Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 17, April 29, 2016
"SPRING h as fi n al l y SPRU NG" an d Li n d a In vi t es Yo u t o t h e
SPRING OPEN HOU SE t h i s Sat u r d ay, Ap r i l 3 0 at
75 Cornwall
Centre Rd. Cornwall,
It 's al l h ap p en i n g THIS WEEKEND... PRIZES - SAMPLES Annuals - Perennials - Shrubs and Come meet our NEW STAFF See f ul l Harvest ad on page 9 t t ai n m en e r e t n E e Al k al i n v en t s.comhav E an d LCV ft Id ea
Gi t a e r ay! D a G s ' r t h e w oul dl ove o M r o f our Mom t hat y th We k n ow o sp en dt i m ew i l i a r o ! t g i c h e lP at ail s... M d n a e yo u r f ul l d 9 See p age
The Spring Market is now in f ul l swing. Cal l me t o t ake advant age of it !
Always a Dunne Deal
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Khyl e) : ext 104 EMAIL
inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
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Me? A racist ? by Julia Lucio
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Ag re e to d isa g re e
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN
Well, not exactly, but I was guilty of stereotyping my own husband recently. John has been posting a lot of old military pics on Facebook. On many, he appears much darker than he is now. Maybe it's the lack of sun here and the Canadian weather, but back in the day, he looked much more "Latino" to me. I commented this on one of his pictures. It didn't take long for one of his friends to call me on it.
I've h ear d i t al l ... Natalie - Seeker Sales advertising hasn't worked for you "I know newspaper
in the past and that you don't have any extra money this month for marketing. I get it but ..." WE HAVE YOUR TARGET MARKET!
"More Latino?" he said. "Wow. What stereotypes do to a people. I know Blonde hair blue eyes Latinos as well as Black Latinos. There are even some Asian Latinos. The word Latino stems from the Latin based languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian and has an enormous range of ethnicity. Maybe she meant Mexican, but that does not pan out for exactly the same reason. "
LET'SCHAT- Cal lM ai -Li i TODAY s 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3
ext 1 0 2
anything, I meant it as a compliment. Being white, I find darker skin tones attractive. But even positive stereotypes can be detrimental because they are untrue. Looking back, exotic would probably have been a more appropriate word to use.
My initial reaction to his comment was defensive. "Is he calling me a racist? How dare he? I'm married to a minority! My kids are half hispanic!" But after I stopped long enough to realize what he meant, I could see his point.
That being said, I take a stand today and I call on you to do the same. Moving forward, let's no longer be a stereotypical white people stereotyping stereotypical minority people.
My statement that John looked more "Latino" implied that I thought all Hispanics are dark skinned with dark hair and dark eyes, which even though not bad in itself, is no more true than stating that all French wear berets, all Irish people are drunks or all women are weak.
A stereotype may be negative or positive, but even positive stereotypes present two problems: They are cliches, and they present a human being as far more simple and uniform than any human being actually is. --Nancy Kress
Stereotypes will always be present if we don't first change our own speech. Our words have the power to lift up others, or they can contribute to spread out lies. Did I mean any harm by using this word? No. Did I maliciously use it to single him out? Of course not! In fact, If
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Jason Setn y k Photogr aphy
News & Pol it ics
The Cit y of Cornwal l is pl eased t o announce t he appoint ment of Maureen Adams as t he new Chief Administ rat ive Of f icer f or t he Cit y of Cornwal l , effective Monday, May 2nd.The announcement concludes the search for the replacement of outgoing CAO Norm Levac, who is retiring on Friday, April 29th following a lengthy and productive career with the City of Cornwall.?City Council conducted a thorough search for the replacement of Mr. Levac and we are pleased with the result,? said Mayor Leslie O?Shaughnessy. ?Maureen Adams is the perfect fit for continuing many of the progressive initiatives currently underway and we are pleased that she has accepted this position.?Mrs. Adams is no stranger to the City of Cornwall. For the past eight years, she has served as the General Manager and Chief Financial Officer for the City, a key position that involves overseeing the annual City Budget process and ensuring the City maintains a strong financial position. In this capacity, Mrs. Adams oversaw financial plans for key infrastructure projects such as the Benson Centre and Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade.Her leadership experience in the municipal sector is complemented by a 20-year private sector career in both the banking and manufacturing industries.?I am really excited by this new opportunity to work alongside the Mayor and Council and build Cornwall into an even greater City,? said Mrs. Adams. ?We have a lot of great attributes and I?m looking forward to working with Council, City staff and community partners to build on our strengths.? Inf ormat ion Day Hel ps Famil ies Find t he Services Required t o Assist Special Needs Chil dren Families of students with special needs enjoyed one-stop-shopping access to community services Wednesday at an information day organized by Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School(CCVS). Hosted in the school Learning Commons, the day was organized to make it easier for families to connect with services available to their children during their school years and beyond, said Josh Harrison, a CCVS vice principal who organized the day. The event featured displays staffed by a variety of community agencies including: Beyond 21; Cornwall Community Hospital Child and Youth Counselling Services; Single Point Access; and Laurencrest Youth Services. Parents could find out about transition services for native students with special needs moving on to work or post-secondary studies, job programs for youth, student support services for special needs students attending college, recreational opportunities, mental health support and housing services. Debra Brault, the mother of two teenaged sons on the autism spectrum, said she appreciated the information day. She used the event to gain information about Community Living, academic support available for her eldest son through the St. Lawrence College Community Integration through Cooperative Education program and community sports activities for her younger son. ?Parents of kids with special needs have to do a lot of searching to find out what?s available from all these different agencies,? said Brault. ?There is so much digging. Having something like this just makes it so much easier for us.?
News & Pol it ics Guy Lauzon, Member of Parl iament (St ormont -Dundas-Sout h Gl engarry) was pl eased wit h t he success of t he t wo passport cl inics in Sout h Gl engarry and Nort h Dundas Townships. Hundreds of applications were processed between both venues, with crowds congregating well before the official start of the clinic. Photographers were available to people who needed passport photos, and office staff were charged with verifying and reviewing applications for error.
MP Lauzon?s office has processed over 61,000 passport applications to date through both the constituency offices and clinics. Over 450 applications were processed and shipped to Passport Canada from the two recent clinics ?I am extremely pleased with the overwhelming attendance at both of our clinics.," said Lauzon. "My constituents living in the counties have told me how much they appreciate this ?one stop passport shop? coming to their backyard, saving them a trip to Cornwall. My office and I always appreciate this opportunity to interact with constituents and we look forward to hosting another series of passport clinics this fall.?
PARADE AND MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL SUNDAY 31 JULY 2016 The parade starts at 11:00 am From École secondaire Publique L'Héritage , 1111 chemin Montréal, Cornwall Registration from 9 am and It ends at the Cornwall Civic Complex Parking Lot (floats and vehicles), and at the Lions Bandshell in Lamoureux Park LAMOUREUX PARK ACTIVITIES PROGRAM -
Multicultural performances (Singers, Dancers, Bands, etc.) Food vendors - taste from around the world Artists (vendors) Small businesses promotion and sales Non-profit and profit promotion and sales Children 's activities 50/ 50 and basket raffles Gigantic silent auction Plaques and trophies presentation winner of the best country's presentation (table) floats - ethnic groups floats - businesses commercial vehicles private vans cars (decorated) pedal bikes (decorated) scooters/ wheelchairs (decorated) Costplay' costumes (children including 12 years old. teenagers, adults from 20 years old).
For additional information, send an email at info@pardeofnations.com or call Parade of nations at 613-936-6873.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Superhero wearing CAPE spot t ed at Benson Cent re Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario ? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it?s Super Kid! A young super hero wearing a cape and mask was spotted flying in front of the Benson Centre on Saturday afternoon. He was just one of about six thousand who got their capes on and attended the second annual Cornwall & Area Pop Event. The two day event took place on Saturday April 23rd and Sunday April 24th at the Benson Centre. From cosplayers to gamers to pop culture enthusiast to family fun, this event had something for everything. CAPE celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek with six guest from the original series: BarBara Luna, Sean Kenney, Michael Forest, Sally Kellerman, Louise Sorel, and Beverly Washburn. Each appeared in the original Star Trek along side iconic characters like Captain Kirk (played by William Shatner) and Mr. Spock (played by Leonard Nimoy). Although famous for Star Trek each actor and actress has an impressive resume. For example Sally Kellerman received an Oscar nomination for her role in the movie M*A*S*H, while Sean Kenney was in the movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks, and BarBara Luna starred in movies with James Stewart and Frank Sinatra. Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire actress Noelle Hannibal was also in attendance. Other celebrity guest include Brian O?Halloran, Marilyn Ghigliotti, and Ernie O?Donnell who each appeared in the Kevin Smith movie Clerks. Brian O?Halloran was sporting a New York Rangers jersey. See Jason Setnyk?s interview with Brian O?Halloran here. Walking Dead, Furious 7, and Hunger Games actor Steve Coulter was a featured guest too, along with Walking Dead zombies Chris Harrelson and Coleman Youmanswill. Award winning comic book artist Dan Parent, best known for his work in Archie Comics, was sketching away at CAPE. So was artist Geof Isherwood who has done work for Marvel Comics including such titles as Silver Surfer, Conan the Barbarian, Daredevil, and Doctor Strange. In addition to celebrities, cosplay artists, and vendors, there was also a very special highlight to the event Saturday night. CAPE co-organizers Carol (Grant) and Randy Sauve tied the knot and got married. Carol was dressed as Wonder Woman while Randy?s suit mimicked the red and blue of Superman. For more information on CAPE visit: www.cornwal l popevent .com
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
BAKER The Cornwal l and Area Pop Exhibit ion (CAPE) brought in cl ose t o 6000 peopl e l ast weekend. This was the second year of CAPE, and it was a two day event this time around. As exhibitors, John and I began setting up our display on Friday evening, and got the green screen and computer equipment up and tested with our camera. We arrived early the next morning to do some final testing before the doors officially opened at 10:00 a.m. The public began coming in slower than last year, which gave us a chance to speak to people and invite them over for an instant photo. I remember from last year that there was more of a crowd that came through at first, which then died down slowly as the day went on. But this year, it was nice and steady pretty much throughout the day.
SOYOUWANTTOBEA DJ? and last weekend at CAPE these kids got to do just that with DJ Shellshock ...
The organizers, Randy Sauve and Carol Grant were married on t he Sat urday evening, and we were invited to be one of several photographers taking wedding photos. It was quite a unique wedding, with Darth Vador walking the bride-to-be up the aisle, R2D2 giving the ring to Randy's grandson Grayson, and Ace Ventura pretending to have an objection to the wedding taking place. I had never seen a wedding with a cosplay theme like this, and it was pretty amazing to behold. On Sunday, people once more began arriving at 10:00 when the doors opened, and it seemed brisk all day long until about 4:00. Since ~CAPE~ was finished at 5:00, this seemed about right, as it was getting a bit late for new arrivals. Although John and I offered "green screen photography", with your choice of background, edited and printed on a high quality postcard for just five dollars, we still made money due to the large number of cosplayers who came through and had their photo taken by us. We also made even more connections with local and not-so-local people in the business, and fondly greeted those we had met at the previous ~CAPE~ who had returned from out of town. Jason Set nyk of ~The Seeker~ t ook l ot s of phot os, including one of us with a cosplayer (as Jack Sparrow)at our green screen. We edited it into a final image, and share it here. I think it may be the first collaboration between any Cornwall photographers, but it was an opportunity waiting to happen, since Jason took the photo of us in front of our green screen ... it begged to be completed by us. John and I truly enjoyed the experience of ~CAPE~, as we had the year before, and got to meet many famous, and not-yet- so -famous people. We also got to see (and I got to sit in) the DeLorean from ''Back to the Future'', the ambulance from 'Ghostbusters' and even Kitt, the car from ''Knight Rider'', all former movies or TV series'. Plenty of professional cosplayers were on hand too, as well as book authors, cartoonists, artists, and many other creative types. Merchandise of all kinds was available too, from comic books to magic wands, jewelry, books, and so much more. There was certainly something for everyone in attendance, no matter where your tastes in Comic or Pop culture lay. Everyone that John and I spoke with were delighted and very positive, as this event was Fantastic, and it left the public in a happy state of mind.. One of my favourite guests, Ace Ventura, a young man from Montreal by the real name of Simon Fontaine, left a trail of laughter and joy wherever he went. He was loud, and funny, and impossible to ignore, making everyone in his path smile. Many of Cornwall's hotels, motels and restaurants benefitted from the people in from out of town, as the city was bustling with many added people over the weekend. All thanks to ~CAPE's~ Organizers, Randy & Carol Sauve and All of their VOLUNTEERS!!! The overall feeling of this Special Pop Event was extremely positive, and many people are now already looking forward to ~CAPE 2017!!! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!! P.S. Read more about what went on at ~CAPE~ in my column on page 11, ~ Positively Marlene~. M~
A good time was had by all the DJs...
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
"Hi g h courtesy
Tea" of "Down
i n Co r n wal l
Town Abbey"
On Su n d ay, M ay 1 5 t h , "Hi g h Tea" wi l l b e ser ved at Th e NAV Cen t r e in Cornwal l , l ocat edat 1950Mont realRd.
Th e Hi st o r y o f Aft er n o o n Tea
Mrs Haycock, the Housekeeper, and Thomas Fullerton, the newly appointed Butler will partake in the event.
Tea consum ption incr eased dr am atically dur ing the ear ly nineteenth centur y and it is ar ound this tim e that Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedfor d is said to have com plained of "having that sinking feeling" dur ing the late after noon. At the tim e it w as usual for people to take only tw o m ain m eals a day, br eakfast, and dinner at ar ound 8 o'clock in the evening. The solution for the Duchess w as a pot of tea and a light snack, taken pr ivately in her boudoir dur ing the after noon. Later fr iends w er e invited to join her. Befor e long all of fashionable society w as sipping tea and nibbling sandw iches in the m iddle of the after noon.
The NAV Centre's Executive Chef Luc McCabe, a recent competitor on the Food Network's Chopped Canada, will prepare the delectable Down Town Abbey "High Tea" Menu.
Now adays, som e Br itish hotels ser ve a 'high tea'. Tr aditionally, the upper classes w ould ser ve a 'low ' or 'after noon' tea ar ound four o'clock . The m iddle and low er classes w ould have a m or e substantial 'high' tea later in the day, at five or six o'clock, in place of a late dinner. The nam es der ive fr om the height of the tables on w hich the m eals ar e ser ved, high tea tr aditionally being ser ved at the dinner table.
High Tea will be served at approximately 3.00 pm., during the intermission of Participation Music Hall Theatre's Production of "A Down Town Abbey Spring Special ." The show starts at 2 pm. The Lady of the House, Lady Atherby Handcock insisted on High Tea being served on the auspicious occasion of Participation Music Hall Theatre's Production of "A Do wn To wn Ab b ey Sp r i n g Sp eci al feat u r i n g M ay Fl o wer s an d Nau g h t y Go i n g s On ."
Wh at i s Hi g h Tea?
Th e NAV M en u Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea CruditĂŠs & Dip Pasta Salad Assorted Finger Sandwiches served on White & Whole Wheat Bread Chef's Choice of Assorted Desserts & Cookies Ticket s f or t he High Tea pl us Part icipat ion Music Hal l Theat re's "A Down Town Abbey Spring Special " are $45 each, incl uding t ax and service charges. What would you expect from "Down Town Abbey" but good English protocol? HighTea At Three. So join us at the NAV Centre in Cornwall for a mĂŠlange of musical madness where Louis Armstrong and Betty Smith meet Mr. Bean and Monty Python for a fun filled celebratory afternoon, which includes a delicious British High Tea. You're bound t o say "Jol l y Good Show Ol d Chap!"
To buy tickets call Robert Hardy @ 613-525-9943 or visit www.part icipat iont hemusic.com
The dr inking of tea not only becam e a social event for the upper classes, it alter ed the tim e and m anner in w hich they took tea. For the r ich, After noon Tea becam e the br idge betw een m eals because m any w ouldn't eat their evening m eal until m aybe 8pm . As such, After noon Tea becam e a 'm ini m eal' in itself. This w as all w ell and good for the upper classes, but the w or king classes r an to a differ ent schedule and a differ ent budget. Tea w as still quite expensive at the tim e and the w or king classes could not affor d to w aste it. A tir ed w or ker w ouldn't ar r ive hom e until six in the evening, and w hen he did, you m ay be sur e he w as hungr y! Thus, in nor ther n England and souther n Scotland (the industr ial ar eas), the w or king classes' evening m eal evolved: "High Tea." High Tea usually involved a m ug of tea, br ead, vegetables, cheese and occasionally m eat. Var iations could include the addition of pies, potatoes and cr acker s. So w hile After noon Tea w as lar gely a social event for their upper class counter par ts, High Tea w as a necessar y m eal in the eighteenth and nineteenth centur ies. This tr aditional High Tea still exists for som e par ts of the Nor th of England and the South of Scotland.
Wh y i s i t cal l ed 'Hi g h Tea'? A possible explanation w hy this type of m eal w as called 'High Tea' is the fact that it w as eaten at a table. In com par ison, After noon Tea w as taken w hilst seating in low , com for table chair s or sofas. Of cour se, soon after , the upper classes developed their ow n var iation and also called it 'high tea'. For them , it w as a m eal that could be eaten w hen their ser vants w er e aw ay or not available, as it w as so easy to pr epar e.
Pe te r
solution to their overall well-being. One thing I mentioned in my last article is the importance of self-care. This is what it all boils down to. Our own needs [as caregivers] are just as important. If we are not well, it?s harder to help someone else to recovery. I am including two tips I?ve found very useful to assist us in this concept so that we can get back to being that great advocate for our loved one.
DESRO SIERS Support ing a Loved One When someone you love has been diagnosed with a mental illness, you are going to feel a ?gamut? of emotions ranging from panic to guilt to relief and everything in between. The caveat to take from this: All of these emotions are understandable and normal. There, I?ve said it!
1. Learn More ? Take the time to learn more about mental illnesses. The NAMI Family-to-Family Peer Education Course is a great segue into this endeavour. However just going to a local library, or even scouring the information highway [the Internet], you can find a plethora of information through many provincial or local branches of community organizations dedicated to assisting those with mental illnesses.
Most of the time we feel that no matter how much we try to fix the situation, there?s always something else we can do. You have to remember that YOU are NOT to blame for a loved one?s mental illness. Mental illnesses are caused by various factors that work together such as genetics, environment, and life experiences.
2. Join a Support Group ? This venue is very therapeutic for some people to know that they can come to a place and connect with people who understand what they?re going through. We are very fortunate in Cornwall to have such a support group established. The Cornwall & District Family Support Group meets once a month, and for more information on this support group, please visit our website at ht t p:/ / www.List enToFamil ies.ca.
Your role as a caregiver can play a huge role in helping a person recover, work towards their goals and stay well. This is all great to hear; however, you're sometimes stressed out to the limit, and you feel like part of the problem and not part of the
Or it could be as simple as reading a book, having coffee with a friend, going for a walk, swimming, etc. The aim here is to give your loved one 100% of your best self rather than a smaller percentage of your stressed-out self. The key isto find what works for you and run with it.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION SUNDAY CLOSURE Please note that the Library will be closed Sundays beginning May 8th (Mother's Day) up to and including Sunday, September 4th. The opening hours for the rest of the week remain the same.
4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. - 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
Hot Summer ? Hot Movies
See our Summer Movie Fest ival List of movies on our websit e. Begins May 19.
Sat urday, April 30 Mot her?s Day Program (Ages: 5 to 8) 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. You forgot to get a gift for Mom? No worries!
We?ll help you make one!
Monday, May 2 Time f or Twos (2 year old and child's parent or caregiver) 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Engl ish Corner - Jim Desson 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday, May 3
Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Fl ying Needl es Knitting for fun. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Wednesday, May 4 The Forum 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The FORUM is an evolving community that shares ideas, emotions and truths." - David Rawnsley, program facilitator. Bambins à l a bil bio (0 à 2 ans) 10 h à 10 h 30 Apprendre en jouant (0 à 5 ans) 10 h 30 à 12 h Heure du cont e 10 h à 12 h
Thursday, May 5
Cornwal l Scrabbl e Great activity for adults who love a challenge. 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m. St oryt ime (f or 3 t o 5 year ol ds) 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Baby Tal es 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
SPRING USED BOOK SALE - 2 books f or $1 Friday, April 29 and Sat urday, April 30 at Cornwall Public Library. - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC APR
U P?
Karaoke and Dance wit h Mike Rivet t e Every Friday in April, starting at 7:00 pm-Navy Vets-30 Sixth St. E. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org Karaoke Wit h Georgie At 7:30 pm. Army-Navy-Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. CTC Breakf ast After having stayed silent for 50 years, first out of fear nobody would believe him, and then to protect his family, award-winning filmmaker Peter O?Brian tells his own story of being a victim of childhood sexual abuse when CogecoTV brings you coverage of the Children?s Treatment Center Bike-a-thon Plus Kickoff Breakfast Friday, April 29th at 7 pm Spring Rummage Sal e From 10 am to 12:30 pm. Trinity Anglican Church 105 2nd St W. Count ry Cl assicsJammingFrom 7 pm to 10 pm. Royal Canadian Legion,415 2nd St. W.
Cooper Marsh Spring Fl ing From 2 pm to 4 pm inside the visitor center, 20020 County Road 2, Lancaster. Tickets 25$ on sale at Raisin River Conservation office at Gray's Creek.
OPEN HOUSE at t he Cl inic of Ashl ey McDonal d, RMT. in the Wellness Medical Centre (next to Home Hardware). Guest Speakers, Refreshments, free chair massages. 11am-2pm FREE EVENT
MONDAY Your ad woul d be here had you cal l ed it in! Next t ime don't f orget ! Cal l 613-935-3763
Soup& SandwichLunchFrom11:30 am to 1 pm.St.Andrew's-St.Mark's UnitedChurch,JohnsonCr.,Long Sault.Includesdessert& beverage:6$ with take-outavailable
Moccasin Model Rail road Cl ub Meet ing At 7:30 pm. St. Mathews Lutheran Church, 1509 2nd St. W. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome to attend.
THURSDAY GRAND OPENING of LOWES Brookdal e Ave. 10:00 am
Discover ENJO at the Ramada Inn at 7pm - see ad below. Experience Taize A service of prayer, song & contemplation for the ascension of Jesus on Thursday, May 5th at 7 pm. Knox-St.Paul's United Church, 800 12th St. E.
Aul t svil l e Theat re Benef it Concert At 8 pm. 2 St. Lawrence Dr. Featuring Centennial Choir of Cornwall & local talent. Tickets 20$. Civic Complex Box Office, Home Hardware & Cornwall Square lottery kiosk. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
Karaoke Wit h Georgie At 7:30 pm. Army-Navy-Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N.
W H A T 'S
Music Wit h Count ry Links From 7 pm to 11 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Indoor Yard & Bake Sal e From 9 am to 1 pm. Cornwall Pentecostal Church, 208 2nd St. E. Sat urdays At The Navy Cl ub Music entertainment from 3 pm, 30 6th St. E. April 23rd: Mike & Gilles, April 30th: Billy Gabriel HOLLOCAUST REMEMBERANCE DAY 1pm at Knox -St. Paul's United Church. Ad pg 9
Communit y Showcase Long Saul t Sponsored by Friendl y Circl e Seniors Cl ub # 336 SATURDAY MAY 7 FREE ENTRY 10am to 4pm
Did you know... If you are a not for profit corporation, you could qualify to advertise at a 50% discount on our regular rates... f or more inf o cal l Jul ia at 613-935-3763 ext . 101 or Mai-Liis at 613-935-3763 ext . 102
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Linda GIFT
invit es
a Gr e a t G fo r Mo t h ift Id ea e r 'sD a y ! Momw ou l dl ov et o sp en dt im w it hy o
you t o ...
u an d Mic e helPagl ia r o!
SPRING Local Spring Lamb GIFTCERTIFICATES avail abl e
Gif t s f or MOTHERS DAY Fresh Veggies and Pies
OPEN HOUSE this Saturday, April 30
an d Op en i n g M ay 1 st GARDEN CENTRE & CAR WASH Vincent Massey Drive & Power Dam Bot h open dail y 8am
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Sha ry n
THO M PSO N Do you remember my col umn I wrot e l ast summer about my dear and ol d f riend Judy's 4 ingredient brownies. I got t he recipe when I was at t ending a baby shower f or her sweet daught er Janice who was expect ing f or November. Last week, I got t o see and hol d and snuggl e Janice's darl ing wee son Finn. He is a jol l y, chubby l it t l e f el l ow. His grandparent s Ken and Judy just gl ow wit h happiness as t hey wat ch and pl ay and cuddl e him. Judy made l unch f or me and her Aunt Dorot hy who was al so visit ing t o see Janice and Finn. For dessert , Judy gave us a bowl of her Sunshine Cake t opped wit h some whipped cream. It was so yummy, of course, I had t o get t he recipe! You just l ayer everyt hing and bake it . Simpl e as t hat . I t ook some pict ures of Finn and his Mom and Grandma. It has been a l ong t ime since I got t o hol d a wee baby. I had a great t ime! Thanks Judy f or al ways having a wonderf ul recipe t o share wit h us and being such a good f riend! Have a great week!
Grease a 9" x 13" baking pan. Set your oven to 350 degrees F.
In order: - Pour the can of crushed pineapple into the baking pan. Spread it out evenly.
Next, spoon the pie filling over the crushed pineapple. Try to gently spread it over to cover the pineapple with it.
Sprinkle the dry cake mix over the blueberry pie filling.
Melt the butter and drizzle it over top of the dry cake mix.
Lastly, sprinkle the coconut over the melted butter.
1- 19oz. can of crushed pineapple (use the juice and pineapple) 1 can or our bulk 2 cup container of blueberry, cherry or raspberry pie filling ( I used blueberry) 1 pkg. of golden or white cake mix (dry, as is) 1 cup melted butter 1/ 2 cup of Angel flake coconut ( I used 2 large handfuls of coconut, probably 1- 1/ 4 cups of coconut)
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Articleby Mai-LiisRenaud.,PhotosSheldonGrant
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Last Saturday evening at La Maison,Cornwall'smusic lovers were treated to a concert by The Box which was bought to us by Jeff Brunet of Alkaline Entertainment. I had the pleasureof interviewingthe band a few weeks ago and meeting them before the concert.Here I am in the photo with Jeff Brunet and of course the Box. To me the highlight of the evening was when they did their rendition of Purple Rain in honour of Prince who recently passed at the age of 57 - a great event!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
Hello ther e to all of you beautiful and handsom e people r eading the m ost positive paper in the Cor nw all and the S. D. & G. ar ea. W hat a w ild and cr azy kind of w eek w ith all of these differ ent types of w eather thr ow n at us... Sunshine, Rain, Dr izzle, and even a m ini Snow Stor m thr ow n into the m ix on Tuesday m or ning!!! COM E ON NOW M OTHER NATURE GIVE US A BREAK, ALREADY!!! Despite this cr azy w eather , the m ulti-colour ed cr ocuses & tulips and the pr etty, yellow and w hite daffodills ar e shooting up their pr etty faces tow ar ds the w ar m sunshine, to show off this year 's Spr ing colour s. M y, How I Love Seeing All Of The Signs Of Spr ing!!! Do m ake sur e to get Out & About to obser ve, touch and even sm ell all of these differ ent sm all m ir acles that Spr ing br ings back each and ever y year. M ake sur e to br ing along a fr iend or fam ily m em ber to accom pany you on your "Spr ing Walk About." It m akes the exper ience a little m or e better and m uch m or e funner w hen you ar e shar ing it w ith som ebody else. Spr ing Is In The Air !!! I TEM OF THE W EEK: This w eek I have chosen a pair of hand-m ade, w ooden book ends. They look like w ee w izar ds fr om ~The Lor d of the Rings~. I bought them for John fr om ~Value Village~ for ONLY $6.99!!! W her e else could you get som ething so unique like this for such a cheap pr ice??? Do m ake sur e to check out our local thr ift stor es for your ver y ow n tr easur es and unique item s. Happy Shopping!!! John Lister and I, of w w w.photodr eam s.ca, w er e at the BIG ~CAPE~ event held at the ~Benson Centr e~ last w eekend. We set up our 20 ft. gr een scr een and had sever al backgr ounds for the patr ons in costum e (or not) to choose fr om . All they had to do w as stand behind the or ange line and SM ILE for m e as I counted dow n fr om 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... then * CLICK* their photo w as taken!!! W ithin a m inute, an INSTANT PHOTO w as m ade fr om our ~Photo Dr eam s~ softw ar e to have as a keepsake. I even got to w ear thr ee differ ent costum es thr oughout the w eekend. The Co-or dinator s (Randy & Car ol Sauve) ar e estim ating that near ly 6,000 people cam e thr ough the door s fr om Cor nw all, Kingston, M ontr eal, the 1,000 Islands and m any other par ts of Ontar io. They got to see all kinds of Sci-fi & Anim e people, cr eatur es, w eapons and even som e cool vehicles, like "The DeLor ian," fr om the m ovie, "Back To The Futur e" and "Kitt" fr om the t.v. ser ies, "Night Rider ," as w ell as the Ghostbuster s' vehicle. This year , sever al of the "Star Tr ek" m em ber s attended ~CAPE~ that w er e fr om the or iginal televison ser ies. They w er e, and still ar e, celebr ating their 50th year since the ser ies began in the 1960's!!! (W hen I w as bor n.) I not only got to see them , but M s. Sally Keller m an w ho played Dr. Elizabeth Dehner and M ajor M ar gar et "Hot Lips" O'Houlihan in the 1970 sm ash hit M * A* S* H* w as at my booth chatting w ith my gr anddaughter Abigail and I about the cr ocheted toys, ~Look -A-Likes~ that her and her m other , M elinda had m ade so that she could have som e spending m oney at ~CAPE~. It w as quite a thr ill for m e to talk to her and I w as "star -stunned" and couldn't br ing myself to ask if she m inded taking a photo w ith m e. But later on that after noon I hugged M s. Keller m an and told her that she w as one of my favor ite star s on "Star Tr ek". I didn't get to have my photo taken w ith her , but I feel that per sonally talking and getting to hug her w er e m uch m or e pr iceless. Live Long &
Pr osper !!! M any other per sonalities such as Ace Ventur a, "Chew y" fr om Star War s and even som e of the Stor m Tr ooper s w er e stom ping ar ound like r eal Space Soldier s. The Ghost Buster s, Wolver ine and The X-M en fr om M ontr eal w er e ther e for all to see and chat w ith as w ell. Ther e w er e all kinds of vender s selling their w ar es over the tw o day event... fr om knitted hats & scar ves, to hand-painted or hand dr aw n pictur es and lots of poster s and toys of all kinds to choose fr om . Ther e w er e all kinds of cr afts, such as hand-m ade w ooden jew ler y, to butter flies and dr agonflies that w er e encased in som e kind of "plastic coating" to show off their beautiful colour s and to m ake them last for ever. Lots of differ ent author s of novels and com ics w er e selling their books and ther e w er e even som e designer s of Steam Punk clothing and accessor ies on hand, (if you w er e into that kind of stuff... like m e). All in all, it w as a per fect w eekend to get your CAPE ON!!! Even M other Natur e w as co-oper ative and gave us a cool, but sun-shiny w eekend to enjoy. TI P OF THE W EEK: DO NOT Be Im pr essed W ith: 1. M oney. 2. Follow er s. 3. Degr ees. 4. Titles. DO Be Im pr essed W ith: 1. Gener osity. 2. Integr ity. 3. Hum ility 4. Kindness. Please Pay It For w ar d ... In Any For m Of Kindness!!! I feel the best par t of this w eekend goes to the "COOLEST W EDDING" that John and I, and per haps m any other s had ever attended. Randy & Car ol got m ar r ied w ith a cr ow d of 2 to 300 people attending their special nuptuals. Dar th Vader gave the Br ide- ToBe aw ay, R2D2 gave Gr ayson, (Randy's gr andson) the r ing, and Ace Ventur a w as the only one to object to the couple getting m ar r ied. He, (Sim on Fontaine of M ontr eal) w as r ather funny and he m ade ever yone ar ound him liter ally LOL, and SM ILE fr om ear to ear. Their FABULOUS w edding cake w as m ade r ight her e in Cor nw all by ~Fair y Sw eet Chocolate~. John and I hear d a lot of positive feedback fr om m any of the vender s, the public and even the guests that attended this year. Thank you Randy & Car ol for all of the m any long hour s and all of the har d w or k you both put in to m ake this "Incr edible Event" possible. I also w ant to give a HUGE THANKS to ALL of the VOLUNTEERS w ho helped out this year. W ithout all of your dedicated help and tim e ~CAPE~ w ouldn't have r un so Successfully or so Sm oothly. John & I, the m any Vendor s, the Guests and all of the Patr ons look for w ar d to attending ~CAPE 2017~!!! FAM I LY NEW S: M y eldest and fir stbor n, M elinda, tur ned the BIG 36, yester day!!! M y dear daughter , w e have gone thr ough a lot of Ups & Dow ns thr oughout the m any year s together. You w er e the one to give m e my fir st gr andson and gr anddaughter. You w er e ther e w hen I needed love and som ew her e to live. You w er e ther e w ith m e thr oughout our gr ow ing up year s. You helped m e out so m uch in the r ear ing of the other six childr en. I thank you fr om the bottom of my hear t for all that you have done and w ill do for m e in the futur e. I look for w ar d to the upcom ing year s having fun w ith you and your four beautiful childr en. I hope that you liked your gifts and that you enjoyed your "Special Day" w ith m e and the r est of the fam ily. Love Alw ays & For ever ly, M om UNTI L NEXT W EEK: You know w e get so w or r ied about being Pr etty...Let's Be Pr etty Kind, Pr etty Funny, Pr etty Sm ar t and m ost of all, Pr etty Str ong!!! I Say," The Wom en That Sm ile, Ar e The Pr ettiest!!!" Just Sayin'
M a r lene Ba ker of w w w.fa shionogr a phy.ca & w w w.photodr ea ms.ca
an dRem em b er t o vi si t : www.theseeker.c fo r yo u r"Dai l yDo se"o fCo m m u n i t yNews!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ consumption to the point that continually buying more has become the norm and as a result you are drowning. You keep accumulating more, and more, and more until you are totally suffocating. So what?s the solution?
M a rie
Stop the Flow of Temptation Temptation is everywhere. Even though you went to the store to purchase a specific item, you become immediately drawn in to all the pretty, shiny, things. What! Does it matter if you didn?t really need it? Your desire created the need. The f irst st ep in l iving a cl ut t er-f ree l if e is t o commit t o st opping t his f l ow.
Sometimes it means avoiding your favourite stores; for others avoid the thrift stores or garage sale hopping. It means winning the mental battle and convincing yourself that what you have is already enough.
Often, I get a call from clients living in a regular? mots common? size home, lets say 1400 sq. feet, wanting me to help them find more room for their belongings in their home filled up to the brim.
Ruthlessly Purge Paring down the number of things you already have is the next phase of the battle. Give yourself permission toonly keep the things currently useful, despitewho gave them to you or how much they cost. This can be really hard, especially at first. That?s where the ruthless part comes in.
Most of my clients laments about their lack of storage space. Their closets, cupboards, cabinets, attics, basements, and garages are bursting at the seams. Their request, "Where on earth should I keep all my stuff?" The idea of ever becoming truly organized sometimes seems hopeless because there is just no space. The problem is not a lack of storage space; the real problem is too much stuff.
As you sort through your things, ask yourself these questions: -
The reason our grandparents and great-grandparents could live with a handful of tiny closets in their 1400 square foot homes is that they simply didn?t accumulate the massive quantities of things that we have today. The irony is that all these gadgets and appliances and modern conveniences are supposed to somehow make our lives easier, and instead they just add to the noise, the stress, and the clutter.
I f you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com
To live a truly organized and orderly life, you have to change your thinking completely. Unless you are determined to let go of what you do no use or need, it wil l never happen. Modern culture has glorified
Do I use it, wear it, or play with it? Do these clothes still fit? Is it in good working condition? Does it enrich my life in some way? Does it have sentimental value? Could someone else use it more?
Next week: introducing ' Categorize, Set strict limits and value quality over quantity'.
ROLLING OUT THE RED CARPET It's That Time Of The Year Again... Time for Seekers Choice Awards
Hereare t he TOP5 in eachcat egory- NOWIT'STIMEt o cast your vot ef or t he WINNERS... 1. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
HOME BASED BUSINESS - Awakening Angels School For Healing & Enlightenment
- Lola's Pub & Grub - Fairy Sweet - Floral Expressions
- Brian Hubelit - Jenny Szymkowiak - Katalin Kennedy
8. Pl ease vot e f or t he VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR - Shelley Boisvenue
4. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
- Rose Desnoyers
- Alkaline Entertainment
7. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
- Coleman's Mod & Repair
- McMaze - Poppin Makeup 2. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
Hair2Dye4 Esca Marrow & Spice DunetCommunications Network Readyor Naught(adultcontent)
3. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
EXISTING BUSINESS - Sharyn's Pantry - Liberty Tax Service
Alison Wonderland Band Marc Brault Marc Muir 5 Guys and a Box
- Wendy Hudson - John Lister - Shannon Ferguson
- Stephanie Carriere - Paul Aubin - Corey Disotell
- Cathy Heenan
Our charit y of choice t his year is:
- Tracey Valade
- Sarah Massia
5. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e
- Lesley Ellam
- Cameron MacPhee
8. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e ATHLETE - Zachary Zwanenburg
- JosĂŠe SauvĂŠ
- Susan Pomykalski
- Marlene Baker
- Mary Patrick
- Marie Morrell
- Brianna Ladouceur
- Sharyn Thompson
Go t o www.t heseeker.ca t o vot eOR t o BECOME A SPONSOR or dropof f your choices at t he SeekerOf f ice
- Kathleen Morris - Rose Desnoyers
Vot e-Vot e-Vot e!
Justin Juice Labelle Pierre Giroux Alan Bain Jennifer Shearer Jane MacMillan
6. Pl ease vot e f or your f avourit e LITERARY ARTIST - Shannon Ferguson - Joan Levy-Earle
- Braxton Dalessio
Pl ease vot e f or your f avourit e SEEKER CONTRIBUTOR - Countess Trottzier - Jenni MacDonald - Steve Burke
Want to become a Sponsor ? Call today 613-935-3763 - only a few opportunities left ... Jo se e
SAUVE Tax Tip 13 So t he t ax deadl ine has passed and you still haven?t filed your taxes. Not a big deal as long as you don?t have a balance owing. If you do have a balance owing, then you will be subject to penalties and interest on income tax returns filed late at a rate of 5% a month (with a cap of 12 months). For example, if you had a balance owing of $1000 and did not file until 6 months after the due date of April 30th, your balance owing would automatically be assessed a $340 penalty plus interest.
The Child Tax Benefit program has also changed their rules. Prior to 2015, CTB would give a one month grace period for CTB benefits. If you failed to file your taxes on time, they would still provide those entitled to CTB (baby bonus) with their July payments. They no longer do this ? if you don?t file by mid-May at the latest, you will not receive your July CTB. Don?t forget, if you don?t file, you will not get your July GST benefit or your Ontario Trillium benefit. There are so many positive reasons to file your tax return each year and to file them on time. If you haven?t filed your taxes in several years, remember that back filing is better than not filing so you can take advantage of all the benefits and credits that are available to you. If you haven?t filed for several years because you don?t have your slips, you can call Revenue Canada at 1-800-959-8281 and ask them for a copy of all your T-slips for the years you haven?t filed. Once you get them, you will be ready to file ! For more tax tips and tax related frequently asked questions, visit my website at www.sauvet axservices.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Ste p he n
Cho o sing Yo ur Ne xt Co mp ute r
Buying a computer based upon price is unwise. However, paying 30% to 50% more for a computer just because it has a stylish fruit-shaped logo on it never made much sense to me either. With a standard computer, you have a choice of Windows or some version of Linux. With a new Apple computer, you get OS X. Yes, you can install Windows or Linux on a new Apple computer, but most Apple enthusiasts will ask why one would want to do such a thing.
Normally, I'd suggest that Apple computers have no technical advantage over other computers. Apple computers use many of the same components that Dell, HP, Lenovo, MSI, Asus and other brands of computers use. What sets Apple apart from the rest is that the operating system (OS) is tied to relatively narrow selection of specific hardware. This makes it easier for Apple to support their product. Windows tries to
data will be sent to Microsoft. There are several websites dedicated to providing instructions on how to reduce Microsoft's intrusion on your privacy. Unfortunately, reducing Windows 10's intrusive behaviour also reduces the effectiveness of many of the new features. Why does Microsoft track its users? To find out which programs are used, to track preferences, to gain an in-depth knowledge of what the users do with the computers. With this kind of data, Microsoft can more effectively market products and services to its users. It can also gain insights into what additional features Windows users would like. All in all, it doesn't sound like a bad situation, but I don't like it. Neither do a lot of other computer professionals. Is Apple any better with their OS X? Well, there was a bit of concern about privacy issues with Spotlight and Safari, and there is standard error tracking, but the general consensus is that Apple is not nearly as invasive as Microsoft when it concerns their respective operating systems.
support a much larger selection of hardware and software options. It could be said that Windows allows for a more customized computer, thus allowing the customer to configure the system the way they want.
What does this all mean? When selecting your next, new computer, you have to be prepared to make a very important decision. If you select a Windows 10 computer, you have to realize that saving
For this reason, I have always held that Windows based computers have a huge advantage over Apple computers: they cost less and are more customizable. However, with most new computers being configured
30% to 50% will cost you a great deal of privacy. If you select a Windows 10 computer, you must not care who is tracking, recording and reporting virtually everything you do on your computer.
with Windows 10, I have been forced to re-evaluate the Windows vs OS X situation.
If you value your privacy, you will likely pay a lot more for a new computer and purchase an Apple product. And, if you are technically savvy, you may instead select some version of Linux.
Pl ease Contact Jul ie
at 613-870-2788
um b it ch D in e en u s g , P e W , ti M Li r gh in Ba ng o p f c l t d o t h , pi n o r ea Sp w s r o g, ni r i , o m ng ng s,
cu Va
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Al l contracts f or service wil l be min 2hours
m ed
n a e Professional's Cl
g! in
The Propert y: These properties must be single family properties and the occupant must be either the borrowers themselves or a family member. A Secondary Home or Lif eSt yl e Advant age Propert y is required to have all of the permanent property amenities such as a full foundation, permanent heat source and potable water source. If the property is a Vacat ion Home, it does not necessarily need to be winterized or have potable water source. Some vacation properties do not have year round road access and these circumstances are allowed as well. The Borrowers: Borrowers typically must have an Equifax Beacon credit score of at least 650 for all programs. The operating costs of the property must be covered completely by the income of the borrowers. No rental income or contributory income can be used from the property to qualify for the mortgage. The Mort gage: Down payment for Vacat ion Homes must come from the borrowers?resources but a Secondary Home down payment can also come from a gift from a family member. For the
Jenni MacDonal d (www.jmacdonal d.ca) isa Mort gage Broker wit h Dominion Lending Cent res The Mort gage Source (Lic.# 10145).She has over 5 years of experience in t he Mort gage Indust ry and works wit h at l east 40 l enders incl uding banks, credit unions, and privat e l enders t o f ind t he best mort gage f or each cl ient . You can cont act her by phone or t ext at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonal d@dominionl ending.ca
There are situations when a borrower is looking to purchase a ?second home?. Some scenarios include, needing a city property to cut down on the long commute during the week, a child heading to school, a vacation property, a parent needing to live close-by, etc. Genworth and Canada Guaranty have programs available for Canadians to purchase these types of properties with as little as a 5% down payment. The two programs available through Genworth Insurance are the ?Secondary Homes (Type A)? program and the ?Vacat ion Homes (Type B)? program. Canada Guaranty offers a second home program called ?Lif eSt yl e Advant age?.
If you aren?t sure if your situation qualifies for a ?Second Home? program, please contact Jenni MacDonald anytime for a review of your mortgage needs.
Secondary Home or Famil y Home
Lif eSt yl e Advant age program, down payment can be borrowed or gifted from any arm?s length source. Purchase Plus mortgage products are available for all programs but cash back mortgage products are only available for the Secondary Home program.
$1 0
Next week's t opic: MakerSpace.
If you are thinking of buying a computer, make sure you discuss your needs fully with your local technical sales rep.
w be o r A k l Sq se b o er l P u c ur n d s w r o ea i ed f e k y t y f il l yo ss C b o r ur io l y 10 n a ea t h l' n cl s e
Windows 10 is that the operating system tends to spy on the user. That is to say, if you want to use all the new features of Windows 10, virtually every thing you do on your computer will be tracked and that
This is the perfect time for Apple to reduce their prices by 15% to 25% . A price reduction could convince Windows users to move to Apple.
ec ei v
supported by Windows 10. Older Windows operating systems would not be supported. We are now being forced to choose Windows 10 or OS X. Is that a bad situation? Well, the trending opinion about
Within the next two months, I have to make this decision. Chances are, I will be upgrading to Windows 10. Not because I want to, but because I am being forced to.
According to a press release from Microsoft, three of the major CPU manufacturers, Intel, Qualcomm and AMD, announced in mid January 2016 that they would be releasing CPUs that would only be
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Co unte ss
gooseberries. Your next grouping which can easily be grown amidst the vegetables as companion plantings are herbs: lavender, peppermint,German chamomile, salvias,sage,parsley,and the herbsyou can enjoy are nearly endless.(Lavender and basil can also be plantedin containersnear your patio since thesetwo herbs are excellentas insect repellents.Just walk out and snip off somelavender,rub it alongthe back of your neck,your arms,your anklesand mosquitoesare a thingof the past! Basil is known for keepingflies away; peppermintcan keep rats away; while German chamomile provides a powerful energy that protects all your plants.)
TRO TTIER-TRO TZIER PLANTINGORGANICHAPPINESSGARDENS "Il faut cultiver son jardin." The great French Philosopher,Voltaire,claimedthat an Individual's life purpose is: "We have to cultivate one's garden". Then,we might add ThomasJefferson'spreconditionnecessaryfor one's self-fulfillment,which is: Each Individual'sInalienableRight ... to the "pursuit of Happiness"- as it appearsin one of the World's greatest statementof politicalprinciples:THEDECLARATIONOF INDEPENDENCE. (Thomas Jefferson was an avid collector and grower of heirloom vegetables,fruits, herbs,flowers,and people can still buy some of his heirloomseeds.) At this present time, the necessityto cultivate/ growone's own Organic HappinessGarden is more important than anything else. Why? Like thosetoxic chemtrailsin the sky, destroyingour Right to Enjoy Pure Air, there exist the horrors associated with the Monsanto's tactics to surreptiouslychangeour pure,heirloomseedsinto thingsthat can cause severeillnessand in the longrun cannotprovidethe properand required nutrientsfor our personalwellness.In addition,the very toxicRoundUp herbicideis not only killing 'en masse' OURHONEYBEESbut also OUR SOILSNATURALMICRO-ORGANISMS ... ANDSO MUCHMORE!
Unfortunately,We the Eco-ConsciousPeople are not protectedby the governmentsand the civil servants- whose original duties stated they had to protect and defend us - becauseof the many self-servingefforts by lobbyists representingthe agri-industrialgroups like Monsanto,the pharmaceuticalsand the chemical multinationals,the military industrialcomplex,the oil and nuclear energycompanies. Thus, "We have to cultivateone's garden" and ensure the preservationof our DNA's,by plantingHEIRLOOM,PURESEEDSusing organicgrowingmethods. How doesone proceedto do so? Once you decideto enjoy the harvestsfrom an organicgarden,you select one or moreareasaroundyour homewhereyou wouldlike to have one or moregardens. The typesof gardensare accordingto your presentneedssuch as wantingto have fresh,organicvegetablesand fruits. The next step is to decidewhat you want to grow. Herewithare some ideas: onions,garlic, chives,radishes,lots of lettuce, beets, carrots,tomatoes,potatoes,sweet corn. The fruits you can obtain in an organic garden are: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries,
Your next groupingwhichcan be plantedin the front,near windows,and amongst the vegetableand fruit garden(s),or by themselvesare flowersthat attract all the B's! = Bees, butterflies,birds. A must are organicsunflowersnot only for their outstandinggoldenyellowbeautybut becauseof the thousandsof seedsyou can retrieveat harvesttime to feed the birdsin the wintertime. Many herbsproduce such outstandingflowerswith rich nectar enjoyed by Nature'screations. Other important flowers to have around are marigolds (which are not edible but calendulais), petuniasand many others. Please take time to google for more informationon thissubject). Your next plantingproject can be plantingsome organicfruit trees that blossom with remarkablefragrance,then produceactual ediblefruits. (I am amazedat how many fruit trees blossom around here in the spring time and not one bee or butterflycare to go to them: becausethey have been neuteredof all valuablelife and haveno fragrance.) A favoriteof mine are heirloom,fragrantroses. My specialhappinessis to dip my nose into a rose and inhale its aromaticaphrodisiac!When buyingrose bushes, buy only the heirloomonesand ensurethat the rosesdo smell. Oncethey produce flowers,you can beginto enjoyone of the world'sgreatestform of VitaminC, and if you havea pet bunnysharethe roseswith her/ him. Developingyour artistic talents is also part of creating an Organic Happiness Garden. The flea marketsare ideal places to satisfy your talent by purchasing variousobjectsto place aroundyour gardensso you can enjoy a real art tableau. You might want to find somebird bathsand toad homes... all very importantin the HappinessGarden. Yes,you also need a waterhosethat can easilyreacheveryinch of your garden(s). You can include a large barrel to accumulaterain water and use that for your garden. Anotherimportantmatterto rememberis to havesomechairsor bencheswith patiotablesset hereand therein your yard allowingyou to just feel thosegreat emotionsof Happinessthat will rush all over you as you observethe miraclesthat Our Earthcan produce! YESYOUCANSAVEANDHEALEARTHWITHORGANIC HAPPINESSGARDENSANDYOUCANALSOSELF-FULFILL YOURSELF!
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Cal l 613-935-8101 f or your f ree eval uat ion W e nd y
The Magical Heal ing Energy Cal l ed Hope
Dur ing my m any year s as a teacher and coach, I have seen m any people com e thr ough the door w ith a var iety of differ ent issues that r ange fr om a gener al feeling of being stuck in their lives, to m oney D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H. JN or r elationship issues, feelings of gr ief, sham e, loneliness, self-esteem issues all the w ay to for giveness and w anting to connect w ith their angels or spir it selves. M any of them ar en?t sur e w her e to star t in addr essing these issues but the com m on feeling m ost of them shar e is one of fear ; fear of the unknow n, fear of m oving out of a space that is fam iliar and com for table and fear of change. Fear is the exact opposite of w ho w e r eally ar e but w e w ill often becom e attached to the hopelessness and par alysis that com es fr om being in this state. M any people don?t know how to get out of fear because ver y sim ply, they don?t know anything else.
Beginning a healing pr ocess can be difficult. We ar e often so attached to our dr am as, our stor y, and to the fam iliar patter ns of negative, lim iting beliefs and behaviour s that the thought of opening Pandor a?s Box to see w her e it?s all com e fr om is just too m uch, and w e w ill default back to that w hich is com for table for us. How ever , at som e point, if w e?ve finally had enough and w e?r e r eady to m ove fr om fear into r eal per sonal pow er , w e w ill begin to get m essages fr om our ?Univer se?, and w ill begin to find books, ar ticles, classes, and other s w ho w ill help us on our healing path. Ther e w ill be a ?calling? or a know ing that w e can?t stay w her e w e ar e anym or e, and that no m atter w hat w e have to do, w e need to m ove for w ar d in our evolution. I think at som e point in ever y lifetim e, w e w ill all exper ience this to som e degr ee. So, how do you m ove fr om fear and stuck-ness into a healing pr ocess? Fir st of all, w e need that m agical ingr edient called Hope. If ther e is absolutely no glim pse of hope in your dar k w or ld, then chances ar e you w ill be stuck ther e in the r esolve that you either can?t heal, that nothing has w or ked befor e so w hy w ould it w or k this tim e, that nothing ever changes so w hy w ould it now , and all those other low vibr ational thoughts and conditioning that you keep telling your self over and over. How ever , if you can at least enter tain the thought that m aybe, just m aybe, things m ight possibly change at som e point, then you?ve begun to tap into that w onder ful, positive ener gy that dr ives us on and for w ar d in our lives. Next w eek, I?ll be continuing this ar ticle w ith w hat happens dur ing a r eal healing pr ocess and the m any steps that you?ll go thr ough. To find out mor e a bout what we do, who we a r e, what we tea ch a nd a ny upcoming wor kshops a nd cla sses, plea se visit our website at w w w.awa keninga ngels.ca .
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
To vol unt eer or not t o vol unt eer? That is t he quest ion...
I?m a little off topic this week but I think it?s worth looking at. As a member of Focus Art we attend monthly meetings where we listen to experts, watch a demonstration, discuss a film, and practice new skills all while socializing with other artists. Or maybe we just participate in art exhibitions and different activities such as road trips and mood walks. We profit from the visibility the association offers and are informed in a monthly Newsletter about activities in the arts. Not bad for a membership of $25.00. But I have to say: ?This does not happen all by itself. It is the work of a team of dedicated members we call the Board.? Having been on several boards I can assert that being on a board is an honor and a responsibility that everyone should experience once in a lifetime This said, on May 4th, members of Focus Art will choose their Board. I?d like to share what I?ve learned about this group of 10 directors. Being a director on the Board of Focus Art is a commitment to bring the best to the members, plan the long-term direction of the association and organize activities.
The Executive is usually four people: The president chairs meetings, is responsible for theAnnual JuriedShow (Library), overseesall of theother organizedeventsand isthevoiceof the association.Our president also publishesthemonthlyNewsletter. The vice-president is responsible for one exhibition (Spring show) and assumes the duties of the chair or secretary if they are absent. This year, our two vice-presidents also introduced us to Ribfest. The secretary records and archives all Board meetings and the AGM.
CLASSIFIEDS FORSALE: 2004 Mazda MPV van. 208,000 km. MechanicallyA1 - needs some body work. $1,500. Cal l 613-931-1781 WANTEDFORMAY 1st : 1 bedroom apartment in the West End. Near Scores. Hoping to pay $650 with utilities included.Please call 1-613-790-0696/ 613-932-4812 FORSALE: Pontiac Montana,2006, 200,000K,$2500 OBO. 613-935-8101. FORSALE: Dimplex power chef convertibleelectric grill. CBQ-120-ELE5 years old. Can be used manually or digitally. Manual included.Call 613-932-0842. FORSALE: 8 piece set of mint condition Callaway irons model X22. Men's right hand with 2 unmatched sand wedge, 2 included in the set. Asking $225. 613-933-4489.
The treasurer keeps proper accounting records, is responsible for the deposit and disbursement of funds, and renders a monthly financial statement to the Board and members at the AGM. The other six directors are the eyes and ears of the Membership and collaborate with the executive Board to offer events and activities such as the Art calendar, Mood walks, courses and outings. They attend monthly Board meetings as best able and participate in a yearly planning meetin. You could say: "This is not for me." And that's OK. But I wanted you to know what these volunteers do for us. Being on the Board has its perks. It opens doors to venues and people; it inspires your art through exchanges with others and offers you a chance to realize your ideas. You have a great time with strangers who become colleagues and friends. In 2016-2017, Linda Geisel, Julia Lucio, Betty-Ann Bard and Adèle Constantineau will remain on the Board to continue their great work. The candidates for the new Board are: Claudette Pilon, Barbara Darling, Jennifer Shearer, Mary Ducross, Laura Leah Lindemanand MarleneMcWilliams. This process is only a small part of the AGM but a very important one. The winner of the People?s choice from the Cornwall Square will be announced. Kevin Lajoie , Public Information Coordinator for the City of Cornwall will present a plan for art in public spaces. Exciting!
See you at t he AGM. May 4t h, 7pm at Le Cent re Charl es-Emil e Cl aude, 146 Chevrier.
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst FORSALE: 2008 Travelite Slide In Camper, will fit 6?6? box, light weight 1600 lbs. Queen bed, gas stove, 3 way fridge/ freezer, toilet, very clean, well maintained. $6,500. 613 937-3455 FORSALE: Burgundy four seat sofa, home theater and bone china cups and saucers. 613-938-9503 FORSALE: Bidet personal hygiene system. Fits onto a regular toilet, has controls for heating the seat and water spray. Useful for elders and disabled. Asking $60. 613-938-5094. YARD SALE: Friday May 7 - noon t o 5pm and Sat urday May 7 - 8am t o 4pm. 2211 Gl enbrook Drive (Project near Sunrise Acres).
VHSt o DVD Transf ers- Cal l Shel don at 613-932-4812
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 17 - April 29 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca