Club Summaries
Most, if not all club summaries come from different months
Aragon | Ellen Batsuuri: This past month Aragon has been working on finding and participating on service events as well as getting a couple of service events ready for the upcoming months. We had also have been preparing our officer elects for the upcoming term! Overall, we’ ve had a decently plentiful month and are looking forward to what the future holds for our club :)
Burlingame | Johanna Lazaro: This past month Burlingame has been working on finding and participating on service events as well as getting a couple of service events ready for the upcoming months. We had also have been preparing our officer elects for the upcoming term! Overall, we’ve had a decently plentiful month and are looking forward to what the future holds for our club :)
Carlmont |Milad Shafaie: Hello, January was a busy month for our club! At our first club meeting of the new decade, we held an end-of-first-semester celebration, where we served pizza and recognized members who completed at least 15 hours of service and attended 3 different service events in the first semester of the 2019-2020 school year. We also gave special awards to those with the highest service hour totals in our club. Later in the month, we held a member induction ceremony, and then completed a member training. Outside of club meetings, we focused on completing the registration process for District Convention 2020. Club members also attended several division events, such as Conclave and the Coyote Point Park Clean-Up. Finally, our club volunteered at several local service events, such as a Second Harvest Food Bank food-sorting and a Bingo night at the San Carlos Adult Community Center. In February, we will be holding officer elections for the next term. Members are also looking forward to attending the Mr. Key Club Pageant at the end of the month, as well as several other local service events.
El Camino | Kyle Yoshida: For the past month, El Camino has been working towards DCON as well as preparing for our new office for the 2020-2021. We hope to complete elections before conclave and provide them with the proper training as soon as we can. Our club attended the holiday food-packing event during winter break and had a decent turnout, we hope to continue to attend new service events as the year comes to a close. In further preparation for district convention, our club has been working with our Kiwanis Sponsor in order to lower our costs and work on acquiring the proper transportation.