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You rr Weekl Weekl yy Dose Dose You of Posi Posi ti ti ve veNew New s! s! of

Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Vol Issue13 5 Vol..77 Issue Volume 62016 Issue 41, February 5, 2016 April 1, October 30, 2015

A LIEN S IN V A D E COR N W A LL! CLO CK T O W ER U N D ER SIEGE s ee s t o r y o n

17840 Count y Road 44 JUST Nort h of t he cit y on Cornwal l El ect ric! Open concept main f l oor, 3 l arge bedrooms above, f ul l bsmt & garage. $289,900 ml s N0757

Always a Dunne Deal

p .5



EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



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inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch


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by Julia Lucio

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d

VALUE VILLAGE - METRO - NO FRILLS - FOOD BASICS - BAXTROM'S (Health Dept) CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY - GIANT TIGER - FRESHCO - THE GRIND - SHARYN'S PANTRY HOME HARDWARE - FARM BOY (Eating Area) - EASTCOURT MALL (near the Barber shop) TIM HORTONS (Second Street E & Cornwall Square) - LOTTERY KIOSK (Cornwall Square) BEST WESTERN PARKWAY INN - Most BREAKFAST PLACES & more ... PLUS Long Sault, MacEwen Gas Bar and at the SEEKER office OFFICE (327 2nd St. E.) Does t he Ghomeshi verdict send t he wrong message?

Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN

Lack of credibility, inconsistencies and ?odd behavior? were some of the words Justice William Horkins used when rendering his verdict. The trial lasted 8 days and was more about assassinating the character of the witnesses than proving Ghomeshi's guilt--they were scrutinized, shamed and blamed, not him. The outcome is not so much about whether he's guilty or not, but more about the witnesses not being credible or able to clearly remember details of what happened more than 10 years ago.


Natalie - Seeker Sales



BU SINESS! WE HAVE YOUR TARGET MARKET! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 your best year yet! The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic consists of women, 34-50 years old, who make the buying decisions in the family.

I was the victim of violence once, long ago. I can honestly tell you that I remember very little detail of what happened to me. I spent years forgetting. CALLSeek erSal esCh i ckM ai -Li i s, TODAY When dealing with trauma, survival instincts oftentimes take over. Initially, 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ext 1 0 2 the brain goes on overdrive, tries to make sense of it all. "What did I do? How did this means that without the possibility of questioning the happen to me? Was I too provocative? Was it something accused--most won't testify--, in a scenario between two I said?" Those are the thoughts that race through your adults where there may or may not be rough play mind. You blame yourself. You may even want to talk to involved, and where consent may be established one your assailant to try to find some logic in it all. moment but revoked the next, it is extremely difficult to But there is no logic. prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt. Eventually, the brain runs a "defrag" and tries to get rid of all the painful bits and pieces that prevent you from moving on with your life. You forget. It's a basic coping mechanism. Incidentally, the very thing that stopped me from pressing charges in my case was the idea of experiencing a similar ordeal than the one Ms. De Coutere went through. I am not saying Ghomeshi is guilty. I don't know the guy. I never will. I couldn't care less. But here is what I do know. The notion of innocent until proven guilty is faulty at best when it comes to crimes of a sexual nature, and it will remain that way for as long as we keep putting the victims on trial. Every year, in Canada, 460,000 sexual assaults take place. Only 0.3% end up in a conviction. That does not mean the assault didn't occur, it simply

Marie Henein did great at building such reasonable doubt. She did her job to the very best or her abilities. She's good. We should commend that, not turn around and say that she betrayed all women. It's not personal. It's business. In the end, the evidence was not compelling enough to warrant a conviction. If Ghomeshi is guilty and walked away, it's ok. Now that this issue was brought to light, caution will be exercised. If he is innocent, then justice was served. But I feel for the guy who's reputation is now tarnished forever. Our constitutionally-based criminal justice system places a high value on protecting the innocent. Among its central tenets is the idea that it is better to let a guilty person go free than to convict someone without evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. --Robert Shapiro

DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm

613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s





SLC, SATU RDAY, APRIL 2 , 2 0 1 6 - SLC is opening its doors to applicants and prospective students and their families on Sat urday, April 2. Open House includes detailed program information with faculty, program demonstrations, campus tours, and so much more. It?s the perfect opportunity to experience all there is to love about St. Lawrence College. As a special feature, SLC?s Career Services is also running Career Coach workshops. Career Coach, a recently launched online tool, helps students discover career opportunities by providing the most current local data on wages, employment, job postings, and associated education and training. Career Services staff will be on hand to demonstrate this innovative new tool in educational and career planning. Tours include our state-of-the-art labs, athletics facilities, residence, and more. As well numerous workshops are planned for parents and incoming students on OSAP, Awards and Bursaries, Counselling and Accessibility, and Student Success. Visitors will even get to sample the food at SLC! Program information sessions include Environmental Technician, Game Development Technician, Paramedic, and more. ?We?re always proud to welcome everyone to our College. Choosing a college is one of the biggest decisions you make in life and we?re confident that when we demonstrate all that SLC has to offer, participants will be impressed,? said Glenn Vollebregt, President and CEO of SLC. ?I look forward to talking to as many visitors as possible and answering any questions they may have.? Spring Open House 2016 Sat urday, April 2, 2016 f rom 9:00am 1:00pm Can't make the date? Book a personal tour anytime: stlawrencecollege.ca/ bookatour

KAWARTHA CREDIT U NION Kawartha Credit Union is passionate about supporting the health and well-being of our community and we are fortunate they continue to support CCH Foundation each year through their Community Involvement Program. Joanne Montford, Branch Manager, recently presented Erin Killoran with a $5,000 contribution to the chemotherapy program at Cornwall Community Hospital. Thank you!

M INIM AX Special thanks to Yves Poirier of Minimax Express Transportation for presenting CCH Foundation with a generous donation of $10,000 for Chemotherapy. Because of the overwhelming support from our community members and donors like Yves Poirier, we are pleased to announce that Chemotherapy is now available here in Cornwall

Cornwal l ? March 31, 2016 : LE MONUMENT DE LA FRANCOPHONIE DE CORNWALL was inaugurated on September 12, 2010 at Lamoureux Park. The club Richelieu de Cornwall, in partnership with the Centre culturel de Cornwall, shall pursue its initiative started in September 2011. This project?s main objective is to identify and celebrate annually the contribution of a francophone who by his or her courage, special achievement and leadership has been instrumental to the development and well-being of the francophone community of Cornwall. In order to preserve this acknowledgment, the name of that person will be etched on a granite plaque which will then be installed in the interlock pavement around the monument, thus creating the « Promenade d?honneur ». The name of the person receiving this honor will be unveiled at a special ceremony at the site of Le Monument de la francophonie on September 23, 2016. The name of the Honoree shall be added next to Jeannine Séguin, Gérald G. Samson, Huguette Burroughs, Père Charles-Émile Claude and Tina Charlebois. It shall be the 6th anniversary of the inauguration of Le Monument de la francophonie de Cornwall. The Cornwall and area francophone organizations will be invited to submit names of individuals worthy of this honor. All submissions will be considered by the selection committee composed of members of the club Richelieu de Cornwall and the president of the Centre culturel de Cornwall. We now have a heritage place where we find our monument, our flag and our history. Come join us to celebrate and recognize our heroes, those men and women who have played an important role in the growth and improvement of our community. We hope that this endeavour will inspire all Francophones to take pride in their culture and their history. Furthermore, we believe that this project will continue to enhance the rich cultural history Cornwall has to offer. The unveiling of the name of our sixth recipient will be held on September 23, 2016 and we hope to meet you at that special event.


UNITED COUNTIES SCIENCE FAIR TAKES PLACE SATURDAY APRIL 2ND, 2016 FROM 8:30 AM TO 5:00PM AT ST. LAWRENCE SECONDARY SCHOOL, 1450 SECOND STREET EAST, CORNWALL This year marks the 41st anniversary of the United Counties Science Fair, which is a non-profit charitable organization run by a team of volunteer teachers and parents. The organization?s goals are to encourage students to explore some of the many fields of science and to help students develop creative critical thinking and deductive reasoning skills. If you are the parent or grandparent of a child attending any of the schools in the three United Counties or the district of Akwesasne then this fair is of interest to you. The ?Science on the Wall? category will showcase the efforts of over 175 projects by grade 1 to 5 students from 18 area schools and the ?Science Fair? category will feature over 78 grade 6 to 12 students from area schools displaying their projects. This is an excellent opportunity for you and your family to see our budding scientists, engineers, and researchers of the future! Public viewing will take place in the school gymnasium from 8:30am to 2:00pm, followed by a Science Spectacular show from 2:30pm to 3:30pm, then the awards presentation in the cafeteria from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. We will be awarding approximately $10,000 in prizes, awards, scholarships, and trips, including the opportunity to represent our regional fair at the Canada Wide Science Festival in Montreal in May! Come out and enjoy the science and technology on display! Everyone is welcome!

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Ste p he n

Be A Ha rd Ta rg e t

BURKE You woul dn't l eave your new and expensive car unl ocked wit h t he keys in t he ignit ion. Likewise, you should ensure that your computer is as well protected as possible. Even being careful, paranoid even, doesn't always stop a computer from being compromised. This is where software and software settings can help reduce the softness of your computer security. There are several free products available, and many do a good job. Avast! Free Antivirus, AVG Free Antivirus and Zone

Alarm Personal Firewall are three well-known and fairly good free programs that can help maintain system security. You can also use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove some infections and CCleaner to help proactively remove potential problems. All of these programs can be downloaded for free; they are typically a basic version of a more advanced, and costly, program. When used properly, these programs can provide a high level of security, especially when combined with safe on-line practices. It is very important that you understand how to properly configure and use these programs, otherwise their value diminishes greatly. Of course, there are those security threats that need a more complete solution. BitDefender Total Security and Kaspersky Total Security both rank in the top 10, and often in the top 5, total security software lists. Zone Alarm Extreme Security also seems to be ranking well. One of

my clients selected BitDefender Total Security and the software performed impressively when it thwarted a ransomware attack. Installing and properly configuring a highly rated computer system security program should help keep your equipment secure. Everyone has their personal favourite, and feature sets vary, just do some research and find the best product for your needs. Ot her ways t o secure your comput er incl ude: reduce your browser cache size to 50 MB, delete browsing history on exit and enable the pop-up blocker - provided that your browser allows these configuration settings. Also pay attention when installing certain programs such as Java and other downloaded programs, they may try to sneak a browser helper onto your computer. Also, never, never, never save passwords and user names for the sites you visit. Do not use the "remember me" option on websites. Always ensure that your browser and other software is up-to-date. Adobe makes rich content software: Adobe Reader, Flash, Air and Shockwave. A decade ago, many websites relied on you having these programs installed. Now, most of them are not required. It seems that only Adobe Reader is regularly used. Feel free to uninstall the other three and see if your Internet experience changes. You can always reinstall the programs if the websites you visit require them. Next issue, we will look at more ways to keep your computer secure.

Is your websit e ef f ect ive on every pl at f orm? We can hel p! Cal l 613-935-8101


f or your f ree eval uat ion

Sha ry n


Bak ed Spagh etti -Real l y?

Until my friend Morris Shaver told me about 'baked spaghetti', I had never ever heard of such a dish. Well, now it will be one of my go-to recipes. Baking the spaghetti seems to bring out the flavours of every ingredient used. I did a couple of substitutions and added a bit more of some ingredients with good results. That is the beauty of making your own meals, you use what you have in your fridge or pantry. This dish can be a simple supper for your family or a great make ahead oven dish to serve after skiing or hiking. Morris was given the recipe from his friend Joan Wells from Ingleside in her cookbook 'Creative Cooking'. Gary and I thoroughly enjoyed our supper. Thanks Joan and Morris for caring and sharing. INGREDIENTS:



1. -Boil the spaghetti in lots of salted water until just al dente. Drain well. Reserve a bit of the water in case you need to add a bit into the spaghetti mixture. 2. -Melt the butter in a large pan and saute the chopped onion and green pepper until tender and soft. 3. -Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper, paprika and sugar. Simmer this for 10 minutes. 4. -Stir in the drained spaghetti and using a pair of tongs, toss and mix well. 5. -Stir in 1/ 2 cup of the grated cheese. 6. -Pour the spaghetti into a shallow buttered baking dish. This will give you more surface with grated cheese on it. 7. -Sprinkle the remaining grated cheese over top and a bit of Parmesan if you wish. 8. -Bake the spaghetti for 20 to 25 minutes in a 400 degree F. oven. This will serve 6 nicely. Just make a nice salad and pass the hot crusty bread. ENJOY!


1/ 2 lb. of spaghetti (I used our whole grain, whole wheat spaghetti) 2 tbsp. of butter 1- 1/ 2 tbsp. chopped onion ( I used 1/ 2 cup) 1- 1/ 2 tbsp. chopped green pepper ( I used 1/ 2 cup) 2 cups of canned stewed tomatoes ( I used some jarred spaghetti sauce as I had no canned tomatoes) 1 tsp. salt ( I used Kosher salt, it is less salty) 1/ 4 tsp. ground black pepper 1/ 8 tsp. paprika ( I used ouir smoked paprika, about 1 tsp.) 1 tbsp. sugar 1 cup grated cheese ( I used mozzarella + 2 tbsp. Parmesan for topping)

SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday -9 to 5

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



IT ' S A P R IL FO O LS' , P EO P LE! Adapted fom Wikipedia - The custom of setting aside a day for the playing of harmless pranks upon one's neighbor is recognized everywhere. Some precursors of April Fools' Day include the Roman festival of Hilaria, the Holi festival of India, and the Medieval Feast of Fools. In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1392), the "Nun's Priest's Tale" is set Syn March bigan thritty dayes and two. Modern scholars believe that there is a copying error in the extant manuscripts and that Chaucer actually wrote, Syn March was gon. Thus the passage originally meant 32 days after March, i.e. 2 May, the anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia, which took place in 1381. Readers apparently misunderstood this line to mean "32 March", i.e. 1 April. In Chaucer's tale, the vain cock Chauntecleer is tricked by a fox.

a week-long holiday ending on 1 April. Some writers suggest that April Fools' originated because those who celebrated on 1 January made fun of those who celebrated on other dates. The use of 1 January as New Year's Day was common in France by the mid-16th century, and this date was adopted officially in 1564 by the Edict of Roussillon. In The Netherlands, the origin of April Fools' Day is often attributed to the Dutch victory at Brielle in 1572, where the Spanish Duke Ă lvarez de Toledo was defeated. "Op 1 april verloor Alva zijn bril." is a Dutch proverb, which can be translated to: "On the first of April, Alva lost his glasses." In this case, the glasses("bril" in Dutch) serve as a metaphor for Brielle. This theory, however, provides no explanation for the international celebration of April Fools' Day.

In 1508, French poet Eloy d'Amerval referred to a poisson d?avril (April fool, literally "April fish"), a possible reference to the holiday. In 1539, Flemish poet Eduard de Dene wrote of a nobleman who sent his servants on foolish errands on 1 April. In 1686, John Aubrey referred to the holiday as "Fooles holy day", the first British reference. On 1 April 1698, several people were tricked into going to theTower of London to "see the Lions washed". In the Middle Ages, New Year's Day was celebrated on 25 March in most European towns.[10] In some areas of France, New Year's was

10 p r a n k s f o r

a p r il

f o o l s'

An d n o w ... CROSSWORD FU N

1 - Repl ace whit e gl ue wit h mil k 2 - Cover t he opt ical l aser on t heir mouse 3 - Send t hem a cont roversial t ext 4 - Send t hem on an errand t o purchase somet hing t hat doesn't 5 - Paint a bar of soap wit h cl ear nail pol ish 6 - Cover t heir car in st icky not es 7 - Fil l t heir Oreo cookies wit h edibl e t oot hpast e 8 - Make some caramel covered onions t o l ook l ike appl es 9 - Put green f ood col oring in t heir mil k. 10 - Shrink wrap t he t oil et bowl


b ecau se Seek er r ead er s l o ve Cr o sswo r d s ... Across 8. Abominable Snowman (4) 9. Official examination (10) 10. Dormant (6) 11. Edible marine bivalves (8) 12. Dad (4) 13. Flight attendant (10) 17. Perishes (4) 18. Small terrestrial lizard (5) 19. Autumn (4) 20. Particularly (10) 22. Constellation bear (4) 23. Precarious (8) 27. Not outside (6) 28. Unglazed earthenware (10) 29. Cut (4)

Down 1. Stunt flying (10) 2. Exhibits (8) 3. A language of India (10) 4. Demands (4) 5. Plateau (4) 6. Impassive (6) 7. A type of liquid food (4) 14. Electronic letters (5) 15. Deductive (10) 16. The end of an Apollo flight (10) 19. Quartet (8) 21. Whole (6) 24. Require (4) 25. Baroque composer (4) 26. Dines (4)

Solution on page 15

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




M ACDO NALD Rent ? t o ? Own (RTO): ?If ? and ?onl y If ? Part 3 As mortgages have been harder to obtain and debt loads have been increasing, Rent-to-Own programs have become an option that some people turn to. While this program seems like the perfect answer, it is rarely a good idea for the tenant/ owner and is almost always a great option for the Investor.

The process begins by qualifying potential tenant/ owners. RTO programs look at your income and credit history and usually require at least a $5,000 deposit. If it looks like you can qualify for your own mortgage in 2 ? 4 years, then RTOs find an investor that will purchase the home that you choose. You agree together on a purchase price at the end of the term. You live in the house as if it is your own and parts of your monthly rent go toward your future down payment. At the end of the term, you sign an Agreement of Purchase and sale, get your own mortgage, and buy the house for the predetermined price. Sounds perfect, right?

full 6.5% of the final purchase price available as an initial deposit, you are charged the required amount over and above a regular market rent. This amount is determined by how much you need to save each month to have the necessary amount for a down payment (5% ) and closing costs (1.5% ). Let?s say the Investor?s expenses are about $1,100 per month (regular rent amount) and you need to save $300 per month for the down payment each month. Your RTO rent will be $1,400 per month. That?s a significant monthly rental cost. If you miss a rent payment you are in breach of contract and could? . Lose your deposit and credits and may have to move. Buy The House ? If you don?t like the house after living in it for the duration of the term, you cannot take those credits and purchase another house. The deposit and credits are for that property and that property alone... Lose your deposit and credits and move! As you can see, A Rent-to-Own program has many Ifs but it can be the only answer in a few select situations. If you are an Investor looking for this type of rental program, be prepared to hold the property for many years after the term of the agreement is over. If you are interested in being a tenant/ owner, please make sure you understand all the ?Ifs? that can turn a great experience into a nightmare! Jenni MacDonal d (www.jmacdonal d.ca) is a Mort gage Broker wit h Dominion Lending Cent res The Mort gage Source (Lic.# 10145). She has over 5 years of experience in t he Mort gage Indust ry and works wit h at l east 40 l enders incl uding banks, credit unions, and privat e l enders t o f ind t he best mort gage f or each cl ient . You can cont act her by phone or t ext at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonal d@dominionl ending.ca

Parts of the Rent Go Toward Your Down Payment ? If you do not have the

Ent er t o win 2 t icket s t o Cornwal l Comedy Fest ival


Send us an email at info@theseeker.ca and tell us why you deserve to laugh! You could win a pair of ticket to see the Cornwall Comedy Festival in action on April 23rd! It's a value of $64. Hurry, the draw happens Friday April 8th! Good Luck!

Jo se e

SAUVE Tax Tip 9 I al ways owe so I al ways wait unt il t he l ast minut e? OK ? this is a BAD idea!!! Even if you owe ? whether you file on Feb 15th or April 30th, your balance owing is not due until April 30th. Picture this scenario: you bring your taxes to your tax preparer on April 29th and are advised that you are missing a vital slip in order to file your taxes. But it?s a Friday and you cannot get a hold of anyone until Monday. So you will be 2 days late filing your taxes. Even if you are 1 single day late, the penalties are 5% of your balance owing. So if you owe $1000, that is a $50 fine. If you owe $4,000, it?s a $200 fine. Don?t procrastinate!! If you owe, the earlier you file? the better! For more t ax t ips and t ax rel at ed f requent l y asked quest ions, visit my websit e at www.sauvet axservices.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION Op e 7 d ay s n a w eek


4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. - 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca

Visit our booth at the Home & Leisure Show, this Friday t hrough Sunday. We are located in City Central in the Salons. SATURDAY, APRIL 2 MAGIC THE GATHERING - Pre-release Tournament - 9:30 am


PAWS 'N BOOKS Let your children read to our trained dogs. - 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. WRITING CAMP - with Lindsay Below - 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. CHECK-MATES wit h Cl if f ord Labre - 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.



TUESDAY, APRIL 5 WAKE UP THE GARDEN AND WATCH IT GROW - 7:00 p.m. With Diane Lunan of Marlin Orchards Greenhouse & Garden Center. LEARN HOW TO PLAY MAH-JONGG - 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. THE FLYING NEEDLES - Knit and socialize. - 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 THE FORUM - 9:30 a.m. t o 11:30 a.m.


The FORUM is an evolving community that shares ideas, emotions and truths." - David Rawnsley, program facilitator. WRITING CAMP - with Lindsay Below - 7 p.m. BAMBINS À LA BILBIO (0 à 2 ans) - 10 h à 10 h 30 HEURE DU CONTE -Early Years Centre -10 h à 12 h

THURSDAY, APRIL 7 CORNWALL SCRABBLE - 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m. Great activity for adults who love a challenge. STORYTIME (f or 3 t o 5 year ol ds - 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.


BABY TALES -10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

JUST WRITE! THE LIBRARY?S 9TH ANNUAL WRITING CONTEST IS ON! Full details on library website at www.l ibrary.cornwal l .on.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wi t h APR



U P?


Cornwal l Chamber of Commerce - HOME & LEISURE SHOW - st art ing t oday at 4pm and cont inuing t hrough t o Sunday. Taking place at the Cornwall Civic Complex Today - 4-9pm, Tomorrow - 10am to 6pm, and Sunday 10am to 4pm. The Kinsmen Cl ub of Cornwal l 's 10t h Anniversary Pizza Part y Takes place at 6 p.m. on Friday, April 1, at the Best Western Parkway Inn. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org Don't Be Fool ed - an evening of Grand Il l usion wit h Canada's Amazement Expert , Chris Pil swort h to benefit Hospice Cornwall, Smorgasbord & Show at 6:30pm at The Grand Hotel, Martintown, ON, tickets available at Scotiabank, Brookdale ave., Cornwall $50 dinner and show. - see poster on next page for full details.




W H A T 'S

Chil d Haven Gourmet Dinner, Auct ion & Bazaar At 8 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Hosted by Dr. Nat Shah, Bonnie & Fred Cappuccino. Tickets: 60$ Contact Elaine MacDonald: 613.938.7763 Music Wit h Mike & Gil l es From 7 pm to 11 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. The Hi-Fins, Brit ish Invasion Show The Hi-Fins present an epic ticket to ride down memory lane to the greatest decade in music history ! With an energy that never fades and a reputation as one of the finest British Invasion 60's tribute bands in the country. Dedicated followers of fashion, The Hi-Fins capture the glorious 60's with a sight and sound show that will leave you with satisfaction, all day and all of the night !! Tickets Are Available at Melody Music, Lotto Kiosk At The Cornwall Square, St Lawrence Appailance Service, Port Theatre During Movie Hours. From 7:00pm to 11:00pm.



Your event coul dhavebeen heref or FREE- NEXTTIMECALLIT IN




- ext 102


Bereaved Famil ies Chil dren's Support Group 7 week sessions begin Monday, April 4th from 4 pm to 5 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Please call: 613.936.1455 for more information. Money Management f or Everyone 4 week free training to help manage your income begins Monday, April 4th. Connect with Tri-County Literacy Council for more information and to register: 613.932.7161.




Soup & Sandwich Lunch From 11:30 am to 1 pm. St.Andrew's-St.Mark's United Church, Johnson Cr., Long Sault. Includes dessert & beverage: 6$ with take-out available Bl ood Donor Cl inic Tuesday, April 5th from 12 pm to 3:30 pm & 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water St. E. Book your appointment by calling: 1.888.2.DONATE Cornwal l & Area Birding Cl ub Mont hl y Meet ing At 7 pm. Ontario Power Generation Visitors' Centre, 2500B 2nd St. W.




The SecretLivesof Fish Join Dr. Steven.J. Cookefor a special sessionof Science& Natureon Tap that will focuson the manysecretsof fish in their underwaterworldrevealedby the use of electronictagsthat transmit dataor storeit for later retrieval.Startingat 7pm@ SchnitzelsEuropeanFlavours. How t o MakeYour OwnSausage Join Tamara fromLangviewFarmsfrom6 to 8pm.$65 per person(plusHST)and you get to go home with the sausageyou make.


It 's



Cal l M ai -Li i s, TODAY at 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 Ex t 1 0 2 I Can 't h el p yo u ad ver t i se i t ...

i f I d o n 't k n o w ab o u t i t !

Wednesday April 6th 7:30pm. MOCCASIN MODEL RR Cl ub meets at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, 1509 - 2nd St. W, Cornwall. on All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome attend. 613-936-1660 www.facebook.com/ groups/ moccasinRRclub/

... APR



Pub & Grub from 5:00 to 6:30 - Music & Karaoke wit h Nat & Perry starting at 5:00 pm. Cornwall & District Navy Vets Association-30 Sixth Street E. Cornwal l Hospit al Foundat ion RadioThon COGECO Business Solutions is pleased to support the Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon live on BOOM 101.9 & 104.5 FRESH RADIO. On Thursday, April 7th from 6 am - 7 pm call the COGECO Business Solutions Hotline at 613.935.7762 and help support the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation?s new addiction and mental health center. EVERY THURSDAY - Knight s of Col umbus Wing Night s - From 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. 205 Amelia St. - 12 wings for $7.5o (tax included) The more you buy - the cheaper it gets! Enjoy Music with DJ Shellshock




Karaoke & Dance wit h Mike Rivet t e Every Friday in April, starting at 7:00 pm - Cornwall District Navy Vets Association-30 Sixth Street East. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org MonkeyJunk wit h special guest El l y May They're Back Juno Awards Winners Monkeyjunk are coming back to the Port Theatre with Special Guests Elly May for blues and rock fans it's a show you don't wanna miss... Tickets Are Available at Melody Music, Lotto Kiosk At The Cornwall Square, St Lawrence Appliance Service, Port Theatre During Movie Hours... $15.00 In Advance $20.00 At The Door. All Ages LCBO Licensed Event +19 for the bar. From 7:00pm to 11:15pm.




Team Famil y Persuasion Fundraiser f or Rel ay f or Lif e 2016 Spaghetti Supper from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Army Navy Club, 14 Marlborough with a silent auction, DJ, Dancing & Prizes. $10.00 per person.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


S E E K E RC H I C K S Army Navy St Pattys

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Sha nno n

FERG USO N Respect Yoursel f and Get Out of That Bad Rel at ionship I have been that Dumb Girl; the one who stays in a relationship long past its expiration date, convincing herself that things really aren?t so bad. A part of me understood things were never going to change and I knew in my gut that I was never going to get the love that I so desperately sought out. But a part of me still believed it was possible, still remained hopeful that change would come.

So I ignored my instincts. I could feel the heavy hearts of my friends when I would cry to them and I could see the sadness in their eyes each time I told them about another heartbreak revolving around the same person. I even started telling people things were getting better (even though they were not) to avoid the judgments I knew they were passing in their heads. All signs pointed to ?Get the hell out of dodge? and every flag waived bright red in front of my face but I ignored it all because I wanted so badly to believe in love. But believing in love should never mean allowing your heart to hurt and watching from a distance as your emotions are toyed with, over and over again. Love is not dispresctful and it sure as hell never sets out to deliberately hurt someone. The worst part is that when you?re in a bad relationship you, unfortunately, have more hope than balls thus preventing you from making a change. You?re scared to walk away because you really think it can get better and you?re also scared that if you do leave you may never find someone else to love. Worst of all, you have trouble picturing your life without him. Ladies, take off your blinders and put down the Kleenex. Grab a glass of wine and hear me out. He is not worth it. The pain you feel every time he lets you down is not worth it. The tears you cry over him are not worth it. But mostly, the message you are sending the world is not worth it. The message that you are a woman who allows a man to disrespect her and take advantage of her emotions is not something you are striving for and we both know you don?t want anyone thinking of you as a dumb girl.

your life and you can only do it when you?re ready, but trust me, you will know when you have finally had enough and that is the day your next chapter will begin. It might be a rollercoaster chapter filled with apprehension and sadness, but it will also be one filled with hope and strength, wisdom and respect. Eventually, you will find a love that will open your eyes and make you see the world in a different light. You will find someone who will love you on your worst days and make you even happier on your best. You will find a love that you deserve and you will finally know what it feels like to be respected, not only by your partner but by everyone around you. Remember to never live with regrets, though. Always learn from every curveball that hits you square in the forehead. Know that your bruised heart can heal, even when it feels like it has been shattered into a million pieces. Great love is not always easy to find but it is always worth the wait. When you do find it, you will appreciate it so much more if you can reflect on your past and the times you ignored your gut, tuned out your instincts, and allowed yourself to stay stuck in a relationship you already knew was doomed. So, if you are being a Dumb Girl I urge you to remember how smart you really are. You are strong. You know that you shouldn?t be letting someone break you down and continuously break your heart and make you cry. You deserve to be respected and loved until the end of time. If all you needed was a push, I hope I can be the one to nudge you off that scary ledge, only because I know that love will always be there to catch you before you hit bottom. Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at www.dunet.ca

You are able to change your situation though. You have the power to make your tears vanish and to help your heart mend itself. You have the power to gain back the respect you have quietly hidden under your pillow, which is still sopping wet from last night?s tears. You are stronger than you can even imagine and you are smarter than you know. You have a backbone and you have amazing instincts. Just because you?ve been sheltering your true self lately doesn?t mean she?s not hiding at the surface, ready to conquer this situation. You know you deserve better and that you deserve to be happy (which you are truly not at the moment), so the next step is figuring out how to fix that, how to walk away. It will be hard. Maybe one of the hardest things you will do in

?Sp r i n g


So n g ?


SUNDAY APRIL24,7:00P.M.,ST.ANDREW? UNITED S CHURCH 5793 Church Ave., Williamstown. Everyone Welcome to a musical evening in support of Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Donations Gratefully received for Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Receipts issued for donations of $10.00 or more.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

4. Coloured ads don?t necessarily increase traffic to your ad. Save money and buy more ads in black and white.

o r no t


5. Get the ad salesperson to separate your ad from the competition. You don?t want the ad for a similar business sitting right beside yours.

Advert izing ?Doesit Work?

6. Code your ads. By getting the customer to mention the code, you keep track of how much business the ad has generated.


To advert ize or not ? t hat is t he mil l ion dol l ar quest ion! Business owners have struggled over this dilemma for years asking themselves, ?Am I throwing my money away by buying an ad in the local paper?? Organizations have studied it and spent millions of dollars researching what works and what doesn?t. Many small struggling businesses are so cash strapped that they can?t afford to advertize and are therefore caught between a rock and a hard place. If they don?t advertize they are not reaching potential customers and if they do advertize they get deeper in debt with no certainty of return on their money.

7. Try advertizing in different sections of the newspaper each time. Some people only check certain sections, eg the sports pages, and may miss your ad. 8. Change your ad frequently, offering a product or service at a great sales price to attract customers. As we all know, word of mouth is the best advertizing. A friend of mine dropped in at a local service station for an oil change. It didn?t look very busy but the man in charge informed my friend that there would be a 3 hour wait. He must have been having a bad day because it was said in a rude and unfriendly way. My friend drove a couple of blocks and was welcomed with open arms at another service station. Needless to say he will go back to the second business. We can do all the advertizing we want but we have to back it up with service, service, service.

Companies which can afford to advertize on television, employing expensive consultants to design their ?guaranteed to succeed ad?, are not always successful. Often I will laugh at a funny commercial only to realize afterwards I don?t have a clue what the product was. One of the best ads is for the Mazda car and its Zoom-Zoom commercial. I have a friend who recently bought a Mazda and couldn?t remember its make. She only had to say ?Zoom-Zoom? and I knew immediately what she meant. Of course this doesn?t mean that everyone will buy a Mazda, just that their marketing was effective enough to imprint it on our brains.

So what?s the answer to the question, ?is it worth it to advertise in your local newspaper?? For many small businesses that sell or offer services to consumers, yes it is ? provided you think of your local newspaper as not being the major-metro newspaper but the local community newspaper, where the audience is targeted, the ad rates lower, and the staff motivated to place your marketing message with more of a personal touch.

While researching material for this article I came across some interesting facts and tips: 1. 99% of retailers use newspapers as their primary method of advertizing. 2. Many businesses rely on newspapers as an effective tool for advertizing. However if they don?t do it creatively, they might as well not do it at all.

I think I just described The Seeker! MaureenFodrek,Publisherof FenceFocus mfodrek@sympatico.ca

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w be o r A k l Sq se b o er l P u c ur n d s w r o ea i ed i t fo l l yo f e k y y u r ss i C by r 10 o n l e t a an h cl l 's e

3. Small community newspapers are actually growing compared to their larger counterparts which are struggling.

m ed


M a ure e n

HU RRY- CALLU STODAYfo r o u r2 0 1 6b o o k i n g sp eci al s!


t o Vi si t :

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Do se" News!

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne


Hi there you wonderful people of Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area who read ~The Seeker~ each and every week. I am so happy that SPRING is FINALLY HERE!!! Mother Nature sure is fooling around with the temperatures and weather conditions to make us, fellow humans a little bit crazy this year. One day we are wearing Winter coats, hats, scarves and mitts, and then the next day, Spring jackets or pull over sweaters and rubber boots. Please make up your mind Mother Nature!!! Enough of the cold temperatures, the snow and the freezing rain!!! Aren't you HAPPY that Spring is BACK for yet another year?!?!? The leaves on the trees and bushes are budding, the flowers in the gardens are beginning to bloom, and the birds and the bees, and yes, even the fleas have returned for another season of SPRING!!! WELCOME BACK!!! I had a most wonderful time with many of my family members over the long Easter weekend. My youngest son, Marcus and his girlfriend, Kelsey came from Ottawa. Luke and his wife, Tonya and their two little ones, Odin & Ruby, came from Chesterville, and Melinda was the hostess with the mostess putting on the "Easter Feast" for yet another year. I was so proud to be at the head of the table looking over the three children and the six grandchildren that I am responsible for bringing into this world of ours. There were fourteen of us chatting, eating, and laughing together over a delicious turkey dinner that was fit for Royalty. I am treated and I feel like a Queen when I am with my family which makes me beam with Pride and Joy. My family is so important to me and when I have so many of them together at one time it fills the cracks and crevices in my heart that were cracked and scarred for many long years when I didn't have them in my life due to circumstances out of my control. Now, I am in Control of my own life!!! There are so many things that have been put back into place to make this beaming smile upon my face. Do make and take the time to be with your family ... We NEVER KNOW when it will be our or their time to GO... Please make Your Family A PRIORITY!!! Write to them... Phone.. Email.. or Text them... Most Importantly... VISIT them when you can and as often as you possibly can!!! Don't leave it too long because it may be too late...

B u s i n e s sB u c k e t

wh er e

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TOMORROW May Never Come... So DO What You Have To DO, TODAY!!! TIP OF THE WEEK: Before you do ANYthing in YOUR LIFE...ALWAYS T.H.I.N.K.!!! T: Is it TRUE? H: Is it HELPFUL? I: Is it INSPIRING? N: Is it NECESSARY? K: Is it KIND??? This will certainly be ever so HELPFUL in your everyday lives. Making for a much Happier and Joy-filled LIFE!!! John and I have been invited to a sweet couple of friends that we have gotten to know and love over the many years that we have both lived here in Cornwall. They are celebrating their upcoming nuptials by having a Bachelor/ Bachelorette Party at ~La Maison~ with the band ~The Boys~ playing live music. This couple is very well known and liked by many Cornwallites and are the organizers of the upcoming POP Event ~CAPE~. They are the one and only>>> Randy Sauve & >>> Carol Grant!!! John and I look forward to helping them celebrate with their family and other awesome friends this Saturday night before their wedding day on April 23rd at the ~Benson Centre~!!! I know that I am rather excited about their upcoming marriage... I wonder if they are??? Now, What to wear? What to wear for a night filled with live music and dancing??? Oh Yes, It is Randy's birthday that night as well. Happy Birthday My Dear Friend. The happiest people I have met throughout my 55 plus years are people who have experienced sadness and great sorrow and who have climbed their way out of their sad demise... (like I did!) HAPPINESS of this kind is hard to MIMIC in any other way. When I feel this certain happiness, the trees, the flowers, the birds and even the buzzing bees can make me happy. The blowing winds, the puffy clouds and even the thorny, rosebud branches make me happy these days. They can even bring tears to my eyes as to the wonder of their beauty and existance....I am no longer blind to the Beauty of Life... I Am "WIDE AWAKE"... Ready, Willing and Quite Able to take on another day in the Life of Marlene. I hope that you, too, can see and experience the beauty and the little miracles that lies around us... All We Have To Do IS OPEN OUR EYES & HEARTS TO SEE!!! ITEM OF THE WEEK: The item I want to share with you this week is a pair of black, snakeskin-printed, knee-high boots that I bought off line from a young mother here in Cornwall. I actually got two pairs of cool boots from the same lady that told me that she wasn't able to wear these kinds of high heels any longer, for just $30.00!!! WHAT A STEAL OF A DEAL!!! I told her that I would wear her boots proudly...and I Do!!! Every chance I can!!! UNTIL NEXT WEEK: Just REMEMBER this...One day we will Wake Up and there won't be anymore TIME to DO the things that we have always Wanted to DO!!! SO... DO IT NOW, DO IT TODAY!!!

MarleneBakerof www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca




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Co unte ss

The Members of EOCC are going to always operate and communicate openly as opposed to the present ongoing patterns of secrecy ... behind We The Eco-Conscious People's back!

TRO TTIER-TRO TZIER THE ECO-OCEANS CUSTODIANS' COUNCIL (EOCC): For t he Heal t hy Survival of al l Marine Lif e on Pl anet Eart h. During the Spring/ Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2016, the creation of a worldwide organizationcame into existence, and it is known as: THE ECO-OCEANS CUSTODIANS' COUNCIL (EOCC) whose active Members are to befrom every Nation on this Planet Earth. This organization has as its emergency mission the responsibility to ensure:t he

The Members are not government employees, nor affiliated with any military groups, hard drug organizations, pharmaceutical/ chemical organizations, multi-national agricultural corporations such as those involved in the harmful production of genetically engineered crops and seeds, as well as the toxic run-off and often deadly spread of their herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers into the waters of the marine life. The Members are joining EOCC because of their environmental desire to enlarge this worldwide organization and to promote this 21st Century Human Modes of Action to ensure the Divine Rights of the Marine Creatures to enjoy clean,healthy waters,and also for all dwellers on this Planet Earth: OUR TERRESTIAL HOME! The Members of EOCC are going to safelysupervise andENSURE THE END OF DUMPING ALL KINDS OF TOXIC WASTE AND GARBAGE IN THE OCEANS, LAKES, RIVERS OF THE WORLD ... from ocean cruisers, military vessels to municipal governments.

Heal t hy Survival of al l Marine Lif e on Pl anet Eart h.

The reason for its creation is due tothe increasing atrocities caused by worldwidemilitarywar-endorserswho ruthlessly kill, poison, pollute, and ignore completely the Divine Rights of All Marine Life to live and enjoy healthywaters. The EOCC's mission statement is in its first draft form. Through the EOCC, Individual Members have the Innate, Divinely Given Power,to investigate every military manoeuvre taking place in the oceans, the lakes, the rivers of OUR HOME:PLANET EARTH. The Members are COMPASSIONATE, ECO-CONSCIOUS, PACIFISTINDIVIDUALS. Their past actions, position in their communities, as well as their proven environmental courage and successes permit them to become EOCC Custodians. There are also going to be Individuals from eco-legal organizations, independently ownedmulti-media, independent researchers promoting new, humane inventions,and otherswho have a proven record of being active custodians of the marine life,and also of the many other creations of Nature. The Members of EOCC are going to form a powerful group in the United Nations and demand to be represented during the Security Council's meetings. The Members of EOCC are going to help NATO, including every worldwide military industrial complexes,to dismantle peacefully. At the same time, the Members of EOCC are going to assist people of different countries who have strong grievances against other nations to sit down together and in a wise, common sense approach begin to figure out ways to move on without killing each other, and innocent people. They are also going to be made to realize that the Marine Life has to be respected and their water environments be made secure and healthy: FOREVER! The Members of EOCC are going to ensure that many new forms of paid employment, and new forms of eco-stock markets, are going to be available to thosewho are quitting forever their involvement in wars ... in the killing fields for monetary reasons ..., and for the egocentric passion to maintain power over others, including the atrocious utilization of humans to be used as unpaid workers in the most dire occupations. The Members of EOCC are going to be free to safely investigate every government public properties: aka federal lands,without being harassed, since the governments are the SERVANTS OF WE THE PEOPLE ... THE TAXPAYERS. The Members of EOCC are going to have to be represented at every Bilderberg Group conferences and be allowed to enlighten those members about the Divine Rights of the Marine Life to enjoy Clean Waters and Safe environments at all times. The Members of EOCC are going to work towards the dismantling of EVERY WEATHER ENGINEERING TRANSMITTERS from the HAARP Transmitter in Alaska to all others in the world. The use of manipulating tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, enormous snow storms is to be stopped immediately due to the dangerous effects on the marine life ... and = human life! The Members of EOCC are going to form judicial centreswhere those groups of men who persist in polluting, harming, dumping, testing bombs and setting off sonic devices are going to be judged by Eco-Conscious Lawyers and other related members. Full publicity of their crimes will be made available, and the legal processes will be made public.

The Members of EOCC are going to ensure that no military undertakings throughout the world, as well asalong the West Coast of the United States and Canada, are going to carry out dangerous electromagnetic experiments in the Ocean, nor to use 235 decibel mid-frequency active sonar that are absolutely deadly to whales and all other marine life. p.s.:In the cities, any decibel count over 10 is illegal! At 235 ... it is very obvious why so many sea creatures are found dead and bleeding. Their Divine Rights to a Health Environment are totally disregarded by: Ego-centered men. The Members of EOCC are going to assist the Independent Researchers who already have available for We The People of the World clean, cool Energy Systems that utilize the infinite Aetyr/ Ether aka cosmic free energy which is available and has always been available everywhere in the Infinite Cosmos. This technology, although it will replace the very destructive fossil fuels, oil, petroleum, natural gas,coal, nuclear, hydro-electric, will allow humans in all parts of the world to always have an immediatesupply of clean, cool energy for all their home, agricultural, industrial needs. It is also going to end the endless disastersand cruel deathsof our friends, the Marine Life. It is also going to allow us, humans, to move forward into outerspace due to the ability of Aetyr Energy being available anywhere and anytime in Space. The amount of job opportunities are endless. Please check out: Elon Musk, Co-founder of Tesla Motors, and Founder and CEO of Space X's,as a confirmation that new ways of utilizing energy can provide work for many. It is a good idea for everyone to note down and share the words of Robert Curl who received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and who is a Professor at Rice University, U.S.A.: "When people had been getting along as things were for millenias, it takes great effort to convince them that their lives will greatly improve by choosing the new." Taken from his speech at the Tesla Organization in Sorbonne University, Paris, France. His reference is directed to the manner people reacted to the trains, the cars and other modern inventions which when initially introduced caused many to shriek and pull their hair in fear of these new inventions. It is interesting to see a parallel between the primitive savages who react with fear when observing one of our planes or wireless phones and the modern physicists, engineers, et al., who not only fear Aetyr Energy Systems but proceed to passionatelydeny,denounce, fear that it can ever be a working reality! Those EOCC Members who are going to be represented at the United Nations Security Council are those who HAVE NEVER PARTICIPATED IN ANY WARS such as members of the Hopi Nation, the Mayan Elders, the Hunzas, the Dalai Lama, the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, and many other Wise Eco-Pacifists. It is important as a starting point for the Readers to visit this web site which lists the multitude killings of the Marine Life: www.globalincidentmap.com/ beta/ mystery-wildlife-incidents (also scroll down to marine life incidents) Google: Whales die off The Founder of EOCC, Countess Trottier-Trotzier, has successfully initiated a program in Florida referred to as: DON'T BE A LITTER BOAT. This message was printed for over a period of ten years on the back of every annual decal making vessel owners become aware to be consciousness owners of boats and to ensure their litter did not end in the ocean and the waterways. If you are interested in becoming an EOCC Member, please call me at: 613. 360.2376.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




DESNO YERS MEMBERS? EXHIBITION at t he SQUARE: Are you ready? The Members?Art Exhibition at the Cornwall Square is coming up in April; this show replaces the spring show that, in previous years, was held at the Cornwall Library. The Association is very grateful to the staff at the Library for all its support each spring but, by changing venue, Focus Art hopes to draw a new audience as well as its faithful patrons.

Artists are very demanding of themselves. They always want to enter their art but can have moments of hesitation. For many reasons they go through all the excuses for putting off participation. Not everyone reacts this way, but if you find yourself in this quagmire, let me share with you the advice of a fellow artist. Robert Genn speaks of FEAR in The Painter?s Keys, a bi-weekly on-line newsletter. He offers several ways to understand and overcome certain self-destructive thoughts. In this column, I have adapted his text to address someof themental spins that might be aproblem: We procrastinate for FEAR of not meeting one?s own expectations. However a 1992 study showed that while 80% of college students procrastinate, they did so mostly when they perceived the task as a struggle, not when they felt they lacked the skill. -Face your FEAR and approach your art as a pleasure, with less pressure and more fun. Don?t think about the upcoming show, play and something good will happen. We FEAR unpleasantness: I once had a gallery in Cornwall refuse my work. For a while afterwards, I had trouble showing my art publically. -Growth is costly, conflict is a part of life and rejection is necessary for the advancement of our stories. Avoiding confrontation, negotiations, beginnings and endings postpones the truest path. Our FEAR makes us distrustful and cynical with our idea that our work is not that good and people just say so to be nice. -Return to your private, wonderfully fuelled sanctuary for experiment and play; do your art once again for yourself and something great will happen. Finally we put others?ideas and art on a pedestal, focusing on their success and expecting it to rub off on us. This robs us of our uniqueness and personal development. What to do?

Ene rg e tica llySp e a king

Collaborate and share, but recognize the value of your own offerings. Don?t

W e nd y


You?ve probably heard the term ?being grounded? before but what does that actually mean? Being grounded means that you are embracing your right as a human being to function and operate on this planet in physical form. It means that you are connected with the earth and that all of your energy and awareness is focused in the Now moment of time. For anyone who has ever woken up in the morning, stubbed their toe getting out of bed, walked in to the wall, slipped in the shower, and then continued through the day feeling not centered or able to think clearly in situations that demanded their full attention, these are all symptoms of being ungrounded. Dropping things, feeling disconnected from your body (outer space feelings) are a few others. Chances are, these things will make for a very unpleasant day. Being grounded is the very first step in doing and learning energy work. Being able to ground will bring you into alignment with your true wishes and desires, will help you to operate in the present moment instead of the


be afraid. Don?t compromise your style. Stay true to your art. Now is the time to pick up your paintbrushes or camera. Eventually, idea-by-idea, you?ll build your ability to think and do differently, and overcome fear. Your best art is yet to come. Share it.

Ot her News: The Cit y of Cornwal l is cont inuing a Feasibil it y St udy f or a new Art s and Cul t ure Cent re. Visit Feasibility Study Cornwall and view the study and voice your opinion by email to Jamie Fawthrop. www.cornwall.ca/ en/ .../ Arts-and-Culture-Feasibility-Study.asp MassenaArt Show at t he communit y Library on Gl enn St reet in Massena is hosting its Spring Exhibition from May 17 at 6:30 (Opening Ceremony) until Friday June 3. Google: Massena Artists?association or email cboot07@gmail.com to reach Peggy Mooers, President. Focus Art Mont hl y Members?Meet ing: There wil l be no meet ing on April 6 considering t he Vernissage f or t he Exhibit ion at t he Square is on April 8. We hope to see you there. PS: ?He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear.? (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

past or future, can help you think more clearly and be able to solve challenges without fear. We all have a fight or flight instinct that is there to help keep us safe. Often though, we will take flight if we?re thrown into a situation that makes us feel uncomfortable even though we could have planted both feet firmly on the earth and stood our ground. Making a choice to embrace life by being willing to stay present during difficult challenges will help us take back our personal power from people, situations and fears. This is all part of a healthy, healing journey and something that we address in our school. The important thing to remember is that grounding, which is associated with the 1st chakra, can help us eventually step into our own, personal sovereignty, which is a 3rd chakra issue. I will be introducing you to the chakra system in future articles. Grounding isn?t a difficult thing to do. It can be done by closing your eyes and taking slow, deep breaths, by visualizing yourself as a tree, with roots coming out of the bottom of your feet which are anchoring deep into the earth. Taking a walk, having a bath, going for a swim or just sitting and meditating are all good grounding actions. Being grounded to the earth allows Source energy to flow freely through you and helps to turn negative experiences into positive ones, thus allowing you to draw upon your inner strength and face any challenge without fear. Until next time. To find out more about what we do, who we are, what we teach and any upcoming workshops and classes, please visit our website at www.awakeningangels.ca.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



ATTENTION EVERYONE... It's That Time Of The Year Again... Time for Seekers Choice Awards

This is a gl amorous event t hat t akes pl ace in June every year at t he Cornwal l Gol f and Count ry Cl ub. This year t he "Event of t he Year" is on Friday, June 17t h It is t heoccasionf or t heSeekert o cel ebrat eit sanniversary, but it is al soa t imet o honourseveralst el l armembers of ourcommunit y.

AWARDS ARE GIVEN IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: Best Home Based Business Best New Business Best Exist ing Business Best Visual Art ist Best Musical Art ist Best Lit erary Art ist t he Seeker?s Cont ribut or of t he year t he vol unt eer of t he year award t he At hl et e of t he Year and int roduced in 2014, t he Perf orming Art ist of t he Year

This fun night of entertainment always also acts as a fundraiser. The beneficiary varies from year to year. Our charit y of choice t his year is: RACHEL?S KIDS

Go t o www.t heseeker.ca t o pl ace your nominat ion (HURRY - Nominations close on Friday, April 15th)


TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive


FORSALE: Pontiac Montana,2006, 200,000K,$2500 OBO. 613-935-8101. FORSALE: Lazy Boy Chair, recliner rocker, swivel, dark blue, leather. Asking $350. 613-932-8993

Solution for Crossword on page 5

FORSALE: MTD Riding Mower, like new condition,11hp, 38" cut Asking $650. Power Pressure Washer, PSI 1500, never used, Asking $123, 613-933-1083. SEMI RETIRED BUSINESSMAN looking for same in a lady. Non smoker,pretty and fit. Respond to: Box 566, Lancaster,ON. FORSALE: Like new dining room set, table with two extra panels and six chairs. Asking $500, 613-932-6526 FORSALE: Brand new size 46 men's two piece black suit from Kastner's. $150 - 613-935-6284. FORSALE: Fridge, Kelvinator,18c. feet, white, perfect condition,$175 - 613-933-6913. FORSALE: $2000 worth of NASCARproducts,looking for reasonableoffers. 613-932-7945 FORSALE: Small box trailer 12x6, asking $1500. 1976 Ford Kawasaki.,asking $500 613-932-6654. FORSALE: Snow blower used only once. Worth $1500 asking $850. Laptop desk asking $25. 613-936-9399. FORSALE: 8 piece set of mint condition Callaway irons model X22. Men's right hand with 2 unmatched sand wedge, 2 included in the set. Asking $225. 613-933-4489. FORSALE: Burgundy four seat sofa, home theater and bone china cups and saucers. 613-938-9503

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


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Ti ck et savai l ab l oe n l i n eo r at Fan t asy Real m- 2 2 7Pi t tSt r eetCo , r n walOn l , t ar i o- 6 1 3 -9 3 3 -7 9 9 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 13 - April 1 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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