You You rr Weekl Weekl yy Dose Dose of of Posi Posi ti ti ve ve New New s! s!
Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r
Vol. .77 Issue Issue95 Vol Volume 6 5, Issue 41, February 2016 March 4, 2016 October 30, 2015
Cel ebrat ing Women's Day wit h...
Women Ent repreneurs of Cornwal l and Area
St ory p.13 17840 Count y Road 44
THIS WEEKEND!!! Su n d ay, M ar ch 6 , 2 0 1 6
JUST Nort h of t he cit y on Cornwal l El ect ric! Open concept main f l oor, 3 l arge bedrooms above, f ul l bsmt & garage. $299,000
Always a Dunne Deal
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...
613-935-3763 Business Ads: ext 1 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 Sal es (Khyl e) : ext 104 EMAIL
inf o@t www.t Of f i ce Hour s 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm Closed 1-1:30pm for lunch
Your one st op shopf or...
Advert ising GraphicDesign WebDesign Print ing- Phot ography VideoRecording Services
DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm
by Julia Lucio
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Ag re e to d isa g re e
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
Ad ver t i si n g in Th e Seek er i s NOTanEx p en se i t 'sanINVESTM EN
You are your best advocat e When it comes to our health, we've come a long way. The plenitude of information one can find online, makes it easier to be on top of things. But it can also create unwanted worries. I lost my father to a medical mistake. From April to August 2010, he was shuffled, misdiagnosed, given the wrong treatments and eventually died post operation. I was in Texas when it all happened. Before leaving, I had asked the doctors if they were going to do anything major on him while I was gone and they had promised me nothing would be decided upon before my return. However, unpredicted developments occurred and he had to have an emergency heart surgery. He didn't make it.
Natalie - Seeker Sales
WE HAVE YOUR TARGET MARKET! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 your best year yet! The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic consists of women, 34-50 years old, who make the buying decisions in the family.
CALLSeek erSal esCh i ckM ai -Li i s, TODAY
Had he been more vocal about his symptoms and had the staff listened to the whispers, he probably would have received better care. I remember him being in rehab after his hip surgery and complaining of pain in the shoulder. The nurses were not listening, just classifying him in the "old complainer" category. Only my dad was not a complainer. For him to even mention pain, it must have been in excruciating. That leads me to me. Last week, I was having symptoms that got me worried. Yes, I googled my symptoms, and while it could have been something not worth mentioning, it also could have been the Big C. I felt that something just wasn't right. I called to get an appointment with my doctor, but he wasn't available until Monday. I insisted to be seen that day by anybody else available. They gave me an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner who was caring, attentive and did a few tests. I was diagnosed with a potential UTI, sent home with a prescription and told to stay away from Dr. Google. Only, I've had UTIs before and this did NOT feel the same. I waited a few more days. The pain didn't go away. If fact, it got worst. It became unbearable.
6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3
ext 1 0 2
I called the Health Line, described my symptoms and was told to get to the emergency right away. So there I went. I waited for hours, but I was seen by a wonderful doctor who listened to my concerns, didn't act like I came from mars when I suggested that some tests be done, took everything I said seriously and acknowledged that my concerns were, indeed, legitimate. He ordered more testing, referred me to a specialist right away and I didn't make me wait for months. He knew that if caught too late, things could be dramatic and he didn't gamble with my health. But I was vocal. I was informed, knowledgeable, insisted that I knew my body well and could tell something was off. I didn't let my emotions overtake my objectivity. I presented facts and didn't let anybody dismiss me. The wealth of information out there can be a challenge for doctors. I know Google can increase hypochondria in the general population. I also know that many doctors do not like to be questioned. But doctors and patients are a team. We now live in a different world where everyone plays an active role in their own health care. That should be regarded as a good thing. All we need to do is find the right balance.
613-935-3763 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
S Conf idence Buil ding R MAIN SPEAKER - SUE MCGARVIE E Asking f or Hel p K Sue, ?Sex with Sue? McGarvie, is a Clinical Sex and Relationship A Living Chemical Free Therapist, and an International Expert in the area of Low Libido and E Desire. She is the founder of The Ottawa Sex Therapy and Growing as a Woman Sexual Libido Clinic and YOUR sex and relationship therapist. SP Business Opport unit y
Sue McGarvie has been an Internationally Recognized Sex and Relationship Therapist for 21 years and is the author of EXHIBITORS three best selling books on sexuality and intimacy. 1 - Versacore/ The Seeker 2a - Enjo 2b - The Couch 3 - KathleenMorinRMT 5 - InnovativeTherapy 6 - JusuruInternational 7a - SimplySatin 7b - Younique 8 - AngelReadings 9 - CottageBlue 10 - Tupperware 11a- Nerium 12 - HoopleCreekFarm 13a- It works 13b - AshleyMcDonaldRMT 14 - AlpinsInteriors 15a- MissD's ArtsyAccessories 15b - Sophia'sHealthyChoices 16 - 100 Womenwho care 17 -RoyalLepage 18- TwinFlameCreations 19 - TwinFlameCreations 20 - Arbonne 21 - Jamberry 22 - Aboveand Beyond 23 - SunsetGourmet 24 - SunsetGourmet 25 - McIntoshMassage 26 - Scentsy 27 - LdaraInternational 28 - PureRomance 29 - Jewelryin Candles 30a- SweetLeggins 30b - Thirty-OneGifts 31a- AncientArt of Beauty 31b - SusieGlassArt 32 - StateFarmInsurance 33a- GentleBeginningsMidwifery 33b - N 34 - Epicure 35 - AerusElectrolux 36 - DJShellshock Buy your t icket s 37 - Invitationsand More t o ent er t he 38a- MaryKay f ree $ 5 i n ad v an ce 38b - Curves f or 39 - Internova $ 1 0 at t h e d o o r kids 40 - AccessAcupuncture See the new line! 41 - PartyLite 42 - EvolvingMedia 43a- BeleafCreations package draw 43b - CanadianCancerSociety includes which which incl udes by Annie Laperle 44a- Avon 44b - Stella& Dot Hai r , M ak eu p ,M assag e,M an i / Ped ib y Ab o ve& Beyo n d- Fl o wer sb y Fl o r al Ex p r essi o n s 45 - EquipePsychoSociale Lu n ch at Sco r es - Di n n erat Ei g h t Zer o Zer o - Over n i g h tSt ay at Ram ad aIn n Co r n wal l 46 - MaisonBaldwinHouse/ Sass Jewel l er yfr o m Li fe's Li t t l e Pl easu r es 47a- FairySweet 47b - Your ChoiceRealty 48a- ShineYoga 48b - Rodan+Fields 49 - Rocks& Sandy's 50 - YoungLiving 51a- Emese'sDreamProduction 51b - MaisonInterlude 52a- CornwallCareerCollege 52b - Sue McGarvie 53 - Children'sAid Society 54 - HerbalMagic 55 - Gel Moments 56a- Bath Solutions 56b - CornwallHealingArts 61a- OasisHair and Day Spa 61b - NaturallyBeautifulyou 62 - Costco 66 - Knot by Design
o! o t e r a u o y e p d- ho e t i c x e e or . 'r e w ND A Y E. or at t he d o
SU eet S r I t S H d T n y 2 l l 7 a 2 3 n t i F ea et sat t he of f i c Get y our t i ck
SUNDAY, H 66 SUNDAY, MARC M ARCH 10am to 4pm Cornwall Civic Complex
More t han 65 vendors ADMISSION
PARTIAL PROCEEDS GOING TO SASS f or Women Mason Bal dwin House
"Qu een f or a day "
BOOTHS SOLD OUT - moreinf o:613-935-3763ext 1 Compl iment ary Hair Braiding and Curl ing as wel l as mini-manicures by
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Fi n al l-yTHIS SU NDAY - we're excit ed - hope youaret oo!
Th eWOMEN'S DAY SHOW i s THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 6 Co r n wCi a lvil Co c m p -l 1e 0 x am t o4 p m butdon'tf orgett hatt herealWomen'sDay is March8! Let 's cel ebrat e t he f abul ous w omen i n our communi t y group is designed to help those who need immediate help. This is accomplished with the proceeds of "sale items" that have been donated by other caring people in our community. Seventy five per cent of the proceeds will go to help those people in need. People do need a boost from time to time...this will not be a LIFE TIME THING... They are there to help those who need immediate help. The other twenty-five percent goes towards their (Karen & Ken's) time, energy and gas that it takes to do these kind gestures. No one will ever be given CASH, only help in the items, and or bills that they need help with. People are asked to donate an item or items so that ~CPHCP~ can continue to help those in need and to help maintain their goal. One Good Deed Deserves Another ... That is why I am mentioning this group this week. You see I am an avid purchaser of many treasures from Karen, and I wanted to give her something back in return for all of the lovely things I have bought from her group over the past year. Please Check ~CPHCP~ out on Facebook to see if there are any treasures that you may like...or if you have any items to donate yourselves. Thank you kindly, in advance.
M a rle ne
Hi to all of you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~, the most "POSITIVE PAPER" in Cornwall and the S.D. & G. areas this week. I have to tell you that I am feeling a lot better this week. I am still coughing and I am still low on energy. But as the days and nights go by I am getting to feel like my "old" self again. YAAY!!! My Goodness! Mother Nature has been playing around with the temperatures dials...There have been so many "Snow Days" this year..Tis fun and good for all of the kiddies, but not so good for the many parents that have to make alternative arrangements for their school-age children. My heart goes out to you parents and I feel for you all. I want to give a BIG THANKS to the many caregivers and babysitters that have stepped up to the plate to help out these parents in their time of need.
Don't forget this Saturday at the Vu Nightspot, Misty Mac will be putting on another fun Drag Show. Then on Sunday, be sure to attend ~Cornwall's International Women's Day Show~ at the ~Civic Complex~ beginning at 10 a.m. It looks like it will be THE EVENT of the year for all women in our area. Bring along a friend, neighbor, or even your significant other, as men are also allowed entry. I look forward to seeing you there. Now What To Wear? What To Wear??? Family News: My youngest son, Marcus' birthday was on Sunday February 28th. He turned 24!!! I can hardly believe that my youngest child is this age. Oh, Where have all of the years gone??? Where has the time gone since you were born my dear, handsome son??? Well, I can tell you that I am very Proud of the young man, you have grown up to be. You are polite, loving and ever so Kind and giving of yourself...& Oh, Yes, so much FUN to be around!!! I am Proud of all of your accomplishments thus far, and I look forward to the next 24 years ahead of you, Marcus. May you have a most wonderful year that lies before and ahead of you, Marcus, doing more of the things that makes and keeps you smiling and ever so happy. Just think that you are nearly a quarter century old!!! Until Next Week: Never Regret Something That Once Made You Smile. I Regret Nothing In My Life...Even Though My Past Was Full of Hurt and Sorrows & I Cried An Ocean Of Tears...I Can Honestly Look Back and SMILE Because It Made Me Into The Awesome, Beautiful Woman That I Am,Today!!!
TIP OF THE WEEK: To Be Or Not To Be Happy...I want to *WISH* everyone Happiness...Absolutely EVERYONE!!! No Exceptions!!! Good people and Bad people, Kind people and the Mean people. People of every Colour and Religion. Even the people with No Religion at all. Poor people and Rich people. People I Like andto the people I Dislike. Even the Angry and Hateful people...They especially need happiness in their lives. (Don't You Agree???) because If Everyone Was HAPPY... I Think That No One Would Want To Hurt OR Be Sad Any Longer!!! Just Sayin' ITEM OF THE WEEK: Well, Well, Well, Here is my Item of the Week. You see my Johnny brought me to ~Value Village~ to help cheer me up after being sick for so long, (nearly 3 weeks.) He found me this pair of black and grey faux-fur, tie- up boots for only $25.00. They were a bit more pricier then what I usually would pay for a pair of boots from ~VV~. They were after all "Brand New"!!! Please go and check this and the many other thrift stores here in Cornwall. They are non-profit organizations that help out those who are less fortunate then ourselves. You too, can and will find some unique treasures of your very own. There is another non-profit organization here in Cornwall and it is called, ~Cornwall People Helping Cornwall People~ run by a friendly and caring person, Karen Muise and her partner, Ken. This
Marlene Baker of &
R.C M cL eod L an d scap i n g
Special izing in - Lawn seeding and preparation - Flower bed construction - Yard maintenance and more... And major project s such as - Fencing - Prep for interlocking - Interlocking installation ...
Spiritual Teacher -
I nt ui t i ve Coachi ng Rei k i Psychi c Trai ni ng Vi si t my websi t e or send me an emai l t o recei ve your copy of "The Art of Bei ng You: 3613 K eys347t o Unl ock i ng Your Soul 's Wi sdom"
Barbara Leduc
609 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario 613-937-0222 www.mrsbsgif t Facebook page / mrsbsgifts
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Sha ry n
Here is an interesting recipe given to me by Bernice Coleman. She was picking up ingredients for these cookies in my store a couple of weeks ago. Seemingly, eating them will promote the formation of more breast milk for Mum's breastfeeding. She was making them for her daughter- in-law who had just had a baby. I thought this would be of help to all young mothers out there with new babies. Did you know that at my store, Sharyn's Pantry, we love to weigh your babies on our scale. Just bring along a receiving blanket to place under your little one and you will know right to the ounce or gram what your baby is weighing. We have weighed babies for all of our 35+ years in business and just love doing it. Thank you Bernice for caring and sharing your helpful recipe for all breastfeeding Mums.
Jo se e
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper. In bowl one, combine the coconut oil, brown sugar, egg and vanilla. Mix well. Stir the flax seeds with the water and allow to sit for several minutes. Then add this into the coconut oil mixture. Mix well. Mix the flour, cinnamon, brewers yeast, salt and rolled oats together. Now stir this into the first bowl ingredients. Add in any of the optional ingredients you wish. Form the dough into cookies and place them on parchment lined baking sheets. Bake the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes. At 10 minutes the cookies will be soft. At 12 minutes the cookies will be firm. You choose.
Bowl t wo: 1 cup self-rising whole wheat flour (if you don't have this just mix 1/ 2 tsp. baking powder with 1 cup of wholewheat flour) 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 to 2 tbsp. brewers yeast (This is a nutritional non-active yeast, we carry this at Sharyn's Pantry. No substitutions.) 1/ 2 tsp. Himalayan fine salt
Opt ions: You may add in any of the following: dried fruit: raisins, cranberries, blueberries, nuts or seeds, ground almonds, coconut.
Bowl one: 1/ 2 cup coconut oil 3/ 4 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 tbsp. pure vanilla 2 tbsp flax seed mixed with 2 to 3 tbsp. water (allow to stand for several minutes)
1- 1/ 2 cups large-flake rolled oats
Tax Tip 5 Trying to lower your tax burden can be very taxing! I have compiled the following list of what makes up the most ?missed?deductions because individuals don?t think of telling their tax preparers or do not realize that these can sometimes be tax write-offs: Did you make any payments to a union or professional organization? Did you make any payments for childcare or day-camp and you have receipts? Did you move and change employment or are now self-employed? Did you pay for a safety deposit box at a bank? Did you pay interest on a loan taken out for investment purposes? Did you pay for investment management? Did you use your vehicle to travel for your work (to and from work does not count)? Did you have an office at home that you use for your work? Did you pay legal fees to enforce payment of child support? Did you pay legal fees to enforce payment of wages?
If pregnant, do not eat the raw cookie dough. If breastfeeding, you can eat the dough raw or baked. SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 OPEN: Monday to Saturday -9 to 5 -
Did you receive an allowance from your employer for auto expenses? Are you single and did you support a dependant? Are you or your spouse/ partner disabled? Are any of your dependants disabled? Does a relative or your spouse?s relative who is 65 or older reside with you? Did you pay interest on your student loan? Did you or your spouse/ partner or dependents pay tuition fees? Did you have any medical expenses? Did you make payments to a health plan at work or privately? Did you make any donations to a registered charity? Did you make any donations to a registered political party? Did you make any contributions to a labor sponsored funds? Did you have any self-employed income? Did you hire an assistant? Did you pay for supplies used in your work? Were you paid in part by commissions? Did you take public transportation (train, bus, trolley, etc.) to get to work or school? Did you enroll your children (under the age of 16) in sports? If you answered YES to any of these, talk to your tax preparer about it! Depending on certain requirements, you might just save a few dollars!
For more t ax t ips and t ax rel at ed f requent l y asked quest ions, visit my websit e at
WE CAN HELP! 1170 Pit t St . Cornwal l 613-933-9457
Rem em b er
t o Vi si t : fo r yo u r "Dai l y o f Co m m u n i t y
Do se" News!
Bring in t his ad and receive 20% of f of IN HOUSE l abour Expires May 31, 2016
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
but don't Let 's
f orget
cel ebrat e
t hat t he real Women's t he
f abul ous
Cont act Judi at 613-930-3536 t o t ake me up on my of f er.
w omen
Day is March
i n our
communi t y...
Whenyouworkhard,sodoyourmuscles. For relief of muscular tension and muscle related injuries, massage therapy can help. Located minutes from the hospital.
EXIT Real t y Seaway Brokerage independently owned and operated. 613-937-4445
To celebrate International Woman's Day I am offering an extensive Home Evaluation to any women who is planning to sell their home in the next 6 months.
Kathleen Morris, RMT Judi Auger
305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: ( 613) 662-5549
Broker of Record
Co unte ss
Hippocrat ic Oat hwhich historically was taken by physicians! The Oath starts immediately by mentioning their names and the need of physicians to ensure good medical behavior at all times:
TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER HONORING ECO-CONSCIOUS WOMEN EVERY DAY! Since "modern history began to be recorded 6000 years ago", Women's influences on Planet Earthhave been bludgeoned by some self-chosengroup of patriarchal oligarchists/ dictators.
Before this 'time-era', which they decided to register as the date human history started, thereexisted on Planet Earth thousands of years of very advanced and civilized humans who honored the Feminine Energies = the Great Mother ... the Woman ... the Female. In these ancient civilizations, the Matriarchal/ Feminine Energies were found in the Goddesses they respected and sought help from. More and more archaeological discoveries are being made all over this planet to prove this statement. What happened 6000 years ago, and even up to now, to make a few, self-chosenmen become so jealous of the Feminine/ Matriarchal Energies on Planet Earth? What caused them tofeel so insecure that they have spent centuries trying to suppress Women and their Wisdoms? As a consequence of these immature emotions, they have caused the World to become totally imbalanced. However, finally! the changes are happening
CLARPIAN-DUO Music For All Occasions Professional Music Educators Vivianne Panizzon, pianist 613-931-1792 Raymond Lacroix, clarinetist 613-938-6364
and we are beginning a long overdue cycle where the Feminine Energies are allowed to express themselves alongside the Masculine Energies and we are now one day at a timeushering forth: A WORLD IN BALANCE! In the realm of Healing, I have discovered that our verycapable Women of the Past were and are still influencing us without most people even knowing it. Did you know that healthy HYGIENE ... t his marvel ous word derives f rom t he Great Heal er of Greek descent and her name was HYGIEIA. She lived around 600 BC. Little information is given us about her as happens with many other famous women of earlier times. Researchers,however,know that she was the daughter of Aesculapius, who held the title of: God of Medicine and Hygieia's mother was Epione, Goddess of Soothing Pain. Hygieia hel d t he t it l e of : Goddess of heal t h and cl eanl iness. She encouraged the people to eat the right foods as being a major way to effectively cure diseases, to use herbs, stay in good physical shape, live in a clean home and clean environment. If she were to live today and be free tooffer her healing ways there would be far fewer sick/ diseased people! Did you know that the word and well-known expression: The PANACEA f or al l il l s/ t he cure al l / t he sol ut ion or remedy f or al l dif f icul t ies or diseases ... originat es f rom t he Greek Goddess Panacea who was the sister of Hygieia, and daughter ... naturellement ... of Asclepius and Epione. Panacea was revered by the people as the Goddess of Universal Health. Bot h of t hese wonderf ul Women were sorespect ed t hat t hey were incl uded in t he
"I SWEAR BY APOLLO THE PHYSICIAN AND AESCULAPIUS THE SURGEON, LIKEWISE HYGIEIA and PANACEA, and call all the gods and goddesses to witness that I will observe and keep this underwritten oath, to the utmost of my power and judgement: ...With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for the people the best diet, according to my judgement and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage ... . ...Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any men to do so. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. ..." At this point in time, when our Divine Right to Self-Healing is being monopolized by the medical/ chemical/ pharmaceutical multinational corporate patriarchs, it would be appropriate to remind them: Do stand back and leave the knowledgeableEco-Conscious Women and Men to seek and use ways to heal themselves freely without ever being hindered byregulations and laws that accommodate only you: the medical cartels. Because the Pure, Divine Herbal and other Plant remedies have been proven toheal various illnessesbased on thousand of years of usages ... then it is logical that "you" are not to challenge these Wisdoms by aggressively denying our trust in using them. An additional reminder: Harm not the Hygieia's and the Panacea's of this World but become humble and acknowledge their intelligence, wisdoms, intuitions that are going to bring forth a Healthy World!
March 25,26 and 27t h Noon to 4 pm at SPECIAL $1 o ff single pass $3 o ff family pass
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION 4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
Open 7 days a week
THELIBRARY?9STHANNU AL WRITING CONTEST ISON! Full detailson librarywebsiteat
SELF-DEFENCE WORKSHOPS Sat urday, March 5t h. Workshop for chil dren ages 5 to 13 - 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Workshop for women - 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Registration required by phone at 613-932-4796 or in person at the library.
Family movie @ 1:30 p.m. Free.
MARCH BREAK MINECRAFT MADNESS! March 14 t o 18, 2016 Fun programs for the whole family! Limited spots. Registration is required for all programs except for the Monday Movie MatinĂŠe. Check the library?s website for more information or give us a call.
THE SINGING BOWLS Sunday, April 3 at 2:00 p.m. Learn how to play singing bowls and experience their unique vibrations. Free and fun workshop for the family at the library. Free registration required.
LEARN HOW TO PERFORM CPR MONDAY, APRIL 11 OR MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 2 HOUR CLASS PROVIDED BY CORNWALL EMS INSTRUCTORS Registration required with the library.
The FORUM is an evolving community that shares ideas, emotions and truths." - David Rawnsley, program facilitator.
THE FORUM Wednesday mornings, 9:30 a.m. t o 11:30 a.m.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Wi t h MAR
U P?
Grade 7 & 8 TEEN DANCE Sponsored by Cl ub Oct agon at La Citadel - 6:30-9:30pm Student ID required. Music by: DJ Shel l shock and Madame-Mix-A-Lot
FINALLY- IT'SHERE- We'reExcit ed- Hopeyou are t oo!
Th e WOMEN'S DAY SHOW Co r n wCi a lvil Co c m p -l 1e 0 x am t o4 p m
Worl d Day of Prayer 1:30 pm: refreshments, 2 pm: interdenominational bilingual service. St. Peter's Church, 2900 2nd St. E.
Guest Speakers schedule
Cornwal l ?s Newest Psychic & Wel l ness Show Here at Psychic Fairs, we are committed to hosting one of the newest Psychic Fair circuits. We typically travel with Psychic / Mediums, Tarot Card Readers, Astrologists, Numerologists, Past Life Professionals, Energy Healers and much more! From 2 - 9PM at The Best Western, Cornwall
Leanna Pelt Villeneuve
The importance of going chemical free
Sue McGarvie
Sex With Sue
Karaoke Wit h Georgie Fridays at 7:30 pm beginning March 4th. Army-Navy-Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N.
Maison Baldwn / Sass
Infomation about organizations
Wanda Bender
I Am
Children's Aid
Sue McGarvie
Sex With Sue
Aileen W. Donovan
Past life regression
La Plume Moderne
Participation Music Hall
Brett Desrosiers
Confidence building through improv
Jean Pilon
Business opportunity with Partylite
GRAND OPENING Marrow and Spice 4-8pm - 812 Pitt St, Unit 40 933-3330
SATURDAY Mrs. Bs EXPANSIONGRAND OPENING st art s 9:30 am - 609 Pit t St - cont inuesal l week!
Music Wit h Georgie from 7 pm to 11 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W.
W H A T 'S
A Night In Hol l ywood - The Oscars Af t er Part y Gal a - A fundraising event hosted by La Cuisine Volante, benefitting Children's Mental Health Programs at Cornwall Community Hospital through the Cornwall Service Club Council. Cornwall Civic Complex starting with cocktails at 5:30pm. For more info:
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
The Centr e cultur el de Cor nw all is or ganizing a Cabane à sucr e to be held on M ar ch 19th and 20th 2016 at the Ste-Thér ese-de Lisieux Par r ish Hall located at 1304 Lisieux, Cor nw all. Cabane à sucr e is a Fr ench Canada tr adition. It gives us the oppor tunity to have fun together in leaving behind w inter and w elcom ing spr ing. For gener ations, it has been a tim e to com e together to enjoy life. A gr eat m eal w ith m aple syr up, gam es, show s and m usic, w hat a festival!
Ca ba nàeSu cr e
Cabane à sucr e is an event for all fam ilies. A sm all cabane à sucr e w ill be built in the par king lot. The m aple sap w ill be boiling on the w ood stove and childr en w ill be able to enjoy taffy. Lucie Har t, pr esident of the Centr e cultur el de Cor nw all told us: " It` s a w onder ful w ay to end M ar ch br eak . Childr en w ill have fun. Ever yone w ill enjoy the show s. It` s a gr eat tim e to have a taste of m aple syr up. " Star ting at 10 a.m . on Satur day M ar ch 19, ther e w ill be activities for childr en of all ages. Ther e w ill be show s, a tr easur e hunt, w or kshops and so m uch m or e. All activities for childr en ar e fr ee. Satur day evening (M ar ch 19), w e w ill w elcom e the adults. A cabane à sucr e m eal (m eat pie, beans, m ashed potatoes, salad, and desser t) w ill be follow ed by a m agic show. Then, it w ill be tim e for the m ajor show ; Danielle Gr egoir e w ill pr esent her show : The essential Ginette Reno. Tickets for the m eal and the show ar e $25.00 if pur chased befor e M ar ch 24 or $30.00 at the door. On Sunday m or ning M ar ch 20, a cabane à sucr e br eakfast w ill be ser ved betw een 10 am and 1 pm . It w ill be follow ed by childr en activities (for the sm allest to the oldest ones) and a tr easur e hunt. Br eakfast is $5.00 but fr ee for childr en five and under. Look out for our poster s w ith the infor m ation. You can also get the com plete schedule by phoning (613) 932-9106 or at em ail centr ecultur eldeccor nw Join
us in wel coming
Week l ong Cel ebrat ion St art s 9:30am - SATURDAY, MARCH 5 609 Pitt St. - 613-937-0222 THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Fi n al l-yTHIS SU NDAY - we're excit ed - hope youaret oo
Th eWOMEN'S DAY SHOW i s THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 6 Co r n wCi a lvil Co c m p -l 1e 0 x am t o4 p m butdon'tf orgett hatt herealWomen'sDay is March8!
Let 's cel ebrat e t he f abul ous w omen i n our communi t y she most certainly never let any bad days affect our bond. At the end of even the worst days or any arguments we ever had we still made sure to say ?I love you? before we went to sleep. Our love for each other was always evident. We were best friends, we were confidantes, I am her and she is me. My Mom taught me that being strong means being able to say you?re sorry and being able to admit when you make a mistake. I was lucky to have such a smart woman influence my life so much and I owe her every ounce of strength I?ve used to make it to this point in my life.
Sha nno n FERG USO N My Mot her Taught Me That St rengt h Is Love
Strength. It?s such a simple word that means so much. Being strong is something we are all capable of but often times, we don?t even realize how strong we are until we have to be. My mother was the strongest person I have ever known and she instilled much of that within me. I?ll be honest though, there have been days within the past two years that have tested my strength, tested my soul, and tested my willpower to remain positive. The biggest test culminated with my mother passing away at the end of October 2015. People keep telling me how strong I am. They tell me they don?t know how I keep moving forward. They tell me they see my strength and they wish they could be as strong as I am. I?ll be honest, some days I really don?t feel strong at all. Some days I feel lost and alone, wishing only for a phone call or cuddle from my Mom. I?m an only child raised by a single mother, so I don?t have another parent or sibling to depend on during this trying time. I do have some family and some great friends who have been there for me but at the end of the day, nothing will ever compare to my mother?s love. And so it is her love that gives me the strength I need on my hardest days. I have never known a deeper love than my mother?s and I know I never will. I know she faced many struggles, trials, and tribulations throughout her life but she never wavered in her love for me. She never let her struggles affect her positive outlook and
When my husband woke up one morning in 2014, packed his bags and left me only three months after I picked up my life and moved across the country for his job opportunity, I was devastated. I was 28 years old and thought my marriage was solid. I had no clue what I had done wrong, I had no clue what to do next, I had no clue how to pick up the pieces and move on. I didn?t feel strong enough to get through it but my Mom reminded me I was. She reminded me to put one foot in front of the other, lift my head high, and keep moving forward. She told me I would get through it, that even though we don?t know why life throws us curveballs, it is those exact tests that make us stronger, better people. Through her help, I found my independence and found myself. I even got really good at driving 15 foot U-Haul?s because sometimes when you have to move, you figure out a way to do it, no matter what. I can?t even count the amount of times I called my Mom, bawling my eyes out crying to her ?It?s just not fair, why me?? She would tell me life isn?t fair, nothing?s fair for anyone but to focus on the good things in life that we do have. She is the one who shaped the positive attitude I so proudly carry with me where ever I go and I know now, that only a strong person could find the good in even the most horrible situations. And that is what I?m known for doing. Amongst
my friends and family, I am known for seeing the good in situations and in people alike. I find the positives in almost any situation thrown my way and only now do I realize that it takes strength to do that. These days, I continue to wonder why life is so unfair and without my mother around to give me the advice I always needed, I must now rely on her voice in my mind to get through the hard days. I hear her often and I?m beginning to realize that I carry so much of her in my heart. So much so, that she doesn?t even seem truly gone. She was the real definition of strength and compassion, of love and positivity. She proved that no matter how strong you think you are or aren?t, that the amount of love you carry with you is what will get you through this life, every step of the way. Thank you, Mom, for leading by example and teaching me that strength is love. I l will love you forever and always. xo Al ice Ferguson was a pil l ar of t he Cornwal l communit y and a founding member of Women's Entrepreneur. She worked in the male dominated industry of International Freight Forwarding before starting her own businesses: Alishan Transportation and Nahsila Freight Services. She was an active member of the Chamber of Commerce, Team Cornwall, and The Rotary Club. She ran for city council in 2000 and was a corporate sponsor of many Kinsmen sports teams throughout the years. Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk and be sure to listen to her online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at
Open dail y: 6am t o 2pm and DON'T FORGET THURSDAY& FRIDAYt il 7pm
Th u r sd ay Sp eci al Ham b u r g er o r Li ver St eak BU Y 1 - GET 1 1 / 2 Pr i ce
Dawn Dem p st er - Own er
2 5 8 Pi t t St , Co r n wal l 9 3 8 -6 9 4 7
SueLapensĂŠe , Owner
6 1 3 -9 3 3 -9 0 5 5
1-850 Boundary Rd., Sout h Gl engarry ON
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
M a rie
categories, then you may want to add sub-folders as well. Perhaps you have a lot of medical expenses and get lots of receipts to keep track of. Then you may want to make a sub-folder specifically for medical expenses within the larger ?expenses? folder. You will want to refer to that tax preparation list to determine your needed categories. For example, not everyone needs to keep credit card statements unless they support some sort of deduction, and not everyone needs to keep utility bills unless you?re deducting for a home business.
M O RRELL Organizing Your Taxes with Categories and Sub-Categories You can take it a step further and actually organize your tax documents into various folders or sub-categories (also by account number if you are a business). These would be based on the tax list and will definitely vary by person. Use a main hanging file with the tax year written on it. Then make subfolders for the various tax documents you need to keep. You can start with four main categories within your tax year folder. The categories would be: Income, investments, expenses, deductions. That may be enough for you or your tax preparer to process things more quickly. You may want to write some notes on the folders to help remind you what types of documents go inside each folder. Fore exampl e, Tax Year 2015
路 Income 路 Invest ment s: 2015 forms received, year end bank statements, brokerage and mutual funds statements. 路 Expenses: Mortgage interest, property taxes, medical bills, childcare, job related moving, other big ticket items such as a car or home. 路 Deduct ions: charitable donations, job expenses. If you have a lot of paperwork to gather in any of the four above
Preparing your Tax Returns You should receive all of your forms from your employers, banks and investment firms by mid February. However, that is not a guarantee. Storing Your Tax Returns Once you?ve filed your taxes you need to file your tax documents away. Make a file folder or use a large manila folder and write the tax year on it. Place a copy of your completed tax forms in there along with all of your supporting documents. Store this file somewhere safe and out of the way; keep it for seven years for an individual. After that, you will still want to keep the tax forms you filed, but it should be OK to purge the supporting documents. Getting Ready for Next Year Once done organizing your taxes for one year, you're pretty much set for the following years! Your file system will now be empty and ready for the upcoming tax year. Make any adjustments to organizing your taxes to help streamline the process, without going overboard and making it more complicated than necessary. Were there things you were missing? Information you had to look for? Be sure to add any categories which you may be expecting paperwork for, or remove any which you won?t need. Now is a great time to tweak your system. If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: or visit:
Dead l i n e
M ARCH 4 t h
M ACDO NALD Home Renovat ion Cost s In Your Fut ure? Put Them On Your Mort gage!! Often home buyers find the ?perfect? house but if only it had... a new furnace or a new kitchen or new flooring or... or... or... With a ?Purchase Plus? mortgage product, a buyer can get these costs included in the mortgage!! In fact, there are products available for current home owners that want to improve the house they already own as well.
With a Purchase Plus mortgage, the buyer collects at least 2 quotes for the work they would like to have done on the new property. The costs should stay less than 10% of the purchase price to a maximum of about $40,000 (Any amounts over that will require you to get a Construction mortgage). This amount is added to the purchase price for Bank purposes. The down payment requirement (minimum 5% ) is based
on this new amount and the mortgage makes up the difference. If the file is approved, on Closing day, the funds to purchase are released to the seller and the construction amounts are held back in the lawyer?s trust account. You have about 90 days to prove the renovations are complete (appraisal) and the lawyer releases the funds to you. Home owners can do the work themselves or hire a contractor. Often a contractor will complete the work and wait for payment until the lawyer releases the funds to you. Keep in mind that you are paying mortgage payments on the full amount during this process. The same option is available to home owners that want to do renovations to their existing home with the exception that the maximum amount that is available is 80% of the value of the home after renovations are complete. If you have questions about this product, please feel free to contact me at any time by phone, text or email. Jenni MacDonal d (www.jmacdonal is a Mort gage Broker wit h Dominion Lending Cent res The Mort gage Source (Lic.# 10145). She has over 5 years of experience in t he Mort gage Indust ry and works wit h at l east 40 l enders incl uding banks, credit unions, and privat e l enders t o f ind t he best mort gage f or each cl ient . You can cont act her by phone or t ext at 613-551-0639 or via email at jmacdonal d@dominionl
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Fi n al l-yTHIS SU NDAY - we're excit ed - hope youaret oo!
Th eWOMEN'S DAY SHOW i s THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 6 Co r n wCi a lvil Co c m p -l 1e 0 x am t o4 p m butdon'tf orgett hatt herealWomen'sDay is March8! Let 's cel ebrat e t he f abul ous w omen i n our communi t y
Tax Business
Gail's dad (Don Liboiron) started City Income Tax in 1972 and she joined him in 1986.
Way back then tax returns were all prepared by hand and that is how she was taught. Now everything is done on the computer and Gail loves what she does.
THEN! SueLapensĂŠe , I wish to thank all my Owner clients who return year after year and have played such an important part in my journey and to the new ones who I look forward to working with at Liberty Tax this year. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
Gail Fl aro is Cel ebrat ing 30 Years in t he
Ca ro l G RANT
Ther e's a quote that says "Behind ever y successful m an is a good w om an" and I like to believe that w holehear tedly. Being a w om an in business can be gr eat as w om en think differ ently than m en, ar e often m or e intuitive and can offer a ver y differ ent per spective, opinion and ideas. I like to feel that a w om an can not only stand on her ow n in today's w or ld but that she can also stand out but also be advantage and equal to m en in business. I w ould per sonally like to congr atulate all of the successful w om en in business r ight her e in Cor nw all and hope you w ill join m any of them at this year 's Wom en's Day Show happening this w eekend! (And kudos to Julia & M ai-Liis for hosting it!)
Bu sin e ss
B u c k e t ...
wh er eyo uGETSEEN...NOT LOST!
I am for tunate to be a successful business w om an myself and am lucky to have had all the oppor tunities I have had over the year s including my com pany Car ol Gr ant Pr oductions (photogr aphy, Photo Booth r ental), hosting Cor nw all & Ar ea Br idal Show (going on 15 year s), having been Chair (a few ter m s) of Wom en Entr epr eneur s of Cor nw all & Ar ea in the past, and r ecently pair ing up w ith my soon-to-be husband to found Cor nw all & Ar ea Pop Event - CAPE.
Thr ough my netw or king in Cor nw all alone, I have m et m any str ong, independent, successful, entr epr eneur ial, talented and m otivational w om en w ho have helped shape our com m unity in so m any w ays!
613-936-8435 / 613-933-0714 EMAIL: libertytaxservice
LOCAL This w eek as w e celebr ate w om en and all of their achievem ents, be thankful not only for PROFESSIONALS the w om en w ho ar e out ther e doing business, but ALL w om en - your ATYOUR gr andm other , your m other , your sister , your FINGERTIPS... - 1 t im e$ 2 5 daughter , etc. And r em em ber the w om en w ho ar e no call - 3 t im e s$ 6 5 longer in your life and the positive effects they have had in your life and for shaping 613-935-3763 - 7 t im e s$ 12 9 you to be the per son you ar e today. Ext1 Celebr ate Women's Day 1 0 t im e $ s 15 9 * toplace yourad on M a r ch, 8th! SueLapensĂŠe * in c l u d eas m in ip r o f il e
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Fi n al l-yTHIS SU NDAY - we're excit ed - hope youaret oo!
Th eWOMEN'S DAY SHOW i s THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 6 Co r n wCi a lvil Co c m p -l 1e 0 x am t o4 p m butdon'tf orgett hatt herealWomen'sDay is March8! Let 's cel ebrat e t he f abul ous w omen i n our communi t y
Cel ebrat ing Women in Business - WE Cornwal l Women Entrepreneurs of Cornwall and Area was formed in 1998 with a focus on providing a welcoming and friendly environment for business women to meet and network. Providing a variety of business topics at our events encourages members and guests to break down communication barriers, build friendships and conduct business. We believe that women who talk together, do business together! Women who own their own business or work for others are equally welcome, bringing different viewpoints and experiences to be shared and enjoyed. Everyone comes for an opportunity to relax and meet up with like minded women. We hold monthly dinner meetings for you to promote your business, build contacts and make friendships. So, if you fancy networking with a difference, come out and join us and find out more.
Upcoming Event Thursday, April 28, 2016 Lara Wel l man, Digit al Market ing LARA WELLMAN DIGITAL MARKETING, OTTAWA
Many small businesses get pressure from customers, clients, and people they know to use social media. It's often considered the magic bullet to business success. However, having a presence on social media for the sake of having a presence isn't a guarantee of increased business. Ideally, you need a plan that is tied to your business objectives. That's how you'll get the most benefit from using social media as a marketing tool. Lara Wellman, digital marketing expert will share some important tips to help you survive and thrive!
H a ppy I n t ern a t i on a l W om en 's D a y Bernadette Clement 20 16 SUSAN& KAY MARTINwoul d l ove t o t hank al l t heir cust omersf or an excel l ent 6 years
Bern a d et t e C l em en t
SueLapensĂŠe , Owner
C i t y C ou n ci l l or
Visit t hem at 35 Second St . E. Cornwal l On - 938-3849 "Cat ering& Take-Out "
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
DESNO YERS IN THE NEWS: Your Art s Council hol ds it s AGM Over 20 members of YAC attended the Annual General Meeting on March 1st at St- Lawrence College. For those who might not know, ?Your? refers to artists in all art forms and art enthusiasts in Cornwall, the counties and Akwesasne. It?s a non-for- profit group that has received financing in 2012 from The Trillium Foundation and this year from the city of Cornwall.
YAC?s mission is to work with strategic partnerships, to connect resources and create opportunities for continuous improvement and mutual financial sustainability within the arts and culture sector. Its Vision is to be a ?hub?, to nurture and support an inclusive environment where creativity has a ?voice?. The meeting was open to members of whom many are also members of Focus Art. During the assembly Betty Healy, president, described some of the services YAC offers its members: Help in grant writing Offer publicity on their website for individual or group activities Assist in the sale of art objects on line Help artists find spaces to exhibit or express their art Be a voice for all art forms and facilitate communication. During the assembly, members were very well informed but had no role to play as yet. Though YAC has been mainly visible in helping the visual arts by offering art space, leading in Apples and Arts Studio Tour and by organizing areas for exhibitions at Aultsville Theatre, the Grind and elsewhere, this should be interpreted as a helping hand. In reality, as their webpage suggests, YAC is a voice for ALL art forms and is reaching out persistently. Betty also explained the progress of YAC through its by-laws and its application of the Carver model of governance. It appears much care is given in building a solid foundation for the Arts Council as they meet the needs of different art groups.
?Ensure the creative process is always challenging and enjoyable; always balance a risk of failure with the potential for success in order to keep efforts honest and engaging.? DEMO / WORKSHOP by Kathleen Morin at members?monthly meeting March 3 rd . Drawing skills need not be an impediment to creating a beautiful piece of art. Today, modern instruments help produce at a professional level, all while allowing us to refine our skills in drawing, coloring or painting. Such was the case when Kathleen Morin, a very creative and successful artist, shared a technique leading to a finished portrait. Learning to draw is important in the understanding of the complexities of the human face, but a little cheat sheet builds confidence, encourages practice and gives wonderful results. From the taking of an ?artsy? photo, bringing it to canvas and adding color, participants were able to create a portrait. Note: For centuries, artists have developed tools to achieve the desired results in their art, save time or repeat original works. The extent at which artists can be resourceful is illustrated in the film: Tim?s Vermeer (2014). Last year members viewed this film during a meeting; I find it is well worth the viewing.
In the picture (l-r) Betty Healy (president) Tracy Davies (newly elected director to the Board) and Richard Salem (part-time facilitator at YAC) Visit YAC?s webpage and see how it can be of hel p t o you. www.Yourart scouncil .ca
JEFF BRUNET DONATES TO HOSPICE last Friday at the Tribute to Dwight Yoakam Performance
Articleand photos: Mai-LiisRenaud Last Friday night the Royal Canadian Legion was packed once again as Jeff Brunet of Alkaline Entertainmentbought in a wonderful Dwight Yoakam tribute.Jeff is seen here with Dwight Leroux who put on a wonderful performancewith the Black-CanyonOrchestre. There were many draws for ticketsfor future shows and the funds raised were donated to Hospice in honour of Jeff's mother. Jeff's mother passed away this Wednesday evening (March 2nd) and Julia and I send our deepest condolences to Jeff and the Brunet family.
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: Pontiac Montana, 2006, 200,000K, $2500 OBO. 613-935-8101 FOR SALE: Lazy Boy Chair, recliner rocker, swivel, dark blue, leather. Asking $350. 613-932-8993 FOR SALE: MTD Riding Mower, like new condition, 11hp, 38" cut Asking $650, Power Pressure Washer, PSI 1500, never used, Asking $123, 613-933-1083 SEMI RETIRED BUSINESS MAN looking for same in a lady. Non smoker, pretty and fit. Respond to: Box 566, Lancaster, ON.
FRAMED CLASSIFIEDS up t o 25 WORDS AND A PICTURE $9.99 PLUS hst Comevisitusat t heWomen'sDayShowt hisSunday!
VHS TO DVD TRANSFERS Let u s pr eser veyou r Ch er i sh edM em or i esf or you ! Cal l Sh el don 613-932-4812
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
DJ starting at $395
VIDEO starting at $395
INVITATIONS starting at $1.55 each
Book ourMOBILE LIGHT &LAZER SHOW - Yourevent wil be l t al ked about f oryears!l Th e m o r e yo u sp en d - Th e m o r e yo u save! Cal l Sh el d o n an d M ai -Li i s at 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2
Ce l e b r at i n g W o m e n i n o u r co m m u n i t y Girl s Night Out Our February 6 event was very successful thank to our volunteers, our ladies in business, our lady vendors and our karaoke singers Rose, Lise, Diane, Alison,
Cathy, Loretta, Anne Marie, Jade, Jessica, Karen, Jovie and dj Natalie Durocher. There to present the cheque to Baldwin house representative Laura Ellam was secretary and co-founder Claudette Wanzer, founder Naomi Lamarche holding granddaughter Calla, and student volunteers Lauren, Savannah and Emelie who presented the Girls Night # 3 fundraising donation in the amount of 4350.15. We would like to thank all the ladies out there for making the night a success. See you all next year.
Diane Fry, PT,BSc.PT, MCPA is t he owner of Cornwal l Regional Physiot herapy She is a graduated from Queen?s University with her Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy and has provided Physiotherapy services in Cornwall since 1979 in a Rehabilitation setting first then acute care hospital (HDH) on both in and outpatients before moving to the private practice sector in 1988. Diane is a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and the Ontario Physiotherapy Association from whom she received her 30 years of recognition certificate in 2010. Diane continues to take courses to help her keep current and meet the needs of her patients, the most recent course was on Shockwave Therapy at the University of Toronto with lectures by Dr. Rob Gordon Orthopaedic Surgeon (Uof T) Past President World Shockwave Society ISMST ,Dr Lawrence Michell ( ART Instructor ) and Chris Broadhurst former Maple Leafs trainer . Diane goal is to provide high quality treatment at very affordable pricing using state of the art equipment. Diane and husband Bill have two daughters both in the medical field and 7 grandchildren.
an d
Rem em b er
t o Vi si t : fo r yo u r "Dai l y o f Co m m u n i t y
Do se" News!
THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Ne w s
Sue Hedl ey
No uve lle s
Facil it at or
DATE: Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Sue is an experienced educat or and t rainer who brings a prof essional 's eye t o t he design and del ivery of t he Leadership and Communicat ion modul es. In addit ion t o her work wit h pract icing managers in corporat e t raining at St . Lawrence Col l ege, Susan has experience in t eaching st udent s at undergraduat e l evel and t he graduat e l evel . Not abl y, f or CONNECT's purposes, she was a key member of t he t eam at t he Facul t y of Educat ion at Queen's Universit y, responsibl e f or t raining t he next generat ion of Ont ario's educat ors. Susan hol ds ungergraduat e and graduat e degrees f rom Queens and is current l y on hiat us f rom PhD st udies. Part icipant s enjoy her ent husiast ic del ivery and t he pract ical , hands-on nat ure of t he day.
A n e v e n t i s.s. . ttom n a t ' w n o d u o y y! a d o T r e t s i Re g cal l An n e at 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -0 2 1 0 o r Lezl i e at 6 1 3 -9 3 3 -4 0 0 4 fo r m o r e i n fo o r t o r eg i st er
Cont act us: 613-932-0210 or 1-877-234-1368 Email : inf o@eot b-cf Visit : www.eot b-cf THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 9 - March 4 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2