now and know that I will be doing most of my shopping at the many thrift stores available to me and everyone here in Cornwall. There are many "Gift Ideas" for you and your family and friends to choose from at the Salvation Army, the Agape Center and at Value Village. These are the many places you can go to to get affordable Christmas gifts and winter boots and clothing from. By purchasing your Christmas or any other items from these stores, know that you are not only helping yourself out, you are also helping the less fortunate people in our community. Sadly there are many.

Tip of the Week: Instead of being worried about having enough METHOD: money to buy gifts for your loved ones, why not think of other ways -Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees F. Grease with a little butter, an 8" square pan. Set aside you can give this year? You can for now. make or bake something that your -Whisk the butter and carob powder together until there are no lumps. special loved ones will cherish. -Add the beaten eggs, maple syrup OR honey OR brown sugar and the vanilla. Mix well. Much more than a gift hurriedly -In a small bowl, stir the flour, baking powder and salt together. Then add them into the bought at a store. Make a card, carob mixture. bake some cookies or other -Stir in the raisins and chopped nuts. Mix well. goodies or give a coupon or a card -Pour the batter into the greased 8" pan and bake the brownies for 20 to 25 minutes. Allow to promise a "Special Day" with the brownies to cool completely before frosting. them. Christmas Time, is more than just for giving gifts. The giving of CREAM CHEESE FROSTING your "time" is showing the love you have and is so much more special than INGREDIENTS: giving perhaps a pair of sleepers or a scarf or something. It is still very <CAA %=4 >5 <G 2CAB><4@A 70A ?>E34@ 0=3 >@460=> 0=3 E0B4@ just 1/4 cup carob powder nice to give these kinds of items, but why not make it a bit more special pkg of creamE08B8=6 cheese, softened roomB> temperature 144=81/2oz.?0B84=B;G 5>@ at<4 &>C@ B78A >D4@ B74 6@0B43this year? Please take the time to make the "time" for your loved ones this tsp. instant coffee powder year. Time is on your side - so use it well. Avoid the chaos and rush, the 58=31/4B74 74@ CAB E74= cup@428?4 real maple5>@ syrup 2011064 B> 2>D4@ 4D4=;G hustle & bustle. Enjoy this Christmas Season with a smile on your face, 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla of a frown - which oddly enough when turned right side up, is a E0A= B ;>>:8=6 8B BC@=43 C? >D4@ B74 20AA4@>;4 E8B7 0 ;83instead SMILE!!! METHOD: =9>G >@ 0;C<8=C< 5>8; 0=3 10:4 8B 5>@ -In a bowl, beat together the carob powder, cream cheese and coffee powder. A "Drop of Happiness," can cause: 1. Smiles 2. Optimism 3. Self-Worth 4. -Add the maple syrup and vanilla and beat until nice and creamy. ;1 ;40= 6@>C=3 1445 )@G <G <8=CB4A B> >=4 7>C@ 8= 0 Reduced Stress 5. Improved Health -Spread this evenly over top of the cooled brownies. AB>@4-CutA and ;>20;;G @08A43 ;40= 6@>C=3 346@44 serve. ENJOY! >D4= >>: B74Please Pay It Forward...If Only with a Smile or a Kind Deed.

1445LYNN'S 5>@ 0EASY @40;MIXED B0AB4 BERRY 38554@4=24 SAUCE 20AA4@>;4 C=B8; B74 2011064 0=3 Want "Christmas Photos"? Please call me at 613-935-9719 This is so simple, yet delicious! Lynn just used 1 cupful of frozen mixed berries: &;CAblueberries, G>C :=>E E74@4 B74 1445 8A B74them @824 0@4blender. B4=34@ %. or contact me, Marlene Baker at www.fashionography.ca strawberries and blackberries. She pureed in her Then she$added for an appointment today, tomorrow or even next week. 1 tbsp. of 5@>< honey and 10=3 tsp. of Bernardin 2><8=6 G>C freezer 0@4 berry pectin to help to thicken the berry Time is ticking away. sauce. No cooking needed! The berry sauce was a perfect sweetness, texture and thickness. AC??>@B8=6 0 ;>20; 50@<4@ The pectin gave it a lovely sheen. Just delicious! I scraped every bit of it off my plate. YUMMY!


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Positively Marlene by Marlene Baker

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by Sharyn Thompson


(4B B74 B4<?4@0BC@4 B> 346@44A B1A? 20=>;0 >8; *A4 4=>C67 ;0@3 B> 64B B74 >=8>= 27>??43 ?@>?4@ 34?B7 >5 50B B> 5@G 8=Having G>C@ run my BA? !>A74@ A0;B business for 33 years, 5@G4@ BA? 6@>C=3 1;02: ?4??4@ I have met as my @G A4D4@0; 3>=CBA 0B 0 customers B8<4 many 740?8=6 B1A? 2>=D4@B43 @824 wonderful people. No 2>>:8=6 5>@ 01>CB B> longer are they only >H 90@ >5 A?0674BB8 A0C24 customer to me <8=CB4A 8= B>B0; BC@=8=6 a >=24 G>C@ 50D>C@8B4 1@0=3 and our sta, but 3C@8=6 5@G8=6 they have become a2C? E0B4@ of our family at )74 @428?4 E8;; <0:4 part 70;5 0 2011064 6@0B43 Sharyn's Pantry. 3>=CBA E8B7 B74 7>;4A $Lynn %. is no BA? @C1143 >@460=> exception. She is such .>C 20= B>AA B74< AC60@ 0=3 for me BA? 6@0=C;0B3 60@;82 ?>E34@ a sweet lady.8= She 0 is the gal responsible growing kale in<8FBC@4 my garden last year. Before =CB<46 >@ 28==0<>= 05B4@ Lynn, I had never even heard of kale. She is an avid gardener and knits 5@G8=6 85 G>Cbeautifully. ;8:4 1CB B74< She has ;>D4 even knit her own socks!@0B4 She is also bread baker. B74a great 2011064 0=3If ?;024 8B you remember I put Lynn's artisan bread recipe in my column earlier this year. 9CAB ?;08= Lynn and her husband rescue greyhound8= 0 On 6@40A43 20AA4@>;4 38A7 dogs. a recent visit to their home, I met their newest greyhound Stuey. What a little is so gentle = 0sweetheart! A:8;;4B SheA0CB4 B74and6@>C=3 loving. Angie, a sweet little Pug spent much of the afternoon sitting on my lap 1445 0=3Russell B74 27>??43 >=8>= A0;B getting kisses and patted. Peanut, a 14 year old Jack Terrier, claimed Lynn as her very own. She only tolerated a few friendly pats from me. She is 0=3 ?4??4@ Lynn's little baby! No sharing! )78A 40AG 20AA4@>;4 B0AB4A 4F02B;G )> brownies B78A 033 90@ >5cheese A?0674BB8 For a treat, Lynn made a pan of carob withB74 a cream made=> a beautiful to serve brownie. Lynn 60@;82 ;8:4 2011064frosting. @>;;ASheE8B7 5CAA berry >@ sauce A0C24 B74under @824the6@0=C;0B43 used the carob brownie recipe from the original Moosewood Cookbook. We



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Celebration at Ecole catholique Marie-Tanguay From cover story - Photos by: Carol Grant Productions


Noël en chansons

Depuis quelques mois déjà, la chorale Chœur en fête perfectionne son répertoire de chants de Noël. Il y en a pour tous les goûts. Nous chantons nos ritournelles préférées et nous en apprenons des nouvelles en français et en anglais. Cette année, notre tournée commence au Château Cornwall le mercredi 4 décembre 2013 à 14 h. Le lendemain, le jeudi 5 décembre, nous nous retrouvons au Centre de soins prolongés St- Joseph à 19 h.

La semaine suivante, c’est au centre d’accueil Glen Stor Dun que nous apporterons notre joie de Noël le mercredi 11 décembre à 14 h. Le Manoir McConnell sera le dernier centre où nous fêterons Noël en chansons le jeudi 12 décembre à 19 h.

Tous sont invités à venir préparer Noël avec nous dans un ou l’autre de ces centres. Ambiance chaleureuse et emballante garantie!

Les activités régulières du Chœur en fête reprendront en janvier, toujours à 19 h à l’église Ste Thérèse, afin de préparer un nouveau répertoire pour la prochaine saison. Si vous aimez chanter, venez vous amuser avec nous. Michèle Chauvin-Bourdon 613-936-6794 chauvin.bourdon@gmail.com choeurenfete.org lamalgame.org

Multicultural Bazaar

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2013 - 10 AM TO 4 PM Cornwall Civic Complex - 100 Water Street E. Salons A, B, and C Admission $3 - Children under 12 FREE

• Ethnic Food Demonstrations • Multicultural Fashion Show • Henna Tattoos • Shopping • International Dance

Thank You To Our Sponsors

For info call: Rabia Zeeshan (613) 933-9626 or Marie Morrell (613) 936-6873


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THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.xdesigns.ca n s .c a




by David Murphy

cornwallsportshalloffame.com Since 1968

Cornwall Colts next games

Cornwall at Kemptville Sun, Nov 10 at 2:00 PM

The Cornwall Sports Hall of Fame is pleased to announce the Call To The Hall for 2014.

Smiths Falls at Cornwall Thu, Nov 14at 7:30 PM

Nominations for the next set of inductees begin now and run until Friday, February 28th, 2014 (submissions after that date will not be considered for 2014). All types of sports are represented from the more than 300 CSHOF members.

Cornwall at Gloucester Fri, Nov 15at 7:30 PM

The Seeker’s Player of the Week

There are also a number of inductees under the builder category. The Selection Committee requests a list of awards or accomplishments accompanied by media clippings or a scrapbook outlining the person being nominated. For more information on the induction process and a list of past inductees, visit cornwallsportshalloffame.com. Inductees will be announced in April. Nominations or further questions about the nomination process for the next class of inductees can be forwarded to the Selection Committee Chairman Thom Racine (thom_racine@hotmail.com) or Benson CSHOF Dinner Chairman David Murphy (dmurphy10@cogeco.ca).

Photos from last Saturday Night’s

LNAH game at the Civic Complex vs. the Thetford-Mines Isothermic.

Get a chance to win 4 Colts Tickets Call in at 613-935-3763 and select “weekly contest”, then leave the name of the player of the week to enter the draw! If you win, the Seeker will send you and 3 of your friends to the next home Colts game!

Photo credit: ALLISON PAPINEAU FIGHT: Francis Lessard of the River Kings lands a punch on Curtis Tidball of the Isothermic.


After a successful weekend on the ice, the River Kings are now looking to capitalize on the momentum at the box office.

Local hockey enthusiasts looking for a great deal can attend the next two River Kings games for only $10. Regular prices for adults are $14. However, on Nov. 29 (vs. Valleyfield) and Dec. 7 (vs. SorelTracy), fans will receive $4 off their ticket when brining nonperishable items to the box office at time of purchase. “This team is something really special,” said co-owner David Small. “We hear it around the league from other teams all the time and we would like the opportunity to show the City of Cornwall what they have right here in their own backyard.”

SAVE: Loic Lacasse makes a save on Simon Courcelles of the Isothermic.

The team would also like to announce that for the balance of 2013 games, any child wearing their minor hockey jersey to the Civic Complex will be admitted to a River Kings game at no charge. Children must be accompanied by an adult. After victories last weekend vs. Valleyfield and Thetford-Mines, Cornwall is now 5-5-2 on the young season.

GOAL: The River Kings had plenty to celebrate last Saturday night with a 6-1 victory over Thetford-Mines.

ONLY 5 GAMES LEFT IN 2013! Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday,

Nov. 29 vs. Valleyfield Dec. 7 vs. Sorel-Tracy Dec. 14 vs. Jonquiere Dec. 21 vs. Riviere-du-Loup Dec. 28 vs. Jonquiere

All games are at the Civic Complex and begin at 7:30 p.m.

Rodney Wilson, Media Relations, Cornwall River Kings

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 14

CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

Very happy to report that my homemade Raw Turtles sold out in less than 20 minutes last week….Unbelievable!!!…Tomorrow, I will be highlighting some delicious Raw sugar cones…mmmmm….come early not to be disappointed!!! I have put together a Special Health Nut Pleasure Pack which will feature 5 Raw Christmas treats (Raw Icy square, Raw Turtle, Raw nut butter cup, Raw elf dropping and a Raw dark chocolate protein ball).

Is your mouth watering yet?? As a token of appreciation to my clients, for the month of December only…. I am offering to anyone spending more than $25 the chance to win a $50 Health Nut certificate (can be used for homemade goods or any seminar that I offer at my space). This will be drawn the week before Christmas…..You can use this for yourself or give the gift of health to a loved one….. For anyone wanting to place an order of $25 or more on any specific Christmas treats, you will be able to do so for the month of December only…. As long as you pick it up before 3pm at the shop on Saturdays, there will be no problem.


Gluten/dairy free bread mixes (no bread machine required, very easy to prepare) as well as Gluten/dairy free pizza crust mix (will give you two 12’ pizza crusts)…these are absolutely delicious! I sometimes have gluten/dairy free loaves ready to go as well, depending on how much time I have during the week of preparation. So come on in bright and early to find all that you need for your week.

AVON’s Beauty Experts

NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut

Stocking Stuffers Your Kids Will Flip For!

Looking for fun gift ideas to fill kids’ stockings? Avon has something to suit every kid’s style:

For kids who need enticement to get in the tub: Naturals Kids Silly

Sketchers Gift Set comes with with 3 lathering paints that make bath time play time! And, Holiday Bubble Delight Bubble Bath Minis come in fun holiday scents like Christmas Cookie and Apple Pie, and feature festive holiday packaging.

For the little princess: The Sofia the First Light Up Watch shows the time with an image of Princess Sofia and Princess Amber.

For Superman fans: The Superman Projection Watch shows the time AND projects 10 different Superman images at the touch of a button.

For Angry Birds fanatics: The Angry Birds Slingshot Watch bends and wraps around your little one’s wrist “slingshot” style. For little explorers: The Ultra Bright LED Flashlights come in a set of 3 and light the way in the dark.

Call Julia or Mai-Liis, your official Avon Representatives at 613-935-8101 © Avon Products Inc.

Last week, I had the pleasure of welcoming Julia Beshara (Organics by Julia) to my shop. We had an amazing day, her products were such a hit that she will return on Saturday, December 21st, 9am to 4pm at my shop….. just in time for Christmas. Mark it on your calendar!! Tomorrow, Saturday, November 30th, 9am to 4pm..….I am thrilled to have Caitlyn Richer (Young Living Essential Oils) at my shop as well as Judy Kerr (Steeped Tea) sharing my space. Come and see what they have to offer, you will not be disappointed. Very excited to be offering two “ Health Baskets” filled with gift certificates and goodies from local, health-minded businesses. For the minimum donation of $2 you will have the chance to win. *All proceeds going to Agape Centre. Local women have created beautiful beaded bracelets (they are all unique) that are made with love to help raise awareness for brain cancer patients. For the minimum donation of $5 you will be able to enjoy this lovely piece of jewellery as a token of appreciation for your generous gesture. Always plenty going on…so come on it and see what my shop is all about…hope to see you soon… In health……

Sylvie Thibert thehealthnut@cogeco.ca www.thehealthnut.ca 613-931-3119 or 613-662-3834

*812 Pitt Street, unit 40 (Saturdays only)

FOCUS ART IS HAVING A POT-LUCK SUPPER December 4th at 6:30 Centre Charles-Émile Claude Bring your specialty food to share Bring a gift you have made and wrap it well (Gift exchange) There will be games and prizes Meet old friends and make new ones !

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THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 17 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


Photography is one of those things that everyone appreciates. I have become very passionate about the art, and ever since getting my first SLR I have been able to capture life in so many ways. But of course I am not the only one who loves taking pictures, and going to The Art Gallery in Cornwall proves this. This year’s photo contest shows the artistic vision of so many talented photographers in the Cornwall area. I could not help but take the opportunity to pay a visit to the exhibition and check out all the fine art the Gallery displays.











This is the 4th year in a row the photo contest has happened, and through all those years the exhibit has been able to show off all kinds of fascinating art. The gallery was very peaceful, as people conversed with one another discussing and viewing the art. It was really amazing to see the sheer talent we have in the Cornwall community. Many of the photos were beyond everyone’s expectations. It’s amazing to see how other people view the world through a lens.

Every single picture in the exhibit was unique, taken in all different types of styles. From portraits, landscape, to macro shots; there was something the fit everyone’s taste in photography. The theme chosen this year was the “quality and drama of light in photography,” which is good because using natural light in your pictures always brings the best results. A particular photo which caught my eye was one which was taken of the sun. Used to take the picture was a high tech telephoto lens and camera which brought out a lot of texture. It was interesting to see this detailed photo of the sun knowing it was the greatest source of light for all photographers. Each picture in the exhibit truly proved the true potential of using natural light from the sun to capture the greatest shot. Sylvie Lizotte is the executive director for The Art Gallery, and the one most responsible for making it all happen. She tells me the Art gallery puts on about 10 exhibits a year, expanding on more than just photography, but painting as well. She even talked about introducing an exhibit which would be completely new for artists in the Cornwall area. “For this year I’m going to organize a fabric juried show. Like anything done with fabric; sculpture, wall hangings, painting with fabric or anything with fabrics,” she said. “The purpose of this is to challenge artists and to show different medium, because it’s not just oil or water colors.”


Live at the Port Theatre


TICKETS: $20.00 Advance, $25 Day of the Show Doors open at 7:00 pm ~ Show Starts at 8:00 pm This is a LCBO licensed event For more information call 6 13-933-588

2 Tickets available at: Melody Music & Cornwall Square Lotte ry Kiosk Port Theatre Box Office (1-4 pm), 132 Montreal Road, 613-93 3-4547 PROUD SPONSORS


Printed by P & L Printing

Words from Jaymes

Photo Show at TAG

As for the photo show, if you have not yet seen the exhibit it is still open for a few weeks with pictures hanging on the walls. If you appreciate art please go down to Pitt Street and check it out, because you will not be disappointed.

Jaymes Gates, Journalism Student at St. Lawrence College, Cornwall Campus

PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION WINNERS 1. Stephanie Wellman - Dahlia 2. Dr. Dean Ducas - Canoe Wake 3. Odile Jalbert - Courants Contraires sur la glace (photos shown at left) To see all the photos including the honourable mentions,

visit the Art Gallery today at 168 Pitt St, Cornwall For more info on The Art Gallery visit: http://www.tagcornwall.ca


The Apples & Art planning committee today announced its decision to register as a not-for-profit organization; a starting point for the much anticipated, 23rd annual studio tour.

This announcement comes on the heels of the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery’s (TAGs) decision to opt out of organizing the tour, as it has in the past. But the artists say they’re committed to both strategic planning and execution to promote the September 27/28 event.

“It’s a big change for the artists. Many of us have never even met each other before,” says committee member and artist Rose Desnoyer. “But after two meetings to analyze the situation, define what we have to do, and come up with a plan, we’re confident we can make it happen.”

Committee spokesperson, artist Virginia Lake, who is spearheading the

registration of the not-for-profit status, says one the biggest challenges is implementing the action plan: “There’s a lot to do by Valentine’s Day, our proposed deadline for the call to artists. Artists have to register so we have the beginnings of a budget to pay for what we need.” For more than two decades, the studio tour budget has come solely from the artists’ registration fees. Fees allow for printing of brochures, signage, advertising and other promotional efforts. “We’ve never had a corporate sponsor but hope one or two might step forward to help us,” adds Virginia. Apples & Art is a not-for-profit group of local artists who annually open their studio doors to welcome the public in and celebrate art.

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 18 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1




FR E E FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst

To place your classified call - 613-935-3763 ext. 2

I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

and I’m Julia the Web Designer

Deadlines noon on Tuesdays

For Sale: China Christmas dishes -8 place setting including serving pieces. Mint condition, used twice, paid $75 plus tax, asking $45. Call 613-938-6149.


and together we are

Saturday, November 30, 1pm - 4pm. Heritage Manor 1545 Vincent Massey Drive, phone 932-4416.

Flower arrangements, stuffed animals, scarves, hats, mittens, afghans and Christmas decorations. For Sale: Ladies size large black leather jacket. Like new. $20. Call 613-938-6149.

For Sale: New emerald green stone and gold trimmed necklace and clip on earrings, still in the box. $15. Call 613-938-6149.

For Sale: Canon battery operated small portable typewriter, batteries included. $15. Call 613-938-6149.

Auxiliary to St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre Invites you to our annual

Snowflake Bazaar and Luncheon

Thursday, December 5, 2013 - 10 am to 1:30 pm 14 York Street. Free Parking. Bazaar Tables: crafts, bake sale, gifts, books, Christmas table, etc. Luncheon $6 - from 11 am to 12:30 pm: soup, sandwiches, dessert. All proceeds towards resident programs and equipment.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading

this issue of The Seeker

We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...

CLASSES ON THE ART OF COLLAGE for people of all ages with special needs. Every Monday and Wednesday, Parade of nations will have classes to teach the art of collage to people with special needs of all ages. (parents are encouraged to attend with younger children). The classes are free until January and after that will cost $5.00 a night to help pay for some of the materials. So far all collage material is provided except for frames.

613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis

People should bring their own scissors. Volunteers are welcome. Location: 1500 Cumberland Street, room 114, at the old Vanier High School, wheel chair accessible - entrance through the 3rd third door (right hand). There is a bus stop right in front the school. Time and weather permitting: 6:30pm to 8:30 pm. Marie Morrell will be at this entrance door at 6:15pm to guide people to the right room. This endeavour will give people a chance to produce something before Christmas and make their own gifts.

For info call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873.

email: info@theseeker.ca or read online


DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm See you next week


THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 19 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 4 Issue 46 - November 29 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


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