Kansai Scene #189 February 2016

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Free monthly guide covering Osaka • Kyoto • Hyogo • Nara • Wakayama • Shiga

Feb 2016 • issue 189

When Cultures Collide Three Kansai International Couples Speak Out

Gay couples get hitched in Kyoto temple Apps to put a spark in your love life Hot spots for wining and dining




KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com

Inside this Issue 06

Kansai Scene provides monthly English articles, information and listings for visitors and residents of the Kansai area.

A Buddhist priest weds gay couples in his Kyoto temple, Shunkoin, in a bid to promote marriage equality in Japan.

Editor............................................. Jason Haidar


Production Assistant..............Miyoko Morita Accounts Manager...................... Michiko Lee


Art.........................................................Yuko Hirai Event & Festival..........................Yuki Uchibori

L.O.V.E. is in the air The unique rewards and challenges of cross-cultural love: Three stories of international couples in Kansai.

Production Manager...................Misa Matsui

Cinema....................................... Deanna Wright


Club................................................... Terumi Tsuji

Apps for New Love


Contact Kansai Scene mailbox@kansaiscene.com


Advertising sales@kansaiscene.com 06-6539-1717




Osaka-shi, Nishi-ku, Shinmachi 3-5-7, Eiko Bldg. 2F Mojoworks KK

If you would like to write for KS, please contact editor@kansaiscene.com after reviewing our writers guidelines: kansaiscene.com/write-for-us

DISCLAIMER  Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. We take no responsibility for the quality or content of advertisements. Public and private parties appproached by those claiming to work for or on behalf of Kansai Scene should call this office to confirm the truth of any such claim, especially where money may be involved. A BIT OF HISTORY  Kansai Scene was founded by Peter Horvath and Nishikawa Keiko in 2000 and published by Jatin Banker between 2003 – 2011.

Language of Love Language


Text: KS

Foodspotting Looking for a low-key spot to treat your valentine? Three casual-but-cosy dining spots in the heart of Osaka.

Website kansaiscene.com

Write for Kansai Scene

Text: Dave Wingler

Words and phrases to know when learning the love lingo.

Editorial editor@kansaiscene.com Tel.

Text: KS

Who needs Cupid when you have a smartphone? Three apps to keep your heart aflutter this Valentine’s Day.

Live Music................................. Phillip Jackson


Text: Celia Polkinghorne


Publisher............................................Daniel Lee Managing Editor..............Celia Polkinghorne

Tying Knots, Bridging Gaps

Food & Drink

Text: KS

 Kansai Scene Classifieds Looking for Love? See page 32

Looking for a job, an old sofa or new friends? Kansai Scene Classifieds has you covered… post an ad online today! > kansaiscene.com/classifieds

What’s on Around Kansai Events & Festivals


Cinema p22 Art


Live Music




Kansai Scene is proudly published and printed by Mojoprint

Classifieds p32

Photo: Felicity Tillack

About Kansai Scene

ON THE COVER: This month’s cover photo of Alyse and Shota Sugahara was taken in Osaka by Felicity Tillack.

Maps p36

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KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com

Out & About

Got some news or need some advice about living in Kansai? Email your suggestions to editor@kansaiscene.com

Sébastien Delbes: “This picture was taken in Hosen-in in Ohara (Kyoto pref.) in winter. It is less famous than Sanzen-in but very worth a visit too.” Send us your best seasonal shots to photo@kansaiscene.com and win a KS t-shirt if selected!

KS Valentine’s Day Special! Are you in an international relationship, or have you ever wondered what it would be like to be? One of the world’s most significant social trends is the rise of international marriages – that is, involving couples of different nationalities. International marriages matter partly because they are a result of globalization, and the unions are symbols of cultural integration. In anticipation of Valentine’s Day, we took it upon ourselves to chase down three Japanese-American married couples in international marriages who are living in Kansai. We were very nosy and asked them all sorts of questions, but they were fantastic sports and graciously obliged by answering them all – and we filmed the entire thing. We covered the awkwardness that is kokuhaku (the Japanese custom of confessing your love – see our language feature on page 18), communication challenges, differing expectations, odd cultural questions from friends and co-workers, and of course, how it all went down when introducing the parents! The video with all the funny banter and hilarious stories will be released on our website on Valentine’s Day! But in the meantime, be sure to check out our preview article on page 14 for a teaser.

Come to Hobgoblin in Kobe on Saturday February 6th for a night of music and fun in support of mental health care in Japan. This awareness and fundraising event, hosted by TELL Kansai, will feature The Michael Wade Band from Nagoya, Flying Pigeons, and others. The following day, TELL will host a Depression and Suicide Prevention workshop from 2pm to 4pm at Westside American Bistro in Kita Horie, Osaka. The TELL Lifeline director will give a presentation on how to understand, how to identify, and how to support people with depression.



TELL Lifeline Events


KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com

Cover Feature

Zen Nuptials for Gay Couples A Kyoto Buddhist monk is doing his part to promote marriage equality by being the first in Japan to offer marriage ceremonies at his temple to gay and lesbian couples. Text: Celia Polkinghorne • Images: Jason Haidar • Translation: Endo Tazlu

 As a kid growing up in Kyoto, Reverend Takafumi Kawakami never thought he would follow in the footsteps of his forefathers and become a Zen Buddhist priest. He also never imagined that same-sex couples would play any part in his life, let alone that he would one day be personally advocating for their equal marriage rights. Now, he is the Deputy Head Priest at Kyoto’s Shunkoin temple in Hanazono. On the records as a fifth-generation monk there, he works closely with his head-priest father, and lives on the temple grounds with his wife and three-yearold daughter. He welcomes foreign visitors to his mindfulness and meditation classes in English, and also holds LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) wedding ceremonies, even though marriage for gay couples is still not legally recognized in Japan. Shunkoin Temple is the first Buddhist temple in the country to offer wedding ceremonies to couples of the same gender. Despite being born into a family that has produced Shunkoin head priests for generations, Kawakami began his posthigh school years on quite a different path. After graduating from the Hanazono School (which is affiliated with Rinzai Buddhism’s Myoshinji temple), he went to the U.S. and studied English at Rice University in Texas, and then enrolled in economics and psychology at Arizona State University. “I was an only child but my father, my parents, never forced me to take over his position. That’s why I studied psychology at first. I was not intending to take over this temple. And I thought psychology was the complete opposite from religion in a way. I was separating them, putting religion on one side and science on the other side of the spectrum.” A turning point occurred, however, after the September 11th terrorist attacks when he decided to switch his major to religious studies. “Nine-eleven happened and a professor asked me for some advice for John McCain, who was a senator in Arizona and had a lot to do with national security. At

that point I thought it’s interesting because religious studies scholars can be involved in many things. It’s not just about studying bibles and sutras,” Kawakami explained. It was also in the U.S. that Kawakami had a realization of another kind. The priest admits he was prejudiced against sexual minorities when he was younger, and only came to understand that ignorance through his experiences with friends and acquaintances in the States. “I was more conservative before I went to the U.S. I was anti-LGBT originally. But I had encountered racism in the southern [U.S.] states and learned what it felt like to be judged for being in a minority. “One of my friends came out and I had a kind of negative reaction at first, but he said ‘you know, it’s really similar to racism. You’ve faced judgement because you’re of a different race, so can you understand how I feel when people judge me for having a different sexual orientation?’ I thought ‘Wow, that’s true,’ and I changed my mind 180 degrees,” he explained. In 2004, after living in the States for around eight years, Kawakami returned to Japan to start his ascetic training at the Zuiganji temple in the northern Miyagi prefecture, as having experience as a priest would help prepare him for graduate school. In 2006, he finished his training and was intending to return to the U.S. for grad school. But he first returned to Shunkoin, where he had the opportunity to give an American acquaintance zazen meditation classes in English. Word got out about the classes, and tourists started calling. In 2007, Kawakami officially became deputy head priest at Shunkoin, and started offering meditation classes to more and more English speakers. “I started teaching meditation classes and meeting more interesting people here and I thought ‘maybe I can meet more people here doing this than by going to grad school or becoming a professor.’ Nobody was teaching meditation

KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com

in English, and temples weren’t really open to foreign visitors. Of course, tons of priests can speak English, but not many actually have experience in the U.S. or other countries, so I can do the cross-cultural, cross-religious thing. I thought I can be a good person to be here in a way. So that’s why, since then, I’ve been here,” he explained. The first person to ask about samesex wedding ceremonies was a woman from Spain who had visited Shunkoin many times to learn about zazen meditation. “She asked me, ‘Can we have our wedding here?’ and she asked me, ‘Is it ok because my partner is also a woman?” I said ‘Why not?’ I didn’t really need to think or anything, because that was normal for me in the U.S.” In 2010, the Spanish couple held a public wedding ceremony at Shunkoin. Kawakami says he holds about 20 weddings each year, and last year, eight of those 20 were gay and lesbian couples. “Two of the couples were Japanese, two men and two women, the others – at least one partner was from another country. We’ve had two Chinese couples. 2015 was the first year we had a couple where both individuals were Japanese, which made me happy. I hope we get more couples like them in the future,” he said. Kawakami’s liberal stance on marriage, it isn’t something he considers exclusive or specialized at the temple. “I’m not really specializing in LGBT weddings. In my case, it doesn’t matter, a wedding is a wedding. I don’t want to use labels like ‘same-sex marriage’ and ‘LGBT wedding’ because it’s labelling. It’s separating these couples from heterosexual couples, but for me, a wedding is a wedding.” Japan allows same-sex unions within its borders, though they are not legally binding, hence these couples aren’t given the legal rights and privileges that heterosexual couples have. While Kawakami’s ceremonies do not afford the couples the legal rights that a traditional heterosexual marriage certificate does, he is glad the ceremonies are making LGBT issues more visible in Japan. “The issue about Japan, if you are a minority then the majority of people

really don’t care in a way. You have to make this issue visible here. Five years ago nobody was talking about LGBT. Still people don’t know what LGBT is. They think those are issues happening overseas. Europe, United States, not in Japan. People say that. I get phone calls like that sometimes. People ask, ‘Why do you try to bring overseas issues to Japan?’ I have to say ‘No, it’s not like that.’” “Dentsu, the company, they did a survey, I think in 2012, which found that 7.9 percent of people here in Japan, as far as we know, they are part of the LGBT community. That means about seven percent of the people in Japan don’t have the option to get married. This cannot lead to happiness in Japan.” Kawakami also believes it’s not just about LGBT rights, but striving to become a society where immigrants, people with disabilities, women, and other minority groups can be happy. This is the path to happiness for the whole country, he says. Since the same-sex wedding ceremonies started at Shunkoin, he has given lectures at General Electric and the University of Tokyo, and has been invited to speak at other institutions. With the increasing awareness and acceptance of LGBT couples in Japan, like the recent official certificates issued to same-sex couples in Shibuya and Setagaya wards in Tokyo, Kawakami believes the country is slowly making steps in the right direction. “I want my daughter to live in a better society, a more equal society,” he says, “But this will take continuous effort on everyone’s behalf.” For Reverend Kawakami, the quest for equality is all in a life’s work. 

More Details Shunkoin Temple • Open: 8am–8pm • Access: JR Sagano Line from Kyoto Stn to Hanazono Stn (12 mins), 10-min walk from Hanazono Stn to the temple • Address: 42 Myoshinji-Cho, Hanazono, Ukyo-Ku, Kyoto 616-8035 • Tel: 07-5462-5488 • Email: rev.taka.kawakami@ gmail.com • Website: shunkoin.com To watch Rev. Kawakami’s Kyoto TED Talk on mindfulness and meditation, visit YouTube and search: “How mindfulness can help you to live in the present | Rev. Takafumi Kawakami”

“I was more conservative before I went to the U.S. I was anti-LGBT originally. But I had encountered racism in the southern [U.S.] states and learned what it felt like to be judged for being in a minority.”



KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com

仏前で祝う 同性結婚式 婚姻の平等推進に、一役買っている京都の僧侶がいる。 自身が副住職を務める春光院で、 ゲイやレズビアンのカップルのために仏 前結婚式を開催する川上全龍さんだ。 文:シーリア・ポーキンホーン 写真:ジェイソン・ハイダー 翻訳:遠藤 建

アメリカに渡る以前の私は、もっと保守的でした。LGBTに偏見があ ったのです。 でもアメリカ南部の州で人種差別を体験して、 マイノリティ ーに分類される人の気持がわかりました」

KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com

川上全龍(隆史)さんは、京都の寺院で生ま わかりました。あるときゲイをカミングアウト れ育った。それでも先祖代々の家業を継い した友人に、私がややネガティブな反応をし で禅僧になるつもりはなかったのだという。 たら彼はこう言うんです。 『これは人種差別 同性カップルと深く関わる人生となること にもよく似た問題なんだ。君も人種による決 も、ましてや婚姻の平等を提唱する活動を め付けを経験したことがあるのなら、異なっ 始めることも、まったく予想はできなかった。 たセクシャリティーを色眼鏡で見られる僕の そんな川上さんも、今では京都花園にあ 気持ちがわかるんじゃないか?』 と。まったく る春光院の副住職だ。当院5代目として住 そのとおりだと思い、それで考え方を180 職の父を支えながら、妻や娘(3歳) と一緒 度変えました」 に境内に住んでいる。 8年ほどアメリカで暮らした後、川上さん 外国人向けの座禅教室を主催する川上 は2004年に帰国して宮城県北部の瑞巌寺 さんは、ここでLGBT(レズビアン、ゲイ、バ で修行を始める。僧侶としての経験があれ イセクシュアル、 トランスジェンダー)の人々 ば、大学院への進学に有利になるという目 の結婚式もおこなっている。同性婚が合法 論見もあった。 的に認められていない日本で、初めて同性 2006年に修行を終えたら、大学院進学 同士の結婚式を挙行した仏教寺院が春光院 のためにアメリカに戻るつもりだった。だが なのである。 それに先立って、実家の春光院で知り合い 臨済宗妙心寺塔頭の春光院で、代々住 のアメリカ人に英語で座禅のレッスンをし 職を務める家に生まれた川上さんだが、高 たのが転機になった。このクラスが話題にな 校卒業後には一風変わった進路をとった。 って、旅行者からの問い合わせが増え始め 妙心寺派系列の花園高等学校を卒業する る。2007年、川上さんは正式に春光院の副 とアメリカに渡り、テキサス州ライス大学 住職となり、さらに多くの英語話者を迎えた での語学学習を経てアリゾナ州立大学に 座禅教室を開くようになったのである。 入学し、経済学と心理学を学ぶことになる 「座禅教室で教え始めてから、どんどん のである。 面白い人たちに会いました。大学院に行っ 「一人っ子でしたが、親が無理に寺を継 て大学教授を目指するよりも、ここにいるほ がせようとしたことはありません。自分でも うが出会いの機会に恵まれてるのではない 寺を継ぐ気はなかったので、まずは心理学 かと考えるようになります。座禅や瞑想を英 を学びました。ある意味で、心理学は宗教と 語で教えている人はいませんでした。寺院 は真逆の学問であると思っていたのです。 も外国人に対してあまり門戸を開いていま 私の頭の中では、宗教と科学は完全に別々 せん。もちろん英語を話す僧侶はたくさんい の領域に属するものでした」 ますが、アメリカなどでの海外経験がある人 しかし、そこに転機がやってくる。9.11の は少なく、ここにいれば文化や宗教を横断 同時多発テロ事件の後で、川上さんは専攻 した仕事ができると考えて、ここに残ること を宗教学に変えることにした。 にしたのです」 「9.11が起こって、ある教授が私に宗教 同性結婚式について初めて訊ねてきた に関する助言を求めてきました。その助言 のは、春光院の座禅教室に足繁く通ってい の相手というのが、当時アリゾナ州選出の たスペイン人女性だった。 上院議員で、国防にも造詣の深いジョン・マ 「ここで結婚式ができますか? 相手は ケイン氏だったのです。そのとき私は、宗教 女性ですが大丈夫ですか? と聞かれて、 学者になればさまざまなことに関われて面 私は 『もちろん』 と答えました。ほとんど考え 白そうだと思いました。宗教学といっても、 るまでもありませんでした。アメリカではご 聖書や経典の研究ばかりではありませんか く普通のことでしたから」 ら。新しい価値観や考え方を模索している 2010年、そのスペイン人のカップルが 多くの企業経営者たちも、哲学者、哲学教 晴れて挙式。それ以来、春光院では年に約 授、宗教学者、聖職者などとの対話を求め 20組の結婚式を開催し、昨年はそのうち8 ています」 組がゲイもしくはレズビアンのカップルであ アメリカ滞在中には、もうひとつの大き ったという。 な気づきがあった。若い頃にはセクシャル 「日本人同士のカップルも2組いました。 マイノリティーに無意識の偏見を持ってい 男性同士と女性同士です。その他のカップ た、と川上さんは告白する。それを自覚さ ルは少なくとも一方が外国人で、中国人カッ せてたのは、アメリカの友人とのある出来 プルも2組います。嬉しいことに、2015年 事だった。 は共に日本生まれのカップルが初めてここ 「アメリカに渡る以前の私は、もっと保 で挙式しました。将来は彼らのようなカップ 守的でした。LGBTに偏見があったのです。 ルをもっとお祝いしたいと願っています」 でもアメリカ南部の州で人種差別を体験し 結婚に対するリベラルなスタンスを、僧 て、マイノリティーに分類される人の気持が 侶である川上さんは特別なものだと思って

いない。 「LGBTの結婚式を専門にしているつも りはないんです。私が思うに結婚式は結婚 式だから、どんなカップルでも問題なし。同 性婚とか、LGBTの結婚式とか、レッテルを 貼っても意味がありません。同性カップルと 異性カップルは区別されていますが、私にと っては同じ結婚式なんです」 同性愛が容認されている日本であって も、カップルは法的なつながりを保証されて いるわけではなく、同性カップルは異性婚 の男女と同等の法的権利や恩恵を享受で きない。既存の結婚証明書のように、川上 さんが式を挙行することでカップルに法的 権利を与えられるわけでもない。それでも 彼はこの寺の同性結婚式が、日本のLGBT 問題の顕在化に寄与していることを嬉しく 思っている。 「マジョリティーの人々が、マイノリティ ーの個人についてあまり深く考えていない のが日本の問題です。このような問題を、ま ず日本で可視化しなければなりません。5年 前まではLGBTのことなど話題にも上りま せんでした。今でもLGBTが人々に理解さ れているとはいえず、海外の問題だと思わ れています。欧米の問題だから、日本は関係 ないという言葉も聞きました。そんな電話も かかってきますよ。 『なぜ海外の問題を日本 に持ち込もうとするんだ』 って。私は 『いや いや、海外の問題じゃないんですよ』 と答え るしかありません。電通がおこなった調査に よると、日本でも人口の7%以上がLGBTに 該当するようです。人口の7%が婚姻する 選択肢を持っていない国では、みんなが幸 せにはなれません」 これはLGBTの権利だけの問題ではない と川上さんは言う。移民、障害者、女性、そ の他のマイノリティーが幸せになれる社会 を作る努力こそが、国全体を幸福にする道 なのだと確信しているのだ。 春光院で同性結婚式が始まると、川上さ んはゼネラルエレクトリックや東京大学など から講演依頼が相次いだ。東京の渋谷区や 世田谷区で同性カップルに公的な証明書 の発行が始まったように、日本でも徐々に LGBTカップルが認知されて受け入れられ てきた。この国はゆっくりと正しい方向に歩 み始めていると川上さんは信じている。 「娘がよりよい社会で生きて欲しいと いう願いがあります。でもそのためには、あ らゆる人が不断の努力を続けなければなり ません」 仏門に仕える川上全龍さんにとって、平 等な社会の実現もまたライフワークのひと つなのである。



KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com


Matches Made in Kansai KS talks to three Japanese-American couples living in Kansai to find out what it’s like to live in Japan while being part of an international marriage. Text: KS • Images & Video: Felicity Tillack

 This month we’ve got a finger on Cupid’s pulse, and we’re curious about the international love matches made in Kansai, or cross-cultural couples that have returned to Kansai after meeting abroad. We know that there are international love stories abound in our expat community. But what is it like for these people, pairing up with someone from such a different cultural background than their own? Relationships can be hard at the best of times, but what unique challenges, and rewards, do these international couples experience? To honor the month of Saint Valentine, we decided to reach out to three married Kansai couples in international relationships to find out the nitty gritty. We visited them at their homes and captured all the fun on camera. This Valentine’s day we’ll release a video highlighting their best answers and funniest moments. What’s the story of how you got together?

S: Hm – maybe two! ... I was feeling pretty shy.

Alyse & Shota️ A: I think it was in 2009, my school had a study-abroad type thing...They did this program where we could go visit some animation studios in Japan...So when we met up that time, we went out that night for drinking or something...and then at the end of the night, when it was time to say goodbye, it was like really hard! We were like, “Why is it so difficult to say goodbye?!” And we sat in the lobby of a hotel for about five hours, just sitting there... cos neither one of us knew [what the other was thinking]...So we just sat there for about five or six hours... until somebody broke down and said – “Suki” (“I like you”). S: That time – how many cigarettes did we smoke? A: Probably one pack.

Theresa & Machi️ T: Through a friend. I, at the time, couldn’t speak Japanese very well. But since Machi could speak English, our friend suggested that next time they went out, I could come along, and that’s how we first met. Matt & Toshie M: I don’t think we had a first date. T: We were friends for a couple of months. M: Every date we went on was just as friends. T: And then he said, “Hey, do you have a boyfriend?” Right? And then what’d I say? “Uhhhhhh – I thought you were.” M: No, you asked me, “Do you have a girlfriend?” And I said, “Yes.” And you’re like, “Oh really?”

T: And I said, “Oh who is it?” And you said, “She is Japanese,” and then I said, “Oh, he likes Japanese,” and then you said… M: “It’s you.” T: And I said, “Oooooooh!” (laughs). What do you find unique or funny about being an international couple? Alyse & Shota️ A: Hugging. He’s super awkward, he’s not gotten better. I don’t know why, he’s all on the shoulders... His dad too, does like the one arm. It’s like (laughs), why just the one arm?… Him and his dad are like side huggers. They can’t do full frontal I guess. S: Side type ne. Theresa & Machi️ T: Machi’s grown up in this culture where it’s common sense to, you cook this dish this way or, you know,

KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com

 THE COUPLES…  Alyse & Shota️ Alyse Sugahara is from Maryland in the U.S. She works at a company translating and debugging video games, and producing manga and animation. Shota Sugahara is from Mie and is an aged care worker in Toyonaka. The couple got together in 2009 after having previously met in the U.S. in 2008 and becoming friends. They are now married and living together in Osaka.

 Theresa & Machi️ Theresa Stieger is from Oregon in the U.S., and has lived in Japan for nine years working as a writer, editor, and teacher. Machi Sakata grew up in Japan in Ehime, and went to university in the U.S. She works for Panasonic. The couple met in Osaka around seven years ago, and got married last year in Portland. They live in a house they bought and renovated together in Kyoto.

 Matt & Toshie Matt and Toshie Boucher have been married for over 20 years, and are living together with their two kids in Osaka. They run Craft Cafe Imazato – a bar for lovers of craft beer. Matt is originally from Oregon, and Toshie grew up in Osaka. The pair met when Toshie went to study abroad in the U.S.

you cut this vegetable this way. And whenever I would try and cook something, even simple like nabe or something, I would have to stop and ask, “How are you supposed to cut this vegetable because I don’t want to do it wrong,” and sometimes I wouldn’t ask and she’d say, “Why did you cut it like that?” It’s not like a fight but it’s those little things. Matt & Toshie️ M: I found out recently that I yell at the kids, I get angry at the kids in Japanese … You’ve said why – what was it? T: He doesn’t want them to see English as a bad thing. M: So I get angry at them in Japanese… I don’t think I knew I did it until she pointed it out. Have you had any awkward family or cultural moments? Or had any challenges living in your partner’s country? Alyse & Shota️ A: When we first got married...his first complaint was that I didn’t make a bento for him to take to work and his co-workers were laughing at him because he didn’t get a bento from his wife… And he was like, “Why don’t you make my bento and then they won’t laugh at me?” And I was like,

“Why do you care if they laugh at you?” S: But then when you did make me a bento, at lunch time I pulled out – a sandwich! And I was like, “Ehhhhh?!” It was delicious, but very unexpected. Theresa & Machi T: In our situation, being an international same-sex couple, I think we have some specific challenges... In the future, obviously, you know, we really hope that Japanese law changes and that they can recognize our marriage. I think it’ll happen. M: In 20 or 30 years. T: You think it’s gonna take that long? M: We have old, old, conservative politicians. Matt & Toshie️ M: Toshie’s father thought I took care of her in America...thought we were best friends...that’s it. Nothing more. Then I came to ask him to marry her and he was like, “WHAT THE HELL??” He was pissed off that we were hiding the relationship.” Do you have any advice for other people in an international relationship (or thinking about starting one)?

Alyse & Shota️ A: He’s a weird case of Japanese guy so… I have Japanese male friends but they’re still pretty conservative in a lot of the way they think. Like, they would not probably want their wives to have blue hair or huge piercings in their nose… So, go for the weirder Japanese guys (laughs) – they’re more open to change I think. S: Look out for that sandwich in your bento box! Theresa & Machi️ T: I think you need a balance. Like, it’s a two-way street. So just because we’re living in Japan, of course a lot of it’s on me to understand Japanese culture. But we’re in a relationship, we’re a team, so it goes both ways. M: It’s all about communication. Matt & Toshie T: You know, international marriage, it can be like, “Oh because he’s American, because of this we have this problem,” or something like that… It’s not like that. It’s just human to human. 

To hear more questions and juicer answers, and enjoy awkward moments and hilarious

banter, don’t forget to visit our website for the full video this February 14th! kansaiscene.com



KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com


Apps to Set Sparks Flying Seeking a special someone to be your 2016 Valentine? There’s an app for that! Here are three to keep your heart aflutter in this month of love. Text: Dave Wingler

Valentine’s Day, is replete with roses, chocolates and wishes of love. A day to spend with a special someone. However, some may be loved from a distance, and there are always those on the search for someone new. Enter these three special apps to ignite those sparks this February 14th.

• App Name: Tinder • Cost: Free with fees for extra features • What it Does: One of the most popular and loved dating apps on the market, Tinder helps match potential mates by using the power of visual attraction and matching interests. Connecting users through Facebook, Tinder shows you a possible lover. Swipe right to ‘like’ and left to say ‘nope’ to potential mates. • Why It’s Great: Although the first thing you see is a user’s picture, Tinder does not stop there. A tap of someone’s profile shows you their interests and even common friends, offering you more information to help you decide whether the person is one you would like to engage in conversation or not. Moreover, as opposed to other dating apps, you cannot receive messages from people you have not approved. • Developer: Tinder Inc. • Platform: Android and iOS • Website: gotinder.com

• App Name: Postagram • Cost: Free with a reasonable fee to send postcards • What it Does: Sometimes oldfashioned is the way to go in order to spread the love, and what could be more traditional than sending a postcard to your loved one on Valentine’s Day? Postagram allows you to use your device’s photographs to create personalized postcards and add an accompanying heartwarming message. Moreover, with a database filled with lovely templates, it helps you create that special card look even more beautiful than the photo you’re sending along! • Why It’s Great: The app is fast, easy to use, and creates an extremely rewarding end product. Creating postcards for a lover, family members, or friends, is simple and fun. The lucky recipient will want to keep theirs forever. • Developer: Sincerely Inc. • Platform: iOS and Android • Website: sincerely.com/postagram

• App Name: My Valentine Video Greeting • Cost: Free • What it Does: Stay in touch with your loved one, no matter where you might be. My Valentine Video Greeting allows users to record their own Valentine’s video and send it instantly to their chosen recipient. The result is just as personal as a handmade Valentine greeting, but is much quicker than snail mail. Your lover will get their message of love in a matter of minutes. • Why It’s Great: As opposed to websites and social media that can serve the same function, My Valentine Video Greeting allows users to add the much-needed personal touch to their videos. Instead of sending the same heart and flower videos that most people receive, you will be able to place your mark on the end result and create something unique for your loved ones. • Developer: A1Brains Infotech • Platform: iOS • Website: a1brains.net

David Wingler is an Apple Distinguished Educator and an applications developer, having created close to 20 apps for use in K-12 education environments. He is also a teacher at Osaka Kun-ei Girls’ Junior and Senior High.


KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com


Confess Your Love! If you’re planning to ask out a special Japanese someone this Valentine’s Day (barentaindee; バレンタインデー), as in start a more serious relationship, it’s important you understand kokuhaku (告白), the nerve-racking custom of confessing one’s love. Kokuhaku literally means “confession,” and is done when a man or a woman declares their love to another in the hopes of starting to date that person, and begin a romantic relationship. Everything starts from the act kokuhaku, and not much, besides fairly platonic friendship, usually happens before it. The most basic way of confessing this is to say, “Sukidesu.Tsukiattekudasai.” (好きです。付き合ってください。) This translates to, “I love you, can we start seeing each other?” It marks the beginning of a serious boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. You may have hung out with the person a few times, but your relationship hasn’t technically started until this confession of love is made. You may have heard the expression “aishiteru” (愛している) – “I love you” – before, but the Japanese barely use it. Aishteru has much more weight than “I love you” in English, and is reserved for the truly special people in a Japanese person’s life. For your kokuhaku, a simple “suki desu” (好きです) – “I like you” – will do. But, if you’re feeling like you want to be a bit more elaborate, the table below has some other options you could try. So, pluck up your courage, get out there and kokuhaku shiyou! (Confess!).

 Useful Expressions ROMAJI



Kekkon o zentei ni otsukiai sasetekudasai.

結婚を前提にお付き合 いさせてください。

The expression means, “I would like to have a relationship with you with the goal of eventually getting married.” It may seem overly practical and not very romantic, but some people think it’s a waste of time to date someone who is not looking to get married.

Hontou wa anata ga suki.


“Honestly, I like you.” A simple, natural confession that is a little more sentimental.

Boku / Watashi wa kimi no koto ga suki nanda.


“I’m in love with you.” Boku is for guys to use and watashi is said by girls. This might seem like the optimal confession, but as the Japanese 君のことが好きなんだ。 don’t usually go deep into emotional feelings, you’re probably more likely to hear this on a TV drama.

Watashi wa anata ni hitomebore shita.


Watashi wa, tomodachi ijō to shite anata no koto wo kangaete iru.


私はあなたに一目惚れ 私は、 友達以上として いる。

Anata wa watashi ni totte, totemo daiji na sonzai desu.

あなたは私にとって、 と

Mou, kare no koto wa wasurenayo.

もう、 彼の事は忘れ

Soredemo anata to tsukiaitai.


Watashi-tachi wa issho ni naru unmei datta n da.






“I fell in love with you at first sight.” This is kokuhaku – a love confession – but again, chances are you won’t hear it in real life. “I think of you as more than a friend.” Ready to push past the platonic phase? This is a good one to ease you past the friendship barrier. “You mean so much to me.” Although strong by Japanese standards, this expression of affection should be well received. “You should just forget about him already.” “Him” could also be a “her” kanojo, and sometimes people just need a little persuasion. You never know, you might be a superior match. “I still want a relationship with you.” Maybe you’ve been on the rocks and are discussing your future, or perhaps you’re swooping in for your second attempt. In either situation, this could come in handy. “We were meant to be together.” This only works sometimes - primarily when the person you’re saying it to really wants to be with you. Best to make sure this is said post-kokuhaku, or you might scare them off.


KANSAI SCENE MAGAZINE | ISSUE #189 FEBRUARY 2016 | kansaiscene.com

Food & Drink

Foodspotting Wining and dining this month? Treat yourself and someone else to one of these three cosy lunch and dinner spots near Osaka Temmangu Shrine. Text & Images: KS




The exquisite three-piece lunchtime starters are one of LULI’s great draws. Different each time you go, it could be any creative combination of seafood, vegetables, and meat that you could imagine. Lunch goes until 2pm, and a ¥900 pasta lunch will get you a choice from three pastas, a drink, and a gourmet starter containing three of these delicious morsels. Portion sizes are just right. If dining at dinner time, try a steak dish with a choice red from their ample wine list. They also offer all-you-can-drink and course menus. The half-dome-shaped dining area is beautifully spacious and naturally lit. The green, creeper vines hanging down over the curtains offer an alfresco vibe without being exposed to the elements. Service is second-to-none.

Open for dinner only, the don’t-miss dish at Barcelona is the carbonara sizzled in the big cheese – literally a giant wheel of Parmesan cheese heated with a blowtorch, brought to your table for the dish to be prepared right under your nose. A truly mouth-watering experience. There is plenty to choose from when it comes to their extensive wine list – anything to match your delicious Spanish-style tapas. Dishes are to share, service is very down-toearth, friendly, and accommodating. As most of the seating is comprised of sectioned-off booths, Barcelona is a great restaurant to bring the kids along to, but the privacy of the booths also offers an intimate night out for two.

This beautiful, little space really does have a modern mother’s homely touch – lotus flower lamps, big orange, purple, and green cushions, red and cream table runners – and mom herself greets you with hot tea and a blanket as you walk in. Super intimate, and comfortably seating around 15 people, tables seat two people with one arranged for a group of six. Drop by at lunch time and get the layered lunch set for only ¥800, including rice, miso soup, Japanese pickles, salmon gratin, salad, and chicken nanban. The food is 100 percent home-style Japanese – nutritious, delicious, and impeccably presented. Möm does have a very respectable wine list though, and a full drinks menu including beer, cocktails, whiskey, shochu, and sake. Mom’s the word.

Open: 5pm–1am • Closed: Sunday • Price Range: ¥1,500–¥2,500 • Access: JR

Open: Lunch 11:30am–2pm; Dinner

Osakatemmangu Stn or Minamimorimachi

5pm–10pm • Price Range: ¥900–¥3,000

Subway Stn, just outside Exit 4-B

Open: Lunch 11:30am–3pm; Dinner

• Access: JR Osakatemmangu Stn or

• tabelog.com/osaka/A2701/

5:30pm–10:30pm • Price Range: ¥800–

Minamimorimachi Subway Stn, Exit 4,

A270103/27042874 • Facebook: Search

¥2000 • Access: JR Osakatemmangu Stn

3-min walk • Search “LULI Osaka” on

スペイン居酒屋 バルセロナ (supenn izakaya

or Minamimorimachi Subway Stn, Exit 4,

tabelog.com/en • Facebook: Search LULI-


3-min walk • tabelog.com/osaka/A2701/



 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai

Events  Feb 6

 Feb 13 & 14

Living Hina Doll にんげん雛まつり

Otou Matsuri – Flaming Torch Ritual 御燈祭り Kamikura Shrine, Wakayama  Feb 6 FREE

One of the greatest fire festivals in Japan, Otou Matsuri, takes place in mid-winter every year in Shingu City, Wakayama. Watch thousands of men in white dash down steep steps holding flaming torches in their hands. This is a vigorous purification ritual with a 1,400-year history. At around 8pm, approximately 2,000 men, known as agariko, will sprint down the 538 stone steps from the top of Mount Kamikura sending flames leaping and sparks flying! With fire ablaze, streaming along behind them, the locals call the procession a fire dragon. This spectacle attracts many tourists every year.

Gokasho Omishonin-Yashiki, Shiga  Feb 13 & 14

Hina matsuri (Girls’ Festival) is one of the most important festivals in Japan. It is the day that families pray for the happiness and prosperity of their young daughters. Many families display a set of figurines called hina-ningyo for this day of celebration. A peaceful and old town, Gokasho Omishonin-Yashiki hosts a visiting hina doll event from February 2nd until March 21st. There, visitors will get the chance to admire beautiful dolls, which have been passed down through many generations. In a special attraction, a real, human hina-ningyo will appear at one of the historic houses in the town on the 13th and 14th. The living hina-ningyo doll will serve shirozake (a special Girls’ Day drink) and sweets to visitors. Time: 10am–11:30am & 2pm–3:30pm • Admission: ¥600

Time: 5pm • Admission: Free • Access: JR Shingu Stn, 15-min walk •

adults, concessions • Access: JR Notogawa Stn, bus to


Plaza Sanpoyoshi • higashiomi.net

 Feb 6 & 7

One World Festival ワン・ワールド・フェスティバル Kansai Telecasting Corporation, Ogimachi Square and Surroundings, Osaka  Feb 6 & 7 FREE

The One World Festival, an event dedicated to promoting international cooperation, will be held over two days this month. It’s the festival’s 23rd year providing information on issues such as peace, human rights and the environment. Local government, NGOs, NPOs, international institutions, and local administration will get together and introduce their activities to collaborate with people from all over the world. There will be a variety of events to enjoy on this day, including panel discussions, seminars on world peace and environmental protection, live music and dance shows from various countries, exhibitions of ethnic costumes and dressing, food stalls serving world cuisine, and much more. Time: 10am–5pm • Admission: Free • Access: JR Temma Stn, 3-min walk • interpeople. or.jp/owf/about.html



 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai  Feb 25

Listings February Salon Du Chocolate サロン・デュ・ショコラ JR Kyoto Isetan, Kyoto  Until Feb 14

Chocolate lovers, do not miss this international chocolate extravaganza! Among many other exciting events, celebrity chefs will showcase their latest recipes, and Kyoto Isetan’s special confectioneries will be on sale. Provided by Biwako Visitors Bureau

Fire-walk Ritual 火渡り神事

Plum Tree Bonsai Exhibition

Sugahara Shrine, Shiga  Feb 25

This is an extreme Japanese cultural experience. In this religious ritual, people walk over flaming-hot embers. It is believed that evil spirits will be burnt out and good fortune brought upon the subject, while they walk on the bed of fiery embers. Here’s a tip for first-timers: brace yourself for some white-hot ash, then walk on your heels to the other edge of the three-meter burning patch. Registration opens at 9am for those wishing to participate in the fire walk. The first 130 people will be accepted. Time: 10am • Admission: ¥1,500 (free to watch) • Access: JR Yasu Stn, bus to Ebe, 7-min walk • biwako-visitors.jp/event/detail/13500

 Feb 28

Time: 10am–8pm (10am–6pm Feb 14) • Admission: Free • Access: JR Kyoto Stn • kyoto.wjr-isetan.co.jp/ index.html

Celebration of Kyoto Cuisine 京都・和食の祭典2016 Gion Kobu Kaburenjo, Kyoto  Feb 28 FREE

Savor the culinary delights of Kyoto! Passed down from generation to generation, these traditional meals have been recently designated by UNESCO as having cultural importance. Learn all about Kyoto’s food culture from daily dishes to sumptuous dinner preparations. The program includes a tasting of everyday dishes cooked by famous chefs, sampling high-quality authentic stock, booths serving local cuisine, an exhibition of Kyoto-style bento (lunchbox food), a market, and much more. Time: 10am–4pm • Admission: Free • Access: Keihan Line, Gion-Shijo Stn, 7-min walk • washoku-kyoto.jp

長浜盆梅展 Keiun-Kan, Shiga  Until Mar 13

With vivid colours and exotic aromas, this plum tree bonsai exhibition is an extravaganza for your senses. Enjoy over 90 magnificent pots, including a 400 year-old bonsai and one that is 3m tall, set in a traditional Japanese house.

Time: 9am–5pm • Admission: ¥500 adults, concessions • Access: JR Nagahama Stn, 3-min walk • kitabiwako.jp/bonbai

Sennin-Boro Hot Spring 仙人風呂 Kawayu Onsen, Wakayama  Until Mar 21

A natural outdoor hot spring is set up for free. This giant open-air bath created on the banks of Ohtou river is open only during the winter. Time: 6:30am–10pm • Admission: Free • Access: JR Shingu Stn bus to Kawayu Onsen • kumano-shingu. com/index.html

Setsubun – Bean Throwing Ceremony 節分 福付き豆まき Kimiidera Temple, Wakayama  Feb 3

Join the bean throwing ceremony held to scare away evil ogres and bring good fortune for the year to come. Following a solemn ritual, beans and premium goods will be scattered from the stage at grounds of the temple.

Time: 4pm • Admission: ¥200 adults, concessions • Access: JR Kimiidera Stn, 10-min walk • kimiidera.com

Snow Festival 万博記念公園雪まつり

 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai

Expo ’70 Commemorative Park, Osaka  Feb 6 & 7

A large patch in Omatsuri-hiroba Square will be blanketed with real snow transported from the mountains. This is a great day out with food and fun for the whole family.

Time: 10am–4pm • Admission: Free (Usual entry charge applies: ¥250 adults, concessions) • Access: Osaka Monorail Bampaku-kinenkoen Stn • expo70-park.jp

Cloth Craft Exhibition 布博 in 京都 vol.3 Miyakomesse, Kyoto  Feb 6 & 7

Craft works made of textiles and fabrics will be showcased and sold. Weaving, needlework, knitting, and many other handmade crafts produced by over 70 artists will be on show.

Time: 11am–5pm on the 6th, 10am–4pm on the 7th • Admission: ¥500 adults, concessions • Access: Subway Higashiyama Stn, 8-min walk • textilefabrics. jp/201602kyoto

Fishing Show Osaka 2016 フィッシングショー大阪2016 Intex Osaka, Osaka  Feb 6 & 7

The latest and popular fishing tackles are on display and on sale in this event, one of the largest of its kind in Japan. Hands-on fishing workshops for children, a fish print workshop, fine food stalls, and more will be available during the event. Time: 9am–5pm • Admission: ¥1,200 (¥1,400 at door) adults, concessions • Access: Cosmosquare Subway Stn, 9-min walk • fishing.or.jp

World Hobby Fair ’16 次世代ワールドホビーフェア’ 16 Kyocera Dome Osaka, Osaka  Feb 7

It is a large showcase of video games, toys with the latest technologies and trendy arcade machines. Visitors can try these newest toys as much as they like for free and also buy them. Time: 9am–4pm • Admission: Free • Access: Hanshin Dome-mae Stn • whobby.com

Tennoji Community Rakugo Comedy Show てんのじ村寄席・英語落語の会 Sano Fukushi-Kaikan, Osaka

 Feb 13

A traditional Japanese comedy will be performed in English. Sitting on the stage, an entertainer tells comical stories. No need for subtitles! Time: 2:30pm • Admission: ¥500 • Access: Subway Dobutsuen-mae Stn, 5-min walk • rakutopia.jp/ tennojimura-yose

Chinese New Year Celebration 2016 春節祭 Kobe Nankin-Machi, Hyogo  Feb 8 & 11–14

Expect firecrackers, spectacular dragon and lion dances to take over the town in Kobe as Nankin-machi celebrates the arrival of the Year of the Monkey! Take in Chinese cuisine, kung-fu demonstrations, a parade of historical figures and all things from China! Time: 11am • Admission: Free • Access: JR / Hanshin Motomachi Stn, 5-min walk • nankinmachi.or.jp

Japanese Blue Light Show なら瑠璃絵 Nara Park, Nara  Feb 8–14

Featuring ruri lapis lazuli, which the blue color that ancient Nara people loved, this fantastic light show will take place. Events include sacred music and dance performances, goodies stalls, live jazz music and many other exciting attractions.

Four ogres march around a temple hall with heavy footsteps and throw flaming torches into the garden. This ceremony marks the beginning of spring in 600-year-old tradition. Time: 1pm • Admission: Free • Access: JR Tanigawa Stn, 30-min walk • chikurinzan.info

Shikayose – Herding Deer with The Pastoral Symphony No.6 鹿寄せ Tobihino in Nara Park  Feb 11–Mar 13

To the sound of a live French horn version of Beethoven’s 6th Symphony, hundreds of wild deer compete in a mad rush to eat acorns poured onto the ground by event staff. Time: 10am (Closed Mon) • Admission: Free • Access: JR / Kintetsu Nara Stn, bus to Kasugataisha Omotesando • naradeer.com/index.html

Osaka Auto Messe 2016 大阪オートメッセ2016 Intex Osaka, Osaka  Feb 12–14

The Osaka Auto Messe is one of the largest motor shows focusing on various parts for car modification, tuning and customising. Events include a model car exhibition, live performances, fun activities for children and more.

Time: 6pm–9pm • Admission: Free • Access: JR / Kintetsu Nara Stn, 15-min walk • rurie.jp

Time: 9am–6pm • Admission: ¥2,100 (¥2,700 at door) adults, concessions • Access: Cosmosquare Subway Stn, 9-min walk • automesse.jp

Sunakake Matsuri – Sand Fight Festival

Stair Running at JR Kyoto Station


第19回JR京都駅ビル「大階段 駆け上がり大会」

Hirose-Taisha, Nara  Feb 11

A fierce sand fight will take place between shrine workers and visitors in this religious event. Wear a raincoat so your clothes don’t get covered in sand! Also rice-growing mime is performed before the sand ritual. Time: 11am • Admission: Free • Access: JR Horyuji Stn, 30-min walk / 10-min bike ride / 5-min taxi ride • hirosetaisya.com

Onikoso – Scare Away Evil Ogres 鬼こそ 追儺式 Chikurinzan Joshoji Temple, Hyogo  Feb 11

JR Kyoto Stn  Feb 20

Cheer for sprinters running up the 171 stairs of the Kyoto station building. 80 teams will compete fiercely in this tough race.

Time: 11am–4pm • Admission: Free • Access: JR Kyoto Stn • kbs-kyoto. co.jp/contents/information/2015/ info_046724.htm

Godairiki-Son Ninno-E (A Strength Contest)

temple. 90kg kagami-mochi rice cake for female participants. Register before 11:30am on the day if you would like to try.

Time: 12 Noon • Admission: ¥600 adults, concessions • Access: Daigo Subway Stn, 10-min walk • daigoji. or.jp

The Japan Flower Design Award 日本フラワーデザイン大賞2016 Miyakomesse, Kyoto  Feb 27 & 28

Flower designers from Japan and abroad compete for the champion ship at this large floral design contest. A wide variety of art works featuring flowers will be on display. There will also be a demonstration of creating the art works and a workshop for children. Time: 10am–7pm on the 27th, 10am–5pm on the 28th • Admission: ¥1,000 (¥1,200 at door) • Access: Higashiyama Subway Stn, 8-min walk • nfd.or.jp/event/ jfd-award

Kansai Collection 2016 Spring & Summer 関西コレクション2016 S/S Kyocera Dome Osaka, Osaka  Feb 28

The Kansai Collection is a biannual gala of fashion and music where a stunning catwalk show and music performances of popular artists take place. Also numbers of booths serving fashionable things from nail art to hair products! Time: 1pm (open venue)–8:30pm • Admission: ¥3,000 (¥3,500 at door) • Access: Hanshin Dome-mae Stn • kansai-collection.net/index.html

March Girls Day Ceremony 流し雛 Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto  Mar 3

It is a historic ceremony for girls’ good health where they float paper hina dolls down the stream on straw dishes; visitors can participate in it. There will also be many other attractions.

Time: 10:20am • Admission: Free • Access: Keihan Demachiyanagi Stn, 10-min walk • shimogamo-jinja.or.jp

五大力尊仁王会 餅上げ力奉納 Daigoji Temple, Kyoto  Feb 23

Challengers try to lift 150kg of kagami-mochi (rice cake) to offer their strength to the deity of the

Find more listings online: www.kansaiscene.com/ listings



 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai

Cinema Listings (selected theaters) Osaka Toho Cinemas Umeda Tel: 06-6316-1312 • tohotheater. jp • Discounts: Weds (women), 1st & 14th of the month: ¥1,100, every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Star Wars: The Force

Awakens, Creed, Spectre, The Walk, The Beauty Inside (KOR), In the Heart of the Sea, Paddington, Bridge of Spies, Crimson Peak • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 11: Carol • From Feb 12: Steve Jobs • From Feb 19: Sherlock: The Abominable Bride • From Feb 20: Point Break

The Martian

Umeda Burg7 Tel: 06-4795-7602 • burg7.com • Discounts: Weds (women) 1st of the month: ¥1,100; every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Star Wars: The

Force Awakens, Spectre, The Walk, Memories (KOR), In The Heart of The Sea, Monsters: Dark Continent, Bridge of Spies, Straight Outta Compton • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 6: The Gunman • From Feb 20: Point Break

Cine Libre Umeda Tel: 06-6440-5930 • ttcg.jp/ cinelibre_umeda • Discounts: Weds (women, men), 1st and 15th of the month: ¥1,000

Now Showing: Helios (CHI),

Foodies, Dearest (CHI), One on One (KOR), The Cut, Violette (FR), Comet, Art and Craft, A Film About Coffee, 2 Automnes 3 Hivers (FR), The Strange Case of Angelica (POR), Woman In Gold, She’s Funny That Way, The President • From Feb 13: Saul Fia (HUN), Ulyana Lopatkina: A Russian Star (FR) • From Feb 20: Maggie Also Showing: Strangerland, Around the World In 50 Concerts

Theatre Umeda Tel: 06-6359-1080 • ttcg.jp/ theatre_umeda • Discounts: Weds (women, men), 1st of the month: ¥1,000

Now Showing: Trois souvenirs de

ma jeunesse (FR), Timbuktu (FR), Hrútar (ICE), Les Souvenirs (FR) • From Feb 13: 5 Flights Up, In No Great Hurry: 13 Lessons in Life with Saul Leiter • From Feb 20: 99 Homes • From Feb 27: The Shell Collector

Osaka Station City Cinema Tel: 06-6346-3215 • osakastationcitycinema.com • Discounts: Weds (women), 1st of the month: ¥1,100, every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Black Mass,

American Ultra, The Walk, In the Heart of the Sea, It Follows, Bridge of Spies, Suite Française (FR), Pawn Sacrifice, Creed, Star Wars: The Force Awakens • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 12: Steve Jobs, Dheepan (FR) • From Feb 20: Point Break • From Feb 27: The Finest Hours

Toho Cinemas Namba Tel: 06-6633-1040 • tohotheater. jp • Discounts: Weds (women), 1st & 14th of the month: ¥1,100, every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Black Mass,

Memories (KOR), The Walk, About Ray, In the Heart of the Sea, Paddington, It Follows, Crimson Peak, Suite Francaise, Bridge of Spies, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Creed, Spectre • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 11: Carol • From Feb 12: Steve Jobs • From Feb 19: Sherlock: The Abominable Bride • From Feb 20: Point Break

Namba Parks Cinema Tel: 06-6643-3215 • parkscinema. com • Discounts: Weds (women), 1st of the month: ¥1,100; every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Black Mass, The

Walk, American Ultra, In the Heart of the Sea, The Physician, Paddington, Bridge of Spies, Straight Outta Compton, Creed, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Spectre, Seasons • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 6: The Gunman • From Feb 20: Cooties, Point Break • From Feb 27: The Finest Hours, The Hateful Eight

Cinem@rt Tel: 0662820815 • cinemart.co.jp/ theater/shinsaibashi • Discounts: Mon (men), Weds (women), 1st and 25th of the month: ¥1,000

Now Showing: Two Night Stand,

The Case Against 8, My Love My Bride (KOR), Memories (KOR) • From Feb 13: Saul Fia (HUN)

Kyoto Movix Kyoto Tel: 07-5254-3215 • smt-cinema. com • Discounts: Weds (women), 1st and 20th of the month: ¥1,100; every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Black Mass, Foodies,

The Walk, American Ultra, In the Heart of the Sea, Paddington, Bridge of Spies, Creed, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Spectre • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 20: Cooties, Point Break • From Feb 27: The Finest Hours, The Hateful Eight

Kyoto Cinema Tel: 07-5353-4723 • kyotocinema.jp • Discounts: Weds (women & men), 1st of the month: ¥1,100

Now Showing: Trois souvenirs de

ma jeunesse (FR), The Cut, Violette (FR), The Strange Case of Angelica (POR), Life • From Feb 6: Sagrada: El misteri de la creació, Les Uns et les Autres (FR), Awakenings • From Feb 13: Saul Fia (HUN) • From Feb 20: Les souvenirs (FR), Jack (GER) • From Feb 27: 5 Flights Up, Im Labyrinth des Schweigens (GER)

Toho Cinemas Nijo Tel: 07-5813-2410 • tohotheater. jp • Discounts: Weds (women), 1st & 14th of the month: ¥1,100, every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Black Mass, The

walk, The Beauty Inside (KOR), About Ray, In the Heart of the Sea, Paddington, Bridge of Spies, Crimson Peak, Suite Francaise, It Follows, Creed, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Spectre, Pawn Sacrifice • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 11: Carol • From Feb 12: Steve Jobs, Dheepan (FR) • From Feb 19: Sherlock: The Abominable Bride • From Feb 20: Point Break

Hyogo OS Cinema Mint Kobe Tel: 07-8291-5330 • jollios.net • Discounts: Tues (women), 1st and 16th of the month: ¥1,100; every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Star Wars: The

Force Awakens, Black Mass, The Walk, The Beauty Inside (KOR), In the Heart of the Sea, Paddington,

Crimson Peak, Bridge of Spies, He Named Me Malala, Spectre, The Peanuts Movie • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 12: Steve Jobs • From Feb 20: Point Break • From Feb 27: The Finest Hours

Kobe Kokusai Shochiku Tel: 07-8230-3580 • smt-cinema. com • Discounts: Tues (women), 1st of the month: ¥1,100; every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: The Walk, In the

Heart of the Sea, American Ultra, Creed, Straight Outta Compton • From Feb 13: Foodies • From Feb 20: Cooties • From Feb 27: The Hateful Eight

OS Cinema Kobe Harborland Tel: 07-8360-3788 • jollios.net • Discounts: Tues (women), 1st and 16th of the month: ¥1,100; every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Star Wars: The Force

Awakens, Black Mass, The Walk, In the Heart of the Sea, Bridge of Spies, Creed, Spectre, Les Saisons (FR) • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 20: Point Break • From Feb 27: The Finest Hours

Cine Libre Kobe Tel: 07-8334-2126 • ttcg.jp/ cinelibre_kobe • Discounts: Weds (women, men), 1st and 15th of the month: ¥1,100

Now Showing: Dearest (CHI),

About Ray, The Cut, She’s Funny That Way, Pawn Sacrifice, Fehér Isten (HUN), Woman In Gold, The President, Suite Francaise • From Feb 6: Les Souvenirs (FR) • From Feb 12: Dheepan (FR) • From Feb 27: Saul Fia (HUN) Also Playing: Life

Toho Cinemas Nishinomiya OS Tel: 050-6868-5051 • tohotheater. jp • Discounts: Weds (women), 1st & 14th of the month: ¥1,100, every day after 8pm: ¥1,300

Now Showing: Black Mass, The

Walk, About Ray, In the Heart of the Sea, Paddington, Bridge of Spies, Suite Francaise, It Follows, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Creed, Spectre • From Feb 5: The Martian • From Feb 11: Carol • From Feb 12: Steve Jobs • From Feb 19: Sherlock: The Abominable Bride • From Feb 20: Point Break

Note: for show times and ticket information, please contact the cinemas directly


 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai  Until Mar 21 The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto



Fukumi Shimura’s Exhibition

Shimura Fukumi, Geranium Thunbergii, 2000, exhibit until 28th Feb.

One of Japan’s living national treasures, senshoku dyeing and weaving artisan Fukumi Shimura transforms nature with her masterful technique of mixing both rustic and vibrant colors from plants. She is passionate about coexisting with nature and said once that she “borrows the true colors from plants and trees.” In a world driven by the Internet, machinery, and technology, she seeks to remind us of the inherent beauty of nature, and also stresses the importance of protecting the environment. From her earliest works to her latest pieces, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto is showcasing her 60 years’ worth of works, exploring the essence of her art and its appeal. Fukumi Shimura’s Exhibition • Open: 9:30am–5pm (last entry 4:30pm) • Closed: Mon (Open Mar 21) • Admission: ¥900 • Access: Okazaki koen bijyutsukan, Heian Jingu mae bus stop from JR Kyoto Stn • momak.go.jp

 Until Mar 21 The National Museum of Art, Osaka

Treasures in Hasedera and the Eleven-faced Goddess of Mercy


Hasedera is the main temple of the Buzan sect of Shingon Buddhism and was built in 686 in Nara prefecture. It became a special place for the Elevenfaced Goddess of Mercy after her creation in 724. The Eleven-headed Kannon brings 10 profits in this world and four fortunes in the next world. Today there are about 240 temples in Japan which worship the style of the Eleven-headed Kannon. It was an influencing factor in Japanese history when strong religious faith expanded from the aristocracy to ordinary people. At this exhibition, historically significant objects of art, a statue of Kannon, and other treasures from Hasedera will be shown.

After graduating from an art university in Kyoto, Yuji Takeoka, who was born in 1946, moved to Germany to further his studies. He began showing his work at the beginning of the 80s, and made his debut with “pedestal sculptures” designed to raise the supports used to display sculptures to the level of other artworks in a gallery. The idea was to highlight what we as viewers commonly overlook, shining the spotlight on the bases by crafting them using stylish shapes and colors. What’s on the bases is space. He guides us to pay attention to absence of subjects and consider things such as the act of seeing and the state of a display space. Instead of making works that are imprinted with individual characteristics, Takeoka focuses on presentation as a work in itself. With approximately 20 selected works from his 30 years of life as an artist, this exhibition offers a very unique way to think about art through the absence of art.

Treasures in Hasedera and the

Yuji Takeoka Exhibition •

Eleven-faced Goddess of Mercy

Open: 10am–5pm (until

• Open: 10-8pm (Until 6pm

7pm Fri) (last entry 30

Mon, Sat, Sun) (last entry 30

mins before closing) •

mins before closing) • Closed:

Closed: Mon (open Mar

Mon (open Mar 7,14 & 21) •

21) • Admission: ¥430 •

Admission: ¥1,300 • Access: JR

Access: Higobashi Stn •

Tennoji Stn • aham.jp


Yuji Takeoka, Untitled, 1989, Private collection

Standing Nanda Ryūō, Syunkei


ⓒ Takeoka Yuji, courtesy of WAKO WORKS OF ART Photograph by: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf

 Until Mar 27

 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai

Art Listings Osaka Yugo Kohrogi “Pond” Yoshimi Arts •  Until Feb 21

Yoshimi Arts is this month holding Tokyo-based artist Yugo Kohrogi’s private exhibition. With brushstrokes that resemble both vaporous ribbons of smoke and swirls of whipped cream, Kohrogi creates abstract representations of the nude female body that are ghostlike in composition yet decorated with sweet, vivid color. Looking at Kohrogi’s paintings is like starting at the reflection on the surface of a pond. With his bold strokes of fleshcolored pain, he expresses images of raw desire in vaguely human forms, characterizing the physical and spiritual synthesis of erotic passion. Open : 11am–7pm daily • Admission: Free • Access: Higobashi Stn • yoshimiarts.com

Imported Ceramic Products Unearthed in Osaka Osaka Museum of History •  Until Feb 15

After Hideyoshi Toyotomi, a preeminent daimyo, warrior, general, samurai, and political leader of the Sengoku period, chose Osaka as his base and constructed the magnificent Osaka Castle, Osaka became the political and economic center of Japan. Trading was a big part of that, and ceramic products from East Asia were introduced to Osaka in the early modern period as goods for trading. This exhibition showcases ceramic products imported from various countries and regions that became part of the lives of the people in Osaka. Open: 9:30am–7pm (last entry 6:30pm) • Closed: Tue (open when a national holiday and closed following day) • Admission: ¥600 • Access: Tanimachi-4-Chome Stn • mus-his.city.osaka.jp

Kabuki Picture Signboard Itsuoh Museum •  Until March 6

A kabuki (classical Japanese dance-drama) picture signboard is on show depicting a scene in a town in the Meiji period of Japan. After the Meiji period began, clothing, vehicles, and buildings were Westernized. People wore kimono with leather shoes, and pocket watches. In kabuki theater, new types of plays were staged. This exhibition displays a picture signboard showcasing the new fashion customs of the time.

Open: 10am–5pm (last entry 4:30pm) • Closed: Mon • Admission: ¥700 • Access: Hankyu Ikeda Stn • hankyu-bunka.or.jp


Czech art nouveau painter and decorative artist Alphonse Mucha traveled to work in such places as Vienna, Munich, Paris, New York, and Prague. He was inspired by the people he met on his journeys. This exhibition traces his meanderings and introduces his many paintings, illustrations, advertisements, postcards, and designs. Open: 9:30am–5:15pm (last entry 4:30pm) • Closed: Mon (open when a national holiday and closed following day) • Admission: ¥500 • Access: JR Sakai Stn • mucha.sakaibunshin.com

Kyoto Keisuke Matsuda “UNREVIVABLE” eN arts •  Until Feb 14

“I try to paint the image that flashes in my mind, but the image is impossible to revive to reexamine. So the best way for me to paint the image is to do so quickly, before it disappears from my mind,” says Keisuke Matsuda. This is one problem that has been bothering Matsuda in his work for years. The image he sees stays in his mind only for a short time, so he cannot remember its details. He constantly challenges himself to recreate the exact images in his imagination on canvas. His new paintings, with bold brush strokes and unique color combinations seem to be zoomed in so that they just pop out of canvas.

Open: 12pm–6pm Fri, Sat, Sun (other hours by appt) • Admission: Free • Access: Gion bus stop • en-arts.com

Martine Franck Exhibition Kahitsukan •  Until Feb 28

Photographer Martine Franck was born in Belgium, raised in America, and lived in England, France, and Spain. Her international life created in her a sense of existence without borders, and she started to explore this through photographs. This show is divided into four themes: Children, Portrait, Ireland, and Bresson and his friends. Her husband Bresson was also a great photographer, but didn’t allow anyone but his wife Martine to take his picture. Open: 10am–6pm (last entry 5:30pm) • Closed: Mon (open when a national holiday) • Admission: ¥1,000 • Access: Keihan Gion-Shijo Stn • kahitsukan.or.jp

 Until Feb 14 Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art

GIORGIO MORANDI Infinite Variations Giorgio Morandi (1890–1964), one of the important artists of 20th-century Italy, was a painter and print maker who specialized in still life. His paintings are renowned for their subtle tones in rendering apparently simple subjects, which were limited mainly to bottles, bowls, vases, flowers, and landscapes. With great sensitivity to tone, color, and compositional balance, he would depict the simplicity yet significance of these objects. Through his simple and repetitive motifs, and unique style, Morandi became a prescient and important forerunner of Minimalism. At this solo exhibition, there are about 100 paintings, mainly borrowed from Morandi Museum in Bologna, Italy, which will introduce you to his world of art. Enjoy the Morandi journey. Giorgio Morandi’s still-life exhibition • Open: 10am–6pm; Fri & Sat until 8pm (last entry 30 mins before closing) • Closed: Mon • Admission: ¥1,400 • Access: Hanshin Iwaya Stn • artm. pref.hyogo.jp Giorgio Morandi《Still Life》1948 / Istituzione Bologna Musei : Museo Morandi



2015/16 Winter Collection

Treasures of Todaiji’s Omizutori Ritual



Wakayama’s Museum of Modern Art is showcasing Wakayama-area artists, such as Western painter Itoko Jinnaka, painter and sculptor Ryumon Yasuda, Western painter Masanari Murai, and more. At this collection, there are approximately 80 art works that symbolize Japan’s art movement from historic to modern. There will also be a special section on Taisho-period animator/ painter/art editor Seitaro Kitayama, who worked to introduce and expand Western art to Japan. Open: 9:30am–5pm (last entry 4:30pm) • Closed: Mon (Tue when Mon is a national holiday) • Admission: ¥340 • Access: JR Wakayama Stn • momaw.jp

Omizutori is a Buddhist rite that held in March at Todaiji temple’s Nigatsudo. Known also as syunie, the main theme of the event is to confess your sins before Buddha. NARA NATIONAL MUSEUM is displaying historical paintings, important documents, and other ritual items that were used in the past for Omizutori.

Open: 9:30am–5pm (last entry 4:30pm) • Closed: Mon (open Feb 8, Mar 7, Mar 14) • Admission: ¥520 • Access: Kintetsu Nara Stn • narahaku.go.jp

Find more listings online: kansaiscene.com/listings



 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai

Live Music


 Feb 18


Brian Setzer

U.S. guitarist, singer and songwriter Brian Setzer first came to prominence in the early 80s with the rockabilly band Stray Cats. With hits such as Rock This Town and Stray Cat Strut the band stayed together until 1984. Since then, Setzer has worked with many renowned musicians including Robert Plant and Paul Rodgers. He’s released a string of solo albums (from The Knife Feels Like Justice in 1986 to the 2014 Rockabilly Riot! All Original), 16 albums with the Brian Setzer Orchestra, and has also appeared in movies including playing Eddie Cochran in the film La Bamba. Brian Setzer’s Rockabilly Riot! Japan tour starts on February 11th and he’ll be playing eight dates across the country. Ex-Stray Cats rockabilly guitarist, singer, songwriter • Namba Hatch, Osaka • Feb 18 • Rockabilly • 6pm • ¥9,800 • Tel: 06-6341-4506

Live Music Listings Feb Rock and Pop The Captains

Speakeasy Rock, pop, blues, folk mix of covers and original material Hard Rock Café, Osaka Feb 19 • Rock-pop • 7:30pm • ¥TBA • Tel: 06-6120-5711

Japanese contemporary groupsounds band Taku Taku, Kyoto

Billboard live OSAKA, Osaka

Feb 23 • Soul-pop • 6:30pm/9:30pm • ¥10,500/¥12,000 • Tel: 06-63427722

John Tropea Band U.S. rock-pop and jazz guitarist Billboard live OSAKA, Osaka

Feb 24 & 25 • Rock pop • 6:30pm/9:30pm • ¥7,400/¥8,900 • Tel: 06-6342-7722

Feb 12 • Group Sounds • 7pm • ¥2,800/¥3,300 • Tel: 07-5351-1321

Feb 13 • Folk-pop • 6pm • ¥5,500/¥6,000 • Tel: 07-5351-1321

True Thrash Fest 2016 Day-night festival featuring Whiplash (U.S.), Venom Inc. (UK), and others Muse , Esaka Feb 13 & 14 • Metal • 4pm Feb 13; 3pm Feb 14 • ¥6,500/¥7,000 • Tel: 06-6387-0203

Ubasuteyama/ O’Summer Vacation/ Shitappa Oyabun/Ally Mobbs A mix of punk noise, rock, art punk and beats Socrates, Kyoto Feb 14 • Rock • 7:30pm • ¥1,500 • Tel: 07-5254-6208

Feb 27 • Metal • 6pm • ¥5,400 • Tel: 06-6245-5389

Regalia Japanese visual-kei rock band Abeno Rock Town, Osaka

Feb 27 • Rock • 6:30pm • ¥3,800 • Tel: 03-5468-8613

Sakanaquarium Japanese electronic-rock-pop five piece Orix Theatre, Osaka

Keiichi Suzuki Japanese musician, game-music composer, and ex-Moonriders member Taku Taku, Kyoto

Muse, Osaka

Feb 27 & 28 • Electro-rock • 6pm • ¥6,500 • Tel: 06-6882-1224

Siam Shade @ Zepp

Siam Shade Japanese visual-kei rock band formed 1991 Zepp, Osaka

Feb 20 • Rock • 5:30pm • ¥7,500 • Tel: 05-7020-0888

Amazarashi Japanese alternative-rock band lead by Hiromu Akita Zepp, Osaka Feb 21 • Rock • 6pm • ¥5,000 • Tel: 05-7020-0888

Brian Setzer U.S. ex-Stray Cats singer and guitarist Namba Hatch, Osaka

Feb 21 • Rockabilly • 6pm • ¥9,800 • Tel: 06-6341-4506

Cain’s Offering @ Club Quattro

Cain’s Offering Finnish power-metal supergroup formed 1998 Club Quattro, Osaka

Feb 25 • Metal • 7pm • ¥7,500 • Tel: 06-6311-8111

Zazen Boys Japanese indie-rock band Muse, Kyoto

Feb 27 • Indie • 2:30pm • ¥4,500 • Tel: 07-5223-0389

Macy Gray


American R&B soul-pop singersongwriter

Japanese thrash-metal band formed 1982

Theatre Brook @ Taku Taku

Theatre Brook Japanese funk-rock band since 1986 Taku Taku, Kyoto Feb 28 • Funk rock • 6pm • ¥5,000/¥5,500 • Tel: 07-5351-1321

KOHH Japanese rapper and hip-hop artist Namba Rockets, Osaka Feb 28 • Rap • 7pm • ¥4,000 • Tel: 06-6649-3919

 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai  Mar 2

 Feb 22 - 26

James Bay

Twenty-five-year-old British guitarist, singer and songwriter James Bay released his UK chart-topping debut studio album Chaos and the Calm in March of last year. The award-winning artist was apparently inspired to take up the guitar by Eric Clapton’s Layla (with Derek and the Dominoes) when he was just 11 years old, and by his late teens he had taken his talents to the openmic circuit. Although the debut album came out last year, Bay was already a known musician with previous EP releases and a UK headline tour in 2013. The hat-wearing artist has been called a ‘folkier Ed Sheeran,’ and was discovered after a fan filmed him playing three songs in a London bar and uploaded it to YouTube. A couple of months later, Bay got a call from a record label that had seen it inviting him over to New York for a chat!

 Feb 14

Kenny Washington & Peter Washington

To answer the obvious question, the two Washington jazz musicians are of no relation to one another. Peter Washington, born in 1964 in Los Angeles and a bassist since his teenage years, became part of The Blue Note 7 in 2008, a septet formed in honor of Blue Note Records’ 70th anniversary. Peter has played and recorded with many great musicians including Art Blakey and Dizzy Gillespie. Kenny Washington was born in 1958 in New York. A jazz drummer, he has played with Dizzy Gillespie, Benny Goodman, and is apparently also a formidable jazz history scholar. According to jazz saxophonist Benny Golson, ‘Unless you are prepared to listen for three hours, don’t ask him anything about jazz history, especially drums.”

Ubasuteyama/O’Summer Vacation/Shitappa oyabun/ Ally Mobbs/Sentence

English singer, songwriter, guitarist • Club

7pm/9:30pm • ¥5,500/¥6,000 • Tel: 06-

For this event at Kyoto’s Socrates live house on February 14th, KS spoke with Ubasuteyama guitarist, Matt, to find out more about the bands playing on the night. “Ubasuteyama is primarily a two piece (dr. and baritone gtr.) formed around a year and a half ago. Inspired and heavily influenced by Kansai’s weird and underground music scene which is best known for bands like Boredoms, Acid Mothers Temple, and Ultra Bide. The band mixes a number of influences from German krautrock, psychedelia, jazz, math-rock and filter them through a trashy, DIY, post-punk aesthetic.” Other bands and artists on the evening’s lineup include Shitappa Oyabun and prog-punkers O’Summer Vacation, with mellower acts like UK hip-hop and electronica producer Ally Mobs, and more, for an eclectic evening that represents the darker and lighter sides of the Kansai music scene.

Quattro, Osaka • Mar 2 • 7pm • ¥5,800 •


A mix of punk noise, rock, art punk and

U.S. Jazz drummer and bassist • Mister Kelly’s, Osaka • Feb 22–26 • Jazz •

Tel: 06-6311-8111

beats • Socrates, Kyoto • Feb 14 • Rock • 7:30pm • ¥1,500 • Tel: 07-5254-6208


Mar 2 • R&B pop • 6:30pm/9:30pm • ¥9,300/¥10,800 • Tel: 06-63427722




Japanese new-wave rock band Big Cat, Osaka


Mar 4 • Rock • 7pm • ¥3,919 • Tel: 06-6357-3666

German rage-metal trio Club Quattro, Osaka

Mar 5 & 6 • Rock-pop • 5:30pm Mar 5; 4:30pm Mar 6 • ¥6,480/¥7,560 • Tel: 05-7020-0888

Mar 1 • Metal • 7pm • ¥7,500 • Tel: 06-6311-8111


James Bay British singer, songwriter, guitarist Club Quattro, Osaka Mar 2 • Singer-songwriter • 7pm • ¥5,800 • Tel: 06-6311-8111

Patt i Austin U.S. R&B, pop, jazz vocal Billboard Live OSAKA, Osaka

Japanese vocalist Shiho Ochi Osaka Jo Hall, Osaka

Japanese female singer and guitarist Club Quattro, Osaka

Bon Iver @ Zepp

Bon Iver U.S. indie-folk band founded by singer-songwriter Justin Vernon Zepp, Osaka

Mar 3 • Indie folk • 7pm • ¥7,500/¥8,500 • Tel: 05-7020-0888

The Birthday @ Zepp

The Birthday Ex-Thee Michelle Gun Elephant and Rosso members Zepp, Osaka Mar 5 • Rock • 6pm • ¥4,860 • Tel:

Mar 6 • Pop • 5pm • ¥3,240/¥3,780 • Tel: 06-6344-3326

Twenty One Pilots U.S. alternative hip-hop pop duo Big Cat, Osaka

Mar 7 • Hip-hop • 7pm • ¥6,500 • Tel: 06-6535-5569



 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai  Mar 1

Interview // Refuge Between 1988 and 1994, the German metal trio Rage was comprised of Peter ‘Peavy’ Wagner, Manni Schmidt, and Chris Efthimiadis. For many fans it was the band’s classic lineup. Peavy is still a member of Rage, but the three friends came back together in 2014 to play in the side project Refuge. It went so well that they have kept the project going, much to the delight of fans. Peavy spoke to KS about Refuge and the upcoming gigs in Japan. Refuge is made of previous Rage members and the name comes from a Rage song. Does it feel like Refuge is in fact Rage, and if not, what would you say sets the two apart? It’s definitely not the same as Rage. Refuge is a part of my Rage history - it’s my old buddies and it’s a lot of fun for us to again perform the songs we created together long ago. But we decided from the beginning, as it was clear that we were going to be a band again, that this would be a side project, not like Rage. The reason is that both Manni and Chris have a family and regular jobs that they don’t want to give up for the rock biz again. So Refuge is our fun little side band. Rage is my life and I have always lived and will live from this band and its music. That’s why Rage continues under a different lineup with Lucky and Marcos. The three of you came back together with a gig playing under the name Tres Hombres last year. Is Refuge a longer-term project? Yes, it was a lucky coincidence that brought us back together again in 2014. We simply wanted to perform one little gig for our hometown friends and we had no name, so Manni suggested to use the name “Tres Hombres.” It was so much fun for us to play together again and it was so well accepted from the scene that we decided to do more shows, so we picked a proper name for us. Refuge was our choice, as it is one of our classic songs. We also started to write new songs, but I can’t say when we will be able to record or release new stuff, as we all have a lot of other things to do and only find time here and then to continue working on it. You wrote five albums together between 1988 and 1994, which is a lot of material. Does the Refuge setlist showcase this Rage era? Oh yeah! We will perform a long set with all the nice songs from that era. We picked all kinds of songs that we haven’t done for so long, not together and also not with Rage. It’s going to be a fantastic travel through time. We can’t wait to come over to Japan and play for all our friends and fans!

Refuge @ Club Quattro

Listings (Cont.) IKON South Korean pop boy band Osaka Jo Hall, Osaka

Mar 15 • K-Pop • 7pm • ¥8,800 • Tel: 05-7020-0888

The Muggles Rhapsody of Fire @ Club Quattro

Rhapsody of Fire Italian symphonic power-metal group formed 1993 Club Quattro, Osaka

Mar 10 • Metal • 7pm • ¥7,500 • Tel: 06-6311-8111

go!go! vanillas

Mellow ballads, classic rock, and dynamic rock-and-roll from Osaka-based jamming band Woodstock Café, Ashiya Every Fri & Sat • Rock & Group Sounds • Entrance Free (¥2,000 for 2 drinks & snack) • Tel: 079734-1044

Jazz & Blues

Japanese four-piece rock band Varit, Kobe

Fried Pride


Japanese jazz-rock acousticguitar and vocal duo Mister Kelly’s, Osaka

Mar 13 • Rock • 6pm • ¥3,300 • Tel: 06-6882-1224

Japanese classical and pop mix duo Namba Hatch, Osaka

Feb 20 • Jazz rock • 5pm/8:30pm • ¥6,000/¥6,500 • Tel: 06-63425821

Mar 13 • Instrumental • 5pm • ¥5,000/¥6,000 • Tel: 06-63574400

Kenny Washington & Peter Washington


U.S. jazz drummer, and bassist Mister Kelly’s, Osaka

Japanese rock-pop-punk fivepiece band Muse, Kyoto

Mar 13 • Rock • 5:30pm • ¥4,900/¥5,400 • Tel: 07-52230389

Feb 22–26 • Jazz • 7pm/9:30pm • ¥5,500/¥6,000 • Tel: 06-63425821

Sergio Mendes Brazilian bossa nova, funk, and jazz musician Billboard Live OSAKA, Osaka

Mar 10 • Jazz • 6:30pm/9:30pm • ¥13,000/¥14,500 • Tel: 066342-7722

German metal trio and classic Rage lineup reunion in side project • Club Quattro, Osaka • Mar 1 • 7pm • ¥7,500 • Tel: 06-6311-8111

Find more listings online: kansaiscene.com/listings IKON @ Osaka Jo Hall


 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai


 Feb 13

Metro Minimal techno producer Mathew Jonson will be returning to Metro for the first time since 2012. The Vancouver-born, Berlinbased producer studied classical piano, synthesizers, and jazz drumming as a kid, and started creating electronic-based beats in his teens. In 2001, Jonson released his debut EP, New Identity, from Itiswhatitis Recordings. In 2004, he co-founded Wagon Repair, one of the most highly regarded techno labels, with three other Canadian artists. Jonson’s own first release on the label, Marionette, became the biggest club anthem of the year and his thoughtful, melodic tracks soon attracted the praise of music producers and DJs like Richie Hawtin, Sven Vath, Ricardo Villalobos, Laurent Garnier, and Larry Heard. Aside from his solo productions, he also works on several collaborative projects such as Cobblestone Jazz, Modern Deep Left Quartet, and Minilogue vs Mathew Jonson. Kyoto’s finest, DJ Kazuma, and Kyoto/Shigabased creative collective TREKs’ DJs and visual work are also well worth seeing. Mathew Jonson Japan Tour supported by TREKs (Techno/House) • Live: Mathew Jonson • DJs: Kazuma, Kohei, Masato.M, Dsk • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥3,000 (ADV: ¥2,300) • Tel: 07-5752-2787 • metro.ne.jp

Club Listings February 5 (FRI) Circus Lark (Techno/House) • DJs:

Federico Molinari, Yoske, Ryokei, Spot • Open: 11pm • Admission: ¥2,500 (WF ¥2,000) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6241-3822 • circus-osaka.com

Ghost Ultra Lounge Loyal (Open Format) • DJs: Martin,

YMX + more • Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D (Foreigners ¥1,000/1D) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6214-0545 • ghostosaka.com

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Friday (All Mix) • DJs: D-Suke, U-ta, Mellow, Rokkie + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,500/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

Onzieme 2016 Winter Bikini Night (EMD/ Electro/House) • DJs: Mitomi

Tokoto, Daishi Dance, Kentaro,

Alphashot + more • Open: 9pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥3,000/1D; Ladies: Free • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6243-0089 • onzi-eme.com

6 (SAT)

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Saturday (All Mix)

• DJs: U-ta, Rokkie, Hifumi, Hiroshi + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥3,000/1D; Ladies ¥2,500/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com



Kode9 – 3Hours Set (Bass Music/Dubstep) • DJs: Kode9,

Reflexion 6th Anniversary (Bass Music/Dubstep) • Acts: Dubkasm,

Tuttle, Fulltono • Open: 11pm • Admission: ¥3,000 (ADV ¥2,500) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62413822 • circus-osaka.com

Shandi-I, Dizmo, Aki, 1450m, Young Animal • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥3,000 • Tel: 07-57522787 • metro.ne.jp

Ghost Ultra Lounge


En:Core (Hip Hop/Open Format)

Diatonic #39 (Techno/House)

• DJs: Minami, B=Ball, Malu, Jun • Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,500/1D; Ladies Free • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62140545 • ghostosaka.com

Grand Cafe Stussy Osaka Minami Chapter 20th Anniversary Party (Dance Music)

• Live: Sick Team • DJs: Kiyo, Grooveman Spot, Ikkei, L.L.K.P, Endrun, Nissie • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥4,000 (ADV ¥3,000) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62138637 • grandcafeosaka.com

• Live: Apanco • DJs: Ogawa, Mariko, Hiroki Izumi, Taiki • Open: 11pm • Admission: ¥2,500/1D (by mail reservation ¥2,000/1D) • Where: Kobe • Tel: 07-8321-3130 • troopcafe.jp

7 (SUN) Circus DJ Ageishi presents YY Sunday (House/Techno) • DJs: Kent(Force

of Nature), Ageishi, Akihito, Tetsuo, Yokohama Uchu • Open: 8pm • Admission: ¥2,000 • Where:

Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6241-3822 • circus-osaka.com

Ghost Ultra Lounge Ghost on Sunday (Dance Music)

• DJs: Kaz001, Anri, Bullset, W-One• Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D (Foreigners ¥1,000/1D) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62140545 • ghostosaka.com

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Sunday (All Mix)

• DJs: D-suke, Rokkie, Hiroshi + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,000/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

10 (WED) Circus Nobodyknows+ Live at Circus (Hip Hop/Dance Music) • Live:

Nobodyknows+ • DJs: Mitsu, CM Smooth • Open: 11pm • Admission: ¥2,800 (ADV ¥2,300) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6241-3822 • circus-osaka.com

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Wednesday feat. Quintino (EDM) • DJs: Quintino +

 Kansai Scene Listings: What’s on around Kansai more • Open: TBA • Admission: TBA • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 07-52550421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

Metro Rub A Dub 30th Anniversary (Raggae) • Acts: Rankin Taxi,

Kurtis Fly, Mi-I, Tikaros, Mynimoo, Baby Shine + more • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥2,500/1D (ADV ¥2,000/1D) • Tel: 07-5752-2787 • metro.ne.jp

12 (FRI) Circus First Floor Festival – Do You Go Up or Down? (Bass Music/Electronic) •

Acts: Kyoka, Ueno Masaaki, Grischa Lichtenberger • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥2,500 (ADV: ¥2,000) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62413822 • circus-osaka.com

Ghost Ultra Lounge Loyal (Open Format) • DJs: Martin,

YMX + more • Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D (Foreigners ¥1,000/1D) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6214-0545 • ghostosaka.com

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto - Friday (All Mix) • DJs: D-Suke, U-ta, Mellow, Rokkie + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen: ¥2,500/1D, Ladies: ¥1,500/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075-255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com


Monna Lisa, Kenzoom, Takekiyo Ishimoto, Milk Bro. • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥2,500 (ADV ¥2,000) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62413822 • circus-osaka.com

Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62413822 • circus-osaka.com

Kitsune Kyoto

Ghost Ultra Lounge

Ghost Ultra Lounge

YMX + more • Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D (Foreigners ¥1,000/1D) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6214-0545 • ghostosaka.com

• DJs: D-suke, Rokkie, Hiroshi + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,000/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

En:Core (Hip Hop/Open Format)

• DJs: Minami, B=Ball, Malu, Jun • Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,500/1D; Ladies Free • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62140545 • ghostosaka.com

Jaai Freeek (Techno/House) • DJs:

Nagisa, Ladi0s, Sugimo, 8yas8 • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥1,500/1D • Where: Shinsaibashi • iflyer.tv/ja/Bar-JAAI

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Saturday (All Mix)

• DJs: U-ta, Rokkie, Hifumi, Hiroshi + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥3,000/1D; Ladies ¥2,500/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

Socore Factory Next Level (Techno) • DJs: Tasaka,

Spot, Reiji, Maako • Open: 11pm • Admission: ¥2,500/1D • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6567-9852 • socorefactory.com

14 (SUN) Circus Damiano Von Erckert Japan Tour 2016 (Techno/House) • DJs:

Martin, Dama, Piro • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥2,500 (WF: ¥2,500/1D) • Where: Shiga • Tel: 077-523-3870 • club-move.com

Damiano Von Erckert, Questa, Satoci, Natsuki, LeMonde, Showty • Open: 9pm • Admission: ¥2,500 (ADV ¥2,000) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6241-3822 • circus-osaka.com


Ghost Ultra Lounge

Amid Japan Tour 2016 feat. Herb Martin (House/Garage) • DJs: Herb

Power of Vision presents Vo5 (PsyTrance) • DJs: Fiji, Mr-pee,

Yu-ya, Kazuya, Sono • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥1,000 • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6213-3211 • neo.xxxxxxxx.jp

Troopcafe Rhadoo Japan Tour 2016 in Kobe (Techno/House) • Acts: Rhadoo,

Ghost on Sunday (Dance Music)

• DJs: Kaz001, Anri, Bullset, W-One • Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D (Foreigners ¥1,000/1D) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62140545 • ghostosaka.com

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Sunday (All Mix)

Soichi, Ebo • Open: 11pm • Admission: ¥3,000/1D (by mail reservation ¥2,500/1D; Foreigners ¥2,000/1D) • Where: Kobe • Tel: 07-8321-3130 • troopcafe.jp

• DJs: D-suke, Rokkie, Hiroshi + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,000/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

13 (SAT)

19 (FRI)

Loyal (Open Format) • DJs: Martin,

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Friday (All Mix) •

DJs: D-Suke, U-ta, Mellow, Rokkie + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,500/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

Neo Mystery Moon (Trance) • Live:

Mars Attack • DJs: Dithforth, I.P.U, Kazuki Sera, Buzz, Yuya, Hofmann + more • Open: 10pm • Admission: ¥4,500 (ADV ¥3,000) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6213-3211 • neo.xxxxxxxx.jp


Sonny Wharton “Worldwide Status” Release Tour (House/ Techno) • DJs: Sonny Wharton,

Womb Crossing x Circus 2Days feat. Takkyu Ishino (Techno) •

Jaxx Da Fishworks, High Velocity,

DJs: Takkyu Ishino, Fumi + more • Open: 11pm • Admission: ¥2,300 •

26 (FRI) Ghost Ultra Lounge Loyal (Open Format) • DJs: Martin,

YMX + more • Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D (Foreigners ¥1,000/1D) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6214-0545 • ghostosaka.com

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Friday (All Mix) • DJs: D-Suke, U-ta, Mellow, Rokkie + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,500/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

20 (SAT)

27 (SAT)



Sophie (Electro) • Acts: Sophie +

more • Open: 11pm • Admission: TBA (ADV ¥3,500) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-6241-3822 • circus-osaka.com

Ghost Ultra Lounge En:Core (Hip Hop/Open Format)

• DJs: Minami, B=Ball, Malu, Jun • Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,500/1D; Ladies Free • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62140545 • ghostosaka.com

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Saturday (All Mix)

• DJs: U-ta, Rokkie, Hifumi, Hiroshi + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥3,000/1D; Ladies ¥2,500/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

Onzieme Youarehere (Techno/House) • Live:

Toru Ikemoto • DJs: Hito, Takashi Sudo, Nao Nomura, Junichi Kuwata + more • Open: 9pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥3,000/1D; Ladies Free • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62430089 • onzi-eme.com

21 (SUN) Ghost Ultra Lounge Ghost on Sunday (Dance Music)


Kitsune Kyoto – Sunday (All Mix)

• DJs: Kaz001, Anri, Bullset, W-One• Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D (Foreigners ¥1,000/1D) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62140545 • ghostosaka.com

Nillie & Andrea Japan Tour 2016 (Techno) • Live: Millie & Andrea

• DJs: TBA • Open: 11pm • Admission: ¥3,000 (ADV ¥2,500) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62413822 • circus-osaka.com

Ghost Ultra Lounge En:Core (Hip Hop/Open Format)

• DJs: Minami, B=Ball, Malu, Jun • Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,500/1D; Ladies Free • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62140545 • ghostosaka.com

Kitsune Kyoto Kitsune Kyoto – Saturday (All Mix)

• DJs: U-ta, Rokkie, Hifumi, Hiroshi + more • Open: 7pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥3,000/1D; Ladies ¥2,500/1D • Where: Kyoto • Tel: 075255-0421 • kitsune-kyoto.com

Troopcafe Macadam Mambo Japan Tour 2016 in Kobe (House) • Acts: Sacha

Mambo, Takeshi Kouzuki, Mituo Shiomi + more • Open: 11pm • Admission: ¥2,500/1D (by mail reservation ¥2,000/1D); Foreigners ¥1,500/1D • Where: Kobe • Tel: 078321-3130 • troopcafe.jp

28 (SUN) Ghost on Sunday (Dance Music)

• DJs: Kaz001, Anri, Bullset, W-One• Open: 10pm • Admission: Gentlemen ¥2,000/1D; Ladies ¥1,500/1D (Foreigners ¥1,000/1D) • Where: Shinsaibashi • Tel: 06-62140545 • ghostosaka.com



 Kansai Scene Classifieds > kansaiscene.com/classifieds COMMERCIAL Accommodation For rent APARTMENTS IN KOBE WITH NO KEY MONEY. 1 room apartments

from 40,000 yen per month. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments also available from throughout Kobe. Email kevin@elliottventures.com, call 090 6777 9864 for a viewing or visit www.elliottventures.com or find us on Facebook. Contact: kevin elliott <kevin@elliottventures.com> Website: www.elliottventures.com [2748-335-2016-06-25]

PRIVATE APARTMENTS. NO GUARANTOR/ENTRANCE FEES. Two lovely apts. Newly renovated. 4 stops from Namba on the Sennichimae Line. Suit 1 or 2 people. 58k/m (unfurn) 65k/m (furn) + 1m refundable Dep. Ph 090 1599 9767 email: trisha-d@gol. com for inspection Contact: Trish <trisha-d@gol.com> [3280-58572016-02-05]


Teachers for morning time. Wed and Thu or Wed and Fri in Kyoto. 4,500 yen /lesson plus travel cost. University Teachers for Tuesday morning. 9:00-10:30, 10:40-12:10 in Ibaraki. Monthly payment plus travel cost. Kyoto, Shiga or Osaka residents preferred. Send resume to: academy@ivy-intl.co.jp Contact: ivy international <academy@ivy-intl. co.jp> Website: www.ivyintl.com/ [3289-1493-2016-02-06]


P/T native English teacher for kids on Saturday (2 or 3 times a month) from 9:30-12:30 is needed. The lesson includes 1hr outside exercise. Location: 10mins from Kuzuha station on Keihan line Pay: 1800yen/ hr + transportation (max. of 1000yen) Please send your resume A.S.A.P! Contact: chie <deaa3322@ yahoo.co.jp> [3303-6129-2016-02-19] TEACHERS WANTED. Ashiya/

Okamoto school is looking for PT English, French, Korean teachers. University diploma preferable. Must be native speaker with valid visa. ¥2700-¥3000 per hour + transportation. Free Japanese lesson available. Please email resume & photo, visa type & date valid till to: ashiyaplus@hotmail.co.jp Contact: Ashiya Plus <ashiyaplus@ hotmail.co.jp> Website: www. comlanguageschool.com/ [3264-2522016-02-19]


Now hiring native teachers for school in south Osaka. Saturdays 8:30 to 4:30 starting at 3000 to 3500 depends on experience. Contact ISES JAPAN Tomoya Okubo Email : okubo-ises@istudy.com Contact: ISES Tomo <okubo-ises@istudy. com> [3299-2186-2016-02-18] TEACHERS WANTED FOR PRESCHOOL IN NISHINOMIYA.

Looking for NATIVE English teachers for new opening international kindergarten in Nishinomiya. Candidates w/ kindergarten age kids will be welcome & their kids will be free of charge in the school while they teaching. Hours: 8am to 5pm, Mon to Sat. Pay: 180,000~220,000 yen, Part-time: 1800~2000yen. Contact: cemm <bp.cemsakar@gmail.com> [3292-1854-2016-02-18]


Kids Duo is located in Sumiyoshi in Kobe. We have preschool and after school for children from age 3 to 12. FT: Mon~Fri 250,00yen/ month (Trial period 3month 1,500yen/hr.) PT: Mon~Fri, Time between 9:30~20:30 1,500/hr. (+trsp expenses) Please send your CV and your photo. kdhigashinada@ yahoo.co.jp Contact: Kids Duo <kdhigashinada@yahoo.co.jp> Website: navi.kidsduo.com/ tabid/61/pdid/4017/Default.aspx [3298-4126-2016-02-17]


Settsumotoyama, Kobe seeks long term teacher who can give fun English classes to kids. Must be cheerful, responsible, & energetic. Mondays-Fridays 3:30-7:00pm, 2,000yen/hr + transportation. University degree, experience teaching kids + proper visa required. Please e-mail CV + recent photo. Contact: LANGUAGE CLUB HANAKotoba <hanakotoba8758@ ybb.ne.jp> [3301-1062-2016-02-18] NATIVE ENGLISH TEACHER WANTED!. After school for kids

age 7-10 near Minami-morimachi station. Work hrs: M-F 4pm-6pm. Starting:mid-Mar, 2016. Hourly wage : JPY2500-3500/h + Trans. Requirements:Valid visa, at lease 1 year teaching experience in Japan. Please send us your recent pic and resume to: info@manabiokids. com Contact: Manabiokids <info@ manabiokids.com> Website: www. manabiokids.com [3291-948-201602-11]


successful English program for returnee elementary school students wants teachers to join the team for the 2016/17 academic year. The teacher should be positive, creative, able to commit to the full year (32 sessions paid @ ¥22,000 p/day), and

a university graduate. Interested? Send me a resume! Contact: Craig Russell <cwrussell11@gmail.com> [3287-1931-2016-02-06]


Working days/hours negotiable. Must have a Bachelor's degree and a proper working visa. Previous experience advantageous. Location: Within 1 minute walk from Hankyu Mikage station (Mikage Campus) and JR Ashiya station (Ashiya Campus). Please send resume with photo to kobe@aie-campus.com TEL:078-822-3406 Contact:<kobe@ aie-campus.com> Website: http:// www.aie-campus.com NATIVE ENGLISH TEACHER WANTED IN OSAKA,HIRAKATA.

Native English teacher wanted in Osaka, Hirakata, and Daito city. PartTime.Tue,Wed,Thur,Fri and Saturday for children to Adult. From 3pm. Long term and 3000yen. Please send e-mail with your picture to this address[ s-techfield@nyc.odm. ne.jp ] Contact:s-techfield@nyc.odn. ne.jp Website: http://thomasenglish. info/


is seeking corporate language instructors / interpreters (2-7 teaching hours a day) Hyogo, Shiga, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Okayama and Wakayama areas for 3-12mth courses starting immediately. P/t hourly rates. 3,500-4,000 yen per hour. For more info, please forward C/V with availability to mark@ cesjapan.co.jp Contact: Manager <mark@cesjapan.co.jp> [2930-772016-01-27]


is seeking English/Other languages corporate instructors/interpreters for early morning/afternoon/ evening classes and 3-5 day Intensives all over the Kansai area starting immediately. P/t hourly rates. 3,500-4,000 yen per hour. For more info, please forward C/V with availability to mark@cesjapan.co.jp Contact: Manager <mark@cesjapan. co.jp> [3302-77-2016-07-19] INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STAFF (FT/PT) AT OSAKA. JAPF is close

to JROsakatenmangu station. Job: a)transl./interpret. for JP/internat. companies, b)traveller support in JP, c) language classes for children/ adults. Profile: 1) Japanese&English on Business level (+more languages), 2)experience in using Microsoft office, 3)age of 20 -35. CV in Japanese per Contact: JapfJapf <info@japf.or.jp> Website: japf.or.jp



regardless of age, Qualifications: Italian restaurant in, to kitchen experience of over 3 years! Salary: from 206,000 to 256,000 yen + incentives / month, Holiday 6 days/month, Hours: 10:30-21:00 2.5 hour break.Treatment; Paid according to transportation costs up to 8000yen/ month Contact: Ponte Rosso <y.kanaya@triton. ocn.ne.jp> Website: http://hitosara. com/0005028035/ ENTERTAINMENT SHOW DANCERS WANTED. The Burlesque

Entertainment Cabaret in Namba is looking for show dancers. Approx. 3 performances a night between 7pm–1am. Decide your own schedule. If you love music and dance or are serious about dancing we want to hear from you! Over 18yrs old only. From ¥2,200/ hr. Must speak some Japanese. Tel: 0120-300-440 Contact: The Burlesque Entertainment Cabaret <shinji-kawada@insou-west.co.jp> Website: en.the-burlesque.com [2994-5545-2015-09-19]


located right in the center of Osaka is looking for those interested in the part time jobs in Restaurant Service and Front Service. Interested applicants should have Japanese capability and full visa requirement to work in Japan. Please email us at morita.sh@hno.co.jp for more details. Contact: Hotel Nikko Osaka <morita.sh@hno.co.jp> [3219-20982016-05-20]

Classes & events Courses and Classes JAPANESE LESSON IN OSAKA.

From beginner Taught by a professional native Japanese speaker At a coffee shop, your office, around Umeda Osaka area or Kyobashi area Private lessons/Small group lessons( with your friends )Brush up on your Japanese/Preparation for JLPT / **Instructor can speak English Contact: Fumiko <fu. nihon555@gmail.com> Website: www.jpnlessonosaka.net/ [3281-2832016-02-05]


Abacus Assoc. to promote int'l goodwill. Individualized lessons taught in Japanese or English. Saturdays 10-12 am. Course material provided for free. Near Sakaisuji-Hommachi and Kitahama. Call: Moritomo Ken 06-65726877 https://sites.google.com/site/ osakasoroban/


 Kansai Scene Classifieds > kansaiscene.com/classifieds Health & Beauty Beauty

experience in multiple fields looking for more language experience. Contact: Scytale <dontgotnologin@ gmail.com> [2441-2177-2016-01-30]


Sales of the calendar can usually cover ARK's vet bills for a year. It's one of the easiest ways to support their work for homeless & abandoned animals. It's also an excellent introduction to those unfamiliar with what a shelter does and they make great gifts. Thanks for supportin Contact: ray5star <ray5star@yahoo. co.jp> Website: www.arkbark. net/?q=en%2Fnode%2F6267 [3036-



interested in historiy, please bring your favorite topics to me. I know especially about Medieval Europe, the others. Please speak and teach, and I am going to tell you things which I studied. Contact: Shinya Hada <sinya-hada@hotmail.co.jp> [2351-2007-2016-02-13]


Japanese female who are looking for a native English person seriously. I keep looking for my English teacher here but I haven't found anyone yet. Please help my English. Contact: SueSue <Sue_s848@yahoo.com> [3222-5911-2016-01-21]


Let's do language exchange with us. My friends are looking for partners. We also have Japanese class at the same place. Volunteers help your study. Any level is OK! Let's study together! Contact: Rimi Makino <rimim@hotmail.com> Website: www.facebook.com/rimi.makino.3 [2513-447-2016-02-22]

英語と日本語が話せる方. 英語を勉強

したいので、日本語が話せる方を求めて います。仕事はスマートフォンアプリを 作る仕事をしています。大阪市内の難 波や梅田で活動しています。Contact:

yoshiaki <yoshiaki.terada.japan@ gmail.com> [3293-6124-2016-01-31]

Community Services 日英翻訳者 (JAPANESE-ENGLISH TRANSLATOR). 東アジア文学専門

(日本語特)、色々翻訳経験ある。 もっと言語・翻訳経験求めてる。 BA in East Asian studies (Japanese lang. emphasis) with translation

Friendship LOOKING FOR SMART COOL INT`L F TO HANGOUT. Nice sweet funny

Jpn-rooted scientist M seeks smart international F to hang around, possibly relationship, soalmate. Loyal & sincere. Long-term faith, commitment. Intelligence, social, love in nature, zoo, med to get along smoothly. Good mind& heart. I won`t cheat, or abuse you. Not for mone Contact: nobel benzene <speak6up@yahoo.co.jp> [3231-1042016-01-26]

LOOKING FOR LONG TERM FRIEND. hi , i am 40s looking

for sincere woman , i can speak japanese and chinese ,english , i am in fashion field , divorced , and living kyoto , if you are really looking for long term happy relationship then please contact me . Contact: alexvin <alexvin@qq.com> [2641-5635-2016-02-03]

I'M A NICE MAN. I'm in Kyoto, quite free, in 40s, nice, strong, sweet. I love good food, wine, movies, walk and more. Please mail me. 日 本語も大丈夫!Zack Contact: zack <paolocon@hotmail.com> [32516092-2016-02-11]

HAVE HOT TIME TOGETHER. Hi, I'm an married middle male in Kansai. have international and free mind and sportive figure. I seek a girl to have sensual fun together. Either married or unmarried , Japanese or froreigner. Life is too short to be shy. !! Contact: harryx <dirtyharrypotterx@gmail.com> [2974-5898-2016-02-06]


Hi, I'm a male around40 sometimes drawing croquis .Looking for a lady to be a live model for my drawing. Both Japanese and foreigners are welcome. It is easy in a relaxing atomosphere, No experience needed. If you interested, pls feel free to mail. brownrabbits@ hotmail.com Contact: brabbits <brownrabbits@hotmail.com> [2975-5897-2016-02-06]


Handsome and cool SJM seeks well-educated, interesting, attractive, nonsmoking SWF to share wonderful times and make a good friendship. So let's meet for coffee or lunch to know each other better. If no experience, please just try me. E-mail: healsan@yahoo.com Contact: Healsan <healsan@yahoo. com> [2680-5448-2016-02-17] LOOKING FOR PEOPLE FOR PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS. Hi!

I’m an aspiring photographer based in Namba. I am looking for people who want to have their portraits taken. I am doing this to build my portfolio in portraits. My work can be found at http://www. behance.net/akieyano and http:// nylonwhiskers.tumblr.com. Message me if you’re interested. Thanks! Contact: nylonwhiskers <akie. yano@gmail.com> Website: www. behance.net/akieyano [3133-58482016-02-12]

J-GUY SEEKS SECRET FUN FRIEND. Nice kind warm j-guy

seeks nice lady who like to share weekend secret adult fun together. any nation age OK,if you like to explore fun adult time. Contact: J-guy <momotaropga@hotmail. com> [3285-544-2016-02-17] SMART INTNL F SOUGHT FOR DISCRETE HARMONY RELATION.

Im med-natured, funny humor, savvy easygoing knowledgeable guy. Seeking sweet woman from Western cultural background to hang-out, enjoy nature, for LT Relationship. Some intelligence, openminded heart, social, sense of humor is preferred to get along better. No cheating. Not for money, sex or asobi Contact: nobel benzene <speak6up@yahoo.co.jp> [2557-104-


Hello, I'm an American male who has recently moved from New York City to Osaka City. I'm looking for some friends here for language exchange and for hanging out. I'm currently studying Japanese but, my Japanese is not good yet. You can message me at cal35beanie@ yahoo.co Contact: Redstarm31 <Cal35beanie@yahoo.com> [32726101-2016-02-18]

CHARMING & CUTE M SEARCHES LADY. Hi, rock- music loving lady,

I' m a cheerful fun- loving singer and want a permanent relationship with a tolerant woman. I' m cute, not fat , have no beard and my hair is curly and blonde. I' m working at University and love Japan ! My hobbies are Karaoke & singing with bands: s Contact: shutommy@ yandex.com <shutommy@yandex. com> [3256-6096-2016-02-14]


2016 - March 19, 2016 Venue:kyoto ddd gallery 10 Uzumasa Kamikeibucho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City 616-8533 Tel: 075-871-1480 / fax: 075-8711267 Opening hours: 11:00 - 19:00 (until 18:00 on Saturdays) Closed on Sundays and holidays. Admission free. No parking lot. Contact: kyoto ddd gallery <Kumamoto-K@mail. dnp.co.jp> Website: www.dnp.co.jp/ gallery/ddd_e/ [3277-6057-2016-02-17] CHARITY AUCTION FOR NICCO "EXHIBITION OF FINEARTS".

M SEEKS M. Hallo, I want to find a nice friend . My hobbies are reading , writing, hiking and travelling . Write: redwood2016@ yandex.com Contact: redwood2016 <redwood2016@yandex.com>

The 26th Charity Auction for NICCO will be held at JR KYOTO ISETAN during the period of February 20th to 22nd, 2016. This event is supported by a variety of artists such as ceramic artists, Japanese-style painters, masters of tea ceremony and calligraphers. Total number of works of art will be 200. Contact: Charity auction for NICCO <info@nicco-auction. jp> Website: www.nicco-auction.jp/






Hallo, a relatively young collegeteacher is looking for a nice girlfriend. I like painting , writing, travelling, cooking and singing. welle321@yahoo.de Contact: Harry Schulze <Harryschulze885@ hotmail.com> [3089-1998-2016-01-26] FUSTAL IN KYOTO. We play futsal every Monday near Takeda Station which is a few stops south of Kyoto Station on the subway or kintetsu. Good run out and a mix of abilities. Find us on FB or just email me for more details. nicemeetingyou@ gmail.com Contact: niall <nicemeetingyou@gmail.com> Website: www.facebook.com/ groups/328644097239388/?fref=ts [3295-6126-2016-02-19]

accepting submissions. Writers with expertise on Japanese film and culture are welcomed. Please send in articles analyzing or discussing contemporary & classic Japanese cinema. This is a great opportunity to become published and have your work recognized. Launch date: January Contact: JapanFilm <Oaden.1@osu.edu> Website: www. facebook.com/JapanFilmWall/ [3232-6074-2016-01-28]

Sorry… Due to space restrictions we are unable to print all classified ads. See kansaiscene.com for more classifieds online.


Umeda Sky Building German Consulate 35F




Nishi Umeda

Dojima Hotel


r ive


Edobori Ostec Exhibition Hall

YMCA Post Office


Police Station





Shinmei Law Office

US Consulate

Nishi Tenma

y(Loop Route )

ma Dori

Keihan Main

Movie Theatre







Kitahama 0


Museum of Oriental Ceramics

Osaka City Public Hall



Rihga Royal Hotel

Beer Belly


City Hall

Tosabori River Mitsui Sumitomo Bank

Tanimachi Lin


Bank of Japan

APA Hotel


ACCJ Kansai


National Museum of Art Science Museum

Ana Crowne Plaza





h os

n ka a N

i bebash Watana ine L a im anosh

Beer & Pizza GO_SUKE

Hanshin Expresswa




Hotel Elsereine Osaka

hi Line

NTT Data

Dojima River Forum ABC Hall


Kita Shinchi

Outback Steakhouse Dojima Avanza B1F 4F Junkudo Loreley



Hotel Kansai


Osaka Dental Clinic Dai-3 Dai-1 Creamy Bldg. Dai-2 Bldg. 2F Bldg. 33F Exeo Kita Shinchi 1F Capt. Kangaroo


Ma shin a. e Han a St i Lin him oza kus


ji Lin

Mister Kelly’s

in in L

Ogimachi Dori


Fukushima e

Tower Records

Dai-4 Bldg.


idori Arc


6F The Blarney Stone

Umeda Burg7

Ogimachi Park

Club Quattro




im sh

Herbis Ritz Osaka .2 Carlton No ute Ro

Maru Bldg.

Asahiya Bookstore


TGI Fridays



Herbis Ent

ns Ha Hilton Hotel

Osaka YWCA


Sonezaki Police H.Q.

shi U

Hilton Plaza West

ta. aS ed m Hanshin U Dept. hin


Hotel Granvia

Navio Toho Plex

Hankyu Dept.

Daimaru Umeda

Osaka Station City

Visitors’ Information Center

Hep 5 Hep Navio

Hankyu Grand Bldg


Hotel Kinki

Shin Midosuji

JR Osaka Lucua 1100


Toho Annex


Craft Beer Base

Yodobashi Camera


Osaka Loop Line







k za




Club Noon

Hankyu Umeda Kinokuniya Sta. ABC Mart


Umekita Ship

Maruzen & Junkudo

New Hankyu Osaka Hotel

Grand Front Osaka / Knowledge Capital

Westin Hotel


Theater Umeda

InterContinental Osaka Hotel



Shinsaibashi-suji (shopping arcade)

Namba Shrine MoeJoe Hearton Hotel

Shinmachi Life

Big Beans Supermarket

Kansai Scene Mojoprint Office

Mizuho Bank



Louis Vuitton



Triangle Park

Yotsubashi line

2F Tezukayama Gallery Orange Stree t (shopping stree

The Silver Ball Planet Big Step

Grand Cafe Ghost Ultralounge



Coolabah APA Hotel




Daimaru Dept.

Onzieme 11F Cinem @rt Apple Store

Balabushka 4F

Shinsaibashi 3F GS Travel

Cross Hotel


Fujiya Hotel


Soemon-Cho B1


B1 Burlesque

Pure Osaka

Don Quijote

Kaneyoshi Ryokan

Mexico Namba Hatch

a. a St

Namba Sta.








Hotel Monterey

Inari AEON MaxValu


Absinthe Solaar 8F



BIC Camera

Visitors Information Center

Hotel Ichiei

Nipponbashi sta.

Sennichimae line

Toho Cinemas Namba

Little Long Beach

Washington Hotel Plaza

Hozenji Temple Osaka Floral Inn

Namba Hips Tominaga Hospital



Osaka Shochikuza

Dotonbori Hotel



Suomachi-dori (Europe street)

Kansai Tourist Information Center Don Quijote

Ark Hotel

Murphy’s 2F Comfort Hotel The Blarney Stone

Daimaru Dept. South



Sakaisuji line

Horie Park




Cafe Absinthe

Midosuji line

Covent Garden

5F Boy

Daimaru Dept. North

Nikko Hotel

Nest Hotel



Shinsaibashi-suji (shopping arcade)


The Westside

Hearton Hotel

Tokyu Hands

Nagahori Tsurumi-Ryokuchi line

Ali’s Kitchen El Pancho 8F

Toyoko Inn

Kitahorie Hospital

Hiday's Texas BBQ


Arthur Murray

Nagahori dori


D & Dept.

Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau

Hotel Via Inn


Takashimaya Dept. Store

Swissôtel Nankai Osaka

Cine Pop

Namba Oriental Hotel

Junkudo MUJI/LOFT Tower Records

Nankai Namba Station

Fraser Residence

Misono Building

Namba Plaza Hotel



McDonalds Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium

Namba -naka



Pub Bar 30 2F Naniwa Sports Center Naniwa Post Office

Toys”R”Us Jack & Queen Naniwa Ward Office

Yamada Denki LABI1 Namba

N 0

Post Office


Police Station






100m Movie Theatre



Orix Theater


Pearl Street

Kobe Mosque

Kobe Sauna

Kobe Ikuta Junior High School

lin e su bw Ya ma te

Kobe Kokusai Shochiku

N 0








Kiraku Inn

ori awa-d Shirakkawa river Shira

The Gael Irish Pub

Shijo-dori Minamiza Theatre




Movie Theatre





Kyoto Royal BLDG.

Gion s hijo

Junkudo 7F Bal

Keihan Line


Gion Gion Kaikan Kyoto Museum of Contemporary Art Gion Hotel


0 Hotel



Kitsune Kyoto



Teramachi Shotengai Shinkyogoku Shotengai


Kitanoza Sh iei

Movix Kyoto

Fuji Daimaru

Movie Theatre



Hankyu Line


Sannomiya Hanadokeimae st.

Kyoto Royal Hotel Kyoto Asahi Kaikan Starbucks







Port liner



Hotel Okura




Kobe City Hall


Kawara Machi

Police Station





Mitsui Sumitomo Bank

Jomo Gas

Sansei Hosp.

miya anno JR S Sun City OS Cinemas 7F Junkudo iya Mint Kobe m no San Tower Hotel Tokyu Inn SannomiyaRecords SOGO Dept. Marga 5F Kinokuniya 8F Kobe Kokusai Kaikan 1F HSBC

Flower road

Tozai Subway Line


Police Station



Minato Bank

Kyoto City Hall

Post Office



Sanchika un

Daimaru Dept.

Kainan lin

Teramachi Area

Ali’s Kitchen 3F

Route 2 San Plaza Sannomiya Cine Marui Center Center Guild Phoenix Plaza East Plaza 2F West Junkudo Kowka Kyukyoryuchi 4F Daimarumae



Midnight 5F Iznt Hobgoblin 4F 7F Sannomiya

Hanshin line



Tokyu Hands

Post Office

sudo Kobe kosokutet


The Rock

Ikuta jinja

Mickey’s Club 5F Hotel Monterey

JR Motomachi sta.

Kobe Grocers

Ikuta Police Station

Oriental Dental Clinic Hotel 4F Tor Road

Hyogo-ken Prefectural Hall

Kobe Womens Junior College Yamate kansen


St. Michael’s International School






Soraku Park

1F Bistrot Cafe De Paris

Hunterzak a

Kitano-cho Tor Road




N Yasaka Jinja

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