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Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Vol ume 7 Issue 19 May 13, 2016

Cornwal l Seaway Lions get behind aspiring ol ympian Sharp Shoot er Mary Pat rick as she aims f or gol d...

Read more on page 4



The Seekers Choice & Sixth Anniversary

Awards Fundraiser

FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016 Cornwall Golf & Country Club for more info and to purchase your tickets visit: www.theseeker.ca see back page for voting TODAY!

The Spring Market is now in f ul l swing. Cal l me t o t ake advant age of it !

Always a Dunne Deal



EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



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Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKER can sometimes be hard to find and the stands tend to be empty by Sunday. WHY? you ask ...b ecau se o u r "Week l y Do se o f Po si t i ve News" i s a Ho t It em s ar o u n d To wn !!! Ou r r ead er s can 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is empty and you have missed your copy - don't worry - you can still r ead u s o n l i n e at www.t h eseek er .ca - We also have a Ho m e Del i ver y o p t i o n It 's easy - cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ex t 5

by Julia Lucio

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


3 reasons why YOU shoul d consider sponsoring t he Seekers Choice Awards There are many reasons to sponsor events and there are many causes and events to get behind. We understand that you have only so much money to donate, but here's why you should support the Seekers Choice Awards:


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in the past and that you don't have any extra money this month for marketing. I get it but ..." WE

Most of the proceeds from this fabulous event go to a fabulous non-profit organization. This year, we chose to support Rachel's Kids, an organization which seeks to aid impoverished, neglected and abused children as well as numerous education initiatives, including awarding scholarships and building schools. Rachel?s Kids also integrates with other aid organizations in order to improve the lives of children in need both locally and globally. Visit Rachel's Kids Website for more information.

2- The rest goes t o honouring smal l businesses, Art ist s, At hl et es and Vol unt eers in t he communit y As small business owners, we work hard for very little recognition and volunteers do even more. The true value of small business, self-employment, arts and volunteerism is under rated. At the Seeker, we believe that one night out of the year, excellence achieved in our community by strong individuals, by the mom and pop shops, by the people who don't usually get the attention, should be noted. Take a look at all the nominees this year and you'll see what we mean.

3- You get your money BACK! How's THAT f or ret urn on invest ment ?





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613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity

Ne w s


Al yssa Bl ais resigns as Execut ive Direct or of Agapè Cent re

Ont ario ? Alyssa Blais resigns as Executive Director of Agapè Centre to travel and trek the globe The past five and a half years have certainly been an adventure for Alyssa Blais, but now it?s time for a new chapter. ?I set out to do something at Agapè and I accomplished my goals. I feel like my time has come to an end, and I?m leaving it in great hands,? said Blais. The 44-year-old significantly contributed to the organization?s success, notably overseeing an important shift within the non-profit towards improving the quality of food distributed, earning the Agapè Centre formal recognition as a Good Food Organization. Blais also planted a fruit forest, introduced a kid?s cooking program called Curious Chefs, and brought two new fundraising events to the organization: Coldest Night of the Year and Canstruction Cornwall.Outside the office, Blais ran for city council in 2014 and graduated from St. Francis Xavier University?s certificate in the Canadian Women?s Foundation (CWF) Leadership Institute in 2015.But the accomplishment she?s most proud of is the successful building campaign she and her team carried out last year, renovating the 27, 000 square foot building into a safer, more accessible space.?Working with Bourgon Construction, and seeing the progress of a crumbling building turning into a place where people can come and feel comfortable was something special. There?s a sense of peace that wasn?t here before. We dusted off this building and made it into a beautiful and safe place. It?s our home and people are happier here now,? she said. An avid scuba diver, Blais likened the process to finding treasures out in the St. Lawrence River.?When you find a cannon ball in the water, it?s full of crust, it?s gross and grey. But when you polish it all off, it?s beautiful and shiny and something you?re proud to share with others,? she said. ?It was a huge learning experience." After owning and operating an organic farm, and then working at the city for four years, the opportunity to be director of an organization that feeds people called to Blais in 2010. ?I have a very deep connection with food, and I believe everybody should eat well. I thought it would be lifechanging, and

it was,? she said.Blais describes being the leader of the local food bank/ community kitchen/ thrift store as one of the hardest but also one of the most enriching experiences of her life. ?It really opened my eyes to a lot of different things that I never would have seen ? even just the issue of poverty alone,? she said. ?I?ve never experienced it in the way that some people have, and you don?t realize it until you?re in it.?The executive director says she?s happy with what she?s done during the past five and a half years, but it?s time for new leadership.?We?ve built a good team here. I feel good about leaving it now,? she said.Knowing Blais?s love of all things outdoors, Johanne Gauthier, operations manager for the non-profit, commented on the departure using a camping metaphor.?You always try to leave a campsite in better condition than when you first come upon it. I think Alyssa can leave in peace knowing that she has left the Agapè Centre a much stronger organization than when she was first hired,? said Gauthier.Jim Healey, Chair of the Agapè Centre?s board, expressed his sadness at the loss of Blais?s leadership as executive director, but understands her desire to spread her wings and explore the world.?Alyssa has provided stability and direction to the running of the Agapè Centre that will be missed,? Healey said. ?The Board wishes Alyssa a well-deserved rest and great success in all of her future endeavors.?What?s next for Blais? She plans on taking a sabbatical for 6 months to a year, and traveling to Newfoundland, Nepal, Thailand, and beyond.?I want to trek and do some serious hiking. I want to experience different cultures and see how others live and enjoy life. I want to visit Dr. Shiva?s organic farm in India,? she said. ?This is the first time in my life where I can really experience the world in a different way, and I would like to do it before it?s too late.?But first Blais will enjoy her time off in Cornwall this summer with her daughter (student at University of Guelph), scuba diving, painting and competing in triathlons.The executive director?s last day will be May 26, 2016, and the Agapè Centre?s board members will announce recruitment plans soon.?I want people to recognize that we have hunger in our community and it?s not going to go away. The Agapè Centre is an important resource and service, and I want to see it at the forefront to alleviating poverty in this community,? said Blais.

GLORIA comes t o Cornwal l ! Antonio Vivaldi?s most famous work, renowned for its sunny nature, warm melodies and distinctive rhythms, will herald a long-awaited spring on Sunday, May 29 in St John?s Presbyterian Church, second street east at four o?clock. Amaryllis Women?s Choir and Amaryllis Men?s Choir from Vankleek Hill will introduce themselves and this outstanding work, with an orchestra. The choir will be accompanied by 16 musicians brought together by Therese Motard, renowned cellist who has appeared across Canada and throughout the world. She taught music at l?Universite de Montreal for 16 years, coached the World Youth Orchestra of the Jeunesses Musicales du Canada and is heard frequently on Radio Canada and on CBC. Adding to her portfolio, she will soon appear in Vankleek Hill and in Cornwall with Amaryllis choirs! The opening movement in GLORIA is a joyous proclamation by choir, orchestra and trumpet. On hand will be Barbara Hunter, former instructor of trumpet and music pedagogy at McGill and Concordia Universities and regular performer with the Montreal symphony and Encore Brass Quintet. Add to these distinguished musicians is soloist Danielle Vaillancourt whose beautiful full mezzo adds beauty and depth to any performance. Danielle is well known in Cornwall and has established a name for herself in Montreal as soloist at the Church St Andrew and St Paul on Sherbrooke Street and with the Montreal symphony. Uwe Lieflander, native of Regensberger Germany, the talented conductor who inspires choristers and orchestra alike, delights in explaining the story of the music and directs with unbridled enthusiasm and joy. Twenty one years ago a group of determined women approached Carol Hague, a graduate of McGill in choral music and her husband

Richard, also very experienced in choral music shortly after they moved to the Hill from Montreal. They convinced Carol and Richard to direct a choir of women they would assemble. After considerable hard work and organization, the result was a choir that blended in harmonies sung largely without accompaniment. For the past 4 years, under the direction of maestro Lieflander, Amaryllis has expanded its repertoire and has welcomed a men?s group into their midst and now sings primarily with orchestra. As GLORIA is a relatively brief composition, Amaryllis will return to its roots and perform several lively and challenging motets and madrigals as they were originally sung, a cappella. Amaryllis is offering two concerts this spring:

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 4 O?CLOCK Knox Presbyt erian Church, High St reet , Vankl eek Hil l , Avail abl e at Scot iabank Vankl eek Hil l and t he Review newspaper SUNDAY, MAY 29, 4 O?CLOCK, St John?s Presbyt erian Church, 28 Second St reet , Cornwal l Avail abl e at Scot iabank Cornwal l , and at t he Grind caf é in Cornwal l Ticket s: $20 Not e:

Limit ed seat ing

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Cornwal l Seaway Lions get behind aspiring ol ympian sharp-shoot er Mary Pat rick as she aims f or gol d... Art icl e by Jul ia Lucio - Submit t ed phot os

Cornwal l , Ont ario - The Cornwall Seaway Lions held a cheque presentation this week announcing they are getting behind Cornwall's own sharp-shooter, Mary Patrick, to help her achieve her dream of participating in the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. Mary is extremely disciplined and has been training intensely since the age of 12. She is a high-performance athlete in the sport of marksmanship. She has competed in a number of target shooting disciplines with major successes in each - air rifle, fullbore (large caliber), smallbore match and smallbore sporting rifle (both small caliber). She has competed as a member of the Canadian National Cadet Rifle Team in Bisley, England for fullbore, as well as an individual in the US Camp Perry Open Matches in air rifle. But she is not only an accomplished athlete. Despite the many hours of training and all the other activities outside of shool, and even though she has 7 siblings? yes, you read that right. 7 siblings.? which certainly take some of her time, she manages to keep herself on the honour roll. She truly makes Cornwall proud. When looking at investing in youth, the Seaway Lions Club thought about sponsoring a soccer or baseball little league, but when a member suggested to get behind Mary, and after the club met with her and her dad, the decision was easy. Fundraising is a necessary part of life when it comes to sports and competition. Equipment, traveling costs, enrollment fees, trainers, all of that costs a lot of money.

"We want Mary to be able to focus on her craft, not so much having to worry about where the money will come from," said Marcel Ravary, vice-president and Ribfest co-chair. "What we give her will do just that. And of course, it will free her time a bit so she can work at simply being a teenager." John Lucio, Ribfest Chairperson continued: ?The proceeds from Ribfest, which are always given back to the community, allow us to get behind people like Mary,. The Lions Club has a history of donating to causes related to sight, but we do so much more! Our wonderful sponsors such as Ontarioeast.net, make it possible.? "Mary Patrick has a goal in life and she is working hard to achieve that goal. Lions also like to support our youth and help them grow to their full potential,? said Lion Shirley Ravary, President of the club. ?Mary Patrick has that energy and commitment to achieve whatever she sets her mind to, now and also in the future. The youth of today is the future adults of tomorrow and we want to support them. They are well worth investing in" The money given this week will go towards buying equipment needed for practice and competition.

Al so happened at t he meet ing... The club donated $5,000.00 to St.John's ambulance, a community organization dedicated to the teaching and practice of medical first aid and the provision of ambulance and community volunteer services. Look for the story in the Seeker in the next few weeks.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Sha nno n

FERG USO N Somet imes Love Is Simpl y Not Enough If you?ve ever been in love, you know that there?s really nothing better in the world. I mean, if you?ve truly, 100% loved someone with every piece of your being and every morsel of your soul, you know not much else tops it. Many people spend their lives in relationships with people they merely like, with people they keep around for company, but few enjoy the benefit of being madly, deeply, and crazy in love with another person. If you?ve ever felt that way, you know that person is at the forefront of your mind right now. Maybe you?re lucky enough to still be together? or maybe they now live only in your memory.




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ANNU ALS ar r i ved




Their face, their touch, the way you laughed together, the adventures you went on, the butterflies they gave you. All those things you haven?t seen in years but still remember so clearly make you believe that maybe one day, maybe somehow, you will be reunited and live happily ever after. You watch The Notebook and you cry thinking maybe that could happen for you. You watch it again and think that true love never goes away and never ends. You watch it again and each time you watch it you believe in your heart of hearts that the love you shared is strong enough to bring you back together and each time you watch it you wonder when your time will come. But your time may never come. Love is strong and love is magnificent but sometimes two people are just not meant to be together. Things get in the way: Life, circumstance, distance, other people and eventually the hope for a new beginning starts to fade. The reality of it all comes crashing down hard and leaves you stranded, wondering what you could have done differently. The truth is, there?s nothing you could have done differently and if you had changed even a mere moment of your past, there?s no guarantee you would still be with that person or that you would even be in the exact position you?re in right now. As much as two people could love each other, sometimes the cards just don?t fall in your favour. That is not to say that the strength of your love could not still, to this day, move mountains. Believe in the love that you felt and know that they felt it too. If it was as real as you know it to be, then you can be positive that you still cross their mind as well. But crossing minds and crossing paths are two very different things. There?s a chance that the love of your life may have a new life now, just as you do. A life that only includes the memory of what you had and the love you shared. You may never cross their path again in your entire life, even though you may think about them often and wish for just one more glimpse. There may be songs on the radio or certain movies that bring them to mind and make you cry, and that?s okay. Maybe they think of you when that song comes on too.

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Find comfort in the fact that you were lucky enough to find such a love. If only for a few years, a few months, or a few weeks you found something that many people will never really know. You found a connection with another soul that made you feel alive, that made you smile bigger than you ever thought possible, and someone that you will never forget. You may still believe that one day your love will be strong enough to reconnect you and bring you back together and if that gives you comfort, then never stop hoping or believing. But don?t stop living the life ahead of you because you are reluctant to give up the past. Don?t allow the past love of your life to prevent you from bearing your soul and your heart to someone new who you might end up falling even more in love with. You will never again love someone the same way as you did the one who got away, but you can love again and only when you allow yourself to give up the dream of finding your way back to that one certain person will you really see what else lies ahead. True love never ends but relationships do and sometimes the broken pieces are just never meant to be put back together. Heal yourself, heal your heart, and believe that new love can be just as great, or even better than the idealistic love you have carried around with you for much too long. Free yourself and new love will come again.

Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at www.dunet.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Co unte ss

a result of enduring these long, debilitating days of suffering especially the painful inflammation that develops in the gut - our second brain areawhich is directly connected to our 'head brain'. When a problem occurs in the gut (which includes our sympathetic and parasympathetic systems) the immediate messages are sent up to the 'head brain' telling it that there's a serious problem and this creates fear due to not knowing what to do.

TRO TTIER-TRO TZIER PANIC ATTACKS! Life brings along many different experiences. In the world of the medicine women and medicine men, they are always prepared to witnessunexpected health problemsand then proceed to learn how to deal with the situation so as to heal the person and then to be of help to others. Since becoming a herbalist and organic gardener, I have accepted to live in accordance with the ways of the medicine women. I am going to share with you my discoveries and attempts to find solutions to the problem encountered.

About five years ago, I heard for the first time, someone say, "I'm having a panic attack." I thought she might have had a recall from a frightening film she had looked at the night before. She was the daughter of the man who was driving the car. He looked very concerned but said nothing. From that moment, I kept hearing more and more people making some reference to this strange thing they referred to as 'panic attack.' Then suddenly a couple of weeks ago, I became a victim of this sordid problem. During the 'panic attack', something invisible grabs your throat and makes it very difficult to breathe. There is also a nervous vibration along your upper chest area which reaches down into your solar plexus which is known as your gut or your second brain area. In more technical term it strikes where your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems join to cause you to cry suddenly, or to cringe in fear, and to feel utterly weak. When such a mental-body 'eruption' occurs, and breathing is very difficult, you wonder what is going to happen. Even the process of walking becomes something like climbing up Mt. Everest ...when you have barelyany oxygen available. Due to my scientific mind, I went back into time to find out what I might have eaten to set this off. That was my first step and the discovery is in the process of changing many of my eating habits, and also trust in the governments and the multinational agri-chemicals such as Monsanto. I found that I had eaten some whole wheat bread and decided to stay away from my favorite food: sandwiches. It took two daysbefore Istarted tofeel somewhat better. Then I made another whole wheat sandwich.Within minutes, I started to feel I couldn't breathe, myheart began to vibrate very quickly, my gut area felt it had just exploded from some internal inflammation: the 'panic attack' symptoms had come rushing back. Due to our wonderful encyclopedic google, I started reading up on "wheat" and discovered that many people refuse to have anything to do with this grain because of its gluten. When I found out that wheat is also genetically engineered and it is grown with glyphosate found in Round Up's herbicide, I knew that the 'panic attacks' were the results of being very sensitive to this toxic GMO wheat. Eating GMO wheat is also causing many peopleto become mentally depressed as

Due to the lack of holistic, intuitive healing in the West, except by theNative Americans, and a practise done for thousands of years by the Ayurvedic Healers, such a serious anddebilitating healthproblem like 'panic attacks' are not understood bytoday'smedical practitioners. They understand that allergies can develop, but allergies to wheat and especially GMO wheat is difficult for them to comprehend since they are not trained for these 'Monsanto-age' problems. Since more and more peopl e are becoming vict ims of GMO f oods and t heir unheal t hy inf l uences, t he government / servant s of t hepeopl e, t he agri-chemical and t he pharma-chemical mul t inat ional s need t o become l ess ego-cent ered. We t he Eco-Conscious Peopl e must remind t hem t hat t hey DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT EVER TO MAKEPEOPLE SUFFER! They have tobecomesensitive and compassionate to the sufferings of othersespecially sinceTHEY ARE THE CAUSES OF THE PROBLEMS! At the present time, when someone wants to buy such foods as: bread, cereal, crackers, cookies ... they discover that wheat ... GMO wheat is found in all of them. The control of our health by those ignoring the painsthey causehave to change: Now! We must also be free to produce foods that are healthy and not laced with privately-owned laboratory synthetic chemicals. While watering my plants on the balcony a couple of days ago, I witnessed such a sad moment caused by this latter group of people. A mother was briskly walking back to her home after having had to pick up her child. While attempting to keep pace with her impatient mother, the young daughter whowas9-10 year oldwas sobbing in pain. I could make out, "It hurts," and she was holding her hand to her stomach. "Please stop! I can't breathe!" The mother must have witnessed this reaction of her daughter a few times before and who had beenimproperly diagnosed as, "She's very nervous and high strung," or whatever futile comments. I felt so sorry for the little girl who wasvery likely suffering from a horrid panic attack.And ...I wished so much to turn into a Super Medicine Woman with a blue cape flying in the wind, land in front of the little girl and just hold her tight to my heart while healing her, and sharing with her mother the knowledge about GMO wheat and other similar effects caused by eating these unnatural man-fabricated toxic products. I hope that this brief account regarding the seriousness of panic attacks, and their frequencies, is going to help parents to understand what they themselves might be experiencing. I also hope that young children and teenagers are going to be helped by having the adult world stop producing such unhealthy and stress-causing foods such as GMO wheat. Hel pf ul web sit es:

www.mercol a.com (natural health expert, Dr. Joseph Mercola) www.nat ural news.com The opinions and statements in this column are those of Countess Trottier and not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker.

M ICHEL PAGLIARO ... Last Week I In t er vi ewed Hi m ... t h en I g o t t o m eet h i m ! by Mai-Liis Renaud

a nd what a gr eat evening it wa s ... Over 300 m usic lover s got together last Satur day evening at the Cor nw all Civic Com plex in Salons AB&C for an event that w as br ought to us by Jeff Br unet of Alkaline Enter tainm ent and Jam es M or r is of LCVEvents.com . The event being M ichel Pagliar o in concer t w ith local opening band, Spar e Par tz. The m usic fr om Spar e Par tz w as a m edley of 80's r ock plus and M ichel Pagliar o, w ell he cer tainly kept the cr ow d dancing all night w ith his m ix of Rock and Countr y, singing in both Fr ench and English. W hen I asked him last w eek "W hat should Cor nw all m usic lover s expect to hear and see w hen they com e to see you per for m om Satur day, M ay 7?" he answ er ed "They ar e going to be ELECTRIFIED. They w ill be com ing out w ith their hair standing up!" and fr om w her e I stood, that is exactly w hat happened!!! I 'm looking for wa r d to the next event: Fr iday, August 5 - Absolute Jour ney Tr ibute

Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles. For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.

Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com ( 613) 662-5549

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l




The Li br ar y is now cl osed Sundays up to and incl ud ing Sunday, Sept em op ening hour ber 4 th. The s fo the w eek rem r the rest of ai n the same.

45 SecondStreetE. 613-932-4796 www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario CONSTRUCTION NOTICE Whil e t he l ibrary undergoes roof repairs, t he Third st reet parking l ot adjacent t o t he l ibrary can be accessed via t he Third st reet or t he Pit t st reet ent rances. Parking directly behind the library is limited to those with accessibility permits only. The accessibility ramp, book-drop and Sydney street door of the library remain open.


The const ruct ion is expect ed t o be compl et ed by May 20.

Hot Summer ? Hot Movies See our Summer Movie Fest ival List of movies on our websit e. Begins May 19.


SATURDAY, MAY 14 Yoga Yout h - (Ages 6 to 16 years old) 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Drop in Famil y St oryt ime / Heure du cont e f amil ial e port e ouvert e 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Paws 'n Books Read t o our f l uf f y canine f riends Chil dren program 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


MONDAY, MAY 16 Time f or Twos (2 year old and child's parent or caregiver) 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Cornwal l & Region Writ ers Societ y Monthly get-together - 6:30 p.m.

TUESDAY, MAY 17 Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg - 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Fl ying Needl es Knitting for fun -1 p.m. to 3 p.m. St . Lawrence Int ernat ional St amp Cl ub Monthly meeting - 7:00 p.m. Teen Tuesdays Perfect teen fun - 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.



Bambins à l a bibl io. (0 à 2 ans) 10 h à 10 h 30 Apprendre en jouant (0 à 5 ans) 10 h 30 à 12 h

THURSDAY, MAY 19 St oryt ime (f or 3 t o 5 year ol ds) 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Baby Tal es 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Cornwal l Scrabbl e Are you up to the challenge? 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m.

Heure du cont e -Earl y Years Cent re 10 h à 12 h CCVS Art Cl ass Vernissage 6 pm to 8 pm

Summer Movie Fest ival Far From t he Madding Crowd Drama, Romance - Audience: PG Show times: 2 p.m. & 6:15 p.m. Friday, May 20 @ 2 p.m. Dungeons and Dragons Teen program 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC MAY



U P?

GRADE 7 & 8 TEEN DANCE Sponsored by Cl ub Oct agon at La Cit adel l e High School 6:30 to 9:30 pm. Student ID required. Music by DJ Shellshock and Madame Mix-A-Lot. MOHAWK INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY OPENING NIGHT - AKWESASNE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB present s BAILEY MOTOR COMPANY Modif ied Series Twin 20's ($1000 to win), NUMBER ONE SPEED Sport sman Series pl us Mod Lit e Int ernat ional Showdown ($500 to win), Novice Sport sman Bandit s . Ad m i ssi o n : $2 0 , Ki d s $5 Gl en Wal t er Brunet Famil y Fund Raiser Let's help a community supportive familly get back their lives from a devastating fire which took everything from them! Taking place at the Blue Anchor from 11am-8pm, join us for entertainment and prizes! Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org

W H A T 'S

Paint Nit e Fundraiser We are pleased to announce that Schnitzels European Flavours will be hosting a Paint Nite event at 7pm to raise money for Maison Baldwin House ? and you?re invited! At Paint Nite, a master artist will give us step-by-step instructions to create a work of art ? while we socialize and sip cocktails. Paint Nite will donate a portion of ticket sales to Maison Baldwin House! Help me put the ?fun? in fundraising ? please RSVP and register now at www.paint nit e.com/ event s/ 1065530.ht ml ! Akwesasne Tewa?a:rat on Fest ival 2016 we are hosting the 2nd Annual 2016 Akwesasne Tewa?a:raton Festival at the A` nowara` ko:wa Arena on May 13th and 14th from 9am-6pm. We are partnering with Traditional Lacrosse, Mohawk Council, and the Akwesasne Lacrosse Hall of Fame. Karaoke wit h Mike Rivet t e Everyone Welcome-Navy Vets 30 Sixth St. E.




La Plume Moderne proudly presents: Part icipat ion's Music Hal l Theat re Product ion of A DOWNTOWN ABBEY SPRING SPECIAL f eat uring MAY FLOWERS and NAUGHTY GOINGS ON! at the NAV Centre - Bob Hardy 613-525-9943 or visit: www.participationthemusic.com for info.



La Plume Moderne proudly presents: Part icipat ion's Music Hal l Theat re Product ion of "HIGH TEA" A DOWNTOWN ABBEY SPRING SPECIAL - f eat uring MAY FLOWERS and NAUGHTY GOINGS ON! at the NAV Centre - Bob Hardy 613-525-9943 or visit: www.participationthemusic.com for info. CORNWALL MOTOR SPEEDWAY - OPENING NIGHT - BANK OF MONTREAL sponsors t he Season Opener - 100 Lap Race f or t he Cure Sport sman Series $2,000 t o win pl us Compl et e Program - race st art s 7pm - Admission $20







Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org Karaoke wit h Mike Rivet t e - Everyone Welcome-Navy Vets 30 Sixth St. E.

Free Basic Comput er Training Course Program begins Monday, May 16th and participants will learn to perform basic computer tasks. Call Tri-County Literacy Council: 613.932.7161 to register.




CORNWALL & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL PLANT AUCTION at RCAFA, Wing 424, 240 Water Street West, Cornwall. Annuals, perennials and miscellaneous items. Members in good standing will receive their premium plants. General public is welcome! Hope to see you there!




SATURDAY Canada's f avourit e Johnny Cash Tribut e is coming back to Cornwall at The Port Theatre. The Ring Of Fire: A Johnny Cash Experience In appreciation, to the people of Cornwall, The first 200 tickets sold are $10 each. Tickets will be available at Melody Music, Lotto Kiosk At The Cornwall Square, St Lawrence Appilance Service, The Port Theatre During Movie Hours..

WEDNESDAY Trinit y Church Spring Luncheon

105 2nd St. W. Craft, book & bake tables. Art show & sale. Jams & jellies. Adults:9$, Children under 12: 3$





the Martintown Goodtimers will be hosting a Bridge Luncheon at the Martintown Community Centre (4850 County Rd 20, Martintown, ON ). Lunch will be served at 11:30 am with bridge beginning at 12:30 pm. Cost $10.00 per person. Please bring a partner for a fun afternoon- tables will be available for Duplicate and Party Bridge or Euchre. Door prizes. To obtain tickets ? email martintowngoodtimers@gmail.com or call 613-361-7775 or 613-932-7019. Proceeds to support the rug-hooking activities of the club. Everyone welcome.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


B a r sB, a n d asn dm o r .e. .

List en at dunet .ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


RACHEL'S KIDS - The SeekersCharityof Choicefor our The Seekers Choice & Sixth Anniversary

Awards Fundraiser

I nter view by M a i-Liis Renaud As w e all know the Seeker s Sixth Anniver sar y is com ing up in June and ever y year w e celebr ate it w ith an Aw ar ds night w her e w e r ecognize the contr ibutions of sm all local businesses w ith aw ar ds given to our r eader s f avou r i t e Hom e Based Bu si n ess, New Bu si n ess an d Ex i st i n g Bu si n ess and in the Ar ts com m unity w e r ecognize local talent w ith aw ar ds given to our r eader s f avou r i t e Vi su al Ar t i st , Li t er ar y Ar t i st an d Per f or m i n g Ar t i st . We have also added the f avou r i t e At h l et e an d Vol u n t eer of t h e Year and the Seeker also gives out the f avou r i t e Con t r i bu t or of t h e Year . All these nom inees and w inner s ar e chosen by the Seeker r eader s. Each year our anniver sar y also ser ves as a fundr aiser w her e par tial pr oceeds of our event ar e given to a local or ganization and this year w e ar e so happy to announce that the Seek er s ch ar i t y of ch oi ce i s " Rach el 's Ki ds" . I am happy to have thad he honour of inter view ing the w onder ful and so giving lady w ho star ted this or ganization, Dr. Rachel Navaneelan (seen in the photo below w ith Rachel's Kids Executive Dir ector , Kim Lauzon) and her e ar e my

5 q u est i o n s wi t h Dr . Rach el Navan eel an 1. W h at i s Rach el 'sKi ds? Rachel?sKids is a not for pr ofit char itableor ganization suppor ted thr ough com m unity contr ibutions,cor por ate donationsand the tim e of volunteer s,w hich seeks to aid im pover ished,neglected and abused childr en as w ell as num er ous educationinitiatives,includingaw ar ding scholar shipsand buildingschools. Rachel?sKids also integr atesw ith other aid or ganizationsin or der to im pr ovethe lives of childr en in need both locally and globally.

2. W h en an d h ow di d t h i s w on der f u l or gan i zat i on begi n ? Dr. Rachel initiated this foundation to aid the im pover ishedand under pr iviledgedchildr en in Sr i Lanka, her native countr y,after the Tsunam i hit in 2004. A char ity auction and gar den par ty w as held in her backyar d gar den to r aise funds to assist the victim sof the Tsunam i. The aim of the fundr aiser w as to br ing aw ar enessand to r aise m oney to benefit the childr en in the countr y of Sr i Lanka. Dr. Rachel pr om ised if the fundr aiser pr oved successful,her intention w as to m ake this an annual event w her e half the contr ibution w ould be m ade to local char ities,and the r em ainder w ould continueto go tow ar dspr ojectsinitiated over seas.Dr.Rachel kept her pr om ise. W ith the effor ts of volunteer sand the continued suppor t of our local com m unity,w e continueto hold the Gar den Par ty & Auction annually. Rachel?sKids uses the m oney w e r aise to suppor t w or k w ith childr en w ho ar e victim sof abuse, neglect and pover ty. Since the star t of this foundation,Rachel?sKids has gr ow n im m ensely. Pr ojectsw e have launched include Sm all M om entsof Joy, Helping Hands, Gr ass Roots Initiative and our Foster ingpr ogr am for childr en over seas.

3. I bel i evet h er ear e a f ew br an ch est o t h i s or gan i zat i onpl , easet el l u s abou t t h em . Sm all M om entsof Joy is a pr ogr am focused on local childr en battling life thr eateningor chr onic illness: Sm all M om entsof Joy w ill gr ant ?w ishes?for these childr en ? w ith the goal of allow ing them to for get their illness for a m om ent or tw o and focus on a m om ent of joy. Rachel?sKids launched the Helping Hands pr ogr am - an off shoot of Sm all M om entsof Joy. Ther e w er e m any ver y young childr en suffer ingfr om ser iousillness but because of their age gr oup, they w er e r eally too young to need or expr esstheir inter est for a sm all m om ent. W ith this pr ogr am w e ar e able to focus on the fam iliesof the childr en: Helping Hands helps fam ilies suppor t the cost of having a child in an intensivecar e unit by pr ovidinggas car ds, food car ds, par king passes and any extr a m edical utilities. Our Gr ass Roots Initiativeis a new com m unity focused initiativethat encour agesand financially suppor tsindividuals,gr oups and or ganizationsto develop pr ogr am sand pr ojectsthat m ake the com m unity a better place in w hich a child can gr ow up. This pr ogr am pr om otesneighbour hood com m itm entand par ticipation. Finally,our foster ingpr ogr am is one that suppor tsa num ber of ar eas w ithin Sr i Lanka. It?s a pr ogr am w her e anyone can foster a child by paying $75 a year and m aking a big differ encein that child?s life. This 75$ doesn?t seem like m uch, but w ith that m oney,the childr en and their fam iliesar e given annual car e packagesw hich include school supplies,sanitar y suppliesand food.

4. You r m ai n f u n dr ai seri s you r An n u alGar denPar t y an d Ch ar i t yAu ct i on .Th i syear I bel i evei s you r 12t h year f or t h i s w on der f u leven t .Can you t el l u s a bi t abou t i t ? Like the poster to the r ight says: it's an after noon of Live M usic, Lots of Food, a Live Auction and m or e. The 12th Annual Gar den Par ty and Char ity Auction takes place on Satur day,June 4th fr om noon to 5 pm , at the Ram ada on the back patio. I hope to see ever yoneout that day! Thank you so m uch for answ er ingmy questionstoday and Julia and I ar e r eally looking for w ar d to attendingthe Gar den Par ty in a few w eeks.

M y l ast qu est i on ,n u m ber5 i s of cou r se,How w ou l dpeopl e con t actyou t o f i n d ou t m or ean d con t r i bu t et o Rach el 'sKi ds? It's been my pleasur etalking w ith you today and the best w ay w ould be to visit the w ebsite at w w w.r ach el sk i ds.comor cal l 613-933-3946

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ that makes them a profit no matter how much Prime changes. So, if your variable rate is Prime +1% and Prime is currently 2.7% , the rate you are paying right now is 3.7% . If the Bank of Canada changes Prime to 3.0% , your mortgage payments will change in order to pay Prime +1% = 3% + 1% = 4% (instead of 3.7% that you are now paying). Your mortgage payments go up.





Rat es Part 2 of 2 Two of t he most f requent l y asked quest ions t hat a Mort gage Broker hears are: What is your best rat e? What is t he dif f erence bet ween a f ixed rat e and a variabl e rat e? This week we'll look at the second question: FIXED RATE VS VARIABLE RATE: A f ixed rat e is just that ? It will not change for the term that you have signed up for. Fixed rates are usually higher than Variable rates because Banks want to make sure they make the profit over the term. A 5 year term is the most common term that makes the most sense for the most situations. Borrowers can be assured that no matter what happens to mortgage rates, their payments will stay the same for 5 years. A variabl e rat e is based on Prime rate. Prime rate is based on The Bank of Canada and changes based on our economy in the World markets. Generally, the Bank of Canada revisits Prime rate about 8 times a year. It gets complicated from there but, basically, Banks will offer a variable rate

Since the Bank knows your rate will always change with Prime, their profit levels are safer so usually a variable rate is less than a fixed rate at any given time. However, since the Bank is risking whether you will be able to keep paying if Prime goes up quickly, they qualify your initial mortgage on a very high Benchmark rate (currently at 4.64% ). So, even though you don?t have to pay 4.64% right now, the Bank makes sure your income and cash flow can cover the mortgage payment in case your rate does go that high. Because of this rule, it?s harder to qualify for a variable rate mortgage. Some clients chose a variabl e rat e mortgage because of the lower rate they can get now and also choose to make higher payments just in case Prime goes up and they are prepared for higher payments. This method not only gives some peace of mind for future rate changes but also helps pay down the mortgage principal faster. A Mortgage Broker will listen to your current and future needs, assess your risk tolerance and suggest the best rate option for you! Jenni MacDonal d (www.jmacdonal d.ca) isa Mort gage Broker wit h Dominion Lending Cent res The Mort gage Source (Lic.# 10145).She has over 5 years of experience in t he Mort gage Indust ry and works wit h at l east 40 l enders incl uding banks, credit unions, and privat e l enders t o f ind t he best mort gage f or each cl ient . You can cont act her by phone or t ext at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonald@dominionlending.ca

Is your websit e ef f ect ive on every pl at f orm? If not , we can help! FRO MM YPANTRY

Cal l 613-935-8101 f or your f ree eval uat ion


Sha ry n

THO M PSO N Growing up in t he 1950's, it was a wonderf ul l y simpl e t ime. Every day meant sit t ing down at supper wit h al l of your f amil y. Meal s were al ways homemade, no t ake out ever! It was t he best of t imes. Wit h t his in mind, I have t wo recipes f or you. The Scot ch Chews come f rom my very dear and ol d f riend Sandy MacDonel l 's Mom. These easy squares onl y use a f ew ingredient s and are so del icious! I have made t hem f or over 50 years! They are l ike a pl ain granol a bar. I was made t o f eel l ike part of t heir happy f amil y when I st ayed over f or sl eepovers and meal s. Such good memories! The meat l oaf recipe comes f rom my daught er Tammy who works wit h me at Sharyn's Pant ry. She f ound t he recipe on t he int ernet . It uses St ove Top St uf f ing and is a snap t o make. I t hink you wil l l ove bot h recipes. Thanks t o Sandy's Mom and Tammy f or caring and sharing.


1/ 3 cup melted butter or margarine 1/ 3 cup honey (of course I use our local unpasteurized honey) 1/ 2 cup packed brown sugar 1/ 2 tsp. fine salt 2 cups of quick cooking rolled oats (I use our organic quick cooking rolled oats)


2 lb. ground beef (I use Sharyn's Pantry locally raised lean ground beef - try some and be pleased!) 1 lb. of ground pork 2 eggs, well beaten 6 tbsp. of Sharyn's Pantry no salt and no MSG French onion soup mix

2 boxes of Stove Top Stuffing (I used chicken flavour)- prepared according to the package directions BBQ sauce for the glaze

METHOD: 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.



Set your oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with sides with tinfoil and spray this with no-stick spray. Prepare the stuffing mix following the package directions. In a l arge bowl , combine the ground beef and pork. Add the beaten eggs and the no salt and no MSG French onion soup mix. Ues a fork or your hands to combine everything. Stir in the prepared Stove Top stuffing. Mix well. I f ormed 7 free-standing meat loaves about 6" x 4" on the tinfoil lined baking sheet. Bake t he l oaves for 1 hour in the 350 degree F. oven. Then brush the tops and sides with the BBQ sauce and continue to bake them for about 10 minutes longer to allow the sauce to form a delicious glaze ove the tops and sides. These make f or a wonderf ul meal alongside some fluffy mashed potatoes and choice of veg. but next day, make some sandwiches with slices of the tasty meatloaf. So good!!!! Ext ra meat l oaves will freeze perfectly. ENJOY!

METHOD: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Grease an 8" or 9" square pan. Mel t the butter and place in a bowl. Add the honey, brown sugar, salt and oats. Mix well. Pat this mixture into the greased pan. Press down gently to even the top. Bake the squares for 15 to 16 minutes. Place the pan of squares on a wire cooling rack to cool. then cut into squares when they are just warm. ENJOY!

SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt St, Unit 6, Cornwall,Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Mondayto Saturday- 9 to 5

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Joel Sauvé brings Cornwal l Musicians t o his CD Rel ease Part y...

website: jawslinky.com For ticket info contact: info.jawslinky@gmail.com Mezzanine is now available for digital download on iTunes, CDBaby, Google Play, Groove... Find Jaw Slinky on Facebook, Reverberation, SoundCloud

Thank you Joel for this interview and the Seeker Team wish you a successful CD Release Party and all the best for your future endeavours!

Pl ease Contact Jul ie

at 613-870-2788

o t



Al l contracts f or service wil l be min 2hours

um b it ch D in e en u s g , P L i W , B t i n M er gh in a g o p f c l t d o t h , pi n o ea Sp w s r o g, r o r , ni m ng ing s,

n a e Professional's Cl

m ed



I wrote all the songs (with the exception of a few riffs from my friend and musical drummer buddy, Jason Allaire), sing and play every instrument on the album. As a

If you decide t o join us on May 20t h, 2016 at Greenf iel d?s Pub (and we cert ainl y hope you do), you can guarant ee t hat you are in f or a night of great l ive music and good vibes. Ticket s are $15.00 each and can be purchased t hrough Tracy Lal onde, Tyl er Keal ey or Joel Sauvé direct l y, or by email at inf o.jawsl inky@gmail .com. Al so, f ind us on f acebook! There wil l be door prizes and ot her int eract ive surprises as wel l .


Mezzanine is a record about deception, loss and pushing through. My personal experiences prevail throughout the album but the themes are very commonplace for anyone who pays attention. Mezzanine is meant to be played from start to finish, like all real records should be. Much like when someone goes to the movies for two hours, a good record should be listened to from front to back. The 11 songs on Mezzanine flow from one to the next, especially lyrically, and I believe that musically it has enough variety to catch anyone?s attention. Heavily influenced by my upbringing during the grunge era, Mezzanine also has hints of blues, folk and melodic acoustic pieces.

Also joining the team of performers for the evening is Ottawa?s very own Tyler Kealey. Tyler will be joined by his bandmates which includes drumming demi-god, Stephane McAlear, originally from Cornwall. Tyler Kealey is very well known in the Ottawa region, most notably as resident pianist at Fat Tuesdays in the Market during their duelling pianos evenings. Tyler will also be performing at this year?s Ottawa Bluesfest.


3. What is Mezzanine al l about , what kinds of songs and who pl ays on it wit h you?

There will also be special guests performing at the Jaw Slinky CD Release Party. I have secured Cornwall?s very own sweetheart songstress, Tracy Lalonde. I believe she is still figuring out the details of who will be sharing the stage with her but you can be assured that Cornwall?s Dylan Groulx (guitar) will be by her side doing what he does best.


I took a year and a half off of playing live music to make this record happen. I spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours in my little townhouse basement (turned mini-studio) in the east end of Ottawa with my hammer and chisel, crafting my first solo record. My studio is now aptly named Stuck In A Tin Can Studios.

I have assembled a group of hand-picked musicians to perform the songs of Mezzanine with me. They have been learning the songs and rehearsing with me tirelessly over the last couple of months. The Cornwall connection lies with the musicians who will be performing at Greenfield?s Pub on May 20th, 2016. The band performing as Jaw Slinky is as follows: Camil Lapointe (guitar) ? well known in Cornwall for his blues playing antics with Cornwall blues band Gypsy; Joel Plamondon (bass, vox) ? you may know him as the frontman for Cornwall party band Winston Marley; Joel Sauvé (vox, guitar) ? previously frontman for Montreal based band Playing With Diana; and Keith Charlebois (drums) ? not from Cornwall, but from Ottawa? and all around nice guy.


So I bought a Mac, downloaded the recording software, took online tutorials, learned the techniques, watched YouTube video?s on ?how to?s?, built homemade baffles for sound-proofing and a vocal booth, purchased the necessary gear, mics and plug-ins to fit my needs and went to work.

5. You t ol d me t hat t here wil l be l ot s of Cornwal l connect ions t o t his event , pl ease expl ain.


I decided to undertake this major project because it was something that I?ve always wanted to do, but didn?t have the right tools to do so. Musician tools are expensive! I?ve recorded multiple demos and albums with other musicians, bands, producers and engineers in the past, but I was never quite satisfied with the end result. You see, you have to compromise a lot of creative control when there are too many ?heads? involved on the same production. Don?t get me wrong, great things come out of collaborations all the time? this [project] is just something that I have always imagined myself doing one day. I?ve also realized, as I get wiser (older) that you can?t rely on anyone these days. If you want something done, you?ve got to do it yourself. Mezzanine actually started production and recording at an undisclosed studio nearly 4 years ago, but because of scheduling conflicts and favouritism for other groups, it never went passed putting down drum tracks.

Jaw Slinky CD Release Party @ Greenfield?s Pub Barrhaven Mall 900 Unit 12, Greenbank Road Nepean, ON K2J1S8 613.823.9900


I was born and raised in Cornwall, moved to Montreal when I was 18 to study music at Concordia University, moved back to Cornwall after 9 years of honing my skills in Canada?s Gotham City, and finally, moved to Ottawa almost 3 years ago, where I currently reside and work for the Feds (surprise surprise)!

Greenfield?s has a capacity of 200+ and I?m really hoping that we can fill that space with friends, family, co-workers and music lovers alike. As a Cornwallite, I?m also hoping that other Cornwallites will make the small trek out of town to come and support and enjoy some live locally brewed music, just in a slightly different neighbourhood.


2. You are original l y f rom Cornwal l I bel ieve. When did you move t o Ot t awa and what inf l uenced your decision t o undert ake t his major project - I'm ref erring t he one t o buil d a st udio in your basement and produce t his l at est 11 song al bum cal l ed Mezzanine?

Jaw Slinky will be hosting it's official CD Release Party of debut record ?Mezzanine?at Greenfield?s Pub in Barrhaven/ Nepean (see actual address below) on Friday May 20th, 2016. That Friday kicks off the long weekend for many, and will be a great night to experience some live music. Jaw Slinky has performed a couple of times in Cornwall amongst peers in the past few months as kind of ?live rehearsals? for the big show on May 20th, 2016.

$1 0

There are a few reasons behind why I chose Jaw Slinky as my ?band name? , so to speak. Reason the first - they are my initials (J.S.). Reason the second - they have the same amount of letters as there are in my name (9). Reason the third ? I?ve always liked band names that had a ?light-heavy? kind of theme to them, like they had in the 60?s and 70?s (i.e. Iron Butterfly, Vanilla Fudge, Led Zeppelin? ). In my case, the jaw is considered strong, solid and prominent, while a slinky is? well? slinky! The fourth, and probably the most revealing reason why I stuck with Jaw Slinky, is because I simply have an actual crooked jaw. Jaw Slinky is my moniker, it?s my stage name? . and because of my crooked face, I can say that Joel Sauvé is Jaw Slinky.

4. I have of t en seen you perf orming in Cornwal l but your CD rel ease part y wil l be in Ot t awa, where and when?


1. I'm l ooking at your CD Rel ease part y post er and I see Jaw Sl inky, a cat chy name, but who is Jaw Sl inky and how did t his name come about ?

w be o r A k l Sq se b o er l c n P u ur d s w r o ea i ed f e k y t y f il l yo ss C b o r ur io l y 10 n a ea t h l' n cl s e


Mezzanine is written, performed, recorded, mix, mastered and produced by Joel Sauvé.

ec ei v

It's always good to hear from our friends in the music industry, and this week I got to chat with Cornwall native, Joel Sauvé about his upcoming CD release party at the end of the month.

multi-instrumentalist, this was another reason why I wanted to produce my own record - because I could. I even took all the photos, came up with the art concept for the album and did the graphic design for the hard copies, as well as the tickets and posters for my upcoming CD Release Party. The only thing I couldn?t do was duplicate the actual CDs myself or print the event tickets and posters.


Interview by Mai-Liis Renaud

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Ste p he n

3 D Printing

BURKE As unbel ievabl e as t his may sound, 3D printers have been around for decades. The first 3D printer was conceptualized in 1983 and by 1987, the first commercial 3D printers were in available. But what is a 3D printer?

A 3D printer is a device that can build solid objects by accumulating and bonding successive layers of material, one on top of the other, through the use of specialized software. The material can be like plastic, rubber, cement or even metal. There are several different processes for 3D printing. A common process is very similar to having a glue gun melt plastic filament to produce the layers. This process is commonly used by hobby level 3D printers. Another process uses ultraviolet light to harden layers of UV sensitive resin, while yet another process uses ink as a binding agent for a powerdery build material. It is important to remember that the sub $5,000 hobby level printers don't compare to the $50,000 plus commercial level 3D printers. There will be differences in accuracy, feature detail and material performance. However, the operational concepts will be very similar and even hobby

level 3D printers can make some usable parts. 3D printers are a time-saving tool for inventors and designers. Instead of waiting weeks, prototypes can be produced within days or even hours. Some 3D printers can also make strong, end-use parts, making them suitable for some manufacturing applications. There is an abundance of free, 3D design software on the Internet. YouTube hosts many tutorials on how to use the free software. Some of these programs have a commercial version, so learning them is acutally beneficial to those who want to work in industries where designers are needed. A 3D printer is one of the four key pieces of equipment typically found at a MakerSpace. Improving processes and developing materials is increasing their use in industry and education. At their current pace of development, we may be able to say "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot" to a replicator before the 24th century. This Saturday, I am scheduled to present a seminar about 3D printing and 3D scanning at the Ottawa Comiccon. Next Week: Laser Cutters/ Engravers

The Seeker is t he onl y l ocal l y owned and operat ed print newspaper?


It is made... By l ocal peopl e For l ocal peopl e About l ocal peopl e Supporting l ocal peopl e

Support Local!

Kenny Robinson headl ines Seaway Val l ey Comedy Fest Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario ? The sounds of laughter roared at Aultsville Theatre. The Seaway Valley Comedy Fest was a sold-out affair. It is estimated that the Cornwall Blazers raised over $5000 from the event. Kenny Robinson, who headlined, is a comedian who has hosted The Gemini Awards and was twice nominated for his writing and performance in his ground breaking one hour special ?Thick and Thin? on the CBC. He also hosted ?After Hours with Kenny Robinson? on The Comedy Network. Kenny has also appeared in movies and TV shows with Ed Harris, Chris Rock, David Sutherland, and Billy Ray Cyrus. He also appeared on CBC?s The Royal Canadian Air Farce. Sebastien Bourgault who is quickly becoming a top Canadian act in both French and English had a stellar set on Saturday. With more than 1500 performances, including Just for Laughs, Sebastien?s humorous background allows him to make a real connection with the audience. Bourgault was also a columnist for Radio-Canada, in addition to shooting for TV commercials and being a spokesperson. Wafik Nasrella who?s special Comedy Now airs regularly on CBC also had a set, while local comedian Mark Vincent opened and hosted the event. This was the biggest show I?ve been involved in and was absolutely incredible. I was blown away by the sound of laughter in the theatre. It was a great experience?, Mark Vincent reflects.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne


Hello there once again to all of you wonderful people reading my column and the many other parts of the most Positive Paper in the Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area. The beautiful, sunny Spring weather is finally here and here to stay ... According to ~Johnny Radar's~ five- day forecast it is. Tis the time for the Spring and Summer clothes, footwear and other fun Summer items to come out of storage, for yet another ~HOT~ season. John and I enjoyed a wonderful first day of kayaking on Thursday, where we witnessed a lot of Mother Nature's World of Wonderments. There were Great Blue Herons, Sparrows, Red -winged black birds, Canadian Geese, red- breasted Robins and many more varities of birds on the wing to be seen on our sojourn. Along with different kinds and colours of butterflies, buzzing Bumblebees, moths of different colours, sweet little Dragon & Damsel-flies, Wasps that were buzzing, or whizzing or just fluttering by as we mosied along the meandering Hoople Creek. What a perfect way to spend a ~HOT~ Spring day with my most favourite person in the world... My John!!! May you take the notion to get out and about to witness the many miracles that are just waiting for you to discover. Don't forget to bring along a friend or a family member. The experience is worth sharing it with someone that you love or like. Happy Strolling Everyone. TIP OF THE WEEK: Here are Ten Ways to Salvage a Bad Morning Before Parting Ways With Your Loved Ones: 1. Notice the "Good" ... Any and All Good you can find ... even if it a simple,"My your hair looks lovely, today." or "My, you look so pretty or handsome today." 2. If someone is grumpy you have to pick up their spirits by saying something nice or kind to them. 3. Pull out a ?When I was little ? ? story... it has the potential to bring even the grumpiest of people a smile in the morning. 4. Open your arms. Don?t say anything. Just Hold On and HUG away. 5. Decide whether it is a battle worth fighting. If it isn?t, take a deep breath and move on. If it is, speak in a tone that can be heard. Listen in a way that conveys care and concern. 6. Release control of the situation with a Peace-making invitation like: How would you do it? Please show me. 7. Give two minutes of your time by sitting beside him/ or her. Rub his/ or her back. Get at eye level. By giving two minutes of your time won?t break the schedule, but it could make all the difference in their day. 8. Be especially generous with forgiveness in the morning hour. Don?t be afraid to ask, ?Can we start over?? Do-overs are a priceless gift that cost nothing but hold a whole lot of great value. 9. Think to yourself: That?s someone?s baby, husband or wife etc... That?s my baby, my husband or wife. Seeing him or her as a human being who is learning and growing can offer a shred of patience and perspective to get you through trying moments. 10. When a situation is quickly deteriorating, give yourself a 3-second preview of what an angry, critical, or sarcastic response will do. Will it make the situation better or worse? A three-second pause can save a morning, spare some pain, and prevent a whole lot of regret. On the mornings that are not salvageable ... Remember this: Day after day, you provide countless daily doses of love, and positiveness without even thinking about it. That sacred collection of loving gestures far outweighs this morning?s clothing drama, spilt coffee, burnt toast, and any 7 a.m. meltdowns. Remember: "Love Prevails Over Failures, Flaws, and even Disastrous Mornings!!!" Wake Up to Start A New Day That Is Going To Be a Joy-filled & Happy One. That is, if you have anything to do with it... Right???



John and I received a call two weeks ago from Toronto and asked if we would be interested in photographing for ~LOWE~'s 5- Day GRAND OPENING? They had seen in our portfolio that we had photographed for not one, but two ~Giant Tiger~ Grand Openings and were impressed and wanted us to do their opening. We considered their offer and phoned them back to tell them, " Yes, we would love to!" John and I ended up taking 100's and 100's of photographs of their staff, the store and many of their clients that came through everyday, from Thursday morning until Monday afternoon. John and I got to witness first hand the excitement that ~Lowe~'s Grand Opening brought to our quaint and beautiful city of Cornwall, Ontario. There were hundreds of people lined up for "Daily Give-Aways" every day... from LED lightbulbs, tomato plants & bags of soil, to 75 lawn mowers and on Sunday, 200 ~Lowe~'s gift cards were given out to spend in their beautifully set up and spacious New Store!!! ~Lowe~'s even had a Canadian celebrity, Bryan Baeumler of ~Canada's Handyman Challenge~, ~Leave It To Bryan~ & ~House of Bryan~ come in on Saturday to woo and answer questions that the hundreds of screaming and goo-goo-eyed young, middle aged and senior die-hard fans had. The dozens of ~Lowe~'s staff on hand were very helpful and polite, and made the public, mine and John's time a fun and favorable one. I feel that by having a ~Lowe~'s store in Cornwall, that it will bring in a lot of revenue and give the contractors and the public deals that they need and want, to make their every day lives much more better and happier. Thanks to them, they have created over 130 jobs available to the workforce right here in the Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area. Happy Shopping at ~Lowe~'s Everyone!!! ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I have chosen a pair of cute, black & white polka-dot, 4 inch-silver heeled pumps that I purchased from the Agape's ~New For You~ thrift store for ONLY $5.00!!! I even got three pretty, summer dresses and a couple of flirty skirts to add to my Spring & Summer wardrobe. My total was less than $30.00. The ~New For You~ store is opened from 9:30 to 6:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays they are opened until 8:00p.m. and on Saturdays until 4:00 p.m. There is a ~Bargain Basement~ available on Fridays & Saturdays from Noon until 4 p.m. Do make sure to drop in to the Agape's ~New For You~ store to see what shoes, dresses or treasures that you may find!!! This is a non -profit organization that helps out those in our community that are far less fortunate than ourselves. Oh Johnny ... It's time to take a pic of my New polka-dot shoesies!!! I had a most wonderful time with some of my children and grandchildren last Sunday for ~Mother's Day~. I was invited to Melinda's home in Alexandria to enjoy some time with 6 out of 8 of my grandchildren and two of my children ( Melinda and Luke, and their others, Mike and Tonya.) We enjoyed a delicious supper of 3 different kinds of pizzas, zucchini and cheese sticks and many other deep fried goodies. I received a chocolate red rose and some really nice smelling bath products. I even got a handmade card from my eldest granddaughter, Abigail, which meant a lot to me. Sunday's weather wasn't so pleasant, but any time that I get to spend with my family is Priceless!!! I do hope that all of you Mothers got to enjoy a day with your families. I Sure Did!!! Thank you so much to the family members that made my ~Mother's Day~ so happy and memorable for me this year!!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART!!! UNTIL NEXT WEEK: Just Let Go!!! Let Go of How YOU Thought YOUR Life Should Be. Embrace "The Life" That Is Trying To Work It's Way Into YOUR Consciousness, TODAY!!!

Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca

If you are a not f or prof it corporat ion, you coul d qual if y t o advert ise at a 50% discount on our regul ar rat es... Cal l Jul ia f or more inf o at 613-935-3763 ext . 101

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive


FORSALE: 2004 Mazda MPV van. 208,000 km. MechanicallyA1 - needs some body work. $1,500. Cal l 613-931-1781

FORSALE: Burgundy four seat sofa, home theater and bone china cups and saucers. 613-938-9503

WANTEDFORMAY 1st : 1 bedroom apartment in the West End. Near Scores. Hoping to pay $650 with utilities included.Please call 1-613-790-0696/ 613-932-4812

FORSALE: Bidet personal hygiene system. Fits onto a regular toilet, has controls for heating the seat and water spray. Useful for elders and disabled.Asking $60. 613-938-5094.

FORSALE: Pontiac Montana,2006, 200,000K, $2500 OBO. 613-935-8101.

YARD SALE: Friday May 7 - noon to 5pm and Saturday May 7 - 8am to 4pm. 2211 Glenbrook Drive (Project near Sunrise Acres).

FORSALE: Dimplex power chef convertible electric grill. CBQ-120-ELE5 years old. Can be used manually or digitally. Manual included. Call 613-932-0842. FORSALE: Men's right hand Callaway Graphite Driver, Model RAZRFit. Mint condition with diamana shaft. Shaft alone $300, club and shaft $175. 613-933-4489. FORSALE: 2008 Travelite Slide In Camper, will fit 6?6? box, light weight 1600 lbs. Queen bed, gas stove, 3 way fridge/ freezer, toilet, very clean, well maintained. $6,500. 613 937-3455

YARD SALE: Sunday,May 15 - 8:30-1:00pmat 800 Briar Hill.


Areyoul ookingf or a SU M M ERJOB? Doyouwantt oEARN $4 0 0t o$5 0 0a week ? If you ANSWERED

YES - you need to call

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YARD SALE: Saturday May 14 - 7:00am. 18351/ 18352/ 18362Tyotown Road.

FOR SALE: Massey Ferguson 220 Tractor. Two wheel drive, 783 hours, diesel engine, 31 hps and FORSALE: Two dehumidifiers$50 each. Record 26 hps on PTU. Year 1985 and in good condition. player $75. 613-932-3559 Asking $5800. 613-347-3091 VHSt o DVD Transf ers- Cal l Shel don at 613-932-4812

FOR SALE: Full set of fourty two Oprah books sold only as set, $80. Large dog kennel $60 and Large bird cage with accessories $60. 613-933-9618



Lind a


Cornwal l Local Art ist Heat her J. Smit h Part icipat es in t he New Art Fest ival (TNAF) in Ot t awa Many of our readers who enjoy art fests that showcase unique work of artists should not miss the New Art Festival (TNAF) to be held at the Glebe in Ottawa this coming June.

This festival is the largest non-commercial outdoor art festival featuring nearly 200 visual artists. They work in a wide range of styles and media. If you are looking for one of a kind creation, meeting the artist who created it and finding out the meaning of each piece, this is an event you must attend. Not to mention one of those who has been juried and accepted by the TNAF is Heather J. Smith from Cornwall. Heather, a member of FOCUS ART, is a mosaic artist of the Bluefront Studio. Her creations include ornate boxes, buttons and jewelleries. She also creates both two and three dimensional decorative pieces to adorn your space. The TNAF will be held on Saturday June 11& Sunday June 12 from 10 am to 5 pm at the Central park, the Glebe in Ottawa. Admission is free. You can f ind more inf ormat ion by visit ing t heir websit e: ht t p:/ / www.newart f est ival .ca/ \

"Together" 8 inches square Polymer clay and glass By Heather J. Smith, Bluefront Studio

Don?t Miss!!! Art and Cul t ure Cent re Feasibil it y St udy Open House The City of Cornwall, +VG Architects, and Sierra Planning and Management would like to invite you to attend the Second drop-in Public Open House for the Cornwall Arts + Culture Centre Feasibility Study. This open house will focus on recommendations for the potential location, program and design of the Arts and Culture Facility for the City of Cornwall and the surrounding Townships. This is the SECOND of two public open houses, and will provide our team with further valuable community input on the options and recommendations that are being presented, following the evaluation of outcomes from the First Public Open House. Date: Thursday, May 19th, 2016 Time: 5pm - 8pm (DROP IN)

Location: Benson Centre - MacEwen Room 800 Seventh St. W, Cornwall

ART as a Therapy I recently attended an educational conference hosted by the St. Lawrence College. During the wellness break, we were given various activities that promote health and well-being. Among the usual suspects such as yoga, mini massage, nutritional advice, alternative healing arts, is a newer alternative - adult colouring books. Here are their rationales: 4 Reasons Adul t Col ouring is Good f or your Heal t h 1.




Meditation and relaxation: Many psychologists suggest this to patients as an alternative to meditation, as a means of relaxation, and as a calming tool. Helps with emotional and mental health issues: The time and focus that adult colouring takes helps the individual remove the focus from the negative issues and habits, and focus them in a safe and productive way. Trains your brain to focus: Clinical counselor Leslie Marshall notes that the activity ?opens up the frontal lobe of the brain ? the home of organizing and problem solving ? and focuses the mind? by allowing individuals to forget their worries. Improves fine motor skills and vision ? Colouring requires the two hemispheres of your brain to communicate, the action involves both logic, by which we colour forms, and creativity, when mixing and matching colours. Source: St. Lawrence College Learning Connection, 2016

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


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ROLLING OUT THE RED CARPET It's That Time Of The Year Again... Time for Seekers Choice Awards


Hereare t he TOP5 in eachcat egory- NOWIT'STIMEt o cast your vot ef or t he WINNERS... 1. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e

HOME BASED BUSINESS - Awakening Angels School For Healing & Enlightenment

- Lola's Pub & Grub - Fairy Sweet - Floral Expressions

- Brian Hubelit - Jenny Szymkowiak - Katalin Kennedy

4. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e


7. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e

- Coleman's Mod & Repair



- McMaze - Poppin Makeup 2. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e


5. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e



Hair2Dye4 Esca Marrow & Spice DunetCommunications Network Readyor Naught(adultcontent)

3. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e

EXISTING BUSINESS - Sharyn's Pantry - Liberty Tax Service


Justin Juice Labelle Pierre Giroux Alan Bain Jennifer Shearer Jane MacMillan

6. Pl ease vot e f or your f avourit e LITERARY ARTIST - Shannon Ferguson - Joan Levy-Earle

- Wendy Hudson - John Lister - Shannon Ferguson

- Rose Desnoyers

- Alkaline Entertainment

Alison Wonderland Band Marc Brault Marc Muir 5 Guys and a Box

8. Pl ease vot e f or t he VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR - Shelley Boisvenue

- Stephanie Carriere - Paul Aubin - Corey Disotell - Lesley Ellam - Cameron MacPhee 8. Pl easevot ef or your f avourit e ATHLETE - Zachary Zwanenburg - Susan Pomykalski - Mary Patrick

- Cathy Heenan

Our charit y of choice t his year is:

- Tracey Valade


- Sarah Massia

Pl ease vot e f or your f avourit e SEEKER CONTRIBUTOR - Countess Trottzier - Josée Sauvé - Jenni MacDonald - Steve Burke - Marlene Baker - Marie Morrell

- Brianna Ladouceur

- Sharyn Thompson

- Braxton Dalessio

- Kathleen Morris - Rose Desnoyers

Go t o www.t heseeker.ca t o vot eOR t o BECOME A SPONSOR or dropof f your choices at t he SeekerOf f ice

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Want to become a Sponsor ? Call today 613-935-3763 - only a few opportunities left ... THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 19 - May 13 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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