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P. 3

PART A P. 4 - P.12 PART B P. 13 - P. 27

PART C P. 28 - P.29




Architecture is not only a design of space and forms, it is also a vessel of modern technologies. Technologies not only limits the construction time and way of constructions, it also regulates the form and circulations. A good architectural design is often more resource efficient by adapting to the natural environment and the surroundings.

Start of term

Milan Expo Visit

Te c h n o l o g y Case files 2:

Te c h n o l o g y Case file 1: Barajas Airport SITE ANALYSIS


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Construction site visit

Light Water Geometries Mass Air

End of Year Show

Our first activity of the year was to participate in the LAKA competition and to design a piece of reactive architecture that responds to climate change. We designed an emergency shelter that can generate its own power during a sand storm.


fig1. Design development timeline

Reference texts 3.1

Q.E.D. Think! texts:

Q.E.D. Think! texts: Ecologies:

1. Hensel, Michael, Menges, Achim, ‘The Heterogeneous Space of Morpho-Ecologies’ 2. Guattari, Felix, The Three Ecologies,p.17-47

Territories: 1. Lally, Sean, ‘ The Shape of Energy’,p. 312-335 2. Addington, Michelle, ‘Architecture of Contingency’, p.66-75


1. Armstrong, Rachel, ‘ Defining New Architectural Design Principles with Living In organic Materials ’ 2. Papanek, Victor,‘ Design for the Real World’, p.176-199

Machines: 1. Benjamin, David, Olguin, Naggy, Danil, ‘ Growing Details’,p. 98-103 2. Pasquin, Matteo, ‘ The Biosphere of Machines: Enter the Parasite’,p. 69-79 Futures:


1. Beesley Philp, ‘ Liminal Responsive Architectre’, p.12 -39 2. Unwin S., ‘ Analysing Architectre’

1. Grosz, Elizabeth, ‘ Future, Cities, Architecture’,p.151-153 2. Forty, Adrian, ‘ Future Imperfect’, p.331-347

Precedents LAKA

Reactive Architecture: 1. Iran Icehouse. 2. Sand Dune in deserts.





Light & Flexible structures: 1. Shigeru Ban’s Nepal Project


This is often achieved by applying the most suitable material and form to each unit and through eliminating unnecessary wastes in construction. A cheaper design can be a worse design if it is produced by more natural resources or if it requires much more resources to maintain.

The Second activity was to set up a pavilion near the airport for exhibition. A detailed site analysis was carried out in groups to study and to investigate on the potential problems around the area. I was incharged of making a detailed digital model for commercial analysis. Indecisive and unclear definition of the places and non-places is main issue at the area. This creates ineffective circulations and “dead zones“ around the space. Some of the main circulation paths are too narrow which hinders the movement of passengers around the space and hence lowers their shopping incentives. The program designed in studio 3.2 does not only serve as an exhibition space of machines, it also aims at providing a more direct and effective circulation path between the two terminals and to enrich the vistor’s travel and shopping experience at the airport. Spacial relationship, circulation and solar geometries were the 3 major considerations in laying out and planning of the space. Molecular ice were chosen as the metaphor of structural design for its relatively low density and the small total perimeter of its hexagonal structure. Less material is needed to brace and to support the main frames, hence a lighter structure can be drawn.



Study of Environmental Qualities: 1. Solar Geometries

Idea Brainstorming

2. Circulations 3. Ventilation systems

Plan & Section drawings, Model making, form testing

4. Drainage systems 5. Underfloor heating and Plant rooms fig2. An Iran Ice house

fig3. Nepal Project 2015

Main Design Strategies 1. Light & Flexible structure. 2. Stable & Long Life Span. 3. Easy to maintain and repair. 4. Recycle and Reuse. 5. Expandable structure.

Study of Structural Qualities:

5 Qualities of effective Architecture:

1. Reinforcements

1. Light: The Church of Light

2. Insulation systems

2. Water: CIRS Building

3. Construction sequences

3. Geometries: Jubilee Church

4. Beam-Column Joint Details

4. Mass: Milwaukee Art Museum

5. Integrated Facade Details

5. Air: US Old Mint, San Francisco

Site Analysis & Space relation studies

Details finalizing and persective drawing

fig4. Design flowchart


LAKA - Displace & Replace Ai. Reference and Precedents

Powering up the deserts


hen sand storms threaten, they will be able to seek shelter in the nearest structure which will be clearly recognisable due to the prominence of the wind turbines against the sparse surroundings.


Number of Deaths Number of Injured

fig5. Sandstorm Casulties in 2015



riangular solar panels connected by electroactive polymers. Erect upwards under current.

• Displacing population has long been a severe problem in our world. In 2012, more than 45.2 millions of people were in situations of displacement, and the number had been risen by 30 percent in the last two years due to the warring state in north Africa and in the middle east.


The debate on “Refuges” in europe has risen a lot of concern and worsened the problem of segregation among different group of people in the society, espcieally between the poor local people and the immigrants. For those who remains in the warring deserts, their life is even worse. “Aerolite“ is a shelter that provides housing for victims of natural disaters and refugees, especially for those who suffered from sandstorms.


The design is intended to be reactive, self functionable, easy to transport and relocate. It is also necessary to be easy to locate since the visibility is very low during a storm. The structure remains flat on the ground when it is not in used and acts as solar panels which generates electricity. The electricity generated can be saved and used to support the user’s need before they can get rescued.

CLOSED - NOT UNDER USED fig6. “Aerolite“ 3 states of function

schematic Design Reactive Architecture

Reference from texts

fig8. Photograph by Rachel Armstrong, 2010.

Interracting with the natural environment fig7. “Aerolite“ responding to sun and wind

anels are hinged by 8mm S.S. bolts.

• Rachel Armstrong the Butschli droplets, which slowed down their metabolism, persisted over the 3-month duration of the Venice 2010 Architectural Biennale, transforming dissolved carbon dioxide into sculptural forms which broke free of the droplet body.

Energy diagrams

fig9. Schematic diagrams and ideas of using electroactive polymer

Responding to a sudden climate change • Rachel Armstrong’s idea inspired me to think about about a system that can close itself under strong wind. The idea is that when the speed of wind is greater than 40km/hr, it drives and spins the fan on top of the shelter and generates electric current. Then the current is driven across the electroactive polymer which bends the material upwards and opens the shelter.

fig10. Final form of “Aerolite“


PAVILION - Lightness & Flexibility


Ai. Reference and Precedents

fig11. Pavilion exploded isometric INTRODUCTION • Currently, the world is experiencing an inflation due to material scarcity. The full extent and severity of present conditions are yet to be determined. One thing, however, is certain: the fore seeable future will not be like the recent past.

In architecture, concerns about depleting material and energy sources have largely been centered on the more emollient category of ‘sustainability’. In the next decade, however, as the situation becomes more pressing, architects and designers will need to confront the reality of scarcity. Carboard was chosen as the building material as it is light, flexible, and easy to be mass produced. It is also recyclable and it requires little technology in production, such that it can also be used in the third world countires. The structure consists of a set of folded carboard rings that are laterally braced by horizontal carboard beams. The joints were designed to be slot in. Since lateral pressure is not an issue, the boards are drawn close together and stay that way. Glue and nails may not be applied depending upon the structural load it resists, hence it has less thickness requirements and constraints for the boards.

fig 13. Paper pavilion Single unit

schematic Design Reference from texts

Testing Model

Ring structures Summer Sun


Winter Sun

Glazing at different angle to each other nspired by chaos theory can allow more light passing through, since less is reflected and scattered on surface.

fig15. Spot light testing fig14. Greg Lynn, Project for a Hydrogen Pavilion, 1996-1999

N fig12. Paper Pavilion folded ring structure

Concept of Organic Unity • The architect Eugene Emmanuel Villet-le-Duc wrote, Just as when seeing the leaf of a plant, one deduces from it the whole plant; from the bone of an animal , the whole animal; so from seeing a cross section one deduces the architectural members, and from the members, the whole momument (Viollet-le-Duc 1875-82)

fig16. structural rings model

fig17. Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum

Chaos theory in architecture • Greg Lynn suggested that architects should use complex curved and folded planes because recent advancesin computer modeling have made topological descriptions of such forms accessible to non mathematicians (Jormakka 1994). • Charles Jencks suggested that chaos theory can be used in architectural design, where the task of architecture is to tie human beings into the cosmos by building close to nature. He claims that Frank Gehry’s design for Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao reflects the new Paradigm. My adaptation to chaos theory • Each folded structural rings are put at a different angle to each other, hence increasing the amount of natural light captured.


3 6


2 4 7




1. Terminal Two

6. Hilton Manchester

2. Radisson Blu Hotel

7. Clayton Hotel

3. Voyager House

8. BP Gas Station

4. Train Station

9. Crowne Plaza

5. Bus Terminal

10. Terminal One

SITE ANALYSIS Aii. Contextual Analysis

10 ďŹ g18. Urban site plan 1:1000


North Entrance, Bus side

To T2 To T1

East Entrance, Rail side Circulation (Bus to T1 & T2) Pedestrian

Circulation (Rail to T1 & T2)

West Entrance, Roadside

Up level

Mobile fig20. Circulation across floors Feature outline




fig19. Circulation around train station


fig24. Functional zones of existing train station

fig21. West Entrance (from road side)

fig22. East Entrance (from rail side)

fig23. North Entrance (from bus side)

Metrolink (In between)

Railway (South side)

Bus Station (North side)

Atrium (Connects the elements)

The train station is a complex of the train station, bus station and the metrolink. Each part is sub-divided and it lacks an effective in between. A digital model is made to study the circulation.



Solar Geometries


Aiii. Program Analysis - Problems of existing train station (Digital model making) DISASSOCIATION


he concept for disassociation puts the majority of the building part’s function between the two diametric worlds. The bars and the kitchen are mostly located on the platform, where the social spaces are designed at the entrance or exit of the platform and the train station. The connection between “places“ and “non-places“ is weak. It also fails to become an effective connection point between T1 and T2.

Suggested solutions • Relocate the waiting area and centralize passen gers waiting in one place. • Develop an atrium that connects the 3 main spaces 1. Bus Terminal 2. Train Station 3. Exhibition

fig27. Summer & Winter sunpath

Solar Angle analysis • The winter sun is at around 0 to 15 deg, and mostly only come from the south, the summer sun is at around 40 deg and come from all directions except north, so in the design , most openings should be facing the south to obtain maximum sunlight. Solar Shades

• Provide alternative routes

fig25. Train Platform functional spaces



he places with different functions are mixed in planning without proper study of the circulation. The Main space is accessable through the bus side (north), the rail side (south) and the road side (west). A lot of service and commerical compound is put on the platform, that makes the main complex to be less appealing to vistors that does not take the train but take the bus or cars. The services are not put on one level, which causes uninconvience for the vistors who use the service. The luggage service is put on first floor, where the ticket service is on the ground floor. Whenever vistor uses the service, they have to travel across levels, it takes time and make them uncomfortable due to indirect pathing. Secondly, we have to get the bus tickets on bus, it takes extra time and feels clumsy with luggages in hand on the bus. The ticket service would be better organized if vistors are allowed to pre-order the tickets comfortablely well before the bus arrives.

fig28. Shading areas during a day

Utilizing the shade • In contex, most building are short and less than 8 floor height, and the site area is big and open, such that side light can be obtained on the sides. However as the sunlight can never get through 6m into the building, the core structure has to use skylights. Fuctions like waste collection , rain water collection and washrooms can be put on the shades

Design Aims • Provide a shortest distance of travel from the terminals to T1 and T2. • Make uses of natural lighting and ventilation.

Suggested solutions fig26. Bus Terminal functional spaces

• Relocate the the service sectors in one place along the route to T1 and T2. • Assign toilets on each floor and next to cafes and resturants.

• Provide an intersting exhibiton on machines. • Prevent traffic congestion at the main entrances. • Derive an effective waste disposal route. • Derive an effective rain water collection system.


SITE ANALYSIS Aiii. Program Analysis - Figure ground (Circulation)

fig31. Space relationship diagrams


fig29. Figure ground




eople can get to the train station by car, train, Metrolink and on foot.


To Terminal Road North


Bus Service T2 Little Service at T2

Train service To Terminal Road North




Most Service at T1


Service Space diagram (size with respect to number of activities)

eople go there 24 hours a day.

Most people use it as place for transition to get to the the terminals or to the city. Most people do not stay there for more than 30 minutes. Passengers have their meals in the station. People take a break and wash between long travel on train or on bus.

Bus Service


Train service The uneven distribution of servicing areas is slowing down the circulation.

T1 and T2 are about same size, disjointed T1

Rain water Drainage


Actual composition size (size with respect to number of activities)

fig30. Service space diagrams


Xenon - Lightness & Expandability

Train Station




Staff Office

Exhibition Spaces


Bus Terminal

Aiv. First Moves -Design generators

Staff Office is put on the sides since a working place requires ambient natural light. The north side was chosen to be the bus terminal, it is becasue the buses coming to the airport are coming from the north, this is the most direct approach

Atrium Machines deliver route

fig32. First idea of train platform structural rings INTRODUCTION The atrium is in the middle of the space, it must be taller then and surrounding structure for better skylighting and cross ventilation.

• Machine chosen as the theme for the exhibition, and they have been put into 5 sub topics, they are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

contemporary machines European machines American machine Asian machines Ancient machines

Resturants are put on the south since good natural lighting is needed for a dining place.

• A test plan was derived on the right with respect to the space relationship diagrams and solar geoetries. • The existing skylink from T1 and T2, the train rails and the Metrolink station are kept unchanged in the design. They are the sources of people coming to the space. • Displaying machines takes a lot of space and power, working machines also generate a lot of heat. It is essential to a taller floor height (4.5m) and to plan for a route to deliver the machines into the space.

The Rail platforms are kept on the south west because it is not suitable and is a waste of resources to relocate the rails and the power cable systems.

Washrooms are put in the shadow areas since they do not require natural lighting.


Isometric Sketches

fig 34. Exhibition Space, First layout

Schematic Development

20 deg pitched roof


fig 35. Turing Machine


15 deg pitched roof 2 3

Natural Light

The theme of the exhibition that I chose was machines, the first machine that comes to my mind is the turing machine.

fig33. First sketches of long span structure

The Turing machine is a symbol of Manchester’s early victories in the history of machine development. It was taken as a metaphor in the design process. The arrangement of level difference not only represents the change of Manchester as a city, it also provides an oppourtunity for us to obtain side lights when used as a form.

4 5

fig 36. Train platform roof idea Inspired by the Turing Machine, an initial form was derived from 3 intersecting curved roof, each pitching at a different angle than the other according to site geometries and the chaos theory. The higher roof structure at the sides can create a higher ceiling, hence increases the amount of side lighting. The changes of pitched angles of the ETFE also reduce the amount of reflection on the panels and more natural light are passing through. The roof is pitched at 15 deg. to 20 deg. according to the site topography and solar geometries.

fig 37. Repeating long span structure

1. Main concrete frame : Structural load bearing


2. Main Steel angle beam: Support the roof structure


3. Transfer beam: Brace the Main steel hexangons 4. Bowl Nodes: Brace the transfer beams


5. 16mm Thk ETFE Sheets: Enclose the space, tansparent



Design Precident 1

Curved pre-cast concrete Walls with titanium oxide

Geometry - Jubilee Church

Bi. Statement of tectonic intensions Design factors

The Crown Jewel of Vicariato di Roma’s Milennium project

• 5 Main design factors were chosen, they are 1. Geometry 2. Structure 3. Light 4. Air 5. Water & Waste

Richard Meier designed this socially “revive“ architecture for 8,000 residents in Tor Tre teste area in 1996 us- fig. 38. Exploded east elevation of the Jubilee Church ing the latest technology titanium oxide at the time.

Main source of diffused light is the glass roof between the shells, but in early morning and late afternoon the sunlight penetrates the entrance facade and the altar facade, giving spectacular atmospheric effects.

Reasons for Section Selection (Light & Geometry) • The Jubliee Light are designed to minimize the thermal peak load inside, and the walls from segments of spheres. • The curved walls are facing the south because the most sunlight comes from the direction, and shading towards south minimize the excessive heat gain of the interior, thus reducing the amount of energy used in cooling and air config 37. Repeating long spanbeing structure ditioning.


• The geometry and the large thermal mass of the conrete walls also controls internal heat gain that reduces temperature variation. fig. 39 The three curved walls has the same centre of radius.

Design Analysis

fig.41. concentric circles 45 deg

50 deg

Top Steel framed glazing

35 deg 20 deg 30 deg

30 deg N


40 deg

15 deg

QED Think! Reference

Top Steel framed glazing


15 deg

• Geeometry was chosen as the starting factor since the plan controls the rest of the factors, and geometry can be used as a starting point for plan layiering out when it is considered with circulation and solar geometries. • 1 precedent was chosen for each factor, they are 1. Jubilee Church, Italy 2. Milwaukee Art Museum, USA 3. The Church of Light, Japan 4. US Old Mint, USA 5. CIRS Building, Canada • Each design factor was consider in sequence for a purpose, they are 1. Plan laying out and Fuctional Space Grouping 2. Structural main frame developing 3. Interior walls (mainly non-structural) planning 4. Ventilation Strategies developing 5. Rainwater collection and recycling strategies developing • Waste strategies and artificial lighting are also considered as they are essential in providing a comfortable environment to the vistors.

to Top of walls to Glazing

fig.43. Frank Lloyd Wright’s design grid

Long Section - Section BB

Top Steel framed glazing • The top steel framed glazings are pitched at an increasing angle not only for intersting geometry, it also reduces the amount of solar heat gain at noon (overhead), which lowers the amount of energy spent in air conditioning and cooling of the space. fig.40. concentric angles

fig.44. Section BB

Design Focused: Machine Exhibition Space “Xenon“

Outer and core functional spaces (Light & Geometry)

Circulation Interior circulation

Remark • When the titanium dioxide on the concrete wall absorbs ultraviolet light, it breaks down pollutants that come in contact with the concrete. • The mounting wave like walls gives a feeling of lightness and suggests movement of the inhabitants inside.


• In Richard Meier’s design, he uses concentric circle for drawing walls. Then he link the walls with glazings to create the geometry for minimum heat gain for interior. However, his case works well in Italy, but not in Manchester. Italy has a mediterranean climate, where sunlight is especially strong in summer. That’s why he shaded the south direction with curved walls to prevernt overheat and glare.

Idea: Concentric ovals (Territories: Inner and core)

Sector Perimeter

• In Manchester, we want to obtain more sunlight than in Italy. The weather is cloudy and cold in winter. In such case, using a double skin facade is losing too many natural light and heat in winter, and we do not want to shade the south direction. •Thus the outer wall is switched from a reinforced concrete core wall to a semi transparent reinforced ETFE barriers; where the interior walls remain as concrete block walls as structural support.

fig.45. Concentric Oval Idea fig.42. Exploded Isometric



Using a similar principle of the Jubilee Church, functional sectos are divided .

Easy to prefabricate (ETFE atrium dome) Exploded Isometric (ETFE roof structure development)

• The ETFE dome is developed on Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome and the water molecule in atomic scale. The main modular structure is formed by combining modular units of hexagonal structures to provide a stable and minimal light strcuture to the roof and the facade ETFE Panels.

ETFE panels

Top Chord beams

Primary Hexagonal Ring structure

Engineer’s Advices Triangular Geometries

•The structural network of the ETFE panels consist of two concentric spherical networks with a prescribed radius difference or structural depth between them. Here, external and internal networks are interconnected with a set of lines called diagonals, thus giving rise to a double-layered spherical network with a three-dimensional carrying behaviour.


•The external grid is a hexagonal network with triangular ETFE panels, which referred to as “Primary rings”, whereas the internal grid consists of triangles and is consequently called “Secondary rings”. Case 1 Less wind braced

Case 2 Stronger wind braced O1



H2O Molecule Ring (ICE) H1

O2 O2



Inner plane











H9 O3







Disavantages of triangular geometries • A triangle is the 2D geometry with the least sides, the more simple the geometry is, the more stable it is. He advised me to look at objects and animals that exist in nature. One example that I found was the bee hive. It is a vertical sheet of wax, composed of a double layer of hexagonal cells projecting in both directions fro the centre.

H4 O5

Hexagonal Oxygen ring





Bowl Node

Reproduction of Basic Hexagons in Buckminster Fuller’s Gedesic dome through Reflection and Rotation




fig.49. Engineer’s triangle beam

Triangular Hydrogen Net




Hexagonal Oxygen ring



Hexangonal structures (the bee comb)

Triangular Hydrogen Nets X3


Secondary Triangular Net structure




Concentrically positioned in sphere O1


fig.46. ETFE roof development


O3 H2

H2 H6


H8 H12

Exterior facade and roof element (West side corridor)

1. Main Bowl Node : Brace the ETFE panels and secondary beams 2. ETFE panels: Shield the sun, rain and wind, semi-tra nsparent 3. 152x89x16 UB: Support the ETFE panels, main beam







O6 O5


Characteristic Hexagons (O1:O6)

The modular structure is derived from molecular Ice Structure.



5. Secondary Bowl Node: Brace the Secondary beams 6. Concrete Pedestal: Main structural frame and column

fig.50. Bee Hive

7. Upward roof ridge: breaks water surface tension and prevnt them accumulating on the roof, main drainage zone

Reasons for having a perfect hexagonal structure

8. Pad footing: Transfer load to the ground Hydrogen ion


• Leaving no gaps that would need extra wax for patching. There are only 3 geometrical figures with equal sides that can fit on a flat surface without leaving gaps: the equilateral triangles, squares and hexagons.

Oxygen ion

2 3 4 5 6

Tetrahedron structure of Ice (H2O) Molecular bonding Hydrogen bonding

fig.48. Hexagonal ring development sequence

Modular structure development • The Secondary Net structure is obtained from the corresponding elements in the Primary hexagonal structures. The intermediate bowl nodes (red dots) are derived at 106.6 degree to each other. The secondary bowl nodes connects the secondary beams which braced the primary hexagonal structure against lateral loads, shear forces and torsion. 7

fig.47. Exterior facade development


• Fig. 20 presents the minimal energy paths with minimal material consumption in the frame. Hence creating an economical structure with a visually attractive appearance.




• According to the Roman, Marcus Terentius Varro, A hexagonal geometry would have the smallest total perimeter. Hence the structure can be compacted and less material is needed to construct it.

Main design strategies 1. Start with a hexagonal structure. 2. Compact a structure and develop an economical pattern that can brace the structure with minimal material and aesthetical 3. Consider the way of people using the architecture, and improve the patterns from it. 4. Relate the pattern with light and heating stratgies, and improve the form from it.


Design Precident 5

Bi. Structure

Mass - Milwaukee Art Museum A strong architectural statement in an exciting yet functional building Santiago Calatrava built this “glowing lantern“ on the downtown lakefront, that radiates light in all directions.

Reasons for Section Selection (Mass & Material) • The Milwaukee art museum has a long span and relatively light structure.the main strucutre are the concrete ring structures, laterally reinforced by rafters. This type of structure function especially well for train station and bus terminals, which demands a long span structure for effective circulation.

Long Section - Section BB

Length modelled: 48 m out of 180m


Dead Loads & Live Load Wind Loads

Train Platform (Mass & Material) • The way that the long span roof was supported by the central structural “trees” double major is facinating. Instead of using a pair of straight columns in mid span, Richard Rogers set up pillars shaped open at the top H, are off the ground in reinforced concrete and at the end of the opening. These pillars allows longer spaning the strcutures with less columns.

Changing Exhibiton Gallery


Parking garage

• The 17 Steel A-frames located at the grand entrance are welded together, forming a tarsparent, strong and light structure. • The A-frames are placed on an oval-shaped ring beam, where they are top off by a three-piece steel spine.

fig.51. 3d strcutural model



Roof and ceiling slab

Metal Deck



Concrete slab and walls

Mud slab & Water proof membrane

fig.54 Section BB IDEA DEVELOPMENT (Synergy with TECH 1 Case Study) Skylight

Barajas airport section

Pitched Column

• By using an inverted A- shape structure in the mid-span, the floor spreading caused by the side columns and the roof offset the opposide one, hence creating a stable plan geometry. • However, each concrete ring is weak against torsion and shear forces from the main surface, so each rach ring is laterally braced by hexagonal steel frames holding ETFE panels as skylights.



Design Focused: The Train Platforms

ROOF I-BEAMS (bolted and welded)

Structural Analysis

Raft footing

fig.55 Tech 1 model



Bolted I-beams core structure Posts and Beams


Positive Moment member


Negative Moment member

fig.56 Primary frame

Design Analysis

fig.50. Milwaukee art museum

fig.52. deflection load path 1. Roof Slab : Shield rain and sun


2. Transfer beam: Balance the axial load 3. Reinforced Concrete Beam: Support roof structure

Primary frame :Post and Beam • The structural design is is based on three ideas: the hexagonal main structural steel frame, reinforced by a set of secondary channels. The Channels are connected to a Bowl Node of 180 mm radius. The pattern is repeated to form the dome above the atrium, the roof of the exhibition spaces and their outer walls. The modules was arranged in a circular pattern, enclosing spaces around the double height atrium at centre. The distance was set by the pillars connecting the roof and the footing. Loads are transferred through the beams and columns to the ground.

4. Reinforced Concrete column: Support beam and roof

3 4

5. 150mm Concrete slab: Support people and objects 6. Metal deck: Formwork for concrete cast


7. Ceiling slab: shield rain and sun 8. Reinforced Concrete beam: Support above structure 9. Transfer beam: Stabilize the main beams

5 6 7

Steel parapet walls Around 12x8 m slab (2way)

10. Reinforced Concrete side wall: Support above structure and soil load 11. Reinforced concrete top slab: Support people and objects 12. Fill: Flaten the floor & absorb shock

fig.57 Roof and floor system

8 13. Struct. mat: Formwork for floor slab cast

9 10 11

Floor 14. Mud Slab: Prevent subgrade soil being disturbed by precipitation • The 15. Soil


13 14 15


fig.53. Isometic

and roof structures secondary beams that spans across the hexagonal rings and makes up the floor and roof structuures. 200mm floor slabs spans below a layer of screed and a layer of insulation. The screed is mixed at a ratio of 1:3 of cement to sharp sand, with a minimum thickness of 40mm. At the locations with underfloor heating pipes the minimum thickness is increased to 65mm. • Stone paving and cladding was chosen for the structural walls because of it’s fine texture and long lasting life span. They may last even longer than us ! York stone is picked because they are ewn from the Pennine grits of northern England and famous for quality.



ROOF STRUCTURE (ETFE panals) ROOF SECONDARY BEAMS (yellow) (braced by bowl nodes)

Main beams in Hexagonal frames





fig.58 Structural load analysis

Bii. Construction - Details Roof Plan

fig.59 Roof plan

Structural Detailing • “Less is more.“ The simplicity of design opens the possibility for future expansion. Understanding how hierachy can be achieved by strucutral detailing we can design a a lighter structure hence a better structure.


• One Long section and one short section are cut in order to do the detailing and to study the interaction between the users and the space. B

• Section AA was cut right at the door of the atrium from the train platform. It was cut to study and to develop the change of geometry of structure. (straight line to circular). Secondly, it was cut to study the atrium space as it is the highest double height space of the design (round 10m), extra care is needed on the structural stability. • Section BB was cut to check the continuity of the structure and the space planning.


• The details are drawn in 1:20 on A2, they are a) ETFE Roof - outer column bracing b) Column - Roof connection c) Parapet Wall details d) Fire escape stair case section e) Fire escape stair case cross section f) Theatre steps detail g) Concrete wall column connection h) T2 entrance detail A

Section AA and SECTION BB on plan Section AA

Section BB


a c f e d

fig60. Section AA.

fig61. Section BB


Bii. Construction - Details fig 62. a) ETFE Roof - outer column bracing

64. c) Parapet Wall details

63. b) Column - Roof connection

6 8 15 1 2 3 4

14 16




6 7 8

17 19 9 10 3

9 10 11 12

13 13 15 14

13 14

67. f) Theatre steps detail

66. e) Fire escape stair case cross section

fig. 65 d) Fire escape stair case section 20

9 10 14 11 3 13


22 12 21


14 22



23 12 10 11 24 25


fig 68.g) Concrete wall column connection

9 10 11


fig. 69h) T2 entrance detail

2. Bauder Extensive Substrate 80mm: mateiral on which an enzyme acts

17. Steel Roller,: provide flexiblity to joints

3. Corrugate Steel: Support roof structure

18. 12mm Thk. Glazing: structural support, provide lighting

9 10 11 3 13 9 10 11

6. Primary Bowl Node: brace reinforced secondary beams and channels, connects to concrete column


4. Concrete Roof beam 300mm: Support roof structure 5. Secondary Bowl Node: brace secondary beams and channels

7. Steel Channel: Supports ETFE Panels 8. 16mm Thk ETFE Panals: Shield from wind and rain, provide sunlight

12 18 7

19. 300x 500 R.C beam: Support floors and loads 20. 16mm steel hand rail: Structural support, safety 21. 16mm Thnk Steel Plate: Conection, bolted and anchored. 22. 50mm steel column: Support the stairs. 23. 175mm Concrete wall: Structural support.

9. Chipboard or plywood: Acts as cladding, protects the wall or floor structure

24. 150 mm subgrade: Reduce soil pressure

10. Vapour Control Layer: Prevent liquid passing through

25. 600 x 1100mm footing: tranfer load to the ground

11. Water resistant insulation: Prevent excessive heat loss



16. Secondary tie beam: Supports ETFE panels

12 7 13 18

3 13


1. 13 mm WBP Plywood Cavity Closer: Sheild from rain and wind

26. 400mm concrete slab: Structural support.

12. 200mm Concrete Slab: Structurally support loads above 13. 252 x 16 x 12 I-beam: Support the concrete slab 14. Unfaced mineral wool batts: Insulating material, prevent heat loss


15. Reinforced concrete column: Structural support QUARTERNARY STRUCTURE

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Bii. Construction

Construction sequence

1. First of all the foundation were cast in-situ.

2. Next Reinforced concrete columns were cast.

3. Underground and ground floor slabs were then cast in-situ.

4. Walls on Ground floor and Underground were then cast instu.

5. Beams and columns on first floor are cast insitu.

6. Glazings on parapet walls were installed on first floor.

7. Hexagonal strcutural main frames were installed on site.

8. Secondary tie beams were installed (yellow) with the bowl nodes.

9. ETFE Panals were installed.

10. Roof hexagonal structural main frames were installed, following with the tie beams.

11. The ETFE panals on the atrium roof were to be installed.

12. Drainage pipes, services and Esculators were installed. fig 70, Construction serquend

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Biii. Environment Underground Service Plan The Railway platforms

Underfloor heating (radient heating) system is chosen, since it is most energy efficient in a large enclose space.

Only the waiting room, the cafe and the toilet on the floor has built in heating system. And they are well insulated below the ground and behind 300 Thk concrete walls.

The Rain water collection service is located next to the cafe, washrooms and is away from direct sunlight. This can prevent loss by heat to surrounding.

A green corner is designed to give fresh air to the area.

Heat Exchange and under ground Radiant Heating (Warm gas ) Heat Exchange and under ground Radiant Heating (Cooled gas ) Drainage

fig 71, UG serice

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Biii. Environment Ground floor Service Plan The Roadside Entrances

Rain water are drained on the ridge of the roof, and then carried along vertical pipes to the underground rain water cisterin. Manchester is rainy so the system can collect enough water for washrooms and resuturants in the building. (details of next page )

Heat Recovery is an excellent choice here to save the exhausted heat from the Machines and reuse them to heat up the space when needed. Waste Disposal Shall be close to the kitchen and opens to the main road. The column locations are excellent for holding up artificial lights, as spaces are plan around them

Waste disposal

Plant rooms (5% of total area) Artificial lights Heat Exchange and under ground Radiant Heating (Warm gas ) Heat Exchange and under ground Radiant Heating (Cooled gas ) Drainage

fig 72, Groundfloor service

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Biv. User

Biii. Environment

Underground floor circulation and functions First floor Service Plan

The Railway and Metrolink platforms

The Railway platforms

This floor is where the most people arrive and leave the airport. Circulation are desired to be quick and direct. People waiting for the bus and trains are put on the north facing the platforms such that they can see the train leaves or coming. The waiting crowd and moving crowd are designed to be sperated to avoid collision.

fig 74, UG plan

Travellers and Vistors Route

fig 73, 1/Fr service


Waiting Rooms


Services (Water, Heating & electricity) (details on next section)

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Biv. User Underground floor circulation and functions The Roadside entrances and the atrium

From Bus Terminal

Exhibition Starting Point

Up to 1/F

The conference rooms is a double height space and put on the south for adequate natural lighting. Most People arrive by train, the second is by bus. The atrium acts as a link between all functions, and most people travel through. It needs good lighting, so it is a double height space.

Reception Desks

Visitors Route

Travellers Route From Train Platforms

Shops Resturants

Fire Escapes


Exhibtion Spaces

Conference Room

Services (Water, Heating & electricity)

fig 75, G plan From Road side

The Planning was start from the column locations, they were linked to form spaces and then assigned to different fuctions according to circulation and functional needs. It was started on G/F because it is where the atrium locates. It is the most important place in the area as it not only give people direction where to go, it also connects all the spaces and act as a place for ventilation and convection.

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability

Biv. User

Bi. Cost consideration (Evaluation)

First floor circulation and functions The Exits and Entrances for flights

fig77 Core structural element

Cost efficiency • Building form 1.The smaller the building and the more simple the construction method is , the lower the cost it is, especially when it comes to complicate on site works.

From G/F

2. When the design is constantly subjected to change, it would cost more and more, so it is essential for use to take a complete research on the site and understand what is going to happen during construction and plan ahead for it. 3. When we plan a building, it is important to make understand that the taller the building is, the more expansive it is. And even for high rise structures, when they are above 28 floor height, they start to lose their effectiveness in building upward, so building the tallest structure in the world is actually no good economically!

Exhibition End Point

• Assembly 1. In Theory of economics, there is a term called economy of scales . When we specailize in production methods, we can be more productive. The same comes for arhcitecture. When we are building a standardize structure, it is often cheaper than a specified designed one. Prefabrication of some construction parts like joints and cables can cut our cost as well. However, prefabricating does not always cut the cost, sometimes it cost less if some work is done on site or cast insitu. It depends on the transportational cost of the product.

Visitors Route

Travellers Route Office

• Material selection/ elements/ details Gift Shop

Fire Escapes


Exhibition Spaces

Conference Room


1. In most cases, a more advanced material like electroactive polymer is much more expansive than the easily produced steel products. Also, the more detail the product has, the higher the cost. Take the 3d printed model I made as an example, for the same amount of volume, the more details and more support materials it needs to be printed, the higher the price.

fig 76, 1/F plan

fig 78, 3D printed model

Materiality and Services Th Steel and ETFE structures The

Cost efficiency • Lifespan, maintanance 1. Most of the time , an object with higher lifespan is cheaper, because it can be used longer and less likely to be replaced. 2. However, it is not always true since it may be inappropriate if we just count the start up cost and ignore the maintanance cost. Some features like the water features they are not expansive to build yet they cost a fortune to keep them runniing and running well. • Strategic environmental design 1. Saving energy on lighting Accroding to the energy department, replacing an old model of light bulb with the most recent ENERGYSTAR model can save $75 each year. Money-saving options such as halogen incandescent, CFL, and LED lightbulbs are available recently. For a traditional incandescent bulb, it uses a lot of of energy to produce light and are no longer manufactured. a) 90% of the energy is given off as heat b) That lost energy is money we are throwing away There are a few options that can be chosen to replace them.

1. Halogen Incandescents Halogen incandescents have a capsule inside that holds gas around a filament to increase bulb efficiency. They are available in a wide range of shapes and colors, and they can be used with dimmers. fig 80, Halogen Incandescents

2. CFLs Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are simply curly versions of the long tube fluorescent lights you may already have in a kitchen or garage. Because they use less electricity than traditional incandescents, typical CFLs can pay for themselves in less than nine months, and then start saving money each month. fig 80, CFLs

2. LEDs

fig 80, LEDs fig 79, Exploded Isometric

Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are a type of solid-state lighting -- semiconductors that convert electricity into light. Although once known mainly for indicator and traffic lights, LEDs in white light, general illumination applications are one of today’s most energyefficient and rapidly-developing technologies.ENERGY STAR-qualified LEDs use only 20%–25% of the energy and last up to 25 times longer than the traditional incandescent bulbs they replac

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Bii. Environmental Considerations Taking the CIRS building in Canada as reference, a similar rain water collection system is planned and set on Underground. A rainwater cisterin of 15m x 15m is set and 80% water used in the train station can be obtained from the cistern.

Sustainability The future is in our hands

• Material and health1. When we think about health, we think of water. Clean water is essential for good health. Manchester has a long rainy season, and it is efficient to collect rainwater and reuse it when it is needed.

• Transportation Our world is getting smaller each day, and transportation has become a main issue and problem for a lot of cities. Manchester is also facing the problem of traffic congestion, especially during the busy hours for our site, the airport. The problem mainly comes from the number of cars running on the road. Most people who live in Manchester have their own cars, and it is also not eays to find parking space in the area as well.

Design Analysis

Pavement parking is also very serious in Manchester, according to polls from guidedog.org.uk,

3. Superior Durability and self-cleaning properties. Less energy and resources are require to clean it regularly.

Rank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

4. Good insulation properties. ETFE consists of 2 - 3 layers such that it has good insulating properties. Less energy is needed

City Manchester Liverpool Cambridge Cardiff Birmingham Sheffield Newcastle Bristol Leeds Southampton

Manchester is the worst place for pavement parking. It is essential to also think about road traffic during the design process. fig 82, site circulation

North Entrance, Bus side

fig 83, ETFE Structure 1 2 3

5. Eco-friendly ETFE is recyclable; once it has been taken from a structure it can be recycled back into useable ETFE products. It is also a lightweight fabric, which requires less fabrication than traditional building materials, reducing C02 emissions in the air.

4 East Entrance, Rail side






Feature outline

West Entrance, Roadside

Due to its transparency (up to 90%) ETFE can reduce the use and cost of indoor lighting.






9 10 11 12 13 14 15

fig19. Circulation around train station

City Water Supply EOS building heatinging loop To UBC grid Ground source cooling loop

1. Evacuated Tube Array 2. Heat Recovery

TERMINOLOGY - 7 Net Positives • Structural Carbon neutrality The building is constructed of wood, white bricks and neutral colored concrete, which reduces carbon emissions in construction.

3. Photovoltalc Array

• Net-positive energy Lighting and ventilating systems of the complex are monitored by latest information technology and constantly retifying itself according to the on site situation to reduce energy consumption.

• Low Operational carbon Different energy modelling processes are provided in comparison, which allows mre research oppurtunity and system testing for developing an effective energy supply and consumption approach.

• Promoting heath and productivity The CIRS uses a mixed mode of system which utilizing mostly natural ventilation.There are two mechanical air handling units that supplies fresh filtered air.

• Net-zero water Up to 100-cubic meter of rainwater are stored in a cistern underneath the building. They are filtered and serves the 2000 litres daily need of the complex.

• Promoting happiness There are manual operable windows that allows for air flow and temperature control. The systems keeps the environment comfortable and friendly to the users.

5. Concrete Sunshade 6. Exhaust exchange from science laboratory

fig 81, CIRS Building analysis

1. it is only 350g/m2, since it is lighter, it requires less structural steel to support it , thus it has a lower carbon footprint.

7. Washroom 8. Displacement Ventilation 9. Solar Aquatics Biofiltration 10. Bioswale and Groundwater Recharge 11. Rainwater Cisterin


• Construction ETFE is a relatively new and sus tainable-material when compared to glass. It has a couple of advantages over glass when used as glazings.

4. Photovatalic Sunshade

12. Potable Processing

• Turning passive occupants into active inhabitants The narrow floor plates allow daylight penetration and creates a friendly space which stimulate inhabitants to be active and happy.

Before the final plan was laid out, circulation in cluding cyclist and road traffic is carefully studied and analyzed. It has found that the bus comes from the north of the site, cars from the south, trains from the east, and people from the west and south ( from the two terminals)

Processing 1. Waste strategies is also considered and aim was set to be archieving minimum or zero waste. When we think of architectural construction as a production process, the best way to work out an effective plan is to evaluate a plan with minimum loss. Recycle bins and programs are set to allow and to educate people to re cycle and reuse existing materials.

13. Pump and Fans


14. Heat Exchange Room


15. Domestic Hot water Supply

2. It has better light transmission rate. More light can pass through simiply just means less energy is require to generate artificial lighting.-

5. Eco-friendly ETFE is recyclable; once it has been taken from a structure it can be recycled back into useable ETFE products. It is also a lightweight fabric, which requires less fabrication than traditional building materials, reducing C02 emissions in the air. Due to its transparency (up to 90%) ETFE can reduce the use and cost of indoor lighting. • Recycle 1. Apart from recycling we may also start to think of using renewable energy sources like solar power, win power, thermal power. Taking reference from the CIRS building above, A heat recovery system is planned since the machines in the machine exhibiton also gernerates quite a lot of latent heat.

fig 84, ETFE Light transmission graph

to G/F

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Biii. Legislation Fire Safety & Access to and Use of building

Underground Plan There are a lot of people visiting the the train station everyday, so it is essential to plan for the worst scenario for safety reasons. The idea is to ensure satisfactory provision of means of giving and alarm of fire and a satisfactory standard of means of escape for persons in the event of fire in the building. It is essential to provide enough amount of time for people to escape, according to the code, at least 2 hours is needed for an exhibition space.

Measures for fire safety 1. Each room should be no more than 18 m from escaping door to furthest corner. 2. At least 2 hours of warning must be provided, for some areas 4 hours are needed. 3. Fire escapes shall be easy to reach.

Measures for Disabilities Private transport is the preferred travel mode for many people with impaired mobility. Therefore, where appropriate, conditions will be attached to the grant of planning permission requiring development, whether new development or a change of use of an existing building, to provide the following in order to facilitate people with impaired mobility: 1. Suitable means of access to the building;

to G/F

2. Suitable means of access between buildings where the planning application relates to more than one building; to G/F 3. Appropriately designed means of access to the building from other parts of the development, such as external car parks; and an appropriate proportion of designated, appropriately positioned, designed and sized car parking spaces (where new provision is required).

4. Fire escape must not be blocked. 5. It should be behind a double door, concealed from smoke in fire. 6. Fire safety equipments should always been checked and make sure that it is functionable.

Escape routes

Wheel Chair access provisions

Fire Escapes

fig 85, 1F plan

to G/F

Escape routes Wheel Chair access provisions to G/F

Fire Escapes

ďŹ g 86, UG Plan

to 1/F to UG

to UG

Escape routes Wheel Chair access provisions

Fire Escapes

ďŹ g 86, G plan

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Ci. Realisation Statement Changes architecture can made Architecture has always been changing the world and has always been leading into changes. From the Bauhaus movement to the classical architecture to the Renaissance, architecture has always been the forerunner of change. The whole notion of architecture is about change and making things better. It’s the responsibility of the architect to explain, to make the developer its partner and to hold the hand of the people responsible for change in order to apply it. The study of structure and details has been the main driving force of my program development. Using the molecular structure of Ice as metaphor, a form was derived in respond to the solar geometries and circulation of the site. Rainwater collection and heat recovery is planned to not only save the amount of energy consumed and reduce carbon foot print; it also aims at inspiring people to think about our world is running low on resources and it is everyone’s duty to make a change; no matter how small it is, it is a step forward.

fig 88, Section AA

fig 87, ETFE Structure

1. Drainage duct on roof : Carry water to drainage pipes


2. Drainage pipes: Drain away water on roof to cisterin


1 2

3. Steel Rack: Hold the drainage pipe on the columns 3 B 4


4. Concrete Main Frame: Support the Roof, floors and the pipes attached


5. Bowl Node: As a break point to break water surface tension, force them to drop on ground for drainage


6. Tip on Roof Ridges: Break surface tension and make them fall back on the drainage duct



7. Water Collection point: Drain water underground to a central cisterin for storage.

fig. 89., Section BB

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Cii. Conclusion Transforming the airport train station Manchester airport train station has poor circulations. Almost half of the station is “dead zones “that no one goes to. At the same time the roads on platform are narrow and indirect. As a station at the heart of the city, it lacks passengers’ and operators ‘facilities. Its functional spaces are separated located at different floor levels. Designing the Exhibition space allows us to reconsider the arrangement of places and non-places within the area according to solar geometries and circulation. Expandability of the design is also considered, as the amount of passenger travelling to the airport is growing year by year. The lighter and more simple the structure is, the more flexible it is. The railway station is not just a transportation place, it is also a critical urban planning and intermodality component. The program design aims at creating a social value that reminds people of the importance of recycling and sustainability to our future. fig. 91. Green Corner

fig.90. American Machines Exhibition

fig. 92. Exhibition Entrance

Xenon - Lightness & Expandability Drawing Pack

fig. 93. South Elevation 1 : 200

fig. 94. East Elevation 1 : 200

fig. 95. West Elevation 1 : 200

fig.96. North Elevation 1 : 200

ямБg. 97. Section BB 1 : 50

ямБg. 97. Section BB 1 : 50

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1. Hensel, Michael, Menges, Achim, ‘The Heteroge-neous Space of Morpho-Ecologies’ 2. Guattari, Felix, The Three Ecologies,p.17-47

Territories: 1. Lally, Sean, ‘ The Shape of Energy’,p. 312-335 2. Addington, Michelle, ‘Architecture of Contingency’, p.66-75 Space: Natures:

1. Beesley Philp, ‘ Liminal Responsive Architectre’, p.12 -39 1. Armstrong, Rachel, ‘ Defining New Architectural Design Principles with Living Inorganic Materials ’ 2. Papanek, Victor,‘ Design for the Real World’, p.176-199

Machines: 1. Benjamin, David, Olguin, Naggy, Danil, ‘ Growing Details’,p. 98-103 2. Pasquin, Matteo, ‘ The Biosphere of Machines: Enter the Parasite’,p. 69-79 Futures:

1. Grosz, Elizabeth, ‘ Future, Cities, Architecture’,p.151-153 2. Forty, Adrian, ‘ Future Imperfect’, p.331-347

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