Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 24 June 17, 2016
M ar len e h as f ou n d a n ew f r ien d ... Photo by: John Lister
See story on page 6
TODAY ONLY - FRIDAY ONLY - TODAY ONLY - FRIDAY ONLY Les Paul Guitar - Sens Tickets - Wedding Gown - Vacuum - Golf Clubs and more! see p.10 for details
Passpor t t oou r Past p. 10
Con cer t Review CJRam on e Live P. 13
The Spring Market is now in f ul l swing. Cal l me t o t ake advant age of it !
Always a Dunne Deal
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
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The SEEKER can sometimes be hard to find and the stands tend to be empty by Sunday. WHY? you ask ...b ecau se o u r "Week l y Do se o f Po si t i ve News" i s a Ho t It em s ar o u n d To wn !!! Ou r r ead er s can 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is empty and you have missed your copy - don't worry - you can still r ead u s o n l i n e at www.t h eseek er .ca - We also have a Ho m e Del i ver y o p t i o n It 's easy - cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ex t 5
by Julia Lucio
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Ag re e to d isa g re e
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Remember, Hist ory repeat s it sel f Last Saturday, Orlando was stage to the deadliest mass shooting in American History. The shooter was Muslim. He apparently harbored a deep rooted hatred for the gay community, yet was able to successfully pass a psychological evaluation, hold a job with a security firm and legally purchase a semi-automatic weapon, despite having been on the FBI watch list as recently as 2014. Four major issues are implicitly and explicitly contained in the short paragraph above: mental illness, gun control, immigration and terrorism. But the prominent focus of mainstream media, in the immediate aftermath of the attack, before even having concrete evidence pointing to an actual link, was the shooter's possible ties to Isis. Strong condemnation came from the nation's Islamic Community.
'We are sickened and heartbroken by this appalling attack," said Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. He also called the killings a hate crime and reiterated the group has no tolerance for extremism of any kind. This is exactly how the vast majority of Muslims think. They are moderate. But debates from the anti-Islamic camp on facebook
show they clearly have a different opinion. I was asked how I would separate extremists from moderates. "The same way you separate white people and radical white supremacists.," I said. Then I was told to wake up. Maybe I've been in the positive news business too long, but I refuse to believe we're doomed. I don't care how many mass murders there are, or will be, I refuse, and will continue to refuse, to judge an entire religion based on the small percentage of its followers who uses it as a means to push their evil agendas. Just like I refuse to judge an entire race over the fact some of its people commit drug related crimes. or bundle all Christians together over the crazy talks of a few extremist preachers. And there are plenty of extremist preachers out there, by the way. Closing the immigration door on millions or persecuted people over the fear that one of them may eventually turned out radicalized is an insane idea. Declaring war on an entire belief system will simply fuel the problem. Denying freedom of religion to those who are already here would be unconstitutional. I know we, as a nation, are scared. I know we can't seem to see past our need for self-preservation . Maybe we're just projecting. Maybe our fear a foreign entity will take over our land is predicated on the fact we, the white man, did this very thing to Native Americans hundreds of years ago. Maybe we're just terrified that history will indeed repeat itself. Meanwhile, days later, new information about the shooter is surfacing. Perhaps this wasn't so much about a Muslim extremist, but simply about a mentally ill individual who struggled with reconciling his own carnal desires with his strict religious indoctrination, a problem that is actually way too familiar in white America. Except had he been white, we wouldn't call it extremism.
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Did you know ... t hat Advert ising IN THE SEEKER is NOTan expense- it 'san INVESTMENT? So what are you wait ing f or? Call Mai-Liis TODAY - 613-935-3763 ext 102 - LET'S CHAT!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Pride Fl ag wil l be f l own t o honour vict imsof Orl ando massacre Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario ? At the request of Cornwall City Council, the Pride flag will be flown at the Justice Building next to City Hall this week in honour of the victims of the tragic event in Orlando. 49 people died, and 53 more were injured by a lone gunman at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando Florida. A brief flag raising and vigil will be held on Friday June 17th at 12 pm to honour the victims and their families. Everyone is welcome to attend. Members of the local LGBTQ community are still in shock and mourning these tragic events. A Facebook event page has been started to rally people to attend the vigil. LGBTQ members and supporters are also welcomed to attend a potluck and meet and greet at Lamoureux Park (in the field next to the ANAF) at 5pm on Friday June 17th.
Members of Cornwall City Council are also still in shock. According to Carilyne Hébert the fight for equality is no where near over in 2016. ?It is heart breaking that we are still fighting such hate of all forms in 2016. It reminds us that even with the progress that has been made we will always have to fight for equality and lgbtq rights. Lgbtq rights are human rights. The flag raising and vigil is an important gesture. It shows that we are and inclusive and open community and gives our residents an opportunity to stand in solidarity with the victims from the tragic event, their families and the entire lgbtq community,? laments City Councillor Carilyne Hébert. Almost a year ago the US Supreme Court struck down state marriage bans and thus allowing same sex marriage across the United States. In Canada the Civil Marriage Act legalized gay marriage eleven years ago. Despite these gains towards equality, homophobia, hate, and even acts of violence still occur.
Seeker Snapshot : Pommier Honours OHA Val edict orians Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk
Her e ar e Ontar io Hockey Academy co-valedictor ians Thom as Chaulk and Taylor Davis each r eceiving a special gift fr om Andr é Pom m ier of Pom m ier Jew eller s at a gr aduation cer em ony sever al w eeks ago.
Sport s & Recreat ion Ahead of this Saturday?s LNAH draft, the River Kings have dealt their second overall pick to the Jonquiere Marquis.Cornwall has acquired power forward Olivier Croteau and forward Jeremy Vigneault-Belanger, as well as three draft picks ? Jonquiere?s 8th, 16th and 33rd overall selections.In exchange, the River Kings send the Marquis their second overall pick and the rights to Sefan Chaput, who played two games for the River Kings in 2013-14. Cornwall still holds the first overall pick.?Croteau is a player I?ve coveted for some time now; he?s a big, physical power forward that we really needed,? said general manager Rick Lalonde. ?And Vigneault-Belanger puts up points wherever he plays; he will definitely help our offence in 2016-17.? Meanwhile, head coach and assistant general manager Bob Desjardins knows both players well.?I?m very happy with this deal as we once again acquire good character players who will fit in nicely with our team,? said Desjardins. ?We worked really hard on this deal and on top of adding two good players, we get three more draft picks as well.?The 24-year-old Croteau, who is listed at 6-foot-2, 190 lbs., had 12 points and 110 penalty minutes in 29 games for Jonquiere last season. In 37 games split between Saint-Georges and Jonquiere last season, Vigneault-Belanger had 13 goals and 22 assists for 35 points. He had 58 points two seasons ago with the Cool FM.?I know exactly what he brings to a hockey club,? said Desjardins, who has coached Vigneault-Belanger since he was 19 years old. ?He?s a point-per-game player who will help our power play as well.?The annual LNAH draft will be held on Saturday, June 18 at Sorel-Tracy.
Did you know The Seeker is seen by thousands of people weekly? Our papers are so hot that you often can't find them past Sunday. Ask to see our demographic reach. You will realise that at the Seeker, we reach your TARGET MARKET! Ask our cl ient s! Call Jul ia at 613-935-3763 ext 101 or Mai-Liis at 613-935-3763 ext 102
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THIS SU NDAY, JU NE 1 9 t h ... i s FATHER'S Sha ry n
THO M PSO N Cel eb rati ng Fath er's Day I send my best wishesto all Dads, Husbandsand Grandpasfor a wonderfulFather'sDay thisSunday.We may not tell you often enoughhow much you mean to us. I hope you will all be spoiledand given lotsof hugsand kissesfrom your families.My Dad died when I wasjust fourteen.I wish he were here right now to be with my family. My love and prayersgo to you now. I will be repeatingmy recipe for a no-bake cherry cheesecakefor you this week. The recipe was given to me by a very dear friend,Carol Foreman about 1970. If you have never made this, you are certainly missing out on a great dessert.It will be devoured by our family when we get together for Father'sDay. My grandaughterJade made this for her Mum Jennifer'sbirthday a few weeks ago. It makes me proud to see my grandchildrencooking and baking.and gardening.Another generationis followingin our footsteps.And time goes on.... I will be lookingforwardto seeingyouat theawardsnighthostedby theSeekerchicksthisevening.Thankyouto thoseof youwhovotedfor mefor best columnandalsofor an existingbusiness.It isan honourevento be considered.I lovewhatI dofor youherein my columnandat my store.Thankyou!
2- 1/ 2 cups graham wafer crumbs 1/ 2 cup white sugar 1/ 2 cup melted butter
2 envelopes of Dream Whip dessert topping 1/ 2 cup of cold milk (do not use the amount of milk asked for on the envelope) 2 cups of sifted icing sugar 2- 8 oz. pkg. of Philadelphia cream cheese (I use brand name here. Make sure the cream cheese is very soft or you will have a lumpy filling when you whip this.)
THE TOPPING: You can use cherry, blueberry or raspberry pie filling to spread over the top. You can also use all three toppings and spread them in diagonal lines to cover the top of the cheesecake. You will need about 3 to 4 cups of pie filling. We carry this bulk in containers in my store, Sharyn's Pantry.
METHOD: FOR THE BASE: 1. Grease a 9" x 13" baking pan with butter or spray with non-stick spray. Set your oven to 350 degrees F. 2. I know I said no-bake cheesecake but I was talking about the middle layer. -Combine the graham crumbs with the sugar. Mix well. 3. Stir in the melted butter. Mix well. 4. -Remove about 1/ 4 cup of the crumb mixture and set this aside for now. You will sprinkle this as a garnish over the top of the pie filling before serving. - Sprinkle the remaining crumb mixture over the bottom of your prepared pan. Press the crumb mixture down firmly. I like to use the bottom of a flat-bottomed measuring cup to even out the crumb mixture. 5. Bake this for 10 minutes in a 350 degree F. oven. Then set aside to cool for a few minutes. FOR THE MIDDLE LAYER: 1. Use an electric mixer and whip the Dream Whip with the 1/ 2 cup of cold milk. Note that you are not following the amount of milk asked for on the envelope of Dream Whip. Whip this until nice and fluffy. 2. Now add in the sifted icing sugar and whip this again. A hint here, use a rubber spatula to stir in the icing sugar first. I can tell you that in the past, I did not do this and had icing sugar all over me and the counter. When something like this happens, I say that it is God letting me do this wrong so I can tell you how to do it right. Whip this until nice and creamy. 3. Lastly, add the 2 packages of very soft cream cheese and whip again until nice and smooth and fluffy. 4. Spread this over the cooled baked graham crumb base. FOR THE TOPPING: 1. Spread any pie filling (Cherry is our favourite) over the top of the cream cheese layer. We usually use a 4 cup container of Sharyn's Pantry pie filling. This is bakery quality pie filling - the best! 2. Now sprinkle over the reserved graham crumb mixture to make a nice garnish. For Jen's birthday cheesecake,Jade sprinkled the crumb mixture to spell JEN. Cute eh? Keep any leftovers refrigerated.It will keep for a week in your fridge. ENJOY!
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN:Monday toSaturday - 9 to5
Book him a Massage f or Fat hers Day!
with Kathleen Morris, RMT
305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On ( 613) 662-5549
Even Dad n eed s a b r eak so m et i m e!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THIS SU NDAY, JU NE 1 9 t h ... i s FATHER'S
Sha nno n
Happy Fath ers Day to al l Fath ers, Fath ers-i n-l aw , Step-dads, Grandpas and Fath ers of f our l egged ch i l dren!
5 Point ers f orDat inga Singl eFat her Maybe it?s because I?m getting older but it seems like there are more and more single parents cropping up these days and while often times single Moms get most of our attention, it?s just as true that single Dads are strong, committed, caring, and perhaps out searching for love again after going it alone for a while. This Father?s Day let?s think of the single guys out there who have given their whole hearts to their children and continue to do so, regardless if they hope to find a new relationship one day or not. It?s important to remember that dating a guy who is a father comes with a whole new set of rules and while I myself have never done it, I have enough single guy friends to realize that the following five points are true when it comes to dating a man who already had a child.
5- You May Not See Him as Of t en as You?d Like Dating a guy with a kid can sometimes seem hectic since his life probably revolves around play dates, schools pick-ups, and bedtime stories but if you just maintain your cool you will see that sometimes it?s okay for a guy you?re dating to have his own life and not spend every waking moment with you. Sure, there will be times you?d like to stay in bed until noon on a Sunday only to find out it?s his weekend to take his daughter to soccer practice, but hey if he?s a good enough guy you?ll be patient enough to see him when there?s time and use the days off from one another to appreciate your potential. 4- His Ex May Be a Big Part of His Lif e Breakups or divorce before children can sometimes go pretty smoothly and both parties may never talk again, but when a child is involved you have to understand that your new guy?s ex could still be present and very much in the picture. Lose the jealousy right off the bat and accept that this is this way for the children?s sake and has nothing to do with you. There?s no need for hate or bad words about her, especially not in front of any child, so learn to live with it and if it weighs too heavily on you then perhaps he?s actually not the man for you? 3- He?s Probabl y a Big Kid at Heart I don?t have kids but I?ve heard they really bring out the child in you. Dating a man who?s a dad could be really fun and I?m sure he?ll bring out a side of you that you may not have been in touch with since The Lion King was released. Go with it, have fun, and be silly with him. This will help you bond not only with him but with the kids when you finally meet them. 2- You Coul d Be Taking on a Big Responsibil it y Realize right away, that even if you haven?t met the children yet that when you do you may have a big influence on their little lives. If you already know you absolutely hate children, why waste anyone?s time pretending you do just because the father is hot. That?s not fair to anyone. Realize right away that children are impressionable and if the dating process goes well and evolves you could become a big part of their lives, so know what this entails beforehand and make sure you actually like the guy enough to become serious. Stringing him along and playing head games isn?t cool in the first place and while you shouldn?t ever do this anyway, messing around with a father?s feelings will not only negatively affect him but his little family, as well. 1- You Wil l Never Be His First Priorit y (And That ?s Okay). Often times, we get so caught up in dating and wanting to be put first we overlook how special it could be to know that a man is actually capable of loving another
FA THER'S DA Y I S Sunday, June 19th
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human so much that no amount of good looks or sex will make him move his child to the back burner. The fact that a man will always put his children first should indicate to you that he is responsible enough to be taken seriously and if you have enough confidence you will know that he can still love you in a completely different way. The best of both worlds is possible when you stop looking at the situation selfishly and instead come to terms with the fact that a man with children who are his priority is only just declaring that he is a good human being with a big heart. If you don?t force him to choose your over his kids, he will most likely share that heart with you so recognize his priorities for what they are: love. To all the Dads out there, single or not, and to the Mother?s doing both parents? jobs: Have a very Happy Father?s Day and bask in the love of your children. Keep doing the best you can and don?t let the world?s dark skies prevent you from teaching your children about rainbows. Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at www.dunet.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
BAKER Hi There Everyone, I hope that you all have had a most enjoyable kind of week since the last time you were sitting down reading ~The Seeker~, Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area's most Positive newspaper. MOTHER NATURE ... What Are You Doing To Us??? Why did you invite Old Man Winter to come back to make us put on more and warmer clothing and made us turn on our furnaces??? Enough Already!!! Give us the Spring and Summer temperatures we expect at this time of year. PRETTY PLEEEEEASE!!!
Tip of t he Week: For All of You Gardeners Out There, Plant your peas, beets and lettuce when the first leaves appear on the Lilac bushes. Plant your corn, beans and squash when the Lilac trees bloom. Plant cabbages when the Dogwood is in full bloom, or when the apple blossoms bud. Plant Non-GMO corn when the Oak leaves are the size of mouse ears, or when Elm leaves are the size of a squirrel's ear. Set out your tomato transplants when the first ladybugs appear. Beans, carrots, cauliflower and beets do well in close quarters. Plant your radishes with your lettuce... (flea beetles will stay away.) Plant the carrots and onions close together, this keeps the carrot flies away. (Shu fly don't bother me.) Keep your cabbage away from tomatoes and celery. Cucumbers will improve when beans are grown between them. Turnips like to have some peas nearby. (They get lonely sometimes.) Beans and sweet corn do well in alternate rows. Plant beans on top of your potatoes to keep the potato bugs away. Plant Marigolds and peppers around the perimeter of the garden to deter Slugs, Rabbits and Squirrels!!! SQUIRREL!!! Cheers to all of you "Green Thumbers" out there ... Happy Gardening Everybody!!!
Co ver St o r y
M ar l en e h as fo u n d a n ew fr i en d ... Stor y by M a r lene Ba ker , Photo by John Lister I hear d it thr ough the "Gr ape vine," that a lovely lady, Esther M acdonald (seen in photo above) had r ecently celebr ated her 90th bir thday and that she r eally enjoys r eading ~The Seeker ~... especially r eading this colum n ~Positively M ar lene~ each and ever y w eek . So, I decided to go to m eet this avid fan of m ine to hear for myself on how m uch she enjoys r eading my colum n. Esther told m e she is lost until she gets to r ead it. She is or ginally fr om P.E.I. and now r esides at the senior hom e ~Sandfield~ r ight her e in Cor nw all. She w as m ar r ied for m any decades to her loving husband w ho w as in the ar my and w as a teacher at C.C.V.S. Esther taught for 7 year s at the St. Law r ence Estate w hich is now called the Islam ic Insititute. She decided to go to w or k after having 7 childr en (5 sons & 2 daughter s.) The sam e am ount of childr en that I had (4 Daughter s & 3 Sons for m e.) Esther enjoyed going on sever al tr ips including Haw aii and Vancouver thr oughout the m any year s w ith her har d ear ned m oney. She continues enjoying tr avelling even though she is 90 by being a par t of the ~Jolly Tour s~ w her e they plan tr ips for senior s over 60. She enjoys baking and does som e of her ow n gar dening at ~Sandfield~. Esther is so intelligent has a w onder ful m em or y and she is an inspir ation for m e. I told her that I w ant to gr ow up to be just like her. Esther is such a lovely lady that w as so polite and pleasant to chat w ith. I have now decided that after m eeting up w ith Esther and seeing this beautiful r esidence that I w ould love to volunteer som e of my tim e to visiting her and other s at ~Sandfield~. Tha nk you ever so kindly Esther for spending some time with me this week a nd I look for wa r d to seeing a nd chatting with you a ga in.
It em of t he Week: This week I have chosen a perfect item that suits me so well. It is a "wine bottle stopper" in the shape of a shoe. OH, SO SWEET!!! ISN'T IT??? I picked up this item from an online auction for ONLY $3.00!!! See what a few dollars can do...Why not see what "Unique items" you can get on these different auctions on face book!!! HAPPY SHOPPING LADIES & GENTS. I wanted to continue writing about "FATHERS" this week, as this Sunday, June 19th is Father's Day. I want to THANK all of the Step fathers, Foster fathers and all of the Father figures who have stepped up to the plate to take over the responsibilities of the FATHERS for whatever reason couldn't or wouldn't want to be there for their child or children. I want to thank them for the year that they have put into making and keeping their families happy and healthy. I want to thank you for the love that you have and sometimes can't express at times.. Dads are sometimes quiet when it comes to showing their love. Thanks also, to the many 'BIG Brothers' who volunteer their time to be a father figure to so many young people. At 2 yrs old...I said, ''Daddy I love you''... At 15 yrs old, ''Dad Whatever!''... At 17 yrs, old, ''My Dad is so annoying''... At 18 yrs old,''I'm leaving this house''... At 25 yrs. old, "Dad you were so right''... At 30 yrs ' I want to go to Dad's house''... Now at 55 yrs. old, '' I didn't want to lose my Dad ... but, sadly, I did... "I would give anything to have my Dad here with me, today!'' He would have been so proud of me... You Only Have One Dad, FATHER... So tell him that you love and appreciate him for all that he has done for YOU and the rest of your family. Unt il Next Week: Maybe "The Journey" isn't so much about becoming Anything. Maybe it's about UNBecoming Everything that isn't YOU!!! I am in competition with no one. I run my own Race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any Way, Shape or Form. I just Aim to Improve, to be Better, than I was before. THAT IS WHO AND WHAT I AM - BEING ME, AND FEELING SO FREE!!! Marl ene Baker of www.f ashionography.ca & www.phot odreams.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
The Li br ar y is now cl osed Sundays up to and incl ud ing Sunday, Sept em op ening hour ber 4 th. The s fo the w eek rem r the rest of ai n the same.
45 SecondStreetE.
@ the
www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario
Get Ready For Summer Reading Borrow a book or buy a book. We have it covered. Visit our bookst ore inside t he l ibrary f or bargain qual it y used books.
Open dail y 1 t o 4 and 10 t o 4 Sat urdays. FRIDAY, JUNE 17 Summer Movie Fest ival ?Spot l ight ? Biography, Drama, Hist ory - Audience: 14A Show times: 2 p.m.
Yoga Yout h - (Ages 6 to 16 years old) 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Paws 'n Books Read to our fluffy canine friends Children program - 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Check-Mat es Chess games for youth 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Engl ish Corner wit h Jim Desson Conversational English - 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg - 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Cornwal l & Region Writ ers Societ y Monthly writing challenge- 6:30 p.m.
TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg - 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Fl ying Needl es Knitting for fun. - 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Teen Tuesdays If you are a teen, this is for you. Join us for absolute great fun. 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. St . Lawrence Int ernat ional St amp Cl ub - 7:00 p.m. meeting
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 Apprendre en jouant (0 à 5 ans) - 10 h 30 à 12 h Heure du cont e - Earl y Years Cent re - 10 h à 12 h Bridge Like to play? - Join us at 6:15 p.m.
THURSDAY, JUNE 23 Brown Bag Book Cl ub 12 noon to 2 p.m. Cornwal l Scrabbl e Are you up to the challenge? 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m. Teen Graphic Novel Book Cl ub 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Summer Movie Fest ival BRIDGE OF SPIES THURSDAY, JUNE 23 @ 2 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. FRIDAY, JUNE 24 @ 2 p.m. Drama, History, Thriller - AUDIENCE: P
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC June
FRIDAY Th e Seek er s Ch o i ce Awar d s an d 6 t h an n i ver sar y
fu n d r ai serCornwall Golf & Country Club - starting at 6pm - AN EVENT YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS!
U P?
Joel Sauve perf orming at the Jet Set Pub 7-11 pm. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org
Cornwal l Wil dcat s Foot bal l Get a center field seat for exciting Ontario Varsity Football League action when the Cornwall Wildcats take on the Cumberland Panthers. Monday, June 20th at 8:30 pm (recorded June 18)
21 June
TUESDAY Next t im e call in you r even t
WEDNESDAY Next t im e call in you r even t
Karaoke wit h Mike Rivet t e - Everyone Welcome-Navy Vets 30 Sixth St. E. Cornwal l General Hospit al Nurses Al umnae Annual Dinner Cocktails: 6 pm, Dinner: 7 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. 30$ per person. Call Catherine Poirier: 613.932.9164 to reserve. MOHAWK INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY ADIRINDACK AUTO PARTS presents Vint age Modif ied plus Regular Show for Modified, Sortsman, Novice Sportsman, & Bandits No Mod Lites Ad m i ssi o n $1 : 2
W H A T 'S
Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org
28 LIBRARY TD SUMMER READING CLUB Circle June 28th on your calendar for the official launch of our Summer Reading Club at the library from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Register your child for great summer programs. They begin July 4 and end August 5. Check our website to access the brochure full of great events and programs.
Ride f or t he Bat t l e Against Brain Cancer Registration starting at 8:30 am at Minimax Transport, See poster RIGHT for details
Women Ent repreneurs Dinner Meet ing From 6 pm to 9 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Guest speaker:Elaine Lindsay, Social Media. Members:22$, non-members:25$. WeCornwallArea.ca
Huge Yard Sal e Hotel furniture, windows, doors, clothing, commercial stainless, housewares and more! 7:00am to 12:00pm at the International business park, 691 Brookdale Avenue.
Knight s of Col umbus Spaghet t i Lunch & Supper Lunch: 11 am to 1 pm. Supper: 4:30 pm to 6 pm. Downstairs hall, 205 Amelia
Karaoke Wit h Nat & Perry From 7 pm to 11 pm. Cornwall District Navy Vets Association, 30 6th St. E.
HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all Fathers, Fathers-in-law , Step-dads, Grandpas and Fathers of f our legged children! CORNWALLMOTORSPEEDWAY- PROPANELEVAC sponsorsthe 50 LAPof t he ULTIMATEPRO-STOCK SERIES+ 25 lap DannyLefebvreMemorialMini Stock + CompleteProgramAd m i ssi o n $1 : 5 Hymn Sing At 6:30 p.m. Long Sault Pentecostal Church, 9 Bethune Ave. Light refreshments served following the singing. Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880
Your word ad in t he CALENDAR OF EVENTS is FREE but you have t o cal l it in ... 613-935-3763 ext 102 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 8
B a r sB, a n d asn dm o r .e. .
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Lo ca l M u sicia n sRa l l y w it h Co n cer t t o Ben ef it Lil y Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk Cor nw all Ontar io ? On Satur day June 18th ther e is a benefit concer t at La M aison Taver n in Cor nw all to benefit Lily. Four year Lily Douglas has stage four cancer (m etastatic r habdomyosar com a) and her par ents need suppor t. ?The gr eat m usicians of Cor nw all and sur r ounding ar ea have put together this show to help w ith the cause,? says Rodney Rivette. (seen in photo). The line-up featur es Elly M ay, (photo below ) Slim and the Fatkid (M ar c M uir and Rodney Rivette), W inston M ar ley, M ena Har dy, and Red Flag. ?Please suppor t Lily by com ing out to a show you w on?t soon for get,? Rodney Rivette concludes. Door s ar e at 7pm , adm ission is $10, and the event is 19+. Ther e ar e a few other w ays you can suppor t Lily and her fam ily too. Dek e an d Squ eak s is having a com m unity car w ash betw een 12pm and 4pm on Satur day June 18th to benefit Lily. Th e Cor n w al l Seek er New spaper is also suppor ting Lily w ith a silent auction that star ts just pr ior to The Seeker Aw ar ds Dinner on Fr iday June 17th. The silent auction is fr om 6 to 11:30 pm at the Cor nw all Golf & Countr y Club (Item s ar e available for view ing ther e fr om 6 onw ar ds) and you can also bid for item s online at www.t heseeker.ca/ auct ions/ if you can?t m ake it to the event. (Auction closes at 11:30pm )
Passpor t t o ou r Past This com ing Satur day and Sunday is the annual, local ver sion of Door s Open, w her ein var ious places that ar e nor m ally not open to the public or nor m ally open for a fee, open their door s for fr ee for tw o days only. Am ong the Cor nw all venues ar e the Histor ic Cor nw all Jail and the Cor nw all Com m unity M useum , diagonally acr oss Water Str eet fr om each other. Be sur e to br ing a cam er a. The Jai l and the United Counties com plex of w hich it is a par t, is one of Ontar io's oldest continuously oper ated public buildings. The jail itself oper ated fr om 1834 until 2002. The Tr ipAdvisor w ebsite is r eplete w ith sever al glow ing r eview s of the jail tour s, w hich nor m ally includes the attached r ecently fur nished for m er Jail Gover nor 's house, the jail, the yar ds and the r eplica gallow s. Capable tour guides shar e tales of incar cer ation, tor tur e, executions as w ell as accounts of law and injustice. Abbr eviated tour s r un fr om 11 a.m . until 4 p.m . both days. The Wood Hou se M u seu m in Lam our eux Par k is one of the Cor nw all Tow nship or iginal 1840 United Em pir e Loyalist hom es that w as m oved to its cur r ent location in 2000. The tw o floor house contains fur nishings and other ar tefacts fr om acr oss the United Counties. Below the house is a tw o floor clim ate-contr olled Ar chive containing thousands of photos, docum ents, books and other ar tefacts fr om acr oss the r egion. Tour s r un fr om 10:30 a.m . until 4:30 p.m . both days.
The Historic Cornwall Jail is open for guided tours during summer weekends; free abbreviated tours this weekend. People often ask what happened to the paper mill's cornerstone and the totem pole that graced the main entrance. The mill was built on land purchased from the Wood family - the same family whose home now houses the local museum at the waterfront park. It's fitting that the Wood family and the mill are remembered as being interconnected.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Ste p he n
Wi ndow s 10
BURKE Taking t he Pl unge, Part 1
If you have Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, chances are that you have been seeing a nagging reminder from Microsoft to upgrade to Windows 10 because it is FREE for a limited time. Well, that time is almost over. When July ends, so does the offer. So you now have a choice to take the plunge or just keep your current version and be forced to upgrade or switch platforms within the next few years. If you decide to take the plunge, here is a general outline on how to make the upgrade easier. This is not a step-by-step guide; if you are not familiar with doing this kind of upgrade, take your computer to your trusted local computer retailer and have them do the work. It is best to not wait until the last week in July to do this clean upgrade to Windows 10. To ensure that everything works well, you will want to do the upgrade between the last week in June and the 1st week in July. Preparation is the key. First, make sure that all of your software and hardware is Windows 10 compatible. Ensure that you have all the Windows 10 drivers for all of your computer related equipment and also all the installation media for your programs. If you can't find your original driver discs, you should be able to download the files from the
manufactuer website and save them on a USB memory stick. If you can't find your original installation media for your programs, well, you may have to decide if the cost of new media is worth the upgrade. Some programs have DRM and you will need to uninstall it from your computer via the manufacturer's website. Once you have all your device drivers and software, you are almost ready to begin the upgrade. One last precaution is backing up your current system's hard drive. You will need an external drive and software to make a mirror copy of your current system. This may cost around $120, but it is cheap insurance against a possible loss of irreplaceable data. Also backup your data files on CD, DVD or USB stick - it is good to have a redundant backup. Also make sure you have the license keys for your software and your current version of Windows. Once you have made your backups and have all the driver and software installation media and license keys you just about ready to do a clean install of Windows 10. Double check, just to be sure you have all the license keys and media. If the above sounds a bit tricky to accomplish, take your computer to your trusted local computer retailer and have them do the work. Next week - Taking t he Pl unge, Part 2
Is your websit e ef f ect ive on every pl at f orm? If not , we can help! Cal l 613-935-8101 f or your f ree eval uat ion
Ene rg e tica llySp e a king
W e nd y
HUDSO N Cl eansing YourPersonal Space By Wendy Hudson, D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H. It?s ver y im por tant for us to all have a safe place that w e can go to w hen w e?r e feeling str essed out, hur t or in need of som e m uch needed r etr ospection. This special space that holds our ener gies should be a place that w e can r etr eat to w hen needed, w her e w e can be cr eative and w her e w e can have silence in or der to hear w hat our hear t is saying to us. M any find r efuge in natur e, by w ater or even in a par k listening to childr en laughing and playing.
As an ener gy healer , I under stand the im por tance of having that sacr ed, safe space. Other s often car r y w ith them negative ener gies that, if picked up, can influence our m oods, our ability to concentr ate and to cr eate. Often, this safe place is found in our hom e, but w hat if you w or k in an envir onm ent w ith other s w her e negativity is com m on? Below , I?ve included som e things you can do on your ow n to ensur e that your ow n space stays positive and clean. All of these can be used at hom e but som e m ay be tr ickier to use in a cr ow ded w or k space so I?ve tr ied to include som e discr ete ones as w ell. - Cr ystals have know n healing and cleansing pr oper ties. Keeping a few scatter ed ar ound your w or k space or even w ear ing one as a necklace w ill help r epel negative ener gies. - Fr esh cut flow er s invite in ear th ener gies and w ill add beauty and fr agr ance, thus elevating your ow n per sonal vibr ation as w ell that of your envir onm ent. - M usic that is specially designed to r em ove negative ener gies is especially helpful as par t of sound healing. - Sm udging is a tr aditional cleansing technique that involves bur ning specific her bs, r oots, r esins and bar ks believed to have healing pr oper ties. Incense also w ill help pur ify the air space of air bor ne vir uses by r eleasing negative ions into the air.
- If you ar e aller gic to sm oke or sim ply can?t do this in your w or k place, tr y diffusing essential oils. They w or k m uch on the sam e pr incipals as sm udging. - Using a chim e, bell, r attle, cr ystal bow l or singing bow l w ill also w or k to chase aw ay negativity fr om a space. - Laugher is actually the em otion of joy being tur ned into vibr ation. Negativity w ill be r epelled by this high ener gy. - Salt is gr eat to use after a cleansing ar ound the per im eter to keep your space clean. Salt is said to be a gr eat cleanser and pr otector of negative ener gies. - Raising your ow n vibr ation thr ough healing w or k w ill help you hold such a high vibr ational fr equency that you w ill becom e like a bug zapper to any negativity that tr ies to get close to you (it r eally does w or k). - Intent is the single m ost effective w ay to pr otect your space and your self. This engages the Law s of Attr action and Resonance. Along w ith this goes pr ayer s of pr otection, closing off your aur a and psychic tie cutting, all of w hich w e teach our clients and students. It is im por tant her e to r em em ber that nothing has any m eaning except that w hich you give it and this is w her e intent plays a huge r ole. These things have w or ked for m e but ther e m ay be som ething else that w or ks for you. W hatever it is, use it, continue to intend it to w or k and w atch for gr eat r esults. Until next tim e.
To find out more about what we do, who we are, what we teach and any upcoming workshops and classes, please visit our website at www.awakeningangels.ca. To read this blog in its entirely, visit https:/ / awakeningangels.wordpress.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Lind a
G e ise l
Eart h Energy Abounds at Aul t svil l e
Betty Healey is well known to our community as an award winning author, speaker, coach and retreat facilitator. In the past 2 decades she and her husband Jim have operated a successful coaching-consulting firm roadSIGNS whose mission is ?to cultivate passion, innovation and spirit within individuals, teams and organizations?.
Little known to the public is that Betty is a passionate visual artist. She had always enjoyed drawing and sketching as a child. Throughout her academic career, she took the time to take lessons from local (Montreal) artists to hone her skills. One of her instructors was a student of Arthur Lismer, a member of the Group of Seven. Like most of us, family and professional career took priority over her passion for the arts. Her clients, mostly consisting of larger corporations from Montreal, demanded her time and attention. It was not until she began networking in Cornwall and area that she was drawn back to the artistic community. She met many local artists through the Women?s Entrepreneurs group. One of her local clients is the now popular OBO Studio. When Tracy Lynn Chisholm and Emily Fourney MacLeod offered their very first workshop, Betty was given a free registration. It is through this connection that she found herself re-engaged in art. It was truly a mutually beneficial relationship. Like her clients, Betty continues to learn and evolve. A spiritually centred person, Betty found her grounding in the natural energy of the earth. Her artistic expression reflects her own evolution. She notes that her work, while based on traditional and theoretic learning, is becoming more freeing. She enjoys exploring outside the palette, playing with textures, and drawing the energy from mother earth and her inner being and lays it on the canvas. This beautiful and powerful piece depicting a woman stretching her wings, is representational of Betty?s ?coming out? to declare herself as an artist. It is, to me, the signature piece of her exhibition. It speaks of transformation, courage to be and the freedom to become. I invite you all to see for yourselves and be inspired. Her work is on display in the Aultsville Theatre Foyer Gallery until the end of June.
gr ease hair , has been enter taining audiences since 1998. His r ockabilly im age is distinct, but his m otivation isn't fashion or iented, he just w ear s w hat he likes.
Int erview
wit h Bl oodshot
Bil l
The rockabil l y musician ret urns t o Cornwal l t o pl ay Lol a's Pub on Jul y 2nd Article and Interview by Jason Setnyk Photo by Jason McNamara Cor nw all Ontar io - The one-m an r ockabilly band, Bloodshot Bill, is r etur ning to Cor nw all for a concer t on Satur day July 2nd at Lola's Pub. This tim e, how ever , he w on't be playing solo. The Hick-ups w ill be joining him on stage. Bloodshot Bill has also played w ith a slew of other bands such as The Hubcaps, Guilloteens, Bootlegs, Hand-Cuffs, Pouteens, and Squir t. The M ontr eal m usician, w ith his iconic slicked
"I'm not exactly sur e w hat my im age is, I just do w hat I like," said Bloodshot Bill." I am sur e that I could put out a disco album and people w ould still call it "w ild r ockabilly" just because," obser ved Bloodshot Bill. Over the span of 18 year s he has im pr oved as a m usician, but he still stays close to his m usical r oots.
"I think, hope, my playing has im pr oved. I never took pr oper lessons for anything so it took m e a w hile to figur e stuff out and get my ow n thing going. Also, the sound of my r ecor dings has im pr oved a lot, at least to my ear s, over the last 6 year s. I'm still playing and r ecor ding the sam e kinda stuff as w hen I star ted," Bloodshot Bill r em inisced. Bloodshot Bill plays his ow n unique br and of r aunchy, w ild, and r aw r ock and r oll w ith just a guitar and a stom p boar d. He plays his guitar
thr ough a custom m ade Richtone Am p w hich adds r ichness to his unique sound and r hythm s. He has 11 full length album s, and 22 other album s (singles, EP's, and split album s) that have been r eleased thr oughout Eur ope, the United States, and Canada. These ar e places he still tour s fr equently by tr ain, plane, bus, or car. In Apr il, his m ost r ecent r elease, "Guitar Boy" cam e out on Nor ton Recor ds. "I'm r eally happy w ith it. Fr om the sound, songs and sequence, dow n to the gr eat cover ar t, I'd highly r ecom m ended it," Bloodshot Bill declar ed. Bloodshot Bill has been in sever al film s and docum entar ies, and his m usic has also appear ed on com pilation CDs such as the Cor nw all Under gr ound Vol.3 w hich w as r eleased in 2003. His m usic is also available on m usic str eam ing ser vices. Although he doesn't m ake m oney having his m usic on those ser vices, he is not against them . How ever the best w ay to suppor t any m usical ar tist including Bloodshot Bill, is to buy their album . "I w ouldn't m ind getting paid for that but I'm not against it yet. I per sonally don't dow nload stuff or use those sites (not for any m or al pur pose, just that I don't!). I do check stuff out on Youtube. If I like som ething I w ill hunt it dow n and buy it! I think it's a good w ay to discover new things, and it's definitely quick! I think it all balances out som ehow ," Bloodshot Bill hypothesized. Opening the concer t for Bloodshot Bill and the Hick-ups is local gr unge band Doctor M om . The concer t on July 2nd star ts at 10pm , it is 19+, and adm ission is $5.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Concert Review: CJ Ramone Live at House of TARG Article and (Camera Phone) Photo by Jason Setnyk
Ottawa Ontario ? On Thursday, June 9th, 2016, I saw CJ Ramone live in concert at House of TARG in Ottawa. I?ve been a fan of the Ramones for over twenty years, but I never saw them live. Unfortunately the band broke up when I was in Grade 9, and in years gone by Joey, Dee Dee, Johnny, and Tommy all passed away. Only CJ Ramone and Marky Ramone are actively touring and playing concerts. The Ramones last Ottawa show was on June 13th 1992, and the Ramones final show in Canada was on July 7th 1996 in Quebec City. A month later the band hung up their leather jackets permanently. When it was announced CJ Ramone was touring Canada, and that he would be playing in Ottawa, I was so excited that I bought my tickets the first day (and first minute) they were available to purchase online. I took the roadtrip to Ottawa with Rene Martin, a local drummer, and owner of King Street Percussion. It was both our first time visiting the House of TARG on 1077 Bank Street. Although I was well acquainted with the venue when it was known by another name. 15 years ago I booked and played my very first Ottawa punk show at that venue, but back then it was called The Underground. The two venues that occupied that space couldn?t be more different. The Underground was a dive, while the House of TARG is an experience that entices the senses. It has geek appeal with retro video games and pinball machines, and it has an almost carnival like atmosphere especially when food orders are announced over a PA like a carnie announcing a game. I had a Beau?s beer (made in Vankleek Hill) on tap and a plate of their world famous perogies. The House of TARG has the second best perogies I have ever tasted. The best perogies I ever tasted were made from scratch by my Ukrainian grandmother. She arrived in Canada after World War Two and worked at a bakery on Bloor Street in Toronto for over thirty years. I would strongly recommend the perogies at House of TARG to anyone visiting Ottawa, they are top notch. Talking about my grandmother in Toronto, it was during a trip to visit her Grade 9 that I picked up my first Ramones album at Sam the Record Man near the Eaton Centre. Now back to the concert and the review. My friend Sarah Destruction,
who spent her teenage years and a part of her 20?s growing up in Cornwall, got to open up the concert for CJ Ramone. She is a is a rhythm guitarist and one of the vocalist for GOAT, the band that kicked things off Thursday night. I remember jamming with Sarah Destruction and Nick Knockoff a few months before she made the move to Ottawa. She has been in a few different bands, and I?m proud to see how well she is doing. When I was a teenager, many punk rock kids dreamed of opening for the Ramones, and she got to experience that dream in a way. Broken Gold, who feature members of the Riverboat Gamblers, played next. They are a really talented band. They have a big sound, and they would be the perfect band to dance to at a larger festival like a Warped Tour. Next was CJ Ramone. He wasn?t wearing torn jeans and a leather jacket. Instead his uniform of choice is a black New York Yankees baseball cap, black t-shirt, blue jeans, and Converse style shoes. Half his playlist were CJ Ramone originals, and half were Ramones song. He played hit songs like Blitzkrieg Bop and Judy is a Punk, but he also played a lot of Ramones b-sides much to the befuddlement of some in attendance. He didn?t play some obvious hit songs like ?I want to be Sedated?, however he did play ?Strength to Endure? which he was the vocalist for on the Ramones album ?Mondo Bizzaro?. Of course CJ Ramone is not a Ramones cover band, and he is not obligated to play Ramones songs. He does it for the fans, and those in attendance were very appreciative of it. Hopefully Ramones fans take notice of his new material too.
with some members of the Huntingons, a mid 90s punk band that were heavily influenced by the Ramones. CJ Ramone played for nearly an hour and a half. Beads of sweat and nostalgia dripped from his forehead as he hammered through songs playing on his white and black Fender Precision bass and singing song with his iconic New York accent. I was standing front row centre enjoying every minute of the show, smiling, and singing along to all my favourites tunes. For a few brief moments I felt like I stepped back in time. Even though I never saw the Ramones live, and even though I never experienced a concert at CBGB?s, I felt like I got a taste of it because I did get to see CJ Ramone at House of TARG. It might not be same thing, but nonetheless, it?s a memory that I will carry with me throughout my life. By the time the concert was over it was past 1am and CJ Ramone looked tired. However that did not stop him from signing autographs, taking pictures with fans, and talking to people after the show. He was there to play a concert, he was not obligated to do all that other stuff. He could have left, but
interview. I was fortunate enough to score an interview with CJ Ramone that was published in The Cornwall Seeker Newspaper a few weeks ago. You can read that here. I shook CJ Ramone?s hand and said thank you. Not just for the photo, or the autograph, or the interview, but for being an inspiration and important contributor to music and to my imagination. The Ramones were my favourite band in highschool, and they are still one of my favourite bands today. The Ramones are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, not because they are the most talented band in the world, but because their music was simple and fun, they played with passion, and people loved them for it. They inspired generations of musicians and fans, and they inspired me too. There were people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s at the concert, so I literally mean they inspired generations. What I learned from the Ramones is that anyone with passion can play and have fun. Music is accessible to everyone regardless of what the mainstream defines as talent, and that you can do what you love without ever
L?Assemblée générale annuelle du Centre culturel de Cornwall aura lieu jeudi le 30 juin 2016 à 19 heures aux bureaux du Centre culturel de Cornwall, 510 rue Second est, Cornwall, Ontario
Tous les francophones et les francophiles sont invités.
Pour avoir droit de vote, vous devez être un membre en règle du
His newer songs, like ?Last Centre culturel de Cornwall, donc avoir renouvelé votre carte de Chance to Dance?, are really good. They don?t have the silly membre depuis le 1er avril 2016. singalong appeal of many Ramones classics. His new material is more mature, and it is instead he stuck around, because he selling out. Quite simply, follow your not a clone of the Ramones brand of cares about the fans. The guy is heart, and don?t let other people grind punk rock. However that?s not a bad generous, humble, and kind. That?s you down. If you want to play, just do it thing. His new music is thoughtful, pretty amazing. and be yourself. The Ramones taught more melodic, and definitely worth a us a lot, and that is what I am most After the concert I met CJ Ramone, I listen. Fat Mike of Nofx would probably thankful for, so Gabba Gabba Hey CJ had the album ?Loco Live? agree, considering he signed CJ Ramone! Thanks for an amazing autographed (which is now framed on Ramone to his label Fat Wreck Chords. concert and experience. I hope you my wall at home). I also had a photo visit Canada again one day soon. For the east-coast portion of his tour taken with him in which I was holding including Ottawa, CJ Ramone played the newspaper article from our
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Pl ease Contact Jul ie
I n vest i n you r r el at i on sh i ps
Be you r sel f W hen you do not have a positive self-view , you typically com par e our selves w ith other people, feel insecur e about your self and ar e too sensitive to the opinion of other s. You also tend to m ake choices based on other people?s expectations r at h er t h an doi n g w h at t r u l y f eel s r i gh t f or you . Having a positive self-view on the other hand m eans accepting your self for w ho you ar e and w hat you believe in. It m eans h av i n g t h e cou r age necessar y to m ake your ow n decisions and to live life the w ay that?s r ight for you. Reflecting on w hat kind of per son you w ant to be and w hat you w ant out of life w ill incr ease your under standing of your self. Living accor ding to this under standing w i l l gi ve you a sen se of pu r pose, f u l f i l m en t an d peace. Being healthy, having gr eat r elationships and a positive self-view is w onder ful. But w ho?s the 'you' in you? W hat m akes you differ ent to ever yone else? Li ve you r pu r pose, val u es an d dr eam s: Under standing you r pu r pose is a jour ney r equir ing tim e and r eflection. The purpose of life should be to feel
Al l contracts f or service wil l be min 2hours
m ed
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The fir st of your pr ior ity is to take car e of your health. Health is life. Car e for it as you w ould car e for your new bor n child. Som e tim es a per son is not given a choice because of his/her genetic m ake up w hich br ings unexpected illnesses or unexpectancies in his/her ever yday day life. W hat ever little contr ol each one of us has, keep in m ind that poor health w ill both r educe the tim e you have in this w or ld and your capability to live the life you w ant to live. Ther efor e, if you w ish to live for a long tim e w ith a m ind and body that can take you w her e you w ant; you m ust take car e of your health.
Tak e car e of you r h eal t h
M ost impor ta nt things in life
um b it ch D in e en u s g , P L i W , B t i n M er gh in a g o p f c l t d o t h , pi n o ea Sp w s r o g, r ni r i , o m ng ng s,
ff o $1 0 ec ei v
Definition: Life is the ability and tim e w e have to inter act w ith, and exper ience t h e w or l d. This exper ience should be in a w ay that gives you m eaning and positive em otions w ithout causing har m . Th i s i s w h er e com m on sen se pl ays t h e bi ggest r ol e i n ou r l i f e.
n a e Professional's Cl
at 613-870-2788
Spend quality tim e w ith the people you love and the r elationships w ill gr ow str onger. If you don't, and they w ill slow ly fade aw ay. How you view your self is the foundation on w hich your life is built.
w be o r A k l Sq se b o er l P u c ur n d s w r o ea i ed f e k y t y f il l yo ss C b o r ur io l y 10 n a ea t h l' n cl s e
M a rie
good, be good and do good. W hat you decide will become the consequences of your a ctions. The last thing you want is to be locked inescapably in an undesir able and difficult life to toler ate. You r val u es ar e t h e t h ou gh t s an d beh av i ou r s t h at def i n e h ow you w an t t o be as a per son .Your values can act as a lighthouse or a guiding star. Values help you becom e aw ar e of w hen your thoughts and behaviour s ar e not aligned w ith the kind of per son you w ant to be, consequently, helping you m ake better decisions in life. The m ost im por tant values in your life should be: love, live, lear n and inspir e. You r dr eam s ar e things you w ant to exper ience in life. Do you w ant to tr avel the w or ld? Becom e a w or ld-class teacher or w ant t o m ak e t h e w or l d a pl ace w h er e ever y cr eat u r e i s t r eat ed w i t h r espect ? I know I do. Ever y day, I dr eam a little and so can you. Think about w hat you w ould like to do, see, think, and feel and so on. Do not let your cur r ent ' as-is situation' define w hat you ar e dear ly hoping for. Dr eam s exist to be pur sued! M any dr eam s do com e tr ue and the m or e positive you self-view them , the easier it w ill be for you to achieve your dr eam s. M y father though m e so and it m ade m e r ealised it is a ver y sm all w or ld w e live in. As r esult, the sk y i s you r l i m i t .
If you have any questions, please call marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com
If you are a not f or prof it corporat ion, you coul d qual if y t o advert ise at a 50% discount on our regul ar rat es... Cal l Jul ia f or more inf o at 613-935-3763 ext . 101
Ka thle e n
M O RRIS,RM T Massage af t er Whipl ash It?s happened to so many people; you have (what you think is a minor) motor vehicle accident (MVA) and think the pain may go away after a few sleeps or some exercise. But those headaches are getting worse, the pain travelling down your back won?t go away, your head feels like it weighs a tonne. These are classic symptoms of whiplash. The severity of whiplash can vary from mild to extreme but in any case, should be taken seriously. For a mild to moderate whiplash, your insurance carrier will typically cover a set treatment plan with a RMT. If the whiplash is severe or there are other factors involved (such as fractures) the treatment plan becomes more complex.
Whiplash can be sustained through different methods, whether by MVA, slips and falls, or even while practicing sports and vigorous exercise. No matter the way a client has sustained a whiplash, the treatment plan will always involve a thorough intake with assessments and a description of the events that led up to the injury. Treatments for whiplash are shorter and more frequent in order to rehabilitate the
muscles while respecting their protective spasms. We treat the affected structures and the compensating structures, which will vary depending on the direction of the impact. Of course, the neck, shoulders, and upper back have been injured but the pain may radiate into the lower back, pectorals, jaw muscles, and abdominal muscles. Other factors that can affect the severity of the whiplash and which other structures sustain damage are the position of your headrest, your head position, the seat belt, the incline of your seat, and the whether or not the air bags are deployed. From the Whiplash Prevention Campaign, some tips on preventing whiplash: Incline your seat to no more than a 20 degree angle. If your seat is inclined too far, your headrest won?t be in a position to prevent the backwards lash of your neck. Keep your headrest at the same level as your head (align the top of the headrest with the top of your head). If it is too low, it will only act as a fulcrum point and your head will be flung over the rest. In an ideal world, people wouldn?t be distracted while driving, nor would people be careless. Unfortunately, there are always going to be distractions around us and those people who are in such a hurry that they drive too fast, through red lights, and way too close to the car in front of them. In being aware of your own surroundings, hopefully that can be enough to keep you safe. Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On K6H 4J6 Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com (613) 662-5549
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
CLASSIFIEDS YARD SALE: June 17th and 18th from 8am to 2pm. Two slow cookers,dishes, exercise equipment,Lady's and Mens clothe, electronics,juicer, books, motorcyclehelmets and leather jackets, something for everyone. 1734 2nd St. W. mobile 2. LOST: Box containing a box of jewelry was lost during a move. If found there is a reward. Cal l 613-938-2446 FORSALE: 2012 Toyota Camry LE, 12500km,one owner, mint condition, electric windowsand seats, GPS, bluetooth, accident free, smoke free, bought as a second vehicle and sold with safety and E-test. Asking $17500 or best offer. Cal l 613-933-5006
VHSt o DVD Transf ers Cal l Shel don f or an appoint ment at 613-932-4812 FORSALE: Double maplefour poster cannonball bed, $150. Love seat $50. Round maple coffee table $50. Solid antique rocking chair $40. 27' round pedestal table $80. Cal l 613-932-7175 WANTED: Fishing boat motor and trailer. maximum of 40 horse power and in good condition.Cal l 613-931-2240 FOUND: On bicycle path near L'Heritage Highschool . Light Jacket. Cal l 613-935-8136 FORSALE: New automaticin ground pool cleaner. Worth $498 asking $275. Cal l 613-936-9399
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FORSALE: 2 fiberglass boats, 16 feet, power bayler, 2 removable chairs, steering column and one with a 65hp motor. 613-932-6369 or 931-2389
Listen at dunet.ca
FORSALE: Off-white hand crocheted bedspread 84" x 90", asking $100. Cal l 613-938-5094 or 613-930-7467room 203 FORSALE: Lazy Boy chair, 2 bicycles,a printer,Acer computer with speakers.Cal l 613-330=1962 FORSALE: Antique dining set, china hutch sideboard,6 chairs and table. Circa 1939. Good condition.Asking $850 - negotiable. Cal l 931-2373 FORSALE: Formal Dining Room set like new. Table, 2 pannels and 6 chairs. $475. Cal l 613-932-6526
Happy 1st Bir t hday Adr ie Lynn Love Mom and Dad (Michelle and Garrett)
FORSALE: DeaconsBench, asking $100. Maple Coffee Table, asking $100. Oak Rocking Chair, asking $75. Child's Rocking Chair, asking $35. Round end table , asking $200. Cal l 613-932- 7175 FORSALE: 1985 Massey Ferguson 220 farm tractors. Engine horse power 31, PTO horse power 26. 1800 hours good condition. Asking $5000. Cal l 613-347-3091. FORSALE: One black suede Skechersshoes (loafer style), size 6w (with memory),never worn. Asking $25. Cal l 613-932-1239 FORSALE; Many fishing items. Such as 6 hsp Johnson motor, new fish skinner,oars, anchors,15ft bamboo rods ect. Call 613-931-2240
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
If yo u ar e p r esen t l y wo r k i n g ? Wh er e Do Yo u See Yo u r sel f i n Fi ve Year s? It must be obvious to you by now that with all of the new and enhanced technology surrounding us, it means that we are now working in a new, more flexible, more knowledge-focused workplace. The fact that most of us are living longer lives also ensures that we should reasonably expect to be able to continue making meaningful contribution, through paid and unpaid work, well beyond traditional mid-fifties retirement age. When you evaluate these two statements I can?t help but think that since you are an experienced employee who has kept up with technology changes, you will continue to be comfortable in productive & fulfilling employment or in a second or third career.
development leading to successful transition strategies for experienced employees.
It is now obvious t o most empl oyers t hat workers af t er 55 are in many cases quit e wel l -versed in t echnol ogy. Some employees in their 50s, 60s and 70s for instance use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. Many 20-year-old employees do not have workforce essential skills coming out of school and don?t know how to use the tools in ways that are appropriate for business but, quite a few older employees have developed those skills as well as experience. Social media has emerged very quickly in the workplace and there is a fairly high comfort level and use at most ages. If I?m an employer I want a good mix of skilled & experienced workers who can produce right away and younger workers who can be developed for the future of my business.
Canada-Ontario Job Fund Agreement and Eastern Ontario Manufacturing - Skills & Jobs Initiative EODP Collaborative Project offer employers and employees the opportunity to capitalize on the business benefit of new programs for employees even in their 50s and 60s. New career paths and options are becoming available for employers to retain, retrain and engage experienced employees in meaningful work that supports your business strategy. Now that does not mean that workers are not interested in retirement! But it does mean that under the right conditions many would love to contribute instead of spending their days at coffee shops or addressing the to-do list at home. In my opinion, SDG and P-R businesses are positioned as leaders of the fastest growing & hottest economic market in Ontario.
In our ongoing survey of 5,200 employers in SDG and P-R between March 2014-May 2016, our Employer One project has found that very few employers have meaningful succession plans in place but numerous managers are stating a willingness to continue to enhance the skills of workers 45 years of age and older. Managers and employees are beginning to have in-depth discussions about training needs and career opportunities instead of only succession planning. Many employers realize that ongoing career development is essential for all.
For more info on Canada-Ontario Job Fund Agreement and the Eastern Ontario Manufacturing - Skills & Jobs Initiative EODP Collaborative Project, contact Eastern Ontario Training Board at 613 932 0210 or denist@eotb-cfeo.on.ca. Employment Ontario Service providers can also help.
Both employees and employers fall into the trap of believing we will exit the workforce in our 50s and 60s. Often, employees readily admit that they do not want to continue doing the role or work that they are currently assigned but feel that there are no other options. It leads organizations to shortchange themselves on how to best use the talent that they have at their disposal and that is why in many cases employees feel stuck. Long-standing employees have significant impact on the present and future of a company and with proper up-skilling can expect much more satisfaction from their own careers as they age if provided with opportunities to contribute.
Denis Thibault, Executive Director Eastern Ontario Training Board
Labour market information suggests that during at least the next 10 years, employers in government services, manufacturing and health services will recognize the importance of helping employees transition with purpose into the changing work place. It really means more relevant approaches to career exploration, lifelong subsidized training and
Con t act u s: 613-932-0210 / 1-877-234-1368 Em ail: in f o@eot b-cf eo.on .ca Visit : w w w.eot b-cf eo.on .ca THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 24 - June 17 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca