Fal l may l ook l ike a work of art ...
... but l ook at what
Just in Label l e can do! See Page 11 for Story
f u ll in f o on page 9
Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 37 Sept ember 30, 2016
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Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKERcan sometimesbe hard to find and the standstend to be emptyby Sunday.WHY?you ask ...b ecau seo u r "Week l yDo se o f Po si t i veNews"i s a Ho t It em sar o u n dTo wn !!! Ou r r ead er scan 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is emptyand you havemissedyour copy- don't worry- you can still r ead u s o n l i n eat www.t h eseek er .ca - Wealsohavea Ho m eDel i ver yo p t i o n- It 's easy- cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6ex 3 t5
JULIA LUCIO Let t er t o t h e Am er ican People
CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
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I am saddened to see the amount of friends I have, American AND Canadian, who actually think Trump has won the first debate earlier this week. The man can't even put a sentence together! If you don't believe me, read the transcripts! So much gibberish! I can't believe that you are actually considering giving the job to what is arguably the highest office in the world, to a guy who makes fun of disabled people, who judges women on their look, who's had affairs and committed adultery at least twice and who has made a career out of cheating the system. Didn't you hear him Monday night? He takes advantages of loopholes to not pay taxes, at all... No money for veterans, schools, health care... He thinks that makes him smart? That makes him despicably selfish, not to mention a burden on the middle class. He manipulates the law in order to infringe on other people's constitutional right to be hired regardless of their skin colour. He hires people and decides to withhold payment if HE deems the job is not to his liking. And he boasts about it!
You really want a president who tap dances every time he's asked a question? One who will discard you if you're not a 10 or you're "400 pounds sitting on your bed"? One who will cut taxes on the rich and leave you, the little guy, to fend for yourself? One who might create an international incident because he can't apply a filter to his mouth, is too twitter happy and may insult every diplomat on the planet? You like him cause "what you see is what you get"? I'm amazed how easily the American People is bedazzled by the "cel ebrit y st at us", because let's be frank here, your infatuation with him is largely due to the fact he was on TV. The man is a Reality Show CLOWN, people. Wake Up! He is a Buffoon, definitely NOT fit for office. Just because you saw him on the tube every week and feel like you know him doesn't mean you do. He is a loose canon, a thin-skinned disrespectful wannabe who thinks he is better than everyone else..
Guess what: The Oval Office is not Trump Tower and being President is not like being on The Apprentice. You can't just yell "you're fired!" when a country doesn't do business the way you do. You can't constantly claim the media is treating you unfairly when they criticize your job performance. You have to be able to gracefully take it. Trump can't handle it. He's a poor little rich kid, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who throws a tantrum when things don't go his way. He owes his fortune to daddy. He bought his way through life and doesn't understand the first thing about foreign policies. I wouldn't trust him with the economy either! How can you say he is a successful business man when he's had so many failed business ventures and won't release his tax returns? Listen, I know there are a lot of things wrong with Hillary and it's sad that the system really is a 2 party establishment that doesn't seriously give a chance to third party runners, but come on! Get Real! Trump? You need to dig and look at the facts. You say you won't vote for Hillary because she lies too much? Most, if not all of the lies at the debate came from Trump, not Clinton. (See http:/ / www.politifact.com/ personalities / donald-trump/ ) And really? Do you know any politician who doesn't lie at all, even if they are white lies? Even if it is to get a favour from a colleague for something that ultimately is for the greater good? To quote a few good men, "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth." I feel for you, the American people. I am thankful I'm not in your shoes but I also fear for everyone else. A Trump presidency would change the world as we know it. Remember. Hitler wasn't Hitler until... He was. If I was voting, I certainly wouldn't vote for an egotistical narcissist misogynist racist sociopath who will take America back 100 years. I would vote blue and hope Hillary has learned from her mistakes--she did apologize, sincere or not-- and trust that the blue machine behind her will keep working the way it has over the last 8 years. -
Homicides are down Jobs are up Unemployment is down Corporate Profits are up More people have access to health care
I know many of you will disagree with me, (Hi to the lady who visited me this week ) but no need to insult me for what my views are. You can't muzzle me... Yet!
To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?
By Local People - For Local People - Abou t Local People - Su ppor t in g Local People Wetrulyaim at beinga realcommunity newspaper, an outletwhoreallycaresandnurturesthepeopleit promotesandworkswith.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Present ed by
Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca
GILMORE GIRLS ACTOR A GUEST AT CAPE ? The Cornwall & Area Pop Event presents Special Guest Yanic Truesdale. He is best known for his memorable role as the sarcastic and high-brow French concierge ?Michel Gerard?, the character audiences loved to hate by fanatic fans of the cult-classic, feel good family series Gilmore Girls, currently being rebooted by Netflix in the highly anticipated 4-part remake "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life? on November 25th. Other guest attending CAPE 2017 include Don Teems (Walking Dead, Hunger Games, Anchorman 2), Sean Gunn (Gilmore Girls, Guardians of the Galaxy, Gleen, Angel), and Chris Sullivan (Guardians of the Galaxy, This Is Us, Law & Order SVU). CAPE will also be raising funs for Childhood Cancer Awareness. Now people attending CAPE or the the CAPE New Year?s Eve Party can be a hero too! $1 for every CAPE 2017 or CAPE 2016 New Years Eve Party ticket sold in the month of September will be donated to support Childhood Cancer Awareness (Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Support Programs). Plus every person who makes a ticket purchase will have their name entered to win a basket of ?Golden Goodies?, $275.00 value. Tickets are available online through the website or in person at Fantasy Realm (227 Pitt Street). The draw is to be held on September 30th at 5:00 pm. WALKING TOUR PLAQUE DEFACED - A popular spot to enjoy the Cornwall Historic Walking Tour was the target of an apparent act of vandalism last Thursday night. Members of the public, who might have information concerning the incident where a plaque depicting the Eastern Entrance to the Cornwall Canal was spray-painted, are encouraged to contact the Cornwall Community Police Service (613-9335000). The incident took place sometime overnight Thursday, Sept. 22. The good news is the graffiti was quickly removed from the plaque, as well as a nearby garbage receptacle that was also defaced. ?The plaques include a special finish that inhibits the paint?s ability to adhere to the finished product,? said Centretown Coordinator Todd Lihou. ?As soon as we found out about the vandalism we quickly washed the paint off.? Lihou said Cornwall police have been advised of the incident and anyone with information should contact the authorities. COMMUNITY HEALTH AND WELLBEING WEEK During the week of September 26 ? October 1, 2016, the Seaway Valley Community Health Centre joined community-governed
primary healthcare organizations across Ontario to celebrate Community Health and Wellbeing Week. The overarching theme for the week was ?Shift the Conversation? which means changing to a more comprehensive approach of looking at our health and wellness. It means speaking beyond illness by taking into account the big picture and considering our overall quality of life where we live, learn, work and play. It means helping people stay healthy and well rather than responding only after they become ill. This year?s special emphasis was on "People and Communities First." MPP OPPOSING SCHOOL CLOSURES ? MPP Jim McDonell expects the Upper Canada District School Board to reject any report that comes before it that involves the closure of schools in Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry starting in 2017. ?Rural education must be supported at all levels of government, and the current Ministry of Education has consistently failed rural Ontario schools? MPP McDonell stated. ?First we saw the closure of Kemptville College, the only agricultural school in Eastern Ontario, and now we see massive closures of Eastern Ontario rural schools. Under the slated closure proposal, there would be no high school between Cornwall and Vankleek Hill and between Cornwall and Prescott. Parents and residents already do their part through their property taxes and their tireless involvement in the school boards?operation. It is unconscionable to expect them to put up with closures and the inconvenience and crowding they are likely to present to parents and students. The Ministry of Education must work with Upper Canada District School Board and all other school boards representing rural areas in order to create a funding formula that would preserve local students?access to primary and secondary education close to home.? The community immediately opposed the planned closures. ?I am disappointed that the school board would shock the community and me with such a sudden and far-reaching proposal? MPP McDonell stated. ?Any consultation with parents, teachers, students and members of the community would have shown the report?s recommendations to be absolutely opposed to the interests of our region.? RESTAURANT WEEK PARTICIPANTS REVEALED This marks the 5th edition of the Seaway Food Festival?s Restaurant Week and, once again, it will spotlight our dynamic restaurant scene as well as offer a social platform that engages consumers. 8 restaurants will be returning this October: Table 21, Truffles Burger Bar, Moustache Joe?s, Eight Zero Zero, Peppermills Bakery & Grill, ESCA Gourmet Pizza + Bar, Bar Q, & Love Love Food Café, Bistro & Bakery. This fall we will also be welcoming a new entry in the very popular celebration: Captain
George?s Fish & Chips. For the first time, a new price point is being introduced for a total of 3 options for the menus: $24, $28, or $34. Also, by popular demand, Restaurant Week will be extended by a couple of days, giving patrons more opportunities to enjoy their local establishments. This fall, the week will begin on Thursday October 13th and end on Saturday October 22nd. CORNWALL NATIONALS TO HOST SKATE AND BBQ The Cornwall Nationals will hold a free agent / pre-tryout skate this Saturday, October 1st at the Civic Complex at 10:30 a.m. Fans are welcome to attend free of charge. Then, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, The Cornwall Nationals will have a BBQ on the patio of Mocktails, which is located at the southwest end of the Civic Complex. There will be a limited number of seats on sale this Saturday at a discounted price for the team?s home opener. In addition, the team will have a raffle for a family pack season ticket package, which is valued at $750 (two adults, two children).The Cornwall Nationals inaugural home opener in the Federal Hockey League will take place Sunday, Oct. 30 at 1 p.m. vs. Danville. Several players have been signed including local stars Jeff Legue and Jason Lepine as well as veterans Lou Dickenson and Kris McCarthy. Former River Kings forwards Anthony Pittarelli and Anthony Mezzagno have also come to terms with the team, which promises to be very competitive in year one. The Cornwall Nationals plan to name a head coach in the coming days as well. That announcement could come as early as Saturday. KRAFT HEINZ PEANUT BUTTER CHALLENGE FOR AGAPÈ - Kraft Heinz Canada and its Ingleside employees donated 215 jars of peanut butter to the Agapè Centre. Every year, the food production company?s local site undertakes four events to help out the needy. ?It could be volunteering in a food bank, which a team did earlier this year at the Agapè Center, or challenges that provide an opportunity for each employee to participate,? said Jackie Poulin, HR Manager at the Kraft Heinz Ingleside location. Since it?s the most requested item at the local food bank and synonymous with the Kraft Heinz brand, peanut butter was the perfect fit for this food drive. ?We are so full of gratitude for this donation,? said Johanne Gauthier, Operations Manager at the Agapè Centre. ?This is a huge boost. It?s a food item we don?t often receive in large quantities because it?s so expensive.? The added bonus: any employee, temporary services employee or contractor could purchase the product in the company store, and the Ingleside site matched their purchases. ?We had excellent participation in this challenge,? said Poulin. The Agapè Centre reported a 26% increase in the number of households who used the food bank this past year. In a given month, 466 families need a little extra help to make sure they had good food. The centre?s food bank gives away $15,000 worth of food every month.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Sha ry n
Before I get into this weeks recipe, please note that 1 cup of milk was omitted in my last weeks recipe for the tea biscuits and cinnamon currant pinwheels. Gremlins again! How good is this bundt cake? So good that after a long week, I made this cake after our supper Saturday night. Last week, Ken Shaver told me about his newest cake idea he invented, and he gave me a slice of his cake. ....ummmm so good! So moist and tender. It all starts out with a box of cake mix, add to this a box of instant pudding, a cup of coconut, an extra egg, oil and coconut milk instead of plain milk or water. The recipe makes a beautiful bundt cake! No icing is needed! You have to try this! See Ken's variations for other flavours. Thanks Ken for caring and sharing! Have a great week!
1 box of cake mix ( I used a box of Betty Crocker super moist French Vanilla - 432 g. It can be any brand of cake mix. Yellow or white flavours are good too.) 1 - 103 g. box of instant vanilla pudding mix (Ken says you can use the larger box of instant pudding mix if you wish.) 4 extra large eggs 1 cup of coconut milk 1/ 2 cup of Crisco oil 1 cup of Angel flake coconut (I used a tsp. of baking powder as the date on my cake mix was a bit past date. That is all you have to do to activate the cake to rise when baking.)
METHOD: -Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F. if you are baking your cake in a dark or non-stick bundt pan. Use 350 degrees F. if your baking pan is shiny and not a non-stick finish. Grease your bundt pan very well with shortening or non-stick spray. Do not flour it after greasing. Set it aside while you prepare the batter. -Place the cake mix, pudding mix, 4 eggs, coconut milk and oil in a large bowl. -I just used my electric hand mixer. On LOW speed, combine all the above ingredients in a large bowl for 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. -Now on MED speed, beat the batter for 2 minutes, scraping down the sides of the bowl occasionally to mix everything in. -Add in the coconut and mix for a few seconds to combine well. DO NOT DO WHAT I DID HERE: I thought I had pressed the eject beater button on my mixer. Instead it was the LOW speed button and the beaters flew batter all over me and my poor dog Sam who was standing right beside me. He had cake batter blobs stuck all over his head and back! I was lucky not to have got my fingers caught in the beaters! -Pour the batter into your greased bundt pan.
continued -Have your oven rack on the 2nd shelf from the bottom. Place your cake in the oven. -Bake it for 45 to 50 minutes. Check with a cake tester or toothpick inserted in the centre of the cake. If it comes out clean with no moist batter stuck on the cake tester, your cake is done. -Place the cake (still in the bundt pan) on a wire cooling rack for 10 minutes. Then you can carefully turn it out onto the wire rack to cool out of the pan. Place the wire cooling rack over top of the top of the bundt cake pan, invert and place bake on your counter. Your cake will safely come out now and not break into pieces. Cool just a bit and slice to serve using a serrated knife. ENJOY!!!
VARIATIONS: 1) FOR A LEMON BUNDT CAKE: Just substitute with a lemon cake mix and continue with all of the above ingredients. 2) FOR A CHOCOLATE BUNDT CAKE: Just substitute with a chocolate cake mix and chocolate instant pudding mix and use cold coffee instead of the coconut milk. Still using the 4 eggs, oil and coconut.
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN:Monday toSaturday - 9 to5 Article by Mai-Liis Renaud and the occasion certainly put a smile on my face because after almost 4 months of not being able to drive, I climbed in my truck. yelling yahoo as I drove for the first time since breaking my leg at the beginning of the Summer.
Last Weekend, Appl es & Art Cel ebrat ed 25 Years wit h over 60 art ist s in 25 dif f erent l ocat ions showcasing t heir art ...
... and for those of you who know me, that is an awful long time for me not to be mobile and out and about!!! As you can see I am still wearing my air cast but at least able to walk without the crutches. It has been a long summer and I have certainly learnt to appreciate the things that we do and take for granted on an every day basis, having had to rethink how to do many of these simple tasks when not being able to put pressure on my left foot at all. I also have a new outlook and appreciation for folks with disabilities, temporary or longterm. I believe that everything happens for a reason and maybe this was meant to slow me down for a bit, to make me stop and smell the roses as they say, but now I am back out and expect to see me around more, especially visiting our Seeker advertisers and friends!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ar t i cl e an d Ph ot o by Jason Set n yk
She has a love/hate r elationship w ith dr iving. She loves the open r oad but hates bad dr iver s. We often joke about star ting The Sm all Glor ies Cour se to Better Dr iving. She also loves to br ing her stuffed anim als along on all of her adventur es, especially her pink m onkey fr iend", JD Edw ar ds r em inisced.
M or r isbur g Ontar io - The St. Law r ence Acoustic Stage w ill be r esonating w ith the beautiful folk sounds of The Sm all Glor ies on October 8th. The m usical duo, w hich consists of Car a Luft and JD Edw ar ds, or iginates fr om W innipeg, M anitoba. The Sm all Glor ies debut album "Wondr ous Tr aveler " has been nom inated for tw o Canadian Folk M usic Aw ar ds. The album , w hich has alr eady r eceived num er ous positive r eview s, w as pr oduced by 54-40 fr ontm an Neil Osbor ne. This w asn't the fir st tim e Car a Luft w or ked w ith Neil Osbor ne.
JD Edw ar ds and Car a Luft find inspir ation for their m usic ever yw her e ? fr om r elationships and fam ilies and m or e. "I find inspir ation fr om my fam ily and fr iends. M y r elationships w ith my w ife and son. I'm finding inspir ation in ever yday things ar ound my city and my hom e. I'm also finding tons of inspir ation fr om my peer s and co-w or ker s. I love hear ing w hat other s ar e w r iting about and how they fuze their thoughts and ideas w ith their or iginal m usic. I'm cur r ently w or king w ith a poet fr om Boston, M A finding m usic for his poem s. It's fun and challenging for m e as a songw r iter ," said JD Edw ar ds.
Int erview wit hTheSmalGl l ories CaraLuf tandJDEdwards
"I had the pr ivilege of w or king w ith Neil on one of my solo album s (The Light Fantastic) and w as honour ed that he w as inter ested in w or king w ith JD and myself on our debut album . Having som eone like Neil on boar d w as a tr eat, he's one of those ar tists/pr oducer s w ho car es so m uch about ser ving the song, of connecting w ith it and pr esenting it in the best w ay possible. He car es about lyr ics and vibe, about per for m ance. He's not a per fectionist, but r ather m or e concer ned about being "sold" on how w e sang the line or played the guitar par t. Did w e sing it w ith passion? Did w e play w ith gusto? Did w e ser ve the song? We br ought songs w e had w r itten w ith other s, songs w e had w r itten individually, and som e that w e had co-w r itten. All of them seem ed to r evolve ar ound the them e of hom e, of belonging. We'r e pr oud of all the songs on the album , but one that stands out for m e is "Holding On", par ticular ly because Neil had m e r e-visit the song and pr etty m uch change the ar r angem ent com pletely, in or der to tap into w hat the song is about. It's a beautiful ar r angem ent," said Car a Luft. The album , w hich w as r ecor ded in a ver y scenic and pictur esque par t of Br itish Colum bia, includes som e ver y talented guest m usicians on the tr acks. "We had an am azing tim e dur ing pr e-pr oduction and r ecor ding of this album w ith Neil Osbor ne. The Bottega Studio is in the hills just outside of Kelow na, BC on an alpaca far m sur r ounded by huge pine tr ees and hor se far m s. We spent a couple of w eeks together along w ith guest m usicians M ar k M ar iash (per cussion), Gilles Four nier (bass) cr afting and polishing these tr acks. We also invited Scott Nygaar d (lead
acoustic guitar ), Andr ew M cCr or ie-Shand (hur dy gur dy & accor dion), Jesse Padgett (Scr uggs banjo) and Ivonne Her nandez (violin) to lay dow n tr acks on the album . I think all of the songs on this album ar e gr eat but if I had to pick just one, I think the title tr ack, Wondr ous Tr aveler is one w e ar e m ost pr oud of. We took tw o ver y old songs, m ashed them together into one and then m ade it new again. It flow s and and sounds so good", JD Edw ar d added. Car a Luft and JD Edw ar ds w or k w ell together , think highly of each other , and that attr ibutes to their success. For exam ple Car a Luft appr eciates JD Ew ar ds cr eativity. "JD has a huge hear t, he's a guy w ho feels things incr edibly deeply. He's authentic, genuine, funny and honest. He oozes cr eativity. I think w e m ake a pow er ful team , w e r eally play w ell off each other and encour age each other to be our ver y best. I feel pr etty dar n lucky to be singing w ith him ," Car a Luft explains. W hile JD Edw ar ds is fond of the ener gy Car a Luft br ings to the stage. "Car a Luft is a unique individual w ho br ings boat loads of ener gy to the stage and to her m usic. She is alw ays conscience of her audience and str ives to be the best she can be on and off the stage. She car r ies her self w ith str ength and deter m ination and r ar ely lets her em otions get the better of her. She is ver y know ledgeable about folk m usic and has a love for anything fr om the 1980's. She is keen on m aintaining & cur ating old fr iendships as w ell as seeking out new ones. The r oad is her hom e and her extended fam ily and fans ar e spr ead out acr oss the globe w hich m akes tour ing ver y inter esting. We often have a "safe hom e" to stay in, but w hen w e don't she is keen on tenting w henever she can. She also loves to r ide her fancy 10-speed bike w henever she has a chance.
Car a Luft is also a Juno Aw ar d w inning m usician. She r em em ber s the exper ience fondly. "Being aw ar ded a Juno w as a pr etty beautiful exper ience. It's alw ays an honour w hen your peer s celebr ate the w or k you do. I think all thr ee of us w er en't expecting the aw ar d, so it m ade it even m or e special. The cer em ony w as in W innipeg and I think I w as the only per son w ho w alked to and fr om the aw ar ds show ," said Car a Luft. For those w ho ar e planning to attend the concer t in M or r isbur g on October 8th, you can expect to see a fabulous per for m ance by tw o exper ienced and pr ofessional m usicians. "We w elcom e ever yone and anyone w ho enjoys good m usic. We love w hat w e do and w e m ake sur e you leave w ith a r enew ed spir it and joy in your hear t. We'll tell som e fun stor ies and m aybe even get you singing," JD Edw ar ds concluded. Opening this concer t w ill be Canadian Folk M usic Aw ar ds nom inee Benjam in Dakota Roger s. He is a m ulti-instr um entalist, singer songw r iter and com poser. He com bines fiddle and guitar and w r ites songs bor ne as m uch fr om ancient myths and fables as life exper iences. Tickets for this show a r e $20 in a dva nce/$25 at the door , a ll tickets a r e gener a l a dmission. Tickets ava ila ble at Ba sket Ca se in M or r isbur g a nd Rur ba n Br ewing in Cor nwa ll or online.
Visit ing my art ist f riends of FOCUS ART at Aul t svil l e Hal l THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
Hi there to all of you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. Autumn has certainly arrived!!! You can see by the multitude of beautiful colours as you walk, run, skip, stroll, bicycle or drive down the many country roads and city streets. I do hope that you are taking advantage of the sunny, albeit cooler days to take a walk, hike or a bike ride to capture and take in all of the beauty that Mother Nature has on display for us to enjoy before the Winter Whites arrive. Here is a lovely poem that I found to share with you from ~The Northern Advocate~. There is no season in all the year so beautiful, So radiant with glory, as the early Autumn. There is no time when the human soul drinks in so fully the glory and beauty of nature... We do not understand the secret of this principle, Yet we know that it is some law of the Infinite Mind." TIP OF THE WEEK: Now, that it is Autumn and "Back To School" Time... It is also the time that "COLD & FLU" SEASON BEGINS... Here is one product that will HELP you with all kinds of ailments... GOOD OLD VICK'S VAPORUB. Here are 12 ways that VV can and will help you. 1. SORE THROAT: Rub a small amount on you throat and use some "natural material" ( wool or cotton) to wrap around your neck. 2. DECONGESTANT: Rub some VV on your chest and throat areas. Sit back and BREATHE. 3. COUGHS: Rub VV generously on your feet and then put some cotton socks on to help minimize your coughing. 4. SORE MUSCLES: Rub a generous amount of VV on your sore muscles to help relieve the achiness and pain. 5. HEADACHES: Rub a small amount on your forehead and temples to relieve the pain. 6. EAR ACHES: To help relieve the pain, put a small amount of VV onto a cotton swab (Q-Tip) and place it in your ear. 7. NAIL FUNGUS: Rub a small amount onto your fungusy toes. The dark colour will disappear as your nail grows out. 8. CRACKED HEELS: Rub some VV onto your feet in the morning and at night. Eventually the cracked feet will go away, leaving your feet nice and smooth. 9. ACNE: Dab a bit of VV onto the bad areas and it will clear all up leaving your face as pretty or as handsome as it once was. 10. COLD SORES: Rub some VV on the infected area as soon as you feel one coming on. If you "Nip it in the bud" right away, it will disapperar, sooner than if you left it. 11. MOSQUITO REPELLENT: Rub VV onto all of your exposed areas helping to keep mosquitos and other biting insects away. 12. ITCHY INSECT BITES: Rub it onto the exposed skin ( the bite area) and it will help relieve the itchyness. There are many other ways of using Vick's VapoRub, but I ONLY have so much space for the rest of my column. ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I am choosing a pair of cool nylons that John bought me off of Amazon for less than$5.00 (S & H included.) Seeing that there is ONLY ONE MONTH left, (today) until Halloween, I choose these pair of beige nylons that have black bats flying up the front of my legs or back... whichever way I choose to wear them. I think that they are super cute and really fun to wear at this time of year. I know ... I know.. I'm a bit "Batty." Happy Halloween Shopping Everyone.
ENTERTAINMENT NEWS: This Saturday Night (October 1st) LIVE At ~The Port Theatre~ is a Mothership Tribute with a full theatrical tribute to ~Led Zeppelin~. This is a must see concert for any fan of ~L Z~!!! The doors open at 7 p.m & the Show starts at 8 p.m. Advance Tickets are $15.00 and $20.00 at the door. Tickets are Available At ~Melody Music~, Lotto Kiosk at The Cornwall Square, ~St. Lawrence Appliance Service~ & at ~The Port Theatre~ during movie hours. Sadly, I am unable to attend this year, as I will be out of town at my daughter, Ella Rose's wedding. Do Enjoy Yourselves... It Is Truly A Show That You Don't Want To Miss!!! Share This Wonderful Experience & Bring Along a Friend, or Two, or Three. FAMILY NEWS: My 3rd daughter, Ella Rose is getting married on October 1st to Steven Slack in Ottawa, Ontario. I am so very excited and well pleased that my beautiful daughter is getting married to the man of her childhood dreams. They have known each other and had dated at the age of 14. Alas, sadly they separated and went on to persue their careers... Nearly 20 years later they happen to meet up ( through a friend) and find out that they were both single... There was a lunch date... then dinner...and their romance blossomed over the past 2 years... NOW! THEY ARE GETTING MARRIED!!! Tis such a sweet ending to a fairytale romance that began nearly 20 years ago...Oh, How I Love Romantic Stories, Such As Steven's & Ella Rose's. <3 <3 <3 May You Both Live Happily Ever After... <3 <3 <3 : John's Birthday is Today, September 30th. I want to wish him/ You a very Happy Birthday and tell him/ You that I only wish the very best in Health, Wealth and Happiness My Darling. May he/ You have many, many years of Joy & Happiness that is filled with lots and lots of love. May he/ You also get to enjoy this ~Specail Day~ of yours with ME, (and of course the rest of the family and many other friends, too.) Love Always & Foreverly His/ Your Marlene.
The Seeker Chicks Julia & Mai-Liis also wish our Weatherman John Lister "Johnny Radar " a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a Super Duper Day! UNTIL NEXT WEEK: It is always nice to have someone in your life who makes you SMILE even when they are not around. WHY NOT BE THAT SOMEONE??? It Is Nice To Be NICE to the NICE. Just Sayin' Marlene Baker of www.fashionography & www.listerphotos.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION
We ar e n o w OPEN Sun d ay s. 1 p .m . t o 5 p .m .
45 SecondStreetE.
www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario CANADIAN MUSEUM OF NATURE AND AQUATARIUM Two great places to visit in our region with a Cornwall Public Library membership card. Ottawa?s Canadian Museum of Nature and the 1000 Islands Ontario?s Aquatarium located in Brockville. Borrow the passes from the library for up to one week and bring the family! Inquire at the Circulation desk for more information. Some restrictions apply.
PAWS 'N BOOKS ? 11 a.m. CHECK-MATES ? 2 p.m. ONTARIO CULTURE DAYS EVENTS (registration required) SCRAPBOOKING: Mini Album Workshop @ 10 am to 12 pm COLOURWITH ME: Group of two - One adult - One child. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. BRAIDS, BRAIDS, BRAIDS: 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Ages: 9 to 14)
SUNDAY CINEMA Kung Fu Panda 3 1:30 p.m. Audience: Family
MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 TODDLER ADVENTURES (Ages 18 mont hs t o 3 years ol d) 10 a.m. t o 10:30 a.m. ENGLISH CORNER Learn conversational English in a relaxed atmosphere 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Rencont re du cl ub de l ect ure LES MILLE-FEUILLES - 18 h à 20 h
THE LAB / LE LAB (Ages 8 to 13) 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. MAHJONGG Group play. Monday at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Again on Tuesday, at 10 a.m.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4 MAHJONGG Group play. Monday at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. TEEN TUESDAYS Great activities for teens every Tuesday evenings beginning at 7 p.m. Join now!
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 THE FORUM - PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL HEALTH Facilitated by David Rawnsley. Presentations & Discussions - 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
BAMBINS À LA BIBLIO (0 à 2 ans) 10 h à 10 h 30 APPRENDRE EN JOUANT (0 à 5 ans) 10 h 30 à 12 h BRIDGE CLUB ? 6:00 p.m. CHESS CLUB ? 6:15 p.m.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 STORYTIME - Ages: 3 to 5 - 10:00 a.m. t o 10:45 a.m. Baby Tal es ? 10 a.m. t o 11:15 a.m. (Two ages groups) SCRABBLE - Every Thursday at 1 p.m.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
t o d o - w h er e
t o go - w h at
t o see in Cor n w all
an d SD& G
Placin g an Ad in t h e Calen dar of Even t s is alw ays f r ee f or a basic list in g an d in clu des t h e n am e an d locat ion of t h e even t , alon g w it h m or e in f or m at ion on ou r w ebsit e w w w.t h eseek er .ca For a com plet e list in g in pr in t , place you r en h an ced even t ad f or on ly $35. Call 613-935-3763 ext . 1
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Congratulations! you're getting married. are poweringup to bringyou
This week we will be looking at the next stage of planning before the BIG DAY!
2 Mont hs Bef ore Wedding - Final ize and book honeymoon. Mail out invit at ions. - Do hair/ make-up dry run, complete with your veil or headpiece.Book wedding day beaut y appoint ment s. - Compl et e name change paperwork for bank accounts, insurance, etc. - Final ize music pl ay l ist .Final ize order of service and writ e t he wedding program. - Touch base wit h your f l orist , cat erer, and DJ t o conf irm dat e and t imes, et c. Get their cell phone number if you don't already have them. - Book rehearsal dinner. - Order wedding cake, if not ordered already.
1 Mont h Bef ore - Order any rent al it ems needed such as chairs, tents, lighting, if not included at wedding/ reception sites. - Purchase bridesmaid gif t s. - Purchase groomsmen gif t s. - Schedul e f inal f it t ing f or wedding gown. Remember to bring wedding shoes, veil, and proper lingerie needed.
- Purchase your accessories: guest book and pen set , ring pil l ow, f l ower girl basket s, unit y candl e, et c. - Arrange f or t ransport at ion needs for wedding party and out-of-town guests for the rehearsal and wedding day. Be sure to give the driver the addresses and schedules for all who will need transportation.
2-3 Weeks Bef ore - Get marriage l icense. Call ahead to make sure you know what is required to bring. - Organize any accessories needed such as ring pillow, flower girl basket, garter, and "something old, new, borrowed, and blue." - Cont act guest s who haven't sent in RSVPs so that you can give the caterer a final headcount. - Pick up wedding rings and check engraving before leaving the store. Store in a safe place! - Conf irm honeymoon hot el , airl ine reservat ions, and wedding night reservat ions, if not leaving until the next day.
and on Sunday, Oct ober 23rd be sure t o visit t he Wedding Expo-Cornwal l 2016 .Cal l 613-932-4812 t o regist er as a Bride!
more info on getting ready next week
an d b e su r e t o vi si t u s at t h e Wed d i n g Ex p o ... Frank Burelle Studios Arbonne Royal Canadian Legion Sun Life Financial Moores Clothing For Men Listerphotos.ca
Sewing & Creation Jarmila's Flowers Scentsy Fairy Sweet Chocolate Polar Sound Elegante Wedding Decorations
DJShellshock Mary Kay Invitations and more by Mai-Liis Roy's Florist Rhoice Marketing & Events Carol Grant Productions
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Bu sin e ss wh er e
yo u
B u c k e t ... GET
LOCAL PROFESSIONALScall 613-935-3763 Ext 1 to place your ad ATYOURFINGERTIPS...
with Cornwall's
ARE YOU HEALTH LITERATE ? Choose from a series of thought provoking Health and Wellness Books, penned by Dr.Scott Mumby the Alternative Medicine Doctor Worried about Al zheimer's Disease, Gut Inf l amat ion and dangerous Toxins ? Investigate the incredible healing powers of PuraThrive Tumeric - now in bioavailable liquid form Searching f or Al t ernat ive Heal t h and Wel l ness Product s ? Then experience the life changing seed extract of 5 powerful seed oils, blended for whole body nutrition. Panaseeda 5 Oil Blend contains the goodness of Pumpkin,Sesame,Flax,Sunflower and Coriander Seed Oils VISIT US THIS SATURDAY OCTOBER 1ST at theSummerstown FleaMarketon Hwy# 2 VISIT US THIS SUNDAY OCTOBER 2ND at theMcHaffie's FleaMarketon Hwy# 31justNorthof Morrisburg Or to place an order call or e-mail 613-662-3515 inf o@int ernovamedical .com 613-935-4044 simpl ywel l ness.st udio@out l ook.com
LARGEST PORTABLE LIGHT & LASER SHOW - Disc Jockey - Videography - Invitations and more - VHS to DVD Transfers Cal l : SHELDON & MAI-LIIS 613-932-4812
- 1 t i m e$ 2 5 - 3 t i m es$ 6 5 - 7 t i m es$ 1 2 9 - 1 0 t i m es $ 1 5 9 * * i ncl udes a m i ni pr of i l e
Ste p he n
BURKE A Simpl er Time Mid-August 1978: The summer was drawing to a close. Soon, I'd be heading to Grade 9. I remember my family's routine. Mom and Dad would be off to work, my brothers being looked after by one of the teen-aged girls next door. I'd have a busy day typically visiting my girlfriend and then, around 3:00 pm, doing my paper route. That took less thank an hour so I had plenty of time to help get supper prepared. By 5:30 pm both parents were home and we were seated around the table for a meal. After supper, I would usually hang out with my neighbourhood friends until it got dark and then head home to watch TV - probably Baa Baa Black Sheep - or I might read a book or work on a plastic model kit. Most of my friends had a similar routine.
Even after school started, the neighbourhood had a regular rhythm. Working people were generally on the job by 9 am and home by 5:30 pm. I did my paper route, visited with friends after supper, did whatever homework there was and then watched TV or did some other relaxing activity. Many people my age had a similar routine. But what does this all have to do with computer and related technology? Well, nothing other than there was virtually a total absence of computers, cell phones and gaming systems. We socialized with friends, in person no less! We wrote in cursive and did math on paper. We were a much thinner population at that time, physical work and social activities kept us in shape. No doubt, computer technology has improved many facets of our modern existence, but doesn't it make sense to take a break and return to the simpler, non-computerized life of the 1970's and 80's? Relax, take it easy and spend time truly socializing with your friends.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
but Look at What Justin Labelle Can Do ... Article by Mai-Liis Renaud Justin Labelle is an extreemly talented artist, right here in Cornwall and I was excited when I recently got to interview him in the Seeker style of 5 questions as he delivered the wonderful prints that you see on our front cover, to us at the Seeker this past week. Quest ion 1: How did you discover t his t al ent of yours and when did you do your f irst sket ch and al so who was your f irst sket ch? I guess I first discovered my talent in grade 3 when I was told to draw something and I decided to draw my hand. Quest ion 2: Who inf l uenced you t o st art sket ching? My older brother first influenced me to start drawing. He would draw anime characters and I would sit beside him copying everything he would draw. Quest ion 3: Do you onl y sket ch f rom phot ographs or f rom real l if e model s as wel l ? I can sketch from real life models but prefer photographs. Quest ion 4: Now t hat your t al ent has been exposed, I'm sure you'l l get more request s f or sket ches. If someone want s you t o do a sket ch f or t hem, how woul d t hey cont act you? Anyone looking to commission me for any work can contact me through my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ thebeautifularts Quest ion 5: The draws t hat you do f or your print s on f acebook, are t hey regul ar or spont aneous? For now they are spontanoeus and I decided to do them on Facebook simply just for more publicity. Thank you Justin and keep up the good work!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rie
M O RRELL DEALING WITH A FINANCIALLY IRRESPONSIBLE SPOUSE/ PARTNER Part 2 of 2 Tasks Of The Financial l y Responsibl e Spouse/ Part ner Take Over Paying The Bil l s One of the best ways to ensure the bills are being paid on time is to allow the more financially responsible partner to take over paying them. Even with this approach, you will still want to include your spouse/ partner in what bills are being paid and when, as well as their amount. Remember, you two are still a team, and as such, you must work together to ensure the financial health of your household. However, if your partner is not upholding his/ her end, having the more responsible of the two of you maintain the finances until the other can get it together will help to keep your household afloat.
Th e Dad Sh ow 12 Week Ch al l enge Welcome to The-Dad-Show 12 week health challenge!! Over the next 12 weeks, we'll be talking about the right I kind of fuel we need to feed our bodies and how we can improve our overall health. Basically a kickstart to guide you in the right direction towards your own personal health goals. We all deserve a healthier lifestyle and hopefully we can achieve this together. **** We are not health professionals. We are individuals that want a healthier lifestyle and want to motivate others along the way.
Seek Financial Hel p Seeking the help of a financial counsellor or advisor is a great way for you and your partner to confront the issues tormenting your relationship. A financial expert can help you develop a budget and a plan to pay down any debts that need attention. Furthermore, an expert can also serve as a mediator between you and your spouse/ partner, so you do not always have to be the nagging husband/ wife telling your partner what to do, as this can build resentment in any relationship. A financial counsellor can become another person on your team to help you both rebuild a solid financial foundation for your relationship.
Prot ect Yoursel f If you have done all these steps and your partner is still behaving irresponsibly, it?s important to protect yourself. You can begin by removing your partner?s name from the household bills, so that only you have access to them and ensure payment is received.
Find Out Now: When A Joint Account Does Or And Does not Make Sense Furthermore, setting up your own bank accounts for savings and paying household necessities is another way to ensure your partner does not have access to your funds. This may seem harsh, but if your partner continues to put your family in jeopardy by behaving irresponsibly with money, you will have to take measures into your own hands to ensure your own financial stability.
Bot t om Line While falling in love and deciding to spend the rest of your life with someone is undoubtedly wonderful, it is important to remember that a relationship is based on more than love. Each partner has an obligation to each other and their family to be open, honest and responsible when it comes to finances.
am writing this on my 48th birthday Why did I take up the 12 week challenge. Because I saw a photo of myself two days before Alain posted the challenge and I looked like I had a double chin and had a belly that consisted of 30 years of beer and chips (which it did). The photo made me realise that I was going to seed, and I didn?t want that, then Alain posted the challenge, so I took him up on it.
Before this I was starting to have symptoms of pre diabetes, high blood pressure which I was on tablets for, gout, and had no energy.
Week 4 Chal l enge The-Dad-Show challenges you to try a new vegetable and prepare a meal around this discovery of yours. Be creative and you will gain a bigger variety in what you can prepare for healthy eating. Tips will be given on The-Dad-Show episode of Thursday September 29th @8pm, only on www.dunet.ca. All shows are recorded and available to listen from our website after the live broadcast. Benef it s of t rying new veget abl es There's a few benefits of trying new vegetables but these benefits aren't numbered. Don't knock it until you try it , specially when it comes to natural foods such as vegetables. When you discover new foods, you give yourself a bigger Variety and when it comes to healthy eating, variety is very important when it comes to sticking with your health plan. Don't be shy, ask around, Google new recipes, ask your produce worker at the local heath store and add to your health menu !
If one partner is not being transparent, there are measures that can minimize or solve the problem. However, these steps demand a commitment from both parties. Marriage/ relationship is a partnership, and the finances in this association are no different.
Wh y I'm doin g it
I started with drinking 8 glasses of water (definitely not Nestle), cut out dairy and processed foods, pop, candy and chips. I followed the challenges for the past three weeks, as they came up on DCN, and started to work out. I also try to eat low to moderate glycemic foods, mostly vegetables, fruit etc. What has changed so far? Currently I am down almost 10 lbs in weight, have put on lean muscle and have the energy to get up at 5.30 to workout and do not need coffee to start my day. My blood pressure has gone from 200/ 100 to 120/ 72 with no tablets. Hippocrates was obviously right when he said ?let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be food?, so perhaps the medical schools could teach more about this aspect of health rather than the alphabet of drugs that can mask the symptoms. I have no cravings for chips or pop, nor for processed foods as my body is getting cleaner, it is utilising the vitamins and minerals in raw unprocessed foods provide all the nutrition rather than having to eat more processed foods to get the same effect. The other benefit is that we have a support group of individuals who are very open with each other and help each other out, help people restart after a weekend etc and can empathise with the feelings that you get as you go through the 12 weeks . I am very glad I started this process, and aim to see it through way past the initial 12 weeks.
Li sten to
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Lind a
G e ise l Audrey M. Bain has been el ect ed int o t he Societ y of Canadian Art ist s The Society of Canadian Artists (SCA) is a national, non-profit artists? organization committed to strengthening its national presence in Canada by promoting excellence in traditional forms of artistic expression, and by encouraging acceptance and growth of contemporary and experimental forms of visual art. ? retrieved from http://www.societyofcanadianartists.com/ The Society members are professional artists, from the traditional to those who work in new and digital media, as well as from arts supporters. There are two types of membership in the Society of Canadian Artists. El ect ed Members are professional artists who have gone through the adjudication process. Associat e Members are arts supporters and non-adjudicated artists. In order to become an elected member, the applicant must submit his/ her professional curriculum vitae for evaluation. It also required the applicant to submit 10 of the best recent works to be juried. It is a real honour to be granted the ?elected? status. Our sincere congratulations to Audrey M. Bain for achieving this designation. Audrey is a ?Plein Aire?painter in oils and acrylics. Her works are varied and reflect her response to family ties, social concerns, scenes of nature, images of rural Ontario and the Canadian landscape.
f or more inf o about Focus visit www.f ocusart onl ine.org
Audrey was the Gal l ery Direct or f or Cornwal l Regional Art Gal l ery f rom 1983 t o 1992. She has retired and shares the operation of Winddrif t St udio and Gal l ery with her artist husband Alan. She served on the Curat orial Commit t ee f or t he Marianne van Sil f hout Gal l ery in Brockvil l e. She taught Outreach classes in oils for St. Lawrence College, Cornwall. All her life Audrey has practiced and promoted art. She loves the outdoors and maintains a constant production of landscapes, old barns and buildings ? sentinels of a kinder, gentler age ? that attract her attention. Her paintings capture the timeless sense of peace and solitude, which she always seeks. You can see many of work online: audreybain@cogeco.ca
Ou r Sw i n gi n g B's Squ ar e dan ci n g cl u b w i l l be pr esen t i n g a dan ce dem o at the Alzheim er of Cor nw all Fall Har vest Dance, Sat u r day Oct ober 1st fr om 7pm to 1am at the Ar my Navy Air For ce Club, 14 M albor ough St. N., Cor nw all, ON $15.00 for Live enter tainm ent, fiddler s, dancing and Chili - Su ppor t this gr eat fundr aising event & get a glim pse of w hy w e love squar e dancing. We ar e sch edu l ed t o dan ce f r om 7:30 t o 8:30pm .
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Remembering 125 Years of papermaking This Friday evening some 350 former Domtar employees are gathering at the ANAF club on Marlborough Street to renew old friendships, catch up on each other's lives and to remember their days at Cornwall's paper mill.
Over its 125 year life, the pulp and paper mill carried on business under various names under three companies. From 1881-1920 it was operated by the Toronto Paper Mfg Co. Limited. Howard Smith Paper Mills took the helm from 1920-1965. From 1965-2006 it operated under various divisions of Domtar. The Cornwall Community Museum will be represented at the event. Many may be unaware that when the mill closed, the Archives below the Museum agreed to accept some of the paper mill's memorabilia in order that the community may continue to have access to these artifacts from their past. Until 2,000 the Museum sat across from the mill, east of the parking lot on one of the original UEL farms. So it somehow seems fitting that their relationship continue. Outside the museum is the original Toronto Paper Manufacturing Company cornerstone. In the staircase between the Museum and Archives is a section of the totem pole. And in the Museum and Archives are a variety of photographs, historical documents, employee newsletters, sample books, and a golf trophy. The older generations remember the former Smithville ? roughly a one block community which housed mostly mill employees. Ultimately the mill growth necessitated the demise of Smithville when "Big Six" and later "Super Seven" (a world class machine and a Canadian first) were installed. Many assume that Smithville was named after Howard Smith, but it wasn't the case. As we can see in this 1862 map of the square mile Town of Cornwall and Township, the long narrow farms around the mill property were not just Wood (where the Wood House Museum gets its name), but also Smith and Dickinson. Charles Smith built the first five houses in Smithville and sold water rights to the paper mill. He also served as the mill's first paymaster. As many have said: "There is life after Domtar." That's very true, but many lives are the richer for their experiences both on and off the job. Perhaps we'll see each other at the reunion.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Energetically Speaking
W e nd y Hud so n D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H.
The Essence of A Ghost By Wendy Hudson, D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H.
It?s that time of year again when the weather cools down, the leaves turn beautiful colours, pumpkin spice everything is all around us and we begin to think about Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas holidays. Halloween is probably my favourite holiday, followed closely by Christmas. My thoughts now turn to the fun of Halloween night, which will bring so many kids to our door, as I participate in making the house look as scarily enticing as I can with the full effects of smoke, scary music, spooky decorations and of course, getting dressed up to terrorize everyone who ventures near. Halloween is one of those nights where it?s fun to be scared, where it?s alright to take on the persona of someone or something else and to hide behind a mask for a while. Can you imagine though being scared and behind a mask all the time? It?s also the time of year when all the ?haunted walks?, ?spooky rides?, and ?ghost hunting? begins. It?s very interesting to watch how others will flock
CLASSIFIEDS WANTED TO BUY Used Riding lawnmower in good condition. No mor e than 5 year s old with low hour s. No dealer s or contr actor s. Cal l 613-932-6766 THE CANADI AN RED CROSS TRANSPORTATI ON PROGRAM I S SEEKI NG A VOLUNTEER to assist with administr ative wor k such as data entr y, infor mation r esear ch, phone calls etc. one or two days a week or as needed. Use of Micr osoft applications a definite asset. If you ar e inter ested in volunteer ing for this position, please contact us at 613-932-0231 ext. 2240 or email atcor nwal l t r anspor t @r edcr oss.ca
It?s all good and fun to go looking for ghosts but unfortunately, most people don?t know what to do with one when they find it. There are many TV shows that look for proof that they even exist. I can tell you from personal experience that they do, and you won?t only find them in a graveyard; they exist everywhere and will often try to return to the places and people that are compatible with their energy. Ghosts used to be people, who died with unfinished business. They are in a lot of pain because if they weren?t, they wouldn?t be ghosts. They would have moved on into the light of love but because they left their physical body holding onto heavy, negative energies, they have stayed earthbound, wandering aimlessly until they can find closure. When I find a ghost, I will always try to give this being what it needs from my loving heart to help it move on and find peace. That?s just who I am and it?s an ability that I?ve been gifted with. If you?d like to get more information on ghosts and the paranormal, I?d invite you to our upcoming workshop on September 25 in Cornwall called ?Piercing The Supernatural Veil- Developing Your Paranormal Intuition and Cleansing Abilities.? We?ll educate you and show you how to possibly help these lost souls to move on with their existence instead of just giving you a momentary thrill of connecting with them because that?s just what love would do. To f ind out more about what we do, who we are, what we t each and any upcoming workshops and cl asses, pl ease visit our websit e at www.awakeningangel s.ca. To read t his bl og in it s ent iret y, visit ht t ps:/ / awakeningangel s.wordpress.com
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FOR SALE: M otor cycle and utility tr ailer. Holds tw o lar ge bikes, or thr ee sm all sized bikes. tandem w heels plus thr ee side r ails. Asking $1800 613-342-5421 FOR SALE: Buick LeSabr e 2003, Beige, A1 condition, 145000km , m ust see, m ust go... M ake an offer. 613-933-5626
to events and places that might just contain the energies of ghosts, spirits, poltergeist and demons in order to be ?scared?. Last year, I had the privilege of being in Salem, Mass. in the middle of October with my family, all of whom are energy workers and we attended some of the more recognized sites that most definitely do contain the energies of what most people would call ghosts. As an empath, energy healer, teacher and transitional dream-walker, it was anything but fun to feel what all these disembodied spirits were actually feeling. Most of them had died after being unjustly accused of witchcraft and being subjected to torture of the most agonizing methods and so when their physical body?s died, the emotions of fear, grief, anger and revenge prevented most of them from crossing over and left them earthbound.
FOR SALE: 2 piece fancy jacket and top size 14-16. Paid $89, asking $25. Long dr essy satin skir t, size 14-16. For a w edding or a cr uise, $20. Ladies long navy r aincoat in good condition, $20 obo. Folding table 49"x25", [aid $65 and asking $30. Queen or double bedspr ead, Old Rose and W hite (like a quilt) paid $149 and asking$40. Cal l 613-936-9399
Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles.For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement a new event in October to r aise money to suppor t r esear ch for women?s gynecological cancer s. Please contact Lois at 613-32-1283 ext. 3673 It?s going to be a fun one!! CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cor nwall Newcomer s Club. If you joined Cor nwall Newcomer s Club (CNC) in 2012 you ar e eligible to join the Cor nwall Newcomer s ALUMNAE Chapter. Mor e info contact Liz at 613-932-8164. FOR SALE: Leon'scouch only a year old. Paid $1000 open to offer s. 613-938-1886 FOR SALE: Or iginal Log Cabin Logs -- Squar e Beams, etc -- Plus her itage lawn benches. Call 613-347-3820 FOR SALE: 1989 Ter r y Taur us, 22 feet, sleeps 6, good little tr ailer for the r oad, 2 new tir es, $1500 call John 613-360-1607 FOR SALE: 1984 Goldw ing Aspencade, AM , FM cassette. 1200CC, cover chr om e, 60 000m iles, good condition. Asking $1750 w ith safety. 613-936-2160 FOR SALE: Tw o 6ft Gr and piano's. $2500 each. 613-936-3912 FOR SALE: Hair dr esser 's hydr aulic chair. Asking $75. 613-935-7268 VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS - Cal l Sh el don at 613-932-4912
Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com ( 613) 662-5549
Al -anon - an organizat ion t hat hel ps f amil ies & f riends of al cohol ics. For meet ings in t he Cornwal l area, 613.937.4880
AND REMEMBER ... For Your Daily Dose of POSITIVE NEWS visit www.theseeker.ca and Have a Wonderful Week! The Seeker Team
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Nouvelles CFEO - EOTB News
Both sessions will feature Cornwall, SD&G, and Akwesasne employers from various sectors including transportation, warehousing, service and sales, retail, hospitality, and social services. Last year?s event hosted 26 major employers and over 1000 job seekers from across the region. ?The SDC Employability Network works to increase employment opportunities in the community?, says de Wit. ?Expanding on the success of last year?s event, we are excited to include the Frontline FYI as a way for social service agencies to find volunteers who are looking to enhance their work experience?.
Successf ulJob Fair Ret urningt o Cornwal lt hisFal l
Job Fair booths are still available for employers and social service agencies looking to fill part-time and full-time positions for the fall and winter season. Registration is online and will remain open until September 30.
Cornwall, Ontario ? The Cornwall and Area Job Fair returns in October to help employers and job seekers connect before the busy holiday season. The event will also include the 10th annual ?Frontline FYI?, a community service fair for frontline workers and those interested in volunteering in the community.
This event is being organized by the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area ? Employability Network, and sponsored by the Ministry of Community and Social Services in partnership with the City of Cornwall, Cornwall Economic Development, and the Akwesasne Area Management Board.
The Cornwall and Area Job Fair will take place at the Cornwall Civic Complex on Wednesday, October 5. Hosted by the Social Development Council (SDC) Employability Network, this event is free and open to anyone seeking employment or volunteer opportunities in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, and Akwesasne. Two sessions will be taking place throughout the day; the first running between 8am-11am, with the second session from 4pm-7pm.
For more information and to register, job seekers, volunteers, and employers are encouraged to visit www.sdccornwall.ca/ jobfair2016. MEDIA CONTACT: Shannon Ferguson, jobfair@sdccornwall.ca | 613-361-1229 Rhoice Marketing & Events
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 37 - September 30 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
for more info. visit www.eotb-cfeo.on.ca
"There are many job opportunities in Cornwall and the surrounding area,? explained Alex de Wit, Executive Director of the SDC. ?This event will help to showcase what our business community and job market has to offer.?