Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 29 Jul y 22, 2016
BLUE RODEO Live at Kempt vil l e Col l ege on Jul y 22nd Legendary band
Read Jason Set nyk's excl usive int erview wit h Bl ue Rodeo bassist Bazil Donovan on page 5. Phot o: Dust in Rabin (Courtesy of Starfish Entertainment)
Cor n w all Seaw ay Lion s Ribf est THIS WEEK-END!!! Com e f or t h e Fin ger -Lick in g Sau ce-Dr ippin g RIBS, Th e FREE ENTERTAINM ENT an d t h e Bu dw eiser BEER GARDEN Th an k s t o all ou r spon sor s : Jen n i M acDon ald Dom in ion Len din g, Ir w in Su pply, TD ban k , M iller Hu gh es For d an d especially On t ar ioeast .n et
Pokémon GO, Rat ed E f or Everyone is pl aying it p. 14
Jason Set nyk's int erview wit h Guy Laf l eur p. 16
To Bu y or Sell, call Always a Dunne Deal
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Khyl e) : ext 104 EMAIL
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The SEEKER can sometimes be hard to find and the stands tend to be empty by Sunday. WHY? you ask ...b ecau se o u r "Week l y Do se o f Po si t i ve News" i s a Ho t It em s ar o u n d To wn !!! Ou r r ead er s can 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is empty and you have missed your copy - don't worry - you can still r ead u s o n l i n e at www.t h eseek er .ca - We also have a Ho m e Del i ver y o p t i o n It 's easy - cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ex t 5
by Julia Lucio
Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ?
Ag re e to d isa g re e
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
My response t o 25 Things Cornwal l , ON Peopl e Know Too Wel l The sweet er t rut h of it al l . I was born and raised in Montreal. My move to Cornwall was a fluke. A beautiful fluke. Being an outsider, I truly can appreciate the beauty of this area. It kills me when I see people pointing out all the negative stuff happening in this city. It?s the main reason Mai-Liis and I started this paper; to put a positive spin on news. We know that in order to move forward, the psyche of the community has to change and we?re doing just that. We?re saving Cornwall from negativity, one newspaper at a time. Picking up on the lead from Lee Theodore, who published a beautifully crafted response to this list on facebook, here is my response to 25 things Cornwall people know too well. If you haven?t read it, you can find it here: https:/ / www.theodysseyonline.com/ 25-thingscornwall-people-know-well Every wannabe Sl im Shady has a music video.
And that?s a negative thing? This town is flourishing, overflowing with talent. The internet has made it easy and accessible for people to produce, record, shoot and publish their own music videos. I find it rather admirable that so many are willing to subject themselves to criticism from ignorant people to try and achieve their dreams. That?s character! The ski hil l is made f rom indust rial wast e.
Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
Your one st op shopf or...
Advert ising GraphicDesign WebDesign Print ing- Phot ography VideoRecording Services
Yet every winter, it?s somewhere our youth can gather and do something productive rather than hang out in a dark alley and do drugs. The idea is innovative, original and creative. Talk about turning trash into a gold mine!
The Bar Scene bl ows. Montreal, Toronto, New York, San Francisco? You can find blow jobs anywhere really. Maybe you should try Shnitzels, Jet Set Pub, or Truffles if the others are not to your liking. If you don?t preach about Jesus at t he 2nd St reet Tim Hort on?s, you?re a sinner. At least, you are not persecuted and killed for your religion, sexual orientation, skin colour or gender. In Canada, we have freedom of speech. And yes, that includes the right to preach in public places. Or write shitty lists of 25 negative items about a city. Would you rather we shut you up? Forget garden gnomes, cart s are t he l awn ornament of choice. So what? Garden gnomes are so 1960?s anyway. For your heal t h?s sake, t he Cornwal l Square real l y want s you t o t ake t he st airs. This is genius when you think about it. What better way to make sure every store in your mall gets the attention it deserves than by blocking off the escalator. Everybody has to go around the mall to get out, therefore, businesses stand a chance of surviving. Plus, it forces us to exercise a wee bit more. It hurt your soul a bit when t he bridge was t orn down. Naw. It really didn?t. And I used it A LOT! Don?t miss it one bit. Love the new smooth and short bridge. Guns and drugs were pedal ed t hrough everyone?s f avorit e shawarma rest aurant , which coincident al l y is right across f rom t he pol ice st at ion. This is not unique to Cornwall. To this day, the Italian Mob has been doing the same with Italian restaurants. Didn?t you watch ?The Sopranos?? ?Kay, so you?re t el l ing me I have t o hit t his bl inker t hingy when I want t o t urn or merge l anes?? Huh? Having a difficult time finding bad things to say? That?s not even a thing!
?Springt ime in Cornwal l ? is it ?s own aroma.
Want t o join a cul t ? Join t he gym.
Really? All I can smell is the scent of lilacs and tulips. You can also pick up the pleasant odor of fresh grass and water in the air. Must be coming from your basement.
Jealous much? I don?t visit any of these establishments but know people who have had great success with it. As far as I know, Paleo and Gluten-free is a global thing, not a Cornwall thing. You should really get out more!
The garbage crows in Cornwal l are so revered, every basic whit e girl has t hem t at t ooed on.
Honda Civics. Everywhere.
I?m white. I don?t have them.I have white friends. They dont? have them. And don?t tell me it?s because I?m too old. I have kids who are young adults. They have friends. None of them have this. Never seen it. Not even once. Must not be THAT common.
Civics are like Cornwallites. Tough, durable and efficient. That being said, you probabl y own a ?race car?. See # 11
See more on page 12
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Present ed by
Jul ia Lucio Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca
News & Pol it ics
NEW SOUND FOR CORNWALL HOSPITAL ? First patient rings Chemo Bell July 20, 2016, Cornwall ? A sound that has never been heard before at Cornwall Hospital was heard for the first time last Friday, July 15, when Lillian was the first to ring the bell in newly renovated Chemotherapy Unit. The bell is rung at the end of a patient?s chemotherapy treatment session and is usually a sign of hope for the other patients who are witnesses. ?I never completed my first round of treatments in Ottawa but I finished this round and couldn?t be more excited to ring the bell for the first time,? Lillian says. Diagnosed with lung cancer, Lillian has completed 18 treatments at Cornwall Hospital?s chemotherapy unit. The bell was donated by Marcel and Denise Lalande, donors to the Cornwall Hospital Foundation and Denise has been diagnosed with cancer herself. ?I?m so pleased! The first of many rings for that bell! It?s nice to see her journey here complete. Ringing the bell is a symbol of hope but also has the intention to honour those who do not have that same opportunity,? Mrs. Lalande exclaims. Cornwall Hospital Chemotherapy Unit opened in February of 2016 and has space for 7 patients to receive chemo at one time. This is possible by partnering with the Regional Cancer Centre at the Ottawa Hospital which is part of Cancer Care Ontario. Over $400 000 were raised by the Cornwall Hospital Foundation to purchase the necessary equipment for the chemotherapy unit. EOHU REMINDS POKÉMON GO PLAYERS TO EXERCISE CAUTION ? With the popular app game Pokémon GO now officially available in Canada, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is reminding players that it?s important to be aware of their surroundings while playing, in order to avoid injury.The app layers gameplay onto an actual real-world map of the user?s surroundings and challenges the user to find virtual Pokémon
characters within their area. Played on cell phones or other mobile devices, the game can distract users from their surroundings and has led to injuries among both players and non-players. There have been reports of some distracted users being injured from falling, stepping into traffic or playing while driving, causing accidents. ?Playing a game with any device, while driving, is an offence under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, not to mention extremely dangerous,? states Nikolas Hotte, manager of the Injury Prevention program at the EOHU. ?However, that said, we do encourage local players to lace up a comfortable pair of sneakers, and enjoy the fresh air and physical activity as they play the game.? He adds that even off the road, players should remain alert at all times and be aware of their surroundings. He suggests that players consider bringing a friend as a second set of eyes, and avoid exploring risky or unfamiliar areas.Pokémon GO?s own website warns: ?For safety?s sake, never play Pokémon GO when you?re on your bike, driving a car, riding a hoverboard, or anything else where you should be paying attention, and of course never wander away from your parents or your group to catch a Pokémon.?For more information about how to use apps safely, visit www.getcybersafe.gc.ca. OSPCA RESUCES TWO DOGS FROM CORNWALL ONTARIO HOME On July 12, 2016, Stacey Levac of Cornwall Ontario pled guilty to three counts of animal cruelty under the OSPCA Act and received a 20-year ban on owning, caring for, or living with animals.The Ontario SPCA (OSPCA) executed a warrant on June 3, 2016, in a Cornwall home. OSPCA officers found two dogs ? a female Boxer-type dog and a Terrier-type dog ? that were emaciated and flea infested. They had no food or water and were living in filthy conditions, with garbage, feces and clothing scattered throughout the house. The dogs were removed and immediately taken to a veterinary clinic. After their rehabilitation, the dogs were put up for adoption and placed into loving forever homes. On July 12, 2016, Stacey Levac pled guilty to the charges of permitting animals to be in distress, failing to
provide care necessary for the animals? general welfare and failing to provide adequate and appropriate food and water. Levac was sentenced to a 20-year prohibition ban from owning, caring or living with animals, a two-year probation during which time she must keep the peace and pay a $300 fine and restitution to the OSPCA in the amount of $1,207.37.?There is no excuse when it comes to failing to care for your animals,? says Steve Toy, Senior Inspector, Ontario SPCA. ?If you are having difficulty providing appropriate care, contact your Ontario SPCA Community Society to discuss what options are available.?
Sport s GUY LAFLEUR, HOCKEY HALL OF FAME, AND SPARTACAT TO CELEBRATE NEWSY LALONDE DAY Montreal Canadiens legend Guy Lafleur, The Hockey Hall of Fame and Spartacat from the Ottawa Senators will help celebrate the Newsy Lalonde Day event on Thursday, July 21st, 2016.Cornwall City Council has proclaimed Thursday as Newsy Lalonde Day in Cornwall and there are a number special events planned to mark the occasion. Residents are invited to join in the festivities taking place on the arena floor of the Cornwall Civic Complex from 10 am ? 2 pm.?It?s going to be a great celebration of hockey and one of our hometown heroes,? said Mayor Leslie O?Shaughnessy. The highlight of the day will be the unveiling of a new provincial plaque recognizing Édouard Newsy Lalonde as one of the original ?Flying Frenchmen? from hockey?s early days. The ceremony will be held at 11 am and it is being coordinated by the Ontario Heritage Trust in partnership with the Cornwall Sports Hall of Fame and the City of Cornwall.Representatives from the Hockey Hall of Fame will be bringing a display of some of the storied NHL trophies as well as some artifacts from Newsy Lalonde himself, who began playing hockey at the age of 16 with the Cornwall Rovers.Newsly Lalonde was captain of the Montreal Canadiens from 1915 to 1921. He lead the Habs to their first NHL Stanley Cup win in 1916. He also scored the first ever goal in Montreal Canadiens history, and he lead the Habs six times in scoring. He held the record for most goals scored by a professional hockey player until a guy by the name of Maurice Richard came along. He was also the coach of the Ottawa Senators between 1929 and 1931, and the coach of the Canadians between 1932 and 1935.In 2010 the roadway accesses to the Cornwall Civic Complex was named ?Newsy Lalonde Way?.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Wh at d o t h ese wo m en h ave i n co m m o n ? Wh y, t h e Do wn t o wn Su m m er Cel eb r at i o n o f co u r se!
Hap p en i ntgh i sweek en -dFRIDAY an dSATU RDAY Sum m er in Cor nw all m eans fun in the sun and plenty of deals for local shopper s. Businesses lining Pitt Str eet and som e of the sur r ounding locales w ill be offer ing savings and/or extended hour s to help m ar k the Dow ntow n Sum m er Celebr ation.
Spa , M elody M usic, Aube Fr er es, Oa sis Ha ir & Day Spa , Schulma ns M en's & La dies Wea r , Alpins I nter ior s, Echo Tr ends, Pur e Or ga nic Spa , Code Her oes Ta ke a dva nta ge of summer ma r kdowns, specia l incentives, pr omos & exhibits. "We'r e so happy to see popular events, like Ribfest, take place in beautiful Lam our eux Par k,? said Dow ntow n BIA chair Br enda Cam pbell. ?And after they have enjoyed all the par k has to offer w e encour age r ibber s and patr ons to visit our m any dow ntow n shops and businesses this w eekend, w her e m er chants ar e offer ing special deals.
The celebr ation, w hich coincides w ith Cor nw all Seaw ay Lions Club Ribfest, is inviting foodies of all kinds to take a tour along Pitt Str eet and visit som e of the local shops and m er chants w ho w ill be offer ing deals as par t of the sw eetest, stickiest event of the sum m er. Join these pa r ticipating businesses in their celebr ation of summer ! Life's Little Plea sur es, Fa nta sy Rea lm, The Squir e Shop, Dr ea mla nd, Kids Kor ner , Cotta ge Blue Home, Schnitzels, Esca , La ser Adva nced
This is a gr eat oppor tunity to enjoy all that dow ntow n Cor nw all has to offer." From left are downtown business people Tammy Davidson and Linda Lemieux (Laser Advanced Spa), Raquel Roy (M indful Cookery),
Tracy-Lynn Chisholm and Emily M acLeod (OBO Studios), Leslie Ouderkirk (Kid?s Korner) and Chris M unro (Life?s Little Pleasures).
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Sha nno n
FERG USO N ThankYouForGhost ing Me It was really great getting to know you. Thanks for taking me out for dinner, for paying, for the fluid conversations we seemed to have. Thanks for asking me questions about myself and for seeming interested in me. Thanks for making that effort and making me believe that maybe there was something there between us.
You see at first, I wasn?t sure I wanted anything. I was weary but you seemed like a good person so I gave you a chance. And soon, I began to realize you were really cool and smart and fun. I began to see the good in you and I let myself start to like you. I enjoyed our time together and was starting to open up to the idea that getting to know you could be a good thing. And then you were gone. Like a ghost, you vanished from my life as quickly as you entered it and left me wondering what the hell I did wrong? I thought I was playing it cool, I thought I was likeable, I thought that we had some kind of connection but apparently, according to you and your disappearing act, I was mistaken. I?ve never been someone to chase a person I know isn?t interested so I got the hint fairly quickly and knew the street we has been skipping down together had reached a dead end. So, with my pride intact and my heart (that I was almost willing to give to you by the way) back on my sleeve I accepted that there would be no more incoming texts from you. No more requests to hang out. No more getting to know you and no more you getting to know me. But hey, thanks. Thanks for showing me your true colours before I had to figure them out on my own. Thanks for getting it over with and not
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leading me on any longer than you could have. Thanks for being immature instead of saying ?Hey, I?m not really looking for anything right now but hopefully we can still be friends?? cause you know, that?s obviously too tactful to do, right? Thank you for ghosting me and introducing me to this whole new world of dating our generation has seemingly created for itself. Thank you for showing to me that I?m not immune from liking someone who doesn?t like me back and helping to keep me humble. Thank you for those couple of weeks of fun and wondering and excitement you did give to me because, at the end of the day, I still had a fun time and I?m not going to throw away the few good memories just because you don?t have the balls to be an adult and express how you really feel. So, yes, thank you for ghosting me. For keeping me real and for helping me to realize that my heart isn?t as hard as I once thought. Thank you for ghosting me and hurting my feelings and for reminding me that I am human and that it does suck to be ignored, as much as I say I don?t care and act like it doesn?t bother me. Thanks for taking the easy way out because, at the end of the day, all you did was help me grow and appreciate that it?s okay to feel hurt but also necessary to move on from something than never even was. I never did like ghosts anyway. Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at www.dunet.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ar ticle by Ja son Setnyk | Photo by Dustin Ra bin (Photo Cour tesy of Sta r fish Enter ta inment)
See Bl ue Rodeo Live on Jul y 22nd at Kempt vil l e Col l ege
On tour and in the studio Bazil Donovan plays a 1961 Fender Pr ecision bass. It's an instr um ent he has been playing for 30 year s now.
Kem ptville Ontar io - Aw ar d w inning Canadian countr y r ock band Blue Rodeo ar e playing Kem ptville College in Kem ptville Ontar io on Fr iday, July 22nd, 2016. The Tor onto based band, w ho for m ed in 1984 and signed to War ner M usic, ar e still going str ong.
to love a r ecor d so m uch. And to give it to som eone else that?s gr eat," Bazil Donovan declar ed.
"M y Fender Pr ecision. 1961. M y num ber one that I?ve been playing for the last 30 year s. It?s a par t of m e. It w as m ade w hen Leo Fender still ow ned the com pany. He sold the com pany in 1962. Obviously w hen Leo w as ar ound that w as the best. After Leo left they used the sam e par ts for about 4 year s and w hen they changed the design ar ound 1967 the quality changed, they got heavier , they used differ ent w oods, I?m not sur e w hat else. But the ver y desir able ones ar e fr om 1957-1962. So m ine is in that sw eet spot. I happened to get it w hen Colin Cr ipps pointed m e to it. I got lucky. It had been under a bed in Saskatchew an. It belonged to a guy w ho played a w hole pile of instr um ents ? accor dion, guitar , dr um s ? an all ar ound m usician. He w anted to play bass too, so he bought one, but didn?t?r eally get ar ound to it. He passed aw ay, and his w ife sold it to Colin, and I bought him fr om him . I bought it in 1985. They ar e liter ally ten tim es m or e expensive now ," r ecalled Bazil Donovan.
Int erview wit hBl ueRodeobassistBazilDonovan
The band consists of thr ee or iginal m em ber s Jim Cuddy (on vocals and guitar ), Gr eg Keelor (on vocals and guitar ), and Bazil Donovan (on bass), plus new er additions Glenn M ilchem (on dr um s), m ulti-instr um entalist Bob Egan (for m er ly of the band W ilco), M ichael Boguski (on keyboar d), and guitar ist and vocalist Colin Cr ipps (on guitar and vocals).
Blue Rodeo bassist Bazil Donovan w as inter view ed by Jason Setnyk of The Cor nw all Seeker New spaper for their upcom ing show in near by Kem ptville Ontar io. Blue Rodeo has sold over four m illion r ecor ds, has w on m ultiple Juno Aw ar ds, has gone on w or ld-w ide tour s, has been inducted to the Canadian M usic Hall of Fam e and has also r eceived a Star on the Walk of Fam e. All these accolades ar e special, but r eceiving the Gover nor Gener al?s Per for m ing Ar ts Aw ar d w as especially special. "Of cour se all of these accolades ar e ver y nice. They?r e som ething that I can show my kids, and be pr oud of the accom plishm ents that w e?ve m ade w hile w e ar e having an enjoyable car eer. Ther e?s not one that stands out m or e than the other - they?r e all an honour. I?m happy to have them all. The Gover nor Gener al?s Per for m ing Ar ts Aw ar d w as also special. It?s your countr y calling and saying ?w e?r e giving you an aw ar d for your contr ibution to the ar ts?. I am not dism issive of any of them . They?r e all an honour ," said Bazil Donovan. After over 30 year s of playing, ther e is no indication that Blue Rodeo or Bazil Donovan ar e going to stop playing anytim e soon. For Donovan being a pr ofessional m usician is a tr uly r ew ar ding exper ience, and his passion for playing is sim ply r elentless. "It?s w hat w e do and w ho w e ar e. No one asks a painter w hy he still paints, so the sam e thing applies to a m usician. I m ade the com m itm ent w hen I w as young to my instr um ent and to m e if I w er e to look at w hat I w ould have called success it w ould have been m aking a living doing it. That?s w hat I?m doing and that?s w hat keeps m e going. I?m pr oud of that. I?m pr oud of the fact that I don?t have to do som ething else. That my bass guitar and my m usical ability has car r ied m e thr ough life. All of it goes together. You can?t have one w ithout the other. I think that playing live is alw ays r ew ar ding because ther e?s an audience ther e and the gr atitude is im m ediate. People ar e appr eciative r ight aw ay. They clap, they sing along. All of the aspects ar e gr eat. I love tour ing. I love seeing the w or ld. The only dr aw backs ar e that som etim es it?s incr edibly tir ing, but it?s gotten easier now. W hen you have to go aw ay fr om your fam ilies for a long tim e, that?s har d, but it?s r ew ar ding so long," Bazil Donovan r eflected. In addition to playing m usic, the cr eative pr ocess is just as r ew ar ding for Donovan. The m usic of Blue Rodeo has touched m any fans, and hear ing stor ies like how the bands m usic touched a veter an w as ver y gr atifying for Donovan. "The cr eative pr ocess is just as r ew ar ding. Ther e?s a gr eat feeling w hen you?ve finished a gr eat tr ack and you w alk out of the studio and the feeling that you?ve just done som ething that no one else has hear d yet, and you?ve done your best and you know that w e just m ade a good r ecor d and it?ll be a couple of m onths befor e ever yone hear s it. And to know that ther e ar e som e people to w hom that r ecor d w ill m ean a lot. I r em em ber som eone com ing up and saying ?you know , your 5 Days r ecor d has gotten m e thr ough har d tim es?, or ?I never w ould have m ade it thr ough my tour of duty in Ir aq if I didn?t listen to your m usic?. It?s im por tant to people. It?s an am azing feeling
Over the year s Blue Rodeo and collabor ated w ith and/or shar ed the stage w ith a lot of am azing bands and m usicians including Sar ah M cLachlan, Bur ton Cum m ings, Gr eat Big Sea, and the Tr agically Hip. Both the Tr agically Hip and Blue Rodeo star ted in 1984, both bands or iginated fr om Ontar io, and both bands have shar ed the stage including opening up for the Eagles a few year s ago. Bazil Donovan w as hear t br oken to hear the new s about Gor d Dow nie's diagnosis ear lier this year. "All I can say is that of cour se I love those guys. I just passed the Bathouse about 5 m inutes ago. They w er e fr iends r ight fr om the beginning. The fir st tim e w e played Kingston, Gor d Dow nie and Robbie Baker cam e to our gig. They didn?t have a r ecor d, and neither did w e. We had som e dr inks together and a couple of year s later w e w er e staying at the sam e hotel in Halifax and w e hung out. Our paths have cr ossed num er ous tim es and w e?ve becom e good fr iends. It br eaks my hear t. I pr ay that som ething can be done. I think they?r e all w onder ful people and I love them and I r eally, r eally hope for the best", said Bazil Donovan. W hat's next for Blue Rodeo? "We ar e m ixing our new album , r ight now , w hich w ill com e out in the fall, and w e?ll tour next w inter ," Bazil Donovan announced. Their latest r elease is Live At M assey Hall. The band, w hich has sold over four m illion album s, now m akes m ost of it's m oney tour ing. Bazil Donovan notes that it m ust be difficult for new bands to m ake an incom e w ithout being able to count on r ecor d sales. "I feel for new bands because it m ust be har d to gener ate incom e now. W hen w e star ted out it w as ver y cut and dr y. You m ade a r ecor d and you sold it and people bought it because they liked it. Now adays I don?t know w her e it?s going and I don?t know how people ar e going to be able to finance car eer s any m or e because ther e?s no m oney in r ecor d sales. I don?t see how the futur e is going to pan out. But you can?t put the genie back in the bottle. People like str eam ing. I don?t know how m uch it affects us because som e of our fans ar e older and they?r e used to paying for m usic. M ost of our incom e is gener ated fr om playing live at this point, so I don?t look at it as affecting us to the sam e degr ee as it w ould a young band just tr ying to get their nam e out ther e. It used to be you w er e a good band, and you played live, and people liked it, and they bought it. I don?t know how they go about doing it now ", acknow ledged Bazil Donovan. Of cour se a gr eat w ay to suppor t any band you like, new or old, is to pur chase m er chandise like a CD or t-shir t at a concer t. In conclusion Bazil Donovan has a m essage for those attending July 22nd in Kem ptville. "Looks like it?s going to be a scor cher so stay hydr ated and have a good tim e!" A heat w ave is expected to hit SDSG on Thur sday and Fr iday. "I'm looking for w ar d to seeing you all," Bazil Donovan added. Kem ptville College is located at 830 Pr escott Str eet. Tickets ar e available at https://w w w.kemptvillelivemusicfestiva l.com/ticket-infor mation
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
A M acabr e En di n g Im agine, if you can, the follow ing bizar r e situation. A w ell-r espected public ser vant dies suddenly am id a str ange set of cir cum stances. He is alleged to have com m itted suicide by shooting him self in the hear t ar ea - not once, but tw ice. The fir st shot also per for ated one of his lungs. Still, appar ently he had the str ength to r e-load a single-shot sm all gam e r ifle and shoot him self in the hear t again.
Thank you to John Bulloch for the photos of Ralph Cook, his farm and Garnet Cook. New Windsor Hotel photo courtesy of the S.D. & G. Historical Society.
But, that's not all. He m anaged to do so w ithout gloves, yet left no finger pr ints on the gun. Additionally, this alleged suicide happened on a Satur day night ar ound m idnight w ith no few er than 40 people, m any of them in bed, w ithin about 20 feet of him . Am azingly no one hear d either of the gun shots!
The daily new spaper r epor ted that the chief of police had this to say about the event: ?Had it not been for the existence of str ong m otives for suicide, w e w ould undoubtedly have pr oceeded in our investigation w ith the belief that this w as a case of m ur der.? The chief w as also r epor ted to have stated: ?If [the deceased] took his ow n life, it is vir tually cer tain that he could not have w iped off the r ifle after fir ing the second shot.? This is an actual event fr om Cor nw all's past. On M ay 7, 1938, Cor nw all Jail Gover nor Ralph A. Cook w ent to m ove his car fr om the dr ivew ay to the jailor s' gar age and never r etur ned to his house w est of the Cor nw all Jail. Cook had been quietly suspended fr om his job for the dur ation of an investigation. His behaviour w ith fam ily and fr iends r ight up until his death w as descr ibed as pleasant and nor m al. The subsequent m ur der /suicide investigation r evealed that a m an w ho gave a sim ilar nam e and a U.S. addr ess pur chased w hat m ay or m ay not have been the r ifle in question fr om a Tor onto stor e (those r ifles bor e no ser ial #). It w as believed that Ralph Cook had been in Tor onto ar ound the tim e of the gun pur chase, but the physical descr iption given by the stor e cler k better m atched one of Cook's sons w ho w as living in Tor onto at the tim e. Ralph Cook w as 6'2" tall, yet the descr iption of the gun pur chaser w as 5'8". Other oddities included Cook's m issing w allet, w hich later show ed up on jail pr oper ty and a sim ilar am ount of m oney w as found unexpectedly on the second floor of the fam ily hom e, r ather than in the w allet. Cook's old fur coat w as found, positioned like a pillow , beneath the deceased gover nor 's head. The br and had been cleanly filed off of the gun, yet w as r eadable after acid etching. Did Ralph Cook som ehow m anage to kill him self or did he per haps believe that som eone else m ight be planning to do him in? That fatal night in the bar at the W indsor Hotel near the jail, Cook w as r epor ted to have said to a fr iend: "This one is on m e; you m ay not see m e again." For mor e of this event plea se see our online r epor t at w w w.theseeker .ca
t h e Seek er web si t e
www.theseeker.ca i s u p d at ed d ai l y Fo r yo u r "DAILY DOSE" o f "POSITIVE NEWS"
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
The Li br ar y is now cl osed Sundays up to and incl ud ing Sunday, Sept em op ening hour ber 4 th. The s fo the w eek rem r the rest of ai n the same.
45 SecondStreetE.
www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario
CPL?STD Summer Reading Cl ub is a GO! Kids, sign up now f or great programs,great reading and a great part y. Pl us ride Cornwal l Transit f or f ree al l summer! - Det ail sat t he l ibrary.
FRIDAY, JULY 22 Summer Movie Fest ival ?The Big Short ? @ 2 p.m. Four denizens in the world of high-finance predict the credit and housing bubble collapse of the mid- 2000s, and decide to take on the big banks for their greed and lack of foresight. Biography, Comedy, Drama - AUDIENCE: 14A
MONDAY,JULY 25 "CODE: Debugging t he Gender Gap" - Free program. @ 6:30 p.m. In partnership with Code Heroes, this documentary film shows the struggles of women in technical jobs and how to overcome barriers. Suitable to people of all ages, but of particular interest to young women between the ages of 14 to 25. Jack & Jil l Book Cl ub @ 7:00 pm Off location at Chateau Cornwall. Light, fun reads for women 20 to 50
THEELITEREADERS- L?ÉLITE: -6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Play-basedprogram where children can earn additional ticketsfor the Summer prizes. Gamesand fun guaranteed!Ages 6 and up.MondaythroughThursday.
TUESDAY,JULY 26 Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg-10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cl ub de l ect ure d?ét é - 14 h 30 à 15 h 15 - C'est f ou! Pour les 3 à 5 ans Teen Tuesdays - 7:00 to 8:15 If you are a teen, this is for you. - Call Tiffany @ the library for more info.
WEDNESDAY,JULY 27 Summer Reading Cl ub Program Let 's be Reckl ess / Les f ous braques - 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (6 - 13 years old) Writ ing Camp wit h Lindsay Bel ow 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Summer writing practice
Ag es 4 -1 2 9 am -n o o n Au g u st 8 -1 2 FREE
THURSDAY,JULY 28 Summer Reading Cl ub Program A Lit t l e Wil d (3 t o 5 years ol d) 2:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Summer Movie Fest ival - ?ROOM? @ 2 p.m. & 6:15 p.m. - Repeat sFriday, Jul y 29 @ 2 p.m. A kidnapped mother and son escape from a room in which they have endured imprisonment for the entirety of her son's life. Upon breaking free from its confines, they experience a dramatic homecoming; provoking insight into the depths of imagination and the extent of a mother's love. Drama - AUDIENCE: 14A Sorbet -Teen Graphic Novel Cl ub - 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Designed for teens fun! - Call Josée for info.
Reg i st er NOW: 6 1 3 -9 3 6 -6 6 4 3 www.fi r st b ap t i st co r n wal l .ca/ wp /
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Co m e j o i n u s fo r a week o f ex p l o r at i o n , ex p er i m en t at i o n & fu n , fi n d i n g Go d 's Pl an fo r u s at Fi r st Bap t i st Ch u r ch 's VBS.
Monday Mat ineePresent s:"ZOOTOPIA"Children -@ 2 p.m.
Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC July
U P?
Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org Franco-f il m - Project ion pl ein air ciné-parc Les êtres chers vous sera présenté gratuitement vendredi le 22 juillet dès 20h30 à l'école secondaire l'Héritage, 1111 chemin Montréal. Apportez vos chaises. Cornwal l Gymnast ics Cl ub Summer Camp From 9 am to 3 pm. $25 per day for children 4 years & up. Contact Tammy: 613.662.7858 for registration information. CORNWALL RIBFEST FREE Admission. FREE Live Entertainment over the entire 4 day Festival! Over 60 Fun Rides & Attractions for the whole family. Everything starts Thursday Lamoureux Park - Cornwall . RACES AT MOHAWK INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY Keegan?s Tobacco presents ?Ladies Night? with a complete program for Modified, Sportsman, Novice Sportsman , Modes & Bandits. Ladies Admission $6, Regular $12
W H A T 'S
Free Gospel Concert In Lost Vil l ages Park At 6:30 pm. Rain out location: Long Sault Pentecostal Church, 9 Bethune Ave. Bring your lawn chair. RACES AT CORNWALL MOTOR SPEEDWAY Co-op Embrun ? Dekals sponsors the STR & Sling Shot + Complete Program (No Novice Sportsman) + Bandit Motorsports Modified Dash for Cash. Admission $13 Sal em Unit ed Church Summer Concert Series At 7 pm. 19041 County Road 2, Summerstown. Zeran singing songs for the road. Singalong, refreshments with a free will offering.
Had you cal l ed in your event it woul d have been here 63-935-3763 x 102 July
Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880
Bereaved Famil ies Adul t Support & Share Af t ernoon From 1 pm to 3 pm, 216 Montreal Rd. Topic: funeral home after care services The Snyders The Snyders, formed In the summer of 2011 in Montréal, is a family 'roots' band that digs deeply from many styles of music. From 7:00pm-8:30pm at the Cornwall Lions Club Bandshell.
SACREDTHEMATICCIRCLE From7:00pm-9:00pmat AngelFriendMonicaStudioWilliamstown
28 July
Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcome (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.f ount aingat e .org Knight s of Col umbus Spaghet t i Lunch & Supper Lunch: 11 am to 1 pm, Supper: 4 pm to 6:30 pm. Admission: 8$ includes dessert & coffee or tea.
Thursday, Jul y 21 2016 5:30 to 7:00 Kilts, Riffs and Spurs 7:30 to 9:00 Graham Greer trio 9:30 to 11:00 Rock n Roll Duty
Friday, Jul y 22 2016 1:30 to 3:00 Texas Tuxedo 3:30 to 5:00 Classic Soul 5:30 to 7:00 Switchgear Live 7:30 to 9:00 Ridin' Shotgun Band 9:30 to 11:00 Shania Twin
Sat urday Jul y 23 2016 1:00 to 2:30 River City Junction 3:30 to 5:00 Arclights 5:30 to 7:00 LOST BOYZ 7:30 to 9:00 Alison Wonderland 9:30 to 11:00 Bon Jovi Crush
Sunday Jul y 24 2016 12:30 to 2:00 Soundcheck 2:30 to 4:00 Carey B Grant 4:30 to 6:00 The Shiners
S ee you all t h er e! THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
B a r sB, a n d asn dm o r .e. . 2 Gr eat Even t THIS sCo m iWEEKEND n gU p !... Do n 'twai t... Getyo u rt i ck et st o d ay! Hap p en ing
DID YOU KNOW... Your word ad in t he CALENDAR OF EVENTS is FREE but you have t o cal l it in ... 613-935-3763 ext 102 ORGO TO
www.theseeker.ca and enter your event TO ADVERTISEYOUR EVENT IN ADVANCE in the Seeker Newspaper - cost is $35 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Sha ry n
An old friend, Donna L., while shopping in my store, asked me if I could find a recipe I had printed in my Freeholder column years ago. It was for a 'low carb tortilla'. I said I would look and call her. Luckily, I, at first try, I chose the correct binder, dated 2003. There was the recipe she wanted. I'm printing it again for all of you who wish to eat less carbs. My store, Sharyn's Pantry sells the tortilla press you will use to quickly press a tortilla in one easy step. You simply place a ball of the tortilla dough in the press and fold the top over and press down. Voila! A tortilla! I hope this will be a help and you enjoy this as many of my customers have used this recipe. You can freeze the tortillas successfully. For those of you who want a regular corn tortilla, we carry the Maseca Corn Tortilla flour mix. Enjoy a great week!
METHOD: -Mix all of the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Use a whisk to make sure that everything is well blended. -Slowly add the oil into the dry ingredients and blend thoroughly.
(We sell all ingredients needed for the recipe as well as the tortilla press.)
-Now, a little at a time, add the cold water and keep mixing until the dough comes together into a ball.
1 cup soy protein isolate (this product has 90% protein and no carbs)
-This should be about 1 cup of water in total.
1/ 2 cup oat flour
-Turn the dough out on to your work surface and knead the dough for a few minutes.
1/ 4 cup vital wheat gluten
-Divide the dough into 15 balls. From this you will get 15 - 6" tortillas
1/ 2 cup ground almonds
-Use 2 sheets of waxed paper, place one sheet on the base of the tortilla press, then place a ball of dough onto this and then place the second sheet of waxed paper on top of the dough ball. Cover this by closing the top of the press over the dough ball and press the lever to flatten the tortilla.
1/ 2 cup ground golden flax seed 1 tsp. baking powder 1/ 2 cup canola oil
-If you wish to have a thinner tortilla. simply use a rolling pin to roll the tortilla a bit thinner.
approximately 1 cup of cold water
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN:Monday toSaturday - 9 to5
-Fry the tortillas, one at a time, in a non-stick skillet, until you see small brown spots form on the surface of the tortilla.Turn and fry the other side of the tortilla. -You can store any un-used tortillas in a sealed container in your fridge for a couple of days or freeze for future use. -The recipe makes 15 - 6" tortillas. Each tortilla has 2.16 carbs. ENJOY!
The Presbyt ery of Seaway-Gl engarry and t he congregat ion of St John?s Presbyt erian Church, Cornwal l wel comed Reverend Ian Johnst on at a Service of Recognit ion on Sunday, Jul y 10, 2016. Reverend Johnst on wil l serve as Int erim Minist er at St . John?s. Pict ured f rom l ef t t o right , Reverend Ian MacLean, Moderat or of t he Presbyt ery of Seaway Gl engarry; Reverend Ian Johnst on, Int erim Minist er, St . John?s Presbyt erian Church; and Reverend Samer Kandal af t , Int erim Moderat or, St . John?s Presbyt erian Church.
To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?
By Local People - For Local People - Abou t Local People - Su ppor t in g Local People We truly aim at being a real community newspaper, an outlet who really cares and nurtures the people it promotes and works with.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
Hi There To All of you who are reading ~The Seeker~ this week. I hope the ups and downs of the weather aren't getting you up and down. It seems that we have one or two hot, sunny days, and then some stormy weather and cooler days. I'll still glady take it over anything winter has to offer. The fact is, there are a lot of things to see and do during anything summer has to throw at us. For example: ON SUNNY DAYS, as I mentioned before, be cautious about burning, but go easy on the sun-screen as well. Keep your time in the sun to a minimum, but enjoy shaded areas and early and later times of the day. There are many things you can do to beat the heat on a budget. You can cool off at a beach, or in your own back yard. Don't be afraid to let the inner child out, by running through a sprinkler, if you can't get to a pool or the beach. ON PARTIALLY SUNNY DAYS, you can still enjoy time at the beach, and depending on the temperature, you can still enjoy swimming, barbequing, boating, cycling or walking, and doing all the picniky things beach-goers and campers tend to do. ON CLOUDY DAYS, if it is cooler, you can sit at a park, or even at the beach, and spend time watching birds, people, scenery, boats and whatever else presents itself. ON RAINY DAYS, we have a number of places to visit, such as the library, our pool, and places like the Power Visitor Center. Don't forget the lost villages museum (right beside the beach) as it is filled with historical artifacts about our own area. So there you have it, something to do no matter what kind of weather the summer might throw at us. TIP OF THE WEEK: Skip the cotton pads and create your own DIY nail polish remover dip! 1. Cut a Scotch-BriteTM Handy Sponge in half, length-wise. 2. Insert the sponge in a small jar. It should fit snugly. 3. Soak the sponge pieces with nail polish remover. 4. Insert your finger in the jar and rub until the nail polish is gone. 5. Seal the jar when not in use to prevent evaporation. This is an easier way to use nail polish remover, as you can do it with one hand and it is less messy than using wipes or tissues, and with less to throw away, it is more environmentally-friendly too! I was out shopping at Value Village this week, wearing my black and yellow butterfly heels, and what did I see? A black and yellow matching Camaro. I think that counts as a fashion accessory, don't you? Oh well, it was someone else's car, not mine, but I did get Johnny to snap a photo of me in front of it, just to show off how well it matched my shoes! QUESTION? What do you really carry around with you? Do you have a purse that might be over-loaded with too much out-dated makeup, keys that don't fit anything, phones that don't work, and other excess waste? The obvious solution is to dump out that trash and take some weight off, which will put a spring in your step and make life generally easier and more fun! But never mind purses, what about the junk we carry inside ourselves? Are we carrying anger, or refusing to let other things go in our lives? It's pretty easy to hang onto wrongs done to us. How often do we think, "I can't believe she would do that! I thought she was a friend!" So many times we hang onto feeling that we are "In the Right" when it really doesn't do us any good whatsoever. Just let it go. A lot of times nobody has wronged us, but we misunderstand and believe they have. Then we hold onto anger for something the other person isn't even aware of. Communication is always the best first step, and if the other person truly thinks badly of us, we can keep them at arms length and just accept that we are all human, all with flaws, and let it go. Did they do something that you would never even consider doing? It doesn't matter, because you may be doing things they would never consider. Nobody is better. The
human mind always wants to be right, always wants to judge, but we are in charge of it and can choose not to. Here's a little story to illustrate it better. There were two Buddhist Monks on a journey. The oldest one made the younger one carry all of their belongings for a couple of miles, and then took his share of the load for the rest of the journey. The younger monk stopped speaking to him, and looked a little angry. Finally, after several hours, he burst out, "Why did you make me carry both of our belongings back there? It wasn't fair." The older monk just smiled and said to him, "It sounds like you are still carrying them." "But it wasn't fair!" The older Monk answered, "No, it wasn't, But neither is life. I was just seeing how prepared you are." The moral of this story is to let things go. If you find yourself in an unfair situation which you cannot control, when it is over, just let it go. If you hang onto the unfairness of the situation, your anger, frustration or other thoughts, you are still weighed down by it. It is much better to forgive and let it go, so that YOU are unburdoned. Be wise about trusting this person again, but forgive them and don't carry their burdon on your shoulders. You can smile and walk with a skip in your step if you always remember this.
Get t in g M ar r ied ? Need a DJ, Video & In vit at ion s?
ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I want to show you how I save up for shoes and other fun things. I have a little bank which looks like a cardboard box. It has a little plate with fish bones on it, and when I place a coin on that plate, the lid of the box opens and a little cat paw will come out, snatching the coin into the box! It even makes a little meow sound which comes from a paw shaped speaker area. This is a very fun way to save money! You can keep a little jar, or find a fun bank too, and put aside money just for yourself. There is nothing wrong with spoiling ourselves from time to time. UNTILNEXT WEEK: Love is the answer to just about all of the world's problems,but please rememberto love yourself first. You can't pour love from an empty cup. Know you are special,believe you deserve goodness, and expect wonderful things in your life. Then from the overflow,give that positive,loving energy to those around you! This is the flow of life that could erase so many of the world'sproblems. So how about I say, "Your life Matters",and then you can give the overflowinggoodnessto all of the races, religions,colors and age groupsyou encounter,making a real differencein the world,one person at a time. Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M y r espon se t o 25 Th in gs Cor n w all, ON People Kn ow Too Well (con t in u ed f r om p.2) The Jehovah?s Wit nesses bombard t he cit y each year.That, my dear, brings thousands of dollar in our community. I find they?re rather friendly and they?re not preaching at the Second Street Tim Hortons or telling you you?re a sinner, so that?s a plus, right? Everyone has a st ory about Ryan Gosl ing. And has dat ed him, apparent l y. Well, can you blame them? I would be bragging too! The Vu had t o prohibit sweat pant s and dirt y wif ebeat ers. Yeah, yeah. And McDonalds has a ?No Shirt, No Service? policy. Peopl e are al ways out and about in pajamas. ?Did Cornwall have the world?s largest slumber party, and I was just not invited? Rude. ?
Your neighbor is most l ikel y a deal er. My neighbours are Muslim, thank you very much. Does that scare you? If so, please refer to item # 6. You know peopl e who were dest royed when t he Front iere burned down.
I wouldn?t want to invite you either? You?re such a Debbie Downer!
No. Actually, I dont. Seems to me you?re doing a lot of projecting over there.
?He?s cut e.? ?So are his 6 kids.? Teenaged pregnancies are not joking matter. Shame on you. If you?re not part of the solution, you?re part of the problem.
?It ?s POO-TIN, not POO-TEEN!? Meh. Potayto, potahto. Tomayto, tomahto!
Ribf est is more excit ing t han t he Canada Day cel ebrat ions.
You?re comparing apples and oranges. Have you ever thought of volunteering and giving life to all your amazing ideas instead of whinning?
The onl y decent school s are Cat hol ic. According to who? Have you looked at the Fraser Institute Reports lately? Because St.Anne, Eastfront and Rose des vents top the list? http:/ / ontario.compareschoolrankings.org/ SchoolsByRankLocationName.aspx? schoolType=elementary&SortBy=Rating5Years
We l oved Taco Bel l , but it didn?t l ove us back. Ok, ok. This one, I have to concede.
M a rie
today's world. Dynamic traditions are important since they contain some of our best knowledge. Today, they contain only the best ideas any participants have thought of in the whole history of the tradition.
M O RRELL ORGANIZED MIND - THE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING TRADITIONS ALIVE Part 2 of 2 I think traditions are extremely important since it is existing knowledge. As per its definition, a tradition is a group of related ideas that have lasted for a long time. In some cases people have spent that time trying to improve the ideas. Since it changes over time, let's name it a 'dynamic tradition'. In other cases, the focus has been on keeping the tradition exactly the same over time; since it does not change let's name it a 'static tradition'. Traditions help an individual to establish its own identity. For children, this is very important to their positive emotional development. Traditions help extend the learning of individual about their family and place of origin, giving them a sense of security and continuity from one year to the next. Often, this includes religious traditions.
Just because traditions contain valuable knowledge doesn't mean they are always right. Sometimes they aren't. When we find something wrong with a tradition, if at all possible we shoul d improve t he t radit ion, not abandon it . We should seek a way to modify the tradition and also retain existing knowledge. Static traditions are different; it's passed on to the next generation because people find it useful, and teach it. Also, it must have some mechanism for being passed on and it can't be that people voluntarily learn it due to its usefulness. It's passed on to the next generation because people find it useful, and teach it. However, it must have some mechanism for being passed on and people voluntarily learn it due to its usefulness. For a tradition to last, it has to be passed on from older people to younger people. Commons Sense In Traditions Prevails
Religious traditions include holiday's celebrations, rituals, rites of passage and values. Keeping religious traditions alive helps maintain a sense of connection to the past, as many religious traditions have been alive for centuries
Traditions are important because they contain our best knowledge collected over the years; on the other hand they can also be dangerous. Static traditions can induce blind spots in people and be bad for everything except getting them taught to children. Using our heart , head and common sense, it is up t o us t o consider which is t he best way f or t radit ions t o be carried on.
According to 'The Art of Manliness', in modern society, keeping traditions alive proves to be difficult. Diversity in life is important for introducing new ideas and ways of being. However, a negative consequence of diversity is the lack of sanctity (value) attached to traditions. Some believe traditions are outdated or reflect a value system not applicable in
If you have any questions, please call marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Lind a
G e ise l Mart int own Mil l Market , Hist orical Sit e Perf ect f or a Pop up Gal l ery It w as a balmy day w hen a gr oup of FOCUS ART m em ber s and fr iends paid a visit to the M ar tintow n M ill M ar ket. The M ar ket offer s fr esh pr oduce fr om the ear th and hom em ade baking fr om the locals? hear ths. Equally im pr essive, the M ill also houses an ar t galler y show casing local talent ever y Sunday dur ing the sum m er. Exhibiting their w or k this past w eekend w er e Ber nie and Helen Car r ièr e, Suzanne Boucher and Nor m a O?Collin. Accor ding to or ganizer Bar bar a Br acken, visitor s fr om as far as M ontr eal and Ottaw a com e to visit on this histor ic tow n and patr onize the m ar ket. ?Guests have an oppor tunity to m eet the ar tists and enjoy a bit of countr y cultur e.?
Visiting Ber nie a nd Helen Ca r r ièr e?s photogr a ph exhibition wer e Libby Ca mer on a nd Ba r ba r a Da r ling.
If you have a fr ee Sunday, it cer tainly w or th a tr ip to this quaint little tow n.
Her e i s t h ei r ex h i bi t i on sch edu l e: JULY 24 - Br enda M ader , Aga Niem iec, M ar gar et Szlachcinska, JULY 31 - Libby Cam er on, Betty Rer r ie, Linda Dubeau, Nor m a O'Collin AUGUST 7 - M ar gar et Szlachcinska, Aga Niem iec, Br ian Schofield,
AUGUST 28 - M ar c Car r ièr e, Valer ie Baker , Claudine Leblanc Tr ottier , SEPTEM BER 4 - Car olyn Davis, Linda Dubeau, Br ain Schofield SEPTEM BER 11 - M ar gar et Szlachcinska , Aga Niem iec SEPTEM BER 18 - Bar bar a Dar ling, John Sim s SEPTEM BER 24 & 25 - Br enda M ader , Susan Ir ving, Bob Taylor , Bar bar a Br acken.
FOCUS ART at Local Fest i val s FOCUS ART w ill be have a pr esence at the Annual Foodfest hosted by Beyond 21 on Satur day, August 20. They w ill also be par ticipating in the Annual Gar lic Festival on Sunday August 28. Stay tuned for details OBO Studios 44 Pitt Str eet, Cor nw all Gr oup Ar t Exhibition Open i n g: Thur sday July 21, 2016 at 7 pm Ex h i bi t i on dat es: Thur sday July 21 7 pm ? 10 pm Fr iday July 22 5 pm to 10 pm Satur day July 23 10 pm ? 4 pm Visit and enter a ballot to w in a w or kshop
YACabu sk al ooza is hosted by Your Ar ts Council (YAC) and suppor ted by the City of Cor nw all. It is a fr ee, fam ily or iented event held at Lam our eux Par k on July 30th to celebr ate the am azing talent that sur r ounds us ever y day. Along w ith the Busker s, Focus Ar t w ill be ther e to show case our visual talents and host a few fun-filled activities betw een 1 pm to 5 pm . Focus Art - PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016
www.f ocusart onl ine.org
Po l i t i cal Fu n ...
AUGUST 14 - Br enda M ader , Janet Keefe, Susan Ir ving AUGUST 21 - Ber nie & Helene Car r ièr e, Susanne Boucher , Car olyn Davis,
compliments of
Donald Trump goes on a fact-finding visit to Israel. While he is on a tour of Jerusalem he suffers a heart attack and dies. The undertaker tells the American diplomats accompanying him, ?You can have him shipped home for $50,000, or you can bury him here, in the Holy Land for just $100.? The American diplomats go into a corner to discuss for a few minutes. They return with their answer to the undertaker and tell him they want Donald Trump shipped home. The undertaker is puzzled and asks, ?Why would you spend $50,000 to ship him home, when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $100?? The American diplomats reply, ?Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the dead. We just can't take the risk.?
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Pokémon Go: rat ed E f or everyone is pl aying it - by Jul ia Lucio It w as a dar k sum m er night. I w as w alking back hom e, passing by Lam our eux par k, w hen I noticed the ar ea w as busier than usual. It w as cer tainly passed m idnight, yet childr en and par ents w er e clear ly engaging in som e sor t of gam e. I could see the glow ing lights of pr obably 35 cell phones in the night. It took m e a w hile, but I finally r ealized theses peeps, young and old, w er e out chasing Pokém on! After finding out the gam e w asn?t available yet in Canada, I set out to find a w ay to get it installed on my phone anyw ay. Fr om my r esear ch, ther e w as tw o w ays to accom plish this: either by tr icking my phone into believing it w as in the United States or by finding an APK file to dow nload. The latter seem ed m or e sim ple. Now I have to give you fair w ar ning. Dow nloading any file that is not dir ectly fr om the Play Stor e on an Andr oid can lead to som e issues. These files can contain m alw ar e and give thir d par ties access to any infor m ation your phone contains, including cr edit car d num ber s, addr esses and contacts, so it is pr obably safer to find a w ay to m ask your IP to dow nload dir ectly fr om the Play Stor e. But I don?t alw ays do w hat I pr each, so w ith som e hesitation, I dow nloaded the APK, installed it and asked my kids if they w anted to go take a w alk and see w hat this gam e w as all about. W hat happened next totally caught m e by sur pr ise. Thr ough my phone, a w indow into a vir tual augm ented w or ld w as opened. Suddenly, I could see, r ight in fr ont of m e, fam iliar cr eatur es that for year s had only been visible in 2D thr ough a video gam e console my sons w er e playing . W ith the cam er a on my phone they w er e now still in 2D, but par t of 3D w or ld. W ith this m agical por table m obile device, I could be a r eal life Pokém on tr ainer and catch them all myself! All I needed to do is GO! GO w alk on the str eets of my city, GO visit PokéStops (points of inter est) to r eplenish my vir tual bag of item s, GO to the vir tual gym w her e I could take on other r eal life Pokém on tr ainer s in Pokém on battles. I w as instantly hooked. I know. This m ay sound peculiar ly str ange com ing fr om a 45 year old pr ofessional w om an. But her e?s w hat?s good about it. One, it gets m e to spend m or e tim e w ith my kids, doing silly stuff. It tr igger s their im agination. W hen w e go on our w alks, w e?r e not us; w e?r e w ild Pokém on tr ainer s, skilled and w ise. We encounter var ious cr eatur es that ar e som etim es cute and har m less, som etim es scar y and pow er ful. Next thing you know , w e?r e all dow n, r olling in the gr ass, fighting off vir tual Rattatas or Pidgeys. Tw o, it gets m e m oving. If you know m e, you know that I hate exer cising w ith a passion. I don?t like w alking, let alone r unning. I don?t like exer ting myself. I know it?s bad for m e, but I can?t seem to get myself out of my com puter chair unless totally necessar y. W ith this gam e, over the last 3 days, I found myself looking at the phone for r uffling leaves? w hich is w hat tells you a Pokém on is near ? then taking off to go catch it. This could be one or tw o blocks aw ay, but I go w ithout even thinking about it. Childish, I know , but it w or ks! Thr ee, it r eally takes my m ind off things. This in tur ns r educes my str ess and ener gizes m e. The satisfaction you get w hen you captur e a w ild, r ar e, Pokém on can r eally do w onder s for your m or ale! So befor e you judge and dism iss the gam e as som ething only a 10 year old w ould enjoy, w hy not give it a tr y? You m ay find it enter taining and r ejuvenating! A FEW TI PS: Alw ays be safe. Do not dr ive and hunt. Alw ays be aw ar e of your sur r oundings. Do not tr espass. In Cor nw all, Lam our eux Par k is w her e it?s at. You can find sever al PokéStops in that ar ea. At PokéStops, you w ill find item s such as PokéBalls, eggs and potions. If you go to a big city, check for new Pokém on. They?r e liter ally cr aw ling w ith them . And please, if you ar e a Pokém on tr ainer and can give m e tips, leave them below !!! By the w ay, I?m seekerchick on team yellow ! EDI TOR?S NOTE: The ga me is now ava ila ble in Ca na da . You ca n sa fely downloa d it fr om the Play Stor e.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Ste p he n
Th i s w eek Pok emon Go!
I remember waiting to use the swings at Memorial Park in the summer of 1972. There must have been at least a dozen kids in the park, probably closer to two dozen, not counting the people using the pool. There were a couple of older teens, working for the city, who kept some of us busy doing creative activities or playing games. Across the street at the school, more kids were playing in the yard. A baseball game was in progress. Yes, there were a lot of kids keeping active that day, and almost every day, in the summer of 1972. Two decades later, the summer of 1992 wasn't much different. I remember driving past Alexander Park and seeing lots of kids. The same was seen at many Cornwall parks. And you would see the cyclists and skateboarders out having fun. Again, there were a lot of kids keeping active during the summer of 1992. Another two decades, and the situation was very different. Over the years, it seemed that the kids had disappeared. Parks were not as populated, less cyclists and less skateboarders. It couldn't all be due to our aging population, could it? No, we all knew where to find the kids - they were playing some bleeping game on a computer or console.
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But now, thanks to Pokemon Go, we have found the kids, teens and young adults! Yes, just look around the neighbourhood and you will see them, walking about and catching Pokemon. They congregate around the "Poke Stop" or "Gym" and socialize. Maybe this is the first step in electronic game development; one that rewards people for exercising and socializing in person. Kudos to the Pokemon Go development team. Have fun and watch out for children playing!
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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement a new event in October to raise money to support research for women?s gynecological cancers. Please contact Lois at 613-32-1283 ext. 3673 It?s going to be a fun one!! FORSALE: Sleep Apnea machine. Philips Respironics Sepler with auto bipap with humidifier and manuals $500 OBO. Cal l 603-491-1784 URGENT NEED FOR VOLUNTEER DRIVERS to take cancer patients to their appointments. For details visit: www.myccsschedul e.ca or call Lois at 613-932-1283 ext 3673. WANTED: Used boys bike, hybrid, 22" frame. Cal l 603-491-1784 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement our NEON NIGHT childhood cancer fundraiser. Event day volunteers will also be needed Sept. 9th at Holy Trinity School in Cornwall. Please contact Lois 613-932-1283 CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cornwall Newcomers Club. If you joined Cornwall Newcomers Club (CNC) in 2012 you are eligible to join the Cornwall Newcomers ALUMNAE Chapter. For more information contact Liz at 613-932-8164. FORSALE: Air conditioner, upright model. 9,000 BTU. $50 613-363-6595 FORSALE: Dining table and 4 chairs with a 3 piece buffet 613-525-4639 FORSALE: Antique dining room set, circa 1939, China cabinet, sideboard, table with 6 chairs, one a captains chair. Good condition, asking $650 (negotiable) Cal l 613-931-2373
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
r ealize your dr eam and have success in life,? Guy Lafleur explained.
Art icl e and Phot o by Jason Set nyk Cor nw all Ontar io ? Hockey legend Guy La fleur wa s in Cor nwa ll on Thur sday, July 21st, 2016 to help celebr ate Newsy La londe Day. New sy Lalonde w as captain of the M ontr eal Canadiens fr om 1915 to 1921. He lead the Habs to their fir st NHL Stanley Cup w in in 1916. He also scor ed the fir st ever goal in M ontr eal Canadiens histor y, and he lead the Habs six tim es in scor ing. He held the r ecor d for m ost goals scor ed by a pr ofessional hockey player until a guy by the nam e of M aur ice Richar d cam e along. He w as also the coach of the Ottaw a Senator s betw een 1929 and 1931, and the coach of the Canadians betw een 1932 and 1935. Cor nw all City Council had pr oclaim ed July 21st as New sy Lalonde Day in Cor nw all Ontar io.
This is not Guy Lafleur ?s fir st visit to Cor nw all. He use to play at the Si M iller Ar ena in Cor nw all, and m ost r ecently he visited Cor nw all by boat last sum m er. ?Yes, I w ent by Cor nw all last sum m er. I love this M ar ina. It?s nice w hen you?r e on a boat, going up or dow n the St. Law r ence. It?s r ight dow ntow n and it?s fantastic. Unfor tunately I sold the boat. I?m dr iving now ,? said Guy Lafleur w ith a sm ir k .
Int erview wit h Guy Laf l eur who cel ebrat ed Newsy Lal onde Day
Ther e w er e m any dignitar ies w ho m ade speeches Thur sday and helped w ith the unveiling of a plaque. Guy Lafleur w as joined by M P Guy Lauzon, M PP Jim M cDonell, for m er M PP and Ontar io Her itage Tr ust boar d m em ber Jim Br ow nell, City Councillor and acting M ayor Denis Car r , Cor nw all spor ts per sonality Thom Racine, m em ber s of New sy Lalonde?s fam ily and other s in the unveiling of a new plaque. This is the second of thr ee Ontar io Her itage Tr ust plaques to honour Ontar io?s ?Flying Fr enchm en?. Hundr eds w er e in attendance, and ther e w er e var ious booths and exhibitions, including the Cor nw all Colts, Cor nw all River Kings, and one for for m er Cor nw all Royal and New Jer sey Devil player Doug Car penter w ho w as pr om oting his book ?A Royal Car eer ?, w ith pr oceeds going to The Childr en?s Tr eatm ent Centr e. Ther e w er e also som e NHL Tr ophies on display including the Ar t Ross Tr ophy, the Har t Tr ophy, and the Conn Smythe Tr ophy. The Hockey Hall of Fam er and for m er M ontr eal Canadiens captain w on all thr ee of those tr ophies that w er e on display at the Civic Com plex. Guy Lafleur w on the Ar t Ross thr ee tim es, he w on the Har t tr ophy tw ice, and he w on the Conn Smythe tr ophy once. The r ight-w inger also w on the Lester B. Pear son Aw ar ds thr ee tim es. He is the fir st player to scor e 50 goals and 100 points in six str aight seasons, and he is the all tim e leading scor er for the M ontr eal Canadiens. W hat is Guy Lafleur ?s biggest accom plishm ent? ?Being myself,? he chuckled. ?That?s im por tant?. Guy Lafleur believes events like this one honour ing New sy Lalonde ar e im por tant because it cr eates a sense of continuity and is a sour ce of inspir ation. ?It is im por tant, because if you look back, today?s kids m ight not go as far. If you look back to the 30s, and 40s, player s w ho w anted to play in the NHL, w ould look back to player s in the 1910s and 20s. It goes on and on. For kids w ho identify them selves as player s it is im por tant, because they w ould have a dr eam to one day becom e a hockey player , and play in the NHL. You need that. It doesn?t m atter w hat you w ant to do in life, you need som e r efer ence fr om the past. It w ill help you out, and m otivate you to succeed. It w ill help you
Guy Lafleur also shar ed his thoughts on w hat is happening in the NHL today. In r egar ds to the P.K. Subban and Shea Weber tr ade, he thinks it w as a good tr ade for both team s. ?I think it?s a good tr ade for him and a good tr ade for the or ganization. Tim e w ill tell, but I?m sur e Shea Weber is going to do a hell of a job for the M ontr eal Canadiens. He has a lot of exper ience and he is m or e m atur e. You need guys like that on the team to help out the kids. PK is going to do w ell. M aybe he?ll be allow ed m or e fr eedom to expr ess his tem per am ent. It?s going to be good for the league. Over all I think it?s a good tr ade for both of them ,? Guy Lafleur noted. The for m er Quebec Nor dique also shar ed his thoughts on Quebec not getting a fr anchise this tim e ar ound. The NHL decided to expand in Las Vegas instead. Lafleur is optim istic that Quebec w ill be next to get a fr anchise. ?I w as disappointed (Quebec didn?t get a team ), but I?m sur e they w ill get one eventually. That?s one thing I think I could guar antee. The NHL cannot affor d to not have a team in Quebec City. They have gr eat fans, it w ould ener gize the easter n tow nships and the m ar itim es too. They w ould go to Quebec City to see their team , Tor onto, or w hoever. I hope they get a fr anchise thr ee year s fr om now. If it?s past thr ee year s, I?ll star t to w onder about it?, said Guy Lafleur. Guy Lafleur also lear ned about the Ontar io Hockey Academy in Cor nw all Ontar io. He offer ed som e advice to the young player s w ho com e to Cor nw all and dr eam of one day playing pr ofessionally. ?The m ost im por tant thing for a kid w ho loves the gam e and w ants to one day play in the NHL, you have to be passionate about the gam e, you have to believe in your self, and r ealize that pr actice is m or e im por tant than playing a gam e. That?s r eally w her e you get better and im pr ove your skills. It?s in the pr actice that you lear n and adapt to the gam e. I love to pr actice, and if you pr actice har d, the gam e com es a lot easier after that. You have to give a full tim e hundr ed per cent?, said Guy Lafleur. M any in attendance got Guy Lafleur ?s autogr aph and had a photo taken w ith the hockey legend. Rem em ber ing Guy Lafleur ?s accom plishm ents also helps us r em em ber the accom plishm ents of those w ho cam e befor e him , player s like New sy Lalonde.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 29 - July 22 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca