Your weekly dose of positive news...
Vol. 5 Issue 20 May 23, 2014
Meet Your Local LIBERAL CANDIDATE John Earle ... ... More on page 5
This Week in the Seeker
It’s Riding Time again! Page
CMC ride Schedule
4 From the Kitchen of
Check out the SEEKERS KEEPERS CENTRE SECTION for all next weeks community events & happenings
THE SEEKER TEAM YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! for Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, specializing in Custom Wedding Invitations
email: thegraphicdesigner13@gmail.com
Web Design, Photography, Video Recording Services and Light & Laser Music Shows
Election Updates
The provincial political engine is picking up steam. Red, blue and orange signs from the main parties in the race have appeared overnight on lawns across town. Politicians have been spotted canvassing the streets, taking advantage of the long weekend to cover some grounds.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been asked several times who I think the right man or woman is for the job. I always jokingly answer that since Earle’s sign is the only one that matches the colour of the Seeker Office, I would have to go Liberal. The truth is, at this point, I am nowhere near ready to publicly announce my choice. In fact, I will never be ready.
There is an expectation for media outlets to give, in their editorial pages, a public endorsement to their preferred candidate. However, it is my personal belief that we also have a duty, as journalists, to report the news, the facts, objectively, without influencing the way that news is perceived. I am not delusional. I know that I am not a major influential force in the community, but if my opinion affects even one other person’s opinion of a politician for the mere reason that I’m a newspaper editor, I choose to keep it to myself.
On the municipal front
We now have 12 people in the race for city councillors, including newcomers Brock Frost, Caryline Hebert, Davey Bedard, Roland Besner, Geoff Stephenson and Guy StJean. I can't wait for elections to take place! Hopefully, it will bring in some much needed new blood. But my fear is that the general population will not vote for the younger crowd and we'll end up with the same old peeps running the show. Rumor has it that we may lose our only 2 female voices on council, so I certainly hope this list will contain more female names before October. I have been asked to run myself, but as much as I would love to serve my community that way, time constraints make it a very unrealistic thing to consider. We’ll see.
For mayor, only one name stands on the list. That of the self-proclaimed gonzo journalist Jamie Gilcig.
False Alarm
We received quite a bit of emails and phone calls from people who have seen our “Seekers Choice Awards” event cancelled on facebook. KEEP CALM! The event is NOT cancelled. We simply had a duplicate on facebook for some reason and simply deleted one of them. However, in doing so, facebook mass emailed a cancellation notice to all the event guests, hence the panic. Rest assured that we are on track, our winners have now been selected, all sponsors are in place, and it will be the best Seekers Choice yet. We are still looking for door prize donations, so if you or your business can give something, it will be truly appreciated.
“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” - Abraham Lincoln Julia Lucio, Editor in chief
From the Desk of the Editor
We can also TRANSFER your VHS HOME MOVIES to DVD - 613-932-4812
The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 5, Issue 20 May 23, 2014 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario
The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason
Editor in chief: Julia Lucio News Editor: Jason Setnyk Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Photojournalists: Carol Grant and April Lea Chaffee Cartoonist: Michael Roache Contributors: John Lucio and Sheldon Grant
JJU U UNE NE 2 21 1st 1st aatt tthhhee CCornwa ornwallll G Golf olf & CCountry ountry CClu luub b
Tickets $50 per person available online at ww w.theseeker.ca or at the Seeker Office at 327 2nd Street E, Cornwall proceeds of this event will be donated to: The Centre for the Arts Collective Hurr y! Limited Seating available!
Mark A. MacDonald Jenni MacDonald
The Mortgage Source Lic #10145
OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) Email: info@theseeker.ca
OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm otherwise by appointment only
PICK UP YOUR COPY of THE SEEKER at Value Village - Metro - No Frills, Food Basics (East) - Sharyn’s Pantry - Food Basics (Brookdale) - Health Foods at Independent Grocers - Cornwall Public Library - Giant Tiger Home Hardware - Tim Hortons (Cornwall Square & Eastcourt & all the Breakfast Places plus more... we are also at FARM BOY in the new eating area and at the new NO FRILLS on 2nd Street
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca
SEEEKER SEE KER SNIPP SNIPPETS PETS - You Your ur Loca Local Co Community mmunity N News ews
Presented P resented by by
LIVE MUSIC Satur day May 31 Mocktails Stage - 7:00pm PATIO LAUNCH PARTY Tracy Ferguson
New ws & Politics
Arts & Culture
Over 30 tonnes collected during S p r i n g Cl e a n - U p Week - A total of 53 individuals and groups – number ing an estimated 700-plus co m b i n e d – registered and volunteered to clean up a park, street or other public space before or during the week of May 3rd to May 10th. Par ticipating teams came from schools, businesses, churches, spor ts organizations, service clubs and collections of families and friends, among others. “ We are thrilled with the turnout for this event,” said Mayor Bob Kilger. “ We asked people to help make our city look even better and the community responded in a big way. We had groups volunteering in virtually every corner of our city.” For the duration of the week, six garbage bins were placed in the Downtown and Le Village areas as drop-off points. Many people took advantage of the bins to do some spring cleaning around their homes or businesses.
Next fundraiser by the Centre for the Ar ts Collective - The Center for the Ar ts Collective is thrilled to present their second fundraiser: a mural project High Five for the Arts. On Saturday, June 7th, ever yone is invited to participate in the creation of a mural that will one day find its home in a new arts center. For $20 one can paint a square of this exciting project. This event is for all ages and all levels of ar tistic skills. Even the finger painters are welcome. The variety of styles and ar tistic expressions will add color, texture and diversity to the final design. To reser ve your square before they sell out, you can purchase tickets at the Benson Center, Centre Culturel de Cornwall and OBO Studios. You can join in on the fun on S a t u rd a y J u n e 7 t h f ro m 1 0 a m t o 5 p m a t t h e Pommier Square, corner of Pitt and Second streets. In the event of rain, the project will move indoors at TAG Cornwall ( The Art Gallery). The Center for the Art Collective is dedicated to building momentum, excitement and a bank a c c o u n t t o w a rd s a m u l t i - d i s c i p l i n a r y a r t s center.
E laine M acDonald and NDP canvass Riverdale Elaine M acD onald and the NDP canvassed the Riverdale neighbourhood in Cornwall this Saturday morning. E l a i n e wa s j o i n e d t h i s Cornwall mor ning by firefighters who recently endorsed her campaign. This afternoon Elaine MacDonald will be canvassing in the East-end. This Seeker Snapshot was taken in front of Elaine MacDonalds campaign office on 262 Pitt Street. J o h n E a rl e a n d t h e S D S G Liberals canvass last Saturday afternoon - John E a r l e a n d t h e S D S G O nt a r i o L i b e ra l te a m went canvassing Saturday afternoon. They met at John Earle’s campaign office which is located at 130 Pitt Street in Cornwall. Here is a Seeker Snapshot taken by Jason Setnyk before John Earle and company went canvassing. Tony Lakroix and Love Love Food move downtown Tony Lakroix and Love Love Food is now located on 15 1/2 Second Street East in downtown Cornwall. Lakroix is excited about the move to the hear t of the City. This morning he was serving up a special breakfast which included a visited from MPP Jim McDonell.
S Sports & Lifestyle Lf l M cG illis Kelly wins the Jacques Richard Trophy O ve r 2 0 0 p e o p l e were in attendance the 50th for Benson Cornwall Lions Club Spor ts Awards Dinner on Wednesday May 14th at the Civic Complex. There were many special g u e s t i n c l u d i n g k e y n o te g u e s t s p e a k e r a n d former NHL star Marty McSorley, former NHL goalie Billy Smith, Olympic B obsleigh champion Cody Sorensen, and CFL Hall of Famer Moe Racine. The winner of the Jacques Richard Award for Top Spor ts Personality went to Kelly McGillis. “I was extremely thankful for being able to receive the award and that my hard work was being noticed and paying off ff.. It means a lot to me because I have worked ver y hard and have been through some pretty tough times and my c o a c h a l w ay s c o a c h e d m e a n d p u s h e d m e even when I was ready to give up”, explains McGillis.
Letters and a Opinions According to Bill Halman money won't fix education - It's been interesting to me over the last couple of weeks hearing from Provincial political leaders on, among other topics, education. The right wants to slash education budgets to save taxpayers money and the left wants to spend more to make education better for our kids. Money is a part of both solutions but that's the problem. M oney! St u d i e s s h ow t h at throwing (or taking aw ay ) m o n e y a t ( f ro m ) e d u c a t i o n doesn' t help. Our e d u c a t i o n s ys te m a b s o l u te l y n e e d s an overhaul, no doubt. But the one thing teachers keep asking for is RESPECT. Respect from the government (and school boards) that pay them. Respect from the parents that s e n d t h e i r k i d s to t h e m . I t s e e m s t h a t because they get so little respect, they demand more money in lieu. If our political leaders would start to become more “Visionary ” with their platforms rather than “Reactionar y ” with them, more folks might star t to believe that things will get b e t te r i n e d u c a t i o n a n d a l l o t h e r f a ce t s o f our society. Telling me that “I’m going to spend here” and “I’m going to save there” isn’t inspiring. Giving me you vision of what you think education of the future will look like for my kids and grandkids that will set us apart from the rest of the world and at the same time help to ensure the viability of our future economy in Ontario/Canada… that has the potential to inspire. Perhaps it will be a future educator that will feel respected enough to care for our kids in a way that he/she will inspire our youth. Inspire them to find a way to make changes in our society that don’t need to take in account of how much money tax payers will save or cough up. We can dream. Bill Halman Cornwall ON
My name is Jason Setnyk and these are the Seeker Snippets
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
H ere is a list of rides for this summer season. There are a few days when there is a ride posted such as R ide for dad, that are open with no scheduled club ride that day so you may attend such a ride on your own. All club rides are indicated as such. There may be days where there will be two club rides available,, take your pick of ride. If you wish to post a ride on the same day as a non club event or on a club ride day let me know asap. N ot all details are know yet on some rides but will be made available as soon as possible and posted on the forum as well as sent out via mass email before the ride takes place, So check your E mails, Facebook and the Forum! ! ! ! If I have missed something or you have details about a ride please let me know. * FY I* At this time B ikers Church has N O Motorcycle Appreciation D ay planned in Aug so far.
All rides subject to change.....and weather permitting...
May24....Club R ide....Children's Treatment Center R ide..... http://ww w.ctc-sdg.com/ May25......................B reakfast in B onville at L ion's Club weather permittin g we can go for a ride after May31......................O ttawa R ide for D ad..... http://support.pcff....d= 1118& pg= entry
Finally Some Spring weather! We would like to introduce you to the Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers, (CMC) Cornwall Chapter. We are a like minded group of motorcycle enthusiasts who love to ride our bikes in a social group setting. Our group has members from all walks of life and we welcome new members with any type of bike. All summer long we hold various events: Breakfast Meets, Coffee Meet & Greets, Weekend Trips and Day Rides. Ride are to locations throughout eastern Ontario and up State New York. So if you’re looking for a fun group of people to ride with its free to join the CMC and you can register online at www.cmcnational.ca or for more info contact the 1st Officer of the CMC Cornwall Chapter at seawayson@hotmail.com
July 1.......................O pen July 5...Club R ide......Ausable Chasm N Y R ide, B ring passports R ick http://www.ausablechasm.com/ July 9...Club R ide.....R ideau Carlton B ike & Car Show, Perry July12...Club R ide.....L ake on the Mountain R ide, G ary http://prin ce-edward...rovincial-park/ July 19......................O pen July20........................W olfe Island R ide Through Cape V incent N y, B ring your passports G ary July 26..Club R ide.....K ingston Show and Shine , 12 noon to 5 pm July 27......................Track D ay, Calabogie D ave
Aug 1-4...Club R ide....CMC N ational R ally O ttawa O n. http://cmcottawa.c om/? page_ id= 43 Aug 8-10.....................B ig D addy's Cow Patty R & R Aug15-17.....................Cow Paddy B oy's R & R Aug20...Club R ide.....R ideau Carlton B ike & Car Show Aug23...Club R ide....SPCA Fund R aiser R ide, Cornwall Aug24...Club R ide.....St.E stastshe Flea market R ide, H udson Ferry Aug 30.......................O ld B astard; s R odeo & R oast D elta O n.
Sept 6.....Club R ide...Stowe V t B ring your Passports, R ick Sept 7...Club R ide......K idney Foundation R ide...D ave
This Page is Sponsored by a Community Minded Business.
25 year Anniversary Special Selected Bikes MARKED DOWN to DEALER INVOICE or BELOW
Trucker Man Perry Montgomery 1st. Officer (President) Road Captain, 076 Cornwall, On. seawayson@hotmail.com CMC National Forum www.cmcnational.ca Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers Canadas Premier Social Family Riding Club
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Bob, store owner and proud CMC member, on a VULCAN VAQUERO 1700
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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Shop Local & Support Local Business
We look forward to seeing you join our club and meeting you. With the spring weather come motorcycles on the roads again, so members of the CMC are asking all motorists to be on the look out for motorcycles on the road. Motorcycles are small and sometimes hard too see, so it’s up to the drivers of cars and trucks to take an extra hard look before pulling on to the road turning in driveways, changing lanes and at intersections. Motorcycle drivers are someones father, husband, wife, mother, brother, sister son or daughter, so please don't ruin their lives and yours because you didn't look twice for a motorcycle on the road. Lets make this summer a safe and fun summer on the road for everyone.
June 1..................... O pen June 5...Club R ide.... Americade L ake G eorge N Y W eekend R ide with L eo G oulet 613 936 0682 for details on the over nighter weekend At L ake G eorge N Y June 7...Club R ide....Americade L ake G eorge N y D ay R ide with G ary, L eave Saturday Morning early , come back Saturday N ight http://americade.com/ June 12................... R ide to D over For Friday the 13th June 21................... O pen June 22...Club R ide...Merrickville B ike Show an Shine June 28......................B ikers Against B rain Cancer R ide June 29...Club R ide...Masson Flea Market R ide, Ferry R ide $5.00 each way
Meet Your Local LIBERAL CANDIDATE John Earle ... John Earle is the Provincial Liberal Candidate for Stormont, Dundas, and South Glengarry. Earle is new to the political scene but he is no stranger to this community, having grown up, raised a family, and started a business here in Cornwall. Earle is a local entrepreneur, business person, husband and father. He made the decision to run for MPP because he feels strongly that we need to have a voice at Queen's Park. "It's unfortunate that we haven't moved forward at all in the past three years since the last election." stated Earle. "The role of an MPP is to serve the people of the riding first and foremost, and not buckle to Party politics." "I see so many opportunities lost over the past 3 years for S.D.S.G. and I think it's time someone acted in our best interest instead of partisan interests." Earle will bring over 15 years of experience as a business development professional to the role. "I'm not a seasoned a politician; I'm someone who understands the importance of building relationships and maintaining those relationships moving forward. We need to focus on what we can accomplish in our riding in small measurable goals, and create wins for Ontario and our riding." Earle believes in the leadership of Kathleen Wynne and her vision for Ontario. "I believe in Kathleen Wynne and her ability to lead this province." explained Earle "I think she's the only leader we can trust to continue improving healthcare, eliminate the deficit, and help Ontario's seniors thrive. Only Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals have a plan to grow the economy and build opportunity for middle-class families. That’s what leadership is.”
John Earle’s campaign office is located downtown Cornwall at 130 Pitt St. The phone number to get in touch with the office is (613) 932-VOTE (8683).
It is best to forgive ... Pastor Kevin Ramsby (left) was the guest speaker at the Childrens Treatment Centre Kick Off Breakfast on Wednesday, May 7th, where he spoke to almost 500 guests about how, 4 1/2 years ago, he was stabbed 37 times by an intruder who broke into his home. His message through all of this was “The best thing to do is forgive ...”
Also in the above photo is Don Fairweather.
This Saturday many groups will be fundraising for the Childrens Treatment Centre in the Bike-A-Thon Plus, a fun filled day with activities for all ages. Registration starts at 7:30 am at St. Lawrence College - Let’s hope the weather co-operates!
Join Timber the Pine Mar ten for an experience you and your family won’t forget. This unique and up-close encounter with the animal ambassadors from Ear th Rangers will leave you educated and inspired to help protect animals in the wild. S t . L awrence Power Developmen t Visitor Cen tre 2 5 0 0 B S e c o n d S t r e e t We s t C o r n w a ll Saturday, May 2 4 11 a.m . and 1 p.m . Admission is free. F in d o u t m o r e a t opgbiodiversit y.ca
Generously sponsored by:
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 5 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
with Carol Grant
Article & photos by Carol Grant Local comic book store owner Randy Sauve from Fantasy Realm is having the time of his life! Sauve recently participated in both the Ottawa ComicCon and Toronto's first SuperFan ComicCon in the past two weeks as an exhibitor. The store, which is currently celebrating its 30th year in business here in Cornwall, has seen a steady rise in it customer base over the past few years and has taken advantage of this growth to further promote Fantasy Realm. The last time Fantasy Realm was an exhibitor in a show was in 1986. Launched in 2012 ,the third edition of Ottawa ComicCon was held this year from May 9th t 11th and it boasted more than 38,000 visitors. For those of you not familiar with this show, it is a pop-culture fan convention that showcases celebrities, artists and products from entertainment genres such as Sci-fi, Horror, Anime, Gaming in all its forms, and of course, Comic Books. Over three days, guests were also treated to celebrity Q&A's, panels, workshops, comedy, game shows, autograph sessions, photo ops and a masquerade among other activites. The Capital City Garrison of the 501st Legion was also on-hand with their Star Wars area and they raised over $12,000 for Make-A-Wish.
Fantasy Realm was not the only local presence at this year's show as many Cornwall residents were spotted in the crowd as shown here in these photos. One local resident, little Isabella Wilson, captured the hearts of many with her "R2-Tutu" costume. Ottawa Comiccon’s fourth edition will return to the EY Center from May 8 to 10, 2015. Be sure to check out the website, Facebook page and Twitter over the coming months to receive all the latest news and updates about the event. Fantasy Realm's second appearance as an exhibitor was in Toronto for SuperFan ComicCon. This year saw the launch of this show which plans to be annual as well. Though the crowd was not quite as large as Ottawa, there was no shortage of celebrities, exhibitors or planned events. Guests and exhibitors alike used the smaller crowds to take advantage of networking, visiting with other exhibitors or getting autographs and photo ops. Randy speaks fondly of his experience saying "There's no better time to get out there and show people that Fantasy Realm is still going strong after 30 years." Fantasy Realm has an online eBay store and ships products worldwide. Says Sauve, "Being able to represent Cornwall is an honour and I'm happy that I am able to showcase what our city has to offer to a new audience and a larger market". Having been positively influenced by one of his childhood artists, Mike Grell, Randy used the extra networking time to have a custom sketch drawn for him to add to his collection. As for myself, I have always claimed to be a "geek" and have enjoyed comic books, sci-fi and superheroes all my life so, as both a reporter and a photographer, these two events were a dream come true. One of the highlights of SuperFan ComicCon was meeting a favourite star from my own childhood, Lou Ferrigno. In his childhood, he suffered a series of ear infections and lost a large portion of his hearing which led him to devote much time to weightlifting and bodybuilding. He overcame adversity and went on to star as "The Incredible Hulk". Ferrigno put his bodybuilding career on hold and first appeared in this late 1970's television series with Bill Bixby who became a mentor to him. He did go on to win two consecutive Mr. Universe titles. Ferrigno states he has been busy working on many projects including upcoming voicework as "The Hulk" on the Avengers movie, promoting his "Ferrigno Fit" program (www.ferrignofit.com), an upcoming fitness/bodybuilding challenge in California "Ferrigno Legacy" and work on a new child-friendly film "Bandit Hound" among other things. It was the ultimate pleasure meeting him and hearing him speak and I feel honoured to have had that chance. Our weekend ended with an impromptu rooftop photosession of Heroes of the North stars "Hornet" and "8 Ball'. As the Toronto skyline framed the shots and our weekend ended, both Randy and I realize just how lucky we are to be able to make such new and wonderful memories.
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
CORNWALL’S OWN RED CARPET EVENT! Reserve your tickets today!
HEALTHY KALE CHIPS Ingredients • 1 large bunch kale, tough stems removed, leaves torn into pieces • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil • 1/4 teaspoon salt Preparation -Position racks in upper third and center of oven; preheat to 400°F.
HEALTHY SWEET POTATO CHIPS Ingredients • 1 peeled, very thinly sliced sweet potato • 1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • Cumin • Paprika • Coarse salt Directions Heat oven to 400 degrees. On two baking sheets, toss sweet potato with oil and season with cumin, paprika, and salt. Arrange in single layers and bake, flipping halfway, until crisp and golden, 20 to 25 minutes.
Just as we were drifting off to sleep our daughter said ”Mummy, there’s a bear!” I was on the verge of sleep, and was going to say ”Don’t be ridiculous” thinking it was her little girl imagination, but thought I should lift my tired head to look out into the gloom. Sure enough, there was a large bear on its hind legs not 6 feet away from us! We shouted and clapped our hands together and banged some pots also. We took the dirty pots 50 feet away, and with that only precaution, went back to sleep. Sleep comes to those who must have it, and the strenuous day contributed to our lack of concern. Morning brought sunshine, and another day in the woods, this one a lot more enjoyable.
Shellshock WITH CORNWALL’S Largest Portable LIGHT & LASER SHOW Disc Jockey Packages Priced to Fit your Budget! 3dcsheldon@gmail.com Wedding Videos available
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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 7 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
In health… Sylvie Thibert thehealthnut@cogeco.ca 613-662-3834
By the time I arrived the others were under cover, had beds arranged, and dinner started. Forget the rule about not cooking close to the sleeping area! Bears? What bears? I remember we ate a huge mountain of food, using our little camp stove and pre-prepared food, listening to the rain drumming on the roof of the lean-to.
Don’t forget to always try to see the good in any situation…no matter how it seems impossible at the time, there is always something that will help you get through it, there is always someone there to listen,you just need to reach out… My shop is only open on Saturdays, 9am to 4pm…812 Pitt Street, unit 40….just passed Earthway Chiropractic Clinic, on the left side, come in and see what everyone is talking about…I will welcome you with a greeting and smile I promise you that…you are always welcome in my shop….
Now, with the wind picking up, the slippery rocks on the trail, old hiking boots, and twinges of pain in my back, I was regretting my decision. Each step became a challenge. Each wet rock was a potential fall. It was getting dark. The others had gone ahead to set up things for the night. Each step brought me closer to the destination: a lean-to at Lake Colden in the Adirondack Mountains.
-Bake until most leaves are crisp, switching the pans back to front and top to bottom halfway through, 8 to 12 minutes total. (If baking a batch on just one sheet, start checking after 8 minutes to prevent burning.)
As I hiked along the trail, I noticed the clouds building up overhead. Being in the canopy of the forest, I did not notice the first drops. But soon after, the dripping began. Soon after that, the rocks on the trail became slippery. Then I noticed the familiar feeling of back pain, and this brought back the conversation we had had before leaving the house. It went like this: “You need a better pack than that”. I replied “It was an expensive pack even though it’s old, and it should be fine.”
-If kale is wet, very thoroughly pat dry with a clean kitchen towel; transfer to a large bowl. Drizzle the kale with oil and sprinkle with salt. Using your hands, massage the oil and salt onto the kale leaves to evenly coat. Fill 2 large rimmed baking sheets with a layer of kale, making sure the leaves don’t overlap. (If the kale won’t all fit, make the chips in batches.)
By Tish Gibbs
I have many unique ideas for my business advertising this year….my new phone case displaying my business logo is the first….I love it…makes people talk and that is a good thing. By next week I should have a pic to share with you of my mobile advertising, you will be seeing more of this Health Nut around town for sure…very excited!! Last week I wrote my own personal life story and how it lead me to discover and live out my passion! Since then I have had many inquiries as to what I chose to eat to replace my junk food cravings…so this week I decided to give you a couple of my favorite recipes that have really served the purpose…they are easy and delicious which is for sure a bonus…Enjoy!!
NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut
call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca
by Rose Desnoyers
call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca
SEEKERS CHOICE AWARDS - June 21, 2014 CORNWALL’S OWN RED CARPET EVENT! Reserve your tickets today!
It was a first.
Melanie Brulee live at Bar Q Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk
On May 21, at the first meeting of the new Board, an eager group presented itself to procure a position of leadership on the executive. After a close race it was decided that for the year 1214 - 1215, the executive would be : President: Rose Desnoyers Vice-presidents: Julia Lucio and Linda Geisel Treasurer: Elaine Arkwright Secretary: Adele Constantineau All other members of the Board have accepted different responsibilities.
Cornwall Ontario - Bar Q is simply classy and upscale, it has a ritzy ambiance, and it is quite the eloquent gem for downtown Cornwall. The lights were dimmed, the venue was at capacity, and those seated had their taste buds tantalized by their drinks, and their ears tantalized by the sweet sounds of Melanie Brulee. It was a special night for Melanie Brulee who returned to Cornwall to play a special set for her mother who was celebrating a birthday. Melanie is the former singer of popular Cornwall band and The General Electryk. Congratulations Bar Q for hosting a fantastic event Saturday night!
Already there are many projects on the burner, mainly the three week exhibition at the TAG (The Art Gallery on Pitt Street) in July and the 10th year calendar and celebrations of Focus Art. The input of all of our members is always welcome. So don't be surprised if you are called upon for your opinion, participation or volunteering of time or talent. Remember Art is the soul of the community....Let's take care. Rose Desnoyers President of Association FOCUS ART Association www.focusartonline.org info@focusartonline.com rosedesn@cogeco.ca
Joe Zambon Live at The Port Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk
Cornwall Ontario - There was a youthful and energetic crowd at the Port Theatre on Saturday night to enjoy some Jesus inspired Catholic rock. Joe Zambon, born and raised in Iroquois Ontario, returned from a tour out east to play a gig at the Port Theatre in Cornwall. The audience was clapping and singing along to many of their favourite songs. For music fans, there is more live music coming to the Port Theatre, including Sylvain Sound Presents “Persuasion” – A Tribute To Santana on May 24th.
Check out our website www.theseeker.ca
Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!
the SEEKERS KEEPERS Section 9:00
For t he h week of o Ma y 6th2 - June 1st
9 am Cornwall City Council Replay
10: 00am 11: 00am Info Cornwall C 6:00pm
6:30pm 7:00pm
7:30pm 8:00pm
45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796 www.library.cornwall.on.ca SPOTLIGHT ACTIVITIES a sampling of Great Programs @ YOUR CORNWALL LIBRARY
9: 30 pm
10: 00 pm
Summer Opening Hours
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Cornwall C City Council Replay
Auto Experts
Behind The Ballot Chamber Debate
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BABY TALES @ 10:00 am
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TVC Youth Achievement Awards
Women F Find Your Voice
Women Find Your Voice
The Source The Source In Good Company
Thursd day, May 29th - 7 pm LIVE
CORNWALL & REGION WRITERS SOCIETY @ 6:30 pm Make new friends and share your writing skills
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News headlines, h we eather & com mmunity eve ents
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The Source The Source
Cornwall Celtics Lacrosse
9: 00 pm
Informatio I n Cornwal l
News head dlines, weathe er & commun nity events
Kinsmen TV Bingo Cornwall C City Council
10: 30am
More program info. www.library.cornwall.on.ca 613-932-4796
our weekly pages of events n’ more...
SEEKERS CHOICE AWARDS - June 21, 2014 CORNWALL’S OWN RED CARPET EVENT! Reserve your tickets today! THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
23 23
Ballroom for fun with the Cornwall Carousels. Introductory lesson to Triple Swing at 7PM. Open dance at 8:30PM with various styles. Admission 9$ per person. At the Centre Charles-Émile Claude, 146 Chevrier Avenue, Cornwall ON. Info on the website – http://www.cornwallcarousels.ca/. Contact Tom Manley 613-984-0480, tom@tommanley.ca.
The Social (130 Sydney Street) presents The Hometown Series with Tracy Lalonde, Stephanie Coleman and Keegan Larose. Doors open 7:30pm, tickets $12 in advance or $15 at the door.
Matt Andersen w/ Jeremy Fisher. 7:30 pm. Aultsville Theatre. NATIONAL TOUR IN SUPPORT OF NEW RELEASE!Reserved Seating Tickets $41.50 (plus applicable surcharges)Tickets on sale at:•Cornwall Civic Complex Box Office: Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30p 100 Water St. East Cornwall, ON (613) 938-9400 OR Online at admission.com
CELEBRATE RECOVERY FOUNTAINGATE CHRISTAN ASSEMBLY Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario EVERYONE IS WELCOME (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
S A U T R D A Y 24 24 Cornwall outdoor Club outing: Saturday, May 24, departure time 9:15 a.m. from Monkland. Kayaking trip from Indian Creek to Spencerville Mill to celebrate World Fish Migration Day. Finish the day off with a demo of the functioning grist mill. Call 613-764-3803 to register. Children treatment center Bike-AThon PLUS - The is the second-largest annual fundraiser for the Children's Treatment Centre. It is a fun-filled day with various activities for all interests and age groups. Choose an activity and come and join us. Registrations start at 7:30am St. Lawrence College, 2 St. Lawrence Drive (formerly Belmont Street), Cornwall, ON
Nearly New Sale & BBQ Saturday, May 24th from 8 am to 2 pm. BBQ at 10 am. St.Andrew's-St.Marks's United Church, Johnson Cr. Long Sault. BBQ proceeds to Stephen Lewis Foundation
Knights of Columbus Family Breakfast from 8:30 am to 12 noon, St. Francis De Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Adults: 6$, children: 3$
26 2 6 Seaway Winds Concert Band:From Broadway To Hollywood Aultsville Theatre, 2 St. Lawrence Dr. Guest vocalist: Lacie Petrynka. Tickets: 15$. Children under 10 free with adult accompaniment. Visit SeawayWinds.ca
Sylvain Sound Presents Persuasion Tribute To Santana,Saturday 7:00pm - 10:30pm at the Port Theater
25 25
Racing at the Cornwall Speedway! Gates open at 4:30pm General Admission $25, kids 16 and under only $2. Visit cornwallspeedway.com for more info. Worship and the word wIth Pastor Brad Montsion. 10:30 am. 949 Mohawk Drive.
Cornwall Outdoor Club outing: Sunday, May 25, 9:30 a.m. Come join us for a walk on the 5 kms of meandering trails at the Gray’s Creek Conservation Area. Call 613-9358269 to register. http://www.cornwalloutdoorclub.ca
CMC - Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers - Club Breakfast..... Sunday May 25th 10.00 am Lion's Club in Bonville On. In the Bar room, Just to the left when you come in. Hwy 138 to Bonville, Go east at the flashing light 1/2 mile on left. Everyone is welcome, Come out for a good breakfast and good company. Weather Permitting come on your bikes and we will go for a ride after Breakfast See you there!!
Salem United Church Summer Concert Series 19041 County Road 2, Summerstown. Featuring "A Wing and a Prayer", Tammy McRae & Jennifer Buhr, singalong, refreshments & freewill offering only
Your event would be here if you had called it in. Next time, call us at 613935-3763 to place your FREE event.
27 2 7
Bereaved Families Adult Afternoon Support Group Meeting from 1 pm to 3 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Call 613.936.1455 for more information. Together we can let the healing begin Chamber Pub Night Au Vieux Duluth 5:00 pm -7:00 pm
Changing Minds, Changing Lives 7 pm in the Automotive Room, Benson Center, 800 7th St. W. Presentations by Paralympians Andrea Andrecyk & Chris Bourne
Cornwall Chamber Debate Leading up to the June 12th provincial election, See where the candidates stand on the issues LIVE at the Civic Complex. 7 pm.
"Allleycat" Patio Party at Truffles !! Truffles Burger Bar in Cornwall, Ontario
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
CBN Breakfast Meeting - Cornwall Business Network meets every last Tuesday of the month over breakfast. Great networking opportunity. Come and see what we are all about. Best Western Parkway Inn 7:45 am
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Big Brothers Big Sisters Murder Mystery Dinner Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Tickets: 33$ on sale at Scotia Bank, Brookdale Center or call:613.933.8035. Sponsored by the Optimist Club
2 8 28
Cornwall Outdoor Club: Saturday, May 31, 1:00 p.m. Meet and Greet OPEN EVENT – Guests welcome. IS Outdoor games and a mocktail on the patio at Lamoureux Park. Call 613-935-5816 to register.
Spring Tea & Bake Sale 11 am to 3 pm. Cornwall Pentecostal Church, 208 2nd St. E. Scones, sandwiches, dessert: 6$. Browse the jewelry, books, cards & white elephant tables. Ladies' Day of Refreshing at fountaingate Christian Assembly GUEST SPEAKER: Vicky Green on the devastation of her abortion choices. 949 Mohawk Drive, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5R6 call 932-0685 for details
by Sharyn Thompson
A DELICIOUS SUPPER It must be the Irish in me, because I just love anything to do with potatoes. Stephen McMenamin, a fellow food lover, came into my store a couple of weeks ago with a sheaf of his recipes to give to me. One of the recipes was for 'Honey Mustard Chicken Tenders and Buttermilk Smashed Potatoes'. Well, I love any chicken recipe and the potatoes were a given. So, this is your recipe for this week! Your supper will be ready in about 30 or 40 minutes. Just choose a nice vegetable to go alongside for a tasty supper. Fresh spring asparagus would be a nice choice. Thanks Stephen for caring and sharing!
STEPHEN'S HONEY MUSTARD CHICKEN TENDERS AND BUTTERMILK SMASHED POTATOES INGREDIENTS: 5 large russet potatoes, peeled and chopped into large chunks 1/2 cup honey (of course, use Sharyn's Pantry local, unpasteurized liquid honey) 1/2 cup good quality, Dijon mustard (Maille is an excellent brand) 2 lb. all-white meat, boneless, skinless chicken tenders salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 cups dry breadcrumbs canola oil, for frying the chicken tenders 1/4 cup buttermilk (buttermilk, despite the name, is a low-calorie milk with only 1% butterfat) 3 tbsp. dairy sour cream Frank's hot sauce, to taste 2 tbsp. (about a palmful) fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped 2 tbsp. (about a palmful) fresh dill weed, chopped 1 tbsp. (half a palmful) fresh chives, chopped
SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN’S PANTRY OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ontario 613-936-1998
METHOD: -Preheat your oven to 200 degrees F. You will keep the cooked chicken tenders warm, once you have cooked them, on a platter in the oven.
-Place the potatoes in a medium-sized pot and cover them with cold water. Cook them over medium-high heat until the potatoes are tender when pierced with the tip of a sharp knife. This will take about 20 minutes.
- While the potatoes are cooking: In a small bowl, combine the unpasteurized honey and Dijon mustard. Place the chicken tenders in a shallow dish and season them with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Spoon the honey-mustard mixture over the chicken tenders and spread it around so each tender is thoroughly coated.
-Place the breadcrumbs in another shallow dish. Add the honey-mustard coated chicken tenders to the dish, one at a time, covering them completely in the breadcrumb mixture. You can press the chicken pieces down into the crumbs to make sure that they stick to the chicken.
-In a large skillet over medium-high heat, add about 1" of canola oil. When the oil is hot, fry the crumb-coated chicken tenders until golden brown on each side and cooked through. This will take about 3 minutes frying on each side. Don't crowd the pan. Continue frying until all of the chicken is cooked. Once cooked, place the chicken on a platter in the pre-heated oven to keep warm and crispy.
-Now the potatoes should be tender. Drain them. Mash the potatoes until nice and smooth. Add the buttermilk, sour cream and hot sauce, along with the chopped herbs. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. -Serve nice mounds of creamy potatoes alongside the crispy chicken tenders. ENJOY!
From the kitchen of KATHY SMART
Strawberry season is about to be upon us in full force! Woo hoo!
One of the Smart Peeps in my course asked if I had a jam recipe that didn't have any sugar.
To the kitchen I went! I created an amazing
1 minute Fresh Strawberry - Rhubarb Jam ( No White Sugar) for you Makes 3 cups
2 cups of strawberries, cleaned and sliced 3/4 cup of fresh rhubarb, chopped 4 Tablespoons of pure maple syrup ( you may like it sweeter pending on your taste) 4 Tablespoons of chia seeds ( you can find chia seeds in your local health food store) 3 Tablespoons of FRESH lemon juice or lime juice ( must be fresh) Strawberry and Rhubarb Add all of the above ingredients in a food processor or blender and puree for 60 seconds. If you prefer a chunkier jam- do 30 seconds or a smoother jam do for 90 seconds. The chia seeds are crunchy but when you add liquid to them, the create a soft gel that is created with the lemon juice, strawberry juice and pure maple syrup. Add to a jar and store in fridge overnight. Ta- Da!
The add in of the lemon juice helps to bring out the flavours AND helps to preserve the jam for up to 2 weeks in the fridge.
3 Reasons to Add in Chia! Why eat chia seeds? Ch- ch-ch chia!
Fight Belly Fat. Chia has a blood sugar stabilizing effect and fights insulin which is tied to an increase in belly fat.
Brain Health. Chia seeds are jam packed with omega- 3 fatty acids that are imperative for brain health. Chia seeds also have a better conversion of omega 3’s than flax seeds.
Strong Bones. Chia seeds are an excellent source of highly absorbable calcium to build strong bones. An excellent non- dairy calcium source for vegans or daily intolerant. A serving of chia seeds contains 18% of your recommended daily intake of calcium. How? Add in 1-2 Tablespoons of chia seeds to your smoothies, yogurt or your oatmeal in the am. How do YOU like to eat chia seeds? My favourite is this jam or in my smoothies.:)
Remember… Live Life Delicious! xo Kathy
See more at: www.livethesmartway.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Plaisir d’É-C-R-I-R-E !
Écrire ne date pas d’hier. L’homme aurait inventé ce système, par besoin d’un aidemémoire, plus de 3000 ans av J.C. Marquant le début de l’Histoire, il laisse des traces, jadis
dans l’argile, aujourd’hui sur papier. En prenant le temps de réfléchir, en posant ce geste familier mais peu banal, notre conscience continue de s’éveiller et notre propre histoire de se révéler.
Je ne savais pas que j’aimais écrire. Parcontre, j’ai toujours aimé me retrouver à la Bibliothèque de Cornwall. Tous ses livres en français nourrissent amplement mon besoin d’apprendre et m’ont bien épaulée durant l’éducation de mes enfants. Aujourd’hui j’ai plus de temps libres, vous connaissez peut-être la publicité «Liberté 55», je peux participer à la bibliothèque aux activités offertes par
l’Amalgame. J’aimerais vous parler ici du cercle d’écriture nommé « Les Écrilibristes ». Intriguée, j’ai assisté à l’une de leur rencontre. Les membres accueillants et respectueux m’ont transmis le goût d’essayer d’écrire à mon tour. J’ai simplement alors ajouté, un plaisir de plus à ma vie! Maintenant, je crois mieux comprendre l’expression « l’Art d’Écrire ».Une page blanche c’est un peu comme une toile blanche pour un peintre. On y ressent la liberté incroyable de jouer avec les mots (couleurs) et de choisir ceux qui décrivent vraiment ce que l’on désire exprimer. La communication est importante pour moi. Aller au fond des choses, écouter l’autre,
donné. A la fin de chaque mois, on prend le temps de s’asseoir durant deux heures, dans un local de la bibliothèque, pour savourer tous ces textes écrits, partagés librement et gratuitement sans attente sauf celle d’avoir du plaisir. Je ne savais pas que j’aimais écrire mais lorsqu’on me demande de le décrire, c’est le mot rire d’éc-RIRE que j’en retire!
La prochaine rencontre des Écrilibristes aura lieu mardi, le 27 mai à 16 h à la Bibliothèque Publique de Cornwall. Venez faire un tour! Renée Lapointe/2014
comprendre et me connaitre. Dans ce cercle d’écriture, je retrouve tous ces aspects. Chacun se permet de jouer avec les mots et d’écrire à sa façon sur un sujet
Le Centre culturel de Cornwall invite les francophones et les francophiles à participer en grand nombre à plusieurs activités en ce mois de juin 2014.
Le conseil d’administration du Centre culturel de Cornwall tiendra son assemblée générale annuelle lundi le 16 juin 2014 au 124 rue Anthony.
Le Centre culturel de Cornwall vous invite pour la cinquième édition de Vive Cornwall les 20 et 21 juin prochain au Parc Lamoureux. Il y aura des activités pour toute la famille. Les enfants s`amuseront durant toute la journée. Il y aura des spectacles enlevants durant la soirée. Ne manquez surtout pas ce grand rendez-vous pour la francophonie. L`horaire complet se trouvera dans nos pages très bientôt. Vive Cornwall en français pour accueillir l`été. Ce sera certainement un rayon de soleil pour toute la famille. Ne manque pas ce rendez-vous.
La page franco a besoin de votre aide! L’appui de commanditaires est nécéssaire pour la publication de la page francophone du Seeker.
Montrez votre amour du français en publiant une annonce pour votre compagnie!
Seulement $39 par semaine! info@theseeker.ca pour info.
Que vous soyez membres ou non membres, visitez les cliniques santés au CCÉC : Acupuncture, le premier vendredi du mois de 13 h 00 à 14 h 30 gratuitement. CAREFOR, le premier mercredi du mois de 9 h 00 à midi gratuitement. SOCIÉTÉ d’ALZHEIMER, le troisième mercredi du mois. Appelez Laurie Kennedy au (613) 932-4914 poste 27 pour vous inscrire.
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca
Mario Clair claims the Minute Auto Wash 100 at Cornwall Motor Speedway! Article: Martin Bélanger Photos: Icelevel Photography A new season started on May 18 (last Sunday) at Cornwall Motor Speedway with the first round of the DIRTcar 358-Modified Series race along with the Gaetan Chip Stand Canadian Nationals Series debut. The Pro-Stock also had the initial Mohawk Race Parts Series race as the Sportsman, SemiPro, and Mini-Stock on Minute Auto Wash night. Alain Boisvert and Chris Raabe were on the top row of the Minute Auto Wash 100 as Boisvert took the lead as Mario Clair made his way to second. On the following restart, a pileup involving several cars occurred in turn 2 on lap 7, everyone was able to leave under their own power. Boisvert powers to the lead as Dale Planck was in a battle for third with Mario Clair as Raabe grabbed back second spot. As we reached lap 25, Boisvert had joined slower traffic. Francois Bernier spun out of turn 4 and yellow was back on the field on lap 29. When the green lights were back, Dale Planck made his move to the front and passed Boisvert for the lead on lap 35. The race slowed on lap 40 for Marc Therrien and Carey Terrance. Boisvert regained the lead on the restart as Raabe got tangled and his night was done while running in the top 5. Boisvert had another great jump as Clair moved to second with Planck, Erick Rudolph and Danny O’Brien rounding out the top 5 at halfway point. The top 3 were running together as Clair took the lead using the outside groove on lap 57 with Planck in second. Brian McDonald stops in turn 4 on lap 64. Clair to the lead as Rudolph made some noise for second as Stephane Lafrance stopped inside turn 2 on lap 68. Planck back to the lead over Clair as Rudolph was in third. Clair used the high line to pass Planck for the first position as Dany Bilodeau had issues on lap 76. Clair led the following 9 laps as Randy Chrysler stopped in the backstretch with 15 laps to go, bringing the field together. Clair in the lead with 10 to go as Planck slipped to fourth with Rudolph in second and O’Brien in third. While running in the top 5, Bill Mullin rolled over hard and the red flag was out with 7 laps to go. On the green, Clair kept the lead over Rudolph and O’Brien as David Hebert made his way to fourth passing Planck. Clair led the last portion to win the race over Rudolph and O’Brien. George Renaud was the early leader in the 40-lap Pro-Stock Mohawk Race Parts Series but he got passed on a lap 5 restart by Stephane Lemire. Lemire was strong in front at George Renaud was up in second and Dave Bissonnette in third as Eli Gilbert brought a third caution on lap 15. Lemire survived a few yellow flags was we got to 30 laps completed. Renaud made the bottom worked as he raced Lemire for the lead but the #115 car got away. Bissonnette used the top lane on lap 36 to pass Renaud. Lemire led the final laps and won the first series race of Bissonnette and Renaud. In the 20-lap Tracey Wheeler Storm Realty Sportsman Feature, Mathieu Desjardins took the lead over Etienne Cournoyer and Shane Pecore. A few cautions occurred in the early portion as Pecore took the lead on lap 4. Pecore in front as Mike Maresca passed Desjardins for second. Martin Pelletier made his way into the top 5 as he passed Desjardins for the fourth spot. Pecore joined the slower car but was able to maintain his position to capture the feature in front of Desjardins who made his way back to second as Corey Wheeler finished third. The 15-lap Semi-Pro feature saw Bruno Richard dominate the event winning over Jonathan Galipeau and Derek Cryderman. In the 12-lap Mini-Stock feature, Marc Dagenais was the early leader but was passed by veteran driver Chris James. James went on to win his first feature of his car and of the season over Francis Aborameh and Marc Dagenais.
DIRTcar 358-Modified Series/Gaetan Chip Stand Canadian Nationals Results (100 laps)
Mario Clair, Erick Rudolph, Danny O'Brien, David Hebert, Dale Planck, Alain Boisvert , Steve Bernier, Joel Doiron, Dominic Dufault, Gage Morin, Ryan Arbuthnot, Chris Herbison, Stephane Lafrance, Simon Perreault, Gabriel Richer, Brian McDonald, Marc Therrien, Bill Mullin, Randy Chrysler, Chris Raabe, Steve Bernard, Yan Bussiere, Dany Bilodeau, Bruno Lepage, Carey Terrance, Francois Bernier, Clement Therrien, Gage Morin, Laurent Ladouceur, Alex Therrien
Mohawk Race Parts Pro-Stock Series Results (40 laps)
Stephane Lemire, Dave Bissonnette, George Renaud, Jocelyn Roy, Stephane Lebrun, Marc Lalonde, Francois Adam, Charles-David Beauchamp, Bruno Cyr, Eli Gilbert, Rock Aubin, Claude Parisien, Jocelyn Chicoine, Stephane Lariviere, Rosco Garreau, Terry Ladouceur, Chris Tremblay, Guy Viens, Trevor Gaucher, Dave Seguin, Shawn Johnston
Storm Realty Tracy Wheeler Sportsman Results (20 laps)
Shane Pecore, Mathieu Desjardins, Corey Wheeler, Mike Maresca, Joey Ladouceur, Ryan Stabler, Etienne Cournoyer, Brian Comeau, Mitch Primeau, Mike Stacey, Sebastien Bourque, Louie Jackson, Robert Delormier, Justin Lalancette, Patrice Dumouchel, Tristan Draper, Miguel Peterson, Dillon Sallows, Thomas Cook, Eric Lapointe, Scott McGill, David Andre, Billy Cook, Gilles Godard, Jasmine David
Luminacorr Industries SemiPro Results (15 laps) Bruno Richard, Jonathan Galipeau, Derek Cryderman, Alex Gagnon, Junior Delormier, Anthony Perron
Mini-Stock Results (12 laps)
Chris James, Francis Aborameh, Marc Dagenais, JF Page, Natasha Lebrun, Jonathan Abbott, Ryan Comeau, Darryl Mitchell, Sylvain Frenette, Francis Blanchette, Justin Desrosiers, Marc Chartrand, Elizabeth Gauthier, Francis Desjardins
Autograph and photo this Sunday night at Cornwall Motor Speedway! A great night for the whole family is scheduled this Sunday at it will be Autograph and Photo Night at Cornwall Motor Speedway. A full program is on the schedule for all 5 divisions on Vertical Equipment night. Race fans will be invited during intermission time to come and meet their favourite drivers and will have the opportunity to chat, take photos of cars in the infield. Fans will also have the chance to walk around the speedway. This event is also popular on driver’s side as they prepare cards or photos to give out to children and fans. On the race track, a full show is on the schedule as all 5 classes will see some action. In the Jiffy Auto Service Modified category, drivers will be in a heated battle to gain valuable points toward the championship title left vacant by Mario Clair. Look for drivers such as Joel Doiron, Stephane Lafrance, Laurent Ladouceur, Chris Raabe, Carey Terrance and others to be on top at the end of the 30-lap event. In the Tracy Wheeler Storm Realty Sportsman, local star and last week`s winner Shane Pecore, will look to get win #2 of 2014 but competition is strong in this category. Dave Bissonnette is already in a good position to repeat his 2013 title by finishing second to Stephane Lemire in last week`s event. Bissonnette will need to be consistent all year long as George Renaud, Jocelyn Roy, Marc Lalonde and Stephane Lebrun have eyes on the title also. The Luminacorr Semi-Pro and the Mini-Stock division will be in action with 15 and 12 laps feature events. A great night to bring your family and friends for great entertainment at a low price!
For more information on the upcoming season at Cornwall, please visit the website at www.cornwallspeedway.com you can add us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cornwallspeedway or on twitter at @cornwallspeedway, we will use these two Medias for results and contests over the summer.
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
by Marlene Baker
Positively Marlene
Hi to all of you wonderful people reading this week's Seeker, Cornwall's dose of Positive and Informative news, read by more people than any other local paper. Spring is in full bloom and everything has come alive. John and I have had the pleasure of going kayaking in the St. Lawrence area. We braved the waves that were being blown over our kayak tips to arrive at our secluded place where we were able to see Great Blue Herons with a 6 foot wing span. They truly are our modern day pteractacdyls with their wild cawing as they fly away. It is a wonderous sight to behold. We had a picnic whilst floating in our kayaks seeing huge fins of carp flipping in the distance. We traveled on down the meanderous stream, catching sights of flowers along the banks, seeing birds flitting from branch to branch searching for lunch or a bunch of grass to lay in it's nest.
I hope that you are getting out and about to take in the beautious sights in and around Cornwall's streets and avenues. Cornwall is beautiful at this time of year and it's nice to walk about and see all of the different stores along Pitt Street and Montreal Rd., for example, the new family restaurant, Kassy's Pub. It is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. On the weekend John and I went there to taste their fare. We were pleasantly surprised to have friendly service by Kassy herself and the breakfast that we ordered was delicious. Mike Labelle and his daughter, Kassy, have just opened at the o l d Remington's location on Montreal Rd. When you're looking for a place to go eat some delicious and well presented food, try Kassy's Pub.
On our holiday weekend John and I traveled to Neo Furniture Garage Sale at the junction of Center Road and the 138. We picked up a few "unique treasures" whilst chatting with one of the owners Guy. We drank cold drinks and enjoyed eating some delicious pizza from the restaurant right next door.
Tip of the week: When walking around town shopping, be aware of the sun, and prepare by wearing appropriate clothing, and perhaps a hat and even some sun screen. This will prevent some unexpected sunburn from sneaking up on you. Of course, when you're at the beach or in your back yard, also keep aware of the first sunnings of the season, until you have a base tan to protect you from burning as easily. Happy Sunny.
Until Next Week Remember... To Be Rich Is Not What You Have In Your Bank Account, But, What You Have In Your Heart. - Authour UnKnown
Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca
CORNWALL’S OWN RED CARPET EVENT! Reserve your tickets today!
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
Packrat Organization 101 with Marie Morrell
ORGANIZING A GARAGE AND GARDEN SHED PART 2&3 OF 3 Organization And Maintenance Advices
• Store stinky items in one place, finding a place for them is necessary. Pare down what you do not need and create a cupboard/shelving space for them. Doors are important for this shelving to keep the odours from spreading. Ensure there are no chemicals that could be toxic when mixed. Reduce odours in the cupboard by placing a box of baking soda on a shelf.
• Maintain the freshness. There are a few ways to freshen the garage once you successfully eliminate the odours. If you have a problem with critters coming in you can scatter mothballs at any possibly entry point, these will also scent your garage. Try opening the door a few times a week for an hour or more to let the fresh air in. The more time you spend in your garage doing daily tasks the less it will smell like garage and the more it will smell like home. If you are determined to give your garage a homey-scent, try brewing your coffee in your garage once or twice a week. • Ensure to install adequate lighting with easily accessible light switches.
• For extra space, try to get things up off of the floor. Install hooks for hanging bicycles and tools. Put up or use existing shelves and cabinets to store what belongs in the garage. • If you like to tinker with cars and bikes, or love working with wood, you can set up your garage as an effective workshop.
• Use large, stackable, clear plastic bins for small items such as craft supplies or hand tools, and label each container.
• Buy lockable bins to store valuable or dangerous items.
• Attach shelves or cabinets to your garage walls, or put up free standing units.
• If your garage is barely big enough for the car, hang shelves on all three walls, above car-roof height.
• If you are really limited for space, parking your car in the right position can be a challenge. Try bolting a 2" by 4" to the floor as a tire stop, or hang a tennis ball from the ceiling so it just hits your windshield when you‘re perfectly positioned.
them for easier maintenance. Categories:
• garden power tools - things with electric or gasoline motors - and accessories, • garden tools, long handled and short handled, • stakes and plant supports, • watering equipment, • soil and fertilizer, grass seed, lime - the items should be bagged, • plastic and wood pots and planters, • non-gardening or seasonal stuff, • outdoors Christmas decorations, • bikes and toys, • pool toys, • sports equipment, and • plastic garbage bags. • Keep all the garden power tools, extension cords, and gas cans together. • Store twine, rope, stakes, and other plant supports together.
• Store weed killers, fertilizer, and other lawn chemicals on shelves on the far wall.
• Label bins listing the contents. Label everything that can be labelled, e.g., containers, pegs, nails, and hooks, ensuring everyone in the family can return items to the right place every time they get used. • Use shelving along the back wall of the shed for containers and small items.
• Install hooks on opposing walls, and leave room for large containers on the floor.
• Install shelving and hooks for hanging long tools, hoses, rope, cords. You can also use sheets of peg board and pegs. • Use planters for small storage.
• Use larger pots and containers for small trowels and shovels, or mulch materials such as bark, sawdust or small stones.
• Keep practical things within easy access to the door, for example, the snow blower, lawnmower, garden tools and bicycles. • Remix potting soil, and have it ready for the next year.
Marie can be reached at 613-936-6873 www.workeasysolution.com
• First remove everything, meaning empty the garage completely. While taking everything out sort through everything using bins with the labels: ‘Garbage', for broken things and other garbage; and ‘Sell’ or ‘Donate’. Group things together outside by category, e.g., Auto Repair, Sports, Boating, Camping Gear, etc. See also garden shed categories below.
• Hang bikes on hooks from the ceiling along the side of the garage, or over the hood of your car. Install a floor to ceiling bike rack if you're storing bikes for the whole family.
• Hang rakes, brooms, shovels, folding lawn chairs and other flat items on the walls.
• Keep gasoline, kerosene, paint thinner, and any other flammable items in locked cabinets and in well ventilated storage areas separated from the house, if possible store them in a garden shed.
• Store the heaviest items on the bottom shelves.
• If you keep your car in the garage, lay a doormat next to where your car door is when you’re parked. Now you can wipe your feet when you get in or out of the car.
• Put another mat by the door from the garage to your house, and wipe your feet each time you come in.
GARDEN SHED Every spring, empty everything out of the shed. Sheds come in all sizes so use common sense.
• Make three piles: one for things you’ll keep, one for throw away, and one for items to be serviced, repaired, or sharpened. Gardening tools and lawnmower blades should be sharpened every year.
• Donate or discard old items which have not been used for more than one year.
• Throw away right away the garbage pile.
• Organize the "Keep pile" into categories and choose bins of the same size and stack
The Agapè Centre is having an Open House & Annual General Meeting on June 17th, 2014 starting at 5:00 pm. The bu siness portion of the evening will commence approximately at 6:00 pm. The Agapè Centre plays a vita l role in our community. This is your opportunity to see how YOUR support has been applied for the benefit of the community at large.
Please RSVP to: Alyssa Blais, Executive Director at 613.938.9297 x: 23 or abl ais@agapecentre.ca
Date: June 17th, 2014 Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Venue: Agapè Centre, 40 Fif th Street West Agenda: 5:00 - 6:00 pm: Open House 6:00 - 6:30 pm : Annual Gen eral Meeting 6:30 - 7:00 pm: Open House
SEEKERS CHOICE AWARDS - June 21, 2014 CORNWALL’S OWN RED CARPET EVENT! Reserve your tickets today! THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 16 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca
<<< Join the Cornwall Construction Association and the Ontario Electrical League for a Event. We will be hosting all three candidates for a debate d. nd and interactive question and
e or end Whether you know about it or not, the College of Trades could chang ast your c you re o efo ef b d e m r o f n i re â&#x20AC;&#x2122; you re u s e ak M t!! i w kno you s a reer a c r you inst this a g a hood li e v li r you t tec o r p o t y ballot. This could be your last opportunit YOUR r o f on i s i c e d d e m r o f n i n a e k a m nd A â&#x20AC;&#x201C; s u n i o J . y c a cr ul bureau astefu wastef future. W h en :
ay,, May 28 - 19:30 Wednesday
ityy Anglican Church Hall. 105 Second St. W.(Parking @ rear) Where: Trinit berall, Elaine McDonald â&#x20AC;&#x201C; NDP Who: Jim McDonell â&#x20AC;&#x201C; PC, John Earle â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Libera erattor: Joe Adams - President - Cornwall Construction Association Modera
nts will be served for all guests in attendance. efreshmeents rrefreshm
City of Cornwall, Transition Cornwall+ host Commuter Challenge
The City of Cornwall and Transition Cornwall + Active Transportation Action Group are joining together to host the national Commuter Challenge during Canadian Environment Week.
From June 1st to June 7th, residents are encouraged to leave their cars at home and take advantage of the environmental and health benefits of alternative modes of transportation all while competing against other cities across Canada.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Commuter Challenge gives us a chance to recognize and celebrate the great network of bike lanes, sidewalks and recreational paths that we have in Cornwall,â&#x20AC;? said Chantal Lalonde, Health Educator / Promoter with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit and a founding member of the Transition Cornwall + Active Transportation Action Group.
The challenge rewards participants for using active and alternative modes of transportation like walking, cycling, rollerblading, carpooling or using public transit. Once registered, participants are asked to log each sustainable commute made during the week â&#x20AC;&#x201C; be it for work or leisure purposes. Participants who complete a minimum of three commutes during the week will be eligible to win some great prizes from Bicycle World, Total Cyclery & Sports and Cornwall Transit.
Cornwall Transit will be making it easy for residents to participate in the Commuter Challenge. The City-run transit service will be offering free rides all day on Wednesday, June 4th as part of its 7th annual Clean Air Day promotion. Residents will be able to ride the bus for free all day long, and the trips can count towards participation in the Commuter Challenge.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great chance for residents to try our affordable and reliable service first-hand, free of charge,â&#x20AC;? said Len Tapp, Transit Manager.
Pictured (left to right) are Linda Varga of Cornwall Transit and John Towndrow and Chantal Lalonde of Transition Cornwall +.
To date, nearly 1,000 workplaces and 3,000 individuals across Canada have registered to participate in the Commuter Challenge. For more info on the event or to participate, please visit www.Cornwall.ca or log on to www.commuterchallenge.ca and register yourself or your business and select â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Cornwallâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; as your participating city. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re encouraging local businesses to get on board with the event and make it a fun activity within the workplace with internal competitions and prizes,â&#x20AC;? added Mrs. Lalonde.
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 17 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
C HANG E R - dBusiness o you know thesDirectory e businesses?
613-662-7456 or 613-935-7671 w w w. m o b i l e g a m e r z . c a
CARD CHANGER - do you know these businesses? Birthday Parties, School Events, CHANGER do you know these businesses? 613-662-7456 or-613-935-7671 Festivals, businesses? w w w.-m odo b i l e g a myou e r z . c a know these orR 613-935-7671 Fundraisers, Birthday Parties,
â&#x20AC;˘ Professional organizing of any room - home/office Plus much School Events, manual/computer â&#x20AC;˘ Filing Systems: much more! â&#x20AC;˘ Home Downsizing/Staging Festivals, Business Inventory, Garage & Tag Sale Preparation â&#x20AC;˘ Household & Fundraisers, CALL TODAY â&#x20AC;˘ One stop shopping Plus much for: disposal of large items to book your â&#x20AC;˘ Renovations: electrical, plumbing & much more ...
Birthday Parties, School Events, Festivals, Fundraisers, much more! next event! Plus much 613-936-6873 E-mail: office@workeasysolutions.com Website: TODAY www.workeasysolutions.com much more! OR VISITCALL to book your CALL TODAY next event! to book your You have big dreams and big ambitions, why next event! store them in a tiny box! Think outside the box and give life to your dreams with...
cardXchanger prices
cardXchanger prices cardXchanger prices prices You have big dreams and big ambitions, why cardXchanger C 1C time -H $39 AN G E R store them in a tinyA box! ThinkR outside D the
g dreams and big ambitions, box why and give life to your dreams with... 1 time - $39 in a tiny box! Think outside the 1 time e life to your dreams with...
1 time - $39 7 times - $129 do you know 10 times - $159*
7 times - $129 613-662-7456 or 613-935-7671 - $39 As low as 10 times - $159* 7 times $129 www . m o b i l e g a m e r z . c a *Including a mini profile of 300 7 times - $129 10times times - $159* -website Birthdayand Parties, Get a10 fully customized for $24.99/month $159* no upfront payment. See us for details. School Events, week *Including a mini profile of 300 per
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Get a fully customized website for $24.99/month and Festivals, See us for details. no upfront payment.*Including words or lessofSold aaminimini profile of profile 300 Now Being at *Including 300 Fundraisers, bsite for $24.99/month and nt. See us for details. words Plus much Now Being Sold ator less or less words
TerryLynnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BEAU-TEEK
Now Being Sold at
TerryLynnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BEAU-TEEK
unit 31, Cornwall
For a limited time. toUNWANTED book your FIREARMS
613-933-3703 You have big dreams and big ambitions, why unit 31, Cornwall 613-933-3703store them in aST., tinyCORNWALL box! Think outside the 3045 PITT box and give life to your dreams with... s 777 &%.#%$%0/4,4$ #!
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For a limited time.
these businesses?
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812 Pitt St, Unit 53
www.seniorhometransition.ca Junior Speech Contest at Immaculate Conception www.seniorhometransition.ca www.seniorhometransition.ca
Get a fully customized website for $24.99/month and no upfront payment. See us for details.
Now Being Sold at
TerryLynnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BEAU-TEEK
*Including a mini profile of 300 Jump Rope for Heart at Bishop Macdonell Immaculate Conception Catholic words or less Students at Bishop Macdonell Catholic School School held its Junior Speech Contest on Tuesday, April 29, 2014.
We Move Seniors We Move Seniors We Move Seniors Every junior student had presented Sally Stata 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578 Sally Stata 613-932-3168 613-662-4578 We Move Seniors a 3 - 5 minuteor speech to his/her Sally Stata 613-932-31 68 or 613-662-4578 classmates. From those speeches, Sally Stata 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578 the teachers of each classroom (grade 4, 5, 6) selected 3 students to present their speeches at the speech contest. The quality of all speeches were excellent this year.
For a limited time.
812 Pitt Street, unit 31, Cornwall
Get your PINK ladyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shirt! Available for Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Only
Speeches were well researched, organized and informative. Speakers were articulate; varying intonation, expression and tone.
recently participated in Jump Rope for Heart raising a total of $3576.00.
Pictured are Principal David McLeod, event organizer Christina Latour, and Cindy Rowe, a representative of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Top fundraisers were Blake Shearer, Brayden Latour and Kayleb Taillon.
Bravo to the following students: First Place: Jessica Vo, My Journey Around the World Second Place: Sweet Perreras, Cancer Third Place: Brandy Cameron, Technology
Participants: Hannah Major, Teniesha Jones, Amelia Levac, John Hamilton, Julia Vo, Sequoia Fuller
We Move Seniors Sally Stata 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578
CORNWALLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S OWN RED CARPET EVENT! Reserve your tickets today!
call 613-935-3763 ext 101 or order online www.theseeker.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 18
CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst
To place your classified call 613-935-3763 ext. 2 Deadlines noon on Tuesdays Mens and ladies cuts, styles, colors, highlights, perms and special occasion up-do's. I have advanced education and offer affordable prices. Ideal for someone looking for a good cut, a good deal, and perhaps getting a few friends together around the kitchen table to enjoy quality haircare and conversations in the comfort of your own home.
Experienced, licensed hairstylist offering mobile hairstyling services.
Call Sue for more info at (613)932-9449 or e-mail sgrignon1@gmail.com
FOR SALE: An accordian Balila in good condition. A Yamaha electric keyboard with a stand and bench and a Delta table say 36-510c in good condition. Call 613-933-5939. FOR SALE: Whirlpool self cleaning stove - coil elements - used for only 6 months. Excellent condition. $400. Call 613-362-5700.
Trailer for Sale ... • • • • •
11 years old 10 feet long 6 feet high 5 1/2 feet wide can carry up to 3500 lbs in it • Trailer weighs 1300 lbs • Asking $2,200 or reasonable offer • Call: 613-932-4812
FOR SALE: Exercise bicycle, 1988 Oldsmobile and an Electric base in a case. Also LOOKING FOR: an upright freezer or tub. Call Bert at 612-932-7045.
FOR SALE: Trunk, 36” 17”x18” high with an insert. Very clean. $30. 613-938-6149. FOR SALE: Upright piano, good condition, $500. 613-938-2751.
FOR SALE: Vertical blinds, approx 78” wide - dusty pink in excellent condition, hardware included - $50. Call 613-362-5700.
FOR SALE: Secure Care bath seat, never used, paid $50, asking $35. 613-938-6149. FOR SALE: Mother of the bride / Groom long 2 piece dress - light blue - size 10/12, must be seen. Paid $325, asking $75. Mint condition. Call 613-938-6149.
FOR SALE: Colonial framed mirror, good quality. 26 1/2” x 33 1/2”. $15. 613-938-6149. FOR SALE: Art work - Yachts of the America's cup by Tim Thompson, special edition, framed $75.00 each, 31`` X 25``. (The J class, The Schooner, The Big Racing Cutters) 613-936-6873.
I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer
and I’m Julia the Web Designer
and together we are
WEEKLY GARAGE SALE Every Saturday - 8am to 3 pm weather permitting - 234 Yates
We hope that you have enjoyed reading this issue of The Seeker
behind Crane - take 4th W. from Cumberland
We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome.
Something for Everyone!
STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm
MOVING SALE: Saturday, May 24 & Sunday, May 25 - 1011 Edythe Ave. 8am - 1pm House contents, tools & fishing equipment plus much more. YARD SALE: Saturday, May 24 - 6618 Wendy Street - 8am to 3pm Bar fridge, Wood crafts, Stools, Camping Equipment plus many, many more items. 4 FAMILY YARD SALE: Saturday, May 24 - 18351 and 18352 Tyotown Road 8am to 3pm Rain date Saturday, May 31 - weather permitting.
Next week: MOVING SALE Saturday, May 31- 137 Markell Crescent - 8am STREET YARD SALE -Saturday, May 31, 8am to 3pm - Gail Elizabeth Court. MOVING SALE: May 31st, June 1st, at 1012 Grand Ave., 8 am to 3 pm Furniture, Tools, Household articles, Hardware, PC Parts, Books, & much more!
PARADE OF NATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENTALLY CHALLENGED is looking for items to hold a garage sale sometime at the beginning of June. People donating items totalling an amount over $10.00, once sold, will be eligible to receive an income tax receipt. For inquiries and donations call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or drop items at 1621 Joyce Street Cornwall.
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 19
closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...
613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis email: info@theseeker.ca read online www.theseeker.ca DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm See you next FRIDAY, MAY 30TH, 2014
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca
JUNE JU UNE 21 21 1st st at at tth h he eC Cornwa ornwallll G Golf ol f & C Country ountry C Clu lu ub b
Tickets $50 per person available online at ww w.theseeker.ca or at the Seeker Office at 327 2nd Street E, Cornwall proceeds of this event will be donated to: The Centre for the Arts Collective Hurr y! Limited Seating available!
Mark A. MacDonald Jenni MacDonald
The Mortgage Source Lic #10145
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 20 - May 23 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1