Junction November 2016

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• family holiday planner • kawau feature • local beer + cider WWW.JUNCTIONMAG.CO.NZ

People & Happenings | Puhoi to waipu



SPOTLIGHT Animal Santuary. . ..................................................................................................................4 PROFILE Cimino Cole...........................................................................................................................6 NEW & NOTED......................................................................................................................8 discover

managing director/Publisher Bianca Howlett +64 21 117 2833 bianca@junctionmag.co.nz

Holiday Itinerary.. ................................................................................................................ 12

Editor Kathy Hunter +64 21 103 0526 kathy@junctionmag.co.nz

Character-Filled Kawau......................................................................................................23

Advertising Cola Larcombe +64 27 225 5050 ads@junctionmag.co.nz Sophie Carew +64 21 028 393 44 sophie@junctionmag.co.nz distribution Clinton Howlett +64 21 024 04015 https://github.com/konsav/social-icons https://github.com/konsav/social-icons https://github.com/konsav/social-icons clinton@junctionmag.co.nz Graphic Design Tracey Stimpson design@junctionmag.co.nz Contributors Writers: Kathy Hunter, Kaye Mueller, Cath Lewis, Kirsty Millar, Andrew Martin, Cimino Cole, Sue Welford, Jeska Cooper, Sophie Barclay Photography: Sam Mothersole Photography, Kaye Mueller, Andrew Martin Photography, Louise M Photography

Directory............................................................................................................................. 19 Local Campgrounds . . .......................................................................................................... 20 savour Local Beer and Cider...........................................................................................................26 You Say You Want A Revolution......................................................................................... 30 People In Glass Houses - Te Whai Bay Wines. . ...................................................................32 Amber Rose Recipe............................................................................................................ 34 Celebrate Omaha Bay Vineyard.. .........................................................................................35 design house Omaio................................................................................................................................. 36 Master Craftsman - Alchemy Sculptures.......................................................................... 40 cherish Spring Garden..................................................................................................................... 41 Remember Puhoi Fire Station - 5 November..................................................................... 42 Sustainable Sophie - Ethical Diets . . .................................................................................. 42 Where the Heart Is - Matakana Informaton Centre.......................................................... 43 Walk of the Month - Bream Head to Bluff......................................................................... 43 arts Colour Me Bright - Nicolle Aston. . ..................................................................................... 45 Blackshed - Waipu............................................................................................................. 46 Art’n’Tartan Revisited.........................................................................................................47

Front Cover: Kawau Island


Photo Credit: Kaye Mueller

Get Ready to Ramble.. ........................................................................................................ 48

Printed by inkwise nz Published by Junction Media Ltd

Guy Fawkes, High Teas, Halloween. . .................................................................................. 49

All content featured in Junction Magazine is subject to copyright in its entirety and may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the Publisher. Views expressed in Junction Magazine are not necessarily those of the Publisher. Any material supplied for publication is at the owner’s risk. All information is believed to be true by the Publisher at the time of printing.

Christmas Shopping, Art-Full Weekend, Brick Bay Summer Series.................................. 50 gig guide.......................................................................................................................... 51

our people: There are a number of us in the Junction family, all locals. We thought we’d tell you a little about each of us every month. sam mothersole photographeR

Sam’s been a photographer since leaving school. She decided to start her own business as a lifestyle photographer eleven years ago when her eldest son was born. She’s now a mother of two kids – who are photographed a lot. “I’m passionate about the story telling and emotion of photography. I love playing with the light. Meeting families and people is the best, and I’m grateful to have been doing something I love so much. I feel like I’ll be forever learning and growing!”


spotlight - animal santuary


Grow your business. Join today. More info: www.quickfuse.co.nz


profile - cimino cole




new + noted

discover - holiday itinerary


DISCOVER - kawau island

35 savour - omaha bay vineyard

36 design - omaio


cherish - puhoi fire brigade

47 arts - art’n’tartan



happenings - guy fawkes

happenings - get ready to ramble

WONKI WARE CERAMICS SALE dinner + pasta $15ea side + soup + pudding $10ea mugs $10 Ramekins $5 (select styles while stocks last)

homeware | wall art | lighting | unique furniture | gifts 650 matakana rd | Hours wednesday to monday 10-4pm or by appointment fb. facebook.com/mooimooinz | i. instagram.com/mooimooinz | w. mooimooi.co.nz




Arriving at the Animal Sanctuary, I’m greeted by a throng of chooks, ducks and dogs. There’s a donkey braying in the background. Upstairs in the house, a tarpaulin is spread out on the living room floor with temporary fencing and a large dog-crate. “That’s where Princess sleeps at night,” explains Michael Dixon. With a white, sulphur-crested cockatoo (Snow) perched on his shoulder he points at the French doors. There’s Princess: a white kid with a dodgy back leg, peering through the window and bleating loudly. “She’s got ligament damage,” says Michael, “but we think she’s starting to put weight on it. Shawn’s in the garage doing some feeding.” He leads the way. The Animal Sanctuary is at the end of Govan Wilson Rd, ten minutes from Matakana. It’s been run by Shawn Bishop and Michael Dixon (above) for 14 years. The operation is mostly funded by themselves and donations. They moved here after they both realised that their Auckland-based corporate lives needed a little something extra. They wanted to do something good, and Shawn particularly wanted to help animals. This is the result – a few acres with a whole bunch of very diverse animals which are hurt, lost, abused or unwanted. Most are moved on to well-vetted happy homes. Some stay. Downstairs there’s carefully organised chaos with cages and animals everywhere. Shawn is working with Claire Hesling, a vet who comes up once a month to help out. Shawn smiles at me, says, “Hi! Hold this.” She thrusts a tiny pot of clear liquid at me and carefully opens a small cage. A ruffled tui peers at us in horror. Shawn expertly removes him and




holds him up to my pot. After a moment, he dips his beak in the syrup and Shawn laughs delightedly. She puts the bird tenderly into a bigger cage and Claire checks his movement. “Looking good,” she pronounces. It’s the turn of a young grey heron next. She has been pacing, keen to get out. Claire takes her out, puts her down on the floor and the bird, Scruffy, follows her around. “We often get heron fledglings,” says Shawn. “Herons usually lay two eggs, and one chick is always stronger. When it’s time to fly, the parents simply fly up into a tree. The strong one follows, but the other often crashes and hurts itself and is then condemned to starvation or predation. We can help – herons have good rates of rehab.” Scruffy follows Claire out to the lawn where she throws small bits of fish around, teaching the bird to chase them, fast. She’ll need these skills to survive on her own. “Young birds don’t know how to feed themselves; they learn from their parents. We have to be the parents for a while.” Claire whistles a low note each time she throws the food. “That’s so that the bird relates the sound to food, so we can call her and support-feed her after she’s let free. It’s great when they first fly – they’re awkward and angular at first, then,” – she mimics elegant flight – “they straighten out and become pure grace. I always feel so honoured to be a part of that.” Herons are easy to feed. Kereru are ok. Kaka and kookaburras are terrible. Moreporks (native owls) aren’t too bad – we go down to the large, well-built aviaries and peer up into their cute house. Two ruru


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are on a perch, staring in surprise and affront. One suspects they have a resting surprised-and-affronted-face (those eyes), but they’re still ridiculously cute. “We mostly get birds that have flown into glass – it’s our number one cause of injury,” sighs Shawn. If birds often hit your windows, Shawn instructs, hang a string of beads from the centre of each. Your problem will cease. But if you have a window fatality, or a cat which catches mice or birds, please keep the tiny corpses and put them in a ziplock bag in your freezer (but not ones you may find dead already – they may be poisoned). Let Shawn know when you’ve stacked up a few – her moreporks will be very happy with their meals. We stroll around the outside animals who are either forever-guests or awaiting a home: a tiny white pony who’s been tortured by teenage boys, a very elderly sheep, a wise and gentle donkey, a one-ton black Angus steer, Sparky, that is truly-madly-deeply in love with Shawn, more goats (over 80 re-homed recently), two Kunekune pigs named José and Rosie. “We have some rare Auckland Islands pigs coming soon, if anyone’s interested,” says Shawn. There are also lots of brown shaver hens. The Sanctuary has to date re-homed around four thousand of these. Four thousand. They arrive half-crazy, half-feathered and terrified but soon become sleek, happy, normal chooks. You can adopt some of your own – Shawn will talk you through it.

Back in the living room for tea, Princess gets a bottle of warm milk; it’s gone in a minute. Over homemade blueberry cake, I hear that to feed a gannet you have to push fish right down their throats, halfway up to your elbow. That if you find a penguin in trouble, it’s probably starving – because there just aren’t the fish stocks any more to feed them. But if it’s an adult, it’s over 500g and the inside of its mouth is a healthy pink, it has a fighting chance. It’s great to have this amazing source of knowledge – and to know that there’s a boundless fount of passionate love for these helpless animals. Right on cue, Shawn points over my shoulder and squawks “Look! She’s putting weight on it! Oh wow!” Sure enough, out in the garden Princess is standing on four legs. On Michael’s shoulder, Snow the cockatoo shouts “Hello!” www.animalsanctuary.co.nz | T: 09 422 7322 Good to know:

The Animal Sanctuary is not a petting zoo. Please don’t just turn up to see the animals, they’re not set up for visitors. If you’d like to help, Shawn always needs sheets, towels, large format newspaper, time… and money. Also if there’s anyone out there who’d like to become a special bird-carer, get in touch with Shawn – there’s a great free course available – and you’d be making a huge contribution.

Eight Paws was created to provide pet owners with access to the best artisan and designer pet products from New Zealand and around the world. Shop online at eightpaws.co.nz


pr o f i l e

charming cimino words



Cimino Cole is a warm, gentle and twinkly man – but it would be fair to say that the fierce heart of an environmental activist beats within his rangy frame. He’s the founding editor of the Mahurangi Magazine, an online mag which is the mouthpiece of Mahurangi Action Incorporated. It goes back to 1974 when a group of stroppy citizens (‘Friends of the Mahurangi’) got together to dispute a Warkworth sewerage plan which discharged effluent into the Mahurangi River… amazingly, Auckland Council has this year, finally announced plans to end this practice. Cimino (pronounced ‘Cheemeenoh’) was christened Peter but his maternal grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather were all named Salvatore Cimino. Wellington’s Evening Post on August 12, 1899 carried the obituary of Salvatore Cimino I, who came to New Zealand from Capri, Italy in 1840. He died at 91, a legendary sailor and entrepreneur, who plied a trading route between Wellington and Lyttleton. However, Cimino took on the name in his mother’s memory really; she died suddenly when he was 14, a tragically defining event in his young life. Cimino has always been a political animal, and has a self-confessed thirst for understanding what makes the world tick. His activism goes back to 1973; he remembers days during the Muroroa Atoll testing, when he was the go-between the ham radio operator and the protest vessel (the former Baltic trader Fri ) and the media here. “Broadcasting was still very nailed-down back then and the ham radio operator was prohibited from speaking directly to the press, under pain of lifetime loss of his operating license,” he says.

Cimino in the galley of the Fri in the early 1970s.

“It was one of the reasons why Radio Hauraki’s unlicensed broadcasting was so exciting back in 1966. I remember when the MV Tiri (the boat Hauraki broadcast from, outside the five-mile territorial limit) prepared to leave Viaduct Basin. Authorities were trying to close the old rollinglift bridge to keep them from leaving, but a number of people, including a woman who later lived here in Mahurangi West, climbed into the mechanism to stop it closing. It was amazingly courageous.” But Cimino’s partner Sarah points out that his activism goes even further back than that. He organised a strike of his fellow Ōrewa District High School students in protest of the Cuban Missile Crisis brinksmanship in 1962. “The strike followed an outdoor assembly; teachers were startled when nobody moved to go to their classes. It was short-lived, however, thanks to the timing of an October shower,” he smiles. Cimino struggled at school – he was terribly shortsighted but it wasn’t picked up till he was in his teens. It hasn’t done his English any harm – his writing on the Mahu Mag (and in Junction) is exceptional: wry, deft and a joy to read. He thinks it must have been his high-school English teacher. “Beryl Hooten was her name,” Cimino remembers. “She used to have us go outside and lie in the long grass, while she read to us – poetry and prose.”



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Te Muri - the idyllic beach Cimino and co fought so hard to keep pristine. Photo credit Caitlin Owston-Doyle.

Cimino in his happy place at Mahurangi West. Photo credit Caitlin Owston-Doyle.

2016 has been a great year for Cimino. Not only has the Warkworth sewerage plan finally come home to roost, but he’s also backed a winner in young political contender Tessa Berger, whom he’s known since she was born. Tessa gladdened his heart last year by joining the somewhat age-challenged committee of Mahurangi Action, and becoming its president at age 21. She subsequently became the chair of the Mahurangi Coastal Trail Trust, and with Cimino and the rest of the team, was triumphant in overturning the council’s proposal to turn beautiful, unspoilt Te Muri beach into a giant carpark. Tessa, with Cimino as her campaign manager, came close to first equal in the local board elections. Naturally, the pair have many ideas in common. “I’m really excited for Tessa,” enthuses Cimino. “With Warkworth’s predicted growth heading towards five times its current size in the coming decades, it’s essentially going to be a new town. We must ensure it plays to its strengths: re-create those strong connections to its historic river, make it walkable and cyclable. And the rest of the Mahurangi region’s outstanding natural beauty must endure. Tessa is totally on to all of this and I’m right behind her.” The pair have also come up with what they think is the only long-term intervention capable of reversing declining voter turnout – voting in schools. This would play to the strengths of both Tessa and the other

very young candidate in these elections – Chloë Swarbrick – she came from nowhere to beat John Palino, who’d nipped at Len Brown’s heels in 2013. “Voting in schools is only available to about 8% of year-7-upwards students in the Auckland region – it needs to become universal,” says Cimino. Tessa says, “First a neighbour, then a friend, Cimino quickly became family to me. He’s always the first to give, whether it's his time, knowledge or money. It’s the selflessness in the work that he does and his lifelong dedication to conservation that’s a constant source of inspiration for me. There’s so much I could say. Sometimes words aren’t enough!” Cimino has also, in the last few years, helped two fantastic local historical publications get to print. Jade River: A History of the Mahurangi by Ronald Locker and Changing Times by Kit de Latour. But the Mahu Mag is almost all his own work – and it’s an extraordinary resource, full of up-to-date, pithy political comment, witty local stories and educational essays on everything from voting systems to nuclear power, geology to climate change. If you have a bit of spare time, read it – you’ll emerge enlightened and inspired. www.mahurangi.org.nz

Plume, the vineyard restaurant, a ‘must visit’ on your journey through Matakana.

Plume, proudly the house of Runner Duck Wines.

For opening hours please call or visit www plumerestaurant.co.nz 49a Sharp Road | 09 422 7915 | reservations@plumerestaurant.co.nz

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19/04/16 10:01 am

new & noted LIFE PHARMACY OF THE YEAR AWARD Life Pharmacy Franklins were very proud to win the Life Pharmacy of the Year 2016 award, announced at the annual Green Cross conference held in Fiji in September. We have only been a Life Pharmacy for 2 years during which time we have we have completed a shop refit, introduced Dermalogica Cosmetics and installed a new beauty room offering beauty treatment services. Along with this we actively support our local community with sponsorships and prizes resulting in very positive customer feedback. Our new nationwide Living Rewards Loyalty programme been embraced by our customers. We have a great team that can help with all your heath and beauty needs so pop in and see us. Open 7 days. 48 Queen Street Warkworth T: 09 425 8014

yoga for the community


urban industrial

Yoga Yojana has a different approach to yoga. These lovely classes are organised by Jess Neff and offer a wide variety of yoga including a Women’s Circle, Yin + Yoga Nidra, Sunrise Yoga and most recently, Yoga and Mindfulness for Children. Jess has been a teacher of hatha + vinyasa flow yoga, as well as gentle practices such as restorative + Yin yoga. Fusing the importance of alignment with the need to ground one’s body with the earth, while looking upwards and cracking the heart open, there is plenty of time for getting upside down to see the world from a different perspective. Classes commence 17 October at SYC Yacht Club, Algies Bay. First class is free, pre-bookings essential. More info: Facebook/YogaYojana Phone message or text Jess: 022 120 8764

Tuck Shop Matakana is the new venture for Matakana Cinemas, the region’s ‘Most Loved Business’, as voted by Junction readers. Having acquired the space formerly occupied by Omaha Organic Blueberries (OOB) back in April, the crew has been very busy setting about creating a great experience for both our team and the community.

Lesley Lance’s grandfather had a furniture shop in Gisborne; it had been a long-held dream for her to have her own when husband Graham began some hobby furniture-making. She loved what he made and they thought, “we could sell this”. From this kernel has come Urban Industrial, a new furniture and homewares shop next to Chocolate Brown on Mill Lane. Some is their own, some brought in – steel, marble, glass and vintage wood is softened by soft furnishing and funky lighting. Graham and Lesley are excited about being part of a design lane in Warkworth along with Guthrie Bowran and Taste the Kitchen Shop. They’ll be big on service – including Christmas gift wrapping.

The focus is on great coffee, tasty food and ice-cream, with a streamlined menu to ‘tuck-in’ and take-out, and yes, we will be bringing back OOB ice-cream! Your new favourite Matakana hangout is opening in November 2016. www.thetuckshop.co | Instagram: tuckshop FB:@tuckshopmatakan

8 Mill Lane | T: 09 422 3045

CHRISTMAS IS FAST APPROACHING We have a large range of new and exciting gifts for everyone, with more stock arriving daily. Come in early to find all of your Christmas gifting solutions in one store. Plus FREE deluxe gift wrapping!

SAVE the DATE! VIP Shopping Evening Thursday 17 November 5:30pm – 7:30pm Life Pharmacy Franklins : 48 Queen Street, Warkworth : T: 09 425 8014


Choose your wedding or event location for romance, beauty and memories. Able to go where traditional marquees can’t, a Stretch Tent allows a marquee solution specific to your needs, site and budget. If we can get to it by truck, 4WD or boat, it’s a Stretch Tent location. 0800 462 778 auckland@stretchtents.co.nz 022 355 3868 www.stretchtents.co.nz

new & noted BLEND FROZEN POPS UP IN BACH SURF Blend Frozen Matakana is the newest and most delicious soft serve option in town. There’s a range of amazing and fresh new fruit flavours such as pineapple mango, guava, lemon, raspberry and black doris plum and they’re all blended with coconut milk and vanilla. This makes all of Blend Frozen’s offerings both dairy and gluten free – and it’s proudly made in New Zealand. We’re hoping Blend Frozen will become an essential part of your summer plans from now on. Blend Frozen can be found in our pop up store inside Bach Surf but keep an eye out for other locations over the summer.

​Bach Surf 19 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana Instagram - Blendfrozen​

brick + vines

black earth PRESERVES

matakana physio

‘Brick and Vines’ is the new name for the café at Morris & James. Chef Jacqui Brown says it’ll be the perfect spot for summer dining. “There’ll be lots of fresh, crisp salads on the lunch menu – a Mexican, a Nicoise… plus build-your-own gourmet sandwiches and shared boards. And the courtyard’s wood-fired pizza oven is back.” Eat alfresco on the beautiful lawns, with bean bags and blankets available for picnicking.

Paul Stevenson has been in the horticulture business in Omaha for over 35 years. After being inundated with more wonderful seasonal produce than their family could possibly eat, Michelle Stevenson decided to combine Paul’s green fingers and passion for horticulture with her culinary talents. Flavour comes from ingredients being ripened naturally before picking, growing with only the good stuff and being homemade.

Robyn Weston’s Matakana Physio practice has moved to stylish premises in the new buildings on Matakana Valley Road. Robyn has worked from Canada to Queenstown; she raised her family on a huge farm in the Rangitikei, and also ran a jet boat and country cottage business. Colleague Monique Hatfull (née Vujcich) is a local sportswoman. She’s hugely involved with hockey in Warkworth and the practice also sponsors the Rodney Rams sports club. Robyn and Monique bring to the area an experienced, all-inclusive practice that aims to treat a diverse range of injuries and pain to get you fit and ready for summer.

From Wednesday to Sunday evenings, choose from a la carte or degustation menus. Jacqui’s still happily running Ginja at Omaha Golf Club however, and trust us – this red-headed powerhouse really can do it all.

Michelle has now created Black Earth Preserve Company producing Kasundi and Kasundi with Kick but has several ideas to be introduced in the coming year. Check out the website for local stockists.

T: 09 423 0295




OUR STRENGTHS ARE Sports Injuries ∙ Joint & Muscle Pain ∙ Spinal Care Post-operative Care ∙ Rehabilitation ∙ Acupuncture – Dry Needling Postural – Biomechancial Issues Robyn Weston Dip Phty NZRP

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Fresh Fish Takeaways, Organic Coffee, Scoop Ice Creams, Groceries, Sandwiches, Rolls, Cakes + Slices Free Range eggs Takeaway Hours Wed, Thurs & Sun 12-6.30pm Fri & Sat 12-7.30pm

Shop Hours Mon & Tues 8am-5pm Wed & Thurs & Sun 8am-6.30pm Fri & Sat 8am-7.30pm Open longer hours in summer

14 Point Wells Road, Point Wells

Like Pt Wells General Store on Facebook




If you haven’t been to Silverdale for a while, you’re in for a nice surprise. A transformation of the Old Silverdale Village is underway. Four upmarket businesses have moved in, grouped under a single banner in a funky, open-plan building. Think Takapuna’s Department Store or The Shelter in Ponsonby – a chic mix of products and services whose philosophies are totally in sync. It’s The Village Depot. Damon Jones, spokesperson for the group, said that while Silverdale’s outlet stores are fantastic, they wanted a fresh angle for The Village Depot. “We felt that some shopping experiences could be better – there can be clutter, brand confusion and overcrowding. We knew that outlet prices and exceptional customer service in beautiful premises do not need to be mutually exclusive.” Joana Azevedo is Damon’s business partner in Zavedo. She’s the stylish and savvy design buyer whose European flair shows in the local and international products she chooses. Taken as a whole, Zavedo’s range has that indefinable Scandinavian feel which somehow manages to be earthy yet impossibly chic. You’ll find everything from Hay Design furniture, Zavedo’s mirror collection and Nelson honey to silver-fleck Icelandic sheepskin and boutique teas.


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No surprise that they stock Monocle and Kinfolk mags, too. Heather is the owner and operator of Jones Dept – she stocks clothes by Loobies Story, Sabatini, Hailwood and more, with Saben bags, Italian-made leather goods and a great range of sunglasses and other accessories… plus pop wall art by a local artist. “The character of the building was important to us as a group,” says Damon. “It’s an open-plan environment that’s industrial but warm, with polished concrete floors and open ceilings… all the businesses work well in here.” The other two stores are perfect examples: home textile experts Capricho, and delectable eatery Gather N Feast. At Capricho, Fiona and Javier work with carefully selected textile manufacturers in Northern Portugal to bring a beautiful range of unique home textiles to New Zealand. They’re passionate about quality and detail and every item in their collection is designed to be beautiful, easy to care for and made to last. By working directly with their European suppliers and then selling direct they’re able to offer exceptional pricing for their high-quality products. At Capricho they know that how your bed linen feels affects how you sleep, so their products feel as good as they look.

Gather N Feast showcases the passion that chef Matt Gilray has for food. The perfect spot during the week to meet for coffee or lunch after some retail therapy, it turns on the charm for dinner Thursday to Saturday. Matt has worked with some of the best in the industry. He’s big on organic, free-range meat and line-caught fish and loves to work with a seasonal menu. A taster: house-cured salmon with spring citrus, pistachio and whipped feta; smoked snapper sliders with garden salad and hollandaise; pork belly with thai caramel, coriander, chilli and spring onion. Try out the new Thursday set menu: three courses for $40 – and choose from a carefully chosen range of NZ craft beer and wines to go with it. “Silverdale is a huge growth area,” says Damon. “The Village Depot represents a shift in quality boutique retail. We did our research and it told us that this region is ready for highquality products and services in beautiful surroundings. So yeah – we think there’s a new future for Silverdale.”

www.zavedo.nz | www.capricho.co.nz www.jonesdept.nz | www.gathernfeast.co.nz





Pineapple Mango Guava Lemon Raspberry Black Doris Plum Coconut Vanilla




Here it is: the Junction Family Holiday Planner. For those visiting our beautiful Matakana Coast – or for residents with guests coming to stay over the summer, we’ve done the hard work in planning out a week of suggestions for family fun. Enjoy!

10am: breakfast at Puhoi Cheese Café Drive through Puhoi Village to get to the Puhoi Valley Cheese café for breakfast – their ‘big breakfast’ and a coffee will set you up for the day. Stock up on Puhoi Valley award-winning cheeses for later, www.puhoivalley.co.nz

11.30am: puhoi river canoe hire Safe leisurely unguided kayak adventures paddling on the Puhoi River from the Historic Puhoi Village to the scenic Wenderholm Regional Park. Full instruction, superior equipment and a return courtesy shuttle. Bookings essential. 84 Puhoi Road, Puhoi Village | 09 422 0891 | 027 284 1672 | www.puhoirivercanoes.co.nz

2pm: LUNCH AT ransom winery Enjoy a memorable wine and food experience at Ransom Wines, while you soak up the beautiful vineyard views. Our wines are made with both classic and rare grape varieties, all grown and produced on site. You can stand at the cellar door while we talk you through our range, or sit down with a tasting tray: The Flight of Five Wine Tastes $15. Delicious platter food, designed to share: for lunch. The Famous Winetaster’s Platter @ $22 per pearson The Children’s Platter @ $10 per child. Served between 12 and 2.30pm. Lighter options – the dips, soup, bruschetta, sweet treats $10 - $12 are available all day. Bookings recommended. www.ransomwines.co.nz | T: 09 425 8862 | 46 Valerie Close, Warkworth

3.30pm: THE PADDOCKS ‘The Paddocks’ is a garden of National Significance in a countryside setting. There are two acres of beautiful cottage gardens here, with a collection of gorgeous old David Austin Roses, many perennials, a vegetable potager garden, an orchard and an acre of olives. The garden is open between the end of October to March – please note that appointments are essential (for a minimum of ten people). There is a small nursery selling plants grown in the garden – and their own olive oil for sale. Penny and Rowan Wiggins T: 09 425 7651 or M: 021 210 8564

6pm: DINNER, JIN JIN, MATAKANA The flavours at Jin Jin are guaranteed to widen the eyes. This beautiful restaurant on Matakana Valley Road is hugely popular with the locals – get in early for your spicy fix. The Phad Thai is legendary, the pork buns sublime. FB: Jin Jin | T: 09-945 0909 Photo credit: Louise M Photography


WINERY & VINEYARD Fine wines and delicious platter food designed to share. Join us for a celebration lunch and wine tasting. Open 10am to 5pm Tuesday to Sunday. Bookings recommended. P: 09 425 8862 E: info@ransomwines.co.nz 46 Valerie Close Warkworth www.ransomwines.co.nz



9am: Summer sessions Summer Sessions Surf Centre can provide a group up to five with Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) lessons in the beautiful Omaha Estuary. A quick lesson on land and then you’re off exploring the jewel in Omaha’s crown – just $40, all-inclusive for one hour. The health benefits of SUP are well documented! Summer Sessions Surf Center will be open all summer long at Omaha Beach (located next to the surf club) for surf lessons, surfboard rentals, SUP lessons or SUP rentals and wetsuit rentals. We’re ramping up the summer fun, starting with Friday Night Beach Volleyball games from mid-December and our fantastic holiday surf camp for kids in January (3rd-5th, 10th-12th, 17th-19th). Summer Sessions is more than a surf center at Omaha Beach. Check out Summer Sessions’ Surf, Skate, Street store at 44 Matakana Valley Rd, Matakana for the best beach brands including Huffer, ilabb, Federation and Pamelinhia.

www.omahasurflessons.co.nz | www.summersessions.co.nz | T: 09 283 3598

1pm: The Glass House The Glass House Kitchen offers relaxed, all-day dining which showcases fresh produce – often from their own garden and farm. Chef Cameron Schwarz produces a stunning selection of à la carte options, or you can share one the Glass House’s delectable platters. Pair it with a glass of Brick Bay wine to fortify you for the Sculpture Trail after lunch. Online bookings essential. Open daily 10am - 5pm year round. www.brickbay.co.nz | T: 09 425 4690 E: hello@brickbay.co.nz

3pm: brick bay sculpture Brick Bay Sculpture Trail is an inspirational outdoor gallery. Discover a dynamic exhibition of over 50 large-scale sculptures set in a sublime landscape of towering native trees – majestic palms, a precious kauri forest and established native bush alive with birdsong. Be challenged and delighted by the carefully curated selection of sculpture. You’ll find works that float, move with the wind or sunlight, or produce an unexpected sound experience - the trail will certainly appeal to all ages and is suitable for most ages and abilities. Adults $12 | Seniors and Students $10 Children (5-17yr) $8 | Under 5s Free Family Pass (2 adults, 2 children) $35

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9am: BLUE ADVENTURES At Blue Adventures we’re all about providing a personalised and exciting experience. Our dedicated kitesurfing, wakeboarding and stand up paddleboarding instructors are passionate about what they do and will provide you with a safe and fun way to learn these addictive water sports. We believe in customer satisfaction and our teaching technique has proven to be extremely successful. Small groups, step-by-step instructions and our up-to-date equipment will ensure you progress quickly and safely. Whether you’re looking for kiteboarding, SUP or wakeboarding lessons, rentals or Naish kiteboarding and SUP gear we’ve got something for you!


We have several great events planned for this summer. Our bi-monthly Kite Camps in Omaha are a highlight – these 3-day camps offer the ultimate kitesurfing experience (recommended on Tripadvisor!). Meet friends, have fun and learn the ins-and-outs of kite surfing, then kick back and relax in the super-stylish accommodation provided.

Relax inside or out in the cottage gardens at Plume Café – on the roundabout at Matakana. The flowers are gorgeous in summer… choose from a mouth-watering range including spiced calamari salad or the classic Plume club sandwich – or get takeout and eat it down by the river. www.plumerestaurant.co.nz

www.blueadventures.co.nz | Tony or Nina T: 022 630 5705

2pm: ti point reptile park Head to Ti Point’s Reptile Park for a fascinating trip into the lives of coldblooded animals at the only zoo in New Zealand which specialises in reptiles. Set in regenerating bush with the plentiful sea views, you’ll find water dragons, chameleons, iguanas, turtles, alligators and even tarantulas… plus of course our own living dinosaur, the tuatara. There’s lots of information to be gleaned from a visit to the Reptile Park. For instance: there are only two families of lizard in New Zealand – all are either geckos or skinks. Skinks’ scales overlap, making them shiny, whereas geckos scales don’t – they have a velvety, matt look (very now!). There are picnic tables at the park should you wish to indulge in a snack before your next activity. www.reptilepark.co.nz | Daily 10am-5pm | 27 Ti Point Road, Leigh

6.30pm: DINNER Bhai Khmer Warkworth’s newest Cambodian street food. Super-friendly Rodney and Dani are both Cambodian-born and committed to refreshing the most jaded of palates. Try silky rice and coconut balls, beef and lemongrass or light noodle dishes… Find them on FB | T: 09 425 7778

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Join us on a trip of a life time travelling on our fully escorted tour through South America. 26 days exploring Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Patagonia and Argentina departing in September 2017. Contact Katie at helloworld Warkworth now for more information


9am: GLASS BOTTOM BOAT Today’s adventure takes us to Goat Island, New Zealand’s very first marine reserve. Over 40 years of rehabilitating the marine environment, it’s now an amazing resources which teems with sea creatures of all shapes and sizes. Just over an hour north of Auckland, Leigh is the perfect escape from the city, or for travellers making their way north. The reserve is well-signposted, easy to find, and there’s free parking available just above from the main beach. ‘Glass Bottom Boat Tours, Kayak and Snorkel Hire’ pride themselves on making Goat Island as enjoyable and accessible as possible for all. For those who’d rather not get too close to the action by snorkelling or diving, gazing through the glass bottom of the boat is a peek into a marine wonderland that’s hugely memorable. You’ll see an array of spectacular fish (including some seriously large snapper which have been around for years) swimming through the abundant kelp and seaweed forests. Eagle and sting rays glide over the sand, and many other types of marine life nestle among the reefs. Family $85 (2 adults 2 children), adult $30, children 3 to 15 $15 (must book with paying adult), under 3 free. Please note: This trip is weather-dependent; the tour is 45 minutes long. Call ahead to book. www.glassbottomboat.co.nz | T: 09 422 6334 or 027 497 9764

1pm: LUNCH LEIGH EATS A fresh twist on good old Kiwi takeaways is what Leigh Eats are famous for. Try their exceptional burgers, toasties, homemade pies and pasties… and ceviche. FB: Leigh Eats | T: 09-422 6035

2pm: MARINE DISCOVERY CENTRE Get up close to NZ marine life without getting wet or sea sick! Come visit the University of Auckland’s public marine education facility just up the hill from the beach. Here you can use our BIGEYE microscope, listen to the acoustics in our sound tunnel, explore our touch tank, shell collection and specimen collections plus help feed our live animals in the tanks! 160 Goat Island Road, Leigh 09 923 3645 www.goatislandmarine.co.nz

6pm: DINNER LEIGH SAWMILL CAFE The Sawmill’s food is legendary – and so are the gigs. Get a babysitter in and head to the Sawmill for dinner and live music! Try the risotto or the fresh snapper and caper pizza – utterly delicious. Best to book a table in summer… or get there early with the kids and kick back. www.sawmillcafe.co.nz | T: 09 422 6019

E N R O L L I N G N O W F O R 2 017 Top Performing Private school in Gulf Harbour - International Cambridge Examinations - 95% of Year 13 students gained their University Entrance in 2015 - Small Class Sizes - Teacher ratio 1:11 - A wide range of sporting and cultural activities Bus services from Albany, Matakana & Kaukapakapa

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8am: mangawhai heads surf school Mangawhai Heads Surf School runs daily surf lessons at Mangawhai Heads beach. We’re a mobile surf school, and can cater for all levels, from first-time beginners to intermediates who want to improve their skills – and we’re approved by New Zealand Surfing! All our instructors are fully qualified surf instructors and beach life guards. They’ll be next to you in the water at all times, giving you tips along the way to help you improve. We offer two-hour surf lessons for adults and children with all surf gear provided (fitted wetsuit and soft surfboard). We also run a kids surf summer camp in the holidays (Monday to Friday, 9am till 10:45am) teaching them beach safety, tides, rips, currents, how to read a basic surf report – and of course, how to surf. www.mangawhaiheadssurfschool.com | T: 021 0840 7547 | E: mangawhaisurfschool@gmail.com

1pm: LUNCH, fresh, mangawhai Pop into the Fresh grocery and deli to pick up the makings of a picnic to have at the beach. Or even more super-easy, grab one of their amazing ready-made curries, Mexicans or maybe a pulled chicken burrito! 3A Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai | T: 09-431 5247

3pm: mangawhai museum In addition to our eleven beautifully presented regular displays, Mangawhai Museum always has a further exhibition that changes regularly. Our current special exhibition ‘A Life in Colour’ presents the life and works of John Foster, local artist and farmer. John was a prolific painter and printmaker. He created fifteen large murals, several hundred small paintings and prints. This is not just an art exhibition; it is the story of one man’s life and how he captured the world around him. The size of his murals has meant that Mangawhai Museum is displaying parts of two. One of his murals was displayed at the Commonwealth Games Village and later at Auckland Airport. www.mangawhai-museum.org.nz T: Emma Gray 09 431 4645 FB: Mangawhai Museum

6pm: dinner, the cove, waipu Dine alfresco at The Cove – just over the road from a gorgeous beach. There’s great fish and chips – or get fancy with twicecooked duck leg or Cajun spiced tuna or angus beef. You may need a stroll on the sand afterwards… www.thecovecafe.co.nz | T: 09 432 0234

DREAMING of africa? WE MAKE IT HAPPEN! The African Touch is owned and operated by Kenyan-born Karoma and his Kiwi wife, Tasha. They run affordable, personalised safaris in Eastern and Southern Africa and have over 35 of years combined experience. “Karoma’s extensive experience in guiding, his focus on a safe and professional safari, and his passion to share his country was extra special.”

WWW.AFRICANTOUCH.NET E: info@africantouch.net | T: 09 4315 444


A Life With Colour John Foster, local artist and farmer, describes the rural life of New Zealand with glorious colour and simplicity.

We are a modern museum with many and varied stories to tell linked to the harbour and the sea. Currently we are thrilled to present a Special Exhibition of the life and works of John Foster. An artist for over 30 years, John was a prolific painter and printmaker. We have a selection of his prints on display, some available for sale. Open 10 - 4 daily, on Molesworth Drive. www.mangawhai-museum.org.nz This exhibition is kindly sponsored by Pub Charity.


8am: breakfast at matakana village farmers’ markets Bring the whole family along to enjoy all that’s on offer at the famous Matakana Village Farmers’ Market – there’s something for everyone! The popular Saturday Farmers’ Market sits on the site of the old timber yard and features abundant local artisan produce and live music in the beautiful riverside setting. Artisan sausages to fresh salmon bagels, hand iced biscuits to delicious crepes, whitebait and mussel fritters to gourmet pies, plus fresh produce and flowers – the selection is sure to please even the fussiest foodies. Kids will love the petite adventure playground tucked behind the main stage and the short walk along the river to the waterfall – maybe try out the view from above on the new walk and cycle bridge. Matakana Village Farmers’ Market 8am - 1pm every Saturday

1pm: SHOPPING AT MATAKANA VILLAGE Once you’ve tasted something from each of the friendly Farmers’ Market stalls take a stroll through the village boutiques. Photo credit: Craig Rohloff

3pm: matakana cinemas + DINNER AT THE TUCK SHOP Matakana Cinemas (voted ‘Most Loved Business’ in the Matakana Region by the readers of Junction Magazine) is ready to entertain you and yours this Summer. Not only will great family films like Trolls (from Nov. 26), Sing (Dec. 8), and Disney’s newest film Moana (Boxing Day) be playing, but you can even grab yourself a meal at the brand-new Tuck Shop before or after, or a glass of wine from The Vintry and take it in with you. The crown jewel of this summer has to be the latest and greatest in one of the all-time most beloved franchises in the galaxy: Star Wars! Rogue One: A Star Wars Story premieres December 14th at midnight and will be playing all summer long! Summers are busy, so make sure to book ahead (especially if the weather is wet). Photo credits: Simon Devitt Photographer

We can’t wait to see you this summer!

www.matakanacinemas.co.nz | www.thetuckshop.co

BLAIR MOORE Liscensed Real Estate Salesperson (REAA2008)

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SUSAN HARDEN Liscensed Real Estate Salesperson (REAA2008)

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1.30pm Carriage Ride


Matakana Country Park is a privately owned 50-acre estate which hosts a wide range of family-friendly activities.

Take a leisurely horse-drawn carriage ride around the park. Private tours to secluded picnic spots are also available with all your picnic essentials, including a hammock. General riders $25 each, operating Thursday - Sunday. Bookings essential.

8am: breakfast at bramble CAFE

www.matakanacarriages.com | T: 09 422 5710

Open daily from 7am – 2pm with a wholesome range of fresh produce, honest recipes and excellent local coffee. T: 09 422 7133

9am Matakana bike Hire Begin your day with a bike ride, a self-guided tour along the Matakana-Omaha Cycleway to Omaha Beach. Matakana Bike Hire has all the equipment you need and can cater for groups of all fitness levels. Self-guided tours $70p. Guided tours from $110pp.

2pm Petting Zoo

www.matakanabicyclehire.co.nz T: 09 423 0076

Kids will be excited to find donkeys, alpacas, sheep, chickens and more. Entry is free – animal food can be purchased at The Craft Shop. Open daily 7 am – 9 pm

11am Country Park Express Experience a miniature train ride with a difference. Open every Saturday, Sunday, school and public holidays. $4 per person, Under 1 free. FB: Country Park Express T: 021 0228 3646

Retail Therapy


Art Matakana



Labour Love Exhibition 21st October - 17th November


The Delights of Summer Exhibition 18th November – 9th December www.artmatakana.co.nz | T: 09 422 9790

11.30am Adventure Playground

John Crockett Jewellery John is a Master Goldsmith who creates exquisite, original one-off handcrafted pieces.

The Craft Shop has unique NZ made items for home and garden, gifts and souvenirs.

www.johncrockett.co.nz T: 021 311 272

www.craft-shop.co.nz T: 09 422 7257

The Country Park boasts the largest playground on the Matakana Coast where children’s imaginations will run wild .

3pm Military Arts

Free entry, open daily 7 am-9 pm

smiths. M A T A K A N A



If the family is looking for an activity that all members can compete in, archery is it. Military Arts other activities include wall climbing, an obstacle course, paintball, axe and knife throwing. Bookings are essential. www.militaryarts.co.nz | T: 09 422 9944

12.30 Lunch – Smith’s Bar Choose from a carefully crafted menu with flavours from NZ, Europe, Asia and South America.

6pm Dinner at The Stables With Mt Tamahunga in the distance, it showcases the picturesque landscape of rural Matakana, while offering a contemporary NZ à la carte menu.

Open Tuesday-Friday 4pm Saturday 12-late. Sunday 12-5pm www.thestablesmatakana.co.nz/smiths

Open Wed–Sat from 4pm | Sun from 10am www.thestables.co.nz | T: 09 422 7360







Little & Great Barrier Islands, Hen & Chicks, Mokohinaus and Kawau all offer a variety of fish. We recommend a maximum group of 12 so get your mates or family together and come aboard for a fun day out on the briney. Ask us about half, full day or overnight trips.

Unique sporting facility with something to offer the whole family, Golf Driving range, baseball and softball batting cages, 9 hole mini golf course, cricket bowling machine and air rifles. Conveniently located on SH1 on the fringe of Warkworth township.

Horse riding and trekking for all ages and abilities through scenic farm and forest just 45 minutes north of Auckland. Quiet horses and ponies. Birthday rides, casual rides, school holiday programmes, lessons, gift vouchers, riding holidays. 42 Kaipara Flats Road (3km north of Warkworth) www.horseridingwarkworth.co.nz T: 09-425 8517

Discover NZ’s underwater world and learn about the research being carried out at the Leigh Marine Laboratory through our touch tank, sound tunnel, BIGeye microscope, shell and animal collection, scavenger hunt activities and information panels. September school holiday programme starts 26 September.

www.outergulfcharters.co.nz 021 827 855

Open 7 days | 09 425 8393 www.therangewarkworth.co.nz

www.goatislandmarine.co.nz T: 09 923 3645



Saundarya Spa Ayurvedic Skin Care & Beauty Therapy

puhoi beauty BEAUTY THERAPY

Black Fern looks over Ascension and is perfect for a relaxing holiday, family reunions and wedding accommodation. Featuring four ensuite bedrooms, gourmet kitchen, heated pool, covered BBQ area with kitchen and fireplace. The separate self-contained cottage brings the sleeping capacity up to 10 people.

Displaying local history with exhibits such as The Working Machinery Exhibit, and walks through the native bush of the Parry Kauri Park.

Rejuvenate mind, body & spirit… Combat the stress and strains of life. Let us indulge you in a synergy of gentle techniques and exotic ingredients customised for your unique skin and body type. Massage-Facials-Waxing-Manicures. Stockists of Ayurda and Nimue Skin Care.

Puhoi Beauty offers top quality treatments by an experienced qualified therapist at great prices. Need a present idea? Visit our website today to find out about great Xmas package deals. Why shop when it can be delivered to your door? P: 021 137 2757 E: puhoibeauty.co.nz www.puhoibeauty.co.nz


Parry Kauri Park, off Wilson Road, Warkworth. Open daily 10am-3pm Bring this advert for discount T: 09 425 7093 www.warkworthmuseum.co.nz

linen 2 go LINEN SERVICE


THE ABBEY accommodation


Linen 2 Go has one main aim, to make things easier for you. It’s a linen service which hires sheets, towels and table cloths to all types of holiday accommodation on the Matakana Coast and neighbouring areas. Commercially washing, ironing, folding and delivering them to your door. www.linen2go.nz | T : 021 99 4400

Sugarloaf Lodge is an impeccably stylish B&B Retreat, set on 5 acres of lush countryside, on the slopes of Sugarloaf Hill. Just 4 minutes from Matakana. Romantic and restful.

This funky converted church hall is set in subtropical gardens. Modern french inspired décor, sleeping four with a modern kitchen, bathroom and sunny separate lounge which has a big private deck, perfect for entertaining in the evening. Book via Airbnb, BookaBach or HolidayHouses; by searching The Abbey.

Artesian and Solway Water delivers chemical free water throughout the Rodney District for household water tanks, pools, roads, irrigation, commercial supply and any other bulk water requirements. Our water has a naturally refreshing taste, with a great local reputation.

09 423 0460 | 021 022 69 331 stay@sugarloaflodge.co.nz www.sugarloaflodge.co.nz

Family owned and run traditional Butchery - 100% free range, with a wide selection of small goods all made instore being plenty mindfull of additives and allergys. We love having something to offer – not so much different, but harder to find i.e buffalo, goat, quail, pheasant, ostrich, kangaroo, venison just to name a few. Large range of condiments, free range eggs, specialty meats, wild game, and loads of pet foods. 10 Queen Street | 09 425 9947 WarkworthButchery

250a Mahurangi East Rd, Snells Beach 09 425 5012 | www.saundaryaspa.co.nz


T: 09 425 0086 E: info@artesianwater.net.nz www.artesianwater.net.nz

takatu lodge & vineyard

the chapel accommodation

Slip into the luxury of time and relax, rejuvenate and reconnect. A stay at Takatu Lodge & Vineyard is a unique experience with elegance and comfort. Whether you’re celebrating or simply need a getaway, enjoy one of our 4 romantic suites, each with its own personality and character, providing you with a memorable stay. 09 423 0299 • 021 08299630 www.takatulodge.co.nz

Come and enjoy our unique, converted 1950’s church in the heart of this little village. A gorgeous blend of antique and brand new furniture and appliances and delightful, retro, slightly religious themed decor. Sleeps 6. Book via Airbnb, BookaBach or HolidayHouses; by searching The Chapel. www.thechapel.kiwi.nz




Martins Bay Holiday Park - wide open spaces and a great place for kids.

Goat Island evening fun - the lighting of the fire.

MARTINS BAY holiday park


What’s your campsite’s main point of difference? We’re situated on a great stretch of beach with an all-weather boat ramp. The camp has spectacular island views and stunning sunrises. Scandretts Regional Park is accessible via a beach walkway.

What's your campsite's main point of difference? We’re a chilled-out, old-school family campsite, complete with campfire and marshmallows.

What activities are you best positioned for? The sheltered bay is fantastic for jet skiing, water-skiing and wakeboarding. If you prefer the slow lane, hire a kayak or SUP board with us. It’s excellent fishing from the rocks, a kayak or boat.

What activities are you best positioned for? Goat Island beach and marine reserve is a five-minute walk from the campsite, with its kayaking, snorkelling and diving options – or there’s the glass-bottom boat. And we’re very social with games of soccer, cricket, volley ball, table tennis and pool. The sandpit and skate ramp close to the kitchen so the adults can socialise and supervise as they barbecue or stoke the campfire.

What are the best sites to ask for and why? Our beachfront sites are spectacular at any time of year. And up on the plateau there are secluded camping spots with panoramic views of coast and countryside.

What are the best sites to ask for and why? Campers can choose their own sites – and neighbours. People love our funky cabins and caravans, and the camping sites are all pretty great.

Any special or unusual facilities? Our fish cleaning, boat launching and parking facilities are second to none! Two playgrounds and a pontoon!

Any special or unusual facilities? Our hot showers and gas barbecues are free. You can haggle if you are booking for a large group or want to stay a long time. If you don't have a tent, rent one from us – or stay in a cute bungalow or retro caravan. And we don’t close the kitchens or lock the gates.

www.martinsbayholidaypark.co.nz | Edwina T: 0800 6247275

Click the link ‘meet the campers’ on our website to see a video made and donated by a guest (a TVNZ cameraman!). www.goatislandcamping.co.nz | Tim Baker | T: 09-422 6185

Whangateau Holiday Park nestled on the edge of the sea.

Whangateau Holiday Park What is your campsite’s main point of difference? Halfway between Matakana and Leigh, we’re surrounded by diverse beaches with many recreational facilities. And we’re proud of being one of five national finalists for the 2016 AA Traveller Spirit of Hospitality Award. What activities are you best positioned for? Head north to miles of unspoilt white surf beach at Pakiri to fish, surf or go horseriding, or go to Matakana for the cafés, shopping, markets and wineries. The harbour is perfect for paddleboarding. Or just relax here beside the tranquil harbour while the kids swim and play. What are the best sites and why? Our waterfront sites – whether in your tent or one of our vintage caravans, the views are to die for. Any special or unusual facilities? Our giant chess board is very popular. And if you’re planning an event at the heritage Whangateau Hall, we’re on hand to help with accommodation. 559 Leigh Road, Whangeateau | T: 09-422 630


Sandspit Holiday Park - close to Sandspit wharf for island trips.

sandspit holiday park What's your campsite's main point of difference? This park dates back to the early 1900s. There are four original buildings in the park – the original Homestead, the School House (now our games hall and small lending library), the Headmaster’s Cottage and the Post Office (now both turned into rentable cabins). Check out our shop fronts which display memorabilia from yesteryear – it’s great to spend a few moments reminiscing with the young ones here. What activities are you best positioned for? We’re placed right on a safe, clean swimming beach – when the tide’s in kids can use our free kayaks, or swim safely in the clear water. There are many boating

options – take your own boat fishing, waterskiing or sea-biscuiting in front of the camp or jump on the ferry to Kawau Island to explore – the Sandspit wharf is a five-minute walk away. What are the best sites to ask for and why? Our most popular are our beachfront self-contained cabins and sites – book these well in advance! Any special or unusual facilities? Our new facility block won the HAPNZ best upgrade award for 2015 and we have a large macrocarpa bbq area to while away a few hours with the family. We’re a very family-focused campground with a nightly curfew for the enjoyment of all our guests.

Any special or unusual facilities? Contact us for an open fire barbecue, a spit roast or group functions – the Pakiri Church and hall are close so we’re great for accommodation after gatherings. There’s plenty of space for corporate team building with wifi available. Pakiri Beach Holiday Park also has six long term rental sites available. www.pakiriholidaypark.co.nz | Helen 09 4226199

www.sandspitholidaypark.co.nz | T: 09 425 8610

The white sandy beach at Waipu Cove.

camp WAIPU COVE What's your campsite's main point of difference? Our beach front location! Waipu Cove’s white, sandy beach is right on our doorstep and is fully patrolled by lifeguards during the summer. A great location for the whole family.

Drone’s view of Pakiri in the early morning.

PAKIRI BEACH HOLIDAY PARK What’s your campsite’s main point of difference? Pakiri Beach Holiday Park has both an estuary and a surf beach – the best of both worlds.There’s a lovely atmosphere for families – it’s a rural gem for total relaxation. What activities are you best positioned for? Everything to do with water, particularly fishing – snapper and kahawai surf-casting and flounder spearing in the estuary. Seeing dolphins playing in the waves with the surfers is not to be missed. Surfing, paddle-boarding, Pakiri Beach horse riding, kayaking and also the Te Araroa walk – a five hour walk from Matakana Valley Road to Pakiri Beach Holiday Park.

What activities are you best positioned for? Surfing, swimming or catching a few snapper for dinner! There are also stunning walks, glow worm caves and a beautiful waterfall not far away. Grab a copy of our ‘bucket list’ for the best the area has to offer. What are the best sites to ask for and why? All of our sites and cabins are just minutes from the beach. Just let us know if you’d rather be secluded or part of the action – we’ll do our best to help you find the perfect spot. Any special or unusual facilities? Some of our amenities blocks are completely covered in custom-painted murals. They are unique – full of beautiful images, useful information and even some hidden secrets.

What are the best sites to ask for and why? The beachfront sites – the estuary has exceptional birdlife and gorgeous views.

www.campwaipucove.com | T: 9 432 0410

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JOIN US TO CELEBRATE 30 YEARS AT BRICK BAY 18th November Twilight Trail Explore the Sculpture Trail after hours with live music & picnic offerings. 4-7pm - All welcome!

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pr o p e r t y

your local coastal specialists Shane Romani, a successful Sales Associate with New Zealand Sotheby’s International Realty (NZSIR) has for over nine years been bringing her knowledge of the area together with her passion for property, constantly exceeding client expectations. A recent opportunity presented itself to relocate the Matakana NZSIR office to new premises in the Matakana Village.

Louise M Photography

NZSIR and Shane are excited to announce the addition of Ines Curin to the Matakana Office. Ines is a local resident, she and her family have lived in the Omaha and Point Wells area for over twelve years. Ines has seen first-hand just how fast this area has grown and evolved into the vibrant hub it is now, “I’m not surprised to see so many new visitors coming to this area, with most now wanting to buy and live here permanently, I think Matakana is one of the most beautiful places in New Zealand and all locals agree that we are so lucky to live here.”

Ines developed a passion for real estate after designing and building her family home in Omaha. A few years later they relocated to a lovely lifestyle property in Point Wells, needing another project. Ines and her husband joined forces with a business partner to buy and renovate the Point Wells General Store. With the building projects over she made the decision to start her real-estate career, so she could help other people find their dream property. Now in her third year in Real Estate Ines is delighted to be situated in the Matakana Village and working alongside Shane Romani in a bright, new, modern office. Shane and Ines look forward to showing you their point of difference in bringing people and property together, whether you are buying or selling.

Search the extraordinary

Regarded as one of the finest ocean vistas in Tutukaka this property provides spectacular sweeping water views across to the Poor Knights Islands which are an international icon and diving destination. Offering the utmost privacy and nestled into the cliff above Dolphin Bay this property has been diligently built on a grand scale with extensive decks on all three levels. As you approach the front door past the waterfall and Bali style palms there is a sense of tranquillity, peace and excitement as you can envisage an amazing lifestyle perched high above the ocean with all the comforts of home. A tropical atrium flooded by light creates a special atmosphere as you enter the main level with open plan living and state of the art kitchen. The lower and upper levels host the four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a singular media room and generous office. The wine cellar and outdoor spa, plus outdoor shower, add even more luxury. Spectacular Tutukaka is two and a half an hours drive north of Auckland on the East Coast of Northland. The perfect place for a weekend get-a-way or to work from home. This majestic stretch of coastline has been rated as the second equal best coastal destination on the planet by National Geographic Traveller magazine. Diving, white sand beaches, coastal bush walks, fantastic restaurants with local charm are all part of the package. An opportunity to own an asset which offers a slice of paradise should not be overlooked.

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character-filled KAWAU words


p hotos

There are 95 wharves on Kawau Island and Maree Pickett knows them all. In fact, this spirited Jill of all trades knows pretty much everything there is to know about this jewel of the Hauraki Gulf and the colourful characters who live there. In 2007, Maree married Kawau-born Reuben Zylstra and the pair became the driving force behind Kawau Cruises and the Info Centre at Sandspit on the mainland. The 70-odd permanent residents on the island lead a Robinson Crusoe sort of existence, but Maree’s fleet provides the vital eight-kilometre sealink between Sandspit and Kawau, and to the rest of the Hauraki Gulf. Maree ushers our small group onto the 10.30am Kawau Mail Run. The truant spring sun has finally reappeared after the big wet of 2016, and after a brief stop at Rabbit Island to unload a woodland’s worth of shrubs and trees, the launch is soon slicing through the crystal clear teal of Vivian Bay. A man stands on the private jetty of The Beach House, one hand raised in a

Kawau Lodge Manager, Per on the pier

Colourful Kawau character, Robyn Lee


m ue l l er

wave, the other shielding his eyes. The new manager of the luxury lodge and restaurant wears a full lumbersexual-style beard, yet it can’t conceal the warmth and welcome in his eyes and smile. Per Vilsbaek (of Danish descent) leads us up to The Beach House, a Martha’s-Vineyard-cum-Fiji-resort luxury lodge nestled behind the gnarled limbs of an ancient, fairy-light-festooned pohutukawa. Wrapped around the courtyard are 11 luxuriously-appointed suites. Almost every window of the resort offers stunning views to the whitesand beach and Vivian Bay beyond. Gannets dive-bomb out in the bay, a tui trills in the old tree, peeping oyster catchers play tag with the waves. Although it’s only a hop from the mainland it feels like we’ve arrived in another country, a tropical (dare I say it) paradise. Bevan Cox, the Chef de Cuisine and co-manager, joins us under the palms in the courtyard. In striking contrast to Per’s gentle and soft-

Bevan Cox, Chef de Cuisine at The Beach House


Holiday House Accommodation Kawau Island Tours or Water Taxi NORTH COVE, KAWAU ISLAND | PHONE DAVE 021 951 038 WWW.KAWAULODGE.CO.NZ


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The Beach House at Vivian Bay.

Clockwise from left: “Davo” Lee (Kawau Boating Club Bar & Bistro), Judy Bettley (Birdwing Tours), Maree Pickett (Kawau Cruises), Robyn Lee (Bar & Bistro), Helen Jeffery (Kawau Lodge owner and tireless Kawau promoter).

The shady verandah of The Beach House restaurant is enticing on a summer’s day.

spoken demeanour, Bevan looks like he’s done a few rounds in the ring. His face tells a thousand stories.

decommissioned yacht squadron outpost into a charming eatery and watering hole.

Bevan was a founding graduate of the four-year City and Guilds of London programme at the famous Waiariki Institute of Technology in his home town of Rotorua. He has worked his magic for more than 36 years in many different kitchens around the world – and his tasting menu is a mouth-watering testimony to this: tropical prawn cocktails, roasted chicken and peach chutney sliders, an outrageously creamy salmon and asparagus risotto, and the piece de resistance, mustard crusted lamb, minty-mushy peas, pumpkin puree and a coulis of roasted berries – accompanied by a chilled glass of Ransom’s crisp Albarino.

Recently, the pair hosted a school of Yacht Squadron Commodores from around the world. Davo and Robyn were a little nervous about what these boating bigwigs would think of their patchworkquilt establishment, but they needn’t have worried. “The American Commodore threw his arm over my shoulder and boomed: ‘Davo, this is better than goddam Cape Cod!’”

“After years in big kitchens I’m now doing what I love,” says Bevan. “It’s my restaurant, my food and I ring the changes almost daily.” If the table guests were Gilligan’s Island characters, then ‘Davo’ Lee would be a much slimmer Skipper and his wife Robyn would be Ginger Grant. The irrepressible couple own and operate the Kawau Boating Club Bar & Bistro in Bon Accord Harbour. Back in 1994, Davo said to himself: “If I could find a way to make a living from running a cafe close to the sea where everyone is on holiday I’d jump at it.” The chance materialised in 2013 after the pair spotted an ad while on the Italian stint of their mid-life OE. They jumped on the next flight home and transformed the

Since the reopening in 2013, club membership has swelled to 1,000, but you don’t have to join the club to enjoy Davo and Robyn’s hospitality. Everyone is welcome to drop anchor in the deep bay, catch one of the many water taxis or take a scheduled ferry and pop ashore for a pint and pizza.

Getting around: Kawau’s water taxi services offer great flexibility and the options are many: Piers Barney, born on tiny Motuora Island, owns Norma Jean Charters (below). Piers can shuttle up to 30 passengers and will even wait and take you home. He also arranges fabulous private tours all over the Gulf. www.normajeancharters.co.nz | T: 027 218 4595

Is a unique lodge nestled on the edge of the crystal clear waters of Vivian Bay. We offer boutique beachfront, courtyard and bush cottage accommodation in a quintessential New Zealand setting of native bush, birds and pristine beaches.

Vivian Bay | Kawau Island | 09 422 8850 www.kawaubeachhouse.co.nz

Norma Jean Charters - another fun day on the sea.


Adventures in Paradise Departing Sandspit Wharf for Kawau Island and Little Barrier environs or Gulf Harbour Marina boat ramp for Whangaparaoa area Visit Tiritiri Matangi Island CUSTOMISED TRIPS FROM $600 (4-6 PERSONS)

Target species Snapper, Trevally, John-dory, Kahawai & Kingfish




Kawau Lodge is a 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom retreat with its own jetty in North Cove.

Kawau Boating Club with its grand jetty entrance.

Dave Jeffery from Kawau Island Experience based in North Cove also puts together individual bay-hop tours and adventures and provides pick up/drop off water taxi services. Dave also works for LJ Hooker as Kawau’s sole real estate agent. www.kawaulodge.co.nz | T: 021 951 038 Kawau Cruises offers everything from scheduled ferry services to private water taxis all around the Gulf, as well as all-out tours. www.kawaucruises.co.nz | T: 09 425 8006 or 0800 111 616

Mix-and-match day trips: Birdwing Fishing Tours: Experienced helmswoman Judy Bettley organises and skippers private birdwatching and fishing tours for up to six passengers around Kawau and the other Gulf islands on her 28-foot fishing boat, Birdwing. www.birdwing.co.nz | T: 021 190 3919 The Beach House Long Lunch. The 10.30am Kawau Cruises ferry to The Beach House in Vivian Bay arrives at the lodge around 11.15am with pick-up at around 4pm. Or grab a water cab. Reservations are essential for non-lodging guests. www.kawaubeachhouse.co.nz | T: 09 422 8850 Mansion House (right): Join Kawau Cruises’ scheduled Royal Mail Run for a three-hour cruise with an optional BBQ lunch and 90 minutes to explore the bush walks and copper mine near Mansion House. Maree has loads of other suggestions for a great day out.

The iconic, historic Mansion House.


Charter a water cab with any of the above shuttle and tour providers. Fish, dive, snorkel and swim the bays, pop in for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a sundowner at the Kawau Boating Club (09 422 8845), stop at Mansion House for a picnic lunch or a bite at the Mansion Café and wander up to explore the copper mine ... or stay the night.

Saturday 18 Feb 2017 Mansion House Grounds Kawau Island

Accommodation: The Beach House, Vivian Bay, Managers Per and Bevan: 09 422 8850 www.kawaubeachhouse.co.nz Kawau Lodge, North Cove Helen & Dave Jeffery: 09 422 8831 or 022 399 0075 www.kawaulodge.co.nz

Nairobi Trio, The Renegades and Chris Saunders


Fundraiser for KERT (Kawau Emergency Response Trust), Kawau Volunteer Coastguard and Camp Bentzon

Kawau Island information: www.kawauisland.org.nz



Matakana Wines, Beer, Cider, Soft Drinks & Yummy Local Food Live & Silent Auction

On sale from 1st Dec 2016 at

musicinthegardens.co.nz Adults: $25, Children: 10 - 17 $10, Under 10s Free


Nestled inside the iconic and historic Kawau Boating Club, the Bon Accord Bar and Bistro is open to the public. Fully licenced including off-licence. Serving brilliant breakfasts, lunches and dinners Petrol, diesel, water, ice, bait plus general store items available.

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local beer + cider S ty l ed B y S o p h i e C arew Photo Lou i se M Photo g ra p hy Loca l B eer & C i der p ro v i ded by T he V i ntry , Matakana L i q uor C entre and J ones R oad C i der



local beer + cider

MATAKANA LIQUOR CENTRE ‘WE’RE BIG ON SERVICE' And we’re BIG on being local so let us help you select a perfect brew from our extensive range of local craft beers.




Lovingly hand made with only natural ingredients and happy free range, cage free, New Zealand pigs.

Facebook – Matakana Liquor Centre Follow us on Facebook to receive updates on our specials and competitions.

Free from additives like nitrates, nitrites, sugar, gluten or added water.

Matakana Liquor Centre 993 Matakana Road, Matakana P|F 09 4227099 | matakanaliquor@clear.net.nz

Find us at WWW.MataKanaBacon.co.nZ Saturday – Matakana Village Farmer’s Market Monday to Saturday – The Village Butchery Matakana



beer + cider 8-wired


When did you begin brewing and how did you learn? I started homebrewing in early 2006 after my wife, Monique, gave me a homebrew kit for Christmas. Commercial brewing began in 2008 and we started 8 Wired Brewing in 2009. Is your approach to produce traditional beers but add your personal signature, or do you prefer to create new hybrids? I would say both. Most of our beers are definitely rooted in tradition, but our personal touch is often so strong that the resulting beer can best be described as a new style, or at least no longer a traditional beer. Where do you source your malts and hops?

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The vast majority of the malt is New Zealand grown. Most of our hops are from New Zealand too but we also use American and Australian hops for a bit of variety. How did you go in the recent Brewers Guild Awards? We did very well! Four gold medals, five silver and three bronze. We were only one bronze medal behind Tuatara, who claimed the title of Champion Brewery. What new beers can we see from you in the near future? There is always something new on the horizon. Coming up next is Sour Poppy, which is a soured version of our Tall Poppy (this got a trophy for Best in Class at the awards). After this will be our first barley wine, Lord of the Atlas, an American style 12% strong ale brewed with NZ malts, Australian hops, English yeast and French oak. What advice do you have for home-brewers? Relax, don’t worry, have a homebrew. Those are not my words but from legendary homebrew author Charlie Papazian, who perhaps more than anyone has inspired the craft beer movement we see today. But it’s true, homebrewers need not to worry about anything but enjoying their hobby. If they want to get better, they will find all the information they could ever desire on the internet.

GET YOUR PROJECT COMPLETED BEFORE CHRISTMAS Renovations Residential & Commercial Maintenance Decks & Entertaining Areas Patios & Carports Internal Fix-outs Iconic Carpentry Ltd - Clinton Howlett 021 024 04015 clinton@iconiccarpentry.co.nz 28

www.8wired.co.nz | Monique Eriksen T: 021 0235 6668

sawmill brewery When did you begin brewing and how did you learn? I started brewing in 2010 and learnt mainly from trial and error, Google and asking for advice from brewers I respected. I worked in Leigh on my own for a couple of years playing around with recipes, then entered the beer awards and got the gold for Sawmill Pilsner. It was a massive confidence boost. Now there’s a small team of us making the beer, who all have our own ideas… discussions are robust! We have a really strong brewing crew here at Sawmill. Is your approach to produce traditional beers but add your personal signature, or do you prefer to create new hybrids? Lately we’ve been playing around with some different yeast strains, plus other ingredients to give the beer different characteristics and flavour profiles. Our ‘offcut’ beers (short runs based on experimenting in the brewery) are usually available over the bar in the Smoko Room at the brewery. Where do you source your malts and hops? Almost all our malt come from Canterbury. We use NZ hops as much as possible to celebrate the distinctive flavour they bring. Some American hops too so we can get the profile we’re seeking – citrusy and clean. How did you go in the recent Brewers Guild Awards? A solid result, not our best but we were probably happier with the beer we entered this year than we have ever been. What new beers can we see from you in the near future? Our Pilsner and IPA will be in six packs of 330ml bottles shortly, plus there’ll be a Christmas Ale that we make every year. It’s a vintage style this year – a Strong Belgian Golden, bottle conditioned. There’ll also be a limited release XPA that we make with I Love Ugly. We’ve just got two smaller fermenters so the brew team is steaming with ideas. A summer stout, more fruited and dry-hopped, kettle-soured beers to make the most of all the local fruit. We made a grapefruit infused IPA recently and it was all gone in a few days so we’d better make some more of that. What advice do you have for home-brewers? Experiment. www.sawmillbrewery.co.nz Mike Sutherland T: 9 422 6555

Zeffer cider co

Drink because you are happy, never because you are miserable G.K. Chesterton

Forbidden Cider When did you begin fermenting cider and how did you learn? Being of English origin we have always enjoyed cider. Due to life’s circumstances we started making cider in 2012 and learned through trial and error and reading lots of books, also making some mistakes on our way and learning from them.

Is your approach to produce traditional ciders but add your personal signature, or do you prefer to create new hybrids? Both. Our core focus is on producing new age ciders, which we believe to be uniquely New Zealand in style; drier, fresh, with good acid balance and no faults. These are our top-selling crisp apple and red apple ciders. We love to create traditional ciders from 100% cider apples using complex processes and barrel aging; we make under 10,000 bottles of this ‘reserve’ range a year. We also love to push the boundaries with premium flavor infusions (including a hopinfused cider and apple crumble cider made with cinnamon and vanilla). Where do you source your fruit? Mostly Hawkes Bay orchards. Our cider apples are from all across New Zealand at family-run orchards including one in Omaha. We’re always looking for more so let us know if you have any! How did you go in the recent Brewers Guild Awards? Very well. We became the first ever cider producer to win both cider categories: the overall trophy in the cider/perry category and the overall trophy in the flavoured cider/perry category. We also scooped several other silver and bronze medals. What new ciders can we see from you in the near future? Hitting the shelves as we speak is our new Apple Crumble cider. This recently won the champion cider trophy at the Brewers Guild Awards and has been selling faster than we can make it! We’re really happy to be returning to Matakana this summer with a pop-up Zeffer Garden bar running beside the Farmers Market each weekend (next to MMK). It’s the first place we ever sold Zeffer back in ‘09 so it’s great to be returning home! What advice do you have for home-brewers? Select apples with big flavour and good acid. Keep everything super clean. Research is key – there are lots of great cider-making websites and books. www.zeffer.co.nz | Josh Townsend T: 09 215 6028 or 021 223 2800

When did you begin fermenting and how did you learn? Our founder Sam Whitmore began trialling cider making in 2008 before launching Zeffer at the Matakana Farmers Market in 2009. Ten years of wine-making experience was helpful. There was a lot of trial and error in sourcing the right apples, fermenting and blending to a drier level of sweetness. We wanted something unique, with lots of flavor and very low residual sugar.

jones road cider When did you begin fermenting cider and how did you learn? We planted our first cider apple trees in 1999 because we had enjoyed the apple wines and ciders in Europe and there was nothing like them here. We pressed the apples with an antique cider press from Massachusetts. The first batch was tipped down the drain, but then we met some German people living nearby who made good cider. We joined forces, planted more traditional apple varieties, and our families made cider together for many years. Is your approach to produce traditional ciders but add your personal signature, or do you prefer to create new hybrids? Like wine, cider changes depending on the apple and environmental factors. So it will change from year to year and differ from other brands, because of how it’s made and what goes in. Our cider is gluten free and is fermented from the juice of our own freshly crushed apples. Where do you source your fruit? We are the only people growing proper cider apples in this region. We have about 1200 apple trees and approximately 50 varieties. Cider apples have a more old-fashioned apple flavour and are high in antioxidants. A lot of cider in NZ is made from Asian-imported apple concentrate or the seconds of sweet eating apples, and that’s not the same as using true cider apples. How did you go in the recent Brewers Guild Awards? We haven’t entered this year as we’ve been visiting apple orchards and cideries in Europe. We won a silver award in the 2015 national cider awards.

Is your approach to produce traditional ciders but add your personal signature, or do you prefer to create new hybrids? Our approach is to be as true to the essence of what cider is and make it the best we can. We do however like to put a 21st century spin on the flavours we produce e.g. using chilli or chocolate. All our ciders are made the traditional way – we press our apples slowly to extract as much of the juice we can and also allow the juice to ferment as slowly as possible. Where do you source your fruit? We have our own 6-hectare orchard just north of Warkworth. We use all the fruit to make our ciders, but when we run out of apples we source from local orchards in Te Hana and Helensville. As demand for our ciders is increasing exponentially we may have to go further a field to Hamilton and Hawkes Bay if local sources dry up. How did you go in the recent Brewers Guild Awards? We did really well – a silver medal for our Perry Bomb and Bronze medals for our Simply Apple Cider and Lucifer’s Revenge. What new ciders can we see from you in the near future? We’ve just launched our lower alcohol cider called Waggle Dance – a honey infused cider at only 3.2% alcohol by volume. Summer will see the release a cider called The Bounty – a coconut and chocolate infused cider. Winter will see the release of a very special cider – wait and see! What advice do you have for home-brewers? Just like a chef, your end dish is just as good as your ingredients. Start with quality and it will end with a good quality product. www.forbidden.co.nz | Alan Spinks T: 021 773 855

What new ciders can we see from you in the near future? We make only one type of blended cider right now but have the potential to develop others as our orchard matures. Our cider, as well as our pure apple juice, is available in the Matakana Farmer’s Market and from our orchard shop which will be open each weekend and every day over summer. What advice do you have for home-brewers? Get the right apples. You can’t make decent cider with sweet eating apples. Then read and experiment! www.jonesroadcider.co.nz | Lesley Lindesay T: 021 029 74224



You Say You Want a Revolution words


p hoto

Brewing congregates craft, chemistry, commerce, and creativity. I witnessed the US microbrew revolution in the 1990s and now New Zealand’s craft beer coup d’etat. Testament to the movement’s market power are Big Beer’s faux boutique brands and microbrewery purchases (witness San Diego’s Ballast Point billiondollar sellout). This can be seen as a betrayal of small food movements; purists can support true craft beer producers with the power of the purse. On US visits, I average one new beer each day; this could continue ad infinitum. On my first New Zealand visit in 1999, I exhausted my options for novelty in two weeks. But Aoteoroa’s handful of microbreweries has grown to the 130+ profiled in Jules Van Cruysen’s excellent Brewed, A Guide to the Craft Beer of New Zealand. Retailers regularly present new craft beers. Pubs frequently offer new flavours. We see more notable local brewers each year.


m art i n

into five small glasses, presenting comparative rating opportunities. Even weather can inform beer choices and lower-alcohol ‘session beers’ encourage social beer drinking without lampshades on heads. After mastering traditional European and British styles, US brewers boldly created New World variations, competing to push the envelope further (Hoptimum, Hop Venom, Hopslam, Hopsolution, Hop Stoopid). Kiwi brewers, less audacious, nonetheless are embracing New World trends: fresh-hopped, imperial, smoked, barrel-aged, saison, farmhouse, sour, Belgian, and hop-centric styles; to wit, Epic’s Hop Zombie and 8-Wired’s Hopwired, and doing it with Canterbury malts and Nelson hops.

The Yeastie Boys know that although malt and hops can dominate flavour, the subtext of yeast is powerful. It flies under the radar with lagers but enters the holy trinity of taste in ales (top-fermenting yeast + People are challenging their warmer fermentation = more taste). In some palates, and patrons enjoy Belgian ales, wild yeast, descending Ian Marriott at Warkworth’s Tahi Bar sees a sea several different beers during an from brewery rafters to open fermentation change. “Nine years ago we struggled to promote evening with their meals vessels, defines the beer, with hops and malt new flavours, particularly more hoppy brews, but taking a back seat. the last three years I’ve seen broader awareness. People are challenging their palates, and patrons enjoy several different Hoppy to be in this local beer epicenter, it’s time to paddle upriver to beers during the course of an evening.” Ian predicts sour beers (“cider my local for a pint. Cheers! meets wine meets beer”) to be popular this summer. “Alcohol is a great conductor of flavour in drink, as fat is in food.”


Shuckle Ferry


farm tours


As with food and wine, Kiwis are discovering the joys of beer pairings. Sawmill Brewery’s menu features smoked and fermented foods, pairing beautifully with beer. Starting with sour or weiss, moving into saison or hoppiness, and closing with schwarz or stout, parallels the starter/main/ dessert rhythm of a meal. Beer tasting flights condense the experience

Andrew Martin is a US-born global citizen who resides in Matakana in summer. He’s mainly a multiple award-winning photographer but his passion for drinking beer enabled us to coerce him into writing about it too. www.andrewmartin.com

Matakana Village Books currently holds copies of Brewed – A Guide to the Craft Beers of NZ.

Stephanie Fraser, Sheryl Fraser, Shanelle FraserSmith (organiser) and Corinne King.

MC for the night, Wendy Douglas and Dr Lance O’Sullivan, New Zealander of the Year 2014.

Sam Aley, Penny Fox and Kim Hewitt.

Dr David Hassan and Bruce Sutherland.

A guided tour to harvest, shuck and eat oysters on the Mahurangi River. Leaving aboard the Shuckle Ferry from Scotts Landing, Warkworth. For all bookings, contact

Andrew and Lisa Hay

Phone: (09) 425 5652 or 021 746 401 info@mahurangioysters.co.nz


FUNDRAISER @ SAWMILL BREWERY Shanelle Fraser-Smith organised an exceptional event at the Sawmill Brewery last month to raise funds for special camps to support the families of Muscular Dystrophy sufferers – two of her nephews suffer from the sdisease. Thanks to the generosity of local businesses and community, a whopping $12,780 was raised. Special thanks to Dr Lance O’Sullivan who spoke brilliantly on the night. www.mda.org.nz

New Hand Wash

www.matakanabotanicals.co.nz 31





John Burt and Nicola Deveraux of Te Whai Bay Wines in Mangawhai have a delicious selection of wines. And the vineyard is situated in a most picturesque spot on King Road, five minutes from Mangawhai Heads. But they also have a secret weapon to help them achieve their goal of delivering an exceptional experience to summer punters this year: a glass pavilion. It’s basically a simple, steel-framed glasshouse with a crushed shell floor. The glass is toughened, the frame is fairly heavy, black powder-coated – it’s industrial. But somehow this strikingly beautiful building is light, elegant, almost frivolous. It’s really a permanent marquee, but one that will provide a point of difference to any event, as well as extending John and Nicola’s outdoor tasting season well into the shoulders of spring and




autumn. The pavilion is slightly surreal, surrounded as it is by vines, bush and long views which stretch to the dark flanks of the Brynderwyn foothills. The pavilion is the brainchild of award-winning architect Jo Aitkin of Atelier Aitkin. She approached John and Nicola to ask if they’d be interested in realising this project. Very sensibly, they were. The first question one must ask is, of course, how do you avoid frying under the glass? Answer: there’s a bronze solar film on the ceiling, which deflects over 80% of the heat and cuts down the glare. And huge sliding doors on all four walls, which open it up to any passing breeze. It’ll be a great place to taste Te Whai Bay wines (note – they stock local craft beers as well!) and share a platter of local delicacies this summer. The pair plan to have free live music every weekend throughout January and February. They already have six wedding bookings and a few parties. There’s room for 92 seated in the pavilion or 120 or so for canapés. A great place for your Christmas party, intimate wedding or function.

John and Nicola use mainly local produce for their platters: charcuterie from Mangawhai Meat Shop, cheeses from Grinning Gecko in Whangarei, chutneys and fruit pastes from neighbours Figgin’ Delicious, local olives and oils, and salmon smoked in Mangawhai by Mike Hynes and Vanessa Willems of Vintage Distribution (ex-Harvest Blue). And their wines are seriously good. This is their fifth vintage. Budding winemaker Nicola has been mentored by Rod McIvor of Marsden Winery and Lee Winston of Pleasant Valley Winery, and she’s completing postgraduate studies in viticulture and winemaking. “I’m so grateful to Rod and Lee – they’ve pushed me to make some brave decisions, and our wines are better for it. Our vines are hand-tended, and we let the wine itself guide us every step of the way, tasting and adjusting as we go.”

I taste thyme and rosemary and the Merlot is a soft dream of dark fruit and chocolate. The Pinot Gris is fruity with a hint of citrus. This area used to be known as Manga Te Whai, ‘the place where streams meet and stingrays gather’. Down at the Heads boat ramp there are certainly plenty of stingrays cruising for dropped fish bait. It’s great to be down at the beach… but up in the hills, tasting wines in this magical glass pavilion is another level. Summer Saturdays are going to be fun. www.tewhaibaywines.co.nz | T: 09 945 0580 or 021 945 050 E: tewhaibay@gmail.com | FB: Te Whai Bay Wines

We taste chardonnays – one fresh and unoaked, and one aged for a year in French oak. Honey melon and pink grapefruit, the oak underlines with caramelizing effect. Their new sparkling rosé is glorious colour,

Our Vines are hand-tended, and we let the wine itself guide us every step of the way, tasting and adjusting as we go

scent and taste – not too sweet, but there’s candyfloss and pear drops in the mix – it’ll be a huge hit for weddings and Christmas parties. It’s Te Whai’s first bubbly, made from Chambourcin grapes – “the signature red in the North,” says John. The soft red wine from the same grape is slightly spicy with cinnamon and currants. In their ‘Baldrock Red’

Need a bigger garden? Time to sell the family home? Or perhaps you’re looking for an garden? investment property?

Need a bigger Time to sell the family home? It’s a world of possibilities. Or perhaps you’re looking for an investment property?

List with Peter during and List with Peter during spring and receive a free four spring week receive a free four week gardening IT’S A WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES. gardening package from Matakana Garden package Maintenance* from Matakana Garden Maintenance*

Peter Widdows B 09 425 7640 | M 021 656 027 peter.widdows@bayleys.co.nz *For terms and conditions please email peter.widdows@bayleys.co.nz



Visit our vineyard pavilion for a delicious platter, glass of wine, a craft beer or book your next function with us. 367 King Road | Mangawhai | www.tewhaibaywines.co.nz



AMBER rose Charred asparagus and spring pea salad This delicious little salad is perfect for making the best out of spring’s fresh offerings from the garden or markets. It’s low in carbs yet perfectly filling and full of the freshness and tastes of spring. The creamy nuttiness of the toasted cashews balances beautifully with the fresh burst of the pomegranate; the vivid green from the peas and asparagus set the tone for a mouthful of spring delight. Serve alongside some juicy roast chicken or a lightly cooked piece of fish and some creamy avocado for a heavenly lunch or dinner.

cauliflower with some bite. Remove from the pan and set aside. Have all your other ingredients ready to go and then in a large bowl, gently combine the cooked quinoa and the cauliflower, season with a little salt and pepper, add the peas, the asparagus and 1 handful of rocket and toss lightly. Season to taste with more salt and pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. Next lay the other handful of rocket leaves onto your serving platter, spoon over the quinoa mix, then sprinkle over cashews and pomegranate seeds. If you have any pretty edible flowers to hand you can add them now as a final flourish, but that is entirely optional. Serve warm or cold. www.wilddelcious.com | I: @wild_delicious

Serves approx 4-5 people as a side dish 2 to 3 cups of cooked quinoa 1 to 2 medium garlic cloves, finely chopped 1.5 cups of finely chopped cauliflower 1 cup of baby peas, either freshly podded or frozen, lightly cooked 1 bunch of asparagus, lightly charred in a hot pan with a little oil 2 handfuls of fresh rocket, washed A handful of cashews, dry toasted and roughly chopped 1/2 pomegranate, seeds removed Juice of 1 lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper White violas to decorate (optional) Start by adding a little oil to a hot pan and gently fry the garlic for about 30 seconds, or until just colouring, add the finely chopped cauliflower, and fry in the hot garlicky oil for 1 minute and no more, you want

Amber’s brand new book The Wholefood Pantry is available from book stores now, (including Matakana Village Books).

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a decade at omaha bay vineyard WORDS

Up the sweeping drive through the vines to Omaha Bay Vineyard, the first sight of the winery is a belltower – if you’ve ever spent any time in Europe, you’ll be back there when you see this. But the view, once over the ridge, is pure New Zealand. One end of Omaha to the other is laid out in front of you, with Little Barrier looming large in the distance, and Mount Tamahunga off to the left. To say it’s a stunning location is a bit of an understatement.



Since the vineyard was planted by friends and family in 2002, there have a few milestones. They got the Gold Medal award at the upper North Island wine show in 2011 with their 2009 Pinot Gris. And an exceptional five stars for their Montepulciano in 2010. The reds are made on the premises; the varieties they have are Syrah, Montepulciano, Cab Franc Merlot, Pinot Gris and Flora (a Gewurtz/Semillon hybrid – delicious). In 2007 they built the winery with the cave under their house. They’d spent time at vineyards in Europe in 2007 and knew they wanted a mission-style design and gate for their cave. They got it just right. The tasting room feels really authentic.

Hegman and Bev Foster will be celebrating their tenth vintage on November 18 this year. Over the last year they’ve started doing a quarterly five-course degustation dinner, matched with wines. Their chef, Jayne Evens, has a long and distinguished background at notable restaurants such as Oblio’s The November dinner will be a and Huka Lodge; she hugely enjoys putting together very special one, as some courses exceptional food experiences.

But it’s really been about the lifestyle… although they’re both so busy they don’t have a lot of time to indulge it. Bev rides horses with her daughter in any ‘spare time’, but is in charge of the staff, will be matched with ten-year The November dinner will be a very special one, as admin, sales and food (their lunch platters have a old cellar wines some courses will be matched with ten-year old big following). Hegman is actually a full-time civil cellar wines. They’ll have bubbles out on the patio engineer as well as a winemaker, so even though the cellar door is only open three days a week right now (soon it’ll be overlooking the view, then move in to a long table in the ‘cave’, with five, Wednesday-Sunday) life is kind of busy. around 40 guests. (Sadly, these dinners sell out in just a few days, and this one was no exception. So if you’d like to go to the next one, go to New plans included a wine club – an annual fee gets you six bottles of the website and sign up to their newletter). OBV wine twice a year in June and December with a 10% discount, plus Hegman has winemaking in his blood: his grandfather started Papa Estate in Huapai in the 1930s (the fourth generation in NZ to be involved in winegrowing), and a number of other family members have been vintners, too. Hegman himself had no experience when they bought the land. He had however, done a two-year viticulture course by correspondence – and they both learned a lot on the job.

invitations to wine release evenings and first dibs on degustations, as well as options on ‘library wines’ up to six years old. It’s just to manage supply and demand – and a good way of ensuring you’ve got your favourite tipple for Christmas, since they do sell out. They’re also thinking of extending the terrace or perhaps putting in a petanque court. It’s just getting around to it…

www.omahabay.co.nz | T: 09 423 0022

Hegman planting vines in 2002.

The tasting room at OBV.

Vineyard platter with Barrier views.

View through the wrought irons gates of the cellar.



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omaio words





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Above: Rounded shapes, a feature of Omaio - golf ball pittosporums echo driftwood sculptures and a Jeff Thomson corrugated iron ball nestled in flaxes; right: a selection of beautiful spaces at Omaio.

A few minutes out of Matakana is a five-star Garden of National Significance that not many know about. But owner Liz Morrow is wellknown in the gardening world. Despite never having had any formal training, she’s created exceptional landscapes and planted literally thousands of trees and shrubs. “You’ve either got an eye for landscaping or you haven’t,” she says decisively. “The rest you learn on the job.” Brought up on a 2000-acre farm in the King Country, Liz’s young life was busy, to say the least. She milked the house-cow from age eight and helped her mum cook for the shearing gangs. The station was selfsufficient and gardens had to be productive. “The only rose we had was a beautiful yellow Banksia, which festooned our long drop loo!” she says. The local primary school, Pakeho, had nine pupils, of which Liz was one. But high school years were spent boarding at St Cuthbert’s in Auckland, which she loved – she returned as an Old Girl to landscape it. Liz’s gardening background is impressive. She was the first manager of Eden Garden, a beautiful sanctuary on the slopes of Mt Eden. She was involved at ground-floor level with the Ellerslie Flower Show – one of the original three employed by founder John Anderson (who now lives in Sandspit). Along with Bev McConnell of Ayrlies Garden, she was an original trustee of the NZ Gardens Trust, which she ran for ten years. She also had her own garden in St Heliers, which had 380 roses at last count. In 2010, Liz was made a Fellow of the Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture.


OMAIO means ‘place of peace, quiet and tranquility’. Just ten minutes from Matakana, it’s a 5-star Garden of National Significance which overlooks Kawau Bay. Designed to be sympathetic to the native bush, the blending of exotic and native plants is most harmonious. Explore the bush walks and relax on the deck to enjoy views across the bay.

The land now known as Omaio was bought way back in 1980 as a bolt-hole from Auckland. They built a basic log cabin (yes, a proper log cabin) and a tennis court in 1981. The property was then just one huge paddock, grazed by the neighbours’ stock. “We fenced it off as soon as we could so the native undergrowth could begin to regenerate – it was completely bare under the big trees,” she says. In December 2005 Liz moved up permanently and decided to create a new garden. So how on earth did she start? “Well, I borrowed miles of garden hoses. I think gardens work best as a series of curves, myself – and they work particularly well here because they echo the curves and waves in the bay. I laid the hoses out where the edges of the gardens would be, and for six months I just moved them around – sometimes just a couple of inches. I didn’t buy a single plant until July 2006. You’ve got to get the foundations right!” Finally, working around precious existing native trees, Liz began to plant. “I’ve had a few of the trees aged – there’s a kauri that’s could be up to 1000 years old and a puriri that’s probably between 1,000 and 1,500. I underplanted the bush areas with shade-loving plants: clivias, renga-renga, hydrangeas, ligularia, hostas and ferns.” Arriving at Omaio, glimpses of turquoise water between huge kanuka tantalise the visitor. There are steps, then a breathtaking swathe of orange clivia under trees. Around the house are huge pots containing lots of rounded hebe and pittosporum – a mossy mound of scleranthus

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Refreshments provided on request. B&B accommodation available in the log cabin’s guest wing. Open by appointment, $10 entry.


E: liz@omaio.co.nz T: 09 422 7443


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is particularly endearing. “No straight lines here apart from the tennis court!” says Liz. Then the view. Oh, the view. From the deck or the lawn, the blue bay and its islands are perfectly framed between the trees. A timber viewing platform (‘Johnny’s Deck’) down in front of the house encourages you to sit a while and contemplate... To complement the bush without competing with it, some formality has been given with clipped, shaped trees and shrubs of differing textures around the cabin. Jeff Thomson’s corrugated iron sculptures catch the eye. There are a number of easy walks (created by Liz’s son John) through the bush – this has been left as natural as possible. Liz is grateful to her son: “John’s a huge support to me in the garden – he takes a keen interest in Omaio.” The cabin itself was designed to nestle unobtrusively into the landscape. With its deep shady verandahs and sheltered French doors, it blends into the bush perfectly. It’s elegantly rustic; there’s lots of beautiful floral art, including Karl Maugham’s lush hydrangeas and rhododendrons, which look very much at home. Liz rents a guest wing through AirBnB – yes, you can wake up here! It sleeps four, is casually luxurious and very peaceful. Liz’s diary is full of visitor bookings, both local and international. It’s worth noting that you can’t just turn up, and it’s best to call a few days beforehand, especially if you’d like morning or afternoon tea – basket of hot, fresh muffins, anyone? Liz cooks everything herself; her farming background comes to the fore when she has to provide lunch for a coachload of forty, but she’s completely undaunted. Liz says Omaio should now mature gracefully for a while – but she couldn’t resist one more little planting session last autumn. “I put 350 bluebell bulbs under the puriri,” she says. “I’ve had surprisingly great results!” With characteristic energy, she and friends Cathy Gould and Anne Bartley have recently revamped the entire Matakana Farmers’ Market’s garden areas, as well as refreshing the huge pots of flowers outside the Matakana Cinema. This has been a labour of love for all of them – completely voluntary. Despite claims of ‘sitting back to enjoy the garden’ at Omaio, this compulsive gardener is far from slowing down. www.omaio.co.nz | T: 09 422 7443 or 021 227 4150 Clockwise from above: Johny’s Deck with gulf views; a bush walk lined with cream clivias; Liz now, and in 1980 clearing scrub; a bedroom in the guest wing; the new reading room with Karl Maughan painting in pride of place; shed sculpture by Jeff Thomson.


... to this

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Available in lengths up to 7.2 metres, these SG8-verified beams enhance the elegance and aesthetic charm of buildings in ways that can’t be replicated by steel or other materials.

Northbeam timber beams from Northpine are made exclusively from pine grown in Northland because it is stronger, denser and stiffer than pine grown anywhere else in New Zealand.

If you prefer the strength, warmth and charm of timber, insist on Northbeam. It’s the natural first choice for specifiers. Talk to your architect. Or ask about Northbeam at Matakana ITM or TimberWorld Warkworth.

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master craftsman - alchemy sculptures words

Alchemy is most commonly associated with the transmutation of base metals into gold. The greek symbol for this practice Chrysopeia, also refers to the completion of ‘The Great Work’. Paul Beaurepaire and his partner Joan, moved north from Devonport two and a half years ago. They settled on an idyllic property in Twin Stream Road, the little loop road that leads us off SH1 to the Honey Centre. Set against a backdrop of blossoms and native bush, several of Paul’s large sculptures stand, vainglorious in their completion, amidst a myriad of works in progress, awaiting the return of their maker’s attentions. Half a concrete fountain, decorative concrete columns, vast vessels and plastered plinths don’t look like much at first but they are all deceptively ingenious. The fountain is formed using a unique modular system and the columns are a three-dimensional jigsaw built around a pre-existing wooden post. Paul is the Swiss army knife of creatives; compact, multi-skilled and I expect very useful in a survival situation. If you ironed out the word artist as thin and far as you could, it wouldn’t fully encompass all that this hyper-creative is up to. Paul has a mind-boggling number of projects on the go, requiring a diverse range of materials, methodologies and technical know-how. This is clearly a man that can turn anything into anything. Paul began as a scenic artist specializing in the application of ‘Shotcrete’, a sprayable concrete. He has been the go-to guy when it comes to theming for zoo enclosures and creating fake rock faces for the Department of Conservation as part of their erosion protection projects. Paul is putting more energy into sculpture these days (one of which Keith Richards purchased), custom-made cast bronze marine cleats and door handles, and tin-smithing curlicues for ornate candelabras.


l ew i s

He welcomes the opportunity to design and construct decorative fireplace surrounds, fountains and fake rock jetties for Russian oligarchs, when he is not working on his protoype for a one-man standup boat that he has successfully skippered from the mainland to Kawau. Behind a western-styled façade, there is a showroom. Its walls are scattered with small colourful concrete fish and starfish that Paul has cast and Joan has painted. And there is of course a secret door at the end of the wall that leads from the showroom to Paul’s workshops. This particular Narnia is a chaos of machines, tools, metals, moulds and basic materials. I stand amongst it all looking out at a smooth, serene feminine form standing quietly looking back and it occurs to me that it is a ‘great work’ and Alchemy is what Paul Beaurepaire is all about. FB: Alchemy Sculptures Ltd T: 021 123 4540 E: alchemysculptures@xtra.co.nz

Viewing by appointment only.

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ch e r i s h

spring gardening TUMBLEWEEDS After years of sculptural native gardens being in fashion, old-fashioned flowering plants are making a bit of a comeback, particularly perfumed varieties. Floral gardens are nostalgic, beautiful and perfect for our lifestyles. We all love to live alfresco as much as possible over the summer months, and what better way to enhance this than to plant more perfume in the garden? When we started Tumbleweed 16 years ago my first order of roses totalled just 50 plants. We now order in excess of 800 each season. I particularly like the David Austin roses – the flowers have a beautiful form and most are intoxicatingly fragrant. Colours range from white, soft pink and purple through to vibrant oranges and reds. Gardenias and lavender are old favourites, however Michelia figo ‘Port Wine Magnolia’ is one of the best plants for perfume – rising to the occasion in early evening, it’s perfect to plant near the barbecue.

liberty park

Trachelospermum jasminoides or star jasmine is an attractive evergreen climber, ground cover or even as a potted plant on terraces and patios. The glossy foliage is gorgeous, but its best attribute is masses of highly scented, starry, pure white flowers which give off a delightful aroma from late spring through to autumn. It will flower in full sun, partial shade, or total shade.

The team at Liberty Park Native Tree Nursery have been hugely inspired by a recent gardening book. The Coastal Garden by Isobel Gabites has made them realise all over again how beautiful our native coastal plants are, and how perfectly they fit into many of the garden environments on the Matakana Coast.

Dry months are ahead of us – remember to mulch, feed and water! tumbleweed.net.nz | T: 09 422 7338

Liberty Park in Jones Rd, Omaha, specialise in the supply of native plants. Many are grown from locally eco-sourced seed which thrive in our local conditions. Manager Carola Corkill says there are so many great ideas for sculpting your landscape in the book. She has a number of go-to plants and it’s great to see them represented. “Poor Knight’s Coprosma as a groundcover is a fail-safe plant for me – those super-shiny, bright green leaves combine so well with strappy foliage of flaxes or the spiky

A good garden reads like a good novel; it pays to capture the audience from the very first page. Welcome to story-time Isobel Gabites


INSPIRATION? You´ll find it at Tumbleweed - the garden centre at Matakana.

Let us solve your landscaping and garden problems ... whether you want your garden to be an extension of your indoor living, or be designed to complement and enhance your exterior design. Wander around meandering pathways, displays of garden sculpture, pots and plants gaining inspiration and ideas along the way. Book a free consultation for a wide variety of our landscaping services.

939 Matakana Road, Matakana 09 422 7338 • info@tumbleweed.net.nz Open Mon to Fri 8am-5pm Sat 8am-3pm Sun + public holidays : 10am - 3pm


Matakana Village Markets Saturdays 8am-1pm @whangateauroses WhangateauRoses

‘wire-netting’ of the Muehlenbeckia family, and provide the stunning contrasts in texture and colour that we all love our natives for,” she says. “And it’s quite happy in even very sandy soils.” Liberty Park has some glorious Xeronema callistemon or Poor Knight’s lily flowering now – there are some very large ones available. The red brush-like flowers are spectacular en masse. And of course for the bigger trees, it’s hard to go past pohutukawa – ready to go for Christmas blossom at Liberty Park. “Because we’ve had such a wet winter the water table is still quite high so it’s still ok to plant,” says Carola. “But don’t forget to mulch really well over summer!”

The Coastal Garden is now on sale at Liberty Park, and you’ll get 10% off the price this November when you make any purchase at Liberty Park. www.libertypark.co.nz | T: 09 422 7307

NOVEMBER SPECIALS Coastal plants 10% off All purchases in November go in the draw to win a copy of The Coastal Garden by Isobel Gabites

90 Jones Road, Omaha | Ph: 09 422 7307 E: admin@libertypark.co.nz or visit us on FB

Open 8am-5pm weekdays

9am-3pm Saturdays


ch e r i s h

remember, remember puhoi fire station - 5 november words

The 13-strong volunteer Pūhoi Rural Fire Force provides its community with the reassurance that, in any sort of emergency, professional help is close to hand. Because while fighting fires is obviously the station’s first duty, it responds to just as many medical emergencies and road crashes. These are the highly-trained (but unpaid) men and women who we rely on to help us in some of the worst scenarios we can image. But a ‘station’ is what Pūhoi doesn’t have, unless you call a couple of shipping containers sat just far enough apart for two engines to squeeze in, and an old iron roof across the top, a fire station. Since its inception in 2007, Pūhoi’s fire station has operated out of the yard of fire chief Russell Green’s business Pūhoi River Motors, a bottle’s throw from the Pūhoi Pub. While this is all very No.8-wire, it was only ever meant to be a stepping stone until more adequate accommodation for its fire engines, and a training area for their hard-working crews, could be found. Fire stations don’t come cheap, even when the council supplies the land. So despite an extremely competitive contract for its construction— against the background of a region-wide building boom and materials shortage—and unstinting funding from the Rodney Local Board including

Above: Puhoi Fire Station as it is now; right: artist impression of how it will be.

c i m i no co l e

sealing the carpark, landscaping the grounds and furnishing the interior), the project will require a further $150,000. Russell receives lots of well-intentioned ‘you shoulds’ regarding how the shortfall might be addressed, but at this end of a long, hard slog, he says: “I’ve actually got a business to run—the business that pays me; the fire force doesn’t. What we need is for all those who were planning, sooner or later, to make a contribution, to do it now, at Givealittle. It makes it really easy, and you can do it anonymously—or better still, do a shout-out to your mates to beat your donation.” This got Mahurangi Mag plotting, and soon a plan was hatched to bring the fundraising to a head, with a Givealittle-athon, on 5 November — the night when firefighters are traditionally pushed to the limit of their capacity and patience. A riot of rewards is being organised, from accommodation at the crème de la crème of Mahurangi establishments including the unobtrusively magnificent Tu Ngutu Villa, tea or coffee at the Pūhoi Store, the Pub, the Pūhoi Cottage Tearooms or the Pūhoi Valley Cafe & Cheese Store, to a third-page display advertisement here in Junction. It’s time to get your donations in! Go to mahurangi.org.nz for rewards details and to donate.

Puhoi Volunteer Rural Fire Force.

sustainable sophie THE WORLD’S MOST ETHICAL DIET November 1 is World Vegan Day. Why not try the lifestyle choice that rejects animalderived products (everything from cheese to leather to honey), and join prominent vegans including environmentalist Al Gore, musician Stevie Wonder and our very own Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy. Health benefits include lower incidence of heart disease, colon cancer and type 2 diabetes; lower blood pressure and cholesterol; and a lower body mass index. And for the environment, it’s a simple no-brainer: our 6.5 million dairy cattle produce the equivalent excrement of 97 million people. No wonder 60 per cent of our waterways are unfit for swimming. Livestock create 15 percent of global emissions, and a growing demand for meat is increasing deforestation. Feed for livestock could nourish 1.3 billion people instead, ending food insecurity. Animals are of course the biggest winners here. Livestock trucks, layer hens in tiny cages, pigs factory farmed in stalls they cant turn around in... Animals are not mere ‘productive units’, as anyone who’s heard a dairy cow bellowing all night as she mourns the loss of her calf can attest. If we remove ourselves from the meat market – even a few days a week – it works for everyone.


ch e r i s h

where the heart is words


coo p er

With cinema popcorn at your fingertips and the gastronomic delights of the village wafting in the door, she can’t guarantee your waistband won’t tighten a little. But Louise van Campfort, Chairperson of the Matakana Information Centre, does promise that volunteering is a lot of fun. Housed in the cinema complex in the heart of Matakana, the volunteerrun centre can provide information to as many as 100 visitors a day during weekends. As Matakana Coast has become a destination, numbers have increased and the backing of the community has become all-important to the centre’s work. It’s now open seven days a week, and Louise would love to bring more local men and women onboard. Louise describes the crew of 23 volunteers as an enthusiastic and social group. She believes that volunteering is more than just a way of giving back to the community and sharing their passion for the area they live in. “The centre gives volunteers an opportunity to meet people from all around New Zealand and overseas, and to keep their skills up to date. Many of them are relatively new to the area when they join – they want to meet people and be part of it,” she explains.

... volunteering is more than just a way of giving back to the community – it’s sharing the passion for the area

Whether you’ve come from around the world or just down the road, visitors are greeted with the charm Matakana is famous for. The centre supplies information on businesses, services, promotions and happenings on the Matakana Coast, alongside maps, local papers and magazines.

Some of the volunteers at Matakana Information Centre.

With November marking the start of the membership year, now is a great time for local businesses to work alongside the centre to gain valuable exposure in a cost effective way. The benefits to businesses are numerous and include the display of promotional materials (364 days a year), as well as features on the website, Facebook page and in-house television. Not to mention automatic membership of Matakana Coast Tourism and enthusiastic promotion from volunteers manning the desk.

With the refit of the cinema complex approaching, the information centre will be moving to the opposite end of the foyer. Louise (or ‘The Grand Poobah’, as she jokingly calls herself) is really looking forward to refreshing the centre. And of course, welcoming every visitor through the door with a big smile – after all, that’s what it’s all about. Matakana Information Centre | 09 422 7433

walk of the month From Bream Head to Bluff





m ue l l er

Leave the madding Goat Island crowds behind for an hour to explore the undulating all-weather gravel track to the eastern boundary of the marine reserve at Cape Rodney in Leigh. The start, opposite the Marine Discovery Centre, is signposted. Although the stroll is just 600 metres of corners and crests, it’s jampacked with oohs and aahs, offering expansive views up the entire stretch of Pakiri all the way to Bream Head, and sweeping vistas out to the Mokohinau Islands, Sail Rock and the Hen and Chickens. Swells roll unhindered from South America to pound the rocks below. At times, the trail wends into enchanted forests of nikau and puriri, silent except for the hum of bees and birdsong. Take a moment at the end of the track to sit on the bench and soak in the ‘majesticalness’. Scour the ocean for dolphins, orca and fish workups. Watch seabirds wheel overhead. Delight in the craggy bluffs of Cape Rodney to the right. And keep an eye out for new visitors – seals have recently starting cavorting around the shoreline.



paradise point

As the Auckland property market continues to thrive, the high-end coastal settlement of Omaha also continues to enjoy strong demand for high-quality, luxury property. Omaha is not your traditional coastal settlement. It stays in tandem with the Auckland property market delivering high returns to those who choose to invest in property in the area. A resident of Omaha for over 10 years, developer and builder Henri Van Berkel (far right) along with his son Craig (right) have built 2-3 houses a year in Omaha and established themselves as one of the leading builders in the area. Van Berkel says with all of the high-spec homes that he and his son build, they follow a number of design characteristics to appeal to the market. “We’ve been up here living and building in Omaha for over 10 years now, and so I think you quickly realise what the lifestyle is like when you’re a resident in a beachside community like this,” says Van Berkel. “This house and others we’ve built over the years have been built in line with how the locals live – lots of living space both indoor and outdoor.” Van Berkel’s latest property to reach completion is 28 Ida Way, in Omaha’s northern end and is in close proximity to the estuary and beach. It lends itself perfectly as either a permanent residence for ‘Auckland refugees’ or those wanting a holiday getaway. “We’ve catered the build of this property to younger families or retirees wanting to pursue a quieter lifestyle in the community here. It will suit a lot of people’s requirements.” Turn-key ready and built to the highest standards, this architecturally and thoughtfully designed beach estate sits on a 600m2 section, with the house itself being 283m2. Add to that a tropical setting in the sunset palm courtyard with outdoor fire on a deck area of 70m2. Inside you’ll find an open-plan designer kitchen with high-end appliances set in 80m2 of timeless and elegant American oak flooring. With distinct areas for everyday living, entertaining and guest accommodation, one of the many outstanding features is an ultra-sumptuous ensuite and master bedroom. Add to that a further three bedrooms and another one-and a-half bathrooms. “Like this one, we give all of our properties a modern look, and we like using cedar cladding as seen here. We keep the styling neutral enough so that the buyers can still add their own flair to it once they move in.” Marketed exclusively though Di Balich of Precision Real Estate, Van Berkel says Balich has easily cemented herself as the top agent in the area, matching the right buyer to the right property. “Di is proven in the market here – she often works closely with us during the build process and encourages us to ‘up-spec’ the properties. It leaves the buyer with a property that, like this one, they can essentially just move in to and start living. Which is what Omaha is all about. Enjoying life.” www.precision.net.nz ID# 379841 Di Balich T: 021 917 080 | E: di@precision.net.nz Office: 41 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana


Licensed REAA 2008


colour me bright Nicolle Aston is a self-taught artist working in acrylics on canvas. Her style is characterised by accentuating contrast and creating colourful intensity through layering. Her enjoyment of experimentation brings diversity across her paintings. “I’ve explored many subjects – everywhere I look I see potential subjects for painting, but I’m constantly drawn back to foliage and flora.” Nicolle's inspiration stems from her love of nature and the environment. "I find nature uplifting. In our busy world we are surrounded by the mass-produced, the manufactured, the disposables, the digitally enhanced, the devices, and the instantaneous. Nature reminds us to slow down, look around, and notice the splendor.” 
 Nicolle is deliberate with her subject matter and enjoys the simplicity of viewing a subject without confusion or nuance. "There is nothing gloomy in my work. I like optimistic colours and subjects.” Nicolle likes to completely fill a canvas with colour, depth, and detail in a unique combination of stylism and realism. “Each painting has a story, from concept to completion. The excitement of the initial sketch, the concentration, the meticulous detail, long solitary hours in the studio, and the immense patience each piece demands gives painting an intrinsic value to me." Nicolle feels fortunate to work from her garden studio in rural Matakana. "The studio has become a special place to focus on my love of painting. It doubles as a gallery for new works and prints, and is an altogether peaceful and personal space.” Nicolle will be exhibiting a body of work entitled ‘From My Garden’ at Art Matakana from November 25th and then at MARTakana school exhibition in January 2017. Nicolle’s next collection is entitled 'Vintage Buttons.' She presently has two paintings in this collection with another two underway. “Buttons seem to live on through the generations. People have a fondness for them.” www.astongallery.co.nz | artmatakana.co.nz from November 25

Above: Nicolle in mid creation; Morning Light Clematis (detail). Below left: From the Vintage Buttons collection, Nana’s Buttons; Nicolle’s paintings in situ.

‘THE DELIGHTS OF SUMMER’ Featuring NICOLLE ASTON SHIRLEY CRESSWELL From 18th November – 9th December Image Shirley Cresswell, Boys Day Out


1151 Leigh Road | Matakana Country Park | 09 422 9790 | artmatakana.com



blackshed - waipu words

Waipu’s Blackshed and Little Red is the result of a happy accident. Forget carefully crafted business plans or marketing budgets, this special art gallery, homewares shop and coffee bar rolled out organically, creating a powerful life of its own. Step back to 2013 and Waipu locals Patsy Montgomery and daughter Lucy Bowey were casually looking for commercial property. Lucy says, “A perfect space was number one priority – vision would follow suit.” Eyeing up the workshop of former engineer, Werner Schultz, Patsy timed her run perfectly. She approached the owner who was selling French antiques from the building at the time, and a deal was struck. Patsy’s good friend Susan Williams and her son Luke showed interest at this point too. So with a business partnership in place between the two families, the question remained, what would they do with their rustically beautiful shed, brimming with character and a proud history? Maybe they have Werner Schultz to thank. This local engineer was legendary, churning out famous inventions from just after World War II until his retirement in 1980. His workshop was a social hub – welding metal went hand-in-hand with one-armed press-ups and homemade wine tasting sessions. In December 2013, this culture of mingling and creating was brought back to life, with three unique spaces unfolding – a dedicated gallery showcasing work from talented Northland artists, a quality homewares shop, and Little Red, a repurposed shipping container, churning out organic coffee and famous cheese scones.

k i rsty

m i l l ar

Business partner Susan says, “Each zone crosses over really well, creating fantastic energy. Holidaymakers swarm, lured by great coffee and leaving with a stronger understanding of our local design-scape – glassware, printed works, sculpture, ceramics and jewellery. Our homewares are chosen for their quality and sustainability – they need to be useful to hit our shelves. The entire space is lovely to be in, it’s welcoming and unfussy.” Each year the doors swing open in spring, with Blackshed opening Friday to Sunday from Labour weekend and then daily in the height of summer. Little Red will greet you in the early morning, every day. Expect another big season at Blackshed and Little Red, same vibrant spaces, a bit of live jazz and a soiree, ladies’ network drinkies, definitely an exhibition or two, perhaps a night market. The itinerary may be relaxed, but the agenda stays true – a happy social force, pulling people, creations and coffee together. www.facebook.com/blackshedwaipu.co.nz


BLACKSHED SHOP & GALLERY : A beautiful range of art and design ware sourced locally and from around the world. LITTLE RED : Takeaway Kokako coffee, artisan iceblocks, organic soft drinks and snacks. See our facebook page for opening hours.


7 Cove Road, Waipu. Phone 09 432 0318

Above left: Underwater machine by Carol Robinson. Top right: Susan Williams and Lucy Bowey (right) co-owners of Blackshed. Above: Scenic Spots by Richard Ruegg; Black bowl | Gold bowl | Celadon Beakers by Desi Hirner; Spotted Ceramics by Akke Tiemersma




S ue W e l f ord

A chance to get up close and personal with the designs entered in the 2016 Art’n’Tartan Wearable Art Awards show will take place this month in Waipu – but for two days only. The Art’nTartan contest, Northland’s answer to Wellington’s World of Wearable Art (WOW), is held each year in July. It was first conceived as the finale to Tartan Week, Waipu’s celebration of all things Scottish. The first show was held in 2010 to great acclaim and has gone from strength to strength. Entries now come in from as far afield as Roxburgh in the South Island. Every year an enthusiastic band of volunteers work madly to organise the event. Meetings begin as soon as one show is complete and carry on regardless until the next show. This year, forty models strutted their stuff on stage in Waipu’s Celtic Barn. The majority of these will be showcased at the forthcoming exhibition. The seven categories inspire a stunning range of designs. Artists explore many aspects of Scottish and Pacific culture from Maori legends, faeries and witches of Celtic myths to the host of day-to-day inventions created by Scottish engineers. Over the years, artists have produced an amazing range of designs, from a chicken costume made from chook food bags to a stunning piece of wearable art made from coathangers. This year’s Supreme Winner was local man Richard Wilson and his ‘Tartan Flying Machine’. This awesome wearable aeroplane will take pride of place at the November exhibition along with Re-invent, Recyle, Re-use category winner ‘Cross her Knot’ by Penny Goodall and Louise Sims and Leanne Kemp’s stunning ‘Seasonal Goddess’, winner of the McNeedle and Thread special award. The exhibition will be held in Waipu’s magnificent Celtic Barn from 10am to 3pm on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of November. Entry will be $5. There will also be a chance to chat to the designers and discover how their labour of love was created. And local videographer Peter Grant’s DVD of the show will be playing. The two days will also see the launch of the 2017 Art’n’Tartan Wearable Art Awards. Details and entry forms will be available. www.facebook.com/celticbarn 12+13 November | 10am-3pm $5 per person.

Above + left: Seasonal Goddess Queen of winter; Cross Her Knot. Right: Tartan Flying Machine Photo credits: Peter Grant

39 Omaha Valley Road, Matakana www.thevivian.co.nz | T: 09 422 9995 Annual Small Show Saturday 5 November - 11 December 2016


h a pp e n i n g s

THE SECRET CAUSES OF LINES AND WRINKLES; ARE YOU GUILTY OF THEM? There are many reasons why lines and wrinkles form; from genetics, to smoking and the environment. As we get older, the collagen and elastin decreases, causing our skin to lose its youthful looks, forming more lines and wrinkles. If you’re guilty of any of these secret causes,make it your resolution to nip it in the bud. Sleeping: Yes, this can also cause wrinkles! Sleeping with your face down on your pillow causes your skin to be pushed into unnatural positions. Try sleeping on your back with a soft silk pillowcase. Not wearing sunscreen: This is the easiest habit to kick! Everyone should be wearing sunscreen, every day. No matter what. Sun damage is the number one concern amongst New Zealanders, and it can be easily prevented. It protect us from burning andsignificantly reduces the signs of environmental ageing. Sipping: The repetitive nature of pursing your lips can cause fine lines around your mouth, so next time you reach for a drink skip the straw.

Have a free appearance medicine consult this Nov and receive a complimentary gift* Smoking: Not only are there associated health risks, but smoking also causes ‘smoker’s lines’, around your lips. Nicotine is also responsible for dehydrating the skin, and causing the blood vessels to shrink which means there is less oxygen being delivered to our skin; resulting in increased lines and wrinkles. Sleeping in your makeup: Don’t skip this vital step in your routine! Not only will taking off your makeup help prevent premature ageing, it will also keep your skin healthy and nourished. Staying up all night: At least 7 hours sleep each night gives your body enough time to repair. It’s an essential part of the healing process, so next time you’re out late at night…spare a thought for your skin, it needs rest just like you! The good news is, there is plenty that can be done to prevent and slow down the signs of ageing! If you already have lines and wrinkles, there are treatments to reverse the signs of ageing and restore your skins youthful appearance. For more information have a free consultation at Caci Orewa.

New Zealand’s skin and appearance experts 33A Florence Ave, Orewa 09 426 7423 caci.co.nz


get ready to Ramble WORDS

k i rsty

m i l l ar

Throw down the iPhone, step away from the screen, head outdoors and reconnect with nature – and neighbour. Mangawhai’s annual Garden Ramble on the 19th and 20th November deserves a slot in your diary. Nineteen local backyards are hard at work - deadheading, bug zapping, sowing, mulching – getting ready to showcase gardens, from micro to magnificent. Each property offers vital clues as to what grows well locally, or what is possible with the right vision and graft. New treats are promised, with a particular focus on getting kids involved – potting seeds, plus a night garden glow-in-the-dark adventure. The organising committee says, “Of the 19 gardens, ten are new to the Ramble family. We are lucky to draw inspiration from a database of about 120 gardens. Some owners need coaxing to show off their garden, others jump at the chance – all are simply wonderful for helping our cause. Some are currently subdividing their land so have turned us down, a sign of the times with Mangawhai growing so fast.” Mangawhai’s youngest community members can thank this annual fundraising event for keeping the kindergarten free in their patch, for up to 20 hours a week. Local Plunket benefits too, as monies raised help with operating costs. Both groups are extremely grateful for the local business support and overall sponsorship. The committee agrees, “Our contributing businesses are long-suffering targets for various clubs and groups in need. They regularly dip into their pockets; we can’t thank them enough. Our major sponsor Palmers Planet is on board again too – without their support the ramble would not exist.” Most property owners are on hand to untangle garden jargon and share friendly banter; refreshments are available along the way too. In a chaotic world, these two days are all about slowing down, opening up the gates and letting people in. That’s what makes this event so special. Get your tickets here: www.mangawhaigardenramble.org/tickets

h a pp e n i n g s

Tomarata School Guy Fawkes 5 November Come on down to the Tomarata Domain on Pakiri Block Road, Tomarata (just past the school) to see our incredible pyrotechnic display. Live music, sideshow games, a climbing wall, bouncy castles and much, much more to entertain all the family. Hot and cold food, sweet treats and a wide range of glow items for sale. Bring a picnic rug and all the family. Family pass pre-sale tickets are available from: ThereasaMay Flora, 1 Worker Road, Wellsford and Tomarata School Office: $25 for two adults and up to 4 children. Family pass tickets on the gate will be $30, adults $10 and children $5. Tomarata Domain : Gates open at 5pm. Cash only event.

PlumE CAFé high tea From 9 November - weekdays only 10am-2pm Plume Café in Matakana village – a ‘local’ for great coffees, delectable pastries, artisan breads and superb food is now pleased to announce the introduction of High Tea, starting November 9, 2016. On offer – a delectable array of freshly baked sweet and savoury scones with whipped cream, jam, butter as well as a spread of sandwiches and sliders, cupcakes of course, and other yummy sweet and dainty temptations! All made in-house by our bakers and chefs and rounded off with a selection of the best teas! Available for a great value price of $59 for two. Not available from December 27th to January 13th 2017. Gluten Free/Vegetarian available on prior booking notice only CELEBRATE ANY EVENT WITH HIGH TEA AT PLUME CAFÉ 1335 Leigh Road, Matakana T: 09 4230390 | Bookings essential, minimum 24 hours in advance.

MATAKANTATA CHOIR w w w. s a w m i l l c a f e . c o . n z SATURDAY 05 NOVEMBER | 9:30PM | *$15 Matakantata Choir is a community choir with around 35 regular singers. We sing everything from 'Vivaldi' to 'Adele' in four part harmony, with piano accompaniment and support from guitar, drums, violin and cello, sometimes trumpet or flute. This December Matakantata Choir presents a mix of old and new, classical and contemporary choral music to ease you into the Christmas season. We fundraise for a local enterprise at each concert. This concert’s recipient will be Warkworth Christian Foodlink. Sunday 4th Dec @ 2.30pm | Mahurangi Presbyterian Church, Pulham Road, Warkworth Friday 16th December @ 7.30pm | Matakana Village Hall, Matakana Valley Road. $15 adults, gold coin children.





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Open Wed-Fri 10am-4pm • Sat 10am-1pm 58 Queen Street, Warkworth Raising funds for Warkworth Wellsford Hospice. www.warkworthwellsfordhospice.co.nz • Ph: 09 425 0534



h a pp e n i n g s

The French Shed Christmas shopping Friday 18 November 11am-8pm The French Shed invites you to our annual Christmas shopping day/night. Come and get your party dress from the latest range by Donelle Scott Lace. An amazing range of special dresses especially for Christmas. We have a treasure trove full of gifts, decorations, furniture and lots more. Come and join us for a glass of wine and a taste of delicious local Puhoi cheese. We look forward to seeing you all. 5 Saleyards Road, Puhoi

An ART-full weekend 26-27 November 9am - 4pm There will be a wide range of beautiful creative work produced by local artists, on sale at this art exhibition, being held in the Matakana Village Hall. Members of the Kowhai Art and Craft (Inc) are organising this fund raising event to help support their club premises and equipment costs. Kowhai Craft was established in 1975 by five local women who wished to continue their pottery after night school classes ended. Meeting in an old cow shed that became known as the ‘Mud Slinger Inn’ and using a local potters kiln. 41 years later the club still flourishes with approximately 100 members and 14 different art and crafts on offer. All thanks to the hard work of past and present members raising funds to support the continuation of the club. The ART-full weekend is an event not to be missed. FREE entry and wonderful Christmas gifts. www.kowhai-art-craft.nz

“Come & see why we are Matakana’s n0. 1 restaurant” TRIP ADVISOR OCTOBER 20 1 6

BRICK BAY SUMMER SERIES 18 November from 4pm Brick Bay Wines & Sculpture Trail are kicking off a series of summer events to celebrate 30 years at Brick Bay and 10 years of The Glass House. The Summer Series begins with a Twilight Trail after hours event held at the Brick Bay Sculpture Trail on 18th November, from 4 7pm with live music and picnic offerings on the trail. Look out for future events including Rosé Release, Lotus Bloom and The Harvest Dinner, on the 3rd Friday of each month from November 2016 through to March 2017. Find out more at brickbay.co.nz


- 1st November -

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To list your event for free on the Junction Gig Guide email event details to hi@junctionmag.co.nz



Event Venue website

Every Sat Every Sat Second Sun of the Month Second Sun of the Month First Sun of the Month Last Sun of the Month Every Sat

8.00 – 13.00 8.00 – 15.00 10.00 – 14.00 9.00 – 13.00 8.00 – 13.00 9.00 – 13.00 9.00 – 13.00

Matakana Village Farmers’ Market Matakana Markets Matakana Vintage Markets & Sunday Sessions Waipu Boutique Market Warkworth Museum Market Day Puhoi Farmers Market Mangawhai Farmers’ Market

Thu 27 October 18.30 – 20.30 Fri 28 October 19.00 Fri 28 October 19.00 Sat 29 October 10.00 Sat 29 October 18.30 Sat 29 October 19.00 Mon 31 October 19.00 Tues 1 November Wed 2 November 19.00 – 21.00 Wed 2 November 19.30 Fri 4 November 19.00 Sat 5 November Sat 5 November 19.00 Sat 5 November 21.00 Sat 5 Nov – 11 Dec Sun 6 November 15.00 – 17.00 Thu 10 – Sun 13 Nov Fri 11 November 19.00 Fri 11–13 November Fri 11 – 13 November 10.00–15.00 Sat 12 November 21.30 Sat 12 November 19.00 Sat 12 November 19.00 Sat 12 November 12.00 Sat 12 & 13 November 17.30 – 19.00 Sat 12 – 13 November Sat 12 – 13 November Sun 13 November Sun 13 November 15.00 – 18.00 Thu 17 November 20.00 Thu 17 November 17.30 – 19.30 Fri 18 November 17.00 Fri 18 November 19.00 Fri 18 November 21.30 Fri 18 Nov – 9 Dec Sat 19 – 20 November Sat 19 November 10.00 – 16.00 Sat 19 November 20.00 – 23.00 Sat 19 November 21.30 Fri 25 November 19.00 Fri 25 November 16.00 - 18.60 Fri 25 – 27 November Sat 26 November 13.00 Sat 26 November 13.00 Sat 26 November 21.30 Sat 26 – 27 November 9.00 –16.00 Sat 26 – 27 November Sat 26 Nov – 4 Dec 10.00- 16.00 Mon 28 November 19.00 Mon 28 November 19.45 Fri 2 – 5 December Fri 2 December 19.00 Sun 4 December 8.00 Sun 4 December 10.00 - 14.00 Sun 4 December 14.30 Fri 9 December 19.00 Fri 16 December Fri 16 – 18 December Fri 16 December 19.00 Sat 17 – 18 November Tue 27 December 1 15.00 28 – 30 Dec 28 – 30 Dec Thu 29 – Sat 31 December Sat 31 December 19.00 Sun 1 January Fri 2 January 4 – 6 January

Matakana Village The Old Dairy Factory, Matakana Matakana Village Waipu Coronation Hall Waipu Old Masonic Hall Puhoi Domain The Village, Library Hall, Mangawhai

Clothing & Christmas Launch Green with Envy Community Music Making/Drumming - Fraser Bruce Whangateau Hall JJ Rhythm Warkworth RSA Womens Health Seminar Full Spectrum Kaiwaka Fright Night Kaiwaka Sports Complex Prom Night Halloween Party Puhoi Pub Whangateau Folk Club - Alpaca Social Club Whangateau Hall Melbourne Cup Matakana Village Pub Destitute Gourmet Sophie Gray Warkworth RSA The Frank Burkitt Band Mangawhai Tavern Gerry Lee Warkworth RSA Tomarata School Guy Fawkes Night Tomarata School Tatarakihi The Children of Parihaka Mangawhai Library Hall Knights of The Dub Table Unity Tour Leigh Sawmill Café Annual Small Show The Vivian Gallery Blind Willie Motel Country Blues Leigh Sawmill Café Warkworth Walks Matakana Coast Klassic Trax Warkworth RSA Blue Adventures Kite Surfing Camp Omaha Beach Kawau Bay Painters Exhibition Old Masonic Hall Warkworth Tom Cunliffe with Steve Abel + The Fables Leigh Sawmill Café Tina Turner Warkworth RSA Race Night BYO $5 entry Puhoi Centennial Hall The ITM Truck Pull Matakana Village Pub Cynthia Fortiudes Farewell - Her Second Black Sheep Farm, Waipu Cove Blue Adventures Moonlight SUP Tour with LED Lights Omaha Beach Art ‘n Tartan Exhibition Celtic Barn Waipu Hospice Homes Tour Sandspit & Warkworth Oysters Ukuleles & Pizza Leigh Sawmill Café Quiz Final Leigh Sawmill Café VIP Christmas Shopping Evening Franklin Life Pharmacy Warkworth Twilight Gala Kaiwaka School Gary Pallett Warkworth RSA Teawhysea Rockin For West Papua Fundraiser Leigh Sawmill Cafe The Delights of Summer Exhibition Art Matakana The Mangawhai Garden Ramble Mangawhai Wellsford County Show Centennial Park Wellsford Less The Harp Mangawhai Tavern Bonfire Baby Leigh Sawmill Cafe Kavalliers Warkworth RSA Summerleles Riverside Warkworth Ukulele Jane Giffords Blue Adventures Kitesurfing Camp Omaha Beach 2016 Warkworth Santa Parade Neville Street Warkworth Omaha Community Beach Clean 2016 Omaha Beach Tamani Featuring Special Guest Naby Bangoura Leigh Sawmill Café An Art-Full Weekend Matakana Hall Blue Adventures Kitesurfing Camp Omaha Beach Puhoi Art Exhibition Puhoi Centennial Hall Whangateau Folk Club - Albi and the Wolves Whangateau Hall Cinema Enigma $5 Ticket Matakana Cinemas Blue Adventures Kitesurfing Camp Omaha Beach Glenn Carley Warkworth RSA Omaha Half Marathon Omaha Beach Puhoi Art Exhibition Puhoi Centennial Hall Matakana Choir Mahurangi Presbyterian Church Kane Steves Warkworth RSA Rose Release Brick Bay Blue Adventures Kitesurfing Camp Omaha Beach Gary Pallett Warkworth RSA Blue Adventures Moonlight SUP Tour Omaha Beach Hidden Valley Netsky & Wilkinson, Pmoney, Loru Ascension Winery Surf Junky Kids School Holiday Program Snorkel Junky Kids School Holiday Program Northern Bass Kane Steves Warkworth RSA Waipu Highland Games Waipu Mangawhai Annual Summer Gala Mangawhai Surf Junky Kids School Holiday Program

www.greenwithenvy.co.nz www.whangateau.co.nz www.warkworthrsa.co.nz www.fullspectrum.co.nz www.kaiwakasports.co.nz www.puhoipub.com www.whangateau.co.nz www.matakana.co.nz www.warkworthrsa.co.nz www.mangawhaitavern.co.nz www.warkworthrsa.co.nz

www.sawmillcafe.co.nz www.thevivian.co.nz www.sawmillcafe.co.nz www.warkworthwalks.co.nz www.warkworthrsa.co.nz www.blueadventures.co.nz 09 425 5349 www.sawmillcafe.co.nz www.warkworthrsa.co.nz 021 2811234 www.matakana.co.nz www.blacksheepfarm.co.nz www.blueadventures.co.nz www.facebook.com/celticbarn www.warkworthwellsfordhospic.co.nz www.sawmillcafe.co.nz www.sawmillcafe.co.nz 09 425 8014 www.warkworthrsa.co.nz www.sawmillcafe.co.nz www.artmatakana.co.nz www.mangawahigardenramble.org www.wellsfordcountyshow.com www.mangawhaitavern.co.nz www.sawmillcafe.co.nz www.warkworthrsa.co.nz 027 2003413 www.blueadventures.co.nz www.warkworthbusiness.org.nz www.sawmillcafe.co.nz www.kowhai-art-craft.nz www.blueadventures.co.nz www.puhoinz.com/art2016 www.whangateau.co.nz www.matakanacinemas.co.nz www.blueadventures.co.nz www.warkworthrsa.co.nz www.omahahalfmarathon.co.nz www.puhoinz.com/art2016 www.warkworthrsa.co.nz www.brickbay.co.nz www.blueadventures.co.nz www.warkworthrsa.co.nz www.blueadventures.co.nz www.ascensionwine.co.nz www.saltwatereco.co.nz www.saltwatereco.co.n www.northernbass.co.nz www.warkworthrsa.co.nz www.waipugames.co.nz www.saltwatereco.co.nz



People looking to sell in Omaha have now got an area-leading team at their fingertips. Top agents Paul Elsden and Joneen Smith are partnering up to offer vendors in Omaha the combined power of their 23 years experience with Bayleys and in depth understanding of the local market. Having been involved in over $240 million worth of Omaha sales with over 200 satisfied vendors their pedigree is unparalleled. If you’re thinking of selling, make sure you enlist the team who fully understand the value of property in desirable Omaha.

Contact us today for a copy of our latest Omaha real estate market report or to see what your property may be worth. Paul Elsden

Joneen Smith

Mackys Real Estate Ltd, Licensed under the REAA 2008

Mackys Real Estate Ltd, Licensed under the REAA 2008

M 021 936 011 paul.elsden@bayleys.co.nz

M 021 464 557 joneen.smith@bayleys.co.nz




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