Volume7issue35 (1)

Page 1

LOCAL DUO brings audiences back in t ime pl aying Cl assic Music Hit s

Cover Ph ot o: Jason Set n yk Ph ot ogr aph y

Read Jason Setnyk's interview with Classic Soul on p. 13

Fol l ow Jul ia wit h her 6 Fl ags Journey

p. 10

f u ll in f o on page 9


Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r

Vol ume 7 Issue 35 Sept ember 16, 2016

To Bu y or Sell, call

$ 1 ,0 0 0 i n p r i ze s

Always a Dunne Deal



Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker


Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKERcan sometimesbe hard to find and the standstend to be emptyby Sunday.WHY?you ask ...b ecau seo u r "Week l yDo se o f Po si t i veNews"i s a Ho t It em sar o u n dTo wn !!! Ou r r ead er scan 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is emptyand you havemissedyour copy- don't worry- you can still r ead u s o n l i n eat www.t h eseek er .ca - Wealsohavea Ho m eDel i ver yo p t i o n- It 's easy- cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6ex 3 t5

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



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To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?

By Local People - For Local People - Abou t Local People - Su ppor t in g Local People Wetrulyaim at beinga realcommunity newspaper, an outletwhoreallycaresandnurturesthepeopleit promotesandworkswith.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity

Ne w s


Present ed by

Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca

LIAM LASCELLE GETS SHUTOUT - Grant Cooper did the scoring and Liam Lascelle made the saves as the Cornwall Colts blanked the Brockville Braves 1-0 for their 25th home opener. Cooper (4) scored an unassisted short-handed goal with 2:36 left in the first period and Lascelle made 29 saves as the Colts improved to 4-0 on the young CCHL season. The Colts outshot the Braves 39-29. The Wendy?s Restaurant Three Stars were First Star Grant Cooper (Colts), Second Star Liam Lascelle (Colts) and Third Star Henry Johnson (Braves). Prior to the game, members of the original 1992-93 Colts team were recognized with a red carpet ceremony at center ice. Original players in attendance were Steph Marleau, Serge Viau, Eric Landry, Rod Pitblado and Cory Maxam along with coaches Jean Payette and Mario Vien. The highlight of the night was the ceremonial puck drop from original owner Don Derry?s widow Darleen Derry and her daughter Shannon Derry. The Colts next game at home was on Thursday, September 15th vs the Cumberland Grads. Memorial Cup winning coach and former NHL coach Doug Carpenter was the guest of honour and autographing his biography with all money raised going to the Children?s Treatment

Centre. AGAPE?S NEW ED FOCUSED ON COLLABORATION - The Agapè Centre?s board of directors is excited to announce they have hired Diane Plourde, who defines herself as a collaborator, to lead the organization, beginning October 3rd. ?I?m very team oriented and I think that with many people you can accomplish great things,? said Plourde. ?I?m a believer in building networks.? Plourde?s vision: to see the Agapè Centre as an agency that collaborates with everyone and is truly meeting the needs of anyone that has food insecurities.?And maybe that?s in different ways than how it?s being done right now,? she said. The Cornwallite is the founding Executive Director of Victim Services of SDG&A, and has worked there for the past 11 years. She sites setting up the agency from scratch as one of her biggest challenges and accomplishments to date. ?I started the program from a box of binders and went from 2 staff members and one program to 7 staff members and several programs,? she said. Plourde says her first undertaking as Executive Director for the local food bank and soup kitchen will be to look to the community for their input. ?I have a vision for the Agapè Centre, but want to make sure it?s aligned with our community?s needs and plan on doing stakeholder consultations and an environmental scan to set an appropriate strategic direction for the agency? said Plourde. ?I plan on consulting with all staff members, donors, clients and partner agencies, to see what is being done well, what may be improved, and what

are some opportunities for growth.? MANDEE WOODS TO SING ANTHEM AT UNIVERSITY HOCKEY GAME ? The University of Ottawa Men?s Hockey program is proud to announce that local recording artist Mandee Woods will sing the national anthem at the team?s home opener on Friday, October 7th. Mandee Woods, an Ottawa musician now living in Cornwall, will sing the Canadian anthem prior to the Gee-Gees?debut against the visiting UOIT Ridgebacks. ?I fit into a few genres of music,? explained Woods, who released a six-song EP titled Transformation in 2014. ?I just write what comes out, and I appeal to a wide audience of different ages ? to sum it all up: country, pop, folk, rock, contemporary.? Woods spent three weeks at No. 1 on the Indie Cut Countdown with her single ?How Do You Know? and was nominated for Cornwall?s Artist of the Year, but stresses that her success isn?t defined by awards and recognition. ?I?ve had lots of opportunities and have played some great shows and stages with some very successful musicians,? she said. ?I?ve met so many great, humble people along the way ? my rewards haven?t come in a statue yet, but my heart and soul is rewarded on a regular basis.? Tickets for the uOttawa Men?s Hockey team?s season opener are available now on GeeGees.ca. PROGRESS IN PATIENT SAFETY AT CORNWALL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - The Cornwall Community Hospital is focused on patient safety. More than one-third of seniors experience falls, which can have a devastating physical and psychological impact, resulting in disability, chronic pain, loss of independence, reduced quality of life, and even death. Falls are the leading cause of injury for seniors and also contribute to a significant burden on the healthcare system. Direct healthcare costs for falls in Canada are estimated at $2 billion annually. In September 2015, the Cornwall Community Hospital learned about some deficiencies in our Falls Prevention Program through its Accreditation Process (where independent surveyors evaluate the quality, patient safety aspects of the day to day hospital operations). Hospital staff had great success at assessing our in-patients for risk, but the program needed to be broadened to include patients in the Emergency Department. Reassessments were also required while patients transitioned during their hospital stay. The Cornwall Community Hospital?s falls committee introduced new standards and documentation tools to their fall prevention program. The initiative was a huge undertaking; staff had to be trained on new standards for fall prevention and screening. Time is limited in areas like the Emergency Department, (ED), so the outpatient risk assessment was designed to be quick and straightforward for triage nurses to complete.

The Cornwall Community Hospital has effectively reduced the number of patient falls by a whopping 24% ! Ultimately, the changes provide consistency in patient care and that is improving patient safety. ?Our falls prevention program is just one of our strategies to realize our vision of ?Exceptional Care. Always.?,? explains CEO Jeanette Despatie. CITY OFFICIALS HOSTING EMERGENCY EXERCISE AT BENSON CENTRE - The City of Cornwall and local community partners will be conducting an Emergency Reception Centre functional exercise at the Benson Centre on Wednesday, September 14th from 10 am to 12 pm. Exercise Safe Hands will involve the simulated setup and management of an Emergency Reception Centre in response to a significant infrastructure failure in Eastern Ontario which affects the City of Cornwall. The exercise will test the written Reception Centre Emergency Plans, emergency procedures and communications between the agencies involved. The simulated emergency will result in the simulated evacuation of residents role-played by volunteers to a Reception Centre setup at the Cornwall Benson Centre. The Benson Centre will remain open for regular programming during the exercise. Cornwall Social & Housing Services will lead the setup, management and in-take of displaced persons to the Reception Centre located at the Benson Centre. The Reception Centres will test the key Social Services functions in an emergency including registration and inquiry, emergency lodging, emergency feeding, emergency clothing and emergency personal services in partnership with community groups like the Red Cross, Salvation Army and Amateur Radio Emergency Services. Under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, all municipalities must conduct exercises to test their emergency plans. Exercise Safe Hands primary goals are to test Reception Centre management, emergency procedures and teamwork. ST.COLUMBAN RESENTS CELTIC CONCERT - The Patrons of St. Columban Foundation is presenting a fundraising Celtic concert on Sunday September 25 at 2 p.m. in St. Columban?s Church to raise funds for the restoration work at the historic St. Columban?s Church in Cornwall. The musical entertainment will feature the well known local band The Brigadoons performing the songs of Scotland, Ireland, and Glengarry County. Brian Lynch, President of the Patrons of St. Columban Foundation has indicated that during the past 10 years the Foundation has been able to raise over $630,000 for the stabilization and restoration of St. Columban?s Church as a result of the generosity of the parishioners of St. Columban?s and the community at large. Lynch stated: ?While much work has been done on major capital repairs in recent years, there is still more work to be done. Funds raised at the concert will be directed to the major repair work being done on the church.? The Celtic concert is one of the several ways that the Foundation raises money for the major capital repairs at St. Columban?s Church.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Lind a

G e ise l Appl es & Art St udio Tour 2016 Reprint from www.appl esandart .ca

Sept ember 24, 25, 2016 Discoverthemanytalentedartiststhat livein yourcommunity The arrival of fall is one of the most colourful events of the year in our area. The season dresses in its most vibrant hues while local artists open their creative space to visitors. This year, more than 60 artists invite you to share their passion for art in 26 different locations throughout the united counties of SD&G during the 25th Apples and Art Studio Tour. The goal of the tour is to give the residents and visitors of Cornwall and area an opportunity to enjoy art in the spaces where it is actually created. It is a chance to meet the artists, to chat, to see their work in a natural setting and enjoy the wellness of visual beauty and friendly company. You will discover all types of artists who work with paint, ink, clay, fine stones, wood and glass to create original pieces of art. The tour is organized by a group of artists working with Your Arts Council, Cornwall & the Counties. The Rack Card showcasing the locations has been available since the beginning of May. An up-to-date website and Facebook page further explain the possibilities of this annual event. Late-joiners to the tour can be located through the website where the map of the sites and biographies of artists are available. On the site you can also find our proud sponsors. Take two days to visit our area and the artists?studios. As you tour, if you are lucky, some of the sites might be offering delicious mouth-watering apple treats. Enjoy. To visit each location is to visit all corners of this great region. Here are the studio locations - Visit the all if you can! Focus Art - PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016

f or more inf o about Focus visit www.f ocusart onl ine.org Ar ticle a nd Photo by Ja son Setnyk Cor nw all Ontar io ? Sean M cCann,of Gr eat Big Sea, r ecently co-headlinedCor nw all M usic Fest. If you m issed him or w ould like to see him again, her e is your chance! M usic fans can enjoy an intim ateevening w ith Sean M cCann on Fr iday,Novem ber 25th, 2016 at Aultsville Theatr e. Sean M cCann,aka ?The Shanty M an?, now lives in Ottaw a, but he w as bor n and r aised in New foundland. Gr ow ingup in St. John?s has influenced his song-w r iting.

Great Big Sea Al umni Sean McCann

ret urns to Cornwal l onNovember 25t h

?St. John?s is the New Or leansof Canada. It is m ade of m usic and liquor and my m usic w as for ged in that fir e?, Sean M cCann pr oclaim ed. Sean M cCann w as a foundingm em ber of Gr eat Big Sea, a band that has sold m illionsof album s, has countlesshit songs, and has tour ed ar ound the w or ld. How ever after 20 year s Sean r ealized he had to stop. He took a step back, he quit dr inking,confr onted issues of abuse, and the healing pr ocesshas now begun. ?I am still looking,and I have com e to em br acethe tr uth that I alw ays w ill be. At least now I am w ide aw ake, so I can see w her e I am going, and I am open and unafr aid of w hatever m ight be next?, Sean M cCann disclosed. He still has fond m em or iesof being in Gr eat Big Sea, especially in the for m ative year s w hen the band w as just star ting out. ?M y fondest m em or iesar e all fr om the ver y ear ly days w hen it w as just the 4 of us

(w ith Dar r ell Pow er on bass) and w e did ever ythingby our selves.We didn?t have an agent or a m anager or a label, but w e w er e still a for ce to be r eckoned w ith. I am ver y pr oud of w hat w e w er e able to accom plish w hen w e w er e all w or kingtogether tow ar dsthe sam e goal?, Sean M cCann r ecounts. In 2014 Sean M cCann r eleased ?Help Your Self ?pr oduced by Joel Plaskett. Thr ough the m usic w e hear the stor y of a m an facing his dem onsand over com ing them . The songs helped him deal w ith issues of addiction and to find str ength in pain.

?In my 20 year s and 11 studio r ecor dingsw ith Gr eat Big Sea, not one tr ack w as ever r ecor ded ?live off the floor ?w hich is a sham e because w e w er e a gr eat live band. Joel Plaskett?spr ocessw as com pletely the opposite. Ever y song w as r ecor ded live w ithout digital assistanceand im m ediatelycom m itted to 2 inch analog tape. Ther e w as no ?Auto Tune?button. I w as for ced as an ar tist to r em ain com pletely open and focused w hich is how I am tr ying to live my life today?. M usic is like ther apy for Sean M cCann,but w hat does that m ean for m usic fans? ?Fans can expect to exper iencea m uch lighter ?m e?. I am doing ?the w or k?and am r econnectingw ith the w or ld in a far m or e m eaningful w ay. And I love my job?, says Sean M cCann. The above quotes fr om Sean M cCann w er e fr om an inter view last year. The show sta r ts at 7pm a nd tickets a r e $26.50. You ca n pur cha setickets online or at the Cor nwa ll Civic Complex box office.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


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B u c k e t ... GET



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Ste p he n

Perf ormance Not ebook Comput ers


Face it, the typical smart phone is about as powerful as the average computer from 10 years ago, maybe even a bit more advanced in some areas. So what is to keep us from using a smart phone as a lightweight computer? Nothing, really. With a WiFi enabled smart phone, you can access the Internet and send e-mail. Using Google's web-based applications, you can create spreadsheets, wordprocessing documents, presentations, and setup a schedule. You also have access to web-based storage and other applications. All of this is accessible from a modern smart phone. Smart phones can also act as a camera, video recorder, media player, GPS and health monitor. The trick is selecting the correct smart phone for your needs. And, no, you probably won't have to stand in line to get the "rose gold" model. We're looking at functionality, not superficial vanity statements. The two main OS contenders are Android and Apple. Exact percentages vary, but Android has about 53% of the market, followed by Apple at around 43% . The remaining 4% is Microsoft

and Blackberry. Which is a shame, since Blackberry was the most secure platform. But who cares about security when you want to play Angry Birds or Candy Crush! Anyway, it looks like for those who want the best bang for their buck, the Android platform is currently the way to go. But which phone? Well, pick one that is easy to hold and operate with one hand. Get one where you can easily read the screen. If you know what applications you want to use, make sure the phone you pick supports them. Do your own research and also ask the sales person. Find three phones that you like and definitely meet your needs and then go shopping. I did that recently and got one awesome deal. Last year's flagship phone, the G4, was available for $0 plus I got a $200 gift card and kept my old usage plan. The G4 was one of 3 phones I was considering, but the deal made it a no-brainer. It had the processing power, memory and expandable storage that I needed. It cost me $18 to switch from my current Nexus 5 (great phone, would have kept it but the huge upgrade was cheap) to the G4. Once you have your new smart phone, take some time to read the manual, visit the user forums and then get your applications setup and your phone customized the way you want it. Enjoy your phone, but remember, don't text while driving and always use a hands free calling device when operating a vehicle.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M ore M uf f i ns

Sha ry n


For school or work, homemade muffins are a simple and quick thing for breakfast, lunch or a snack. The recipe has no nuts so are allowed at school. After baking them, wrap each one individually in a piece of saran wrap. This will keep the muffin fresh as a just baked muffin. They can be frozen this way to easily get a couple from your freezer. Just put them in a ziploc freezer bag or Tupperware to freeze. This weeks muffins are a delicious peach and oat meal muf f in. They are delicious! Take advantage of our lovely fresh juicy Ontario peaches. Remember to keep your hummingbird f eeders filled with fresh syrup. (TO MAKE THIS: Just heat 2 cups of water with 1/ 2 cup of white sugar, heating until the sugar is all dissolved.) Your own hummingbirds may be leaving this week, but there will be hummingbirds travelling and will need to stop for some nourishment along their long flight down south.

PEACH OATMEAL MUFFINS This recipe makes one dozen muffins. INGREDIENTS: THE MUFFIN: -

1/ 2 cup melted butter 1 cup buttermilk 1extra large egg 1 cup Sharyn's Pantry organic quick cooking rolled oats 1 cup unbleached all purpose flour 1 rounded tsp. baking powder 1/ 2 level tsp. baking soda 1/ 2 tsp. fine salt 2 fresh peaches, peeled and diced fine


1/ 2 cup light or dark brown sugar 1- 1/ 2 tsp. ground cinnamon

SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN:Monday toSaturday - 9 to5

METHOD: 1. Set your oven to 375 degrees F. LIne 12 paper liners in your muffin tin and spray the top of the muffin tin and the papers with no stick spray. This will prevent the muffins from sticking in the muffin papers and will prevent them from sticking on the pan if they rise over the top when baking. 2. Melt the butter and cool slightly. -Place the melted butter in a bowl and add the buttemilk and egg. Use a whisk mix this well. Stir in the rolled oats. 3. In another bowl, sift or whisk together the flour, baking powder and baking soda and salt. 4. Stir in the dry ingredients. Just stir to combine. Do not over mix of your muffins will be tough as nails. 5. Gently fold in the fresh diced peaches. 6. Use a scoop to fill the paper lined muffin cups. 7. In a small bowl, combine the topping ingredients. Sprinkle this over top of each muffin. 8. Bake the muffins for 18 to 20 minutes of until a cake tester comes out clean. 9. Do what I do. Make some honey but t er. Just stir equal amounts of softened butter and Sharyn's Pantry liquid unpasteurized local honey together. This is such a delicious spread for any muffin of on toast. It has neither too much butter or honey, just a perfect taste. Spread this on your hot muffin right from the overn. ENJOY!

Popcorn Roasti ng on an Open Fi re By Sylvie O?Rourke It?s Friday night and I am looking forward to unwinding with my friends from the Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air. Tonight we are having one of many bonfires on a private country property. It is a more relaxed event than the norm for us but it promises to be a roaring good time. People start arriving at dusk and I am happy to see people I haven?t spoken to in a while. It is great to catch up on each other?s lives and make plans for new adventures. There are always funny memories to share such as the time the racoon made off with someone?s wallet or the time when someone was rescued from a scary rat snake. The comradery is a great way to unwind after a busy week. As darkness falls and the evening gets cooler, the fire gets bigger. Wooden pallets are added to the flames and then topped with dried cedar branches which immediately begin to crackle and give off a woodsy fragrance. We feel the heat on our cheeks and retreat just a little to be at a more comfortable distance. As plumes of grey rise to the sky we sit mesmerized by the flames. A full moon, high and luminescent adds to the convivial ambiance. Someone brought hot dogs as a treat. The guys strategize as to the best method for cooking them to avoid the scorching heat. Each one approaches this task differently from leaning his

meat-on-a stick against a rock to doing a military low crawl. Camo Guy is particularly good at this. No matter the method the results seem favorable. When Rusty Yogi, a redheaded yoga aficionado, pulls out his Jiffy Popcorn, someone pipes up: ?oh, that never works. It always burns.? Not to be put off, Rusty fashions an extended handle for his popcorn tin using a rake. He can now reach the fire comfortably without overheating. While others try to predict the fate of the kernels, Rusty, intent on his task, shakes his makeshift stick like he?s panning for gold nuggets. The popcorn turns out perfectly, not a darkened kernel to be found. Rusty has the Midas touch. He is the Jiffy King! Scientifically, watching a fire is said to lower blood pressure and increase sociability. In my experience, a fireside interaction seems to create a feeling of kinship and intimacy. There is something about forming a tight circle around a single focus point that makes us want to share. It invites us to step away from the whirlwind of our day-to-day lives to breathe and truly be ourselves. Surrounded by a cloak of darkness at this very moment in time, we have only each other, the fire, and the moon. For more information about the Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air visit www.cornwalloutdoorclub.ca or like us on Facebook.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



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CANADIAN MUSEUM OF NATURE AND AQUATARIUM Two great places to visit in our region with a Cornwall Public Library membership card. Ottawa?s Canadian Museum of Nature and the 1000 Islands Ontario?s Aquatarium located in Brockville. Borrow the passes from the library for up to one week and bring the family! Inquire at the Circulation desk for more information. Some restrictions apply.

SELF-E Attention all writers. SELF-E is an innovative collaboration between Library Journal and BiblioBoard that enables authors and libraries to work together to expose notable self-published eBooks to eager readers looking to discover something new. Follow the link on our website for more information on how you can publish your work.


CHILDREN?S FALL PROGRAMMING Registration have begun for most of the children?s fall programs. Chose amongst new programs and some past favorites. Call the library for more information or visit our website for full details.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 YOGA YOUTH - (Ages 6 to 16 years old) ? 10 a.m. PAWS 'N BOOKS ? 11 a.m.


CHECK-MATES ? 2 p.m.

MOVIES @ THE LIBRARY - CINÉMA @ LA BIBLIO! CONCUSSION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 @ 2 p.m. In Pittsburgh, accomplished pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu uncovers the truth about brain damage in football players who suffer repeated concussions in the course of normal play. Biography, Drama, Sport AUDIENCE: G

I?LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 @ 2 p.m. & 6:15 p.m. Friday, Sept ember 23 @ 2 p.m. A widow and former songstress discovers that life can begin anew at any age. Drama, Romance, Comedy - AUDIENCE: PG

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



t o d o - w h er e

t o go - w h at

t o see in Cor n w all

an d SD& G

Placin g an Ad in t h e Calen dar of Even t s is alw ays f r ee f or a basic list in g an d in clu des t h e n am e an d locat ion of t h e even t , alon g w it h m or e in f or m at ion on ou r w ebsit e w w w.t h eseek er .ca For a com plet e list in g in pr in t , place you r en h an ced even t ad f or on ly $35. Call 613-935-3763 ext . 1

Come on down this

Su n day , Sept em ber 18t h to the

TERRY FOX RUN at the Cornwall Civic Complex 8am to noon THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


are poweringup to bringyou

Have yo u b o o k ed yo u r b o o t h yet ? HU RRY - l ast d ay t o b o o k i s co m i n g fast !

. . . and f or those of you getting married h av e you regi stered as a BRI DE? - Cal l M ai -Li i s today to do so!

Congratulations! you're getting married. Don't worry, its easier that you think. Follow these 12 months of pointers and nothing will be forgotten. Everything will fall into place and your wedding day will be the one of many wonderful days together as husband and wife.

12 Mont hs Bef ore t he Wedding - Decide on the time and date for your wedding. - Determine if that day is available for both ceremony and reception locations. - Contact wedding a officiate. - Book your Disc Jockey, Photographer and Videographer. - Create a ideal budget schedule and decide who will pay for what. - Taste test meal suggestions that are offered at your reception location.

11 Mont hs Bef ore t he Wedding - Create a list of guests to invite to the wedding. - Chose your wedding party.

- Select your wedding theme and color scheme. - Contact your wedding decorator and work together to create your dream wedding. - Pick out the wedding dress and tuxes.

10 Mont hs Bef ore t he Wedding - Look at creating your own Wedding Web Site with all necessary information. - Fill out all bridal registries at stores in your area and online. This information can be added to the website with links to the store that your registered with. - Book your Hair and makeup artists. - Select the flower shop that will provide all your flowers for the wedding party, ceremony and hall. - Select a cake decorator.

and on Sunday, Oct ober 23rd be sure t o visit t he Wedding Expo-Cornwal l 2016 .... Cal l 613-932-4812 t o regist er as a Bride more info on getting ready next week

an d b e su r e t o vi si t u s at t h e Wed d i n g Ex p o ...

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Article by Julia Lucio Photos by John Lucio You would think that all Six Flags are created equal, but that?s not the case. Like with everything, the parks seem to be adapted to their environment and location. For example, in Texas, you will find some good BBQ Brisket whereas in Montreal, you?ll find awesome poutine. The rides also tend to cater to the specific demographic or the area.

7 Amusement Parks, 6 Cit ies in 30 Days Part 2 - Six Fl ags

Initially, we were going to review 7 parks including Atlanta and Washington. We quickly discovered that many of the parks located south of New Jersey are opened only week-ends after mid-August. Living in Ontario, where schools start the first week of September, it Sidenote : as of press didn?t even time, you could still occur to us that buy 2 or more season parks may close passes to Six Flags La during the week Ronde for a mere where school $51.99 and the meal starts earlier, pass for $76.99. We therefore, we tried to contact La needed to adjust Ronde to see when our itinerary. the special ends, but This is alas, got stuck in a something you loop with no answer. definitely want For info, visit to pay close laronde.com attention to if traveling anytime in August.

Dal l as - Six Fl ags Over Texas

were closed. But the good thing is that we visited on a cloudy day that was supposed to turn out into thunder showers, therefore the lines were practically non existent. It turned

Chicago - Six Fl ags Great America

Where usually, the gold pass selections on the menu are easy to spot, at this park, it was difficult to figure out. We had an incident with guest services who told us our meal passes had been voided by our home park, which turned out to be completely false and created problems that were non existent, making us waste 40 minutes. Wait times were not too long, most rides were open. Nice options for drinks too at the Coca-Cola freestyle booth, which included vitamin water and fizzy water. When you are watching your calories, that?s pretty swell. Best coaster were the Superman and the Xf l ight .

St . Louis - Six Fl ags St . Louis Great selection of food, including healthy options such as salads and wraps. wide variety of snacks including funnel cakes and ice cream. St louis is a smaller theme park with only 34 rides and it was a shame that at least 6 of them

Dallas Is a nice big Park with 48 rides. The restaurant selection was not as large as in other parks but the variety of food was awesome. We could get milkshakes at Johnny Rockets and funnel cakes and the portions couldn?t fit in your plate. The Fresh Cafe, unfortunately, was closed both times we visited, but there was a few places offering healthier food options such as grilled chicken salads. And the BBQ-- You know you?re in Texas when--was absolutely delicious. The freestyle station, one in the entire park, was closed, which meant no healthy drink option. We visited on a very, very hot day which meant long lines at the Restaurant, but decent time at the rides. People were hiding in the air conditioning.

Here is our evaluation of the parks we visited.

Awesome huge park with some 54 rides, many roller coasters and plenty to do for the smaller kids. The park was clean, offered a good selection of food and the portions were humongous. , The pulled pork sandwich was somewhat dry, but the Johnny Rockets burgers made up for it. Snacks included big pretzels and cotton candy that were 3 times the size of those we usually get in Montreal.

to accommodate riders, but not in St. Louis. I had to sit on my flip flops in Batman: the ride. Kind of a silly rule, very impractical for families who have to carry stuff with them.

out to be a beautiful day and the rain showed up after the park closed. Best coasters there were Bat man t he ride and Mr. Freeze reverse bl ast . One minus: the height requirements displays were not clear at all. In most six flags, they are visually indicated with red, yellow and green measuring device, easy for kids to walk up to and figure out if they are allowed in or not.. There, they use silver rulers, so you have to find the height requirement on the signs somewhere, then measure your child on the silver ruler. Not optimal? Also, they did not allow anybody to bring anything on the rides. I usually carry my backpack with me and leave it, and my flip flops on the side of the attraction, then retrieve at the end of the ride, but there, they won?t let you. Most parks have bottle carriers and bins where to store your items,

There was a nice selection of moderate thrill rides for children that are between 42 and 48 inches tall. Favourite rides: Superman Tower of Power, Aquaman Spl asht own, Mr. f reeze and The Riddl er Revenge

San Ant onio - Six Fl ags Fiest a Texas My husband?s home town, one we?ve visited countless times in our travels, one I had great expectations for. The rides at Fiesta Texas are great. There is a good variety and plenty for everybody to enjoy so my complaint doesn?t come from the rides or the cleanliness of the park, or the friendliness of the staff, it?s about the food! I mean come on! Isn?t everything supposed to be bigger in Texas? The first day we visited, we realized that the portions of food given had been cut down to approximately half of what we got when we visited in December. The

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Jackson, NJ - Six Fl ags Great Advent ure

Sidenote : Fall is a good time at Six Flags. Most parks hold a "Fright Fest" where the park transforms the premises into a monster land. If you buy your 2017 passes, you can visit the park for free till the end of 2016 as an added value.

Absolutely without doubt the most awesome Six Flags in this list. Some 57 attractions with the Mother of all Coasters : The Kinda Ka. This 456 foot high coaster track will take you from 0 to 205KM an hour in a matter of 3.5 seconds. Also notable, the Zumanjaro, drop of doom, that will drop you from 415 feet high. Other favourites: The Superman, The Nitro, The Batman.

One thing that could use improvement at this park is, unfortunately, customer service. Oh, and a word of caution: if you order anything you see on promotional posters with your food passes, make sure they are giving you JUST what?s included in the deal? They can have a tendency of adding options that make the price go up, then charge an extra. funnel cake I ordered given as a snack was old and had been sitting there for a while. It was better on the second day, but still. The snacks were small, the popcorn was cold, the freestyle machines were constantly out of ice.

Energetically Speaking

Nonetheless, Fiesta Texas is loads of fun. The fact the water park is included with gate entry is definitely a plus. Notable rides : Iron Rat t l er, Superman, Bat man and for the little ones, the Road Runner, the Pandemonium and the Scooby Doo Ghost bl ast ers. I have to say that the Iron Rattler is probably one of the most fun roller coasters I?ve ever been on.

right near. I have to admit that I am bias when it comes to La Ronde, partly because I grew up visiting this park so it is close to my heart. Nonetheless, La Ronde stands on its own merit, with a whooping 45 rides, including many thrill seeker options. The food option are varied and include Poutine, Thai Food and Sushi (yes, that?s right, SUSHI!) The portions are plentiful, but the snacks tend to be small.

Notable rides are: The Vampire, The Demon, The Gol iat h and the Ednor. Don?t miss part 3, next week, as we compare cities and tourism boards

Lake George, NY - Six Fl ags Great Escape The Six Flags Great Escape was everything but great. It was disappointing. The park is fine for younger kids but for thrill seekers, which even my youngest is, it?s a let down. There are only a few roller coasters and not one worth mentioning. One plus is that the waterpark, Splashwater Kingdom, is included with entrance.

La Ronde, Mont real We are lucky to have one of the best Six Flags

begin cleansing your own personal space. This day also includes a tour of Cornwall?s Historical Museum which will be hosting a Viking Artefacts Display which we will visit after lunch so you can experience, through your own subtle senses, any energies that might be present there. During this day, you will learn:

W e nd y Hud so n D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H.

Piercing The Supernat ural Veil

It?s very interesting to turn on the TV and see how many programs are focusing on ghost hunting, the paranormal and psychic energy nowadays. The human mind is very curious and has the need to explain those occurrences that we are sometimes faced with but that we are never taught about except in folk tales and sitting around a campfire at night, while telling creepy stories. Most of the movies about the paranormal only focus on the ?entity? as having some mysterious power that is greater than humans do, but that is simply Hollywood trying to sell movie tickets and scare people. Having worked with the energies that most people would know as ghosts for the last 20 years, I have learned a thing or two that I?d love to pass on to you. So, my work partner Amanda Van Overbeek and I have not only formed a business called ?Good Vibrations House and Property Blessings and Cleansings?, but we have also put together a one day workshop for you called ?Piercing The Supernatural VeilDeveloping Your Paranormal Intuition and Cleansing Skills?. It runs from 9am to 6pm on Sunday, October 16th in Cornwall (location to be determined). Here?s a little write up about this day: Ever wonder what a ghost really is and how it became a ghost? Do you sometimes feel like you?re not alone or feel like you?re being watched? Have you ever had a supernatural encounter and weren?t sure what it was? Perhaps you?re just curious about the Spirit world and would like more information. If so, we invite you to join us for this informative and fun day as we dive into the world of the supernatural, where we will ease your fears about these beings and give you some hints and tools to help you


What a ghost/ spirit really is and how it became a ghost The differences between a ghost, poltergeist and demon Why they are attracted to certain areas/ people/ objects Why not to be afraid of ghosts Why deceased loved ones sometimes hang around after death The different dimensional realities that we exist in Personal cleansing and protection techniques that you can use to cleanse your own personal space About your own aura and why you can sense ?invisible? entities How to begin to develop your own subtle senses After our visit to the Cornwall Museum, everyone will receive a personal aura cleansing.

Tickets for this day are currently limited to 12 so don?t wait until the last minute to get yours. You can purchase tickets using a credit card from our website or with cash by sending us a message from the Contact Us page at www.awakeningangel s.ca. You can also click onto the Services/ Good Vibrations tab and read all about Amanda and I to see who we are and what we do. If you missed my last article, I invite you to check out our other personal healing and self-empowering workshops taking place in Cornwall at the end of September called ?A Wonderful Weekend of Workshops? which you can also read about on the website. Have a great week everyone.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Sha nno n

FERG USO N Why my Anniversary Dat e is a Hard Day Septem ber 1st, 2012: It w as the Satur day of Labour Day w eekend and the w eather w as per fect. I slept in a bit that m or ning, know ing I needed to be w ell r ested for the biggest day of my life. I w asn?t str essed or scar ed or ner vous, I w as excited. Excited to m ar r y the boy I had a cr ush on w hen I w as six-year s-old, excited to m ar r y the m an w ho had becom e my best fr iend in adulthood. It w as a w onder ful w edding. It w as ever ything I ever dr eam ed of and hoped for. I w as on Cloud 9 to be star ting this m ar r ied life w ith the m an I loved, w ho had alw ays expr essed how m uch he loved m e; how I w as the only one for him . Life held so m any possibilities back then, the w or ld w as br ight and gleam ing and I could not for esee anything dim m ing our glow.

But then life happened. Life happened and som ehow our shiny, beautiful love becam e a bit r usted. I?ve never been one to thr ow som ething out just because it didn?t glisten anym or e, but appar ently he didn?t feel the sam e w ay. The r ust got to him and so he left--his r eason w as because he just w asn?t having fun anym or e. I?ve never gotten m uch m or e of an explanation than that. So now I?m left w ith the ghost of Septem ber 1st. Just a m em or y of that am azing day that r em inds m e of all my life once w as. I never knew that a sim ple date could hold so m uch pow er but it?s as if the floodgates of the year s befor e open at the beginning of each Septem ber and for ce m e to r ecall just w hat I had, w hat I lost, and w hat I have becom e. It?s a har d day. It for ces m e to think of him . It for ces m e to think of all the am azing people w ho cam e to suppor t us, w ho believed in our love, and w ho celebr ated the m agic by our sides. It br ings m e back to my naĂŻve days, w hen I tr uly believed love w as enough to conquer all. And as I think of the vow s I m ade that day, the tr ust I felt w hen I listened to him m ake his, I get angr y. I get so m ad that he br oke those vow s w e m ade in fr ont of our fam ily and fr iends. I get so m ad that I haven?t hear d his voice since the day he left. I get m ad that I let myself love som eone w ho ended up hur ting m e so m uch. I get m ad at the tr ust I have lost in m en and the confidence I have lost in myself. M ost days I m ake being divor ced look easy. I laugh and sm ile and say it?s all for the best! I tr y to be str ong for fr iends of m ine w ho ar e going thr ough the sam e m ar r iage dem ise. I tr y to be str ong for my r eader s w ho have r eached out pr ivately and told m e my w r iting has helped them deal w ith their ow n divor ce. As har d as it is som etim es, I tr y. I tr y my best to be str ong and to sm ile because w hat else can I r eally do. But this one day a year , Septem ber 1st, I let myself feel. I let myself hur t and cr y and r ealize that this w hole situation is bigger than myself. That?s w hy it?s so har d. It?s har d because it?s r eal. The feelings and the love that I once felt so str ongly w as r eal, the beautiful w edding w e had w as r eal, the sur pr ise ending to our chapter w as r eal and so I allow the r ealness to com e alive. I think about how w e w ould be celebr ating our four th w edding anniver sar y. I w onder w her e w e w ould be now and how w e w ould have gr ow n together. I think about the per son I w ould be and how differ ent my life w ould look . I think about him and hope he is doing w ell. I w onder if he thinks about m e too and if Septem ber 1st even has the sam e effect on him , or if it?s just another day in his books. At the end if it all, it r eally is just another day. M ost people, even those w ho w er e at our w edding, don?t even r em em ber the exact date of it. M ost people w ill br eeze thr ough Septem ber 1st for the r est of their lives know ing it as only the fir st day of the ninth m onth. I hope one day I can get ther e too. I hope one day the ghost of this date w ill finally leave m e alone and cr ossover to the other side. For som e r eason though, I know that as m uch closur e as I have now and as m uch m or e as I w ill have in the futur e, my anniver sar y date w ill alw ays be a har d day for m e to get thr ough, and I think that?s okay.

Th e Dad Sh ow 12 Week Ch al l enge Welcome to The-Dad-Show 12 week health challenge!! Over the next 12 weeks, we'll be talking about the right kind of fuel we need to feed our bodies and how we can improve our overall health. Basically a kickstart to guide you in the right direction towards your own personal health goals. We all deserve a healthier lifestyle and hopefully we can achieve this together. **** We are not health professionals. We are individuals that want a healthier lifestyle and want to motivate others along the way.

Wh y I'm doin g it

Week 2 Chal l enge The-Dad-Show challenges you to prep your meals for at least 2 straight days. Make it easier on yourself to stay on the right path and make your food healthy foods available to you! ! Tips will be given on The-Dad-Show episode of Thursday September 15th @8pm, only on www.dunet.ca. All shows are recorded and available to listen from our website.

Benef it s of prepping your snacks and meal s 1. It is an excellent investment in your health . 2. It saves time 3. It saves money 4. It eliminates stress 5. It helps you avoid making unhealthy dietary choices 6. It makes grocery shopping easier 7. There?s no more having to listen to ?Mooom...Daaad, what?s for dinner?"

MY KIDS I'm 37 years old and have been neglecting what I've been fueling my body with, for most of my life. I had a stroke and mild heart attack a few years back , things weren't going in the right direction. My weight before starting this challenge was at 217lbs. That's just a number, what was happening inside of me is what made me want to change my lifestyle when it comes to fueling my body, mind and soul. I want to be there for my 3 kids as they grow up and the path I was on, let's just say that I have a feeling they would have lost their father sooner than later. It ain't easy battling an addiction to bad fuel and to change the mind set but with the help of these challenges, one step at a time, I can make a difference and add a few years to my life. This is my "before" picture and in only 2 weeks, I've made lots of progress by staying determined and remembering about my "why"....... MY KIDS, MY LIFE! YOU GOT THIS!!


Li sten to

Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at www.thelovehawk.com, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at www.dunet.ca

Th u r days @ 8PM ONLY ON WWW.DUNET.CA


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or visit ht t p:/ / versacorehost ing.duoservers.com THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


both members of the Cornwall Hall of Fame. Mr. Michael Heenan, former President of Cornwall Branch of the Musicians Guild, came up with the idea of honouring local musical talents. The two Hall of Fame musicians enjoy working with each other. ?Working with Shelley is a lot of fun. It just doesn?t feel like work because we are both striving for the same results: to sing, play and to entertain. I can?t honestly ask for a better musical duo companion as we are very much on the same page on what we both want to achieve,? Al McGimpsey explained.

Int erview wit h Cornwal l music duo Cl assic Soul Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario ? Al McGimpsey and Shelley Harley Green, who each have over 25 years experience performing, plan to have audiences dancing down memory lane with their band Classic Soul. The duo started playing shows together in the summer of 2015, and have been playing steadily on weekends ever since. How did the name ?Classic Soul? come to be? ?The duo?s name took a few days to come up with and we went threw a bunch of names before we came to that decision. Both Shelley and I have a passion for the classics, so we decided to call our duo Classic Soul?, said Al McGimpsey. True to their name, Classic Soul will remind audiences of days past with classic rock, pop and a touch of country with covers of songs by Joan Jett, Steve Earle, Shania Twain, Phillip Phillips, Jennifer Lopez and Johnny Cash to name a few. How did the band come together? ?Al and I had been friends in the business for 30 years and I had gone out in the fall of 2015 to see his band Landmark play at Boston Pizza. The boys got me up to sing and the connection was formed. A couple months later he asked me to join him at Schnitzel?s to do a couple songs together. Things began to change in his band Landmark as life often does, and they decided to go their separate ways, very respectfully keeping all friendships intact. Al and I began to have conversations about what we wanted in a music show and soon after we decided to form a duet. Our first official gig was the summer of 2015, a pre-Canada day celebration in Glen Walter. We?ve been solid and steady ever since,? Shelley Harley Green reminices. Al McGimpsey and Shelley Harley Green are

videographers, and agents we would never have gotten to know if not for being in live music,? Shelley Harley Green concluded. Classic Soul plays engagements including weddings, corporate events, festivals, ski resorts, private parties and of course roadhouses and taverns. Here is a list of some of some of their upcoming events: -Sept 16th at O?Neil?s Pub in Long Sault -Sept 23rd at the Casino in Gananoque -Sept 24th at the Red Door Lounge in Moose Creek -Sept 30th at The Atlantic in Alexandria -Oct 7th at Chez Liz in Cornwall -Oct 8th at Truffles in Cornwall -Oct 14th at Deke and Squeeks in Cornwall -Dec 9th at the Atlantic in Cornwall -Dec 16th at the Jet Set Pub in Cornwall -Dec 17th at the Red Door Lounge in Moose Creek for a Christmas party. For more upcoming concert dates visit the band?s website. www.cl assicsoul .ca

?Allan is a very energetic, positive, and a generous friend. We have a very professional, compatible and respectful relationship and I can?t tell you how important that is if you want to succeed in this business. We work together like a well-oiled wheel knowing now exactly where we are coming from and where we want to go. We never argue and you?ll always see lots of fun going on between ourselves and our clients when we are performing. The biggest difference in this group in comparison to other groups I?ve played in is the ease with which all of this has come to fruition,? Shelley Harley Green added. The duo primarily does cover songs, but they are considering recording originals soon. ?As far as doing original songs, both Shelley and I have decided to go ahead and do some writing and recording in the near future. For now we are doing the classics and it?s going over very well. We love it,? said Al McGimpsey. Shelley loves performing too. For her it is an emotional experience and a way to interact and connect with people. ?When I sing it fills me with so many emotions for so many reasons. It may be the song brings back warm memories of days past, or a hard beating rock song that fills me with an energy that is unexplainable, or something that?s just plain old fun. It?s in my soul. And second would be the people. The numerous friends and acquaintances who are out in the crowd, our fellow musicians, photographers,

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

THE EM ANCI PATI ON OF CATO PRI M E & JOHN BAKER 1797 and 1804 ar e m ilestone year s in ter m s of hum an r ights in Canada and m or e par ticular ly, r ight her e in Cor nw all and ar ea. Although Canada, unlike the U.S.A., has no extensive nor lengthy histor y in the Afr ican slave tr ade, ther e ar e som e cases of Black Loyalists w ho m igr ated fr om the U.S. to Canada and w er e ultim ately aw ar ded their fr eedom as w ell as land gr ants and the sam e for their descendants w ithin a gener ation. At his death on Januar y 17, 1871, John Baker w as noted as having been the last sur viving for m er ly enslaved per son of Afr ican descent in both Ontar io and Quebec. John and his thr ee siblings w er e the childr en of Jacob Baker (a fr ee m an) and Dor ine (a slave). Under the law of the day, the childr en inher ited the status of their slave m other , so John and his older br other Sim on w er e bor n as slaves. A shor t tim e later the law had changed enough that their younger sister s, Elizabeth and Br idget, w er e bor n fr ee. Dor ine's gr andfather , Cato Pr im e, w as a native of Guinea in West Afr ica. He becam e the slave of John Low of New Jer sey, father of Elizabeth w ho m ar r ied M ajor Jam es Gr ay in 1763 (Gr ay's Cr eek is nam ed after him ). Cato's daughter , Lavine, and her daughter , Dor ine, w er e bor n w hile Cato w as in the ser vice of John Low and they also belonged to Low. Dor ine w as given to Elizabeth as a gift. John and Sim on becam e per sonal ser vants of Elizabeth's husband Jam es Gr ay and later of Gr ay's only son Rober t Isaac Dey Gr ay. John r ecounted how his br other Sim on had been ver y w ell dr essed for his r ole, m or e so than their m aster. Sim on Baker and Dey Gr ay died w hen the H.M .S. Speedy sank on October 18, 1804. Dey Gr ay's w ill dictated that his ser vants be gr anted their full fr eedom and a sour ce of incom e upon his death and so John becam e a fr ee m an w ith pr oper ty. Gr ey's land w as subsequently pur chased by John M acdonald of Gar th and is now the site of Inver ar den Regency Cottage, w hich functioned as a M useum for a tim e but has been m othballed for sever al year s now. This land gr ant w as r epair ed fr om five pieces by conser vationist M oya Gillett, signed by Peter Russell, dated Septem ber 29, 1797 and r egister ed October 19, 1797. Cato Pr im e, ex-slave, w as gr anted 357 acr es in Lake Tow nship in Glengar r y County of the Easter n Distr ict in Upper Canada. This land gr ant w as just tr ansfer r ed fr om the ar chives of the Cor nw all Com m unity M useum to the Glengar r y Ar chives in Alexandr ia.

The above gr aphic m ay help w ith under standing the boundar y nam e changes over tim e. The ar ea that w ould eventually be called Lancaster Tow nship w as know n as the "sunken tow nship" or "Lake Tow nship" (after near by Lake St. Fr ancis) as it w as or iginally thought to be too w et or low -lying to be of m uch use. The dense for est and sw am ps w er e unexplor ed except by the indigenous people. Deputy Sur veyor Patr ick M cNiff 's M ap of 1786 lists individuals gr anted land in Glengar r y County, sever al of w hich have the w or d Negr o below their nam es. Seven such m en r eceived land in the 2nd Concession of Lancaster Tow nship, conditional that they or their heir s build or m aintain som e for m of dw elling on the land w ithin thr ee year s. Their lots w er e as follow s: 10 Cato Pr im e, 14 Jam es Fonda, 16 Jack Pow ell, 21 Joseph Goff, 23 W illiam Thom as, 27 London Der r y, 30 Sam bo.



Tra ce y

VALADE Babywearing, Part 1 Babywearing. The term sounds funny, right? So, what it is? It's the use of infant and toddler carriers that are, well, worn. Entering the world of babywearing can be overwhelming. Here's a little help for new parents or just those new to baby carriers, and some benefits and myths explained. This will be a two part article.

Benefits include, holding your baby or toddler close, allowing this closeness while having free hands. This is especially beneficial to single parents, parents with many young children, people who run home businesses, those who live active lifestyles... well, this list could really go on to include anyone. Picture this: You have a newborn and a 3 year old, as well as a 4 year old who's just started school. You have to walk the 4 year old 3 blocks to, and 3 blocks home from school every day. You just broke your only stroller, and your 4 year old is throwing a tantrum. How are you getting everyone to school? First, you need hands. So, you get your wrap, and baby goes up against mom, close and snuggled up, maybe breastfeeding or using a soother. Then, you calm your 4 year old, get them excited about school. Then you grab your soft-structured carrier, throw your 3 year old on your back, and now you have free hands to hold your 4 year old's hand as you walk to school! Picture this again, without the carriers. You put baby down, they're screaming. Making it harder to calm down the 4 year old, who kicks and screams her way to school, while you're trying to hold your newborn and keep the 3 year old close. Now you're asking why use this example? Once upon a time this was me! I discovered carriers and specifically wrapping using a silk blend woven wrap for my newborn when she was a few weeks old. And it saved my sanity! I had used a ring sling and a narrow-based carrier for my son when he was an infant, but I didn't know much more then that. I didn't know about the variety, the safety steps and how much really could be accomplished. All I knew then, was the bus was much easier when my son was on me, not in a stroller. Ring slings are still one of my favourite carriers especially for newborns. You can now get them with different blends as well as shoulder styles, you can make them, you can get different coloured rings, you can even get athletic mesh ring sling for swimming. I've also found love for the stretch wrap, such as a Moby wrap or K'Tan. I prefer a 100% cotton woven wrap over silk, I don't care for hemp blends but do like a good linen blend. Woven wraps can be anywhere from 2 1/ 2 meters long to 5 1/ 5 meters long, in all the blends mentioned. They come in a vast variety of colors, patterns, and different tapers. So you really can find something that is just right for your personal needs. Or, like me, you get a few! There is also the soft-structured carrier. This comes in a few varieties as well. Narrow based, such as the Baby Bjorn, ergonomic carriers such as the Chimparoo Trek or Tula, or you can get adjustable seat carriers that grow with your baby, such as the Lillebaby or Ergo 360. Some carriers allow both front facing in or front facing out, some allow back, and some allow hip. Some also allow all of these, such as theLillebaby, or Chimparoo Multi 2.0. Some are canvas, organic cotton, made from woven wraps, and some have mesh panels. No matter what carrier you decide, safety is important. Your child should always be close enough to kiss the top of their head, and close enough for you to feel them breathing and see them, especially when very young. Want to know more? Check out our facebook group, Babywearing Cornwall Ontario, or visit my website, www.darolottys.ca ... and stay tuned for next week's part 2, going over more safety tips, myths vs truths, and more!

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M a rle ne

BAKER Hello ther e, to all of w hom ar e taking the tim e to r ead the m ost "Positive Paper " in the Cor nw all, S. D. & G. ar ea. Alas, SUM M ER is slow ing com ing to an end...Autum n Is In The Air... I Can Feel It...In The Cr ispness of the Air... I Can Sm ell It... By The Wet, Ear thy Scents, & I Can See It...In The Wonder ful Way That The Leaves Seem To Change Colour s, Right Befor e M y Ver y Eyes!!! Be sur e to enjoy our br ief tim e of changing leaves by getting outside and going for a little w alk in the w oods, or a dr ive along the Long Sault Par kw ay to enjoy natur e's beauty in the for m of the color ful changing leaves. Good Bye Beautiful Sum m er... Hello Colour ful Autum n!!! Now w her e ar e my black, leather booties???

I had a w onder ful tim e celebr ating my eldest gr and-daughter , Abigail's 13th bir thday on Sunday at the ~M andar in Restaur ant~ in Nepean w ith tw elve m em ber s of the fam ily. Abigail's boyfr iend, Tom my and his m other , Genevive cam e along to help celebr ate her tuning 13!!!. We all got to enjoy w hatever w e liked at this Fabulous r estaur ant. The decor is ver y pr ettily done and the FOOD, IS SO DELICIOUS!!! John and I got Abigail a jacket of w hite fur , cover ed w ith faux diam onds and a tiar a, so she could r esem ble the pr incess fr om Fr ozen. Her aunts gave her som e m akeup, and Tom my gave her per fum e and soap. Her m other and I, and her br other s, bought her som e M onster High dolls, w hich she loves. (and so do I) Step aside, Bar bie, the M onster High dolls ar e in de house! All in all, it w as a w onder ful night had by all, celebr ating a 13th year , w hile enjoying a w onder ful m eal w ith fam ily and fr iends. So, r em em ber those in your ow n fam ilies w hen m ilestones ar r ive, such as the beginning of teen year s, the big 21 or 30 or 40, and of cour se the big 60! Although nobody likes to be r em inded of tur ning older , they w ill appr eciate the thoughtfulness of honor ing their bir thday.

hum an beings is pow er ful. In Tibetan m edicine, seasons ar e r egar ded as one of the fundam ental factor s in etiology and pathology, and a pow er ful instr um ent in the pr evention of diseases. The biggest thing w e w ill be affected by w ill be the dim inished pr oduction of Vitam in D in our bodies, and the incr eased dar kness, causing som e of us to pr oduce too m uch m elatonin, and becom e less active. We can cer tainly take car e of the shor tage of Vitam in D, sim ply by taking supplem ents dur ing the dar ker por tion of the year. Vitam in D is inexpensive, and pr ovides r egulation of calcium and phosphor us absor ption, m aintenance of healthy bones and teeth, and is suggested to supply a pr otective effect against m ultiple diseases and conditions such as cancer , type 1 diabetes and m ultiple scler osis. For a few cents a day, you can m aintain healthy Vitam in D levels, sim ply by taking a supplem ent. Ti p of t h e Week : 1. DO the things that m akes YOU Happy. 2. BE w ith the people w ho m ake YOU SM ILE. 3. LAUGH as m uch as YOU BREATHE. 4. LOVE AS LONG AS YOU LIVE!!! Ther e ar e tw o things that DEFINE YOU... Your PATIENCE w hen YOU have NOTHING & Your ATTITUDE w hen you have EVERYTING!!! Just Sayin' I t em of t h e Week : The item I am choosing to shar e w ith you all this w eek is a pair of NEW SHOES that I pur chased fr om the ~New 4 You~ thr ift stor e at the ~Agape Centr e~ last w eek . They ar e so cool and beautiful at the sam e tim e. (Cooliful?) They ar e a pair of spar kly, gold high - heeled shoes (that seem to be m issing their heels) These pair of lovelies put m e back $4.00... YES, $4.00!!! W HAT A STEAL OF A DEAL!!! I am so happy to have such a neat looking pair of shoes like these!!! Sur pr isingly, they ar e not that difficult to w alk in! Do be sur e to check out the m any thr ift stor es her e and ar ound the Cor nw all ar ea to find your ver y ow n tr easur es - often at a m er e fr action of the or iginal pr ice!!! Happy Shopping Ladies & Gents!!! Un t i l Nex t Week : People ar e not as beautiful or as handsom e as they LOOK, as they WALK or as they TALK. They ar e ONLY as beautiful or as handsom e as they LOVE, they CARE and as they SHARE!!! Do have your selves a m ost w onder ful kind of w eekend ahead doing the m any things that SM ILES ar e m ade fr om . BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER... IT DOESN'T COST ANYTHING... BUT, IT IS A PRICELESS GIFT!!! M ar l en e Bak er w w w.f ash i on gr aphy.ca & w w w.ph ot odr eam s.ca

Did you know the Tibetans com par e r ebir th, adulthood, aging and dying to the four seasons? Ther efor e the seasons?influence on

CLASSIFIEDS WANTED TO BUY Used Riding lawnmower in good condition. No more than 5 years old with low hours. No dealers or contractors. Call 613-932-6766 THE CANADIAN RED CROSS TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM IS SEEKING A VOLUNTEER to assist with administrative work such as data entry, information research, phone calls etc. one or two days a week or as needed. Use of Microsoft applications a definite asset. If you are interested in volunteering for this position, please contact us at 613-932-0231 ext. 2240 or email at cornwalltransport@redcross.ca VHSto DVDTransfersCall Sheldonfor an appointmentat 613-932-4812 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement a new event in October to raise money to support research for women?s gynecological cancers. Please contact Lois at 613-32-1283 ext. 3673 It?s going to be a fun one!! CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cornwall Newcomers Club. If you joined Cornwall Newcomers Club (CNC) in 2012 you are eligible to join the Cornwall Newcomers ALUMNAE Chapter. More info contact Liz at 613-932-8164. FORSALE: Leon'scouch only a year old. Paid $1000 open to offers.613-938-1886

TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive


Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880 FOR SALE: Original Log Cabin Logs -- Square Beams, etc -- Plus heritage lawn benches. Call 613-347-3820 FOR SALE: 1989 Terry Taurus, 22 feet, sleeps 6, good little trailer for the road, 2 new tires, $1500 call John 613-360-1607 FOR SALE: 2006 Pontiac Montana SV6. Hasn't been on the road for a couple of years, 200K, new breaks, great for parts or for the road with a little love. $1000 OBO. 613-935-8101 FOR SALE: BM W Black Sedan , 1997 model of an 8 series, beige leather interior. Great shape, runs well. Oil changed and e-tested this summer. Stored in winter. Additional parts. Looking at a reasonable offer. Call 613-935-8151

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



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THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 35 - September 16 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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