SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 March 21, 2014
This Week in THE SEEKER
Vol. 5 Issue 2 January 17, 2014
This Week in THE SEEKER
"Cornwall and Area Women go Naked" CONGRATULATIONS Page to the Seekers Choice Award Winners
6 SEEKERS ENJOY Focus on LIFT-OFF the Good THIS WEEKEND. Page Check the schedule.
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7 18
Invites you to the
When the going gets tough, the tough get GLOWING!
that is exactly what the NAV Centre plans to do next week Friday, March 28 at their first ever GLOW PARTY!
What is a glow party? it is a party in which all normal lights are replaced with blacklights.
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Team Captain·s Quest
There will be a bar with special "glowing drinks" and of course a live DJ to keep you dancingndall night long! Admission is $10.00 in the Lecture Theatre. On February 22 , you and your teammates will be participating in the The doors open at 8:00pm whichahosts a bar andwinter lounge walk area. hosted in 40+ cities Coldest Night of the Year, 2, 5 & 10 km The main door to the big event opens at 9:00pm. across Canada in support of Agapè·s work here in Cornwall with the Come and escape those winter blues! and get glowing… hungry, homeless and hurting.
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Cornwall and Area Women go naked This is me, naked.
This is me, without any makeup, any concealer, mascara or eye shadow. This is me, without so much as a face cream.
This is not me the way people know me. In fact, it took years for my husband to even see this “me”. But thanks to a new facebook trend, I found the courage to show the world this “real me”.
Mari Restinetti Started the group “The Naked Face” on Friday but didn’t anticipate it going viral this fast. As I write, the group is now 2985 members strong. Browsing group pictures, you find women of all walks of life, young and old, all there for the same reason: to embrace their natural beauty the way God intended it to be. Naked.
The group is a spin off of a “Neknomination” type game, where women dare friends to post a picture without makeup, after posting one of themselves. “My good friend Diana Koshman had posted on her facebook nominating friends to post no makeup/no filter photos of themselves and I thought it was a great idea,” said Restinetti, “I participated by posting a photo of myself and nominating some friends. I was inspired to create a group (The Naked Face) hoping it would encourage women to do the same. I created the group on Friday afternoon and the members doubled by the end of the day. I was proud about that. I was totally shocked how much it grew over the weekend.”
The group is meant to be a safe place where no criticism of any sort is allowed. And in the process, it is teaching spectators unexpected and unintended lessons. Nolan Levac, an 11 year old boy, asked his mom about “The Naked Face” page after stumbling across it. His mom explained stereotypes and how it is sometimes very hard for women to go out in public without makeup. Nolan understood. He got how unnatural it can feel to some of us to go out barred-face. He equated the act of wearing makeup for a boy to NOT wearing makeup for a girl. To show his support to The Naked Face initiative, he took a picture of himself wearing makeup and was brave enough to post his Naked and Not Naked Faces online, just like the rest of us did. What a great lesson to have learned! I asked Restinetti what she thought would come out of her group. She answered: “I believe what will come out of it is happening right now. Women being kind to women and embracing our natural beauty. This too will probably faze out like most facebook trends, but hopefully the message will always be strong in the hearts and minds of all the women who have and will participate. I don’t believe that makeup is “bad” or “fake”. It can be fun to play around with and enhance what we have. However, we should never be ashamed of our raw beauty.”
All of us women are beautiful, naturally beautiful! It is nice to see beauty, the way it is meant to be, not the way society portrays it. All of us are different, all of us are unique, all of us are beautiful in our own way. Chances are, someone sees your face in the morning, that naked face, be it a husband, a mother, a son or a daughter, and to them, the naked face they see is the most beautiful, comforting, precious thing in the world. To them, this naked face means everything! Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. “Here’s my naked face. Before and after. No i don’t normally wear make up Visit The Naked Face on facebook but i guess its just as hard for a boy to wear make up as it can be for girls not too. You are all beautiful in your own way!” – Nolan Levac, 11 years old.
Julia Lucio , Editor in chief
The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 5, Issue 11, March 21, 2014 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario
The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason
Editor in chief: Julia Lucio News Editor: Jason Setnyk Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Photojournalists: Carol Grant and April Lea Chaffee Cartoonist: Michael Roache
OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) Email:
OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm otherwise by appointment only
PICK UP YOUR COPY of THE SEEKER at Value Village - Metro - No Frills, Food Basics (East) - Sharyn’s Pantry - Food Basics (Brookdale) - Health Foods at Independent Grocers - Cornwall Public Library - Giant Tiger Home Hardware - Tim Hortons (Cornwall Square & Eastcourt & all the Breakfast Places plus more... we are also at FARM BOY in the new eating area and at the new NO FRILLS on 2nd Street
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1
SEEEKER SNIPPPETS - Youur Loca Community N News
Presented by
Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, community volunteer, a published author, and an award winning photographer.
New ws & Politics
Lori Greer announced new Executive Director of the local United Way - The United Way of S to r m o n t , D u n d a s & G l e n g a r r y i s p l e a s e d to announce that Lori Greer h a s j o i n e d t h e U n i te d Way as the Executive Director effective March 31st, 2014. “I am so pleased to accept this position with the United Way and I am looking forward to playing a role in helping to improve lives and strengthen our community by working together with everyone at the United Way office, the board of directors, business leaders and the entire community,” said Lori Greer, a Cornwall resident who has over 20 years of operating and human resource experience with her, including three years in the not-for-profit / fundraising sector. Lori ‘s first official duty will be accepting a cheque, alongside Nolan Quinn, 2013 United Way Campaign Chair, presented by Peter Mayhew, General Sales Manager with Corus Enter tainment. Over $15,000 was raised from the Corus Cares Holiday Wine & Cheese and donated to the 2013 campaign, helping achieve the goal of $700,001. The 2nd Annual Corus Cares Holiday Wine & Cheese date has been set for November 22, 2014. “Lori’s compassion and caring nature will serve her well as she works with our member agencies in carrying out their very important roles in our community. We feel that Lori will provide us the leadership and energy to meet our fundraising goals for many years to come", said Board President Danny Aikman. Alyssa Blais to par ticipate in Women’s Leadership - Alyssa Blais is thrilled to announce she has been selected as an emerging female l e a d e r i n Ca n a d a t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n the Canadian Women’s Foundation Leadership Institute in partnership with the Coady Institute at St. Francis Xavier University. The Leadership Institute builds the leadership capacity of emerg ng and m d career women eaders work ng on commun ty econom c deve opment ssues n the women s char tab e and non profit sectors across the country “ Th s s a very exh arat ng opportun ty or me and am honoured to be chosen” sa d A yssa B a s “ The n ormat on ga ned rom the Canad an Women s Foundat on Leadersh p nst tute w empower me to ead soc a change and ass st me n creat ng the k nd o commun ty that s soc a y ust and a r or a c t zens a ke ”
Arts & Cu ulture Loca comed an Mark V ncent to open for M ke MacDona d Comed ans w h t the stage on Saturday March 29th at C ty L m ts n Cornwa n suppor t o the Canad an Menta Hea th Assoc at on The show eatures The K ng o Canad an Comedy M ke MacDona d who has been on Just or Laughs and the Dav d Letterman show A so per orm ng s two t me Canad an Comedy Award
Sports & Lifestyle River Kings to face off versus Marquis in Playoffs - Loic Lacasse backstopped the River Kings to a 3-2 victor y over the Thetford-Mines Isothermic on Saturday night in the team’s final regular season game of the season. Lacasse was named the first star with a 42-save per formance. Simon Desormeaux also made his home debut for the River Kings. He dropped the gloves with Joel Theriault, who was playing in his final LNAH regular season game. The playoff schedule vs. the Marquis is yet to be determined at time of print. Tickets went on sale Tuesday of this week. Prices are $12 for adults, $9 for students and seniors and $5 for children under 12.
Letters & Opinions Young Mayor Eric D unc an concerned ab out Kemptville Campus Closure - As Warden of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarr y, but more importantly as a young Ontarian, I am very concerned about the recent announcement by the University of G u e l p h t o c l o s e o u r t wo v i t a l a g r i c u l t u r a l campuses in Kemptville and Alfred. Simply put, the decision is devastating to our region and shor t s ghted The Prov nce o Ontar o needs to step n mmed ate y to find a so ut on These nst tut ons prov de obs econom c deve opment s t m u u s p o s t s e co n d a r y e d u c a t o n n t h e grow ng agr ood sector and access to an educat on c ose to home We need these c a m p u s e s t o s t ay o p e n t h e O nt a r o government s ser ous about those ssues th s s a per ect chance to prove t Most urgent y a two year morator um shou d be put n p ace to a ow the oca commun ty to deve op and exp ore o p t o n s t o k e e p t h e c a m p u s e s g ro w n g a n d thr v ng n Kemptv e and A red W thout the co n t n u a t o n o n e w s t u d e n t s a t te n d n g t h e s e campuses n the a t wou d be hard to recover and re nst tute programm ng here n Eastern Ontar o On October 7 2013 the Prem er n her capac ty as M n ster o Agr cu ture and Agr Food cha enged the agr cu ture and agr ood sector to doub e ts growth rate and create 120 000 new obs n Ontar o by 2020 am very support ve o that goa and ob ect ve as t wou d mean more obs n rura commun t es ke SD&G Let s h t the pause button work together cooperat ve y and find a oca ong term so ut on that w ensure that the Kemptv e and A red Co ege campuses rema n v brant or uture generat ons -Er c Duncan (Mayor of North Dundas)
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
FOCUS ON THE GOOD with Carol Grant
Our WEEKLY LOOK at CHARITIES & ORGANIZATIONS in our COMMUNITY! This week's Focus on the Good will feature Roy and Cher's Rescue Farm. This not-for-profit organization helps animals that have been abused, abandoned and neglected. The Farm is run entirely by volunteers and is funded only by donations. The Farm is currently in a re-building phase and seeking a permanent location after the previous barn collapsed on Christmas Day. The Farm hopes to rebuild this spring and has bigger plans for 2015 and into 2016. All of the rescued animals are currently in foster homes and both foster homes and permanent homes are needed ASAP to provide warm homes and help these animals feel loved.
The idea for the name Roy and Cher was taken from rescue kitties adopted from the OSPCA in 2009 by the Farm's founder, Bainsville resident Angela Parker, a Glengarian who was born in Pointe-Claire Quebec and raised in Glengarry, Ontario. Parker has been an animal lover and devoted horse rider from ages 7 to 17. A Celiac vegan, animal rights advocate and proponent of non-GMOs and sustainability, Parker shares the belief and motto of patience and compassion which is demonstrated in her commitment to maintaining a low carbon footprint. When possible the Farm uses recycled materials, organic and GMO-free foods as well as alternative energy. No leather, suede or products derived from animals is used. Roy and Cher's Rescue Farm (aka Roy and Cher's Animal Rescue) was founded in July 2009. Since July 2013, the Farm has assisted 25 animals and held 4 fundraisers. The Farm Team consists of founder Angela Parker as well as some devoted volunteers who also serve as Research Assistant, President, Vice-President/Librarian, Treasurer, Secretary and Board Members. For 2014 they are focusing on their small animal adoption and re-homing program as well as their spay and neuter programs. They are always seeking volunteers as well as donations in the form of money donations or items. Their Wish List consists of the following items: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Live animal trap (for catching feral and stray cats) Needleless syringes Animal carriers (must be sturdy and have holes on the sides) Small animal cages Hay (round or square bales for horses) Outdoor water buckets for horses Large and medium rubbermaid containers with tight fitting, secure lids (transparent bins are best) Horse Trailer Horse blankets (all seasons) Hand sanitizer Water bottles for rodents Straw brooms Easy peel mailing labels Blank white paper (made from recycled fibers - very much preferred) Postage stamps (Canada and International)
Visit their website at to see how you can help out or plan to attend the upcoming PAWS adoption weekend from April 11 -13 at Pet Valu, Eastcourt Mall. Stop by and meet some of the animals for adoption as well as members of their animal rescue team.
If you would like me to feature your non-profit charity or organization just call me, Carol Grant at 613-932-0935 or email me
Out and Around Cornwall with Carol Grant
I am happy to report that I have found two very fun ways to help me stay in good physical shape. Thanks to Catherine Seguin and Brent Stang for offering weekly Zumba (top photo) and Kick-Fit classes (Bottom photo). I feel like a part of their fitness family and through their classes each week I have met some new friends, have a great time AND am getting fit at the same time!
Check out both Catherine and Brent on Facebook (Zumba with Catherine or SDG Taekwondo) for more information and class schedules.
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Smiling to me is a woman's best make-up anyway. Wearing "make up" isn't to be fake. It enhances and hides those little flaws or booboos, enabling one to feel happier about herself. I love Nature and all of it's Natural loveliness. Women to me are the flowers of the Earth's living gardens.
TIP OF THE WEEK: "Air Yourself Out" - by going out for a walk in the woods, or just going down your street and around the corner to get well needed fresh air, and to welcome the warmer sunshine onto your faces. Until next time, Please ~Pay It Forward~ in any little way that YOU CAN - if ONLY with your SMILE or a Kind Gesture. Thank you in advance. Marlene Baker of
Here's another young woman's comments: Stephy, "I won't lie, I wear makeup all the time I usually puts lots of foundation/cover up on because I try to hide the scar on my forehead, & put other make up on to try and make myself feel better !!I have seen all the beautiful women on here, who are strong & confident & put a beautiful picture of their naked faces & I love them ALL - it took me a bit, but I finally decided to post a picture of my naked face. WE ARE BEAUTIFUL INSIDE & OUT LOVE THE SKIN UR IN. My comment back to her was, "Thank you Stephy for sharing your truthful thoughts and your pretty face today. Take Care and have yourself a most pleasant kind of Monday evening. Keep that pretty smile of yours a smiling now." Emma wrote, "I really don't like going out of my house without my pin up girl themed makeup or my hair extensions. I never go to school without some type of makeup on my face because I do have low self esteem and doing this is a big step. I don't know really any of you but I can tell that you don't need makeup to feel beautiful and maybe showing your natural naked face makes you more beautiful rather than some make up that will eventually wash off your face. Who ever created this group has made an impact on me, proving that you don't need makeup to be beautiful, being your natural self is all that matters"...I replied, "I try to share with people that I meet, mostly ladies, a little something nice about them every chance I can. I like to spread Happiness and Joy over even the little things that life has given us. One may have beautiful hair or eyes, legs, lips or even have lovely knees. We ALL ARE UNIQUE & BEAUTIFUL IN OUR OWN WAYS!!!. Beauty comes from within. Whether you have make up on or off. ~Shine~ with what YOU Have and Be Proud of WHO YOU ARE!!! That's what I say every day. I am now over a half a century Old and growing BOLD as time goes by. LIVE, LOVE & LAUGH!! Bright & Beautiful SMILES make
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
Pack, Drop and Clean I spent last weekend in Kingston, trying to finish the last of my packing, discarding and cleaning. Lucky for me, I have a very helpful friend who took me in for the weekend. Returning to a vacant apartment, where only a few scattered items remain, is very cathartic. Suddenly I realize this chapter is closing and my return to Cornwall can finally feel real. I worked diligently, packing the last bits, bringing boxes and bags to the local charity and several trips to the garbage room. For Christmas, my mom bought me a little cart, like Brad used to use to deliver papers, and it was the most useful gift ever. The long turning halls, the distance between my place and my car is very exhausting, so what I could pack in the cart I did. My friend and her beau were great hosts, and they provided a lot of laughs when I finally arrived, and the strawberry wine was a nice touch after all the physical labour. I'd like to say I am done in Kingston, but alas I do need to return again. The final cleaning, the last load of things, but soon, very soon, it will be done. When I returned home on Sunday, one of my best friends came over with her delicious lasagna, and we had a chance to catch up. It will take a while before I am fully settled in to my new place, but at least my cat is finally adjusting. As she sits perched in the window, overlooking her new surroundings, she seems content. The frequent travel mean I am still away a lot, but there are several people that are making my return special. So we may never see the end of winter, even though Spring officially begins this week, but despite the gloomy weather, things are looking brighter.
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This was the first one I saw - Laura, "i dont wear make up anymore i personally find myself ugly" I wrote this back to her, "BEAUTY comes from within, whether you wear make up or not. It doesn't make one beautiful (with a pretty face) showing off to the world, If the person is ugly on the inside. The true meaning of the word "Beautiful" comes from one's heart and soul. Not by their made up faces or bodies. You are a beautiful girl, with or without your make up on. But if wearing makeup makes or helps YOU feel GOOD and PRETTY, then do so my dear. Keep that pretty smile of yours a smiling the whole day long today and every day. Smiling is the Best Makeup a woman can ever wear. You're a most beautiful girl. You just don't see it..I Do and I can see your beauty peeking through those pretty eyes of yours. Don't be so hard on yourself. my dear. Smile and that is the first step to making that beauty shine through. Take Care and have an enjoyable kind of Monday evening doing whatever it is that keeps you ever so happy." Then later on that day, Laura wrote, "make up shouldnt exist." I wrote back: "Make Up" should and will exist for those who like or need to have make up. It is everyone's choice to wear it or not Laura. To each their own. Whatever or However YOU FEEL IS WHAT IS BEST!!!
I hope everyone that has contributed to this site, "The Naked Face" feels empowered and beautiful whilst helping other women know what their true worth is. Beauty comes from inside. Make up only enhances or hides the flaws we may have that makes us not feel so beautiful. I, for one, have nothing against anyone for wearing make up or not. We are ALL Beautiful! End of story! Take Care & Share that Pretty Smile.
by Marlene Baker
Positively Marlene
On that "Beautification" note, I would like to share something that happened to me and many other women this week. We were nominated to put up a "Naked Face" photo of ourselves. One without make-up or any enhancing of any kind. Was I up for this challenge??? No, I wasn't...Yes, I was.. just kidding. Here is what I wrote, "I'm very Proud that I went "Face Naked "today. Being an Irish Girl this was the day to do it! Thank you for the encouraging words and comments from you Julia Lucio and all of the other beautiful women and men and children. This is a day to be HAPPY !!! CHEERS!" Who ever created this group has made an impact on me, proving that you don't need makeup to be beautiful, being your natural self is all that matters .Here I Am (photo above) "Au Natural"...No Makeup.... All I'm wearing on my face is a smile. I do feel pretty with or without makeup. I really do. Well, within 24 hours I had over 50 likes on this photo of my "naked face". I liked this and went onto the site, "The Naked Face" to see other women's comments and pictures. There were so many, but I chose a few to respond to for one reason or another.
others remember you, rather then what designer clothes or shoes you had on or what colour of eye shadow or lipstick you wore...SMILES are a Woman's Best Make Up Tip.
Hi there to everyone reading this weeks most Positive and Informative paper, the ~Seeker~. I hope you are getting ready for Spring to arrive. It's just around the corner... March 21st is the first official day of SPRING!!! When the snow will be gone ("yeah right," I hear you saying) and the green shoots of newborn leaflets start shooting through, to face the heat of the sun. When the crocuses start coming through the grass to poke their colourful little faces through, to adorn our lawns once more. When the red-breasted Robins and Canadian Geese return from the South. All returning for another year of rebirth and beautification.
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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 5 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Expires: May 31st, 2014
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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21- pg. 6 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk On Saturday March 15th music fans found their metaphorical pot of gold at La Maision. Local band Switchgear filled the venue and provided quality entertainment for the St. Patty’s Day weekend celebrations. There was beer drinking, dancing, and people were adorned in green swag on Saturday night. Switchgear has played larger festivals like Lift-Off and Ribfest, however there is always something special about seeing a band live in a smaller more intimate venue. The set Saturday was entertaining, especially the guitar movies by Jason Sauve, and lead singer Jamie Jarvo’s gestures and interactions with his band mates and the audience.
The coloured lights beamed on the stage, the fog machine created atmosphere, and the volume on the PA system was cranked to ‘loud’. Vu Nightspot was the setting of the Abandon All Ships show Friday night in Cornwall. Abandon All Ships are a Canadian metalcore band hailing from Toronto Ontario. The band is signed to Universal Music Canada and has had videos featured on Much Music television. Last month they released their third full length album entitled Malocchio. In support of the new album the band is currently on tour with Palisades and Skynet. Party Cat and Here Comes Bigfoot also played the Cornwall show last night. Abandon All ships mixes screaming vocals with melodic backing vocals which creates a pleasant juxtaposition. The bands music is a fusion of metal and electronic, which also creates a fascinating contrast. The show was well received by music fans. There was a lot of energy in the crowd. There was dancing, jumping and synchronized clapping. Local music fan Kylee LeClair said, “The show last night was amazing. All the bands played such a great show, they crushed it!” Jamie Maracle, the manager of Vu, had similar sentiments. “The Abandon All Ships was awesome to book, I’m so happy Vu can offer a venue that can draw such great talent to our City”.
The next big concert coming to Vu Nightspot is Protest the Hero, Intervals, The Motorleague, and Dreamer/Deceiver on Tuesday April 15th. Advanced tickets are $28.
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Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk
Abandon All Ships sails to Cornwall for a concert
Switchgear are a Pot of Gold for music fans
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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
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by Rose Desnoyers
Over 1200 people from 6 to 90 took the time to admire, critique and select their favourites. So many of them told us how they loved having a gallery at their disposal in such a way and went on to tell us about their interest in art. For 6 days shoppers stepped away from their routine and basked in soft gallery light and a sea of colour, shapes and images.
at Centre Charles-Émile Claude - 146 Chevrie
r Ave, Cornwall - 613-931-1194 for more info .
I am fortunate to be president at this time and prepare the anniversary year. There is a dedicated Board of members ready to serve the membership.
Focus on Art
I am thankful to the Cornwall Square for their hospitality, proud of the membership who stepped up to the challenge of displaying their art and hosting the show by giving of their time and grateful to this newspaper for providing the forum to speak to the public on a weekly basis.
Linda has always appreciated fine arts. She could spend hours in an art gallery marveling at the masterpieces. Finally, she decided to pick up a brush and try to imitate the masters, just for the fun of it.
In the voice of the arts, I thank the public for their interest and support. I salute that little group of students from École élémentaire Marie-Tanguay for tallying the votes. Next week I'll let you know who won.
Rose Desnoyers, (pres.) Board Members: Caroline Legault (v-p), Adèle Constantineau (sec.), Elaine Arkwright (treas.), Suzanne Villeneuve, Micheline Tanguay, Linda Geisel, Julia Lucio, Carolyn H. Davis, Mai-Liis Renaud, Robert Perron, Don Mitchell.
Rose Desnoyers, President of Association FOCUS ART Association L’Association
Focus Art will be ten years old in 2015, and in February, a flood of people helped us during 6 days at the Cornwall Square, choose the 12 art pieces to be featured on the pages of the Anniversary Calendar. The exhibition of 85 paintings and a few sculptures and pottery was situated next to Sears on the second floor. The show demonstrates an expression of local interest by the public in the arts.
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PRICE FOR EACH CLASS: $230 - Downpayment of $50 require d by April 1st, balance to be paid when attending the class.
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 8
This Month’s Featured Artist
Linda Geisel
When she was living in the Prairies with her young family, she began to take art classes. She was fortunate to learn the basics and various techniques from an accomplished artist, Francis Pedley. During that period of time, Linda worked with pencil, charcoal and oil. Under the direction of Francis, her painting “The Drama Masks Mobile” was chosen as the template for the mural painted on the exterior wall of the local theatre. Art to Linda, during this period of time, was a distraction and an escape from the busyness of child rearing. Most of all, this is where she began her journey into the art world. After moving to Cornwall, Ontario, Linda put aside her passion and was occupied with the work she does serving seniors at the Glen Stor Dun Lodge. Before long, she dragged out her art supplies and started painting at the McCormick Art Studio. Later, she began exploring other medium and took water colour lessons from Kathi LeGault. She loves the challenge of letting go of control while working with this medium. Today, she is attempting acrylic and Chinese ink. While she does not have much time to create these days, she manages to surround herself with beautiful artwork every working day. She accomplishes this by creating a mini-gallery at the Lodge and invites local artists to display their work. Many residents, family and staff appreciate the exhibitions and the local artists enjoy showcasing their work. Art to Linda today, evolves to become a self discovery journey, a therapy and a spiritual expression. On rare occasion, Linda does show her work at local exhibits. She expects to produce more work in the coming year once her home studio is constructed. Note: Linda invites the reader to check out the fine arts by Francis Pedley.
LIQUIDATION Studio Art-Atout, 1012, av. Grand Ave Glass, Wood, Sculpture, Stencilling & Art books Art Supplies, Canvas, Easels, Frames, etc.
Saturday & Sunday March 22 & 23, 2014 10 am - 4 pm Or by appointment 613-937-0263 (Patricia)
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CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!
45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796
LE MARDI 25 MARS @ 18 h 30 Les Écrilibristes - Club d’écriture francophone
SATURDAY, MARCH 29 @ 1 pm DON’T JUST SIT ON IT – PUBLISH IT Learn how to publish your book with DENISE NEILSON
More program information online at 613-932-4796
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
THE FORUM - Group discussions with DAVID RAWNSLEY
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 @ 9:30 am
YOGA YOUTH (AGES 6 TO 16 YRS) @ 10 am PAWS'N BOOKS @ 11 am CHECK-MATES @ 2 pm
Come see us at the Home & Leisure Show April 4, 5,6 at the Civic Complex
SPOTLIGHT ACTIVITIES Great Programs at the Library
our weekly pages of events n’ more...
CareFor Walk-In Wellness Clinc 11 am to 3 pm, 205 Amelia St. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure checks, diabetes & cholesterol checks etc.
Worship and the word at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 10:30 with Pastor Brad Montsion. 949 Mohawk Drive
GLOW PARTY AT NAV Admission $10, Bar opens at 8pm, Door opens at 9pm. Come dressed White and Bright!
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination from 7 pm to 9 pm. Knox-St. Paul’s United Church, 800 12th St. E. Screening of the documentary "I AM" followed by song, discussion & refreshments.
Cornwall Carousels Dance Club will be hosting a Ballroom Dancing Session for beginniers at Centre Charles-Emile Claude at 6:30 pm.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY FOUNTAINGATE CHRISTAN ASSEMBLY Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God’s Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. EVERYONE IS WELCOME (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
Child Haven Dinner, Bazaar & Silent Auction at 6 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Gourmet Indian dinner with entertainment by Roxanne Delage & Rod Robillard. Tickets: 60$ by calling:613.938.7763 "I AM" Documentary, Knox St. Paul's United Church 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Smiles For Seniors Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser from 6 pm to 11 pm. Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. Call: 613.360.3357 or visit to purchase tickets. Rotary Club of Cornwall Annual Pancake Day & Silent Auction 7 am to 12 noon. St.John's Presbyterian Church, Caldwell Hall, 28 2nd St. E. Admission: 5$. Live entertainment & great family fun! Members Rendez-vous at Army, Navy Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. South of the border theme, dress up and win a prize. Guests welcome Red Wind Studio GRAND OPENING 10am to 5pm, 410 Cumberland
YAC AGM at Aultsvill Hall, 6:30pm
TUE MARCH 25 CBN Breakfast Meeting Cornwall Business Network meets every last Tuesday of the month over breakfast. Great networking opportunity. Come and see what we are all about. Best Western Parkway Inn 7:45 am Bereaved Families Adult Afternoon Support Group Meeting 1 pm to 3 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Call 613.936.1455 for more information. Together we can let the healing begin Chamber PubNite at Table 21: Steakhouse & Oyster Bar, Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON, Canada
WED MARCH 26 Wing Night & Karaoke at the Army, Navy & Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. Different DJ each week.
Women Entrepreneurs Dinner Meeting from 6 pm to 9 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Small business, financial & legal check-up. Members: 22$ nonmembers: 25$.
If it a
Saturday March 29
OLG Slots At Rideau Carleton Raceway Bus Trip departing at 9:30 am. For info or reserve call 613.932.6534. Proceeds to the Auxiliary to St Joseph’s Continuing Care Center Spotlight on Mental Health Comedy Show at City Limits Bar & Grill, Cornwall Centre Road, Cornwall, ON, Canada Sunday March 30 Knights of Columbus BIG Breakfast 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Blessed Sacrament Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd. E. Good will donations accepted. Monday April 1st Blood Donor Clinic 12 pm to 3:30 pm & 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water St. E. Book your appointment to save a life: 1.888.2.DONATE APRIL FOOLS!
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening! Team Grady Fundraisers this Weekend in South Stormont
Friday, March 21st 4:00pm to 8:00pm and Saturday, March 22nd 8:00am-8:00pm Eighteen Team Basketball Tournament Rothwell-Osnabruck School in Ingleside. Friday, March 21 6:30pm-8:00pm Zumba Fitness Rothwell-Osnabruck School in Ingleside
H 28
T NAV opens at pm. Come Bright!
Saturday, March 22 9:00am-11:00am Self Defense Karate at Rothwell-Osnabruck School in Ingleside 10:00am-2:00pm Photo booth at Rothwell-Osnabruck School in Ingleside 10:00am-12:30pm Zentangle Workshop at the SDG Ingleside Library 9:00pmPub Night Social at Grumpy’s in Long Sault
OVERY RISTAN A christian am through l principles, m ) Find ,Habits, and s Healing Friday at ve Cornwall anctuary. ME (free ellowship) 3 932-0685 e .org
Put the FOCUS on your EVENT With
Place a featured event here for only $35 a Week Or ask us how you could get FREE advertisement for your event CALL 613-935-3763 EXT 1
St re
613-362-9445 or 613-935-3505 sd w.
pm to 3:30 . Cornwall r St. E. Book save a life:
Instructor Brent Stamg, RPN, 2nd Degree Black Belt certified Tae Kwon Do Instructor
mbus BIG 12:30 pm. 321 Tollgate s accepted.
a fun an innovative alternative to routine exercise Classes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:30
Pi tt
tal Health imits Bar & tre Road,
25 1
au Carleton ting at 9:30 serve call ds to the Continuing
Only $30 a month 3 month rotations classes focus on
Strenght • Cardio • flexibility Weight Reduction
April April Workshops: Workshops:
Saturday, April 12 12 Saturday, April 12:30-3pm $30 12:30-3pm -- $30
Intro Poses Intro to Yoga Poses Wednesday nights at at 6pm 6pm Wednesday nights April June 25 25 April 16 - June Learn-To-Run Program Learn-To-Run Program $50 members, $50 for for new members, $30 members $30 for for returning returning members 52 Street 52 Pitt Street 613-330-4494 613-330-4494
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Carilyne Hébert 1500 Cumberland, Room 226 Cornwall
Access more than 18,000 courses and over 1,000 programs offered online by Ontario’s public colleges, universities and other training providers.
Contact Nord provides gateway to online learning around the province
Elize Lauzon-Alguire introduced Richard Allaire “It is not only sunny outside, it’s sunny inside today”, said Richard Allaire after being introduced by Elise Lauzon-Alguire, the Executive Director of the new centre. Mr. Allaire is the centre’s Board Chairperson. The Centre is a result of the 2005 public inquiry. ”For a child, youth, and their family, disclosing physical or sexual abuse is one of the most difficult things they will have to do. As a community and as professionals we have the responsibility to support these children and youth, and make it as easy and comfortable for them as possible”, Mr. Allaire continued. In 2006, a group of volunteer community leaders saw a need and came together to form what is now proudly baring the name Place Koala. The Centre began offering services January 6 and has already helped 11 families. Its board of directors is comprised of key members of 12 partner organizations, such as Police Services, CAS, Victim Services, SASS and more. “We’re here to announce a legacy really,” said Police Chief Dan Parkinson who is also on the Board of Directors. ”Us being a precedent to other communities will hopefully put us on the map as a community that knows how to deal with this kind of trauma very effectively.”
New Child and Youth Advocacy Announces new name, officially opens in May
Online learning is becoming a far more popular option in recent years. For residents in the Cornwall area having the flexibility to save money and study at a distance means an educational goal can be achieved.
Doug Callaghan was able to take the Internet Applications and Web Development Fundamentals certificate from Loyalist College, over 250 km away, at the Contact North | Contact Nord online learning centre in Cornwall. “The centre provides me with a quiet space to study with up-to-date computers and fast connections. I can work at home but I like being able to come into the centre because I find that it improves my concentration,” says Callaghan.
Contact North I Contact Nord, Ontario’s distance education and training network, has 112 centres across the province. They partner with Ontario’s 24 public colleges, 22 public universities, over 250 public literacy and essential skills and training providers.
But how is the Centre different? First, it is a safe and cozy environment, put together to make victims feel at ease. Second, it brings all the available resources under one roof, for the victims. “Here, all the mandates come together… It’s to reduce the hopping of services, try to alleviate how many times the child has to tell her story and it’s much more friendly than a police station”, said Rachelle Daignault, CAS’ Executive Director, ”We are very proud of being associated with the Centre.” The realization of this project would not have been possible without the financial support from the Department of Justice Canada’s Victims Fund, and other key community partners. Official opening will take place May 22nd and is open to the public. RSVP to From more information, visit
The online network provides a gateway for small, rural, remote and Aboriginal communities to attend over 18,000 courses and 1,000 programs from across the province. Living at a significant distance to a campus can stand as an obstacle to education. Contact North | Contact Nord, supported by the government of Ontario, provides the necessary technology for students to connect with courses and programs. As technology and education continue to intersect the options seem to grow as well. Online learning includes more audio conferencing, video conferencing and more recently virtual world environments for learning. The online learning centre in Cornwall provides work stations, video conferencing and support staff to navigate the registration process and encouragement.
“I am able to help find the right course or program, identify financial options and help to get registered,” says Carilyne Hebert, Cornwall centre coordinator. For those who might want to determine if online learning and distance education is right for them, they can start by taking the free course, ‘Introduction to Online Learning’. For more information visit
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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 12 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
by S ha ry n T h om pson
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21- pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ontario 613-936-1998
OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5
METHOD: -Set your oven to 350 degrees F. Line a large shallow baking pan with sides with a sheet of aluminum foil. Spray the foil with non-stick spray. -Dice the onions and peppers. -Mix all of the meatloaf ingredients together in a large bowl. I use my hands for the fastest and most efficient way. -Take about 3 cups of the meatloaf mixture and start to form mounds of individual meatloaves. Each mound will serve 2 people. Do this any way you want to. This is just what I did. You can see my picture, how I did it. -Bake the pan of meatloaves for 1 hour. Drain off any fat. Use a turkey baster, it's the easiest way. -Then after the hour, brush the loaves with the glaze and bake the loaves for about 15 to 20 minutes longer. -Serve with some nice fluffy mashed potatoes and vegetables of your choice. ENJOY!
1/2 cup or so of Heinz Ketchup 3 tbsp. brown sugar 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
3 lb. of lean ground beef (Of course, I'm using Sharyn's Pantry locallyraised good Stormont County lean ground beef. We support our farmers! Once you have tried this beef, you will never buy any other!) 3 onions, diced quite finely 1 sweet green bell pepper, cored and seeded and finely diced (use any kind you like, this is what I had in my vegetable crisper) 1 sweet yellow bell pepper, cored and seeded and finely diced 2 eggs, beaten 1- 1/2 cups of saltine cracker crumbs, crushed 1 cup of Heinz ketchup 1 tsp. ground black pepper 1 tsp. Kosher salt 2 tbsp. minced garlic in oil 1/2 cup potato water (I keep the water that I cook potatoes in, both for flavour and added moistness in my homemade bread or in this case, my meatloaf.) (You can use milk instead.)
We all want to know what’s going on in our community!
If you have any events to advertise CALL US at 613-935-3763 ext.101 Julia / 102 Mai-Liis
I love ground beef cooked in any way. My latest new recipe is for a tender and moist meatloaf. It has a nice carmelized glaze of ketchup, Dijon mustard and brown sugar. I made free-form loaves, not baking them in loaf pans, this way, you get more crispy edges. It's made quickly and easily. Gary and I enjoyed them. The meatloaf made wonderful sandwiches the next day. I also like to slice and fry the leftover meatloaves for another meal.I Try it! This meal is for planned leftovers. Less fuss when you work all day.Enjoy a great week!
AN EVENT - Not To Be Missed !
The Love Hawk with Shannon Ferguson
Always Say “I Love You"
2nd annual
This week I learnt how short life really is and how strong love can be. It’s safe to say most of us take life for granted and allow minor things to consume us. We stress out over things we have no control over, we worry about how others feel about us, and we let our pride get in the way of telling people how we much we really love them. In the end, we won’t be remembered for the stress we carried or the petty arguments we had, instead it will be the happy memories, the smiles, the laughter, and the good we did that will shape our memory and that’s what we should all work on while we’re here. Some people are magnets for happiness. They make others laugh and are a constant reminder of what a good person really is. Their friends look up to them and they help shape the lives of so many. If everyone in the world were like these people, it would truly be a better place. So, when we lose a great person it’s important to remember that spreading joy goes a lot further than spreading hate and that we really can change the world if we all just smiled a little bit more. It’s not fair that the people with the most light inside of them always seem to go too soon but if we can learn anything from tragedy, it’s that we need to love as much as we can while we are still here. We need to let people know when we care for them. We shouldn’t be scared of the word “love” and we shouldn’t be shy to put it out there. We should never feel bad for loving with all of our heart and making it known to the world. However you do it, let it be known that you care. Hold your hugs for an extra moment, send a quick text to let them know, and always try to say “I love you” when you leave, because you never know if it will be the last time you’ll get the chance.
Since I was a child, I’ve been obsessed with telling those closest to me that I love them for fear that I might lose them. Some people don’t understand but I urge everyone to do it more. It doesn’t cost anything, it only takes a second, and in the end it is comforting. Saying it too much doesn’t mean it loses value or becomes less meaningful; on the contrary it opens you up to a life with less holds barred–a world that is a little brighter. In the wake of a loss, we all seem to re-evaluate our own lives and wonder what’s in store. No one can predict what tomorrow will bring but we can be the best version of ourselves while we are here today. It says a lot when a person can impact not only those closest to him, but the NO CATCH - NO GIMMICKS! people affected by extension. It says a lot when a You can place your coupon on this person shines so bright, that his light floods onto those who only knew him for a short time. It says a lot when page for 3 months for FREE. you can see the impact a person had on all the lives ofIf you are happy with the results, you can” continue by paying $35 / week those around him. So, while you’re here, be that light. Be that smiling face, be that person who always tells *3 month max, must offer something of value to our your family, friends, and partner how much you love readers, some restrictions may apply them, and be the goodness that the world needs.
BUSINESSES! Place your FREE Coupon on this page! Call 613-935-3763
Angels often walk among us to make the world a better place and show us that goodness really exists. They never truly go away and they live among us in our minds, our memories, our hearts, and who we became because of them. Sometimes angels leave too soon but before they go, know that they made you strong enough to cope, they taught you about real love, and they showed you what life is truly about. To every angel that the world was lucky enough to meet, thank you. The Love Hawk Shannon loves love. She has a passion for people and understanding the little things that make everyone unique and similar, all at the same time. She has degrees in Communication Studies, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism but it’s the school of life that taught Shannon most of what she knows about love and relationships. Visit her E. blog at: 327 2nd Street
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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
OFF THE MAT with Lisa Blanchard
NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut
The Universe is Calling Albert Einstein stated “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results are the definition of insanity”. And so it is with most of us. We crave something deeper, something more of our lives because we feel this deep down inside us, in our very being. Yet, most people continue with their daily routine of work, chores, and activities, never doing anything about it. It takes courage to search for that “something more”. It takes real heart. This search, however, we learn is not “out there” but rather, it is “in here”. The search begins with us. All life as we know it begins with us!! Our lives emanate from our thoughts, beliefs and choices. We create our own life. So doesn’t it make sense then to explore those thoughts and beliefs? To move inward and discover what lies within?
I often hear beginners to yoga saying. “I can’t do this. It is too quiet. I need more music, more stimulation”. When I hear this, I know that it is quite the opposite. These people need the silence, but their fear is preventing them from experiencing it. There is a saying in yoga that the pose you dislike the most is the pose you need the most. Yoga is a spiritual discipline that attunes the body, all the trillions of cells, to a higher frequency of energy so that our bodies perform optimally allowing us to experience life to its fullest. oga allows us to move into the silence so that we may hear and experience the Divine, the great Spirit of the Universe. If you have heard the call and/or are on a spiritual path, please contact me at or call me at 613-330-4494. Come to our yoga classes, try something different! And maybe this time you might really experience something wonderful and Divine!
Namaste Lisa Blanchard
Our 2nd Annual Healthy Living Wellness Fair is quickly approaching. It will be held on Saturday, April 5th…11am to 3pm…Agora Centre (formerly Nativity Hall-above the bowling alley)…admission $2 minimum donation to see all of the vendors upstairs…all profits of the day going to Maison Baldwin House. I asked Kathy Smart to give us a little write up of what she will be sharing with many of you on this amazing day. She will be our guest speaker, in a separate room downstairs, noon to 1 pm, limited seating, first come, first serve….$5 at the door to live this experience…you don’t want to miss this!!! My name is Kathy Smart, North America's Gluten- Free Expert, Best Selling Author, TV Show Host, Global News Correspondent, Dr. Oz Guest AND a fellow Cornwall Gal!! I grew up along the St. Lawrence River and am very proud of my roots! My dad is Bob Burgess and he was born and raised in Cornwall:). I am SO EXCITED to come to my hometown as I now travel internationally but no matter where I go, I always have fond memories of playing along the St. Lawrence River and that oh familiar smell...:). I am EXCITED to share with you on how if you change what YOU eat you can change YOUR life. As someone who has celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis, I know first hand the struggles one can have with their health. BUT I also have the tools to share to help you fight it. I have dedicated my life to helping and educating the world on how they can have a life full of abundance and health. I look forward to meeting you all, hugging you , perhaps seeing some familiar places but most of all to show you how you can change your life too...! Live LIfe Delicious! Kathy Smart
This week I wish to highlight more of our amazing health minded vendors that will be there for you to discover and enjoy!! We are right here in your community, offering you all that we are so passionate about in life. So make sure to save the date and make an effort to come out and help raise funds for this amazing local non-profit organization……..hope to see many of you there………By the way there is an ATM machine right in the hall, so you will be able to spoil yourself for sure…the quality of vendors under one roof for these 4 hours will be incredible!!
*ADDED TO LAST WEEK’S HEALTH PROFESSIONAL LIST: Access Acupuncture……..Christian St-Pierre GLUTEN-FREE FOOD/DRINK VENDORS The Mix Company……..Matt & Alicia Ott Farmhouse Baking…… Margaret Benke Flour Child……………..Monique and Monique Giguere The Health Nut…………Sylvie Thibert Love Love Food………. Tony Lacroix Smooth …..…………….Sarah McCullough (green smoothies) Lynda Turner………….Zengarry Vegetarian Cuisine ORGANIC/NATURAL LOCAL FARMERS/GROWERS..GROUPS ETC Hoople Creek Farm…….. Jamie Creskey Wild Rose Organics………Diana Freeman Cornerstone Organics…….Jaime MacRae Transition Cornwall Food Group …….Daniel Moise, Suzanne Poirier, Lorna McKendry Martintown & District Horticultural Society…..Daniel Moise “Honey from the Glen” (Cedarcroft Farm & Apiaries) …….Stephen Burgess FITNESS VENDORS Spirit Tree Yoga Studio………Lisa Blanchard A lil’ Pole Fitness Studio……..Shannon Champagne Zumba with Jasmine…………Jasmine Delage & Adele Campeau Natural Balance Fitness (personal training and holistic weight loss) …. Michelle Gauthier Anytime Fitness………………Chantalle Rose Next week I will be listing the remaining vendors….many new faces this year, something for everyone young and old. So please spread the word especially if you or someone you know is living with celiac disease or food intolerances. In health.. Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) 613-931-3119 or 613-662-3834 Shop located at 812 Pitt Street, unit 40, *ONLY open on Saturdays, 9am to 4pm. *CASH ONLY*.
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
Jesus said the “Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21). The Kingdom of God that Jesus promised is not in Heaven after our death, it is within us right now. We can access the Divine right here and now because we are Divine. We are the Universe expressing itself, right here and now. So how do we really connect with the Kingdom? How do we feel God or the Spirit of the Universe? We can connect any time of day, anywhere in the world! When we take the time to sit in silence, we allow ourselves to open up to the Divine. We can only listen and connect to the Spirit of the Universe when we sit quietly. It cannot be accomplished when we are hurrying around, always doing something rather than sitting and just being.
Nouvelles De
Le gars de Québec : une expérience à raconter
L’an passé, L’Amalgame me demandait d’être la metteure en scène de son prochain projet : Le gars de Québec de Michel Tremblay. Wow, une pièce à 12 personnages dont 9 hommes et 3 femmes. Tout un défi.
Alors voilà la grande aventure du Gars de Québec qui commençait. Une chance que Mario Sarda, comédien et metteur en scène de L’Amalgame a accepté d’être mon acolyte dans ce grand projet.
Le Seeker, c’est si ♥ Do you have some news “En Français”? Avez-vous des nouvelles francophones? Envoyez-les nous pour la page du coin franco!
Également recherchés : Commerces Francophones désirant promouvoir leurs services tout en supportant la page de la francophonie du Seeker!
Ce que je retiens de cette expérience est qu’elle demande des habiletés différentes de celle de jouer. D’abord, il faut un regard plus large, car nous devons penser à tout. Quand nous sommes une troupe communautaire et que le budget est plutôt limité le metteur en scène est souvent aussi le producteur. Il doit penser à l’ensemble de la pièce et à tout ce qui s’y rattache. Il s’agit aussi de reconnaître ses limites et de trouver les gens qui nous aideront à les dépasser. Et c’est ainsi que j’ai découvert chez des gens, que je côtoyais déjà, des talents qui ne pouvaient que rehausser le résultat de notre projet. Ceci a ouvert mes horizons et m’a permis de travailler avec une équipe formidable afin de monter cette pièce extraordinaire. À chacune des représentations, la magie entre les comédiens et le public s’opérait : le texte que nous avions eu entre les mains prenait vie et le public n’avait plus qu’à savourer cette œuvre qui se déroulait devant eux. Anne-Marie Paquette
Nouveau Centre Enfants / Jeunesse annonce nouveau nom , ouvre officiellement en mai
Julia Lucio
" Non seulement le soleil brille à l’extérieur, il brille aussi à l'intérieur aujourd’hui!" , a déclaré Richard Allaire après avoir été présenté par Elise Lauzon - Alguire , Directrice Exécutive du nouveau centre enfants / jeunesse dont M. Allaire est président du conseil administratif.
Place Koala est un résultat direct de l'enquête publique de 2005. " Pour un enfant, un jeune ou sa famille , la divulgation de October 8 les plus difficiles qu'ils violence physique ou sexuelle est l'une des 1 choses auront à faire . En tant que communauté et en tant que professionnels , nous 201 3 et jeunes , et de rendre le avons la responsabilité de soutenir ces enfants processus aussi facile et confortable pour eux que possible " , M. Allaire continua . En 2006 , un groupe de dirigeants de la communauté on vu un besoin et se sont réunis pour former ce qui aujourd’hui est Place Koala .
Congratulations! Le Centre offre ses services depuis le 6 Janvier dernier et a déjà aidé 11 familles . Son conseil d'administration est composé de membres clés représentantifs de 12 organisations partenaires , tels que les services de police , CAS , Services aux victimes , SASS et plus .
Mais en quoi le Centre est-il différent? Tout d'abord, il s'agit d'un environnement sûr et confortable , mis en place pour s'assurer que les victimes se sentent à l'aise. Deuxièmement, il amène toutes les ressources disponibles aux victimes sous un même toit . «Ici, tous les mandats se réunissent ... On réduit le nombre de fois que l'enfant doit raconter son histoire et le centre est un endroit beaucoup plus convivial qu’un poste de police " , a déclaré Rachelle Daignault , directrice général de la société de l’aide à l’enfance. , " Nous sommes très fiers d'être associés avec le Centre . " La réalisation de ce projet n'aurait pas été possible sans le soutien financier par le Fonds d'aide aux victimes du Ministrère de la Justice du Canada et d'autres partenaires communautaires .
L’ouverture officielle aura lieu le 22 mai et est ouverte au public . RSVP à Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
The decision by the University of Guelph to close Kemptville Agricultural College and relocate the programs offered to Guelph is a blow to Eastern Ontario. Agriculture is one of the primary economic drivers of Eastern Ontario and it is short-sighted for the university to balance their books on the backs of the users of their satellite campuses. If the university has a budgetary shortfall, perhaps they should look at some of the administration excess that occurs in Guelph. The lack of support for Kemptville College by the provincial government after the closure was announced shows a lack of understanding to the importance of agriculture in the province. This is not just a matter of if the programs are still going to be offered, but WHERE those programs will be offered. Putting more distance between potential farmers and the education they need to succeed, only increases the chances that those people will choose another career path. Each and every municipality in Eastern Ontario should be actively lobbying the provincial government and the University of Guelph, calling on the college to be kept open. Phillip Blancher Morrisburg, Ontario
Here are some ideas you may want to put to work: Get rid of clutter. You probably don’t have to look too far around your home to find things that are broken or simply no longer useful to you. If you poke around your portfolio, you might make similar discoveries: an investment that has chronically underperformed, duplicates another investment or met your needs in the past but is less relevant to your current situation and goals. Once you identify these types of investments, you may decide to sell them and use the proceeds to take advantage of opportunities that may prove more valuable to you. Consolidate. Over the years, you may have accumulated multiple versions of common household items — brooms, mops, hammers — which pop up mysteriously in various parts of your home. You might find it more efficient, and even less expensive, if you consolidated all these things in one centralized location. As an investor, you also might find that consolidation can offer you some benefits. Do you have one Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) with one financial services provider and a second RRSP with another? Have you scattered investments here, there and everywhere? By consolidating all these accounts in one place, you can cut down on paperwork, reduce fees and, most importantly, unite your investment dollars so that it’s easier for you to see what you have and then follow a single, coherent investment strategy.
BUSINESSES! Place your FREE Coupon on this page! Call Prepare for turbulent weather. As you know, springtime 613-935-3763 can bring heavy rains, hail, strong winds and other threats to your home. As part of your overall spring cleaning, you may want to check the condition of your roof, clear branches away from your house, clean your gutters and downspouts, and take other steps to protect your property from the ravages of Mother Nature. And just as you need to safeguard your home, you’ll want to protect the lifestyles of those who live in that home — namely, your family. You can help accomplish this by reviewing your life and disability insurance to make sure it’s still sufficient for your needs.
Get professional help. You may find that you can’t do all your spring cleaning by yourself. For example, if your carpets and rugs are heavily soiled, you may need to call in a professional cleaner. Or if your tree branches have grown out of control, you might need to bring in a tree trimmer. Similarly, when you decide to “tidy up” your portfolio, you’ll need some assistance from a financial professional — someone who can study your current mix of investments and recommend changes, as needed, to help ensure your holdings are suitable for your risk tolerance, time horizon and short- and long-term goals. Spring cleaning can reinvigorate your home and your overall outlook. And by tidying up your investment portfolio, you can help gain some of that same optimism — for your future. 327 2nd Street E.
ExpiresJones on: 03/31/2014 Insurance and annuities are offered by Edward Insurance Agency (except in Quebec). In Quebec, insurance and annuities are offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (Quebec) Inc. Edward Jones, Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor - Brian Seguin.
BRIAN SEGUIN, Local Edward Jones advisor, (613) 932-6161 89 Tollgate Road West, Unit 2 , Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5
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Dear Editor,
Springtime is almost here. If you’re like many people, the arrival of spring means it’s time to spruce up your home. But why stop there? This year, consider applying some of those same spring-cleaning techniques to your investment portfolio.
Dear Seeker Chicks ... Letter to the Editor
Give Your Portfolio a "Spring Cleaning"
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 17
Dogz and Katz Coiffure® Susan Dalmer Professional Pet Grooming Stylist
$5 off on first full grooming
CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
If you a c
*3 mon
SmashChalkmaster. Prominent street artist Chalkmaster Dave winning the quiz game finale.
By Adam Chisamore, First Year Journalism Student, St. Lawrence College Cornwall’s Port Theatre has hosted several live performances in recent memory, including multiple tribute bands. However, the theatre’s owner Larry Sylvain is always looking for new ideas to draw in business. The latest idea is Smash the Port, a tournament featuring the popular fighting video game Super Smash Brothers. Sylvain credits his son Nick Sylvain with the original idea to play videogames on the theatre’s big screen. “We were getting groups of people asking to rent out the theatre to play videogames on the big screen. We think there’s a big underground community for gamers in Cornwall,” says Sylvain. “We want to try and bring them to the forefront.” The father and son team have been organizing Smash the Port with the help of web designer Calvin Morrow. Morrow is applying his experience with the competitive gaming scene to help properly organize the tournament. Both Sylvains were quick to mention that Smash the Port is a team effort and that they’ve been pleased with the support they’ve found so far. “We’ve received sponsorships from Fantasy Realm, Mobile Gamerz and Touch Bass Entertainment,” Sylvain reported. “And the Agora Centre is willing to host our preliminaries so long as the game is family oriented.”
Festivities for Smash the Port have already begun. A pre-tournament party was thrown last Saturday, remaining open to the public for a small admission fee. Participants were given a preview of the tournament setup, and games were played on the theatre screen throughout the evening. Super Smash Brothers was not the only attraction at the party. Prominent street artist Chalkmaster Dave was at the scene, performing a speed drawing for the audience. The speed drawing is set to be a raffle prize for tournament goers. A quiz game with a monetary grand prize and a Guitar Hero tournament were also held on-stage. A tournament participant and St. Lawrence College first year by the name of Johnathan Defina was quoted saying, “That was the most fun I’ve ever had playing Guitar Hero.”
ESSES! ur FREE upon on this ge! Call 35-3763
Port Theatre’s new event is simply smashing
SmashSpeedDraw. Chalkmaster Dave's speed drawing, up as a raffle prize for the tournament.
SmashMatch. Players on the front stage engaging in a Smash Brothers match.
Smash the Port is just the beginning for video game tournaments in Cornwall. “Regardless of how this first tournament goes, we’ve already got plans for a second one underway,” says Sylvain. There have been many applicants already, and the Sylvains are hoping for at least a hundred applicants by the time the tournament starts. Several side attractions have been planned, including a smaller tournament for the Magic: The Gathering card game. “You need something for participants to do when it’s not their turn to compete.” Says Sylvain. While support and interest in Smash the Port has snowballed, Nick Sylvain was quick to point out that the idea is still a work-in-progress. “This is still a prototype at the moment,” says Nick Sylvain. “But we’re optimistic about where it’ll go. We think this’ll be good for Cornwall.” However, the reception to the pre-tournament party has been positive. Larry Sylvain reported that he was happy with how the night went.
NO CATCH NO GIMMICKS! Tournaments for fighting videogames are not a new concept. There is a very closely knit and competitive community backing it, and You can tournaments place yourarecoupon this affairs with large cash prizes. The most well known of these tournaments, the Evolution Championship known toon be grand Series in Las Vegas (Evo for short) page for 3 months for FREE. has very recently announced that Super Smash Brothers will be a part of their lineup of games this year. If you are happy with the results, you can” continue by paying $35 / week
Local residents win recent Encore draw
*3 month max, must offer something of value to our
Congratulations to a group of four from readers, some Cornwall and restrictions Bainsville,may theapply latest winners of $100,000 with ENCORE (December 25, 2013 LOTTO 6/49 draw). “Marc and Lisa bought the ticket for us as a gift,” said Richard, while at the OLG Prize Centre in Toronto to claim their prize. “When we realized it was a winner, we decided to share it with them.”
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“This win is so unreal! We’re still in shock,” shared Julie. “It’s the best dollar we ever spent!” added Marc. The group plans pay off some bills and take a trip to celebrate their win.
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Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21- pg. 18 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
is a program organized by Revenue Canada and community organizations to provide income tax preparation services to low to middle income individuals and families. The income level cut off is $50,000. We DO NOT prepare taxes with business income, rental income, capital gains or interest over $1,000.
Taxes are prepared on a first come, first served basis OR clients can drop of their information and come back to pick it up when it is ready. The program will operate Monday to Friday, March 3 to April 30th.
Location: Salvation Army 500 York Street, Cornwall Hours: 10am to 4pm
We will also do prior years income taxes.
A $5 donation to the Salvation Army to offset the costs of operating the program would be appreciated.
327 2nd Street E.
Space available
309 Pitt Street
FOR SALE: Round glass topped picnic table with 4 chairs. Good condition. $40. Call 613-346-5583.
FOR SALE: Mens Taylor made driver R11 model, right handed, brand new. Adjusts for losk and face angle. Sale price $160. Call 613-933-4489. HOUSE BASEMENT SALE: Saturday, March 29. 9am to 2pm. 210 Leonia Street.
Join us in making these simple gowns that are so important to these young children in the Haiti Orphanage
Free 6-week course: Warehouse Worker.
Topics will include: safety, tools of the trade, report reading, measurement and more, including site visits and guest speakers. The curriculum was developed by Literacy Link Eastern Ontario in partnership with Tri-County Literacy Council. The training is suitable for a variety of learners including those planning to enter the workforce for the first time, people changing careers, and individuals wishing to strengthen essential skills. There are nine essential skills at differing levels, identified by the Government of Canada as necessary for success at home, work, and play. The skills are reading, writing, numeracy, document use, thinking, oral communication, working with others, digital technology, and continuous learning.
Classes will run Monday to Thursday 1 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., starting Monday, March 31, 2014.
For more information or to register, please contact Tri-County Literacy Council at 613-932-7161.
Tri-County Literacy Council, 101 2nd Street West, is pleased to offer a free 6-week course: Warehouse Worker. Participants will have the opportunity to learn the essential skills working in this exciting and fast-paced field.
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FOR SALE: Buffet, hutch and dining room table with centre leaf and 6 chairs. Call for more info. 613-360-1262.
Saturday March 29th & Saturday April 26th From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Giroux Sewing Centre & Solidarité Jeunesse Haïti, Sister Fernande Levac
preferably to run a restaurant or a computer store,
Phone 613-701-3965 after 2pm. Deposit equal to last $5 off on first full grooming month's rent required.
FOR SALE: Folding solid wood dropleaf table with 4 folding chairs, in good condition. $50. 613-346-5583
Haiti Gown Relief event
Expires on: 03/31/2014
Parking available, Bachelor Apartment upstairs, Expires on: 03/31/2014 rent $950 a month.
FOR SALE: White Moffat stove, in good working condition, about 10 years old. $100 OBO. 613-935-8101
Income Tax Program (CVITP)
BUSINESSES! NO CATCH - NO GIMMICKS! To place your classified call 3-935-3763 ext. 2 Place your FREE You can place your61 coupon on this page for 3 months for FREE. Coupon on Deadlines noon on Tuesdays If you are happy with the results, you can” this continue by paying $35 / week FOR SALE: Flat screen Haier TV, Model H019KN2. PUBLIC INFORMATIONpage! Call *3 month max, must offer something of value to our Like new, only used for a few months. Excellent The Community Volunteer 613-935-3763 readers, some restrictions may apply condition. $60. Call 613-938-2600. FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 19
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Tired of all that snow? - Here’s something to look forward to . . I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer
and I’m Julia the Web Designer
and together we are
We hope that you have enjoyed reading this issue of The Seeker
We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome.
STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...
613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis email: read online DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm See you next FRIDAY, MARCH 28 TH, 2014
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 11 - March 21 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1