Blue Hills Equestrian Estate | February 2021

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Credit: Anton van Niekerk took this beautiful photo of a Marsh Owl spotted in the Estate.

P u b l i sh e r K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd o n beh alf of B lue H ill s Eq u est r i a n E sta te A d ve rti si n g S al es Tobia tobia@k-st udio . co . za sales2@ k-st udio . co . za C alv in sales3@ k-st udio . co . za

contents ISSUE 1 |FEBRUARY 2021






CUTnervous systems late at night, which is not conducive than to anxietyTO and KEEP the inability Ed i to r ever? This is almost certainly due HOW ROSES FRESHER and sleep. Try turning down the lights as the sun goe of the body and mind to calm down, which is necessary for us to fall FOR Tobia von Zwietr i n g opting for a Himalayan salt lamp to provide a warm, asleep and stay asleep. Now, more thanLONGER ever, it is vital to establish This signals to your body that bedtime is approaching what we call sleep hygiene taking any and all steps necessary to Copy w ri te r / p ro o f r eader promote and support better sleep. C hantel Venter USE ROSES AS BEErelaxation, take a bath with some calming essential o lavender, and sip on some chamomile tea whilst retir De si g n & La y o u t M AGNETS FOR YOUR K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd VEGIE GARDERN a good book. 9. Avoid any high-stimulation activity just before e tobia@ k-st udio . co . za checking emails or watching action-packed TV. H E R E A R E 1 0 S I M HOM P L E T I PES YSELLER O U C A N M ISTAKES t 082 962 82 5 5 10. Cultivate a gratitude practice. Write down you IMPLEMENT ON A DAILY BASIS TO f Kreat iefS t u d i o ‘gratefuls’ from the day. Going to bed with a grateful FOR H E L P Y O U M O V E COLOUR T O W A R D S A TRENDS BETTER peaceful mind eases any resistance that we have buil R E L A T I O N S H I P W2021 ITH SLEEP… day, and allows us to drift off happily into dreamland

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1. Stay hydrated. Opt for plenty of warm water and herbal teas during the day. It’s preferable to get most of your liquid intake during the first half of your day to avoid the night-time bathroom run. 2. Stock up on immune-boosting nutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamin C and vitamin D. You should also make sure to include plant-based whole foods in your daily diet, as they are abundant in these nutrients. Great examples of superfoods and herbs to add are baobab powder, camu camu berry and adaptogenic herbs. 3. Limit alcohol intake and try to have your drink earlier in the evening rather than late at night. Alcohol may temporarily relax us, but it can disturb our sleep (especially if consumed in large quantities).

Fruit & Pistachio Crumble

Serves: 2

YouINGREDIENTS may also want to consider seeing a health coach guide you in making lifestyle changes that could dire *2 peaches, stones removed your ability to get that precious shut-eye. If you are *½ getting cup Greek yoghurt trouble healthy sleep, you may need to consu *4therapist. tsp pistachios, roughly chopped sleep

*Raspberries or other berries of your choice (for garnishing) Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially for residents/owners of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, Blue Hills Equestrian Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.

4. Eat a well-balanced diet that favours a generous intake of nourishing, fibre-rich plant foods. Keep dinners light, as a heavy digestive load can disturb sleep quality. A soup or broth is a great

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kate a passionate wellness advocate who believ FORisTHE CRUMBLE key to living life well is in supporting innate wellb *2 natural rice cakes, chopped choosing pure, natural foods. She stands by the be *2 red isapples, on and grated and ha “health wealth”skin and “food is medicine”, love wholesome *2/3forcup oats living a central theme in her l background in retail, having been on the marketin *2 TBSP chia seeds number of prominent health food brands. In 2017 *½ tsp ground cinnamon to open a trendy ‘gut-healthy’ caf in Chelsea, Lo *½ tsp ground continues to grow ginger in success and popularity. Kate as marketing *4atsp honeyand communications consultant in industry, including *4 tsp olive oil as interim Marketing Manager Warehouse. As an internationally-accredited heal uses her experience in integrative nutrition to sup METHOD seekers in making long-term, sustainable lifestyle Contact or follow her @_w 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Instagram for more. 2. Mix the crumble ingredients together.

3. Slice the peaches into wedges and arrange in the centre of a baking dish. 4. Spoon the crumble mixture around the peach wedges. 5. Bake in the oven for approximately 10

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2021 • I SSUE 1 4


From The

Estate Manager

Hello and welcome to our new homeowners. I trust that the new year has treated you well thus far and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you well for the new year. May 2021 be a safe and prosperous year for you and your families. With the holidays sadly behind us, the contractors have resumed operations in full force at the Estate. We’d like to request that homeowners ensure that your contractors familiarize themselves with the rules and guidelines of the Estate. They will be enforced stringently henceforth. You are welcome to contact the Estate office should you require any information. Stand owners are reminded that the verges of your property are your responsibility to maintain once you have completed developing your property, this includes the stormwater channels within those verges. We also request that the roads in front of your stands are swept regularly as there is lots of debris visible on the roads, especially after the rains. Construction stands need to ensure regular sweeping of the roads as the roads require much attention currently. There is an increasing number of pets that have been found either roaming the Estate or escaping their stands unaccompanied by owners. Owners must ensure that fencing is adequate to secure your pets within your properties and to take the necessary precautions when entering and exiting your property. Pet owners are also required to clean up after their pets especially when they defecate on the common area. Stands are reminded that pets need to have identification tags on their collars. Let your pet not be a bone of contention between you, your neighbours, and other owners, residents, or visitors. The board of directors shall have the right to prohibit, restrict and control the keeping or removal of any pet which they regard as dangerous or a nuisance to other residents of the Estate.

BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

We are happy to advise that there were no security breaches within the Estate during the last year and the festive period. We encourage you to be vigilant and take the necessary precautionary measures for your home, wellbeing, and your possessions. The Estate’s annual general meeting was held on 03 December 2020 virtually on the zoom platform. Some key information to note: • Resignation of two board members Heather Bowes and John Frayne • Appointment of two replacement board members Matete Matete and Joe Mahlangu • Increase in levies, 3.1 % • Special General Meeting to finalise changes to the MOI. To the held in the first quarter of the fiscal year. In mid-2020, Century launched 34 additional stands, increasing the stand compliment to 166 stands at the Estate. This comprises 5 x 10 000m2 stands on the equestrian side of the Estate (next to the contractors’ gate) and 29 X 5000m2 stands along Mopani Road, in the area where the retail centre was originally planned. CURRENT STATS Stands Sold 138 Available Stands 28 Total Stands 166 Percentage sold 83% BUILDING STATS Completed Stands 28 Under Construction 25 General consideration by all residents for each other will greatly assist in achieving a happy community and a pleasant environment. Harmonious community living is only achieved when residents can use and enjoy their private property as well as the public areas of the Estate while not negatively impacting fellow residents. Please be vigilant at all times and report any suspicions to the office or to security. Remember to sanitise, mask up and most importantly stay safe!!! Kind regards

Rashni Andhee-Shah Estate Manager

5 ISSU E 1 • 20 21

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Shop C228 Rosebank Mall 50 Bath Avenue Rosebank Johannesburg 011 880 1933

Designed to be the world’s best soundbar.


An unmatched combination of sophisticated design and exceptional sound brings the “wow factor” to your favorite music, movies, and TV. 2021 • I SSUE 1 6

7 ISSU E 1 • 20 21

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

IMPORTANT INFORMATION & CONTACTS BLUE HILLS EQUESTRIAN ESTATE MANAGEMENT BODY The Blue Hills Equestrian Estate management body has been developed to ensure that should you have a query or wish to address anything on the Estate, we have a team of individuals you can refer your concerns to. This Committee goes beyond our monthly Directors’ Meetings, and is instead aimed at ensuring that the running of this Estate is handled with all due care.

ESTATE MANAGER Rashni Andhee-Shah 010 109 0935 083 703 9436 SALES MANAGER Musi Motsuenyane 082 806 1735 / SECURITY SITE MANAGER 076 771 9082/ 061 704 0111 EMERGENCY Eskom 086 0037 566 JHB Water 0860 562 874 Police 10111 Ambulance 10177 SPCA 011 265 9935 SNAKE CATCHER Mike 083 448 8854 2021 • I SSUE 1 8

THE BOARD IS MADE UP OF: • Andile Mtetwa • Jessica Hofmeyr • Matete Matete • Joe Mahlangu • Nick Crow • Obakeng Mathibe • Ugesparan Govender THE COMMITTEE IS SUPPORTED BY TRAFALGAR WHO ARE REPRESENTED BY: • Michael Schaefer / Director of Trafalgar • Shahiem Carr / Director of Trafalgar • Jillian Hendricks / Estate Portfolio Manager • Rashni Andhee-Shah / Estate Manager • Head office support Birdhaven

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

9 ISSU E 1 • 20 21

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2021 • I SSUE 1 1 0


HOW TO KEEP handcrafted bouquets or cut roses

fresher for longer

BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Add Soda If you drink soda, save about 1/4 cup of your favorite clear soda and add it to the water in your flower vase.

Remove the Leaves Before you put your roses in the vase, be sure to remove any leaves or vegetation that will fall below the water line.

Hair Spray You can hold your flowers upside down before you put them in your vase and spray the undersides of the petals.

Vinegar and Sugar Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of vinegar with the water in your flower vase. This mixture will feed your flowers after you’ve changed the water that contains the flower food. Just be sure to change the water and repeat every few days.

Aspirin This is a trick that my mother taught me. Put one crushed, low-dose aspirin in with the water when you add your flowers. The aspirin will help keep the flower water clean by killing bacteria.

Bleach If you don’t happen to have aspirin laying around, a 1/4 teaspoon of bleach will do the same thing. Just add it to your fresh water and let the bleach kill any bad bacteria that may exist. There are a lot of different ways to make cut roses last longer. So, the next time you bring home flowers, try a few and see which works best for you.

11 ISSU E 1 • 2021

Use roses as bee magnets for your veggie garden Credit: article written by Ludwigs Roses

Did you know that 70% of the food we eat depends on being pollinated by bees? Summer squash like zucchini and gem squash, as well as cucumbers, particularly rely on bees to pollinate their flowers, as do tomatoes, peppers and brinjals. Scientists have now found out that buzzing over a bloom, flapping their wings, makes a slight positive electrical charge and they sense the slight negative electrical charge of the bloom that needs pollinating. Once a bloom is pollinated it emits a no vacancy signal with a positive charge. How do they find flowers and remain faithful to a specific plant species? The bee’s senses are adapted to signals of the flowers – the colour and the scent. It is a reflection of ultraviolet light from the flowers they detect, but also the direction of the scent they are able detect with their antennae. Bees remain faithful to a productive plant species until it stops flowering. That is important since there would be no fertilisation for a bee to fly from a rose bloom to a Calendula or a strawberry. Observing bee activity amongst mixed rose bed is also interesting. 2021 • I SSUE 61 1 2 2020

GARDENING BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

They will land on half open hybrid tea blooms and desperately trying to find a way through the loosely folded petals to get to nectar and pollen. They might buzz over an older open bloom and then soon look for another. In some large, fresh open blooms one might find several bees actively moving around getting the pollen to stick to their legs.

In selecting bee-friendly plants for the garden, have you ever considered single or semi-double roses? White, yellow, and pale pink roses act as a magnet for bees and also attract butterflies. With their exposed stamens and pistels, the pollen is always fresh, and the bees love it. Being repeat flowering modern r o s e s , they have a long flowering season, which means that there are always flowers for the

13 ISSU E 1 • 2021

bees. It is also important to plant enough roses, close together, and in the vicinity of the vegetables so that bees don’t use up their energy hunting for pollen. That doesn’t mean sacrificing growing space for vegetables. Train climbing or willowy shrub roses against a trellis on walls bordering the vegetable garden or use the rose-covered trellis as a flowering wall.

There is no reason why an edible garden can’t be beautiful. Frame the entrance with an archway and train a rose over it. Place an obelisk in the centre of a bed or as a focal point, with a rose trained around it. Line a garden pathway with low growing shrub roses, or place large rosefilled containers around the garden as features. Roses and vegetables are good companions because they like the same growing conditions: fertile, well-drained soil and regular watering. Select disease resistant and naturally healthy Eco-chic roses and there is no need to spray. Take your pick from these bee-friendly roses:


‘Mermaid’ is a vigorous climber, with pale yellow blooms and flowers repeatedly. • ‘Ballerina’ produces large trusses of small, single flowers in shades of pink and white on arching, graceful stems. • ‘Starry Eyed’ grows into a freestanding willowy shrub 2m high and 3m wide. It is ideal for training up pillars, over arches and onto walls. • ‘Cocktail’ is a favourite, flowering throughout the season with bright orange-red blooms and 2021 • I SSUE 1 1 4

a yellow eye. • Simply Charming is a stately chest high shrub that is never without its charming five petalled blooms of a very interesting dappled pink with prominent stamens in the centre. It can be trained on a trellis.

SHRUB ROSES: • ‘Single White’ is a self-cleaning, low maintenance shrublet that produces clusters of single white flowers. It has a spreading growth and performs well in a large container too. • ‘Butterfly Kisses’ is a very healthy, free flowering rose that grows to hip height and attracts both butterflies and bees. It produces large sprays of 25 to 45 single blooms through to winter. • ‘Pixie Hat’ has clusters of bright red small 5 petalled blooms that remind one of pixie hats. As the outer stems arch from the weight on blooms new stems take their place and the bush is covered in flowers well into winter. Grows about 1.1m high.

Try these in containers • Johannesburg Garden Club’, a neat shrub, growing about 1.1m high, covered with delicate soft coral coloured blooms. A mutation (sport) of that rose is ‘Duncan’s Rose’ with deep pink single blooms. • ‘Yellow Butterfly’ has blooms that look like a flock of butterflies on the bush. Is a neat little shrub, producing wave upon wave of blooms into winter. Excels in a container, or as a hedge. Grows about 0.8m high. • ‘Fortuna’ is a compact floribunda with unmatched flower power. The dense clusters of brilliant pink, five-petalled blooms weigh down the bush. The growth is slightly spreading but very neat and below knee height. Click here for a complete listing of our bee friendly roses. For your convenience we mark them with a bee symbol in the catalogue.

ESTATE WELLNESS NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

Get our kids

back into nature!


Plantland advert March 2021.indd 9

012 549 2128 l 9

15 ISSU E 1 • 2021

2021/01/25 12:57:52

LIFESTYLE BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Home Seller Mistakes

To avoid when Choosing a real estate agent -Part 1 Written by Xavier De Buck Luxury Homes in Johannesburg

When it’s time to sell your property, how do you go about choosing a real estate agent? I’m sure there won’t be any problem in locating the nearest real estate agent! Heck, that’s the easy part! After all, you see real estate agent signages in every town, every neighborhood, and pretty much on every street corner!

not be the most straightforward decision to make, wouldn’t you agree? Yet, a vital part of the marketing process of your home is actually the selection of the right real estate agent! In other words, choosing the wrong real estate agent will undoubtedly lead to financial & emotional headaches ahead! When choosing a real estate agent, there are a number of major home seller mistakes to avoid, and I have lined them up for you:

However, deciding on choosing which real estate agent is something completely different!

Mistake 1: Choosing a Real Estate Estate Agent Who Offers The Lowest Commission

Will he do a successful job of selling your property for the highest price, in the shortest period of time, and the least amount of inconvenience to you?

Now that you’ve decided to sell your home, your next step will be to interview a number of real estate agents.

Most of us don’t normally get exposed to real estate agents too often, other than a few times in our lifetime.

There are many agents out there who will undercut the competition by seriously lowering their commission, in an attempt to win the listing mandate!

Therefore, choosing a real estate agent might 2021 • I SSUE 1 1 6

“As a home seller, I’m saving money already, so why is that a bad thing?” you say. Well, there are a few ways of looking at it: Reduced commission means reduced marketing resources available to assist in getting your home sold. The potential marketing tools that agent suggested he’ll be using, will be substantially less than what a full commission agent could offer as part of his marketing strategy of your property. That’s a fair business conclusion, no? Now, say this listing agent decides to go the route of heavily discounting the commission rate so he can get your property listed, how many buyer agents are likely going to be turned off once they find out how small their cut of the commission will be? Hence, it would financially benefit the buyer agent to take his client elsewhere and be paid a standard market going commission for the services provided. Let’s think how many buyer agents would get excited to work with your listing agent? And, finally, aren’t you curious to know why the agent needs to lower his commission by that much just to get the listing mandate? When he drops his commission at a drop of a hat (thereby hurting his bottom line), how good will he be when it’s negotiation time on the price of your property? Thereby hurting your bottom line?! Does making this decision still make you warm and fuzzy at the thought of saving money? Before signing up with the real estate agent who’s offering the lowest commission, please read the above again. Hopefully, it will put his listing presentation in perspective versus what other real estate agents are bringing to the table when marketing your home.

Mistake 2: Choosing a Real Estate Agent Who Gives You The Highest Listing Price Now that you’ve decided to go on the market with your (overpriced) property, odds are quite high that you will eventually sell your home at a price below the going market price. One can truly not emphasize enough the importance of starting one’s marketing process with the correct asking price!

The first 3-to-4 weeks of marketing are crucial and if the asking price is too high, unfortunately, potential home buyers will simply not even consider your listing. Never mind taking the time to go view it! And, to be honest, why would they? The property is out of their price range anyway! Or worse, a lot of real estate agents might even use your overpriced property to bounce their educated home buyers off to more correctly priced properties. “Now that we’ve seen what $500,000 gets you here, wait until I show you the next home which is marketed at exactly the same price. You’ll be blown away by the high finishes and many extra features!” Is that how you want agents and buyers to do when they’re viewing your home? I didn’t think so either! Regardless how you look at it, the end result will be that the overpriced property will sit on the market for a much longer time. And it will eventually sell at a much lower price than would have been achieved if only it was priced correctly from the start! Now, let’s assume there’s actually this one buyer who decides to put in an offer! Another unfortunate risk you’ll run with selling an overpriced property is that the banks will have trouble finding value during their appraisal; thereby limiting the finance amount for the buyer. And, unless there is a bigger deposit to make up the difference, the deal is likely to fall through. All this effort, time, stress and living in hope, just to see it all go to waste! Being a home seller, you only have one chance to make a first impression! And, sure, while one might be tempted to be choosing the real estate agent who suggested marketing your property at a higher price, please make sure to ask for proof of how that price was determined by means of a Comparable Market Analysis. Check with the agent what is currently on the market with similar features as your property. Having a look at the recent sales of similar homes in your area will give you, as the homeowner, a more realistic expectation regarding the likely sale price of your property. Plus, it will immediately set the agent straight regarding the listing price he put forward. 17 ISSU E 1 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS DECOR BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate



We often oversee colours at the time of interior design. Colour plays an essential role in our lives. It is a visual language understood throughout the world.


hen you try to communicate something through interior design, the best way to do it is through colour. The interior design is highly dependent on the colour scheme as it is the most important factor of interior design. Colours, lights, and shades always surround us. Each tone of colour has a significant effect on our mood, has a specific meaning, and interlinks with our mind frame. The upcoming interior season is preparing us for a return to bright colours, new zoning ideas, unusual storage systems, and upholstered furniture in which it is easy to “drown”. The trend of

2021 • I SSUE 1 1 8

DECOR BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

the new interior season is the emphasis on juicy bright palettes in the design of furniture, lamps, accessories. A return to the intense gamut from pastels is one of the clear trends of the season. On the one hand, it is a natural expression of our rich lifestyle and thought processes. On the other hand, the manifestation of the nostalgia of designers for the “eighties” with their strong designs and colours. A big factor in our lives is COVID-19…. We spend more time in and around our houses than ever before. Therefore we need to lift our spirits! And what better way to it than with colour! GREEN is often used in interior design because it gives a beneficial effect on the mental state, the property of calming and extinguishing any negative emotions. This shade also helps to concentrate and make important informed decisions. The variety of shades of this colour is exceptionally large. It can be from a gentle olive tone to a deep emerald. In addition to the background shade, you can additionally use green accessories. It can be curtains, pillows, tablecloths, bedspreads, and any other textiles that will give your room an atmosphere of comfort and cosiness. Grey is a colour that has been popular for several years now, and accordingly, it is still one of the top ones that are often used in interior design. In fact, if you look at the essence, the grey colourspectrum has a lot of different shades, ranging from light tones to a dark graphite palette. An interesting fact is that light grey tones help you increase the space, so this is just the perfect shade for rooms that have a small square. It is important to know the fact that grey colour is easily combined with other shades. Grey is and will be for the next few seasons still be a good colour to use on walls and use as a base colour in our interior design. Grey kitchens may become less popular. All grey kitchen interiors can look cold and lack distinction. I foresee contrasting colours and textured elements being more popular in designing kitchens. So, in 2021, we will continue to gravitate towards

more colour, visual interest, and playful design. This will happen through bold statement decor pieces like ceramic vases, sculptures, and decorative boxes, along with art. A cosy house is, first, a comfort zone for owners and their household. But any home must meet not only the criteria of comfort but also the newest trends. Novelties of interior design and colour relate to both the general design of rooms, offices, and/or houses and individual details that should be paid attention to when are busy designing spaces.

F O R MO RE I NF O RMAT I O N CON TA C T 0 8 2 7 8 2 4 2 5 2 | 0 1 2 3 4 8 0 86 9 a lt u s @c a rn e in t e rio rs . c o . z a h t t p : / / www. c a rn e in t e rio rs . c o . z a / h t t p s : / / www. f a c e b o o k . c o m/ c a rn ei n t e r i o r s 19 ISSU E 1 • 2021

DECOR BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2021 • I SSUE 1 2 0

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

21 ISSU E 1 • 2021

FOOD BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Fruit & Pistachio Crumble

Serves: 2 INGREDIENTS *2 peaches, stones removed *½ cup Greek yoghurt *4 tsp pistachios, roughly chopped *Raspberries or other berries of your choice (for garnishing) FOR THE CRUMBLE *2 natural rice cakes, chopped *2 red apples, skin on and grated *2/3 cup oats *2 TBSP chia seeds *½ tsp ground cinnamon *½ tsp ground ginger *4 tsp honey *4 tsp olive oil METHOD 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. 2. Mix the crumble ingredients together. 3. Slice the peaches into wedges and arrange in the centre of a baking dish. 4. Spoon the crumble mixture around the peach wedges. 5. Bake in the oven for approximately 10 minutes, or until the crumble has turned golden and the peaches have softened. 6. You might need to stir the crumble so that it cooks evenly. 7. Remove and serve with yoghurt, pistachios and raspberries or other berries. If you like, you could add a touch of green, such as fresh mint.

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 37 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 2021 • I SSUE 1 2 2


Excerpted from All Sorts of One-Dish Wonders by Chantal Lascaris, published by Penguin Random House South Africa and available at leading bookstores and online

ESTATE WELLNESS NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e


The Underrated Immune Booster By Kate Aitken Vitamin C and zinc quickly became the supplements of choice when COVID-19 hit, and considering that the virus will be sticking around for a while, this might be a trend with some longevity. In times of uncertainty, we look to the things that we can control, which means going for all the vitamins, minerals and supplements we know will help to support our bodies and immune systems. While these will assist in taking care of your wellbeing, there’s an even more basic, tried-and-tested immune booster that tops any fancy supplement or superfood. It also happens to be totally free, and in unlimited supply... Sleep. And not just any old slumber, but high-quality, healthoptimising and restorative sleep. We’ve all experienced the incredible benefits of a good night’s sleep, and it’s safe to say that not much compares. Aside from allowing us to feel revitalised, cognitively alert and emotionally balanced (a pretty impressive list of pros), quality sleep also acts as armour, helping us to ward off infections and illness. When you are sleep deprived, you are not only more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, but you also have to deal with a substantially longer recovery time in the event that you do fall ill. It’s time for us to acknowledge and bring awareness to the true importance of proper sleep so that we can optimise our health and happiness, and live a life of vibrant wellness. The question now becomes, “What is the optimal amount of sleep?” This is a difficult one to pin down, and the answer will vary from person to person according to a wide range of factors, including age, overall bodily health, and emotional and physical stress levels. It is generally recommended that we get between seven and nine hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. In fact, research shows that if you are getting less than six hours per night, you are more than four times as likely to catch the common cold.

The immune system’s activity ramps up while we sleep, which can sometimes result in night sweats, signalling that it’s hard at work! Cytokines (proteins that act as messengers for the immune system) are also produced and released during sleep. With sub-optimal sleep (i.e. six hours or less), our hormones can be disrupted and a low-grade inflammation response initiated. If left unresolved, this can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other chronic illnesses. The pace of today’s world has forced many of us into deciding that sleep is expendable. However, as with bad debt, the ramifications are not only real, but compounding. There are no corners to be cut when it comes to getting your shut-eye, and it is absolutely vital that your sleep pennies are banked. Even more important than the number of hours for which we sleep is the quality of our sleep, and our alignment with natural circadian rhythms. Our bodies follow a well-calculated and efficient sleep cycle, and any disruption of this cycle (even a quick midnight bathroom break) has an impact on our returns. The four sleep stages are: wakefulness, light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep. Deep sleep is the most regenerative and restorative stage, and should ideally occur between 10 pm and 2 am, which also coincides with the darkest hours of the night. You should aim to have the middle of your sleep cycle falling between these hours, as you will be optimally aligned with natural sleep cycles, and thus maximise your ‘sleep yield’. REM sleep is associated with dreaming and creativity – it’s often a space where we receive insights and those ‘Aha!’ moments. Typically, REM sleep is experienced in the early hours of the morning, and ends with waking. To sleep through the night is innate and natural, but thanks to our fast-paced, stresspacked lives, this is often seen as a luxury rather than an essential. For much of this year, many of us have been feeling heightened levels of anxiety and stress, which not only directly impact our immune systems, but also affect our sleep. Isn’t it strange that when we finally have ‘more time’ for sleep, it becomes more elusive 23 ISSU E 16 • 2021 2 020

WELLNESS than ever? This is almost certainly due to anxiety and the inability I L L S E q u e strian Estate ofBLUE the Hbody and mind to calm down, which is necessary for us to fall asleep and stay asleep. Now, more than ever, it is vital to establish what we call sleep hygiene - taking any and all steps necessary to promote and support better sleep.


1. Stay hydrated. Opt for plenty of warm water and herbal teas during the day. It’s preferable to get most of your liquid intake during the first half of your day to avoid the night-time bathroom run. 2. Stock up on immune-boosting nutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamin C and vitamin D. You should also make sure to include plant-based whole foods in your daily diet, as they are abundant in these nutrients. Great examples of superfoods and herbs to add are baobab powder, camu camu berry and adaptogenic herbs. 3. Limit alcohol intake and try to have your drink earlier in the evening rather than late at night. Alcohol may temporarily relax us, but it can disturb our sleep (especially if consumed in large quantities).

nervous systems late at night, which is not conducive to relaxation and sleep. Try turning down the lights as the sun goes down and opting for a Himalayan salt lamp to provide a warm, gentle light. This signals to your body that bedtime is approaching. To promote relaxation, take a bath with some calming essential oils like lavender, and sip on some chamomile tea whilst retiring to bed with a good book. 9. Avoid any high-stimulation activity just before bed, such as checking emails or watching action-packed TV. 10. Cultivate a gratitude practice. Write down your list of ‘gratefuls’ from the day. Going to bed with a grateful heart and a peaceful mind eases any resistance that we have built up during the day, and allows us to drift off happily into dreamland.

You may also want to consider seeing a health coach, who can guide you in making lifestyle changes that could directly benefit your ability to get that precious shut-eye. If you are really having trouble getting healthy sleep, you may need to consult a doctor or sleep therapist.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kate is a passionate wellness advocate who believes that the key to living life well is in supporting innate wellbeing by choosing pure, natural foods. She stands by the beliefs that “health is wealth” and “food is medicine”, and has made her love for wholesome living a central theme in her life. She has a background in retail, having been on the marketing team for a number of prominent health food brands. In 2017, she helped to open a trendy ‘gut-healthy’ caf in Chelsea, London, that continues to grow in success and popularity. Kate now works as a marketing and communications consultant in the wellness industry, including as interim Marketing Manager at Wellness Warehouse. As an internationally-accredited health coach, she uses her experience in integrative nutrition to support wellness seekers in making long-term, sustainable lifestyle changes. Contact or follow her @_well_rooted_ on Instagram for more.

4. Eat a well-balanced diet that favours a generous intake of nourishing, fibre-rich plant foods. Keep dinners light, as a heavy digestive load can disturb sleep quality. A soup or broth is a great evening meal option. 5. Make time for creativity and doing the things you love. This reduces stress and supports happier, more restful sleep. 6. Keep fit and active. Exercise directly impacts our quality of sleep. Go for cardio earlier in the day, as this amps up your system, and opt for more relaxed exercise (such as yoga) in the evening, as this helps to calm the body and mind. 7. Set a bedtime for yourself. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Our bodies love routine, and this is an effective way to really capitalise on sleep. Plus, once your body has settled into a routine, you will find little need for an alarm clock. 8. Create an evening wind-down ritual. With the increase in hand-held technology and blue-light devices in the bedroom, we’ve • I SSUE 1 2 4 and are left with revved up lost touch with2021 natural daily cycles,

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 37 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health.

WELLNESS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

25 ISSU E 61 • 2020 2021

MODEL SHOWN: Land Cruiser Prado 2.8GD VX-L Cross items off your bucket list and fulfill your thirst for adventure in the new Land Cruiser Prado. Now equipped with a Multi-Terrain Select*, Panoramic View Monitor, Rear Cross Traffic Alert System, Adaptive Cruise Control and a Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System*. Prado – gets you exactly where you want to go. MODEL LINE-UP: 2.8GD TX | 4.0 VX | 2.8GD VX | 4.0VX-L | 2.8GD VX-L

BOOK A TEST DRIVE TODAY AT TOYOTA.CO.ZA * Available on selected models.

2021 • I SSUE 1 2 6

JHB/E 10032732JB/

POWER UP At the heart of the revised range is an additional 30 kW of power and 100 Nm of torque derived from the switch to the new-generation 2.8L GD-6 turbodiesel engine, that is now mated exclusively to a six-speed automatic transmission (previously five-speed). Prado’s overlanding and towing credentials benefit from the higher-performance engine that now delivers a maximum of 150 kW @ 3 400 r/min and 500 Nm over a wider 1 600 - 2 800 r/min band. The latest generation 2.8 GD-6 engine (as debuted in the

updated Hilux) has received a raft of upgrades including a new ball-bearing turbocharger with a larger turbine and impeller, and improved engine rigidity and cooling. Better fuel economy is realised through optimised pistons and piston rings, changes to the cylinder block and head, higher fuel-injection flow rate and the adoption of high-performance materials for the exhaust manifold. A newly-fitted balance shaft helps smooth out engine vibrations, improving NVH performance and contributing to an even higher degree of refinement. 27 ISSU E 1 • 2021

MOTORING BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate



Despite the substantially stronger outputs, fuel consumption improves to 7.9 L/100 km and CO2 emissions are down to 209 g/km. Fuel capacity is 150L with an 87L main tank and 63L sub-tank. Maximum braked towing capacity is increased to 3 000kg on 2.8 models.

All Prado models are sold with a 9-services/90 000 km service plan – with 10 000 km service intervals. A 3-year/100 000 km warranty is also provided. Customers can purchase an additional service plan and warranty extensions from their local Toyota dealer – and benefit from the biggest dealer network in the country (over 220).

NEW INFOTAINMENT A new-generation multimedia system is fitted across the range, which now incorporates a larger 9” touchscreen display (previous 8”), enhanced voice recognition and compatibility with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. Customers are able to utilise mobile phone services such as Google Maps, Waze, Spotify, SoundCloud, etc, to enhance their driving experience – while providing enhanced telephony and messaging interfaces ‘on-the-fly’.

MODEL LINE-UP & PRICING • Prado 2.8L Diesel TX - from R958 700 • Prado 4.0L Petrol VX - from R1 049 600 • Prado 2.8L Diesel VX - from R1 081 800 • Prado 4.0L Petrol VX-L - from R1 094 100 • Prado 2.8L Diesel VX-L - from R1 127 900 The model line-up and 4.0 V6 engine remain unchanged.

2021 • I SSUE 1 2 8

MOTORING BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

29 ISSU E 1 • 2021

LIFESTYLE BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate



When you are young or single, Valentine’s Day is exciting. Later in life, however, it has the tendency to become a bit stale. A day of annoyance that forces you to be romantic and pay ridiculous prices for flowers and gifts. This is probably why, for most couples, Valentine’s Day comes and goes without as much as a “Be my Valentine?” what’s app message. This year Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday, making it even easier to celebrate and embrace Valentine’s Day for everything it should be (romance, love) and ignore everything it has become (heart chocolates, roses)? What if you took time out of your busy schedule to celebrate your relationship and set the course for a great year? Not because the calendar says you have to but because you want to. If you’re up for it, here are some unconventional date ideas to get you thinking: A picnic: Take your partner for a picnic in your backyard or at Rietvlei Nature Reserve.

2021 • I SSUE 1 3 0

Order take-out: Because we are celebrating Valentine’s Day during a very difficult and scary time, it might not be a bad idea to order food from your favorite Restaurant, this way you do not have to make additional plans with the kids, and we all know how hard it is to leave the house once you’ve settled in… Pick up take out for dinner and make it a relaxing, out-of-the-norm evening. Romantic Traveller: Visit a destination you always wanted to go by doing a virtual tour online... Experience the distinctive culture, architecture and history of Sicily relaxing on your sofa or outdoors. Click here Make a weekend of it: If your circumstances allow some time away, have a look at BushBreaks and more’s last minute specials, BushBreaks & More are The Bush Lodge Experts offering the best special discounted rates and tailor-made African Safari Packages at Luxury Lodges throughout South Africa. Cooking Date: Romance is in the air and in the Kitchen, do a online cooking class or order your mealkit from and make dinner together. Even if you decide to do nothing this year, it is perfectly fine. But show your partner you care about them by giving a handwritten note, a treat or some field flowers – just because!

31 ISSU E 1 • 2021

TR AVEL BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Bush Breaks the kids will LOVE!


ithout a doubt, most South Africans have experienced the call of the bush at some point in their childhood. Whether your early family safari memories are of a baboon that stole your pitstop bacon and egg sarmie in the Kruger or meeting a lone rhino on the short walk between bird hide and car, we’ve all got them! At Pentravel, we love to LOVE a bush break. Give us a boerie on the braai under a twinkling sky and the calls of hyenas in the darkness, as we go all goosebumpy. And the generally tech-free and pro-family environment makes it a pretty special gift to give to our own kids and a new generation of travellers. We’ve rounded up our best family safari ideas, game reserve inspiration and bush breaks the kids will love by chatting to a few of our seasoned Pentravel safari experts. KRUGER NATIONAL PARK An easy drive from Johannesburg and a quick gander from anywhere in Mpumalanga, the vast Kruger Park is a staple on South African safari holidays. From the wildlife-rich South, to the interesting Central roads and the unique North, the park has its fill of various accommodation options, camps, lodges and even a golf course! Why we love it? Super kid-friendly with safe camps, well-stocked camp shops, swimming pools and the sound of the wild.

087 094 0011 087 095 0555 2021 • I SSUE 1 32

ST LUCIA WETLANDS Now known as the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, the Greater St Lucia area was declared South Africa’s first Natural World Heritage Site in 1999 and its natural abundance is breathtaking! Explore this pristine wonderland with game drives, snorkeling at Cape Vidal, a hippo boat cruise, turtle cruises and even bush and boat safaris. There’s many options to suit your family’s needs too. Why we love it? The simple natural wonder is incredible; there really is something for everyone!

MABALINGWE MOTSWARI PRIVATE GAME RESERVE Located within the greater Timbavati is another local favourite – Motswari Private Game Reserve. With excellent rangers and guide who go above and beyond, Motswari offers an exceptional place for a family safari. For those slightly older visitors, guided safari walks and interest talks offer a unique aspect to this luxury lodge. Why we love it? Motswari’s renowned guides, rangers and staff go above and beyond.

Mabalingwe is a short drive from Pretoria and offers an excellent choice for a weekend bush break. Relaxed and incredibly family friendly, there are also resort-style activities to keep the kids entertained, such as tennis, a swimming pool, mini golf and kids’ area. Plus, you can opt into your own game drives and stay selfcatering, making this an easy and relaxed option for families. Why we love it? The Oasis Bar is great for sundowners, and there are loads of kid-friendly activities.

087 094 0011 087 095 0555

33 ISSU E 1 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

Family Bush Breaks #3131


from only

R1,545pps What's included: 2 nights accommodation at AfriCamps at Mackers, Hazyview in a tent! #3134


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R1,685pps What's included: 2 nights accommodation at AfriCamps at White Elephant, KZN in a tent!



Valid: until 29 Mar 2021

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R2,955pps What's included: 2 nights accommodation at the 4-star Mabula Game Lodge in a superior room Including all meals and 2 game drives daily! #2104


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R5,815pps What’s included: 3 nights accommodation at the 4-star Kwa Maritane Bush Lodge, Pilanesberg National Park in a standard room Breakfast & dinner daily BONUS 2 kids under 12 stay and eat for free when sharing with 2 adults!

Contact us at any of our Joburg or Pretoria stores: Bedford (011) 607 9460 Clearwater (011) 675 7597 Cresta (011) 380 3700 East Rand 2021 Mall (011) 345 1860 • I SSUE 1 34 Rosebank (011) 778 1100

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087 095 0555

Go out, find your own path. The new GLA. Move ahead with the character of a G-Class and the attitude of an A-Class.

35 ISSU E 1 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

blackish-horn. Ear-tufts are earth-brown and quite small, often not visible, and set near the centre of the forehead. Upperparts are plain earth-brown, crown and nape are finely vermiculated buff, and uppertail-coverts are barred buff. The primaries have plain, pale tawny-buff bases, contrasting with a dusky patch at the wrist. The rest of the flight feathers are barred dark brown and tawny-buff. The tail is dark brown, barred pale buff with a whitish tip. Underparts are brown, finely vermiculated buff, becoming more uniform pale buff on the thighs, belly and undertailcoverts. Underwing-coverts are buff with a dark brown wrist patch which is very conspicuous in flight. Tarsi are feathered pale tawny-buff and toes are covered with pale buffish plumes, leaving the dark brown tips bare. Claws are blackish. Males are generally paler then females, and there is some individual variation in tone.

Size Length 31-38cm. Wing length 284380mm. Tail length 132-186mm. Weight 225-485g.

Did you know? The Marsh Owl is a medium-sized owl with a rounded head and small erectile ear-tufts. It is also known as the African Marsh Owl. The facial disc is pale buff, with a distinct dark brown rim with buff speckles. There is a dark brown area around the eyes, which are also dark brown. The cere is grey-brown and the bill 2021 • I SSUE 1 3 6

Habits The Marsh Owl is mostly crepuscular and nocturnal, but sometimes active during cloudy days. Roosts by day on the ground in a hollow among grass or other vegetation. They may be aggressive near the nest, or feign injury in order to distract potential predators. May roost communally, especially outside breeding season.

Voice Most commonly a hoarse, grating call sounding like the noise produced by breaking a dry branch by bending it

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I LLS E qu e st r i a n E st a t e

slowly - kerrrrrr. It is repeated at variable intervals. Also gives a sequence of croaking, raven-like calls on the wing - quarrk-quarrk-quarrk.

alone starting immediately. Incubation period is 2728 days for each egg, and during this time she is fed by the male.

Hunting & Food

After hatching, the chicks open their eyes at about 7 days. They leave the nest at around 18 days while Normally feeds on small rodents, but often switches still downy, and scatter in the surrounding vegetation. to small birds if rodents are not available. They also During this time the parents locate their young by take other small vertebrates and insects. Prey items their calls and trampling movements in order to feed include mice, voles, rats, shrews, young hares, bats, them. Fledging is at 29-35 days old, and they are fully birds up to the size of small ducks and doves, frogs, feathered at 70 days. Both parents care for them for some time before they become independent. lizards, scorpions, beetles, grasshoppers, etc. Most prey is captured by flying close to the ground with slow, powerful wingbeats, interspersed with fast swerves and hovering, before dropping on the victim. Flying insects may be hawked in flight.


The male claims territory by circling over it, clapping wings and croaking. Nesting normally occurs towards the end of the wet season. The nest is a hollow within a patch of tall grass or weeds, often beside a bush and with an ‘entrance tunnel’ from one side. Vegetation is often pulled over by the female to form a canopy. The depression itself is lined with some dry leaves to from a pad. The female lays 2-6 (normally 3) white eggs (40x34.1mm average) at intervals of about two days, and incubates them


Open country from coastal marshes to savanna, also inland marshes, moors and montane grassland. Ranges from sea-level up to about 3000m. Favours terrain with short vegetation and some patches of Breeding long grass or weeds. May be found locally in rice Marsh Owls are monogamous and territorial. They fields and drainage strips in wooded savanna, may nest in loose colonies. Territories are normally sometimes in open areas near or even in human 0.8-2.5 square km but may be even smaller in settlements. They are absent from forested areas, denser populations. Hunting areas of neighbouring rocky landscapes and deserts, and avoid extensive long grass. pairs may overlap.

Africa and Madagascar. An isolated population exists in extreme northwest Africa in Morocco. Patchy distribution south of the Sahara from The Gambia west to Ethiopia. More continuous distribution from Ethiopia and South Sudan south to the Cape. They are generally resident, but partly nomadic within sub-Saharan Africa. 37 ISSU E 1 • 2021

ESTATE NEWS BLUE H I L L S E q u e strian Estate

2021 • I SSUE 1 3 8

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