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You You rr Weekl Weekl yy Dose Dose of of Posi Posi ti ti ve ve New New s! s!

Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Vol Vol. 7 . 7 Issue Issue10 5 Volume 6 2016 Issue 41, March February 11, 5, 2016 October 30, 2015

WOMEN'S DAY SHOW ATTRACTS OVER 1000; r a is es $250 0 f or SASS a nd Ma iso n Bal dw in ho us e Pict ured here: Lef t t o Right : Tracey Quiring Pet ers, Speaker Sue McGarvie and Sue St ewart

More on page 4 and 5

17840 Count y Road 44

The SEEKER Team wishes everyone a Safe & Happy St. Patrick's Day

JUST Nort h of t he cit y on Cornwal l El ect ric! Open concept main f l oor, 3 l arge bedrooms above, f ul l bsmt & garage. $299,000

Always a Dunne Deal



EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Khyl e) : ext 104 EMAIL

inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch


by Julia Lucio

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


Insane! $1M l at er and we're st il l here... The roof at the Civic Complex is leaking. Again. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Here we are, having to deal with that roof once again, for the third time in 12 years. That bids the question, is our municipal government insane? In 2004, repairs were done at a whooping cost of $460,000, which was taken out of the Progress Fund interest. In 2006, out of the same pocket, for the modest sum of $464,000, the whole thing was redone. That?s almost a million dollars. Let that sink in. One. Million. Dollars.

Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN


Natalie - Seeker Sales

WE HAVE YOUR TARGET MARKET! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 your best year yet! The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic consists of women, 34-50 years old, who make the buying decisions in the family.

As a tax payer, I question the decisions of the past council. Why, if the roof was so bad in 2004, was half a million dollars spent on it for repairs only to turn around, two years later, and have to redo the entire thing? Perhaps, if the situation was that dramatic that it required that much to be spent on repairs, replacement should have been considered in the first place? After all, the cost of redoing the roof was only a few thousands more than to do repairs! It would have saved us half a million? And at that cost, why didn?t the repairs hold longer than 2 years? Wasn?t there a warranty in place? How about on the new roof, wasn?t there a warranty on that? This makes no sense. Makes you wonder if somebody, somehow, benefitted from the situation. I?m not saying somebody did, but you know, it?s one of these things that make you go hmmmmm?

Your one st op shopf or... I will be interested to see how this story develops.

School Bus Cancel l at ions Advert ising GraphicDesign Yes, we?ve had 6 ?snow days? over the course of 3 WebDesign Print ing- Phot ography VideoRecording Services

DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm

CALLSeek erSal esCh i ckM ai -Li i s, TODAY 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3

ext 1 0 2

weeks. I know this is a pain in the neck for some parents who may have to arrange for babysitting or for alternate transportation to and from the schools. I?ve received a lot of comments about ?how ridiculous? this policy is. ?There?s not even any snow or ice on the road! Why on earth do they cancel school? I think teachers just want the day off? is the latest one I?ve heard. First and foremost, let me explain that the teachers do NOT get the day off. They are still at their post, doing their job. They have to dig themselves out of snow banks to make sure they are in school on time. Schools are open, kids are welcome to attend if they can get there, so there goes that theory. Second, I would much rather them cancelling school and find out it was for nothing than them allowing busses to proceed and end up in a major storm risking an accident. I ?m glad they don?t toy with kids?safety. Plus, a day off is good for everyone! ;)


613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s



Cit y of Cornwal l l if t s overnight wint er Photo Flickr parking rest rict ions Based on current conditions and the long-term weather forecast, the City of Cornwall has decided to lift the overnight winter parking restrictions. Effective Friday, March 11th at 11 pm, the winter parking restrictions will be removed. This means vehicles can park on City streets overnight unless there is a snowstorm with a forecasted snowfall of 5 cm or more. Should another winter parking restriction be necessary, the City of Cornwall will issue a notice. Please note this applies to overnight winter parking restrictions only. All regularly-marked parking restrictions will remain in force as posted. The City?s Parking By-law was recently modified to allow for more flexibility when it comes to overnight winter parking restrictions. Restrictions are in place from November 15th to March 31st and during the month of March, Municipal Works staff can opt to lift the winter parking restrictions based on the status of existing snow accumulation and the weather forecast.

ARTS & CULTURE With spring arriving, not too far behind comes the most spectacular and sinfully delicious event of the year. It is so close, you can probably smell the ribs. Mmmnnnnn Ribfest! The fund-raising initiative of the Cornwall Seaway Lions Club which raises money to put into local charities. The sponsorship of Ont arioeast .net makes it possible to bring this huge event from concept to fruition. Many of the previous year?s sponsors are beginning to come aboard again this year, as well. And, of course, the wonderful, dedicated Lions are working tirelessly to build it back up again for another truly amazing and even better festival than ever before. This will be our 5th Year Anniversary. I?d like to give a special thanks everyone who works for the City of Cornwall. They truly earn their tax-payers dollars, with courtesy, enthusiasm, and distinction. Cornwall should be proud.

SPORTS Al mont e and Dist rict High School Thunderbol t s Take EOSSAA Junior Boys?A SPORTS & le Basket bal l Tit


It broke an 18-year, gold-medal drought. The Almonte and District High School (ADHS) Thunderbolts defeated St. Lawrence Secondary School 54-38 Friday to take the final at the Eastern Ontario Secondary School Athletic Association (EOSSAA) Junior Boy's A Basketball Championship. While the Saints kept up in the early going, St. Lawrence eventually bowed to the ?Bolts?size and speed. The margins grew by quarter, with the score 8-7 in favour of ADHS after the first, 27-23 at halftime, and then 41-31 after three.?It?s been a long time coming and this is an awesome feeling,? said ADHS coach Dan Hickey. ?It has been 18 years since an Almonte junior team has won the EOSSAA gold medal.? Hickey said the victory boiled down to tenacity. ?Hustle, hustle, hustle is our game,? said Hickey. ?We never give up. We always run the court. Our game is fast break and we proved it today. I think we tired the other guys out and then offence just took care of itself.?We also out-rebounded them. I don?t know if we had the advantage in height. They had a couple of big guys out there too, but our guys were more aggressive.? Strong performances by ADHS co-captains Brendon Hudson, Liam Hickey and Sam Dyck helped carry the ?Bolts to victory. The three got a combined 37 of the ?Bolts? 54 points. Saints coach Josh Greenley said the size of the ?Bolts players made the difference.?We have some really skilled guards and a couple of bigs (tall players) that can rebound and really work it, but their extra size just kind of wore us down,? said Greenley. ?We did a good job in the first half of getting rebounds, protecting our rim, but in the second half their size just pushed us over the edge.?Despite the loss, Greenley had high praise for his team, not just in the final but for their performance throughout the season. ?They love being here. They love working hard here. It was a treat to coach them. They?re actually some of the most strong academic students as well ? we have four or five honour roll students (on the team) so not only are they great athletes who work hard they also do it in the classroom, which made it (the season) really fun.?

Fresh st art f or River Kings The River Kings will get another opportunity to knock off the regular-season champions in Round 1 of the LNAH playoffs.Cornwall, which took Sorel-Tracy to Game 7 in the opening round of the post-season last spring, will face the first-place Jonquiere Marquis in a best-of-seven series which begins Friday. The Marquis finished 30 points ahead of the eighth-place River Kings in the regular season. Still, head-to-head, Jonquiere had its hands full with Cornwall in 2015-16, narrowly winning the season series 3-2 after a victory in Game 40 at the Civic Complex on Saturday night.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




and w hat a WONDERFUL


DAY i t w as ...

cel ebrat i ng t he f abul ous w omen i n our communi t y! The 2016 International Women's Day show took place last Sunday and was an amazing success. With over 75 vendors in categories ranging from cosmetics, to gourmet food, to arts, the show had a little bit of everything for everyone. An impressive lineup of guest speakers, with headliner "Sex with Sue" McGarvie, also brought in the crowds. Event goers came from as far as Brockville and greatly enjoyed the day. Ladies were treated like queens and received complementary massages, healing sessions, hair curling and braiding and more. Speaking of Queens, we are proud to announce the winner of our Queen for a Day Package. Gera Lebl anc from Summerstown won the Grand Prize worth more than $1000. She received a beautiful orchid from Floral Expressions and will enjoy a night and breakfast at the Ramada Inn, Lunch at Scores, dinner at Eight Zero Zero, Jewelry from Life's Little Pleasures , a spa day at Above & Beyond Medi, Wellness & Beauty Spa and a bunch of other goodies! Now, on to planning the 2017 edition!

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles. For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.

Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com ( 613) 662-5549

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


A Do wn To wn Ab b ey Sp r i n g Sp eci al U si n g t h e h i st o r i calt o m ak e h i st o r y ? Part I of V By Katie Ditschun and Robert Hardy

WHAT is Participation? Participation?s Music Hall Theatre Productions produces shows that combine historical North American music and British humour, presented in a fashion similar to the acts at the old Music Halls. The act is best described as a mash-up of music of the roaring 20?s, British comedy, The Ed Sullivan show, and modern technology.

Creating the production is a joint effort ? from deciding which songs fit the theme, to creating skits, composing new music, and finding visual materials that fit best. The shows ?Syllabification from a Sycophant,? and ? Down Town Abbey Specials? directed by David Sauvé, include original songs by Robert Hardy and Katie Ditschun, covers of popular songs arranged by Bill Riley and Robert Hardy, and skits are composed by a newly formed team of writers including Robert Hardy, David Sauvé, and Lesley Orr.

f eat ur ing MayFl owerand s NaughtG yoings On

In the era from which our music stems, the British Music Hall and the American variety show collided bringing the vaudeville-like British show to a close while the likes of Jazz, Swing, and Big Band became ever more popular. To create a new and unique show, Participation has combined Ragtime and Broadway music with comedy and theatre, presented with video and photos, to help take the audience back to when these songs first became popular ? and help with the occasional sing-a-long, too!

La Pl ume Moderne, is proud t o present A Do wn To wn Ab b ey Sp r i n g Sp eci al ~ feat u r i n g M ay Fl o wer s an d Nau g h t y Go i n g s On Sat u r d ay, M ay 1 4 an d Su n d ay M ay 1 5 , 2 0 1 6 . Join us at t he NAV Cent re, Cornwal l , f or a mél ange of musical madness where Louis Armst rong and Bessie Smit h meet Mr. Bean and Mont y Pyt hon in a f un-f il l ed, cel ebrat ory event . For more information, call Robert Hardy at 613.525.9943. Or, visit their website, at www.participationthemusic.com IN 2 WEEKS: Part II of V

CORNWA LL ?CHA M P? BENEFI TS FROM K EY TA G SERV I CE NOW I N I TS 70TH YEA R As The War Am ps 2016 Key Tags ar e m ailed to Ontar io r esidents, the ser vice m ar ks 70 year s of r etur ning lost keys to their ow ner s. Donations to the Key Tag Ser vice assist m em ber s of The War Am ps Child Am putee (CHAM P) Pr ogr am , including Nickolas Ber ger on, 13, of Cor nw all. Nickolas w as bor n m issing his r ight hand and, as a ?Cham p,? is eligible to r eceive financial assistance for the cost of ar tificial lim bs and devices. He also attends r egional CHAM P sem inar s w her e Cham ps and par ents lear n about the latest in ar tificial lim bs, dealing w ith teasing and bullying and par enting an am putee child.

?I have used differ ent devices that have helped m e par ticipate in spor ts w ith my fr iends. I w ant to thank CHAM P and the public for their donations,? says Nickolas. The War Am ps Key Tag Ser vice w as launched in 1946 so that r etur ning w ar am putees could not only w or k for com petitive w ages, but also pr ovide a ser vice to Canadians that w ould gener ate funds for the Association?s m any pr ogr am s. The Key Tag Ser vice continues to em ploy am putees and people w ith disabilities and has r etur ned m or e than 1.5 m illion sets of lost keys. Each key tag has a confidentially coded num ber. Should the keys be lost, the finder can call the toll-fr ee num ber on the back of the tag, or deposit them in any m ailbox, and the keys w ill be r etur ned to the ow ner by bonded cour ier. ?Thanks to the public?s suppor t of the Key Tag Ser vice, w e ar e able to help young am putees like Nickolas live full and active lives,? says Danita Chisholm , Executive Dir ector of the CHAM P Pr ogr am . The War Am ps r eceives no gover nm ent gr ants and its pr ogr am s ar e possible thr ough public suppor t of the Key Tag and Addr ess Label Ser vice. Ph ot o: Ni ck ol as h as r ecei ved f i n an ci al assi st an ce f or ar t i f i ci al l i m bs an d r ecr eat i on al dev i ces t h an k s t o pu bl i c su ppor t of t h e Key Tag Ser v i ce.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca


Open 7 days a week

THELIBRARY?9STHANNU AL WRITING CONTEST ISON! Full detailson librarywebsiteat www.library.cornwall.on.ca

MARCH BREAK MINECRAFT MADNESS! March 14 t o 18 Fun programs for the whole family! Limited spots. Registration is required for all programs except for the Monday Movie MatinĂŠe. Check the library?s website for more information or give us a call.

Nat ure Rocks Series


Presented by the St. Lawrence River Institute 11:00 am to 1 p.m.

Tuesday, March 15 Learn how to play Mah-jongg 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The Fl ying Needl es


Knit and socialize. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

St . Lawrence Int ernat ional St amp Cl ub Stamp collectors invited. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, March 17 Cornwal l Scrabbl e Great activity for adults who love a challenge. 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m.


THE SINGING BOWLS Sunday, April 3 at 2:00 p.m. Learn how to play singing bowls and experience their unique vibrations. Free and fun workshop for the family at the library. Free

registration required. LEARN HOW TO PERFORM CPR MONDAY, APRIL 11 OR MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016


6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 2 HOUR CLASS PROVIDED BY CORNWALL EMS INSTRUCTORS Registration required with the library.

THE FORUM Wednesday mornings, 9:30 a.m. t o 11:30 a.m. The FORUM is an evolving community that shares ideas, emotions and truths." - David Rawnsley, program facilitator.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wi t h MAR



U P?

Count ry Cl assics Jamming From 7 pm to 10 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Live at Shoel ess Joe's From 7-11 PM, come on out for an evening of great food, cold beers and live acoustic entertainment .






Cornwal l Out door Cl ub de Pl ein Air Act ivit ies -Snowshoeing in Summerstown Forest.For more info visit: CornwallOutdoorClub.ca

Music Wit h Mike & Gil l es From 3 pm to 7 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Bake & Craf t Sal e From 9 am to 3 pm. Army Navy Airforce Veterans' Club. 14 Marlborough St N. Proceeds to the Canadian Cancer Society. Hist oric Cornwal l Jail Take part in a guided tour through the Historic Cornwall Jail! At 11:15, 12:15, 1:15, 2:15 and 3:15 tickets are $6 for adults




Irish St ew Suppper At 5 pm. Knox-St. Paul's United Church, 800 12th St. E. Admission: 12$. Advance tickets available by calling: 613.938.3704 Encore Seniors Chicken Fundraising Dinner From 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Tickets: 12$, Call: 613.937.1525 From Seeds To Garden Whether you are a home-owner with a back-yard garden, an apartment dweller with a balcony box, or an urban farmer growing edibles for yourself and others; this event is sure to get your planting season off to a good start. Taking place at Agape Center from 10AM -3PM. Hist oric Cornwal l Jail Take part in a guided tour through the Historic Cornwall Jail! At 11:15, 12:15, 1:15, 2:15 and 3:15 tickets are $6 for adults and $2 for children. Prol if e Spaghet t i Supper From 4:30 pm to 7 pm. Agora Center, 301 McConnell Ave.. Adults: 8$, children under 12 eat free. Take out orders available.




Enjoy A Game Of Heart s Played Thursdays & Saturdays at 1 pm. Cornwall Senior Citizens Club, 119 Pitt St. Doors open at 12:30 pm.

W H A T 'S


Lit t l e Chef s: Cooking Wit h Kids 6-12 From 9:30 am to 12 noon. Call Seaway Valley Community Health Center: 613.930.4892 ext 210 to register.




INDEPENDENCE CLUB FOR WOMEN - Join us f or our Mont hl y Luncheon and Financial Empowerment t hrough Discussions at Table 21 Oyster and Steak Bar at 12pm - See ad below for more info: 705-674-4551 Ext. 401




St . Col umban's CWL St . Pat rick's Day Tea & Bake Sal e From 1:30 pm to 3 pm. St. Columban Activity Center, room 201 inside Agape Center, 40 5th St. W. Admission: 5$ Cooking Out Of The Green Food Box Learn to prepare tasty dishes using fruit and vegetables Thursday, March 17th at 1 pm. Call Seaway Valley Community Health Center: 613.930.4892 ext 210 to register.

... MAR



St . Pat rick's Day wit h Bob & Ducky From 6 pm to 10 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Irish stew served. St . Pat t y's Day @ Jet Set Pub Join the best green party in town from 7:30-11:30PM for drinks and live music by Jesse Ferguson. St . Pat rick's Day wit h A.N.A.F Starting at 4PM enjoy some Irish stew and entertainment by "Irish" Goergie & Johnny Maloney. Cornwal l Square Present s -Tim Hol l and t he Puppet Tamer ?Get Set for More Laughs than you can Shake a Stick-Puppet at...the Puppet Tamer Show - A Fast-Action Comedy Ventriloquist Show including Juggling, Unicycling, and On the spot Improvising. Three shows taking place at 1:30, 3:30 and 6:00PM.




SPAGETTI SUPPER FUNDRAISING EVENT IN REMEMBRANCE OF CLAUDIA - From 4-11PM at the A.N.A.F Club. You can call me at 613-330-1014. Leave a message or text me on how many tickets you need. I will get them reserved for you at the door. Twist ed Kil t Join us at Boston Pizza at 9PM for great food & great tunes! Hist oric Cornwal l Jail Take part in a guided tour through the Historic Cornwall Jail! At 11:15, 12:15, 1:15, 2:15 and 3:15 tickets are $6 for adults and $2 for children.

M ar ch Br eak Act i vi t i es at t h e U p p er Can ad a M i g r at o r y Bi r d San ct u ar y All activities are free of charge. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Friday, March 11 Glengarry Stargazers- 7:00 pm Sunday March 13 Ski & Snowshoe Rentals Monday March 14 Bird Class, Bird Walk & Craft - (Classes at 12:30 & 2:00) Tuesday March 15 Cornwall AeroModelers & Airplane Craft Wednesday March 16 Double Dog Day Snowy Mountain Dog Sled Rides Hot Dog Day ($1.00 ea.) - Space is Limited - Pre-registration is required and only accepted by calling the Centre in advance at 613-537-2024 between 12-4 weekends. No e-mails accepted. Center opens 10:00 am, rides start at 10:30 am (weather permitting) Thursday March 17 Scavenger Hunt & Hot Dog Day (Hot Dog & Drinks $1.00 ea.) Friday March 18 Dirty Mudder or Snowball Obstacle depending on weather Hot Dog Day (Hot Dog & Drinks $1.00 ea.) Sat urday March 19 Moonlight Ski/ Snowshoe (7:00 pm ) Sunday March 20 Ski & Snowshoe Rentals *Events are subject to change depending on weather conditions - changes will be posted on the website at www.friendsofthesanctuary.org on our Facebook page or call the centre at 613-537-2024

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


S E E K E RC H I C K S Army Navy St Pattys


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dt e n

ID R il F


T. P E S , Y

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6 1 0

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Kenny Chesney/ Johnny Cash tribute show will be postponed until Friday, September 16th, 2016. Tickets will be honoured on the new date September 16, 2016 or you may refund your ticket at point of purchase. If you wish, you may swap out tickets for the Abba/ Bee Gees tribute on April15, 2016 at point of purchase. Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



THO M PSO N I am so lucky to have customers who care enough to share their recipes with me. Ken Shaver came into my store a couple of weeks ago. Of course, the conversation turned to food as always. I asked if he had tried any new recipes lately. Yes, he had, a 'Swedish Apple Pie' with no bottom crust and a very easily made topping, not a rolled out pie crust. I was intrigued and asked for his recipe. It was given from memory immediately. Later on that morning, Ken brought in 1/ 4 of his apple pie for Gary and I to try and enjoy. Yes, it is delicious and easy to make as well. He got the recipe from a flyer from the Hannaford store in Massena. Thanks Ken for caring and sharing!




Sha ry n

5 apples,peeled, cored, halved and cut into 1/ 2" thick wedges (asking for Cortland apples, Ken used Granny Smith apples) Don't skimp on the amount of apples used. 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. plus 1 cup of white sugar 12 tbsp. unsalted butter 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 large egg 1/ 4 tsp. fine salt

M a rle ne

BAKER Hi There to everyone reading ~The Seeker~ this week. My, The Spring-like weather has been wonderful this week for us. Hasn't It??? Tis the time to think about getting rid of or packing away all of the Winter stuff and getting the Spring & Summer stuff out of storage and or time to GO SPRING SHOPPING!!!

TIP OF THE WEEK: You Know You Are Absolutely Right. It is much easier to eat poutine and hamburgers then it is to run on the treadmill or walk down a pathway. It is easier to turn to chocolate cake, cookies or even to ice cream rather then to turn to people for support. It is easier to say,"I Quit or I Give Up," then to say" Damn It, I Can Do This!!!" So you know what??? I am not going to tell you week after week that you can do this... If YOU Don't Believe You Can...Then You Can't!!! That is the Honest Truth!!! You Need to do this for YOU! If YOU don't want it enough, then you sure as heck won't achieve it!!!! So, if you choose the "Easy Way Out" then you will always be in the same spot that you have always been in...at the same job that you dislike, at the same weight that makes you unhappy, or in the same loveless or unhappy relationship that you should have left long ago. You do realize that it is YOU that is hurting YOURSELF!!! I don't and won't want to tell you it was going to be easy. What I do want to say is that it will be Worthwhile and Life Changing. Think About It!!! John and I went to ~A Night In Hollywood~, The Oscar's After Party Gala that was held at the Civic Complex last Saturday night. This was a fund raising event for the many Children's Mental Health Programs at the Cornwall Hospital. The night began with us tasting delicious appetizers, followed by a four course gourmet supper that featured Filet Mignon and JUMBO shrimp done by the kitchens of ~La Cuisine Volante~. All the while listening to Robert Cote




-Adjust the rack to the upper middle position of your oven and set the temperature to 350 degrees F. -Fill a 9" or 10" pie dish with the sliced apples and sprinkle them with the teaspoon of white sugar and the teaspoon of ground cinnamon. -Melt the butter in a medium saucepan. Remove from heat and whisk in the remaining cup of white sugar, flour, salt and egg. Mix to combine well. -Pour this mixture over top of the apples. Ken said to have a higher rim of apples at the edge of the pie plate so the topping would not fall off. -Bake the pie until the apples are tender and the crust turns a nice golden brown and becomes crispy. This will take about 45 minutes to 1 hour. ENJOY! SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday -9 to 5

playing beautiful, soft jazz music. During the dessert we had the pleasure of listening to a couple of speakers that shared information about Mental Health issues. It was quite informative and I went away from this evening understanding more about Mental Health issues that are right here in Cornwall. John and I got up to dance to the dancy tunes played by the ~Alison Wonderland~ band. They sounded better then ever!!! The food, the decor, the music, the lighting and the service was all professionally done and made for a most satisfactory evening for both John and I and everyone else that attended. Thanks to my sweet friend, Patti Edwards for inviting John and I to be her guests for this wonderful Gala. ITEM OF THE WEEK: I have choosen a black, leather-like coat with a beautiful, leopard print lining. I bought it from the ~Agape Centre~ for ONLY $18.00!!! I love how it keeps me warm and on how the leopard print looks against my face. Please check out the different thrift stores here in the Cornwall and in the S.D.& G. areas to find your very own Unique Treasures. Until Next Week... Happy Shopping. This Saturday, March the 12th I am planning on going to a FUN-filled event. There is going to be another Drag Queen Show at ~The Vu Night Spot~ right here in Cornwall. The doors open at 7 p.m. & the show starts at 8. There will be a $5.00 cover charge. It is located at 113 1/ 2 Pitt St. (behind Kastner's.) Come One, Come All to admire these amazing performances brought to you by performers from here, there and everywhere!!!Edina Starlight from Gatineau will be the MC of the night with a couple of performances along with her drag sister, Flora Starlight. Misty Mac from CORNWALL will be headlining along with Ms. Manhattan from Kingston, Phoenix Vyxen from Montreal, and Kiki Coe from Ottawa!!! Be prepared to stand for the show as this is a very small venue and there is standing room only. Be sure to wear a pair of comfy boots or shoes that will keep you happy on your toes for the entire evening. I so look forward to seeing you there Ladies and Gents... This will be my first Drag Show Ever!!!! Whatever does a Lady like me, wear to a Drag Show??? FAMILY NEWS: My 2nd eldest daughter, Sarah's son, Blake turned the BIG 2 on March 4th. Of what I heard through the family Grapevine Bake had a wonderful 2nd birthday!!! All the very best my dear, handsome little grandson in the upcoming year. Please be nice to your baby brother, Dylan who just turned 3 months old. Love Always Nana Until Next Week: Failure Is Only The Opportunity to BEGIN AGAIN... Only This Time... More WISELY! ~ Henry Ford Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




M ACDO NALD Breaking Up Is Hard To Do ? Act ual l y, It ?s Downright Devast at ing!

When life hits us hard, it?s hard to move forward but we pull up our boots and take one step at a time. When couples decide that a divorce (or Break-up) is inevitable, if a house is involved, the question of whether the house has to be sold arises. There are now mortgage products in place so that a spouse, who wants to keep a matrimonial home, can get a mortgage up to 95% of the value of the property in order to payout an amount owing to the other. In the past, if both names were already on the deed and mortgage, the maximum one party could pull from the house was 80% of the value as a refinance. The rules for the 95% mortgage product are quite stringent. There must be a lawyer written signed Separation Agreement, an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the parties, a full appraisal and the proceeds can only be used to payout the ex-spouse. With this product, CMHC,

OVER 6 5 an d STILL ALIVE! Stor y by Bob Har dy

Genworth and Canada Guaranty, will not allow the funds to payout other debts. This fact should be kept in mind when the negotiations between parties is taking place. Often, an appraisal will already have been obtained in order to determine the Equalization of Assets during a divorce. Unfortunately, in most cases, the same appraisal is not acceptable to a lender unless it was originally ordered by a third party (such as a Mortgage Broker or lender or lawyer) for the dual purpose of Equalization of Assets and Financing. Also, an Appraisal Report is only acceptable for about 90 days (less with some lenders) so if the appraisal was ordered early in the divorce proceedings, another one may be needed by the time the details are settled. If the value changes over that time, the negotiations between parties usually start again to determine payout amounts. If the payout amounts require a mortgage for less than 80% of the value of the home, then the rules are less strict, although a separation agreement and appraisal will, in most cases, be required. With most lenders, other debts can be paid from mortgage proceeds with this product. Including a Mortgage Broker or lender early in the Separation process can help ease you through this horrific experience. Jenni MacDonal d (www.jmacdonal d.ca) is a Mort gage Broker wit h Dominion Lending Cent res The Mort gage Source (Lic.# 10145). She has over 5 years of experience in t he Mort gage Indust ry and works wit h at l east 40 l enders incl uding banks, credit unions, and privat e l enders t o f ind t he best mort gage f or each cl ient . You can cont act her by phone or t ext at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonal d@dominionl ending.ca.

Seeker Donat es $2500

This ma n is definitely a inspir ation a nd motivator for Seeker Chick M a i-Liis a nd I a m sur e he will be for a ll of the Seeker r ea der s a s well! On M onday, M ay 29th at the Civic Com plex in Cor nw all I w as tr aining for my fir st ever full (42km ) m ar athon. The Scotia Band, Ottaw a M ar athon. M ay 29th, 2016 (108 laps of the w alking ar ena) I r aced 30 km w ith my HUGO ROLLATORr , fitted out w ith low pr ofile, light w eight r acing w heels. This w as my best ever 30 km tim e. 3 hour s, 38 m inutes and 33 second. I r aced w ith my daughter , Shannon, w ho beat m e (nar r ow ly) on the last lap spr int. We both r an the last lap. Shannon, my daughter is 32 and I'm 65 and happily still alive. M y speed w alking r acing w as an accident I w as r acing and m ar athoning my bicycle for year s, and w as tr aining for a r ace w hen I got sick . In October 2012 a pain in the stom ach r esulted in tw o blood clots, thr ee sur ger ies, thr ee m onths in hospital and loss of balance. Befor e the bicyle r acing I had leukem ia and a bone m ar r ow tr ansplant. Befor e the bicycle r acing ther e w as jiu jitsu, w ith black belt I r eceived in Apr il 1997 (w ith leukem ia). No balance m eant no m or e bicycle r acing, so in 2013 I bought a w alker and star ted speed w alking. The w alker kept m e upr ight, and still does, for now

The Seeker Donated $2500 to Maison Baldwin and SASS earlier this week. The money came from the proceeds of the Cornwall International Women's Day Show, which took place Sunday March 6. "Last year, our donation was $1800," said Julia Lucio, event coordinator. "This year, we were able to donate more and that's our goal; getting this event to be bigger, better and amass more funds for these wonderful organizations every year." Next year's even is set for Sunday March 5. Mark your calendars!

Speed, or r ace w alking, is an Olym pic spor t. Speed, or r ace w alking, w ith a w alker , is not yet r ecognized as an Olym pic Spor t . In June of 2013 I m et w ith HUGO M OBILITY and w e team ed up to cr eate a special Ter r y Fox Challenge.In Septem ber of 2013 w e or ganized the inaugur al year of the Wobbly Walker Walk-a-thon. I r aced 20 km and joined w ith other senior athletes (w ith w alker s) for the last lap. They w er e all in good voice singing "We ar e the Cham pions" 2014. Januar y. The Alexandr ia Dom e. M y fir st Alzheim er 's Society's half m ar athon August The Lachine/ Bonneville Half M ar athon. Septem ber : The 2nd Ter r y Fox Wobbly Walker Walk-a-thon 2015.Januar y. The Civic Com plex, Cor nw all. M y second Alzheim er 's Half M ar athon. August. The Lachine/Bonneville Half M ar athon. 10 km only. I w asn't feeling w ell. Septem ber. The Ter r y fox Wobbly Walker Walk-a-thon. 2016. w ill be my fir st ever full (42 km ) m ar athon. The Scotia Bank, Ottaw a M ar athon. M ay 29th Septem ber : w ill be my fir st ever 50 km speed w alk . W ith w alker , or not? Eye sur ger y in August could end the need for the w alker and fr ee m e up to speed w alk w ith balance. How fast can I go at 66 and still alive?


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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca





Ca ro l G RANT The Swinging B's recently celebrated their 40th Anniversary in style. Founded in 1976 and originally known as Swinging B & B (where the B's stood for "beginners and brush-ups"), the club was joined by participants from places including Montreal (Swinging Stars). The group hosted a celebratory dance last week which was attended by nearly 150 dancers and included callers Brian Crawford (Carleton Place) and Don Mojer (Montreal) along with Round Dance cuer Jean Clingin (South Mountain).

The mascot, MacBeezel has long disappeared and the Club badge with 2 bees swinging was replaced in 2009 with a more recogizable bee. The Club's colours (yellow tops and brown bottoms) changed in 1995 to white tops and black skirts/ pants with yellow crinolines. While many sported these traditional Club Colours this past weekend, the event also featured many of the ladies in many beautiful coloured square dance costumes with many men wearing coordinated shirts and pants. The Swinging B's meet every Friday and have special themed dances for holidays such as Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day and Tartan & Kilts. Founding Member Jim Peddie, shown here, is still active with the club and has been dancing since 1973!

For more inf ormat ion about t he Swinging B's, cont act Teresa MacInnis at 613-932-7091 ort macinnis350@gmail .com


- Li q u i d Bi o Cel l ? an d

Lo r r ai n e RĂŠg n i er , B.Sc. (Ag), CCA and independent

Bu sin e ss

Bu ck e t

represent at ive wit h Jusuru Int ernat ional Lorraine holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from McGill University, is a certified crop advisor and operates a small cash crop farm in the area with her husband and three children. A little over a year ago, she was introduced to Liquid BioCell? , a unique liquid nutritional supplement approved by Health Canada to reduce wrinkles from the inside out and help relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis. It contains a natural super nutraceutical ingredient that is highly bioabsorbable by the body. It's backed by over 20 years of research and development, clinically tested, award-winning and multi-patented. And it's completely changing the way we age. Lorraine was 39 when she started taking Liquid BioCell? , and even though she felt in great shape, she still experienced amazing results using the product during her ?90 day challenge?: hydrated and softer skin, fewer wrinkles, pain in her left wrist gone. Today she just feels unstoppable. She's also witnessed incredible and life-changing results with many people, including her mom. If you're suffering from osteoarthritis, or you just want to look and feel years younger, Lorraine is encouraging you to take the ?90 day challenge?. Jusuru (which means ?long life? in Japanese), the company behind Liquid BioCell? , is so confident in the quality and efficacy of their products that it has an unconditional 90-day, 100% money-back guarantee. It also has a great referral program where you could get your product for free. Lorraine is excited to share this unique and game-changing product with people in the area. Also, if you're looking for an exciting emerging business opportunity, she would be glad to talk with you. You can learn more about Liquid BioCell? at www.l iquidbiocel l .ca/ 242386 or you can call her at 613-662-4919. "TMownedbyJTHTaxInc.,usedunderlicense"

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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Count down is on ..... as l ocal aut horseeksKickst art ersupport - $3,500 needed by March 27th. Stor y by Ca r ol Gr a nt Dom inic Gauthier w as bor n and r aised in Cor nw all w ith an appar ent cr eativity ever since he w as ver y young. At age 5 he w on a pr ovincial ar t and spent m uch of his tim e w r iting little stor ies in notebooks w hen he w as in elem entar y school at M ar ie-Tanguay. Childhood gam es of fantasy and super her oes w hile pr etending to be Wolver ine or other idols led to the cr eation of br and new adventur es w ith char acter s Dom inic cr eated on his ow n. Eventually, his fr iends gr ew up and they stopped pr etending... but Dom inic never did. W ith his head elsew her e living out his adventur es in his ow n little w or ld, that w or ld is not so little anym or e as he finds him self ventur ing into those r ealm s to fall asleep at night and of cour se to pur sue his dr eam s of being a full tim e w r iter. After high school at La Citadelle and then L'Her itage, Dom inic took a year off to figur e out w hat he w anted to do. He knew he w anted to w r ite, act, and do film w or k but didn't follow thr ough until som e tim e later as this w asn't a typical car eer path. He studied the Acting in Film and Television pr ogr am at Niagar a College w hich is w her e his w r iting r oots r etur ned and he star ted to w r ite film scr ipts in or der to pr oduce them w ith his fellow acting buddies w hich eventually led to w r iting the com ic book Supr ession w hich star ted off as a basic "W hat if?" concept. ? "In an over populated w or ld, an or ganization know n only as "The Unknow n" establish an assassination system called "The Gr eat Or der " in an effor t to save the planet fr om its im m inent destr uction. Ever y hum an being w ill r eceive a tar get in a vision, it is their duty to elim inate it and w ait for their tur n to leave by the Gr eat Or der. If you choose to r un, The Unknow n w ill com e after you. Due to a glitch in the system hum ans ar e faced w ith the decision of killing a fam ily m em ber or choosing to die w ith them . W hat w ill you do to save the ones you love?" W hat star ted out as a 30 page scr ipt for an independent film quickly gr ew into a saga of 40 issues and near ly 1000 com ic book pages. Health issues saw the pr oject cancelled and then, one full year later , Dom inic decided to br ing it back to life. He found a fr eelancing w ebsite to help find par tner s in ar t pr ojects and put his synopsis online to w ake up the next day to 22 applications fr om ar tists ar ound the w or ld w illing to w or k on his pr oject. Dom inic picked 10 of an eventual 109 applications to audition for the pr oject but after a few days of r eceiving som e gr eat ar tw or k, application #110 w as r eceived - for m er M ar vel ar tist Gene DeCicco fr om New Yor k w ith over 30 year s of exper ience in his field. M or e health and financial issues have delayed the pr oject but after w or king together for over 2 year s to m ake this dr eam a r eality and after investing thousands of dollar s to pay for the entir ety of the black and w hite pages, Dom inic has r ecently launched a Kickstar ter cam paign in the hope of obtaining financial help to fulfill his dr eam . People can help by donating at h t t ps://w w w.k i ck st ar t er .com /pr oj ect s/891866074/su pr essi on -com i c W hen the Kickstar ter is com pleted, he w ill m ove to the final steps into finalizing the fir st issue of Supr ession w hich w ill then be pitched to publisher s. Gauthier stated "I am ver y happy as Gene's exper ience in this field r eally m akes m e tr ust that this w ill go som ew her e w hen he expr esses his confidence in the pr oject. " He hopes to r elease the book as ear ly as this Sum m er and as late as the end of the year and w ill be show casing a pr e-published black and w hite ver sion of the book at CAPE 2016 and per haps other Canadian conventions this Sum m er. He adds, "CAPE 2015 w as definitely one of my biggest highlights of last year and I'm sur e this year w ill be SueLapensĂŠe , Owner even better !"

You ca n r ea ch Dominic by ema il at dom.gauthier @hotma il.ca or by telephone at 647-880-4157. For mor e infor mation a bout the pr oject, visit https://w w w.fa cebook.com/suppr essionfa npa ge/


DJ starting at $395

VIDEO starting at $395

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Book ourMOBILE LIGHT &LAZER SHOW - Yourevent wil be l t al ked about f oryears!l Th e m o r e yo u sp en d - Th e m o r e yo u save! Cal l Sh el d o n an d M ai -Li i s at 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca






I decided to interview Moïse Lasata when I visited TAG in January. I was intrigued by his commitment to the gallery despite the problems of this establishment. I wondered what type of artist persists in such adversity by devoting hours of his time and talent to keep TAG open to the public. I asked him how he felt about the turn of events at TAG. ?Frustrated mostly, because it?s such a waste of opportunity? was his reply. MoÏse was born in Timmins Ontario and later lived and worked in Mattagami Quebec. From his early years he loved to draw, an activity, which often got him into trouble for not paying attention during class. A shy and sensitive student, he found sanctuary in his artistic expressions. Despite many challenges his love for art, , never wavered.

in community events such as the International Ploughing Match 2015 in Finch, Foodfest, Ribfest, the Garlic Festival, La semaine française and most art exhibitions in the area. He hopes to be remembered as someone who sought peace beyond violence and adversity. His summary of ART is: Art Revealing Truth. For more images of his work visit him on Facebook. * Francisco Goya 1746- 1828 also used his art to record moments of the country's history. In 1808, France, led by Napoleon Bonaparte, invaded Spain. Napoleon installed his brother Joseph as the country's new leader. While he remained a court painter under Napoleon, Goya created a series of etchings depicting the horrors of war. After Spanish royalty regained the throne in 1814, he then painted "The Third of May," which showed to the true human costs of war. Goya seemed to illustrate the absurdity of the times.

During the interview, I discovered his love for his two daughters, Michelle and Amy whose exploits he follows with pride. Though self-taught, Moïse?s artistic communication is varied. He produced a CD of his poetry and songs under the label ?The Car? and generously plays guitar at meetings and gatherings. When asked to describe his visual art, he refers to artists such as *Goya and Dali. He admires Michelangelo for his superb sculptures. At the TAG, one can appreciate his body of work ?Atrocities of Man? where the inspiration of Goya?s later works resonate. On five The DISABILITY TAX CREDIT (DTC) is a non-refundable credit canvases, he offered to disabled individuals or can be claimed for illustrates in dependants that are disabled. In order to claim this credit, a dark and you must pay taxes. If your payable tax is zero, applying for complex this credit will not produce a refund for you. Anyone can style, the apply for the DTC and the list of accepted conditions which include Sleep Apnea, ADHD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, MS, MD, and an endless list of approximately impact of war today. He has difficulty reconciling the 500 disabilities that may qualify. When approved, if the physician who cruelty and lack of respect in society with the values completes the application provides the date of diagnosis in the past, an to which he adheres. To counteract the individual could be looking at up to 10 years of tax dollar credits adding up to bombardment of negativity he composes songs and approximately $17,000. poetry. His installation: ?Drums and Chimes? reflects There are many companies out there who prey on the disabled by making it a zone of calm and meditation he creates for himself. Moïse has been a member of Focus Art since he arrived in Cornwall two and a half years ago. He actively participates


Jo se e


Tax Tip 6

appear that you need a DTC ?Promoter? in order to get this credit. After years of these promoters taking up to 30% of individual?s credits, the CRA is finally trying to curb them by implementing the DTC Promoters Restrictions Act which will limit the maximum fee a promoter can charge for their services. Promoters will also claim that they can earn you up to $35,000 but that also involves investing the original $17,000. It doesn?t take a special promoter to apply for this credit ? all you have to do is complete your portion of the form and have the physician who is most familiar with your condition complete his portion. The process takes roughly 3 months. If you are al ready a Sauve Tax Services cl ient , pl ease cont act me direct l y or visit my websit e at ht t p:/ / sauvet axservices.ca/ t ax-t ips-2/ disabil it y-t ax-credit f or more inf ormat ion. If you are NOT a Sauve Tax Services cl ient , pl ease cont act Revenue Canada at 1-800-959-8281 f or more inf ormat ion

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive


VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS Let u s pr eser veyou r Ch er i sh edM em or i esf or you ! Cal l Sh el don 613-932-4812 FOR SALE: Pontiac Montana, 2006, 200,000K, $2500 OBO. 613-935-8101. FOR SALE: Lazy Boy Chair, recliner rocker, swivel, dark blue, leather. Asking $350. 613-932-8993 . FOR SALE: MTD Riding Mower, like new condition, 11hp, 38" cut Asking $650, Power Pressure Washer, PSI 1500, never used, Asking $123, 613-933-1083. SEMI RETIRED BUSINESS MAN looking for same in a lady. Non smoker, pretty and fit. Respond to: Box 566, Lancaster, ON. FORSALE:Likenew diningroomset,tablewith two extrapannelsand six chairs.Asking $500,613-932-6526. FORSALE:Brandnew size 46 men'stwo pieceblacksuit fromKastner's. $150 - 613-935-6284. FOR SALE : Fridge for sale, Kelvinator, 18c. feet, white, perfect condition, $175 - 613-933-6913

Danci ng on Snow By Syl vie O'Rourke Today, the Cornwall Outdoor Club is in the Natural Park of les Forestiers-de-Saint-Lazare, 75 km east of Cornwall. This park is very family-oriented and offers winters activities such as skating, tobogganing, snowshoeing, skate-skiing, and cross-country skiing. We have chosen the latter. One of our members I will call "The Friendly Giant" is the most experienced skier among us, having a few ski half-marathons under his belt. He is quick to offer us a few tips to improve our technique as we shuffle along our 9 km loop. I learn to pay more attention to the placement of my poles so as not to waste energy. When I think about it, skiing really is like dancing. You swing your arms, kick, stride, and glide, and then repeat. You rotate your hips and get into the rhythm. Of course, like any dancers, some of us are more graceful than others. The skate-skiers, whizzing by us for instance sure look agile and well synchronized. I enjoy the gentle gradual slopes where I can slightly bend my knees and coast down with relatively no effort. But it can't all be easy! Before long we arrive to a steep hill, its surface covered in herringbone patterns left by those before us. We replicate the steps by digging the inside edges of our skis in the snow to get a better grip. This keeps us from sliding backwards. This is not the place or the time to moonwalk. Once we reach the top we get a glimpse of the trail winding down the ravine. There is a bend around which lies uncertainty. The Friendly Giant goes down first

as we observe the fluidity of his movements; then one by one we follow crouching into ?v? formation to snow plow down at our own speed. Silva Lining (not her real name) describes her own descent as "Doing The Turtle." I suppose this could be the next dance craze. In any event, everyone has his own comfort level. The goal is to challenge ourselves and have a good time. My main concern right now is to maintain my balance and remain upright. We make it down without crumpling into a heap, a tried and true yet inelegant technique for reducing speed, and join the others patiently waiting below. Several other ascents and descents follow and there are a few falls along the way but no memorable wipe-outs. All in all, we did quite well. We may not be the equivalent of Patrick Swayze on skis, and might need a few more rehearsals, but at least we completed our dance routine. I, for one, can feel my accomplishment in every aching muscle in my body, but give me a couple of days and I will

an d

Rem em b er

t o Vi si t :

www.theseeker.ca fo r yo u r "Dai l y o f Co m m u n i t y

Do se" News!

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Cent re cul t urel de Cornwal l invit es you t o an

unf orget t abl e experience

CabanàeSu cr e Sat u r d ayM ar ch 1 9 an d Su n d ayM ar ch 2 0 2 0 1 6 St e-Thérèse-de-Lisieux Parish Hal l ,1304 Lisieux St ., Cornwal l Sat u r d ay

M ar ch



10:30 am: Opening of the Cabane à sucre Lightning of the wood stove 11 am:

Gabzy perd la boule (liveshowfor children& youth)

12 noon


1:15 pm:

Bill Bestiole (live show for children and youth)

3 pm:

End of children activities

4 to 6 pm : Free skating at the Civic Centre 5:30 to 6:20 pm: Free swimming at the Aquatic Centre I n bet weenlive shows,t her ewill be wor kshopsand f r ee t af f y 4:45 pm:

Supper Cabane à sucre style (meat pie, ham, mashed potatoes, beans, salad and dessert)

7 pm : 8 pm :

Magic Show with David Jans 8 pm: Danielle Grégoire presents L?essentiel de Ginette Reno (Homage to Ginette Reno)

Su n d ay

M ar ch



10am to 1pm : Breakfast Cabane à sucre style (eggs, ham, bacon, sausages beans) 11am:

Magic Show with David Jans (live show for children and youth)

12 noon:

Treasure Hunt


Estelle Farfadelle - Mission pyramid (live show for children and youth)

3:30 pm: End of children activities 4pm to 6pm: 3pm to 5pm: Free skating at the Civic Centre 5:30 to 6:20 pm: Free swimming at the Aquatic Centre I n bet weenlive shows,t her ewill be wor kshopsand f r ee t af f y

CHI LDRENS' ACTI VI TI ES ARE FREE Mar ch 19 : Supper and a Show : $25 bef or e Mar ch 14 or $30 at door Mar ch 20 : Br eakf ast : 5$ - (f r ee f or childr en 5 and under ) For inf or m at ion : (613)-932-9106 or by e-m ail cent r ecult ur eldecor nwall@cogeco.net

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 10 - March 11 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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