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Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r
Vol Vol . 7. 7 Issue Issue 165 Volume 6 5, Issue 41, April February 22, 2016 2016 October 30, 2015
onl ine
Gr een Cl ea n i n g
at i t s best ...
I t 's i n t h e FI B R E ... p ag e5 Do nBel 't i eve It ?...Co mteot h eDem ... o !M ay5 t h... see fo rm o r e t t ai n m en e r e t n E e Al k al i n v en t s.comhav E an d LCV ft Id ea
Gi t a e r ay! D a G s ' r t h e w oul dl ove o M r o f our Mom t hat y th We k n ow o sp en dt i m ew i l i a r o ! t g i c h e lP at ail s... M d n a e yo u r f ul l d 9 See p age
17840 Count y Road 44 JUST Nort h of t he cit y on Cornwal l El ect ric! Open concept main f l oor, 3 l arge bedrooms above, f ul l bsmt & garage. $289,900 ml s N0757
Always a Dunne Deal
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Khyl e) : ext 104 EMAIL
inf o@t www.t Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
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by Julia Lucio
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Ag re e to d isa g re e
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
I received t he dreaded l et t er
Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN
There are two letters coming from schools that a parent dreads to receive. The first one is about lice infestation, the second one is about expulsion. I've become accustomed to receiving the lice one. I probably get it once a month. Lice is a serious problem in our schools but I found this fantastic product called "lice free spray", available in the States only, that is non-toxic and so gentle that you can use it every day as a preventative measure. It does a pretty good job keeping the nasty critters at bay.
I've h ear d i t al l ... Natalie - Seeker Sales advertising hasn't worked for you "I know newspaper
in the past and that you don't have any extra money this month for marketing. I get it but ..." WE HAVE YOUR TARGET MARKET!
The letter about expulsion is one I have not received often. But last week, the Health Unit sent one to me, and to thousands of other parents. I have, in the past, received requests to prove my children's vaccination and I always was able to call , explain my situation and get the Unit off my back... Till the next request. But I had never received a letter giving me a definite date as to when my children would be turned away if I did not comply.
I do vaccinate my children. But I do sit on the fence as to what benefit they really offer. My son Mateo's records got lost in the move from Quebec to Ontario, and as the Quebec clinic destroys the records after 5 years, I faced an issue when asked to provide proof of vaccination, and I refused to re-vaccinate my son for early childhood diseases. Again, I got on the phone with the health unit who informed me that I could fill an affidavit stating that "The requirements of the Immunization of School Pupils Act conflict with my sincerely held convictions based on my religion or conscience", have it signed by a Commissioner and I'd be all set. "But that's not why I'm doing it," I said. "You want me to lie?"
LET'SCHAT- Cal lM ai -Li i TODAY s 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3
ext 1 0 2
strongly reminded that in the event of an outbreak, my son would have to stay home indefinitely, "for his protection" So affidavit it is. But I wonder. If the Health Unit allows non-inoculated children to stay in school anyway, with a simple statement from their parents, why send the strongly worded letter in the first place? Shouldn't they just keep a list of all the kids who were not vaccinated at registration--they obviously have one-- and IF there is an outbreak, then expel them or ask them to produce the records? I personally don't get what this extra step accomplishes. Right now, if there's an epidemic, my son would be asked to stay home. After I send my affidavit, if there's an epidemic, my son will be asked to stay home. Same result, but with a whole lot of micromanaging and bureaucracy in between. Seems stress-fully superfluous to me.
I was informed that the only way to keep my son in school other than getting a test done to show immunity, which would not cover the entire range of vaccines requested, was to fill said affidavit. I was also
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Jason Setn y k Photogr aphy
Art s & Cul t ure (Cornwall, ON)? As the 2016
tourism season approaches, Cornwall and the Counties Tourism (CCT) held their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, April 19 to review past activities and examine current trends with partners, members and stakeholders. The regional economic impact of tourism in 2015 was estimated to be approximately $221 Million, with the International Plowing Match helping to attract visitors in an otherwise soft tourism year. The IPM attracted an estimated 83,000+ people to the week-long event in September 2015.?Our members reported that 2015 was a slower tourism year throughout the region,? says CCT Executive Director, Linda Wilson. ?With the current state of the Canadian Dollar, we expect to see more Americans visiting the region in 2016, and more Canadians organizing vacations closer to home. These factors present opportunities to increase the regional economic impact of tourism.?There are a number of popular events such as CAPE, Beerfest and Pumpkinferno that add to a full calendar of summer fairs and festivals,? says Wilson. ?We continue to welcome cyclists and divers to the region, and a number of businesses continue to invest in their properties. We are confident that by working together we can attract more people to come and visit us.?CCT promotes the Cornwall & Counties region to an estimated 1.5 million people with the distribution of the annual Travel Guide, special publications, and member rack cards. CCT staff also attends trade shows and other events throughout the year, in addition to keeping several brochure racks throughout the region stocked with information. The CCT website and social media platforms also experienced growth with an average increase in followers of 26% .The CCT AGM was well attended with over 40 members and stakeholders present. An election took place to fill 5 positions on the Board of Directors. Linda Halliday, Andre Pommier, Paul Dupuis, Lesley O?Gorman and Scott Lecky were named as Directors.
Local Comedian Mark Vincent Hit t ing The Big St age ? Cornwall comedian Mark Vincent is honoured to be part of Seaway Valley Comedy Fest April 29th and 30th at Aultsville Theatre. Along with Vincent the show features some of the top talent in the country. Kenny Robinson who has appeared CBC, Comedy Network, Just for Laughs and is an icon in Canadian Comedy.Sebastien Bourgault who is quickly becoming a top Canadian act in both French and English and Wafik Nasrella who?s comedy now special airs regularly on CBC are all featured in the show.?The show is absolutely stacked, these guys are absolute monsters on stage and I am happy to be a part of this great event? explains Vincent.Both shows are currently sold out, but event organizers have a waiting list for tickets.?This is the biggest event I have been apart of so far?, explains Vincent when talking about the close to one thousand people he will be performing for over the weekend.The event is a fundraiser to help aid village in Uganda and has also helped raise money for local charities and has raised over $10,000 for local charities and sports teams. To be put on a waiting list contact:
Trench Town Oddit ies and Cardboard Crowns set t o pl ay Lol a?s t his Sat urday Night - Cornwall Ontario ? Folk Rockers the Trench Town Oddities along with Ska Popsters the Cardboard Crowns will be hitting the road together this spring including a show in Cornwall Ontario on April 23rd at Lola?s Pub. The co-headlining tour will see the bands perform dates in both the United States and Canada. Both bands are heading out in support of their latest releases ? Trench Town?s ?Bonk!? and Cardboard Crowns ?Hold On?. ?Bonk!?, a split CD with the band Winston Marley, released in late 2015, shows off TTO?s rockier side with 2 brand new cuts and a cover of Winston Marley?s ?Call Off The Search? while ?Hold On?, the Cardboard Crowns latest release, dropped in early 2016, showcases 11 new originals chalked full of ska-rockin goodness!
Cornwal l Canst ruct ion Amazes at t he Benson Cent re - The Benson Centre is home to a unique display of talent, but this time the action is in the main hallway, and does not involve sports.Several amazing and rather large structures are on display ? made out of cans of food. Its all part of Canstruction Cornwall ? an event popular around the world, but being held in Cornwall for the first time ever.?We?re really excited to bring this international event to Cornwall,? said Kendra Smith, Volunteer Coordinator of the Agapè Centre. ?It?s a fun way to raise some food for the shelves at the Agapè Centre, at a time of year when typically donations run low.? For several weeks, volunteer teams worked together to conceptualize their structures, the design of which were then reviewed by an engineer. Teams arrived Friday night to begin building their cansculptures and worked hard to finish the job before the judging began on Saturday morning. The cansculptures will be on public display for two weeks, beginning 8:00 a.m. on April 16 through to April 30. ?We hope everyone will visit the Benson Centre to see all the cansculptures and vote for their favorite,? said Alyssa Blais, Executive Director for the Agapè Centre. ?There is a quite a variety of ideas ? and the cansculptures range in size, using anywhere from 1000 to 3000 cans per sculpture. Six teams were able to complete the challenge. ?It?s very interesting to see people?s reactions to the cansculptures,? notes Ms. Blais. ?Some details are not immediately obvious, but people clearly love the creativity.? Teams contend for a title in five categories: Structural Ingenuity, Best Meal, Best Use of Labels, Jurors Favorite, and People?s Choice. The winners locally will move on to an international competition. In addition to donations, raffle ticket sales, the Agapè Centre has the added bonus of adding the cans to its food bank at the conclusion of the exhibition at the end of the month. Community partners include Seaway Express, Baxtrom?s Your Independent Grocer, National Grocer, and No Frills.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
yo u
with Cornwall's
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A Do wn To wn Ab b ey Sp r i n g Sp eci al U si n g t h e h i st o r i calt o m ak e h i st o r y ? Part IV of V By Robert Hardy and Lesley Orr
WHAT ARE the com ponents from the Downtown Abbey Spring Special? Our ?Down Town Abbey? is presently located in Glen Norman. The Abbey will be removed and re-located to the NAV Centre Theatre in Cornwall in time for the May 14 and May 15 extravaganzas (and will be returned after the shows). The cast of Part icipat ion's Music Hal l Theat re Product ions will perform in front of a humungous fireplace 16 feet wide and 8 feet high. The fireplace will be removed from Auberge Gallant for the occasion and will be installed in time for the shows. The original, smaller fireplace will be returned after the shows.
f eat ur M ing ayFl owerand s NaughtGyoings On....
For the final touch, pieces of stone from St Raphael's will be used to form the backdrop for the photo booth. This is an opportunity for our patrons to take away a special souvenir from the Down Town Abbey Spring Special. Due to the historical value of the stones, all persons will be prohibited from taking pieces. The stones will be returned to St Raphaels' the following day. For the May 14 evening event, the piano in the lounge has been repaired and tuned for the cocktail hour and there will be music provided by Participation?s Katie Ditschun. The staff at Participation's Music Factory, which is located in the downstairs area of Down Town Abbey are in the process of manufacturing another two, almost solid gold souvenir Kazoos. At the conclusion of each of The Down Town Abbey Spring Special performances, a Golden Kazoo will be presented to one of our most prominent proponents. La Plume Moderne, is proud to present A Down Town Abbey Spring Special, on May 14 and 15. Join us at the NAV Centre in Cornwall, for a
mĂŠlange of musical madness where Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith meet Mr. Bean and Monty Python for a fun-filled filled celebratory event.
THIS WEEK?S GOSSIP ? The times are a-changing at Downtown Abbey. All kinds of people are moving into the neighbourhood: dustbin men, lorry drivers, along with the recently returned Lulu. And the Women's Movement, alias suffragettes are a force to be reckoned with. Oh m y, what will happen next? For more inf ormat ion, cal l Robert Hardy at 613.525.9943. Det ail s can al so be f ound at www.part icipat iont IN 2 WEEKS: Part V of V
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Gr een Cl ea n i n g
at i t s best ...
I t 's i n t h e FI B R E... Ever yone w ants to be envir onm entally fr iendly these days and this w eek I had the pleasur e of m eeting som eone r ight her e in Cor nw all w ho pr actices this in her ever y day cleaning. That som eone is Leeanna Villeneuve, an ENJO consultant in Cor nw all. She is seen on the cover and in the photo to the r ight w ith Tr ish Ronan, Founder and Pr esident of ENJO Canada. Her e ar e my 5 Questions w ith Leeanna. 1 . Wh at i s ENJO an d wh er e d i d i t o r i g i n at e? ENJO Inter national w as founded in Austr ia. All ENJO pr oducts ar e m anufactur ed on -site, using the finest r aw m ater ials, m oder n m achiner y, exper ienced staff, and r igor ous testing. ENJO is Fibr e technology that cleans m echanically r ather then chem ically. W ith only a glove and w ater you can clean your sur faces 6 tim es better than chem ical cleaner s. Plus w hat m akes us unique, our fibr es clean por e deep. Rem oving up to 100% bacter ia, dir t and gr ease fr om cr acks and cr evices that tr aditional cloths can't. 2 . Wh at d o es ENJO d o an d wh at ar e t h e b en efi t s o f ENJO?
M y job is to help suppor t my clients in cr eating their m akeover , using the m ost effective cleaning system in the w or ld.
ENJO cr eates a chem ical fr ee hom e. W ith the ENJO M akeoveryou w ill be cleaningyour hom ein half the tim e..
I w ill show you how to have a clean, healthy and safe hom e.
W ith ENJO its Wet, W ipe a nd Dr y!
I'm com m itted to suppor ting my clients
You w i l l save m on ey.. Look under the sink in your ow n kitchen and bathr oom . You'll find m or e cleaner s than you m ight have guessed. How m u ch do you spen d on cl ean er s per m on t h ? W ith the ENJO M akeover its ar ound .75¢ a day... About 22$ a m clean your entir e hom e...a huge savings!
4 . Ho w l o n g DOES ENJO l ast ?
Not only w ill you save tim e and m oney but you'll also help to pr otect the envir onm ent. ENJO fibr es ar e 100% r e-usable. Nothing lands up in our land fills. No chem ical cleaner s going dow n our dr ain w hich w ill help to pr otect our w ater w ays. And you w ill m ake your hom e healthy, safe and happy...Using ENJO lim its your exposur e to hazar dous chem icals that can be car cinogenic and m ay tr igger asthm a, aller gies, and skin ir r itations. ENJO pr oducts also r em ove dust and r educe air pollution.
Enjo fibr es last on aver age 2-3 year s. (A r egular cloth m ay last 3 m onths at the m ost.) 5 . Wh er e can I g et ENJO p r o d u ct s? To pur chase or to set up a dem o, you can contact m e at: or call m e at 613-930-5158 DID YOU KNOW: Each year the average Canadian home throws out approximately 1 Km of paper towel. That's one mature tree per household. With ENJO you can ... SAVE THAT TREE! DID YOU KNOW: Canadians use approximately 54,000 tons of industrial cleaners annually. With ENJO you can ... HELP REDU CE THAT AM OU NT!
D o n 'tB e l i e v eI t
?.. . Co m et o t h eD e m o !
75%of accidental poisoning occur in the hom e. ENJO helps elim inate the r isk of chem ical poisoning by r eplacing har m ful chem ical cleaner s. ENJO pr oducts ar e unpackaged, r ecyclable and m ade w ithout anim al testing or child labour. Also dur ing the life of one ENJO glove you w ill be r eplacing about 30 bottles of cleaner s and the glove can be r etur ned to us to be r ecycled instead of thr ow ing it out . 3 . Wh at i s yo u r j o b as an ENJO co n su l t an t ? I've been consulting w ith ENJO for 2 year helping people cr eate a hom e that is chem ical fr ee.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
IT'S FINALLYHERE... CAPEweek en d at t h e Ben so n Cen t r e ... Sat u r d ay-Ap r i2l 3 1 0 am t o 7 p m an d Su n d ay-Ap r i2l 4 , 1 0 am t o 5 p m
Wewi l lb e at CAPE- Pad1 # 1 1 5
Co m e Vi si t u s!
TheMayorProcl aims - April23rd& 24t ht o beCAPEweekend! Cornwall andCityCouncilwishyouallthebestforanother successful event... and ...Don't forget Cornwal l Transit is offering free rides to CAPE! Visit
www.Cornwal l Transit .ca
for full details!
- Yo ur
Lo ca l
Co mmunity
Ne w s
Co n g r at u l at i o n s g o es t o M i k e Pr o u l x ...
Revu p t h o sem o t o r s - i t 's r acet i m e! Its that time of year again, when race fans got up and close to the cars and drivers that perform at our local tracks. The Cornwall Motor Speedway and the Mohawk International Raceway put on a display of cars in the Cornwall Square last weekend to promote the upcoming season. Opening night at the Mohawk International Raceway is Friday 13 May and the Cornwall Motor Speedway is Sunday 15 May. This past Thursday, drivers and officials from both tracks were on hand to mingle with the fans. Pictured, John Lazore of the Mohawk International Raceway, Sportsman driver Ryan Stabler, and Raymond Lavergne of the Cornwall Motor Speedway.
for organizing yet another successful volleyball tournament which raised $2,660 for CHEO, an organization very close to his heart, adding to the total of $12,779.00 raised in the last 4 years). This is the 12th Annual event that started 12 years ago with family and friends getting together for a fun day of volleyball and fundraising with 6 teams and 10 sponsors and today takes over the gym at CCVS with 12 teams and 93 sponsors. Games are all for fun, pizza was sponsored by Cogeco and trophies and awards were handed out. One of the cutest trophies I've seen is the "Skunk award" which goes to the worst team of the day but this year Mike also made a presentation of a "Very Special Award in honour of his mother, Joyce Proulx", who sadly passed away just a few weeks ago. Congratulations
again Mike to you and your team!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION Op e 7 d ay s n a w eek
4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. - 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
Hot Summer ? Hot Movies
See our Summer Movie Fest ival List of movies on our websit e. Begins May 19.
SATURDAY, APRIL 23 Drop in Famil y St oryt ime Heure du cont e f amil ial e port e ouvert e 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. (for children and their parents) Paws 'n Books Let your children read to our trained dogs. - 11 a.m. t o 12 p.m.
MONDAY, APRIL 25 Time f or Twos (2 year old and child's parent or caregiver) 10 a.m. t o 10:30 a.m.
Les Écril ibrist es - Écrire en français - 18 h Jack & Jil l Book Cl ub - Monthly book club meeting - 06:30 p.m.
TUESDAY, APRIL 26 Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg - 10 a.m. t o 12 p.m. The Fl ying Needl es - Knitting for fun. - 1 p.m. t o 3 p.m.
The Forum - 9:30 a.m. t o 11:30 a.m. The FORUM is an evolving community that shares ideas, emotions and truths." - David Rawnsley, program facilitator. Writ ing Camp - with Lindsay Below - 7 p.m. Practice your writing skills in a group setting. Bambins à l a bil bio (0 à 2 ans) 10 h à 10 h 30 Apprendre en jouant (0 à 5 ans) 10 h 30 à 12 h Heure du cont e 10 h à 12 h
THURSDAY, APRIL 28 Cornwal l Scrabbl e - 1:30 pm. t o 3:30 p.m. Great activity for adults who love a challenge. St oryt ime (f or 3 t o 5 year ol ds) - 10 a.m. t o 10:45 a.m.
Baby Tal es - 10 a.m. t o 11:15 a.m.
SPRING USED BOOK SALE - 2 books f or $1 Friday, April 29 and Sat urday, April 30 at Cornwall Public Library. - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC APR
Karoke and Dance wit h Mike Rivet t e EveryFridayin April, startingat 7:00 pm-NavyVets-30SixthSt. E.
Knight s of Col umbus Famil y Breakf ast From 8:30 am to 12 noon, St. Francis De Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Adults: 7$, children: 3.50$
YOUR EVENT SHOULD HAVE BEEN HERE ... Remember t he ad is FREE you just have t o cal l it in at 613-935-3763 ext 102 or email : inf o@t
Kinsmen Concert Of The St ars Outstanding performances during the Kinsmen Music Festival perform on the Aultsville Hall stage during the Concert Of The Stars.
Bereaved Famil ies Adul t Support & Share Af t ernoon From 1 pm to 3 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Open to anyone who is struggling with the loss of a loved one.
GLOBAL TRADITIONAL WORKER Traditional Healing with Doreen South in Akwesasne starting today til April 29th. See ad below.
Dying Wit h Dignit y It 's Your
UPCOMING EVENT - May 7 4t h Annual Friendl y Circl e
Cornwal l Communit y Hospit al Auxil iary Fundrasier Lunch: 11:30 am, Bridge & euchre: 12:30 - 3:30 pm. St. John's Presbyterian Church Hall, 28 2nd St. E. Sandwiches, dessert, tea & coffee. Admission:10$
Rummage Sale From 9 am to 12 noon. Knox-St.Paul's United Church, 800 12th St. E. Clothes, books & household articles. SMILES ON SEVENTH Open House and Pat ient Appreciat ion Evening From 6 to 8pm - 780 Seventh Street West, Cornwall, ON (across from the Benson Centre). Refreshments, Education & Activities, Prizes and Giveaways. Please rsvp by phone: 613-933-6096 or email:
Karoke and Dance wit h Mike Rivet t e Every Friday in April, starting at 7:00 pm-Navy Vets-30 Sixth St. E. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
Spring Rummage Sal e From 10 am to 12:30 pm. Trinity Anglican Church 105 2nd St W. Karaoke Wit h Georgie At 7:30 pm. Army-Navy-Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N.
Communit y Showcase Long Saul t
Ladies Auxil l iary Rummage Sal e From 8 am to 12 noon. Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd.
Sponsored by Friendl y Circl e Seniors Cl ub # 336
Music Wit h Brian Graham From 7 pm to 11 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. LIFE MATTERS CONFERENCE addressing issues of Physician Assisted Suicide & Abortion. 9am to 4pm - Agora Centre
FREE ENTRY 10am to 4pm
Pl ease Contact Jul ie
at 613-870-2788
ff o $1 0 e
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cu Va
Al l contracts f or service wil l be min 2hours
um b it ch D in e en u s g , P e Li W , B t i n M r gh in a g o p f c l t d o t h , pi n o r ea Sp w s r o g, ni r i , o m ng ng s,
n a e Professional's Cl
g! in
be o r A k l Sq se b o er l P u c ur n d s w r o ea i ed f e k y t y f il l yo ss C b o r ur io l y 10 n a ea t h l' n cl s e
Lif e It 's Your Choice An information session with Palliative Care Physician Dr. Gerald Ashe. Wednesday, April 27th at 7 pm. Knox - St. Paul's United Church, 800 12 St. E.
CAPEweekend st art s t oday - see inf o on page 6 or visit www.cornwal l popevent .com
Count ry Cl assics Jamming From from 7 pm to 10 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Cornwal l ComedyFest ival .ca st art s t oday t hru t o Sunday, April 24 We all need a good laugh from time to time ...
W H A T 'S
m ed
U P?
centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
CAPEweekend cont inues t oday
Ingl eside Newingt on Unit ed Church Ham Supper From 4 pm to 6:30 pm. 11 Maple St., Ingleside. Adults:14$, children 6-12:6$, 6 & under: free. Take-out available.
Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian
SENDIN YOU RADl i st i n g- It 'sFREEhere! 613-935-3763 ext102- inf o@t
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
B a Br sa ,na d nmsd o. .r. e
a Gr e a t G fo r Mo t h ift Id ea e r 'sD a y ! Momw ou l dl ov et o sp en dt im w it hy o u an d Mic e helPagl ia r o!
Pictured here: L-R : Back Row - Riley Breckenridge, Miss Fortier, Miss Villeneuve, Miss Larkin, Cheyanne Casselman-Duvlal Front Row - Ethan Tyrell, Isabelle Paquette, Samuel Tyrell
Wel l Do n e Fr eed o mTKD St u d en t s! Eight students from Freedom Taekwon-Do in Cornwall traveled to Woodstock, ON for the Friendly City TKD Invitational hosted by Don Edmiston. TKD practitioners from across Ontario competed for the coveted medals as well as the Chong Ji Challenge. Miss Ashley Fortier 1st degree black belt progressed to the semi finalist stage before being eliminated. The students from Freedom TKD earned the following medals: Isabel l e Paquet t e age 6 - White Belt - Gold in Patterns, Gold in Sparring Et han Tyrel l age 9 - Yellow Belt - Bronze in Patterns, Bronze in Sparring Samuel Tyrel l age 12 - Green Stripe - Silver in Patterns, Bronze in Sparring Ril ey Breckenridge age 11 - Green Belt - Silver in Patterns, Bronze in Sparring Cheyanne Cassel man-Duval l age 13 - Blue Stripe - Bronze in Patterns, Silver in Sparring Kevin Larkin - Blue Belt - Gold in Sparring Miss Mayl ee Larkin age 12 - 1st degree black belt - Gold in Patterns, Bronze in Sparring Miss Ashl ey Fort ier age 15 - 1st degree black belt - Silver in Patterns, Silver in Sparring The students were all told before the tournament that two things are going to happen. The will win or they learn, hopefully they will do both. As long as they learned something, than they did not lose.
The Seeker sends Congratulations to you all!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Wh at HERBS To Use Wi th Wh at ...
Sha ry n
THO M PSO N I answer this question so often at Sharyn's Pantry. We have a whole room filled with wonderful, fragrant dried herbs and spices. 200 to be exact! Learning what herb goes well with meat, poultry or vegetables takes a lifetime of experience. I don't know how many telephone calls I made to my Mum after getting married. What do I do or how can I improve the flavour? HELP!! There was no internet in those days and I probably called my Mum daily to ask her advice. But I learned following her advice and experience. I hope to-day's column will give you some information on what HERBS to use with what.
MARJORAM: Is a herb. It will grow easily in your garden coming up each year. It is a member of the mint family.It imparts a very pleasant flavour in vegetable soups, fish chowders, eggs, cheese dishes, stews, roasts of beef, lamb or pork and roast chicken and stuffings. OREGANO: Is a herb and a member of the mint family. It has a very strong aromatic scent and pairs very well with basil. Use it in spaghetti sauces, pizzas, chili, pork and veal dishes. It also will come up each year in your herb garden.
MINT: Be careful if you plant this herb in your garden. It well take over the whole garden. Plant it in a pail so that the roots will not spread. You can make a refreshing tea with the leaves. Add it into jellies, fruit juices, frosting, candy, on lamb, potatoes, peas and in chocolate desserts. You can have spearmint or peppermint.
PARSLEY: A herb, with a pleasant, mild slightly tangy flavour. Very good with meats, fish, vegetables, soups, eggs and cheese dishes. It is also used as a popular garnish to brighten up any dish when served.
ROSEMARY: This is a very aromatic herb. It's leaves resemble pine needles. It is used SWEET BASIL: A herb, a member of the mint family. It has a warm, sweet flavour that pairs very well with oregano. I call them "the Bobsey Twins". Add basil into tomato sauces, lamb, fish, eggs, tossed salad, on fresh tomatoes, duck, cheese, potatoes, peas and squash. It comes in dried rubbed leaves or ground.
BAY LEAVES: I bought a bay leaf plant about 5 years ago from our local greenhouse. It is thriving in a flower pot in my kitchen window. You can't leave a bay leaf plant in your garden over the winter, it will not survive the cold. Bay leaves have a pungent flavour. They repel insects if placed in with dried grains. Add them to soups, sauces and stews. Their sharp edges can lacerate your oesophagus. Always remove them from your sauce before serving.
CHERVIL: Is a French herb having a mild delicate flavour. It is so nice added to soups, egg and cheese dishes, chicken, green salads, peas and spinach. It grows easily in your garden.
CILANTRO: Is a herb, the leaves of the coriander plant. It is the most commonly used herb in the whole world. Use it in Mexican cooking, East Indian dishes and Caribbean dishes. Always the herb to make salsa taste like salsa.
often in chicken dishes, stuffing, veal, lamb, fish, duck, potatoes and cauliflower. Use it sparingly as it has a very strong flavour. Just laying sprigs of it on top of a roasting chicken will impart a lovely flavour.
SAGE: This is another herb which will grow year after year in your garden. Also a member of the mint family. It is aromatic with a slightly bitter flavour. Use it sparingly. Good added to stuffings, on pork roasts, poultry and in sausages.
SAVORY: You can have summer savory which we sell from a local grower. It is the most popular type. Use it in stuffings, meat pies, soups, in mashed potatoes and all poultry dishes. The winter savory is less popular coming ground or leafy. We sell both kinds. It has a different flavour compared to summer savory.
TARRAGON: This is one of my favourite herbs. It will grow in your garden for years. My own tarragon plant in my herb garden must be nearly 30 years old. It is a French herb with a lovely licorice flavour. It goes perfectly with salmon, egg or cheese dishes. It is used to flavour vinegars, on tomatoes or in sauces for meats or vegetables.
THYME: Is a very popular herb. It is a member of the mint family. It has a warm, aromatic, pungent flavour. Use it in soups, stuffings, on poultry, in cheese dishes, bean dishes, on beef, lamb, pork, fish and oysters.
DILL SEEDS AND DILL WEED: This is a herb with a sweet but pungent flavour. Delightful paired with fish dishes, in sour cream, on beans, carrots, potato salad and new potatoes. Once planted in your herb garden, it will come up every year.
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt St, Unit 6, Cornwall,Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Mondayto Saturday- 9 to 5
Sha nno n
FERG USO N Easy Dat e Ideas f or t he Summer in SD&G Spring is finally here and unless we get another unexpected snowstorm in April, we?ll be pulling out our flip flops and boat shoes in no time, eager for the summer heat to hit us at full force. There?s not much better than tanned skin, longer days, and sweating so profusely that you?re not sure whether or not you should jump in the closest pool or soldier through thinking maybe it?ll help you lose a few pounds. Not much is better unless you?re dating someone, sick of being cooped up all winter, and looking for some fun things to do. Sure, you could drive to Montreal or Ottawa for a day date but why do that when this area already offers so many options, right at your fingertips.
Drunk on Summert ime There are so many great places in town and along the outskirts that offer amazing patios to grab a drink on and relax with your significant other. Throw back some ice cold beer together at an inner city patio like Schnitzel?s or Kelsey?s, where you?re bound to run into a few people you know, giving you a chance to turn your one-on-one into a group date. Or venture a few minutes outside of the city to places like Nautica Wine & Grill (at The Long Sault Marine) or Blue Anchor and take advantage of the amazing view of the St. Lawrence River while you enjoy each other?s company and the benefit of getting a tan while getting a buzz. There are so, so many great patios in this city of ours to enjoy and after you get drunk on summertime hop in a cab back home, hop into bed, turn the A/ C off and get extra sweaty together. Good bye winter!
Make Hist ory Part of Your Hist ory Sometimes when we?re dating, we get caught up in the old Netflix and Chill routine and barely recognize the many opportunities around us that can make for great
memories and bonding time. When was the last time you visited Upper Canada Village (besides that grade 6 field trip or the family fun day when you were 14 and way too cool to be there)? Check it out with your partner and I bet you?ll really enjoy walking around hand in hand checking out all the cool history within the park. Also, I?m sure you could get some hilarious pictures together while there. Another idea is taking a guided tour of the Historic Cornwall Jail House together. What better way to force closeness upon someone than to venture into an old creepy jail while you bond over what it used to be. I guarantee you?ll go home afterwards closer than you were before and hold each other a little more snug when you go to bed (if you can sleep)!
Fest ival s Gal ore If there?s one thing the Cornwall area has a lot of in the summertime, it?s Festivals and Specialty Weeks. Between the upcoming La Poutine Week where you and your date can go check out extravagant and original poutines all over town to delicious Rib Fest which celebrates its fifth anniversary this year, your date options are massive. What better way to get to know someone than while mowing down ribs, with sauce all over your face and not a care in the world. The atmosphere of our local festivals is fun and exciting, so you?ll get to see your partner in a youthful light. Also, if you?re not much of a patio person, you can still get drunk on summertime at most of the festivals, especially Cornwall?s Beer Fest where beer takes center stage but your relationship can also get the limelight it deserves. Dating in general can often times become boring and monotonous but living in Cornwall doesn?t mean your options are limited. Take a second to look around and enjoy what?s at our disposal. With the nicer weather around the corner, any regular day can be turned into a date day just by wondering down to one of the many city parks or the waterfront where you can take a walk, enjoy a bike ride, or just admire the view together, sitting side by side in flip flops and shorts.
Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
m eow out to m e as I w alk by to put in som e coinage for futur e pur chases for Cloud, my cat or per haps even m e. Please check out the other thr ift stor es her e in Cor nw all to find your ver y ow n "Unique Item s" at Gr eat Pr ices. Happy Shopping Now !!!
M a rle ne
FUN NEW S: John Lister and I w ill be at the ~Benson Center ~ on both Satur day and Sunday for C.A.P.E.! ! ! We of ~PHOTODREAM S~ w ill have our table set up at the entr ance of Pad #1. We w ill be offer ing a GREAT DEAL for INSTANT PHOTOS of YOU (in Costum e, or not) w ith your chosen favor ite backgr ound for ONLY $5.00!!! John and I look for w ar d to seeing you at the BIGGEST EVENT Of The Year !!! GET YOUR COSPLAY/COSTUM E ON!!! TI P OF THE W EEK: Her e ar e (12) daily r em inder s to follow for a m uch Happier and m or e Positive Lifestyle: 1. Kindness Is Fr ee. (So Fr eely Show Kindness.) 2. Things alw ays get better w ith Tim e. 3. Ever yone's Jour ney is Differ ent. 4. Over -thinking w ill lead to Sadness and Despair. 5. The Past Cannot Be Changed. 6. Sm iles ar e Contagious. ( You'r e sm iling r ight now... Ar en't you? ) 7. Happiness is Found W ithin. 8. You Only Fail If You Quit. 9. W hat Com es Ar ound, Goes Ar ound. 10. Judgem ents ar e a confession of char acter. (Bew ar e) 11. Opinions Don't Define Your Reality. 12. Positive Thoughts, Cr eate Positive Actions. Do have your selves a m ost delightful kind of w eek ahead doing the m any things that sm iles ar e m ade fr om . I TEM OF THE W EEK: This w eek I am choosing som ething that is w him sical. I not only like differ ent types of shoes, pur ses and hats ... I like "Unique Item s" as w ell ... Such as my pick for this w eek . A hand-painted & hand-m ade black & w hite str iped w ooden kittycat bank that I bought at ~Value Village~ for ONLY $2.99. It seem s to
UNTI L NEXT W EEK: If you don't Leave your PAST in the PAST...It w ill Destr oy your FUTURE...LIVE for w hat TODAY has to Offer , Not w hat YESTERDAY has taken aw ay. LIFE is not about how w ell you LIVE ? but, how w ell you Think!!! W hen you m ake up your m ind to enjoy and m ake the m ost of w hatever it is that life is offer ing you in the pr esent m om ent. You ar e intensely exper iencing the abundance of the Univer se and You ar e destined for m uch m or e abundance in your life. LIVE IN THE M OM ENT!!! M a r lene Ba ker of w w w.fa shionogr a & w w w.photodr ea
I had a m ost w onder ful visit in Ottaw a last Thur sday and Fr iday evening w ith seven of my fam ily m em ber s. We all got together to celebr ate not one, not tw o, but thr ee bir thdays that ar e all happening this m onth. W illiam 's w as on the 10th, Lincoln's w as yester day, the 22nd, Ella Rose's is this Sunday, the 24th. Last, but not least is M elinda's at the end of the m onth on the 28th. We decided to go to a Chinese Buffet called ~The M adar in~ to clebr ate 3 out of 4 of the bir thdays. M ar cus had us all stay over night at his new place dow n near the Byw ar d M ar ket. We enjoyed a nice and r efr eshing w alk on Fr iday after noon to Rideau Falls (w hich w as a 20 m inute w alk aw ay fr om his place.) The sun w as shining br ightly, the bir ds w er e singing, and ever yone w as happy being together on this lovely Spr ing day in the Nation's capital (my hom etow n.) Although Ottaw a is a beautiful city to visit, I love living r ight her e in Cor nw all... M y New Hom etow n. M y New Beginning... M y New Star t.... M y New & Wonder ful Life!!!
Fam i l y New s: M y eldest gr andson, Lincoln is tur ning 18 on Apr il 22nd!!! Tim e sur e has flow n by... I can r em em ber being in the deliver y r oom w ith your M om (M elinda) and that I helped cut your um bilical cor d. W hat a m om entous day that w as... M E, BECOM ING A GRANDM OTHER FOR THE VERY FIRST TIM E. It w as both scar ey and exciting at the sam e tim e. All the ver y best in your upcom ing year Lincoln. M ay you m ake the r ight choices to w hat you w ant to do in the life that lies befor e you my dear gr andson. Ella Rose, my thir d daughter has a bir thday that is com ing up on Sunday Apr il 24th. She has becom e quite successful in her line of pr om otional and m odeling w or k and I am so ver y pr oud of all that she has accom plished thus far. All the ver y best to you Ella Rosey on taking m or e tr ips and visiting m or e locations and having m any m or e fun adventur es in the upcom ing year , my dear , sw eet daughter.
Jo se e
SAUVE Tax Tip 12 What if I get a sl ip AFTER I?ve al ready f il ed my t axes? If you receive another slip (or an amended slip) after filing your taxes, it is very important to alert your tax preparer! A slip you received in 2016 that bears the 2015 taxation year cannot be saved and claimed on your 2016 tax return. The slip could be an important adjustment that will alter your income or credits on your tax return and cause you to have a larger refund or have a balance owing. Your tax preparer will make the appropriate adjustment(s) to your tax return to reflect the slip (or amended slip) and will advise you of the result.
If you do not alert your tax preparer to the slip, CRA will automatically re-assess you later on in the year, but will charge you interest and possibly penalties if this re-assessment resulted in a balance owing. Should an individual fail to file a slip in any of the 3 years preceding years, CRA will assess a penalty equal to 10% of the amount that was not reported. For example, failure to file an RRSP withdrawal of $5,000 would be assessed a federal penalty of $500 and a provincial penalty of $500 for a total of a $1,000 penalty. This is non-negotiable. As long as missing slips are filed prior to April 30th (or before Revenue Canada discovers the discrepancy on their own), no penalties will be assessed. For more t ax t ips and t ax rel at ed f requent l y asked quest ions, visit my websit e at www.sauvet
an dRem em b er t o vi si t : fo r yo u r"Dai l yDo se"o fCo m m u n i t yNews!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
ROLLING OUT THE RED CARPET It's That Time Of The Year Again... Time for Seekers Choice Awards
Hereare t he TOP5 in eachcat egory- NOWIT'STIMEt o cast your vot ef or t he WINNERS... 1. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
HOME BASED BUSINESS - Awakening Angels School For Healing & Enlightenment
- Lola's Pub & Grub - Fairy Sweet - Floral Expressions
- Brian Hubelit - Jenny Szymkowiak - Katalin Kennedy
4. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
- Alkaline Entertainment
7. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
- Coleman's Mod & Repair
2. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
5. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
- McMaze - Poppin Makeup
Hair2Dye4 Esca Marrow & Spice DunetCommunications Network Readyor Naught(adultcontent)
3. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
EXISTING BUSINESS - Sharyn's Pantry - Liberty Tax Service
- Stephanie Carriere - Paul Aubin - Corey Disotell - Lesley Ellam - Cameron MacPhee 8. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e ATHLETE - Zachary Zwanenburg
Justin Juice Labelle Pierre Giroux Alan Bain Jennifer Shearer Jane MacMillan
- Susan Pomykalski - Mary Patrick
6. Pl ease vot e f or your f avourit e LITERARY ARTIST - Shannon Ferguson - Joan Levy-Earle
- Wendy Hudson - John Lister - Shannon Ferguson
- Rose Desnoyers
MUSICAL ARTIST Alison Wonderland Band Marc Brault Marc Muir Kevin Rivette 5 Guys and a Box
8. Pl ease vot e f or t he VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR - Shelley Boisvenue
- Cathy Heenan
Our charit y of choice t his year is:
- Tracey Valade
- Sarah Massia
Pl ease vot e f or your f avourit e SEEKER CONTRIBUTOR - Countess Trottzier - JosĂŠe SauvĂŠ - Jenni MacDonald - Steve Burke - Marlene Baker - Marie Morrell
- Brianna Ladouceur
- Sharyn Thompson
- Braxton Dalessio
- Kathleen Morris - Rose Desnoyers
Go t o www.t t o vot eOR t o BECOME A SPONSOR or dropof f your choices at t he SeekerOf f ice Vot e-Vot e-Vot e!
Out door cl ub Ignit ing t he Fire By Sylvie O?Rourke
Clim bing m ountains gets into your blood like a fir e in need of kindling. It is a passion that builds confidence, m akes you str onger , healthier , and m or e adventur ous. The m em ber s of the Cor nw all Outdoor Club de Plein Air like to have fun w hile challenging and m otivating each other. Our new est goal is to conquer the Fir e Tow er Challenge. This idea instigated by the Adir ondack M ountain Club consists of clim bing a total of 23 m ountains, all of w hich have histor ical fir e tow er s at their sum m its. Upon com pletion of this challenge, the clim ber s ear n a badge and br agging r ights. Today, w e ar e kicking off this challenge by snow shoeing tw o m ountains near Cr anber r y Lake: Cathedr al Rock and M ount Ar ab, both of w hich ar e listed as r elatively shor t hikes. Ther e ar e seven of us and the w eather is ver y m ild. The tr ailhead for Cathedr al Rock is unm ar ked and w e have som e difficulty in locating it until som e local snow m obiler s point us in the r ight dir ection. The beginning of the tr ail is not packed and the snow is deep so a few of us take tur ns br eaking it in. The leader s of the queue have to w or k m uch har der. The tr ail star ts off on a r oad befor e
thinning and zigzagging gr adually up the m ountain. W hen w e pause for a br eak, a m em ber I w ill call ?The Fr iendly Giant? m akes a snow ball and thr ow s it at ?Catw om an?. She is quick to r etaliate thus star ting a day-long r ivalr y and good natur ed r ibbing. W hen w e r each the sum m it, the m ajor ity of us ar e eager to clim b the fir e tow er to get an obser ver ?s view. This par ticular fir e tow er is not in its or iginal location. It began its life on Tooley Pond M ountain and w as r elocated her e in the 1970?s. Still, I tr y to im agine w hat it w ould have been like to spend hour s ever y day in a tow er sear ching for fir es. An obser ver ?s life w ould undoubtedly have been unusual, per haps a lonely one pepper ed w ith w ild life encounter s and occasional hum an visitor s. I
am sur e he or she w ould have m any stor ies to tell. The tr ail up M ount Ar ab is the sam e distance as the fir st hike but m uch steeper. I r ead pr ior to the hike that at one point the tr ail levels off and becom es easier. Don?t believe it. This tr ail is icy in spots and w ell packed. It is m uch m or e tr avelled than the fir st one and also pr ettier. Ther e ar e glim pses of sur r ounding m ountains and valleys along the w ay. W hen w e r each the sum m it of this m ountain, the eager ones clim b the tow er ; how ever , this tim e they cannot enter the cabin because it is boar ded up for r epair s. After a br ief r est, w e m ake our w ay dow n alm ost at a r un thanks to the steepness and ice. We ar e sm oking hot today and you and I both know that w her e ther e is sm oke ther e is fir e! For m or e infor m ation about the Cor nw all Outdoor Club de Plein Air visit our w ebsite at w w w.cor n w al l ou t door cl u or like us on Facebook .
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Co unte ss
These surreptious and toxic chemtrails are COSTLY. WHAT ARE THEY SPRAYING INTO OUR WORLD? Once again, Independent Researchers have discovered that the main chemicals consist of:al uminum, barium, st ront ium, pl us a whol e l ist of ot her unheal t hy chemical s. We know that fine particles of aluminum can easily lodge into our body and has been proven to cause ALZHEIMERS; we know that barium can be used as a special minute drink before you get an x-ray and this barium can be highly deadly when swallowed as a rat poison; we know that strontium comes from nuclear waste and can cause severe neurological illnesses, including the cause of many birth defects.
TRO TTIER-TRO TZIER Why are we exposedt o DANGEROUSCHEMTRAILS: TOXICDEPOSITSin our Skies? Everyone has witnessed some planes flying above that leave behind them long-lasting white lines that slowly fluff out BUT DO NOT DISAPPEAR, then the same plane or another plane comes along disposing more aerosol chemicals that criss-cross with the other white lines. In a short while, a blue sky becomes tainted with holographic-like lines and images that stay on for hours. QUESTION: Who knows what is happening and t he serious consequences of t hese aerosol chemical s? ANSWER: Very f ew peopl e. WHY? Because it is a BIG SECRET! While these chemtrails (aka Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering) have been observed since the late 1990's in Canada, as well as the U.S.A. and many other countries, the military personnel, including the Tax Payers' Representatives of the People, the pilots, the chemists who prepare these toxic aerosols have all remained "silent about what is truly happening". The peopl e don't seem t o have a Divine Right t o know what is being done t o OUR PLANET EARTH: OUR HOME ... NOR TO OUR PERSONAL HEALTH.
QUESTION:WHY? IT IS TIME TO KNOW WHAT CHEMTRAILS ARE FOR AND WHY THE SECRECY! Once again We the People have TO BE THANKFUL TO OUR MANY INDUSTRIOUS AND CARING INDEPENDENT RESEARCHERS WHO HAVE AND ARE SPENDING INNUMERABLE HOURSTRYING TO FIND ANSWERS. THEIR DISCOVERIES CAN MAKE YOUR HAIR RAISE ON END! THE FINANCIAL COST: A highly competent pilot has made these calculations regarding the costs of having these chemtrails: One of their 747 that they use needs 3,600 gallons of fuel per hour. If it is up for 5 hours, it can consume as much as 18,000 gallons of fuel at a cost of $72,000.00. Be free to calculate this for 50 planes that might be used to cover the skies in North America and several times a week ... !
SOME OTHER ACKNOWLEDGED ILLNESSES: . respiratory failure . deposits finding their way into the marrow of our bonesdestroy our T-Cells causing a weakened immune system . asthma . alzheimers . neurological damages that can lead to multiple scelorosis . cancer . heart problems, and much more. If this weren't enough to demand their STOPPING ALL CHEMTRAILS SPRAYING ... IT ALSO AFFECTS THE WEATHER AND EXPLAINS WHY SO MANY TORNADOES SUDDENLY APPEAR, also HURRICANES,HEAVY SNOW STORMS. It appears that Chemtrails are part of the ALASKA HAARP Weather Engineering secret attacks on the Human Populace. p.s.: As noted above, this surreptious attack on Our Planet Earth: Our Home, and on us We the People appears to be very prevalent in many other countries. Recent l y, LEGAL ACTION HAS BEEN FILED IN CANADA t o expose ongoing cl imat e engineering wit h t he use of chemt rail spraying. This assaul t against t he pl anet and t he ent ire web of l if e MUST END FOREVER! * Please join in with the many dedicated Independent Researchers and find out how you can help such as by providing eye-witness accounts, and any strange ailments. In my case a couple of weeks ago, after some heavy chemtrail aerosol spraying a woman mentioned how she had lost her voice, and not only her but several of her friends! You may also have a doctor test you for barium since this chemical is prevalent in the drop off from the chemtrails and is VERY DANGEROUS! You may review t hese import ant sit es, and t here are many more: .* . chemtrails/ 2011/ 10/ pilot-speaks-out . (chemtrail related illness) . . chems.htm (has manyphotos)
Is your websit e ef f ect ive on every pl at f orm? We can hel p! M O RTG AG E TIPS
Cal l 613-935-8101 f or your f ree eval uat ion
M ACDO NALD Are You Sure You Want To Be A Landl ord? Part 3 of 3 So, you?ve heard some people talking about all the money they make from their rental properties and think it?s a good idea for you too! It might be? or it might not be! Being a landlord is more than sitting back to watch your bank account grow. Here are some of the topics that you need to consider before you leap into the world of rental income properties with 4 doors or less (properties with more than 4 doors have different rules):
experienced landlords and Property Managers with a plethora of information. While I am not an expert on being a landlord, If you have any questions about getting started, please feel free to contact me and I can help direct you on your journey.
Jenni MacDonald ( is a Mortgage Broker with Dominion Lending Centres The Mortgage Source (Lic.# 10145). She has over 5 years of experience in the Mortgage Industry and works with at least 40 lenders including banks, credit unions, and private lenders to find the best mortgage for each client. You can contact her by phone or text at 613-551-0639 or via email at
Sixt h, you wil l need t o deal wit h t enant s. Yes, you will need to deal with tenants (unless you hire a Property Manager)? . It?s Christmas Family Dinner, you get a call from a tenant with a backed up toilet. Is it worth having a rental? Or, you arrive at a rental unit to collect rent only to find that it is empty. Would you know what to do next? What if a tenant with 3 crying babies has not paid her rent and has nowhere to go? Could you evict her? These are the tough questions that you have to ask yourself before you commit to owning a rental property. Final l y, you wil l probabl y sel l t he propert y at some point . Again, you will need to consult an Accountant regarding the rules of claiming a capital gains vs income on the sale of that property and what tax rate you will be charged on the income. You will also need to be careful about claiming any depreciation while you own the property because it could have serious tax implications at sale time. As you can see, there are many topics to consider before jumping into the world of Landlords. Obviously, it can be very lucrative if it is done correctly! In Cornwall, there is the Landlord Association ( ) that has a wide variety of
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Ste p he n
Cho o sing Yo ur Ne xt Co mp ute r
The standard home user typically surfs the Internet, writes e-mails, uses an "office" suite (word-processing, spreadsheet, and other apps), might use home accounting, tax prep, or photo organizing software, and plays simple games (Pogo online, for example). Since the requirements are not demanding, an inexpensive CPU with a minimum level of RAM, storage, and video would suffice. For instance, a relatively slow dual or quad core CPU with integrated video and 4GB of RAM and a 500GB hard drive would typically meet these requirements. It is relatively easy to find a computer system under $750 that would have these specifications.
I normally consider a student as someone who is in high school, college or university. Their requirements would be similar to the standard home user, but somewhat more demanding depending on the grade and course of study. Typically, a medium level quad core CPU with 8GB of RAM and a 500GB hard drive would suffice. A separate, mid to high level performance video card may also be needed to meet the students requirements. A standard keyboard and mouse are appropriate. A 19" screen is perfectly adequate. Computers with these specifications can be found for around $950. Of course, if the student needs a mobile system with this type of performance, the cost could be around $1,150 for a 15" notebook. The mobile user may have the same needs as the standard user, but requires a mobile computing platform. At this point, a decision would be made between a tablet and a notebook device. If the requirement is for the ultimate in portability, then the tablet is typically selected. Tablets can be very limiting with regards to CPU, RAM and storage, so they are not normally suggested where there is a need for high performance. Notebooks can often be more powerful and easier to handle than a tablet, and usually represent a better choice for overall usefulness when a mobile device is needed. The professional user could be an accountant, an engineer, an architect, or industrial designer who needs enhanced performance. They will typically need a faster CPU, more RAM, more storage and and have special video, input or security considerations to address. A faster quad, hex or 8 core CPU may be needed and 16GB to 32GB of RAM is not unusual to find in a professional computer. Engineers, architects and industrial designers will need enhanced video processing capabilities. They also typically use a 24" or larger screen. Larger, faster, and more secure storage is typically required by most professionals - RAIDed hard drives to reduce the possibility of data loss and down time, SSDs for faster performance. Professional users will often use a keyboard and mouse that are designed to reduce fatigue. A professional desktop computer system can typically cost between $1,000 and $4,000 depending on CPU, RAM, video and storage selections. The artist is a sub-class of the professional user. These users could be involved with the music, film, animation and digital design industries. In addition to an enhanced CPU, they will typically need very fast, high capacity video cards,16GB to 32GB of RAM, fast and high volume storage. They may also need a special keyboard and mouse; equipment that may have additional controls developed for their respective industries. Quite often, the screen size for the artist user is huge, typically 27" or larger. They may have a Blu-Ray recorder and/ or MIDI devices as part of their setup. An entry level artist system can cost $1,500. Some professionals need a mobile computer with the performance of a desktop or tower. Such laptop computers exist, but they are very expensive, typically costing over $2,000 and often in the $3,000 price range. The gamer doesn't have needs, t hey have want s. And what the gamer wants is capacity and speed. Gamers are the users who will buy that Extreme Edition CPU, along with 16GB to 32GB of high speed, low latency RAM. They will overclock their systems and liquid cool the components. They don't mind the expense of creating a SSD RAID array along with a traditional hard drive RAID array. They will want the fastest video card possible and don't mind paying extra to get a high quality sound card. Entry level gaming systems are typically over $1,500 and a mid-level gaming rig can easily cost over $3000; but one thing is certain, they are likely the top of the computer performance food chain. If you are t hinking of buying a comput er, make sure you discuss your needs f ul l y wit h t he t echnical sal es rep.
Tomorrow and Sunday, I wil l be exhibit ing my art work (www.3DArt at CAPE 2016. On Sat urday, I wil l be giving a present at ion about 3D print ing, 3D scanning, art work and cospl ay. If you have any comput er t echnol ogy or rel at ed quest ions f eel f ree t o visit my boot h.
Ene rg e tica llySp e a king
W e nd y
HUDSO N The 1st (Root ) Chakra When creating our energy healing school 8 years ago, The Awakening Angels School For Healing, Enlightenment and Ascension Mastery, we had so much information that we weren?t sure exactly where we should start, but like all things, there must be a beginning point. After many years of giving workshops, private healing sessions, writing tons of articles and working with literally hundreds of people, we decided that the very first thing that someone going into a healing process needed was to feel safe. And this is one of the main characteristics of the 1st chakra. In our school, we treat the chakras like stepping stones, moving from the lower ones up to the higher ones, much like climbing a ladder. If you don?t have a good, strong foundation, by the time you get up to the top, it?s going to get shaky and there?s always the danger of falling back down. This is how we decided that Level 1 of our school would be all about clearing the energies of the 1st chakra.
Your 1st chakra is located underneath the pelvic bone in the perineum and it energetically spins out and down. It appears clairvoyantly as the colour red and it holds the energy of connection with our tribe and the earth. It is where we relate to the many. As infants, first born into this world, it is our job to connect to the earth, to ground our energy here so we can have our earth experiences. We have the need to survive and to belong, to learn social skills, a sense of heritage and community, loyalty and trust, and honour to our particular tribe (family). From this centre, we seek vitality, abundance, protection and security. If you feel you have all of these things in your life, then you probably don?t have any blockages in this particular chakra. However, each chakra also carries with it wounds that form when the needs of that chakra aren?t met. First chakra wounds include feelings of fear of separation and abandonment, which is this chakras core wound. It also includes fear of insufficiency (the mind set of lack of abundance and poverty), fear of personal safety, panic, paranoia, isolation, prejudices and negative beliefs about others. During our classes, we concentrate on clearing those negative aspects and wounds from each chakra, which then strengthens the positive characteristics of each one. We do have a level 1 class coming up in May for anyone who is interested. Being willing to go there is a very important step in clearing those blockages that may be holding you back. Until next time. To find out more about what we do, who we are, what we teach and any upcoming workshops and classes, please visit our website at
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
MEMBERS?MEETING: Wednesday, May 4t h
pr esent ART I N THE CI TY, a w onder ful initiative by the Council to exhibit w or k by local ar tists in m ajor buildings. (ex. City Hall). Find out how you can be par t of this pr oject.
You ar e i n v i t ed t o at t en d t h e 2016 AGM on M ay 4. The AGM (annual gener al m eeting) is an obligator y m eeting of the gener al m em ber ship of the or ganization at least once a year.
W hile talking w ith a few m em ber s dur ing my tur n hosting the Spr ing Exhibition at the Cor nw all Squar e,I attem pted to encour age the ar tists to attend the Focus Ar t AGM .I w as sad to hear that som e ar tists plan to skip this m eeting and w onder ed w hy. As a m em ber of an association it seem s im por tant to know w hat the Boar d is doing, how funds ar e acquir ed and spent and the gener al dir ection the or ganization plans for the com ing year. It?s also a chance to m eet and exchange w ith colleagues, an oppor tunity that w or king in a studio does not alw ays favor. Som e of you told m e that is exactly w hy they avoid AGM s. They don?t w ant to be ?voluntold? onto the boar d. Well you can r elax on that aspect. A nom inating com m ittee has appr oached m em ber s to r eplace outgoing dir ector s. Of cour se anyone w anting to thr ow in his or her hat can do so at the m eeting. A str ong, engaged boar d w ill guar antee our futur e success as an association. W ith the possibility of a Centr e for the Ar ts on the hor izon, it is im por tant to have as m uch input as w e can. A gr eat leader ship m akes m onthly m eetings m ove along r apidly and efficiently. Linda Geisel (photo left) w ho w ill r em ain pr esident for another year , does this ver y w ell and has added an elem ent of socializing to the m eetings. In her r epor t, she w ill be pr esenting a Pow er Point Retr o on all the activities dur ing the past year. As i n v i t ed gu est speak er , Kev i n Laj oi e, Pu bl i c I n f or m at i on Co-coor di n at or f or Cor n w al l , w ill
CLASSIFIEDS WANTEDFORMAY 1st : 1 bedroom apartment in the West End. Near Scores. Hoping to pay $650 with utilities included.Please call 1-613-790-0696/ 613-932-4812 FORSALE: Pontiac Montana,2006, 200,000K,$2500 OBO. 613-935-8101. FORSALE: Dimplex power chef convertibleelectric grill. CBQ-120-ELE5 years old. Can be used manually or digitally. Manual included.Call 613-932-0842. FORSALE: 8 piece set of mint condition Callaway irons model X22. Men's right hand with 2 unmatched sand wedge, 2 included in the set. Asking $225. 613-933-4489.
Al so ver y i m por t an t , t h e w i n n er of t h e PEOPLE?S CHOI CE AWARD f r om t h e Spr i n g Ex h i bi t i on w i l l be an n ou n ced. (Thousands voted) An inter esting per k to the gather ing w ill be A TRADI NG POST dur ing the br eak . If you have ar t m ater ial, equipm ent, ar t books, fr am es etc., br ing them along to sell or exchange w ith other m em ber s. It?s tim e to clean up the studio. Fina lly, put M ay 4th on your ca lenda r , come a nd be a n enga ged member of Focus Ar t.
APPLES AND ART Don?t for get that the end of Apr il is the deadline to par ticipate in Apples and Ar t, Septem ber 2016. Find details by sear chingw w.applesandar This is a gr eat venue to show and sell your w or k .
FOCUS ART MEETS AT: Wednesday, M ay 4th at Centr e Char les---Em ile Claude 146 Chèvr ier Ave. Door s open at 6h30, m eeting begins at 7pm . Looking for w ar d to seeing you all! f or m or e i n f or m at i on abou t Focu s Ar t v i si t :
w w w.f ocu sar t on l i n e.or g
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst FORSALE: 2008 Travelite Slide In Camper, will fit 6?6? box, light weight 1600 lbs. Queen bed, gas stove, 3 way fridge/ freezer, toilet, very clean, well maintained. $6,500. 613 937-3455 FORSALE: Burgundy four seat sofa, home theater and bone china cups and saucers. 613-938-9503 FORSALE: Bidet personal hygiene system. Fits onto a regular toilet, has controls for heating the seat and water spray. Useful for elders and disabled. Asking $60. 613-938-5094.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Win t he Book The Joy of Haiku Get on our facebook Post your own simple haiku Best will get the book
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ur "Go o y is r e k e e S The vents & to Paper" for E if you o s s g in n e p p Ha at y ou have tickets th give to s u e k li ld u wo te your away to promo all ec event ... pleas t me, Mai-Liis, a t.102 Ex 613-935-3763
Just ... Checkout our f acebook pageweekl yand commentt o LETUSKNOWWHYYOUSHOULDWIN. Tweett o us @SeekerNewspaper t o t el l us you want t o win. Email us at : inf o@t Lookhereon t he backpageeachweek t of indoutwhatyoucoul dwin!
New co n t est sever y week ! Show t icket s - rest aurant meal s - various it ems al l up f or grabs! THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 16 - April 22 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2