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Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r

Vol ume 7 Issue 30 Jul y 29, 2016

Pik ach u Spot t sted at or y on p.6

Whowant s Haircut& a Beer?

Whoare t he Whit eKnuckl erz?

int erview by Jason Set nyk

int erview by Mai-Liis Renaud

p. 4

p. 5

To Bu y or Sell, call Always a Dunne Deal




Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d

CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



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The SEEKER can sometimes be hard to find and the stands tend to be empty by Sunday. WHY? you ask ...b ecau se o u r "Week l y Do se o f Po si t i ve News" i s a Ho t It em s ar o u n d To wn !!! Ou r r ead er s can 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is empty and you have missed your copy - don't worry - you can still r ead u s o n l i n e at www.t h eseek er .ca - We also have a Ho m e Del i ver y o p t i o n It 's easy - cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ex t 5

by Julia Lucio


Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ?

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Of f i ce Hour s



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I get along with people fairly well. I try to work with others, encourage others and stay away from putting people down. When being part of a team, there is nothing worse than that to break the morale of the troops. I do sometimes constructively criticize, but if I do, it is normally over something of major importance, something crucial to the success of the project. I don?t complain for the sake of complaining, and I don?t hold grudges. Working on a big project such as Ribfest can be trying. Everybody is different. We're all colourful, we can even be eccentric at times. What makes total sense to one won't necessarily make sense to all but it's important to rally over the similarities and turn a blind eye to the differences. Pick your battles wisely.

Here are a few things I?ve learned with this experience:

327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch


Working wit h peopl e has it s chal l enges... But it al so has it s rewards


Let the leaders in charge of their respective areas lead Stay out of the spotlight Do not loose it over trivial and insignificant things and more importantly, don?t be resistant to change. Assume people are doing their job to the best of their ability and that they contribute as much as they physically and morally possibly can. Pick up the slack if you see one has difficulty coping, even if it's not your job! You're all working towards the same end game. If one fails, everybody fails.


Forgive. Forget. It?s not personal. Be good to your volunteers, they are your back bone. Breathe, keep calm, it all turns out ok.

In the end, it is all worth it. Sitting on stage, looking at the sea of people in the Park on Saturday night, seeing the smiles on the faces of young and old, I truly understood that the challenges we face when putting on an event of this magnitude are well worth it. And the fact that we now get to give thousands and thousands of dollars to several organizations in our community is just gravy. I want to thank our wonderful Cornwall Seaway Lions Club, who made it all happen. We are a small team, but a force to contend with. The year has seen some of us facing major personal and professional challenges, but like true lions, they never gave up their commitment to this project. That is commendable. Last, but not least, it is important to give credit where credit is due. My husband John, the Ribfest Chairperson, who took the lead on this back in August of 2015, had never led such a huge project before. He took the reigns, fearless, and tamed the monster. With the limited notes of some of the past Ribfest chairpersons, he led our team to success. His Southern Style of doing business charmed everybody, from the media, to the city workers, to our vendors. Kudos to you John. I have never been so proud of you. As we gear up for the next Ribfest, let us remember our purpose as lions: We Serve.

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613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity

Ne w s


Present ed by

Jul ia Lucio Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca

News & Pol it ics

AHMADIYYA MUSLIM JAMA` AT TRAVELS ACROSS CANADA IN A MOBILE EXHIBITION TO PRESENT THE TRUE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM - The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama` at Canada has launched a nationwide campaign called # MobileMuslims, in which a mobile exhibition will be driven coast-to-coast to spread the true, peaceful teachings of Islam and remove misconceptions about the religion by stopping at various cities along the way. In a world where unjust extremism is rampant, it is essential for Muslims to speak out and take the message of ?Love for All, Hatred for None? across the country. Through this mobile-exhibition we wish to celebrate all the freedoms and opportunities we enjoy as Canadian Muslims. The mobile exhibition will depart St. John?s, Newfoundland and travel across Canada to finish its journey in Vancouver, British Columbia.The journey is expected to last about 40 days and an exhibition will be set up in more than 25 Canadian towns and cities. ?This is our way of showing gratitude to our great country,? said Mr. Lal Khan Malik, National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama` at Canada. ?Through this campaign, we aim to bridge gaps and remove misconceptions by taking the true, peaceful message of Islam from coast-to-coast.?The Campaign started its journey on July 13th, 2016 in St. John?s NL and was in Cornwall July 28th. It will then continue its journey towards Perth and Kingston,ON Ont ario Hockey Academy moving t o Nav Cent re f or 2016Cornwal l Ont ario ? The Ontario Hockey Academy (OHA) is moving

their school and program to the world-renowned NavCentre in Cornwall Ontario for 2016. OHA students will sleep, eat, train and attend classes at the NavCentre while the 4.5 million dollar reconstruction of the new OHA facility is being built.A massive fire engulfed the dormitory building of OHA on Thursday, May 26th, 2016. No students or staff were injured in that fire. The Ontario Hockey Academy is an academic and athletic private school dedicated to hockey and preparing students for University. Students from all over the world have attended the school since it?s opening in 2008.The announcement was made on social media earlier this week. In order t o f acil it at e cl ean-up, t he Cit y of Cornwal l is t emporaril y suspending t ipping f eesat it s l andf il l sit e for loads of tree debris from the storm. The moratorium on tipping fees will take effect on July 26 and end on August 6. City crews and their contractor are hard at work removing fallen branches and other damaged items from public property after the storm incident on Friday night. City residents are asked to respect City bylaws when it comes to cleaning up private property. Private property owners are responsible to remove any debris from damaged trees on their property at their own expense. Residents can also place tree debris at the curb along with their regular waste on their regular collection day. Branches must be tied in bundles measuring no longer than 3 feet in length. All other small debris such as leaves and clippings can be bagged or placed in

containers. There is no limit on the number of bundles, bags or containers, however each one must not exceed 60 lbs. MPP Jim McDonel l f uming over Ont ario?s $300 Bil l ion Debt Cornwall Ontario ? This latest stat has MPP Jim McDonell fuming. According to fiscal projections released by the Canadian Taxpayers? Federation, Ontario?s total provincial debt surpassed the $300 billion mark on Monday. By the Financial Accountability Officer?s estimates the debt will grow to $350 billion by 2020.?The Liberal Government has mortgaged our Province?s future with nothing to show for it,? MPP Jim McDonell stated. ?The Province owes $2.40 for each $1 it takes as taxes and payments every year, and 40% of this debt load has to be repaid or refinanced in 2020. A household facing such fiscal pressure would take immediate steps to secure their financial standing ? the Liberal government continues, instead, to waste taxpayers? dollars and taking on debt.?Ontario?s budget forecasts that interest payments on the government?s debt will amount to just under $1 billion per month this year. ?They are spending as much on interest as on social services to adults and children combined? MPP Jim McDonell commented. ?This level of debt is toxic to the Province?s long-term prospects. Every dollar spent on interest is taken away from much-needed programs for hospitals, schools, municipalities, farmers and students just to name a few. We are already seeing the impact of higher interest costs with cuts in healthcare and to special education programs, such as supports for autistic children?.As debt matures, re-financing costs will depend on the Province?s credit rating and fiscal outlook.?The Liberals have allowed our credit rating to slip and most credit rating agencies do not believe the Government can balance its books? MPP Jim McDonell concluded. ?Unless we take serious and immediate steps to stop the growth of the provincial debt and place ourselves on a solid fiscal footing, our interest costs will grow exponentially, eroding the already stretched public services that Ontarians rely on and deserve to receive.?

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cor nw all Ontar io ? On August 1st Kings and Little Ones w ill celebr ate their fir st anniver sar y, and for bar ber shop ow ner Josh Casselm an the m ilestone is sur r eal. This m anly m an?s bar ber shop has had a successful fir st year , and the ow ner is ver y gr ateful. ?One year in business. It?s all a bit sur r eal. To m e, the m ilestone is a tim e to r eflect and be thankful. I am thankful for ever y custom er and their suppor t as w e have continually tw eaked our oper ations to ser ve them better. I am thankful for the guidance r eceived fr om Cor nw all Econom ic Developm ent. I am thankful for the businesses available locally to deliver on our needs dur ing star t-up. I am thankful to have found a talented, fr iendly and dedicated staff. I am thankful for the suppor t fr om fam ily and fr iends, and especially the love and suppor t fr om my w ife and childr en w ho have seen m e thr ough this ventur e.

HAIRCUT & BEER? Int erview wit hKings andLit t l eOnesOwner JoshCassel man

Being aw ar ded Cor nw all & Ar ea?s Favour ite Bar ber Shop in our fir st year of oper ation is a goal I am ver y pr oud to have achieved so quickly. Befor e opening, I actually cutout and taped the pictur e of the pr evious year ?s w inner in the back of our shop. It w as a visual r em inder that Cor nw all needed our bar ber shop. A bar ber shop that focuses on m en,? said Josh Casselm an. The decor at King and Little Ones, located at 231 Pitt Str eet, is a m ix of r ustic and m oder n. Fr om old school bar ber chair s to flat scr een TVs, it?s a visually inter esting place. It w ill m ake any m an, young or old, feel at hom e. ?Kings and Little Ones w as inspir ed by a r ealization that som ew her e over tim e pr oviding hair ser vices to m en in Cor nw all w as no longer pr ior ity. W hat existing hair ser vice businesses w er e doing m ade sense ? focus on w om en, they spend m or e. But ever y m ajor player w as using the sam e m odel. Focusing on m en is w hat m akes Kings and Little Ones differ ent and our r ustic m an cave decor r eflects this. W ith antiques on display fr om a tim e gone by our shop honour s things histor ic. Being located in a histor ic dow ntow n Cor nw all is a per fect fit. Given the choice again, I w ould still choose a centr al dow ntow n location? Josh Casselm an explains.

A hair cut and beer ? Cold suds add to the am biance of this bar ber shop. Custom er s can now enjoy a cr aft beer at Kings and Little Ones.

attention you r ealize how difficult quality clipper w or k is an can appr eciate w hy bar ber ing is consider ed a for m of ar t,? said Josh Casselm an.

?I w anted local cr aft beer available fr om the onset. It?s a per fect fit, affir m ing the r elaxed atm ospher e that w e pr om ote. Bar r ier s existed in obtaining a liquor license, so focus r em ained on fir st pr oviding gr eat hair ser vices. In tim e solutions r evealed them selves in how to obtain the liquor license. Custom er s love it. ?You m ean I can have a beer w hile w aiting for my hair cut.? Absolutely,? Josh Casselm an explained w ith a sm ile.

Although ther e is a focus on m en, som e w om en do seek out bar ber shops for specific types of hair cuts.

The decor and beer ar e w onder ful, but w hen it com es to getting a hair cut the m ost im por tant tool at this m anly m an?s bar ber shop ar e the clipper s. ?Because w e focus on m en, clipper s ar e a m ain tool and our bar ber s ar e ver y good w ith them . This is not the case w ith ever y hair stylist. Clipper s, like m ost tools, r equir e a lot of exper ience to m aster and if you don?t use it you lose it. A r esur gence of classic m en?s cuts involving fades and par ts ? think M ad M en ser ies ? is ver y popular. Definitely my r ecom m endation, especially on the little guys. These cuts w ill quickly identify those w ho ar e not good w ith clipper s. Edges should be sm ooth and tr ansition in length seam lessly. Once paying

?Under cuts and hair tattoos for w om en is a new er tr end and r equir es clipper s. For this w or k w om en seek out our bar ber s. Nothing fancy though. We pr ovide basic ser vices ? no blow outs, colour ing, or up-dos. Our focus r em ains on being a com for table place for guys,? Josh Casselm an added. In addition to gr eat hair cuts, Kings and Little Ones focuses on custom er ser vice. Josh Casselm an?s exper ience as a Cer tified Financial Planner gave him valueable exper ience and insight in the field of custom er ser vice. ?Not m any know I am a for m er Cer tified Financial Planner and w or ked sever al year s on the fr ont line of custom er ser vice for one of Canada?s lar gest r etail banks. Dur ing my tim e ther e I lear ned m uch about w or king w ith the public and w hat it m eant to deliver gr eat custom er ser vice. Just this w eek I r eceived encour aging feedback fr om a Kings and Little Ones custom er ,

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ saying ?All the gir ls know their stuff and I have no com plaints. ? W hat set her (the last bar ber at your shop) apar t, w as the details, the sm all stuff. The little things that m ake a r eally good visit even better. ? spectacular is in the details!? This basically sum m ar izes my philosophy on custom er ser vice ? know ing your ?stuff ? and doing it w ell is expected, but doing the extr a little things w ithout being asked is w hat can m ake a good custom er exper ience gr eat,? said Josh Casselm an. One w ay that Kings and Little One?s has built a r appor t w ith custom er s and the com m unity is thr ough events and fundr aising. Since opening last sum m er , the Bar ber shop has been involved w ith r aising m oney for SASS and M ovem ber. ?Our Daddy Daughter Hair Sur vival Class held in Januar y w as a big hit and a lot of laughs. The pictur es of father -daughter m om ents captur ed by M om ent.Us Photogr aphy spr ead acr oss Facebook like w ildfir e. We still get clients asking w hen the next session w ill be. Another session in Januar y is ver y likely. This event r aised one-thousand dollar s in suppor t of Sexual Assault Suppor t Ser vices for Wom en of Stor m ont, Dundas, Glengar r y & Akw esasne w ho is com m itted to the suppor t of victim s/sur vivor s w ho have exper ienced sexual violence,? Josh Casselm an r em inisced. ?M ovem ber w as another big event for our shop. Par tner ed w ith our fr iends Dan & Bill of the Boom Br eakfast 101.9 FM , M ovem ber contests w er e held thr oughout the m onth, r aising aw ar eness and m oney to suppor t the fight against pr ostate cancer. It?s a scar y stat that 1 in 8 m en w ill be diagnosed w ith pr ostate cancer dur ing their lifetim e,? Josh Casselm an added. Going for w ar d Josh Casselm an is still focused on custom er ser vice and com m unity involvem ent. He has w or ked to cr eate an innovative business m odel for a bar ber shop ? a business m odel that has been ver y successful to date. ?W hen w e fir st opened som e asked if Kings and Little Ones w as a fr anchise. I took it as a com plem ent, r eflecting a job w ell done on br anding and decor. I assur ed them that Kings and Little Ones is a local business founded by a Cor nw all ar ea r esident of over 35 year s. One year dow n the r oad, being focused on the local com m unity is still top of m ind. In the fir st year w e added bar ber stations, expanded our staff, launched an 11th cut fr ee loyalty pr ogr am , changed my office into a kids r oom featur ing tablets and an eight foot Thom as The Tr ain play table, intr oduced online booking, and w e have becom e a place w her e people can enjoy local cr aft beer. Continuing to execute on w ho w e ar e is the w or k going for w ar d ? a bar ber shop that aim s to r estor e pr ide in m ale gr oom ing. W her e quality hair cuts and hot shaves ar e pr ovided in an envir onm ent w her e m en feel com for table,? Josh Casselm an concluded. For m or e infor m ation visit w w w.k i n gsan dl i t t l eon es.ca

Introducing a new M otorcycle Club in Town! Ar ticle by M a i-Liis Renaud, Submitted photos. Dur ing the sum m er , for m e, ther e is nothing m or e pleasing to my ear s, than the r um ble of m otor cycles, especially w hen they ar e r iding in gr oups. Having a love for bikes for as long as I can r em em ber and having spent a lot of tim e r iding, I am alw ays excited to hear of new M otor cycle Gr oups in this ar ea and this past w eek I w as for tunate to have m et up w ith a w onder ful lady, Laur ie-Jade, w ho is par t of a fair ly new gr oup her e in Cor nw all, The W hite Knuckler z RC. w hose Pr esident is Lar r y O'Byr ne ( Buck ) and V.P. M ichael (Snake), both seen in photo below w ith Lynzie.

Photo credit: Standard Freeholder

HERE ARE M Y 5 QUESTI ONS W I TH LAURI E-JADE ABOUT THE GROUP - THE W HI TE KNUCKLERZ RC. 1. W h at ex act l y i s t h e W h i t e Kn u ck l er z RC an d h ow di d you com e u p w i t h t h i s i n t er est i n g n am e? Fir st of all w e w ould like to thank you for letting the com m unity know w hat w e ar e all about and our pur pose. W hen w e ar e r iding and holding onto the handle gr ips of our bikes, w e get W hite Knuckles and the RC stands for Riding Club, so that is how w e cam e up w ith the nam e and of cour se the spelling of the nam e had to be unique - cr eating the nam e ' W hite Knuckler z RC ' . 2. W h en an d h ow w as t h e gr ou p f or m ed? The club w as for m ed a few year s ago in m em or y of a dear fr iend and w ell r espected business m an in Cor nw all ' John Rothw ell ' w ho passed aw ay suddenly of Cancer and in his m em or y, each year w e select differ ent sick childr en to suppor t. 3. How m an y m em ber s ar e t h er e pr esen t l y an d w h en an d w h er e do you m eet ? Cur r ently w e have 14 m em ber s . Even though w e do not have a per m anent clubhouse. w e still have m onthly m eetings w her e ever w e can. 4. M an y peopl e ar e n er vou s w h en t h ey see m ot or cycl es an d l eat h er cl ad r i der s bu t bi k er s ar e k n ow n t o be t h e m ost gen er ou s peopl e ou t t h er e an d m an y ar e h eav i l y i n t o f u n dr ai si n g an d h el pi n g i n t h e com m u n i t y, especi al l y w h er e ch i l dr en ar e con cer n ed. I bel i eve you ar e on e of t h ese gr ou ps an d you do a l ot of f u n dr ai si n g, especi al l y f or si ck ch i l dr en an d you h ave an even t com i n g u p t h i sSu n day, Ju l y 31st . Pl ease t el l m e abou t t h i s even t an d t h e 3 ch i l dr en t h at you ar e spon sor i n g. W hite Knuckler z RC is a m otor cycle r iding club w ho fundr aises for local sick childr en located in Cor nw all , Ontar io. We ar e having our John Rothw ell 2nd Annual M em or ial Ride & Hot Rod Run w hich takes place on Sunday July 31, 2016. This year w e ar e sponsor ing 3 Am azing Childr en. Fir st is Aly . She is 9 and her pancr eas does not w or k at all She is on

Insulin for life. Second is Sean. He has Leukem ia . He cur r ently just had another Chem oTher apy tr eatm ent at CHEO. and thir d is Lynzie. She has an Auto-Im m une Disor der. Her Liver and Pancr eas do not w or k pr oper ly. If she is not car eful she m ay need a Liver Tr ansplant. W hat w e do is, instead of giving the m oney that w e r aise to CHEO (w her e each of the childr en have doctor s and do their tr eatm ents), w e ask the childr en w hat they w ould like to m ake their tim e at CHEO easier - and w hatever they ask for - w e get it for them . After the Ride & Hot Rod Run, at the Bar B. Q., w e pr esent each child w ith the gift of their choice, in fr ont of the entir e cr ow d. We often hear of adults w ith illnesses but w e don't r ealize how m any childr en ar e r eally sick . We like to m ake our event special for these childr en by r aising aw ar eness in the com m unity . 5. I f an yon e w an t s t o j oi n you r gr ou p, w h o w ou l d t h ey con t act . Pl ease gi ve m e t h e i n f o as w el l as a w ebsi t e i f you h ave on e an d an y ot h er i n f or m at i on t h at you t h i n k ou r r eader s sh ou l d k n ow abou t t h e W h i t e Kn u ck l er z RC. We ar e alw ays looking for new m em ber s, both m en and w om en. If you inter ested in fr iendly r iding and like to help Local Sick Childr en then please contact our V.P. M ichael (Snake) at 613 - 930 - 2336

Th an k you f or you r t i m e Lau r i e-Jade an d t h e Seek er w i sh es you al l t h e best w i t h t h e even t t h i s Su n day.

The 3 Children who The W hite Knucklerz are sponsoring from far left: Aly, Sean and Lynzie

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Suspicious incident s occurring in Lamoureux Park where Pokémon t raining is happening. Article by Julia Lucio, Photo by Jason Setnyk Reports of Pikachu sightings have been steadily coming in at the Mocktail Patio. As of press time, the Seeker could not confirm the rumour as nothing has been clearly captured on camera. One picture was snapped, but after thorough analysis, experts have deemed the results inconclusive. A young teenager with black hair, wearing a red cap and a blue sleeveless jacket, has been going around asking Splash Pad goers if the new outdoor gym behind Mocktail Splash is free for the public to use. Could this be the famous Pokémon trainer Ash? Last week, Mocktail owner, Paul St-Onge, received a mysterious call thanking him for hosting free movie nights every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, as well as for his Pokémon Go Crawls on Saturdays in Lamoureux Park. The voice was unfamiliar. ?The strangest part was the call display on my cell phone which listed no number and only the words Catch m All,? said St.Onge in an interview with the Seeker. I also received a text message hinting that Pokémon enjoy coloured rice, which would make sense when you think about it, since all the teams have different colours,? continued St.Onge. Could the Splash Pad be the new showering area for Pokémon? Could the fact that St.Onge is a 5th Dan Black Belt in Can Ryu Jujitsu be attracting Pokémon to the Mocktail Patio? Is the sand in the volleyball court a Pokémon hideout? We all know Lamoureux Park is the most active Pokémon location in town, but did you know the Mocktail Patio has actually been crawling with them? Stay tuned for future developments.

M ak in g Pok ém on Go accessible Mocktails is pleased to announce that , with the collaboration of Ont arioeast .net and the Cit y of Cornwal l , we will be providing WIFI in Lamoureux Park in the Mocktails Patio area starting this Friday afternoon. "We are waiting for the additional transmitters to be installed at Mocktails Splash and at the Bandshell to cover the remaining areas of Lamoureux Park," said Mocktials in a facebook post. "We expect several Pokémon Stops will be covered by the initial Mocktails Patio location. Once the range has been determined Mocktails will sponsor non-stop lures throughout the day and evening at the WIFI covered stops. We encourage you to also enjoy the Mocktails Movies in the Park that will take place weekly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings shown on the Mocktails Mega Screen on the patio. Hope to see you in the park soon. " Pulling together for a stronger community

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l



The Li br ar y is now cl osed Sundays up to and incl ud ing Sunday, Sept em op ening hour ber 4 th. The s fo the w eek rem r the rest of ai n the same.

45 SecondStreetE.


CPL?STD Summer Reading Cl ub is a GO! Kids, sign up now f or great programs,great reading and a great part y. Pl us ride Cornwal l Transit f or f ree al l summer! - Det ail sat t he l ibrary.

FRIDAY, JULY 29 Summer Movie Fest ival ?ROOM? @ 2 p.m. A kidnapped mother and son escape from a room in which they have endured imprisonment for the entirety of her son's life. Upon breaking free from its confines, they experience a dramatic homecoming; provoking insight into the depths of imagination and the extent of a mother's love. Drama - AUDIENCE: 14A

TUESDAY,AUGUST2 Learn how t o pl ay Mah-jongg-10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cl ub de l ect ure d?ét é - 14 h 30 à 15 h 15 - C'est f ou! Pour les 3 à 5 ans


Teen Tuesdays - 7:00 to 8:15 If you are a teen, this is for you. - Call Tiffany @ the library for more info.

WEDNESDAY,AUGUST3 Summer Reading Cl ub Program Let 's be Reckl ess / Les f ous braques - 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (6 - 13 years old) Cinemat ic Book Cl ub ?Books Int o Movies - @ 5:30 pm Read the book ? watch the movie ? discussion. - Call Stephanie.



Summer Reading Cl ub Program - 1:30 p.m. Scrabbl eCamp - Learn the ins and outs of Scrabble A Lit t l e Wil d (3 t o 5 years ol d) - 2:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Summer Movie Fest ival - ?BROOKLYN? @ 2 p.m. & 6:15 p.m. - Repeat sFriday, Jul y 29 @ 2 p.m. An Irish immigrant lands in 1950s Brooklyn, where she quickly falls into a romance with a local. When her past catches up with her, however, she must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within. Drama, Romance Dungeons & Dragons Designed for teens fun! - 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Call Josée for info.


t h e Seek er web si t e

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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Wi t h t h e... SEEK C ER H IC

Co m m u n i t y

Ag es 4 -1 2 9 am -n o o n Au g u st 8 -1 2 FREE

Reg i st er NOW: 6 1 3 -9 3 6 -6 6 4 3 www.fi r st b ap t i st co r n wal l .ca/ wp / THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

Co m e j o i n u s fo r a week o f ex p l o r at i o n ,ex p er i m en t at i o n& fu n , fi n d i n g Go d 's Pl an fo r u s at Fi r st Bap t i st Ch u r ch 's VBS.

Eve n t

Ca l e n d a r

Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880


B a r sB, a n d asn dm o r .e. . THIS SUNDAY - JULY 31st

BanditMot orsport s- Canadian Nat ional s- 125 Lap Modif ied SPONSORED BY + 50 Lap DIRTcar PRO-STOCK Series + A Compl et e Program

GENERALADMISSION $30 - SENIOR65yrs+ $15 - CHILDREN UNDER16 - $ 2 - Gat esopen4pm - RacingSt art s7pm STEPHANE LAFRANCE CAPTURES W I N #2 AT CORNWALL M OTOR SPEEDWAY by M ar tin Bélanger Cor nw all, Ont ? Sunday, July 24, 2016 wa s a nother busy evening at Cor nwa ll M otor Speedway a s the SpeedSTR a nd Slingshots wer e in town a long with a complete r a ce pr ogr a m sponsor ed by Co-Op Embr un Deka lb. Tim O?Br ien w as your ear ly leader in the 30-lap Bandit M otor spor ts M odified, he w as follow ed by Stephane Lafr ance and Joey Ladouceur. O?Br ien and Lafr ance, exchanged the lead as Lafr ance w as able to get in fr ont on lap 13. Lafr ance w as str ong in fr ont and got distance fr om the field. He led the final laps and captur ed his second w in of the season in fr ont of Tim O?Br ien and Joey Ladouceur com pletes the podium . Der ek Cr yder m an led the w ay in the Tr acy W heeler Stor m Realty 25-lap event. Adam Rozon is able to take the lead on a lap 2 r estar t. Rozon and Cr yder m an had a gr eat battle for the fir st spot as Louie Jackson joined the m ix at the halfw ay point. Jackson m ade a m ove on Rozon and took second w ith 7 laps to go and star ted chasing the leader. On the final lap, Jackson sur pr ised Cr yder m an in tur n 2 and w ent on to w in his second featur e of the season. The Alexandr ia Hom e Har dw ar e Pr o-Stock w as the last featur e of the evening as Kevin Fetter ly w as the ear ly leader over Ter r y Ladouceur and Geor ge Renaud in thir d. Ladouceur got closer to Fetter ly as the featur e near ed the halfw ay point, Ladouceur got the pass on lap 12. CD Beaucham p joined the lead pack w ith 5 laps to go. Ladouceur stayed in fr ont and got his car eer w in in the Pr o-Stock . Antoine Par ent led the w ay in the 25-lap SpeedSTR event over Sebastien Coutur e and Pier r e

Heber t. Heber t w as able to get by Par ent on a lap 11 r estar t. Heber t had som e com pany in the final por tion as Coutur e got closer to the leader. Jonathan Ar cham bault did a r oll-over and hit the w all har d in the fr ont str etch and the r ed flag w as out w ith 7 laps to go. On the r estar t, Car l Labonte m oved to second spot but Coutur e challenged back as the leader Heber t pulled aw ay and captur e the w in. In the 20-lap Slingshot, Chr istopher Cor m ier led w ir e to w ir e to captur e the w in as Felix Roy w on the Slingshot Jr as both divisions w er e m ixed. Star ting fifth in the 12-lap Polar Sound DJ Ser vice M ini-Stock featur e, Fr ancis Blanchette m ade his w ay to the fr ont and captur ed a second event in a r ow in fr ont Bob Ray w ho m ade a late char ge on Blanchette. It's a big night this Sunday as the 2nd r ound of the Bandit M otor spor ts Canadian Nationals 125-lap M odified event along w ith the DIRTcar Pr o-Stock Ser ies w ith 50-lap featur e and a com plete r ace pr ogr am . Visit w w w.cor nwa llspeedway.com a nd Fa cebookat w w w.fa cebook.com/cor nwa llspeedway or on twitter at @cor nwa lspeedway, Ban di t M ot or spor t s M odi f i ed Feat u r e (30 l aps) Stephane Lafr ance, Tim O'Br ien, Joey Ladouceur , Br ian M cDonald, Bobby Her r ington, Chr is Raabe, Car ey Ter r ance, M ar io Clair , Lance W illix, Kyle Dingw all, Cor ey W heeler , Gabr iel Richer , J-F Cor r iveau, David Papineau, Lee Ladouceur , Roger Levesque, M ar c Ther r ien, Gage M or in, Kayle Robidoux, M ikael Labr eche, Zach Auber tine Tr acy W h eel er St or m Real t y Spor t sm an Feat u r e Resu l t s (25 l aps) Louie Jackson, Der ek Cr yder m an, Adam Rozon, Billy Cook, Gilles Godar d, Jessica Pow er , M ike

Stacey, Scott M cgill, Em m anuel St-Denis, Ryan Stabler , Justin Lalancette, Tyler Givogue, Steve M or r is, Tr istan Dr aper , Justin Lalancette, Thom as Cook, Gabr iel Cyr , Br ianna Ladouceur , Tr oy Flem ing, Ricky Thom pson, Junior Delor m ier , Pascal Racette, Shane Pecor e, M iguel Peter son, Chr is Fer guson Al ex an dr i a Hom e Har dw ar e Pr o-St ock Resu l t s (20 l aps) Ter r y Ladouceur , CD Beaucham p, Kevin Fetter ly, Geor ge Renaud, Dave Seguin, Stephane Lebr un, Rock Aubin, Ghislain Valade, Dave Bissonnette, M ar c Lalonde, Justin Desr osier s, Alain Tar dif, Riley M cM onagle Pol ar Sou n d DJ Ser v i ces M i n i -St ock (12 l aps) Fr ancis Blanchette, Bob Ray, M ike Gaucher , Alexis Char bonneau, Steven Quesnel, M ar c Dagenais, Skylar Ladouceur , Cor ey Gates, Valair e Lecuyer , Jam es M cFar lane, Steve M or in Bon u s Pr ogr am Bandit M otor spor ts M odified Bonus Aw ar d: Stephane Lafr ance Total Race Supply Halfw ay Spor tsm an Bonus Aw ar d: Der ek Cr yder m an M acEw en Halfw ay Pr o-Stock Bonus Aw ar d: Kevin Fetter ly Bandit M otor spor ts 6th place finisher Bonus: M ar c Dagenais VP Race Fuels M iss the Podium Aw ar d: Geor ge Renaud Pizza-Pizza of Cor nw all Har d-Luck Aw ar d: Jam es M cFar lane Pizza-Pizza of Cor nw all Har d-Char ger Aw ar d: Bob Ray BanditM otor spor tsM ini-StockHalfw ay:M ikeGaucher

DID YOU KNOW... Your word ad in t he CALENDAR OF EVENTS is FREE but youhavet ocal lit in...613-935-3763 ext102 ORGO TO www.theseeker.ca and enter your event - FORFULL DETAILSTO APPEARIN PRINT - $15 for a boxed event ad TO ADVERTISEYOUR EVENT IN ADVANCE in the Seeker Newspaper - cost is $35 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Sha ry n

Many of you make the famous 'linguini pasta salad' using Sharyn's Pantry 'salad seasoning supreme'. I was given a new recipe for it from Ann while shopping in my store last week. Of course I had to try her version which her family has made for years. It was delicious! My second recipe is for scrumptious ooey gooey buttertarts Kim Neville makes. Gary and I were each given a buttertart still warm from the oven. So good! She uses our stores frozen tart shells. So easy to make your filling and spoon it into the shells ready to bake. No fuss! So here are my new recipes for you to enjoy. Thanks Ann and Kim for caring and sharing! Enjoy the holiday weekend! I'll be in my veggie garden. I just picked our first ripe tomatoes this morning! What a treat!





900 grams linguini pasta 1 - 28 oz. can of diced tomatoes, drained 4 tbsp. Sharyn's Pantry Salad Seasoning Supreme 1 large 475 ml. bottle of Zesty Italian salad dressing an English cucumber, peel left on, diced up optional: -several tbsp. of good Parmesan cheese grated -a red onion diced METHOD:


-Boil your linguini pasta in a large potful of boiling water until tender. Drain well. 2. -Meanwhile, open the can of diced tomatoes and drain off the juice. You will just be using the diced tomatoes. 3. -Toss the cooked, drained pasta with the diced tomatoes, the Zesty Italian salad dressing, the Salad Seasoning Supreme and the grated Parmesan cheese. 4. -This salad is best made the day before your serving it. Refrigerate it of course.







Ste p he n



2 tbsp. soft butter or margarine (Kim uses margarine due to a food allergy for her husband James. 1 cup of packed light brown sugar 1/ 4 cup golden corn syrup 2 eggs 1 tsp. pure vanilla a sprinkle of fine salt 1/ 4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans 18 - 4" frozen tart shells (found at Sharyn's Pantry) METHOD:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

-Set your oven at 450 degrees F. Your oven rack is in the middle position. -Using an electric mixer, cream only until everything is incorporated: the butter or margarine, brown sugar, corn syrup, eggs, vanilla and salt. -Stir in the chopped nuts. -Place the tart shells (they can still be frozen) on a cookie tray. -Fill the tart shells 3/ 4 full. -Bake the butter tarts for 10 minutes, or 1 or 2 minutes longer if necessary. ENJOY! They are so good!!!!

SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN:Monday toSaturday - 9 to5

Back to Sch ool , A l most!

Have you seen them yet? They are out there. It is hard to believe but as we move toward August, the "back to school" sales are already being advertised. Right along with those sales are the fall fashions sales at various clothing stores. Good grief, we are in the middle of summer! Next thing you know, we will have snowblowers on sale. Brrrr. Do we really want to start thinking of gearing up for school? Probably not, but it will not be long, perhaps only two weeks, when many of us will be turning our attention to the technical side of what will be needed for the coming school year. Calculators, tablets, notebook and desktop computers, printers and other devices may need to be purchased. And let's not forget about cell phones and phablets. Yes, phablets; what will they think of next?

The list of devices is only one part of the shopping list. What apps and software are going to be needed? As someone who clearly remembers the 80's, I distinctly remember the experts saying that computers and technology would make life easier. I don't know about that. I did quite well with a mechanical pencil, Berol Eagle pens, aTI-30 calculator, metal ruler and a few binders loaded with standard lined paper. So much for progress. As much as I think we'd all like to relax and take it easy a bit longer, I will be addressing the situation over the next few weeks. That way, you will be better informed and prepared for the inevitable "back to school" technology purchases. Have a rel axing and enjoyabl e l ong weekend!





To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?

By Local People - For Local People - Abou t Local People - Su ppor t in g Local People We truly aim at being a real community newspaper, an outlet who really cares and nurtures the people it promotes and works with.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne


Hi ther e to all of you Special people r eading a "REAL" paper that is so full of Positiveness that you cannot help but r ead it and SM ILE!!! We'r e in the dog days of sum m er , w hich often com e w ith som e lightning, thunder , w ind and r ain. Johnny Radar says that happens w hen the hot and cold air m eet, such as last w eek w hen a cold fr ont hit our hot m oist air and r esulted in the w ild stor m . I happened to m iss this, as I w as in Niagar a Falls w ith my eldest daughter , M elinda and her four childr en, taking in the sights and sounds of Clifton Hill, and of cour se, visiting M ar ineland. We enjoyed seeing the dolphins and other m ar ine cr eatur es, as w ell as the r ides. It w as w ee W illiam 's fir st tim e r eally enjoying the r ides, as he is just four , and now old enough to feel excitem ent. We got to see the w ax m useum , go on a huge fer r is w heel, and of cour se, see the falls them selves, and enjoying the fine, cooling spr ay dur ing the hot day w hen w e w er e ther e. We got to play indoor w izar d golf in an air -conditioned facility. We also w atched a 6D m ovie, w hich is a 3D m ovie, but w ith added m ovem ent in the seats, air blow ing, and scents thr oughout the theater , to m ake it feel r eal. The tr aveling ther e and back w ent ver y sm oothly, since the highw ays betw een her e and past Tor onto ar e fr eshly paved and sm ooth. I m ust adm it though, that as m uch fun as it w as, ther e r eally is no place like hom e.

Get t in g M ar r ied ? Need a DJ, Video & In vit at ion s?

TI P OF THE W EEK: Now is the per fect tim e of year to enjoy a bounty of M other Natur e's locally gr ow n, fr esh pr oduce. Did you know that foods that ar e cooling and light, such as fr esh fr uits, vegetable juices, r aw salads, and lots of w ater , w ill nour ish your body for sum m er tim e activities? Well, they do! Include som e pr otein w ith one or tw o m eals. Ther e ar e a num ber of light, nour ishing pr oteins that don't r equir e cooking, such as nuts, seeds, spr outed beans, soy pr oducts, yogur t, kefir , and cottage cheese. Fish and poultr y can also be eaten. Be sur e to visit our ow n Far m er 's M ar ket located in the par king lot at The Br ick on Pitt Str eet Nor th. The m ar ket is open on Satur days and Wednesdays until Thanksgiving. It's w onder ful to suppor t our local gr ow er s, pr oducer s and far m er s, by stopping by and getting som e tasty, fr esh, healty food w hile it is in season. I find that the older I becom e, the faster the year s seem to slip past. As I look back over the year s, I find that I have been happiest w hile her e in Cor nw all dur ing the past eight year s. Cor nw all has enabled m e to lead a r eal adult life, doing adult things, after r aising my seven childr en. I w ish to once again thank Julia and M ai-Liis for pr oviding m e this oppor tunity to w r ite my colum n. I w ouldn't be continuing if it w er en't for my r eader s w ho occasionally pass along their positive com m ents, and for the Seeker Chicks for believing in m e. It w as alw ays a dr eam of m ine to w r ite, and to be a m odel. Her e in Cor nw all, I w as a m odel for the Welcom e Wagon Br idal Show s, and of cour se, w r iting this colum n for the past thr ee year s. I am also involved in other pr ojects and activities, such as being a second photogr apher for w eddings and fam ily events, also assisting w ith natur e photos, and m or e r ecently, taking par t in a

video ser ies. So, no m atter how young or old you m ay be, alw ays follow your dr eam s. I am exper iencing m or e fir sts now then ever befor e. It's never too late to be out ther e and find the oppor tunites, and then to take them w hen they appear. At the end of my tim e on ear th, I w ant to say I did it or tr ied it, r ather than I w ish I had, or I should have. Goodbye 55 and hello 56! FAM I LY NEW S: Happy Bir thday goes out to my tw in sister Dar lene, living in Calgar y, celebr ating on July 30. Also to my second-eldest daughter Sar ah, tur ning 35 on August 1st., w ho w ill be enjoying her day w ith her tw o young sons, Blake and Dylan. I also w ish to happily r epor t that my youngest son M ar cus is com ing along nicely after his shoulder sur ger y, w hich took place sever al w eeks ago. I look for w ar d to spending my bir thday w eekend w ith M ar cus, his gir lfr iend, Kelsey, and any other fam ily m em ber s w ho m ight stop by to help m e celebr ate. Another of my childr en, Ella Rose, w ill be getting m ar r ied on October 1st to her fiancĂŠ, Steven Slack, and I w ill get to attend yet another fam ily w edding. I feel that I have enter ed a differ ent chapter in my life, no longer being a 'M om my', yet still a m other. I am m or e independent and able to have m or e fr eedom s, yet I still find myself w anting to visit my childr en w henever I can. Another m ilestone appr oaches, as it is my bir thday again, and this is w hy I am w r iting about the r ecent year s enjoyed her e in Cor nw all. This is also w her e I m et my John (you m ay know him as the gr eat and pow er ful Johnny Radar ) and w e have so far shar ed m or e than seven w onder ful year s together , r ight her e in tow n. We w ouldn't w ant to live anyw her e else, but her e in Cor nw all. I have also m ade som e ver y w onder ful fr iends, such as m any of the Sauve and Ar cher fam ilies. This has m ade living her e w ithout my fam ily m uch easier , as they have included m e as par t of their ow n fam ilies. I TEM OF THE W EEK: I found a pair of super -com fy flat sandals at Value Village. (Yes, you r ead r ight, FLAT shoes for m e!) They do have a little bit of a heel, and this is im por tant because I have tr ouble w ith totally flat shoes. These also have cusioned soles and ar e pr etty! I think they m ay have been $7.99 or som ething like that. Because they w er e all w hite, I had to add a spash of color in the for m of a clip-on flow er on each shoe. They w er e a r elief to my tir ed, hot feet after hundr eds of steps in my pink and w hite pum a r unner s. UNTI L NEXT W EEK: Rem em ber you ar e w hat you eat. As I m entioned ear lier , eating fr esh and healthy pr oduce is far better for us than poutine or a bur ger. (although those ar e also fun to eat . . . fr om tim e to tim e) Don't for get - the cells w hich m ake up your body ar e being r eplaced all the tim e. It is our choice w hat w e r eplace them w ith, quality ingr edients, or junk food. M ar l en e Bak er of w w w.f ash i on ogr aphy.ca & w w w.ph ot odr eam s.ca

Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles. For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.

Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com ( 613) 662-5549

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Sha nno n

What 's in a Name? The study of the origin of names is known as onomatology and toponymy is the study of place names. Many of us likely take for granted the name of our community as well as street names. New Johnstown, founded on June 6, 1784 and named after Sir John Johnson, was re-named Cornwall in 1792 in honour of Prince Edward Augustus (1767-1820), Duke of Cornwall. Edward, the fourth son of King George III, was assigned to oversee the military in British Upper and Lower Canada from 1791-1800. Photo: Sir John Johnson, Prince Edward Augustus - Courtesy SD&G Historical Society



FERG USO N 3 Ways t o Deal Wit h "When Your Ex Is Set To Get Married! Maybe you dated in high school and he was your first real boyfriend. Maybe she was your university sweetheart, the first one you could actually see a future with. Maybe he was a summer fling that left you with a deep connection long after September came and went. Maybe she was the love of your life that somehow slipped away and always left you wondering ?What if?? It doesn?t matter now how it ended or how it began because you aren?t together anymore and it?s actually been years since you last crossed paths. That doesn?t mean they don?t often cross your mind though. Just because you?ve both moved on and found different lives that don?t include each other and new loves with different people, it doesn?t mean the memories and the feelings you once felt never existed. New love doesn?t negate old love.

But what happens when you find out they?re set to be married? If it?s happened to you, you know the feeling, if it hasn?t yet you?ll find out one day. It?s almost like your stomach drops to your feet and in the same instant you think you must have heard wrong. They can?t be getting married! You were supposed to go on with your own lives, find yourselves, and maybe one day find your way back to each other. This wasn?t part of the plan. Even if you never intended to end up back together you can?t help the feeling that you were just unexpectedly shot with a dagger and left to bleed out while digesting this information. So how do you deal as you swallow the lump in your throat and smile politely? Be Nice and Be Happy

The original Square Mile town ran from the north side of Water Street to the south side of Ninth Street and from the east side of Cumberland Street to the west side of Marlborough Street.

You should find sincerity in your heart and actually be happy for them. They have found someone with whom they want to share their life with and if you?re being honest with yourself you know that the two of you, back together, probably never would have worked out anyway. As much as it may suck and as hard as it may be, give them your best wishes and truly mean it. What else can you do? It?s not like you can show up at the wedding, burst in, confess your love and expect they?ll pick you. Life is not a romantic comedy or an episode of Grey?s Anatomy. If you do that, you will fuck everything up and most likely not end up with said person in the end anyway. Don?t Be a Creep

The former Cornwall Canal, shown in this Town Plan, first opened in 1842. Many of the streets in the original Square Mile town are named after British royalty and British military.

Cornwall Street Name

Named after

You may have sudden urges to creep their Social Media and that of their soon-to-be spouse. Do it once (cause we all know you will) but don?t make it a habit. All it will do is make you sad and comparing yourself to the person they are set to marry won?t make them any less attractive in the eyes of their fiancĂŠ. You really can?t gain anything by creeping out hard as the weeks and months to the big day approach, all it will do is make you feel worse about yourself. Stay off of their Facebook, you have nothing to gain except a Stalker Status Card. St ay on Your Own Course Yes, seeing the one time love of your life getting set to walk down the aisle can make you feel like they ?beat? you to it. Don?t listen to that voice. Stay on your own course, follow your own track, and don?t be irrational. If you?ve been dating Tommy Two-Step down the road for three weeks, now is not the time to start discussing plans for your future wedding just because you think you?re falling behind. Marriage is not tit for tat. Let your life work itself out and focus on your own dreams and goals, and eventually your right person will come along too. Just don?t rush into something for the sake of it, or because you feel lonely, because at the end of the day you have to live your life at your own pace, whether that includes marriage or not. At the end of the day, life took the two of you in different directions and as hard is it may be to see your ex get married, you know this is just another part of life. Reflect on the good times you had together but don?t wish them ill, don?t try to break them up, and definitely don?t let it affect your current life? the one you were perfectly happy living before you found out the big news. Let them have their new life and remember that one day, when you get married, you too will have exes who feel the same about your upcoming nuptials as you do right now. I suppose that?s just how life goes.

Cumberland Street

William Augustus (1721-1765), Duke of Cumberland

Bedford Street

Lord John Russell (1710-1777), 4th Duke of Bedford

York Street

Frederick Augustus (1763-1827), Duke of York

Augustus Street

Frederick Augustus (1763-1827), Duke of York

Pitt Street

William Pitt (1759-1806), Prime Minister of England

Sydney Street

Thomas Townsend (1733-1800), Lord Sydney

Amelia Street

Princess Amelia (1711-1786), daughter of King George II

Adolphus Street

Prince Adolphus Frederick (1774-1850), son of King George III

Gloucester Street

William Henry (1743-1805), Duke of Gloucester

Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk

Marlborough Street

John Churchill (1650-1722), Duke of Marlborough

and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at www.dunet.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Tra ce y

VALADE Car Seat Saf et y ? Inspect ion Cl inics As a volunteer CPSAC Child Restraint Technician (or, Child & Passenger Safety Association of Canada registered child restrain tech) I work as a volunteer. Meaning, I don't have a set paid amount for my time working with families, but rather work by donations received from parents. I work with SEATS for Kids Canada, what is the largest non-profit organization of child restraint technicians in Canada, based mainly in Ontario. I also work with two other local CPSAC techs privately, for one on one appointments if coming to a clinic isn't optional for you. That being said, all families, one child or more, should attend a clinic if they have the opportunity and availability. Our last clinic helped keep times as many children safe as our previous one, and we would love to see more people at our next clinic on Saturday, the 13th of August - 9am to 12pm at the Care Center parking lot on the corner of McConnell and 2nd St. (Behind the Parisian Manor. )

What happens at a cl inic? Two or three technicians will help you go over every aspect of child safety in a motor vehicle. We will not only install you child restraint properly, we'll teach you and/ or your spouse now to do it as well. We'll show you tricks on getting a tight installation in your vehicle with every seat you've got, in the position you request (or, in the case your request isn't optional in your vehicle, we can suggest and install seats in other locations, or suggest a seat that might work in the position you want it in). We'll reach you all about how to ensure your child is properly secured in your child restraint at whatever stage they are in, and tell you about the next stage (or two, in the case of rearfacing children) and what to expect with your current child restraint. We'll teach you best practice, when to move to the next stage, and answer any questions you have about child safety in your vehicle, or if you're looking to purchase another one. We'll teach you how to keep your child safe in winter, and how to tell when they are ready to move out of a booster seat. We also provide support in terms of literature. We provide business cards with our contact information and brochures going over each stage of car seats. Every family is welcome, from parents in every way shape or form, to grandparents, or people who transport children for school, medical transportation, even taxi drivers who have a child restraint in their vehicle and want to know how to properly install it every time for children traveling with parents who don't have a child restraint of their own. Nurses, doctors or hospital staff who check child restraints. Donations of $20 per seat are suggested but not mandatory, we accept any donation amount. Donations are used to help continue to run our clinics, they help cover the costs associated with them, such as our literature, supplies and travel costs as we don't get paid as volunteer technicians. More information can be found by emailing SEATS for Kids.

SU P E R SP ECI A L ! f or onl y $60

Feel like you want more information then what's provided at a clinic or want to help educate? Consider becoming a car seat tech yourself! You can sign up now for the August course on SEATS for Kids website. You can take the course for business purpose, personal knowledge or to come volunteer with us at SEATS for Kids! Date of the course and payment information is available on the website: www.Darolottys.ca or www.seatsforkids.ca


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or visit versacoret echdesigns.com *simple design, one revision, HST and Shipping applicable

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Lind a

G e ise l OBO St udios Art Exhibit ion OBO studios is well known in the local art community. For the general public, perhaps it is time to re-introduce them. OBO is the acronym for Our Beautiful Obsession. It is the working studio of artists Emily MacLeod (right) and Tracy-Lynn Chisholm. It is also a place where other artists come together to share and explore their creativity and learn from each other. Since they opened in May 2012, they have offered a great number of workshops catering to amateurs and professional artists alike. They aim at sharing diverse mediums and techniques and encourage creativity and fun. Annually they host a group art exhibition, an event that the art community anticipates. It guarantees a show of high quality local art. There was no difference this year. More than twenty artists were highlighted in the show. Entitled ?Eat More Art, the show drew a big crowd on its opening night. Their bright cheery studio was humming with the creative energy of the artists who poured their souls into their work. Congratulations to OBO Studios and the exhibitors. Anyone who wishes to try their hand in creating art, should not hesitate to take one of their classes. You can learn more about their upcoming workshops by visiting https:/ / www.facebook.com/ OBO-studios-339005506178483/

What ?s Happening t his Long Weekend on t he Art Front

right here in downtown Lamoureax Park. Along with the Buskers, Focus Art will be there to showcase our visual talents and host a few fun-filled activities between 1 pm to 5 pm.

Mart int own Homecoming Day It seems like we are talking about Martintown Mill a lot these days.

That is because they are buzzing with activities week after week. This coming weekend, they are bringing back the Martintown Homecoming Day to celebrate the 170th birthday of the historical mill. It is also the 200th anniversary of Grants and McPhadden's store (Bonnie's Folly). This community festival is scheduled of Sunday, July 31. Along with the 13th annual Munroe's Hill Barn Dance, they offer guided tours, antique appraisals, and plenty of music throughout the day. The popular Farmer?s market will be open to tempt visitors with homemade goodies. Of course, the Mill Gallery will be open and artists showcasing their work are include Libby Cameron, Betty Rerrie, Linda Dubeau and Norma O'Collin, Focus Art - PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016

www.f ocusart onl ine.org

Yacabuskal ooza

Lau g h i n g m at t er s

On Saturday July 30, YAC is hosting the first ever busking festival

Hilary Clinton just may become the first F... President of the United States. I would have said Female, but I deleted the emale.

A naked women robbed a bank. Nobody could remember her face.

W elcome t o t he 21st cent ur y w her e d elet ing hist or y is of t en mor e imp or t ant t han mak ing it .

When I see l over s' names car ved in a t r ee, I don't t hink it 's sweet . I j ust t hink it 's sur pr ising how many peopl e br ing a knif e on a dat e. Scient ist s have now discover ed how w om en k eep t heir secr et s. They do so w it hin gr oups of 40

I c an?t bel iev e I f or got t o go t o t he g ym t o day. Th at ?s 7 year s in a r o w no w .

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

W e nd y

ar e vibr ating m uch higher than w e ar e able to detect w ith our five 3D senses. Developing our ow n intuition and psychic skills allow s us to begin to tune into these other states of r eality and I know that m any of you alr eady have. These ar e those occur r ences that can?t be explained w ith the r ational m ind and w hy w e don?t often w ant to tell other s of our exper iences because they?ll think w e?r e cr azy but ther e ar e m any things that exist in our w or ld such as r adio and TV w aves that can?t be picked up by our 5 senses either.

HUDSO N Do Ot her Dimensions Real l y Exist ? By Wendy Hudson, D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H.

For those of us w ho pr actice ener gy healing, w e know that not only ar e our chakr as a ver y im por tant aspect in healing w or k but so too is our aur a and ener getic field. To under stand this par t of our ener getic m ake up, w e?r e also going to have to talk about differ ent dim ensional r ealities, w hich to m any people sounds like cr azy talk . How ever , ther e is m uch inter est these days in psychics, after death com m unication, getting your ?car ds? r ead, and also in such things as angels, ghosts and developing all of our ow n intuitive skills. Under standing differ ent dim ensional r ealities and our aur ic system w ill help you to under stand how all of these things actually w or k and w hen you ar e able to put the w hole pictur e together , it doesn?t sound cr azy at all. I w ill be w r iting subsequent ar ticles on all of these things so stay tuned. We use Bar bar a Br ennan?s book ?Hands of Light? w hen teaching about the aur a, w hich is a gr eat r efer ence to anyone inter ested in ener gy healing, but in or der to fully under stand the aur a, w e m ust fir st dive into how this 3r d dim ensional w or ld oper ates.

M any believe that other dim ensional states exist som ew her e else but that sim ply isn?t tr ue; m any of them ar e her e w ith us r ight now and w e ar e all connected to at least 7 of them thr ough? .you guessed it? ..your aur a. We all visit the 4th dim ension ever y night w hen w e go to sleep and dr eam because our consciousness tr avels at night and leaves our physical body. If I can leave you today w ith the thought that w e ar e all ener getic beings that have com e fr om the higher vibr ational dim ensions dow n into dense, physical m atter , it w ill begin to open the m ind up to the possibilities that your aur a does indeed exist, w ith other dim ensions accessible by you at all tim es. Next tim e, w e?ll continue this tr ain of thought as I intr oduce you to your aur a.

If w e fir st under stand that ever ything that exists is ener gy and vibr ation, it w ill help us to under stand how this all w or ks. Our w or ld and this univer se that w e exist in is know n as the 3r d dim ension. In this dim ensional r eality, ener gy and vibr ation has stepped itself dow n fr om a ver y high vibr ational state dow n to a fr equency low enough for it to becom e physical and solid. A dim ension is sim ply a state of consciousness and other dim ensional r ealities

To find out more about what we do, who we are, what we teach and any upcoming workshops and classes, please visit our website at www.awakeningangels.ca. To read this blog in its entirely, visit https:/ / awakeningangels.wordpress.com


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FORSALE: White Birch dining room set (real wood). Table, hutch and 4 chairs. $800 Cal l 613-936-2899 CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cornwall Newcomers Club. If you joined Cornwall Newcomers Club (CNC) in 2012 you are eligible to join the Cornwall Newcomers ALUMNAE Chapter. For more information contact Liz at 613-932-8164. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement a new event in October to raise money to support research for women?s gynecological cancers. Please contact Lois at 613-32-1283 ext. 3673 It?s going to be a fun one!! URGENT NEED FOR VOLUNTEER DRIVERS to take cancer patients to their appointments. For details visit: www.myccsschedul e.ca or call Lois at 613-932-1283 ext 3673. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement our NEON NIGHT childhood cancer fundraiser. Event day volunteers will also be needed Sept. 9th at Holy Trinity School in Cornwall. Please contact Lois 613-932-1283

Did you know The Seeker is seen by thousands of people weekly? Our papers are so hot that you often can't find them past Sunday. Ask to see our demographic reach. You will realise that at the Seeker, we reach your TARGET MARKET! Ask our cl ient s! Call Jul ia at 613-935-3763 ext 101 or Mai-Liis at 613-935-3763 ext 102

Th e S eek er Team W ish es ev er yone a H A P P Y and S A F E L O N G W E E K E N D ! THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Art icl e and Phot o by Jason Set nyk

Places w hich is available thr ough Paper + Plastick Recor ds. Som e m usic fans m ight com par e it to Leather face and The Saint Cather ines, but the album r epr esents som ething new.

Ottaw a Ontar io ? M edictation, w ho w er e bor n fr om the ashes of legendar y punk bands Leather face and The Sainte Cather ines, ar e playing House of TARG on August 1st. This unique Tr ans-Atlantic pr oject featur es Hugo M udie (The Sainte Cather ines, M ir acles, Yester days Ring) on vocals, Fr ed Jaques (The Sainte Cather ines, M ir acles, Yester days Ring) on guitar , Gr aem e Philliskir k (Leather afce, Bultaco/Rugr at) on bass, and Julien Blais (The Sainte Cather ines, M ir acles, The Stills, XLar ge, C? ur de Pir ate ) on dr um s. It also featur ed Dickie Ham m ond (Leather face, HDQ) on guitar until he passed aw ay this past Novem ber.

Int erview wit h Medict at ion who pl ay House of TARG on August 1st

The Sainte Cather ines ar e fr om M ontr eal Canada, w hile Leather face ar e fr om Sunder land UK. How exactly does a Tr ans-Atlantic band com e together ? It all star ted w ith a Canadian tour sever al year s ago w ith Leather face and Yester day?s Ring (a band w hich consisted of m em ber s fr om The Sainte Cather ines including singer Hugo M udie). ?It had stem m ed fr om continuing to do som ething as w e had done a joint split 7?, for the tour and it could have been anything fr om another 7? split or an album split, w ith both bands? So instead of a r ecor d split, it tur ned into a band split,? said Gr aem e Philliskir k . ?So w e had kept in touch and m ade contact and said, ?Hey, do you think w e can do som ething and r ecor d together ?? Hugo M udie added. Being in a Tr ans-Atlantic band has it?s challenges, but the band m em ber s of M edictation figur ed out a song w r iting pr ocess that w or ked acr oss an ocean and tw o differ ent continents. ?We had agr eed to jointly offer the sam e am ount of songs but Fr ed and my w or kload got r eally busy so w e thought this w as a pr oblem . We got in touch w ith Gr aem e and told him , but Gr aem e and Dickie just said, if its ok w ith you w e w ill just car r y on getting ideas dow n and send them to you. It w or ked fine,? Hugo M udie explained. ?It w asn?t a pr oblem at all, w e just kept w or king in my studio back in Sunder land ? Studio 13. It w ould have been gr eat to r ehear se together , play the songs and see how they w or ked. I think w e w er e all conscious of this but w e ar r ived in M ontr eal, had thr ee r ehear sals, w hich w ent r eally w ell and just, r ecor ded it,? Gr aem e Philliskir k pr oclaim ed. ?Yeah, it w ent r eally w ell, w e had a gr eat tim e in the studio, ever yone just got on w ith w hat w as needed, and it w as ver y r elaxing,? Hugo M udie r eflected. ?It r eally is about good com m unication, Hugo and Fr ed com m unicate w ell, so any issues ar e dealt w ith and r em oved ver y quickly. Also, you have to w or k har d individually and all of us did this and suppor ted each other ,? Gr aem e Philliskir k added. Ear lier this year M edictation r eleased their fir st album War m

?I don?t think any of us, actually, thought for a second about tr ying to em ulate, both bands, w e just w ent w ith w hat cam e fir st and it w or ked!? said Hugo M udie.

?Consider ing w ho is playing on the r ecor d, ther e w ill be som e people w ho w ill com par e, I suppose its only natur al. I m ean Dickie (Ham m ond) has such a sound that, cer tain songs w ill m ake people think of Leather face and I?m sur e som e songs w ill sound like our bands. It w as a gr eat m ix to hear , Dickie and Fr ed playing together and you can hear Fr ed?s Atlantic, influence shining thr ough, Dickie loved Fr ed?s guitar , haha! I r em em ber , w hen w e got hom e listening to the r ecor d in the studio and Dickie said, ?Fr ed?s just am azing?.? said Gr aem e Philliskir k This album w as Leather face fr ontm an Dickie Ham m ond?s final r elease, as he sadly passed aw ay in Novem ber. Dickie Ham m ond m eant a lot to his bandm ates and he m eant a lot to punk r ock . ?Dickie left a ver y big legacy, in his m usic, I m ean that?s all he lived for , and he loved it. He influenced so m any people w ith his guitar playing and w r ote som e am azing songs. It w as har d for us in Leather face to see his str uggle getting w or se and w e new it w as inevitable, w ith w hat happened. At one point w hen w e did this pr oject, I actually thought he w as going to beat it, but after thr ee or four w eeks, w e new that w asn?t going to happen. Fr ankie (Stubbs) and I spoke not that long ago, in fact w e laugh because he alw ays com es up in our conver sations and w e both said how m uch of a big hole he has left for us. We all m iss him . I?m so pleased w e did this r ecor d, it w as har d at tim es, but it w as an honor , indeed. It?s sad for m e, because he had so m any songs left in him , but it w asn?t to be,? Gr aem e Philliskir k r ecalled. ?He w as a m assive influence to us, and m any people ar ound the w or ld. It w as an honor to actually do this w ith him and w e ar e so pr oud of r ecor ding this w ith Dickie. He w as so funny and w e all laughed constantly, it w as one of the things w hen w e or iginally tour ed w ith him , w e r em em ber about him , joking on all the tim e,? said Hugo M udie. It?s tr agic that Dickie Ham m ond passed aw ay, but now after a br eak the show m ust go on. An Ontar io and Quebec tour has been or ganized, and Hugo and Gr aem e ar e looking for w ar d to their upcom ing tour including a show in Ottaw a. Opening the concer t for M edictation at House of TARG ar e Quebec pop punk band Panic Attack, Ottaw a punk band the Valveenus, and Ottaw a punk band Benevenstanciano. Door s ar e at 8pm , the show star ts at 8:30pm , and tickets ar e $10. Hou se of TARG i s l ocat ed at 1077 Ban k St r eet i n Ot t aw a On t ar i o.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 30 - July 29 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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