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Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r
Vol Vol . 7. 7 Issue Issue 155 Volume 6 5, Issue 41, April February 15, 2016 2016 October 30, 2015
See Page 5 ... for an
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Star Trek actress, BarBara Luna by Jason Setnyk
For info on CAPE: see page 3 t t ai n m en e r e t n E e Al k al i n v en t s.comhav E an d LCV ft Id ea
Gi t a e r ay! D a G s ' r t h e w oul dl ove o M r o f our Mom t hat y th We k n ow o sp en dt i m ew i l i a r o ! t g i c h e lP at ail s... M d n a e yo u r f ul l d 9 See p age
17840 Count y Road 44 JUST Nort h of t he cit y on Cornwal l El ect ric! Open concept main f l oor, 3 l arge bedrooms above, f ul l bsmt & garage. $289,900 ml s N0757
Always a Dunne Deal
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
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inf o@t www.t Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
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by Julia Lucio
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Ag re e to d isa g re e
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
VALUE VILLAGE - METRO - NO FRILLS - FOOD BASICS - BAXTROM'S (Health Dept) CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY - GIANT TIGER - FRESHCO - THE GRIND - SHARYN'S PANTRY HOME HARDWARE - FARM BOY (Eating Area) - EASTCOURT MALL (near the Barber shop) TIM HORTONS (Second Street E & Cornwall Square) - LOTTERY KIOSK (Cornwall Square) BEST WESTERN PARKWAY INN - Most BREAKFAST PLACES & more ... PLUS Long Sault, MacEwen Gas Bar and at the SEEKER office OFFICE (327 2nd St. E.) So I get t o be a Mil it ary wif e f or a week
Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN
I always admired the wives and husbands of military personnel. They are bigger people than I am. See, I have a big heart, but I'm also a bit selfish and sharing the love of my life with an entire country is not a sacrifice I would be willing to make. Fortunately enough, when I met my husband, he already had been out of the army for a number of years. I don't know what I would have done otherwise. With John, it was love at first sight, but regardless, I know I would have walked away because of my insecurities, had he announced he was a service man. I could not handle all that time apart, miles away. To me, soldiers were good to be used as ?Mr. Right Now?, perhaps, but they definitely were not ?Mr. Right? material.
I've h ear d i t al l ...
Natalie - Seeker Sales
"I know newspaper advertising hasn't worked for you in the past and that you don't have any extra money this month for marketing. I get it but ..." WE HAVE YOUR TARGET MARKET!
I often catch John reminiscing about his military years. I know he holds these memories very dear. I am sometimes jealous, even, that I don't get to be a part of these "good ol' days" recollections. It pains me that there is a whole different side to my husband that I will never know. And there are relationships, that are probably even closer than that of ours, that I will never be part of. Military troops have an unbreakable bond. They are united through experience. ?Blood, guts, sex and danger, that's the life of an Airborne Ranger!", fresh recruits chant while marching in cadence. They are young, wild, have high levels of adrenaline running through their veins, fear nothing and have each other's back no matter what. Of course, now, 35 years later, they have matured... John has reconnected through facebook with a bunch of people he served with during his 10 year span in the military. Some mentored him, some he mentored. It was nice to hear him on the phone, with one of his comrade, remembering all the adventures they shared. He learned that some of his friends moved on to have long successful military careers, while others, sadly, had passed away. All that to say that in May, I get to join him to his first reunion. Yep, I get to be a military wife while he goes off to briefly relive some of his fondest memories. It?s only for a week. I can deal with that. Unless he has an epiphany and decides to try to re-enlist? Come to think of it, I better start feeding him lots of junk food right away just to ensure he doesn?t pass the physical...
Is just ar ound t he corn er SUNDAY, MAY 8T H
Ca l l m e TO D A Y
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LET'SCHAT- Cal lM ai -Li i TODAY s 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3
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Did you say HAIKU? I met with a very interesting gentleman this week. Brian Hubelit is a local Author and a poet who has recently published a book called ?The Joy of Haiku?. Brian came into my office for marketing advice? it is, after all, what we do here at the Seeker--and gave me a copy of his book to draw to our readers. I have to admit that after he left, I grabbed the book and avidly started to read the pages with an interest that surprised me. The simple flow of the short poetic sentences had an immediate soothing and calming effect on me. If this type of Japanese poetry is something that piques your curiosity, I urge you go to our facebook page, find the cover of the book and comment to get a chance to win a copy. If you?re too eager and just want to buy it now, the book costs $20. Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. -Robert Frost
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Jason Setn y k Photogr aphy
Co r n wal l & Ar ea Po p Even t - CAPE wi l l b e h el d t h e week en d o f Ap r i l 2 3 -2 4 , 2 0 1 6 i n Co r n wal l at t h e Ben so n Cen t r e. CAPE features elements of the larger ComicCon and pop culture shows held in cities such as Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto with celebrity guests, artists, authors, guest vehicles and more than 100 exhibitors. This two day show expects to attract a few thousand people. Major guest announcements include Clerks movie cast members Brian O'Halloran, Marilyn Ghigliotti, Scott Schiaffo and Ernie O'Donnell, AMC's The Walking Dead cast members Steve Coulter, Coleman Youmans and Chris Harrelson as well as SIX Star Trek Original Series guests including BarBara Luna, Michael Forest, Sally Kellerman, Louise Sorel, Sean Kenney and Beverly Washburn. Rounding out the guest list are International Cosplayer, Glamour Model and Designer Marie-Claude Bourbonnais, actor Anderson Bradshaw and actress/ singer Noelle Hannibal. The show will also feature many other attractions and guests such as the Doctor Who Society of Canada, Ottawa Tardis, The Dalek Empire, Capital City Garrison 501st Legion (film-authentic Star Wars characters), the League of Superheroes, Ghostbusters: Montreal, and guest vehicles including Knight Rider's KITT, the Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters and Back to the Future's DeLorean! CAPE is host ed by Carol Grant and Randy Sauve, t wo l ocal business peopl e born and raised right here in Cornwal l . The couple (seen in the caricature above) plans to be married immediately in true geek fashion at 7:45 pm following the Saturday show and the wedding will incorporate their pop culture and geeky passions and promises to be a fun event for all their friends and family who attend. Admission is $20 in advance ($22 at the door) for Saturday, $15 in advance ($17 at the door) for Sunday or $30 in advance ($35 at the door) for a Weekend Pass. A select number of Deluxe advance Weekend passes is also still available for $55 (limited to 200) which features weekend admission, tote bag and limited edition print as well as comic books and other goodies. Children 12 & under will be admitted FREE. FREE bus rides to CAPE will be provided by Cornwall Transit on Saturday and a FREE Cornwall Transit Shuttle is available on Sunday.
For more inf o visit : www.cornwal l popevent .com
RBCPar t n erwist ht h eRRCA fo rEar t h Day! The Raisin Region Conservation Authority is once again inviting the public to join them in celebrating Earth Day. Thanks to RBC?s Blue Water Project, ten conifer seedlings per family will be given to two hundred local residents who would like to beautify their home as well as contribute to the environment. Due to the high demand in previous years, we are unable to reserve any trees. They will be distributed on a ?first come ? first serve? basis.?RBC is proud to partner to support RRCA and their important Earth Day initiative as it is the perfect example of how we can take a grass roots approach to help foster the culture of water stewardship,? says Dianne Nixon RBC Branch Manager. ?We recognize the power of giving back to the communities we serve, and this campaign aligns perfectly with our commitment to protect water in urbanized areas.? ?We have 2000 White spruce seedlings available this year and as always, we look forward to meeting with the public and answering any tree planting questions they may have? commented Normand GĂŠnier, RRCA Forestry Specialist. ?With the recent arrival of the Emerald Ash Borer insect in Cornwall, this year?s Earth Day Tree Giveaway provides an excellent opportunity to pick up some replacements.? In urban areas, trees contribute to the environment and aesthetic well-being of the community as well as create or enhance wildlife habitat, provide windbreaks and cooling shade. Educational materials on nest boxes for birds and other wildlife information will also be provided. Everyone is encouraged to drop by and chat with the helpful staff and volunteers. They look forward to assisting you on Sat urday, April 23rd, 2016 st art ing at 10:00 a.m. at the workshop site of the Gray?s Creek Conservat ion Area & Marina Compl ex at 18045 Count y Road # 2 in Cornwal l . The trees will be watered in preparation for transport so please come equipped with a suitable protective container or bag. While the trees are free, donations are accepted. Larger potted trees will also be available but at a cost. Evergreens sell for $10 and deciduous sell for $15. The funds from donations and potted trees ensure the continuation of this and other tree programs.
Do wnb y t h eRi ver si d e! Aultsville Theatre will be the recipient of the proceeds from The Centennial Choir of Cornwall?s Spring Concert.Along with its own diverse program, the choir is happy to host some local additions- Seaway Winds- Saxophone Quartet,The Glengarry Girls Choir, TheC-Way Sound Barbershop Quartet and Acapellics Anonymous. Come join us for this special evening, which includes some blues, spirituals and folk songs along with some familiar show tunes from My Fair Lady that you will find you humming along. Join us on Friday, May 6t h at 8 pm at Aul t svil l e Theat re. Tickets are available at Home Hardware, Pitt and 13th; The Lottery Kiosk at Cornwall Square (2nd Floor); The Cornwall Civic Complex Box Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30 to 4:30 and from members. Tickets $20.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ maintenance costs can usually be absorbed by the rental income but large ticket items like furnaces, roofs, and foundations may lead to financial disaster.
M ACDO NALD Are You SureYou Want To Be A Landl ord?Part 2 of 3 So, you?ve heard some people talking about all the money they make from their rental properties and think it?s a good idea for you too! It might be? or it might not be! Being a landlord is more than sitting back to watch your bank account grow. Here are some of the topics that you need to consider before you leap into the world of rental income properties with 4 doors or less (properties with more than 4 doors have different rules): Third, you need t o updat e and maint ain a propert y. The Landlord Tenant Board ( is the best place to start researching if you want to be a Landlord! There are very specific standards that a landlord must ensure their rental units adhere to. In addition, the City of Cornwall has a Property Standards Department that will notify Landlords regarding situations that must be rectified or face fines. Regular
yo u
Fif t h, you wil l have t o cl aim your rent al income. On the topic of rental income, find yourself a good Accountant that is familiar with rental income. You need to have a clear picture of exactly which expenses you can claim and the type of paperwork you need to keep for proof of those costs. The income you do claim will be taxed at your regular tax bracket so your net income may not be worth investing into a rental property at this time in your life. Jenni MacDonald ( is a Mortgage Broker with Dominion Lending Centres The Mortgage Source (Lic.# 10145). She has over 5 years of experience in the Mortgage Industry and works with at least 40 lenders including banks, credit unions, and private lenders to find the best mortgage for each client. You can contact her by phone or text at 613-551-0639 or via email at
with Cornwall's
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LARGEST PORTABLE LIGHT & LASER SHOW - Disc Jockey - Videography - Invitations and more - VHS to DVD Transfers Cal l : SHELDON & MAI-LIIS 613-932-4812
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B u s i n e s sB u c k e t
wh er e
Fourt h, you wil l need t o col l ect rent . There are many times when tenants will not have their rent ready on the first of the month. While you do have the right to serve the tenant with an N4 ? Notice to End Tenancy Early for Non-Payment of Rent, it is extra work to find new tenants and it can be exhausting evicting a current tenant. I always recommend that clients make sure their mortgage payments are due around the 15th of month or later to allow some leeway for collecting rent. Also, if you decide to hire a Property Management Company to care for your properties, often they will only deposit your rents around the 14th of the month.
Ene rg e tica llySp e a king
1 t i m e $ 2 5 - 3 t i m e s$ 6 5 - 7 t i m e s$ 1 2 9 - 1 0 t i m e s$ 1 5 9 * * i n cl u d e sa m i n i p r o f i l e W e nd y
HUDSO N The Chakra Syst em of t he Body Wendy Hudson, D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H.
Whether you believe it or not, you are not just a physical being- you are so much more. It?s easy to believe we?re physical because we can see ourselves but even though we can?t see emotions or beliefs, they are still experienced by us. You are also experiencing your energetic Self everyday but you just may not realize it. The 2 main components that make up our energy system is our aura and chakras and this is the domain of the energy healer and from where energy healing takes place. There are 7 main on-the-body chakras that run from the top of the head to the perineum. Each chakra is connected also to the auric system. We have many other chakras that are off the body but for now, we?ll concentrate on the ones we work with the most often in healing work. Chakras work like transformers in order to step down energy and information up and out if we are transmitting out to the universe or to step it down if we are receiving. Chakras are located on the front and back of the body. There are smaller chakras as well,
all branching off the main ones that are located in the hands, feet, arms, legs and are used in acupuncture and other healing work. Each chakra vibrates at a particular frequency, with the lower ones vibrating lower than the higher ones. Each chakra appears clairvoyantly as a different colour and each one holds different energy, positive and negative characteristics and wounds. Over the next several articles, I will be describing each one for you. It is important to note here that specific diseases and illnesses are associated with different chakras. The word chakra means a spinning wheel and is often seen clairvoyantly as whirling vortexes of light and shadow. Clear chakras mean the body is vital and healthy but clogged chakras mean that the physical, emotional or mental bodies are slow, dull and often out of balance due to energetic blockages (we talked about these in a previous article). Most of our ?stuff? or baggage as we?ll call it is being held in the lower 3 chakras since they are directly associated with the physical world. The heart is the bridge between physical and spiritual and the upper 3 chakras are directly linked to the spiritual realms. When we begin to understand the characteristics of each chakra, it gets easy to see where we hold all our wounds, which ones we need to pay specific attention to and which one we?re operating from at any given moment. This is truly a fascinating healing modality. Until next time. To find out more about what we do, who we are, what we teach and any upcoming workshops and classes, please visit our website at
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Cel eb ri ty Guest at th e upcomi ng Cornw al&l A reaPopEv entA pri l23& 24
I nterv i ew w i th Star Trek actress ArticleBy JasonSetnyk Cornwall Ontario ? The 2016 Cornwall & Area Pop Event (CAPE) is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek with six guests from the original series. BarBara Luna, Sean Kenney, Michael Forest, Sally Kellerman, Louise Sorel, and Beverly Washburn each appeared in the original Star Trek along side iconic characters like Captain Kirk (played by William Shatner) and Mr. Spock (played by Leonard Nimoy). Each will be "beaming down" to Cornwall for the second annual CAPE that takes place April 23rd and April 24th at the Benson Centre.
BarBara Luna
The f ol l owing are excerpt s f rom an int erview wit h St ar Trek act ress and CAPE cel ebrit y guest BabBara Luna.
parallel universe and (spoiler alert) she saves Captain Kirk's life using a secret weapon called the Tantalus Field. "When I went on the set of Star Trek I saw a guy with funny ears, a black woman, a Russian guy, a Scottish guy. It was so different from anything I had ever done before. What is this Star Trek show? I didn't know anything about it. It was just a job. Nothing special. Just Sci-Fi in the 1960s, not a big deal", Luna recollects. However in retrospect it was a big deal. Star Trek portrayed a future where diversity and ethnic equality were the norm. The main characters were American, Scottish, African, Japanese, Russian, and even alien. They were cast to represent diversity, but their ethnicity was not relevant to the characters they played as Luna explains. "I'm so thankful to the fans and Mr. (Gene) Roddenberry (creator of Star Trek) to be treated in a special way. The fans are so loyal. It's phenomenal. I didn't quite understand it at first. When I was offered the role of Marlena (Moreau) the character had no accent or ethnicity, she was just a cool character. It wasn't stereotypical. Look at the cast: (Nichelle) Nichols), (George) Takei, and Walter (Koenig). There was something so different about it. I don't know if this is the biggest reason for it's lasting success, but the fact that they cast actors not because of their ethnicity was groundbreaking". What was groundbreaking for 1960s Sci-Fi is now the norm in Hollywood. The success of actresses like BarBara Luna paved the way for others. "It paved the way for Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, Salma Hayek and other Hispanic actresses who were hired for their talent and not their ethnicity. That's one of the reasons I loved playing Marlena Moreau", explains Luna. Nowadays Luna enjoys meeting fans by attending various Comicon's and conventions like CAPE.
Luna practically grew up on Broadway, and her last show being "A Chorus Line", has an impressive Hollywood resume. She has appeared on Star Trek, Walt Disney's Zorro, The Outer Limits, Hawaii Five-O, Dallas, The Big Valley, Mission: Impossible, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, and the iconic soap opera One Life to Live with the role of Maria Roberts.
Fans come for autographs and to hear stories about Luna working on the Star Trek set, however sometimes it's Luna that learns something new from the fans. For example Luna has three action figures based on her Star Trek character. She learned about that at a San Diego Comicon.
She has also appeared in movies like The Devil at 4 O'Clock, directed by Mervyn LeRoy and starring Spencer Tracy and Frank Sinatra. Luna played Camille, a blind girl, and love interest of Sinatra's character. She also appeared in the movie Firecreek with James Stewart and Henry Fonda and in Ship of Fools with a star studded cast. However her most well known role was on Star Trek. She played the character of Lt. Marlena Moreau in the episode "Mirror, Mirror". In this episode Captain Kirk, Dr. McCoy, Chief Engineer Scott, and Communications Officer Uhura accidentally travel to a parallel universe after a transporter malfunction. They meet doppelgangers of the Enterprise crew including Spock with a beard.
Wewi l lb e at CAPE- Pad1 # 1 1 5
Co m e Vi si t u s!
Luna's character shared several scenes with William Shatner. She was the "Captain's Woman" in this
"They make Star Trek action figures, and I guess there are three action figures of Lt. Marlena Moreau... the fans are loyal and outstanding. They know more than we do". Luna continues to attend conventions both in Canada and the United States. She is excited about her first visit to Cornwall Ontario. "Conventions are great fun. I've also been to Calgary and Montreal, but never to Cornwall.? There will be many people dressed as super heroes at CAPE, but according to Luna, one of the super heroes is the co-organizer of the event. ?Randy and Carol are super. I've met them at other conventions. Carol is Wonder Woman. She is planning a wedding and a convention at the same time. That is a tremendous amount of work". In addition to Luna, Kenney, Forest, Kellerman, Sorel and Washburn, another Star Trek alumni will be in attendance at the Cornwall & Area Pop Event too. Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire actress Noelle Hannibal will be beaming up to the Benson Centre. Hannibal portrayed the first female Vulcan to step foot on earth in the Star Trek movie First Contact. Other celebrity guest include Brian O?Halloran, Marilyn Ghigliotti, Scott Schiaffo, and Ernie O'Donnell who each appeared in the Kevin Smith movie Clerks. Walking Dead, Furious 7, and Hunger Games actor Steve Coulter is a featured guest too, along with Walking Dead zombies Jeremy Ambler, Chris Harrelson, and Coleman Youmanswill. Award winning comic book artist Dan Parent, best known for his work in Archie Comics, will be in attendance. So will artist Geof Isherwood who has done work for Marvel Comics including such titles as Silver Surfer, Conan the Barbarian, Daredevil, and Doctor Strange. For more inf ormat ion on t he event , incl uding ot her guest s and t icket inf ormat ion: visit :ht t p:/ / www.cornwal l popevent .com/
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Co unte ss
TRO TTIER-TRO TZIER Starting this Earth Day it might be a good idea for all parents, grandparents, every adult to take charge of the direction the future is going to take! Instead of saying, "We have to get the children involved on Earth Day. We'll recycle with them." Let's say, "We need to begin getting involved and informed about what is happening in this country, this world, our Planet Earth which is Our Home. It is being taken away from us and we have to STOP THE TAKEOVER BY THE NEW WORLD ORDER CULT." When parents, grand parents, adults, taxpayers lose their right to plant heirloom/ organic seeds, and lose their right to produce the type of healthy foods necessary for themselves and seven generations from today, then -it isimperative toNOTlet children take care of this Earth on Earth Day - but it is the grown ups that need to get quickly involved. A first and crucial step in this direction would be for all adults to spend timeon checking up on this multinational agri-chemical corporation: MONSANTO.
There are many highly well-researched web sites that have information on Monsanto which is attempting TO RULE OUR WORLD, OUR HEALTHY SEEDS, OUR FOODS, OUR FREEDOMS. In only a few years, they have succeeded tocorral many elected representatives, including the judges in the Supreme Court, and many government departmental employees. With their/ our money ... Monsanto men and women havesucceeded to use it to silence the voices of those who are supposed to protect We the People. For instance, farmers are becoming slaves to the Monsanto communist-type dictators. Farmers are actually being watched by hired handlers to make sure they buy and use only Monsanto'slaboratory-made GMO (genetically modified) seeds. Farmers are actually being financially penalized if they use heirloom seeds in areas where Monsanto has control over the nearby fields where 'their' farmers are planting GMO seeds and spraying with TOXIC ROUND UP ...WHICH IS KILLING THOUSANDS OF OUR HONEY BEES AND MANY OTHER BENEFICIAL INSECTS, INCLUDING OUR SOILS' MICRO-ORGANISMS. In addition, the toxicROUND UPherbicide is spread over the fields and as it is carried by the wind it lands over your homes, your children's school yards and playgrounds, the rivers, lakes, streams ...causing irreparable health damages and many times: deaths. Meanwhile Monsanto executives see themselves as saviors!... Just as Stalin-type dictators saw themselves as saviors after murdering millions of Ukrainians and White Russians! Three major problems need to be addressed immediately by YOU THE ADULTS OF THIS PLANET EARTH: Problem # 1: On the Board of Directors which is responsible for making decisions regarding the mission of Monsanto THERE IS NOT ONE FARMER REPRESENTED! Therefore, how can they convince you that their main objective is to help the agricultural sector and provide food for the people in Canada, and throughout the world?????? They do have as Directors men and a couple of women whose backgrounds are in the chemical business where such laboratoryproducts are
mass-produced:aspartame, DDT, Agent Orange. Their Directors are also involved in finance,and includingcoal mining ... ! But NO FARMERS ARE REPRESENTED!
Do you think this sensible, therefore, when Monsanto states that their mission is to ensure that people can grow better foods from seeds which they have laboratory gutted out the original divine DNA's, and replaced with some strange stuff, and chemical coatings to protect them from the herbicide Round Up?Why gut out the All Perfect's DivinePure Heirloom Organic Seeds which our ancestral farmers have successfully planted and harvested during thousands and thousands of years? Problem # 2: What is the game planthat Monsanto executives and those behind the scenesare in the process of setting up surreptiously? Judging from their actions it appears that they are in the process of setting We the People to become their slaves and depend only on them for our Life's Seeds and our foods. In addition, are they trying to rule and control We the People like in a communist system with a voice heard ... but it's only theirs that can be voiced? Problem # 3: During the Earth Day period and thereafter, contemplate these two words they use to describe their toxic herbicide: ROUND UP!"ROUND UP" IS USED WHENRANCH OWNERS HAVE TO GET CATTLE INTO MAN-MADE CORRALS, HAVE THEM LOCKED IN THERE UNTIL THE DAY THEY ARE GOING TO BE SHIPPED TO A SLAUGHTER HOUSE. My question to YOU is: Are we like cattle to the Monsanto Executives, and to the elected representatives, who are allowing this multinational corporation to control our seeds, our soils, our Divine Rights and then to use dictatorial rulings and tactics ... all in a process called: THE ROUND UP OF HUMANS WHO ARE LIKE CATTLE ... ? Farmers in Canada, the U.S.A., throughout the world need to be respected and continue to be in TOTAL CONTROL OF THE TYPES OF NON-GMO SEEDS THEY WANT TO PLANT, ALSO TO HARVEST SOME OF THOSE PURESEEDS TO CONTINUE THE PLANTING FOR THE FOLLOWING CROPS.Farmers from very early on in our human history that dates back nearly a million years and perhaps more have been the Saviors of Our Human Life. FARMERS ARE NOT TO BE THREATENED BY MONSANTO MULTINATIONAL EXECUTIVES WHO HAVE PROBABLY NEVER PLANTED PURE SEEDS, CULTIVATED A GARDEN, STUDIED THE RIGHT TIMES TO SOW, NOR KNOW ABOUT CROP ROTATION, NOR ALLOWED FOR BEES TO CROSS-POLLINATE THEIR CROPS. (p.s.: In the Yucatan, the Mayan farmers are witnessing the death of their honey bees because of Monsanto's Round Up Herbicide ... and ... they are cruelly put down for challenging this multinational corporation!) Many Individuals throughout the world and even government people of several nations are openly opposing Monsanto. It is time for Canadians to get involved as well: LET NOT THE CHILDREN LEAD YOU ... BUT YOU PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, ADULTS: IT IS YOUR SPIRITUAL DUTY TO LEAD THEM INTO A WHOLESOME FUTURE ... A PLANET EARTH WITH CLEAN, LIVING WATERS, PURE AIR, ORGANIC, HEALTHY FOODS, AND THAT THE RIGHT TO ENJOY THE FREEDOM TO USE HEIRLOOM SEEDS AND TO BE IN CHARGE OF ORGANICALLY GROWNFOOD HARVESTS IS AND WILL ALWAYS EXIST! Pl ease Googl e t hese sit es: -
Centre for Research on Globalization oppose Monsanto Round Up causes cancer Round Up destroys bees in Yucatan Percy Schmeiser (also: Percy Schmeiser 2015)
Jo se e
SAUVE Tax Tip 11 Medical Expenses are a great way to earn tax credits that can earn you a bigger refund. Even if you have a health plan through your employer, there are a lot of deductions available. Did you know that if you pay your own health benefits (medical and dental only ? Long/ Short Term Disability insurance payments do not qualify) that those payments are tax deductible? If you pay your own health benefits, the amount should appear in Box 85 of your T4 and if you pay them directly, you should receive a letter from your health benefit provider stating the amount you paid for the year. If you have less than 100% coverage, you can also claim the difference between what your health insurance paid and what they
did not pay.
Other expenses you can claim include mileage, parking and meals for out of town appointments (must be over 40km one way), a percentage of the food you have to buy when on Glutten-free diets and incontinence products to name a few. Not everyone can claim medical expenses. Remember, it is a non-refundable tax credit therefore if you do not pay taxes, medical expenses will not get you a refund. The amount of expenses you can claim must be reduced by 3% of your net income (ie. a person with a net income of $30,000 must deduct $900.00 from their medical expenses before their medical expenses count). However, lower income families (must have less than $49,379 in employment or self-employment income) can qualify for a Refundable Medical Expense Supplement of up to $1,172. For a more comprehensive l ist of what you can cl aim, visit my t ax t ips at ht t p:/ / sauvet t ax-t ips-2/ medical -expenses/
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION Op e 7 d ay s n a w eek
4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. - 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
Hot Summer ? Hot Movies See our Summer Movie Fest ival List of movies on our websit e. Begins May 19.
SATURDAY, APRIL 16 DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME HEURE DU CONTE FAMILIALE PORTE OUVERTE - 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. (for children and their parents) PAWS 'N BOOKS Let your children read to our trained dogs. - 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. WRITING CAMP with Lindsay Below Practice your writing skills in a group setting. - 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. GARDENING FOR KIDS ( for 7 to 11 year olds) - 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
MONDAY, APRIL 18 TIME FOR TWOS (2 year old and child's parent or caregiver) 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. CORNWALL & REGION WRITERS SOCIETY Writing for fun at 6:15 p.m.
TUESDAY, APRIL 19 LEARN HOW TO PLAY MAH-JONGG 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. THE FLYING NEEDLES Knitting for fun. - 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. ST. LAWRENCE INTERNATIONAL STAMP CLUB Monthly meeting - 7 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 THE FORUM - 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The FORUM is an evolving community that shares ideas, emotions and truths." - David Rawnsley, program facilitator. WRITING CAMP - with Lindsay Below Practice your writing skills in a group setting. - 7 p.m. BAMBINS À LA BILBIO (0 à 2 ans) - 10 h à 10 h 30 APPRENDRE EN JOUANT (0 à 5 ans) - 10 h 30 à 12 h HEURE DU CONTE - 10 h à 12 h
THURSDAY, APRIL 21 CORNWALL SCRABBLE Great activity for adults who love a challenge.1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m. STORYTIME (f or 3 t o 5 year ol ds) 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. BABY TALES - 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. ADULT EVENING BOOK CLUB - 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. TEEN GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUB - 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC APR
U P?
Al kal ine Ent ert ainment and t he Royal Canadian Legion present 2 GREAT SALUTES - Bee Gees and Abba at the Legion, 415 Second St. W. Tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the door. For info call: 613-933-5882 GRADE 7 & 8 TEEN DANCE Sponsored by Cl ub Oct agon at La Cit adel l e High School 6:30 to 9:30 pm. Student ID requited. Music by DJ Shellshock and Madame Mix-A-Lot.
Karaoke & Dance wit h Mike Rivet t e Every Friday in April, starting at 7:00 pm - Cornwall District Navy Vets Association-30 Sixth Street East. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org Bereaved Famil ies Teen Workshop From 9 am to 3 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Call:613.936.1455 to register or visit Grief support for adolescents ages 13 to 19.
Charit y Breakf ast 8am -1pm Lancaster Legion - Full Breakfast. Admission donation at the door. HUGE BAKE SALE and SILENT AUCTION . All proceeds to Community Living Glengarry Hymn Sing At 6:30 pm. Long Sault Pentecostal Church, 9 Bethune Ave. Light refreshments served following the singing.
Cornwal l Quil t ers Guil d Mont hl y Meet ing At 7 pm. St-Matthews Lutheran Church Hall, 1504 2nd St. W. Speaker: Diane Cooper on the topic of Purses. Ret ail Associat e Training Course The free 8 week program begins Monday, April 18th. Call Tri-County Literacy Council 613.932.7161 to register.
YOUR AD SHOULD HAVE BEEN HERE ... Remember t he ad is FREE - you just have t o cal l it in...613-935-3763 ext .102 or email : inf o@t
WEDNESDAY Whereis your event ? it shoul d be here ...
W H A T 'S
Navy Vet s-Pub & Grub Mike & Gilles Entertainers-Navy Vets-30 Sixth St. E. Heal t h & Wel l ness Inf o Fair From 1 pm to 4 pm. The Care Centre (Former General Hospital), 510 2nd St. E. Local agencies, businesses & services. 2$ entry fee for Maison Baldwin House Knight s of Col umbus Spaghet t i Supper For Hospice From 4 pm to 7 pm. St. Croix Parish Hall, 108 Anthony St. Serving: homemade spaghetti sauce, salad & desert. Donations will be accepted.
Mike Proul x CHEO Vol l eybal l Tournament Contact Mike Proulx: 613.330.2572 or to become a sponsor & to make donation.
MusicWit hCount ryRoadsFrom7 to 11
Hap p yBi r t h d ayto the APRILBi r t h d ay
Bo ys...Kristian, Joey, Rowan & Jonah
?Sp r i n g into So n g ? SUNDAY APRIL24,7:00P.M., ST.ANDREW? UNITED S CHURCH Church Williamstown. C A5793 NC E LAve., LE D
THURSDAY Pub & Grub / St rait Count ry Entertainment
with Strait Country -Navy Vets - 30 Sixth St. East- All welcome. Do you need someone t o t al k t o? FREE Wal k-In Counsel l ing Cl inic every Thursday from 1 PM to 8 PM (last session at 6:30 PM) at Counselling and Support Services of SD&G (26 Montreal Road, Cornwall). Immediate counselling services to individuals, couples, and families on a first-come, first-served basis. Call 613-932-4610 or visit for more information. Women Ent repreneurs Dinner Meet ing From 6 pm to 9 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Guest speaker: Lara Wellman, Digital Marketing. Members:22$, non-members:25$. Chil drens Treat ment Cent er Breakf ast After having stayed silent for 50 years, first out of fear nobody would believe him, and then to protect his family, award-winning filmmaker Peter O?Brian tells his own story of being a victim of childhood sexual abuse when CogecoTV brings you coverage of the Children?s Treatment Center Bike-a-thon Plus Kickoff Breakfast Thursday, April 21st at 7:30 pm (recorded Wednesday, April 20th)
Karoke and Dance wit h Mike Rivet t e Every Friday in April, starting at 7:00 pm-Navy Vets-30 Sixth St. E. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
Cornwal l ComedyFest ival .ca st art s t oday t hru t o Sunday, April 24 See poster on next page for full details - We all need a good laugh from time to time ...
pm.Royal CanadianLegion,415 2nd St. W.
Passport Cl inic in Sout h Gl engarry at Char Lan Dist rict HS - 10am t o noon. Apply for your passport locally and get it in 3-4 weeks.. To save time visit : to print and complete the application ahead of time. Questions? 888-805-2513.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
B a Br sa ,na d nmsd o. .r. e
a Gr e a t G fo r Mo t h ift Id ea e r 'sD a y ! Momw ou l dl ov et o sp en dt im w it hy o u an d Mic e helPagl ia r o!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
BarB s ,a n da sn dm o r. .e. Wh at h as CHAD COLEM AN b een u p t o ? Articleby Mai-LiisRenaud.
. d r 3 l i 2 .'s. . yp,r a a A l d o r L t u t a N e xSt a
He just started a record label called Pretty Cool! Recordsand I had the pleasureof asking him our 5 Interview Questions. Records 1. So Chad, I underst andt hat you have just st art ed a record l abel . What is it cal l ed and where are you operat ingf rom? The record label is called Pretty Cool! Records.We are based here in Cornwall and operate from my basement.We specializein releasingcassettesof all styles like GarageRock,Punk,Acoustic,etc. 2. What is your f irst rel ease? Our first release is Montreal?sPower Pop sensationDany Laj?s e.p. The Match. Dany Laj & The Looks are currently on a cross Canada/ USAtour with Paul Collins/ The Beat. Catch ?em if you can! 3. Do you have a musical background?Can you t el l me a bit about it . I have been playing music for many years. In bands like Sawhorseand Midnyte Revival to name a few and currently with Painted Forest!.I have been lucky to have been involved in the music scene either by playing in a band or organizing shows for local and touring bands. Pretty Cool! Recordsis another part of that awesomechapter being written and it is from being involved with so many amazing musiciansthat Pretty Cool! Recordswas born. Wanting to release music for all my friendsand to make sure we capture those tunes. Pretty Cool! Records is another part of that awesomechapter being written. 4. You are a man of many t al ent sin t he creat ivef iel d. Pl ease t el l me more. I have been surroundedby so many talented people in my life for so long. From musiciansto artists and photographersetc. that I think the creative side of things is ingrained in me and just takes over. It is hard for me to read a comic or listen to an album with out wanting to do my own thing. Seeing artwork and getting inspired to create comes in constant waves which cause my note books to overflow with ideas. Which is awesomewhen things happen like Pretty Cool! Recordsand my cut paper art. 5. What is in t he f ut ure f or your new record l abel ? We have a lot planned for the future of Pretty Cool! Records.Our next two releases(Due out in May) are, a cassette featuringOttawa?sFolk Punk sweetheart Seany Sharko and his debut album - ?SeptemberComesToo Soon?. Followingup Seany?scassette will be Listen To This! Vol . 1. the first in a series of 3? CD compilations.Featuringtracks by The Creeps,Snacks?,Freewayand more. In the works but not ready to be released are a Halloweenthemed compilation,Painted Forest?scassette and a Pretty Cool! RecordsShowcase event. To stay connectedwith Pretty Cool! Recordsand to purchasecassettes,T?s, pins and other merchandisego to
If you have any news f or us about what int erest ing t hings peopl e you know in t he communit y have been up t o .... give us a call at 613-935-3763 ext. 102 or email us:
an dRem em b er t o vi si t : fo r yo u r"Dai l yDo se"o fCo m m u n i t yNews!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Sha ry n
THO M PSO N I answer this question so often at Sharyn's Pantry. We have a whole room filled with wonderful, fragrant dried herbs and spices. 200 to be exact! Learning what spice or herb goes well with meat, poultry or vegetables takes a lifetime of experience. I don't know how many telephone calls I made to my Mum after getting married. What do I do or how can I improve the flavour? HELP!! There was no internet in those days and I probably called my Mum daily to ask her advice. But I learned following her advice and experience. I hope to-day's column will give you some information on what to use with what. This week I will do only herbs. Next week I will do spices.
ALLSPICE SEEDS: This sounds like a combination of many spices but it is a single spice. It is grown in Jamaica. The whole seed or berry is a reddish brown colour. In the whole seed it is used in pickling spices. In it's ground form, it is used to flavour cookies and cakes along with other spices. It has the flavour of a mixture of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and juniper BUT it is only one spice. ANISE SEEDS: This spice comes in the seeds or ground. It has a slightly licorice flavour. It is used in cookies and Italian baking. Veterinarians will tell you another use for anise. Add this into your dogs food if your dog eats it's own poop. This will stop them from doing that gross thing. It works! STAR ANISE: This spice is so pretty to just look at. It originates from China. Add them into your stir frys and when you are boiling rice. It's great added to wonton soup for flavour. The Chinese take just one tiny seed from the star anise and use it as a breath freshener by chewing on it.
M ORE ON WHA T TO USE WI TH WHA T. FENNEL SEEDS: This pleasant licorice flavoured spice is found in sausages, added into lentil dishes, rice, potatoes and any fatty fish. You can make a tea with it to aid in digestion. GINGER: This comes as a root. Then it is used freshly grated added into many dishes. Freeze the root and use as needed. In the ground form it is used in baking cookies, Christmas cakes, etc. When sliced, cooked and coated in sugar or in syrup it is used in chutneys, desserts and baking. My molasses ginger cookies would not be the same without pieces of chopped crystallized ginger in them. MUSTARD SEEDS: Look for fields of this spice on your next ride in the countryside. The distinctive bright yellow flowers waving in the breeze is a sight to behold. You can buy whole yellow or brown mustard seeds or ground mustard powder. They are used to make our popular yellow HotDog mustard and Dijon mustard. Mustard is used to season roasts of pork and beef. Added into baked beans, sauces, chicken, cheese sauce and to season flour. MACE AND NUTMEG: These are two spices coming from the same nut. The mace is the tough coating on the outside surrounding the nutmeg kernel on the inside. Both are commonly used. They flavour baking, puddings- e.g. rice or baked apple pudding, eggnog, spinach, on veal or in a cream sauce. The nutmeg is ground or the whole nut and mace comes in the ground form. We carry them in all forms. SAFFRON: These bright orange threads are the most expensive spice in the world. Can you imagine yourself, sitting cross-legged picking each thread from a special crocus flower. Then they are carefully dried. The best saffron is grown in Spain. We carry the Spanish saffron threads in 1 gram packages. You only use a few threads to flavour and colour risotto, rice dishes, paella and seafood dishes. One package can be stretched to flavour about 10 dishes, thank goodness!
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt St, Unit 6, Cornwall,Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Mondayto Saturday- 9 to 5
CARDAMOM SEEDS: Cardamom comes in black, green or bleached. As a bleached spice, ground up it is used in yeast breads, baking and rice dishes. It is used in Scandinavian countries as we use cinnamon in Canada. Black or green cardamom are smoky and pungent in scent. They are used in meat dishes, BBQ sauces and in East Indian cooking. It is the second most expensive spice in the world. CARRAWAY SEEDS: This spice has quite a strong flavour. Use it sparingly added into rye breads, cabbage and carrots, borsch, sauerkraut, turnips and onions. It is very popular in many European dishes. CINNAMON: This popular spice comes in sticks and the ground form. Add a teaspoon daily into your porridge or yogurt to help to lower your blood sugar. It is a very popular spice in Canada, used for baking, pickles, in mulled wine and mixed with sugar to top cinnamon toast. What would apple pie be without it? CLOVES: This spice comes in hard little buds or ground up. In the whole buds, scattered around where any mice may be, the mice will leave. Use whole to garnish hams, in pickled beets, stewed fruits. In the ground form, use in your baking, pickling and curries. CORIANDER SEEDS: This spice comes in whole seeds or ground. It pairs well with cumin. It has a warm, earthy flavour and is used in curry, sausages, pickling spice and in dried bean dishes.
CUMIN SEEDS: This spice comes in the whole seeds or ground. Perfect to use along with coriander. It seems to have a very strong scent but this mellows into great flavour when cooked. Use it in bean dishes, chili con carne, rice dishes, curries and enchiladas. CURRY: You can buy the curry plant and grow it as an herb. Curry powder is a mixture of spices: cardamom, cayenne, and turmeric. It is used to season meat, in rice, beans, vegetables, chicken and lamb dishes. It can be made to be very mild or very hot. Other spices can be added into it: poppy seeds, fenugreek, fennel, peppercorns, mustard seeds and dried chillies. DILL SEEDS: This seed formed from the dill plant is mostly used added into pickling spices. Add a spoonful into cooked carrots or garden beans for a change of flavour.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
The public is invited to visit, Monday through Friday until April 27, 2016.
You were invit ed t o a Vernissage at Cornwal l Square, April 8 at 7pm and many of you asked me: What is a vernissage?
?Vernissage? has its roots in the old practice of setting aside a day before an exhibition's opening for artists to varnish and put finishing touches to their paintings-a tradition that reportedly dates to at least 1809, when it was instituted by England's Royal Academy of Arts. (One famous member of the Academy, Joseph Mallord William Turner, was notorious for making major changes to his paintings on this day.) Around 1912 the term was commonly used to invite the public to an exhibition opening.
On April 8t h, Focus Art held its Members?Spring Exhibition. The Vernissage was a huge success with visitors cramming the space all evening. During this time already one painting was sold with many others in the contemplating stage... Well-done Focus Art.
A privat e view is a special viewing of an art exhibition by invitation only, normal at the start of a public exhibition.[ Typically wine and light refreshments are served on the form of a reception. If the artworks are by a living artist, it is normal for them to attend the private view. Currently an openingof anexhibition open to public viewing is commonly known as a vernissage.Artists are present to meet the public. This week Focus art members were busy host ing t wo « Vernissages». On April 7, Sylvie Labrecque, Suzanne Bouchard and Bernie Carrière(Cornwall artists) invited family and friends to their opening of a small but exquisite exhibition.
You have here t he t wo proud coordinat ors of t he exhibit ion: Louise Mignaul t and Jul ia Lucio.
In t his phot o you have t he art ist s and some of Cornwal l visit ors. (L-R) Pat Fish (now l iving in Ot t awa), Suzanne Bouchard, Rose Desnoyers, Beat rice Dumbreck, Syl vie Labrecque, Adèl eConsat ineau, Hel en and Bernie Carrière and Bet t y-Ann Bard.
Ste p he n
The exhibition continues April 14, 15, 16, 17. Take down is April 18 Focus Art wishes to thank our sponsors and the many visitors. Visit us on Facebook for more pictures of the event.
Co nclusio ns a b o ut se curity
ATTENTION EVERYONE... It's That Time Of The Year Again... Time for Seekers Choice Awards
This is a gl amorous event t hat t akes pl ace in June every year at t he Cornwal l Gol f and Count ry Cl ub. This year t he "Event of t he Year" is on Friday, June 17t h It is t heoccasionf or t heSeekert o cel ebrat eit sanniversary, but it is al soa t imet o honourseveralst el l armembers of ourcommunit y.
AWARDS ARE GIVEN IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: Best Home Based Business - Best New Business Best Exist ing Business - Best Visual Art ist Best Musical Art ist - Best Lit erary Art ist t he Seeker?s Cont ribut or of t he year t he vol unt eer of t he year award - t he At hl et e of t he Year and int roduced in 2014, t he Perf orming Art ist of t he Year
This fun night of entertainment always also acts as a fundraiser. The beneficiary varies from year to year. Our charit y of choice t his year is: RACHEL?S KIDS
Go t o www.t
t o pl ace your nominat ion
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
M a rle ne
BAKER Hi to all of the Fabulous r eader s that ar e taking the tim e out of your busy lives to pick up and r ead ~The Seeker ~ each and ever y w eek . Julia, M ais-Liis and I r eally appr eciate your continued suppor t in r eading Cor nw all and the S.D.& G.'s m ost positive, local paper. Old M an W inter has finally depar ted to the Nor th Pole. By Sunday, w e ar e expecting sunny w eather and 20 degr ees, w ith nothing but sunshine continuing on thr oughout the upcom ing w eek . It's About Tim e!!! Tim e to get out the Spr ing & Sum m er Par apher nalia!!! Do Check Out Johnny Radar 's 5-Day For cast each w eek her e in ~The Seeker ~ for your local w eather.
Well, Well, Well, I had a m ost FUNTASTICAL kind of w eekend... Star ting off on Satur day after noon w hen John and I shot our ver y fir st w edding of the year. It w as a sm all gather ing w ith ar ound 50 guests attending for the nupitals at the beautiful chapel set up at the Ram ada Inn. We took m any photos inside and outside w ith a bit of an icy nip in the air , and for the delicious chicken/ salm on dinner in w hich John and I w er e invited to stay. We took all kinds of photos thr oughout the day and evening and w e had a w onder ful tim e doing so. It w as a long day for John and I, but w e love w hat w e do, captur ing m em or ies like these dur ing w eddings and fam ily get together s. If you or anyone you know w ho needs any kind of photogr aphy w or k m ake sur e to contact John Lister and I @ 613- 935- 9719 to book us for your next fam ily event. BIG or sm all... We Captur e It ALL!!!
On Sunday, as I had m entioned in last w eek's colum n, it w as my gr andson W illliam 's 4th Bir thday. He decided he w anted to go to M cDonald's for his "Bir thday Supper " her e in Cor nw all. Tw elve m em ber s of the fam ily, including John and I, w ent to help celebr ate him tur ning the BIG 4!!! W illiam w as ver y happy and loved being sur r ounded by so m any fam ily m em ber s on his Special Day. He had to m ake up his m ind w hich age he w as tur ning... thr oughout the w eek he w as 16, then 12 then 7 and then he decided to be 5. I r em inded him that he w as 4 because it w as w r itten in Nana's paper that he w as. He decided he w as 4, after all. I Love M y Fam ily!!! Especially my eight gr andkiddies!!!!
Ka thle e n
TI P OF THE W EEK: At fir st this seem s a little negative but ther e ar e som e BIG lessons about how to lead a happy life in this entr y. In the m or ning, look at your day and ask your self, "Is this how I w ant to spend my day???" If you answ er "No"... Day after day ...then it m ight be tim e for som e Changes, Other w ise you m ight m ake the Top Five Regr et List. 1. "I w ish I'd had the cour age to live a life tr ue to myself. Not the life other s expected of m e." 2. "I w ish I hadn't w or ked so har d." 3. "I w ish I'd had the cour age to expr ess my feelings." 4. "I w ish I had stayed in touch w ith my fr iends." 5. "I w ish that I had let myself be happier." So er ase those r egr ets ahead of tim e by choosing to do the opposite w henever you possibly can. Be the 'I did it' r ather than the 'I should have', and you'll live a m uch happier and positive life. I TEM OF THE W EEK: I have chosen a pair of r eally cool, black and blue stiletto heels that I got fr om ~Value Village~ last Sunday after noon. I actually w as com ing out of the ~VV~ and m et a good fr iend of m ine, Taw nya Lauzon, w ho told m e that ther e w as a pair of shoes in ther e that had my nam e w r itten all over them . I had to go back in and see ... Sur e enough ther e they w er e ... sitting on a shelf in the Electr onics Dept. (NOT w her e they should be) and calling out to m e ... M ar lene ... M ar lene ... I took of my left boot and tr ied them on r ight ther e and then ... They FIT m e like a glove (or w ell-fitted sock .) They not only fit m e, they w er e ONLY $15.00!!! A Steal Of A Deal!!! Wouldn't you say??? Now , all I have to do is get som e outfits w ith that cer tain shade of blue to w ear w ith these Bad Gur ls!!! It Sur e M ade M y Day!!! Thanks to Taw nya and my Johnny. Ther e w ill be a "Fund Raiser " at ~La M asion Taver n~ at 900 M ontr eal Rd. that w ill be star ting at 8:00 p.m . this Satur day (Apr il 16th). All of the ticket sales and ser ver tips w ill be going tow ar ds helping pay expenses for Laycey's par ents, Shaun Lafave and Kayla Snyder. Laycey is cur r ently at CHEO battling leukem ia. Tickets ar e a m inim un $5.00 donation at the door. ~Sw itchgear ~, ~Acoustic Redem ption~, ~M ar c & Adam ~, and Tom my Heatley w ill all be ther e per for m ing for all that com e out. W hy not br ing your fam ily and fr iends ear ly to ~La M aison~ to listen to all of this w onder ful, m usical enter tainm ent!!! Please Com e Out & Help This Fam ily W IN Their Fight Against Cancer. Thank you in advance. M ar lene UNTI L NEXT W EEK: In case you m ay have thought other w ise, or in case you never knew , ther e is NOTHING you can't have. Ther e is NOTHING you can't do and ther e is NOTHING you can't be. Okay??? Nothing M eans Nothing, W hen It Com es To Being The Ever Unique YOU!!! M a r lene Ba ker of fa shionogr a & w w w.photodr ea
Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles. For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.
Massage in Pregnancy Expectant moms are overjoyed with the new life growing inside their bellies; they also can become overwhelmed with discomfort and sometimes painful conditions that accompany pregnancy. Many pregnant women complain of low back pain, sciatic nerve issues, pain in the feet, and the discomfort of stretching ligaments as they work to support their growing uterus. Unfortunately, plenty of women suffer without relief for months, looking forward to that 40th (or 41st, or 42nd? ) week until that baby decides to choose a birthday and mom can start getting back to normal. Why aren?t more women receiving regular massage therapy while pregnant?
There are common myths, old wives tales that are spread as soon as a woman announces her pregnancy. Unfortunately, we live in a superstitious society which puts much faith behind the spoken word without verifying it. A woman will not go into labour simply because her foot is massaged or because she ate pineapple or went for a bumpy car ride. These instances are purely coincidental. However, people still see the pregnant woman as a fragile, incapable being that should be doted on (and it is quite nice to be spoiled while pregnant!) and are afraid to provide these women with the relief they require for their tired, aching bodies. Massage is so wonderful during pregnancy! While many RMT?s will advise against a pregnant woman lying prone (on her belly) while past the first trimester, evidence shows that this simply adds pressure to the already stretched abdominal ligaments, adds more strain on the lordotic curve of the spine (low back curve), creates more compression on breast tissue, and has the potential to increase harm to the baby if there is an undetected issue with the placenta or uterus. To enable
Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: ( 613) 662-5549 the pregnant client to still receive a comfortable massage, we often position these women on either side with plenty of pillows around. Massage during pregnancy has been known to alleviate low back pain and discomfort, treat piriformis syndrome (which is a common cause of sciatica-like symptoms), relieve foot pain, treat pregnancy related issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, plantar fasciitis, insomnia, and offer pain relief in some women suffering from pubic symphysis disorder. Leading up to the end of the pregnancy, many women will seek relaxation massage as they prepare for the marathon event that is delivery. And after the newest family member makes his/ her debut, mom can focus on taking care of her new baby, knowing she has a trained professional waiting to take care of her.
Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On K6H 4J6 Email: (613) 662-5549
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
M a rie
M O RRELL Organized Mind Bef ore Making Your Decision Tal k t o t he Horse and Save Your Bacon Every day you have to make decisions. What you say and do is the result of a decision whether you make it consciously or not. For every choice, big or small, there is no easy formula to make it right.
It does not matter what you want to do, the most important is to do your 'Homework' first. How many times or how many people do you know who ended with huge problems because they believed or listened to people who though they knew the answer when in fact they were not completely sure. When you do something, do it once, do it right and get the information yoursel f f rom t he horse's mout h. It will take you a bit more time to get t he right f act s and prevent a lot of aggravations including saving you money. For example, before hiring anyone research companies/ person's background and ask for a current list of references. Cheap is not always the smartest decision since you always get what you pay for. Check township and cities' by-laws, every singl e t ime you t ake on a project , whether it is for renovations or as a non-for profit organization conducting fundraising events. The rules change as often as you change your socks. For non-for profit organisations, if executive directors sign blindly what ever is presented in front of them without reading the supporting documents showing the proof the organization is compl ying wit h t he current rul es of a service provider, the whole Board of directors could be sued if the Executive Director failed to do his/ her homework properly. Do not be afraid to ask questions until you f ul l y underst and, it is your right. If what is in front of you does not make sense, you might be right. The best example of this was the implementation of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Under the Act, organizations had to obtain an individual's consent when they collected, used or disclosed personal information. Consequently everyone was telling me, Parade of nations had to contact over a 1000 individuals or destroy its ' Hall of fame'. The organization has been promoting, free of charge, since 2007 artists, artisans, actors, dancers, musicians, writers, photographers, performers of all kinds. It did not make any sense to me; so I called 'THE HORSE' and guess what He told me.
Da w n
DEM PSTE Turn Your Phot os Int o Paint ings! Hi, my name is Dawn Dempster and I am the owner of Dempster's Frameworks. This is the first of monthly articles about custom picture framing and art. For my first article I want to tell you how I can turn your photographs into paintings. In today's digital world the artist now has a digital pallet from which to paint with by converting photographs into paintings. The colours on his or her brushes are made up of pixels and bytes that show up on the computer screen. The conversion is done through numerous computer programs such as Photoshop or Picasso.
I like to use the programs to clean up the photos and turn them into paintings. You can adjust the texture, the colours, the mood, the sharpness, the size and much more with just a click of the mouse. You can even convert the photos into pencil drawings or pen and ink drawings. This technology is not limited to current photographs taken with smart phones and digital cameras. Your old photographs can be scanned or just take a digital photograph of them so they can be run through the various programs. All that is needed is a digital file such as a jpeg and you can send it to us via email or bring in the photo and we will do it for you. With the changes completed, you can have the new image printed on archival canvas and stretched on stretcher bars ready for framing. The image can then be printed anywhere from 8" by 10" up to 30" by 40". You can have the image printed so that it wraps around the stretcher bars, if you decide to hang it without a frame. The stretcher bars come in a standard size of 3/ 4" thick or gallery size at 1 1/ 2" thick. The image can be further enhanced by adding your own paint strokes to the canvas with either acrylic paint or Zgel. The Zgel adds another layer of protection and further creates the illusion of a real painting.
There are some instances where PIPEDA does not apply, one of them was: An organizat ion's col l ect ion, use or discl osure of personal inf ormat ion sol el y f or journal ist ic, art ist ic or l it erary purposes which applied to Parade of nations. In this instance, it really paid off to challenge the directions I was given. When you prove people are wrong or find a way to keep honesty on the plate, often you do not make too many friends. However, you are always protected, including the people you work for and it should make you feel on t op of t he worl d because you did your homework and saved everyone's bacon. Because of the cards you are dealt with, it helps you to learn more when you take the time to do your homework. The more you get involve, the more you do and the more you learn. Knowledge can never be taken away from you and there is a lot of room in everyone's head.
I find that photos of pets or flowers convert well into paintings. This is a paint ing I made of my neighbour's dog, her name is Wil l ow and she visit s me every morning. For more info on framing stop by Dempster's Frameworks at: 258 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario 613-938-6947
If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: or visit:
Is your websit e ef f ect ive on every pl at f orm? We can hel p! Cal l 613-935-8101 f or your f ree eval uat ion THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Ste p he n
Cho o sing Yo ur Ne xt Co mp ute r
Part 1 There was a time when selecting a computer was based upon what its intended use would be. That is still much the case, but there is a much wider selection of computing devices and that causes more confusion about what to select. In any case, never select a computer solely based upon price. That is like buying a car simply because it is red. Before getting to the selection process, it is important to understand what a computer is not. A computer is not an operating system. A computer is not Windows, it is not OS X; a computer is not software. Operating systems will be discussed in the 3rd part of this series.
Now that this is understood, let's look at some common categories of computer user. The standard home user, the mobile user, the professional, the student, the artist, and the gamer are typical types of computer user. Each will have specific requirements for their type of computer activity. These requirements dictate the type and speed of processor (CPU), amount and speed of RAM (memory), amount and speed of storage (hard drive), type of video circuitry, screen size, keyboard, mouse and physical size of the system. Processors can range in capabilities from the sub $50 Sempron to the Extreme Edition i7 priced at over $1400. Generally, the more expensive a CPU is, the higher performance it will have. While the CPU controls the speed and volume of work, the RAM determines how much can be processed. Consider an office in the 1940's. One typist could work on one page of one document at a time. If you doubled the number of typists, you doubled the amount of work that could be done. If you had a typist that was particularly talented and could use two typewriters at the same time to produce different documents, you
CLASSIFIEDS WANTEDFORMAY 1st : 1 bedroom apartment in the West End. Near Scores. Hoping to pay $650 with utilities included.Please call 1-613-790-0696/ 613-932-4812 FORSALE: Dimplex power chef convertibleelectric grill. CBQ-120-ELE5 years old. Can be used manually or digitally. Manual included.Call 613-932-0842. FORSALE: 8 piece set of mint condition Callaway irons model X22. Men's right hand with 2 unmatched sand wedge, 2 included in the set. Asking $225. 613-933-4489.
would have the equivalent of a dual core CPU. The typist obviously has good memory, because they would have to memorize two documents. However, if they could memorize 4 documents at a time, it is as if their RAM has doubled. Increasing RAM allows more work to be loaded for processing by the CPU. Continuing the analogy, the typist would store documents in a filing cabinet. The larger the cabinet, the more storage you have. If you had a special filing cabinet that could make a document faster to retrieve, it would be considered a performance improvement. This is the situation with solid state drives compared to mechanical hard drives. SSDs are faster than traditional hard drives. Of course, you will pay more for the SSD and may get less storage capacity. Video circuitry is very important if you are trying to display highly detailed, high resolution, full motion video. Some video cards can cost more than a basic computer. If you are simply surfing the Internet, playing solitaire and writing e-mails it is not important to have a fast video card. The screen size, keyboard, mouse and the physical size of the computer will also be important, but tend to naturally fall inline with the intended use. For instance, a notebook or tablet computer will normally have a smaller screen than a desktop or tower computer system. A standard keyboard and mouse are good for everyday use, but various professionals and gamers may prefer specific types of keyboard and mouse. NEXT WEEK: In Part 2 of this series I will provide more detailed information about the equipment specifications for each general category of computer user.
Next weekend (April 23 & 24), I will be exhibiting my artwork ( at CAPE 2016. On Saturday, I will be giving a presentation about 3D printing, 3D scanning, artwork and cosplay. If you have any computer technology or related questions feel free to visit my booth.
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst FORSALE: MTD Riding Mower, like new condition,11hp, 38" cut Asking $650. Power Pressure Washer,PSI 1500, never used, Asking $123, 613-933-1083. SEMI RETIRED BUSINESSMAN looking for same in a lady. Non smoker,pretty and fit. Respond to: Box 566, Lancaster,ON. FORSALE: Like new dining room set, table with two extra panels and six chairs. Asking $500, 613-932-6526 FORSALE: Brand new size 46 men's two piece black suit from Kastner's. $150 - 613-935-6284.
FORSALE: 2008 Travelite Slide In Camper, will fit 6?6? box, light weight 1600 lbs. Queen bed, gas stove, 3 way fridge/ freezer, toilet, very clean, well maintained. $6,500. 613 937-3455
FORSALE: Fridge, Kelvinator,18c. feet, white, perfect condition,$175 613-933-6913.
FORSALE: Burgundy four seat sofa, home theater and bone china cups and saucers. 613-938-9503
FORSALE: $2000 worth of NASCARproducts,looking for reasonableoffers. 613-932-7945
FORSALE: Bidet personal hygiene system. Fits onto a regular toilet, has controls for heating the seat and water spray. Useful for elders and disabled. Asking $60. 613-938-5094.
FORSALE: Small box trailer 12x6, asking $1500. 1976 Ford Kawasaki.,asking $500 613-932-6654.
FORSALE: Pontiac Montana,2006, 200,000K,$2500 OBO. 613-935-8101.
VHSt o DVD TRANSFERS- Let us preserve your Cherished Memoriesf or you! Cal l Shel don or Mai-Liis - 613-932-4812
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Ticket s
f or
Congratulations to Joy Watts! I'm not sure if her name had anything to do with it, but she won the two tickets for the comedy show! Joy will definitely be full of joy after that!
Win t he Book The Joy of Haiku Get on our facebook Post your own simple haiku Best will get the book
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New co n t est s ever y week ! Show t icket s rest aurant meal s various it ems al l up f or grabs!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 15 - April 15 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2