{ UNSTOPPABLE WOMAN { SHIFT+CONTROL } } “CORE intelligence is the ability to use a workout to consciously engage with your toxic stress load and release it from the body, mind, and emotions.”
increase and harvest your inner strength and power to amp up your CQ. The core is the physical space in your body that represents your energetic balance with respect to health, wealth, and emotions. The core also represents our ability to be connected, hold positive energy in the face of change, and put personal health first and foremost. ● FIT: Focused Intentional Training. When you focus on the energetic core as you breathe and move with awareness, you break through the stress cycle to become stronger than your stressors. When you consciously add intention to your workout through imagination and positive motivation, you build a core transformer that transmutes negative to positive. When you train consistently, your body learns how to effectively find, build, and release stress so you can be your healthiest, most centered, calm, happy, and productive self. So what can you do RIGHT NOW to ditch stress, ditch menopause, and begin building your CORE transformer? Drop your ego at the door and don’t judge what we’re about to tell you! Drop the weights that overstress your muscles. Drop the long-distance runs that beat up your body. Drop the intense classes that beef up your muscles while stressing your joints and connective tissue. Drop the comparison and competition. (Don’t worry – you can pick all these things up later if you want them.) For now, sit tall in your chair, plant your feet on the ground, close your eyes…and breathe. Why? Because your breath is the most efficient pathway for you to access the CQ you’ve been missing this whole time. The basis of SuperCORE is breath. 216
BreatheFit is the breathing practice that we use in SuperCORE. As BreatheFit coaches, we direct our students to breathe while they work out, using certain breath techniques and rhythms to achieve a higher level of cardiovascular fitness than they would through movement alone. We also help them to connect with conscious breathing – breathing with awareness and intent to achieve a desired outcome. And one of the outcomes is, you guessed it – stress relief! Conscious breathing will allow you to: ● Activate body awareness ● Access and release stored stress or tension ● Move through emotional, mental, or physical obstacles The first step to conscious breathing is to pay attention to your breath. And the first step to paying attention is to close your eyes. To connect with your breathing, it’s essential to remove external stimulus and begin to listen inward. When you are staring at computer or phone, eyes open, your energy is pointed outward. When your eyes are open, sensory-neuro stimulus is constant. Closing your eyes turns your energy inward toward yourself and allows you to sense your body (yes, we said it – SENSE your BODY!) EXERCISE: Checking in with Your Breath ● Close your eyes. Notice your breath just the way that it is, without changing anything. ● Are you breathing? ● Are you holding your breath? ● Can you feel the breath move through your body? ● What is the rhythm of your breath?
● Is your breath shallow and quick? ● Are you breathing through your mouth or through your nose? ● Is your chest rising and falling, or is the movement only in your belly? ● Do you care about your breathing? Think about it – you wouldn’t be alive if you weren’t breathing. You can live for weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without breathing. Breathing is your body’s natural way of building energy, releasing toxins, and letting go of stress. And you won’t believe how conscious breathing will amp up your overall fitness, health, and well-being! Dr. Pam Denton is a fitness expert, international speaker, healer, coach, and founder of SuperCORE Leadership and Fitness. Her intensively researched mindbody approach to empowerment has helped thousands of leaders plug into their innate power and activate the law of attraction for unstoppable success. She is the author of numerous books, including She Means Business, Leadership Evolution, Messages from Spirit and Journey to Female Power. Join Dr. Pam and connect to your core! www.supercorefit.com