You rr Weekl Weekl yy Dose Dose You of Posi Posi ti ti ve veNew New s! s! of
Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r
Vol . 7 Issue 14 Vol .8, 7 2016 Issue 5 April Volume 6 5, Issue 41, February 2016 October 30, 2015
No t too m an y t i ck et s l eft ... in the b o x
fo r
In t er n at i o n al co m i n g to powers
Reco r d i n g Co r n wal l Ap r i l it up again
Ar t i st 23rd
St ory and Band Int erview Inphot o: Jef fBrunet of Al kal ine Ent ert ainment
THE SEEKER has a new WEEKLY CONTEST... See Back Page f or DETAILS
17840 Count y Road 44 JUST Nort h of t he cit y on Cornwal l El ect ric! Open concept main f l oor, 3 l arge bedrooms above, f ul l bsmt & garage. $289,900 ml s N0757
Always a Dunne Deal
on page 5
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Khyl e) : ext 104 EMAIL
inf o@t www.t Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
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by Julia Lucio
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Ag re e to d isa g re e
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN
THE WORM KIDS WANT YOU TO KNOW THEY ARE BACK IN BUSINESS As opposed to the rumour being spread around by who knows who, competitors maybe, the Worm Kids, who gained national attention last year when the city enforced a bylaw prohibiting them to advertise their business via a sign on their property, are back at it. Kristopher, Kristina and Clayton Cadieux want their clients to know that they are not going anywhere. They are back in full force and are gearing towards the best worm season ever! This year, the young entrepreneurs even plan to donate part of their proceeds to a charitable organization, possibly the Children's Treatment Centre. What a fine example of kindness, initiative and ambition. So if you need worms, you know what to do!
Natalie - Seeker Sales
BU SINESS! WE HAVE YOUR TARGET MARKET! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 your best year yet! The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic consists of women, 34-50 years old, who make the buying decisions in the family.
PERSONAL GOOD NEWS I know this is not a blog and I don't normally take this space to speak about myself in details. I do sometimes give personal examples that pertain or relate to the particular topic at hand, but I try to stay away from making this a Julia thing. I raise questions, on mainstream topics and aim at making you, the reader, react. This week is different. The last 3 months have been really, really hard on me. My health has been an issue and I was worried that something was seriously wrong. Symptoms pointed to possibility of cancer and, well, I was terrified. I kept having this horrible vision where the world goes on without me and where I don't get to see my kids grow up. It got me awfully depressed. The mind is a terrible thing. I tried to stay away from negative thinking but with the symptoms not subsiding, I found myself getting in a deeper and darker hole and resiliently accepting the eventualities. People started to notice: I had lost passion. What was the point if it would all end anyway?
LET'SCHAT- Cal lM ai -Li i s,TODAY 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3
ext 1 0 2
having any reason to act like my days were numbered, I acted like they were. Once I consciously realized that, I forced myself to get out if it! I started taking better care of myself and counting my blessings. Then, something magical happened. The symptoms stopped. Today, I'm happy to report the many MRIs, biopsies, smears, blood test I took within the last 2 months all returned normal, except for one thing that came back abnormal but insignificant I still don't know why my symptoms happened, but at least I know what it's not and it's definitely NOT the big C. I am worry free. So as I sit here, I am, again, counting my blessings. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so I'm glad I live in a country that allows me to be preventative. I am blessed. I really feel for the many who have to sit in the doctor's office to receive bad news. I got a glimpse of what that feels like and my heart goes out to all of them.
Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering - an image of death.
Put simply, I was feeling sorry for myself. Without even
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Co r n wal l Rad i o Vet er an Su e St ewar t An n o u n ces Ret i r em en t fr o m Co r u s Rad i o ?s Fr esh 1 0 4 .5 FM Cornwall, ON ? Corus Radio?s Fresh 104.5 FM Local radio veteran Sue Stewart delivered her final Fresh Mornings broadcast today, Friday, April 8. A friendly and familiar voice and personality to listeners across the Cornwall community, Stewart has decided to leave the broadcasting industry in order to pursue new opportunities after 20 successful years on the air.?We are certainly going to miss Sue here at Fresh 104.5 FM,? said Bill Halman, Program Director, 104.5 Fresh Radio. ?This is the end of a great chapter in Cornwall radio. Sue has been entertaining our community for close to two decades. Many listeners consider her a friend and will certainly miss getting their days started with her.? A native of Finch, Ontario, Sue?s strong connection to her community allowed for an even stronger connection with her listeners. In 10 years she has become a beloved morning fixture of Corus Radio Cornwall. For the past six years, Sue has shared mornings with on-air partner Jimmy Kalaitzis, hosting Fresh Mornings with Jimmy and Sue, which was ranked the # 1 radio show in the market in the most recent 2016 fall ratings. ?Sue has done much more than host a morning show in Cornwall, she has helped shape this community,? adds Halman. ?From sharing the nuances of her family life on the air, to the charity work she immerses herself in, and to the numerous events she hosts and MCs week after week, there are few that commit themselves the way Sue has. We truly wish her the best.? (Cornwal l ) ? Seaway Di st r i ct Hi g h Sch o o l st u d en t s Em yt t Fet t er l y an d M acl ean M ach an m ad e i t i n t o an el i t e cl u b o n Sat u r d ay ? t h e t o p o n e-t en t h p er cen t . The Grade 7 students won an all-expenses paid trip to the Canada-Wide Science Fair in Montreal May 15-20, after their project Salt vs. Ice was selected as the top junior project at the 41st Annual United Counties Science Fair, hosted at St. Lawrence Secondary School in Cornwall. The pair overcame daunting odds. About 500,000 Canadian students complete science fair projects each year in Canada, with only 500 advancing to national competition. The intermediate students? project tested the efficiency of various salts from ?fast-melt? to table salt in melting ice. Through the scientific process the pair evaluated each formulation?s effectiveness in melting ice for different lengths of time. They proved that fast-melt was best for a short period, but basic table salt works best for longer periods of 30-40 minutes. Another big winner at the fair was the team of Viscount Alexander Public School students Vincent Jean-Louis and Aum Shah. The pair?s experiment, Solar Powered AA Battery Charger won the Ontario English Catholic Teachers?Association Trophy for best atom project. They collected a variety of other hardware including: the St.
Lawrence College Technology and Trades Trophy for best in physical science; the Ontario Power Generation Trophy for best in energy; the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists Trophy for best in applied science; the Manufacturing Process Integration Quality Control Trophy for best in electronics, electricity, electrical engineering and/ or related technology, and an Outstanding Research Award Certificate ($200 prize).
ARTS & CULTURE Lo cal ar t i st g i ves ?t r ee o f h o p e? t o i n sp i r e Co r n wal l Ho sp i t al ?s Ch em o t h er ap y Pat i en t s - Cornwall ? Thanks to a local artist, patients attending the new Cornwall Hospital Chemotherapy Unit can enjoy a beautiful piece of artwork. Jason Sauve, of Cornwall, worked in nursing for several years before transitioning to a full time artist. When asked what the inspiration was for his ?tree of hope?, he explained that it symbolizes inspiration and strength. ?I wanted to portray a warm bright healing sense. To see something bright and colourful can literally shift a person?s day!? affirms Jason. ?What a lovely addition to our Chemotherapy Unit. We hope it does brighten the day of those visiting the unit, for years to come,? declares Jeanette Despatie, President and Chief Executive Officer of Cornwall Hospital. The Chemotherapy unit at Cornwall Hospital has begun treating patients with genitourinary (which affect the urinary tract) and lung cancers and with experience and proficiency the services will expand to other cancer types. Fo cu s Ar t Sp r i n g Ex h i b i t i o n o p en ed Th u r sd ay, Ver n i ssag e set fo r Fr i d ay even i n g (Ap r i l 8 ) 7 -9 p m . - Focus Art Association is welcoming the new season with their spring exhibition which is taking place from April 7th to 17th. The show is hosted by Focus Art Vice Presidents, the Focus Art board and participating members and is located in a vacant space, generously provided by the Cornwall Square, near the food court on the second floor. "We have 96 fabulous pieces representing the diverse talents of 41 gifted and inspired artists," said Louise Mignault, co vice-president and show curator. "The artwork of one of Cornwall?s most successful artists, Pierre Giroux, hangs in our window to be won by a very lucky art lover in September. Raffle tickets are limited to 200 and available at the show." This event is made possible with the help of a group of wonderful sponsors who benefit the community in Cornwall by underwriting activities like this art exhibition with their financial support. Look for their logos in our paper, weekly. The popup gal l ery wel comes peopl e Thursdays t o Sunday f or t he next 2 weeks.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Ene rg e tica llySp e a king
W e nd y
HUDSO N Devel oping Your ?Psychic? Abil it ies Wit h Energy Heal ing
With the nature of my work, I am quite often asked if I am psychic. I will often answer ?yes? to that question but will always add that everyone else is also ?psychic? and that we all have these natural gifts and abilities. We should replace the word ?psychic? with ?intuitive? since we all have our own intuition. I guess the word ?psychic? appeals to more people though since it often creates visions of mysterious, powerful abilities. But, it can also take us out of our own personal power and sovereignty, looking instead to someone else for the answers that are really inside each of one us all the time.
There are many different types of intuition that we can develop, but the four most common ones are what we call ?The Clairs.? These include clair-voyance, clair-sentience, clair-audience and clair-cognition. We all have at least one of these natural abilities and determining which one or ones are yours is as simple as determining how you learn and process information. If I were to say, ?The cat climbed up
Co unte ss
the tree?, take a moment to determine how you processed that. If you saw the cat and the tree, then you?re clair-voyant which means to see. If you felt the cat, imagined how soft its fur is or perhaps felt love or emotion for the cat, then you?re clair-sentient, which means to feel. If you heard the cat?s claws digging into the tree or perhaps heard it meow, then you?re clair-audient which means to hear. And finally, if you just knew the cat was in the tree, without having to see, feel or hear it, then you are clair-cognitive, which means to just know something. Perhaps you had a combination of two or three of these. As you do your own personal healing work, clearing out negative, limiting belief systems, dropping wounds, fears and opening up to your true self, all of your ?clairs? will become apparent to you and then in turn strengthened. In our school, as you heal while learning how to be a healer, we watch our students awaken to their true selves and their beautiful gifts of intuition. A strong intuition is a very valuable gift and a huge asset for the energy healer and for anyone in general. Being able to navigate through life, connected to your inner knowing, being able to receive messages through a clear energetic system will ensure a life lived with passion and purpose. Next week, I?ll be introducing the chakra system, what it is and how it works. Until next time. To f ind out more about what we do, who we are, what we t each and any upcoming workshops and cl asses, pl ease visit our websit e at www.awakeningangel
TRO TTIER-TRO TZIER Lately I have been hearing how ill health such as heart problems, cancer, arthritis and other ailments exist because it is a family's genetic disorder and it runs in the family! Someone I know very well underwent an open-heart operation and she was told that her problem was due to a family history of heart problems. Since I know the family members she was referring to, and her own habits, I made her realize that: If you are ill, let not yourself be diagnosed bytheillusion that it's because of genetics! As we continued to sit together, I got her permission to ask her questions which would prove that if she had a severe heart problem - it was because of her lack of eating discipline and other factors - and - it had nothing to do with her family's genes. I asked her: 'How many years did you smoke: poisonous nicotine and inhaled poisonous carbon dioxide/ monoxide from cigarettes?" She answered: "Many years." I asked her to be explicit. "Fifteen years!" she admitted.
Decades before Health Canada started to admit that smokingcigarettes can destroy a person's health, many independent researchers had alreadydiscovered the TRUTH and attempted to inform the people to quit smoking. They had researched the subject and found out the reasons why in the mid-1950's and onward men and women were dying from lung cancer, throat cancer, heart diseases. They had found the causes for these increasing ill healths and the causes were in many cases the nicotine inhaled from cigarettes,plusthe carbon monoxide/ dioxide, plus the many other laboratory-made compounds (over 3,000). Yes, they realized that such poisons as cigarettes with their tarnished chemicals and nicotine would cause Individuals to become ill. After all, they, and some of us who are aware of the situation, know that the human body needs to receive (inhale) OXYGEN --AND NOT CARBON MONOXIDE/ DIOXIDE; in addition, upon checking not only dictionaries, but also the pesticide background of NICOTINE ... the TRUTH WAS RIGHT THERE: NICOTINE IS A DEADLY POISON; IT IS OFTENUSEDBY THE AGRI-CHEMICAL CORPORATIONSTO KILL INSECTS AND IS ADDED TO
Then, I asked my friend, "What are your favorite foods?" She replied, "I like french fries. And chips, soft drinks, dough nuts." I asked her, "What nutrients are found in soft drinks?" Blank! she didn't know. Had she done her research, instead of allowing a doctor to blame her family members' genetics, she would have discovered that SOFT DRINKS HAVE NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE = NONEAT ALL! FURTHERMORE AS WITH THE DOUGH NUTS THEYCONTAIN A LOT OF PROCESSED WHITE SUGAR WHICH HAS BEEN THE CAUSE OF NOT ONLY FERMENTING IN THE BODY (like the sugar in wine ferments), but IT ALSO REMOVES MANY NEEDED MINERALS. When the body becomes overloaded with junk, the heart cannot function well since it does not have the essential nutrients and thus = heart problems = illness. This type of personal research should be done by everyone before going"downh-ill". I have a motto: PERFECT HEALTH IS OUR DIVINE RIGHT! We were created to enjoy perfect healthbecause AN ALL PERFECT SOURCE CREATED US AND GAVE US ALLTHE HERBS, PLANT FOODS, FRESH WATERS, NOURISHING SOILS, MINERALS, SUNLIGHT, EVENING DARKNESS, SEASONS, AND PURE (NON-GMO) SEEDS SO THAT WE CAN BE HEALTHY. If ill health exists, it is because of many factors. Such as for cancer! When these words are uttered after years of being repeated by the mass media:'We have to find the Cure!' ... I wonder who they are trying to mislead! First, there is no single cure for cancer and there is no silver bullet! Cancer and ot her modern diseases that are affecting millions of people in Canada and the United States, including other countries, can be prevented: ONLY WHEN YOU THE INDIVIDUAL DECIDE ON YOUR OWN INITIATIVE AND DESIRE FOR WELLBEINGNESS TO START FINDING THE CAUSES FOR YOUR ILL HEALTH! TRUST THE INDEPENDENT RESEARCHERS, INCLUDING THE HOLISTICHERBALISTS WHO HAVE LEARNED THE HEALING WISDOMS PASSED ON TO THEM FROM THEIR ANCESTORS GOING BACK THOUSANDS OF YEARS.Yet, because of the mass programming of the left brain, the modern, man-made laboratorymethodsand their drugs,with very little testing, are being blindly accepted! Remember the potato message: BE LIKE THE POTATO AND OPEN UP YOUR EYES TO THE TRUTHS.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stor y and photos of Jeff : M ai-Liis Renaud
4. Not on l y ar e you t h e l ead si n ger of t h e ban d bu t you al so h ave a ver y ar t i st i c si de t o you . Pl ease t el l u s abou t w h at you l ove t o do ot h er t h an w r i t e son gs an d per f or m .
Loca l concer t pr omoter , Jeff Br unet, (seen left) of Alka line Enter ta inment, ha s been wor king ha r d to step up the Cor nwa ll music scene by br inging some gr eat ba nds to our Seaway city.
M y new thing is painting actually! I star ted that after having left M ontr eal to live in the countr y (M ont Tr em blant) and quickly pr ogr essed to a pr ofessional standar d. Other ar tists ar ound the ar ea (m ostly M ontr eal expats them selves) took notice and invited m e to join in tw o differ ent collectives w hich I help r un in the for m of tw o ar t galler ies near the ski and golf r esor t. Although painting is r elatively new to m e, I found the w hole fr am e of m ind and pr ocess to be exactly the sam e as that r equir ed to w r ite songs. And as w ith The Box, I keep changing subjects and explor ing new styles as I go. Just Google m e up and check it out!
Jeff, w ho has been in the m usic scene for 25 year s, star ted off as a r oadie and then m oved to Ottaw a w her e he booked bands for a bar called Bar r ym or e's. It w asn't long befor e Jeff r ealized that he could star t booking bands for his ow n venues and he has been ver y busy "pow er ing up" events in Cor nw all over the last few m onths. I know as I design all his poster s and tickets and m ust say that I enjoy w or king w ith him and also getting to know the bands that he pr om otes. Al k al i n e En t er t ai n m en t i s br i n gi n g I n t er n at i on al Recor di n g Ar t i st Th e Box t o La M ai son i n Cor n w al l on Sat u r day, Apr i l 23r d an d I h ad t h e pl easu r e of i n t er v i ew i n g l ead si n ger Jean M ar c Pi sapi a (j u m pi n g i n ph ot o bel ow ) an d h er e ar e m y
5. W h at adv i ce do you h ave f or peopl e w h o w an t t o f or m a ban d an d en t er t h e m u si c i n du st r y at t h i s poi n t i n t i m e? I'll tell you w hat: take five differ ent "exper ts", put them in a r oom and ask them how to be successful in today's m usic business and you'll get five differ ent if not dow nr ight contr adictor y answ er s. Nobody know s how this ever changing business w or ks anym or e. But tw o things haven't changed: getting along w ith a gr oup of people and w r iting a song that'll appeal to people's hear t. Those have been the sam e ever since the daw n of tim es! And Youtube is full of good advice by songw r iter s w ho w ill pr ovide tips on how to w r ite a solid tr ack . So just get in ther e and check them out. The infor m ation is at your finger tips so ther e's no excuse for not r eaching out.
5 QU ESTIONS... 1. W h at i s t h e or i gi n of you r n am e " Th e Box " an d w h at gen r e of m u si c do you con si der you r w or k t o be. Al so w h o ar e you r m aj or i n f l u en ces? Our ver y fir st guitar player cam e up w ith the idea of calling us The Box and I kind of liked the myster y aspect of it, like an old box tucked aw ay in an attic full of sur pr ises.... You never knew w hat you w ould find in that box!
it up again
The sam e applies to us r eally in that w e alw ays com e up w ith unexpected stuff both m usically and lyr ically. One song w ould r ecount a m ur der stor y (L'affair e Dum outier / Say To M e) and the next w ould be an obser vation on ever yday life (Or dinar y People) and another yet w ould sim ply be an up-lifting tr ack (Closer Together ) and so on... That's w hy I alw ays thought the best w ay to descr ibe our m usic w as to call it "Radio Pop" since all of these tr acks and m any other s becam e instant r adio hits.
2. W h o ar e t h e ban d m em ber s an d h ow l on g h ave you k n ow n each ot h er . Al so h ow di d you m eet ? The actual band m em ber s ar e the second incar nation of The Box and have been the sam e people since 2004 (12 year s alr eady!!) I'm the only sur viving or iginal m em ber of the band! I've m et them all w hile w or king the M ontr eal scene at differ ent levels, be it the adver tising w or ld (I w r ote in excess of 400 jingles since 1996) or the studio session com m unity w her e som e of them oper ated on a r egular basis. This actual line-up is the steadiest The Box has ever been. Back in the '80s, m usicians kept com ing in and out, som e of them having difficulties coping w ith the constant tour ing and all... We ar e now six on stage:
W h at sh ou l d m u si c l over s i n Cor n w al l ex pect t o h ear an d see w h en t h ey com e t o see you per f or m at La M ai son on Sat u r day, Apr i l 23r d? Ha ha! W hy all the old hits of cour se!! And new er m ater ial too in the fir st half of the show... One thing is for sur e: once this par ty gets going, ther e's no looking back! And believe m e, this band is a ton of fun to w atch live as w e've been honing this show for the last 12 year s!
Fr anรงois Br uneau; guitar s Dan Volj; bass M ar tin Lapier r e; dr um s Guillaum e Jodoin; keys Isabelle Lem ay; vocals and myself... We all get along just fine and it show s w henever w e per for m live. 3. W h at ar e you r m aj or accom pl i sh m en t s t o dat e an d w i l l t h er e be an y n ew r el eases i n t h e f u t u r e? Our constant pr esence on the Canadian scene w ith countless aw ar ds nom inations and w ins, 9 consecutive hit songs, w or king our w ay to the legendar y M ontr eal For um in a m er e five year s and of cour se our hit-song "Tem ptation" in Eur ope in 1990... All in a 10 year per iod is quite a feat! But it also took it's toll by squeezing ever y dr op out of that lem on to an exhausted br eakup in 1992. Refor m ing the gr oup in 2004 (w ith 3 album r eleases since) w as also a m ajor challenge given the ever changing natur e of the r ecor d business. But w e do it for entir ely differ ent r easons now , fun being the m ain m otivation for us. We'r e out of the r at r ace now and have no intentions to get back in; so w hile I have no plans for futur e r ecor dings yet, the door is never closed either.
powers it up wit h ...
Friday, April 15 - A Salute to The Bee Gees and Abba - Canadian Legion Saturday, April 23 - The Box - La Maison Saturday, April 30 - CCR Tribute - the Army Navy Club Saturday, May 7 - Michel Pagliaro with Spare Partz - Cornwall Civic Complex Saturday, May 28 - Elvis Tribute - Canadian Legion
For More inf o cal l Jef f Brunet at 613-933-5882
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
A Do wn To wn Ab b ey Sp r i n g Sp eci al U si n g t h e h i st o r i calt o m ak e h i st o r y
success. Retired from teaching at John Abbott College, Quebec, she now has more time to indulge her penchant for hamming it up and just generally enjoying herself. She has a few miles on her, but is still up to the challenge of living life to the fullest.
? Part III of V By Robert Hardy, Katie Ditschun & Lesley Orr
WHO IS Participation?
JEFF POISSANT is our visuals guy. Born and raised in Ontario, he moved to Alexandria in the early 1990s after being in Montréal for 17 years. A Registered Graphic Designer, Jeff has created promotional material for government agencies, banks, and industrial companies. He is also a photographer, videographer and cinematographer. He began working with Robert and Bill during the promotion of the Fifth Day Suite and now creates all of the visual components for Participation?s interactive productions.
Participation?s Music Hall Theatre Productions is a dedicated team of talented individuals, all of whom not only perform on stage, but also collaborate behind the scenes to create the fun and engaging productions. KATIE DITSCHU N is our singer, pianist, and percussionist. Born and raised in Brantford, Ontario she now resides in Alexandria. She is a graduate of Berklee College of Music who enjoys singing songs from a large variety of styles ? from Ragtime to Broadway, from Jazz to Classical Crossover, and can be seen performing her own originals, too. Katie can be found making music everyday as a private music teacher at Katie Smith Studio coaching students of all ages in voice and piano.
f eat ur M ing ayFl owerand s NaughtGyoings On
DAVID SAU VÉ is our stage manager. From Montréal, he completed his B.F.A. in Theatre at Concordia University. Following that, he worked for ten years as a professional actor and stage manager in Montréal, Edmonton, and Vancouver. ROBERT HARDY is our player of the reeds. British by birth, he came to Canada in David then decided to obtain his teaching diploma from McGill. During his career teaching high school Drama and French he directed more than twenty plays for the 1980 and now resides in Alexandria. He is the creator of the concept of Sears Drama Festival and won a dozen outstanding production awards with Participation. With a wide ranging background as a performer ? from touring Europe with Screaming Lord Sutch to performing on cruise ships where almost any Glengarry District High School in Alexandria. Recently retired, he now volunteers, travels, and studies Spanish. style of music was played. In 2010, Robert?s symphony, The Fifth Day Suite, was given it?s World Premiere by the Toronto Philharmonia, conducted by Kerry Stratton.
BILL RILEY is our horn player. Born and raised in the northeastern United States, he emigrated to Montreal in 1979 and now resides in Hudson, Québec. A dyed-in-the-wool musician, he made a living building church organs but yearned to return to live performance. After turning his attention to a variety of instruments including piano, trombone, and trumpet, he began free-lancing as a brass and keyboards man. More recently, he found playing the Tuba was perfect breathing therapy. Bill and Robert have been working together for many years producing music within their company La Plume Moderne. SHANNON HARDY has done it all - from classical, to pop, to rock, and now to ragtime. As a former rock'n'roll frontwoman made popular on the Southern Ontario circuit, Shannon is no stranger to the stage. She is a solid rhythm guitarist who has transformed into a solid rhythm ukulele player for Participation. She is the backbone of the group, keeping the rhythm of the group together. Shannon has also written and recorded various works which have been heard on commercial rock radio, and have had placements in television, movies and promotional videos.
Co co n u t s i n En g l an d ? Or ar e t h ey g o o seb er r i es? And what el se coul d be hiding in t he bushes on Down Town Abbey Est at e? Why does Mrs. Haycock disapprove so much of Miss Louisa Goodbody and her 'London ways'? Wil l Mrs. Haycock and Thomas Ful l ert on ever be reconcil ed? Come and f ind out at t he NAV Cent re on May 14 or 15....
Oh m y, what will happen next?
La Plume Moderne, is proud to present A Down Town Abbey Spring Special featuring May Flowers and Naughty Goings On, on May 14 and 15, 2016. Join us at the NAV Centre in Cornwall, for a mélange of musical madness where Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith meet Mr. Bean and Monty Python LESLEY ORR is our Mrs. Haycock. Born and raised in Scotland, which accounts for for a fun-filled, celebratory event. her funny accent. She enjoys, in no particular order: drama, literature, music from For more inf ormat ion, cal l Robert Hardy at 613.525.9943. Det ail s can opera to country, spending time with friends and dogs, painting and glass blowing. al so be f ound at www.part icipat iont She has taught all levels from pre-school to university, with varied enthusiasm and IN 2 WEEKS: Part IV of V
yo u
with Cornwall's
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... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
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Op e 7 d ay s n a w eek
4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. - 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
SATURDAY, APRIL 9 Drop in Famil y St oryt ime Heure du cont e f amil ial e port e ouvert e 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. (for children and their parents)
Paws 'n Books Let your children read to our trained dogs. 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Writ ing Camp with Lindsay Below Practice your writing skills in a group setting. 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Check-Mat es wit h Cl if f ord Labre - 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
YAC Sunday Cinema Present s: "The Good Dinosaur? Family movie - 1:30 pm
MONDAY, APRIL 11 Time f or Twos (2 year old and child'sparentor caregiver)- 10 10:30a.m. Cl ub de l ect ure Les mil l e-f euil l es - Rencontre à 18h
TUESDAY, APRIL 12 Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg - 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Fl ying Needl es - Knitting for fun. - 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 The Forum - 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The FORUM is an evolving community that shares ideas, emotions and truths." - David Rawnsley, program facilitator.
?Sp r i n g
So n g ?
SUNDAY APRIL24,7:00P.M.,ST.ANDREW? UNITED S CHURCH 5793 Church Ave., Williamstown.
y ! r r o S D E L L E C CA N Everyone Welcome to a musical evening in support of Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Donations Gratefully received for Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Receipts issued for donations of $10.00 or more.
Th eCOU NTDOWN i s o n ... 1 5 d ayst o g o
Writ ing Camp with Lindsay Below Practice your writing skills in a group setting. 7 p.m. Bambins à l a bil bio (0 à 2 ans) - 10 h à 10 h 30 Apprendre en jouant (0 à 5 ans) - 10 h 30 à 12 h Heure du cont e - 10 h à 12 h
THURSDAY, APRIL 14 Cornwal l Scrabbl e 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m. Great activity for adults who love a challenge. St oryt ime (f or 3 t o 5 year ol ds) - 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Baby Tal es - 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Adul t Evening Book Cl ub - 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Teen Graphic Novel Book Cl ub - 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
JUST WRITE! THELIBRARY?S9THANNUALWRITINGCONTESTISON! Full details on library website at www.l ibrary.cornwal l
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Wi t h APR
U P?
FOCUS ART - Art Show at t he Cornwal l Square. Opens 11am t o 7pm. Vernissage (Recept ion) 7-9pm Show will continue through til Sunday and then again next Thursday to Sunday
Karaoke & Dance wit h Mike Rivet t e Every Friday in April, starting at 7:00 pm - Cornwall District Navy Vets Association-30 Sixth Street E. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org MonkeyJunk wit h special guest El l y May They're Back Juno Awards Winners Monkeyjunk are coming back to the Port Theatre with Special Guests Elly May for blues and rock fans it's a show you don't wanna miss... Tickets Are Available at Melody Music, Lotto Kiosk At The Cornwall Square, St Lawrence Appliance Service, Port Theatre During Movie Hours... $15.00 In Advance $20.00 At The Door. All Ages LCBO Licensed Event +19 for the bar. From 7:00pm to 11:15pm. Count ryCl assicsJammingFromfrom7 to 10 pm.Royal CanadianLegion,415 2nd St. W. Debbie Locey Cancer Fundraiser Friday, April 8th from 7 pm to 11 pm. Navy Club, 30 6th St. E. Music with Mike Rivette and light luncheon served.
W H A T 'S
SATURDAY Cl assicRock& Count ryWit h SoundWaves7 - 11 pm.Royal CanadianLegion,415 2nd St. W.
Team Famil y Persuasion Fundraiser f or Rel ay f or Lif e 2016 Spaghetti Supper from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Army Navy Club, 14 Marlborough with a silent auction, DJ, Dancing & Prizes. $10.00 per person. Georgie's Karaoke At 3:00 pm - Cornwall & District Navy Vets Association-30 Sixth Street East.
the APR
Pat rons of St Col umban Foundat ion Chicken Dinner From 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St W. Tickets: 12$ on sale during St. Columban's parish office hours or call: 613.933.8353 Knight s of Col umbus Council 5068 Communit y Breakf ast From 9 am to 12:30 pm. Precious Blood Church, 18318 County Rd 2, Glen Walter. Free will donation accepted. Tree care workshop From 10:00 to 12:00 learn tree care and maintenance. Discover tips that will improve tree structure and production and will result in healthier, longer lasting, more attractive trees. 2045 Pitt St..
Pub Quiz at t he Gl engarrian! No charge to play! Ages 19+. Fun prizes to be won every round! Best food and cold beverages in town! Starts at 7pm sharp! 841 Sydney St. (at Ninth St. E).
Cornwal l Hort icul t ural Cl ub Mont hl y Meet ing Tuesday, April 12th at 7 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Presentation: spring flower arrangement preparation with Robert Martin.
WEDNESDAY Your event coul dhave beenheref or FREE- NEXT TIME- CALLIT IN
- ext 102
It 's FREE Cal l M ai -Li i s, TODAY 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3Ex t 1 0 2 I Can 't h el p yo u ad ver t i se i t ...
i f I d o n 't k n o w ab o u t i t !
... APR
Kinsmen Concert Of The St ars Outstanding performances during the Kinsmen Music Festival perform on the Aultsville Hall stage during the Concert Of The Stars. Thursday, April 14th at 7:30 pm (recorded Sunday, April 10th). Pub & Grub At The Navy Cl ub At 5 pm, 30 6th St. E. Music April 7th and April 14th with Nat & Perry. Knight s of Col umbus Roast Beef Supper At 5 pm. St. Francis de Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Adults:10$, Children: 5$ FREE LIQUID BIOCELL INFORMATION SESSION - Are you suffering from arthritis? Have you tried everything on the market without any significant results? Come learn how Liquid BioCell can truly help you restore your joints so you can feel like you can do anything again! Side effects? You'll look younger! 7:00pm at The Grind (35 Second St. E.) RSVP 613-662-4919 or l orraine@nat urespowert ool as seating is limited. Knight s of Col umbus WING NIGHT on Amelia - 5:30 to 8:30pm $7.50 for 12
Al kal ine Ent ert ainment and t he Royal Canadian Legion present 2 GREAT SALUTES - Bee Gees and Abba at the Legion, 415 Second St. W. Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the door. For info call: 613-933-5882 GRADE 7 & 8 TEEN DANCE Sponsored by Cl ub Oct agon at La Cit adel l e High School 6:30 to 9:30 pm. Student ID requited. Music by DJ Shellshock and Madame Mix-A-Lot.
Karaoke & Dance wit h Mike Rivet t e Every Friday in April, starting at 7:00 pm - Cornwall District Navy Vets Association-30 Sixth Street East. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org Bereaved Famil ies Teen Workshop From 9 am to 3 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Call:613.936.1455 to register or visit Grief support for adolescents ages 13 to 19.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Sha ry n
Hi nts and Substi tuti ons
THO M PSO N Farrah f ound t his ol d col umn of mine, print ed in 2002 in one of her Mom?s f avourit e cookbooks. She remembered going wit h her Mom t o my st ore when just a l it t l e girl .She wondered if we coul d print t he col umn again. It woul d be our pl easure and hopef ul l y it wil l be of hel p t o a new generat ion of cooks. You have all heard the old saying - you are never to old to learn - well truer words were never spoken. I thought the following equivalents and substitutions would come in handy for you some day. Next week I'll have a list for you of what herbs go best in certain foods and more helpful hints. Enjoy a good week!
In g r ed i en t -
Ti p s On M easu r i n g
In g r ed i en t s
1 stick butter or margarine = 1/ 2 cup 1/ 2 stick butter or margarine = 1/ 4 cup 1 cup cream = 2 cups whipped cream 16 tbsp. butter = 1 cup butter 2 tbsp. lemon juice = 1 medium sized lemon 3 tsp. grated orange peel = 1 medium sized orange 1 cup sliced apple = 1 medium sized apple peeled and core removed 7/ 8 cup vegetable oil or shortening = 1 cup butter 4 to 5 cups grate cheddar cheese = 1 lb. 3 oz. pkg. cream cheese = 7 tbsp. cream cheese 3 cups cornmeal = 1 lb. 1 small onion chopped = 1/ 4 cup 1 large onion chopped = 1 cup 1 orange = 1/ 3 to 1/ 2 cup juice 1 lemon = 2 tbsp. juice 1 1/ 4 tsp. arrowroot = 1 tbsp. flour (for thickening) 1 cup graham crumbs = 9 graham wafers coarsely crumbled. A dash = less than 1/ 8 tsp., 1 shake of salt, pepper or other seasoning A pinch = the amount you can pick up between the tip of your thumb and index (first) finger
al l
an d Eq u i val en t s
If you don't have... you can use:
Su b st i t u t i o n
1 tbsp. cornstarch(for thickening)= 2 tbsp. all purpose flour. 1 tsp. baking powder = 1/ 2 tsp. cream of tartar plus 1/ 2 tsp. baking soda. 1 pkg. active dry yeast ( 1 tbsp. bulk yeast) = 1 cake compressedyeast. 1 cup granulatedsugar = 1 cup packed brown sugar; or 2 cups sifted icing sugar. 1 cup honey = 1 1/ 4 cup granulatedsugar plus 1/ 4 cup liquid. 1 cup corn syrup = 1 cup granulatedsugar plus 1/ 4 cup liquid. 1 square (1 oz.) unsweetenedchocolate= 3tbsp. unsweetened coacoaplus 1 tbsp. butter or margarine. 1 cup whippingcream whipped = 2 cups whipped desser topping. 1 cup butter milk or soured milk = 1 tbsp. lemon juice or vinegar plus enough whole milk to make 1 cup. Allow to stand for 5 minutes;or 1 cup whole milk plus 1 3/ 4 tsp. cream of tartar or 1 cup plain yogurt. 1 cup whole milk = 1/ 2 cup evaporatedmilk plus 1/ 2 cup water; or 1 cup reconstitutednon fat dry milk plus 2 tsp. butter or margarine. Sweet milk and baking powder = equal amount sour milk plus 1/ 2 tsp. baking soda per cup (each 1/ 2 tsp. soda with 1 cup sour milk takes the place of 2 tsp. baking powder and 1 cup of sweet milk. 1 cup light cream = 1 cup minus 2 tbsp. milk plus 2 tbsp. butter. 2 cups tomato sauce = 3/ 4 cup tomato paste plus 1 cup water. 1 cup tomato juice = 1/ 2 cup tomato sauce plus 1/ 2 cup water. 1 cup ketchup or chilli sauce = 1 cup tomato sauce plus 1/ 2 cup sugar and 2 tbsp. vinegar (this is to be used only in cooking mixtures). 1 cup broth = 1 tsp. instant boullion granulesdissolve in 1 cup water. 1 garlic clove = 1/ 8 tsp. garlic powder or minced dried garlic. 1 small onion = 1 tsp. onion powder 1 tbsp. minced dried onion. 1 tsp. dry mustard = 1 tbsp. prepared mustard. 1 tsp. very finely grated lemon zest = 1/ 2 tsp. lemon extract. 1 tbsp. fresh snipped herbs = 1 to 1 1/ 2 tsp. dried herbs. 1 cup sour cream = 1 tbsp. lemon juice plus evaporatedmilk to make 1 cup. 1 1/ 2 tsp. grated lemon zest = 1 medium sized lemon 1 cup butter or margarine= 7/ 8 cup lard with 1/ 2 tsp. salt. 1 tbsp. flour for thickening= 1/ 2 tbsp. cornstarch; or potato starch; or arrowroot starch; or rice starch. 1 cup cake flour = 7/ 8 cups all purpose flour. 1 cup all purpose flour for baking = 1/ 2 cup bran or whole wheat flour plus enough all purpose flour to fill the cup. 1 whole egg = 2 egg yolks plus 1 tbsp. water; or 2 tbsp. dried whole egg plus 2 1/ 2 tbsp. water.
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt St, Unit 6, Cornwall,Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Mondayto Saturday- 9 to 5
Ar ticle a nd Photos by M a i-Liis Renaud
Ar ound250peoplegather edat theStor m ontCom m unity Hallin LongSault on Satur day, Apr il2ndto attendtheCor n w alM l ot orSpeedw ayAn n u al St ockCar Aw ar dsBan qu etan dDi n n er honour , ing par ticipants of the 2015r acingseason. Th ef ol l ow i n gAw ar dsw er egi venan dh er ear et h et op dr i ver sf or each . Ban di tM ot or spor t s: 358M odi f i edDi v i si onCar : eyTer r ance#66X Al ex an dr i Hom a eHar dw ar e:Pr oStockDivision:DaveBissonnette #47 Tr acyW h eel er /Royal Lepage:Spor tsm anDivision:Cor eyW heeler#47S Pol arSou n d- Sem iPr oDi v i si onDer : ekCr yder m an #420 Pol arSou n d- M i n iSt ockDi v i si onJean-Fr : ancois Page#91 TopRook i esi n 2015:Jean-Fr ancois Cor r iveau#96 Ban di tM ot or spor tCan s adi anNat i on al 358 s M odi f i edSer i es:DannyJohnson#27J Seaw ayGM& Per f or m an Spor ce t sm an Ser i espr esen t ed by Ol son f ab: M ar tinPelletier Ban di tM ot or spor t s: Spor tsm anChallenge: M ar tinPelletier#92P Dor i onEn gi n eer i nCu g p- HeatCh am pi on sh i p: Br ianM cDonald#151KB RSI I n du st r i alSu ppl y- HeatCh am pi on sh i p: Geor geRenaud#55 Ron M or i nAw ar d- 2015:GillesGodar d (bottomphotois GilleswithRonM or in) Congr atulations goes out to a ll the dr iver s a nd I wa s so ha ppy to see Rick Young r eceiving the M itchell Jock M er it Awa r d for his countless hour s that he spends taking photogr aphs at the Cor nw all M otor Speedw ay each r acing season. Top left is the photo I took of Rick, cam er a in hand as alw ays, w aiting to see w ho the r ecipient of the aw ar d w ould be (not know ing that it w as him ). Beside it is the photo of Rick w ith the aw ar d and the fam ily w ho sponsor s it. Congr atulations to the owner s of the tr a ck, the Laver gne fa mily (m iddle photo) on their 2015 DI RT M otor spor t Pr omoter of the Yea r Awa r d. Now w e'r e all looking for w ar d to the 2016 Racing Season,w ith 18 or ganized events, star ting on M ay 15th. and the r acing fans I'm sur e, w ill be thr illed w ith the gr eat im pr ovem ents that have been m ade at the tr ack . For mor e info on the Cor nwa ll M otor Speedway a nd the upcoming r a cing sea son : w w w.cor nwa
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Jo se e
SAUVE Tax Tip 10 A lot of people think or are told and believe that they can deduct the expenses they incurred during the course of their employment (uniforms, safety boots, First Aid courses, parking etc.). The truth is that none of these can be claimed on your income tax return. Schedule 1 already provides individuals with the Canada Employment Amount in the amount of $1146 which means that if you earned $1146 or more in income, you are already claiming $1146 in Employment Expenses. Transportation Employees (Truckers & Railway workers), Tradespersons who have to buy their own tools and employees required to use their vehicles or a home office as part of their contract may be entitled to claim Employment Expenses. However, in order to claim Employment Expenses, your employer must also complete form T2200 attesting to the fact that you do have to pay these expenses as part of your contract. Motor Vehicle Expenses are the most popular Employment Expenses but there are very strict guidelines that must be followed in order to do so. An employee must keep logs of every single kilometre they claim as an employment expense, keep all receipts (gas, maintenance, insurance, licensing) and must take odometer readings on the first and last day of each year. This is a non-negotiable obligation if you wish to claim Motor Vehicle Expenses. You also must NOT have received reasonable reimbursements for the motor vehicle expenses (for 2015, Revenue Canada considers reasonable reimbursements as 54 cents for the first 5,000km and 48 cents for the remainder ergo average 51 cents per km) from your employer. For more information on Employment Expenses, visit http:/ / tax-tips-2/ employment-expenses/
Tra ce y
VALADE Heal t hy f amil ies st art wit h heal t hy eat ing. W hen you think of healthy eating w ith the push fr om today?s society it?s easy to get caught up in it, think it?s too expensive or com plicated. ?No gluten!? ?Or ganic is best!? And as tr ue as these ar e, not ever yone can buy the $5 loaf of br ead that is gluten fr ee or has the tim e to m ake it, and not ever yone can affor d all or ganic foods in the super m ar ket. Th e i m por t an t t h i n g i s t h at you get you r m i n i m u m r equ i r em en t s an d eat r eal f ood! Eat act u al f r u i t s an d veggi es! Want to know an easy w ay to do it that is low cost? Gr ow your ow n fr uits and veggies! People often for get the im por tance of getting r eal ? not pr ocessed or sw eetened or canned and salted ? foods in their diet. It?s sim ple, easy, and does not need to cost a lot. I t t ak es 5 m i n u t es t o t h r ow a si m pl e gar den sal ad t oget h er , you can choose the item s you enjoy, top it how ever you like, then you can eat it for lunch w ith chicken, or as a side w ith steak at dinner. You can add som e pepper s and gr een onions to your m or ning eggs, or apples and bananas in your cer eal. Put som e pickles or spinach on your sandw ich and thr ow an or ange in your w or k bag. It?s that easy! And you can do it w hen eating out too. Ask for a salad or fr uit on the side w ith your m eal instead of those fr ies! Veggi es can gr ow an yw h er e. Your ow n back yar d! Pots on your w indow ! Have a cem ent or stone yar d? Tr y checking out w ooden slate gar dening. Have a balcony and no actual yar d to gr ow in? Build a gr ow box or put planter s ar ound the edges, put hanging pots in your w indow s. I had a planter in my w indow one year for gr een onions, and it w as the best year I've had for them .
An im por tant thing to note is even if you gr ow your ow n, you should still at least r inse them off befor e you eat them . W hite vinegar is a gr eat thing you can add to som e w ar m w ater to help clean off fr uits and veggies, and it also helps them to last longer. Don't alw ays have tim e to cut, r inse, etc? Plan a day once a w eek to buy, cut, w ash and put aw ay all your veggies and lar ger fr uits in single por tions, and buy fr uits like bananas and apples that r equir e not pr ep. I h ave f ou r easy t i ps f or gr ow i n g a gar den , n o m at t er w h er e you deci de i t w i l l go. Believe in your skills as a gar dener. You need to know you can do this! Follow the r ecom m endations on the back of the seeds or the label of the plant. Water , feed, and love your plants. You don?t need big fancy expensive soils or feeds. I star ted gr ow ing a potato plant in my kitchen in M ar ch one year. Just plain black soil, in a hanging basket! By M ay it w as about 6 inches high on the stock and lots of r oots! And don?t be discour aged if you do not do w ell the fir st tim e. Tr y again! Don ?t f or get t h e su n an d t h e w at er .
Place your plants in an ar ea that has lots of sunlight. Water it daily, but not in the hottest par t of the day. I like to do it in the m or ning, or in the evening w hen ther e is still sunlight but not over pow er ing sunlight. W hen I m oved last, w e tilled a spot I thought w ould be gr eat for a gar den. But on obser vation, the ar ea did not get a lot of sun. In fact 3/4 of the day it w as shaded by a fence and shed. So w e tilled a new ar ea last year , r ight in the back, and in the sun! It w as a spot intended for flow er s but the food gr ew ver y w ell. We planted a tom ato plant that gr ew over 7ft tall! As w ell as a cauliflow er , cucum ber s, pepper s and a few other things. The str aw ber r ies w e planted in the other tilled spot, not so m uch! Pu t over pow er i n g pl an t s f ar aw ay f r om each ot h er . The fir st year I did my ow n gar den, I lear ned a valuable lesson. Don?t out over pow er ing plants close to each other ! I m ade the m istake of lum ping cucum ber s and squashes together. The cucum ber s totally took over the squash plants, gr ew over them . I had cucum ber s for m onths. M y pepper s, tom atoes and other veggies did w ell? but my poor squash? not so m uch. I think I only got one! So spr ead them out, put plants that gr ow up instead of out betw een them . M ak e i t f u n ! Get the fam ily involved in it. Get younger childr en to help w ith putting seeds and bulbs in the gr ound, or help hold the hose w hen you w ater. Get older childr en to help dig holes and allow them to w ater on their ow n. Get ever yone involved in the gr oom ing M ake it a gam e, see w ho can get the m ost w eeds in a pile. Talk to the childr en about how these plants w ill soon tur n into food they can eat! Get them to help pick it w hen it?s r eady and w ash ever ything off. And then m ake a yum my salad they can help eat!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Place. A New Beginning & A Fr esh Star t!!! John and I w er e then off to help celebr ate Randy Sauve & Car ol Gr ants B/B par ty at ~La M aison~, along w ith Randy's 55th bir thday. The ~Lost Boys~ sounded w onder ful and I got up to dance a few dances w ith Josee, Car ol and som e other lovely ladies. We left ar ound 11:15ish then he dr ove and dr opped m e off at the ~Com for t Inn~ to be w ith my thir d daughter , Ella Rose. She had been ther e since Fr iday because of photogr aphing the dance com petitions that w er e being held all w eekend long at the ~Aultsville Theatr e~. I alw ays love spending som e "Quality tim e" w ith my Ella Rosey, as she is alw ays so busy w ith her m odeling, w edding and pr om otional businesses that takes her all ar ound the w or ld. I just have to tr y and convince her to take m e along w ith her next tim e w hen she visits Eur ope, or Cuba or Gr eece. Now , w her e is my passpor t and sunglasses???
M a rle ne
Hi Ther e To Ever yone that has decided to r ead ~The Seeker ~, the m ost Positive Paper in the Cor nw all and the S.D. & G. ar ea. M other Natur e... W hat is up w ith you this year ??? We Canadians have had enough of W inter and w ant the w ar m er and sunnier days of Spr ing to happen sooner then later. Although w e have been exper iencing cold and w indy days of late, I am still seeing the m any m ir acles of Spr ing that ar e happening all ar ound m e. Ther e ar e m any plant-shoots com ing up fr om the cold, dar k gr ound and even the cr ocuses ar e bloom ing out their pr etty yellow and pur ple petals, despite the fr igid tem per atur es w e ar e having. I have seen tw o m or e Robins and m any V-lines of Canadian Geese r etur ning fr om the South. I have also been hear ing differ ent types of song bir ds, tw eeting their sw eet tunes to attr act potential m ates or per haps just because they w ant to sing. SPRING IS HERE!!! Nothing can STOP Spr ing fr om com ing ... NOTHING!!! SPRING is Her e To Stay, but w e have to be a bit m or e patient w ith the antics of M aw Natur e for a shor t w hile longer , that's all. ? ? ? Tw eet ? ? Tw eet ? ? ? ? Tw eety ? ? ? Tw eet? ? ? Tw eety? ? ? ? ? Tw eet ? ? ? Tw eet? ? ? ? Hum an Tr anslation: Have Your selves a Happy Spr ing Week Ahead!!!
I TEM OF THE W EEK: This w eek I am choosing a cute, little, black, satin pur se w ith em br oider ed, colour ful flow er s that looks like a lady's bodice w ith a tie-up cor set on the back . I pur chased it fr om ~The Salvation Ar my~ for a $1.00!!! I get a lot of com m ents fr om both m en and w om en on this little, black num ber. I tell people that by having these "Unique pur ses" that no w om an can or could ever say that it belongs to them . I like being UNIQUE!!! Doesn't Ever ybody??? Be sur e to shop at our local thr ift stor es her e in Cor nw all. Ther e ar e alw ays bar gains and tr easur es to find for both you, your fam ily, and fr iends. These or ganizations help other s that ar e less for tunate her e in our ow n com m unity so please suppor t them and GO SHOP until You Dr op!!!
TI P OF THE W EEK: CAT PUUUURRR Healing Pow er s: Did you know that cats cr eate PUUURRR vibr ations that ar e m edically ther apeutic for m any diseases? BONE Health: Fr equencies of 25 & 50 Hz ar e the best and 100Hz & 200 Hz ar e the 2nd best fr equencies for pr om oting Bone Str ength. BLOOD PRESSURE: Cat PUUURRRS LOW ER blood pr essur e w hilst you ar e inter acting w ith your cat and even hear ing the pur r ing sounds. M uscles Healing: Cat puur r s can heal INFECTIONS & SW ELLING. WOUND HEALING: The vibr ations ar e helpful for HEALING tendons & m uscles. HEART Health: Cat ow ner s have 41% less r isk of hear t attacks. STRESS Reliever : By petting a pur r ing cat it CALM S & LOW ERS str ess. So CATS ar e not only pr etty, soft and fun to have ar ound, but they ar e HEALERS as w ell!!! "Her e, Cloudy, Cloudy, M om needs som e Cat Ther apy!"
FAM I LY NEW S: M y w ee W illiam 's 4th Bir thday is this Sunday, Apr il 10th. M y, I can har dly believe that 4 year s have gone by since you cam e in to the w or ld my dear , sw eet gr andson. I love how im aginative you ar e and how you get so excited and happy over the sim plest things. I continue to be in aw e of you, W illiam ...You have such a pleasant and loving per sonality and you can alw ays m ake m e sm ile. M ay you have a WONDERFUL kind of Bir thday that w ill be celebr ated w ith your tw o br other s, sister , your M om m a & Dad, and m e, Nana. I LOVE YOU, M Y DEAR W ILLIAM !!! See you on Sunday w hen you w ill be tur ning the BIG FOUR!!! UNTI L NEXT W EEK: W E w er e bor n w ith Potential ... W E w er e bor n w ith Goodness and Tr ust ... W E w er e bor n w ith Ideas
John and I had a ver y busy and fun kind of w eekend r ejoicing w ith our good fr iend, Cur tis Ar cher and his fam ily and fr iends. We enjoyed listening to som e good tunes, enjoying a delicious BBQ m eal of ham bur ger s, salad and even had a couple of dr inks to help w elcom e Cur tis to his New
Ste p he n
and Dr eam s ... W E w er e bor n w ith Gr eatness ... W E w er e bor n w ith W ings ... W E w er e not m eant for cr aw ling, so DON'T!!! W E Have W ings...Lear n To Use Them & FLY~~~ The DIFFERENCE betw een ORDINARY & EXTRAORDINARY is that ~~little EXTRA~~!!! W hy NOT Be That Little Extr a!!! M a r leneBa ker of w w w.fa shionogr a w w w.photodr ea
Co nclusio ns a b o ut se curity
Concl usion: Best Pract ices f or Comput er Securit y If you have been following this series about computer and software security, you've learned about ransomware and socially engineered exploits. A healthy dose of paranoia and some common sense can go a long way to keeping your computer secure. Computer hardware and software companies like Apple, Microsoft, HP, Dell and others are not likely to call you to let you know that there is something wrong with your computer. Hang up on these posers and don't click on the false virus alerts.
Try to stay on websites that are known to be safe and secure. Although reputable sites can be hacked, they are also the most likely to be properly safeguarded against being hacked. Hover your curser over a link before clicking to make sure it refers to the proper destination. Enable the pop-up blocker in your browser, disable stored passwords, erase your browsing history after every session online and reduce your browser cache to 50MB Ensure that your operating system, browser and any other software you use (Adobe Reader, Flash, Java, etc) is either up-to-date or removed, depending on your needs. Install some good security software. Ther are several free products available such as Avast! Free Antivirus, AVG Free Antivirus and Zone Alarm Personal Firewall. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove some infections and CCleaner to help proactively remove potential problems. There are paid programs such as BitDefender Total Security and Kaspersky Total Security; and if you have valuable data paying for one of these programs makes sense. Installing and properly configuring a highly rated computer system security program should
help keep your equipment secure. Do some research and find the best product for your needs. E-mail security is also important. One way to do that is to have a web-based e-mail provider like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail or a similar service. These large firms have all implemented different types of viruses scanners. The incoming email and outgoing emails are scanned for infections, but typically only check for viruses. Regardless of which e-mail client you use (Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, etc) it is important that the preview mode is turned off. If an e-mail is automatically loaded, there is the odd chance that malicious code can automatically install a virus or other type of malware. Do not allow for automatic downloading or opening of attachments. Scan all attachments and don't open e-mails from people you don't know. Remember the "I love you" virus? It spread via e-mail and affected over 45 million computers. It can be considered one of the world's most dangerous computer related disasters as it cost over 5 billion in damages worldwide. Set your e-mail client software to its highest security setting and if you have antivirus or system security software, enable any e-mail scanning feature it may have. Do not open e-mails from people you don't recognize. Although your web mail service provider may scan your e-mails for infections, you should also employ tight security processes to ensure that you are not compromised. Yes, ensure that your e-mail client is up-to-date. You will also want to ensure that your Internet gateway - either your modem or router - is secure. Go shieldsup and run their tests. If you fail the tests, read their explanations. If you are not comfortable with their suggestions, you can contact your local trusted computer professional and have them help you harden your equipment against being exploited.
Next week: Sel ect ing your next comput er.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Sha nno n
HU RRY- CALLU STODAYfo r o u r2 0 1 6WEDDING sp eci al s
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ evening. Getting w asted is fun but just be car eful not to tur n into Pukey Patty, Fighting Fr ank, or Cr ying Cate because it could have a negative effect on the br ide and gr oom ?s special day and that should never be goal. Dr ink lots of w ater dur ing Make t he Most the day and spacetheyour dr inks out until at least of Wedding after dinner , this w ay you w ill have m or e ener gy to get your dr unk on later in the night w hen Aunt Season Ethel and the gr oom ?s gr andpar ents head ?er to bed. W ith sum m er just Par ticipate as M uch as You Can ar ound the cor ner , m ost people have Yes, as I touched on ear lier , it can get expensive to w ar m er w eather and longer days on their par ticipate in all the activities leading up to the big m inds but then they pull out their tr usty day but if you don?t you m ay r egr et it later on. Sur e, calendar and see that ever y w eekend not ever y couple w ill opt for an event-filled fr om her e on out is booked solid. Booked pr e-w edding line up but if they do, so w hat? It?s w ith w eddings and w edding events for easy to com plain and w ish you could just have a fr iends and fam ily. Booked full of w eekend off to r elax but tr ust m e, dow n the r oad expensive hooplahs r em inding us that you m ay r egr et not attending that Stag & Doe or love sur ely does not cost a thing, it cost show er ing the br ide w ith a Sunday tea. It?s the little m any things and m any dollar s. things that m ean so m uch to the couple and don?t This sum m er w ill be my fir st in about five year s think they ar en?t r ecognizing your love and that I don?t have betw een thr ee to five w eddings to suppor t. Actively par ticipating in the w edding and attend. W hen I r ealized this the other day, I actually the festivities befor e-hand w ill cr eate m em or ies let out a loud sigh of r elief. Not because I don?t like that w ill m ean m or e to you dow n the r oad than a w eddings but because it w ill be nice to finally have night in w ith Netflix counting the m oney you saved a sum m er to r elax and save my m oney. So, as a by opting out. So, be ther e, have fun, and enjoy r eflection of the past few w edding seasons, I because yes, that Engagem ent Par ty m ay be bor ing thought I?d shar e w ith you how to m ake the m ost of but you being ther e is w hat counts. the sum m er and the m ar r iages that you w ill inevitably be attending. To the br ides and gr oom s w ho ar e anxiously aw aiting this upcom ing w edding season, r elax and St ar t Sav i n g Now take it all in str ide. It w ill be her e and gone befor e W hen w e?r e living am idst w edding season w e often you know it, so str ess less and enjoy m or e. for get how expensive it can get and w hile I?ve Rem em ber that the people w ho m ean the m ost to alw ays been so happy to show er other s dur ing their you w ill be ther e beside you thr ough it all and don?t special tim e, it?s har d to deny it costs a sm all w or r y about the ones w ho ar en?t. Life happens and for tune. Betw een Stag & Does, Engagem ent Par ties, som etim es people just can?t be ther e but instead of Show er s, and the actual w edding the pr ice of being disappointed by the no-show s focus on those suppor ting the br ide and gr oom adds up quickly, w ho ar e by your side. Let the Wedding Season even m or e so if you?r e in the w edding par ty. So Being! star t saving now , put a designated am ount aside Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to fr om each pay check and label it ?Wedding Fund?. her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in This w ill help ease the pain of the alter native: Being Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast 10 bucks shor t w hen you go to pull the w edding gift Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The out of the ATM and having to ask your par ents to Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many chip in. Dr ink Responsibly websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Weddings ar e the best places to get absolutely Daily. View her blog at, like dr unk and for get all your car es in the w or ld but her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter r em em ber , this is som eone else?s day so w hen @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online w onder ing if you should have a four th shot of radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at tequila befor e dinner has been ser ved think about how this m ight affect your s and ever yone else?s
EVERYONE... It's That Time Of The Year Again... Time for Seekers Choice Awards
This is a gl amorous event t hat t akes pl ace in June every year at t he Cornwal l Gol f and Count ry Cl ub. This year t he "Event of t he Year" is on Friday, June 17t h It is t heoccasionf or t heSeekert o cel ebrat eit sanniversary, but it is al soa t imet o honourseveralst el l armembers of ourcommunit y.
AWARDS ARE GIVEN IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: Best Home Based Business - Best New Business Best Exist ing Business - Best Visual Art ist Best Musical Art ist - Best Lit erary Art ist t he Seeker?s Cont ribut or of t he year t he vol unt eer of t he year award t he At hl et e of t he Year and int roduced in 2014, t he Perf orming Art ist of t he Year
This fun night of entertainment always also acts as a fundraiser. The beneficiary varies from year to year. Our charit y of choice t his year is: RACHEL?S KIDS
Go t o www.t t o pl ace your nominat ion (HURRY - Nominations close on Friday, April 15th)
an d Rem em b er t o vi si t : fo r yo u r "Dai l y Do se"o f Co m m u n i t y News! THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
art, hanging the works and volunteering to host each day that the show is open.
BEHIND THE SCENES of t he Focus Art exhibit ion at Cornwal l Square
The public is also involved by casting a vote for their preferred art piece.
If you have ever volunteered to put on a play, a concert or an art exhibition, you have a good idea of what goes on before the curtain goes up. To the eye of the observer it might seem a bit chaotic. This perception is usually false; as in all art presentations there is a procedure in place to help get the job done.
When hosting an art exhibition, as Focus Art has for the past 12 years, many lessons have been learned and the teams get better at it every time. The installation of more than 90 pieces of art begins with strong leadership. Louise Mignault and Julia Lucio, vice-presidents of the Association, accepted the challenge with brio. The team clinched a partnership with Cornwall Square for space and with YAC (Your Arts Council) for the cost of required insurance. A partnership with several community sponsors permitted the leaders to finance publicity, equipment and the drawing of Pierre Giroux?s magnificent painting. Primarily, success depends on the collaboration of many volunteers equally avid to put on a great show. Louise and Julia, through excellent communication skills, saw to publicity and the maintenance of the standards set by previous shows all the while adding their own signature. Was it always smooth? Is any event perfect? I hear that?s the fun of it all; excitement, humour and the creativity to solve problems. Just crazy fun!
I peaked in at the exhibit before the Vernissage (opening) on April 8th. The show is like a breath of fresh air. Very well done. I strongly encourage you to take the time to explore local art at the Cornwall Square the weekend of April 8 and 16. Just a thought. Isn?t this proof that Cornwall and SDG need a centre for the arts? I look around and there is so much talent to be discovered. We are all looking forward to the results of the Feasibility Study for a Center for the arts coming soon.
Hanging commit t ee set t ing up t he exhibit ion.
The actors in such an endeavour are too many to name here. However one cannot ignore the hard work of Elaine Arkwright as treasurer, responsible for intake of the artwork, finances, information for labelling and the precious care of every art piece until all was hung. She organised an efficient team that made the process professional and good fun.
Many members of Focus Art take ownership of the project by sharing their
M ACDO NALD Are You Sure You Want To Be A Landl ord? Part 1 of 3 So, you?ve heard some people talking about all the money they make from their rental properties and think it?s a good idea for you too! It might be? or it might not be! Being a landlord is more than sitting back to watch your bank account grow. Here are some of the topics that you need to consider before you leap into the world of rental income properties with 4 doors or less (properties with more than 4 doors have different rules): First , you need t o f ind t he right propert y. Falling in love with a rental property is not an option. Only the numbers are relevant when choosing a property. Write yourself a little spreadsheet to calculate what your net income will be. You need to assume that
El aine, a vol unt eer at t he exhibit ion.
A paint ing by Pierre Giroux, hanging in t he window at t he Square.
any given rental unit will be empty for at least one month of every year. In Cornwall, usually tenants are easy to find but that is not a guarantee. If you can?t afford to pay for a rental unit while it?s empty? . Then, it?s not the right property for you. Sometimes you inherit tenants with a property. More about tenants later but please be aware that if a tenant has a lease a new owner cannot just raise their rent or cannot evict (even if the landlord wants to move in). Carefully screen the tenants and consider their current rents. Also, confirm whether utilities are included in the rent. An easy way to verify the monthly costs of the utilities is to call the Utility and ask how much the equal billing would be on that unit/ building. I recommend always putting utilities on equal billing and pre-authorized payment to reduce the number of hours you have to spend on running your rental properties. Second, you need t o purchase t hat propert y. The down payment minimum required to purchase a rental property is 20% (and with most lenders 25% ). Some lenders will also charge a higher interest rate for a rental property. There are other costs incurred when you purchase a rental property such as an appraisal (Cost will be between $300 - $600 depending on the number of doors), legal fees, work order searches, title insurance, land transfer taxes, etc. You will need to speak to your lawyer about other costs that are involved in purchasing a multi-residential building.
Is your websit e ef f ect ive on every pl at f orm? We can hel p! Cal l 613-935-8101 f or your f ree eval uat ion THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Pl ease Contact Jul ie
at 613-870-2788
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m ed
Al l contracts f or service wil l be min 2hours
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um b it ch D in e en u s g , P e W , ti M Li r gh in Ba ng o p f c l t d o t h , pi n o r ea Sp w s r o g, ni r i , o m ng ng s,
n a e Professional's Cl
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except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst FORSALE: Snow blower used only once. Worth $1500 asking $850. Laptop desk asking $25. 613-936-9399. FORSALE: 8 piece set of mint condition Callaway irons model X22. Men's right hand with 2 unmatched sand wedge, 2 included in the set. Asking $225. 613-933-4489. FORSALE: Burgundy four seat sofa, home theater and bone china cups and saucers. 613-938-9503 FORSALE: Formal dinning room set just like new. Comes with six chairs and two extra panels. Asking $500. 613-932-6526 FORSALE: Bidet personal hygiene system. Fits onto a regular toilet, has controls for heating the seat and water spray. Useful for elders and disabled.Asking $60. 613-938-5094. FORSALE: Pontiac Montana,2006, 200,000K,$2500 OBO. 613-935-8101. FORSALE: MTD Riding Mower, like new condition,11hp, 38" cut Asking $650. Power Pressure Washer,PSI 1500, never used, Asking $123, 613-933-1083. SEMI RETIRED BUSINESSMAN looking for same in a lady. Non smoker,pretty and fit. Respond to: Box 566, Lancaster,ON. FORSALE: Like new dining room set, table with two extra panels and six chairs. Asking $500, 613-932-6526 FORSALE: Brand new size 46 men's two piece black suit from Kastner's. $150 613-935-6284. FORSALE: Fridge, Kelvinator,18c. feet, white, perfect condition,$175 613-933-6913. FORSALE: $2000 worth of NASCARproducts,looking for reasonableoffers. 613-932-7945 FORSALE: Small box trailer 12x6, asking $1500. 1976 Ford Kawasaki.,asking $500 613-932-6654.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Ent er t o win 2 t icket s t o Cornwal l Comedy Fest ival Send us an email at and tell us why you deserve to laugh! You could win a pair of ticket to see the Cornwall Comedy Festival in action on April 23rd! It's a value of $64.
Hurry,thisdrawhappens TODAY- FridayApril8that 5pm! GoodLuck!
Ticket sf or t hese2 GREATSALUTES
Check out our f acebook page weekl y and comment t o l et us know why you shoul d win. Tweet t o us @SeekerNewspaper t o t el l us you want t o win. Email us at : inf o@t Lookon t he backpage,herein your Seekert o f ind out what you coul dwin !
New co n t est sever y week ! Show t icket s, rest aurant meal s, various it ems, al l up f or grabs!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 14 - April 8 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2