May Newsletter | Glen A. Wilson

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The Seal’s BARK May Newsletter | Vol. 1 Issue 1 GAWHS Key Club | D35W | Region 13 CNH

Table of Contents

in this issue... Event Calendar.............................................................. 1

A Hello Bark from the News Editor....................... 2 Kiwanis One Day........................................................... 3 DCON 2016................................................................ 4-5 Kiwanis DCM + Mini Golf Tournament.................6 April DCM.........................................................................7 March of Dimes..............................................................8 Ribfest................................................................................9 Adopt-a-Highway........................................................10 Meet the 2016-2017 Cabinet...........................11-13 Thank You to Last Year’s Cabinet.........................14 Upcoming Events........................................................15 Buy a GAWHS Key Club Shirt!................................16 Social Media..................................................................17

Event Calendar April 2016 Sun










Kiwanis One Day
























30 Relay for Life of Hacienda Hts./March of Dimes





April DCM

May 2016 Sun






















15 Home Banquet/ March DCM 22 Tangled in Service Banquet 29

















Adopt a Highway


a hello bark

from the news editor

Hey Seals! This is my very first newsletter and I hope that you guys will enjoy reading it! I am extremely honored to be your next News Editor and to be able to have the chance to be a part of your 2016-2017 cabinet. This newsletter wouldn’t have been created without the guidance of several amazing people and without you guys, the members! The last day of school is rapidly approaching and we’ll definitely miss our Key Club seniors as they wave a bittersweet goodbye. It’s been one long year and I’m sure all of us are more than ready for summer vacation! Woohoo! As a freshman, I can’t wait for three more years as a Key Clubber because joining this club was one of the best decisions I’ll ever make. I can’t thank this organization enough for helping me to understand the true value and significance of sprit and community service. The months of April and May were filled with exciting Key Club events including the one-and-only DCON as well as Dylan’s very first DCM. In this newsletter you can get to know your new cabinet better as they reveal some unique fun facts about themselves and share the reason why Key Club is so special to them. Take a look at the memories we made as a family throughout these past two months... Love,

Your News Editor,


Katie Kyan :) 2

Kiwanis One Day care kits for the homeless

Kiwanis One Day is a wonderful event our local Kiwanis hosts every year! Members in our K-FAM (D35E, D35W, Circle K, KIWIN’s Goldstone, and Kiwanis) all meet up to do service projects in celebration of Kiwanis’101 years of service! It was such a blast meeting new people while serving our community. We had an Adopt A Highway, made 101 care kits for the homeless, and publicized Relay For Life. One of my favorite memories during Kiwanis One Day was when everybody helped make all the care kits so fast that we finished earlier due to all the members attending! Overall, it was a fantastic experience and I highly recommend attending Kiwanis One Day next year. - Courtney Sy (Sophomore, Tech Editor)



DCON 2016

My first time at DCON was a fun and memorable trip that I will try to attend next year. This was because of all the memories and fun I had with my friends and getting to spend time with those I won’t be seeing next year. DCON was also a great opportunity to meet new people and I enjoyed it very much. - Ryan Joo (Freshman, Member)



This last time at DCON was the best by far in all the times I went. It was a wonderful end to a great journey in Key Club. This year, my favorite part of the trip was just seeing everyone at the convention. All these passionate and excited people around me always inspire and give me hope knowing that these are the future leaders of the world. - Crystal Espinosa (Senior, Previous President)

My experience at DCON was a bit sad since it is my last one. Key Club has changed my life in a countless number of ways. It was a bitter sweet moment for me since all my worries, hardwork, and events are finally over. I still highly recommend that everybody should attend either DCON or ICON at least once in their high school years. Thank you to all the club members who attend our meetings and events, we wouldn’t be here without you all. A special thanks to my best friend Crystal Espinosa, for being the best 2 term president in the world! - Bailey Lu (Senior, Previous VP)



Kiwanis DCM

& Mini Golf Tournament

On April 14, a Kiwanis DCM was held at our local Speedzone. It was my first time attending a Kiwanis DCM and I don’t regret it. I didn’t realize that there were many other adults helping Key Club and helping to make a difference in our community until I attended. This DCM was especially special because they personally invited members to join and they had their first ever mini golf tournament. With games, food, and even prizes, this is definitely a wonderful experience to look forward to in the future! -Joshua Tong (Sophomore, VP)


D35W now owns a 10 feet pool!


april DCM

Poppin’ for Service On April 23, divisions 35W and 35E had a joint DCM. This DCM was special because it symbolized the start of the new lieutenant governor’s term. D35W’s LTG (lieutenant governor) Dylan Tran along with D35E’s LTG, Emily Chen made this April DCM all about service. The event called, “April DCM Poppin’ for Service”, consisted of making peanut butter jelly sandwiches for the homeless and non-slip socks for babies. At the same time, Dylan organized a boba/popcorn chicken fundraiser to raise more funds. Not only did key clubbers have the opportunity to give back to the community, but they also got to create friendships by meeting new people. This DCM is super memorable to me because it was my first joint DCM and I got to meet so many amazing people especially from D35E. It opened my eyes and encouraged me to network with key


clubbers outside my own division. Another reason I consider this DCM memorable is because it was Dylan’s first DCM as LTG and all the key clubbers were introduced to his sparkling energy and spirited love for Division 35W. Overall, this joint DCM was SUPER exciting and I am proud to be a Key Clubber. - Melanie Wu (Freshman, Secretary)

Congrats to our newly appointed DLT! Shoutout to our very own Cameron Joh for being elected as one of the InterClub Coordinators and to Dylan Tran for hosting his very first DCM which was an absolute blast!


march of dimes May

March of Dimes was a memorable experience because I was able to socialize with my members while supporting the mothers and babies in need. I became closer with friends that I met through previous DCMs which is always exciting for me. I had lots of fun, dancing/walking our way to the finish line. I really appreciated the fact that we got free hamburgers after helping a great cause. Overall this event was a good experience and I would be willing to dance and walk another three miles for the sake of mothers and their children’s future. -Brandon Yi (Sophomore, Member)



Special congrats to Melanie Yu, who was crowned Miss 4th of July!!


On Sunday, May 1st, the Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights hosted Ribfest 2016 at the Hacienda Heights Community Center. Key Club and Kiwins members worked together to serve ribs, chicken, and more to their donators. Along with the meat, potatoes, bread, corn, and salad were served. My job was to refill the guests’ drinks, which were either Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, or Iced Tea. Because there were so many guests, the drinks ran out quickly, but we worked hard to satisfy their needs until the end. Even though the work was hectic and everyone was tired out by the end, the guests seemed to enjoy the food and had a great time. It was a memorable experience for me because it was the first time I had gone to Ribfest and, although I’m not very good at socializing, I was able to get to know a couple of new friends while working. Most importantly, I was happy to serve the donators that had helped our club to be as amazing as it is now. - Hannah Kim (Freshman, Member)



At our monthly Adopt a Highway, we picked up trash along the roads Hacienda and Colima. This Adopt a Highway was different. I usually go one direction but that Saturday I went the other direction. We found a lot of snails and a dead garden snake. With our chaperone Mr. Bashir, we walked to the tunnels that was a project from Kiwanis One Day about 5 years ago. That tunnel led to the other side of the road. I got to meet new people and grow closer to them. The group I was in found around 350 cigarette butts and each one equals a penny that is donated by Mr. Bashir. I had lots of fun at this Adopt a Highway and recommend that more people should attend. -Felicia Kuo (Sophomore, President)



Meet your New Cabinet!

Felicia Kuo

Grade: Sophomore Position: President Fav Animal: Dogs/Panda Fun Fact: I laugh like a monkey in heat. Why I love Key Club:

I love key club because it made me more outgoing. Key club accepted me for who I am. It let me meet great people who I call best friends today. Key club brought me out of my shell and I probably still would’ve been that shy girl without it.

Priscilla Cahyono

Grade: Sophomore Position: Vice President Fav Song: Daydreams by Gnash (ft. Julius) Fun Fact: I sleep texted before. Why I love Key Club: I love keyclub because I love helping others and my community. Due to this club, I have learned many leadership skills such as working with others in a group and have formed lasting bonds.


Joshua Tong

Grade: Sophomore Position: Vice President Fav Song:Wo Xiang Ni Fun Fact: My favorite sport is football but I injured my back and can’t play anymore. Why I love Key Club: I love key club because it can create smiles and laughter that can brighten anyone’s day.

Melanie Wu

Grade: Freshman Position: Secretary Fav Food: Belgian Waffles Fun Fact: I am obsessed with John Grisham’s novels. Why I love Key Club:

Key club gives me a chance to give back to my community through service opportunities. It also fosters newfound bonds and relationships between members.


Meet your New Cabinet!

Marc Young

Grade: Sophomore Position: Treasurer Fav Food:Curry Fun Fact: I really like Fire Emblem. Why I love Key Club: You get to hug a lot of people ;)

William Lee

Grade: Junior Position: Fundraising Chair Fav Song:I Need You by BTS Fun Fact: I used to run the 800 m. Why I love Key Club: I like Key Club because it allows me to meet other people I otherwise wouldn’t meet.

Katie Kyan

Grade: Freshman Position: Bulletin Editor Fav Food: CHELOOOOO Fun Fact: My favorite place in the whole wide world is Disneyland! :) Why I love Key Club: Key Club brings together spirit and service in a fun and inspiring way. It allows you to interact with amazing people, showing your sprit all while working towards one goal: making a difference in our world.

Courtney Sy

Grade: Sophomore Position: Tech Editor Fav Animal: Bunnies Fun Fact: I’m left handed :0 Why I love Key Club:

Key Club is like my second family and is full of many opportunities to serve your community, learn leadership skills, and make new friends!



Claudia Chavez

Grade: Sophomore Position: Event Task Coordinator Fav Animal: Bats Fun Fact: When I was little, I almost fell into the Grand Canyon. Why I love Key Club:

Because everyone in this club is so much closer than any other club I’ve been in. They welcome new members with open arms and encourage them to meet new people. The memories that you make in key club are ones that will stick with you forever.


David Lam

Grade: Junior Position: Historian Fav Animal:Guinea Pigs! Fun Fact:

I found key club through its spirit and colors. I joined sophomore year and never realized it was a service club. However, its a win-win! (LOL)

Why I love Key Club:

Everyone is so open. Everyone is willing to be your friend and work with you to do amazing things. Working with the members of key club is not only a service in those of need, but also a fun experience for the members. Nothing can beat the energy of a spirit battle.


a message from an old seal

thank you!

I have been blessed to be a part of this club for 3 years and president for 2. I’d like to say thank you to this club and everything it’s taught me. Because of key club and you all, I’ve become a better person. Thank you for teaching me the life lessons that have helped prepare me as I venture off to college and the “real world”. I love you all and can’t wait to see what you all accomplish in the next year. I’m already so proud. -Crystal Espinosa (Senior, Previous President)

from our hearts to yours...

Dear Last Year’s Senior Cabinet Members, Thank you for everything you have and will continue to do for this club and its members! Key Club has always been one of the largest organizations on our campus and we will make sure that doesn’t change. By the time this newsletter is published, your last day of school will have already passed. However, I think I speak for our entire club when I say that we will miss you guys more than you can imagine! You have set the standards high for us, showing what it truly means to be a key clubber. You are our role models, our friends, and our family, and we can’t thank you enough for bringing Glen A. Wilson’s Key Club to greater heights. Your legacy will live on through the spirited members of our club, and the impact they make on our community. Key Club is a simply phenomenal organization because it brings students of all grades, personalities, and schools together. It cultivates a bond between a group of students, one that is strengthened by a love for community service and tied together by spirit. But here at Glen A. Wilson, our Key Club is more than just a group of friends, it’s an ohana and “Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten”. We’ll always be there for you because we are your second family and we love you! <3 -Katie Kyan (Freshman, News Editor)



Upcoming Events

Remember to click going for these events on Facebook and check out our Division Page for more information! SEAL you there! May


Buy a GAWHS KEY CLUB Shirt now for just 13 dollars

Do YOU want to look cool? Want to support Key Club AND show off that Wildcat pride? Or do you simply want a new shirt that’ll make all your friends jealous? Well, buy a Glen A. Wilson Key Club Shirt today for only $13 and you can be a seal-y cute Key Clubber just like us! Message or find Joshua Tong at school to order your t-shirt! There are only a limited number left so buy yours today!



Social Media Follow us on these social media sites to stay updated on meeting dates and the latest Key Club events! Make sure to check out our division’s social media sites as well for more information on these service events and if you are interested in buying some SEAL-ly cool D35W Merchandise!

Instagram - @gawhs_keyclub & @d35wseals Facebook - GAWHS Key Club & Division 35 West Key Club

Twitter - @d35wseals Website - home.html




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