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You rr Weekl Weekl yy Dose Dose You of Posi Posi ti ti ve veNew New s! s! of

Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Vol Vol. 7 . 7 Issue Issue11 5 Volume 6 2016 Issue 41, March February 18, 5, 2016 October 30, 2015

YOU KNOW SPRING h as fi n al l y SPRU NG wh en ...

"Comein totheOutdoors"

e h t r o f e m i t I t 's

for your chance to win

a SU N ISLAND OU TDOORBBQ full info about the show on back page ... 17840 Count y Road 44 JUST Nort h of t he cit y on Cornwal l El ect ric! Open concept main f l oor, 3 l arge bedrooms above, f ul l bsmt & garage. $289,900 ml s N0757

Ap r i l 1 , 2 & 3

Always a Dunne Deal

Cover photo: Mai-Liis Renaud



EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



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by Julia Lucio

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


Feel ing of Impending Doom Lately, I've been feeling pretty blue. I'm sure the weather has something to do with it. I also know that the massive amount of adrenaline that had been sustaining me prior to the big Woman Show has finally run out, leaving me feeling drained and empty now that it's all over. Hence, I'm just not feeling quite like myself. A lot of it also comes from the highly toxic political climate, and majorly depressive campaigning happening south of our border. I briefly touched on it before Christmas, but I had hope the American people would eventually wake up and realize how insane they have collectively become. Alas, it has only gotten worse.

Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN


Natalie - Seeker Sales



BU SINESS! WE HAVE YOUR TARGET MARKET! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 your best year yet! The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic consists of women, 34-50 years old, who make the buying decisions in the family.

The orange politician, who runs on an outrageously Hitleresque rhetoric, is far ahead in the race for leadership and well on his way to becoming the next Republican Presidential Nominee. It's an abomination! It makes a mockery of the entire American Political System. How can such a buffoon be regarded as a serious contender in the race for what many would consider the world's highest office? Reality definitely is stranger than fiction. There is so very little meat in what Trump is feeding the electors. He hides behind blanket statements that he knows rattles the troops; his big wall that the Mexicans will pay for; his plan to get ISIS and deport Muslims... Nothing concrete has been said as to how he will achieve anything he promises, but hey, it sounds good to the good ol' white gun-loving racists, so why not! But what is really terrifying is how he can spew hatred, openly discriminate, outright lie, corrupt and coerce without ever facing repercussions. He is untouchable and says so himself. He doesn't get berated for his actions. No! Instead, he get endorsements from some of the most prominent preachers in the Nation. One Nation under God,

CALLSeek erSal esCh i ckM ai -Li i s, TODAY 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3

ext 1 0 2

you say? I think not... Rallies are looking more like boiler room sessions where hate takes center stage and where the "US against THEM" voice is being used, them being anybody opposing Trump's views. THEY are belittled, ridiculed, threatened then taken away. Scary, I know. Horror books are made of stuff like this where a nutty sociopath takes over the world and starts an all-out war. Apocalypse! Doomsday! Months ago, people said I was crazy to think Trump had a chance in hell to make it to the major leagues. Turns out I'm not that crazy after all. At the risk of once again sounding like a lunatic, I will urge you, all my Canadian friends, to try and speak some sense into our American neighbours' minds. If you value life as we know it, you need to go out of your way to express your concerns, for the entire world, shall a Trump / whoever ticket make it on the ballot. It would be catastrophic. Let's not sit idle as history repeat itself...


613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s



With March break, many Canadians are travelling to tropical climates. As Flickr Photo some travel plans can temporarily affect the ability of blood donors to donate, patients need new and current donors to book an appointment and give before they go. People with the flu are also asked to please re-book as soon as they can. Travel, extreme weather and flu symptoms make maintaining a strong blood supply for all Canadians more difficult during winter months. ?We encourage donorsto visit our website, bl ood.ca, to learn how travel to locations that will increase the risk of coming into contact with diseases, such as the Zika virus or malaria, may affect their eligibility,? says Tracy Smith, regional director of donor relations in Manitoba, Northeastern Ontario and Nunavut. ?They can also learn how various vaccinations might affect their eligibility to donate blood. New donation rules to protect the blood supply from the Zika virus are already reducing the number of eligible donors,? she says. ?We?re concerned that travel plans and the flu may mean fewer and fewer donors are eligible to donate blood.?Blood donors who have travelled to locations outside of Canada, the continental United States and Europe are temporarily ineligible to give blood for 21 days after their return to Canada to mitigate the risk of the Zika virus entering the blood supply. ?Donated blood is needed to save lives every day. During the travel season, we count on donors to ensure an ample and safe supply of blood and blood products for those in need,? says Smith. ?That?s why donating before you travel is a great option. To discover all the ways you can help save a life and to book an appointment, download the GiveBlood app or visit bl ood.ca

ARTS & CULTURE CORNWALL CONCERT SERIES BRINGS WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE TO AULTSVILLE STAGE - Two leading Canadian performers, violinist Jasper Wood and guitarist Daniel Bolshoy, unite as Duo Rendezvous in a performance at Aultsville Theatre on Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 8:00 pm. Their unique programming enriches the existing guitar and violin repertoire with transcriptions of masterpieces from around the world. Both Wood and Bolshoy have thriving solo careers and have a reputation as charismatic virtuosi who enjoy engaging their audiences with humour and passionate musicianship. Jasper Wood has established himself as a major talent of his generation. He made his first public appearance at the age of five, and has since captured the hearts of music lovers everywhere with his ?thrilling virtuosity? (the Strad) and his ?sweet tunefulness edged with melancholy? (Washington Post). An acclaimed competition winner, Wood has developed a flourishing reputation as a sought-after soloist with major orchestras including Canada?s

Montreal and Toronto Symphonies and as a recital/ chamber musician throughout North America and Europe. Mr. Wood has eight solo and violin/ piano recordings, and is professor of violin at the University of British Columbia.Having performed hundreds of concerts internationally, Daniel Bolshoy is recognized as a leader amongst Canadian guitarists. An ATMA recording artist, Daniel SPORTS & RECREATION Bolshoy appears on seven CD recordings and in two documentary films. A true ambassador for the arts, Daniel Bolshoy?s performances take him from the most prestigious stages, where audiences are captured by his skill, charm, and uniquely communicative stage presence. He is regularly invited to appear with orchestras and concert societies across North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. A devoted music educator, Daniel Bolshoy is currently head of the guitar division at the University of British Columbia and head of the guitar department at Vancouver Symphony Orchestra?s newly created VSO School of Music, where he shares his passion for music with the next generation of guitar enthusiasts and tomorrow?s guitar heroes. The 2015 North American Brass Band Champions, WESTON SILVER BAND end the Concert Series? season on May 7, 2016 with their popular programme Songs of the British Isles. Single tickets ($30) for all performances may be purchased in advance (cash or cheque) at these locations: TD Canada Trust, Cornwall Square; Caisse populaire de Cornwall, 840 Pitt Street; and at the Cornwall and the Counties Tourism, 691 Brookdale Ave, Unit E. Single tickets may also be purchased at the door on the evening of the performance. For further information, visitwww.CornwallConcertSeries.com

SPORTS Marquis takes 2-0 Series lead - Francois Fortier's hat trick propelled the Jonquiere Marquis to a 7-3 victory over the River Kings on Saturday night in front of 847 fans at the Civic Complex. Jonquiere now leads the best-of-seven series 2-0. Nicolas Larocque-Marcoux opened the scoring for the River Kings 2:59 into the first period. But the Marquis responded with a pair of goals by Fortier 75 seconds apart. Fortier beat Charles Corsi at 11:41 with Jonquiere on a powerplay and then again at 12:56 with a shorthanded marker. Cornwall came out strong in the second and leveled the score on a Charles Lachance marker at 3:35. The River Kings took their first lead of the series when Antony Courcelles best Loic Lacasse with a powerplay goal at 10:52 of the middle frame. Then, the Marquis offence took over. Enforcer Sean McMorrow, Jeremy Vigneault-Belanger and Mathieu Brunelle scored goals in a span of 2:44. The Vigneault-Belanger marker chased Corsi in favour of Charles Lavigne. Fortier then added his third of the contest at 17:38 of the second to give Jonquiere a commanding 6-3 lead after 40 minutes. Peter James Corsi added an empty-netter in the third. Cornwall outshot Jonquiere 44-32. GAME 1: The Marquis powered to a 2-1 victory over the River Kings on Friday night to take a 1-0 lead in the first-round LNAH series.Fortier opened the scoring for Jonquiere with a powerplay marker at 19:11 of the first. Samuel Groulx gave the Marquis a 2-0 lead at 7:48 of the second with another powerplay goal, which turned out to be the game winner. Larocque-Marcoux brought the Kings to within a goal with 2:17 to play in thecontest. Cornwall outshot Jonquiere 22-21.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


ORGANIZATION 101 Th e Seek er Wel comes... PACKRAT


M a rie

within myself. When you compete with yourself, you start at the "old" you and work on becoming the "new" you. This ''New You'' never stays the same. He or she is always getting better, even if it's only in small steps.

M O RRELL ORGANIZED MIND - KNOWING YOUR COMPETITION IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE Part 1 of 2 As a child, my father LĂŠandre Robichaud - a Barnum and Bailey Circus' trapeze artist - who later became a full time painter and sculptor , kept telling me: '' The universe offers us a life of possibilities. You can be anything ''You'' want, a master builder, a person capable of perceiving something great in this conventional world. The only person you are in competition with is yourself.'' I believed him and made him the promise to be everything I could be. It also defined myself from an interpretation of Chief Jacob Thomas, hereditary chief of the Six nations to describe what I have decided to become. I want to be a better human being and not say I am better than anyone else, and try to be bette

Steph en Burk e Micro News is back in print. Stephen Burke, a former Cornwall resident and business owner, is back writing his weekly technology column. Some residents may remember Stephen from his computer training and consultancy business that he operated in the mid to late 1980?s. He is still involved with computer technology as a 3D printing and 3D scanning specialist. When not working or writing, Stephen exhibits his 3D artwork at conventions such as CAPE, Ottawa ComicCon, CoTiCon and other events.

If you pattern your life after someone else's, you're copying a copy. When competing with yourself, that is the most ambitious goal in life. You will spend your energy on progress instead of envy. You must want to be YOU. Therefore, do not waste your time trying to compete with other people. It is a game you cannot win. If you spend all your time worrying about having a better car or cell phone than your colleagues at work, being better at sports than other players or a better parent than that woman on your street, you will always be chasing unattainable goals. You have no idea what their life path was to come to the level they achieve today. No matter how well you think you?re doing, there will always be someone with a better body, nicer hair, a bigger house, or more advanced electronic devices. That is not saying any of those people are better than you. They just have different assets, interests, career, knowledge, needs, genetic make up and the list goes on. Do not try to be better than everyone else. Set your own goals, and improve yourself every day. Your main goal in life should be to make yourself into the best ''YOU'' that you can be. If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com Next week: The Technique For Competing With Yourself

Micro News will address topics such as: computer security, selecting your next computer, enhancing computer performance, a technology buyer guide, on-line etiquette, innovations in hardware and software, and random thoughts and observations about computer technology. If you have a computer technology related topic that you would like to see covered, contact Stephen at The Seeker and he will try to include it in a future issue. Info@theseeker.ca attention Stephen Burke The first series of articles will be about on-line security and how to help avoid having your computer hacked.

Ste p he n

BURKE Ransomware and related socially engineered exploits of computer systems are on the rise, especially amongst our aging population. Does this sound familiar? The heavily accented man says ?Hello, this is Raj from the technical support centre calling about your computer. We have noticed that there are some serious problems that you need to fix. Please go to the following website and I can assist you.? You enter the site and then Raj takes control of your computer. He finds several problems that he can solve for a price. How about this?

The warning in the right hand corner, or sometimes in middle of your screen, states that there is a virus that needs to be removed and requests that you "click here" to solve the problem. Of course you click the button, and, as in the first example, someone is demanding payment so that your computer can be used again. These are two examples of socially engineered exploits. In both cases, some sort of "ransomware" is installed. What is ransomware? It is malicious code that either locks your files or renders your computer virtually unusable unless you pay a fee. How do you avoid becoming a victim of ransomware? The best defense is recognizing when someone is trying to trick you. This may be difficult since these attacks are socially engineered by people who know how most people react automatically.

Ra nso mw a re , So cia l Eng ine e re d Exp lo its What do you do? Don't respond like most people! When Raj from the technical support centre calls, just tell him you are Amish and you don't own a computer. Then hang up! Let him wonder why you have a telephone. Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, and most other major computer hardware and software vendors are not going to call you. If they leave you on hold when you call them, do you really think they are going to proactively call you. No, they are not going to call you. Hang up on these imposters! You should know what antivirus / Internet security software you have. Avast!, AVG, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, and Symantec are common antivirus / Internet security programs. If you have AVG but you get a warning from something that looks like Kaspersky, chances are you have a fake alert that is trying to trick you. When you see that fake virus warning in your Internet browser, don't click it! Simply disconnect from the Internet (carefully unplug the power cord or press the power button on your modem or properly pull out your network cable) and shut down your computer. Start it up again and run a full anti-malware scan using your anitvirus / Internet security software. If your security software gives you the A-OK your computer is probably clear of any ransomware, but open up some documents, pictures and videos just to be sure. To summarize: hang up and don?t click. And if you really need help recovering from a ransomware / malware attack, contact your local trusted computer retailer. Next week: Part 2 - Website Hacks & Browser Attacks.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca





Article and photos by Mai-Liis Renaud The weather was sunny and I felt like Spring had finally arrived when I attended the "From Seeds to Gardens" event, presented by the Agapè Centre , Transitions Cornwall+ and All Things Food, last Sunday at the Agapè Centre here in Cornwall.

G A RDENS Kat added, "Atf (All Things Food) is incredibly grateful to all of our network members who helped make this day a success. This event is a perfect example of our collaborative work and we are excited to see the community responding so positively to our efforts." and

The organizer of the event, who did an amazing job was Kat Rendek , Coordinator of All Things Food Bouffe 360° (photo left) and I had the honour of having our 5 questions interview with her. Here are the questions and answers.

"Gardening is a great way of growing family and community, as well as healthy and affordable food. Atf is excited to see so many members of the community taking an interest in gardening and we look forward to seeing this event expand over the coming years."


for more info go to www.allthingsfoodbouffe360.ca

Thank you Kat for taking the time to answer our questions and I certainly am looking forward to your next event and to the start of the Gardening Season!

"Seedy Sat urdays/ Sundays" happen in communities across Canadain through partnership with Seeds of Diversity, a national non-for-profit looking to preserve and promote heritage and heirloom seed and food production. After learning about these events early last year, staff at the Agape Centre decided to host one in Cornwall as a way of promoting their "Grow a Row" fresh food donation program. This year, we decided to expand the event to include 5 skill-building workshops, children's activities, and more diverse local vendors. We really wanted the event to be welcoming to all types of gardeners in our community. 2. WHOARETHEGROUPSDIRECTLYINVOLVEDIN THISEVENT? The Agape Centre Transition Cornwall + Food Action Group All Things Food Community Food Network 3. WHATKINDSOFACTIVITIESDIDYOUHAVEGOINGON? We had a main vendor and exhibitor room with several local seed growers and garden vendors, in addition to community groups who promote gardening. We had 5 skill building workshops that included beginner gardening and seed starting skills, perennial planting, bee and pollinators, and heritage seed growing. We also had a great variety of children's activities to keep them entertained as parents shopped for seeds. These activities were organized by Kozroots Community Empowerment Projects. Hot lunch, homemade by Transition Cornwall + A free screening of Seeds of Time 4. HOWMANYPEOPLEDOYOUTHINKVISITEDTHEEVENT? Over 300 and most people stayed for over 2 hours (many people stayed for over 3 hours and attended all of the workshops). We decided to kept the vendor and exhibit area open for an extra 1.5 hours because we still had people arriving after the scheduled close. We were most excited to see a high number of families with young children. 5. WHATCANWEEXPECTTOSEENEXTYEAR? More hands-on workshops, more seed vendors, more activities for children (including workshops), and perhaps a longer day (>5 hours)

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Co unte ss

TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER THE ALL-SEEING EYE ... SEES YOU! ... and MRS. C.F. LEYEL! Blood, pain, despair, children with dead parents next to them, people and their animals starving, homes and cities burning, cries of hopelessness everywhere on the continent of Europe and spreading ... . The year: 1941. Young boys told to join the war and FIGHT FOR FREEDOM are slowly being slain and bleeding to death whilein horrible pain. Medical doctors, nurses, volunteers working with despair in their hearts. The year: 1941 ... Part of 1939 to 1945 -WORLD WAR 2. In England, incredible as it seems, during these war horrors in 1941, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was busily working out with the pharmaceutical and chemical executives, and certain members of parliament, a bill to become an Act which would prevent England'sHealing Herbalists from being free to help the SICK PEOPLE and THE WARVICTIMSwith their medical wisdoms based on the very successful art of using healthy herbs and other proven healing plants!

WHY THE ATTEMPT TO CURTAIL THE RIGHTS OFPEOPLE FROM BEING HEALED BY HERBALISTS, BY HERBAL METHODS, BY WISDOMS OF HEALING GOING BACK THOUSANDS OF CENTURIES? On becoming suddenly aware that the pharmaceutical and chemical executives were dead set on stopping the natural healing methods of Herbalists, Mrs. C. F. Leyel and members of her company, The Society of Herbalists, moved in to stop this tyrannical group from taking over the Rights of Individuals To Choose Herbal Treatments To Heal Themselves. Mrs. Leyel discovered the hostile methods being taken by the pharmaceuticals and chemical executives, and many in the government,to enact a bill into law when few members of parliament were present, when the press was busy covering the endless bloody war events occurring all over Europe, even Africa, when the people who trusted Herbal Healing were busy trying to find food for themselves and those on the battlefield. Why Prime Minister Winston Churchill


responsible for his government allowed the pharmaceutical and chemical executivestolegislate such a bill at such a time!!!????

Ka thle e n



When Mrs. Leyel and some parliamentary members became aware of the dangers resulting from the pharmaceutical and chemical executives who would monopolize health, and the right of every Individual to choose to be healthy by whatsoever method they preferred, the minister of health and his parliamentary secretary began to promise that the Herbalists Were Safe! And, in actual fact - THEY WERE NOT SAFE! The well-thought out bill -biasely written to give dictatorial/ monopolistic control to the pharmaceutical and chemical executives -was drafted without anyone from The Society of Herbalists being present. Under non-war conditions, this type of surreptious law-making would never have been permitted because IT WAS ILLEGAL! Yet with the knowledge and approval of Prime Minister Winston Churchill,the bill was passed to the detriment of herbalists who with this Act became the GUILTY PEOPLE SHOULD THEY HELP CURE PEOPLE, AND HEAL THE SICK WAR VICTIMS. "The Pharmacy and Medicines Act of 1941" took over and controlled dictatorially the Freedom of People ToChoose The WayThey WantedToHeal Themselves. This abhorrent and unjustified control over People lasted until 1968. Meanwhile, to my amazement, t he Act permit s t he pharmaceut ical and chemical execut ive t o poison peopl e! In Sect ion 12 of t he Act it is writ t en t hat ..."From now on, no person shal l sel l by ret ail any art icl e consist ing of or comprising a subst ance recommended as a medicine unl ess he is a doct or, a dent ist s, AN AUTHORIZED SELLER OF POISONS...! The people of England who depended on being helped when the establishment doctors told them, "There are no cures!" and would go to the herbalists such as Mrs. Leyel and be healed - over 50,000 of them they began to question: What is going on? If we are sending our boys to fight for our freedom and they are brutally killed, while we have lost our Freedom to be Healthy and our Freedom to choose what is best for us ... then we are being cruelly conned!" Those were words uttered in 1941 after Prime Minister Winston Churchill allowed the Pharmacy and Medicines Act to be enacted into law. My quest ion t o you t he Readers: Are We The Peopl e al so being conned by t he mul t inat ional corporat e execut ives who are keeping us sick, t he wat ers and air pol l ut ed, t heir sel l ing cigaret t es wit h poison nicot ine and sel l ing t hem even in "Food St ores", ... and so much more? If so, isn't it t ime t o join The Al l -Seeing Eye and st art put t ing checks on t hese t yrannical ol igarchist s?

Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles. For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.

Thermal Pal ms Massage It was so nice to see so many people at the International Women?s Day Show on March 6! Thank you for stopping by the booth and letting me know that you?re reading my articles. I had one Thermal Palm at the booth so I could show people what it was. People coming into my office for the first time often ask me about the Thermal Palms certificate on my wall. I love getting an opportunity to share the benefits of Thermal Palms massages.

Thermal Palms massage was developed by a Registered Massage Therapist who wanted an alternative to Hot Stone massage when travelling to client?s homes. Thermal Palms are lighter in weight, able to hold heat for long periods of time, and are pliable, making them more comfortable around bones like the shoulder blades and spine. Unlike Hot Stones, Thermal Palms are relatively quick to set up. They can be assembled within 20 minutes and can be prepared ahead of time before you show up for your massage. They are heated in the microwave and don?t require an hour to heat up (making my job easier). A lot of people request Thermal Palms massages simply because they love the heat, but I suggest them when I find muscles that won?t relax after much manipulation. From my own experience using Thermal Palms, the muscles seem to release faster and clients have reported longer lasting pain relief than with a regular massage. I even had one client report that after attending a hockey game in the same day as receiving a Thermal Palms massage, he remained warm while in the arena! Although Thermal Palms are quite hot, your massage therapist will have

Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com ( 613) 662-5549 been trained how to properly use them so you don?t experience burns on your skin. In fact, we place them on our own forearms to test them before each one touches the client?s skin. If it is too hot for us, it will be too hot for you! We glide them along the skin quickly so they aren?t sitting in one place for any length of time. We can follow each pass of the Palms with a thumb or hand and manipulate the tissue immediately after the heat has penetrated into the area of concern. Aside from the therapeutic benefits of Thermal Palms, if you are a person who just loves heat, this is a way to escape the chilly weather for a while and heat your body up while relaxing. Have I got you curious about this wonderful alternative to a heating pad? Call me today and book your Thermal Palms session. You?ll be glad you did! Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On K6H 4J6 Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com (613) 662-5549

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca



Open 7 days a week

THELIBRARY?9STHANNU AL WRITING CONTEST ISON! Full detailson librarywebsiteat www.library.cornwall.on.ca

Friday, March 18 March Break Chess Tournament 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Sat urday, March 19 Yoga Yout h - (Ages 6 t o 16 years ol d) 10:00 am to 11:00 am Paws 'n Books Let your chil dren read t o our t rained dogs. 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Check-Mat es wit h Cl if f ord Labre 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Monday, March 21 Engl ish Corner 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Cornwal l & Region Writ ers Societ y 6:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.


Tuesday, March 22 Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Fl ying Needl es Knit and socialize. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Learn how t o Knit For the absolute beginner 6:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.


Thursday, March 24 Cornwal l Scrabbl e Great activity for adults who love a challenge. 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m. Teen Graphic Novel Book Cl ub 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. It ?s never t oo l at e t o join.

THE SINGING BOWLS Sunday, April 3 at 2:00 p.m. Learn how to play singing bowls and experience their unique vibrations. Free and fun workshop for the family at the library. Free registration required.


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T. P E S , Y

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MONDAY, APRIL 11 OR MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 2 HOUR CLASS PROVIDED BY CORNWALL EMS INSTRUCTORS Registration required with the library.

THE FORUM Wednesday mornings, 9:30 a.m. t o 11:30 a.m. The FORUM is an evolving community that shares ideas, emotions and truths." - David Rawnsley, program facilitator.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Kenny Chesney/ Johnny Cash tribute show will be postponed until Friday, September 16th, 2016. Tickets will be honoured on the new date September 16, 2016 or you may refund your ticket at point of purchase. If you wish, you may swap out tickets for the Abba/ Bee Gees tribute on April15, 2016 at point of purchase. Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wi t h MAR


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OPEN HOUSE and VENDORS EVENT From 10 am to 3pm at The Care Centre (former General Hospital, 510 Second Street East). The Care Centre welcomes the public to see its transformation and visit the 65 local small businesses and vendors exhibiting in the entrance!

SPAGETTI SUPPER FUNDRAISING EVENT IN REMEMBRANCE OF CLAUDIA - From 4-11PM at the A.N.A.F Club. You can call me at 613-330-1014. Leave a message or text me on how many tickets you need. I will get them reserved for you at the door.

Twist ed Kil t Join us at Bost on Pizza at 9PM f or great f ood & great t unes! Hist oric Cornwal l Jail Take part in a guided tour through the Historic Cornwall Jail! At 11:15, 12:15, 1:15, 2:15 and 3:15 tickets are $6 for adults and $2 for children.

Count ry Cl assics Jamming From 7 pm



Cent re cul t urel de Cornwal l invit es you t o CABANE A

SUCRE ? Ste-Thérèse-de-Lisieux Parish Hall, 1304 Lisieux St., Cornwall, starting at 10:00 am - see complete schedule on next page. Annual Chicken Dinner ? Fountaingate Christian Assembly is hosting their Annual Chicken Dinner Mar 20 5pm. Silent Auction. $13.00 / $14 at the door. Everyone is Welcome. Loraine 613 534 8102 Hymn Sing ? at 6:30 pm. Long Sault Pentecostal Church, 9 Bethune Ave. Light refreshments served following singing.

Cornwal l Cycl e Cl ub Kickof f Part y - Come join our Kickof f Part y f or t he new 2016 season! New cl ub kit , swap meet and more! ht t p:/ / www.cornwal l cycl ecl ub .com/ event s/ event / ccc-kick-of f -part y/

to 10 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org


W H A T 'S




CORNWALL QUILTERS GUILD MEETING ? Cornwall Quilters Guild ? will hold the regular monthly meeting on Monday March 21, 2016 at 7 pm in St-Matthew\ ?s Lutheran Church hall, 1509 Second Street West, Cornwall. All interested quilters are welcome.


SATURDAY 22 Cent re cul t urel de Cornwal l invit es you t o CABANE A

SUCRE Ste-Thérèse-de-Lisieux Parish Hall, 1304 Lisieux St., Cornwall, starting at 10:30 am see complete schedule on next page. Annual East er Dinner ? It is a great opportunity to mingle with family, friends and neighbours and share with me your views regarding our province. It also gives me a chance to update you on the issues at Queen?s Park. Taking place at the Royal Canadian Legion, 415 Second St W, Cornwall, ON at 8:30am.Tickets are only $10, please call Marilyn to reserve yours at 613-930-5042, or e-mail mma@tri-sis.ca by Wednesday March 9, 2016.












Drama Living Lord's Supper Starting at 7PM at 780 Sydney Street. Join us for this drama as we examine the moment of the famous painting of the Last Supper as Jesus declares that one of them will betray him. The disciples ponder the posibility that they might be the one. Communion is then served with all. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Women Ent repreneurs Dinner Meet ing From 6 pm t o 9 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdal e Ave. Panel discussion wit h ent repreneurs. Members:22$, non-members:25$. wecornwal l area.ca




Knight s of Col umbus Good Friday Fish and Chips ? Good Friday Fish&Chips $10.00 March 25th Doors open at 3:00, Supper 4:00 to 7:30 Cornwall Knights of Columbus Hall 205 Amelia Street Tel 613-932-7600 Karaoke Wit h Georgie ? Fridays at 7:30 pm. Army-Navy-Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. Live Theat er Product ion Of From Darkness Int o Light ? Friday, March 25th & Saturday, March 26th at 7 pm. Cornwall Pentecostal Church, 208 2nd St. E. Free admission. Good Friday Fish & Chips ? From 5:30 pm to 7 pm. Music & karaoke with Nat & Perry from 4 pm to 8 pm. Army, Navy Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. Tickets now on sale at the bar. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org

Creat ion Science Cent re open Saturdays from 1 - 5pm. 52 Eighth St E, Cornwall


It 's


Cal l M ai -Li i s, TODAY at 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 Ex t 1 0 2 I Can 't h el p yo u ad ver t i se i t ...

i f I d o n 't k n o w ab o u t i t !

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


S E E K E RC H I C K S Army Navy St Pattys

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Sha ry n

THO M PSO N Several weeks ago, my good friend Jean Harpur came into my store with a plateful of these delicious biscuits still warm from her oven. I promptly made a cup of steaming coffee to be enjoyed while I bit into a scrumptious buttery biscuit. The combination of sharp cheddar cheese with

pieces into the dry ingredients.


crisp bacon, green onion and shredded apple is a fine match. You will certainly be saving this recipe and make these biscuits often for yourself and your family. Thanks Jean for caring and sharing.

1- 3/ 4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 4 tsp. baking powder 1 tbsp. granulated sugar 1/ 2 tsp. fine salt 1/ 4 cup cold butter, cut into cubes 1 cup shredded extra-old cheddar cheese 1 cup grated tart apple (skin on) 2 green onions, finely minced or chopped 3 or 4 rashers (strips) of bacon cooked crisp and chopped 3/ 4 cup of milk


-Pour the milk over this and using a fork, quickly stir the mixture until it forms a ragged dough. Don't overmix or your biscuits will be tough, not tender. -Using a 1/ 4 cup measure, dip this into the biscuit dough and drop the biscuits onto the prepared parchment lined baking sheet. Allow 1- 1/ 2 inches of space in between each biscuit. -Use the middle rack of your oven. Place the pan of biscuits on this. -Bake them for 13 to 15 minutes. The biscuits will be crunchy on the outside and soft and tender in the middle. -Pass the butter and make a good cup of tea or coffee to sip on and enjoy your biscuits. *Usually I bake one or two pounds of bacon on rimmed, foil-lined baking sheets. They will be cooked in about 20 minutes at 350 degree F. oven. Turn bacon once during baking and drain off any fat at this time. When the bacon is nearly done, I brush pure maple syrup all over the tops of the bacon and put it back in the oven for just a couple of minutes longer. The maple syrup glazes the bacon and makes it twice as tasty. Now, cool the bacon, bag it up into ziploc bags and freeze for future use. It will be ready to use as needed. ENJOY!

-Pre-heat your oven to 425 degrees F. Place a sheet of parchment paper on a large rimless baking sheet. -In a large bowl, whisk or sift the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt together. -Using a pastry blender, cut the cold cubed pieces of butter into the dry ingredients until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs with just a few larger pieces of butter remaining. -Using a metal grater, grate the cheese and the tart apple. -Chop up the green onions until very fine. -Cook the bacon until crisp and then pat any grease off the bacon and chop or break the bacon into bite-sized pieces. *See my tip below. -Stir the grated cheese, grated apple, chopped green onion and bacon

SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday -9 to 5

Spri ng Eq ui nox Ci rcl e The Spring Equinox, or the Vernal Equinox, signals the beginning of spring. In 2016, this equinox arrives on Sunday March 20 at 4:30 am. That?s for the Northern Hemisphere. For the Southern Hemisphere, the equinox marks the beginning of fall. Our sunrise is earlier now, and nightfall comes later. Plants are sprouting. Winds are softening. Mother Earth is renewing itself again as plants and trees begin to bloom and animals come out of hibernation.People are enjoying the warmer days of spring. The Spring Equinox is one of balance between night and day, light and dark. It is also a time to consider what goals or wishes we would like to achieve over the next year. Spring is the season to start, to continue our life journey with new eyes, a renewed attitude. Let?s welcome the winds of

change. Let?s welcome the winged creatures. It is also a good time for balancing and/ or manifesting of it all; achieving those new or uncompleted goals, wishes and desires; a time for all that is new and possible.... a time to break the last of the chains that has stopped our own growth. Spring is a new cycle in our sacred wheel of life, a true celebration of rebirthing our life and nature itself. To honour the rhythms of Mother Nature and the call to new beginnings, a special Spring Equinox Circle is being offered to you to plant the seeds of your intentions. Join us for a celebration of nature's awakening to new and renewed life. The celebration includes: Creating the ritual space openingceremony - medicine wheel, Meditation, Plan our garden with our intention, Sharing circle, Drumming Cont act Lise Gaut hier Today To Reserve Your Spot 613 870-1077

Is your websit e ef f ect ive on every pl at f orm? We can hel p! Cal l 613-935-8101 f or your f ree eval uat ion

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


and she wants a guy who can stand up for himself but not put her down at the same time. Yes, the struggle is real, folks. But at the end of the day, she realizes that if she meets the right guy none of it will matter anyway.



Sha nno n

FERG USO N 7 In t er n al St r u g g l es of the M o d er n -Day Si n g l e Gi r l

This day and age, being single comes with a mass amount of internal contradictions and for the ladies in this predicament it can become a tad overwhelming. Not only do we have to worry about daily life struggles like dying to eat a whole pizza to ourselves on Friday night but also wanting to look good in a bikini for our vacation next month but now we have to worry about the dating game as well. The following is a list of struggles and thoughts that cross some (most) single girls?minds these days: 1. I Want t o Be Singl e but I Hat e Being Al one. Being an independent woman is a super sexy quality and single ladies know this. Being able to rely on yourself and only yourself is an invaluable tool and the single girl is quite proud of the accomplishments she has made on her own. She has found peace in being single and knows that she doesn?t need a partner in order to lead a happy life, because she is already happy on her own. The struggle comes when she knows she?s cool with being single but also misses that feeling of being in a relationship. The pang of loneliness can hit at any time; a Monday night when she just wishes she had someone to watch her favourite show with or on a Saturday when she could really go for a nice meal at the restaurant down the street. And usually she?s content with having the entire bed to herself but sometimes she just feels that it?s a bit too big and so the struggle continues. 2. I?d Like t o Dat e a Guy Who?s Not TOO Nice but Al so Not an A**hol e. On days when the single girl feels like she might be ready to start dating again, she starts thinking about the qualities she?d like in her next boyfriend. Maybe she goes out on a few dates to test the waters she has decided to cast her net into but it soon becomes apparent that a happy medium of boyfriend-qualities does not exist among most men. Of course she wants to date a nice guy, someone who treats her well, offers to pick up the tab on the first date, respects her boundaries and so on and so forth but she soon comes to realize she also wants a guy with a backbone. Turns out the guys she meets who have backbones also don?t have manners and are, what some may call, a** holes. She wants a guy to text her, but not tooo much

3. Do I Go t o t he Bar and Pot ent ial l y Meet Prince Charming or St ay Home and Wat ch Net f l ix? For the single girl who is no longer in her early 20?s, going to the bar is a major task that is significantly less exciting than it used to be. The more appealing option is always pajamas, on the couch, binge watching Netflix and not waking up with a hangover. The struggle comes when you start realizing that you aren?t meeting many new people (cough, guys) this way and so you think to yourself, maybe I should throw on a slinky dress, attend girl?s night, and give the club a chance. You think it could be fun and maybe the next great romance of our time could begin while grinding in an alcohol-induced haze on a sweaty, over-crowded, under-aged dance floor (hey, it?s happened before). So, do you throw on your highest heels and best pair of beer goggles and head to the dance hall in search of more than a one-night stand or will Netflix win (again)? The struggle is real and to be honest, Netflix usually wins. 4. To Tinder or Not To Tinder Ohh, Onl ine Dat ing. The t rue st ruggl e of t he modern-day singl e girl . Do you do it and risk meeting a potential nut job and/ or many straight-up weirdos or do you stay away from technology and wonder aimlessly through the library hoping to find Mr. Right in the Romance section? The obvious answer is the prior and it?s always a tough decision. Sometimes you think you do it just to kill time and reduce boredom, other times you think maybe you?ll get lucky and find someone who isn?t just out looking for a booty call. You?ve seen friends find great relationships through this method so you know it can happen but you seem to always come across the kind of guys that just don?t do it for ya. So, you delete your account for the eighth time proclaiming ?I?m done with this stuff?, knowing in your heart you?ll succumb back to it again next week. 5. Go t o Event s or Not When You?l l be t he Onl y Singl e Friend. Couples hanging out together actually becomes a ?thing? as you get older and while it?s really cool when you?re part of a couple, it can feel a bit odd when you are just out of a relationship but still want to partake in these evenings, even though you?re dateless. You struggle with going and being the odd man out but you know you?ll regret it if you don?t go. This struggle is often an easy one to overcome. If you know these people are your real friends, it shouldn?t matter if


DJ starting at $395

VIDEO starting at $395

INVITATIONS starting at $1.55 each

Book ourMOBILE LIGHT &LAZER SHOW - Yourevent wil be l t al ked about f oryears!l Th e m o r e yo u sp en d - Th e m o r e yo u save! Cal l Sh el d o n an d M ai -Li i s at 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2

you?re dateless or not and if you?re all close enough it won?t even feel like you?re alone. After all, friends are the people you truly need in your life, so don?t pass up opportunities to keep them around just cause you feel insecure about your status. You will need these people when waves of # 1 and # 3 present themselves. Always go. 6. Shave Your Legs or Grow It Out ? Most ladies in relationships know that shaving your legs regularly can become less of a habit but single girls are expected to maintain the upkeep just in case you actually do run into Prince Charming at the club (or library). It becomes a struggle, especially during the winter, when you know you should keep your legs silky smooth but you also know Netflix isn?t judging you either way. You have also figured out that you can use it as a deterrent to turn off the guys you really don?t want to turn on and subconsciously prevent any drunken one-night stands from occurring, as you know the hair on your legs could not only entwine around any new prospects but also turn them off completely. In the end, if it?s getting to the point where it?s even grossing you out, it?s probably time to shave. Don?t let yourself go completely! 7. Set t l e f or a Lack of Passion or Wait f or t he But t erf l ies? Even girls who are cool with being single may date around every now and then, and when they do they often find themselves on the fence about the next steps to take. You like the guy, he?s nice, there?s a decent connection but you just don?t feel it. So you wonder if maybe you should just keep him around and get to know him better, crossing your fingers that the butterflies will appear soon, or let him down easy and move on. Don?t settle. Yes, we all hear that butterflies and passion fade over time, but in the beginning there should at least be some semblance of a spark. If the guy?s great but you don?t quite feel the excitement you know you should, get out early and move on. Settling ?cause you?re sick of being alone will never get you anywhere so bring back Miss Independent and remember it?s okay to be single, struggles and all. Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at www.dunet.ca


WE CAN HELP! 1170 Pit t St . Cornwal l 613-933-9457

Bring in t his ad and receive 20% of f of IN HOUSE l abour Expires May 31, 2016

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne


Hi there to all of you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. I do hope that you have all survived the craazzy Winter weather that Mother Nature threw at us before heading into the Spring season this year. She certainly rained on our March Break Parade this week!!! Although there were some "dry moments" that we got to enjoy...Yeah. like when we were going in or out of the car or the different stores without getting completly wet!!! SPRING IS IN THE AIR!!! Thanks Mother Nature. The clues are all around us and before us... All we have to do is OPEN OUR EYES to SEE the Miracles of Nature that are awakening from their long, Winter's slumber. I can see all kinds of muli- coloured shoots coming up from beneath the cold, wet soil in my front and back flower gardens... I hear the HONKING and I have seen several V's of Canadian geese returning from their Southern vacations... I have heard through the "Maple vine" that the Maple syrup bushes and camps are up and running for yet another short, Spring season of Sweet, Yummy Goodness. I LOVE OUR CANADIAN MAPLE SYRUP!!! Pancakes or Waffles Anyone???

TIP OF THE WEEK: RELAX & TAKE A LOOONG ~HOT~ BATH...With... EPSOM SALTS... Not ONLY DO YOU DESERVE IT.., Here's NINE Other Reasons Why: 1. It can help heal certain ailments. Epsom salts are a natural antifungal remedy. It can help to alleviate gout, athlete's foot and toenail fungus. 2. It can help to restore magnesium levels. When you're stressed the magnesium levels in your body can drop, but taking an epsom salt bath can help to bring them back up and calm you down. 3. It can help to clear up your skin. You can make all kinds of epsom salts masks using honey or other items you have in your cupboard. 4. It can be used as an at home mani-pedi. Give your fingernails and toenails a soak in epsom salts for an at-home manicure or pedicure. 5. It can help with bee stings. Since epsom salts help with inflammation, they can help speed up the healing of bug bites and bee stings. 6. It's a great part of a detox regimen. The sulfates in the epsom salts can help detoxify your body by drawing out heavy metals and toxins. 7. It can make your skin soft and smooth. Epsom salt a natural exfoliant, so it's a great way to scrub off dead skin and rough patches to reveal smooth skin. 8. It can help to volumize your hair. The minerals in epsom salts can help to remove the oils in your hair and make it less greasy. 9. It can improve your skin and joint health. The sulfates in epsom salts can help to improve skin and joint health. It also helps improve nervous system tissue. These are only but a few benefits of using epsom salts. "The Natural Way To Heal." Results may vary and as always, please consult your health practioner if you have any questions or concerns. I did end up going to~ Misty Mac's Drag Queen Show~ last Saturday night. I totally enjoyed the whole experience with seeing these WOWerful performers do their thang. There was lots of *Bling*, Sequins, *Sparkle* and, lots of coloured feather boas with, high, high- heels and I'm not just talking about the outfit I wore. (* wink* wink* ) The outfits were


I was certainly kept a "Happy Busy" with my four oldest grandchildren (Melinda's kiddies) this week despite the gloomy. wet and cold days...WE HAD A BLAST!!! Lincoln went off to see his teenaged friends in Cornwall, and the three younger grandkiddies (Abigail, Sampson & William) went off with their other Grandma (Brenda) shopping at Walmart. Melinda and I decided to go shopping, too, but at the St. Vincent Du Paul in Alexandria to see what fine and fun treasures there would be there waiting for us to find. Well, we sure got our share of goodies at GREAT PRICES!!! Most everything we bought was 50% off and the younger children's clothes were ONLY $4.00 a bag. Melinda and I had chosen lots of new and older games that we used to play, along with some puzzles to have lots of extra fun with the kiddies throughout the gloomy, March Break. They were a SUCCESS with the kiddies and we got to enjoy many hours of fun playing them together. I find that board games and puzzles are a lot more interactive and hands on, than many of the electronic games our children and grandchildren play with today. With these types of games and activities, families and friends get to participate by talking, thinking and sharing a fun experience together. Put Away Those Electronic Games & Phones and Get Out Them Good Old Games from Yesteryear!!!

SENSATIONAL!!! (lots of what I wouldn't mind wearing myself!) Thanks to Misty Mac for bringing this kind of show to Cornwall. It is always a welcome bit of fresh air to bring in something new, like this, to our town. Thanks to you and all of the other Drag Queen performers for putting on such a FABULOUSLY FUN & COLOURFUL SHOW for all of we onlookers to enjoy!!! ITEM OF THE WEEK: For this week's pick...Take a LOOK at these wonderful pair of stylish, black booties that I purchased at Cornwall's Arden store. They are so cool-looking and very comfortable to walk in as well. (I wore them Saturday night and danced and pranced in them all night long.) I bought them a few weeks ago at their Winter Clearance Sale for ONLY $14.00!!! The Regular Price was $45.00. WHAT A DEAL!!! I actually got the same pair of boots last year on sale for $25.00. I had decided to get another pair because of their look and comfortablity....and at such a GREAT PRICE!!! One cannot go wrong with DEALS LIKE THESE!!! FRIEND NEWS: My dear friend, Maryanne Archer is turning a "New Age" this weekend and I, along with some other good friends, were invited to help her celebrate. I hear that being St. Patrick's and all that, the theme colour will be GREEN!!! I think I may have some green things to fling together for some kind of outfit for Saturday night. Maryanne, May you have a most Wonderful kind of birthday my dear, sweet friend. May you also have a fun-filled and exciting kind of year ahead of you. May You Be Blessed with Much Happiness & Love in Your New Age!!! Love Marlene . UNTIL NEXT WEEK: You know you and I deserve a day where our worries don't or won't get in the way of anything. A day where... even, if some people are Insensitive or Unkind, we are not going to mind because the BLESSINGS that we receive are far GREATER than the burdens that we experience. REMEMBER - TO STAY POSITIVE!!! Do Have a Wonderful Week Ahead Everybody. Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca

Jo se e

SAUVE Tax Tip 7 ?I sol d my HOUSE, and someone said I have t o decl are a capit al gain ? is t his t rue?? When you sell your home, you may realize a capital gain. If the property was your principal residence for every year you owned it, you do not have to report the sale on your income tax and benefit return. You may have a capit al gain if : -

at any time while you owned the home, you rented your home or a portion of your home to a tenant is you own another residence that is not your principal residence (ie cottage) your home was attained from a relative as part of an estate and was a rental property when you took ownership of the home Capital gains can be calculated by using Form T2091 on the Canada Revenue Agency?s website. You only need to file this form IF you have a capital gain. If you sold your home for less than what you paid for it and have a loss, you do not have to complete this form or report the sale on your tax return. ?But I heard that there is a Million dollar life-time exemption from having to claim Capital Gains!? Yes there is ? but it only applies to qualified farm or fishing properties and qualified small business corporation. For more tax tips and tax related frequently asked questions, visit my website at www.sauvet axservices.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




M ACDO NALD Rent ? t o ? Own (RTO): ?If ? and ?onl y If ? Part 1 As mortgages have been harder to obtain and debt loads have been increasing, Rent-to-Own programs have become an option that some people turn to. While this program seems like the perfect answer, it is rarely a good idea for the tenant/ owner and is almost always a great option for the Investor.


The process begins by qualifying potential tenant/ owners. RTO programs look at your income and credit history and usually require at least a $5,000 deposit. If it looks like you can qualify for your own mortgage in 2 ? 4 years, then RTOs find an investor that will purchase the home that you choose. You agree together on a purchase price at the end of the term. You live in the house as if it is your own and parts of your monthly rent go toward your future down payment. At the end of the term, you sign an Agreement of

Tr ansition Cor nw all+ is par t of a vibr ant, inter national gr assr oots m ovem ent that began in the United Kingdom in 2005 and has since spr ead to hundr eds of com m unities ar ound the w or ld. We ar e one of 42 or m or e Canadian com m unities associated w ith the inter national Tr ansition Netw or k . Tr ansition Cor nw all + is dedicated to building r esilience and sustainability thr ough local action in pr epar ation for clim ate change, r esour ce depletion and the r esulting econom ic instability

Purchase and sale, get your own mortgage, and buy the house for the predetermined price. Sounds perfect, right? Let?s look at the ?If s?in this program? . Income and Credit ? If , over the course of the term (2-4 years), you do not improve your credit to a score over 680 or your income declines, you cannot qualify for a mortgage so you cannot purchase the house (Unless you are working with a lender or Mortgage Broker, it is difficult to continually monitor your credit score). The Investor then has the option to sell the property, move in a family member or a new tenant - you lose your deposit and your credits and may have to move. Qual if ying f or a Mort gage ? If the mortgage rules change over the term (2-4 years) this may result in the inability to qualify for a mortgage in the future. For example, the government changed the maximum amortization for insured mortgages from 30 years to 25 years recently. Anyone that was qualified using a 30 year amortization must now have a higher income to compensate for the missing 5 years to qualify for the mortgage? you lose your deposit and credits and may have to move. Jenni MacDonal d (www.jmacdonal d.ca) is a Mort gage Broker wit h Dominion Lending Cent res The Mort gage Source (Lic.# 10145). She has over 5 years of experience in t he Mort gage Indust ry and works wit h at l east 40 l enders incl uding banks, credit unions, and privat e l enders t o f ind t he best mort gage f or each cl ient . You can cont act her by phone or t ext at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonal d@dominionl ending.ca. inspir e and suppor t positive local r esponses at ever y level - individuals and gr oups, business and gover nm ent! By w or king together RIGHT NOW on r educing our dependence on fossil fuels and the gr eater use of local and r egional r esour ces to m eet our needs, w e can lay the foundations for a str onger , safer and m or e car ing futur e for all. Tr ansition Cor nw all+ is also a w or king gr oup w ith the Social Developm ent Council of Cor nw all and Ar ea. If you have an inter est to becom e involved w ith this car ing, fun-loving com m unity gr oup or sim ply w ant fur ther infor m ation, kindly contact tr ansitioncor nw allar ea@gm ail.com or visit their w ebsite w w w.tr a nsitioncor nwa ll.com

For our com m unities to w ithstand the challenges of uncer tain tim es w e need to

The Seeker Chicks Julia and Mai-Liis Congratulate

Gai l Fl ar o Celebrating

3 0 Year s in the Income Tax Business ...

SueLapensĂŠe , Owner

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Th e Seek er Wel comes...

Ene rg e tica lly

Sp e a king

W e nd y

HUDSO N What is Energy Heal ing? When I was first introduced to the world of energy healing, it was never my intent to become a healer. I was led by many circumstances to an energy school in Ottawa called Inner Focus, and even though I knew nothing about the world I was about to enter into, there was just something that drew me to it and a greater part of me that seemed to be leading the way towards something I had always been searching for. The name Inner Focus appealed to me since my own inner world at that time was in great turmoil to the point that I thought I had no other choice but to end it all. My personality was symbolically staring at a brick wall and couldn?t see anything that. I needed to learn how to rise above all the drama and negativity in my life and take what we now call ?The 10,000 foot view? of what was really going on within me. It was in energy school that I met my now husband Steve and where my whole life began to change.


The basic principles of energy healing are based upon the belief that everything that has ever been created in the physical world first began as energy. This energy is said to originate with Source (God, Allah, Spirit, etc.)

Whatever name you choose to give it, it is that energy that exists at a vibration so high that it is impossible to detect with your five, physical senses. As a healing journey progresses, you begin to tap into your own personal gifts of being able to detect and work with these vibrations. Our main energetic field is made up of our aura and chakras. A healthy energetic system will create a healthy body, but not just the physical one. We are multi-dimensional, multi-layered beings that also operate from an emotional, mental and spiritual perspective. If we have a free flow of energy into and out of these different layers, we will be healthy in all aspects. Energy blockages though can distort the field and cause dis-ease in any of these layers. Energy medicine seeks to rebalance these energies and allow the free flow of emotions, thought forms, belief systems and positive energy to flow back into the physical body. This is typically done by running high vibrational energies through the hands into the energetic system to clear blockages. In our school, we teach many different techniques and modalities on how to do this. In my next article, I will be talking more about how Energy Blockages occur and what you can do about them.

Wendy Hudson, D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H. To find out more about what we do, who we are, what we teach and any upcoming workshops and classes, please visit our website at www.awakeningangels.ca.




The Members?Art Exhibition at the Cornwall Square is coming up in April; this show replaces the spring show, which, in previous years was held at the Cornwall Library. The association is very grateful to the staff at the Library for all their support each spring but, by changing venue, Focus Art hopes to draw a new audience as well as its faithful patrons. Artists are very demanding of themselves. They always want to enter their art but can have moments of hesitation. For many reasons they go through all the excuses for putting off participation. Not everyone reacts this way, but if you find yourself in this quagmire, let me share with you the advice of a fellow artist. The Painter?s Keys, a bi-weekly on-line newsletter by Robert Genn, offers several ways to understand and overcome the self-destructive thoughts. In Robert?s words: ?Accomplished art making is achieved, not by magic, but by developing the character to understandand challenge fear. Next week, I'll speak about the various mental spins that can be a problem and how to overcome them.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 11 - March 18 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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