You You rr Weekl Weekl yy Dose Dose of of Posi Posi ti ti ve ve New New s! s!
Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r
Vol .. 7 5 Vol 7 6Issue Issue 6 Volume Issue 41, February 5, 2016 February 12,2015 2016 October 30,
Wh at d o t h ese p eo p l e h ave i n co m m o n ?
Photo (L-R) taken at the Cornwall Community Hospital in front of the donor wall. Al l an Wil son, Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation Board Chair, Erin Kil l oran, Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation Executive Director, Al ison Hudson, The Alison Wonderland Band, La Cuisine Volante, Optimist Club of Cornwall & District, Marvin Pl umadore, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297 & Kinsmen Club of Cornwall, Anit a Trembl ay, Optimist Club of Cornwall & District, St acy McPhail , DJ Sound, Kat ie Burke, Cornwall Sunrise Rotary Club, Terry Muir, Kinsmen Club of Cornwall and Optimist Club of Cornwall & District James Morris, Owner, La Cuisine Volante, Marc Bouvier, Director of Operations, La Cuisine Volante, Scot t Beck, Kinsmen Club of Cornwall
... an even tt h atyo ud efi n i t eldy o n 'twan tt o m i ss! for story, see page 5 17840 Count y Road 44 JUST Nort h of t he cit y on Cornwal l El ect ric! Open concept main f l oor, 3 l arge bedrooms above, f ul l bsmt & garage. $299,000
TU ESDAYS7 p m a www.DU NET.CA
Always a Dunne Deal
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Nat al ie) : ext 103 EMAIL
inf o@t www.t Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
by Julia Lucio
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Ag re e to d isa g re e
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
VALUE VILLAGE - METRO - NO FRILLS - FOOD BASICS - BAXTROM'S (Health Dept) CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY - GIANT TIGER - FRESHCO - THE GRIND - SHARYN'S PANTRY HOME HARDWARE - FARM BOY (Eating Area) - EASTCOURT MALL (near the Barber shop) TIM HORTONS (Second Street E & Cornwall Square) - LOTTERY KIOSK (Cornwall Square) BEST WESTERN PARKWAY INN - Most BREAKFAST PLACES & more ... PLUS Long Sault, MacEwen Gas Bar and at the SEEKER office OFFICE (327 2nd St. E.) Growing up in Montreal, shortly after the sexual revolution of the sixties, I didn't fully grasp the magnitude of gender inequality. In my world, men and women were the same. In my eyes, they were equals. Sure, ladies were not as physically strong as gentlemen and some roles were defined according to genders-- women cooked, men fixed things--but never was I told that I could not pursue a certain career or do a certain thing because I was a girl. I guess I was lucky that way. My father was a strong business man and it was only logical for me to follow in his footsteps. From the minute I registered my first company, back in 1994, I knew I was born for entrepreneurship.
Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN We have your target m ark et! and Don't Forget
Advertising with the Seeker is not an expense... It's an investment! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 your best year yet! The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic consists of women, 34-50 years old, who make the buying decisions in the family.
After a while, I realized that being a woman in a man's world can be rather challenging. Still, it wasn't something that interfered with my work. I was good at selling myself and my abilities and got plenty of work. But then, I moved to Cornwall and entered the media industry. I hate to admit it but this town is an "old boys club" to a level that I have never seen before. And the old boys are pulling the strings. They stick together and support each other. It's quite commendable, really. Us ladies should do more of that. I understand competition. It's a small town and we're all competing for the same advertising dollars. But I don't get intimidation. Over the past five years, I've heard so many stories from people stating that they were told not to do business with us and I'm still debating if it's because we are women or if it's because we are in the media industry. This paper has been called "glorified blog", "not really a newspaper", amateurish and wannabe. Personally, I've been mocked, publicly humiliated, told to go back to school and said to not be able to spell my own name by some of my male counterparts, but that's ok. I've been called worse by better people.
Your one st op shopf or... unprofessional,
Advert ising GraphicDesign WebDesign Print ing- Phot ography VideoRecording Services
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
Int ernat ional Women's Day is coming up March 8th.
Seek er Sal es Ch i ck M ai -Li i s, TODAY 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ext 1 0 2
This is a day to celebrate women, a day to look back on history and how far we've come along when it comes to women's rights. It's a day to show the world women are strong, women are powerful. Mai-Liis and I, the "Seeker Chicks", are so excited to be throwing the "Ultimate Girls Day in" in honour of women's day. We have partnered with wonderful women in business to offer you a true day of pampering. "Sex with Sue" McGarvie will be our main speaker, there will be free massages, manicures, pedicures, hair curling, braiding, etc. In addition to many smaller door prizes, our grand prize for the day will include a breakfast, lunch and dinner, flowers from floral expressions, a spa day at above and beyond, an overnight stay at a local hotel and much much more. Come to the Civic Complex on March 6, from 10am to 4pm to get a chance to win this "Queen for a Day" package. Let's make this event the biggest, the baddest, the most attended event in Cornwall history. Maybe then, the old boys will have not other choice than to acknowledge the power of women.
If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman -Margaret Thatcher
LETTERS TOTHEEDITOR Have something to say? Sent us your Letter to the editor. You can also freely comment on our website at
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Pre se nte d NEWS & POLITICS Out side agencies get $544,000 in f unding - Some 23 organizations submitted requests for city funding, totalling a whooping $1.2 Million Dollars for consideration in this year's budget discussions. A little less than half that amount was actually attributed. Here is the list of recipients: Cornwall and the Counties Tourism $160,000 - SD&G Historical Society $100,000 - Aultsville Theater $97,000 Seaway Seniors Center $30,000 - Centre Charles-Emile Claude $30,000 - Centre Culturel de Cornwall $30,000 Your Arts Council (YAC) $43,000 - Counselling and Support Services $26,500 - Agape Center $20,000 Encore Seniors Center $7,500
RIBFEST BIGGER AND BETTER f or 2016?s Fif t h Anniversary July is fast approaching and with it, comes the smell of BBQ and of the award-winning, finger-licking-good ribs of the Cornwall Seaway Lions Club Ribfest.?We?re gearing up for a fabulous event as 2016 marks our fifth anniversary,? said John Lucio, Ribfest Chairperson. ?We have a BIG celebration in mind this year, starting with great entertainment, combined with our traditional midway, the beer garden and, of course, ribs galore! We?re also providing a FREE kids zone so little ones can enjoy the park as much as their folks do.?The Cornwall Seaway Lions are actively seeking sponsors for this major summer festival. ?The sponsors, like our main sponsor, are what make this event the huge success it is,? added Lucio. ?They are the main reason we can inject so much money back into the community. They are the back bone of Ribfest.?The festival is expanding to 4 days, running from Thursday July 21 to Sunday July 24. Here is the official Line Up. Sat urday Jul y 23 2016
b y Julia Lucio
ARTS & CULTURE TAG NOT JAG - About a dozen people gathered in front of TAG on a cold February evening, in protest of the current administration of The Art Gallery. Meanwhile, inside the venue, some 20 members of the public and of the media patiently listened to what TAG?s President, Wyatt Walsh, and its Director of Communication, Jamie Ghilcig (JAG), had to say. The meeting was called in as an effort to ?save the gallery? and was publicized as such. It was meant to be an open discussion about finding funding and volunteers. However, it quickly turned into a series of criticism and finger pointing at the current board of directors. The 2 hour long meeting ended up with people leaving, describing the effort as a ?waste of time?, and asking for resignations and accountability. ?The atmosphere in here is toxic?, said one of the people in attendance. Clearly TAG, who has requested $85,000 in public funding at this year?s budget SPORTS & RECREATION consultations but didn't get a peny, is still facing major issues which may or may not lead to its closure.
SPORTS & RECREATION The Colts welcome St. Lawrence High School students and staff to the Ed Lumley Arena for Saints Game Night. The puck drops at 7:30pm. The Colts follow that game with the Family Day matinee against Hawkesbury on Monday, February 15th. The Colts will welcome Butterfly Child Jonathan Pitre to the game as the special guest. Jonathan is the spokesperson for DEBRA Canada in the battle against Epidermolysis Bullosa. Jonathan will be receiving a donation on behalf of the Colts and their Community Partners in a pre-game ceremony. The Colts are offering a special Family Day package which includes two adult tickets, two children tickets and two orders of popcorn for only $32 (a savings of $14). Game time is 3pm.
Thursday, Jul y 21 2016
1:00 to 2:30 River City Junction 5:30 to 7:00 Kilts, Riffs & Spurs 3:30 to 5:00 Arclights (Sean Harley) 7:30 to 9:00 Graham Greer Trio 5:30 to 7:00 Lost Boyz 9:30 to 11:00 Rock and Roll Duty 7:30 to 9:00 Alison Wonderland 9:30 to 11:00 Bon Jovi Crush Friday, Jul y 22 2016 1:30 to 3:00 Texas Tuxedo 3:30 to 5:00 Classic Soul 5:30 to 7:00 Switchgear 7:30 to 9:00 Ridin?Shotgun 9:30 to 11:00 Shania?s Twin
Sunday Jul y 24 2016 12:30 to 2:00 Soundcheck 2:30 to 4:00 Cary B Grant 4:30 to 6:00 Shiners
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
e? Wan t t o ex p ress y our l ov
6 1 3 -9 3 3 -2 2 1 5
F O R V A L EN TIN ES D A Y Giv e t h e Gif t of Re w it h a Gif t Cerla xa t ion t if ica t e
Valentine'sDay TableD'H么te Friday Saturday and Sunday
Reserve your t abl e... and a place in your loved one's heart!
(613) 935-3337 105 Pit t St reet
Wishing everyone a Kathleen Mo
rris, RMT 30 5 Baldwin Ave. , Suite 5, Cornwal Emai l: kmkathle l, On enmorris@ gmai (6 13 ) 66 2- 55 49
Sha nno n
FERG USO N The Key t o Enjoying Val ent ine?s Day For such a popular holiday, Valentine?s Day seems to be pretty hated amongst many people. Whether it?s the singles who feel lonely and left out or the men who partake in activities just to please their wives or girlfriends, Valentine?s Day makes more people grunt in dismay than seemingly any other day of the year. But why? It?s a holiday surrounding love, a day when we can all feel some extra romance and focus on those we care for rather than ourselves. Well, the bulk of the hate for the holiday seems to come from those who feel left out, which explains why so many singles wish they could just skip February 14th.
But what if hat ing (or l oving) Val ent ine?s Day is just a st at e of mind? Think back to when you were a kid and everyone in your class would share Valentine?s cards with each other, no matter their popularity standing or how many friends they had. What if Valentine?s Day doesn?t have to just be for the couples anymore or the men who feel like they have to purchase extravagant roses or diamonds. What if Valentine?s Day became less about lavish gifts and more about... well, love. For t he ones who enjoy t his day, they probably already know the secret. Valentine?s Day isn?t about the presents you receive but instead the love you share. While busy lives and schedules can get in the way of many couples daily expression of love and gratitude, it?s important to remember that finding time for each other will not only make you feel better but improve your relationship tenfold. So then people ask, well what if I already show my appreciation every day? Why do I need a special day in February to prove my undying love? Because it?s
HAPPY & SAFE VALENTINE'S DAY! f romt heSeekerTeam fun! Because it?s a day to enjoy each other and put all of life?s stresses on the backburner and have fun celebrating a silly holiday. It doesn?t have to be about expensive dinners or outrageous diamonds, it just has to be about accepting the day and enjoying it together. The key is having fun together and remembering all the special, little things that you do love. And f or t he singl es who f eel l ef t out or down on Val ent ine?s Day? You need to have fun with it too. Don?t be bummed out because you don?t have a date, instead gather up some of your closest single friends and have a movie night or some drinks. Love can move beyond relationships on Valentine?s Day and we all know our friends are some of the people we love the most, so instead of sitting around and moping this weekend, bring the childhood fun back into the holiday and do something for YOU. If you?ll be alone on Valentine?s Day, treat yourself to something nice and enjoy some time by yourself. For real, instead of crying into a box of Kleenex while watching The Notebook on repeat and wondering why that can?t be you, show yourself some love. Go get a massage or just sleep in for once and instead of self-loathing, incorporate self-love. Being alone isn?t a curse and it sure as heck isn?t a reason to hate a simple little holiday so instead of twisting yourself up in hatred towards it, find ways to love it... and ways to love yourself. At t he end of t he day, we can al l agree t hat Val ent ine?s Day is overly-commercialized and pretty in-your- face but if we all started hating on it less and loving each other more we would find that this special day is actually one to celebrate. So, love your significant other, love your friends, love your parents, love your kids, love your co-workers, and most importantly love yourself because life is really too short to treat any day NOT like Valentine?s Day.
Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at and after "The Love Hawk" stay tuned in to "What's Up With The Seeker Chicks" 7-8pm
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Cover St ory So Wh at Do Th ese Peo p l eHave In Co m m o n ?
Th ey ar e al l i n vo l ved i n an even t t h at wi l l b e t ak i n g p l ace at t h e Co r n wal l Ci vi c Co m p l ex o n Sat u r d ay, M ar ch 5 t h ... ... Chil dren?s Ment al Heal t h Programs To Benef it From a Gl amorous Fundraiser at t he Cornwal l Civic Compl ex La Cuisine Volante, the exclusive caterer to the Cornwall Civic Complex is planning an exciting fundraising event on March 5th 2016. ?A Night in Hollywood ? The Oscars After Party Gala? will be an event to remember, held the weekend after the Academy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles, CA. The formal gala evening will start with a red carpet entrance to the cocktail hour with a selection of delicious appetizers and drinks, followed by a four course gourmet meal, and a late lunch. Guests will be entertained throughout the evening by Robert Cote from Quiet Moments, the National award winning, variety party band, The Alison Wonderland Band, and also with the incomparable DJ Sound, Stacy McPhail. In this inaugural year, the selected beneficiary of the event is the Cornwall and District Service Council?s $250,000 pledge to the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation toward children?s mental health programs in Cornwall. All the money donated will stay locally at our hospital to benefit the area?s children. ?We are pleased to be assisting the service clubs to achieve their fundraising goal for these very important programs. We believe that when children get the help they need at an early age, they grow up to be happy, healthy and contributing members of our community, positively affecting generations to come,? says Mr. James Morris, owner of La Cuisine Volante. ?With the support of our community, we hope to have a sell-out event and are able to make a substantial donation at the end of the evening.? The evening?s special guest speaker is Ann Dougl as. Ann is a bestselling parenting book author and a passionate and inspiring speaker who sparks conversations that matter. She is the author of ?Parenting Through the Storm? and numerous other books about parenting, including the bestselling The Mother of All Books series. Her presentation will be a mother's personal story of mental health challenge and resilience ? and how we can make a difference for families in our community. Scotiabank will be matching donations up to $5,000 and Andre Pommier from Pommier Jewellers, has generously donated a diamond to give away as a door prize to add an additional sparkle to the evening?s events. La Cuisine Volante will also be giving away a "Chef at Home Experience" for up to 6 people, valued at $1000.
"We are so pleased that Service Club Council of Cornwall and La Cuisine Volante have partnered to organize this fantastic event on behalf of CCH Foundation. It's going to be a great evening, and we are honoured to be the charity of choice for such a unique fundraiser," says Mr. Allan Wilson, CCH Foundation Board Chair. Tickets are $80 per person with net proceeds going toward the donation to the Foundation and can be purchased from the Cornwall Civic Complex box office or online at or by calling (613) 679-2267 until February 22, 2016. Corporate tables and sponsorship are available for this event. La Cuisine Vol ant e, the exclusive catering company for the Cornwall Civic Complex has been recognized as an award winning, quality caterer for over 40 years. La Cuisine Volante specializes in custom event design and catering for all occasions, serving Eastern Ontario covering from Cornwall, Ottawa and surrounding areas. For more information please contact: James Morris Owner http:/ / (613) 679-2267 Alison Hudson Director of Event & Entertainment http:/ / (613) 363-3834
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ take a m inim um of four cr edits at TR Leger to obtain their diplom a. ?It jum p-star ted my w hole education,? said Rocco-Cor m ier of PLAR. ?If it w asn?t for PLAR I w ouldn?t have been m otivated to do anything. Once I knew I could succeed, I r ealized I could go on to college.? The pr ocess w as sim ple. She attended the TR Leger cam pus in Cor nw all and m et w ith a PLAR coach w ho guided her thr ough the pr ocess ? assessing her ability to com plete Gr ades 9 and 10 level w or k in English, m ath, histor y/geogr aphy and science and aw ar ding cr edits based on the r esults. She then com pleted a Senior Equivalency Cr edit Application ? an evaluation of the know ledge gained thr oughout her life to see w hat could help her gain equivalent cr edits. For instance, a par ent by vir tue of day-to-day exper ience in r aising childr en can qualify for a cr edit called ?Raising Healthy Childr en.? Wor k exper ience in the r etail sector can br ing an applicant a cr edit called ?M ar keting: Retail and Ser vice.? M any other w or k and life exper iences ar e eligible for equivalent cr edits. ?I r eceived cr edits for things like Leader ship and Peer Suppor t and M anaging Per sonal Resour ces,? she said. ?I lived on my ow n and I did som e volunteer w or k and they gave m e cr edits for that as w ell. I ended up w ith 20 cr edits after the PLAR assessm ent.?
M o t h er o f Two Bu i l d s Fu t u r e fo r Her Fam i l y Th r o u g h PLAR Pr o g r am . (Pictured above: Cornwall-area resident Kayla Rocco-Cormier used the PLAR program as a launching pad to earn both a high school and a college diploma.) (Cor n w al l ) ? Gr ades 8 and 9 w er e r ough for Kayla Rocco-Cor m ier. Her father had m oved the fam ily to Gatineau fr om Cor nw all halfw ay thr ough her Gr ade 8 year , m aking it challenging because a differ ent school system in Quebec left her flounder ing. She failed Gr ade 8 her fir st go ar ound, then bar ely passed it the next year. ?Their schools w er e so differ ent,? r ecalled Rocco-Cor m ier , now 24. ?I knew nothing of w hat w as going on and I fell far behind. And because I w as so far behind, I just didn?t w ant to go anym or e.? In Gr ade 9, she dr opped out halfw ay thr ough the year , later m oving back to her native Cor nw all in 2009 to tr y adult education at the TR Leger Sch ool of Adu l t , Al t er n at i ve an d Con t i n u i n g Edu cat i on . But the fir st year w as tr oublesom e. She w asn?t m otivated and ear ned just one cr edit. She felt w ith only thr ee cr edits going into her fir st year at TR, she w ould never attain her diplom a ? the r oad ahead w as too long. On top of it all, she becam e pr egnant.
Then she hear d about the Pr i or Lear n i n g Assessm en t an d Recogn i t i on (PLAR) pr ogr am . PLAR m akes it easier for students, som e w ho have been out of day school for year s, to r etur n to class and gain cr edits for their life exper iences, shor tening the tim e r equir ed to ear n their diplom a. The pr ovincially appr oved pr ogr am can aw ar d students up to 26 cr edits tow ar d their diplom a for ever ything fr om par enting to w or king in the r etail sector. Applicants m ust be out of r egular day school at least ten m onths, and m ust
M a rie
M O RRELL REPLACING COMMON HOUSEHOLD ITEMS My better 3/ 4, Rudy (6'4'') compared to me 5' nothing, was complaining about a sore neck and then he asked me how long ago I bought his pillow. I remembered, it was five years ago. Mine was not in the best of shape either. Their shelf life was way passed their deadline. The next morning we went shopping for new pillows, what a difference. Problem solved! As a result, it gave me to idea to have the General Guidelines published. So here we go. >Comput ers >Lapt ops >Cosmet ics
4years 2years 3months-2years or as expiration date >Fire ext inguishers 10-12years >Mat t resses 10years >Pil l ows 3years >Running/ Wal king shoes 300-500miles >Spices 1year or open the bag/ or jar and smell it If there?s no scent, there won?t be any flavor
After less than tw o w eeks, she w as just ten cr edits shor t of a diplom a. Suddenly, the pr ospect of high school gr aduation w as not so distant. And she had another m otivation to succeed ? her infant daughter Thea. ?Being a par ent kind of changed my w hole life. I w as m or e focused on the im por tant things in life ? the im por tance of schooling and r esponsibility. I didn?t w ant to be that per son w ho got pr egnant and dr opped out of school. It m ade m e think m or e about my futur e. I w anted to have a good job for my fam ily and to be able to pr ovide for my fam ily, and do som ething w ith my life that w ould m ake her pr oud of m e.? She thr ived in the TR Leger lear ning envir onm ent. ?It?s a ver y differ ent w ay of lear ning. You have the advantage of doing your w or k on your ow n tim e and at your ow n pace. It is totally up to you how m uch you get done and how fast. If you need help it?s alw ays ther e for you.? She studied har d w hile juggling school and car ing for a young child. In fact, she enr olled in a dual-cr edit pr ogr am , allow ing her to obtain college cr edits and high school cr edits by studying tw o com puter cour ses and a photojour nalism cour se at St. Law r ence College. She took a cler ical cooper ative education cour se as w ell as cour ses in Gr ades 11 and 12 English and m ath, and a cr edit in Healthy Active Living to ear n her diplom a, gr aduating w ith 31 cr edits in total. In 2011 Rocco-Cor m ier m ar r ied her long-tim e boyfr iend. She gr aduated fr om TR Leger a year later and w as accepted into the ear ly childhood education pr ogr am at St. Law r ence College. In 2014, she ear ned her college diplom a and now w or ks at an elem entar y school in Cor nw all, as w ell as w ith the befor e and after school daycar e pr ogr am located ther e. And her educational jour ney isn?t finished either. The m other of tw o has set a long-ter m goal of becom ing an occupational ther apist. For m or e i n f or m at i on abou t t h e TR Leger Sch ool of Adu l t , Al t er n at i ve an d Con t i n u i n g Edu cat i on go to w w w.u cdsb.on .ca/sch ool /t r l or call
>Toot h brushes >Air Fil t ers
3months 1-3months, as required
For appliances, it?s best to use something until it wears out. Once it?s worn out recycle or discard.?
Appl iances
Average Lif e(years)
Microwave oven Garbage disposal Trash compact or Wat er heat er, gas Wat er heat er, el ect ric Smoke det ect or Ref rigerat or, st andard Ref rigerat or, compact Washing machine Dryer Range, el ect ric Range, gas Dishwasher Air Condit ioner
8 11 11 9 14 10 14 8 12 13 16 19 12 10
If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: or visit:
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca The l ibrary is now open on Sundays 1:00 t o 5:00 pm
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 YOGA YOUTH - (Ages 6 t o 16 years ol d) - 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. DROP-IN FAMILY STORYTIME - 10:00 am to 11:00 am NATURE ROCKS SERIES A part nership program wit h St . Lawrence River Inst it ut e 11:00 am to 12:30 pm PAWS 'N BOOKS - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm CHECK-MATES WITH CLIFFORD LABRE - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
10 h. Entrée libre TIME FOR TWOS - 10:00 am to 11:00 am SPECIAL FAMILY MOVIE PRESENTATION: SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE 2:00 p.m. All welcome. THE ENGLISH CORNER - 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 MAH JONGG - 10:00 am to 12:00 pm THE FLYING NEEDLES - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
St . Lawrence Int ernat ional St amp Cl ub - 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
STORYTIME (AGES 3 TO 5 YEARS OLDS) - 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. ADULT GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK CLUB - 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
ROLE PLAYING CARD CLUB (Ages 7 to 14 years old) - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Wi t h FEB
U P?
at t
Grade 7 & 8 TEEN DANCE Sponsored by Cl ub Oct agon at La Citadel - 6:30-9:30pm - Student ID required. Music by: DJ Shel l shock and Madame-Mix-A-Lot Count ry Cl assics Jamming from 6 pm to 9 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. LGBTQ+ Val ent ine's Day Dance at Army Navy, 14 Malborough St. upstairs. $2 at the door. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
SATURDAY 16 13 Enjoy A Game Of Heart s 1 pm. Cornwall Senior Citizens Club, 119 Pitt St. Doors open at 12:30 pm. Music Wit h Mike Gil l ies from 7 pm to 11 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Wint er wit h Cornwal l Out door Cl ub de Plein Air - Cross country skiing in Larose Forest, Casselman. For more information: Comedy Night at the Cornwall Golf and Country Club
Pancake Breakf ast 9:00am-1:00pm at theIroquois Civic Centre -Cost is by donation only.Bring the whole family and enjoy freshpancakes, sausages, juice, coffee & tea served up by your local firefighters!
Happy Valentine's Day ! Tell someone y ou love them today !
Cornwall Quilters Guild Monthly Meeting at 7 pm. St-Matthews Lutheran Church Hall, 1504 2nd St. W.
W H A T 'S
Your Ad woul d be here had you cal l ed it in. Next t ime, don't f orget . Cal l 613-935-3763!
Money Management Training For Everyone Course - Free instruction to help you manage your income. Call Tri-County Literacy Council: 613.932.7161 to register. Into the Woods - SVTC presents this fabulous musical play at Aultsville Theater. Visit SVTC. CA for more info Cel ebrat e Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
CALLKHYLE TODAY t o p l ace yo u r
FREE Even t LISTING HERE 613-935-3763Ext . 104
"I can'thelpyouadvertise it, if I don'tknowaboutit!"
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Syr i an Refu g eeTask Fo r ce h o st i n gi n fo r m at i o n sessi o n so n Feb . 1 7 The City of Cornwall?s recently-formed Syrian Refugee Task Force will be hosting a pair of information sessions on Wednesday, February 17th to discuss the process of sponsoring potential Syrian refugee families to settle in Cornwall. The free information sessions will be held in the second floor VIP Concourse at the Cornwall Civic Complex (100 Water Street East) from 2:30 pm to 4 pm and 6:30 pm to 8 pm. All interested members of the public are welcome to attend. ?We already have some community organizations that are working together to sponsor a Syrian refugee family to settle in Cornwall,? said Councillor Bernadette ClĂŠment, Chair of the Task Force. ?These information sessions will give us a chance to gauge community interest in sponsoring additional families and to learn more about the process of sponsoring families.? Attendees will get to hear from a representative with the Refugee Sponsorship Training Program sponsored by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. A number of topics will be covered, including how private refugee sponsorship works and what the sponsors?responsibilities are. ?Some communities are working collectively to sponsor a number of Syrian refugee families and we could see something similar take shape here in Cornwall. We have a proud history as a caring and welcoming community and this is an opportunity to build on that history,? said Councillor ClĂŠment.
t o p l ace yo u r
Even tAD
Residents and organizations who are interested in attending or who wish to request particular accommodations are asked to contact Deputy City Clerk Manon Levesque at (613) 930-2787 ext. 2316.
Cal l Mai-Liis 613-935-3763Ext . 102
The Syrian Refugee Task Force was recently established by City Council with a goal of promoting open lines of communication with organizations and individuals that have an interest in assisting with the possible settlement of refugees in the Cornwall area.
"I can'thelpyouadvertise it, if I don'tknowaboutit!"
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
of all provincial and national board exams, so long as the chiropractor maintains malpractice insurance.
Co unte ss
TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER DR. NATALIE SAMSON - FIRST WOMAN CHIROPRACTOR in Cornwal l , Ont ario "The pain!" my friend said, "was unbearable! I couldn't stand straight.My lower back was so sore." "What did you do?" I asked.
"I went to see Dr. Samson who had helped me in the past when I had a sore shoulder. After locating the area where the pain was the most intense, sheproceeded to correct the subluxation with the appropriate manipulation. The procedure took less than half an hour, yet I was able to walk straight again." The important reality here is that many people do not want to live in a state of pain, nor to undergo surgery ... unless it is 100% required. Therefore, it is wonderful that in Canada and the United States, there are highly qualified chiropractors such as Dr. Samson who can provide ways to eliminate certain pains revolving around the neuromusculoskeletal system - the spinal cord, and which is affected by dislocated disks, pulled nerves, tendons, muscles. Many people are not familiar with chiropractic regulations and the long training program. The prospective chiropractors must spend no less that 4200 student/ teacher contact hours (or the equivalent) in four years of full-time education. This includes a minimum of 1000 hours of supervised clinical training. All Chiropractic Examining Boards require candidates to complete a 12-month clinical internship to obtain licensure which is granted following successful completion
Dr. Natalie Samson has successfully fulfilled the above requirements, and graduated from the National College of Chiropractic.In 2000 sheopened her human practice. Then, in 2008, she successfully completed the basic animal chiropractic program in Brantford, Ontario. That spring, she started her animal practice while still maintaining her human practice. In 2011, Dr. Samson completed a 3-year functional neurology course for animal chiropractic. If you have a cat or dog who accidentally injured his leg or spine; or a horse who is feeling off and is suddenly limping, you are very fortunate as you can contact Dr. Samson and arrange for her to treat your injured animal-pet. n.b.: In Ontario, people do not need a referral fromthe veterinarian to see an animal chiropractor, however, s/ he should be kept informed. It is truly a VERY SPECIAL GIFT TO US, IN THISAREA,TO HAVE IN OUR MIDST: DR. NATALIE SAMSON. Her gentle demeanour makesus feel we can trust her, whileher wisdom and professionalismprovide us with the confidence we need when seeking out a learned individual who knows what to do to help relieve our back pains and other disorders of our neuromusculoskeletal. As my friend, Bernice Marcino knows: When you can barely stand up because of the backpain, and when you are caringly and professionally treated by Dr. Samson who helps you to walk straight again ... You want the whole of Cornwall and area to know about her! Thank You, Bernice, for having me meet with such a DEDICATED WOMAN AS DR. NATALIE SAMSON.
To contact Dr. Natalie Samson dial, For Humans who need Chiropractic Help: 613.933.1300 For Animal s who need Chiropract ic Hel p: 613.571.6342
Avonmore-Finch Area Communit y Meet ing After the organizational meeting on November 30th in Finch, one of the three groups that formed under the SD&G Coalition for Refugee Support is the Avonmore-Finch Area Affiliate (AFAA) group. The AFAA have had two meetings since then and it has gained a lot of support. Discussions so far have focused on determining what will be needed to bring in and support a Syrian family in the area. The group now wishes to reach out to Avonmore and Finch residents, toprovide informationand seek support in this endeavor. ??Syria?s civil war is a terrible humanitarian crisis with half of the country?s population being killed or forced to flee their homes. Families are struggling to survive; millions of Syrians need help and we, as a community, feel it is necessary to
WE CAN HELP! 1170 Pit t St . Cornwal l 613-933-9457
Bring in t his ad and receive 20% of f of IN HOUSE l abour Expires May 31, 2016
1 t im e $ 2 5 3 t im e s $ 6 5 7 t im e s $ 12 9 10 t im e s $ 15 9 *
residents be invited. assist and welcome families in need to our area.? said Harmony Koiter, one of the founding members of the group.
The meet ing wil l be hel d Monday, February 29t h, at 6:30 pm at Nort h St ormont Pl ace - 16299 Fairview Dr., Avonmore, ON K0C 1C0
Invitations have been sent to various organizations, such as churches and the fire department, but the group feels it is also very important that
?We want to ensure the general public can come, as the purpose of the meeting is to engage with the wider community to provide information
and answer questions. We aim toget as many people from the area to attend, as possible,? Harmony said. For more information: Websit e: ht t p:/ / sdgcoal it ref ugeesupport
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Sha ry n
I have been saving this recipe to give to you to celebrate St. Valentine's Day with the one you love.
In a large pot, pasta pot preferable, with lots of boiling salted water, add the package of fresh pasta and the asparagus spears. Cook them together for 3 to 5 minutes just until the pasta is al dente and the asparagus is tender to your taste. Lift the pasta and the asparagus in the slotted pasta strainer if you are using a pasta pot, or strain the pasta and the asparagus in a colander. Reserve the pasta cooking water. Set aside, over the hot pasta water to keep the pasta hot.
I made this for our New Year's Eve supper. It was delicious! and easy as well! I purchased chicken tenders and Ziggy's fresh pasta so supper was easily prepared for our special evening.
This dish will become one of your favourites. Happy St. Valentine's Day! I can't believe our grandson Jacob is 25 to-day and Steven just turned 27! My Grandma, you are getting old!
STEP 3: Now, sprinkle some Montreal style chicken spice over the chicken tenders. Don't over spice of they will be too salty. Place the chicken in a hot frying pan with the butter and oil. Sautee the chicken for about 1- 1/ 2 minutes per side. They won't take long. Once cooked. lift the chicken to a cutting board and slice the chicken into 1" slices on the diagonal.
INGREDIENTS: (this will serve 4 nicely, or 2 servings for now with leftovers for another day) -
1- 340 gm. package of chicken tenders Montreal style chicken spice to dust over the chicken tenders 2 tbsp. butter and 1 tbsp. olive oil 1- 340 gm. package of Ziggy's fresh linguini pasta 1/ 2 lb. of so fresh thin asparagus spears 2 eggs, well beaten 200 ml. heavy cream 1/ 2 cup good quality grated parmesan cheese (try Sharyn's Pantry Parmesan, always refrigerated and never too salty) 1/ 2 tsp. rubbed basil 1/ 3 tsp. ground nutmeg1/ 2 tsp. Kosher salt 1/ 2 tsp. ground white pepper 2 tbsp. butter and 2 tbsp. minced garlic in oil
STEP 4: In the same frying pan, add 2 tbsp. butter and 2 tbsp. minced garlic in oil. To this, add the egg and Parmesan mixture. Heat this until it begins to thicken: about 5 minutes, stir often. To this add the cooked pasta, asparagus and chicken slices. Toss so everything is coated with the alfredo sauce. Using tongs, serve the pasta on your plates. (If the sauce is too thick, add a bit of the hot pasta water to loosen it. Use your judgement.) STEP 5:
Pour the wine, light the candles and sit back and enjoy a delightful supper.
STEP 1: In a bowl, combine with a whisk, the well beaten eggs, heavy cream, grated Parmesan cheese, basil, nutmeg, Kosher salt and white pepper. -
SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday -9 to 5
FAM ILY DAY ACTIVITIES ... st i l l o n at SU M M ERSTOWN TRAILS In spite of last week?s rain and mild weather, the base on the XC ski and snowshoe trails at Summerstown Forest were not wiped out and the annual Family Day activities will still be offered by the Friends of the Summerstown Trails (FOTST) on Monday, February 15th. Protected by the forest, there is still enough snow on the trails to have a fun outing and the trails have close to 100% cover. This will be the 5th year that FOTST will be hosting families and area residents for various free activities. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., participants will be able to rent ski and snowshoe equipment free of charge. A fun snowshoe race for kids, guided tours, and free food will also be offered, including hot chocolate and marshmallows around a bonfire. Participation was down last year due to the intense cold days that were experienced in February, but still more than 175 participants came out to the trails, many of them trying out XC skiing or snowshoeing for the first time. New this year will be the skate skiing equipment that FOTST obtained thanks to a grant from Mountain Equipment Co-op; young and old alike will be able to try this fast and exciting version of XC skiing. The trails are situated on Summerstown Road, 1.6 km north of exit 804 of the 401. For the complete schedule of activities, please visit the FOTST website at
The whole family will be able to enjoy XC skiing or snowshoeing free of charge at the Summerstown Trails on Family Day
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL SPONSORS 2016
DESNO YERS Are you overwhelmed by all the turmoil and negative energy that surrounds you? I know that sometimes, I can be. Recently, my daughter Chantal, introduced me to author and spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle as a guide to get in touch with your inner self. I?d like to share this with you from the perspective of the artist today. ?All artists, whether they know it or not create from a place of inner stillness, a place of no mind.? Eckhart Tolle
creativity, I suggest the audio book by Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Now. His coaching in a suave, relaxing voice will transpose you. Let us be still and enjoy life. NEWS: BATIK MASTER WORKSHOP Prerequisit e: Have taken Primary and Advanced Classes. Dat es: April 25, 26, 27 and 28th, 2016, Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Locat ion: OPG Centre, Cornwall
Recently, there has been a lot of commotion in the community and it?s difficult to feel secure and focused. Thoughts occupy the mind. We worry, we think, we plan and we negotiate with others and ourselves. Take the art scene; we worry about exhibition space, the feasibility study for an art center and our success as an artist; we think the perfect studio, who?s doing what, what?s right, what?s wrong... and I could go on. I am either thinking about what has happened or anticipating what will happen. My mind runs the show and I fail to give presence to the wonderful moment that has been given to me. The Now.
Join Jenn and Elaine in this workshop where you do your own thing and the sky?s the limit. There is no fee to participate. If materials are needed, the cost is $125. A deposit of $65 is required by April 9th. (Refunded if class is cancelled). To register or for more information contact: Elaine: 613-938-8315 or
When this happens I lose my freedom to a mind that won?t shut off. In this state, I am far from my creative self but how do you stop thinking?
The old village is quaint and looks very different in the winter. There is also a waterfront trail that connects the Village to the beach off Avonmore Road.
Eckhart Tolle teaches stillness and not thinking. You might try it. Close your eyes. Ward off all thoughts. Feel the air, the weight and texture of your clothing, listen to your breathing, and relax. You may find it difficult to stop thinking even for a short time. I?d manage a few seconds and oops, I was thinking about something again. The mind won?t give up easily but with daily practice I got better at it.
Thinking of going? Need a ride? Please contact Kathleen @ 613-861-0514
Jo se e
SAUVE Tax Tip 2 Filing too early can be a big problem! The deadline for receiving your tax slips varies. T4s are due Feb 29th but other tax slips have different due dates. For example, T5 (interest) and RRSP Contribution Receipts for contributions made Jan-Feb 2016 (which should be claimed on your 2015 tax return) are only due March 15th. T3 (Dividends and Capital Gains) are only due by March 31st. Some slips are only available online such as Employment Insurance (T4E) and student tuition receipts (T2202A). Both the T4E and the T2202A are almost only available online now so that you have to download & print your own slip ? it will not be mailed to you which is why a lot of people forget about them!
?True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.? Eckhart Tolle If you enjoy working on your ability to be still, to make way for peace and
PHOTOGRAPHY MOOD WALK Locat ion: LOST VILLAGES (Museum) 16361 Fran Laflamme Drive, off Hwy.2 Dat e: Sunday, February 28, Time: 1:30 - 4 pm
The photography walks are open to anyone wishing to join us. You do not have to be a member of Focus Art to participate. Your Art s Council Annual General Meet ing. Dat e: Tuesday, February 16th, 2016, Time: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, Where: River Room, St. Lawrence College. Members?Only event. Membership is free, and you can become a member by following this link: https:/ / yourartscouncil More information? Contact: Richard Salem, Facilitator, 1-888-405-7922, alse, ? 6? "?
When you file early and slips come in after filing, your tax preparer must file an adjustment which costs you money and is a hassle of having to wait for a Notice of Reassessment to pay any additional balance owing. Waiting to make sure you have all your slips is a good idea! And remember, Revenue Canada does not process 2015 tax returns until Feb 15, 2016. So whether you file on Jan 4th or Feb 15th, you will not see a refund until the end of February either way!
Not e: There is no enforcement for employers, banks and investment companies to file their slips. If they are late with their slips, it is up to you to contact them and demand them! For more tax tips and tax related frequently asked questions, visit my website at www.sauvet
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
19, 2016
Dress Sal e Til February 29 Wedding Gowns $199-$699 Bridesmaid and Mother's Dresses 50% off
3 SERVICES - 1 COM PANY 1 GREAT PRICE DJ - VIDEO - INVITATIONS Th e m o r e yo u sp en d - Th e m o r e yo u save Cal l M ai -Li i s an d Sh el d o n 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Multiple Sclerosis, and seems to improve everything from life expectancy, gum disease, and risk of cancer. It also improves heart health, and bone density. In fact, when seriously ill people are examined, it is found that almost all of them have a very low level of Vitamin D in their systems. Our local Walmart sells a handy chewable blend of Vitamins C and D which is affordable and easy to take. The only thing I would offer is to suggest taking at least 2 a day, rather than just one, as most studies show the larger amounts of these vitamins are more beneficial. Before trying any new supplements, discuss it with your doctor, especially if you are on any prescription medications.
M a rle ne
BAKER Hi There to all of you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. Winter weather is here at last, and Jack Frost has been nipping at noses and toeses. It will be short-lived though, as Johnny Radar says that warmer weather will return next week.
This past week, I attended the Girls' Night Out fundraiser for Baldwin House on Saturday at the Legion. They had a spaghetti supper and vendors selling various items. Then, on Sunday, Johnny Radar and I were exhibitors at Cornwall & Areas 14th Annual Bridal Show, held at the Civic Complex. We met a lot of brides-to-be, and had a great time checking out other exhibitor's booths as well. It was a fun time, and many people came through the doors to look at the services and products offered by the exhibitors. We met a number of brides to be, and also made some new friends with some of the other business owners.
ITEM OF THE WEEK: This week I'm featuring a nice blingy camera necklace my daughter Ellarose gave me. I wore it at the Bridal Show, as it was perfect to represent our Wedding Photography business.
humans is talking about our problems. My tip of the week is to break that habit. Whenever you start to think of your problems, just talk about your joys. See how your life will begin to change, even if you just wake up thankful for waking up. Look for, and appreciate, all of the good in your life. Can't find any? Look a little harder. Are you alive? Breathing? Then, be joyful! It is a choice. A happy life is not the result of how our life controls our attitude, but of how our attitude controls our life. Until next time: Remember this tip of the week. It is a powerful one. Joys or problems? Try it now. Think of a problem, then instantly replace the thought with a joyous one. Which will you regularly choose to focus on and talk about? One way or another, you are in control of the rest of your life, simply by what you choose to focus on. When you anticipate good things, they come to you. So choose joy! Marl ene Baker of www.f & www.phot
TIP OF THE WEEK: Our biggest addiction as
It seems that I brought home a little something, because on Monday, I was hit with a flu or some kind of virus. I had aches and pains all over, and a bad cough, not to mention difficulty sleeping. This had been the first year neither Johnny or I had come down with anything, not even a cold. This is due to our taking of Vitamins C and D, but I may have forgotten to take some of mine. Here is more information on Vitamins C and D. Vitamin C has been proven to shorten the duration of colds, strengthening the immune system, helping wounds heal faster, and even helping to reduce the occurrence of atherosclerosis, the dangerous sticky substance that can build up inside our arteries. Vitamin D is a natural inhibitor of
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
FOR SALE: Lazy Boy Chair, recliner rocker, swivel, dark blue, leather. Asking $350. 613-932-8993 FOR SALE: MTD Riding Mower, like new condition, 11hp, 38" cut Asking $650, Power Pressure Washer, PSI 1500, never used, Asking $123, 613-933-1083 FOR SALE: Kid's billiard pool table and dart board, 613-935-6284 FOR SALE: High Back office chair, new $40. 2 Piece Luggage $40. 613-346-5583 VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS Let u s pr eser veyou r Ch er i sh edM em or i esf or you ! Cal l Sh el don 613-932-4812 FOR SALE: Pinewood baby high chair, excellent condition, dating from the 1950s. Asking $45.613-938-6149 FOR SALE: Pontiac Montana, 2006, 200,000K, $2500 OBO. 613-935-8101 FOR SALE: Mans double breasted black suit. Italian made, size 40. 33" waist, worn once for 4 hours. Paid $249, asking $50. 613-938-6149 FOR SALE: Laura Ashley Teaset for 4, includes teapot, cream and sugar. 613-938-6149 FORSALE: 15 Shirley Temple VHSTapes. Includesthe photo and hard copy biographybook. Asking $60 firm. 613-938-6149
Sha nno n
308 Second St reet E.
AVAILABLE MARCH 1st f or inf ormat ion cal l
613-932-8515 or 613-938-3677
OPENING OF MARROW & SPICE A new store featuring Local Produce, opened last Friday at 812 Pitt Street, Unit 40, in the former Health Nut Store, The store is open from Wednesday to Saturday from noon to 7. Congratulations!
ADVERTISING in TheSEEKERis NOT an Expense ... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Cal l Seeker Sal es Dude John t oday t o pl ace your ad!
6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3ex t . 1 0 5 an d
Rem em b er
t o Vi si t : fo r yo u r "Dai l y o f Co m m u n i t y
Do se" News!
Are You Looking for a JOB? then Look no further ... is in the business of helping every home become a healthy home.
NOW EXPANDING INYOUAREA R an dwen eedp eo p l ei k eyo u ! Po si t i ve, NeatTeam , Pl ayerWan , ttoLear & n Gr o w... Our locallyownedfranchiselocationsprovideextraordinary opportunitiesfor personalgrowth,careerand financialsuccess. Our over 80 year heritageof havingthe best in classproductsand servicesand the most loyal customersin the worldprovidesAeruswith a majorstrategicbusinessadvantagein the ever-growing$14 billionhealthyhomeindustry. As the leaderin providingconsumerswith the best in classhealthyhomeproductsand services,we haveimmediateopeningsfor ASSISTANT SALES M ANAGER TRAINEES an d SALES CONSU LTANTS. Cal l Pet er at 613-935-9689 f or inf o on t hese GREAT OPPORTUNITIES! or email him at:
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
S R EConf idence Buil ding MAIN SPEAKER - SUE MCGARVIE K Sue, ?Sex with Sue? McGarvie, is a Clinical Sex and Relationship A Asking f or Hel p Therapist, and an International Expert in the area of Low Libido and E Sexual Desire. She is the founder of The Ottawa Sex Therapy and P Living Chemical Free S Libido Clinic and YOUR sex and relationship therapist. Growing as a Woman Business Opport unit y
Sue McGarvie has been an Internationally Recognized Sex and Relationship Therapist for 21 years and is the author of three best selling books on sexuality and intimacy.
LIST OF EXHIBITORS 1 - Versacore / The Seeker 2a - Enjo 2b - The Couch 5a - Younique 7a - Simply Satin 8 - Angel Readings 9 - Cottage Blue 10 - Tupperware 12a - It works 13a - Ashley McDonald 14 - Alpins Interiors 15a - Miss D's Artsy Accessories 15b - Sophia's Healthy Choices 16 - 100 Women who care 17 -Royal Lepage 18- Twin Flame Creations 19 - Twin Flame Creations 20a - Sweet Leggins 20b - Jr Watkins 21 - Jamberry 22 - Above and Beyond 23 - Sunset Gourmet 24 - Sunset Gourmet 25 - McIntosh Massage 26 - Scentsy 27 - Ldara International 28 - Pure Romance 29 - Jewelry in Candles 30a - Arbonne 30b - Thirty-One Gifts 31a - Ancient Art of Beauty 31b - Susie Glass Art 32 - State Farm Insurance 33a - Gentle Beginnings Midwifery 33b - Steeped Tea 34 - Epicure 35 - Aerus Electrolux 36 - DJ Shellshock 37 - Invitations and More by Mai-Liis 38a - Mary Kay 38b - Curves 39 - Internova 40 - Access Acupuncture 41 - Party Lite 42 - Evolving Media 43a - Beleaf Creations 44a - Avon 44b - Stella & Dot 45 - Equipe Psycho Sociale 46 - Maison Baldwin House / Sass 47a- Fairy Sweet 47b - Your Choice Realty 48a - Nerium 48b - Rodan+Fields 49 - Rocks & Sandy's 50 - Young Living 51a - Emese's Dream Production 51b - Maison Interlude 52a - Cornwall Career College 61a - Oasis Hair and Day Spa 61b - Naturally Beautiful you 62 - Costco
SUNDAY, M ARCH 6 More t han 60 vendors ADMISSION $ 5 i n ad v an ce ff ree or $ 1 0 at t h e d o o r kids
See the new line!
by Annie Laperle
PARTIAL PROCEEDS GOING TO SASS f or Women Mason Bal dwin House
Buy your t icket s t o ent er t he "Queen f or a day" package, incl uding Hair, Makeup, Massage, Mani/ Pedi by Above & Beyond Flowers by Floral Expressions Breakfast , Lunch & Dinner at Local Restaurants Overnight Stay at a Hotel & more
FULL PRICING NOW IN EFFECT - ONLY A FEW LEFT! Compl iment ary Hair Braiding and Curl ing as wel l as mini-manicures by
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 6 - February 12 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2