Wh y ar e Jef f & Jam es Sm i l i n g?
Lindsay Diehl t ocompetine Spart an Race Worl d Championships
...becau se t h ey h av e t eam ed up t o br i n g y ou som e am azi n g con cer t s! 5 Qu est i on s
w i t h Jef f on page 5
p.16 Mary Pat rick wins 2 Sil ver Medal s
p. 12
& Jam es
Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 34 Sept ember 9, 2016
To Bu y or Sell, call Always a Dunne Deal
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
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Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKERcan sometimesbe hard to find and the standstend to be emptyby Sunday.WHY?you ask ...b ecau seo u r "Week l yDo se o f Po si t i veNews"i s a Ho t It em sar o u n dTo wn !!! Ou r r ead er scan 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is emptyand you havemissedyour copy- don't worry- you can still r ead u s o n l i n eat www.t h eseek er .ca - Wealsohavea Ho m eDel i ver yo p t i o n- It 's easy- cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6ex 3 t5 To t he Communit ies of SD&G,
Letter to the Editor
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
All you need to know is the cur r ent Libr ar y Boar d m em ber s: Bill M cGim psey, Evonne Delegar de and Nolan Quinn do not listen to their constituents and do not car e for their com m unities. They don?t car e about cur r ent tr ends, sm aller libr ar y br anches, r ur al Ontar io, and facts. The Dir ector of Libr ar y Ser vices, Kar en Fr anklin, put for th r ecom m endations to close 3 br anches w ithout any pr oper r esear ch and consultation and the Boar d stuck w ith their decision to keep 3 w ell-used br anches closed w ithin SDG. They sat in their highbacked chair s, and didn?t bat an eye w hen Tina fr om M or ew ood im plor ed them to not close her br anch as it is her lifeline. Their stoic expr essions never changed as Cal M ar tin, Br enda Noble, Leo Lehtiniem i and Debbie Cour neyea br ought for th hear tfelt and logical ar gum ents as to w hy the libr ar ies should stay open. St.Andr ew s, M or ew ood and Dalkeith have dedicated user s w ho haven?t com plained that their ser vices have been non-existent in the past 6 year s. We ar e still w aiting for an open sign. Yes, an OPEN Sign w as never given to our br anch. Now w e need a big closed sign. Pr ogr am s w er e done by our Libr ar y Cler kw ith a year ly budget of $100. Not the Ser vice Deliver y Technician, w hose job this is as stated in her job descr iption. Yet, the r epor t to the County council show ed the cost for pr ogr am s at St.Andr ew s w as over $3000. Som ething is w r ong. W ho is telling the tr uth? W hen you apply for the Libr ar y Boar d, you m ake a com m itm ent to be an advocate for libr ar ies. The m ission statem ent for SD&G Libr ar ies is to pr ovide an equitable ser vice for ever yone, not just for those in lar ger com m unities. This action r eeks of exclusion and is disgusting.
t hat Advert ising IN THE SEEKER isNOTanexpense - it 'sanINVESTMENT So what are you wait ingf or? LET'SCHAT! Call Mai-LiisTODAY- 613-935-3763ext 102 It seem s to be a sim ple enough concept but it w as never done. A system such as this needs br anches to com plem ent each other , not be in com petition w ith each other. W hen people ar e hir ed to m anage a system like this and they only w ant to close br anches, w ell m aybe it isn?t the system itself but som ething else that needs changing. I have to say, I am shocked and disgusted that the Libr ar y Boar d didn?t car e or listen to the com m unities. They held a m eeting, to just shut us up, and the Chair ended w ith ?Life isn?t fair ?. No, it isn?t fair but it should be just and this w asn?t just.
By closing 3 br anches, they have taken aw ay an im por tant ser vice that is w ell used and loved by 700 user s in those com m unities. The Libr ar y Boar d and staff have left a huge section of SD&G em pty of libr ar y ser vices. To w hat end? W hat is the pur pose of closing 3 br anches? Is it solely because they ar e sm aller br anches? Or , is it to incr ease hour s at Jeannie Gagnon other br anches? We don?t know , as it w as never disclosed and the plans continue to be hidden. But then again, m aybe the question Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles. isn?t w hich libr ar ies need m or e hour s, m aybe For relief of muscular tension and muscle it is tim e to ask the people w hen they w ill related injuries, massage therapy can m ost likely use the libr ar y. If they ar e help. Located minutes from the hospital. pr oviding a ser vice for people, don?t you think the fir st step is to find out w hen the best tim es ar e for people to use them ? M aybe it is tim e to use the tools at hand- i.e. the com m unications and m ar keting libr ar ian, Susan Wallw or k - to get m or e people to go. Libr ar y Boar d and Staff: stop telling the com m unity to do your job ? do it your self. Is that not the r eason the staff at head office r eceived those r aises in Febr uar y? Because they ar e supposed to be pr om oting the libr ar ies, and getting people to use them - not 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On intim idating the people of SDG w ith ?use Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com ( 613) 662-5549 them or lose them ? tactics.
Kathleen Morris, RMT
To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?
By Local People - For Local People - Abou t Local People - Su ppor t in g Local People Wetrulyaim at beinga realcommunity newspaper, an outletwhoreallycaresandnurturesthepeopleit promotesandworkswith.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Present ed by
Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca
Pride March t o coincide wit h Diversit y Day ? Cornwall Mayor Leslie O?Shaughnessy signed a proclamation to declare September 10th 2016 as Diversity Day. Diversity Cornwall will be having a Pride March starting at the Civic Complex and ending at City Hall, 340 Pitt Street. This will be the first time (in a while) that Cornwall has a Pride March. The march will begin at 10am and will end at City Hall followed by a flag raising ceremony. Diversity Cornwall will be having various activities, such as, face painting, a BBQ, arts and crafts, silent auctions, and guest speakers from 11am-3pm. In the evening starting at 8pm Diversity Cornwall will be having a Comeback Dance featuring a Drag Show. On September 11th at 11:00AM Chez Liz will be hosting a Diversity Brunch. "This is a chance for Diversity Cornwall to bring everyone together," organizers said.
BBBS Lit t l es receive Cornwal l Col t s season passes - The Cornwall Colts have donated season passes to all ?Littles? in the Big Brother/ Big Sister of Cornwall and District program. ?We?ve always focused on provided good quality hockey to fans of all ages, especially the youth of Cornwall and area,? said Colts Owner, GM & Head Coach Ian MacInnis. ?We have an excellent relationship with Big Brothers/ Big Sisters and look forward to having the ?Littles? enjoy Colts hockey.? ?The Colts have made sure our ?Littles? have the opportunity for an exciting evening every Thursday all season,? said Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Executive Director Amanda Brisson. ?It?s a fun night out for our matches.? Cornwall Colts regular season tickets/ passes remain on sale at the Colts office. The Colts home opener was Thursday, September 8th vs Brockville Braves. MPP Jim McDonel l says l if e more unaf f ordabl e f or Mot orist s ? Ontarians will pay more to renew their license plate stickers beginning September 1st. ?The Liberal Government is forcing Ontarians to pay for over a decade of mismanaged public finances? MPP Jim McDonell stated. ?Since 2003, the Liberals have doubled the amount of taxes and fees they collect from us, yet they have nothing to show for it but a doubled debt load. This is just another tax on
Ontarians who are already feeling the pressure of rising electricity bills, loss of well-paying jobs across the Province and the rising cost of living. In many parts of Ontario, especially rural areas such as Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry, driving is not a choice ? it is a necessity. Ontarians are tires of footing the bill for Premier Wynne?s waste,? said MPP Jim McDonell. The new rates in effect September 1st of $120 and $60 in Southern and Northern Ontario respectively will mark a 62% increase in passenger vehicle license registration fees since the current Government took office. In 2003, a one-year sticker for a passenger vehicle cost $74 in Southern Ontario and $37 in Northern Ontario. ?The Liberals must realize that Ontario residents are not Premier Wynne?s ATM? MPP McDonell added. ?Passenger vehicle sticker rates have grown more than 2.5 times faster than inflation since the Liberals came to power. This Government has a spending problem and it is forcing ordinary families to pay for it. Under this Liberal Government, life has become much more expensive in Ontario and the license increase is just the latest excess. The Government must reverse course on its continued nickel-and-diming of Ontarians,? MPP Jim McDonell concluded. Jays are Kinsmen Girl s Sof t bal l Champs - The Jays Kinsmen Girls Softball team became season champions and tournament champions a few weeks ago at Optimist Park after rallying from an early 3-0 deficit. The Kinsmen Girls Softball Team defeated the Cards 9-5 in the finals. It was the second time they defeated the Cards who were the second best team of the tournament. The Jays Kinsmen Girls Softball team consists of Krisey Prieur, Tanisha Lapierre, Destiny Delormier, Sierra White, Emily Tourangeau, Alyssa Seguin, Falan Francis, Veronica Hartle, Taylor Rudowski, Brianne van Ettinger, Emma-Lee Martel and Chantal Vivarais. ?Winning isn?t everything but when you play with people that make the win feel more than a win it feels heart warming. In the first inning we were losing 3-0. After that we picked ourselves up and played out hearts out and I think that?s why really matters,? said third base player Taylor Rudowski who recently graduated from St. Lawrence High School. It was an emotional experience for center fielder Krisey Prieur who played her final game with the Jays Kinsmen Girls Softball team on Sunday. ?Kinsmen Girls Softball wasn?t just a place I went because I loved playing the game. I love the people there as well, and it feels almost like family. And the memories I made at the field with everyone are absolutely unforgettable! I?m going to miss Kinsmen Girls Softball. Everyone that puts their effort into this organization, thank you for making it happen! I don?t know what I would have done without softball. I love you all, thank you so much for the opportunity to make
memories with all the lovely ladies I have met along this journey,? Krisey Prieur concluded. Congratulations to the Jays 2016 Kinsmen Girls softball team on a season well played! Cl osure of Brookdal e and Second int ersect ion - The City of Cornwall would like to advise residents that Second Street West will be closed at Brookdale Avenue from Tuesday, September 6th to Friday, September 30th for work related to the Brookdale Avenue reconstruction project. During this period, traffic will be detoured via Cumberland Street, Seventh Street and Hoople Avenue. Second Street West and Brookdale Avenue north of Second Street will remain accessible for local traffic only. The reconstruction of Brookdale Avenue from Water Street to Seventh Street is a joint project being led by the Federal Bridge Corporation Ltd. It involves the replacement of underground services and realignment and replacement of the road, curbing and sidewalk. The work is being carried out by Louis W. Bray Construction Ltd. and Brookdale is expected to be completed by mid-December. The work marks the final phase of the multi-year bridge demolition project and it is anticipated that this will be the last time the intersection of Brookdale and Second is closed to the public. The City of Cornwall thanks all motorists and residents for their continued patience and cooperation while this work is carried out. Cit y responding t o request s f or inf o regarding Port of Cornwal l ? The City of Cornwall has recently received Freedom of Information requests regarding the Port of Cornwall and is working to process these requests in a timely manner. The FOI requests deal with the divestiture agreement between Transport Canada and the Cornwall Harbour Development Corporation and the Akwesasne Harbour Development Corporation as well as the lease for Trillium Distribution Cornwall Inc. on part of the Port lands and documents between the City of Cornwall and Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) ? the new co-owners of the Port of Cornwall lands. According to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, a third party whose interests may be affected must be given an opportunity to comment on the disclosure of the records. In this matter, there has been a demand for an extension of time by one party to review the matter. ?The City of Cornwall is committed to releasing as much information as possible about the Port of Cornwall divestiture,? said CAO Maureen Adams. ?However we must be mindful of the fact there are other parties involved and they have a role in the process as defined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).?
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Th e Dad Sh ow 12 Week Ch al l enge Welcome to The Dad Show 12 week health challenge!! Over the nest 12 weeks, we'll be talking about the right kind of fuel we need to feed our bodies and how we can improve our overall health. Basically a kickstart to guide you in the right direction towards your own personal health goals. We all deserve a healthier lifestyle and hopefully we can achieve this together. Keep in mind that we are not health professionals. We are individuals who want a healthier lifestyle and want to motivate others along the way.
Riverdal e's Origins A 1951 three-quarter page newspaper advertisement invited the public to: "Find out how easy it is to own your own dream home in Riverdale, Cornwall's most beautiful residential subdivision." Riverdale was in the former Cornwall Township as would be the case for about another six years until the City of Cornwall officially annexed 30 square miles of the former Township to its west, north and east. Riverdale Homes Ltd ran the ad which featured two home models. "The Easton" featured Cape Cod architecture with steep roof lines, dormer windows and a 1.5 storey structure. "The Parkdale" model was a single storey ranch style home with a finished basement for playroom, powder room, laundry and furnace room. Other styles were also available for daily viewing at the model home open houses; the office was located at the intersection of Riverdale Avenue and Dover Road. Those who were not in a position to build right away were encouraged to: "buy your lot and be sure you get a good location." Our 'Then & Now' image illustrates the improvements made to the homes located at 207, 209 and 211 Riverdale Avenue. Evident are the addition of decorative window shutters, change of siding on the upper portion, upgraded windows, the addition of storm doors, attic venting and mature landscaped yards.
Wh y I'm doin g it
Week 1 Chal l enge The-Dad_Show challenges you to up your water intake. Try to eliminate fluids like: pop, alcohol, coffee and juices and replace that with water!!!! " Tips will be given on The-Dad Show , every Thursday at 8pm, only on www.dunet.ca Benef it s of drinking wat er 1. Increases energy & relieves fatigue 2. Promotes weight loss 3. Flushes out toxins 4. improves skin complexion 5. Maintains regularity 6. Boosts immune System 7. Natural headache remedy 8. Prevents cramps and sprains 9. Puts you in a good mood 10. SAVES $$$
Look at this picture. Need I say more? I'm 45 and in the worst shape of my life. I've been doing yo-yo diets since I had my last child 6 years ago with the only result that I've gained an average of 5 extra pound a year. On a 5 foot frame, it shows. I now need to lose 30 pounds. My biggest challenges are water and exercise. I don't drink water. It doesn't come to me naturally, so I'm looking forward to getting tips that can help me increase my water intake. Till next week!
Jul i a
Li sten to Our second image depicts an area along Riverdale Avenue, circa 1955. Cropped from the aerial photo was a view of historic Mille Roches. The full photo is available for viewing in the Archives at the Cornwall Community Museum. Phot o credit s: The two historic photos are courtesy of the SD&G Historical Society. The 'Now' photo of the homes is courtesy of Don Smith.
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are poweringup 5 Qu est i o n swi t h JEFF & JAM ES to bringyou
I nter viewby M a i-LiisRenaud
wo n 't
wan t
m i ss
RecentlyI have had the pleasur eof w or kingw ith Jeff Br unet (left) of AlkalineEnter tainm entand Jam esM or r is(r ight)of La CuisineVolanteto help pr om oteconcer tsthat they ar e br inging to Cor nw alland I had the oppor tunityto ask them 5 Questions in the Seeker Style of inter view s. I am happy to shar ethe answ er sw ith you all. 1. Jef f an d Jam esh ave t eam ed u p t o br i n gyou gr eat even t sat t h e Cor n w al lCi v i c Com pl ex . How di d you 2 m eet t o becom et h i s gr eat " Con cer tPr om ot i n gTeam ?" Jam esansw er ed:Jeff and I had the oppor tunityto m eet up thr ougha m utual fr iend ? . M y team w as w or kingon differ entupcom ingeventsand Jeff and I cr ossedpathsas w e w er ew or kingon theseeventsand r ight fr om the star t w e connectedbecauseof our passion for m usicand enter tainm entbut m ostly becausew e had the sam evision of w antingto br ingm or egr eat eventsto the city of Cor nw all! 2. Jef f , pl easet el l m e a bi t abou t you r sel f an d you r bu si n ess- Al k al i n eEn t er t ai n m en t . I have been in the businessfor 25 year s.Star tedout as a r oadiew or kingfor show sthat w ould com eto the Civic Com plex.I eventuallym adea lot of contactsand gr aduatedfr om beinga r oadieto an agent and star ted bookingat clubssuch as Bar r ym or esin Ottaw a,Roxannesin Hull Quebec,the Br ick in M ontr ealand m any other venues.I have alw ayshad a passion for live enter tainm entand now I am tr yingto passon my passion to Cor nw allby br ingingtop of the line enter tainm enther e. 3. Jam es- n ow a bi t abou t you an d LCVEl en t s.com ? aboutm e? I could say that I?m a younghar d w or kingpr ofessionalw ho is ver y thankfulto be w or kingin the city of Cor nw all. I w as r aised on a Dair y far m helpingmy fam ily at a youngage w ith differ entchor eson the far m . M y Dad alw aystold m e? . ` ` If you w ant som ethingyou have to w or k har d to get it becausenobodyelse w ill do it for you!` ` . That phr asealw aysstayed w ith m e and pushedm e to becom ew ho I am today. I guessmy love for the m usicstar ted w hen I w as younglisteningto my dad w histlingaw ay as w e w er ew or kingin the fieldsand listingto my m om singingw hileshe w as doingdiffer entjobs on the far m . In school I alw aysloved to be par t of the im pr ov club or par t of the school play. It w as ther ethat I felt com for tableand at ease enter tainingdiffer entcr ow ds. At that tim e I alw aystold myself that if I can?t be a r ock star (ever ybody?sdr eam in high school!)that I w ould star t my ow n businessin enter tainingpeople. If I can?t be the guy on the stage,w ell I w ill br ingthe guy to the people. Voila,w hen push com es to shoveafter 10 year sin business LCVEventsw as cr eated. LCVEventsis a com panythat focuseson cr eatingand or chestr atingeventsfor differ enttypesof gr oup? fr om fund r aiser sto dinner and show sor a gr eat night of r ock and r oll? ..LCVEventscan deliver w hat you need for your event? .w ear e your one stop shop for your event! 4. Jam es,I al so h ear t h at gr eat t h i n gsar e h appen i n gat t h e Cor n w al lCi v i c Com pl ex ,w h er e you h ost you r even t san d w h er eyou ar e t h e ow n er of La Cu i si n eVol an t e,t h e of f i ci al Cat er er of t h e Com pl ex .Can you t el l m e abou t w h at h as been goi n gon an d al so abou t La Cu i si n eVol an t e- you r cat er i n gbu si n ess. Yes, 5 year sago I had the oppor tunityto team up w ith the city of Cor nw all. Our team becam e the official cater er of the Civic Com plex. LCVEventsis a sister com panyto my cater ing com panyLa CuisineVolanteLtd. La CuisineVolantestar ted in 1974 and has been 1 of the leadingcater ingcom paniesin S.D &G and Pr escottRussell for over 40 year s. W hen I got the oppor tunityto w or k at the Civic Com plexr ight aw ay I saw a m illion possibilitiesof w hat to do w ith this gr eat facility. We have the biggest hall in tow n,the m ost beautifullocationin tow n in our am azingLam our euxPar k and on the beautifulSt-Law r encer iver. W hat could be better than this. As our team w er edoingdiffer entcater ingsin the halls? it cam eobviousto m e that w e should have eventsat this locationever y w eekend. We have the gr ow ingpopulationin Cor nw alland all sur r oundingar easw hy ship them to Ottaw aor M ontr ealw hen w e can keep this local in our ow n tow n and help other local businessesm akem oney and br ingtour ism to tow n fr om cr eatingtheseevents? .That?sw hen LCVEventsw as bor n and r eady to r ock and r oll in the city of Cor nw all.
5. an d f i n al l y - I bel i evet h at par t i al pr oceedsf r om t h e t i ck et sal esof t h ese t w o con cer t s w i l l be goi n gt ow ar dsan or gan i zat i ont h at i s n ear an d dear t o t h e ar t s an d m u si cl over si n Cor n w al l ? W hat Jeff and I ar e tr yingto cr eateis buildinga good foundationof eventsat the civic com plex to m akesur e that the w holecom m unityknow sthat w e ar e her e. The peopleof Cor nw allw ant and love their m usicand enter tainm ent.By doingthesediffer entshow s? hopefullyit?s going to br ingaw ar enessto the city that som ethingis goingon at the Civic Com plexand thiscan help br ingto r eality the pr oject of the Ar t Center at the Civic Com plex. If this pr oject com estr ue it w ill be so gr eat for the com m unityand ever yoneto enjoy. Fr om local bandsshow ingoff their talents,to the Celticdancer spr acticingfor their big com petitionor the Just for Laughstour stoppingin our com m unity.We all know to cr eateand build som ethinglike this it takeslots of m oney,so w e decidedthat a % of our salesw ould go tow ar dsthis gr eat pr oject. Ever y little bit helpsand if Jeff and I can give back a little to our com m unityto see our dr eam com etr ue? .. that w ould be am azing!. But w e have to star t som ew her eand w e said w hat better w ay then show sat the Civic Com plexat the locationthat they w ant to build this facility. To m e it?s a W in W in situation. an d a al w ays - m y f i n al qu est i on ... W h at sh ou l d t h e m u si c l over s of Cor n w al l an d ar ea ex pect w h en t h ey com e t o t h ese u pcom i n g con cer t s? They w ill be am azedby thesegr eat bandsw ho w or k har d day in and day out to cr eateam azing show sfor all of us! Our next tw o show sar e the hottest ticketsin tow n. Peoplein Cor nw alland ar ea should expect top notch enter tainm entby thesetr ibutes.The RollingStonestr ibuteHot Rocksis an authenticr ecr eationof the Stones.W hether you ar e a fan or not you w ill be am azed by their talent and stagepr esence.Thisshow should not be m issed.The ELO/Super tr am p tr ibutesar e fr ontedby Phil Nar o and a 10-piecegr oup of m ulti-instr um entalists includinglive cellos,saxaphonesand intr icatevocal ar r angem ents.Get r eady to tim e tr avel back to the classic r ock er a of the 70's! I guar anteeyou w ill not be sittingw hilethey ar e per for m ing.Our guests w ill be able to see a gr eat venuethat offer sw or ld classser viceand the best locationin tow n for show s. Fr om the size of the r oom and our giant patio,peoplew ill be able to r elax,danceand enjoy the show and not distur bthe neighbour s.I invitethe entir ecity of Cor nwa llto come a nd enjoy our showsa nd help us cr eatea fa nta sticatmospher ethat Cor nwa llis the pla ce to go!!! See you a ll at our next event? ..visitw w w.lcvevents.comfor mor einfo.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
A couple of weekends ago, 'The Garlic Festival' was going on at Lamoureux Park. My grandaughter Jade was displaying some of her paintings and crafts as well as some of my customers selling their wonderful garlic bulbs. I wanted to enjoy seeing all of the booths taking my time doing so. But I still wanted to have our supper to be nearly ready when I got back from gallivanting to Cornwall. I chose to make this BBQ chicken before I left for Cornwall. It would cook in my crockpot all day with no fuss. This is a great recipe to keep in your files. I made extras for planned leftovers. When I got back home with loads of different types of garlic, I made a big potful of garlic mashed potatoes cooking a whole bulb of garlic cloves along with the potatoes. They got mashed along with the potatoes and were delicious!
CROCKPOT BBQ CHICKEN This recipe turns inexpensive chicken legs into fall off the bone BBQ happiness. When I first made this, Jade who had been eating vegetarian, devoured part of a Corningware casserole dish of the chicken legs in one sitting. That's how good they are! INGREDIENTS: -
6 lb. of chicken legs 1- 700 ml. bottle of chili sauce ( I used Selection brand) 1/ 2 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed or just bottled is fine too 2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce 4 tbsp. fancy molasses 1- 1/ 2 tsp. Kosher salt 1/ 2 cup pure maple syrup 2 tbsp. Mexican chili powder 1 tsp. garlic powder 1- 1/ 2 tsp. Franks Red Hot Sauce
Easy crock pot BBQ ch i ck en w i th garl i c mash ed potatoes
Sha ry n
Rinse the chicken legs under cold running water and pat them dry with some paper towels. Place them in a large crockpot. In a bowl, combine all of the remaining ingredients. Pour this over the chicken legs, lifting them up so that the sauce will coat all of the chicken legs. If you find that the sauce is to thick, you can add a bit of water to thin it out. Place the lid on your crockpot and set it on LOW for 8 hours. OR You can do this recipe on HIGH for 3 hours.
A goodsize potful of peeled and cut up potatoes a bulb of fresh locally grown garlic - separate each clove of garlic and peel off the papery coating - then thinly slice the garlic cloves. 1/ 2 cup skim milk powder 1/ 4 cup butter
Rinse the potatoes and place them in a heavy saucepan or Dutch oven. Place the sliced garlic in the pot as well. Cover them with cold water, season with 1 tsp. Kosher salt. -Bring them to a boil, turn down to a simmer and cook until the potatoes and garlic are tender. Drain the potato water, but reserve the hot potato water. Mash the potatoes and garlic until no lumps remain. Stir in the butter. Sprinkle the skim milk powder over top of the potatoes and pour the hot potato water over the milk powder. The hot potato water will instantly dissolve the milk powder turning this into hot milk. Add enough potato water to make the potatoes creamy and soft. Use a wooden spoon and elbow grease to whip the potatoes until they are so fluffy. -I even used my hand mixer to ensure my potatoes were fluffy and delectable! YUMMY! ENJOY!
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN:Monday toSaturday - 9 to5
SWINGING B?S Square and Round Dance Cl ub Invites you to TWO FREE EVENINGS of Modern Square Dancing Friday Sept ember 9 and 16 ? 8:00 p.m. Knox-St.Paul?s United Church Hall 800 12th St. E., Cornwall, ON Inf o Linda 613 936-2563 or Iris 613 937-3455 Casual attire Bring your part ner or f riends & singl es wel come
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION We ar e n o w OPEN Sun d ay s. 1 p .m . t o 5 p .m .
45 SecondStreetE.
www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario CANADIAN MUSEUM OF NATURE AND AQUATARIUM Two great places to visit in our region with a Cornwall Public Library membership card. Ottawa?s Canadian Museum of Nature and the 1000 Islands Ontario?s Aquatarium located in Brockville. Borrow the passes from the library for up to one week and bring the family! Inquire at the Circulation desk for more information. Some restrictions apply. SELF-E Attention all writers. SELF-E is an innovative collaboration between Library Journal and BiblioBoard that enables authors and libraries to work together to expose notable self-published eBooks to eager readers looking to discover something new. Follow the link on our website for more information on how you can publish your work. CHILDREN?S FALL PROGRAMMING Registration have begun for most of the children?s fall programs. Chose amongst new programs and some past favorites. Call the library for more information or visit our website for full details. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 YOGA YOUTH - (Ages 6 to 16 years old) ? 10 a.m. PAWS 'N BOOKS ? 11 a.m. CHECK-MATES ? 2 p.m. MOVIES @ THE LIBRARY - CINÉMA @ LA BIBLIO! CONCUSSION - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 @ 2 p.m. In Pittsburgh, accomplished pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu uncovers the truth about brain damage in football players who suffer repeated concussions in the course of normal play. Biography, Drama, Sport AUDIENCE: G HENRI HENRI - SAMEDI 10 SEPTEMBRE À 14 H Henri Henri, est un orphelin qui a grandi et vit dans un couvent à Montréal. Il trouve sa vie bouleversée lorsque les religieuses vendent le couvent à un promoteur immobilier, forçant Henri à sortir et apprendre à faire son chemin dans le monde extérieur. Drame social présenté à la bibliothèque. AUDITOIRE : G ANGRY BIRDS - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 @ 1:30 p.m. On an island populated (almost) entirely by happy, flightless birds, Red, a bird with a temper problem, speedy Chuck, and the volatile Bomb have always been outsiders. But when the island is visited by mysterious green piggies, it's up to these unlikely outcasts to figure out what the pigs are up to. AUDIENCE: PG THE FAULT IN OUR STARS - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 @ 2 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. Friday, Sept ember 16 @ 2 p.m. Two teenage cancer patients begin a life-affirming journey to visit a reclusive author in Amsterdam. Drama, Comedy - AUDIENCE: PG
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Article and photos by Julia Lucio
In St.Louis, we stayed at the St. Louis West / Historic Route 66 KOA, short for Kampgrounds of America. These are definitely the Holiday Inn of campgrounds. The sites, which were a little too close to one another for my liking, offered a table and a fire ring as well as water and electric hookups, wifi, TV, laundromat, swimming pool, free coffee in the morning and freshly baked cookies on arrival.
Ah, the family vacation! A sacred time for most of us. These journeys consisting mainly of road trips, pitched tents and a few ?are we there yet?, are memories our children will cherish forever, just like we cherish the ones from our own childhood. One thing my family is particularly fond of is visiting Amusement Parks. For a few years now, we?ve been purchasing the Six Flags season pass and use it plenty at our local venue, but this year, I had a genius idea. What better way to spend a vacation than to visit as many of these magical lands filled with Sidenote: We always purchase our season passes in September, when Six Flags holds its biggest sale of the year. The passes, for rides and food, are at 70% off at that time. The total cost for our 6 season passes and 5 food passes--we have two little ones who share a meal--was a mere $686, tax included, and this was in Canadian Dollars. Breaking it down individually, every visit cost us $7.87 per person, meals included!
7 Amusement Parks, 6 Cit ies in 30 Days
These campgrounds are geared towards families and provide plenty for kids to do: movies at night, flashlight lollipop hunts, barrel train rides, bouncy house every morning,
Part 1 - RV Overnight St ays
terrifying mechanical monsters as we could? Tack on the extra value of the Gold Meal Pass, allowing every family member to eat lunch, dinner and a snack, not to mention all you can drink at any park at any time and you got yourself the vacation of the century. After all, it's hard to say no to funnel cake?
Our family doesn?t like to tent. We?ve tried it in the past and it didn?t go very well. 6 people in a crowded space, uncomfortably sleeping, fighting mosquitoes and flies is not a good experience, hence why we opted to purchase a small 22 feet trailer camper. Yes, that?s crowded too, but at least, it?s solid, it doesn?t leak and it has the modern conveniences of electricity and water. Not knowing if we'd like the experience, we didn?t want to invest in a newer model, so we opted for an older 1989 Terry Taurus that cost us $1200. The following is the first of a three part series recollecting our adventures with the Troublesome Trailer.
Part 1 - RV Overnight St ays It?s a brave new world. Not only technology is on our side, we also have various options, previously unknown or nonexistent, that can help greatly reduce the costs of camping. GPS navigation is so advanced nowadays that you can easily find anything, anywhere. And all you need is your phone. We downloaded a few apps and used a few websites that were extremely helpful in finding the right place to stay at. One of those is called ?RV Parks?. This app will give you information not only on campgrounds, but also maps out the Walmart stores, truck stops and other venues where you are welcome to stay for the night, most of the time, free of charge. Here is our evaluation of them all. Bare in mind that our evaluation is based on one site only and are meant to give a broad idea of what to expect. It doesn?t necessarily reflect every sites in each
Wal mart At first, I felt uneasy at the thought of sleeping in the parking lot of a Walmart, but the proximity of the many other RVers put my mind at ease rather quickly. Even though nobody talks to anyone, there is this feeling of belonging that truly reassures you: there is power in numbers. And the many security cameras and guards on site will make you feel safe. There is true convenience to having the store right there if you need something, however, you can easily be tempted by the many ?deals? Walmart has to offer and end up spending your savings on other useless things. Be disciplined! One of the drawback to Walmart is that you never know what you will find parked there. Our first night, there was a reefer running all night. Thank God for earplugs!
St. Louis West / Historic Route 66 KOA
playground and more? All these nice amenities come at a price. Sleeping at a Sidenote: Don't forget KOA will run you about the tolls! Many approximately highways are still using the same per them and you wouldn't night as a want to be caught off cheaper motel guard without the room, but it is appropriate fee. definitely worth it.
Travel Cent ers
Not every Walmart offer overnight parking. If in Similar to walmart, but with the convenience of the US, make sure to check on this list RV Dumps and sometimes even hookups. Again, http:/ / www.walmartlocator.com/ no-parkespecially with Travel Centers where you will walmarts/ before stopping definitely encounter or, better yet, ask the truckers, you NEED Travel Centers like Love's are free but noisy manager if it?s ok to park. earplugs. Most travel stops offer showers for a St at e Parks fee ranging from $7 to The great thing about State $14. You can gas, eat, Parks is the fact that they find nifty traveling offer clean facilities in a gadgets. Many of the nice secluded natural main travel plazas offer setting, at an affordable an app where you can price. The one we stayed at see the amenities each was directly on Lake store on your route Michigan. Our site had offers. This can greatly electricity, water near by (no help with planning your stops. hook ups) and cost us $20 per Privat el y Owned Sit es night. Unfortunately, we couldn't really swim because the It?s hard to evaluate a privately owned park beach was extremely rocky and as there is no set guideline as to what hurt our feet. Also, there were these parks may or may not look like. They abandoned facilities in proximity can offer the quality or a KOA or simply be that were somewhat of an eye a place to camp in the wild. The one we sore and potentially a hazard. stayed at had nobody checking the
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
premises and worked on the honour system. A box was sitting in lieu of park ranger and suggested a $10 deposit to use the land.
Near Dallas, a federally Operated park offered plenty of wildlife to see
Late in the game, we discovered than in addition to Federally and State managed parks, there is also county managed facilities. In New Jersey, we stayed at the ?Turkey Swamp Park?. This was a compromise as the State Parks provided no hookups and privately owned campgrounds were way too expensive. This middle range nature site was $40 per night, electricity and water included, and was strategically located 17 minutes away from the Six Flags and 40 minutes away from the Seven Presidents ... and a couple of cool playgrounds Beach, to which we had free access when camping--a plus when wanting to visit the ocean as beach access would have been some $8 per person over 16.
Federal l y Owned In Dallas, we stayed at a park owned by the Marine Corps of engineers. This park was in a beautiful setting, full of wildlife and untouched nature. We saw eagles, raccoons and a lot of deer. Campsites were private and far away from one another, giving extra privacy. Each site had a fire ring and table under a canopy. The facilities were clean, but older and really showed their age. They definitely could have used some paint. Showers were half decent, if you don?t mind showering with the occasional frog and lizard, that is. Advertised was a sandy beach, however, because of the recent flooding Texas experienced, that beach was gone. We did find a spot where to swim, but it was mucky and not really enjoyable. The cost of the site was $25 per night.
Count y Parks
Of all the places we stayed at, this was our favorite. There were clean showers, laundromat, rv dump, plenty of nature trails, a beautiful lake, plenty for kids to do, but activities were geared more towards being educational. For example, one night, kids were invited to roast marshmallows and got information on bats. Then, they got to set up a net to try to capture one. Pretty awesome stuff, especially when you have boys. Turkey Swamp Campground offered an enchanting setting...
Don?t miss part 2, next week, as we compare the Amusement parks and will tell you where we found the ultimate roller coaster.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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Mary Pat rick wins t wo sil ver medal s at Ont ario Summer Games Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk
Ontario instead of a summer sport,? said Mary Patrick.
Mississauga Ontario ? Local athlete and target shooter Mary Patrick won two silver medals at the Ontario Summer Games. The 17 year old sharpshooter won a silver medal for her individual score, and she won a silver medal for her team?s score.
Mary Patrick was recently selected to be on the Canadian High Performance National Junior Team. This means she can officially compete for Canada and represent her country.
The Ontario Summer Games took place in Mississauga from August 11th to the 14th. It was a great learning experience for Mary Patrick ?The Ontario Summer Games was a great experience. Since I am new to shooting outside of the Cadet Program, it was my first Games and found it to be very unique compared to other competitions I have been to. These Games accommodate sports at the Junior level and do their best to take care of them. They have their schedule in a format similar to the Olympic Games (for example, they have an Opening Ceremony to introduce the athletes). It gave me a taste of what I hope will be my future,? Mary Patrick reminisced. Mary Patrick did well during the Summer Ontario Games, but she still sees room for improvement. ?While at my first games, I finished with two silver
medals ? one for a team score and one for my individual score. I was disappointed to have not done as well as I had in the past, although I consider it to be a decent outcome for my first competition with a new rifle,? Mary Patrick reflected. Mary Patrick, who continues training and competing in competitions, hopes to participate in the Ontario Winter Games of 2018. She also hopes to represent Canada at the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan. ?I hope to return for the Winter Games in 2018, where my sport will return as a winter sport in
?Being on the Canadian High Performance National Junior Team means I can travel to different countries to compete for Canada at Continental Championships and World Cups. Since this is the Olympic year and next year will be fairly quiet in terms of international competitions, it means there will be few opportunities. On the other hand, this is a good way to ease me into the international stage. It also means I am able to work with my teammates at High Performance Training weekends with our team coach,? Mary Patrick added. This September Mary Patrick, who graduated from CCVS, will be studying Mechanical Engineering at Carleton University in Ottawa and continuing her training to prepare for 2020. You can follow Mary Patrick, who won the The Seeker Choice Award for Athlete of the Year, and her journey entitled ?Shooting for Gold? on Facebook.ht t ps:/ / www.f acebook.com/ shoot ing4gol d
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
Hello ther e to all of you beautiful and handsom e people taking the tim e out of your busy schedules to PICK UP TO READ a "REAL PAPER" that is chock full of POSITIVENESS!!! M y! M other Natur e is sur e shifting her tem per atur es this w eek . It's all because of her NEW SEASON of AUTUM N!!! I have seen quite a few tr aces over the past few w eeks of "The r eddening of the leaves," w hilst r elaxing at the beach w ith John. FALL is in the air w ith the colder tem per atur es over night and I am sur e noticing the cold dew dr ops as I str oll thr ough the gr ass in the m or nings. Yes, I w alk in my bar e feet thr ough the gr ass. It is cer tainly a w onder ful w ay to "Gr ound Oneself.'' This pr ovides electr ons to your body w hich ar e easily obtained by bar efoot contact w ith the ear th. It also pr ovides antioxidant effects w hich can im pr ove your blood's viscosity and your hear t r ate This can and w ill r educe inflam ation, it im pr oves your sleep and even r educes str ess. SO, GET THE "BAREFOOT FEELING" by GOING OUTSIDE TO STAND UPON THE BARE GROUND!!! It Does A Body Good!!! ( Liter ally.) Ti p of t h e W EEK: DO NOT START YOUR DAY w ith the br oken pieces of YESTERDAY!!! Ever y DAY is a FRESH START!!! Each DAY is a NEW Beginning. Each M ORNING that w e WAKE UP is the FIRST DAY of our NEW LIVES!!! M ake this som ething that you r em em ber each and ever y day that w e ar e ALIVE!!! We ar e to count our selves LUCKY for just WAKING UP ALIVE!!! No m atter how GOOD or BAD you think your LIFE is, WAKE UP each day and be THANKFUL FOR LIFE!!!! Som eone som ew her e else is FIGHTING TO SURVIVE!!! LIVE, W HILST YOU ARE LIVING!!! had a w onder fully fun, looong Labour Day Weekend by spending tim e at the beach w ith my John and celebr ating my dear fr iend, Kar en M uise's 50th bir thday!!! John and I and m any other fam ily m em ber s and fr iends had a BLAST together !!! It w as cater ed by a lovely lady, Br enda Lee Legault fr om a cater er r ight her e in Cor nw all. Her w ebsite is w w w.coldplatter cater ing.com if you w ould like to have her cater one of your upcom ing par ties. The food w as so nicely pr esented and w as fr eshly m ade and soooo delicious. Thank you Kar en for inviting John and I to help celebr ate your 50th w ith you. Welcom e to the 50's Club. I also got to have fun w ith som e of my childr en and gr and childr en over the w eekend as w ell. We all got together at my son, Luke's place in Chester ville to have a BBQ to celebr ate my EX's bir thday. Yes! You Read That Right!! I helped my EX be happy on his bir thday. (Well, the day after , anyw ays...) I phoned and ar r anged w ith my childr en (M elinda, Luke & M ar cus) to get together on Sunday to acknow lege their father for his bir thday. He cer tainly w as blow n aw ay by this gestur e and even cr acked a sm ile fr om tim e to tim e. You see, he isn't involved m uch w ith the fam ily as he is an estr anged kind of m an and keeps to him self. It w as kind of w eir d for m e to see him and talk w ith him as it had been m any, m any year s since I had. He is such a differ ent per son (size and age) As I am also a totally
differ ent per son now. I w as so str ong to stand befor e him and tell him w hat I am doing in and w ith my life. He listened and w as ver y polite in his conver sation w ith m e. This in itself w as a BIG CHANGE!!! He w as alw ays the loud and for ceful speaker that r ar ely allow ed m e to get a w or d in. But he r ealized that I have m oved on and that I have m atur ed over the year s. It all w ent ver y w ell w ith us giving him pr esents and car ds... John w as nice enough to go and pick out his bir thday car d for m e as I got r eady. W hat A Nice Guy He Is!!! You see, even though I don't have anything to do w ith my EX any longer , I still felt in my hear t that he should be acknow ledged and that being a fellow hum an being should be happy for at least one day, HIS BIRTHDAY!!! KINDNESS SHOWS NO BOUNDARIES!!! KINDNESS Doesn't Cost A Thing. It is a PRICELESS GIFT To Be Shar ed w ith EVERYONE You M eet. Even your EX!!! I t em of t h e W EEK: I am choosing som ething quite differ ent this w eek . I have choosen an item that I use all of the tim e...Especially, w hen I go out for the evening to dance the night aw ay w ith my gir lfr iends. It is a sim ple, but oh so pr etty item ... THE FAN!!! I pick them up in m any differ ent colour s and of all places the Dollar Stor e, Dollar Tr ee, Dollar am a, and at the differ ent thr ift stor es her e in Cor nw all, as w ell. They ar e a w onder ful and cheap w ay to keep COOL, w hilst DANCING!!! LI VE ENTERTAI NM ENT: I w anted to let you ALL know that this Satur day (Septem ber 10th) ~The Por t Theatr e~ w ill be putting on a Tr ibute to Elton John w ith ~The Captain Fantastic Band~!!! The Door s OPEN @ 7 p.m . and the show STARTS @ 8 p.m . Tickets at the Door ar e $20.00... Tickets ar e also available at ~M elody M usic~, at the ~Lotto Kiosk~ at The Cor nw all Squar e, St. Law r ence Appliance Ser vice and at ~The Por t Theatr e~ dur ing m ovie hour s. You don't w ant to m iss this band that does a fantastic job of playing a lot of our w ell know n Elton John favour ites. If I w asn't photogr aphing a w edding that night w ith John, I w ould sur ely be in attendance. Com e One & Com e All to w itness and listen to the r aw talent of som e Phenom enal LIVE M USICIANS!!! Until Next W EEK: As YOU get older , YOU w ill star t to under stand m or e and m or e that in life it is not about w hat YOU look like or w hat YOU ow n ... It is about the PERSON YOU have becom e. Take the Tr ip... Buy the Shoes... and Eat the dar n Cake. Just Sayin' M a r lene Ba ker of w w w.fa shionogr a phy.ca & w w w.photodr ea ms.ca
"Find Your Inner Highland" Now is the tim e to get involved in the Scottish m usic tr aditions of bagpipes and dr um s. You can star t a new ter m w ith the Glengar r y School of Piping and Dr um m ing on Septem ber 17 and lear n to play the instr um ents of your ancestor s. Per haps you have pipes or dr um s stor ed in a cupboar d, long neglected. Let our instr uctor s help you w ith a m or e pr oductive pr actice and r eintr oduction to the tunes. 30 hour s of lessons fr om Septem ber to M ay ar e offer ed in a ter m . You could becom e the next piper or dr ummer , a m ost im pr essive accom plishm ent for all ages. Ther e ar e m any oppor tunities locally to play in a par ade, solo, concer t or cer em ony. The Glengar r y School of Piping and Dr um m ing has been pr oviding Highland m usic instr uction and pipe band exper iences for childr en and adults since 1967. The GSPD has alw ays been based in M axville, cur r ently using M axville Public School on Satur day m or nings, w her e m or e than 65 students attend 1 or 2 hour classes to lear n to play chanter and bagpipes, snar e, flour ishing tenor and bass dr um s. This Not-for -Pr ofit or ganization offer s affor dable tuition for sm all gr oups of students taught by instr uctor s w ho have been successful at ver y high levels of solo and band com petitions. For m or e i n f or m at i on or t o pr er egi st er , contact the GSPD now at glengar r yschoolpipeanddr um @gm ail.com w w w.gspd,ca Shelley 613-527-5357 Find us on Facebook, Tw itter and Snapchat "It's fun and I m eet new people" La ndon , student "One of the inter esting things about dr um m ing is m ost pipe tunes have alr eady been w r itten. In dr um m ing w e w r ite the scor es to fit the pipe tunes w hich is both ar tistic and inspir ational. We str ive to play as one dr um m er although ther e could be 10 of us." Jim, 45 yea r s exper ience, dr um instr uctor "I guess I star ted dr um m ing to be a par t of tr aditional Glengar r y Her itage. Being par t of this band has absolutely gener ated m or e ties betw een m e, m em ber s of the com m unity and Glengar r y in gener al." M atthew, student a nd instr uctor "M y love of dr um m ing star ted at a young age w hen I w ould attend the Glengar r y Highland Gam es and loved to w atch the Tattoo and M assed Bands, as I w as excited to listen to the pipes and dr um s. I'm also a highland dancer and have been com peting since I've been 5 year s old. Stor ey "One day, my par ents just asked m e if I w anted to play the bagpipes or dr um s. Or it w as because of my uncle because he plays the bagpipes. M y per sonal piping goal w ould be to get my ow n full set of bagpipes and to play in a band. I like the piping m usic best. I like the quick and upbeat tunes. I'm not necessar ily a beginner on the chanter /pipes w ith 4 year s exper ience on the chanter and 2 year s on the pipes. I do not have any exper ience w ith com petitions or par ades." Natha n
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rie
be you, When I feel the things that you do. Will I understand ..." express it all.
Learning About Mul t icul t ure Is a Key t o Your Own Success in Lif e
M O RRELL MULTICULTURAL DIVERSITY THE BIGGEST TREASURE IN OUR COMMUNITY, COUNTRY AND OUR WORLD Part 2 of 2 Mul t icul t ural Diversit y Creat es curiosit y Provides An Higher Qual it y Of Educat ion Everyone has something unique about themselves to bring to the table, and with everyone?s strengths being used together it can make anything better. One single person can?t always do things alone and with the different talents of a diverse community something with potential can be strengthened. A quality education does not come without learning something about race, religion, and culture or what is expected and what is not. In today?s global society, without any prior knowledge of other cultures; when a person actually gets out into the real world he or she can often be stuck with a limited view of the world, and what to expect. ''The highest result of education is tolerance.'' Helen Keller. Simply stated, tolerance is ?recognizing and respecting other?s beliefs and practices without sharing in them? (Neufeldt, 1994). It can also be described as respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance is harmony in difference. The song lyrics created, by Larry Cromie, for Parade of Nations: ''When I try to know what it's like to
It has been proven over and over again that by valuing diversity, it bring benefits to the people you work with, to your local community, as well as to yourself. From multicultural festivals to presentations from political leaders, the message is the same: "Our dif f erences make us st ronger." Therefore, we should celebrate our differences and learn to work together. A Tool To Learn About The Art Legacy Of Our Surrounding Areas And Our Ancest ral Origins Parade of nations for the Developmentally Challenged (people with special needs) will soon release its first book of a Digest. This Digest is called Akcounties (AK-Akwesasne, Co-Cornwall, and Unties-Unities Counties of SD&G). AKCOUNTIES teaches that art and multicultural diversity are the biggest treasures across our world as it provides a higher quality of education. Learning about art and multiculture is the key to our own success in life. One must never forget that without the arts, a community has no soul. The first book conveys the legacy of our art culture and takes you on a journey about the history of the countries of our ancestral origins, their languages, religions, national symbols, currencies, traditions, folklore, fashions, art, sports, cuisine, holidays' celebrations, inventions, and the way of life of the various ethnicities making our genetic make up. Do not miss t his opport unit y t o enjoy t he t our! I f you have a ny questions, plea se ca ll ma r ie M or r ell at 613-936-6873 or ema il: office@wor kea sysolutions.com or visit: w w w.wor kea sysolutions.com
decided to retire from teaching art. He will continue to create for his own pleasure, primarily in oil pastel, and short video production.
Gerald Paul Swift is no stranger to the local art community. He established the Pilgrimage Artists Imagination Studio in Apple Hill area in 1994. More than 700 aspiring artists have taken lessons and have been inspired by him. He is noted for encouraging his students to try all types of media, including pastels, gouache, sculpture, photography, silkscreen and linocut printing and film-making.
We were fortunate to have Gerald as our speaker to start off our membership year with an exercise that Giroux, Adele Constantineau and Carol Viau all evoked the emotional Pierre approached the challenge in their own special way side of creativity. He stimulated our minds with provocative literature while artists attempted to capture the mood on paper. Terrie Chedore, one of the members commented that the exercise was interesting and challenging at the same time. At the end, everyone produced very different images, based on how each individual was affected emotionally.
Gerald has participated in over 40 art shows in Eastern Ontario, and has curated 10 group shows at the Abbey for the Arts for over 100 other regional artists. He organized art tours to Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. He was awarded a First Place prize at the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery, and a significant project fund for film-making by the Seaway Arts Council.
?Art should be an embellishment to life, not a condition of it. Understand yourself. Never say no to passion.? ? Gerald Paul Swift
Lind a
G e ise l
After 22 years Gerald has recently
New member Kishor Sonawane and Secretary Betty Anne Greenhalgh-Bard got to know each other at this interesting workshop
f or more inf o about Focus visit www.f ocusart onl ine.org
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
WANTED TO BUY Used Riding lawnmower in good condition. No more than 5 years old with low hours. No dealers or contractors. Call 613-932-6766 THE CANADIAN RED CROSS TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM IS SEEKING A VOLUNTEER to assist with administrative work such as data entry, information research, phone calls etc. one or two days a week or as needed. Use of Microsoft applications a definite asset. If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please contact us at 613-932-0231 ext. 2240 or email at cornwalltransport@redcross.ca VHSto DVDTransfersCall Sheldonfor an appointmentat 613-932-4812 FOR SALE: Formal dinning room set, valued at $2300 will sell for $500. Call 613-932-6526 for more information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement a new event in October to raise money to support research for women?s gynecological cancers. Please contact Lois at 613-32-1283 ext. 3673 It?s going to be a fun one!! CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cornwall Newcomers Club. If you joined Cornwall Newcomers Club (CNC) in 2012 you are eligible to join the Cornwall Newcomers ALUMNAE Chapter. More info contact Liz at 613-932-8164. FOR SALE: Formal dinning room set, valued at $2300 will sell for $500. Call 613-932-6526 for more information. FOR SALE: 2006 Chevy Impala , 40 000miles/ 70 000 kilometers, four new tires, all around clean in and out and in very good shape. Asking $6500. Call 613-932-3707 ext. 331.
FORSALE: Leon'scouch only a year old. Paid $1000 open to offers.613-938-1886
Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880 FOR SALE: Metal folding table asking $30, Wood table with new brown umbrella and stand asking $45 and two double bed spreads for $5 each. Call 613-936-9399 FORSALE: Downsizingcamel colored sofa with both ends reclining and matching chairs. Spotless asking $1000.Solidwood 9 piece dinning room set asking $1200. Beautiful double electric bed perfect condition asking $2500. Other things such as dishes,crystal and china. Call 613-933-6822 FOR SALE: Quality fishing rods and oars. 10, 15 and 20 ld anchors and a pair of oars. 6 hp outboard motor with 5 gal gas can. Good prices on nuts, bolts and all kinds of metal cable, ropes, electrical cables for construction and extensions. Call 613-931-2240 FOR SALE: Original Log Cabin Logs -- Square Beams, etc -- Plus heritage lawn benches. Call 613-347-3820 FOR SALE: 1989 Terry Taurus, 22 feet, sleeps 6, good little trailer for the road, 2 new tires, $1500 call John 613-360-1607 FOR SALE: 2006 Pontiac Montana SV6. Hasn't been on the road for a couple of years, 200K, new breaks, great for parts or for the road with a little love. $1000 OBO. 613-935-8101 URGENT NEED FOR VOLUNTEER DRIVERS to take cancer patients to their appointments. For details visit: www.myccsschedule.ca or call Lois at 613-932-1283 ext 3673.
Ste p he n
BURKE Perf ormance Not ebook Comput ers I will keep the price limit to under $2,000; it is not difficult to find high performance notebooks costing over $4,000 but I think it is best to keep the price reasonable. For the portable workstation entry, consider the Eurocom Shark , a 17" notebook with 2.6 GHz (3.5 GHz Turbo) i7 6700HQ, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB solid state HD, 1 TB 7200 RPM HD GeForce GTX 960M graphics and Windows 10 Home for around $1,720. This computer is huge, a portable gaming computer that will also suffice as a high performance computer for intensive computational needs. Couple this notebook with a mechanical keyboard and gaming mouse and your college or university student will have a truly impressive gaming computer. And yes, it would be appropriate for most college and university courses. If a 17" is too large, the 15" Eurocom Shark 5 can be similarly configured for about $1,695. If you want a smaller notebook, consider the Asus ROG GL502VT-DS71 15.6" notebook with 2.6 GHz (3.5 GHz Turbo) i7 6700HQ, 16GB RAM, 1TB 7200 RPM HD, GeForce GTX 970M and Windows 10 Home for around $1,850. Asus is known to produce some impressive gaming laptops. While not their most advanced
nor expensive model, it is still a high performance notebook. The smaller 15.6" size makes it more portable and appropriate for the classroom as well as the dorm room. A slight step up in performance from the Asus would be the MSI GE62 6QF-074US Apache Pro gaming notebook. This 15.6" notebooks has the 2.6 GHz (3.5 GHz Turbo) i7 6700HQ, 16GB RAM, 128 GB solid state HD, 1TB 7200 RPM HD, GeForce GTX 970M and Windows 10 Home for around $1,900. This is another example of a very powerful, yet very portable, notebook computer. You can also find computers with similar specs from Alienware (Dell), HP and Lenovo, but expect to pay somewhat more than $2,000. Also, for those wondering about Apple notebooks, their 15" MacBook Pro with the i7 6650U 2.2 GHz (3.4 GHz Turbo) CPU is $2,449. While it does have 16 GB of RAM, it only has 256 GB of solid state HD storage and, unfortunately, relies on integrated Intel Iris Graphics instead of a good quality video card. Although the MacBook Pro is stylish, Eurocom, Asus and MSI offer considerably more cost effective and performance oriented notebooks. Remember to check with your college or university before purchasing equipment; they may have specific requirements that some notebook computers don't have. Thanks and see you next week!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ar ticle and photos by Jason Setnyk
Patience and perseverance are both vital when competing in a Spartan race. For Lindsay Diehl the toughest physical challenges of the race will be the cold water and the high altitude.
Cornwall Ontario ? Local athlete extraordinaire Lindsay Diehl is making a name for herself in the world of Spartan Races. She has once again qualified for the Spartan Race World Championships. She is going to compete in the Spartan Race World Championships in Lake Tahoe (Olympic Valley, California) on October 1st and 2nd 2016 presented by Reebok. Her numbers for the Canada Elite Series and the World Elite series are impressive. Lindsay Diehl qualified in the 2016 Canada Elite Series: 48th Overall, 10th female, and 2nd in her age group. She also qualified for the 2016 World Elite Series: 316 overall, 86th female, and 13th in her age group. To compete in a Spartan Race is an obstacle all in itself. To travel to California and pay expenses associated with the race is a whole other obstacle for the single mother of two. That is why Shannon Champagne, owner of A Lil?Pole Fitness, and a co-worker of Lindsay?s wants to help. She started a crowdfunding campaign to assist Lindsay Diehl on her journey. ?I started a GoFundMe page for Lindsay because I truly feel that Lindsay is a remarkable woman. She works a full time and a part time job to take car of her 2 beautiful children. I see some days how tired and exhausted she is but she still keeps going and I see the biggest smile and pride in her eyes when she is with her children. She puts her health and her family first and that is extremely important. Being a single mother, she works extremely hard and it is very important to her to be such a positive example and role model in her children?s eyes. She is always putting everyone first and I think now it?s time to put her first for once. Obstacles in life or in a race are no match for our Lindsay and we love her,? said Shannon Champagne who is owner of A Lil?Pole Fitness. Training for a Spartan race is a serious long-term commitment. Lindsay Diehl trains 5 to 6 days a week, up to three hours a day. Physical fitness is vital, but that alone is not enough to succeed. The mental game is also very important to success. Having the right philosophy and frame of mind is paramount to competing in a Spartan race. ?Training for the Spartan races consists of weight training, endurance and grip strength for the body. The mind needs practice in handling the unknown, facing fears and pain tolerance. Obstacles require the athlete to climb and carry, most simultaneously. I train five to six days a week from an hour up to three hours. I train in pole fitness and teach at A lil? Pole Fitness where I develop upper body strength to climb and the grip strength to hold. I also train at Caveman Strong. The expert coaches train me in balance, mobility techniques and weightlifting. The mobility training helps me with endurance. I know what my muscles are capable of and body awareness allows for me to use the muscles I need and change which ones I use to help me through tough obstacles. Weight lifting help me build muscle and push my limits. Balance classes are my favorite as they allow me to train and practice precision, concentration and applying the techniques thy teach through gymnastic style exercises. I also run but it isn?t my main focus. Running is hard on my knees and joints so limit it to preserve them for the races.
Lindsay Diehl t o compet e in Spart an Race Worl d Championships Training the mind is something that is a daily process. I challenge myself every day to move forward, stay positive and focus on the rewards. This is essential to competing! There are times in a race where your muscles will be burning, cramping and twitching. You may be bleeding from scratches, cuts and blisters. Your lungs burn and you head pounds. As an obstacle course racer you have to be able to control your emotions, many times during a race there is an urge to quit and give in to the pain and exhaustion. We all push each other out there. We all encourage each other through the mountains and obstacles. Many people will read that and say: not for me. I look at it as a challenge. Stopping isn?t an option. As an athlete I can?t live with mediocrity. I have to succeed. I don?t have to be perfect as perfection is unattainable. I try hard not to say ?I can?t? because I can do anything. I have to learn from the fails and use them to try the next time. I am the example for my children and I want them to know they can do anything. They learn by watching, so it?s my job to show them,? said Lindsay Diehl. In addition to being a role model for her children, she is a role model for others. In addition to training at places like Lil?Pole Fitness, she is also a fitness coach there. ?I have been teaching pole fitness with Shannon Champagne at a lil? Pole Fitness for over two years now and have been learning the sport for three. I found a love and respect for it when I realized how much effort, strength and practice it takes to look graceful. As a teacher I love seeing the reactions of my students when they achieve a move on the pole. Their efforts and confidence they gain from their motivation to learn drive me. They truly help to keep me motivated and driven. I also have two horses at home. I have been riding since I was only five. It was a dream come true to have them at home. I grew up showing them and training. My first post secondary education degree was in horse training. It?s a passion I will always have. I find my horses and riding help me emotionally and physically. They help me focus, stay calm and feel grateful for what I have accomplished. Physically, riding is precision sport that requires muscle memory and control in order to keep an animal that size in a happy state of mind and willing to perform. Owning a hobby farm has only increased my ability as an OCR athlete as I need to be able to carry hay and feed and take care of the needs of animals that weigh 1200lbs! Growing up on horses took a lot of practice, years of learning and I still learn. They teach me patience and perseverance,? Lindsay Diehl recounted.
?Race challenges are the elevation and cold water. I hate cold water! Period! The muscles cramp and the hands get so cold that having grip becomes a dream. I have to prepare for the water obstacle and be ready to get in, get out and go! The altitude can be an issue as well. Lack of oxygen can make anyone get out of breath faster. I try to arrive a few days prior to acclimatize and get used to it,? admitted Lindsay Diehl.
There is economic challenge of the race.
?Challenges for this are first: getting there! As a single mom of two it?s a struggle. I work two jobs to make ends meet and provide my family with a comfortable life. I want to show my kids that if you work hard you can have what you and what you want. We only live once, make the most of it?,? Lindsay Diehl declared. This carpe diem, seize the day, attitude is inspirational ? but the reality is sports are expensive, even with careful budgeting. ?Costs for the races are fairly pricey. Most OCR (obstacle course races) groups offer early bird pricing, season passes and discount codes. Aside from entries there is the cost of travel and lodging. This year I chose to camp near the races so I could manage my time between the races and still have vacation time with my kids who also participate in the Junior events. Food costs can be economic as it?s not beneficial to indulge in fast food restaurants. I pack ahead the foods that keep me energized and assist in recovery. Aside from the Lake Tahoe race I did last year I tend to stick to the nearby races. Finally the cost of attire, most compression workout clothes can be found at many races and almost all sports stores, however footwear can pose a much larger cost and more difficult to find. A pair of shoes only last a few races yet are pivotal for performance. A poor fitting shoe or one that isn?t created for trails and terrain can determine even a finish of a race. Until I can earn a sponsor I have to be humbled by a budget and work with what I have,? stated Lindsay Diehl. Lindsay?s goal in Lake Tahoe is to finish the race, and to finish in the top ten among females like she did in the Canada Elite Series. ?My goal is to finish, even if I crawl. These races are about facing the unknown and testing how far you can push yourself. You may know the obstacles you will face, but you won?t know where and you won?t know the terrain ahead. This season I strived for the top 10 females. I succeeded! I know it?s possible. I always strive to complete every obstacle. A failed obstacle costs 30 burpees. Burpees deplete energy, motivation and confidence so avoiding them at all costs is a goal,? Lindsay Diehl concluded. For more info on the Spartan World Championship visit the official website. To sponsor Lindsay?s journey visit the GoFundMe page here: ht t ps:/ / www.gof undme.com/ 2yr9gzyk
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 34 - September 9 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca