Issue 02 | Are You Inspirational? (Inspirational Leaders)

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The Inspirational Leader Martin Luther King Jr. Idealist Champion ENFP

Issue 02

different kinds of leaders




Letter from Keirsey Dear Friend, I would like to welcome you to this month’s issue of the Keirsey Magazine! First of all, we would like to thank you for taking the time to respond back to us with your feedback, ideas, and contributions. We have been inspired and motivated by what you have said about the magazine thus far. In February’s issue, we celebrate Inspirational Leaders. All of us have been inspired at various points in our lives. We want to take a closer look at how inspiration works. The leader we are pro ling this month is Martin Luther King, Jr., and our hope is that you would be inspired by the life he lived, and the effect his life had on the world. Dr. King is a remarkable portrait of the Idealist-Champion (ENFP). These leaders not only inspire, but they are lled with passion. Our hope is that by engaging together in this month’s issue, each of us would be inspired, and seek to inspire others through the lives we live. This month, we also want to introduce the subject of dating and temperament to the magazine. As a regular feature, our plan is to address, love, sex, dating, and romance in issues moving forward. With every issue we release, we will be engaging a wider range of subjects, hot topics, interesting people, and current events. We invite you to send us your ideas, questions, or comments, so that we can build the Keirsey Magazine together with you. You can contact us at magazine@keirsey. com. We look forward to hearing from you!

All the Best,

Lisa J. Choi Creative Director The Keirsey Group



Table of Contentss

Dating & Relationships

3 Absolute Best Things About Dating Artisans, Guardians, Idealists, and Rationals In this article, learn what the different temperament types are looking for in a relationship and what they bring to the table.


Portrait of a Leader & Leadership Lessons

Martin Luther King Jr.


The Inspirational Leader Idealist Champion ENFP

Inspirational leaders are engaged at the core, committing every fiber of their being. They go beyond mere attraction to a deeper love where they resolve to give their utmost to the cause. 3


Anatomy of an Inspirational Leader

Who Do You Inspire?


Inspirational leaders “go for it” hurling their entire lives into the cause (even almost recklessly)—and they abandon all else “for the sake of the call”—there is no “turning back.”

Collection of Leaders

The Inspirational Leader


Inspirational Leaders are absolutely committed to their cause.

Artist Credits

Sam Green


Portraits of Martin Luther King Jr. Life Journey

Martin Luther King Jr.


“A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.






ISSUE Love, dating, and romance is different for each of the four temperaments. Let’s take a look at those differences...

3 Absolute Best Things About Dating an Artisan 1

There is never a dull moment. Artisans


They are spontaneous and playful.


are highly motivated by pleasure. They cannot stand boredom. So get ready for a good time.

Artisans are playfully flirtatious. They want a challenge, and need to know whether you can keep up with them. So bring your A-game.

They thrive on sensual experiences.

Artisans love to be stimulated. They like to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell the action. So get ready for an exciting ride.

“Artisans are looking for their Playmate”

3 Absolute Best Things About Dating a Guardian


They are great at planning activities.


They are always ready to help.


They seek to be honorable and respectful. Guardians are very loyal and

Guardians are highly scheduled. They will make sure that reservations are made, itineraries are confirmed and all is prepared. So you’re all set.

Guardians are highly reliable and resourceful. They are always there for you through the mundane. So you can count on them.

devoted. They don’t like to play games. So get ready for a committed relationship.

“Guardians are looking for their Helpmate”

3 Absolute Best Things About Dating an Idealist 1

They are forever romantics. Idealists love

being in love. They yearn to be swept away. So bring out the flowers and champagne.


They are super sweet and caring. Idealists


They seek authentic connection. Idealists

love to give love. They want to express how much they care about you. So be prepared for a warm and nurturing relationship.

are seeking to find their soulmate. They want to connect from the heart and soul. So get ready to go deep.

“Idealists are looking for their Soulmate”

3 Absolute Best Things About Dating a Rational 1

They are wicked smart. Rationals have a

good head on their shoulders. They are usually the brightest ones in any room. So bring your brains to the party.


They are always cool, calm, and capable.


They are self-defined indviduals. Rationals

Rationals always stay calm in a crisis. They don’t get carried away by hype or emotion. So you’re in good hands.

are not swayed by what is popular. They have their own ideas and go their own way. So get ready for something different.

“Rationals are looking for their Mindmate�

The Inspirational Leader Idealist Champion ENFP Leadership Lessons In studying hundreds of leaders who are Idealist Champions (ENFP), we have found that the common theme that dominates their leadership style is that of inspiration. The five lessons on the following pages summarize how these leaders behave. In this article, we will take a look at Martin Luther King Jr. and uncover these leadership lessons from his own journey.



“We are so grateful to live in this land, a land of unequaled possibility, where a a son of an African Immigrant can rise to the highest level of our leadership. And we know today that Dr. King and a great cloud of witnesses are shouting in heaven.� - Rick Warren

(Inaugural Prayer for Barack Obama)

1 Inspirational Leaders are absolutely committed to their cause.




Inspirational Leaders speak from the deepest part of their inmost being.



3 Inspirational Leaders draw strength from the certainty of their calling.




Inspirational Leaders are willing to embrace all kinds of people.



5 Inspirational Leaders connect their story to the greater story of humanity.



Portrait of a Leader


Martin Luther King Jr. The Inspirational Leader Idealist Champion ENFP By Edward J. Kim and David M. Keirsey

As human beings, all of us have dreams, longings, desires, hopes, and expectations for what we want out of life. And depending on the substance of those dreams, they have the power to shape the future trajectory of our lives. Like many of us, this leader had aspirations to see the achievement of his personal dreams—his was to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors—to live an honorable and noble life of quiet service as a minister that would make a difference to those entrusted to his care. Yet, destiny had bigger plans for this leader. In this leader’s case, he became inspired, and was compelled by a dream that transcended every expectation he could have for himself. “Come what may...” this leader was determined to hurl his one and only life into the fulfillment of this dream. Whether in life, or by death, he felt called to inspire the world to this higher pursuit. On August 28, 1963, this Inspirational Leader uttered four simple words that forever changed the course of human history. When the words, “I have a dream...” were uttered from his mouth, all those who heard felt inspired because it was a vision that was so large, so unfathomable, so out of reach, that it demanded the participation of us all. Some dreams do not have a high price tag, and can be achieved rather easily, not requiring a collective effort. The fulfillment of this dream would require the highest forms of payment possible—human blood was shed for this dream—even before this leader’s time, many had already been humiliated, scorned, beaten, enslaved, disgraced, raped, and even killed. Martin Luther King, Jr. both lived and died for this dream. While he lived, he personally suffered defeat, prejudice, and imprisonment. He paid the steepest price that any human being could possibly pay by being made a martyr for the dream. This dream was not just a calling for one individual, but a calling for the entire human race. The arc of humanity would be different because this Inspirational Leader understood that when he said those four words, he knew very 27


Portrait of a Leader

well that the emphasis was not on “I have” but on “a dream.” This Inspirational Leader did not use his power to set forth his own agenda. He was simply the vision caster and the messenger whose role was to inspire us to be a part of this journey. Without this Inspirational Leader, many would still not be experiencing the full freedoms of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Dr. King is referred to as a human rights icon, and he is heralded as one of the greatest orators in American history. He is the youngest man to ever receive the Nobel Peace Prize. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Congressional Gold Medal. While he lived, he was a channel of inspiration—through him, many adopted the fight for civil rights as their own. Through his assassination, he inspired others to fight even harder. The United States of America would not be where we are today had Dr. King not communicated the dream that compelled him. What Dr. King stood for still inspires today, because his was not a dream that was simply manufactured or produced from within himself. It was a dream that people engaged in because this leader captured the human heart and mind by connecting us to what all felt deep inside to be true, and to be right. He awakened the conscience of America and the world by inspiring others to proclaim the dream by his leadership.

1. Inspirational Leaders are absolutely committed to their cause.


hen we think about leaders who have inspired us, a natural question that emerges in evaluating such a leader is, “What makes this leader so inspiring?” The common ground shared by all Inspirational Leaders is that their inspiration stems from being inspired themselves. In other words, it takes an inspired person to inspire others. By inspiration, we are not speaking of a mere case of warm, fuzzy feelings. We are speaking of the kind of inspiration which compels a person to irrevocable devotion. Absolute commitment to a cause is not something that can be manufactured—it is not something that one pulls off by faking it. Absolute commitment is a pledge of allegiance to live and die for something. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “A man who won’t die for something is not fit

to live.” These words are a statement to the undeniable commitment of a leader who was inspired to the depths of his soul. When a leader is willing to die for a cause, it is said that they can be an unstoppable force. The cause King championed was of the highest noble pursuit. King was fully aware that there were those who had sacrificed their lives before him. For King, he stood on the shoulders of giants who had prevailed with non- violent protests—not just during his time, or even from the prior generation. His model was Christ who also stood silent before his accusers, committed to the point of death. Initially, King was reluctant to lead, he never sought to become the leader of the Civil Rights movement, and he had many doubts Keirsey


Portrait of a Leader

when he first was chosen to lead the famous Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. He meekly said, “If you think I can render service, then I will.” His resolve was truly tested when he was thrown in jail for the first time at the tender age of 26 on a trumped up traffic violation charge. His confidence was shaken. He was sure that he would be lynched. Late at night soon after being released he picked up the phone to hear, “Listen... we tired of you and your mess. If you aren’t out of this town in three days, we are gonna blow your brains out and blow your house up.” These moments were defining for King. Was he just a charismatic orator who could wax eloquently, or was he a man who would be willing to put his life on the line? Faced with this deep crisis of confidence, he found himself

praying, “Please Lord help me... I can’t do it alone.” In the midst of his anguish, King felt quietly assured and comforted as he sensed that he was never alone. The voice of Christ was clear to him, saying, “Martin Luther, stand up for righteousness, stand up for justice, stand up for truth.” From then on, King maintained his resolve to devote his entire life to the Civil Rights cause, using non-violence. He was faithful to the very end when he was suddenly martyred on April 4th 1968. The voice of Christ allowed him to give voice—to advocate—for unity in the cause. The harassment, the hate, and the violence directed toward them could not squelch their resolve. The world rallied in support of the cause because he called others to only do what he himself was willing to do—in both life and death, he was absolutely committed.

2. Inspirational Leaders speak from the deepest part of their inmost being.


he gifted political leader is often portrayed as having the ability to say anything, to anyone, in anyplace, in any way, in order to sway the masses. Some leaders have such charisma, and are so gifted with their words, that arguing for one position or the opposing view point on the turn of a dime is just business as usual. These leaders have one goal in mind—to amass followers—no matter what it takes, and no matter how it is done. Superficially, King could be looked upon as having this kind of talent—for he was mesmerizing. Crowds were deeply stirred and riveted by what



came across as spellbinding performances whenever he stood to speak. Yet, if we were to come to this conclusion about King, we would be flat out wrong in our assessment. As an outside observer, what stands out are those brilliant moments which are remembered for the ages. Everyone who hears the name Martin Luther King, Jr. thinks of the famous phrase, “I have a dream,” for this was a moment that has been forever etched on the tablets of the hearts of Americans. Most fail to realize, however, that moments like this one, among other notable moments in King’s leadership come from

Portrait of a Leader

a deep reservoir of a leader’s life. There is a difference between leadership moments, and the leader’s journey. The speech delivered that day on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial was one moment—a single day. Prior to that day was a journey of twenty-six years of being made fun of as a child, socially ostracized, and even beaten, and scorned—and from that day to the time he was martyred are five years of an intense battle for the civil liberties of a people who were looked upon as a lower class. For King, his message was tied deeply to his entire life journey—his calling was discovered as he toiled to discover his identity. His life was the complex union of heritage, religion, mentors, the times, personal choices, and life experiences. For King, in his quest to define himself, and to understand what his contribution would be, he sought to be an “advocate” (from the Latin: ad voc—literally, to add voice)—he was in search of something to voice. For King, his choice for the ministry had to mean much more than simply following a familiar path—(his father desired for him to be a minister)—Martin Luther King, Sr. had aspirations for King, Jr. long before the young Martin ever knew that one could even make any choices in life. King’s former name was Michael King, Jr. and his father had both of them renamed to Martin Luther King, after the

great Reformer, Martin Luther. His father not only wanted his son to be like him but also wanted the both of them to be messengers for God. In the midst of all this shaping and molding, it was important that King found his own identity; that he found his own inspiration— his own path. In those days, being a black minister made for a comfortable and stable life, but this was not enough of a reason to become a minister. His calling needed to be authentic, to be something that emerged from deep within rather than placed upon him by the outside. Once King stepped into his own, he could no longer settle for the comforts of a peace-making minister who quietly taught what he learned from philosophers and theologians. What he learned from the North while in seminary needed to be integrated with his life in the South. He could not forget his experiences as a child where he was forced to be silent while he and his black neighbors were humiliated by whites in his hometown. For King, to remain silent, meant that he was not following the will of God. King once said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” His calling was to give voice, and he found what mattered— he could now speak from the very depths of his soul, and not simply run through the motions of a good preacher that preached safe messages each Sunday morning.



Portrait of a Leader

3. Inspirational Leaders draw strength from the certainty of their calling.


ach of us at various times in our lives have been inspired—we have felt lifted, motivated, energized, strengthened, renewed, or challenged—even if it was just momentary. Moments of inspiration can be enormously powerful, but it takes much more than a single moment to give birth to a calling. Callings may be conceived during a moment of inspiration, but they are perceived and become certain only after the pain of labor, tears, growth, and development. Inspirational moments are like jolts of enthusiasm, but when the enthusiasm has been silenced, what remains is what matters. For King, his calling did not come to him overnight through an audible voice from the Divine. But, rather in the silent prisons of a cool dark cell, where all hope seemed to be lost, he caught small glimpses of the light. It was here that he began to understand that all the collective moments of inspiration, and the perspiration of travailing through life were the volumes of life’s revelation to him. His raison d’être became clear to him in silence. In these moments of solitude, the tumultuous threats and debilitating distractions were put to death. It was here, that the internal voice, speaking of what mattered could cut through to be the clarion call of his life.



In Birmingham, Alabama, the center of the Confederate south, Martin was locked up for peacefully marching, and was criticized in the local newspaper by moderate white Christian church ministers calling him an extremist. The moderate whites urged seeking redress in the courts, and criticized King and his “outsiders” for “inciting” violence from Bull Connors, the notorious police chief, with his fire hoses and dogs. Incredulous, when reading that newspaper given to him with the criticism, King started writing from his isolated jail cell. What started as a response on the newspaper, led to a request for more paper, and eventually turned into King’s twenty-six page testament, “A Letter from the Birmingham Jail.” In part, King replied, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” It is in silence, that King understood that he could no longer be silent about the message, for it was no longer just a message to be delivered, it was his calling. All Inspirational Leaders have a calling to “not be silent”— to stand up, and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. The irony is that for many leaders, they discovered this calling when they were forced into silence. King stands among a host of others who fought for their cause from behind bars. Nelson Mandela, Mohandas Gandhi, and

Portrait of a Leader

the Apostle Paul, were all leaders who were forced into silence, yet in each of their cases, what was meant to destroy was the very fuel to emblazon a fiery conviction which could not be contained. Within the stillness of silence is where all other competing thoughts, voices, and distractions were quieted so that their calling could be made certain. It was not until all was silenced, that what needed to be voiced was finally heard.

4. Inspirational Leaders are willing to embrace all kinds of people.


hroughout history, leaders have been portrayed as having extraordinary qualities. They are an elite group of high performing individuals—appointed carefully to make decisions which bear lasting consequences. Accessibility to the ivory towers where they deliberate is prohibited. From behind closed doors, a few determine the fate of many; and these tight knit groups are highly selective in those who can participate. Each member has fought their way, to beat out contenders, to earn the right to be at the table of leadership. Unfortunately, this way of leading permeates a message of exclusivity rather than inclusivity to followers. It conveys that we are to be competitive rather than collaborative— breeding an unspoken tendency to be suspicious of others rather than to seek to work together. Inspirational Leaders are different. They seek to build bridges, to involve, integrate,

and include others. They are collaborative by nature, and see others as potential partners rather than potential threats or competitors. Such was the case for King—he desired to embrace all people, irrespective of whether they were considered a friend or foe by the Black Community. King heeded the words of Christ, “But I say to you, ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’” This stood against the grain of his contemporaries such as Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael who urged confrontation and had a message of hate and rage toward the White Community. King’s ways also stood against the grain of the counsel of the older conservative Black population who urged him to go through legal channels. His path was not to go through proper passages. Rather than attempting to argue a position, he appealed to the heart. His way was not a calculated, impersonal approach down the cool trail toward the mind. It was a passionate, personal appeal aimed straight at the soul Keirsey


Portrait of a Leader

and conscience of America. King’s vision was not simply to be shown respect. He was not simply fighting for rights, and he was not seeking equality to be on the same footing, but rather, his aim was for reconciliation and redemption. His tactics were to meet the oppressor’s violence with “forgiving love.” He sought for a relationship. His dream was to be the “white man’s brother” and he longed for a day, “... where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.” For most,

the idea of embracing another is something we do willingly when we think of embracing those we love—for they are lovable to us. King took it much further by embracing the unlovable. For King, the fight for civil rights was not merely the pursuit of freedom for the Black Community. It was a desire for all of God’s children to be free. The fight was not between Black and White—it was a fight between humanity and hatred— the goal was for all of us to no longer be enslaved by anger, but to be embraced by love.

5. Inspirational Leaders connect their story to the greater story of humanity.


istory has shown time and time again that leaders can often fall prey to the illusions of privilege. The leader rises to the top, where they are supported and served by all those who surround them. What once started out as a privilege to serve followers becomes an entitlement to receive various privileges for being the leader. The story is no longer about the cause, or the people, but it becomes about them. When this occurs, the leader’s journey is no longer about the collective story of humanity. Rather, it becomes a story that is centered on the leader. King’s most notable moment could have been the spotlight for him, but instead the focus was on the message and not the messenger. U.S. Representative John Lewis said, “Dr. King had the power, the ability,



and the capacity to transform those steps on the Lincoln Memorial into a monumental area that will forever be recognized. By speaking the way he did, he educated, he inspired, he informed not just the people there, but people throughout America and unborn generations.” King’s aim was to draw attention to the dream, and not on him. His longing was for the dream to not just be his own dream, but that it would be the dream of humanity. King connected his story to the story of his predecessors who had gone before him. His speech was eclectic—drawing from the words of Moses who led his people to the Promised Land; he used the words of Jesus, and the Apostle Peter, making this moment a rebirth of faith. He used the words of the founding fathers: Jefferson, Franklin, and

Portrait of a Leader

Adams who had written the Declaration of Independence. He used the words of the Constitution, and the Emancipation Proclamation. He used the ideas of Henry David Thoreau and Gandhi, whose insights made a profound statement on the minds of world citizens. He connected his dream to the American dream. Though his words were inspiring, it was the content of the dream that resonated far more than the eloquence of his oration. King’s dream was a story that transcended the place from where he cast the vision. “I have a dream

that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” King’s proclamation set the stage for the participation of all in leading the nation’s future. If it were not for King’s leadership to bring people together, the world as we know it would not be. The story of freedom rings true today because of this Inspirational Leader—who faithfully did his part in the story of us all. “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

A Collection of Inspirational Leaders Inspirational Leader (Idealist Champion ENFP)

Joan Baez (born 1941)

Bono (born 1960)

Helen Keller (1880 - 1968)

Nelson Mandela (1918 - 2013)

Marian Wright Edelman (born 1939)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815 - 1902)

Ariel Durant (1898 - 1981)

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968)

Sargent Shriver (1915 - 2011)

Dalai Lama (born 1935)



Life Journey

The Inspirational Leader “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

I. EARLY FOUNDATIONS: “In the Father’s Footsteps”

II. BECOMING THE CATALYST: “Responding to the Call”



A. The Son of King, Sr.

A. Cozer Theology Seminary

B. Skipping Grades

B. Boston University

C. Morehouse College

C. Dexter Ave Baptist

D. Ministry Calling

D. Montgomery Bus Boycott


E. S.C. Leadership Conference F. Ebenezer Baptist Church G. Letter from Birmingham Jail



M Life Journey

Martin Luther King Jr. III. INSPIRING A MOVEMENT: “Casting a Compelling Vision”


A. “I Have A Dream”

B. Nobel Peace Prize C. Civil RIghts Act D. Selma

E. Chicago

F. Poor People’s Campaign

G. “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” H. Assassinated (1968)



Who D


Do You


Anatomy of a Inspirational Leader

Who Inspires You? The Anatomy of a Inspirational Leader (ENFP) A closer look at the qualities of a successful Inspirational Leader. Leaders who inspire others are passionate. Irrespective of your temperament, who you are leading, and where you are taking your followers, if you want to inspire others, you must be passionate. What are Inspirational Leaders like? Can you be an Inspirational Leader? In this article, we take a closer look at what it takes to be a leader with inspiration.

Inspirational LEADERS ARE DEEPLY ENGAGED Some have thousands of ideas every day, while others may only have a few good ones all of their lives. The key to passion is not about how many ideas one has, but rather, it is about grabbing a hold of one, and running with it. Inspirational Leaders are engaged at the core, committing every fiber of their being. They go beyond mere attraction to a deeper love where they resolve to give their utmost to the cause. “Falling in love” is not difficult. The real challenge is turning what “catches the eye” into something more sustainable. To turn their initial inspiration into more—from ephemeral excitement to enduring substance—Inspirational Leaders get involved and get informed. Being involved and informed enables these leaders to feel a close connection with the cause—this eventually leads



down a path where they embody the mission, and personify its every intent. It is difficult for Inspirational Leaders to simply “go through the motions”— for this kind of leading is a violation of authenticity. Inspirational Leaders want to be “real”—they refuse to be a “fraud.” Therefore, truly Inspirational Leaders have a hard time “faking it.” Being involved and informed is really about establishing a culture where people can “know and be known,” and where they intimately know what they’re about. This is what allows them to speak from a foundation of truth and not from a position of “shooting from the hip.” Inspirational Leaders inspire because they penetrate people’s souls, stirring their hearts because of their deep convictions.

Anatomy of a Inspirational Leader

Inspirational leaders seek to win others over to their cause Inspirational Leaders fully believe in the cause—right down to the deepest part of their souls. When this kind of intense belief is not felt, it becomes almost impossible for them to stay committed and fully engaged. Inspirational Leaders know that the best fuel for sustaining this kind of belief is to be actively involved in evangelizing. When these leaders are converting others to join their cause, they feel encouraged and charged up. The more they are able to motivate others, the more motivated they feel. Bringing people on board is the greatest affirmation and validation for why they believe what they believe. In other words, the more they win others over, the more they themselves are convinced of their cause. The more they are able to inspire others, the more inspired they feel. Inspirational Leaders “go for it” hurling their entire lives into the cause (even almost recklessly)—and they abandon all else “for the sake of the call”—there is no “turning back”—the cost they pay

can reap priceless rewards, but more often than not, those rewards do not come without moments of difficulty, hardship, and suffering. Staying inspired therefore, is imperative for leaders— it is their lifeblood. When any leader makes steep sacrifices, there comes the nagging suspicion that perhaps the cost is too much to bear—and in the midst of doubt, one can question whether what they have devoted their lives to is indeed a worthy pursuit. It is especially in weary moments, that the fruit borne of evangelism can be the most compelling motivation for a leader to continue the good fight. In spite of critics, skeptics, adversaries, or outright enemies seeking to bring “death” to the cause, when evangelism is successful, “life” is infused into the movement— for new followers represents new life. Increased participation is tangible, and visible, and this inspires leaders to push through in difficult times. This becomes the reminder that their life truly does stand for something significant. Keirsey


Anatomy of a Inspirational Leader


They find others to catalyze movements Inspirational Leaders collaborate with others. When joined together with others who are likeminded, these leaders are energized; and great momentum is generated, which serves as fuel to stay inspired. They understand that passion is not just something that they can muster up or manufacture within themselves. Therefore, they surround themselves with others to keep the vision strong and their purpose clear. These leaders understand that the cause transcends any one person or single entity—that, “all of us are better than any one of us.” They believe in the power of collective thoughts, ideas, and visions—to achieve unity through diversity. Inspirational Leaders long to be a part of movements which outlast themselves. They seek to be part of the grander vision which has a life of its own. Leading the cause is less about controlling its direction; rather, it is about having intuition to understand where the cause is leading everyone. Inspirational Leaders are on the lookout for how the wind blows— they wait—ready to respond to the slightest changes in sound and force. Inspirational Leaders take it to the next level by turning the synergy felt between parties into significant plans for execution. Feeling the wind, and 41


seeing the potential is one thing, harnessing it to create energy which can be utilized is another. When leaders get together, it is imperative that there be deliberate strategic intent, otherwise, there can be a lot of wind and smoke, yet no fire. In other words, there can be a lot of excitement and energy shared with each other, but in the midst of elation, nothing is harnessed and used as a catalyst for creating substantial impact. So we would say to all leaders, “At the center of your fellowship, there should be a mutual understanding that collaboration serves a purpose to achieve certain ends.” Inspirational Leaders get together with a clear purpose, to strategize and not just to dream. Strategizing on how combining forces will make a significant impact is imperative. To have the practical conversations around what resources each party can bring to the table, and what strengths/weaknesses each party has, is crucial in determining what a collective effort should look like. “The rubber meets the road” when each person involved takes steps to execute on the strategy. When leaders get together, it should be for a clear purpose, where they never forget that “together” they are able to do far more than what they can do by themselves.

Anatomy of a Inspirational Leader

they continually reaffirm their purpose Due to their natural enthusiasm, all leaders almost always “start” out well— full of promise and potential. Setbacks, however, are inevitable in every leadership context, and therefore, Inspirational Leaders can best prepare for them by reaffirming their purpose all throughout the entire journey. Sometimes, leaders can fall into the trap of avoiding all negativity to keep things only positive. If not careful, leaders can get into a strange predicament where they prefer the dream over reality. After all, the “picture of the future” is often so much more beautiful than present reality. As they make efforts to turn ideality into reality, it becomes apparent that ideality is far better— reality does not compare to what they had envisioned, it does not even come close to how they visualized it. In order to preserve the dream, and not destroy the remaining “potential,” leaders can sometimes give up early and decide not to pursue fully. The remedy for these leaders is to stay the course by going back to the dream

that once inspired, and make a firm decision to persistently stick it through no matter how they feel, or what may come. Initial euphoria eventually wanes, and all that is left is the original call that compelled these leaders to sign up and give their lives away to the cause. All leaders can be focused when all feels good, but when difficulties come, and the good feelings evaporate, they can lose sight of their focus, and get confused. This can derail a leader, and they can fall into a trap of trying to fill the void with every other pursuit, while avoiding the one they signed up for. Continual reaffirmation of purpose must be carried out therefore, in the beginning, the middle, and all the way to the end. Finishing well is what really counts for leaders, for starting well does not win the race—this is where leaders face their greatest challenge. Inspirational Leaders keep their purpose front and center, and leave a legacy of having lead well, and they leave a story of how their lives were spent for an inspiring cause.

© 2015 Keirsey. The articles, “Portrait of a Leader,” and “What’s Your Vision?” have been adapted from the Keirsey Leadership Study conducted by the Keirsey Group.



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Creative Director & Designer Artisan Promoter ESTP


Graphic Designer Rational Mastermind INTJ

BONILLA, FRANCIS Graphic Design Associate Idealist Champion ENFP

SAM GREEN Illustrator



Photo Credits How to Draw Mickey Mouse. Digital image. Deviantart. Bigtoon, 1 Dec. 2012. Web. Jan. 2015. <http://bigtoon.> kristine. “Walt Disney sitting in front of backdrop filled with Disney creations, 1950” Flickr. N.p., n.d. Web 2 Jan. 2015 <>. Simpson, Tom. “Walt Disney” Flickr. N.p., n.d. Web 2 Jan. 2015 <https://>. Sunter, Craig. “Man with a camera !” Flickr. N.p., n.d. Web 30 Nov. 2014 <>. Poyet, Louis. E Praxinoscope à Projection D’Émile Reynaud Pour La Nature. Digital image. CNAM, 31 Dec. 1881. Web. Jan. 2015. < cgi?4KY28.19/361/100/432/0/0>



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