Th ank sgi v i ng! Linda has MUMS, LOTS of MUMS,the BIGGEST Selection of MUMS for Thanksgiving and Fall Decorating!
Read Jason's Int erview wit h Just For Laughs Comedian Joey El ias SHOP
7 5 Co r n wal l Op en Dai l y
Cen t r e 8 am t o
Co ver Ph o t o : M ai -Li i s Ren au d Rd , Co r n wal l ON 6 p m - CLOSED THANKSGIVING M ONDAY
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Yo ur CO M M UNITY EVENTS a nd ALTERNATIVE Ne w sp a p e r
Vol ume 7 Issue 38 Oct ober 7, 2016
$ 1 ,0 0 0 i n p r i ze s
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Have yo u fo u n d yo u r sel f i n fr o n t o f an em p t y r ack ? The SEEKERcan sometimesbe hard to find and the standstend to be emptyby Sunday.WHY?you ask ...b ecau seo u r "Week l yDo se o f Po si t i veNews"i s a Ho t It em sar o u n dTo wn !!! Ou r r ead er scan 't g et en o u g h ! If the rack is emptyand you havemissedyour copy- don't worry- you can still r ead u s o n l i n eat www.t h eseek er .ca - Wealsohavea Ho m eDel i ver yo p t i o n- It 's easy- cal l 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6ex 3 t5
JULIA LUCIO Givin g Th an k s
CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
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inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
We don't al ways remember t o say t hank you Monday is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for that I don't even know where to begin. Everyday, I count my blessings, but sometimes, like every human being, I tend to take them for granted. I complain, whether it is about my job, about my kids or about my money situation, temporarily forgetting that I am more fortunate than most. At times, writing gets very draining. You put your all in the words you use and you seldom get feedback. You spend a lot of time questioning if what you are doing the right thing or if you even are reaching people. This week, I was reminded twice that it is all worth it.
After a long meeting Tuesday evening, my husband and I came home and parked the Truck in the lot next door for the night. A nice couple was taking a walk on Second Street, going away from my house. The lady turned around and called out to me. "Are you Julia?", she said. After I acquiesced, she continued, "I'm Brenda from Cogeco!" I had spoken with Brenda over the phone before and she had such kind things to say about the paper and our doings in the community that she had wanted to do a segment about us on TV. That didn't happen, but I didn't really care. I felt like I had gained a friend in the business and you can't put a price on that.
to say is something they are looking forward to reading every week and that really made me feel content and thankful about having this opportunity. Then, yesterday, I received a letter in the mail. This one was from a lady who came by my office last week and requested copies of a certain article published weeks before about a friend of hers. I did my best to help. As she stood there while I was digging for said article, she asked who I was. I said my name. She then proceeded to let me know that we are on total opposite sides when it comes to politics. I told her not to read my upcoming editorial. She, of course, read it anyway. The letter was showing appreciation for my help. It also said that she had read the article and that we couldn't think more differently, but that no matter our differences, she would continue to avidly read the Seeker. She described my articles as "written from the heart, down, dirty and stimulating" and she ended her letter with "You have my total respect". I can't begin to express how touched, humbled and flattered those words made me feel. It is easy to gain the respect of those who share your points of view; we're on common grounds to begin with. But getting the respect of someone who thinks differently, now that's the ultimate compliment. So despite the fact someone backed up in my husband's passenger door (Hello ladies at the Collision Reporting Centre!!!)and despite having teenager hassles this week, I AM thankful. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my work. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my life. I am especially thankful for my readers, those who agree and those who disagree. They keep me going week in, week out. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and whatever you do, don't forget to show your gratitude.
Your one st op shopf or... Brenda, her husband, my husband and I stood
Advert ising GraphicDesign WebDesign Print ing- Phot ography VideoRecording Services
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
outside the Seeker Office and talked politics for nearly 40 minutes. It was delightful. After coming in, lying in my bed, I pondered. I knew that I had reached them through my writing, that what I have
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. - William Arthur Ward
To sh in e a posit ive ligh t on ou r com m u n it y; To br in g a posit ive spin on n ew s? To provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote their product or service at affordable rates; To give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; To spread the word about all the great events taking place in Cornwall and Area. The Seeker is the only locally owned and operated newspaper? It is published?
By Local People - For Local People - Abou t Local People - Su ppor t in g Local People Wetrulyaim at beinga realcommunity newspaper, an outletwhoreallycaresandnurturesthepeopleit promotesandworkswith.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity
Ne w s
Present ed by
Jason Set nyk Compl et e St ories on our Websit e www.t heseeker.ca
WALKING DEAD ACTRESS KIMBERLY LEEMANS SPECIAL GUEST AT CAPE 2017 The Cornwall & Area Pop Event presents special guest Kimberly Leemans. She is an up-and-coming talent. She began her television career as a contestant on America?s Next Top Model. Since then, she?s gone on to secure guest roles on shows like The Vampire Diaries and Nashville. Kimberly Leemans made quite the impact when she joined The Walking Dead during season 6 as Crystal, a resident at the Hilltop community where Rick hopes to find allies. Other guest attending CAPE 2017 include Yanic Truesdale (Gilmore Girls), Don Teems (Walking Dead), Sean Gunn (Gilmore Girls and Guardians of the Galaxy), and Chris Sullivan (Guardians of the Galaxy and Stranger Things). CAPE 2017 takes place April 22nd and 23rd 2017 at the Benson Centre.
FLAG RAISED TO MARK OCTOBER AS UNITED WAY MONTH - United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG) raised the United Way of SD&G flag at the County Administration building to mark October as United Way month. ?We are so pleased with the continued support for United Way of SD&G from SDG?, said Lori Greer, United Way Executive Director. ?We greatly appreciate enthusiasm for our Campaign each year and for being United Way local community heroes.? United Way of SD&G was the recipient of proceeds from the Warden?s Annual Golf Tournament, providing $1,500 to the 2016 Campaign. SDG staff also support the United Way campaign through special events and payroll deduction.] CORNWALL COLTS WIN TWO OF THREE ? The Cornwall Colts earned four out of a possible six points in three CCHL regular season games this past week after winning two out of three. After 4-2 and 4-3 wins in a home and home series with Smiths Falls, the Colts dropped a 5-2 decision to the league leading Canadians in Carleton Place on Sunday. The Colts sit alone in 3rd place in the Robinson Division as well as the overall CCHL standings with a record of 7-4-0-1 (15 points). Colts Captain Grant Cooper?s two goals vs the Canadians give him 10 on the season and the CCHL lead in that offensive category Cooper is also tied for 3rd in points with 17. Colts forward Nick
Lalonde is tied for the CCHL lead in scoring with 7 goals and 11 assists for 18 points. Colts net minder Liam Lascelle is tied for 2nd in goaltending wins with 6. Lascelle?s .917 save percentage leaves him 3rd in that category while his 2.48 goals against average is 5th overall. HOSPITAL TO GO SMOKE-FREE - On January 1st 2018, all hospitals in the province of Ontario will be mandated to be smoke-free, under the Smoke Free Ontario Act. Until January 1st 2018 hospitals are permitted to identify one designated smoking area on the grounds for patients, employees and visitors. CCH has identified a designated smoking area for staff and patients, until the smoke free deadline of 2018. There has been an increase in smoke free signage, a smoke free logo created and distributed on all patient handouts. E-cigarette use is also prohibited on the property. An individual found to be smoking in the smoke-free area (indoor or outdoor) of a hospital or psychiatric facility may be charged with an offence, and if convicted, could face a maximum fine of $1,000 (for a first offence) or $5,000 (for any further offence). According to Smoke-Free Ontario, exposure to second-hand smoking causes about 425 deaths in Ontario annually, while tobacco smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in Canada, causing 40,000 premature deaths each year. FLU IMMUNIZATION CLINICS START IN NOVEMBER - Starting on November 1st, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) will begin holding seasonal influenza immunization clinics throughout the five Eastern Counties. In addition to the walk-in clinics, the health unit will also hold clinics by appointment at its offices. The clinics by appointment are open to everyone, but priority is given to people with young children, physical limitations, medical considerations or special needs. A pamphlet announcing clinic dates, times and locations has been mailed out to every household. Clinic information can also be found on the EOHU?s website at www.eohu.ca ?You need to get immunized every year to be protected because the viruses that cause the flu do change frequently,? explains Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health. ?The flu can cause serious illness and even death for some people. The vaccine is safe and your best protection against the flu. It?s free and available for everyone aged 6 months and older.? The EOHU reminds residents to bring a piece of identification to the immunization clinics. For clinic dates and locations, check your mailbox or visit www.eohu.ca You can also call the EOHU at 613-933-1375 or at 1 800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line. MAYOR JIM BANCROFT SAYS SCHOOL CLOSURES WOULD BE DEVASTATING - The closures proposed through the Upper Canada District School Board?s Pupil Accommodation Review
process will deliver a devastating blow to South Stormont, specifically the area schools of Ingleside and Long Sault.On behalf of Council, Mayor Bancroft reported that South Stormont is appalled by the lack of foresight by the UCSDB with the potential direction suggested in the Report. A copy of the full Report is available at the municipal office or on line at www.ucdsb.on.ca ?In 2016 small rural communities continue to be attacked by funding models approved by the provincial government and driven by school boards. The idea of closing schools in up to five local townships to assist the school board with a speculative long term potential plan to build a new school 10 to 15 years later is at best, absurd. South Stormont?s hamlets of Ingleside and Long Sault were created 60 years ago. Our residents had to relocate, understanding the hope for a new future, and these schools have been key building blocks of the communities. Sixty years later, we should not be forcing parents to change directions again with little chance in seeing any improvement of their children?s education?, said Mayor Jim Bancroft.? LOCAL COMMUNITIES MUST BE HEARD ON SCHOOL CLOSURE PROPOSAL - MPP Jim McDonell demanded a commitment from the Minister of Education to ensure the community?s voices in the upcoming consultations on potential school closures in Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry are taken into consideration. Under the current Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines, the Board must only consider the ?value to the student? and the ?value to the Board? in their decision to reassign pupils, because the Government removed ?value to the community? and ?value to the local economy? in 2015. ?This Government has a record of depriving communities of a voice when it comes to what their communities want and what is best for their future? MPP Jim McDonell stated. ?They did it with the Green Energy Act and municipal zoning powers by ignoring people and municipalities and forcing industrial wind and solar plants on unwilling communities. They did it when they closed the Kemptville Agricultural College, without any consultation. Now they are doing it again with the Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines and local schools. How can this Government look rural Ontarians in the eye and tell them, with a straight face, that their concerns will be listened to when they?ve removed the Board?s obligation to do so?? ?Rural education isn?t just about a Board?s bottom line? MPP McDonell stated. ?Local schools are vital to rural family values, community spirit and the pride of our youth. Many schools in our area score very well in published rankings which is an attracting factor for prospective residents. By reducing the Board?s tax base and removing local community voices from key decisions such as school closures, this Government is dealing a massive blow to the viability of rural Ontario communities.?
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Race f or t h e Cu r e Ser i es don at es $5,394 t o a M ax v i l l e m ot h er ! Ar ticle by M a r tin BĂŠla nger The Race for the Cur e Ser ies, w hich w as held at the Speedw ay thr oughout the Sum m er , m ade one lucky m other r eally happy as Steve M or r is for TAS Racing along w ith Jacques and Claudette Laver gne fr om the Cor nw all M otor Speedw ay visited M axville, Ontar io r esident Angela Br ow n and pr ovided her w ith a cheque of $5,394! All funds w er e collected dur ing the sum m er at Cor nw all M otor Speedw ay w ith the TAS Racing Spor tsm an car on display, lap sponsor ship dur ing the final r ace of the Ser ies and dr iver s also w alking thr ough the stands and collecting funds fr om the fans and r ace team s. The kindness and gener osity of ever yone w ill enable Angela Br ow n, m other of a young child, w ho is cur r ently in tr eatm ent
for br east cancer to br eathe a little bit m or e fr eely as the m oney collected w ill go tow ar ds paying the tr eatm ents w hich ar e ver y expensive and w ill r elieve som e str ess fr om the young fam ily. Br ow n w as ver y pleased and can?t thank ever yone w ho w as involved in this gr eat pr oject enough! She w ill be a guest of M or r is at our Banquet of Cham pions held in ear ly Apr il of next year. Steve M or r is and TAS Racing w ould like to team up again w ith Cor nw all M otor Speedw ay to or ganize the Race for the Cur e Spor tsm an Ser ies and find new w ays to gather m oney tow ar ds a new fam ily in need for 2017. The Laver gne fam ily w ould like to to per sonally thank Steve M or r is and TAS Racing for the effor ts put into this gr eat initiative and w e ar e looking for w ar d to bigger and better things for next season! For mor e infor mation on the Cor nwa ll M otor Speedway, plea se visit: w w w.cor nwa llspeedway.com you ca n a dd us on Fa cebook at w w w.fa cebook.com/cor nwa llspeedway
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Congratulations! you're getting married. are poweringup to bringyou
This week we will be looking at the FINAL stage of planning before the BIG DAY!
1 Week Bef ore - Pack f or honeymoon. Host at t endant s part y and give out gifts along with a thoughtful thank you note to each bridesmaid. Visit Invitations and more by Mai-Liis for these!
- At t end rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.Get in bed at a reasonabl e hour so that you'll look and feel your best for your wedding.
THE WEDDING DAY - Awake early and eat a good breakf ast . - Go t o beaut y appoint ment s.
- Make f inal payment s t o vendors. Put grat uit ies in envel opes and arrange to have a trusted friend distribute the envelopes on the big day.
- Arrive at wedding sit e earl y enough t o dress and to visit with bridesmaids.
1 Day Bef ore
- Rel ax, smil e, and enjoy your wel l -organized day!
- Take a l ong wal k or schedul e a massage to reduce stress. Gather your thoughts and mentally prepare yourself!
and on Sunday, Oct ober 23rd be sure t o visit t he Wedding Expo-Cornwal l 2016 .
- Greet out -of -t own guest s. Make some t ime f or each ot her t o exchange gif t s and a congratulatory kiss (or several)!
- Al l ow enough t ime f or phot ography.
Cal l Mai-Liis at 613-932-4812 t o regist er as a Bride!
#3 #2
an d b e su r e t o vi si t u s al l at t h e Wed d i n g Ex p o ... Kelly's Floral Design ExelsiorLimousineService La Cuisine Volante Ltd. Midnight Confetti Afreen's Artistry Earthway Family Chiropractic Ramada Inn Claude'sWeddingCakes Listerphotos.ca
Juliannah's Dress & Bridal Frank Burelle Studios Arbonne Royal Canadian Legion Sun Life Financial Moore's Clothing For Men
Sewing & Creation Jarmila's Flowers Scentsy Fairy Sweet Chocolate Polar Sound Elegante Wedding Decorations
DJShellshock Mary Kay Invitations and more by Mai-Liis Roy's Florist Rhoice Marketing & Events Carol Grant Productions
PRIZES INCLUDE: Cobalt Ring from Pommier Jewellers - Gift Certificates and much, much more ...
Wed d i n g Ex p o h o st ed b y 3 D Cr eat i o n s - M ai -Li i s an d Sh el d o n
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Bu sin e ss wh er e
B u c k e t ...
yo u
LOCAL PROFESSIONALScall 613-935-3763 Ext 1 to place your ad ATYOURFINGERTIPS... ARE YOU HEALTH
Choose from a series of thought provoking Health and Wellness Books, penned by Dr.Scott Mumby the Alternative Medicine Doctor Worried about Al zheimer's Disease, Gut Inf l amat ion and dangerous Toxins ? Investigate the incredible healing powers of PuraThrive Tumeric - now in bioavailable liquid form Searching f or Al t ernat ive Heal t h and Wel l ness Product s ? Th en l et Pan aseed a Bl ack Cu m i n Seed Oi l unlock the Master Healing Switch inside your body to feel younger, healthier,and more vibrant. As if you woke up tomorrow morning with child like energy.
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VISIT US THIS SATU RDAY OCTOBER 8 TH at theSummerstown FleaMarketon Hwy# 2
VISIT US THIS SU NDAY OCTOBER 9 TH at theMcHaffie's FleaMarketon Hwy# 31justNorthof Morrisburg Or to place an order call or e-mail 613-662-3515 inf o@int ernovamedical .com 613-935-4044 simpl ywel l ness.st udio@out l ook.com
Cal l : SHELDON & MAI-LIIS 613-932-4812
- 1 t i m e $ 2 5 - 3 t i m es$ 6 5 - 7 t i m es$ 1 2 9 - 1 0 t i m es $ 1 5 9 * * i ncl udes a m i ni pr of i l e
CALL US TODAY 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ext 1 What ar e you w ai t i ng f or ? Ste p he n
BURKE Technol ogy To Be Thankf ul For Although computer, communications and electronics technology can be addictive and potentially keep us from truly socializing, there is also the other side where these technologies have improved our lives. GPS systems can be a dedicated unit, an option for your car or something that is built into your cell phone. A GPS is typically used to help you navigate to your destination but it can also be used to help rescuers find you in an emergency situation. The GPS that is built into a car might help relocate the car if it is stolen. The webcam and a chat program like Skype helps to keep in contact with friends and family around the world. That in itself is something to be thankful for. However, similar technology helps doctors save lives in emergency situations. If the patient is in Edmonton but the specialist is in Ottawa, the video conferencing
technology could be used to assess the patient and allow the specialist to provide guidance for any required procedure. For the past few years we have seen reports of how drone aircraft can be a nuisance or even potentially dangerous. However, there has recently been a drone developed to deliver an interactive defibrillator to an emergency site that may not be reached by ambulance in time. Consider a situation where someone in a remote location appears to be having a heart attack. Their position is determined via the GPS on their cell phone. The drone is dispatched, and travels at speeds approaching 100 km/ h. Within minutes, it arrives at the site and, via a two-way on-board video conferencing system, the medical professional assesses the situation. Then, if necessary, instructions are provided about how to use the device. Also, when people are trapped in dangerous environments such as during a mining accident, a drone can be used to transport food, medicine, a length of rope or an air line. These are only three examples of computer, communications and electronics technology, yet they have made a positive impact. Truly three examples of technology that we can be thankful for
Happy Thanksgiving!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
We ar e n ow OPEN Sun d ay s. 1 p .m . t o 5 p .m .
45 SecondStreetE.
www.l ibrarycornwal l .on.ca Facebook:l ibrarycornwal l ont ario CANADIAN MUSEUM OF NATURE AND AQUATARIUM Two great places to visit in our region with a Cornwall Public Library membership card. Ottawa?s Canadian Museum of Nature and the 1000 Islands Ontario?s Aquatarium located in Brockville. Borrow the passes from the library for up to one week and bring the family! Inquire at the Circulation desk for more information. Some restrictions apply. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8
DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME Heure du cont e f amil ial e port e-ouvert e 10 a.m. to 10 :45 a.m. PAWS 'N BOOKS ? 11 a.m. CHECK-MATES ? 2 p.m.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 HAPPY THANKSGIVING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 MAHJONGG - Group play. Monday at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. TEEN TUESDAYS Great activities for teens every Tuesday evenings beginning at 7 p.m. Join now!
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 THE FORUM - PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL HEALTH Facilitated by David Rawnsley Presentations & Discussions - 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. BAMBINS À LA BIBLIO (0 à 2 ans) 10 h à 10 h 30 APPRENDRE EN JOUANT (0 à 5 ans) 10 h 30 à 12 h CINEMATIC BOOK CLUB Books Into Movies / Discussion Read the book / watch the movie 5:30 pm
BRIDGE CLUB ? 6:00 p.m. CHESS CLUB ? 6:15 p.m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 STORYTIME - Ages: 3 to 5 - 10:00 a.m. t o 10:45 a.m. BABY TALES ? 10 a.m. t o 11:15 a.m. (Two ages groups) SCRABBLE - Every Thursday at 1 p.m. EVENING BOOK CLUB - 5 p.m. at the Grind Coffee Shop
e sp e cia lly fo r tho se w ho sa y ... No thing Ha p p e ns in Co rnw a ll ... he re is
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even tns'm o r SECTION e
Bo re d
w ith Ra che lle And re Th e Cor n w al l Com m u n i t y Hospi t al Au x i l i ar y w ould like to invite you to their Fall Luncheon at St. John's Pr esbyter ian Hall on Fr iday, October 14th. The luncheon m enu consists of soup, sandw iches and desser t bake table for your enjoym ent. The luncheon begins at 11:30am . Tickets can be pur chased at the door for $10 each. For m or e infor m ation, please contact Shir ley at 613-933-6432 or Louise at 613-936-0244. Kn i gh t s Sen i or s an d f r i en ds w ill be sponsor ing a spaghetti supper fundr aiser for National Child's day at 205 Am elia St. in Cor nw all in the basem ent hall on October 14th fr om 4pm until 7pm . The cost is $8 per per son and fr ee for childr en under 5 year s . Tickets ar e available at Knights of Colum bus located at205 Am elia and at Par tir D'un Bon Pas located at 610 M c-Connell Ave. For t h e Un i t ed Nat i on s Wor l d Food Day on Su n day Oct ober 16t h , Knox St-Paul's United Chur ch w ill be hosting a talks/discussion on food, globalization, clim ate change and local connections. The guest speaker w ill be Kate Gr een, Pr ogr am M anager for the Asia Unitar ian Ser vice Com m ittee. See displays and lear n about fr ugal food pr eser vation. Soup and br ead w ill be pr ovided. Adm ission is fr ee and ever yone w elcom ed. This event takes place fr om 1pm to 3:30pm . Plan to take aw ay som e DIY infor m ation w hich w ill help you put nutr itious food on your fam ily table. The Clim ate is changing. Food and agr icultur e m ust too. This event is suitable for the w hole fam ily.
Fr om Oct ober 14t h t o Oct ober 28t h Seaw ay Val l ey Th eat r e Com pan y (SVTC) w i l l be pr esen t i n g " Len d M e a Ten or " at Dr eam Builder Studios located at 2107 Second Str eet West in Cor nw all. Pr oduced by Lise Cousineau Richer , Asociate pr oducer Peter Labelle and Dir ected by Cathy Dur ham , SVTC w ill not disappoint w ith this spectacular pr oduction of Ken Ludw ig's ever popular oper atic far ce. W ith a ver y talented cast including M ichael G. Galvin, Lacie Kingston-Petr ynka, Jenna Clute, Justin Poir ier , Andy Davidson, Lesley Ellam , Alison Latim er and Paul Aubin, this pr oduction is sur e to be a success all the w hile keeping you glued to your seats and pr oviding you w ith m any m any laughs. This is a show you don't w ant to m iss. Lend M e A Tenor w ill be pr esented on the evenings of October 14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th at 7:30 pm and also as a m atinee on October 23r d at 1:30 pm . Tickets ar e $20.00 and can be pur chased online at svtc.the ticketw icket.ca . Th e Cor r i d'ar t Gal l er y i n t h e Car e Cen t r e pr esen t s an ar t ex h i bi t by Ri vk a Waas en t i t l ed " Har m on y w i t h i n m y sou l " . Rivka is an abstr act m ixed m edia Ar tist. Thr ough her paintings, she expr esses her feelings and em otions in a pow er ful w ay. Her ar t is peaceful and har m onious and also displays beautiful and vivid color s. This im pr essive exhibit can be seen fr om October 2nd until October 27th at the Cor r id'ar t Galler y and ther e w ill be a ver nissage on October 12th fr om 5pm until 7pm as w ell. The Cor r id'ar t Galler y is located at 510 Second Str eet East in the Car e Centr e w hich is the for m er Gener al Hospital. Th e Cor n w al l Pu bl i c Li br ar y w i l l be h ol di n g a u sed book sal e in the Hubsher Galler y (hallw ay) on the fir st floor on Fr iday October 14th and Fr iday October 15th fr om 9:30 am until 5 pm . Ther e w ill be a lar ge selection of books available and pr ices ar e 2 books for $1 on Fr iday and $2 a bag on Satur day. The Cor nw all Public Libr ar y is located at 45 Second Str eet East. Th e Gl en gar r y Cu r l i n g Cl u b i n M ax v i l l e i s h ol di n g a W i n e an d Ch eese r egistr ation and infor m ation night on Thur sday October 13th fr om 7pm until 9 pm . Lear n m or e about the Cur ling Club and the spor t of cur ling. For m or e infor m ation call Jennifer at (613)525-3129 or em ail jen.fr aser @xplor net.ca . the Glengar r y Cur ling Club w ill also be holding a car r ally and spaghetti supper on Sunday October 16th. The cost is $30 for the car r ally and dinner or $20 for the dinner only. For the r ally you w ill be given a m ap of w r itten instr uctions to follow w ith questions about landm ar ks you w ill pass on the r oute. The car w ith the m ost cor r ect answ er s w ins. The r oute takes you thr oughout Nor th Glengar r y. The Rally begins at the club at 1pm . Tickets can be pur chased at Scotiabank in M axville. For m or e infor m ation call Janice at 527-5346 or em ail djblaney@sym patico.ca . On Oct ober 14t h f r om 7pm u n t i l 10 pm at t h e W i n ch est er Un i t ed Ch u r ch you can exper ience the w onder ful sound of Canada's top Chr istian contem por ar y songw r iter , Br ian Doer ksen and his band, The Shiyr Poets for an evening of extr aor dinar y or iginal m usic, follow ed by a com plim entar y desser t r eception w ith Br ian and the band. Pur chase you tickets ear ly, as this event w ill sell out! Tickets ar e $15 each and can be pur chased online at w w w.u n der h i sgr ace.ca The W inchester United Chur ch is located at 519 Law r ence Str eet in W inchester. W ho said ther e's nothing to do in Cor nw all? For m or e infor m ation on events and enter tainm ent in the Cor nw all and sur r ounding ar ea, please visit us on Facebook at Things To Do In Cor nw all Ontar io and SD&G .
and who said there's nothing to do in Cornwall? For more information on events and entertainment in the Cornwall and surrounding area, please visit us
on Facebook at Things To Do In Cornwall Ontario and SD&G.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
t o d o - w h er e
t o go - w h at
t o see in Cor n w all
an d SD& G
Placin g an Ad in t h e Calen dar of Even t s is alw ays FREE f or a basic list in g an d in clu des t h e n am e an d locat ion of t h e even t , alon g w it h m or e in f or m at ion on ou r w ebsit e w w w.t h eseek er .ca
Th e Seek er Team Wi sh es Ever yo n e a Hap p y an d Safe Th an k sg i vi n g Week en d !
For a com plet e list in g in pr in t , place you r en h an ced even t ad f or on ly $35. Call 613-935-3763 ext . 1
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Ti m e t o r ew i n d! ! ! Ther e's no doubt that life w ould be gr eat and flaw less, filled w ith enough car e to build a better tom or r ow , w hen m em ber s in society ar e united as one big happy fam ily. For the four th tim e, 3Angels Pow er Film Pr oduction INC is m aking a differ ence in Cor nw all's society by giving locals/volunteer actor s the oppor tunity to shine like super star s instantly in our sky thr ough the unique pr oduction of a w onder ful new featur e pr esentation under the title of "Sum m er Rew ind", the "Unfit M isfit" spin off. Endor sing Cor nw all as the base of a film ing location br ings out the best in our city. "Sum m er Rew ind" w ill show som e of the histor ic places to visit such as; the clock tow er , and Lam our eux Par k . It w ill also engage the view er 's im agination in a clever w ay to dr aw his/her ow n per sonal conclusion. ?Sum m er Rew ind "is a stor y that im plicates the aspect of hor r or thr ough the use of super natur al, par anor m al, and fiction. It outlines the significance of w or ds, and m eanings in life, and in betw een individuals thr ough the use of differ ent theor ies, and analysis. 3Angels Pow er Film Pr oduction INC alw ays goes the extr a m ile to m ake things stand out, and leave a histor ic m ar k in ter m s of film pr oduction. M ona Kar am (Volunteer photogr apher ) is docum enting ever y step of the pr oduction in total thr ough photogr aphy. T-shir ts and tank tops w er e
specially designed by M ona Lisa Kar am , a 2nd gener ation fashion designer to br ing out the im por tance of ?The Spooky Gang? existence/pr esence. So, look out for ?The Spooky Gang? a new tr io in tow n to answ er your calls of ghost sightings in ?Sum m er Rew ind?. M any par ticipants joined our jour ney to for m a bigger fam ily including Tony Stallone w ho is an inter national independent w r estler /pr ofessional actor. M eanw hile, the Soundtr ack w ill consist of m usic by var ious ar tists fr om ar ound the w or ld. 1. Tar ock M usic (Br uce Cohen, Rick Shaffer , and The Reds) 2..Rizo Balic 3. Elie Kallas 4. Chr istopher Chr itofi 5. RYDA 6. Hope W isem an 7. Jeanne D'ar c Kar am . 3Angels Pow er Film Pr oduction INC m ain intention is to continue on w ith building m or e br idges betw een people, and open door s of oppor tunities to m ake a differ ence in society. W ith ever y new m ovie, volunteer actor s lear n a special lesson, get new exper ience, and obtain a high self esteem by sim ply being onboar d. Wor king side by side, and together as a team , you'll lear n how to belong and get along by giving out of your good w ill, and loving hear t. W ith 3Angels Pow er , m ovies ar e not just m ovies or volunteer w or k, you'll lear n how to accept, and help other s voluntar ily yet unconditionally. The bottom line is, together w e can m ake a differ ence. W ith a little m or e car e, w e can do m ir acles. Go ahead take a look at our pages, you m ight just hit LIKE! https://w w w.fa cebook.com/Summer Rewind/
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Sha ry n
Happy Th ank sgi v i ng!
I have so much to be thankful for, every day, not just once a year at Thanksgiving. Gary and I have been happily married for 50 years, we have 3 wonderful daughters with loving husbands, 9 grandchildren, our faith, good friends and good health, our store just celebrated 36 years in business, an old farmhouse in the country which we love along with 2 dogs to keep us young! I hope you will have a wonderful day with your families. This is what it is all about! I have two pie recipes for you to try. We just got our locally grown cranberries to-day at Sharyn's Pantry. Buy a few bags and stick them in your freezer. We also have fresh locally grown summer savory for your turkey stuffing, as well as locally raised free run chickens and turkeys.
OU R FAM ILIES' FAVOU RITE PU M PKIN PIE At our house, I always make many pumpkin pies for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. That is the law! No matter what else we will have, there must be pumpkin pies, and lots of them! INGREDIENTS: 1- 29 oz. tin of canned pumpkin (This is plain pumpkin puree, NOT pumpkin pie filling.) 5 eggs, beaten 2 cups of dark brown sugar 2 heaping tsp. ground cinnamon 1 heaping tsp. ground nutmeg 1 medium heaping tsp. ground ginger 1 level tsp. fine salt 1- 16 oz can of Carnation evaporated milk 3 - 9" unbaked pie shells METHOD: -Set your oven to 425 degrees F. Have your oven rack on the lowest level. -Beat the 5 eggs in a bowl until nice and light. Add the evaporated milk and pumpkin. -In another bowl, combine the brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and salt together. -Add the brown sugar and spices and salt into the pumpkin mixture. Mix well. Use a whisk. -Pour the filling into the 3 pie shells. Divide it evenly between the 3 pie shells. -Carefully place the pumpkin pies on the lowest baking level rack. -Bake the pies for only 15 minutes at 425 degrees F. then lower your oven temperature to 350 degrees F. and continue to bake the pies for 40 to 50 minutes. -Bake the pies until a cake tester inserted into the centre come out clean. ENJOY!
Co r n wal & Ar l eaJo bFai rHu g e Su ccess
FRESH APPLE AND CRANBERRY PIE INGREDIENTS: 2 unbaked pie crusts for top and bottom of a 9" pie 2- 1/ 2 cups of thinly sliced apples 2- 1/ 2 cups fresh cranberries, chopped 1- 1/ 3 cups white sugar 3 tbsp. minute tapioca (we sell small bags of this) 3 tbsp. water METHOD: -Peel and core and thinly slice enough apples to measure 2- 1/ 2 cups in volume. -Chop your cranberries to measure 2- 1/ 2 cups in volume. -Place the sugar, minute tapioca and water in a bowl. Mix to combine. -Add the sliced apples and chopped cranberries to the sugar mixture. Mix well. -Pour this into the unbaked pie shell. -You can cover the pie with a solid top pastry or cut the pastry into lattice strips for a pretty change. -If you are using a solid top pie crust, cut slits into a pretty pattern to allow the steam to escape while the pie is baking. -Bake your pie in a 425 degree F. oven for 30 minutes of until the pastry is golden and the filling is hot and bubbling. ENJOY!
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812PittSt,Unit6,Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN:Monday toSaturday - 9 to5
Article by Shannon Ferguson of Rhoice Marketing & Events Cor nw all, Ontar io-- Over 1200 job seeker s flooded thr ough the door s of the Cor nw all Civic Com plex on Wednesday, October 5 m aking the Cor nw all & Ar ea Job Fair 2016 a definite success. Those inter ested in finding jobs or volunteer oppor tunities w er e w elcom ed by over 50 local em ployer s and social ser vice agencies, w ho w er e on hand to m eet w ith the public and accept r esum es fr om potential em ployees. ?Our par ticipating em ployer s w er e ver y im pr essed w ith the quality of job seeker s in the ar ea? said event or ganizer , Kat Rendek . She added ?We have been told that m any em ployer s w ill be follow ing up on r esum es ear ly next w eek?. The cr ow d r em ained steady thr oughout both of the job fair ?s tw o sessions, the fir st one w as held fr om 8am -11am and the second r an fr om 4pm -7pm . Or ganizer ?s decided on splitting up the day to m ake it easier for both em ployer s and job seeker s w ith differ ent schedules to attend. Both sessions featur ed Cor nw all, SD&G, and Akw esasne em ployer s fr om var ious sector s including tr anspor tation, w ar ehousing, ser vice and sales, r etail, and hospitality. The event also included the 10th annual Fr ontline FYI, w hich featur ed em ploym ent and health ser vice agencies located in Cor nw all. ?Fr ontline FYI pr oved to be an excellent addition to the fair. It w as a gr eat w ay for job seeker s to fam iliar ize them selves w ith our com m unity ser vices and consider car eer or volunteer oppor tunities in the non-pr ofit sector ? explained Rendek . The Cor nw all & Ar ea Job Fair w as put on by the Social Developm ent Council of Cor nw all Em ployability Netw or k and sponsor ed by the M inistr y of Com m unity and Social Ser vices in par tner ship w ith the City of Cor nw all, Cor nw all Econom ic Developm ent, and the Akw esasne Ar ea M anagem ent Boar d. For mor e infor mation check out the SDC Cor nwa ll website at w w w.sdccor nwa ll.ca
by Cornwall Scrabble Director Vivianne Panizzon
Alfred Mosher Butts (an American architect, famous for inventing the board game Scrabble in 1938), would be proud to know that The Cornwall Scrabble Club launched its 7th year on Thursday September 8th. The Cornwall Public Library was happy to see past Scrabblers and some new Scrabblers on the scene. After taking a pause during the months of July and August, players were eager to return, and with a baggage of new and challenging words. At this point, I must mention Lucille Fay for having achieved an astonishing 121 points for making the word Quizzes? a feat that is rare and worthy of recognition. Congratulations Lucy! And the results for the month of September are: Highest Average: Lucille Fay, 365 pts Highest Score: Ted Emerton-Proulx, 480 pts. Highest Cumul at ive Spread: Carol Murdock, + 49 Most Games Won: Edith Sturgeon Bingos: Sylvie ThĂŠoret , 2 Ted Emerton-Proulx, 2 Lucille Fay, 2 Norma Forsyth, 2 Edith Sturgeon, 2 Linda Meikle, 1 Vivianne Panizzon, 1 Highest Bingo: Lucille Fay, 121 pts Scrabble is played at the Cornwall Public Library every Thursday afternoon. To join the Cornwall Scrabble Club, communicate with Vivianne Panizzon 613 931 1792 vpanizzon@cogeco.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
Good day to you and everyone else who is taking the time to read ~The Seeker~ this week. Good Bye September... Hello October. Hello to the beautiful colours of Mother Nature's Fall Fashion Show!!! I do really hope that you are taking some time out of your busy schedules to get out and about to witness the Beauty of Autumn!!! We are very fortunate to have a lot of great spots to view the upcoming colors, such as the ~Eco park~ at the west end of ~Lamoureux Park~, or along the ~Long Sault Parkway~, or even on the recreational path to the West of Cornwall. Let's also not forget the trails at ~Grey's Creek~, or the ones at the ~Migratory Bird Sanctuary~, as well. Our multicolor-show is short in this part of Ontario, so get out there to see the brilliance of the leaves before they are on the ground. We probably have a couple of good weeks ahead of us for leaf viewing. See You Around!!! Now, Where Are My Low- Heeled Goulashes??? ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I would like to share a very unique item that was given to me. (Making it another priceless gift.) It is a purse shaped like a puppy, but made out of a coconut. It even has a beautiful satin lining inside, yet is an Authentic Coconut that is polished to look like shiny patent leather. It has to be one of the most Unique Purses that I have ever owned!!! I would like to thank my dear friend, Karen Muise who bought this for me at the old ~Agape Center~, now known as ~New for You~. She told me she just had to buy it, as it had my name written all over it. She was right!!! l Love It!!! This sure was a busy week for John and I. One of my daughters, Ella Rose, was married to her childhood sweetheart, Steven on October 1st. I wrote about how they met and were re-aquainted last week... So this week I'll tell you all about the wedding. First of all, the venue was amazing, the ~INFINITY CONVENTION CENTER~ in Ottawa was just completed, and this wedding was their very first event! It's hard to describe just how beautiful this place is, but more importantly, I wish to say how beautiful the bride and the wedding was. All of my seven
children & their significant others, and most of my grandchildren were all together for the first time in many years. Some who have not been as close to me as I would like, saw a new side of me when I got up to read a short speech in front of about 150 people. Many people including promenate family members approached me afterwards to tell me my speech made an impression on them. Five years ago I would never have agreed to do a speech, but I was well prepared, both
mentally and emotionally. To see my daughter, Ella Rosey so happy with her Steven was the greatest gift I could ever receive. John took some photos, but Ella Rose runs a wedding business in Ottawa and had her own people do the official photography. Here is a photo John took of my seven children, their significant others, and six out of eight of my grandchildren. WHAT A TIME HAD BY ALL!!! Especially ME!!! Ella Rose & Steven's wedding reception included a multi-course meal, an open bar, a free photo booth and a DJ playing great tunes to keep my family and new friends dancing all night long. This was all held in an amazing brand-new venue that my daughter, Ella Rose said cost $20 million. John and I stayed at a nearby hotel where we got to spend some "quality time" together and we enjoyed a great breakfast the next morning to end a perfect weekend. (It sort of felt like a pre-honeymoon of our own.) The next morning we visited my Mommy, and stayed for several hours, chitting and chatting about family and many other interesting topics. She had been unable to attend the wedding due to her health, but we filled her in on the events of the previous day, along with bringing along a BIG bouquet of flowers from the wedding, and photos we showed her from our camera. After this "quality time" spent with my 76 year old Mommy... It was off to visit my youngest son, Marcus, and his gf Kelsey. Where they treated us like a King and Queen by enjoying some fine wine, eating delicious meatball subs and wedding cake, and by playing music and spending "Good Times" together. We watch a funny movie afterwards and then decided to stay overnight. Marcus & Kelsey made us a delicious breakfast the next morning. Afterwards we spent some more time chitting and chatting about life and other things. The boys decided to play some music together on two different guitars of Marcus'. What A Weekend!!! John and I finally returned home in our new vehicle, a Chevy HHR that afternoon. This extended weekend was a great mini-holiday, despite the fact that we got home a lot more tired and spent than we were when we left. I suppose that's a sign of "Living Life to the Fullest", as the weekend was jam-packed full of Joy & Happiness with my loving family along with New & Old friends. Upon our return, John and I decided to go to sit quietly at the beach near Ingleside, to reflect on the wonderful weekend we had and to recharge our batteries. After all...We Are Getting Old...er!!! TIP OF THE WEEK: Don't Complicate Your Life: 1. If You Are Missing Someone... CALL! 2. Do You Want To Meet Up?...INVITE! 3. Do You Want To Be Understood? ...EXPLAIN! 4. Do You Have Questions?...ASK! 5. If, You Don't Like Something...SAY IT! 6. If, You like Something? ..STATE IT! 7. Do You Want Something?...ASK FOR IT! 8. Do You Love Someone? TELL THEM!!! Do not complicate your life by sitting around and wondering this and that and the other... DO SOMETHNG ABOUT IT!!! For me, I reached out to a couple of family members who had not been in touch with me in a long time. Whether they respond or not, is not the issue, but the fact that I reached out makes me know in my heart that I did the right thing. I promise that reaching out to your own distant family or long, lost friends will also make your life a lot more loving and much more Positive!!! UNTIL NEXT WEEK: Do not bother about what others think about YOU! Just FOCUS on YOUrself and Be POSITIVE! Some people are always negative ... So, Do Not Let It Bother You!!! Be Happy & Show Others That You Really Are!!! If someone doesn't like YOU, it's THEIR problem, Not Yours. If someone insults you or spreads lies, it is THEIR problem, Not Yours. It only becomes our problem when we ALLOW it to bother us. It's the law of Mind Over Matter - If You Don't Mind, They Don't/ Won't Matter!!! We can all hold our heads up high and be truly happy, despite what the naysayers are doing. Perhaps they may even come around to the positive side of life by seeing our example. Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca www.listerphotos.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THE PAPER MILL STEAM WHISTLE For generations the Cornwall paper mill steam whistle signaled both the rhythm of routine as well as danger. For many workers it signaled shift change. For youth of the entire community, especially those without a watch nor sense of time, it announced curfew. Although few seem to be aware nor care, here in Ontario youth under 16 are not to be on the streets nor other public places between midnight and 6 a.m. unless accompanied by a responsible adult. A repeated sequence of two or three whistle blasts announced a fire on paper mill property: Like some other large industries in the former Cornwall Township, the paper mill had its own fire brigade. The fire signals directed the fire crew to the right area and made the entire community hold its collective breath. In preparation for the Domtar mill closure in 2006, the day that the steam plant was to shut down, the whistle was blown long and loud one final time. An employee made an audio recording of that eerie final blast and played it for those gathered for last Friday's 10 year reunion. It seemed to pierce several attendees to their very core.
Ka thle e n
M O RRIS,RM T Can cer . This is a delicate topic for too m any people. Unfor tunately, w e can all say w e know som eone w ho has been diagnosed w ith cancer. W ith the r esear ch that has taken place in r ecent year s, m any of us ar e for tunate enough to say w e know som eone w ho has beat cancer.
Br east cancer is the m ost com m on cancer found in w om en, accor ding to the Canadian Cancer Society. Due to the high occur r ence of this disease, ther e is an abundance of infor m ation on how to detect and fight br east cancer. (I tr uly hope ever yone of you r eading this ar ticle does a br east self-exam r egular ly, like w e?ve all been taught to do.) How ever , w hat w e don?t hear about is w hat br east cancer can do to a per son?s m ental and em otional health, even after r ecover y. For m any w om en, br easts ar e an expr ession of fem ininity. For m other s, w e use our br easts to pr ovide nour ishm ent for our childr en. Som e w om en w ill use their br easts to attr act a par tner. Although m ost w om en w ill com plain about their br easts being a nuisance, m any of us couldn?t im agine not having them . In an ar ticle published in Canadian Living r ecently, the author explor ed the m any com plex feelings and thoughts that a w om en battling br east cancer can feel. The w om en in the ar ticle, r egar dless of the people r allying ar ound them telling them how str ong and beautiful they still w er e, w er e constantly r em inded of their jour ney ever ytim e they looked in the m ir r or. Can M assage Th er apy t r eat can cer ? No. Can M assage Ther apy pr event cancer ? No! M assage Ther apy CAN r educe str ess and anxiety. M assage Ther apy CAN pr ovide a gentle, loving touch, as opposed to the som etim es cold, r ough, and painful exper ience that is cancer tr eatm ent. M assage ther apy CAN help w ith som e of the aw ful side effects som e people exper ience after cancer tr eatm ent, such as neur ological pain and dysfunction, m uscle w eakness and sor eness, scar tissue for m ation, lym phedem a, and cir culation deficiency, to nam e a few. W hether you ar e new ly diagnosed, battling the disease, or in r em ission, a Register ed M assage Ther apist w ill have tr aining for effectively tr eating these and other conditions associated w ith cancer. One other side effect of cancer of any for m is negative body im age. Even though you ar e fighting the har dest you?ve ever fought in your life, your body is still am azing. RM T?s don?t judge you negatively.
Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On K6H 4J6 Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com (613) 662-5549
Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles. For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.
Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: kmkathleenmorris@gmail.com ( 613) 662-5549
In 2006 the SD&G Historical Society approached the mill and offered to house as many artifacts as possible to preserve the many memories for former Howard Smith and Domtar employees as well as for the community at large. The collection includes the steam whistle and engineering diagram, which are but two items in a new exhibit at the Cornwall Community Museum ? open Wednesday to Sunday 11 a.m. ? 4 p.m.
In Print we are your "Weekly Dose" of Positive News BUT - For Your Daily Dose of POSITIVE NEWS
visit www.theseeker.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Lind a
G e ise l FOCUS ART JURIED EXHIBITION FOCUS ART exhibitions have become highly anticipated events in the Cornwall Community art scene. They have showcased local talent for over ten years. A strong supporter, the Cornwall Public Library has repeatedly transformed their space into an exhibition hall for us and loaned out storage areas to house our equipment in order to promote local art and culture. This past spring, FOCUS ART looked to expand its audience and was fortunate to be able to relocate a pop up gallery in the Cornwall Square. The storefront located on the upper level near the food court attracted many shoppers who visited the exhibit and voted for their favourite artwork.
FOCUS ART has acquired a painting from last spring?s People?s Choice Award winner Kathleen Morin as a prize for a fall raffle. The painting is valued at $850 and each ticket is sold for $10 each. There are only 400 tickets printed and the chance to win this beautiful painting is 1 in 400 or less. The winning ticket will be drawn at FOCUS ART?S annual Christmas party on December 7, 2016. What a great Christmas present for the lucky winner!
A NOTE ABOUT ANN SUTHERLAND GRUCHY, S.C.A. www.anngruchy.com Ann Sutherland Gruchy is an elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists living in rural Ottawa south, working and teaching in her Kars studio. She paints in acrylic, oil and watercolour and is known for her minimalist landscapes as well as her large, bold non-representational works. She has been an artist for 25 years, served as juror for many art groups, won numerous awards and taught classes and workshops in watercolour and acrylic/ mixed media. She holds regular ?Open Studio Workshops?.
Soon, FOCUS ART will be presenting a Juried Exhibition at the Square. The difference between a juried show and a regular exhibition is that all the artwork shown in the exhibit will be adjudicated by a professional artist. This year?s juror is Ann Sutherland Gruchy, S.C.A. The jury process will take place on Saturday October 15 from 10 am to 4 pm. Participating artists will be invited for the judging. The public is also invited to drop in and observe the proceedings to see how and why artwork is picked for exhibits.
Ann is an active member of the Art Lending of Ottawa, a not-for-profit artists' cooperative; OMMA, North Gower/ Kars DISCOVERY TOUR and the Manotick Art Association. Her work is shown at Norman Felix Gallery, Toronto, ON, Artemisia Gallery, Westport, ON, The Grotto, Merrickville, ON, Gruchy Studio / Gallery KARS, ON and the Balderson Gallery
The public will have the opportunity to meet our artists during the event?s opening party. This party, called a ?vernissage? is set for Friday October 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The selected works will be on display from October 20 to 30, with the store open on each Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of these two weeks. Visitors can participate in a ?name the painting? contest for a chance to win a gift certificate from the Cailuan Gallery on Pitt St.
Energetically Speaking
f or more inf o about Focus visit www.f ocusart onl ine.org
W e nd y Hud so n
what most people would call ghosts. As an empath, energy healer, teacher and transitional dream-walker, it was anything but fun to feel what all these disembodied spirits were actually feeling. Most of them had died after being unjustly accused of witchcraft and being subjected D.Div., C.A.E.H., C.D.W., C.S.H. to torture of the most agonizing methods and so when their physical body?s died, the emotions of fear, grief, anger and revenge prevented most of them from crossing over and left them earthbound.
The Essence of A Ghost
* * Note: This is a re-print of my last article with the CORRECTED workshop date* *
It?s that time of year again when the weather cools down, the leaves turn beautiful colours, pumpkin spice everything is all around us and we begin to think about Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas holidays. Halloween is probably my favourite holiday, followed closely by Christmas. My thoughts now turn to the fun of Halloween night, which will bring so many kids to our door, as I participate in making the house look as scarily enticing as I can with the full effects of smoke, scary music, spooky decorations and of course, getting dressed up to terrorize everyone who ventures near. Halloween is one of those nights where it?s fun to be scared, where it?s alright to take on the persona of someone or something else and to hide behind a mask for a while. Can you imagine though being scared and behind a mask all the time? It?s also the time of year when all the ?haunted walks?, ?spooky rides?, and ?ghost hunting? begins. It?s very interesting to watch how others will flock to events and places that might just contain the energies of ghosts, spirits, poltergeist and demons in order to be ?scared?. Last year, I had the privilege of being in Salem, Mass. in the middle of October with my family, all of whom are energy workers and we attended some of the more recognized sites that most definitely do contain the energies of
It?s all good and fun to go looking for ghosts but unfortunately, most people don?t know what to do with one when they find it. There are many TV shows that look for proof that they even exist. I can tell you from personal experience that they do, and you won?t only find them in a graveyard; they exist everywhere and will often try to return to the places and people that are compatible with their energy. Ghosts used to be people, who died with unfinished business. They are in a lot of pain because if they weren?t, they wouldn?t be ghosts. They would have moved on into the light of love but because they left their physical body holding onto heavy, negative energies, they have stayed earthbound, wandering aimlessly until they can find closure. When I find a ghost, I will always try to give this being what it needs from my loving heart to help it move on and find peace. That?s just who I am and it?s an ability that I?ve been gifted with. If you?d like to get more information on ghosts and the paranormal, I?d invite you to our upcoming workshop on October 16 in Cornwall called ?Piercing The Supernatural Veil- Developing Your Paranormal Intuition and Cleansing Abilities.? We?ll educate you and show you how to possibly help these lost souls to move on with their existence instead of just giving you a momentary thrill of connecting with them because that?s just what love would do. To find out more about what we do, who we are, what we teach and any upcoming workshops and classes, please visit our website at www.awakeningangels.ca. To read this blog in its entirety, visit https:/ / awakeningangels.wordpress.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cor nwa ll Onta r io ? Comedia n a nd a ctor Joey Elia s will be hea dlining a comedy show on Fr iday October 28th at the Cor nwa ll Legion. JOEY ELIAS has an im pr essive IM Db r esum e w hich includes the r ole of a libr ar y secur ity guar d in the 2004 blockbuster m ovie ?The Day After Tom or r ow ? star r ing Dennis Quiad and dir ected by Roland Em m er ich.
?That w as my favour ite acting exper ience, ever yone fr om Roland Em m er ich to Jake Gylenhall to the dr iver s on set w er e incr edible to w or k w ith and fun to w atch Article by Jason Setnyk | Submitted Photo w or k . M y favour ite par t w as dur ing film ing, w e took a br eak and cr ew m em ber s and som e actor s fr om our played a n extr a in a Tr a iler Pa r k Boys movie, m ovie took on the cr ew and other s fr om a m ovie will a lso be per for ming. and it?s cr ew that w as shooting in an adjacent lot,? Joey Elias disclosed. JOSH WILLIAM S is cr edited as playing the backgr ound char acter of a stoner in the Tr ailer For the past 25 year s Joey Elias has tr aveled the Par k Boys m ovie ?Don?t Legalize It? accor ding to w or ld, fr om the UK, to Hong Kong, to IM DB. Afghanistan, br inging his unique br and of com edy to audiences ever yw her e acr oss the ?I w as in the m ovie for a shor t scene. It w as just globe. He has per for m ed at festivals, he has tw o for one day. We w er e on Par liam ent Hill on 420 cr oss Canada Tour s under his belt, and he has and it w as film ed guer r illa style. It w as a fun num er ous television and film cr edits. exper ience, but it w as a little differ ent. I?ve been on sets befor e, but never film ed guer r illa style. His com edy car eer star ted in 1992 after losing a We had to do it quickly befor e ever yone ther e pool hall bet. noticed Ricky and Bubbles and r ushed to get their autogr aphs?, Josh W illiam s r em inisced. ?I w as skipping school w ith my buddy that knew I had been w r iting my ow n m ater ial. He The Tr ailer Par k Boys m ovie, w hich w as r eleased r ecognized tw o com edians w e had seen on one of in 2014, can be str eam ed on Canadian Netflix. tr eks to the Com edynest. He bet m e if I lost I had In addition to the Tr ailer Par k Boys m ovie, Josh to intr oduce myself and tell them I w ant to tr y W illiam s is also an stand-up. I lost and the r est is histor y,? he aw ar d w inning r em inisced. com edian. He tw ice w on ?Ottaw a?s Favor ite Since then he has per for m ed sixteen differ ent Com edian? in Faces tim es at Just For Laughs Festivals. M agazine, and he w as ?Just For Laughs is one my highlights in my also a nom inee for Best car eer , as ar e the M ilitar y show s I?ve been lucky Stand-Up New com er at enough to be a par t of. I pr epar e the sam e w ay the Canadian Com edy for ever y show , big or sm all ? I go thr ough the Aw ar ds. sam e pr e-show r outine,? Joey Elias explained. The Ottaw a based com edian finds The com edian has tr aveled to Afghanistan to hum our and enter tain the tr oops on tw o occasions. inspir ation in his ow n daily life. ?Tr avelling anyw her e to enter tain the tr oops is an honour , so I feel pr ivileged to have been asked ?I find my life funny. I to have gone over ther e tw ice. Ther e ar e so m any don?t take myself too stor ies and m em or ies that I could pr obably fill ser iously. Som e people 40-50 pages ? let?s say ther e ar e m any but due to do, and nothing is national secur ity w e can not discuss in detail,? funny to them . I live a said Joey Elias w ith a sm ir k . goofy life, and silly Accor ding to Joey Elias, laughter is a univer sal stuff happens to m e. language, and w hat?s funny her e in Canada is I?m not em bar r assed funny elsew her e. too easily?, said Josh W illiam s. ?I think funny is funny. You m ust know your audience, so no m atter w her e you ar e doing a It?s easy to see w hy show I?ll alw ays find out a little som ething about Josh W illiam s is loved the city, tow n, village that I?m in?, Joey Elias by audiences. The stated. Ottaw a com edian is a fan favour ite w ith his Joey Elias has also been on ?Com edy Now ?and ?All quick w it and cr ow d Access Pass?, but he pr efer s live com edy over inter action. television. ?M y live show is non ?As m uch as I enjoy the acting, per for m ing live stop hilar ity. It?s an com edy w ill alw ays be my fir st love,? Joey Elias inter active exper ience. concluded. I talk to the cr ow d and engage. It?s not just Joey Elias w ill not be the only com edian w ith an about m e, I get to know IM Db r esum e per for m ing on October 28th in them too. We laugh at Cor nw all. m e and at them ?, Josh W illiam s concluded. Awa r d winning comedia n Josh W illia ms, who
This show also featur es hom egr ow n talent w ith the ver y funny Jacy Lafontaine w ho is per using her com edy car eer in M ontr eal. ?I?ve been extr em ely for tunate to star t my com edy car eer in M ontr eal, a city that cr eated a huge am ount of am azing talent. This has allow ed m e to lear n fr om som e of the best. The connections I?ve m ade and the lessons I?ve lear ned fr om the M ontr eal com edy scene has allow ed m e to tr avel to num er ous cities to do w hat I love,? says Jacy Lafontaine. Jacy Lafontaine w as selected to com pete in Ser ius Top Com ic M ontr eal?s show case and has becom e a favour ite in the M ontr eal com edy scene. Jacy Lafontaine explains how thr illed she is to r etur n to her hom etow n to per for m . She also notices positive changes happening in Cor nw all. ?Spending m ost of my life gr ow ing up in Cor nw all the ar t scene in gener al w as lacking. I love seeing the city get m or e of an enter tainm ent scene and I?m r eally excited to be a par t of it. It?s r ew ar ding to see people like M ar k Vincent w or k so har d to br ing an ar ts and cultur e scene to Cor nw all. It?s clear that its population w ant it as w ell,? r easoned Jacy Lafontaine. The show is br ought to you by Off Your Rocker a nd Alka line Enter ta inment. The show sta r ts at 8pm on October 28th. Tickets ava ila ble at the Lotto Kiosk, Flor a l Expr essions, M elody M usic, a nd the Cor nwa ll Legion. The pr ice of a dmission is $20 per ticket. This show will be r a ising funds for the Cor nwa ll Legion.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst FOR SALE: Dining r oom set in exellent condition. Cal l 613-932-6526 f or m or e i n f or m at i on LOOKI NG FOR a gar age to par k my Conver tible in for the Winter months. Cal l Ber t 613-932-7045 FOR SALE: 2 piece fancy jacket and top size 14-16. Paid $89, asking $25. Long dr essy satin skir t, size 14-16. For a w edding or a cr uise, $20. Ladies long navy r aincoat in good condition, $20 obo. Folding table 49"x25", [aid $65 and asking $30. Queen or double bedspr ead, Old Rose and W hite (like a quilt) paid $149 and asking$40. Cal l 613-936-9399 SEEKI NG AREA CAPTAI NS, CANVASSERS, DRI VERS for the Hear t&Str oke Canvass. Suppor t a Life-saving Cause and Connect w ith your Com m unity. Contact Ashley: 613-938-8933, or em ail am an w el l @h sf .on .ca FOR SALE: Sunbeam Stand M ixm aster , silver , 350w atts, 12 speeds, used once, still in box $45 fir m . 613-362-5700 THE CANADI AN RED CROSS TRANSPORTATI ON PROGRAM I S SEEKI NG A VOLUNTEER to assist with administr ative wor k such as data entr y, infor mation r esear ch, phone calls etc. one or two days a week or as needed. Use of Micr osoft applications a definite asset. If you ar e inter ested in volunteer ing for this position, please contact us at 613-932-0231 ext. 2240 or email atcor nwal l t r anspor t @r edcr oss.ca VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help plan and implement a new event in October to r aise money to suppor t r esear ch for women?s gynecological cancer s. Please contact Lois at 613-32-1283 ext. 3673 It?s going to be a fun one!! CORNWALL NEWCOMERS ALUMNAE CHAPTER (CNAC) wishes to extend an invitation to ladies of Cor nwall Newcomer s Club. If you joined Cor nwall Newcomer s Club (CNC) in 2012 you ar e eligible to join the Cor nwall Newcomer s ALUMNAE Chapter. Mor e info contact Liz at 613-932-8164.
Th e Dad Sh ow 12 Week Ch al l enge Welcome to The-Dad-Show 12 week health challenge!! Over the next 12 weeks, we'll be talking about the right kind of fuel we need to feed our bodies and how we can improve our overall health. Basically a kickstart to guide you in the right direction towards your own personal health goals. We all deserve a healthier lifestyle and hopefully we can achieve this together. **** We are not health professionals. We are individuals that want a healthier lifestyle and want to motivate others along the way.
Week 5 Chal l enge The-Dad-Show challenges you to prepare a new healthy snack. Again, variety is key when eating healthy and part of it is replacing those fat or surgery snacks with something fun and healthy. ...be creative. Tips will be given on The-Dad-Show episode of Thursday October 5th @8pm, only on www.dunet.ca. All shows are recorded and available to listen from our website after the live broadcast.
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Benef it s t o t rying out new heal t hy snacks
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The main benefit for making a new healthy snack is that it will make your repertoire that much bigger and that makes it less likely for you to make a bad snack decision. When you reach for a healthy snack first, you're halfway there!
Wh y I'm doin g it I decided to do the 12 week challenge for motivation. Although I eat healthy most of the time, living with someone who eats whatever/ whenever wasn't helping me. About 9 yrs ago, we started eating organic, eliminating chemicals from our food and household. One thing I've been wanting to better myself by was quitting coffee and red wine (Mmm wine) and what better way? It's been difficult so far but I've definitely cut down! I knew it wasn't going to be easy with 3 children but I need to be a good role model for them.
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or visit ht t p:/ / versacorehost ing.duoservers.com THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Things ar e not alw ays w hat they appear to be; especially in Seaw ay Valley Theatr e Com pany?s latest pr oduction: Ken Ludw ig?s Lend M e A Tenor. The Cleveland Gr and Oper a Com pany invites Tito M or elli, the gr eatest tenor of his gener ation, to appear for one night only as Otello. Chaos ensues after the star ar r ives late, and thr ough a ser ies of hilar ious m ishaps, tw o Otellos ar e left r unning am ok and tw o w om en ar e left r unning ar ound in linger ie! Veter an dir ector Cathy Dur ham is excited to be br inging another Ludw ig
classic to life, having pr eviously dir ected such hits as M oon Over Buffalo and Leading Ladies. ?W hat I love about Ken Ludw ig is that he totally gets com edy,? Dur ham states. ?He m akes it easy for theatr e gr oups to pr oduce his w or k? . His char acter s ar e r ich and loveable [and] w e can cast m en and w om en of all ages.? Dur ham explains that the cast is a lovely blend of seasoned actor s and new com er s, including Justin Poir ier as M ax, Jenna Clute as M aggie, Andy Davidson as Saunder s, Picture from left to right : Alison Latimer , Justin Poirier, Jenna Clute M ichael J. Galvin as Tito, Lacie Petr ynka as M ar ia, Alison Latim er as Diana, Lesley Ellam as Julia and Paul Aubin as Bellhop.
SeawayVal l eyTheat reCompanyRaises The Curt ainOn Anot herHil ariousProduct ion
?They ar e keen and I am challenged to stay one step ahead of them ? I love going to r ehear sals and seeing the actor s w or king on aspects of their r oles! They ar e m agic on stage and I am so pr oud of each one.? Of cour se, the pr oduction w ould be nothing w ithout its pr oducer s Lise Richer and Peter Labelle, and stage m anager Kelly Dem pster. ?I can har dly w ait for the public to see w hat a funny, fast paced show this is!? Dur ham shar es. Ken Ludwig?s Lend M e A Tenor is pr esented with specia l a r r a ngement by Sa muel Fr ench, I nc. The show opens October 14 at Dr ea mBuilder Studios a nd continues per for ma nces October 15, 21, 22, 28, 29 at 7:30pm with a matinee per for ma nce October 23 at 1:30pm. Tickets a r e ava ila ble at The United Way Office (405 Four th Str eet West) or online at w w w.svtc.ca
Wishing Everyonea Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Weekend! JIM M cDONELL, M PP St o r m o n t - Du n d as So u t h Gl en g ar r y Time Square, 120 Second Street West Cornwall, ON K6J 1G5 Tel : 613-933-6513 Fax: 613-933-6449 Email: jim.mcdonellco@pc.ola.org www.jimmcdonel l mpp.ca
Hismomtellshim"Showthecamera yourThanksgivingLeaf"... thisisthe outcome..WethinklittleMasonis proudto be Canadian.Whata smile!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 38 - October 7 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca