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Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r

Vol ume 7 Issue 25 June 24 2016

CONGRATULATIONS ... t o all t h e w in n er s an d n om in ees!

" you ar e all w in n er s in ou r eyes" Photo by: John Lister

See story on pages 4 & 5



Read the Editorial on Page 2 and find out more ...

ALSO THIS WEEK Balcon iesan d Tom m y Heat ley Rock Lola's p. 12

Cor n w all Ribf est runs Ju ly 21- 24 P. 13

The Spring Market is now in f ul l swing. Cal l me t o t ake advant age of it !

Always a Dunne Deal



Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d

CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Khyl e) : ext 104 EMAIL

inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch


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DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm


The SEEKER can sometimes be hard to find and the stands tend to be empty by Sunday. WHY? you ask ...b ecau se o u r "Week l y Do se o f Po si t i ve News" i s a Ho t It em s ar o u n d To wn !!! Ou r r ead er s can 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is empty and you have missed your copy - don't worry - you can still r ead u s o n l i n e at www.t h eseek er .ca - We also have a Ho m e Del i ver y o p t i o n It 's easy - cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ex t 5 Charit y begins at home? Wel l ... This is home.

by Julia Lucio


Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ?

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Last week, Cornwall was scene to one of the biggest shows of solidarity I've ever seen. I have witnessed this community come together in the past for fire victims or sick kids, but never at a level of this magnitude. Lily Ryan is a 4 year old little girl who has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 RMS cancer. You probably have seen her picture and story in last week's papers. Her mother took her to the hospital for what was believed to be some insect bite , only to end up in CHEO three days later, with a diagnosis that would forever change their lives.

To cope with the additional financial burden that comes with caring for a sick child, and to give Lily's family peace of mind as they undergo the biggest challenge of their lives, their friends and family have started a gofundme account. The campaign is doing very well and had amassed over $15,000 at the time of print. The goal is $25,000. Others have followed suit. The Cornwall Seaway Lions Club has given $5,000, The Seekers Choice Awards' silent auction gathered $2,000, a concert at La Maison fetched $3,800 and an impromptu car wash at Deke and Squeaks raised just over $1,000. It is amazing to see it all come together. It is wonderful

to realize how far we can go when we all put our efforts together towards the same objective. Lily is an inspiration. She is an inspiration not only because she is a tough little girl who faces an gigantic challenge and has not problem bravely taking it on like the ninja superhero boss fighter that she is, but also because she has come to represent what is possible and how supportive this community can be. She brings out the best in people. For us at the Seeker, Lily symbolizes support for one another. Her story made us revisit how we do business. We asked ourselves the questions "why are we doing this?" , "what does really matter for us at the Seeker?" and "what do we want as an end result?" The answer to these questions is quite simple: we want to help and although we already give much to the community, we know we can do even more. So starting this week, and until July 15, for every dollar spent by anybody who advertises in the Seeker, $0.25 will go to Lily's Fight. After July, we will continue this trend, but will give advertisers the choice as to where they want their money to go. Agape, SASS, Baldwin House, PawPaws, OSPCA, Children's Aid, Beyond 21, Focus Art, United Way, Big Brothers Big Sisters are but a few of the charities The Seeker will be supporting. We truly aim at being a real community newspaper, an outlet who really cares and nurtures the people it deals with. So help us. Help us help this wonderful city we live in.

Did you know ... t hat Advert ising IN THE SEEKER is NOTan expense- it 'san INVESTMENT? So what are you wait ing f or? Call Mai-Liis TODAY - 613-935-3763 ext 102 - LET'S CHAT!

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity

Ne w s


Sport s & Recreat ion

Vandal ism at Pommier Jewel l ers Court yard Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario ? The garden of the courtyard at Pommier Jewellers was vandalized. The discovery of the vandalism happened earlier this morning. ?This morning we came across our flowers torn out of the courtyard wall and on the ground,? said Andre Pommier. Pommier Jewellers has been committed to making downtown Cornwall look more beautiful. ?We put a lot of work into our garden and in our community to help make Cornwall a beautiful place to live. This act of vandalism was very sad to see but Maryse has been hard at work replanting those that could be,? Andre Pommier stated on the Pommier Jewellers Facebook page. Help keep our community beautiful, clean, and safe. If you see someone committing a crime please report it to the police. If you have any information on this case of vandalism please notify the local authorities.

Cornwall Ontario ? Both Gladstone Public School (GPS) and East Front Public School (EFPS) will host separate ?Farewell Festivals? on Thursday, June 23, 2016 to celebrate the history of their respective schools and to focus on the coming year and the joy of joining a new combined school community in September, when Bridgewood Public School (BPS) opens its doors.GPS will host its festival for the public from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Principal Chad Brownlee says the event will feature carnival games, an inflatable slide and obstacle course, face painting, a barbecue and a photo booth where families can gather to take one last picture at Gladstone for their photo albums. The event will also feature a memorabilia display. EFPS will host its closing party from 4:00 p.m. ? 6:00 p.m. The event will include a bouncy house, and an inflatable slide and obstacle course. The school will provide a barbecue for guests supported by M&M Meat Shop, and will be selling hotdogs and hamburgers. The school will also provide free popcorn and snow cones, and memorabilia will be on display.

CC-130J Hercul es Fl ying Over Cornwal l on Canada Day CORNWALL, Ontario ? Cornwall Canada Day Chair and local Member of Parliament Guy Lauzon announced today that a Department of National Defence Hercules CC-130J will be flying over Cornwall during this year?s Canada Day festivities in Lamoureux Park. ?It is a great honour to have this magnificent aircraft pass through Cornwall once again this year. Visitors to Lamoureux Park really enjoyed the low fly over last year, and we?re grateful that our Canadian Armed Forces are making it happen again in 2016,? said Lauzon. The Hercules aircraft will be coming from CFB Trenton and flown by members from 436 Transport Squadron. The familiar CC-130 Hercules is a mainstay of the Canadian Forces?transport fleet. The aircraft is a four-engine, fixed-wing turboprop aircraft that can carry up to 92 combat troops or 128 non-combat passengers. It is for a wide range of missions, including troop transport, tactical airlift (both palletized vehicular cargo) and aircrew training. The Hercules will fly Lamoureux Park at approximately 12:00pm, and return over the St. Lawrence minutes later on Friday, July weather permitting.


and over then River 1st,

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


A Night of Gl it z & Gl amour The Seekers Choice Awards 2016

New Business of the Yea r M a r r ow a nd Spice

Article by Marlene Baker, Photos by John Lister The annual ~Seeker 's Choice Aw ar ds~ celebr ation took place last Fr iday, June 17th at the ~Cor nw all Golf and Countr y Club~. Ther e w as m usical enter tainm ent, at fir st by the lovely vocalist, M ena Har dy, and then later in the evening w ith the ever so talented ~DJ Shellshock~. A fantastic dinner w as ser ved along w ith a delicious desser t and fine r ed and w hite w ine to sip on!!! Then the cer em ony began w ith Julia & M ai-Liis at the m icr ophone ... As I patiently aw aited, I looked ar ound the r oom at all of the m any faces ... I w as excited for ever yone. W ho Was Going To W in??? Oh, How Exciting this evening w as for all of the Nom inees and W INNERS!!! Especially for M E!!! As the w inner s w er e called up to accept their aw ar d my hear t jum ped for joy to see the faces of the w inner s. Oh, W hat A Night!!! The Evening's Ten W inner s wer e a s follows: For Hom e-Based Business of the Year , M cM aze New Business of the Year , M ar r ow and Spice

Existing Business of the Yea r Sha r yn's Pa ntr y

Existing Business of the Year , Shar yn's Pantr y M usical Ar tist of the Year , Alison Wonder land Band Visual Ar tist of the Year , Jennifer Shear er Per for m ing Ar tist of the Year , Stephanie Car r ier e Liter ar y Ar tist of the Year , Katalyn Kennedy Athlete of the Year , M ar y Patr ick Volunteer of the Year , Shelley Boisvenue and finally, Although ~Johnny Radar ~ and I w er e nom inated for ~Contr ibutor of the Year ~, w e didn't w in this year. Congr atulations to Shannon Fer guson for w inning Contr ibutor of the Year You Go Gir l!!! Although w e didn't w in w e felt like w inner s being am ong all of the Nom inees and W inner s. Ther e's Alw ays Next Year !!! The w ell-deser ving char ity this year w as for ~Rachel's Kids~. The event w as an am azing collection of businesses and m any other Cor nw all people w ho gather ed to honor those w ho w er e chosen as the Best. Ther e w er e num er ous oppor tunities for netw or king and other w ise just chatting w ith fr iends, new and not so new , w hich m ade for a ver y enjoyable evening.

M usica l Ar tist of the Yea r Alison Wonder la nd Ba nd

I look for wa r d to next yea r 's ~Seeker Choice Awa r ds~!!! Don't You???

Home Ba sed Business of the Yea r - M cM a ze

Visua l Ar tist of the Yea r Jennifer Shea r er

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Seeker Contr ibutor of the Yea r Sha nnon Fer guson

Over $3800 raised at Benef it Concert f or Lil y Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk

Cornwall Ontario ? $3812 was raised at a benefit concert Saturday night at La Maison Tavern in Cornwall to benefit Lily.

Per for ming Ar tist of the Yea r Stepha nie Ca r r ier e

Lily Douglas is a 4 year old child battling stage four cancer. ?Tonight I am truly humbled. Cornwall came together to help a family in need and I?m proud to say I am from Cornwall. We always come together in times of need. That being said, I would like to thank all the bands and the staff at La Maison for all their hard work. The benefit for Lily Douglas was a huge success. We raised $3812 for her,? said Rodney Rivette who is a musician and co-promoter of the concert.

Liter a r y Ar tist of the Yea r Kata lyn Kennedy

The proceeds raised are going to help Lily?s parents travel expenses. ?I?m grateful to have been a part of this,? said musician Marc Muir who donated his time to play this show. The line-up featured Elly May, Slim and the Fatkid (Marc Muir and Rodney Rivette) with special guests including Rod Robillard, Winston Marley, Mena Hardy, Arclights, and Red Flag. ?Last Friday night was pretty amazing! The support from the Cornwall Community was outstanding! Thank you from Lily and her entire family,? concluded Randy Ravary.

Athlete of the Yea r M a r y Patr ick Volunteer of the Yea r Shelley Boisvenue ?You are all winners in our eyes,? said Mai-Liis Renaud, co-owner of the Seeker. ?It is hard to give out only one of these every year when so many are deserving,? continued Julia Lucio, also co-owner.

The Seeker Chicks M a i-Liis a nd Julia with M a r lene Ba ker , Positively M a r lene

The event doubled as a fundr aiser for Rachel?s Kids and Lily Douglas, a local 4 year old gir l r ecently diagnosed w ith stage 4 r habdomyosar com a cancer. Appr oxim ately $3200 w as r aised for both causes.

The Seeker Chicks M a i-Liis a nd Julia with Dr . Ra chel Nava neela n of Ra chel's Kids

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


54-40, k-os, and Born Ruf f ians t o headl ine Beau's Okt oberf est 2016 Club. They have r eceived extensive air play on CBC r adio, one of their songs w as even used on an Am er ican Expr ess com m er cial, and they ar e on Yep Roc Recor ds / Paper Bag Recor ds.

Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Vankleek Hill Ontar io ? 54-40, K-OS, and The Bor n Ruffians ar e headlining Beau?s Oktober fest 2016. The event takes place Fr iday Septem ber 23r d and Satur day Septem ber 24th at the Vankleek Hill Fair gr ounds in Vankleek Hill Ontar io. Som e people m ight w onder w hy Oktober fest is in Septem ber. Accor ding to the or ganizer s, The Oktober fest in Ger m any w as held in Oktober in its fir st year (1810), how ever it has been m oved up to pr olong the celebr ation and take advantage of the w ar m er Septem ber w eather. That sounds like a ver y good idea! Headlining Beau?s Oktober fest is Canadian r ock band 54-40, w ho w er e a headline band for Cor nw all?s Lift-off festival a few year s ago. One of the bands m ost fam ous songs is ?I Go Blind? w hich w as cover ed by Hootie and the Blow fish and appear ed on the soundtr ack of the television show Fr iends in the 1990s. Ther e have been a few lineup changes since the band for m ed in 1981. One of the m ost notable ones is the addition of guitar ist Dave Genn w as for m er ly in the M atthew Good Band.

Rounding off the m usical line-up is Hannah Geor gas, Fast Rom antics, M otel Raphael, Gazoline, and Walter Ostanek .

k-os (spelled w ith a low er case ?K? on pur pose) is the stage nam e of Canadian r apper Kevin Br er eto w ho is also playing Beau?s Oktober fest. His m usic has been r epr esented by sever al m ajor labels including Univer sal M usic Canada and EM I. The Gr am my and Juno nom inated m usical has r eceived cr itical acclaim fr om Rolling Stone, CBC, and m or e. He has tour ed the w or ld, and he has appear ed and per for m ed on the Jim my Kim m el Live show , and he also per for m ed at the closing cer em ony of the 2010 W inter Olym pics. His album ?Atlantis: Hym ns For Disco? w ent platinum , and it featur ed collabor ations w ith Sam Rober ts and Buck 65. In 2011 M uch M usic r eleased k-os?s M TV Unplugged concer t as a DVD, and the CD por tion of the r elease included the song ?Faith Par t 2? featur ing Dr ake.

It?s not just m usic at Oktober fest. Other activities include the M alt Sack Race, a Sausage Eating Contest, a Keg Toss, a Stein Holding Str uggle, a Par tner Car r ying Race, a Team Challenge, Char ity Biker ide, Hom ebr ew Com petition, and m or e. The event w ill also featur e Beau?s Beer , and w hat is an Oktober fest w ithout beer ? Weekend passes ar e available for $45 and cam ping is available for $30.


Also playing Oktober fest ar e The Bor n Ruffians. They ar e an aw ar d w inning Canadian indie r ock band or iginally fr om M idland Ontar io. The band has tour ed w ith Fr anz Fer dinand, Car ibou, The Hidden Cam er as, and Tokyo Police

http:/ / www.beausoktoberfest.ca/

M a rle ne

BAKER Hi there to all of you beautiful, handsome and cute readers that have taken the time out of your busy schedules to pick up a ~SEEKER~ to find out what's going on in and around Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area this week. I am so happy for the ~HOT~ and sunny days that we have been experiencing over the past week... they come and go, but I, for one am very thankful for the lovely sunshine and hotter temperatures. After all the "FIRST DAY" of *SUMMER* and the LOOONGEST DAY of the YEAR was on Tuesday, June 20th. I do hope that you have been enjoying these beautiful ~HOT~ days of Summer with your loving families and awesome friends. Summer is the perfect time to visit and enjoy far away relatives and friends. MAKE IT A SUMMER TO REMEMBER!!! HAPPY & SAFE TRAVELS EVERYONE!!!

It em of t he Week: Seeing that I had to wear something Special to ~The Seeker's Choice Awards~ last Friday evening, I decided to choose a NEW pair of purple and blue butterfly shoes that came in for my birthday. (Shhhh, Which isn't until the end of next month.) I am not sure of the price that Johnny paid for them, but being so Unique & Cute... I don't care that much of how much they were. Shhh.) To match up with these lovely pair of shoes, I choose a white & purpley summery dress that I had purchased from Sears last Tuesday for only $15.00!!! NOW That's a DEAL!!! Do go to check out the deals for yourselves at the ~Cornwall Square~ Sears to see what DEAL Or Treasures You May Find For Yourselves!!! John and I had a beautiful and relaxing Father's Day weekend by spending some quality time together (at the beach on Hwy. 2, near Ingleside) and by doing some kayaking near Hoople Creek. We were out enjoying ourselves on the cool and refreshing waters, near Hoople Creek for over 5 and a half hours. John and I did get a bit of a sunburn, but Hey, We are, after all, Canadians!!! We witnessed and photographed many of Mother Nature's beautiful creatures that crossed our paths over the weekend, such as Great Blue Herons, Red-winged blackbirds, huge Carp that had to weigh up to 40 or 50 lbs.!!! YIKES!!! I've been Carp HIT!!! (as my kayak goes in the opposite direction.) Johnny and I also saw lots of Dragonflies & Butterflies, along with swift Swallows, and protective Kingfishers, along with many other things with multi-coloured or invisible wings. I am always in AWE of what this world of ours has to offer... All one has to do is OPEN one's SENSES to Experience MIRACLES

that are both BIG & small!!! All WE have to do is be STILL ... LISTEN, and WITNESS the Wonders of OUR AWESOME WORLD!!! I do hope that you got to enjoy a wonderful weekend with your Fathers last weekend. Dads Are Important!!! Without them... None of us would be here!!!

Tip of The Week: Here are SEVEN LOVELY LOGICS TO FOLLOW: 1. Make PEACE with your PAST, so it doesn't SPOIL your Present) 2. What others THINK of YOU is None of Your Business. 3. Time HEALS Almost Everything. (Give the Time, some Time. ) 4. No One is the REASON for your HAPPINESS OR SADNESS!!! (Except YOU, YOURSELF.) 5. Don't COMPARE your LIFE with Others, YOU have No Idea what their JOURNEY is all about. 6. STOP THINKING Too Much, It's ALRIGHT Not to know all of the ANSWERS! 7. SMILE, YOU Don't own all of the Problems of the World. Smiles make for prettier girls and hansomer guys. Just Sayin'. It was wonderful to see such a good looking crowd all dressed to the nines last Friday evening at ~Cornwall's Golf & Country Club~. John and I had a rather pleasant time chit-chatting with the lovely Julia and Mai-Liis, (the owners of the Seeker) along with many of the Nominees that attended that evening. We enjoyed drinking some fine wine provided by Bill & Jenny MacDonald of Dominion Lending Centres and a delicious supper that included chocolate cake for dessert, provided by Fairy Sweet. We also enjoyed the beautiful voice of the lovely Mena Hardy, who serenaded us before supper. Afterwards the ever so talented ~DJ Shell Shock~ ROCKED the Golf club with toe tapping TUNES until nearly midnight!!! Although Johnny Radar & I didn't win for ~Contributor of the Year~, this year, we both wanted to CONGRATULATE all of the *WINNERS* of the evening: ~McMaze~, ~Marrow and Spice~, ~Sharyn's Pantry~, Jennifer Shearer, ~Alison Wonderland Band~, Katalin Kennedy, Shannon Ferguson, Stephanie Carriere, Shelley Boisvenue & Mary Patrick. CONGRATULATIONS to all of this year's Nominees & Winners for doing such a Great & Wonderful job this year. I look forward to seeing a lot of you at next year's ~Seeker Choice Awards~!!! "Now where is my Seeker award from last year??? Oh Johnny!!!" Oh, yes... I was pleasantly surprised to see myself on the front cover of ~The Seeker~ with my lovely new friend, Esther MacDonald. It brough tears to my eyes that the Seeker Chicks, ( Julia & Mai-Liis) had featured my story on the front cover. Thank you kindly ladies for surprising me on the night of the awards. Thank you also for putting on a wonderful evening that was had by all!!! Until Next week: The Trick Is To Enjoy Your Life. Don't *WISH* Away Your Days Waiting For Better DAYS Ahead. GO FORTH MY DEAR READERS AND ENJOY EACH MOMENT OF EACH DAY!!! KEEP BEING KIND!!! Marlene Baker of www.fashiongraphy.ca & www.photodreams.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l



The Li br ar y is now cl osed Sundays up to and incl ud ing Sunday, Sept em op ening hour ber 4 th. The s fo the w eek rem r the rest of ai n the same.

45 SecondStreetE.


www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario

Get Ready For Summer Reading Borrow a book or buy a book. We have it covered.

@ the

Visit our bookst ore inside t he l ibrary f or bargain qual it y used books.

Open dail y 1 t o 4 and 10 t o 4 Sat urdays. FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Summer Movie Fest ival BRIDGE OF SPIES Drama, History, Thriller - AUDIENCE: PG 2 p.m.

SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Cercl e sacré de chant s et d'hist oires dest iné aux f emmes Sacred Song and St oryt el l ing Circl e f or Women. 2 pm to 4 pm Check-Mat es Chess games for youth - 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.



MONDAY, JUNE 27 Jack & Jil l Book Cl ub 7:00 pm Learn how t o pl ay Mah-Jongg 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

TUESDAY, JUNE 28 Learn how t o pl ay Mah-Jongg 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Fl ying Needl es Knitting for fun. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. TD Summer Reading Cl ub Launch 6:30 p.m. in the Children's department Teen Tuesdays If you are a teen, this is for you. Join us for absolute great fun. 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Apprendre en jouant (0 à 5 ans) 10 h 30 à 12 h


Bridge Like to play? - Join us at 6:15 p.m.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 Cornwall Scrabble Are you up to the challenge? 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m. Summer Movie Fest ival MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Action & Adventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy AUDIENCE: 14A 2 p.m. & 6:15 p.m.

Did you know The Seeker is seen by thousands of people weekly? Our papers are so hot that you often can't find them past Sunday. Ask to see our demographic reach. You will realise that at the Seeker, we reach your TARGET MARKET! Ask our cl ient s! Call Jul ia at 613-935-3763 ext 101 or Mai-Liis at 613-935-3763 ext 102 REMEMBER Fo r yo u r "DAILY DOSE" o f "POSITIVE NEWS" g o t o www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC June

U P?



Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org Knight s of Col umbus Spaghet t i Lunch & Supper Lunch: 11 am to 1 pm. Supper: 4:30 pm to 6 pm. Downstairs hall, 205 Amelia, St. Cost: $8 MOHAWK INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY - G&R AUTO PARTS presents Complete Show for Modified, Sortsman, Novice Sportsman, Mod Lites & Bandits PLUS Ironman Enduro Qualifier Ad m i ssi o n $1 : 2 Karaoke Wit h Nat & Perry From 7 pm to 11 pm. Cornwall District Navy Vets Association, 30 6th St. E. Spaghet t i and Magic Night - FUNDRAISER FOR Roy & Cher's Animal Rescue - Magic with RYAN LALONDE - Magic with a Modern Twist. - 5-8pm - Royal Canadian Legion. Supper will be served 5-7pm, followed by the Magic Show and there will also be a Silent Auction. Tickets $20,, Children 10 and under $10. For more info call Roy and Cher's at 613-362-9134 Count ry Cl assics Jamming From 7 pm to 10 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W.

W H A T 'S

Knight s of Col umbus Giant Yard Sal e 1 pm to 5 pm, 32 Oak St., Lancaster. Furniture, books, toys & much more!






CORNWALLMOTORSPEEDWAY- MEL VALADEBACKHOEsponsorsthe Super DIRTcarBigBl ockSeries100 Lap f eat ure$6,000t o win! + CompleteProgram(No Pro Stock) Ad m i ssi o n $3 : 5 Knight s of Col umbus Giant Yard Sal e 9 am to 12 noon. 32 Oak St., Lancaster. Furniture, books, toys & much more! Beyond 21 House Tour & Spring Market Tour 5 of the most beautiful homes in the area. Market at Char Lan High School with 40+ artisans. Tickets at Scotiabank Brookdale Center St . Lawrence Val l ey Cemet ery Annual Memorial Serivce At 2 pm. 15570 County Road 2, Ingleside. Guest speaker: Pastor Brad Montsion. Rain or shine under the tent. Bring a lawn chair. Refreshments served following service.




Cornwal l Wil dcat s Foot bal l Get a center field seat for exciting Ontario Varsity Football League action when the Cornwall Wildcats take on the Cumberland Panthers. Monday, June 20th at 8:30 pm (recorded June 18)




TD SUMMER READING CLUB Today is the official launch of our Summer Reading Club at the library from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Register your child for great summer programs. They begin July 4 and end August 5. Check our website to access the brochure full of great events and programs. Bereaved Famil ies Adul t Support & Share Af t ernoon From 1 pm to 3 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Open to anyone who is struggling with the loss of a loved one. Cornwal l Wil dcat s Foot bal l Get a center field seat for exciting Ontario Varsity Football League action when the Cornwall Wildcats take on the Oshawa Hawkeyes. Tuesday, June 28th at 8 pm (recorded June 25)


29 WEDNESDAY Your Event could have been here had you called it in - next time call 613-935-3763 ext 1 - We can't help you advertise it - if we don't know about it!



Women Ent repreneurs Dinner Meet ing From 6 pm to 9 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Guest speaker:Elaine Lindsay, Social Media. Members:22$, non-members:25$. WeCornwallArea.ca



FRIDAY The Seek er Team w ishesyou all a

HAPPY& SAFECANADA DAY! Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org

SATURDAY L?Assemblée générale annuelle du Centre culturel de Cornwall

St e-Croix Church Garage Sal e From 7 am to 2 pm. 108 Anthony St. Rain or shine.

Knight s of Col umbus Giant Yard Sal e 8 am to 4 pm, 32 Oak St., Lancaster. Furniture, books, toys & much more!

aura lieu jeudi le 30 juin 2016 à 19 heures aux bureaux du Centre culturel de Cornwall, 510 rue Second est, Cornwall, Ontario

Yard & Bake Sal e From 8 am to 2 pm. 2418 Edgar St. A fibromyalgia/ chronic fatigue support group fund raiser. Cel ebrat e Recovery Annual Sil ent Auct ion and BBQ From at 9 am to 3 pm. Bidding closes at 2:30 pm. Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 949 Mohawk Dr off Tollgate Rd W. Music Wit h Mike & Gil l es From 7 pm to 11 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W.

Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880

Tous les francophones et les francophiles sont invités. Pour avoir droit de vote, vous devez être un membre en règle du Centre culturel de Cornwall, donc avoir renouvelé votre carte de membre depuis le 1er avril 2016.

Your word ad in t he CALENDAR OF EVENTS is FREE but you have t o cal l it in ... 613-935-3763 ext 102 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 8


B a r sB, a n d asn dm o r .e. . THIS SUNDAY - JUNE 26t h 100 Lap of The SuperDIRTcar BIGBLOCKSERIES SPONSORED BY MEL VALADE BACKHOE SERVICE ADMISSION $35 - SENIOR65yrs+ $18 KIDS16 and underONLY$ 2

Th i s Sat u r d ay - co m e t o

Sp en d Can ad a Day Cam p i n g at

CALL TODAY 6 1 3 -3 1 6 -1 0 2 1 fo r yo u r 2 -d ay t i ck et s an d t o r eser ve yo u r cam p si t e! Fest i vi t i es st ar t b o t h d ays: 4 p m FREE Cam p i n g - Br i n g yo u r o wn Lawn ch ai r s NO Co o l er s i n co n cer t t en t

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Sha ry n



This past Sunday morning, I st art ed t o make my husband Gary some bl ueberry muf f ins t o go wit h his breakf ast f or Fat her's Day. I was f ol l owing a recipe f rom one of my f avourit e cookbook aut hors - Ina Gart en, bet t er known as t he Baref oot Cont essa. This l ady has amazing recipes. They al ways t urn out right and t ast e good t oo. Her bl ueberry muf f ins, using f resh bl ueberries, had l ot s of cinnamon in t hem and t hey real l y l ooked and smel l ed good as I was preparing t he bat t er. I decided t o kick t hem up a not ch and as I was f il l ing t he muf f in paper l iners wit h t he muf f in bat t er, I pl ace a t abl espoon of Sharyn's Pant ry bl ueberry pie f il l ing in t he cent re of each muf f in, t hen t opped t his wit h more muf f in bat t er. I baked t hem as usual wit h great resul t s. Very good! One recipe makes 20 muf f ins. As Gary bit int o a hot muf f in, spread wit h my honey but t er, he said: 'I can see these will be in this weeks column'. Then I said t o him: 'Thank you f or giving me an opening l ine f or my col umn'. We enjoyed a fun evening at The Seeker Awards night last Friday. Our store, Sharyn's Pantry was voted best existing business. I thank those of you who voted for us. It is my pleasure and honour to help you in my store (for the past 36 years, this fall coming) and for many more years to come. Thanks again!



3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 1 rounded tbsp. baking powder 1/ 2 level tsp,. baking soda 1/ 2 level tsp. Kosher salt 1- 1/ 2 tbsp. ground cinnamon 1- 1/ 4 cup milk 2 extra large eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup butter, melted 2 cups of fresh blueberries 1- 1/ 2 cups white sugar ( This is added only at the very last with the blueberries.) 1 cup of Sharyn's Pantry blueberry pie filling ( or just a bit more )

METHOD: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Set your oven to 375 degrees F. You will bake on the 2nd rack from the bottom. Line 20 paper muffin liners in your muffin tins, or spray with no-stick spray. Sift the flour, baking powder and baking soda and Kosher salt and ground cinnamon. Do not sift in the sugar now. In a second bowl, combine the beaten eggs, milk and melted butter. Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and pour into this all of the liquid ingredients: the eggs, milk and melted butter. -Mix only to combine. Quickly stir in the blueberries and white sugar. Mix just to combine. 6. Using a scoop, fill the muffin papers half full with the muffin batter. Now take a smaller scoop ( I used my cookie scoop) or spoon and place 1 tbsp. of blueberry pie filling in the centre of each muffin. Top the pie filling with a spoonful of muffin batter. 7. Bake the muffins in the pre-heated 375 degree F. oven and bake them for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted in the middle of each muffin. 8. As soon as they get out of the oven, run the edge of a blunt knife blade around the edge of each muffin. to loosen each muffin. I placed them on a large dinner plate to cool slightly before serving. These are really a nice muffin and even better with the addition of some blueberry piefilling right in their centres. ENJOY!

SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN:Monday toSaturday - 9 to5

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


SU P E R SP ECI A L ! f or onl y $60


Prof essional DESIGN INCLUDED!* Cal l 613-935-8101

or visit versacoret echdesigns.com *simple design, one revision, HST and Shipping applicable

Phot os: Courtesy of SD&G Historical Society


East Front Public School in 1971; inset is Gladstone

by Don Sm it h

Bridgewood Rising This Thursday, Cornwall's East Front and Gladstone Public schools are opening their doors to the community for a Farewell stroll down memory lane. The two schools are about to merge into one under the banner of

Bridgewood on Nick Kaneb Drive in the City's east end. Gl adst one first opened its Baldwin Avenue doors (site of a medical centre today) in 1897 to students of the school in Anderson's Ferry. In 1935, the single classroom was split in two and a second teacher was hired. 1941 saw the addition of another room. With continued growth, an army barracks was re-purposed for additional space. In 1953 a replacement school was built on the current McConnell Avenue site, which had been the southeast corner ofthe Cornwall Basic Army Training Centre # 31 (1940-44) on a section of the former Dingwall Estate.

East Front also started out as a one room schoolhouse in 1934 on the former Anderson property (Cornwall Township until 1957). The front core was added in 1945. A new gymnasium and two additional classrooms came about in 1991. Both schools have long histories and no doubt will continue to be fondly remembered by the community.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Lind a


Congratulations to Jen, an artist with a vision. We wish her happiness and success in her endeavours. "Perpet ual Findings? Sol d Digging in doubt Peace to be sought Living the life you dreamed about Original Artwork and Poetry by Jen 16" x 20" acrylic painting


Jennifer is a passionate and prolific painter. Her work is inspired by the forest, music,nature and life in general. She manages to paint 2-6 hours a day while bringing up a busy little boy Damien. Jen produces a piece of artwork every day. Jen started painting when she was 9 years old in elementary school. She has experimented with different media such as pastel and oils. Today, her favourite medium is acrylic. She loves to paint sunsets and abstracts and most of her paintings are accompanied by short poems that capture the essence of the subject. They help to bring the painting to life and also give an insight to the artist?s thoughts and feelings. Jen has an ardent group of followers who value her work. She sells approximately 2 paintings per week. While most of works are sold locally in Ontario, nearly half of her works have found homes across Canada, some as far as Manitoba, Prince Edward Island and the North West Territories. She recently sold prints to someone from Ohio.

"Euphoric Dreams" Dreams and reality clash A colorful twist and splash Where colors dance Watch the hypnotic trance

You can see her work online at www.twinktrin.com. Locally, her work is displayed at the Cornwall City Hall, Mindful Cookery, Spinners restaurant and the Bus Stop Cornwall Restaurant. This summer, you will find her at local events such as the Garlic Festival and Apples and Art this coming fall in the Aultsville Theatre Foyer Gallery at St. Lawrence College.Of course Jen is also very active on her Facebook page (just search for Jen Shearer).

Original Artwork and Poetry by Jen

As an artist,Jen?s vision is to bring happiness to the viewer by instilling a sense of inner peace. Most of the messages she conveys have to do with the law of attraction, going after ones dreams and the progress and struggle one goes through. In 5 years, Jen hopes to be more well known as an artist across Canada, own a home based studio and to see her work in different galleries throughout the country.

The Bal conies, Rebel l e, and Tommy Heat l ey rock Lol a's Friday night Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario ? The Balconies, Rebelle, and Tommy Heatley played a concert at Lola?s Pub in Cornwall on Friday night. The Balconies, who formed in 2007, are a pop/ rock band, originally from Ottawa but who now hail from Toronto Ontario. The band started to get notoriety in 2011 with the release of their debut EP ?Kill Count?. The album was produced by Jon Drew, who also produced music by Tokyo Police Club, F# cked Up, and the Arkells. The title song ?Kill Count? received lots of radio air play. In 2014, The Balconies released their first full length album entitled ?Fast Motions?. It was produced by Arnold Lanni, who has also produced music for bands like Finger Eleven, Simple Plan, and Our Lady Peace. The band has played major festivals and they have toured Canada, the US, and Europe.

9" x 12" Soft pastels

Canadian music festivals such as North by Northesast, Canadian Music Week, and Bluesfest. They have shared the stage with musicians and bands like Lorde, Metric, and Hollerado. Rebelle were also in George Stroumboulopoulos?s top 5 picks for CBC Music Search Light 2016. Rebelle are a really talented group of people. They?re quickly rising and growing a name for themselves in the Canadian music industry, especially being picked in the top 5 for Strombo?s searchlight competition. They played a killer show and had everybody captivated,? observed Dennison Tommy Heatley opened the concert for Rebelle and the Balconies at Lola?s.

?The Balconies are a rock n roll powerhouse! They always put on a great show. Every new album they put out takes a leap in a new direction but stays true to their roots. I?m really looking forward to their new album ?RHONDA? which is set to come out in the fall. Jacquie?s strong voice echoed through the place grabbing everyone?s attention. They had us dancing all night,? recounted Spectrasonic music promoter Sheila Dennison.

?The two bands last night had two unique styles. They are both deserving of the accolades they?ve achieved, but they are still humble enough to rock a little bar in our fine city. You don?t always see bands who genuinely love what they do, but you could see it on their faces. Even after a 5 hour car ride,? said Tommy Heatley who opened the show and who was all the sound tech.

Rebelle opened for the Balconies at Lola?s Pub in Cornwall. Rebelle, a band that hails Wakefield, Quebec, are making a name for themselves in the Canadian Indie music scene. The bands first live performance was at the legendary Black Sheep Inn. Since then, the band has played major

?Tommy Heatley is a great local musician and friend. It was nice to have him there to perform and do sound for the bands. He?ll be back at Lola?s this summer and will help us with future shows,? said Dennison.

The local musician played a terrific acoustic set himself.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Cor n w all Ribf est 2016 r u n s Ju ly 21st t o 24t h


CALL JOHN 613-935-8101

Art icl e and Phot os by Jason Set nyk Cornwall Ontario ? The Cornwall Seaway Lions Club invites you to the fifth annual Ribfest that runs from July 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th in beautiful Lamoureux Park in downtown Cornwall. The 2016 edition of Cornwall Ribfest has an impressive four day entertainment lineup, from Bon Jovi and Shania Twain cover bands, to local favourites like the Graham Greer Trio, Switchgear, Lost Boyz, Archlights, Alison Wonderland, The Shiners, and many more. In addition to fantastic music, there will be a midway of thrilling rides by Cater Shows. If you are getting thirsty, let?s not forget, there is also a Budweiser Beer Garden. And of course a chance to feast on BBQ Ribs from 6 Award Winning Ribber teams. This is going to be a finger licking great four days! This event is sponsored by Ontarioeast.net, TD Bank, Irwin Supply, Akwesasne Mohawk Casino, Miller Hughes Ford, and Jenni MacDonlald Dominion Lending.

Ent ert ainment Lineup Thursday, Jul y 21st , 2016 5:30 to 7 p.m. Kilts, Riffs & Spurs 7:30 to 9 p.m. Graham Greer Trio 9:30 to 11 p.m. Rock and Roll Duty Friday, Jul y 22nd, 2016 1:30 to 3 p.m. Texas Tuxedo 3:30 to 5 p.m. Classic Soul 5:30 to 7 p.m. Switchgear 7:30 to 9 p.m. Ridin?Shotgun 9:30 to 11 p.m. Shania?s Twin

Sat urday Jul y 23rd 2016 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. River City Junction 3:30 to 5 p.m. Arclights (with Sean Harley) 5:30 to 7 p.m. Lost Boyz 7:30 to 9 p.m. Alison Wonderland 9:30 to 11 p.m. Bon Jovi Crush Sunday Jul y 24t h 2016 12:30 to 2 p.m. Soundcheck 2:30 to 4 p.m. Cary B Grant 4:30 to 6 p.m. Shiners For more information on this wonderful summer event please visit the Cornwall Seaway Lions Club website.



If you are a not f or prof it corporat ion, you coul d qual if y t o advert ise at a 50% discount on our regul ar rat es... Cal l Jul ia f or more inf o at 613-935-3763 ext . 101

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


We will miss you Smokey, my big helper on pa per day!

RI P Sm ok ey Jr . Lots of Love M a i-Liis a nd Sheldon xoxo

Ste p he n

Wi ndow s 10


First, download the Windows 10 media creation tool from Microsoft. This tool will download the correct Windows 10 installation files for your system, and help you create an installation for DVD or USB drive. Start it up and select the ?Create installation media for another PC? option to create the installer. Choose the correct type of installation media for the copy of Windows 10 that?s licensed for your PC ? for instance "Home" if you have Windows 7 Home or " Professional" if you have Windows 7 Professional. Select your language and whether you want the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows. Most people will want the 64-bit version, but you can create installation media that includes both, and the installer will automatically select the most appropriate one when you use it to install Windows on a computer.

Partition your system drive however you like. This is a chance to start with a fresh layout if you want. Make your selections and then let Windows 10 install itself accordingly. After you log into your new, cleanly installed Windows 10 system, it should automatically activate itself after you connect to the Internet. To ensure it activated correctly, open the Start menu and click on Settings. click the Update & Security button, and go to the ?Activation? tab. Verify that you see ?Windows is activated? here. Also, note the edition of Windows 10 you have installed ? either Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro - based upon your previous version of Windows. Once Windows 10 has been activated, you can install the device drivers and then your software. After that is done, you can copy over your data files to their correct locations. Use every program, extensively, to ensure everything works. If the above process sounds a bit tricky to accomplish, take your computer to your trusted local computer retailer and have them do the work. Next week - Somet hing Compl et el y Dif f erent

Pl ease Contact Jul ie

at 613-870-2788


n a e Professional's Cl

Al l contracts f or service wil l be min 2hours

cu Va





ec ei v


$1 0




w be o r A k l Sq se b o er l c n P u ur d s w r o ea i ed f e k y t y f il l yo ss C b o r ur io l y 10 n a ea t h l' n cl s e

Install Windows 10 from the installation media like you would any other operating system. Restart your computer with the USB drive or DVD inserted, and boot from that device. You might need to change a setting in the BIOS, access a boot menu, or use the ?Use a device? option in the advanced startup options on a modern Windows 8 or 10 device that includes UEFI firmware instead of the traditional BIOS. Select ?Install

Enter your Windows 10 key at the activation screen,. If you don?t have one, but you have a valid 7, 8, or 8.1 key, enter it instead. When you install and activate Windows 10 on a system for the first time, the installer confirms that you have a ?genuine Windows? system installed and registers your hardware with Microsoft?s servers. Go through the setup process until you see the ?Which type of installation do you want?? screen. Select the ?Custom? option to ensure you?re performing a clean install and not an upgrade install.

m ed

Last week we had you make backups of your hard drive and data files and have the driver and software installation media and license keys ready for a clean installation of Windows 10. Once that is done, you are ready to begin the process. Make sure you have blank DVDs or a 32 GB USB drive ready.

Now? once the Windows installer starts.

um b it ch D in e en u s g , P e Li W , B t i n M r gh in a g o p f t c l t d o h , pi n o r ea Sp w s r o g, ni r i , o m ng ng s,

Taking t he Pl unge, Part 2


35 Second St. E. Cornwall Ontario - 613-938-3849



The grind cafe and wine bar - Coffee, lunch, wine, catering and private events.


Starting Monday July 4th and end Tuesday September 6th. We will be open 9-8 Monday through Friday and closed Saturday and Sunday. We are always looking to serve you better @ the grind.

It is a ver y sad day today. At 4:50pm this after noon w e lost our dear ly beloved cat, Sm okey Jr. Hit and r un on 4th Str eet West in fr ont of our house. The dr iver never even stopped. Ther e w as m assive tr aum a to the head. We w er e unable to save him . To som e people it's only a cat but to us, he w as gr eatly loved and w hen you loose that par t of your fam ily, it r eally hur ts. We give our thanks to the lady w ho picked up Sm okey and br ought him to our door. Tim e w ill heal our souls and his m em or ies w ill be w ith us for ever.


NEW Summer hours at

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


CLASSIFIEDS FORSALE: Lots of 26" bike parts: wheels, tires, shifters etc. $40 for the lot. Cal l 613-936-1452

VHSt o DVD Transf ers Cal l Shel don f or an appoint ment at 613-932-4812 LOST: Box containing a box of jewelry was lost during a move. If found there is a reward. Cal l 613-938-2446

TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive


FORSALE: 2 fiberglass boats, 16 feet, power bayler, 2 removable chairs, steering column and one with a 65hp motor. 613-932-6369 or 931-2389

Listen at dunet.ca

WANTED: Bl ack Leat her Loveseat , st ove and a New doubl e bed mat ress- cal l 613-932-4812

FORSALE: Mans aluminum mountain bike. $65 Cal l 613-936-1452

FORSALE: Lazy Boy chair, 2 bicycles,a printer,Acer computer with speakers.Cal l 613-330=1962

FORSALE: 2012 Toyota Camry LE, 12500km,one owner, mint condition, electric windowsand seats, GPS, bluetooth, accident free, smoke free, bought as a second vehicle and sold with safety and E-test. Asking $17500 or best offer. Cal l 613-933-5006

FORSALE: Antique dining set, china hutch sideboard,6 chairs and table. Circa 1939. Good condition.Asking $850 - negotiable. Cal l 931-2373

FORSALE: Double maplefour poster cannonball bed, $150. Love seat $50. Round maple coffee table $50. Solid antique rocking chair $40. 27' round pedestal table $80. Cal l 613-932-7175 WANTED: Fishing boat motor and trailer. maximum of 40 horse power and in good condition.Cal l 613-931-2240 FOUND: On bicycle path near L'Heritage Highschool . Light Jacket. Cal l 613-935-8136 FORSALE: New automaticin ground pool cleaner. Worth $498 asking $275. Cal l 613-936-9399

FOR SALE: 9ft Garage door. Automatic opener and two remotes. Piston pump for shallow well. Alluminum FORSALE: Formal Dining Room set like new. ladder 32ft. Cedar chest. Table, 2 pannels and 6 chairs. $475. Cal l Call 613-933-4319 613-932-6526 FORSALE: Deacons Bench, asking $100. Maple Coffee Table, asking $100. Oak Rocking Chair, asking $75. Child's Rocking Chair, asking $35. Round end table , asking $200. Cal l 613-932- 7175

Look in g: Shared accommodations for single or couple. Must be honest, no pets, only need personal items, completely furnished with lease.Asking from $00-$800 a month. Call 613-347-3994

Ar e you a M ar k et in g Su per Her o? Ar e you an Adver t isin g Nin ja? Have you r f r ien ds t old you t h at you cou ld sell sh oes t o a sh oe m ak er ?

FORSALE: 1985 Massey Ferguson 220 farm tractors. Engine horse power 31, PTO horse power 26. 1800 hours good condition.Asking $5000. Cal l 613-347-3091. FORSALE; Many fishing items. Such as 6 hsp Johnson motor, new fish skinner,oars, anchors,15ft bamboo rods ect. Call 613-931-2240.


FORSALE: Swimming pool steps, will take best offer. Cal l 613933-2042. FOR SALE: Maple cannonball double bed $200. Bookcase double bed $105. Beanie babies, records and comic books. Cal l 613-932-7175. YARD SALE: Saturday June 25th. 1200 Fatima St. at 7:00am. LOOKING: Car CD changer. Cal l 613-933-6097

Then we have the job for you! The Seeker is looking for a hand full of stellar individuals to join their ranks and help save Cornwall from Negativity, one newspaper at a time! You w ill n eed t o possess t h e f ollow in g su per pow er s Charisma - Persuasion - Autonomy - Flexibility Calculation - Collection - Invincibility

CALL 613-935-3763 EXT 101 FOR M ORE INFO


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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wishing you al l a HAPPY & SAFE Canada Day - Jul y 1st

Th e m em bers of C orn wa l l C i t y C ou n ci l w i sh you a H a ppy Can ada D a y!


Les m em bres d u C on sei l m u n i ci pa l vou s sou h a i t en t Bon n e fĂŞt e du Can ada!





Schedul e of Event s Main St age Ent ert ainment 12:00 Opening Ceremonies (delegates and guest) (singing of The National Anthem) 1:00 BC DC Dance ? Jane Hennessy Craibe?s dance troupe is one of the area?s best known, high energy group of performers. They always bring the crowd to their feet! 1:45 Kat hl ene Sauve ? Over the course of her musical career, she has shown to have an adamant tenacity of expressing her unending passion for musical activity. She has performed from local events to Bluesfest to TV spots that have given her a wide audience. 2:15 St udio ?C? Dance ? Always a favourite with their diverse style of progressive dance, this group of talented performers do everything from Broadway show tunes to contemporary hip-hop 2:45 Fl owdroidz ? One of the most entertaining, contemporary line-ups of high energy top hits that always keep the audience dancing and singing 3:30 Coleman Dancers ? One of the most respected Celtic dance groups to come out of SD&G. Their colourful presentation is best described as unique and eclectic 4:00 Shel l ey Edwards is a local singer who will be giving this years audience, something special and entertaining! 4:10 Paul Harrison ? Outstanding singer-song writer who has just released his newest album. He gives an easy going feel that will match this summer event.

"On behalf of our Government, I wish every constituent of Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry a Very Happy

Canada Day!"

GUY LAUZON MP 621 Pitt St, Cornwall, ON K6J 3R8

(613) 937-3331


4:45 Phil ippe St -Arnaud ? A crowd favourite at any event, Philippe has performed nationally on both stage and television. His high energy French Canadian repertoire is popular with people of all ages. What a fun guy what a talent! 6:00 Mandee Woods Band ? Popular Canadian recording artist singer song writer who has travelled across Canada. She has a style that all people love and are drawn to! 7:15 Don Scot t Band ? A new high energy group that performs a little bit of every musical style you can think of. This group of talented musicians give their all with every gig they play. Everyone has a fun time with this band. 8:30 Swit chgear ? When it comes to rocking?country tunes, no one does it better! This band has an edge to every song they perform! Be prepared to have a great time! 9:45 Present at ions t o Senior of t he year (Guy Lauzon and committee) Singing of The National Anthem 10:00 Fireworks (light the sky)

Chil dren?s Tent Ent ert ainment 12:00 Face painting (all day) 1:00 Little Rays (presenting their new and exciting display) 2:00 Pizazz Music Show with magical Rebecca 3:00 Little Rays 4:00 Children?s Talent show The park will be filled with new bouncy castles of all shapes and sizes as well as so many other activities. The Home Depot children?s activity centre will have fun things for kids to build. Another favourite that everyone loves is thediverse Petting Zoo. But best of all, all these wonderful activaties are free! This all leads to a fun filled day for the whole family! The tradition continues!

"I wish you all a Very Happy

and Safe Canada Day!"

Jim McDonell MPP Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry 120 Second Street West Time Square, Cornwall ON Satellite Offices Morrisburg & Winchester


www.jimmcdonel l mpp.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 25 - June 24 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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