You r Weekl y Dose of Posi ti ve New s!
Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r
Vol . 7 6 Issue 2 Volume Issue 41, January 2016 October 15, 30, 2015
Her e's t o o u r Fi r st i ssu e o f 2 0 1 6 ... ... an d t o t h e b est t wo Sen i o r Ci t i zen s o f Co r n wal l
Ou r d yn am i c d el i ver y t eam , Si i r i an d Ol af Rei m an , ar e al ways o n t h e r o ad , b r i n g i n g yo u yo u r week l y d o se o f p o si t i ve n ews. If yo u see t h em , say h i !
SUNDAYS ON DUNET.CA 1pm - The Couch Wit h Shannon and Erica
SEE YOU JANUARY 19, 2016 at 7:00
4pm - The Jim & Ike Show
$199,900 54 VALECREST DR
To Buy or Sell, Call
Tom Dunne
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Nat al ie) : ext 103 EMAIL
inf o@t www.t Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm Closed 1-2pm for lunch
by Julia Lucio
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Ag re e to d isa g re e
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
Wel l , ya j u st can 't p l ease t h em al l ... Every year, to kick start the year, we select 10 individuals whom we think have contributed greatly to either promoting this community and/ or give back immensely to it. Usually, these people are citizens of Cornwall, but this year, we had a past resident. Readers were quick to comment about it. I feel that I need to explain why we selected him. Ryan Gosling no longer lives in Cornwall and we all know that. But he is, arguably, the most famous past citizen. our city has ever produced.
Welcome Natalie totheSeekerTeam! Here t o hel p you wit h al l your market ing needs
613-935-3763 ext . 103
We have your target m ark et! and Don't Forget
Advertising with the Seeker is not an expense... It's an investment! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 your best year yet! The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic consists of women, 34-50 years old, who make the buying decisions in the family.
CALL M E TODAY fo r o u r 2 0 1 6 By mentioning our city on American SU PER SPECIALS! 613-935-3763 National TV, Gosling reached more people in 15 seconds of air time than any other Cornwallite in the history this town. Suddenly, everyone duty. We do this to the best of our abilities. If we Googles "Cornwall", wondering where in the world asked 20 people for their 10 choices, you would get this small town in Eastern Ontario is positioned in 200 different names. The point is, you just can't relation to them. Who knows? A few fans may even please everyone. end up visiting, just because. You're never going to please everyone, and if you do, The city has not commemorated his achievements there's something wrong. -Const ance Wu thus far and so we thought the honour was well deserved. The other 9 were local people. People who give to this community in one way or another, people who start events, are in business, are involved in many dealings. Some people were displeased with our selection.
You may not agree with our choices and that is all fine and dandy. We don't mind criticism, in fact, we welcome it. We want to know if you disagree! We encourage you to send us a letter to the editor or give us a call. We ALWAYS WELCOME constructive Your one st op shopf or... criticism. It's what helps us strive to do better. But then, you have those who are just plain Advert ising ungrateful. Those who not only disagree, but are GraphicDesign also unappreciative.
WebDesign Print ing- Phot ography VideoRecording Services
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
Picking these 10 names is a hard task. We try to pick people that readers will know, we try to be fair and pick individuals go above and beyond the call of
A coupl e of rect if icat ions The seeker would like to publicly apologize to Carol Grant for wrongly referring to her as Mr. Randy Sauve's girlfriend rather than as his fiancĂŠ in the top 10 people of the year in last week's Seeker. Just to clarify, Mr. Sauve has been chosen because of successfully running FANTASY REALM, his downtown business, for now over 30+ years as well as for holding the Free Comic Book Day and for co-founding CAPE, along with Carol Grant. Similarly, we would like to clarify that Chris Munro, although Life's Little Pleasures has in fact celebrated 30 years in business in 2015, has herself celebrated 16. Chris , who is involved in the "Rock the Block" event every year, an initiative to promote downtown shopping, is not one of the original founders of the event.
LETTERS TOTHEEDITOR Have something to say? Sent us your Letter to the editor. You can also freely comment on our website at
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Pre se nte d NEWS & POLITICS
Cornwal l ?s Summer Beer Fest comes back Jul y 9t h 2016 - The Seaway Food Festival is excited to announce the second edition of Cornwall?s Summer Beer Fest, set to be held on July 9th, 2016 at the Jet Set Pub (NAV Centre). Last year?s inaugural event was a massive success, with over 1,250 guests, 5 food vendors, and 15 breweries. This was by far the largest craft beer event Cornwall has ever seen, and in the second edition organizers hope deliver and even better social experience for the community. Beer Fest will be held on July 9th from 11am to 7pm (tentatively). The event will take place at NAV Centre on the Jet Set Pub patio and surrounding area. During the event, guests will be able to purchase $2 coupons, which can be exchanged for samples of alcoholic beverages and/ or food items, subject to pricing. Live entertainment coupled with the ?shared-seating? arrangement provided by the picnic tables will create a unique experience for all festivalgoers. Tickets will go on sale starting May 30th, 2016 at participating establishments, NAV Centre, or on-line. If you would like to participate as a sponsor, vendor, or brewery, please contact the Seaway Food Festival at
b y Ja so n Se tny k
?Community organizations rely on volunteers in order to serve fellow residents? MPP McDonell commented. ?Without volunteers, many of the amazing groups and agencies that bring us together in service and charity would not exist. I encourage all organizations in Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry who rely on volunteers?services to nominate those whose work makes a daily difference in our lives?. The deadline for nominations is January 25. Nominations can be submitted by the organization online or by post by downloading the forms from http:/ / english/ citizenship/ honours/ vsa.shtml
ARTS & CULTURE Aul t svil l e Fil mf est January 29t h t o 31st 2016 - The Aultsville Filmfest is an annual event that brings Independent Film to Cornwall. Purchase your full weekend Festival Pass for $125 (includes 8 movies plus social events, 5-Film Pass $90 (choose any 5 of the 8 featured films), or individual movie tickets: $15 single tickets (movie only) and $10 student tickets (movie only). Festival Passes & Individual Movie Tickets are on sale at the Civic Complex Box Office (100 Water St. East, Cornwall) Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. (613) 938-9400. Or at the Aultsville Theatre Box Office one hour prior to show time (subject to availability).
SPORTS & RECREATION Carl Richards keynot e speaker at Smart Cit y Toast mast ers open house - Speech Coach Carl Richards is the keynote speaker at the Smart City Toastmasters open house in Cornwall. Anyone looking to learn how to communicate better in the work place, or learn how to do public speaking can benefit from Smart City Toastmasters. The local Toastmasters is hosting an open house on Wednesday, January 20th, 2016 at St. Lawrence College, in room 3520 at 6:30pm. ?Our open house is a chance for people to come to a Toastmasters meeting and see what we are all about?, explains Todd Bennett. In addition to meeting the Toastmaster regulars, there is an opportunity to hear keynote guest speaker Carl Richards. Carl Richards is a broadcaster, Speech Coach, keynote speaker and author. Through positive and effective coaching, Carl Richards helps people realize their true talents and potential when it comes to communication. He?s coached a diverse group of individuals with speaking, from students and teachers to entrepreneurs and business professionals. In addition to public speaking, participants can learn how to run an effective meeting, and the art of impromptu speaking, which can be very helpful in the work environment. ?All of our regular meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of the every month. This open house is free and open to everyone?, says Bennett. MPP McDonel l Encourages Local Vol unt eer Recognit ion ? The Volunteer Service Award program recognizes Ontarians who contribute to their local community through volunteering. Over the years, the program has recognized over 200,000 Ontarians for their work.
Guy Laf l eur wil l coach Mont real Canadians al umni February 14t h in Massena NY - It was reported in the Daily Courier Observer that legendary NHL Hall of Fame hockey player Guy Lafleur will be coaching the Montreal Canadians alumni team that will be visiting Massena New York next month. The game, which is a part of the St. Lawrence Winter Chill, takes place February 14th at the Massena Arena. Other alumni reported playing include Guy Carbonneau, Chris Nilan, Stephane Richer, Patrice Brisebois, and goalie Richard Sevigny. Advanced tickets are $20, VIP tickets are also available. For more info visit The Lake St. Lawrence Winter Chill page on Facebook. Pet e Karvouniaris named f irst st ar - River Kings goaltender Pete Karvouniaris has been named the Ligue nord-amĂŠricaine de hockey?s First Star of the Week. Karvouniaris posted a 35-save shutout performance on Saturday night as Cornwall defeated Laval 2-0. Meanwhile, forward David Croteau received honourable mention from the LNAH for his great play last weekend. Photo by Ice Level Photography. Tony Luis Ot t awa Boxing Mat ch Cancel l ed - Tony Luis writes on social media: "I regret to inform everybody that my fight on January 29 has been canceled a second time. I am disgusted with the unprofessionalism on the promoter's part. No fighter enjoys training for months and have nothing to show for it. Those who have bought tickets, please call your credit card companies to get reimbursed. I was so looking forward to performing close to home again. Not a good start to the new year, better days ahead". The Shoeless Joes bus from Cornwall to Ottawa has been cancelled.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
GRANT HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wishing you and your family a wonderful year in 2016 filled with health, happiness and success in all that you do! The holidays are now over and it was a busy season full of great activities and goodwill here in Cornwall and area!
The Christmas Basket Distribution day was another huge success this year. Every year, 15 service clubs come together to load groceries and toys into the Armouries and they pack baskets to be distributed to needy families in the area. If you have never been to see this in person, it is an overwhelming sight! The Armouries are packed with food and supplies to feed nearly 1300 families this past Christmas Peter Morgan with the Children's Christmas Fund stated the Kiwanis Club of Cornwall helped approximately 100 families back in 1927 and the Service Club Council took over the Children's Christmas Club in 1948 headed by former organizer Carl Fisher (broadcaster). The event grows every year thanks to the generosity of the many service clubs involved. MANY volunteers help out every year with assisting the families pick out their supplies and getting them to the car. Shown here are some of the helping hands behind the scenes: Shawn Stoness, Glenda Cole (Salvation Army), Ralph Brunton (Optimist Toy Drive), Marvin Plumadore (Children's Christmas Fund), Peter Morgan (Children's Christmas Fund, Kinsmen), Terry Muir (Children's Christmas Fund), Robert Drover (Kinsmen) and Kendra Smith (Agape Centre)
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
On another note, a personal thank you to all that attended the CAPE New Year's Eve Party this year which featured the bands The Lost Boyz and Spare Partz. Nearly 300 people came out to ring the new year in support of Cornwall and Area Pop Event - CAPE being held April 23-24. Thank you all for your support!
Yo u r Week l y Ch u ck l e .. co m p l i m en t s o f Ad van t ag es Ad ver t i si n g HUSBAND'S URGENT TEXT TO WIFE HUSBAND: I'm at the hospital I w as hit by a car outside the office. Paula br ought m e to the Hospital. Doctor s pr esently doing tests and taking X-r ays. Sever e blow to my head but not likely to have any lasting effects. Wound r equir ed 19 stitches. I have thr ee br oken r ibs, a br oken ar m and com pound fr actur e in the left leg. Am putation of my r ight foot is a possibility. Love you.
Physiot herapy Private treatments $39 Seniors $32
Na t ur a l So l ut io n s Wo r k Connie Augi 613-932-8818
Get Paid to Switch Stores
1 t im e $ 2 5 3 t im e s $ 6 5 7 t im e s $ 12 9 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile
W I FE: W ho's Paula???
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
Sha ry n
Ch ed d arCh eeseM u ffi n s!
I can always count on Stephen McMenamen coming into my store at least once a week telling me about the latest recipe he tried. This week, it was his cheddar muffins. I made them this morning and they are very nice. The recipe uses old cheddar cheese and whole wheat flour as well as unbleached all
purpose flour and plain yogurt. You will get 12 large muffins from the recipe. Stephen serves them along with a nice bowl of homemade soup or spreads them with applesauce just for a treat. Gary and I had them spread with a touch of butter and a nice hot cup of coffee. Thanks Stephen for caring and sharing!
1 cup whole wheat flour 1 cup unbleached all purpose flour 1/ 4 cup white sugar 1 tbsp. baking powder (slightly rounded tbsp.) 1/ 2 level tsp. baking soda 1/ 2 tsp. fine salt 1- 1/ 2 cups grated old cheddar cheese IN THE SECOND BOWL:
2 eggs, well beaten 1 cup plain yogurt or kefir (of course, I used Sharyn's Pantry organic yogurt or kefir) 1/ 4 cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly METHOD: -With the oven rack placed in the middle position, preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. (or I used 375 degrees F. convection bake) -Grease a 12 cup muffin pan with no stick spray or use a silicone no stick muffin pan. -In a large bowl, combine the both flours, sugar, baking powder and soda and salt together. Use a whisk to mix everything very well. Add the grated cheddar cheese. Stir with a fork. -In the second bowl, combine the beaten eggs, yogurt and melted butter with a whisk. Stir this into the dry ingredients. Mix only to moisten the flour.
-Use a metal scoop (about 1/ 3 cup in volume) to fill the muffin cups. -Bake the muffins for 17 to 18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted inthe centre of one comes out clean. My oven took 17 minutes exactly in the convection mode at 375 degrees F. -I used my silicone muffin pan and as soon as the muffins were baked and out of the oven, I took a dull knife and loosened around the edges of the muffins in the pan and turned the muffins on their sides to cool. -Enjoy them while they are hot out of the SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY oven.
- a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5
6, 2016
ADVERTISING in TheSEEKERis NOT an Expense ... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Cal l Seeker Sal es Chick Mai-Liis t oday t o pl ace your ad!
6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3ex t . 1 0 2 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca The l ibrary is now open on Sundays 1:00 t o 5:00 pm
SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 - 2:00 pm WHATISENDOMETRIOSIS? - A CLOSERLOOKAT WOMEN?SHEALTH- For women 13 to 45 yearsold - Presentedby CherieDouglas
SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 DROP-IN FAMILY STORYTIME - 10:00 am to 11:00 am NATURE ROCKS SERIES - Wit h St . Lawrence River Inst it ut e 11:00 am t o 12:30 pm PAWS 'N BOOKS - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2016 DITCH THE DIET - 2:00 pm t o 3:00 pm. Sign up for our Ditch the Diet - A Talk on Mind-Body Eating with Lorraine Driscoll, registered Holistic nutritionist and mindful eating coach. Free registration required at the library or by phone.
MONDAY, JANUARY 18 TIME FOR TWO -10:00 am to 11:00 am THE ENGLISH CORNER -3:30 pm to 5:00 pm CORNWALL & REGION WRITERS SOCIETY - Everyone welcome. -6:30 pm
TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 MAH JONGG -10:00 am to 12:00 pm THE FLYING NEEDLES -1:00 pm to 3:00 pm ST. LAWRENCE INTERNATIONAL STAMP CLUB - 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 BABY TALES - (0 t o 2 year ol ds) 10:00 am to 10:45 am & 11:00 am to 11:45 am STORYTIME - (3 t o 5 year ol ds) -10:00 am to 10:45 am CORNWALL SCRABBLE - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
ADULT EVENING BOOK CLUB - 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm ROLEPLAYINGCARDCLUB - (Ages7 to 14 yearsold) - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Cal l t he l ibraryat 613-932-4796f or moreinf ormat ion. or visit www.l ibrarycornwal l
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Wi t h JAN
U P?
Grade 7 & 8 TEEN DANCE Sponsored by Cl ub Oct agon at La Citadel 6:30-9:30pm - Student ID required. Music by: DJ Shel l shock and Madame-Mix-A-Lot Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
SATURDAY Creat ion Science Cent re opened Sat urdays f rom 1 - 5pm.
Seaway Int ernat ional Wine Fest ival . 6 to 11pm at the Ramada Inn. $100 per person in support of Rachel's Kids and Children's Aid Society. Tickets available at Scotiabank.
W H A T 'S
Bazar Vendor Emporium. 11am to 4pm, 205 Amelia Street The holidays are over, but youre looking for a great night out? Come to Vu Nightspot (113 1/ 2 Pitt St. [behind Kastner's]) JANUARY 16TH 2016 for a great experience and admire the amazing performances brought to you by performers from all around! This will be Vu Nightspot's FIRST dragshow ever! 19+
Yout h Unl imit ed Chicken Dinner & Sil ent Auct ion from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St W. Tickets: 11$ available at the Legion or 613.936.3454 Hymn Sing at 6:30 pm. Long Saul t Pent ecost al Church, 9 Bethune Ave. Light lunch served after the event.
Cornwall Quilters Guild Monthly Meeting at 7 pm.
St-Matthews Lutheran Church Hall, 1504 2nd St. W. Movie night
Your ad coul d be here, highl y visibl e, if you had cal l ed it in. Next t ime, don't f orget ! It 's FREE. Cal l 935-3763 or email inf o@t
Your ad woul d be here had you cal l ed it in. Next t ime don't f orget ! Cal l 935-3763
Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
Daddy / Daught er hair survival day at Kings and Little Ones, 231 Pitt Street Cornwall Comedy Night At Army Navy Cl ub 8:00 PM 路 14 Marlborough Cornwall
Col t s Home Game at t he Civic Compl ex, 7pm
Encore Seniors Educat ion Cent er Open House from 1 pm to 3 pm now inside room 124 at TR Leger School, 1500 Cumberland St. Refreshments to follow. Visit for more info.
C ongratulations J ohn and J ulia O n your
A nniversary!
Proudly married in Las Vegas, Nevada January 23, 2006
H ere is to many more...
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
call the THE SEEKER TEAM today - we will help you make 2016 your "HAPPY NEW advertising YEAR"! - 613-935-3763 Sha nno n
FERG USO N The Simpl e Reason Why Peopl e Cheat These Days Cheating. Infidelity. Almost everyone these days has been affected by it in some way or another and if it hasn?t happened to you directly then you?ve most likely watched someone close to you go through it. Whether you?ve been the cheater, the cheatee, or the other person it?s clear that when lines begin to get blurred the reason why it?s all actually happening seem to as well.
The reasons behind cheating are different in every situation and it?s almost impossible to group everyone together and list off some psychological ramblings about why it?s going on. You?re not happy in your relationship? Sure, could be a big reason why you?re cheating. You?re bored and want some new excitement? Yeah, that?s plausible too. But besides all the deep reasons behind why everyone is seemingly cheating on each other these days, there?s a quite simple explanation and that is: because it?s easy. Never, in the history of the universe, has there been an easier time to cheat on someone you?re in a relationship with. Thanks to technology, our generation has turned into a stealthy group of undercover agents who find excitement in living double lives knowing that dirty conversations and pictures can be deleted with the swipe of a finger, never to be seen again. Passwords aren?t out of the ordinary anymore, so when you lock your phone up before bed you know it?s safe and sound from wandering eyes in the rare case you get a filthy drunk text from your sidepiece in the middle of the night. Smart phones have given everyone the access to secrecy and this easiness is essential to a cheater?s way of life. Cheating has also become easy because people are so accessible. We are in touch with everyone. From high school hang out buddies to old flames from years ago, to that new person from the bar last week, no one is off limits and this calls for trouble if you?re in a relationship and have the urge to be with someone else. Back in the day, if you wanted to keep in touch with someone you needed more than just their name. You needed a phone number, maybe an address, and can you imagine how ridiculous we would
all look these days carrying around 50 pound phonebooks just in case we wanted to look up our high school sweetheart and see if they were down to meet. Not easy. Everyone we have ever known, kissed, slept with, been attracted to, or loved is reachable by simpler ways than through carrier pigeon so being the selfish generation we are, we decide to have our cake and eat it too. What people need to start remembering is that being in a relationship is a choice. You chose to share your life with this person and if you feel the urge to cheat, instead of doing so because it?s so easy, maybe it?s time to figure out why you are looking for happiness outside of the relationship you?re in. No one deserves to be cheated on, no matter how easy it is but it seems like even those with their heads on straight are falling into the paradox of knowing it?s bad but doing it anyway. The mystery, the suspense, the high of possibly getting caught, the excitement of being with someone new; these are all age old reasons behind cheating but for this generation, it has simply become too easy and accessible to not test it out. And despite how easy cheating can be the solution to it is just as simple. Find someone you love and you will never have the need to cheat. Be with someone you care for so much that you could never even imagine hurting them in that way. Work on your relationship and trudge through the hard times because you know it will be worth it in the end. Maybe once everyone stops settling for mediocre relationships and realizes that they
deserve more, will they stop taking the easy way out and start putting in effort on something worthwhile. Cheating is never the answer but it?s clear that these days, no one even knows the question. Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk.
and be sure to listen to my online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at and afterwards stay tuned in for "What's Up With The Seeker Chicks"? from 7-8pm.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
S E E K E RC H I C K S h
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Pa sto r Bra d
M O NTSIO N TRUSTWORTHY HOPE There are plenty of phrases that have caught my attention over the years. One of them is ?I hope so.? I?ve come to believe that this is one phrase that seems to contradict itself because it is just way we use to go on without expecting much to change. We might as well say ?I doubt it.?
That is not the kind of hope that stands against frustrating problems that we all face. I would rather have a kind of hope that helps me to conquer the
problems instead of having them pile up and discourage me. Is there such a kind of hope?
The Bible tells us ?Hope differed makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life? (Proverbs 13:12). If we keep living a life that simply puts off the problem to another day we will simply have a sick (diseased or full of infirmity) heart. Our hopes should not be another way of expressing our wishes. Instead it should be firm and unwavering even though we have not reached a place of fulfilment.
satisfaction until sometime in our future. That is why Solomon goes on to write ?There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off? (Proverbs 23:18). Will this be for everyone? The next verse says ?Listen, my son, and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path? (Proverbs 23:19). It depends upon which path we are taking. Some roads will lead us to a hopeless end while the right path will lead us to an endless hope. Pastor Brad Montsion Fountaingate Christian Assembly
That is why the verse goes on to say ? but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.? We have to accept the fact that some of our present hopes will not meet our
2 n d Qu i l t fo r t h e Cau se Even t at Gi r o u x Sewi n g Cen t r e
What a great fundraiser by Giroux Sewing Centre! Packages of quilting material were sold and members of the community sewed squares which were bought to the store and on Monday, January 11th These were arranged in designs to make 2 large quilts and a smaller lap quilt which will be raffled off at the end of January to raise funds for CORD (Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders). For more information about CORD please go to Congratulations goes out to to Giroux Sewing Centre, 511 Montreal Road - 613-938-8455 for such a wonderful fundraiser!
ADVERTISING in TheSEEKERis NOT an Expense ... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Cal l Seeker Sal es Dude John t oday t o pl ace your ad!
6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3ex t . 1 0 5 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
POSITIVE THOUGHT:?We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.? - Lincoln M a rle ne
BAKER Hi there to all of you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~ in the Cornwall and S.D.& G. areas. Well, it is the second week of 2016...How has it been for you??? Any changes??? Any New Goals or Achievements choosen yet??? For myself, it has gone very well so far. The weather has been a bit Wintery, but it hasn't been too bad of a Winter, so far. John and I have some New Projects that we are both working on, and we will be able to reveal more about them when the timing is just right in the weeks to come.
You know, people sometimes go through life wondering what they are here for? or Who they are supposed to spend their lives with? or even What they will do when they get older??? I know I had asked these questions myself, years ago. But, Why spend your life wondering, or asking yourself these questions??? Life is way too short to live wondering about the Whys? or the What Nots or even the What fors. We need to just live our lives, love with our whole hearts and not ever hold back. The number one complaint of seniors is that they will die with regrets. So why not do it all while you have the chance? We are to laugh until we cry and until it hurts to laugh. Laughing is such good medicine for all that ails us. We are to give of ourselves daily, love and to be kind to one another. LIFE can be here one day and gone the very next. We can be gone in the "Blink of an eye!" SO LIVE, LAUGH & LOVE All Of Your Days Because One Never Knows When It Will Be Their Time To Leave The Life They Once Knew, Behind. So LIVE like it is your last day, and LOVE like you've never been hurt or loved before!!!
quite different... It is a "Drag Queen Show." I have never been to a show like this, so not only is it going to be exciting, but a lot of fun to see. Misty Mac from Cornwall will be headlining the stage, also gracing the Vu's stage will be Ms. Manhattan from Kingston, Phoenix Vyxen from Montreal and Flora Starlight from Gatineau!!! Edina Starlight, who is also from Gatineau, will be the MC of the night as well as doing a couple of performances. If you or any of your friends are interested in going... The tickets are ONLY $5.00. The doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the Show starts at 8:00 p.m. I so look forward to seeing some of you there. Now what to wear? What to wear to a Drag Queen Show??? These "Men" Are Going to LOOK BEAUTIFUL & TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Any Suggestions??? Hmmmm??? UNTIL NEXT WEEK: The word "HATE" has 4 letters, but so does, "LOVE". "ENEMIES" has 7 letters but, so does "FRIENDS". "LYING" has 5 letters but, so does "TRUTH". "HURT" has 4 letters but, so does "HEAL". Transform YOUR NEGATIVE Energy, Into POSITIVE Energy!!! Keep Smiling & Passing One Along As Many Times As You Can This Week. It does the Body and Soul Good To Share A Genuine Smile!!! Marlene Baker of
TIP OF THE WEEK: Here Are Four Agreements To Help Make Your Lives Happier & Better: 1. Be IMPECCABLE with your Words. a. Speak with Integrity. b.Say ONLY what you mean. c. Avoid using your words to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. d. Use the POWER of your words in the direction of Truth and Love. 2. Don't take anything PERSONALLY. a. Nothing others do is because of you. b. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dreams. c. When you are IMMUNE to the Opinions and Actions of others, you won't be the Victim of needless suffering. 3. Don't make ASSUMPTIONS. a. Find the courage to ask Questions and to Express what you really want. b. COMMUNICATE with others as clearly as you can to avoid Misunderstandings, Sadness and even Drama. c. With just this one statement, you can and will completely Transform Your LIVES! 4. Always Do Your BEST! a. Your Best is going to Change from moment to moment. a. It will be different when you are Healthy, as opposed to being Sick or Hurt. b. Under any and every circumstance, simply do your BEST, and you will avoid Self-judgement, Self- abuse, and Regret!!! I do hope that these tips will help you in your everyday lives. They have certainly helped me over the years to make me into the happy woman I am today. Item of the Week: This week I am choosing a beautiful, black, shiny, Sable fur coat that I purchased for ONLY $40.00 from the ~Agape Centre~ at this time last year. This "REAL" Fur coat would have been thou$and$ of dollar$ when purchased brand new. It not only keeps me nice and warm, I look very fashionable in it as well. I love to match my coat up with different coloured hats and scarves, making sure to look different every time I am going out. Do make sure to check out the different thrift stores like ~Value Village~ or the ~Salvation Army~ to FIND some of your very own UNIQUE & AFFORDABLE TREASURES!!! Happy Thrift Shopping Now!!! I must tell you that I am looking forward to going to an event with some of my girlfriends, (Carole Grant, Melissa Sauve, Kim Dolan & Shirley Chaisson, Lise Cooper, Megan Crossthwaite, Carmen Willard, Paulie Derouchie, Lou Stevens and some other of my good friends) this Saturday,January 16th. It is being held at ~The Vu Night Spot~ and it is fo r yo u r"Dai l yDo se"o f Co m m u n i News! ty
Rem em b er t o Vi si t :
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
DESNO YERS MEET THE BOARD: This week, I continue to introduce you to the Board of directors of Focus Art. Let me begin by reminding you that art wears many faces and speaks with many voices. An artist uses a situation as a platform to communicate ideas and to invite others to see the world through new eyes; for this, the artist seeks the truth.
There are definitely both sides of the brain working here. Obviously, Julia has a gargantuan appetite for variety in life. In 2006, she moved to Cornwall with her husband and five children where she met strong leaders through Women?s Entrepreneur. With their support, she quickly integrated in the community. Although very busy, she always maintained an interest in writing and supporting the arts. Julia?s company, VersaCore Tech Design, offers her many occasions to explore her artistic penchant in developing and hosting websites, logos and graphic designs. Her portfolio is rich in creative accomplishments, but doubtless, her greatest strength is with the pen (the computer). In true journalist form she explains: The only thing needed for evil to prevail is that good men (women) say nothing. So Julia writes.
When Julia Lucio teamed up with Mai-Liis Renaud as the Seeker Chicks, Cornwall was gifted a new voice for leisure, sports, arts and culture. This weekly newspaper is a space for organizations, festivals, events and individuals to be celebrated in the community. It is a tangible and virtual means for business to support events that are close to home. It?s been five years since the Seeker saw the light of day. As the paper evolved from a black and white print to the vivid production of today, Julia?s commitment extended to many other events such as The Seeker?s Choice Award Ceremony, the Cornwall Seaway Lions club and Ribfest, Cornwall Waterfest, Women?s Entrepreneur and the City?s Advisory Board for arts and culture... just to name a few. I asked Julia if it?s difficult to voice her opinion in the editorial. Her personality and her life journey, she says, have prepared her well for this task. She appreciates being the voice for those who dare not speak. Julia was born and raised in Montreal surrounded by artistic parents and siblings who loved music. Very young, she painted and throughout high school, she was attracted to all forms of art. She speaks three languages, English, French and Spanish and loves to write. Being a journalist was her dream. As a youngster she studied classical ballet and modern dance and in college, business administration and computer programming.
Despite her busy agenda, Julia sets aside precious time to travel with her family, especially road trips throughout the USA. When asked, how she would like to be remembered by her colleagues and friends, Julia answers: she wants to be seen as persistent, devoted and one who never takes ?no? for an answer. Julia Lucio is vice-president of the Board and with Louise Mignault, will soon be coordinating the Focus Art Spring Show. Her many capabilities make her an asset to the association. Thank you Julia for accepting to be part of the Board of directors of Focus Art.
My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.
20 years ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope, and Steve Jobs. Now we have no cash, no hope, and no jobs.
Sol ut ion p.15
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
COOPER COMMITS TO CLARKSON Cornwal l ? Cornwal l Col t s st ar f orward Grant Cooper has commit t ed t o Cl arkson Universit y beginning in t he 2017-18 season. The 19 year ol d Cornwal l nat ive is current l y enjoying his best season in t he CCHL wit h 15 goal s, 17 assist s and 32 point s in onl y 24 games so f ar. Earl ier t his season, Cooper was named Team Canada East Capt ain f or t he Worl d Junior A Al l St ar Chal l enge.
New-l ook River Kings set f or weekend phot o court esy icel evel .com CORNWALL ? The River Kings will have a new look when they take to the ice this weekend in LNAH action. Newly acquired defencemen Parisien and William Lacasse will lineup for Cornwall along with Veilleux, who signed as a free agent
Jonathan be in the Guillaume last week.
And up front, set to make his River Kings debut, will be the rugged Maxime Vachon, acquired earlier this week, along with a 1st round pick, for injured defecemen Sasha Pokulok. Head coach Bob Desjardins, who also serves as assistant general manager, likes what he sees. ?With Parisien, Lacasse and Veilleux, we are going to have stability on the back end,? said Desjardins. ?And Vachon gives us that grit up front that we didn?t have before.? The 6-foot, 215 lb. Vachon had 56 penalty minutes in 16 games with the Cool-FM this season.
Lacasse made his River Kings debut last Saturday at the Civic Complex, picking up two assists. He was named the game?s second star. Parisien, who had five points in 13 games with Jonquiere, will also suit up this weekend. And finally, Veilleux will see his first action with the River Kings. The 6-foot-1, 205 lb. defenceman, who has five years and 143 games of experience in the LNAH, has been suiting up for Saint-Ephrem in the Ligue de Hockey Beauce Bellechasse Frontenac in Quebec, picking up eight assists and 27 penalty minutes in 15 games. LNAH teams travelling to Cornwall won?t come away with an easy two points according to the bench boss. ?We are going to play the hockey that I love, with intensity and passion,? said Desjardins. The River Kings travel to Laval on Friday night to take on the Predateurs. The following night, at the Civic Complex, Cornwall hosts
?Cl arkson is nice and cl ose t o home so f amil y and f riends can come t o visit ,? said an el at ed Cooper af t er Col t s pract ice on Wednesday. ?The school has great sport s f acil it ies and an even bet t er hockey at mosphere.? ?I?l l be back f or my f inal CCHL season next year. It ?s def init el y a weight l if t ed (having commit t ed t o Cl arkson) because I can f ocus on pl aying hockey,? added Cooper. Cooper wil l join f ormer Col t s Capt ain Marl y Quince who is current l y in his rookie season wit h t he Gol den Knight s. Overal l Cooper has 93 point s in 121 games over f our seasons wit h t he Col t s. Cooper al so has 13 point s in 23 pl ayof f games and l ed t he Col t s wit h t wo goal s in t hree games in l ast spring?s Fred Page Cup East ern Canadian Championship t hat was hel d in Cornwal l . Cooper and t he Col t s ret urned t o t he Ed Luml ey Arena Thursday night against t he Ot t awa Junior Senat ors. Chil dren at t ending t he game received a coupon f or a Mac?s Convenience Frost er Drink court esy Frost er Act ive Kids Program. Fol l owing t he game, Cooper signed aut ographs and met wit h f ans.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FOR SALE: Men's 21 speed mountain bike, blue, $25. 613-936-1452 FOR SALE: Truck box cab for compact truck - box size 6feet x 4 1/ 2 feet Colour white with black trim - lift up side and windows. Asking $500. 613-347-3091 FOR SALE: Whirlpool automatic washer. Super capacity. 12 cycles. new condition. Asking $225 Cal l 613-935-5295 FOR SALE: Airtight woodstove with glass door plus firebrick. 2feet x 1 1/ 2 feet. Asking $275. Cal l 613-347-3091 FOR SALE: Hairdressers hydraulic chair, asking $100. 613-935-5295 FORSALE: BrowningBPSShotgun 22" rifle barrel $675. New condition,still in box 613-347-3091 FORSALE: Upholsteredglider / rocker,beige with footstool. Excellent condition $45. 613-932-9183 FOR SALE: Clam 2000 2 man fishing hut, never used, still in box. Colour is blue. Asking $300. 613-932-4954
Physiot herapy Private treatments $39 Seniors $32
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Valentines Day is coming soon! call the Seeker for our special prices TODAY!
Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: (613) 662-5549 Beyond 21 for the excellent w or k they do to str engthen our com m unities.? ? Jim M cDonell, M PP, Stor m ont, Dundas, Glengar r y
$182,600 OTF Gr an t Open s New Door s To I n cl u si on On Tuesday Januar y 21, Jim M cDonell, M PP for Stor m ont-Dundas-South Glengar r y and OTF local volunteer Paulette Heber t , w as pleased to r ecognize The Hub for Beyond 21 Foundation as a r eceipient of $182,600 in funding fr om the Ontar io Tr illium Foundation (OTF). The investm ent by OTF w ill build on Beyond 21?s cur r ent pr ogr am by im plem enting Per son Center ed Planning and cr eating and im plem enting a volunteer pr ogr am to facilitie com m unity engagem ent. ?The Beyond 21 com m unity or ganization offer s a vital ser vice that m akes our r egion m or e w elcom ing to Ontar ians w ith developm ental disabilities. This Tr illium Gr ant is a r ecognition of the im por tance of continuing developm ental car e and integr ation after an individual tur ns tw enty-one in or der to help them achieve their full potential in the com m unity. Stor m ont-Dundas-South Glengar r y r esidents can count on a str ong com m unity spir it that br ings them together ? thr ough this new funding Beyond 21 w ill be able to m ake par ticipation in this spir it a r eality for m or e developm entally challenged individuals. Regar dless of your ability, Stor m ont-Dundas-South Glengar r y should be the best place for you to call hom e. I w ish to thank the Ontar io Tr illium Foundation and
?The Ontar io Tr illium Foundation funding has the potential to have a m ajor im pact on the lives of individuals and fam ilies,? accor ding to Jane M cLar en, Beyond 21 Pr ogr am M anager. ?The r esult of this pr oject w ill be an im pr oved ability to identify goals, incr eased inclusion and engagem ent, decr eased isolation, and incr eased oppor tunities for r elationship for adults w ith developm ental disabilities in our com m unity. The im pact w ill be felt not just by adults living w ith developm ental disabilites but by the com m unity itself as they have m or e oppor tunites to connect w ith and exper ience the talents and skills of this am azing gr oup of people.? This pr oject w ill use per son center ed / asset based planning to identify the dr eam s, goals, hopes, and futur e plans of adults w ith developm ental disabililites, specifically in r egar ds to their inclusion and engagem ent in com m unity. The infor m ation w ill be used to par tner these adults w ith volunteer s in the com m unity. This unique volunteer pr ogr am w ill be the platfor m to facilitate inclusive com m unity r elationships and com m unity engagem ent by br idging adults w ith a developm ental disability into com m unity activities w her e they can begin to build safe inclusive com m unity based r elationships. The vision of Beyond 21 is to enable adults w ith developm ental disabilities to live connected, r espected, and contr ibuting to our com m unity. We offer daily pr ogr am m ing to adults w ith developm ental disabilities 21 year s of age and older including lear ning in hom e skills and com m unity skills w hile building com m unity and peer connections. The leading gr antm aker in Canada, the Ontar io Tr illium Foundation str engthens the capacity of the voluntar y sector thr ough investm ents in com m unity-based initiatives. An agency of the Gover nm ent of Ontar io, OTF builds healthy and vibr ant com m unities. For m or e infor m ation about the Ontar io Tr illium Foundation, visit w w and for Beyond 21 w w w.beyond21.or g
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Hap p en i n gWEDNESDAY,FEBRU ARY1 0 t h An even t yo u d o n 't wan t t o m i ss ...
No uve lle s
Ne w s
Cont act us: 613-932-0210 or 1-877-234-1368 Email : inf o@eot b-cf Visit : www.eot b-cf THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 2 - January 15 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2